Developmental differences in children in hand temperature control through biofeedback by Jane Frazier Georgitis A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Psychology Montana State University © Copyright by Jane Frazier Georgitis (1988) Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether younger children are more adept at hand temperature biofeedback control than are older children. Six 6-year-olds and six 11-year-olds participated in the study. Subjects attempted to mentally turn on a tone by changing hand temperature in the appropriate direction, either warming or cooling the left or right hand. Two separate Autogen 2000 biofeedback thermometers recorded hand temperature from the web dorsum of both the feedback and nonfeedback hands. Subjects attempted all four possible hand and direction combinations in each of four sessions. Nonfeedback and feedback hand responses tended to parallel each other. Younger children and older children increased hand temperature during both warming and cooling trials. The younger children warmed their hands to a greater extent than did older children. Warming increases were greater than cooling increases for the younger group's nonfeedback hand, but only for the first session, a finding which suggests a possible slight ability of the younger group to control temperature. Explanations for the apparent loss of control in subsequent sessions include lack of attention to the task, motivation, and overall task difficulty. DEVELOPMENTAL DIFFERENCES IN CHILDREN IN HAND TEMPERATURE CONTROL THROUGH BIOFEEDBACK by Jane Frazier Georgitis A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Psychology MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana December 1988 /1/ 3 7 ? 6211> APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Jane Frazier Georgitis This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. uate Committee Approved for the Major Department Date Head, Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate te Dean Be iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment the requirements for a master’s degree at University, I agree that the Library Montana shall State make available to borrowers under rules of the Library. quotations from this thesis are allowable without permission, provided that accurate of it Brief special acknowledgment of source is made. Permission reproduction professor, when, of or for extensive this thesis may be granted by in his absence, by the Dean from my major Libraries of material in this thesis for financial gain shall Signature^ or the Any copying or use of be allowed without my written permission. Date of in the opinion of either, the proposed use material is for scholarly purposes. the quotation not iv ABSTRACT The. purpose of this experiment was to determine whether younger children are more adept at hand temperature biofeedback control than are older • children. Six 6-year-olds and six 11-year-olds participated in the study. Subjects attempted to mentally turn on a tone by changing hand temperature in the appropriate direction, either warming or cooling the left or right hand. Two separate Autogen 2000 biofeedback thermometers recorded hand temperature from the web dorsum of both the feedback and nonfeedback hands. Subjects attempted all four possible hand and direction combinations in each of four sessions. . , . Nonfeedback and feedback hand responses tended to parallel each other. Younger children and older children increased hand temperature during both warming and cooling trials. The younger children warmed their hands to a •greater extent than did older children. Warming increases were greater than cooling increases for the younger group's nonfeedback hand, but only for the first session, a finding which suggests a possible slight ability of the younger group to control temperature. Explanations for the apparent loss of control in subsequent sessions include lack of attention to the task, motivation, and overall task difficulty. V ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES.....................•............. INTRODUCTION............ METHODS .:......... I 18 Subjects..................... 18 Apparatus ...i................................. 18 Procedure....................... 20 RESULTS....i............... 21 Temperature Change for the FeedbackHand..... ..21 Temperature Change for the NonfeedbackHand....22 Feedback Hand Success......................... 24 Nonfeedback Hand Success.................. ...'.25 Relative Hand Temperature..................... 28 Baseline Lability..... 29 Outdoor Temperature Effects................... 29 Baseline Temperature and TemperatureChange.... 30 DISCUSSION. .......................................... 31 REFERENCES........................................ .38 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Group differences in temperature change according to the reinforced direction for the nonfeedback hand.............................23 2. Directional differences in successful temperature change of the feedback hand for both groups.....................,............ 24 3. Group differences in successful temp­ erature change of the nonfeedback hand by sessions...... 25 4. Directional differences in successful temperature change of the 'nonfeedback hand for both groups..........'.... ............. 27 5. Group I directional differences in success­ ful temperature change of the nonfeedback hand by session............ 6. 27 Group 2 directional differences in success­ ful temperature change of the nonfeedback hand by session.................................. 28 I INTRODUCTION Research shows that voluntary autonomicalIy mediated biofeedback. One interest control responses is of various possible physiological function of is peripheral .temperature control. through particular Temperature control appears to have some practical applications in the treatment Diamond, of migraine headaches .(Fahrion, 1977; & Franklin, 1976), Raynaud's disease Medina, (Freedman, 1987; May & Weber, 1976; Sedlacek, 1976; Stambrook, Hamel, & Carter, 1988; 1983), Surwit, 1973), hypertension hyperactivity (Blanchard, McCaffrey, (Hershey, Musso, & Gerardi, 1987), rheumatoid arthritis (Mitchell, 1986), and tinnitus (Duckro, Pollard,.Bray, & Scheiter, 1984). Most of the literature on hand temperature control through biofeedback indicates that adult subjects seem be or able to consistently achieve a certain amount of finger obtained (Roberts, 1976). temperature large temperature Kewman, However, control. & Some subjects changes of 15° MacDonald, 1973; no additional research Taub has F and & to hand have more Emurian, replicated these large changes in temperature. Generally, control is .in the form of smaI!-magnitude temperature changes. It is interesting to note, that the temperature 2 changes are slightly greater for decreasing hand temperature than for increasing hand temperature ( Keefe & Gardner, 1979; Emurian, 1976). temperature Surwit, Shapiro, & Feld, 1976; Taub This greater effect in cooling may be due to the of experimental & hand situation itself and may not necessarily be due to a greater ability of humans to lower peripheral temperature. States of stress or anxiety cause the adrenal glands to secrete hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine. This response corresponds to the "fight or flight" phenomenon, in blood vessels digestive are system, constricted in situations, electronic and the diverting blood to areas of the body have equipment lowering in an unfamiliar unfamiliar room. are unknown to the subjects. difficulty Therefore, In most experimental experimenters hook subjects up to experimenters which skin more important to physical exertion. the two completely relaxing in such Often, Subjects a setting. in experimental situations, subjects may of hand temperature easier since a may find state of nervousness may augment the response. Another factor which may explain the greater biofeedback effects is somatic mediation. cooling Lynch, and D ‘Anna (1976) explored the influence of two Schuri, isometric exercises on various autonomic functions including temperature. exercises, finger Subjects performed each of the two isometric a hand grip and dorsiflexion of the foot, in 3 three levels of exertion. The general findings showed significant decrease in fingertip temperature a for all exercises, at each locality which was proportional to the level of exertion. King and Montgomery (1981) also examined the Of somatic maneuvers on skin Experiment subjects told 8 I, King and Montgomery to. raise their skin of temperature effects control. instructed the In 24 temperature. Experimenters those subjects to relax, and told 8 to use muscular activity to raise finger temperature. The other 8 other subjects, as a control group, had no information than to raise indicated warming that fingertip muscle temperature. tension was The. results conducive to efforts. There were no significant increases hand in temperature for the other two groups. King that and somatic temperature subjects hand Montgomery (1981) then explored activity changes. could produce experimenters and The experimenters divided the encouraged other both to to an aid to temperature control. that to the 20 increase decrease groups idea bi-directional into two groups, telling one group temperature the it. use The somatic Results showed both increasing.and decreasing temperatures' through biofeedback was possible using somatic mediation, although the muscle Subjects activity for the two in the warming group groups was generally different. reported 4 intermittent ■whereas muscular subjects intermittent activity of the in the ipsilateral cooling muscular activity in the group arm, utilized contralateral arm ipsilateral arm. coupled, with continuous tension in the The experimenters did not statistically analyze the verbal reports, however. that order in direction, statement The authors then made to control one hand the assumption temperature must resort to muscle in either activation. seems to contradict the notion that This relaxation seems to enhance a warming response. According to Miller (1969), bi-directional control is less likely mediating change to be due to factors. hand somatic mediation If a subject has found or a temperature in one direction, it trick will likely not work for thermal change in the other. Montgomery to discount very King and the surface. However, it is interesting to note that in the King Montgomery study, subjects actual bi-directional control. temperature- change experimenters gave perfecting muscle in ample this to on and appear other statement were Each subject one time activity which direction not learning was making a only. The the subjects for enhanced the to desired temperature response. Lynch, Hama, Kohn, and Miller (1976) proposed that children might be better able to control hand temperature. The experimenters conjectured that children may be better 5 learners than adults for several reasons. Children are known to be more adept at learning language and some motor skills than adults, so it is not unlikely possess other Secondly, not abilities superior to that those children of adults. children are easily motivated to learn and readily question the possibility of learning may such a response as hand temperature change. Experimenters in the Lynch et al. study watched the subjects closely for monitored respiration. any movement or tensing, and Four subjects (average age 10.98 years) attempted to cool the dominant hand relative to the other the hand for the first six sessions, and tried to dominant hand in relation to the other hand second six sessions. warm for The feedback consisted of a on a meter which moved towards the warmer hand. the needle Three of the four subjects produced significant temperature changes in the appropriate differential directions. Subjects utilized cooling of both hands most often to temperature differences between appears to be through biofeedback may be enhanced by consistent with the two the idea produce hands, that the which cooling experimental situation and may be easier to produce. Being causing Lynch, required aware of the possibility of somatic the biofeedback effects, especially et al. then increased response. The two the mediation in cooling. specificity subjects with the of the best 6 performance attempted . to produce a temperature differential between the second and fourth fingers of dominant hand. Experimenters randomly assigned relative warming of one or the other fingers for each of the sessions. Although both subjects the eight produced appropriate temperature differentials, only one subject's performance was statistically significant. This research demonstrated that peripheral temperature control is possible in a case where somatic mediation or respiration changes should have a minimal effect. Based on the authors' previous with adult subjects. Lynch et al. suggested that may be superior to adults in acquiring work children this skin temperature control. Lynch direction eight and by Schuri (1978) comparing hand children continued temperature (ages 10-12 years) with this research regulation eight of of their parents (ages 30-42 years). Methods and instructions were similar to those of Lynch, Hama, Kohn, and Miller Experimenters instructed the subjects to consisted 8 min of warming one hand relative other, relative of followed by 8 to the first. min of warming (1976). relax. the Trials to other Individually, three of the the hand eight children showed significant correct temperature deviations from baseline, whereas only one adult varied significantly from the baseline measures (but in the opposite of the desired response). The results may direction suggest a 7 superior ability temperature, among although children in controlling as a group, the children hand did not show significant biofeedback effects. One child in the Lynch and Schuri experiment seemed to possess an extraordinary ability to produce appropriate temperature differences. performance, sessions. muscle When subject participated in her three more Observations indicated a tensing of the deltoid on the side of the hand that the was being subject used an EMG to decrease activity thermal this In order to further analyze during control biofeedback sessions, cooled. this the diminished, although the muscular subject's subject still produced significant hand temperature differentials. The experimenters could not rule out the possibility of other muscles mediating the response. The have overall results still suggest that children superior ability to control hand temperature compared to adults. However, Hama et al. (1979) hand temperature control of 11—year—old may when compared children and college students and found no differences between the two age groups in ability to learn thermal regulation. Suter and Loughry-Machado (1981) made a comparison mean=7.98) mean=32.4). between and 38 children (ages 38 of their parents (ages large-sample 6—10 years; 19-58 years; General instructions were to mentally turn on an audio feedback tone without moving. The tone indicated 8 rate of change in skin temperature in the appropriate direction, either warming or cooling of the left or hands. Instead of looking between hands, hand only. for temperature right differences the experimenters gave feedback for one The four trials for each session consisted of one warming trial and one cooling trial for each hand. The researchers took temperature readings from the web dorsum of each hand. The authors found significant correct temperature deviations from base line measures in both the warming cooling trials among the children in the two and biofeedback sessions, whereas adults as a group, showed no significant deviation from base line temperature in the same number of sessions. These highly significant findings seem to support the hypothesis that temperature is Loughry-Machado results. childrens' ability to control hand greater than that of adults. Suter offered for several explanations One was that children are just faster and their learners \ of thermal control. adults' thermal whereas by been control after four sessions the eighth session, temperature developed. have According to a study by Keefe (1975), was poor, control had The authors also suggested that children may more likely than adults to utilize muscle mediation, potentiating biofeedback effects, although they offered no objective support for this statement. 9 Experimenters did not monitor muscular activity with but did observe subjects throughout instructed them not maneuvers, such as temperature as make muscle any sessions movements. flexing, do according to measures taken from Taub and Emurian (1976). and Somatic not influence measures taken from the web dorsum as temperature ignore to all EMG, the easily fingertip, Still, one the possibility that somatic mediation cannot influenced the results. The important role of cognitive factors may also have been variable biofeedback They "analytical" supposed the adult-child difference reported by Suter suggested approach and to that adults turning on concluded that adults and the thought tone. This cognitive approach appears of Loughry- have to be "doing or thinking something" biofeedback a more tone than they to to were operate impede performance according to a study by Taub Emurian (1976). Taub the performance Machado. children, in (1980) an and This is further supported by Herzfeld and who reported that their most skilled adult subjects actually utilize an absence of strategy. Suter, Fredericson, and Portuesi (1983) attempted replicate the Suter and Loughry-Machado experiment to and proposed to assess the importance of cognitive and somatic mediation strategies in control of hand temperature. Subjects for Experiment I were 24 children and 24 of their 10 parents. Methods were similar to the Suter and Machado study. the right cool the wished Experimenters monitored muscle activity of forearm instrument. Loughry- and deltoid muscles with an EMG Instructions to the subjects were to warm right to hand "using any mental use" ■ provided they did muscles during feedback casually inquired between technique not trials. or or tense Experimenters also trials as move they to the cognitive strategy being used for the previous feedback interval. Analysis of results indicated that children's biofeedback superiority over adults was only minimal. Hand temperature cooling increase tended to increase during warming as well as trials for all subjects, but among children, was less for cooling trials. This the greater temperature increase during warming trials was significant for the first of four sessions only. Adults showed no differences between warming and cooling conditions. Upon examination temperature, of strategies for the experimenters found that controlling children more likely than adults to not have a particular strategy, imagery whereas adults were more or emotional strategies to likely control to were reported utilize temperature. Investigators monitored the right forearm flexor and right deltoid muscles for activity during Greater EMG activity was more prevalent sessions biofeedback in hand-warming than, in cooling sessions, especially i trials. with the 11 adult subjects. Further analysis showed, that actual skin changes and simultaneous EMG recordings were consistently correlated. In Experiment 2 of the same temperature not study. the experimenters did not find one type of strategy to be more effective than the monitor EMG during Experiment 2. other. They did A third study not utilized the children who were the best temperature regulators from Experiment 2. Experimenters again monitored muscular activity with EMG recordings as was done in Experiment There was no significant relationship temperature group change produced between for any participant. minimal but EMG Children statistically I. and as a significant temperature changes in the correct direction. The failure to replicate the strong biofeedback effects of the Suter and Loughry-Machado (1981) study may be due to the modifications of the original methods. One change Suter and move and was that of EMG monitoring. Loughry-Machado instructed Although subjects not to visually monitored the subjects for movement and tensing, it activity is impossible to say whether or not occurred. al. control. muscular were It is interesting to note that in the Suter study, monitored, somatic in the children two demonstrated In Experiment 2, activity. experiments where significant the authors did Although other EMG manipulated, subjects in this experiment was thermal not important et monitor variables failed to 12 demonstrate biofeedback control. The researchers concluded that when reasonable controls are used, children and adults do not rely on somatic mediation skin temperature. to However, since these subjects control obtained little or no control, this statement is hardly convincing. Another important difference between the Suter and Loughry-Machado study and the experiments by Suter et al., involved cognitive mediation. Suter and Loughry-Machado instructed participants to turn on the tone mentally, with only a superficial mention of change of skin This left strategy open the opportunity for subjects to or an temperature. asking may temperature. absence of strategy to adopt control a skin However, Suter et al., in' Experiment I, when subjects to use any mental technique they have implied that thinking about something something would aid in biofeedback control. wished, or doing Experiment 2 involved an even stronger encouragement to use imagery and emotional strategies to regulate skin temperature. Instructions for Experiment 3 were similar to Experiment I but subjects had already participated in Experiment 2 and may sets for absence of have established ineffective cognitive control strategies, i I should strategy note again, however, that characterizes thermoregulators experimenters . the (Herzfeld themselves &. an most Taub, successful 1980) . in the Suter et al. study The may 13 have influenced the subjects’ performances that conscious strategies cognitive or by emotional implying strategy or exist which increase the voluntary control of skin temperature, when actually, this may not be the case. On the contrary, such strategies may inhibit successful performance. One study other difference between the 1981 and is that the ' experimenter interacting the 1983 with the subjects in each study was a different person. to Taub and School (1978), the experimenter have of According himself an extremely strong influence on biofeedback participants. which have Experimenter characteristics, been shown to shape biofeedback can scores some of performance include attitude (warm and friendly vs. cool and distant), expectations 1982) and possibly Systematic study (high vs. low) (Segreto-Burres familiarity (Suter et & Kotses, al., 1983). study of these variables in the Suter was influence not of conducted. Therefore, these factors on subjects' the et al. relative performance in temperature biofeedback studies is conjectural. The are question still seems to remain whether proficient conflicting temperature regulators. children Despite findings previously mentioned, there some appears to be some indication that children are superior to adults at hand temperature control. Hunter, Russell, Russell, and Zimmerman (1976) found 14. significant control of hand temperature among children as subjects when comparing thermal control of normal children to that of learning disabled children (ages mean age = 8.5). that the years; An interesting finding of this study was younger disabled) 7-9 subjects were (both significantly normal better and at learning controlling fingertip temperature than the older subjects. Could ability there be an age difference among to regulate temperature? interest therapeutically, since training as for instance, a ■ treatment may be more This is a childhood migraine effective children in matter of biofeedback headaches, for training of than adolescents or adults. The notion of a sensitive period (of learning or development) perhaps is appropriate here since the greater ability of of thermal control may be found at a lower maturation. presence of What factors might a possible sensitive contribute period level to the of peripheral According to Bronson (1965), neurological maturation temperature control learning or performance? continues being of through puberty in three levels, the most interesting to the present discussion second because its relation to thermal control. The second level maturation of the nervous system includes the development of the hypothalamus, the thalamus, and the limbic According of system. to Bronson, little is known about the rates of 15 human development of these specific brain areas 1974, 1978). The hypothalamus (Epstein, functions temperature regulating center of’ the body. as the Specifically, the preoptic area of the hypothalamus causes vasodialation of blood vessels, resulting in dorsal of heat loss, while the to the mamillary bodies has an analogous constricting blood vessels causing area function body heat conservation (Martinez, 1982). At the present time, we do not know the developmental changes in the neurology temperature control areas. timing affecting these All that can be said is that a neurological basis for superior temperature control children of is not implausible. Perhaps children show among more variability in hand temperature at all times due to a more unstable thermoregulatory center, which may enable them to produce and perhaps control greater temperature fluctuations in testing situations. Major occur from physical growth and development during childhood. birth year, periods These developmental to approximately the beginning of from the sixth year to the ninth year, and adolescence. also stages the are sixth prepuberty, These growth periods also correspond brain growth and perhaps neurological development as to well (Epstein, 1974, 1978). Since sensitive periods are thought to be stages maturationalIy determined, perhaps corresponds to a sensitive period one for of these peripheral 16 skin temperature control learning. There are childhood better other developmental changes which may explain why young children than temperature older children regulation. or adults Cognitive at during might biofeedback mediation discussed earlier, may play an important part in age differences thermal control. be Piaget (1952) among others, has noted that children exhibit consistent patterns of judgment reasoning, depending upon the age of the child. in and Somewhere between the ages of five and seven, a child begins to rely on symbols to carry out mental functions or operations. Younger children tend to use more physical activities as a basis to for thinking. Older children also seem to be able think using symbols and see relationships better than younger ones. Young children have more difficulty in seeing situations from someone else1s perspective. The idea of developmental changes in ' cognitive strategy in children is an interesting one in relation biofeedback increased adults among At training. It is especially intriguing symbolic thought occurs in older and also is a more common by children more often in the Suter et al. study, appears to more strategy, 1983). utilized be same time, the lack of a and strategy adults, compared to children (Suter et al., the that children biofeedback to successful than imagery or (Herzfeld & Taub, 1980). emotional symbolism 17 The notion biofeedback studies both age differences among children and adults lack in comparison significant Lynch and Schuri (1978) and Hama, et al. (1979) used older children (10-12 years old) Suter children ability perhaps explains why some between findings. of and Loughry-Machado, on the other as subjects. hand, obtained significant results using children with an age range of. 6 through Could 10 years, with 7.98 years as the average the younger age of the children have been a age. factor in the experimental outcomes? The further clarify the relationship between age and hand temperature control through present study is an attempt to biofeedback evidence, I in children. expect that younger better than older subjects. Based subjects on the will above perform 18 METHODS Subjects The granted Bozeman Public School Assistant permission experiment for fliers students' describing to be distributed in two and two kindergarten classes. parents Superintendent the present fifth-grade classes I contacted all and obtained written interested permission for participation in the study. A total of 12 female subjects participated in study. Six subjects were recruited from each of two groups: 5-6 years and 10-11 years. subjects' right-handedness, disabilities, Subjects and this age Selection was based on having no history of learning currently not taking any received a set of colored pens as a medication. reward for participating in all four sessions. Apparatus Subjects central State room sat in a large comfortable of the Biofeedback University. The room was chair in the Laboratory at quiet temperature and Montana extremes were minimized. Calibration of the Yellow Springs thermistors, model 729, took place prior to the experiment. It consisted of 19 placing the thermistors into two known temperature situations, an ice water bath and room temperature. The separate Autogen 2000 feedback thermometers monitored the temperatures. Using laboratory thermometers as a standard, I corrected the Autogeh 2000s, accordingly. Prior to the initial session, the experimenter traced each subject's hands on a piece of paper which placed on a board and laid across the arms of the Hand position thus remained reasonably consistent sessions for each individual by placing the was chair. between subject's hands on the established positions on the paper. The the web experimenter then attached the .thermistors dorsum of each hand. Each subject to rested her elbows on the arms of the chair and her hands on the paper hand guides. monitored the consisted of temperature Separate Autogen 2000 feedback thermometers temperature of each an of audio the tone hand. which designated hand The sounded feedback when changed skin in the appropriate direction at a rate of at least 0.006° C/sec. An Apple computer located in a separate room skin sampled temperature readings at ten-second intervals during stabilization, baseline, and feedback trials for session. computer averaged these values every The seconds and recorded the results as standard each 50 four-decimal place values at increments of approximately 0.01° C . 20 Procedure Each consisting baseline subject of participated in a 5-min. stabilization combinations right sessions, period, a each 5-min. period, both with no feedback, followed by 5-min. trials with feedback. four four four The four trials included all of warming and cooling hands the order randomized for each the left and session. The feedback was for the designated hand only. I told each subject that she was going to be and cooling her hand temperature. to help by making a noise when correct. Instructions The machines were going temperature be change were then to "turn . on mentally without moving or tightening each warming the muscles". tone Between trial, I reminded each subject that she would changing hand temperature and to "try to turn tone mentally without moving". Subjects were was again on unaware the of the predetermined direction (warming or cooling) and which hand entire was in the feedback loop (left or right) during experiment. throughout I viewed the subjects the from behind the trials to assure that no movement, muscle tensing, or abnormal respiration occurred. 21 RESULTS • I performed five separate analyses of variance on data for each of five dependent variables in to the relationship the independent variables of age, session number, direction of temperature change in each hand. dependent variables temperature trial for the analysis The are and five absolute change from the beginning to the end of each for the feedback hand, absolute temperature change for the hand not in the feedback loop (nonfeedback hand), temperature change in the reinforced temperature change) temperature change for the for direction feedback (correct hand, the nonfeedback correct hand, and. the temperature difference between the two hands at the end of each trial. Significant differences between age groups are of special interest. Temperature Change for the Feedback Hand A four-way nested, with (Age x Subject x Session subjects nested within age, x Direction) analysis variance was performed on the temperature change data of for the feedback hand. The temperature 7.35, difference change ^ = .02. between the two groups in approaches significance, F(l; Regardless of whether feedback overall TO) was for 22 I warming or cooling, the younger group increased hand temperature 0.32° C across all trials and sessions, while the increased older Further, group the approaches interaction temperature between Age only x 0.15° Sessions also significance, F(3, 30) = 3.55, p. = .02, regard to the feedback hand .temperature change. linear trends not C. with However, across sessions between the two groups do differ significantly. Temperature Change for the Nonfeedback Hand The hand not receiving feedback was temperature change as well. monitored Analysis for the nonfeedback hand is similar to the method used for the feedback Again, both groups increased the hand. nonfeedback temperature regardless of the direction being but for the younger group's increase in hand hand reinforced, temperature is 0.41° C while the older group's increase is only 0.12° C. Group . differences are significant, F(l, 10) = 9.60, & = 01. A for Group x Direction interaction is also the significant nonfeedback hand, F(12, 120) = 1.70, (Figure .I). Post hoc comparisons were made £ to changes different of of direction, the right the nonfeedback hands between .005 determine which, if any, of the directions differed between Regardless < groups. hand temperature approach significance groups, t (10) = 2.78, £ < .05, for 23 D e 0.6 I a 0.5 T 6 0.4 m °'3 Q r 1 0.2 U r e o.l - 0.1 Cooling Left Cooling Right Warming Left Warming Right Direction Figure I. Group differences In temperature change according to the reinforced direction for the nonfeedback hand, F(12, 120) - 1.70, p < .005 warming cooling. group the In warmed whereas hand) the cooling t (10) = 2.61, £ < right hand trials .05 the the nonfeedback (i.e ., left hand) Also during 0.54° warming the right hand older group cooled the left hand, (i .e ., 0.05° C and nonfeedback hand 0.32° the C. younger group for younger the older group cooled the left hand 0.03° those trials. the right hand, and C C in trials, nonfeedback warmed their 24 Feedback Hand Success Since there seemed to be some success in the younger group, especially for warming trials, a four-way nested ANOVA, (Age x Subject x Session x Direction, with subject nested within age) was performed on the successful change data for appropriate the feedback hand. Temperature change direction was given a positive change in the wrong direction was assigned value. A direction (within session) in the sign, and its effect negative is highly significant, F (12, 120) = 3.79, f> < .0001 (see Figure 2). D e I t a 0.4 T e m P e r a t u r e e C 0.4 i Cooling Left I Cooling Right i Warming Left i Warming Right Direction Figure 2. Directional differences In successful temperature change of the feedback hand for both groups, F(12, 120) - 3.79, p <0001. 25 Cooling sessions are sessions .0001. are unsuccessful overall while generally successful, t (10) = warming 7.71, g < No significant group differences exist. Nonfeedback Hand Success Nonfeedback hand success analysis is similar to feedback hand success analysis. There is a the significant Group x Session interaction, F(3, 30) - 7.37, & < .001 for the nonfeedback hand (see Figure 3). D e I Younger t 4~ Older a T e m P e r a - 0 .1 - - 0.2 t u r 6 - -0.3- C Session Figure 3. Group differences In successful temperature change of the nonfeedback hand by sessions, F(3, 30) - 7.37, p < .001. 26 Figure 3 high degree of success in the first older group .01. The shows that the younger group produces session the while is largely unsuccessful. t(10) = 3.34, younger group fails to make a £ group between is marginally successful. the The difference the two groups for the second session approaches significance, . t (10) = 2.40, jo < .05. The two groups do not differ from each other in the other two sessions, is < correct temperature change during the second session, whereas older a there a difference between groups in linear nor trends across the four sessions. Successful temperature change of the nonfeedback hand depends critical Iy reinforced, on the hand and direction being F (12, 120) = 4.32, p. < .0001 (see Figure 4). Again, as seen in previous analysis for the feedback hand, warming success in the nonfeedback hand is greater than cooling success, t (10) = 7.80, £ < .0001. There is a significant three-way interaction (Group x Session x Direction) for the nonfeedback hand F(12, 120) = 2.43, £ < .01 (see Figures 5 and 6). younger group, Session .1, differs Group significantly from I, Group t (10) = 3.34, £ < .01, and in Session the 2 2 in the difference approaches significance, t (I0) = 2.40, £ < .05. In other post hoc comparisons, group differences approach significance in right hand warming, t (10) = 2.78, £ < .05, and cooling, t (10) = 2.61, £ < .05, but Tr 27 D e I t a T 9 m P e r a t u r - 0.1 - - 0.2 - “0.3 - e C • I I Cooling Left Cooling Right Warming Loft I--------------- Warming Right Direction Flguro 4. Dlroctlonal differences In successful temperature change of the nonfeedback hand for both groups. F(12. 120) « 4.32. p < .0001. D e I t a T e m P e r a t u r e Figure 5. Group I directional differences In successful temperature change of the nonfeedback hand by session. F(12, 120) - 2.43, p < .01. 28 D e I t a T 6 m P e r a t u r e Figure 6. Group 2 directional differences In successful temperature change of the nonfeedback hand by session, F(12, 120) = 2.43, p < .01. left hand, responses do not differ groups. The significantly relationships again are not between surprising in light of previous analysis for the nonfeedback hand. Relative Hand Temperature A four-way ANOVA (Age x Subject x Direction, with Subjects nested within Age) was for Session performed temperature differences to determine if there greater x is ability to cool or warm one hand relative to a the 29 other in the specified feedback situations. significant main effects or interactions There are for no direction, group, or session. Base line Labi Iity I also analyzed baseline lability data to rule out possible interference with temperature change results. four-way nested ANOVA (unreplicated) was performed on baseline Factors temperature data, before actual feedback were Subjects x Age (nested) x left) x Sessions. Hand a A the began. (right or I found no significant age differences. Outdoor Temperature Effects Outdoor temperatures were very cold during the course of the experiment. the This factor could have contributed ability of some children to warm their hands feedback sessions. The correlational analysis in to the using room temperature versus outdoor temperature versus age group in relation to hand temperature change during warming shows no significant correlations for either group. the young group, the relationship between the change for = trials warming trials and outdoor temperature temperature is r -0.39, £ > 0.05 and for the old group is r = 0.39,. £ 0.05. For > The relationship between warming trials temperature change and indoor temperature is r = -0.21, = 0.31, p. > 0.05 respectively. jd > 0.05 and r 30 Base line Temperature and Temperature Change A low baseline hand temperature may have caused hand temperature to subsequently increase during the biofeedback trials, not as a result of any control, but as a natural consequence of- coming indoors from a much colder environment. A correlational analysis was run comparing baseline temperature and overall temperature change during each session to rule out cold outdoor temperatures as an influence in the overall warming trend during trials: The correlation is not significant, r = -0.19, £ > 0.05. 31 DISCUSSION The issue of whether subjects can control various autonomic functions such as skin temperature is the of much of the recent hiofeedback research. Many influence 1978). results of feedback studies Methodology inconsistent well. and However, factors which across (Taub studies influence the School, generally inconsistent therefore results are despite factors & is focus as methodology diverse and effects, biofeedback many researchers have reported significant changes in autonomic functions such as hand temperature. This experiment attempted to determine whether there are age differences in ability to raise and/or lower hand temperature. both Care was taken to minimize mediation, skeletal and cognitive, and other influencing factors such as experimenter, season, and room temperature were as consistent as possible throughout the course of the entire experiment. The trials overall warming trend during is contrary documented to & to previous reports. experimental It that there is a greater tendency for decrease (Keefe the hand temperature in experimental Gardner, 1979; Surwit, Shapiro, & Taub & Emurian, 1976). has been subjects settings Felc, 1976; This did not necessarily point to 32 a greater ability to decrease hand temperature, attributed to the subjects' adaptation to the experimental setting. but was unfamiliar Researchers have identified somatic mediation as a factor also contributing to greater cooling of the hand temperature in biofeedback experiments. present experiment-/' young subjects, in a unfamiliar situation, control of effects overall. greatest somatic maneuvers Further, during minimal during probably without objective the last and monitoring and greater 'warming warming session in strange effects the first three sessions. the most produced Yet when were Warming subjects relaxed and comfortable and when was were warming should have been greatest. Why was the warming response so strong, when cooling should have According subjects been easier in the to to Taub and School (1978), the situation? tendency change their hand temperatures in direction may indicate The experimental present experiment determining temperature stabilization and inadequate stabilization did not employ stability, baseline period. but a single periods. criteria used While this a the year for 10-min time considered sufficient for most subjects to reach a temperature, is stable the time required varies with the season (Taub & School, 1978) and presumably of with of the outdoor temperature of the particular day. Taub and School also note that uni-directional temperature change is 33 particularly marked during the summer months, No is made of the effect of cold baseline stability temperatures were outdoor or hand temperature not related to mention temperatures on change. Outdoor warming success for either group in this experiment. Temperature nonfeedback changes overall were small hand temperature changes tended and to parallel those of the feedback hand, indicating that subjects not aware which experimental younger hand was in the trials. feedback loop group showed great success at making changes significant interaction of Group x Direction can warming correctly during in the nonfeedback hand. The older group was not changing the nonfeedback hand the appropriate x be seen that most of the success comes trials. were During the first session, temperature it the In the Session, from the successful in temperature for any direction or session. This success expectation that at warming trials cooling hand goes against temperature is the easier, especially in unfamiliar situations, and could point to true ability temperature of the younger group to regulate for the first session. Suter, et al, a hand (1983)• also made the observation that subjects receiving feedback for warming and cooling hand temperature could raise their hand temperature to a significant degree but only for first session. the 34 Why might manifest present this ability, if it really itself one can argue that a In in on the part of the younger subjects may be five- and six-year-olds have waned as the "experiment progressed. According to Berlyne, (1970) novelty of a task increases to that task. This, in addition td the attention notion that moderate uncertainty in a situation may cause someone be attentive may well be one more explanation for younger group's initial success in the hand warming As novelty the decrease at fault. The attention span of may exist, only during the first session? experiment, concentration does and uncertainty decreased, to the task. however, the subjects' presumed natural ability to warm their hands may have diminished as a function of their lack of attention to the task. Another participation younger possible explanation is the reward .for in the experiment was too distant subjects. Motivation perhaps was strong for the in the first session, but decreased as the experiment continued. According to moderately valued Bregman and McAllister (1982) , a reward contingent upon biofeedback success related .to significantly greater success than reward present experiment, the experimenter did not give verbal feedback subjects experiment. a highly valued reward. In no the to or either was regarding their performances Subjects' knowledge of success during or the failure 35 came only received from the audio feedback tone. All subjects a set of colored pens for participation experiment, but This have may this was not had some performances during the Perhaps the contingent influence upon on in success. the poorer later sessions of the experiment. somewhat disappointing biofeedback effects of the entire study are attributable to the term this, training employed in the experiment. warming or cooling the left or right were feedback or which direction temperature change was possibility This of was purposely done to muscle mediation and complexity of temperature significant the already regulation, in receiving thermal training time is indeed the strategy light skill of of the for both possible, (Miller, 1985) may have hand this, warming effects of the first group regulation being eliminate the feedback and nonfeedback hands appears more If hand. This.compounded the difficult but was cognitive mediation influencing direct control. with thermal Subjects reinforced. also unaware of which hand short Coupled subjects attempted to learn four different responses, the striking. inadequate resulted in the overall lack of control for both groups. The younger group overall seemed to show variability produced. in the magnitude of a greater temperature change This may point to a possible immaturity of temperature regulatory system based oh a greater the lability 36 in hand temperature. It can also be postulated that this fluctuation in temperature may be why the success at hand temperature regulation was produced without practice in the first session. This hint encouraging of success for especially in the light younger of the group negatively influencing factors in this study. Task difficulty be and reduced in future research by differentiating cooling particular trials for the subject, so that could warming learning response such as warming is not confused learning a warming and cooling response. cooling In trials the were is present randomly a with study, assigned, probably confusing the subjects. Adequate training time could improve results of future research. changes in two different directions in one sitting more complex task than Since also learning learning a the temperature is a uni-directional temperature change, learning time should be increased. Somatic mediation may become an subjects’ knowledge of the intended issue with directional the change. Monitoring of muscular activity with EMG would improve the reliability of the prospective data. Biofeedback performance depends upon a factors, many of which are implicated in this as adversely Therefore the affecting the results of question of whether younger host of discussion this study. children are 37 better thermal regulators than older children answered. factors, Perhaps with tighter controls on cannot environmental with extended training session, and a motivational be different situation, more reliable findings might be obtained. The in the first session for hand warming may import therapeutical Iy. problems could younger small success" attained by the younger be such as migraine more patients Treatment headaches expedient at an of can more easily and be of various using earlier subjects age quickly great medical biofeedback if indeed learn raise hand temperature than their older counterparts. to • 3 8 REFERENCES Berlyne, D . E . (1970). Attention as a problem in behavior theory. In D. I. Mostofsky (Ed.), Attention: Contemporary theory and analysis. 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