--MI NNI=}1m– -Mar in" THE AIBRASIVE RESISTANCE Of WOOD AS DETERMINED WITH THE U. S. NAVY WEAR-TEST MACI-IINIE 1948 (No. P1132 UNITED STATESI-DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — SOREST SERVICE OREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY i_LJ Madison 5, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of VViosessia THE ABRASIVE RESISTANCE OF WOOD AS DETERMINED WITH TBE U. S. NAVY WEAR-TEST MACHINE W. G. YOUNGZUIST, Engineer and BERT P. MUNTHE, Engineer BY Forest Products Laboratory,1 Forest Service U. S. Department of Agriculture Summary This report presents the results of an investigation at the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory concerning the feasibility of using a newly designed Navy wear-test machine for determining the abrasive resistance of wood. Closely matched samples from 21 trees, representing 15 different species, were tested. The data obtained are analyzed both with respect to the test-! ing procedures used and as to the validity of the data obtained. Comparative tests of closely matched specimens indicate that the method of test used gives reproducible results. Further research on testing details will be required before this method of test can be standardized. The data obtained give results Which place the various species tested in about the order to be expected from actual experience. The actual order of species showing about the same amount of wear is probably not significant. The much greater wear resistance of end-grain surfaces is clearly indicated for all species tested. No clear, uniform relationship between wear resistance and specific gravity was found. The results obtained indicate that this wear-test machine should be a valuable aid in making comparisons between new flooring materials and the wood species commonly used for flooring. Introduction The U. S. Forest Products Laboratory has long been interested in the abrasion resistance of wood as related to its use as a flooring material. The service –Maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. Rept. 81732 -1- '4...,.;riculture,:.a6.. 3 on behavior of the species of wood =commonly used for flooring can be predicted with some accuracy; this is not trUe, h owever, for other species of wood and various types of flooring Materials. Actual service-tests of flooring materials are expensive, difficult to duplicate, and require long periods of time for completion. Consequently,, a simple abrasion test that would indicate the wear resistance of these materials would be of great value. During the recent war, this Laboratory was called upon to assist the United States Navy in the development of a satisfactory substitute for teak as ship decking. As an aid in this work the Laboratory constructed a duplicate of the wear-test machine designed and built by the Navy Materials Laboratory..? This machine was used in an extensive investigation of the comparative wear resistance of teak and a large number of modified wood materials. The Navy wear machine was designed primarily for tests of ship walkway materials and no claims are made as to its suitability for tests of other materials. After completion of the modified wood study, the Laboratory decided to investigate the possibility of using this wear-test machine as a wood-abrasion tester. The results of this investigation are outlined in this report. Description of Material Tests were made on some of the species of wood commonly used for flooring, together with other available species, included to provide a wide range in specific gravity. The following tabulation gives both the species and the number of trees represented. Species .(common Species botanical names) _ and botanical ..: Hickory (Carya species) Maple, sugar (Acer saccharophorum) Ash, white (Fraxinus americana) Oak (Quercus species) Pine, southern yellow (Pinus sp.) .. Beech (Fagus grandifolii1-777 .... Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia) Birch, yellow (Betula lutea) Spruce, Sitka (Picea sitchensis) . Poplar, yellow TETT-Todendron tulipifera) .. Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) Teak (Tectona grandis). thaya TREaTTsp.) . Pine,"Bastarn white (Pinus strobus).., Redwood (Sequoia sempervireT157--- NUMber,of trees represented L' 1 1 1 ., ... 3 1 3 .;..o..Nowl". ..... a . • . 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 D,,,H,6 and Nestlen, H., A New Machine for Measuring Wear Resistance of Walkway Materials, ASTM Bull. No. 132, Jan. 1945. Rept, 817322 All of the specimens were obtained from air-seasoned or kiln-dried Laboratory stock that was relatively free from knots, checks, cross grain, or other growth characteristics that might influence direct comparisons between tests. Except for the beech and teak, all material was in plank form ranging in thickness from 3 to 4 inches with a minimum length of 5 feet: The beech was obtained from a board about 1 inch thick, while the teak specimens were obtained from 6-inch square stock 12 inches long. Specimens cut from the dry material were conditioned at 70° F, and 64 percent relative humidity until they reached approximately constant weight. Marking and Matching Figure 1 shows the cutting method used to obtain matched specimens from 2- by 2- by 56-inch bolts. Each bolt provided sufficient material for two complete sets of specimens. Specimens of only the "A" series were used. The teak specimens were matched in a similar manner insofar as the limited amount of material would permit. The 1-inch thickness of the flat-aawn beech board made it necessary to edge glue side-matched material in order to obtain the required width for the radial and end-grain specimens. As shown in figure 1, each specimen was marked with a code consisting of' letters and numerals which identified it completely as to origin and intended use. Methods of Test The Navy wear-test machine used is shown in figure 2. The abrasive wear on the specimen is obtained by grinding against a revolving steel disk covered with a loose abrasive. The disk upon which the abrasive is distributed revolves clockwise at a uniform speed of approximately 23.5 revolutions per minute, while the specimen and specimen holder revolve clockwise at a uniform speed of approximately 32.5 revolutions per minute. The specimen is secured to the holder by means of two metal clamps. The holder is designed with a universal coupling in order to maintain uniform contact between the specimen surface and the revolving disk, Hardened steel cams and cam followers lift the specimen a distance of 1/16 inch and drop it back into contact with the abrading disk twice during each revolution of the specimen. A dead weight of"10 pounds is mounted on the top of the specimen holder. The abrasive grit is distributed from the mechanically agitated hopper to the abrading disk at the rate of-approximately 46 grams per minute. The grit used throughout all tests was a No. 80 commercial aluminum oxide. New abrasive was used for all tests. A predetermining revolution counter automatically stopped the machine after the desired number of abrading-disk revolutions had been reached. Rept. 81732 - 3- The amount of wear during a stated number of revolutions of the-.abrading-disk was determined by measuring both the loss in thickness in inches and the loss in weight in grams. The thickness was measured with a 0.001-inchdial gage at the five points shown in figure 3.. The points of measurement were accurately located on the wearing face of tie specimen by means of a template. The loss of weight was determined by weighing the specimen at stated intervals during the test. The lighter specimens were weighed to the nearest 0.001 gram while the heavier specimens and the specimens glued to metal plates were weighed to the nearest 0.01 gram. Specimens in which the wear was relatively rapid were tested for a total of 500 revolutions, wear being measured after every 100 revolutions. All other specimens were tested for a total of 1,000 revolutions, with wear measured after every 200 revolutions. In order to minimize the effects of.changes in moisture content, all specimens were conditioned and tested in a room maintained at a temperature of 75° F. and a relative, humidity of 64 percent. Test Results Individual test results are given in table 1. Specimens tested to 500 revolutions only are indicated by footnote g . The wear data shown for these specimens were obtained by'doubling the values obtained at 500 revolutions. The coefficient of variation in wear within each group of four matched specimens is shown in column 6. Table 2 shows the relative order of wear resistance and specific gravity of all samples tested. , Test species are listed in the order of increasing wear as determined from tests on the tangential (flat-grain) surface. The respective order of wear on the radial (edge-grain) and end-grain surfaces is indicated numerically in colymns 6 and 8. Column 10 shows the relative numerical order of the specific gravities, with the highest specific gravity having a- value .of 1. Analysis of Results Lacking comparative service test data with matched specimens, it was p ecessary to analyze the results of the abrading tests on the basis of their greement with the abrasive resistance of wood as determined by practical experience. Wide acceptance of this method of determining the abrasion resistance of wood will depend on the development of a standardized•eihod of test and obviously on the validity of the data obtained. The abrasion resistance data obtained were therefore analyzed with respect to both of these considerations. Root, 1117,2 Analysis of Test Methods In order: todetermine the most satisfactory procedure, , the amount of wear was, determined by measuring both the loss in thickness in inches andthe loss of weight in grams. A study of the data in table 1 indicates that .loss of weight alone is not a reliable criterion of the abrasive resistance of wood.,.-Test species varied considerably in density, and as- a consequence ,equal weight losses do not necessarily represent equal losse6 of volume. This is illustrated in the. following tabulation of data taken from table 1. Loss of weight after 1,000 revolutions of the Species abrading disk Grams Sitka spruce (sample 3) Hard maple... Yellow-poplar Sitka spruce (sample 1) Hickory Southern yellow pine (sample 3) Douglas-fir (sample 3) . Douglas-fir (sample 1) .. White pine .... . Thickness loss after 1,000 revolutions of the abrading disk Inch 0.27 0.0116 .30 .35 .35 .37 .50 .0066 .50 .52 1.56 .0144 .0143 .0386 .0142 .0167 .0056 .0088 These data indicate the necessity of considering the loss in weight in conjunction with the density of the material being tested. In tests of wood this is complicated by the fact that the average density of the test specimen does not always represent the density of the abraded surface. This is especially true of specimens abraded on the flat-grain surface, where the wear can be entirely in the dense summerwood, in the less dense springwood, or in any combination of the two. An attempt was made to correlate the loss of weight in grams with the specific gravity of the material worn away. This attempt was not successful, possibly due to the difficulty of measuring the small quantities involved. The close agreement in the results of separate tests of matched specimens indicates that the results are rather closely reproducible whether loss of weight or thickness as measured. Minor variations in thickness loss within groups of matched specimens did not necessarily show similar variations in weight loss. The methods of test used in this study were, in general, closely patterned after those developed by the designers of this testing machine, but others were selected arbitrarily. Further studies will be required before this abrasion test can be considered as a standardized test for wood. Rept R1732 -5- Some of the items which require further study are outlined below. Effect of allowable variations in the commercial abrasive used. Effect of moisture content and temperature on the abrasive resistance of wood. 3. Effect of the rate of abrasive wear. 4 ."Effect of minor variations in the height through which the specimen is dropped. 5. Effect of wear on the steel abrading disk. 6. Establishment of a standard method of reporting the test results. Analysis of Data As previously mentioned, some specimens were only tested to 500 revolutions of the abrading disk and results doubled for the 1,000 revolution index in table 1. This method was used in view of the straight-line nature of Most revolution -- wear-plot graphs. A few tests indicated that actual extra- • polation of the data would change the tabulated data by only negligible atounts. The data in table 1 allow comparison between four closely matched end-grain, tangential, or radial specimens. In all cases the end-grain specimens are significantly more resistant to wear than the radial or tangential specimens. Comparisons, between the average values obtained for the four radial and tangential specimens of each species show that the radial wear is somewhat greater in the majority of the cases, but the trend is not uniform or welldefined. The relationship of wear to specific gravity for those species represented by samples from three different trees is also not consistent. Growth characteristics or structure variation may possibly cause some of these , inconsistencies. The data presented in this study statistical analysis, but in all oak the coefficient of variation specimens. This appears to be in tangential surfaces. are probably too limited to justify a cases except those of hard maple and white is greater for the tangential than the radial keeping with the more variable nature of the The summary of average data in table 2 showing the relative order of wear resistance for all samples tested was included to facilitate wear-resistance comparisons between species and between the various surfaces abraded. Me data in columns 4, 6, and 8 indicate a closer agreement in the relative order of wear resistance as determined by tests on the tangential and radial surfaces, than as determined by end,-grain tests. The smaller numerical spread in the end-grain values probably accounts for some of these discrepancies. The data in column 10 indicate the general relationship between specific gravity and wear. The straight-line nature of the wear caused by a given number of revolutions is shown for all species tested in figures 4, 5, and 6. Each point on these charts represents the averages of four individual tests. Rept. A1732 Pigure 7 shows the manner in which the abrasive wear in inches after 1,000 revolutions of the abrading disk varies with the specific gravity of the specimen. In general, the species of high specific gravity have the greatest wear resistance, while the specimens of low specific gravity have the least wear resistance. The teak and Sitka spruce specimens are notable exceptions to the general trend. One possible use of a test of this kind would be as a flooring material acceptance test. A specification admitting only material showing a wear of less than 0.01 inch in 1,000 revolutions would thus admit end-grain hickory, hard maple, beech, yellow birch, white ash, white oak, some southern yellow pine, flat-grain hickory and maple, and also edge-grain hickory. A specification calling for a flat- or edge-grain material with a limiting wear factor of 0.02 inch would admit hickory, maple, ash, oak, beech, and possibly some southern yellow pine. Increasing this wear factor to 0.03 inch would also admit yellow birch, Douglas-fir, and possibly some Sitka spruce. The data presented in figure 7 are shown in figure 8 in the form of a bar chart in which the species tested are placed in the order of wear resistance. The average specific gravity of each group of four specimens is shown directly above. In general, the wear resistance of each specimen tested is in the order that actual experience has shown to be proper. The chart again illustrates the fact that specific gravity values alone are not reliable criterions as to the abrasive resistance of wood. Conclusions The following conclusions are based on the results obtained in this preliminary investigation of the abrasive resistance of wood as measured by the Navy wear-test machine. This method of test places the various species tested in about the order to be expected from actual experience. The actual order of the species showing about the same amount of wear is probably not significant. Within each species tested it was found that the wear resistance of the end-grain surfaces was significantly higher than that of either the radial or tangential. Ii most instances the radial surfaces seem to be slightly less wear resistant than the tangential surfaces, but the trend is not well-defined. The data show that, for most species tested, the results obtained from the four closely matched specimens abraded on the tangential surfaces are more variable than those from the specimens abraded on the radial faces. No definite relationship was found to exist between wear resistance and specific gravity within the species represented by samples from three different trees. Rep7t, R1732 -7- The Navy wear-test,machine appears to provide a ready means of measuring the comparative abrasion resistance of various species of woocL Further research would be required in order to interpret these results in terms. of the wear resistance of wood in actual service. This research should also be directed towards the development of standard test procedures and standard methods of reporting the test results. This machine should prove udeful in making comparisons between the wear resistance of newly developed flooring materials and that of the wood species commonly used for flooring. Rept,. R1732 Table I.-Nav y-machine wear data for 15 species of wood, based on 1,000 revolutions of the abrading disk :Specimen : Specific : Loss in : Average : Coefficient of : variation (wear) : gravityl : weight ; wear Surface abraded : (1) (2) : (3) : (4) : (5) • Inch : Grams : : Number : : : Hard maple (Ater saccharophorum) (Average moisture content 11.8 percent) End grain... Do. Do. Do. Average... Tangential.. : Do. : Do. : : Do. Average...: M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 0.64 .63 .63 .63 .63 •• Percent 0.0074 .0060 .0062 .0066 .0066 : : • : 9.38 .46 .48 .0096 .0088 .0086 .0088 .0090 : : : : : 14.92 .69 .69 .79 .64 .70 .0122 .0120 .0126 .0098 .0116 : : : : : : 0.24 .28 .35 .31 .30 .52 .44 .48 .64 .64 .63 .62 .63 MT-1 MT-2 MT-3 MT-4 : : : (6) • • Radial......: Do. : Do. : : Do. Average...: .66 .64 .64 .64 .64 MR-1 MR-2 MR-3 MR-4 •• • • • • • 10,814 White oak (Quercus sp.) (Average moisture content 11.9 p erce nt) End grain...: Do. • Do. Do. Average...: 0 -1 0-2 0-3 0-4 Tangential..: Do. • Do. • Do. Average...: OT-1 OT-2 OT-3 OT-4 Radial : Do. : Do. : Do. Average...: OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 OR-4 Rept, 1732 : : : : : : : .64 : .55 : : : : : : .62 .64 .65 .65 .64 .64 .64 ,66 .67 .65 .65 .65 .68 .67 .66 .53 .0098 : .54 : .56 : : : : : : 1.13 1.10 1.16 1.27 1.16 : : : : : : : : : : 1.30 1.31 1.17 1.20 1.25 .0100 .0097 : .0168 : .0176 .0 0: .0166 : : : : .0188 : : : .0194 .0174 : .0176 .0183 : : : : 2.66 5.02 16.57 (Sheet 1 of 11 sheets) Continued Table 1.--Navy.rmachine wear data for 15 species of wood, based on 1,000 revolutions of the abrading disk (continued) Surface :Specimen : Specific : Loss in ; Average abraded : : gravity! : weight : wear (1) : (2) : (3) : (4) Inch : Grams : Number, : : (5) : Coefficient of : variation (wear) (6) Percent Yellow birch (Betula lutea) (Average moisture cdntent 12.2 percent) 0.47 : 0.0092 : :46 .45 _.41 : : :. .0098 : .0080 6/45 : .0088 : 1.36 1.46 1.47 ; ; .0260 : .0266 End grain...: ' B-1 Do. : B-2 Do. : B-3 Do. : B-4 Average...: : : : : : 0.56 .56 Tangential.',: BT-1 Do. :: BT-2 Do. ;,- BT-3 Do. . BT-4 Average..: : : .61 . : : .60 .60 .60 : : ; 1.30 : .60 ; 1.40. : Radial BR-1 Do. : BR-2 Do. : BR-3 : Br-4 Do. Average...: : : .59 ; .58 .59 : : 1.53 1.52 1,50 : : : .58 : 1,48 : .0238 .0236 .0216 .0226 .58 : 1.50 : .0229 : : : : : : : End grain...: Do. . Do. Do. verage...: A A-4 : : : 9.65 : .0 (0)25 14 : 13.83 : : : : : .66 3 .39 : .0086 : .63 f .50 : .0085 : : .64 .65 .62 : .83 : .74 : : .78 : .0128 I .0114 . : glIgt : .66 .64 : .78 : . ,78 : .0127 : .65 .65 .65 : : : 1,10 .64 .65 : : : 1,10 1.11 : : •. •. .0180 .0173 .0178 .0200 1,09 : .0183 : : 1 : : : Radial • AR-1 : : :: AR-2 Do. Do. : AR-3, : Do. : AR-4, : Average...: : Zejt. 81732 • .0082 ..: 4.42 Nhite ash (Fraxinus americana) (Average moisture content 9.5:pooeloro70c4ent) ; : ..60 ; : : 160 A-1 .0080 : .65 : A-2 .60 : : : .38 ; A-3 .66 : Tangential.: AT-1 Do. . AT-2 Do. : AT-3 : AT-4 Do. Average...: : .58 ..58 .57 13.11 9.13 . 6.49 (Sheet 2 of 11 sheets) Continued ' Table 1.---Navy-machine wear data for 15 species of wood based on 1,0.00 abrading disk (continued) revolutionsofd Surface abraded (1) :Specimen : Specific : Loss in : Average : Coelficient of : variation (wear) : gravityl : weight : wear : (2) : (3) : • : (4) :'Number : : : (6) (5) Grams : : - : : : : Inch Percent Hickory (Carya sp.) (Average moisture content 12.2 percent) End grain...: Do. : Do. : Do. Average.: : : : : : : 0.36 .39 .32 .40 .37 : : : : : .70 .75 .73 .70 .72 : : : : ; .51 : .48 .51 .62 : .. : .53 : .0079 : . : . .0090 .. .0072 : .0110 : : H-3 H-4 : : Tangential..: HT-1 Do. : HT-2 : ET-3 Do. Do. : ET-4 Average.... Radial HR-1 Do. : FR-2 Do. : HR-3 Do. : HR-4 Average...: : 0 : 0046: : .0058 : : .0064 : .0056 1 : 0.72 .72 .68 .68 .70 H-1 H-2 : : .72 .78 : : .56 .54 : : : : .66 : . .71 .75 .58 : : .74 : .58 : 16.84 . 0088 . 0064 . 0066 .0098 21.13 . 0078 .0088 : 19.05 Beech (Fagus grandifolia) (Average moisture content 9.8 percent) • : : End grain...: Be-1 .59 : : Do. : Be-2 .59 .60 •. Do. : : Be-33 .60 •. : Do. : Be-4 : Average...: .59 : : .0081 : .0085 .43 .45 : : ..0076 .43 1.08 : ,.: : .95 : : . Tangential..: BeT-1 : BeT-2 Do. Do. : BeT-3 Do. : BeT-4 Average...: .40 .43 .62 .61 ..63 : .0078 : .0080 : • .0178 : .0153 : 1 040 : .0201 .66 1.97 : .63 1.35 : .0265 : .0199 : • . : : : .0272 .0271 .0249 : .0281 : : .0268 : : : 1.72 •. : • BeR-1 .61 Radial 1.76 : .62 : : BeR-2 . Do. •. 1 .65 .63 : Do. : BeR-3 : : 1.75 .61 Do. : BeR-4 1.72 .62 : Average...: : Rept. R1732 : • 4.90 24.13 5.07 : (Sheet 3 of 11 sheets) Continued Table 1.--Navy-machine wear data for 15 species of wood based on 1,000 revolutions of the abrading disk (continued) Surface :Specimen : Specific, : Loss in : Average : Coefficient of : variation (wear) abraded : : gravity± : weight : wear (1) : (2) : ----------- : : : Number : .. : (3) • : (4) : : Grams : Khaya (Khaya sp.) (Average moisture content End grain...: AM-1 Do. : AM-2 Do. : AM-3 : AM-4 Do. Average.: : 0.42 .42 : ,41 .41 .42 Tangential? : AMT-1 : : AMT-2 Do. Do. : AMT-3 Do. :AMT-4 Average...: . 2 Radial- • AMR-1 Do. : AMR-2 Do. : AMR-3 Do. ::AMR-4 Average...: •. : : : : : : .40 .41 . : : .40 .42 .41 .42 .41 .42 .41 .42 11.2 (5) (6) : Percent Inch : : percent) : 0.0202 : 0.78 :Cg .80 : ..72 •. .0226 : •: .71 .0212 : : . .75 : 3.50 : 3.50 3.1 3,06 : .. .. : : 3.26 3.36 3.14 : : 3.28 : : : 5.2 8 ..F771 . . 11.53 ..0716 : .0746 : .0700 : .0716 : .0720 : 3.26 2. 67 Teak (Tectona grandis) (Average moisture content 9.0 percent) • • • • : .56 .56 .57 .57 .56 •• : •• : : 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 : : : : .0251 • .0241 1 ...0!5 Tangential-.: TT-1 Do. : TT-2 Do. : TT-3 Do. : TT-4 Average...: • .58 : 4.10 : .57 :: •57 : .0694 .0672 : .0632 .0668 .0666 : Radial- : End grain... :T-1 Do. : T-2 Do. = : T-3 Do. : T-4 Average...: 2 TR-1 Do. ; TR-2 Do. : TR-3 Do. : TR-4 Average...: : : : .55 13, . : : : .57 : 134.94 .58 .56 .56 : ; : 1- .0/84 : 5.10 : .0782 .0842 : : .56 .56 : ; : : ..0830 .0828 : : 55.0) (0) • Sept. 81732 • (Sheet 1.86 - 3.86 3.81 of 11 sheets) Continued 4 Table 1.--Navy-machine wear data for 15spect.esof1121:2LPtlEd2nlL222 :ve-.7olutions of the abrading disk continued Surfaee :Specimen : Specific : Loss in : Average : Coefficient of abraded : : gravityl : weight : wear : variation (wear) (1) (6) : (2) : (4) (3) (5) Number : Inch : Grams Percent Yellow poplar :(to'i•iedendron'taliPifer4) (Average moisture content 9.9 percent) End grain...: Do. Do. : Do. : Average...; P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 •. 0.46 .46 .47 .47 .46 0.33 .37 .36 .34 .35 : : : : : .45 .42 .45 .42 .44 2.34 3.42 2.34 2.40 2.62 : .45 .46 .44 .44 .45 .• : : : : Tangential? : Do. Do. Do. Average...: PT-1 PT-2 PT-3 PT-4 Radial? • Do. Do. : Do. : Average .. .: . PR-1 PR-2 PR-3 PR-4 : End grain...: DFL-1 Do. : DFL-2 Do. : DFL-3 Do. : DFL-4 Average...: 0.0137 .0136 .0148 .0146 .0142 : : : : 432 . •. •. •. .. •. 2.96 3.02 3.06 3.08 3.02 .0456 .0778 .0440 .0456 .0532 : : : : : •. 30.80:- .0592 .0580 .0612 .0610 .0598 : : : : . : DOUglaa7. tir'4 .(PSeudOtsuga taxifolla) “Verage moisture content-11.9 percent) : . .0116 .43 •. .40 .0154 : .45 .47 .0158 .44 : .62 .0143 : .44 : .57 .44 -. .52 : .0143 , • •. •. Tangential? :141A,T-1 Do. :DFLT-2 Do. :DFLT-5 Do. :DFLT-4 Average...: : : Radial? •DFLR-1 Do. :DFLR-2 Do. :DFLR-3 Do.:DFLR-4 . Average...: : : Rept. -R1732 : : : : : ; : : .46 .39 .46 .41 .43 .42 .42 .43 .42 .42 •. 2.14 : 1.92 -. 1.42 1.64 1.78 : 1.60 1.68 1.60 1.86 1.68 : : : : : .0636 .0448 . .0440 .0420 .0486 .0332 .0396 .0408 .0456 .0398 1344 : : 20.72 : : : ; • 12.83 (Sheet 5 of 11 sheets) Continued Table 1.--Navy machine wear data for 15 species of wood, based on 1,000 revolutions of the abrading disk (continued) Surface :Specimen : Specific : Loss in : Aver4gT ; Ccefftcient`cf : gravityl : weight : wear" :variation (wear) abraded : --.----(3) (2) : (1) : - - ... .- ....., - !...- . , . • Number: (4) : : : : Grans : . (6) (5) : : Inch . . Percent Dcug1as-fir-2( Pseudops uga taxifolia) (Average moisture content 11.8 percent) • En 4 grain...: DFMr1 : DFM-2 : Do. • DFM-3 : Do. Do. DFM-4 : • Average...: 0.48 .48 .5o .5o .49 •. • rFmR-3. : DFMR-2 : rFmR -3 ':_ DFMR-4 : : End grain...: Do. Do. • • Do. Average,..: 0.62 ; 0.0128 .0144 .64. : .0118 .52 : .0138 .48 : .0132 : .56 : .50 .49 .49 .49 .49 .48 .49 .48 .49 ..48 .94 1.64 .85 1.37 1.20 : : : : : : •. : : : : : : 1.56 1.57 : 1.52 : 1.55 : 1.55 1 : .0180 .0350 .0152 .0254 .0234 : . .0308 .0300 . .0302 .0294 .0301 . : . .• Douglas-fir-3 (Pseudotsuga.taxifolia) (Average moisture content 11.4 percent) DFH-1 : DFH-2 DFH-3 DFH-4 8.66 . : Tangential : DFMT-1 : Do. DFMr-2 : Do. rEmT-3 : DM-4 : Do. Average : Radial Do. Do. Do. Avera&e, : : : •: •. .52 .52 .47 .50 : .50 51 .51 .50 .50 .50 37.82 1.92 .0160 .0124 .0150 .0140 .0144 10.66 .0184 .0304 .0412 .0232 .0284 34.91 7 • Tangential? : Do. • Do. • Do. • Average...: DFHT-1 DFIfr-2 ; DFHT-3 DFHT-4 2 RadialDo. • Do. Do. Average • DFFIR-1 DFBR-2 4 DFER,3 EFER-4 2ept. R1732 52 .49 .51 .50 .50 : . •. ,49 .49 .48 ,50 ,49 . •. . • • • 2 . 1.18 1.46 2.14 1.14 1.48 2.20 2.04 2.16 2.16 2,14 :. •. •. •. :. 0452 0436 .0440 .0416 ,0436 : : : ; : 3.43 (Sheet 6 of 11 sheets) Continued Table 1.--Navy machine . wear data for 15 species of wood, based on 1,000 revolutions of the abrading disk (continued) Surface abraded (1) :Specimen : Specific : Loss in 1 gravity- : weight (4) (2) : (3) : Average • : : Grams Inch : Number wear (5) Coefficient of variation (wear) (6) Percent : • Southern yellow pine-1 (Pinus sp.) (Average moisture content 12.4 percent) End grain e Do. Do. Do. Average : Tangential Do. Do. Do. : Average : SPL -1 SPL-2 SPL -3 SPL-4 : SPLT-1 SPLT-2 SPLT-3 SPLT-4 o.66 .66 .6o .6o .63 0.76 0.0132 .76 .73 .59 .71 .0146 .0122 .0124 .64 .62 .63 .63 .63 2.31 2,06 2.20 2.09 2.16 .0300 ,o365 .0270 .0315 .0312 .62 .68 2.18 2.16 2,25 2.09 2.17 • • 8 .31 .0131 • 12.72 : • Radial Do. Do. Do. Average SPLR-1 SPLR -2 SPLR-3 SPLR-4 : .62 .68 .65 : .0331 .0285 .0334 .0293 .0311 8.15 Southern yellow pine-2 (Pinus en.) (Average moisture content 12.7 percent) End grain Do. Do. Do. Average : Tangential Do. Do. Do. : Average SPM-1 : SPM-2 : SPM-3 : SPM-4 : : SPMr-1 : SP112-2 : sPr1-3 : SPNE-4 : : : .0126 .0140 .0126 .0121 .0128 .58 .58 .59 .59 .58 .72 .75 .75 .63 .71 .59 .63 .58 .0241 .0158 .0224 .0197 .60 1.64 1.33 1.55 1.17 1.42 .6o .59 .62 .58 .6o 1.88 1.80 1.91 1.96 1.89 .0298 .0282 .0294 : : .0340 .0304 : : .62 6.39 17.65 .0205 • Radial Do. Do. Do. Average...: Rept. R1732 SPMR-1 SPMR-2 : SP111-3 : SPMR-4 : 8.31 (Sheet 7 of 11 sheets) Continued Table 1.--Navy-machine wear data for 15 species of Wood, based on 1,000 revolutions of the abrading disk (continued) Surface abraded :Specimen : Specific, : Loss in : Average : Coefficient of • : gravity : weight : wear : variation (wear) (1) (2) : (4) (3) : (5) : : Number : : : End grain...: Do. Do. Do. Average...: : Grams : Inch : . •. . . sp.) Southern yellow pine-3 (Pinus (Average moisture content 12.5 percent) . . . SPH-1 •. 0.62 0.56 : o.0088 : SPH2 .50 .62 .0072 •. sPH-3 sPH-4 •. .62 •. .62 .44 .48 •. • . .0102 .62 .50 : .0088 • • .0223 : •. .0092 • Tangential..: Do. Do. Do. Average...: 1.81 1.58 1.66 •. .0178 : .62 .62 1.54 • . 1.65 •. .0200 .0172 .0193 • .61 • .0209 • .61 .61 1.32 1.21 SPHT-1 SPHT-2 SPHT-3 SPHT-4 .62 .63 .63 • • Radial Do. Do. Do. Average ••• SPER-1 SPHR-2 SEER-3 : SPHR-4 : (6) Percent .• • : • • 14.18 .• • •. 12.02 • .61 .61 .0186 1.35 1.35 •• •• 1.31 • .0200 .0194 .0197 • .• • . • •• 4.93 • Sitka spruce-1 (Picea aitchensis) (Average moisture content 1.1765Wjent) End grain.: Do. • Do. • Do. • Average...: SL-1 SL-2 Tangential2 : Do. Do. Do. Average...: ELT-1 SLT-2 SLT-3 SLT-4 Radial-2 Do. Do. Do. Average,..: SLR-1 SLR-2 SLR- 3 SLR-4 Rapt'. n1732 SL - 4 : .33 : .33 .32 .32 .32 : .35 : .96 7? 1,06 .96 .92 .32 .36 .33 .36 .34 .32 .38 .33 .36 .35 .38 .38 .34 .31 • 1.44 1.26 1.36 1.28 1.34 • • .0174 .0167 .0163 .0164 .0167 : .0318 ,020'8 .0358 : .0318 : .0300 : .0384 .0304 .0378 ; .0320 : : .0346 2.98 21.50 11.69 (Sheet 8 of 11 sheets) Continued Table 1.--Navy-machine wear data for 15 species of wood based on 1,000 revolutions of the abrading disk (continued) Surface abraded :Specimen : Specific : Loss in : Average : Coefficient of 1 gravity- : weight : wear : variation (wear) (2) (1) : (3) • : Number •. (4) (6) (5) Grams : Inch Percent • Sitka spruce-2 (Picea sitchensis) (Average moisture content 11.5 percent) End grain...: Do. • Do. Do. Average...: SM-1 SM-2 0.41 sm-3 .39 .39 Tangential-2 : Do. Do. Do. Average SMT-1 SMT-2 Radial- Do. Do. Do. Average SMR-1 SMR-2 .41 SM-4 .4o .42 .38 SMT -3.42 SMT-4 .37 .40 0.0106 .0123 .0129 .0120 8. 12 1.70 1.34 1.24 .0424 0336 027o .0352 .0346 18.27 1.62 0378 .0386 1.68 1.70 0414 .0380 1.64 .0390 1.66 4.28 .0120 1.36 1.40 .39 .39 .38 SMR -3 srm-4 0.28 .30 28 27 .28 .4o .39 Sitka spruce-3 (Picea sitchensis) (Average moisture content 11.6-percent) End grain...: Do. • • Do. Do. • Average...: SH-1 SH-2 SH- 3 SH-4 Tangential-2 : Do. Do. Do. Average.. SHT-1 SHT-2 SHT-3 SHT-4 40 .40 .4o 4o .40 .28 .27 .26 .27 .27 .40 .39 .40 .39 .40 • 1.68 1.82 1.78 1.56 1.70 .0112 .0111 .0124 .0115 .0116 54 10 .0376 0462 0346 036o .0386 13.51 • Radial Do. Do. Do. Average...: SER-1 : SHR-2 : SHR-3 SHR-4 : 41 40 1.98 2.04 40 1.94 .40 40 2.00 : 1.98 .0450 .0478 .0438 .0456 .0456 : : : : 3.68 : Rept. 81732 (Sheet 9 of 11 sheets) Continued Table .--Navy-machine wear data for 15 s ecies of wood, based on 1,000 revolutions of the abrading (continued) Surface :Specimen : Specific : Loss in abraded : : gravity_ : weight (1) : n ••n (2) : ..... Number : : •• End grain,..: Do. Do. Do. • : Do. Do. Do. Average...: End grain...: Do. Do. Do. Average...: • • R-1 R72 R-3 R-4 RT-1 RT-2 RT-3 RT-4 RR-1 RR-2 RR-3 RE-4 Inch : 0.75 .76 .86 0.33 .33 .31 .31 .83 .80 3.94 3.86 4.12 4.46 4.10 .31 .33 .3o • .32 .32 .31 .31 : 5.14 5.22 5.34 5.52 .32 : 5.30 .32 • . ; Percent 0,0238 :0265 .029 .0293 6 .0273 9.96 • .1142 ,11o4 .1296 .1292 .1208 8.27 •. • . • . .1446 .1512 .1588 • • •. •. .1630 .1544 5.28 White pine (Pinus strobus) (Average moisture content (9.3 percent) : . WP-1 • .38 .0372 1.52 WP-2 .38 .0388 : 1.53 WP-3 .38 1.57 .0392 WP-4 .38 1.61 .0394 1.56 .0386 .38 WPT.,1 WPT-2 WPT-3 WPT-4 Radial-2 Do. Do. Do. Average WPR-1 WPR-!2 WPR-3 WPR-4 Gram : ,• .3.2 Tangential? Do. Do. Do. Average 1732 . ,32 Radial? (6) Redwood (Seq uoia sempervirens) (Average moisture content 11. percent) Average...: Tangential Do. Do. Do. Average : Coefficient of :variation (wear) Average wear, (4). (3) :. n •n• : .39 .40 .38 4.48 4.28 5.00 5.42 .38 •39 .39 .38 .38 .38 ! 4.79 .1088 .0996 .1240 .1352 .1168 5.50 5.52 6.76 6.38 6.04 .1336 : 0.340 .1660 .1572 .1476 : : : 2.59 13.54 11.14 (Sheet 10 of 11 sheets) Continued Table I.-Navy-machine w5ar date for 15 species of wood, based on 1,000 revolutions of the abrading disk -ontinued) Surface abraded (1) Average weer :Specimeu : Specific : Loss in giavityl : Weight (3) (2) Number : : (4) : Gram : Coefficient of :variation (wear) (6) (5) Percent Inch Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) (Average moisture content 11.5 percent) • End grain...: • Do. • Do. Do. Average...: C-1 C-2 2 Tangential- : Do. Do. Do. Average CT-1 CT-2 CT-3 CT-4 Radial2 Do. Do. Do. Average...: CR-1 CR-2 CR-3 CR-4 C-3 c-4 • • 1 .3 3 0.41 .41 • • 1.32 1.24 1.25 1.28 .4o .4o .4o .42 : : : : : : : .39 .42 .39 .4o .41 .4o .41 .4o .4o 0.0308 .0322 .0311 .0297 .0310 • 3.32 .o548 .0626 .0518 2.34 2.60 2.26 2.42 2.40 .0602 .0574 8.59 .0598 2.66 2.36 2.38 2.52 2.48 .0540 .0548 .0564 .0562 4.57 • Biased on weight when oven-dry and volume when tested. Oven-dry weights were computed from weights when tested and from a moisture determination of specimens G1 and G2 (fig. 1). These specimens were not abraded behond 500 revolutions. Actual test values were doubled to provide the comparative values listed at 1,000 revolutions. (Sheet 11 of 11) Concluded Rep t. 81732 0 U •ri 4=1 C0 4-1 0 0 .r4 (1) a) r..) 0 a) trI •ri 4.4 Pi 0 0 N a) ›•* PI 0) ..P.U) 40 q-1 •• •• ..-... 0 •-4 .....• log •• e• & IAD •• •• 0 • *9 0 1-4 -r-i a) i-r -d al 0 ;-4 CIS ,-3,' Pi 0 • • .• 0 40 4-1 S•4 rld 0 se•I 0 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• a) a 0 14 g -ri ci -I-) S-1 ki 4) v) _t od 0 r-I ,ci 0 .r-I a) Frr... 0 0 tu) 0 rri 44 a) ;-, ....... 4-1 03 .0.... •n.4 0 td' r4 F4 0 ''l •• • r..4 . $4 a) 1-4 0 (4 es M •.•4 + 2....•-n F3 0 40' 0 ' t GO •• '41 •• •• •• •• a) •• 1-4 CO •• • 0 .1, •• •• •• •• •• ••' s• •• •, •• •• •• _.• •• •• •• • • • • 0 •• •• .0 •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • • • • • • • •• •• •• • • • •• oe . 9 •• •• •• ••• •• •• • I •• •• •• •• a) Er •• a) 4.0 4-, 0 41. .• •• ••- •• r-• •• •• •• •• • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• .• •• •• •• •• •• •• ♦ •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • • •• I. a) z •• 1 i •• •• .0 •• 0 0 4.2 ID •r4 U) a) /-4 0000000000000000000.-4,4 • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • o l e •• .• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• e• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • ti -♦ r-I r-I r--1 Mr-1 NCV r--I Mr-I 4-4 CV 141 r-4 t-I r-4 r-I r-1 1-4 r-1 O a t •• •• •• •• a) 0 r-I 1:1) ..-4. r-I ..... •• •, •• ,• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••• to tO to I---.0 Mcn En...1- ..-1. .# 0 c1,1 n.0 ‘..0 n.0 CV -- n.0 VD - 0 rn r•- n...0 I-I 1"..-r 01 CU WI 01 01 0 141 in to 0 r-4 tO tO Li", N.- rel (11 inw cv cv CV CV rn rn rel V\ 0 0 •--1 r4 ri r-I ..a •• •• an 0 0 0 0 cv ,.... •• •• •• r'4 .-4 r ,--1 r-I rl r-1 r... rel "•-•.' •• •• 1"--- tO 01 0 r-4 •-,1 cki re‘...0- 111%.101.+ %. 150 ON 0 ••4 CV r‘st...1• 11-1%..0r-4 r•-1 r-1 CV CU .• •• •• r-I 4C3 4-, .00000000000p0000000 - 0 l.0 1 •n••• 1 a •• 4 0 Pi C/) Rept. 81732 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 150 W N1 NMI's.. tO .•• r-I MW LO r•I 0 U0 150 CON 150 0 W tO r-I 150 150 011/41:1 0 0 CV r41-.-1- r'":r"-r‘ Cr\ Cr"-0, CO CU 14.c CV r."--UM 0 ,-4 r-4 r-4 r.4 Nrr'N reN N...1. re% re-% rex....1- e-N LE-1 IC, 1 r-I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .0 ow... P4 0 •• • ••n .., •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 0 •••1 r-II a) .4-1 •• 111..-1- ...' ...- k..0 1/4.0 -1- tO 01 MVO -W LO r-1 tO r.-1 l'4.1." -.1" .. LC\ -1" 1.41 t`r\ • • • •r• • • 4 0 .-4 in l'.- 01 tO %.J0.1•.- r-4 Q CV 1.11 M N-.t...0 01N tO CU r-4 CV td1....... CV r-I •-I t--1 r-I r-1 r-4 ,--1 r-i r-I r.-I ...... k •• •• •• •• ••• •• .• •• ..• •• •• •. .• 0 I- CV l.C) N.% ....0 LO 1.11 r--- tO 0 CO CV co ...g- r--- .--4 0 kJC) N't CV r-I g- .--4 to r--I- ....g- N-al i..c-,1/4.0 to 0-1 to to CV rn to ....g• ‘.0 rnr-IcVri,--1 cv rn cv r-4 r-I r-I re ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 1•1 r-I 0 r--4 r .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 00 0 0 0 ._ 14 -2 -0,) 0 . • •n • ! a •• /o p .. • •pp• • . . • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• "14 •• ?• • • *• r.-I ai •• •• 0 0 g ...--... -1,1g - 4-71 0 1* P4 O' •oo •• > ..-4 Ai -•• 0 •••I 0 +2 EA .. •• i ••1 •• •• •• rt.% 0 tO Is- r-I al ri N-I' 1--- Lc-% re - N 0 C \I lei Inli) r-4 01tO _.r•4 r-1 CU r4 1-4 CV r-4 r-I r•4 r-1 rl r-I , r- I 0 0 EH 0 .4 q 0 $4 0 •r1 +2 F4 F. +.Cd1 0 a) 03 a) 0 Wrs 4.-.. 4_1 •• •• 150 0 0 cr) •• •• +2 • 5• •• •• •• o ...... 0 .-4 CI F. 0 0 0 •• > .1.4 0 o r-i W 4-1 40 •• 1 (1) r4 0 ,.• •• •• •• V) •• N-1/4.D l0 %.0 v;) um LC-1.4- In 1.c) r rvio . • ...... • • • • • • 0 U) &4 0 0 •• ta CI) r-I a) 4-, 1.) trA •• 6C1 ..-- MVO 0 Er ‘ crN •-1 r-Ir4 r-4 r1 r-1r-4 r-I 1-4 N re N r- u) --1 0 --I 0 PI 0 0 0 0 • P. -.-I Ca 111.1• cu ..0 r-- to cv crN ..-1 0 1-4 CV r-•I -,/- CV MW crN r••• 01 0.1• C‘.1 to ...g• 0 r€1 tel- r--I 01150 CT h•-• 0 04.1 I•cl ...--, .0 F..1-m .1-1 0 •• •• IT ••...../ I CI a) -r 0 F-+ r. •• /T.. •• 0 CH 0 rl •• •• C) >a .,-I +3 CH •1-I •r1 > 24 P• 0 03 •o-I F. 03 40 ;4 40 Cd F-1 a) .4 F4 +2 CI) 0 -0 1-4 A4 0o i:• • of •• •• • • •• •• •• .• Pi a) 0 •,-1 Pi ?". 0 ri ,i a) 0 ••4 0 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • 4-• 1 a) .,-4 0 0 4) F4 0 S-1 0 1.) 0 0 $4 r-I 0 0 t:-. ',. .,-,. •r4 S-I .1-I a) =4-1 i?).1 Ckl 0 4-0 -,-I 4 i ri 4 .1 •.-i P• I Pi Pl 0 IU) 4:1, wI PI PL• to) eS 0;-L 0 Pk '1:1 v) r... u) CA tr) I t F4 0 0 0 o g ,- a) a) g 0 CD cS co o o E.) ,100 a3 Or-i 0 g a) g -0 r0 ,-t 0 3 !::: .., 4 M • k1.0 I-1 rd .-. 9:J 4-, 4-1 4.3 f.,) 4, * 1-1 tin ..V -I-) ,-- .M c, A gr-10-1-2. 0 +) 4. 0 ,_, 0 k •ri ./-1 go ,T) a) g o a) o 0 a) 0 .,-1 o -,1 -,-1 o a) d g g ft Go pq co R - • ci co cr) co u) r-e In El ,t•4 . I= a) ai •r•I C) a) 0 f•l O rd r-49) a.. SPECIMEN Figure 2.--Wear-test machine built in accordance with Navy plans and specification. z m 78949 F