GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY Sector 16-C, Dwarka, New Delhi -110078 Proposed Date Sheet for Theory End Term Examinations (Dec-Jan, 2015-2016) Programme: MCA (Regular & Reappear) 2011 Batch Onwards Timing: 2:00 to 5:00 PM Date & Day 10.12.2015 (Thrusday) Semester-I 11.12.2015 (Friday) Semester-III MCA 201 : Theory of Computation (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 201 Operating Systems (Till 2009 Batch) 12.12.2015 (Saturday) 14.12.2015 (Monday) MCA 303 : Software Testing (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 305 : Multimedia Technologies (Till 2009 Batch) MCA 203 : Computer Graphics (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 203: Database Management System (Till 2009 Batch) 15.12.2015 (Tuesday) MCA 305 : Enterprise Computing with Java MCA 309 : Advance Computer Networks (Till 2009 Batch) 16.12.2015 (Wednesday) MCA 205 : Java Programming (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 205: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Till 2009 Batch) 17.12.2015 (Thursday) 18.12.2015 (Friday) Elective-I (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 317 : Software Testing (Till 2009 Batch) MCA 207 : Data Communications and Networking (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 207: Front End Design Tools (Till 2009 Batch) 19.12.2015 (Saturday) 21.12.2015 (Monday) 22.12.2015 (Tuesday) 23.12.2015 (Wednesday) Semester-V MCA 301 : Linux Programming (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 301 : Object Oriented Software Engineering (Till 2009 Batch) Elective-II (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA – 325 : Requirement & Estimation Techniques (Till Batch 2009) MCA 209 : C# Programming (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 209: Software Engineering (Till 2009 Batch) MCA 101: Fundamentals of IT (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 101 : Introduction to Information Technology (Till 2009 Batch) MCA – 327 : Distributed DBMS (Till Batch 2009) MCA 303 : Artificial Intelligence (Till Batch 2009) Date & Day 26.12.2015 (Saturday) 28.12.2015 (Monday) 29.12.2015 (Tuesday) 30.12.2015 (Wednesday) 31.12.2015 (Thursday) 01.01.2016 (Friday) 02.01.2016 (Saturday) Semester-I MCA 103 : Programming in C (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 103: Digital Electronics (Till 2009 Batch) Semester-III MCA 329 Operational Research (Till Batch 2009) MCA 105 : Discrete Mathematics (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 105: Problem Solving Using C (Till 2009 Batch) MCA 311 : Digital Signal Processing (Till Batch 2009) MCA 313 : Neural Networks (Till Batch 2009) MCA 107 : Computer Organization (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 107: Discrete Mathematics (Till 2009 Batch) MCA 315: Digital Image Processing (Till Batch 2009) MCA 319 : Fuzzy Sets and Logic (Till Batch 2009) MCA 109 : Principles and Practices of Management (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 109: Financial Accounting (Till 2009 Batch) 04.01.2016 (Monday) 05.01.2016 (Tuesday) Note: Semester-V MCA – 321 : Advanced Computer Architecture (Till Batch 2009) MCA – 323 : Compiler Construction (Till Batch 2009) MCA 307 : Microprocessors (Till Batch 2009) Any representation regarding the proposed dates/papers etc. may be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations (Operations) / Deputy Registrar, Through the Coordinator-cum-Convener of MCA Programme latest by 16.10.2015. For any clarification and query please contact: Conduct Branch-II (A.D. Lamba) Deputy Registrar Dated: 01.10.2015 25302259, 25302260 (Prof. Pravin Chandra) Controller of Examinations (Operations) GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY Sector 16-C, Dwarka, New Delhi -110078 Proposed Date Sheet for Practical End Term Examinations (Nov-Dec, 2015) Programme: MCA (Regular & Reappear) 2011 Batch Onwards Timing: 10:00 AM Onwards Date & Day 23.11.2015 (Monday) 26.11.2015 (Thrusday) 27.11.2015 (Friday) 28.11.2015 (Saturday) 30.11.2015 (Monday) 02.12.2015 (Wednesday) 03.12.2015 (Thursday) 04.12.2015 (Friday) 05.12.2015 (Saturday) 07.12.2015 (Monday) 08.12.2015 (Tuesday) Semester I Semester III Semester V MCA 351 : Linux Programming Lab (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 351 : Practical-IV (Till Batch 2009) MCA 353 : Software Testing Lab (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 355 : Enterprise Computing with Java Lab (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 337 : Research Project (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 331 : Project (Till Batch 2009) MCA 357 : Lab based on Elective-I (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 251 : Computer Graphics Lab (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 253: Practical – III (Till 2009 Batch) MCA 253 : Java Programming Lab (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 357 : Lab based on Elective-I (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 151: Fundamentals of IT Lab (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 151 : Practical-I (Till 2009 Batch) MCA 153: Programming in C Lab (2010 Batch Onwards) MCA 155: Computer Organization Lab (2010 Batch Onwards) Note: Any representation regarding the proposed dates/papers etc. may be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations (Operations) / Deputy Registrar, Through the Coordinator-cum-Convener of MCA Programme latest by 16.10.2015. For any clarification and query please contact: Conduct Branch-II (A.D. Lamba) Deputy Registrar Dated: 01.10.2015 25302259, 25302260 (Prof. Pravin Chandra) Controller of Examinations (Operations)