9 Sediment-Water Exchange Introduction Sediment-water partitioning Particle settling and deposition Sediment erosion and resuspension Transport equation with sediments Contaminant transport within sediment bed Model of sediment-water exchange Contaminated sediment remediation Interest in Sediments “Geo-morphology” Sediment as pollutant Sediment as carrier of pollutants Classification φ Class name Diameter (mm) φ Very coarse gravel 64-32 -5.5 Very fine sand 1/8-1/16 3.5 Coarse gravel 32-16 -4.5 Coarse silt 1/16-1/32 4.5 Medium gravel 16-8 -3.5 Medium silt 1/32-1/64 5.5 Fine gravel 8-4 -2.5 Fine silt 1/64-1/128 6.5 Very fine gravel 4-2 -1.5 Very fine silt 1/128-1/256 7.7 Very coarse sand 2-1 -0.5 Coarse clay 1/256-1/512 8.5 Coarse sand 1-1/2 0.5 Medium clay 1/512-1/1024 9.5 Medium sand 1/2-1/4 1.5 Fine clay 1/1024-1/2048 10.5 Fine sand 1/4-1/8 2.5 Very fine clay 1/2048-1/4096 11.5 ASCE, 1975; φ= -ln(dmm)/ln(2) Most environmental interest in finer fractions cohesive Diameter (mm) Class name Non-cohesive Table 9-1 Sediment grade scale (adapted from ASCE, 1975) MIT Classification SILT SAND Coarse Medium Fine Coarse Medium CLAY Fine Coarse Medium Fine 90 70 50 30 10 10 1.0 d50 0.1 0.01 Diameter (mm) Grain Size Distribution Figure by MIT OCW. 0.001 0.0001 Equilibrium Partitioning cs Kp = cd Simplest model: two phases Partition (or distribution) coefficient: Sorbed phase conc cs (mass contaminant per mass solid) divided by dissolved phase conc cd (mass contaminant per volume solvent) in equilibrium Units of Kp: volume/mass, e.g., cm3/g More complicated partitioning models Kp depends on contaminant, its concentration, concentration of organic matter, redox potential, etc. Typical values: 101 to 102 cm3/g (hydrophilic) to 104 to 105 cm3/g (hydrophobic) In sediment bed Mass of dissolved contaminant/volume = φc d Mass of sorbed contaminant/volume = ρ s c s (1 − φ ) = ρ s K p c d (1 − φ ) if equilibrium Unit volume with porosity φ Ratio of sorbed to total mass ρ s K p (1 − φ ) Kpρ f = = ρ s K p (1 − φ ) + φ K p ρ + 1 ρ = ρ s (1 − φ ) / φ = ρ b ,d / φ Solid-water phase ratio ρ b ,d = ρ s (1 − φ ) Bulk (dry) sediment density ρ b , w = ρ s (1 − φ ) + φ (solid mass/water mass) Bulk (wet) sediment density Surficial sediments ρs ~ 1.5 - 2.5 g/cm3; φ ~ 0.6 – 0.8 => ρb,d ~ 0.3-1 g/cm3, ρb,w ~ 1.1-1.6 g/cm3, ρ ~ 0.4-1.7 g/cm3 f = Kpρ K p ρ +1 ρ~ 1 => for Kp >> 1 most contamination is sorbed to particles While most of the contaminant is associated with solids, the dissolved phase is very important because it is more bio-available and amenable to sediment-water exchange Sediment quality criteria often derived from target dissolved phase concentrations assuming equilibrium partitioning In water column “porosity” ~ 1 so ρ = ρ s (1 − φ ) / φ ≡ [TSS ] [TSS] ~ 1 to 100 mg/L (10-4 to 10-6 g/cm3) f = Kpρ K p ρ +1 = K p [TSS ] K p [TSS ] + 1 = (10 −4 to 10 −6 ) K p (10 − 4 to 10 −6 ) K p + 1 For hydrophobic contaminants (Kp ~ 104 to 105) concentrations in sorbed and dissolved phases can be comparable. Hydrophylic contaminants are mostly in dissolved phase Non-equilibrium conditions ⎞ ⎛ cs dc d ⎜ =κ − cd ⎟ ⎟ ⎜K dt ⎠ ⎝ p ⎛ d ( ρc s ) c s ⎞⎟ ⎜ = κ cd − ⎜ dt K p ⎟⎠ ⎝ κ κ= Rate of increase of dissolved phase mass Rate of increase of sorbed phase mass Rate constant (t-1); e.g. (Wu and Gschwend, 1986) 0.2(1 − φ ) Dm K p ρ φR 2 d (c d + ρc s ) = 0 dt R = aggregate radius, Dm = molecular diffusivity Total mass is conserved Non-equilibrium, cont’d κ/Kp d (c d + ρc s ) = 0 dt Time scale for desorption from particle = days to months => equilibrium assumption not very good for suspended sediments (may be OK for stationary sediments) Total mass is conserved Additional Comments Fine particles usually most important Most easily resuspended Settle most slowly Probably have highest foc => Kp Highest κ ~ (diameter)-2 Models often have multiple particle sizes with individual settling velocity, tendency to resuspend, and κ Sediment movement EPA, 2004 Modes of transport Settling & deposition (non-cohesive and cohesive) Erosion & resuspension (non-cohesive and cohesive) Bed-load (non-cohesive) Particle settling (WWT jargon) Discrete (Type 1) (non-cohesive) Flocculant (Type 2) (cohesive) Hindered or zone (Type 3) Compression (Type 4) Focus on Types 1 and 2 Terminal velocity Fd Fg Fg = ( ρ s − ρ f ) g πd 3 6 2 1 2 πd Fd = ρ f Cd ws 2 4 Equating, C d = 4dg ( s − 1) 3ws 2 s = ρs/ρf Cd = f(R); R = Reynolds number = wsd/ν Applicable to cohesive and non-cohesive sediments, but aggregate shapes and densities are ill-defined for cohesive sediments Spherical particles R < 1; d < 100 µm (Stokes settling) Fd = 3πρυdws 24 Cd = R g ( s − 1)d 2 ws = 18υ R < 104 (Metcalf & Eddy, 1991) Cd = 24 3 + + 0.34 R R More generally (0.01 mm < d < 100 mm; Dietrich, 1982) log w* = −3.76715 + 1.92944(log D*) − 0.09815(log D *2 ) − 0.00557(log D *3 ) + 0.00056(log D *4 ) 3 ws ( s − 1) gd 3 w* = D* = ( s − 1) gυ υ2 Spherical & non-spherical particles 10,000 Drag Coefficient, CD 1000 600 400 200 Stokes 100 60 40 ψ = 0.125 20 10 6 4 ψ = 0.220 ψ = 0.600 2 ψ = 0.806 1 0.6 0.4 ψ = 1.000 Sphere 0.2 0.1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 2 4 6 10 100 1000 10,000 105 106 Reynolds number, based on DP Figure by MIT OCW. Ψ= πD p As 2 Brown et al. (1950) Surface area of equivalent sphere/surface area of particle Settling of Cohesive Sediments Settling velocity depends on concentration. Empirical formula from EPA (2004): Settling Velocity (m/d) 30 25 20 15 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 10 5 0 0 50 ws ( m / d ) = 0 2 4 100 6 150 Concentration (mg/L) Figure by MIT OCW. 8 0.1 m / d CWL + 30 m / d (C COH − CWL ) C COH 10 200 CWL = wash load concentration (5 mg/L); CCOH = cohesive sediment concentration (mg/L). Within range of empirical observations, e.g., Hawley (1982) Sewage particles Often a wide range of settling velocities Settling Basins: discrete settling u ws Inlet Outlet Time to settle Ts = h/ws Hydraulic residence time Tres = V/Q = Ah/Q Tres > Ts => Ahwsc/Qh > 1 wsc > Q/A or Q < Awsc or A > Q/wsc Comments Q/A = overflow rate (really a velocity); particles settling faster will deposit Flow capacity depends on area (not depth) => make tanks as shallow as practical Increase area using stacked clarifiers, inclined plates/tubes, etc. Similar concepts apply to field: deposition at river deltas, in ponds & reservoirs, downstream from outfalls Example of particulate phosphorus loading in reservoir (Vollenweider plots) Retention in lakes & reservoirs: critical phosphorus loading & Q m, Qp wsp p V dp = m& − Qp − ws Ap dt In steady state m& Q = p + ws p A A m& / A p= Q / A + ws V = impoundment volume A = impoundment area Q/A = impoundment “overflow rate” p = average P concentration Phosphorous loading diagram ws = 10m/yr eutrophic oligotrophic Q/A <<ws Q/A >> ws Q/A = ws After Vollenweider (1975); Chapra (1997) Particle scavenging Removal of marine contaminants (e.g., metals) by natural particle settling 238U α 234Th h β (ce) 234U 234Th: particle-reactive tracer; t1/2 = 24.1 d w/o deposition ce = equil conc of 234Th: Rad decay = -λce, λ = decay rate (ln2/t1/2) Production = λce (must be same in equil) Particle scavenging, cont’d With deposition, f = fraction of f = 238U α 234Th (c) h β 234U ⎛w ⎞ f ⎜ s ⎟c ⎝ h ⎠ 234Th 234Th conc c < ce sorbed to particles K p [TSS ] K p [TSS ] + 1 fws/h is effective fws ⎞ ⎛ ce λ = c⎜ λ + ⎟ h ⎠ ⎝ fws (ce − c)λ = h c (ce − c)λh ws = cf 234Th removal rate (t-1) ce measured offshore; c measured locally => ws Particle scavenging, cont’d Use 234Th deposition to trace deposition of another metal (call it x), with different partitioning fx = 238U α 234Th (c) h β JTh-234 234U ⎛w ⎞ f ⎜ s ⎟c ⎝ h ⎠ K px [TSS ] K px [TSS ] + 1 (ce − c)λh cf J Th − 234 = fcws = (ce − c)λh ws = Jx = f x c x ws = f x cx (ce − c)λh fc Deposition Flux of settling particles ws C C = sediment concentration (TSS) Deposition rate, D D = pws C p = probability of depositing (sticking) For non-cohesive sediments, p = 1 For cohesive sediments p = (1 − τ / τ c ,d ) τ < τ c,d 0.06 < τc,d < 1.1 N/m2 τc,d = critical depositional shear stress (Mehta & Partheniades, 1975; Ziegler et al, 1995) Particle accumulation on bottom Rate of mass approaching interface/unit area = D Rate of accumulation in surface sediments ws h z d [hρ s (1 − φ )] dt Equating wo = dh D = dt ρ s (1 − φ ) If φ = 0.8, ρs = 2.5 g/cm3, ρs(1-φ) = 0.5 How to determine wo = dh/dt? Depth of natural, accidental or intentional marker e.g., paint pigments in Fort Point Channel Decay of radioactive tracer e.g., 210Pb, Fort Point Channel Recall discussion in Chapter 4 N Boston Inner Harbor 18 18 Fluorescent dye and pigment particles released May ’90 and July ‘91 ft Northern Ave. Congress St. Summer St. 18 Cores 2,3 ft Gillette Dorchester Ave. Core 1 Broadway BOS 070 ft Meters 100 0 Figure by MIT OCW. 500 Paint chips as markers 6m 8 cm 6 cm Stolzenbach and Adams (1998) Pigment surveyed with freeze corer Dec 1993 July 1991 May ’90 to Dec ’93 14 cm/3.6 yr = 3.9 cm/yr May 1990 Jul ’91 to Dec ’93 8 cm/2.4 yr = 3.3 cm/yr Stolzenbach and Adams (1998) Comments Deposition rates of 1-4 cm/yr in FPC (three cores) Loading rates for all FPC sediment sources ~ 0.14 cm/yr Substantial import of (contaminated) sediment Cs-237 Fallout from bomb testing USGS Gravity cores, Lake Worth, TX, 2000-01 Measuring deposition with Excess co c 210Pb Pb-210 particle reactive tracer; t1/2 ~ 23 yr c = excess concentration Relative to (moving) interface, steady state, no sediment mixing − wo dc = −λc dz λz − c = e wo co -z Alternatively 0 1 wo = λ ∫ c ( z )dz co −∞ Erosion and Resuspension Associated with bottom shear stress τ = − ρ u ' w' = ρE z τ = ρc f u 2 ∂u ∂z cf is bottom friction factor Erosion of non-cohesive seds Critical shear stress τc required to initiate particle motion ws > (τ/ρ)0.5 > (τc/ρ)0.5 => bedload (τ/ρ)0.5 > ws, τc => suspended load Re-suspension flux depends on near-bed concentration; many formulations EPA, 2004 Cohesive sediments Many formulations; most apply for shear stress above a critical erosional shear stress, τc,e Erosion rate E (g/m2-s) τ E = M( − 1) n τ c ,e τc,e = 0.05 to 0.3 N/m2; M = 0.1 to 3 g/m2-s; n = 1-3 Cohesive sediments, cont’d Erosion potential ε (g/m2) ε= ao Td m τ ( − 1) n τ c ,e Td = time (days) after deposition τc,e = 0.1 N/m2 ; ao = 50; m = 2; n = 2.7 Erosion over specified time interval ~ 1 hr Above parameters from Ziegler, et al., 1995 for Watts Bar Reservoir, TN Measurement of erosion Linear laboratory flume Linear flume in field Laboratory annular flume Portable resuspension device (Shaker; Tsai and Lick, 1986) Sedflume (after McNeil et al., 1996) Figure by MIT OCW. Measures erosion rates in the lab To boat 81 cm i.d. hose Top, Front View 2.4 m 12 cm 6 cm Grid Boundary layer trap Lateral angle iron Ravens & Gschwend (1999) Measures erosion rates in the field Bottom, Front View Sediment bed test section Angle iron 1m Lateral angle iron Boundary Layer Development Region Figure by MIT OCW. Comments τc,e increases & E decreases with time after deposition and depth below sediment bed reflecting increased strength due to compaction, armoring from larger particles Regions with τ > τc,e on regular or intermittent basis exhibit erosional tendencies Net erosion (erosion – deposition) n ⎡ ⎡ τ ⎤ τ ⎤ φ = E−D = M⎢ − 1⎥ − ws c ⎢1 − ⎥ ⎣⎢ τ c ,d ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢τ c ,e ⎥⎦ Transport Equation with Sediments ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂c ∂ ∂c ∂c ∂ ∂ ∂c + (uc) + (vc) + ( w − ws )c = ( E x ) + ( E y ) + ( E z ) ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z z positive upward, origin at sediment interface; c = sediment concentration; ws = settling velocity Neglecting horizontal transport & vertical water velocity ∂c ∂ ∂ ∂c − ws c = ( E z ) ∂t ∂z ∂z ∂z Boundary conditions ∂c − ws c − E z =0 ∂z − ws c − E z at surface (z = h) ∂c = (α − 1) ws c ∂z at bottom (z = 0) Surface and bottom BCs z h ws c dc − Ez dz 0 α=0 α=1 α>1 α denotes relative amount of erosion c Vertical sediment distribution Under steady state dc − ws c = E z dz Logarithmic velocity profile in channel; turbulent diffusivity = viscosity c( z ) ⎡⎛ h − z ⎞⎛ a ⎞⎤ = ⎢⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎥ ca z h a − ⎠⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣⎝ w s / κu * ws κu* Rouse number Depth-average Ez (= 0.07u*h) ws h Pe = Ez Peclet number ~ 6 ws/κu* T=tws/h Pe=200 T = tV/h 0 Pe = Vh/D = 200 .025 T = .1 .2 z h Z/h .2 .4 1.4 1.3 0 1.2 1.0 1.1 20 .8 40 80 C/Co (%) 20 100 Vh/D = 20 .025 T = .1 .2 .4 .8 1.0 1.51.4 1.3 1.2 0 20 1.1 1.0 .9 40 20 40 60 80 100 0.02 C/Co (%) Vh/D = 0.02 0 1.2 1.0 .8 .6 .5 .7 1.1 .9 .4 .3 .2 .025 T = .1 .6 .8 80 2 100 1.0 0 20 40 60 C/Co (%) Pe = Vh/D = 2.0 0 No erosion (α=0) Constant Ez .6 60 C/Co (%) 1.0 0 Z/h .5 1.8 1.7 1.6 .3 .4 .3 .4 .7 T = .4 .2 .2 .8 c(z/h,T,Pe) .2 .8 60 .6 T = 3.0 2.0 .6 .7 0 Z/h .025 .1 Z/h .6 .9 Vh/D = 0.2 .4 .5 .6 T = tV/h 0 .2 .3 .4 .8 T = 1.6 T = 1.5 1.0 0.2 0 80 100 0.002 Vh/D = 2.0 x 10-8 ws h Pe = Ez .025 .2 Z/h .2 T=1 .4 .4 .2 .6 Z/h .6 .3 1.9 1.6 .8 2.2 1.8 1.4 1.2 1.0 .9 .8 1.5 T = 3.0 2.0 1.3 1.1 1.7 1.0 0 20 40 .7 .6 60 C/Co (%) .5 .4 .8 80 1.9 100 1.0 0 2.1 2.5 3.0 1.61.4 1.2 1.0 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.7 .8 .9 .6 .7 T = .4 .3 .5 2.0 20 40 60 80 100 C/Co (%) Dhamothran et al (1981) Figure by MIT OCW. Pe < 0.2 => well-mixed) Pe > 100 => stratified Application: Settling basin & river 100 mg/L 40 mg/L L = 50m, W = 6m, h = 4m, Q = 0.2m3/s h = 1 m, u = 0.3 m/s Pe = wsh/Ez Ez = 0.07u*h; assume u* ~ 0.05u => Ez = 0.0035uh Pe = ~ 300ws/u ws = 10-2 to 10-6 m/s (Table 9.2) Often a wide range of settling velocities Focus on Basin 100 mg/L 40 mg/L L = 50 m, W = 6 m, h = 4 m, Q = 0.2 m3/s Basin h = 1 m, u = 0.3 m/s u = Q/hW = 0.0083 m/s Pe = ~ 300ws/u (second column of Table 9.3) wsc = Q/A = Q/LW = 7.7x10-4 m/s (faster settling particles theoretically removed) Pe for settling basin and river Ws (m/s) 10-2 Pe = wsh/Ez (Basin) 340 Pe = wsh/Ez (River) 10-3 34 10-4 3.4 0.1 10-5 0.34 0.01 10-6 0.034 0.001 Focus on River 100 mg/L 40 mg/L L = 50 m, W = 6 m, h = 4 m, Q = 0.2 m3/s River h = 1 m, u = 0.3 m/s Pe = ~ 300ws/u (third column of Table 9.3) Comments In basin, turbulence insufficient to mix particles that settle (Pe > 30) In river, turbulence sufficient to mix particles that don’t settle in basin (Pe < 0.1) (river can be treated as well mixed) In basin, τb = ρu*2 = 0.07 N/m2 < τc,e In river, τb = ρu*2 = 0.22 N/m2 <~ τc,e (possible resuspension) Vertically well-mixed conditions Pe < 0.2 3-D equation ∂c ∂ ∂ ∂c − ws c = ( E z ) ∂t ∂z ∂z ∂z Vertical integration h ⎡ ∂c ⎤ ∂c ⎡ ∂c ⎤ = ⎢ ws c + E z ⎥ − ⎢ ws c + E ⎥ ∂z ⎦ bot ∂t ⎣ ∂z ⎦ surf ⎣ =0 Vertically well-mixed conditions, cont’d No resuspension (α = 0) dc wc =− s dt h c = co exp(− ws t h) co = initial depth-averaged concentration ws/h = first order removal rate, κs Partially-mixed conditions sometimes analyzed using κs > ws/h (because near bottom concentrations are greater than co) Multiple size fractions First order settling of different size fractions can resemble second order settling: wc dc = −∑ s i dt h i co c= 1 + Btco ws/h = 0.3x10-5s-1 1.0x10-5s-1 0.3x10-5s-1 Ave 2nd O settling (Bco = 3x10-4s-1) Contaminant transport within & across the sediment bed Porewater advection (GW movement; sediment compaction; wave or bedform induced pressures; biomixing J a = φuc d Contaminant transport within & across the sediment bed Porewater advection (GW movement; sediment compaction; wave or bedform induced pressures; biomixing J a = φuc d Porewater diffusion J d = −φD' dc d dz D' = φDm Contaminant transport within & across the sediment bed Porewater advection (GW movement; sediment compaction; wave or bedform induced pressures; biomixing Bulk sediment motion (“turbulence”) J b = − Db d (c d + ρ s c s ) / dz J a = φuc d Porewater diffusion J d = −φD' dc d dz D' = φDm Sediment Profile Imaging Benthic fauna mix dissolved oxygen and other sediment characteristics (oxygen rich areas are light colored) Note feeding tubes near surface EPA, 2006 Measuring bioturbation with co c 234Th Th-234 particle reactive tracer (c); t1/2 ~ 24.1 day Relative to (moving) interface, steady state, including sediment mixing d 2 cs dc − wo = Db − λc 2 dz dz For Dbλ >> wo -z d 2 cs 0 = Db − λc 2 dz c = exp(− λ Db z ) co Comments Db correlates with wo (reflecting flux of organic matter) Coastal sediments: Db = 10-7 to 10-6 cm2/s Deep sea sediments: 10-9 to 10-8 cm2/s DDT on Palos Verdes Shelf (WE 9-4) DDT commonly used pesticide until 1970s (Silent Spring). ~ 1700T discharged by LACSD’s White Point outfall (60m depth) (also agricultural run-off) ~100T (p-p’-DDE) still buried in sediment Issues of environmental racism EPA Superfund Site (Montrose Chemical Co.) Vertical Profiles 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Concentration vs depth (USGS; Lee, 1994) 1981 1989 0 20 40 60 80 Depth in cm Vertical distribution of porosity (open squares) and bioturbation coefficient (closed squares) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 φ Depth in cm 49 45 41 37 33 29 25 21 17 13 9 5 Db/Dbo 1 ppm Core 8C 1981 (solid) to 1989 (open) Exponential distribution of porosity and bioturbation (latter based on worm density) Issues Contamination slowly decreasing. But is it biodegradation or surface loss? Will natural sedimentation cap contaminants? Decreasing since WWTP upgrade; introduce clean sediments from flood control reservoirs? Current strategy of institutional controls (public outreach, fish monitoring, etc.) Is this enough? Possible future capping. Will this work? (2000 pilot capping failed.) Sediment Fate Processes ppm Core 8C 1981 (solid) to 1989 (open) Lee, 1994 (USGS) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1981 1989 0 20 40 Depth in cm 60 80 Deposition of clean sediment (deposition velocity w in cm/yr) Biological mixing (Db in cm2/yr) Biodegradation (1st O rate λ in yr-1) Release to surface (k in cm/yr) J = kρ s (1 − φ )cso Mass Transport in Sediments ∂c s ⎫ ∂ ∂ ⎧ ∂ + [ w(1 − φ ) ρ s c s ] = ρ s (1 − φ ) ρ s [(1 − φ )c s ]⎬ − λ (1 − φ ) ρ s c s ⎨ Db ∂t ∂ς ∂ς ⎩ ∂ς ⎭ Boundary conditions ∂c s Db = (k + wo )c s ∂ς at ς =0 cs = 0 at ς =∞ ζ = depth below (moving) sediment bed Use observations to calibrate unknown parameters w, Db, λ and k Simplification ∂c s ' ' ∂ ∂ −ς / L ∂ + ( wo c s ' ' ) = Dbo [e c s ' ' ] − λc s ' ' ∂t ∂ς ∂ς ∂ς where c s ' ' = (1 − φ )c s /(1 − φ o ) wo = w(1 − φ ) (1 − φ o ) Db = Dbo e −ς / L Spatial Moments ∞ M i = ∫ c s ς i dς ∞ M i ' = ∫ cs e 0 −ς / L ς dς i 0 ∞ M i ' ' = ∫ c s ' ' ς dς dM o ' ' = −kc so − λM o ' ' dt D dM 1 ' ' − wo M o = Dbo c so − bo M o ' ' '−λM 1 ' dt L i 0 ∞ M i ' ' ' = ∫ c s ' ' e −ς / L ς i dς 0 4 moment equations in 4 unknowns 2 Dbo dM 2 ' ' − 2wo M 1 = 2 Dbo M o ' ' '− M 1 ' ' '−λM 2 ' ' dt L dM 3 ' ' 3Dbo − 3wo M 2 = 6 Dbo M 1 ' ' '− M 2 ' ' '−λM 3 ' ' ' dt L wo = 1.7 cm/yr, Dbo = 44 cm2/yr, λ = 0.03 yr-1, k = 9.6 cm/yr. Surface loss λ M o ' ' and degradation loss k c so comparable; times scale of each ~ 30 yrs Sediment water exchange model -H 1 Flushing Cd0 Cd1 -ZW cd2 = cs2/Kp 2 Water-side diffusion ZS 3 Sorption kinetics 4 Bio-mixing L cdL = csL/Kp Z Figure by MIT OCW. Chen, 1993 Steady state Includes bioturbation, pore-water diffusion and sorption kinetics, but no resuspension, deposition or bio-degradation Colloidal transport included but not described here Applied to PAH’s in Boston Harbor Sediment water exchange model d 2 cd κ + 0 = ( Db + D ' ) (c s − K p c d ) 2 Kp dz d 2 cs κ 0 = Db ρ + ( K p cd − cs ) 2 Kp dz dissolved sorbed Boundary Conditions cd = cd1 c d K p = c s = c sL dc s dz = 0 at z = 0 at z = L Approximate Solution cd − cd1 1 − e − rz + εrz = c sL K p − c d 1 1 + εrL cs − K p cd1 c sL − K p c d 1 = 1 + ε (rz + e 1 + εrL) − rz -H cd0 ) φ ( Db + D' )c s∞ / K p + (1 + εrL)( Dm / δ w )c d 0 cd1 = (1 + εrL)( Dm / z w ) + φ ( Db + D' )r cd1 -zw zs 4 bio-mixing cdL=csL/Kp r = κ /( Db + D' ) z ( Db + D ' ) ρK p Db cd2=cs2/Kp 2 water-side diffusion 3 sorption kinetics L ε= 1 flushing Flux to surface Dissolved phase concentration in equilibrium with csL c sL / K p J= z τ 2.2 R L + w + + H Dm (1 − φ )[( Db + D' ) Dm ρ s K p ]1 / 2 (1 − φ ) ρ s Db K p 1 2 3 4 Denominator: 4 “resisters” in series: 1) flushing, 2) water-side diffusion, 3) sorption kinetics, 4) bio-mixing Parameters Varia ble Definition Value(s) Dm Aqueous solution diffusivity D’ Aqueous solution diffusivity corrected for porosity 0.8x10-5 cm2/s 0.5x10-5 Db Bioturbation coefficient 10-7, 10-6, 10-5 cm2/s Kp Solid-water partition coefficient L Biologically active depth 101 to 106cm3/g 5 cm φ Porosity 0.8 ρs Sediment density 2.5 g/cm3 Sorbed concentration at z = L 10-6 g/g Characteristic aggregate radius 0.01 cm Water-side boundary layer thickness Hydrodynamic residence time of overlying water 0.06 cm Depth of overlying waterbody 6m Desorption rate constant Eq (9.5) R H 5 day Db = 10-5 cm2/s 1.0 D1/D 0.9 Fractional Resistance 0.8 0.7 D2/D 0.6 0.5 D3/D 0.4 0.3 0.2 D4/D 0.1 0.0 1 2 3 4 log (Kp in cm3/g) 5 6 Db = 10-6 cm2/s 1.0 D1/D 0.9 D2/D Fractional Resistance 0.8 0.7 D3/D 0.6 0.5 0.4 D4/D 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 2 3 4 log (Kp in cm3/g) 5 6 Db = 10-7 cm2/s 1.0 D1/D 0.9 D2/D Fractional Resistance 0.8 D3/D 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 D4/D 0.2 0.1 0.0 1 2 3 4 log (Kp in cm3/g) 5 6 Comments Water side bl (2) controls for large Kp & Db Bioturbation (4) controls for small Kp & Db (Resistance on side with smallest equilibrium concentration) Desorption not limiting factor Longest clean-up times for high Kp (nearly a century for benzo(a) pyrene (Kp ~ 105) in Boston Harbor) Dealing with Contaminated Sediment Natural attenuation (Let it sit) If evidence of natural recovery (deposition, biodegradation) Or if other options problematic Combined w/ active monitoring & inst controls Capping (Cover it up) With clean sediment In situ or in confined aquatic disposal (CAD) cells Dredging (Remove it) Environmental (remove contamination) Maintenance (keep harbors/channels open) Improvement (make harbors/channels deeper) Boston Harbor Navigation Improvement Project Deepen to 38-40’ (versus maintenance or environmental) 1.7x106 yd3 clay (MBDS) 1.1x106 yd3 silt (CAD cells) Confined Aquatic Disposal Cells Figure by MIT OCW. Dredge buckets Environmental Clam shell CAD Challenges E 5 0 6 0 50 W Core M4-5 g n i h rto N Core M4-4 Core M4-2 5 0 5 9 50 5 0 5 8 50 5 0 5 7 50 717350 717450 717550 717650 E a s tin g Hitting target 717750 717850 Subbottom line 6-003 from cell M4 (OSI 1999), annotated at bottom showing location of cores, fluidized mud layer (above red dashed line), sand zone (between red and blue dashed lines), and approximate bottom of cell (green dashed line). Note reversal of East and West. Cell M4 - Post-Cap Sub-Bottom Profile Verifying CAP integrity Waiting for sufficient consolidation Additional Issues Containing dredged and capping material (during descent & upon impact) Time of disposal (environmental windows to allow migrating fish passage) Residual silt (should you “rake all the leaves?”) Open cells (exposure to uncapped material)