MEET US AT THE JOHN B. COLEMAN LIBRARY FOR INSTRUCTIONS & STRETCHING! BRING A BOTTLE OF WATER! WEAR COMFORTABLE FOOTWEAR! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH WALK, RUN, OR RACE! [Event Description Heading] [To replace any tip text with your own, just click it and start typing. To replace the photoCollege or logo with your own, right-click Club it and then University and The Nutrition click Change Picture. To try out different looks for this flyer, on the Design tab, check out the Themes, Colors, and Fonts galleries.] BRING A BANNER, SIGN, OR WEAR A TSHIRT IN HONOR OF YOUR LOVED ONE! BRING A FRIEND OR YOUR STUDENT ORGANIZATION AND LETS HAVE FUN! FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. DANIELS X3586 Ms. HAIRSTON GREEN x5118 Dial X3585 for Assistance with Disabilities!