LUMPED MODEL TRANSISTOR NOISE Á2ALÏSIS DOXAN ILRAH.Li KKYA Â THESIS su4nitted to OREGON STATE IJNIVE:RSITY in rti1 fulfillment of the reçiirenients for the deree of akSTLR OF SCIENCE June 1962 PFEOVED ¡ Profsor of E1ectric1 Engineering In Charge of Major Head of Lepartient of Electrical Engineering Chirmn of School Graduate Comniitto. Dean of Graduate School Date thesis i Typed by Mary resented Jd&Lfl$ 7 ACKNOVLEDOE4ENT The work reported in this thesis was performed under tÎie direction of J. C. Looney, Professor of Eìectrical n4neering at Oregon State University. to xress his appreciation suggestions, The author wishes to Professor Looney for his constructive criticism and advice, and also extend.s his appreciation to Professor L. N. Stone, Professor h. J. Oorth.iys of Electrical Yngineerin, Professor A. '1. Lonseth of' the their valu bie encouragement; and athematics Department for and of course to his wife. TAULE OF CONT±TS P IN2RODUCTION . . . i e e L . . 7 TRANSISTOhNOISEi'iODr.L,,...a..e....e..... 14 LiJI'4P;D . . 4Qtij,S NOISE THEO! . . . e e . e ;ITH LUMPiiD e . . . . e e s e . MOLiEL PARAMETERS . . . . . e e e e e . . , . . CORRELATION bETWEEN LUNPED MODEL PARAMETERS UANTITIES , WITHNEASURLBLE LtJPEJ) . . . PAFJETEBS MODEL SM.LL SIuNAL THE NOISE FIuURE . e e . . , , . , . . . s e e i . . . . . COi4PARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED DATA e e e a CO11PARISON WITH THE RESULTS OF CTHiRS s s e s XPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION CONCLUSION s s I e s a BIBLIOGRAPHY s e s a s APPFDIX . . a . . a a a s e s e s . . e . . . e . . . . 16 19 s e . . i s a . . a e i e 2i 30 a 32 . 34 . . . . . . . . s e a a s e e 38 s e s s e s s 39 . . . . . . ho a s a s s s a a a e a s s e . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGEThÌ5 Pge Figure is Lumped noae1 Genrtion of a pnp oifí'usion transistor currents nd recombixiatlon noise gener&tor and :3. TAie 4. T1eChaniSß for d' betweentwojunetions p 5. Lumped pnp transistor wlth 6. Lumped pup kir e itioúel Transistor :I4e 15. 16. 17. 18, . . 4. . . . . . 9 . . . . 12 . . . . . . p1ifier nOise iaociel 7 . . gonertors . a . . . s . vs. log f log f Pn vs. log f vS. 1ocy a e . s e a e a . . . . . . a . a . . . . . . . . a a :igra.n of instruiìenttiou . . a e 20 e a e a e 23 . . . . 23 s e e e e a s 28 e e e a . e e e a a e 28 . . . . . . . . . 28 . . . 31 fiure . * a Cd.cu1ated nd neasured noise figure function of 'E' for R5 opt. 20 e Calculated and reasured noise figire function of R, for I ot. condition * . e . mesured noise 15 a oie R8 . e Trpic1 spectrwn level ehractristic for G. Type 1390-B Randor Generttor . Ca1cu1ted function of . . Correlation of noise ouree of an am1tfjer into V and I voltage and current genemtore F 12 15 trnsitor model with noise sin1 y parbmeterB . . . 9 i3. . rbb Equivalent ciicuit forai of Figure i2. . type aterta1 L i1. . ................ 7. Small loe . . condition . . . e e . . Ft. . . . . 31. a a a . a 35 . . . . . 36 a . as a . . s . . 37 NOISES Any undesired sound. by extension, noise is any unwanted disturbance within & useful fre- quency band, such as undesired electric waves in eny transmission channel or device. Such disturbances when produced by other services are called interference. The Interntion'l Lictiorxry of Physics and Electronics MLYSIS LUNPED MODEL TIi3SISTOR NOISE IÏIIkOLJCTION The rocesses of electron-uiole-pair cretion, recombination form the ba8is of tr.nsistor accompanies these processes. These ction. iotion, and Noise unavoidably rocsses are random, so related noise is randoni in nature. At room temperature there is a electron pairs and on the averae an electrons with holes. upon equa]. energy by a valence in dyninio equilibrium with conduction electrons and holes per unit the rete of recombination of ir is Forma tion of a hole-electron the chance acquisition of recombination is continual formation of hole- dependent electron and the population of of volume fluctuating about average value. It is desirable to use s lumped transistor noise because of its physics of tne transistor. cnaracter of noise in comare the results model. transstr model to investigate inherent simplicity with regard to The object of this work is to study the transistors tr laboratory measurements and to with those predicted by a simple lumped noise 2 LJ4PD Serniconäuctor having two ìOIELS kthd of carriere, holes exhibit a more complicated mode of behavior th.n vacuum and electrons, tubes. The processes of ionization of atoms to provide holes and electrons as well as the rcouìbine, rocesses by which holes and electron ieducin, both carrier .opulation with each event re new, Luniped models due to J. G. Linvill (8, 9, p, to-one correspondence to the physic&l semiconductor, devices, the lumped nodels The models used 47) bear a one- 'rocesses encountered in the apøroximatin the distributed ordinarily exhibit relationshiis between current and excess density of carriers. A síngle aoiel is then applicable both for snall signals and large sigials. The behavior of a transistor is simply described in tenas of the behmvior of the two junctions, since the tranlstor is essentially Lut a two diodes sharing a common region. transistor differently from the two diodes placed in the sa'e Fire Lekmaves quite enveloLe. i is a simplified lumped model developed Ìy J. G. Lirmvill (8, 9, p. 47) is represented for transistors. In the model, each junction y a rectangular box snd serves to transform the voltage V applied across it to an excess ainority carrier density just inside the base re4on. The property of the junction can be expressed by Ecuations (i) snd (2). Fee = Pn g V - / (1) 3 ec = P (exp qV - i) (2) kT Wkaere xce8s censity at e;iitter. ?ee Excess density at collector. Pn Minority carrier density in q Electron charge. T Junction tenperture in ¿bolute degrees in K°. k type base. oltzman Constant. ApplIed forward voltae across the junction. V As can be seen, the bas 4 leed. The symbols iodeI has synaaetry about the axis of the hei, kTee r preeent to . a first-order approx- imtion the distributed generation-recombinatlon echanisa of ±iinority carriera near the collector and emitter junction respectively. They are Ve cllcd coìibinance e1eenta which ha"e the analogy of conductance, can define cobinance as as conductances C This analo I V p is true if the reference for expressing excess density is selected in &ccordnee with the Equation (lb). 11d represents to a nechanism of first iInority carriers Sc end S0 order p;iroximation the diffusion between the two junctions. are the symbols which represent, to a first order approximation, the storage iaechanisn of ninority carriers near the collector and emitter jiuiction, respectively. to the capacitors of an electric circuit. They are analogous We can see that p r° V (r Fec SCI Tc I j Fisura (i) Lumpd modJ.of tTJni.sor. . PNP di-Fu3ion C I by cn corbin.nce elernent The ties jÇ!ct S expressed in ieasurable be connecting the coflector to the (, current rneasuring device that O. y 9). Since bse tLrouh VC = O, a low qUiXti- ïnpedce Ecuation (2) shows forward biasing the eniitter with a current short circuit collector current can rnesured, so be (3a) e It will later that be ahown = (3b) ee sii:irí explained in Ejuation (h2) a y;Hd 1eg.. i:- I kid (lid 1d f' + 1ec In the case where ec col?n in EQuations (i) nd (2), I lector leakage current can be found by esurin the reverse- biased collector current with the íaitter o'en I co P = 4 (-ci H ee +- (1ee and will Le hd li 4- k:i cc ee j ec) - Pn (ilci Hee + to ( , 9) ± Sidlarly leo eu1 11d ± '1ec + Hee k) () Hi.) These equations were derived ±rorn E;qutions (37) and (33). The storance elements are deteriineá froi the alpha cutoff frequencies constant, and ec f1 constant, as followsz so When collector volte is s. i 2TTfN Hec± _________ H+ (7) 11d Sc 211 f0(1 - (8) Hd We can solve Equations (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), a () to get for np transistor (leo (i - Hee N5) (9) Pfl(i_o(NcXI) (i Hec = - -0i) (io) Pn (1 - 0NiXI) EcoO(I 'eo'N (u) n = - 'eo P 217 o(N (i -°N (12) oi) leo Sc P 27f (13) ixI (i <N 0<i) 7 itOISE THEORY WITH LUMPED MODEL PÁFAMETERS difference of the aeneration and recombination currents. ibriun no net current flows, which means eual mist be current. is the net recombination currerLt In a lump of n material that genertion In the eiil- current to and in the opposite direction from the recoinbination The average recombination nd generation currents, (1, 3, 10, p. 46-47) qPV /7. (14) q P q electron charge V Volume Pn equilibrium hole density in n :c terial mean hole life ti:e in n materi1 p almost independent of hole density (P s 'g depends on hole concentration, so it can be T .q(P+ 1e) e bUt 'r modified to the fox V (15) where excess hole censity. We can rapresent these connected between minority two currents as current generEtors ¿d majority carrìer lines. They ìndeendent, random, ipu1sive in n turc and exhibit full shot effect (Van aer Ziel) (Lt, p 47), re Since fluctution current due to th of electric charges passes through th coruculir structure seilconductor materid, an equilibriura condition can be restored by supplying a noise current generator to each of thei in parallel with 'r a This additional noise current is noniially the d-c current I and so the superposition rents can :.e applied to this case. eral Fiure cornpared with rinciple of noise Now 'r and I as an exact d-c current without any acconipaxying the terninaïs (see 'g generators. cui'- can &e rgarded randoni part at 2). 'r ig = 'g -F- ± nr (16) iflg Two theorems from the theory of fluctuation in temperature-lImited tube currents Ll1 be useful. tiere. The first theorem concerns a curreiit I consisting of many short current pulses of ecual charge content Q tiaie.+ It states; the time istributed randomly in At frequencies low compared to the reciprocal of durtion of one pulse, f1uctuation in the current I &re described by U-n:) : 2 Q2 Li f (17) where + * complex conjugate (____) mean value averaged o7er a time auch longer than The chrgn content is equal to fi - dt integrated over one pulse. Lr- ]lr+ L Lg gun. ) Gnrrion curr-1n1s. cgnd Rcornbrìafion I', * average nuniber of pulses If the pulses are unidirectional I cn EQution (17) so (i j*) The secon theDre unit tiie. N0 is equal to the direct current written as he 2 Ç, or . f I (]3) st tes wuen several currents I are flowing into a coxnon terilhinal x, but fron several circuit branches XL (n = 1, 2, totd current .....), the I consists of many short unidirectioni1 current ?uìses of eaual charge content q distrii'uted If randomly in time. is to pass a given pulse throuch but one of tne circuit brncììes xn, nd the prob..bility of passage throuh a given branch aì is to be the sane for all pulses, then, at frequen- cies low coiip&red to time reci. focal of time duration of ono puise, fluctuation in the currents I 'V (19) . express our noise generators in the form, (i ' (i i* nr nr' 1* ng = 2 q tr (20) '2qIgLf. (21) ng' These equations are derived where described by, j *) = 2 q X (j Then we can i for "spot" or narrow-bad noise currente f is the incremental bandwith. e can combine Fcuatioz and (21) into one equation (i ana from ( i ) E. = nr jr (ing j) 2 q (Ir + 1g) Af (22) nations (14) and (15) i) y = 2 q ( q ± e)v) Af (23) ( 2)) u ! q c. P) A f p 2q1(2P-trom the 1uped ioui (°, (64) n. h7) (25) so i) (in = 2 q r (2 P-i- This noise generator nd H. are There and and shown in Figure re two kinds of carriers electrons, aìd there are carriers (26) e) resent in two rnechanisms diffusion of carriers, The a region in which seiniconth.ictors, holes and electrons in the virtue of their thermal their ensity ts uniform place an iraaginary plane inside an count the holes passing through it per unit would find on the average passing in one tie tht holes drïft of of current flow, seniconcuctor rnbterLl re in rndoni tìotiorx velocities. In 3. in each of the we can or electrons directions. e the net current .s zero , the currents direction being equal to the currents assing in the other for either holes or electrons, in which tne censit3r of carriers Now if we consider are not equal, there two regions i certainly net flow of carriers from the region of hih density to the region of low density. The net flo is :roportional to the gr&dient of density Therefore, as in Figure and the (i l)th region 4, due to the hole current b.twen the diffusion is (i)th a .1 Figur. (3) Th Noise and Hr Gnrator p___ ___ 1gur (4-) Dif-fusion °F mzchanisni p±ypmi1 bczFwan +VVO jund-ìon5. 13 ipd (i, i [p(i) -j-- 1) -p(i± = A Âqt i)] - (27) &d (9, p. 47), hpd= A q D0 (26) L\x then pd (i, i -j- i) Hpd = {2(i) - p(i + 'pd(i) - 1pd(i -j-- pd consista of -wo rardom indpendent seen 1) (29a) i) (29b) impulse currents as can be from Equation (2%,b) and should exhibIt full shot effect (12, p. 47). Giving the same resonind as Equation (16) we can express the diffusion current as 'd -F- (30) 1nd then i (i, I ± i) = 'dt -ndi - 1d(t + i') - (31) + 1) Using the vacuu tube theory used in the derivation of (23 (1) we can express the diffusion Equations current noise generator as, (-a ici) 2 q (ia(i)± 2 q (lid 1d' P(j) ± + :i) e(i -i- i)) L f (32) 1h. TRANSISTOR NOISE MODE. Fiure 5 shows the intrinsic, lumped, pnp trnsistor nìodel (3, 9, p. 47) to which the extrinsic base resistance has been added to inprove the accuracy of the nodel. All the noise iray be accounted for associating a noise current generator with each of the con- L ductces &pearing in the lwiiped iiocel and associating a thermal noise voltage generator with the extrinsic resistive eieiient as Fiure shown in e 6. on write the corresponing equations for the n3ise generators as (me e) = 2 q Lïr Hee (2 P ) = 2 q (d ') (Cflb eb) Lf 1ec 2 q s 4 11d T Af + see) (33) eec) (4.) (2 (2 Pn rbb S 4 ee + fec) (5) (3ö) fv Figur(5) rvcC D Hd Lumd pnp +ransÌsÖr if1-ì rnodczl rbb. ¿nd çv C I Rd H gur- H () Lunip4 wi-h noi modal rìar or-s. 16 CORRELATION BETWEEN LU4PTD NODEL Pi\RAMETERS WITH MEASURkI4E QUANTITIES In the lumped model of Figure we can write the following 5 relationshi3a between the d-c values of the excess carrier density and current vrt ± 'E = (Hee IC = - Hd les s lid) ee - hd ee + (, p. 47), 9, (rLec# (37) ec lid) (33) ec The above equations express the f&ct that for the lurnped model the f1oT of carriers ecross the bese region is a linear carrier ensity near the junctions. shm, function of Unuer the conditions that the collector volt&.ge is held zero, Ecuations (i) and (2) show that becomes zero, and we can the collector I ec rite the ratio of the currents coming out to th&t injected into the emitter I as in quation (39), C (exp. 1'ee (txp. (i) i) (2) qV iT .; The i) IÇT eC - VE (V0 - 3) transistor :lE_________ dee Hd car. be cXN . ooerated in the reverse direction with current injectea at the collector holding V O. We can define, kki - .- IC In the (39) saine (Vj, = o) : = Heo+ (40) d manner we can evaluate 'CO eraitter leakage currenta, c'K I collector ie!ae ctrreit and r7 - = ± (Hee 1ec p.S, ± 'EO = By (eec H2 e He H ee - Ha) + ± -i-- Hd H) -- 11d ll (41) Ha Re c + insoection of EcuLtion (39), (40), (41), (2) saze equation founo by Moll cx (4') s H we (4,), i = () it_o From the above ecuations = C) we can derive 1E0 H - can find the ? (1 Pn (i - 1) - -Pn (î - .a__ oc1) i] - o O( r ' "ee :- -- . o(i) - ri (1 O(: %f) o( LI1À, H----- P (1 - O(N °( i) u (44) °<N (1 - oc i) (45) O( - P (1 I leo -°N (46) Accoring to Shock1ey' theory (1g) for th low injection levels (under noriia]. oprating condition8) in a pnp transistor < VC I qV0j Therefore then, O » it will kT (47) s he a good ap3roxiniation to write, 18 'ec - which will be used 1ter, (4e) i» LUNPED MODEL &4ALL SIGNLL PiRiiiETiLFS In oraer to derive noise figure foiiu1as in model parameters, it is necessary to lent circuit for the iodel. lumped e!nitter orientation are used of Equations (I7) and (4), under nonul operatin they re not zero. than Stili The y shown in l2 and y conditions. sml1 prieters lixaped sia1 euiva- for the Figure 7. ¡s e common- conse:uence would be practically zero But vrious experiments showed Early (3) tried to explain this by the modula- tion of the thickness voltu'e. s evelor a texs of of the bese layer due to the collector ac l2 and Y22 are of a smaller order of maiitude ii and y an9 my Le neglected in practical eases. Their contribution to noise is thus negligible. Lxpressin the ecuivalent circuit variables in te1ns of the variables in the lumped model, neglecting the noise generators, as shown in Figure 8, we find, Il - 1'ee =-P (Hee kT + j 1JS) ___ (Hee j Ve (49) hence, vi = _ Ve ( 50) so Il = F T exp (c Ve (hee \kT q = y11 a 12 - ee 'd exp ( j WSe) Vl Ve T ee Se) ( 51) (52) ) (7) I1V1 y Framars. +IaVa 1 +Y22 Small c'nal Ii p r - 1 vi ylvI I Figure (8) Euivaln crcuÌt o urz(7). 21 so, (qV"\ q eed 1 y,' .1 ICT Ve - exp LT (qv' T I . ) -" 22 THE NOIgE FIGURE The re8ultin.-; nodei shown in Figure 9 represents e common eriitter pnp transistor amplifier with resistive source and with three independent stiot noise voltage generator. of source resistance R The genera]. noïse equation i nd one '. therrnal a function for a narrow-band is, B N. F noise current generators 1od - -t- C () ..... s This is a re.ctive :enerl ecuation escribing any amplifier. is held constant coiraonent of the source and If tue the resistive coxnonent is varied, the variEtion of noise factor should follow this law. The noise performance of the characterized by the parameters which is our case. a .iii4ifier can therefore be B and C if the source is resistive If the source is partly reictive, another texìi is necessary which is beyond the scope of this paper. This representation is advantageous because the amplification properties of the aïnclifiers do not appear in the noise factor calculation. Over an incremental frequency band f, be represented by a noise free arnalifier genertor and a noise as shown in Figure 10. noisy amplifier Figure 9 shows a can with a noise voltage current generator at the input, V nected at the input of the amplifier. factor is (2), a source and resistance con- The forraula for the noise 23 ur(S) rnplifr Tran5Isfor NÖì5cz mocZI -r __ -4- I NO5 _1i' FIERJVa 1-REE In y MPLÌÌE (k) 4igur(iC) CorrczLhcn oj rnpli1uzr nfrû nid c.urriznt rioì öurcs Vn and 1En /oa noIscL g(Zfl(ZrâFÖrS. an 24 F=1+ (vv) ± Il) I) + For frequencies at which () (v O is a» roximateiy constant, usually negligible (see Equation T R 4 ) I is so that v*) (V ± = r Af De fining neq (v v) 4 kT Af (57) Eu&tion (45) becomes F i * Assuming no find V aIt correlation between the noise genertors, frozu Fip.ire lOb with the I transistor in emitter orientation as suggested tr Becing (2) is shown in the appendix. V aiid I v) = 2 q Af { (I I) = 2 c; 1f f rhb+ re I (v 2 In) »rounded The derivtion . 2 Z'bb4 IeJ _ 'e 1 2 (5:) (c) ej 1l ( cn in terras of measurable quantities are, (v we f C (Tbb + re) 21 -qi.fIerbb 1e can assume that the cutoff current I is collector contribution ìuch greater than the emitter (ti) to the collector- contribution 25 nd I e is larg' £nough to allow the aìroxim'tion cx' ° 1+ For our soec:Lfic purposes, T re ; DK2 f e cl and CO inäeende;t of current :i. = C, L + p o that l and treating -- ¿nd ±.2 &s (3 le putting the values of 1quation noie e C8fl write the F fEetor 2] [ 59) :ith (rbb + , tka11 (6o) , Now by quantities. i) ( putting into Equation ( 55), mesur:b1e civantities as, re) _ 'e r J q 4 ( Y 'co 1e rbb+re [ 2 kT h8 O( L qR0 2} I e rbb J I +2kT (<12'ej j or F+0+![ 4 [_ i 4- 2 Etj L + + I- +++) L 1e j 2RsrL e L0+ !) + ( I rbb2 i [o( ::J (3 I (o3) and 1cc O(close to unity Equation (3) tekee the forai, F . ± ( f2) + + r rbb2 / ___ f' s 2 re \ (3 fCO2) For our purposes, there is negligIble error in using Equations (62) and (64). If we put the values of 1;uation (51) into Lutions (82), (83) and rewrite Eauations (84), for the assume noise factor F, and Z5R5-- (5), (86), (80), use iquation (1), (55) the source impedance is complex ji5, we canget, 2 2 q ± rbb I 2 q 'e \ l F rbb s I 4 kT is Equation ( 65) Strut ( 6) the same ss that obtained by Guggenbuhi and whIch checks our results with the other investigators. Now it is necessar- ic develop m1nimu secific case in order we will find tie Taking the o = optimum oper&tion Qoints. our First ootimurn R5. partial ceriv tive of Lquation R8 and equating to d' a h to find the for noise figure zero - we :1. h. kT 2 ( 55) with rspect to get, - _____ (T (y n v}' n iT T* 1/2 2 rb IC re rbb4 IC ( (66) ICT: ic(V And by putting Equation (66) into Eouation 'e (2) we get, 1/2 b = 112_ 'e) { [( 'e rbb6J j C r - 'e rbb re) ( ( (67) . J cuatian (7) is used to calculate the lowest part of the curve which is shown below for specific pnp transistor (2N1128). The derived noise figures were for snot noise fiure and the re1tion between Lverage noise fiure and spot noise figure is .;= F(f)G(f)df (68) J(f)af where (7), rnsicer G(f) am of he amplifier Soot Noise Factor F(f) Average noise Factor, In our region it can be seen from Figures 11 Equations (o5), (66) j2 and 13, and that F(f) is independent of frequency so can be reoved from the integral aL. n nd f_ç_ -- JG553(f Figures 11, 11 and of frecuency. ( i/i) noise L Lower 1, tbn show that transistor noise is 1ndeendent f1 (around coin&nt which is ut a few kca. cicusea region) the flicker in this paper. Tk origin of this low freo;ency noise is related to the surface pro- orties of the device (12). Above f (aprrodxnte region of f cutoff frequency), noise currents generated near the collector junction ure collected und 1gu ni F Figur(() vs. LogÇ (3 vs. LóÇ Pn vs. LoÇ. Corn mon zmiftr currznI Furci2) Nbs PwroufptJ -Pn J- (t3) 29 ubeuent1y conducted currents sources signì termin1. re 3.istributed throughout the is injected collected noise to the collector t tAie currents with frequency above f. Since th bse noise region and the mitter-hse junction, the rtio of the to the collected signal currents increases In other worts, the power gain of raidly with frequency then does in the transistor base region. tr.nsistor falls off the noiEe more outut power jenerated 30 EXPERL'IENThJJ INVESTIGATION methods available to determine noise fctor, There are v&riou the one usine a noise generator This method makes it sirni.icity. resonab1e eccuracy using generator, for reference is VTVM, 20 keps. selected for its ossib1e to ueasure noise with ibortory equipnent. Noise lowoass filter, re1ted block digria common are shown in Figure 14. In the experiment, the average noise figure is detenined by using a G. Tyoe 1393-B Rindoui-Noie Generator with a band-width . of 20 keos. which has a constant noise spectrum in te s;ecific region of our interest as shown in Figure 15. The low pass filter is utilized to exclude the noise ;;enerated in the unwanted band. of the trxisistor mp1ifier and at the same time to narrow the VrVM's pass band. The in common in the transistor under test is bi&ed from a battery power supply emitter node, and operEted for small-sidn&1s current gain common emitter mode. Ail the connections nade in shielded and coaxial cables &re used to prevent pickups. 503 Scooe is used to Tecktronix type control the noise wave shapes. Ñ O i S TO VO LTA( E ____ DÌYDE S -I TOR HTRJNS UÑDE I T3TI I i LOW PA VTVM iLTER I SC-OPE Ft'gur. (14) Nock digr-im o +hz fnsfHiman- rrê I a 20K. io gJral5) IOOK Typical spach-um !cva/ airc-çt-ishc -sor Randorn NJd 6.ryp IO-B Gn.ratör. 32 COMPARISON OF CLCTJLJTED particular saust be The bse spreaöing resistance Radio frequency A (ii). Terwn trnsitor, certain paraietera rbb, 1co3 measured for substitution into Equation (ô2). For a 916 ND ME.SURED DATA rbb bridge using detezined rbb was eaaured with G.R. Typ* the circuitry suggested by ¡rieasiring the h1h frequency input impedance ¿md tking the real pirt as rbb which is that gives rise to therm1 noise. For the auecific an avere value ech For the part transistor used of 375 Q. was found. tranaistor, O was ieasured usine the setup in Lab. O.S.U. 70523, and I Corn. tr and! Corn. vere ueasured using the 8etup Lab. O.S.U. 70553. Figures 16 and obtained arounc the 17 show that good agreeuent with aeasurement wa inimuxa noise figure. is the independent variable with a-c bies at 0,995 when R5 xna for The source resistance current F5 held constant a 2N1128 PN? Gemaniurn Alloy Junction Transistor. is incresed, the cifference between Ftheo Fep also and increased. An R Fiure 16. opt. of 500Q. is obtained for specific Fj c&se shown in .92, which is ver close to c.icu1ated values obtained. Frora Equation (66) R8 opt. was found to be 517 Il , which la again very close. The iffer'mce between calculated and measured values shown in 3, Figure 17 is due to the change in which c&ued R opt. to eniitter current is for the specific tr&nsistor he around 600 -Q (Ex) = 3.52 whicn for The a specific is reason&tly close to the theoretical value, Figure 18 shows good agreement between calcule ted noise fiEures in the neighborhood of F. This is unfortunute but not surprising the nichel aire not considered Figure 18 tht not at other values of because the elements of functions of 1L' t can be seen from the elements have soue deendence on I should be modified to desired over it reflect this a broader imnge. nd mee sured deoendence if better and the model &greement is 3h. coMPrISoN WITH THE RESULTS OF OTHERS (iuggenbuhl and Strutt to iiure ((a) have noted experimental datE. similar Their ueasured data show a similar departure f rom 18. the theoretical as a function of bias current and frequency. W. H. Fonger (5) uses another ap.roach to the problem and virtually arrives &t the same noise-fi,ure Ecuation (ó2). noise He exresdon as shown in inicates that any one of the four uncorrelated ;enerators may be mtäe dominant as a function of bias point and source termination. s noted before, Equation (62) can be written as Equation (ò) which is the same equation Guggenlb1 and Strutt Equation ( of Beattie (1). 62) ( ) used. is :lso in agreement with the theoretical resulta L Figur.(6) 15 I '4- CALCULATED AND MEA'3URED NOI5E N flSURE OF PNP AU_Cri' II TRANSS-TOR. NO.1,AS A S 'E 0FF. RUNCTON O I I_13 _Io.c vc. ia ir /I/ ¡O \ \ S Ql \ 8 \ ft 7 / ¡'lEA N 5 r 'N Z'N 4 3 - uLAyD a .-1R5 .1000 30 200 7oOSOQ9 I I i i iii'ii aoôo I .1 3000 i (ahrn,$) 700 5O i i i i i EI1 Figur. I (iT) AND MEASURED NOISE 1128 PNP JUNCTION 2N c'&URE OF ALLOY TRAN.SSTOI NOII, AS A FUNCTION OF R-s, FOR 'E O.77Om. CALCULJ\TED j j I0 V=-IO.ov / \ / /0 \ II / o \ / \ -Io / \ s / \ 4 / <I z1z MEAUQD 7+ \ / GLL 4 / / /N ULTEi I / / /' /. O -.5-- -O- -!)-- 3 a s- ° I 1100 aoo 10 11000 -° i a000 I i R5 1.3000 (ohms) oc r r:gur() s ¡4 CALCULIATEE AiJD MEASUZD NOi.sE F(GURE OF 2N 1128 PÑP JUNCTION ALLOY TP,AN.S1STOR NO.1, AS A RUHCT(ÖN oc r 500.Q. , -10.0v 'v'c I-12 I-II lo \ \ s \ o 8 z z<V 'e \\ T \/' A5URED ¡I O r lL r r r /0 4 3 ZCALCULATP a - 1100 I i400 «oo 2000 oc I i i I I I 'E (microampws) 3OOO 14-0001 CONCLUSION Ce.lculation of noise figure for transistor 1sed on the lumped noise PN? Gernniu Alloy junction ioel shown in Figure 6 agrees well with the eperiinentally nesurod vdues shown in Figures 16 :nd theoretical reu1ts of Foncer (5), Ee&ttie (i), nd the experimental results of Guggenl*ih]. nd Strutt () arc Liso th good 17. 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Putting V2 = O and i2 = O we can solve, v=-v1 111=_Il (70) hence, V2 - VC (1 - Ve 12 - 1nc Yce Ve (71) (72a) Ve - - Ii-I-- I+ (72b) y, Putting Equations (72a) and (72b) into Ecuation (71) and for V2 = O , i2 = O u1e Yc I1__i,-f \Yc I] L Ye e 1nc YO (73) + Y0, from, VlVnb+ Ilrbb_VC+ V2 forV2O , 12_O (7i,a) Vl_Vnb_l'V. +Ilrbb ( 74b) Inc Vl _ Vflb4 (i (1 -) Yc f - -i-- r Ye) me rbb ceJ (74c) hi Putting !2!. - Ye and p 4. 1 V - Vn 1 80 I = ce - I i 1e n which are reasonable approximations, nc + -- - V Iflmne± 4 (r i-ne (75) rbb (76) . Then we csn find, (v V) (Vnb V) 4 (ne i8) 'bh2 2 i0) __________ 2 < rbb + i q e I + 2 Re [ifld ee + kT (rbb+ i (i (v I) n) = ne t8) rbb q (q_V\ kT kT (i + 1_ (inc (ne j8) "bb4 (rbb exp. icT f2 R8 {(ind + j Se) [mj (7e) + fqV8\ q Pn Re (H d) J J (Hee _ j u) e) 42 1d '-na (* ex ee - (79) Using Equations çi), (2), (:), (4o (46) (.i), (42), pproximtions in Ecuations (47) nci Th-uatjons (33) , ( :4) , 2 q L ne (6) ? 5) ( f "ee i.r (4e) = 2 q (d 14i) = ;: s f J 2 kT (h1ee (so) + P± 2 q eec) Af (u) I Pee± Ar o [p ¿f i.T (Vl.b (2 we can rcwrite n ( ec (2 F Ar q (4), (5), the form 2kTfe[ -2qfI (i , (43), exp (kìeet JSe rbb L3) Pitt1ng tne iauation$ (so), (si), (2), and (33) into JL:uation (79) we can get, (v v) 4 f rbb T (Ree + j ± - 2 q Se) f Re T rbb2 f I J 1 exp ee ep (ve) r.b J 4 Fn L)Se) '.3 fqV q 2 kT f rbb2 (H kT ee + i W Se)] ) +2kT/1frbb I 2 rbb+ /q_Ve' q e Pu a2qf kT I J (Hee 8) i o _rbb2I (34) I Hence, ____ r - 2 qLf - 2 Re T f A exp q T) + (H ea -- T i (85) e n 2qf fqV\ exp (q Ve e] f Re -qL1fI I \tcd 2) J2 : rbb q ' 'C 2qAf I) _ f ( 2 q 'e 2 (qV\ q ea j i 1o2 + i 5e)] 2kTAfrbb ie 1 (Hee C W íqV -2kT Ar+ 2qíf (e) -2kTAf 44 Çr+ IqV\ (ll, q exp ___ i ) Se) -2qLfIr (86) Using the Ecuations (1.4), (45) and (46) and approximating in our range of ii interest 1/re (1 -t- j 1/re rbb+ (8'7) 2 rei r2Ie ______ = 2 q (II)2qf IC (of2 1ej (89) i I -2 qf 'e l2 rbb (88) (rbb4 re) (90)