For class projects Creating web pages with Dreamweaver

Creating web pages with Dreamweaver
For class projects
The home page (index.html)
1. Under files, open your index.html page.
You should find this page already in your web folder. If there is
none, or if you need to make a new page, go to “File” and select
“New”. Then select “Save As” and name your page “index.html.”
Save or place this page in your ‘assigned’ folder.
2. Name your page. Type a name for your page in the “Title Field” (at the top of
your work page.) If you do not give it a title, the browser displays “Untitled
3. Select “design view,” and add content. For example:
Holly’s Home Page
I love Latin.
You love Latin.
He / She loves Latin.
Latin | Greek | Links | Home
• The Properties Window is your friend: Use to edit your text style, make links &
define text properties.
• If you hit [Enter], you get a paragraph break. To make a line break, hit [Shift] and
[Enter] at the same time.
• Use the Insert Window. Initially you’ll find “common” most useful; but take time
to look at what’s offered under other menus.
4. Save your page. Remember everything you want to show up on your web page
must be placed within your web folder. Many people keep two files: one on their
own computer and one on the server (the live page that the world sees). Thus
they work on their page as they like, and when it is just right they ‘upload’ it to
the server. They have a back-up of the latest changes.
5. Check your work in a browser.
Before it is published on the web: Within Dreamweaver, go to “File” and
select “Preview in Browser.” You may have to select a browser by following
the directions under “edit browser list.”
After it is published on the web: It’s a good idea to look at your page in
different browsers to see how it looks.
6. Create more pages. Go to “File” and select “new.” This page you may name as
you please (or as your teacher instructs). I recommend that you use all lower case
letters and no spaces. You may use a hyphen or underscore. Remember you will
be giving it two names:
file name: e.g. links.html (No spaces, small letters)
page title: e.g. Links to Latin Language Resources (Normal spacing,
capitalization allowed)
Save your work in your ‘assigned folder.’
7. Link Pages. Highlight the text you want to use as your link.
For example, I’ve highlighted “links.”
Next I must enter the page address for
the link in the Properties Window.
Holly’s Home Page
I love Latin.
You love Latin.
He / She loves Latin.
Latin | Greek | Links | Home
You can make links three ways: 1) type in address 2) drag and point to file or 3)
navigate to item. I recommend navigating.
8. Other things to remember:
Target—choose “Blank”
to have the page open in
a new window.
Select your typeface
Merge and create cells in a table.
Select “Page Properties”
to define how your links
should work. You can
also name your page there.