( THE TEE JAPANESE OYSTER INDUSTRY OF OHEGON OREGON R1-j) #"t Il/-j) The Japanese Japanese oyster oyster thdustry Indust3:'ll of of Oregon Oregon Is. is groWing. The growing9 Expansion ExpanSion 111 partioularly Yaqu1na and and Coos Coos bays bay" is particularly notioeable noticeable in Tillamook, ¶iflamook, Yaquina where thehabitat hlllb1tllltisillfavorable f·avorji'b16for torthe thegrowth growth.of ofthis this bivalve, bive.lvllI. ten the trea Importation Importllt1on of ot this th18 oyster, oyster, ql'ltlt'ElIil, is necElss&l"y neeesni7 each a1/?ias, 1s each year ytJar Pacl:t'1o eoaat not favorable !'avorlllb1efor torsue auth, as the paciflc toast water oondltionl'J conditions l!I.X' an e not a oessfui spawning, oes$f'ul SPi,\,Wing... war restriotions restHctions p:rev~m1:;e.d pnvsnted the Stortation War tm Ul'poI'tation < of thl. this oystel' oyster until until the the tirst tint pl'ew.rshlp.meht prewar thipmatt in in 1941 1%.7W'hen ten 1~,3>7 l$.3%7 0$,$$8 W61'$ &ues were !!I: a shipped to shipped to Oreg<>n. Ongc v(')l'Ulllofom f<>:I' this thl~ 7fl yei!l1' was W'o The 11l1'go lee volume d:1rectreltU:)..t direct result of new new &'1'$11$ Areas beinS being pl~ted planted ~d and of old ~a$ areas bel:n.g being :l'l!ll!ltockel! afttll' wal' restaciced after the wax in imports Importa when only In yalt:t"s. tSs '1'Myear 1948 Sa'll The year 191I1 saw 11a ma1:'ked marked d&Cfre&.s. decrease 5.955 cases oases wet's brought in, in, and and 1949 l%9 was WllIX'$ br<>hght .ven oues of otluu!ld. even lowe1' lower with 4,760 14760 cases seed. The subsequent Bubsequent years yeatts 0120w $how 11 steady steady inerease 1ncreaS$ of of importations, importations. a 'I'h(l lIlbove figures rigurell are l\.\1'e futther f'~hel' broken down by year, Y$$,r, area area. and The above type of of' llIeed in table tabl. ((h ted in type ).. Regular Japlllnl!lse .. Japanese oysteree$d oyster seed is is avdl anti- lIlble forms, broken '!>wkenand and.unbeolten, unbD01«In. ible in two Wc forms, In recent yeQ2'S th.1"$ haa years there has available aa new seed called called been nJade made available new va1'iety variety or of Japanue Japanese oyster ester seed KUllIamoto 4&(1d. Kumamoto seed pan. pan. The 1tt\l!1e deriVed from the too area of of origin in Ja38:name is derived This oyste:t' vax-let'1 and and is is oyster is is aa 13~1, smafl, deep--euppea deep-cupped cockt\!d.l cocktil variety orE!ltCellent taat",. ctccellint taste. Sh1pnt$nts of this this variety VQl"let'1 M:'1El Sbtpmsns of have b",en been snmltas sm4l as -. it 3. t is is in the t~ esperimentai eXp0X'IVll)ntal state stage of of development. dttvelopment. .. (' '.", ,...-':i,,~ ~ --j SEED l'UN'l'nms- GEEGON .. OflEG01'l' SEEDOY$'1'ml OflflR PLLNThiaS (Plgu.r$spr1l!lflrtl11'rom1"..C.. 0.0.. (flgures prlr!mrily tr P.c. 0-. a. A. ) ~ a . 1~8 1949 iq8 19Ij9 t __..-.1__&S. Bltt'l1~rSUlll._ .. Bl~W! .•~1'll~.~ 1947 Area ....~~. .... U*700 u* ·100 8* 6.4$1 6,457 'l'1U&.1lIOOk ?tflamook B* K* Bay 1:* Yaqulna YsquSna Bay U B 1C K Coos Cioos V 1.000 U 70Co B 1,.200 1,200 B..,- Bq Bay Al••a Aisea Bay TO'1'AL 11: K 7.151 7,1ST o 0 5,200 6,200 U V B B It IC 11 7'100 11 7ç700 5 7,657 '87:657 11: o0 .. , 15,357 1;5.'57 583 63 00 4.00 22 -22 1140 1,140 ·uo 110 30O0 3..000 4.00 1i00 300 >.(2) 5,023 910 22: 1,005 1.00> 1.250 1,250 3J.l.OO 3,400 300 - 5.955 5,9% *tt .. 19S019~ 1951 1950 B1X7P~C$~ Bt .pw -- 2,000 2,500 2.0002.500 1125ev 1.250 2,300 2".300 3,575 3.515 1,6CC--1.600 1.,,000 1,000 '500 500 300 300 2.30 230 130 1'0 2~60 2a60 2,300 2"00 1.900 1,900 2)0 230 as 25 4300 It.l00 ~OO 300 'I'1hbrQken .·l1l11~d B • B~en seed K .. KtIld!IlO1:o seed ±- 1.000 1,000 4.400 1iik00 H :lc.. 500 1,500- 6.450 6*50 300 635o 6-'50 2,6 2~&OO -2$ 8,975 S.975 1.,273 1,273 1..500 1,500 6.7>0 6,750 o0 o0 130 330 ., .. tj,7&0 4,1&0 660 61) 613 8.610 8,610 913 91' 9,523 9.523