April 20, 2012
Ellen Bernard – EHS
Akosua Dow – Academic Affairs
Robert Heighes – DPS
Steve Moore – Physical Plant
Ken VanZandt – AFSCME
David Woike – Academic Affairs
Susan Campbell, UAW 1976 & ORD
Joanne Hansen – Women’s Commission
Tom Kovacs – Geography & Geology
Steve Pernecky – AAUP
Mark Wesley – Emergency Mgmt
Kathryn Wilhoff – EHS
Kevin Abbasse, Sonya Alvarado, Anita Amrhein, Al Dumas, Diana Good, Caroline Gould,
Nick Graham, Norman Harrington, Erica Healander, Barbara Hopkins, Chad Humble, Kevin
Lawson, Mark Monarch, Steve Moore, Toni Taylor, Eric Ward.
1. Ellen Bernard distributed the activity summary for March/April. Discussion was held.
2. Susan Campbell inquired about the CERT exercise at the VA hospital. Mark Wesley
stated that the EMU participants did a great job and upon receipt of the evaluation
report he will share the findings.
3. Susan Campbell inquired about the Sky Lanterns. Ellen Bernard provided a
description and the quantity to be released. Ellen also stated that several countries
had banned them due to a possibility of interfering with air traffic. Susan asked if they
could be tethered or if alternatives had been discussed. Follow-up: With the denial of
the request for sky lanterns, alternatives were provided – either floating candles in the
Lake House pond or luminaries.
4. Mark Wesley requested information regarding the lab accident webinar. Ellen
commented on the lack of physical hazards mentioned in Chemical Hygiene Plans but
the EMU plan does address them. Professors are being held accountable for their
actions resulting in fines and jail time. The Chemistry Department has a review
process for new processes and Ross Nord provided some of the forms they use.
Steve Pernecky stated that training for faculty and staff needs to be performed to
identify the various issues. Tom Kovacs mentioned a new experiment and Ellen
suggested that it be reviewed by EHS before starting. Susan Campbell suggested
that in the interim a notice regarding this issue be sent to department heads and
deans. EHS will follow up.
5. Dave Woike addressed the committee regarding safety issues in the Warner locker
rooms and handed out recommended improvements. Card readers and signage has
been added but support from the Committee was being asked for the recommended
improvements (additional lighting and alarm stations and a workstation for the pool
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deck attendant.) Kathryn reiterated that this request was only for support from the
Committee and this request should be submitted to the Safety & Security committee
for approval. Bob Heighes agreed and stated that DPS was checking into the
installation of cameras in the hallways, even though crime in this area since the
installation of the card readers has been low. A vote was taken of the members
present and the recommended improvements were supported 11 to 1.
6. Steve Pernecky inquired about the Halle mold issue. Kathryn reported that mold was
discovered by the Archive staff on books stored in the book retrieval system or “ARC.”
Originally the contamination was thought to be in 36 bins but upon additional
examination it was discovered on books in other bins. An industrial hygiene
consulting firm was contact to identify the type of mold and to check the air quality of
the area. A mold abatement company and the insurance company were contacted
due to the large number of items to clean (over 7000 bins). Abatement cannot begin
until the temperature and humidity in the ARC has been stabilized for a two week
period. Additional temperature and humidity sensors have been installed and are
being monitored by Physical Plant and EHS. In the interim, protocols to protect both
staff working in the area and faculty, staff and students requesting books from the
ARC have been established. Once the environment has been stabilized the
abatement activities will begin. The activities will consist of two shifts working for
approximately 45 days. Joanne Hansen asked about cross contamination prevention,
Kathryn stated that will be addressed in the library procedures and cleaning plan.
7. Kathryn reported that there has been another change regarding the EMU’s Radiation
Safety Officer (RSO). The Provost has appointed personnel from Medical Physics
Consultants to be the RSO. Kathryn is the on campus Radiation Safety Program
coordinator. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has recently tightened up
the requirements for an RSO and we are working with them on the RSO change. At
the same time, EMU is in the middle of the license renewal with the NRC. EMU
cannot be without an RSO as we utilize radioactive material for research. Currently
there is only one researcher using radioactive material but there are 4 approved
researchers. With the move from Academic Affairs to EHS, the system to address
purchase requests and authorization amendments will need to be revised. Ellen
Bernard commented on the need for an on-line inventory system. Susan Campbell
inquired if EHS has the staff to do this. Kathryn reported that current staffing levels
cannot, but she will again be submitting a request to increase the staffing level to
better address laboratory and general safety.
8. Steve Moore provided a list of projects and their status. Mark Jefferson is on schedule
for fall. Hoyt is in the process of being renovated. On West Campus new tennis
courts and baseball stadium facade are being installed. Window and HVAC
replacement at Rackham will begin shortly. The Board of Regents recently approved
capital improvement projects, including a lighting upgrade in Alexander, repairs to
some of the campus tunnels and filter replacement at Jones pool. Steve also
mentioned that the Key Shop will be moving to the Parking Structure on May 7 th.
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9. Tom Kovacs expressed a concern by faculty members regarding rats being stored in
classrooms. EHS will follow up on this issue.
10. Kathryn recognized Mark Wesley, Jason Smith, Christine Kropelnyckyj and Robert
Morford for their hard work in accomplishing the tasks outlined in the EMHE grant.
11. Mark Wesley reported the COOP for Student Affairs has been completed and others
are still on-going. Emergency Management (EM) has been working with the vendors
of the indoor and outdoor warning systems. The Mark Jefferson and Pray-Harrold
systems are current and active. EMU will be using the system for tornado warnings.
However, there is an issue regarding adequate evacuation space that is under review.
The building emergency plans will be adjusted accordingly when the determinations
are made and faculty and staff will be informed of the changes.
12. Akosua Dow is still working on the carpet replacement for the McNair office. Steve
Moore said he would identify who at Plant is working on this.
13. Joanne Hansen mentioned that there had been smoking in the elevator in the Parking
Structure. Discussion ensued that there is no smoking in elevators and there should
be a sign. Joanne was directed to Human Resources regarding this matter. Steve
Moore said he would check into the lack of signage. Kathryn reiterated that the
enforcement of the policy is that of Human Resources and the deans, directors,
department heads and building administrators of the various buildings. Follow-up:
Signage is present in the Parking Structure elevator but it blends in with other signage
The next meeting is Friday, May 18, 2012 at 9 a.m.
in room 104 Student Center
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