Nature, age, and genesis of quartz-sulfide-precious-metal vein systems in the Virginia City Mining District, Madison County, Montana by Marshall Morris Cole A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Marshall Morris Cole (1983) Abstract: In the Virginia City mining district, pre-Belt gneisses and the Late Cretaceous granitic Browns Gulch stock host numerous quartz vein systems. Hypogene mineralization is chiefly gold- and silver-bearing base-metal sulfides. The U.S. Grant 3-level vein system, N40°-50°E; 35°-50&deg,NW, 0.3 to 5.0 m wide, is contained in a shear zone exhibiting about 10 m of syn-ore right-lateral movement. The vein system is composed of elongate quartz lenses, quartz stringers, tabular quartz bodies, and variable amounts of crushed and altered gneiss. Altered wall rock gneiss exhibits early potassic alteration (microcline and possibly quartz) and a subsequent propylitic assemblage (carbonate, pyrite, quartz, chlorite, other phyllosilicates, and a zeolite?). Post-alteration mineralization occurs as pyrite, followed by variable amounts of contemporaneous galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, sparse tetrahedrite, and rare specular (?) hematite. Additionally, some (latest) sphalerite replaces pyrite, galena, and chalcopyrite. Observable gold is very rare. Quartz deposition is pre-, syn-, and post-sulfide mineralization. The Virginia City district is one of several districts in the Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region. The region is cored by the 77-72 m.y. old quartz monzonite Tobacco Root batholith. A regional zoning is present with respect to the batholith in the form of low silver-to-gold and high copper-to-silver ratios near the batholith, and high silver-to-gold and low copper-to-silver ratios far from the batholith (Virginia City district). It is proposed that ores of the district are of Latest Cretaceous to Early Tertiary age (70-60 m.y.B.P.), based on the occurrence of deposits in the Late Cretaceous Browns Gulch stock, the crosscutting of the El Fleeda 4-level vein system by a 51 m.y. old andesite plug, and the regional zoning with respect to the batholith. An epithermal precious-metal genesis model has been applied to the ores of the district. A geothermal convection cell powered by heat from Late Cretaceous plutonism, produced large-scale regional circulation of hydrothermal fluids at shallow crustal levels. These fluids collected (remobilized ?), transported, and deposited the ore constituents. NATURE, AGE, AND GENESIS OF QUARTZ-SULFIDE-PRECIOUS-METAL VEIN SYSTEMS IN THE VIRGINIA CITY MINING DISTRICT, MADISON COUNTY, MONTANA by Marshall Morris Cole A thesis submitted in, p a r tia l f u lfillm e n t o f the requirements fo r the degree of Master o f Science in ' Earth Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana December, 1983 ; main lib. ii C k755 C o p . Si APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Marshall Morris Cole This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be s a tis fa c to ry regarding content, English usage, form at, c ita tio n s , bibliographic s ty le , and consistency, and is ready fo r submission to the College o f Graduate Studies. £{ 'C / Z- Y ) - r Chairperson, Graduate Committee Date Approved fo r the Major Department m <S- 3 Head, Major Department Date Approved fo r the College o f Graduate Studies 'll Date &K-- IW I Graduate Dean Ili STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting th is thesis in p a r tia l fu lfillm e n t o f the requirements fo r a m aster's degree a t Montana State U n iv e rs ity , I agree th a t the Library shall make i t a v a ila b le to borrowers under rules o f the L ib rary . B rie f quotations from th is thesis are allowable without special per­ m ission, provided th a t accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission fo r extensive quotation from or reproduction of th is thesis may be granted by my major professor, or in h is /h e r absence, by the D irecto r o f L ib ra rie s when, in the opinion of e ith e r , the pro­ posed use o f the m aterial is fo r scholarly purposes. Any copying or. use of the m aterial in th is thesis fo r fin a n c ia l gain shall not be allowed without my w ritte n permission. Signature Date « 2 /, / f ^ - 3 V ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This thesis was. funded in part by: The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology; R and D M inerals, Missoula, Montana; Dr. David R. Lageson, professor a t Montana State U n iv e rsity; the R esearch-C reativity Program, Montana State U n iv e rsity; The S t. Lawrence Mining Company, V irg in ia C ity , Montana. Great appreciation is expressed towards these people fo r th e ir generous contrib ution s. The follow ing in d ivid u als have donated th e ir s k i l l s , knowledge, and support in the compilation of th is th esis: Drs. Robert A. Chadwick, David W. Mogk, and David R. Lageson, professors a t Montana State U n iv e rs ity ; Clyde Boyer, g e o lo g ist, V irg in ia C ity , Montana; Thomas. A. Callmeyer, f ie ld a s sistan t and graduate student, Montana State U n iv e rs ity , dlhc( ho uu Tefese ^ i-teej-e. 4 rTAa / / ^ X /z / o v ^ ct™/ Cq )&. If If , v f/ Jz I cSeIL f vi TABLE OF. CONTENTS Page 1. LIST OF TABLES.............................................................. .................... .. 2. LIST OF FIGURES ......................................... ix 3. ABSTRACT.................................................................................................... xi 4. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................• Location, Access, andPhysiography ........................................ Purpose and Method of Study. , . ................. . . . . . Previous Study .................................................................. v iii I I 3 3 5. . MINING HISTORY..................................................... 4 6. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING ...................................................... .... . 5 7. GENERAL GEOLOGY OF THE VIRGINIACITYMINING DISTRICT. . . 8 8. 9. 10. Rock T y p e s ....................................................................................... S tructure. . '................................ .................................................. 8 Tl MINING GEOLOGY....................................................................................... 13 Regional S etting : The Tobacco Root Precious-Metal Mining R e g io n ........................ .................................................. Mining Geology of the V irg in ia C ity D is tr ic t . . . . . . . 13 16 MINING GEOLOGY OF SELECTED MINES OF THE VIRGINIA CITY DISTRICT ..........................................’ ............................. .... . . . 20 U.S. Grant Mine.................................................................. .... . El Fleeda M in e ...................................................................... Black Rock Mine. . . . . . . . i. . . ................................ Easton-Pacific G ro u p ........................ .......................................... Prospect Mine. .................................. S t. Lawrence Mine............................ .... ......................................... Fork Mine............................................. .............................................. 20 36 38 38 40 40 42 GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF THEVIRGINIA CITY DISTRICT........................ 44 V ii TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued Page 11. CONCLUSIONS: AGE AND GENESIS OF QUARTZ-SULFIDEPRECIOUS-METAL VEIN SYSTEMS IN THE VIRGINIA CITY MINING DISTRICT..................... . . . ■............................. .... 46 Previous In te rp re ta tio n s .......................................................... Author's In te rp re ta tio n . . .. ..................................................... Age o f Ore Deposits...................................................................... Genesis o f Ores in the V irg in ia C ity Mining D is t r ic t . 46 47 48 51 12. REFERENCES CITED. ............................................................................... 59 13. APPENDICES. ...................................................... 63 Appendix A Radiometric Dates (K-Ar Technique)............................. Appendix B General Data on Some Tobacco Root PreciousMetal Deposits . . .. .................................... Appendix C Ore and Gangue Minerals o f Tobacco Root Baseand Precious-Metal Deposits............................. .... . Appendix D Lode Production Figures fo r Tobacco Root Mining D is tric ts (1901 ^ l935) . . . ..................... Appendix E Lode Production Figures fo r Selected Mines o f the Tobacco Root Region (1901-1935) . . . . Appendix F Lode Production Figures fo r Selected Mines o f the V irg in ia C ity D is t r ic t (1901-1935). . . 65 67 70 72 74 76 v iii LIST.OF TABLES Table 1. 2. Some o f the quartz vein systems o f the V irg in ia C ity D is t r i c t .................................................. ................................ .... . . . Page . Paragenetic sequence o f hypogene a lte ra tio n and ore m in e ra liza tio n in the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l. ..................................25 18 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. 2. 3. Page Mining d is tr ic ts and physiography o f the Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region. . . . . . ..................................... 2 General geology o f the Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region .............................................. ......................................... 6 Regional zoning o f s ilv e r-to -g o ld and c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r ra tio s in the Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region . . 17 4. Cross-section o f U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l vein s tru c tu re .................22 5. View looking up-dip o f vein stru ctu re on southeast wall o f U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l d r i f t ................................................................ 23 6. Unaltered gneiss from Browns Gulch......................................................27 7. S lig h tly a lte re d wall rock from the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l, R. P. # 8 .5 ...................................................................................28 8. Strongly a lte re d wallrock from the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l, R. P. # 8 .5 . ................................. \ ..............................................29 9. Strongly p ro p y litiz e d wallrock from the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l, southwest o f R .P ;#8.5. . .................................................. 30 A ty p ic a l sample of q u a rtz -s u lfid e ore and adjacent w allrock from the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l............................. .... . . . 31 10. 11. Ore sample from the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l......................................... 33 12. Ore sample from the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l..................................... . 33 13. Ore sample from the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l. ................................. . 34 14. Ore sample from the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l............................. .... . . 34 15. Ore sample from the U.S. Grant 3 -le y e l. ..................................... 35 16. Ore sample from the U.S. 17. Cross-section o f the vein stru ctu re in the S t. Lawrence 1 5 0 -le v e l.................................................................................. 41 ____________________________________________ /S Grant 3 - le v e l..................................... . 35 X LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Figure Page 18. Depositional model o f epithermal precious-m etals..................... 52 19. Epithermal precious-metal deposits o f Montana ......................... 58 xi ABSTRACT In the V irg in ia C ity mining d i s t r i c t , p re-B elt gneisses and the Late Cretaceous g ra n itic Browns Gulch stock host numerous quartz vein systems. Hypogene m in e ra liza tio n is c h ie fly gold- and s ilv e r-b e a rin g base-metal s u lfid e s . The U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l vein system, N40o-50°E; 35o-50°NW, 0.3 to 5 .0 m wide, is contained in a shear zone e x h ib itin g about 10 m of syn-ore r ig h t-la t e r a l movement. The vein system is composed of elongate quartz lenses, quartz s trin g e rs , ta b u lar quartz bodies, and v a ria b le amounts o f crushed and a lte re d gneiss. A ltered wall rock gneiss e x h ib its e a rly potassic a lte r a tio n (m icrocline and possibly qu artz) arid a subsequent propyli t i c assemblage (carbonate, p y r ite , q u artz, c h lo r ite , other p h y llo s ilic a te s , and a z e o lite ? ). Posta lte r a tio n m in e ra liza tio n occurs as p y r ite , followed by v a riab le amounts o f contemporaneous galena, s p h a le rite , c h a lc o p yrite , sparse te tra h e d rite , and rare specular (?) hem atite. A d d itio n a lly , some ( la t e s t ) s p h a le rite replaces p y r ite , galena, and chalcop yrite. Observable gold is very ra re . Quartz deposition is p re -, syn-, and p o s t-s u lfid e m in e ra liz a tio n . The V irg in ia C ity d i s t r ic t is one o f several d is t r ic t s in the Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region. The region is cored by the 77-72 m.y. old quartz monzonite Tobacco Root b a th o lith . A regional zoning is present with respect to the b a th o lith in the form o f low s ilv e r -to -g o ld and high c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r ra tio s near the b a th o lith , and high s ilv e r-to -g o ld and low c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r ra tio s fa r.fro m the b a th o lith (V irg in ia C ity d i s t r i c t ) . I t is proposed th a t ores o f the d i s t r ic t are o f Latest Cretaceous to Early T e rtia ry age (70-60 m .y .B .P .), based on the occurrence of deposits in the Late Cretaceous Browns Gulch stock, the crosscutting o f the El Fleeda 4 -le v e l vein system by a 51 m.y. old andesite plug, . and the regional zoning with respect to the b a th o lith . An epithermal precious-metal genesis model has been applied to the ores o f the d i s t r i c t . A geothermal convection c e ll powered by heat from Late Cretaceous plutonism, produced la rg e -s ca le regional c irc u la tio n , o f hydrothermal flu id s a t shallow crustal le v e ls . These flu id s co llected (rem obilized ? ), transported, and deposited the ore constitu en ts. I INTRODUCTION Location, Access, and Physiography The V irg in ia C ity mining d i s t r ic t , located southwest of V irg in ia C ity , Madison County, Montana, is the southernmost d i s t r ic t in the Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region (F ig . I ) . I t may be sub­ divided in to the Fairweather (located a t V irg in ia C ity ), Highland (3 km south of V irg in ia C ity ), Summit (10 km south of V irg in ia C ity ), Nevada (a t Nevada C ity ), and Browns Gulch d is t r ic t s . The d is t r ic t extends from Alder Gulch. on the north and e a st, to west of Browns Gulch, and to the flanks of the Gravelly Range on the south (P late I ) . I t covers an area of approximately 90 square km. The V irg in ia C ity area is approachable via Montana Highway 287. Numerous d i r t and gravel roads provide access w ithin the d i s t r ic t . Winter access is d i f f i c u l t in the south part of the d is t r ic t but is r e la tiv e ly easy in the north h a lf. V irg in ia C ity , elevation 1767 m, s its in a topographic low between two major mountain ranges. The Tobacco Root Mountains (summit eleva­ tions greater than 3000 m) are located to the north, and the Gravelly Range (summit elevations greater than 2900 m) to the south (F ig . I ) . West of V irg in ia C ity is the Ruby River V a lle y ,e le v a tio n about 1525 m; to the east is the Madison River V a lle y , elevation about 1500 m. The major drainages of the d i s t r ic t , Alder and Browns Creeks (P late I ) , head in the southern portion of the d is t r ic t where they 2 ; ./.I d is tr ic t TOBACCO ROOT d is t r ic t MOUNTAINS ZRUBY RANGE V ir g in ia IO K M C it y /. V lrg ln ls \ IC Ity d is tr ic t ■ \t MONTANA F ig u r e s 1 ,2 . 3 M a d le o n C o . Figure I . GRAVELLY/ RANGE Mining d is tr ic ts and physiography of the Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region. Patterned areas are Late T e rtia ry and Quaternary unconsolidated or poorly consolidated sediments. Blank areas are older sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic rocks. > 3 are deeply incised in the fo o th ills o f the Gravelly Range. Alder Creek flows north to V irg in ia C ity where i t turns and flows northwest fo r 16 km u n til i t jo in s the Ruby R iver. Browns Creek flows north u n til i t jo in s Alder Creek a t Nevada C ity (3 .2 km northwest o f V irg in ia C ity ). Purpose and Method o f Study The major problem addressed in th is thesis is what processes are responsible fo r ore genesis in the minipg d is tr ic t? Precambrian meta- morphism and possible igneous a c t iv it y , along with Laramide plutonism and volcanism, play important roles in the geologic h is to ry of the d is tr ic t. Hydrothermal a c t iv it y re la te d to e ith e r group o f processes is capable of producing ore bodies. A d e ta ile d study involving above- and below-ground mapping, ore and wall rock microscopy, and K-Ar radiom etric datin g, were done in an attempt to determine the processes responsible fo r ore genesis. Previous Study Previous work in the mining d i s t r ic t is minimal. Winchell (1914), Ta n s le y , Schafer, and Hart (1 9 33 ), and Lorain (1937) b r ie f ly described the general geology and various mines o f the Tobacco Root region and the V irg in ia C ity d i s t r ic t . The southern part of the d i s t r ic t was mapped by Hadley (1969) in the 15 minute Varney quadrangle. A prelim ­ inary bedrock map o f the northern p a rt o f the d is t r ic t was published by Weir (1982). V ita lia n o and Cordua (1979) mapped the southern Tobacco Root Mountains, located north o f the mining d i s t r ic t . 4 MINING HISTORY. Placer gold was discovered in Alder Gulch in 1863 approximately 0 .4 km south o f the present s ite o f V irg in ia C ity . W ithin one y e ar, auriferous and argentiferous quartz lodes were discovered and developed Most o f the lodes were in secondarily enriched oxidized ores. In the la te 19th century, these ores were exhausted and lower grade primary ■ ores were encountered. As a re s u lt many o f the mines were abandoned. Mines th a t continued to operate had contained r e la t iv e ly high-grade hypogene ores. Mining in the 20th century has been sporadic and never a t the scale achieved in the la te 19th century. ; Production fig u res from Lorain (1937) in dicate the to ta l value o f lode gold from the e n tire Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region is.ab out 17 m illio n d o lla rs , including 2 .5 m illio n d o lla rs from the V irg in ia C ity d i s t r i c t . However, th is is minor when compared to 50 m illio n d o lla rs o f placer gold froni Alder Gulch (L o ra in , 1937). 5 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING . The Tobacco Root Mountains, a large northwest-plunging domal u p l i f t o f m u ltip le deformed and metamorphosed p re-B elt rocks (M ueller and Cordua, 1.976), is a major geologic featu re in the region of the V irg in ia C ity d is t r ic t (F ig . 2 ). The mining d is t r ic t is located in the southernmost part o f th is p re-B elt te rra in . The Tobacco Root Mountains are cored by the Late Cretaceous (72-77 m .y .B .P .; V ita lia n o and others, 1980) quartz monzonite Tobacco Root b a th o lith (F ig . 2 ). km area. This pluton crops out w ithin a 310 square I t is thought to be g e n e tic a lly related to the Boulder b a th o lith (Smith, 1970) located 22 km to the northwest (F ig . 2 ). This in te rp re ta tio n is supported by low S r ^ / S r ^ values (in d ic a tiv e of a low er-crust or upper-mantle magma o rig in ; Krauskopf, 1979) fo r the Boulder (Doe and others, 1968) and Tobacco Root ( V it a liano and others, 1980) b a th o lith s . Scattered throughout the p re -B e lt rocks are numerous smaller p iutons s im ila r in age and composition to the Tobacco Root batho lith ( V it a liano and Cordua, 1979). Numerous base- and precious-metal deposits are associated with these igneous bodies. Proterozoic, Paleozoic, and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks crop out on the north and west flanks of the Tobacco Root p re -B e lt te rra in (F ig . 2 ). Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Early T e rtia ry sedimentary rocks crop out in the G ravelly Range. Cretaceous and T e rtia ry volcanic rocks 6 B oulder batholH h PCm T o b a cco batholH h PCm TQa Figure 2. General geology of the Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region (modified from Ross and others, 1955). PCm are p re -B e lt metamorphic rocks; PPM are P roterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Early T e rtia ry sedimentary rocks; KTi are Late Cretaceous plutonic rocks; KTv are Cretaceous and T e rtia ry volcanic rocks; TQa are Late T e rtia ry and Quaternary sediments. 7 are scattered about the region, the V irg in ia C ity b asalt f ie ld being the la rg e s t. Unconsoliated and poorly consoliated T e rtia ry and Quaternary sediments are abundant in stream and r iv e r v a lle y s . \ 8 GENERAL GEOLOGY OF THE VIRGINIA CITY MINING DISTRICT Rock Types The mining d is t r ic t is almost e n tir e ly underlain by an assemblage o f p re -B e lt gneisses (P la te I ) . These rocks are thought to be the products of three metamorphic events (M ueller and Corduas 1976). The e a r lie s t event was probably o f g ra n u lite facies and the sparse occur­ ence of diopside in the gneisses is thought to be a r e l i c t of th a t ' event. -- : A subsequent 2700 m.y.B.P. dynamothermal am phibolite-facies metamorphism formed the dominant mineral assemblage in these rocks. The th ird metamorphism was a 1600 m .y.B.P. thermal event th a t reset mineral ages (Wooden and others, 1978) in the V irg in ia C ity d i s t r ic t . The dominant lith o lo g y in the mining d is t r ic t is q u a r tz -. ofeldspathic gneiss containing q u artz, K -feldspar, p e r th ite , and plagioclase with lesser amounts of hornblende, b io t it e , kyan ite, epidote, garnet, and diopside. In outqrop the gneiss is lig h t - colored and commonly ex h ib its f o lia t io n in the form o f cm- to m -thick banding. Migmatite does occur but is r e la t iv e ly minor. Less common are amphibolites with abundant hornblende (or other amphiboles), plag io clase, and b io t it e with lesser amounts o f quartz, fe ld s p a r, epidote and garnet. massive to strongly fo lia te d . In outcrop they are dark colored and 9 Rare g a rn e t-ric h units are present in e ith e r of the previously mentioned lith o lo g ie s . Porphyroblasts ra re ly a tta in a diameter of 8 cm, with most less than 5 cm. Several small bodies (0 .0 1 -0 .5 sq. km) o f metamorphosed u ltram afic rock crop out in the d i s t r ic t . These rocks are strongly serpentinized and e x h ib it a white to dark green colo r in outcrop. Tan or brown meta-dolomite crops out discontinuously on the west side of Browns Gulch and in upper Alder Gulch (P la te I ) . Thickness varies from 15 cm to g reater than 20 m but is commonly less than I m. Minor amounts o f impure q u a rtz ite may occur adjacent to the. meta­ dolomite. Probably the meta-dolomite was a continuous la y e r o f r e la tiv e ly uniform thickness but was deformed and attenuated by Precambrian orogenesis. The remnants of th is marker u n it were used to recognize deformation in the metamorphic rocks. Excluding the meta-dolomite, thicknesses of the previously described rocks are unknown. S tra tig ra p h ic order is also unknown because metamorphism transposed a ll primary structures and te xtu res. U nfoliated tab u lar pegmatites, commonly 3 or 4 m th ic k , crop out exten sively w ithin the Precambrian rocks (P late I ) . They have sharp, discordant boundaries, and usually contain q u a rtz, s e ric itiz e d fe ld s p a rs , and b io t it e or muscovite. or west-northwest. Most pegmatites trend northwest K-Ar radiom etric dating indicates an age of 1572 m.y.B.P. ± 51 m.y. fo r b io t it e from a pegmatite in the U.S. Grant mine (Appendix I ) . 10 The M ississippian Madison Limestone is exposed in upper Alder Gulch (P la te I ) . The limestone is in th ru s t contact with the under­ lyin g rocks. An ore-bearing Late Cretaceous g ra n itic stock is exposed in upper Browns Gulch (P la te I ) . This rock (the Browns Gulch stock) is assumed to be an o u tlie r o f, or g e n e tic a lly re la te d to , the Tobacco Root b a th o lith located 35 km to the north (Tansley and others, 1933). Composition is K -feldspar, q u a rtz, plag ioclase, and b io t it e , with poorly developed graphic te x tu re . A marginal pegmatite phase o f s im ila r lith o lo g y is well developed. In a d d itio n , the stock is pervasively fa u lte d and fra c tu re d . > Numerous Early T e rtia ry (?) q u artz-sulfide-precious-m etal vein systems are present in the d i s t r i c t . Poorly m ineralized vein systems are more re s is ta n t to weathering and tend to crop out u n like most highly m ineralized vein systems. A ll vein systems cut pegmatite dikes and f o lia tio n o f metamorphic rocks. P ost-m ineralizatio n Eocene and Oligocene volcanics, dominantly basalt (Chadwick, 1981), unconformably p v e rlie Early T e rtia ry gravels or Precambrian rocks along the east fla n k o f the d i s t r i c t . Two volcanic plugs w ith in the Precambrian te rr a in cross-cut q u a rtz -s u lfid e precious-metal vein systems. Marvin and Dobson (1979) in d icate a whole rock K-Ar age o f 51.1 m.y.B.P. ± I .2 m.y. fo r the andesite plug in the El Fleeda mine (P lates 2 , 4; Appendix I ) . Late T e rtia ry and Quaternary sediments, including placer deposits, occur in Browns Gulch and Alder Gulch. 11 Structure Two episodes o f folding were recognized in the metamorphic bedrock o f the d i s t r i c t . The f i r s t event, contemporaneous with amphibolite facies metamorphism, produced tig h t is o c lin a l folds with a x ia l plane f o lia t io n . The second event c o a x ia lly (?) refolded th is f o lia tio n in to a n o rth e a s t-s trik in g , southeast-vergent, open antiform . This a n ti form is the dominant stru ctu re in the d i s t r ic t (P late I ) . The limbs of the fo ld are defined by a series of meta-dolomite outcrops, and a ttitu d e s o f f o lia t io n in adjacent gneisses, in upper Alder Gulch and west o f Browns Gulch. The fra c tu re system w ith in the antiform may have had a strong control on the emplacement o f pegmatites and quartz vein systems. Very few of these features were observed in the adjacent synform to the west. A m ultitude o f fra c tu re trends is present in the metamorphic rocks. The trends o f the vein systems, pegmatites, shear zones, fa u lts , jo in t p a ttern s, and some stream valleys depict many o f these patterns (P la te I ) . The more common trends are N45°E, N45°W, N55°- 70°W, N6&°E, N80o-90°W, N-S, and N25°W. Evidence o f fa u ltin g a t the surface is observable a t several lo ca tio n s . Three northwest-trending fa u lts o ffs e t meta-dolbmite on the northwest limb of the antiform . Several northeast-trending fa u lts o ffs e t the Madison Limestone and the underlying Precambrian rocks. In a d d itio n , the limestone is in th ru s t contact with the metamorphic rocks. 12 Faulting is abundant in underground workings although displacement is freq u en tly less than I m. A major normal f a u lt in the Cornucopia mine o ffs e ts the U.S. Grant-Cornucopia group from the El Fleeda-Black Rock group (P la te 2 ) . The f a u lt is comprised of a zone o f fa u ltin g about 2 m wide with abundant slickensides on clay-covered surfaces. The presence o f shear zones is evident both above and below ground. A n o rthw est-striking shear in the northwest limb o f the antiform e x h ib its r ig h t -la t e r a l o ffs e t in meta-dolom ite. This shear contains several blocks o f gneiss and pegmatite "flo a tin g " in re c ry s ta lliz e d " tr a v e r tin e -lik e " , banded c a lc ite . , --V The nqrthwest'I ' trending vein system of the Prospect mine appears to be in a shear zone (L o ra in , 1937). The vein system of the U.S. Grant mine occupies a n o rth e a s t-s trik in g shear zone e x h ib itin g r ig h t -la t e r a l o ffs e t. Other vein systems occupying northeast-trending shear zones occur in the El Fleeda, Black Rock, and Fork mines. 13 MINING GEOLOGY ■ Regional S e ttin g : The Tobacco Root Precious-Metal Mining Region The Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region is comprised of the V irg in ia C ity , Pony, N o rris , Sheridan, Tidal Wave, and Renpva d is tr ic ts (F ig . 2 ). Although mines in the region are small and numerous, there is a strong s im ila r ity in the character o f the ore deposits (Lorain, 1937). Most deposits in the region are quartz vein systems, composed o f . one or more vein s tru c tu re s , occupying fractu res in Precambrian metamorphics or Laramide g ra n itic intru&ives (see Appendix 2 fo r d e t a ils ) . Although there is no sharp lin e of demarcation, vein stru ctu re morphology varies from tab u lar quartz bodies in clean-cut tension fractu res to quartz lenses and stringers in strongly crushed and sheared fractu res (Lorain , 1937). A few ore bodies occur as disseminations and replacements in fractu red and a lte re d walI rocks (Appendix 2 ). Examples are the Strawn mine (Tidal Wave d i s t r i c t ) , the Broadguage-Tamarack group (Sheridan d i s t r i c t ) , the Mayflower mine (Renova d i s t r i c t ) , the Boss Tweed-Clipper group (Pony d i s t r i c t ) , and the A tla n tic and P a c ific mine (Pony d i s t r ic t ; Tarisley and others, 1933; Lorain, 1937). Hypogene ore minerals common to a ll Tobacco Root preciousmetal mining d is t r ic t s are gold, p y r ite , galena, s p h a le rite , and 14 chalc o p y rite . Other minerals in the ore deposits are lis te d in Appendix 3. Almost a ll near-surface portions o f Tobacco Root ore bodies are enriched by oxidation (L o ra in , 1937). . The depth and in te n s ity of enrichment are v a riab le but the same changes are evident in a ll enriched ores. These oxidized ores may contain secondary s ilv e r , lead, copper, z in c , and iron minerals a t the expense o f primary s u lfid e s . Base- and precious-metal production fig ures o f Tobacco Root d is tr ic ts and mines are presented in Appendices 4 and 5 , re sp ec tiv e ly . The follow ing factors in d icate why these fig ures are in part nonrepresentative o f true production and ore grade: 1) production records were not kept p rio r t o . 1900 when mining a c it v it y reached it s peak; 2) base-metal production was exclusively a by-product of precious-metal production, and base-metal content was recorded only when s u ffic ie n t q u an tity was present to pay fo r th e ir refinem ent; 3) s e le c tiv e mining methods were practiced (freq u e n tly in sm aller mines) so only the ric h e s t ore shoots were mined; 4) some of the ores were m illed p rio r to smelting whereas . others were not; 5) production from many (e s p e c ia lly sm aller) mines was from ) shallow, oxidized ores th a t were r e la t iv e ly enriched compared to hypogene ores a t depth. • 1 15 According to Lorain (1937) a nearly true measure o f the average gold content of run-of-the-m ine ore may be obtained by examining the production records o f mines th a t m illed large tonnages o f ore mined by non-selectiVe methods ( i . e . Easton-Pacific group. Mammoth mine, and the Boss Tweed-Clipper group). Inspection o f these mine records suggests a uniform gold grade in the Tobacco Root ores (excluding the unusually rich Mayflower mine in the Renova d i s t r i c t ) . Gold content of most major ore shoots varies from 0 .2 5 -0 .3 3 ounces per ton of ore (L o ra in , 1937), although s ilv e r , le a d , z in c , and copper content vary considerably. Regardless o f incomplete and somewhat inaccurate production records, s ilv e r-to -g o ld and c o p p e r-to -s iIv e r ra tio s appear to have an inverse re la tio n s h ip . The Pony d i s t r ic t (e s p e c ia lly the Mammoth mine) is the locus o f copper production, has the highest copper-tosi Iv e r r a t io , and the lowest s ilv e r-to -g o ld r a tio . At the opposite end of the spectrum is the V irg in ia C ity d i s t r ic t . This d is t r ic t (e s p e c ia lly the E aston-Pacific group.) is the locus of s ilv e r production, has the highest s ilv e r-to -g o ld r a t io , and the lowest copper-to-siTver r a tio . Other Tobacco Root d is tr ic ts appear to have interm ediate s ilv e r-to -g o ld and c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r r a tio s . The abundance o f lead and/or zinc in the Sheridan, Tidal Wave, and Renova d is tr ic ts may in part be due to zoning, however, the geochemical properties of ( Precambrian or Paleozoic) carbonate rocks may be a major fa c to r in lo c a liz a tio n o f the lead- and zinc-bearing ores. Based on th is data, a rough regional zoning o f s ilv e r-to -g o ld and c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r ra tio s with respect to the Tobacco Root b a th o lith 16 is evident (F ig . 3; Lorain, 1937). Highest c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r and lowest s ilv e r-to -g o ld ra tio s occur in and near the main exposure of the b a th o lith (Pony and Norris? d i s t r ic t s ) . Lowest c o p p e r-tp -s ilv e r and highest s ilv e r-to -g o ld ra tio s occur fu rth e s t from the b a th o lith (V irg in ia C ity d i s t r i c t ) . Interm ediate ra tio s occur in d is tr ic ts a t moderate distances from the b a th o lith . Mining Geology o f the V irg in ia C ity D is t r ic t The precious-metal deposits of the V irg in ia C ity d is t r ic t e x h ib it a strong homogeneity in character and morphology. The deposits occur as quartz vein systems occupying fractu res in Precambrian metamorphic rocks, except the Easton-Pacific group which occurs in the Brown Gulch stock. (Appendix 2; P late I ) . These fractu res are the primary (s tru c tu ra l) control of ore deposition. Lode mines in the d is t r ic t may be roughly grouped in to northeastand n o rthw est-striking vein systems (Table I ; note the dominance of the n o rth e a s t-s trik in g vein systems), although a few s trik e northsouth or east-w est. Vein systems freq u en tly transect fo lia t io n of metamorphic host rocks, however, some are subparallel ( i . e . the U.S. Grant mine: the s trik e o f the vein system is approximately p a ra lle l to the s trik e o f f o lia t io n , but the dips d i f f e r ) . P re-m in eralizatio n hydrothermal a lte ra tio n is evident in the d is tr ic t. Although microscopic observation is lim ite d , s im ila r features are observable throughout in the form of an e a rly potassic a lte ra tio n (m icrocline and possibly quartz) cut by a la t e r propyli t i c assemblage (carbonate, p y r ite , q u artz, ± c h lo r ite ). 17 RENOVA 4 6 4 . 1 .4 0 T ID A L ' 4 . 7 0 .1 0 6 T obeece Aoet ^ S H E R ID A N V IR O If cm 1 6 . 36.1 Figure 3. Regional zoning of s i l v e r-to -g o ld and c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r ra tio s in the Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region. Numbers shown are s i l v e r-to -g o ld and c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r r a tio s , re s p e c tiv e ly , fo r each d i s t r ic t . Ratios are calculated from to ta l ounces of s ilv e r , to ta l ounces of gold, and to ta l pounds of copper fo r the period 1901-1935 (data from Lorain, 1937). The c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r r a tio of Norris (0 .4 8 ) is low possibly because greater than 70% of reported production is from oxidized ore. Data fo r primary s u lfid e ore production from the Norris d is t r ic t is a v a ila b le only from the Boaz mine (Appendix 5 ) , with a s i l v e r-to -g o ld r a tio of 0.97 and a c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r r a tio of 3 .9 6 . The Boaz copper-tos ilv e r r a tio is congruent with the regional zoning, unlike the fig u re fo r the e n tire d i s t r ic t . Dashed pattern is Late Cretaceous plutonic rock; dotted pattern is Late T e rtia ry and Quaternary sediment; blank area is Precambrian through Early T e rtia ry metamorphic, sedimentary, or volcanic rock. 18 Table I . Some o f the quartz vein systems o f the V irg in ia C ity D is t r ic t . NORTHEAST-STRIKING NORTHWEST-STRIKING U.S. Grant: N40o-50°E; 35o-50°NW Prospect: Cornucopia: N45°E; 45°NW E aston-Pacific: El Fleeda: N40°-50qE; 30°-50°NW Black Rock: N50°W; 70°NE ' N65°E; 50°NW N70°E; 50°NW S ilv e r B e ll: Fork: N55°W; 70°NE N50°E; 20o-30°NW S t. Lawrence: Alameda: Mapleton: N45°W; 75°NE NSO0E; 45°NW N35°E; 20°SE Kearsage: N23°E; GS0NW M a rie tta : N45°E; 40°SE Hypogene m in e ra liza tio n consists c h ie fly of ubiquitous quartz and p y r ite , and v a ria b le amounts o f galena, s p h a le rite , chalcop yrite, and gold. Numerous other minerals alsq occur (Appendix 3 ) . Secondary s u r fic ia l enrichment (by oxidation) is important in the formation of high-grade ores in the Winnetka, E aston-P acific, Prospect, Mapleton, Kearsage, Oro Cache, El Fleeda, Alameda, and other mines (Tansley and others, 1933). From 1901-1935, production was reported from more than 60 properties (L o ra in , 1937). During the peak o f mining a c t iv it y (in the la te 19th century) i t was lik e ly th a t a s ig n ific a n tly greater number o f mines were operating. 19 The vast m a jo rity o f underground workings a r e caved and inaccessible. At present, no mines are producing, although several are accessible and in operating condition. Most underground work conducted by the author was in the U.S. Grant 3 -leveT . Other mines examined in varying d e ta il were the El Fleeda, S t. Lawrence, Cornucopia, Black Rock, and Alameda. Numerous surface exposures and mine dumps were also observed including the Prospect, Fork, and E aston-P acific. In a d d itio n , some information about these mines was a ttain ed by examining a v aila b le lit e r a t u r e and consulting with local mining geologists. 20 MINING GEOLOGY OF . SELECTED. MINES OF THE VIRGINIA CITY DISTRICT . U.S. Grant Mine The U.S. Grant mine is located approximately 1.0 km south of V irg in ia C ity on the west fla n k of Alder Gulch (P la te I ) . is composed o f 3 le v e ls . and p a r t ia lly caved. The mine The upper I - and 2 le v e ls are abandoned The lower 3 -le v e l is r e la tiv e ly accessible and is the focus of underground study. The U.S. Grant has been one of the most consistent producers in the d i s t r i c t , though never a very large one (L o rain , 1937; Appendix 6) The mine (in the 3 - le v e l) has been worked as recently as January, 1981 The 3 -le v e l is composed o f a 65 meter-long a d it in brecciated b a s a lt, a 665 meter-long d r i f t in Precambrian gneiss, and numerous stopes and raises (P la te 3 ) . Elevation o f the po rtal, is approximately 1885 m. ' Composition o f (u naltered) wall rock gneiss is dominantly hornblende-bio t i t e - p la g io c lase-q uartz-ep id o te-g arn et, w ith Iesser amounts of a q u artz-fe ld s p a r-p e rth ite -p la g io c la s e -h q rn b le n d e -b io t it e kyanite-garnet assemblage. Numerous pegmatites and several a p lite dikes tran sect wall rock fo lia t io n and are subsequently crosscut by the vein system (and the re la te d a lte ra tio n h a lo ). Pegmatite and a p lite lith o lo g y is q u a rtz -( s e r i c i t i zed) fe ld s p a rs -b io tite . L 21 A ltered wall rocks contain v a riab le amounts o f hydrothermal and r e l i c t metamorphic m inerals. The r e l i c t mineral s u ite contains s e r ic itiz e d fe ld s p a rs , b i o t it e , q u artz, and hornblende (? ). Hydrothermal minerals are m icroclin e, q u artz, carbonate, p y r ite , c h lo r ite , other p h y llo s ilicates, and ra re ly a z e o lite (? ). The 3 -le v e l vein system s trik e s N40o-50°E and dips SS0-SO0NW (P la te 3 ). The vein system is composed of two s lig h tly overlapping vein s tru c tu re s . Vein stru ctu re #1 (V S -I) is present from reference point (R .P .) #2-#5 (P la te 3 , Sheet I ) beyond which i t pinches out. Adjacent to and northwest o f the pinch-out is vein stru ctu re #2 (V S -2). Unlike V S -I, VS-2 is not continuous, hence the secondary labels VS-2a, VS-2b, e tc . This d is c o n tin u ity is probably due to post-ore fa u ltin g o f a continuous vein stru ctu re and may not imply the presence o f more than one in divid ual s tru c tu re . Vein stru ctu re thicknesses vary from 0 .3 to 5.0 m, but average 0 .6 to 1.6 m (F ig s . 4 & 5; Plate 3 ). Each stru ctu re is composed of elongate quartz lenses, ta b u la r quartz bodies, quartz s trin g e rs , and v a riab le amounts of crushed and a lte re d gneiss. The quartz contains few c a vity f i l l i n g s because syn-ore deformation in h ib its th e ir development. The e n tire vein system is contained in a shear zone. Each vein stru ctu re appears to occur in a single shear of the shear zone. Shear fra c tu rin g is the primary (s tru c tu ra l) control of ore deposition, and occurs in several major episodes. 22 Figure 4. Cross-section of U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l vein stru ctu re (V S -2). Dip approximately 50° northwest; thickness about 1.3 m. Located southwest of R .P.#6, Plate 3, Sheet I . Vein stru ctu re composed of an elongate quartz le n s , quartz s trin g e rs , and crushed and a lte re d wall rock ("X" p a tte rn ). Some wall rock (dot p attern ) and pegmatite feldspar (lin e p attern ) fragments in quartz lens. S ulfide m ineralizatio n (black shading) occurs as small seams and pockets in quartz. Wavy lin e pattern depicts wall rock not contained in vein s tru c tu re . 23 Figure 5. View looking up-dip of vein structure on southeast wall of U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l d r i f t . Located northeast of R.P.#9, Plate 3, Sheet I . Vein structure composed of an elongate quartz lens (blank area with th in -lin e d fra c tu re s ) contain­ ing s u lfid e seams (black shading), wall rock fragments (dot p a tte rn ), and sparse pegmatite feldspar (lin e p a tte rn ). Wallrock (wavy lin e p attern ) is crushed and a lte re d , and contains several quartz s trin g e rs . Thickness o f vein structure is 0.8 to 1.0 m. 24 Most of the vein system (including adjacent wall rocks) was fractu red and crusted by syn-ore, b r i t t l e , c a ta c la s tic shear. Right- la te r a l o ffs e t between hanging wall (HW) and footw alI (FW) has been documented by observing displacement o f HW pegmatite and a p lite dikes from corresponding FW portions (P la te 3 ) . Sparse pegmatit i c feldspar was observed in the vein stru ctu re between o ffs e t HW and FW pegma­ t it e s (P la te 3; Fig. 5 ). The magnitude o f wall rock deformation and la te r a l o ffs e t varies somewhat in the 3 - le v e l. At lo catio n I (R .P .# 4 .5 ; in the Only terminus exposed o f e ith e r shear in the 3 - le v e l; see P late 3) w a llrocks are not crushed or displaced. Lateral o ffs e t in uncrushed or s lig h tly crushed wall rocks occurs a t locations I I o ffs e t), I I I (R .P .#4; 8 .0 m (R .P .# 8 .5 ; 8 .3 m o f f s e t ) , and IV (R .P .#18.5; 10.3 m ' o ffs e t). Lateral o ffs e t in strongly crushed wall rocks is present a t locations V (R .P .#3; 12.0 m o ffs e t) and VI (R .P .#5; o ffs e t unknown). At lo catio n V II (R .P .#6) pegmatite blocks flo a tin g in crushed w a llrock suggest extreme deformation and preclude any determination of the magnitude o f la te r a l movement. A two-stage a lte r a tio n event is proposed by the author based on petrographic study of a lte re d walI rocks. Potassic a lte ra tio n consisting o f m icrocline and possibly quartz is in part cut by a subsequent propyli t i c assemblage containing carbonate, p y r ite , qu artz, c h lo rite and other p h y llo s ilic a te s , and ra re ly a z e o lite (? ) . depicts the age relatio n sh ip s o f these m inerals. Table 2 25 Table 2. MINERAL QUARTZ MICROCLINE CARBONATE CHLORITE and other p h y llo s ilicates ZEOLITE PYRITE GALENA CHALCOPYRITE TETRAHEDRITE HEMATITE SPHALERITE Paragenetic sequence of hypogene a lte ra tio n and ore m in e ra liza tio n in the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l. Major episodes of syn-ore shear are also shown. WALLROCK ALTERATION ORE MINERALIZATION _ U _________________ Ll_ _JJ ______________ LI______________ Il Il Il I Il I I I I li_ Il Il Il Il Il Il IL_________________ LI I I I _u I _LI I — _L I I Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il — Il Il — ................ I I CO 3Z m CO ZE m 70 Z O O ^y O Z CO =T m 70 Z O 26 V ariable amounts o f m icrocline and possibly quartz (Figs. 6-8) occur as random, unoriented replacements o f p re -e x is tin g gneiss. This conclusion is based on the follow ing observations: 1) Metamorphic rocks not in s p a tia l proxim ity to the 3 -le v el vein system (or other vein systems) contain only s e r ic itiz e d fe ld ­ spars but never n o n -s e ric itic m icrocline (F ig . 6 ) . M icrocline occurs (in v a riab le amounts) only in wallrocks adjacent to and w ith in the 3 -le v e l vein system (Figs. 7 & 8 ). Therefore, m icrocline is post- sen' c itiz a tio n and is lik e ly a product o f younger hydrothermal a c t iv it y . 2) T rip le -p o in t grain-boundary angles o f approximately 120° between m icrocline and some quartz grains (F ig . 7) in d ic a te te x tu ra l equilib rium (Stanton, 1972, p. 234). K-Ar radiom etric analysis was performed on the m icrocline by Geochron Labs. The sample contained a small amount o f r e l i c t p e rth ite and K-feld sp ar (F ig . 8 ) . An age of 311 m .y.B.P. ± 11 m.y. was a ttain ed (Appendix I ) suggesting an admixture of Precambrian and Laramide fe ld s p a r. A la t e r pervasive propyli t i c a lte r a tio n assemblage occurs as m icroveinlets crosscutting, and as a m atrix surrounding m icrocline, q u artz, and r e l i c t minerals (Figs. 8 & 9 ). The shape and dimensions o f the a lte ra tio n halo are not known. The halo is probably more or less ta b u la r ( lik e the vein system). is possibly no g reater than 5 m wide on e ith e r side of the vein system and - in many places is less than I m. It 27 M in e ra liza tio n in the 3 -le v e l is almost e n tir e ly hypogene, unlike the upper two le vels where oxidized ore is more abundant. Major ore shoots (which appear to be controlled by shear fra c tu rin g ) occur as th in s u lfid e -ric h seams and pockets along the hanging wall or footw all contact (Figs. 5 & 10). Ore shoots may be continuous fo r tens of meters along s tr ik e , however, most are less. Petrographic study of polished-surface ore samples followed the c r it e r ia o f Ramdohr (1969) in the id e n tific a tio n of minerals and in te rp re ta tio n of mineral te xtu res. Figure 6. Unaltered gneiss from Browns Gulch. a e rlc ltlc K -te id a p a r q u artz e p ld o te b lo tlte a e rlc ltlc p la g lo c la z e Jjjj h o rn b le n d e I 28 Figure 7. S lig h tly a lte re d wall rock from the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l, R .P .# 8 .5 . Note the addition of m icrocline and possibly q u artz. Some b io t it e e x h ib its in c ip ie n t propyli t i c a lte r a tio n to c h lo r ite , other phylI o s i I i cates, and p y rite . sericitlc K -feldsp ar quartz •< *r • s - microcline • p yrite biotite ch lo rite /o th e r p h y Iloaillcates after b io tite / / A ,y y ' / y Figure 8. Strongly a lte re d wall rock from the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l, R .P .# 8 .5 . This sketch ex h ib its a well-developed potassic assemblage cut by a propyli t i c assemblage of carbonate, p y r ite , and quartz. P ro p y litize d b io tite contains c h lo r ite , other p h y llo s ilic a te s , and p y rite . K-Ar age o f the feldspar population in th is sample is 311 m.y.B.P. ± 11 m.y. 30 Figure 9. Strongly p ro p y litiz e d wall rock from the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l, southwest of R. P.# 8 .5 . Fibrous mineral in lower h a lf of sketch may be a z e o lite . Quartz from vein stru ctu re is present in upper r ig h t. aerlcltlc K -Ie ld s p a r quartz carbonate ••y r •• • microcline • pyrite zeo lite(? ) 31 Figure 10. A ty p ic a l sample of q u a rtz -s u lfid e ore and adjacent walI rock from the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l. Wal I rock is crushed and a lte r e d , and contains quartz s trin g e rs . Quartzs u lfid e ore has concentration of sulfides (black shading) along wall rock contact, and contains fragments of w a llrock ( lin e p a tte rn ). Thin branching lin es are fra c tu re s . 32 Hypogene ore m in e ra liza tio n consists o f abundant p y r ite , moderate amounts o f s p h a le rite and galena, minor chalcopyrite and te tra h e d rite , and rare specular (?) hem atite. yellow ) native gold is very ra re . Observed (b rig h t- Microscopic flakes o f gold occur in lim o nite (400x, o il imm.) and possibly in s p h a le rite (140x, o il imm.) . Gangue is c h ie fly quartz with minor feld sp ar. The ore minerals in the 3 -le v e l e x h ib it r e la tiv e ly simple age re la tio n s h ip s . p y r ite . Early quartz (F ig . 11) is followed by quartz and Fracture f i l l i n g s in p y rite contain quartz (F ig . 12 ); q u artz, galena, c h a lc o p yrite , and s p h a le rite (F ig . 13); or q u a rtz, galena, c h a lc o p yrite , s p h a le rite , te tra h e d rite , and hematite (F ig . 14). S ph alerite appears in part to replace p y rite and galena (F ig . 14), or p y r ite , galena, and chalcopyrite (F ig s .15& 1 6 ). P ost-sphalerite quartz occurs as m icroveinlets cu ttin g s p h a le rite and other sulfides (F ig . 16). These relatio n sh ip s are depicted in Table 2. Secondary minerals in the 3 -le v e l ores include m alachite, chrysocolla, c o v e ili t e , chalc o c ite , manganese oxide, (red ) hematite, and lim o n ite . R eflection microscopy o f ore samples ex h ib its chalcopyrite rimmed by chalco cite which is surrounded by cove11it e . Post-ore fa u ltin g (in the 3 -le v e l) is abundant though displacements are usually less than I m and freq uently less than 0.3 m (P la te 3 ). Most o f these fa u lts crosscut the vein system ,. hence post-ore in te rn a l deformation of the vein system is minimal. The U.S. Grant mine is adjacent and g e n e tic a lly re la te d to the Cornucopia mine (P la te 2 ) . The vein systems of both mines occur in a major n o rth e a s t-s trik in g shear zone or group of overlapping shear 33 Figure 11. Ore sample from the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l. Early quartz ("Q") is surrounded by la t e r quartz (w hite) and p y rite (b la c k ). Figure 12. Ore sample from the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l. fractu res f i l l e d by quartz. C2 O pyrite P y rite with 34 Figure 13. Ore sample from the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l. P y rite with frac tu re s f i l l e d by q u artz, galena, s p h a le rite , and c h a lco p yrite. Figure 14. Ore sample from the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l. P y rite with fractu res f i l l e d by q u artz, galena, s p h a le rite , c h a lc o p yrite , te tra h e d rite , and hem atite. S p h ale rite, in p a rt, appears to replace p y rite and galena. p y rlle galena s p h a le rite c h a lc o p y rite te tra h e d rite h em a tite 35 0 2 5 mm Figure 15. Ore sample from the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l. Sphalerite is replacing galena, p y r ite , and ch alcop yrite. Figure 16. Ore sample from the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l. S phalerite is replacing p y r ite , galena, and chalcop yrite. Post­ s p h a le rite quartz cuts across s p h a le rite and p y rite . ▲ 36 zones. This zone (o r group of zones) also contains the El Fleeda-Homestake-Black Rock group. The U.S. Grant-Cornucopia group is o ffs e t from the El Fleeda-Homestake-Black Rock group by a recent normal f a u lt (N25°W, 810NE; Boyer9 personal comm., 1981; Plate 2 ). This f a u lt is observable a t the southwest end of the Cornucopia I - le v e l. El Fleeda Mine The El Fleeda mine, located approximately 1.5 km south of V irg in ia C ity (P la te I ) , is composed o f fiv e levels and an in clined s h a ft. A ll workings except the 4 -le v e l are caved and inaccessible. The 4 -le v e l was worked as re cen tly as the 1960's. I t consists o f a 105 meter-long a d it , a d r i f t composed of two branches with a to ta l length of 120 m, several stopes and ra is e s , and an in clin ed shaft (P la te 4 ) . Portal elevatio n is approximately 2000 m. Composition o f unaltered wall rock gneisses is dominantly hornblende-bio t i te - q u a r t z - f e ldspar with a lesser amount of quartzfe ld s p a r -b io tite gneiss. f o lia t io n . Numerous g ra n itic pegmatites cut wall rock The pegmatites are in turn cut by the vein system. A ltered wall rocks e x h ib it potassic a lte ra tio n in the form of abundant m icrocline and possibly qu artz. to c h lo rite and rare p y r ite . B io tite is in p art alte red M icroveinlets of fin e -g ra in e d mosaic quartz and hematized p y rite crosscut a ll previously mentioned m inerals. Carbonate is not present, however, th is is probably due to lim ite d sampling. 37 The 4 -le v e l vein system ( lik e th a t of the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l) occupies a shear zone. Average s trik e and dip o f the system is N4Q°-50°E and 30o-50°NW (P la te 4 ). The vein system is composed o f two vein structures th a t jo in along s trik e to the northeast. is about 2 m. Maximum thickness of e ith e r structure Each vein stru ctu re is composed o f quartz lenses, quartz s trin g e rs , and tab u lar quartz bodies in crushed and alte red wall rock. The quartz contains few open-space f i l l i n g s because syn-ore deformation p a rtly precludes th e ir development. Considerable post-ore (including recent) fa u ltin g occurs w ith in and adjacent to the vein system. As a r e s u lt, footw all and hanging wall boundaries are disguised and d i f f i c u l t to lo ca te . Syn-ore, b r i t t l e c a ta c la s tic shear displaced hanging wall and footw all portions o f w all rock pegmatites, in addition to destroying th e ir ta b u la r form. Subsequent post-ore fa u ltin g has fu rth e r displaced the pegmatites and surrounding wall rocks. As a r e s u lt, analysis o f pegmatite locations yield ed ambiguous data fo r magnitude and d ire c tio n o f shear. Hypogene m in e ra liza tio n in the 4 -le v e l contains auriferous and argentiferous s u lfid e s , dominantly p y rite with lesser amounts of galena, in a gangue of quartz. B right-yellow gold occurs as flakes (1 -2 mm across) in q u artz, but is qu ite ra re . oxid ized , e s p e cia lly where system. ore. Much of the ore is post-ore fa u ltin g is present in the vein In the v ic in it y of pegmatites, feldspar may be found in the 38 A post-ore andesite plug crosscuts the vein system (P la te 4 ). Whole rock K-Ar radiom etric dating indicates a 51.1 m .y.B.P. ± 1.2 m.y. age fo r the plug (Marvin and Dobson, 1979; Appendix I ) . This plug appears to separate the El Fleeda vein system from the Homestake-Black Rock vein system (P la te 2 ). Black Rock Mine The Black Rock mine is located 2.5 km southwest o f V irg in ia C ity a t an elevation of 2090 m (P la te I ) . Most of the workings are caved; however, access to one d r i f t level is possible via a 20 meter-long v e n tila tio n ra is e . Approximately 80 m of d r i f t are observable. Wallrock lith o lo g y is h o rn b le n d e-b io tite -q u artz-fe ld s p a r gneiss. ! Pegmatites are lacking although they are abundant a t the surface (P lates 1 , 2 ) . The vein system, a ttitu d e N50°E; 20o-30°NW, is contained in a shear zone. I t consists of a single vein structure composed of tab u lar quartz bodies 0.7 to 1.7 m th ic k (L o rain , 1937) and quartz stringers in fractu red gneiss. M in e ra liza tio n occurs as precious-m etal-bearing s u lfid e s , dominantly p y r ite . Gangue is e n tir e ly quartz. Easton-Pacific Group The Easton-Pacific group, elevation approximately 2300 m, is located 7.5 km south o f Nevada C ity in the headwaters of Browns Gulch 39 (P la te I ) . A ll underground workings are inaccessible due to recent open-pit operation on the claim . According to Winchell (1914), these mines are on the same vein system w ithin the Browns Gulch stock. This group has yield ed the la rg e s t tonnage of any property in the V irg in ia C ity d is t r ic t (L o rain , 1937; Appendix 6 ) . the Easton has been the major producer. Within the group, The Easton claim was developed southeastward along the vein system, whereas the P a c ific claim was developed towards the northwest. The Easton-Pacific vein system s trik e s N55°W and dips 70°NE. In the Easton mine the vein system is composed of two vein structures th a t jo in towards the southeast ( WinchelI , 1914). Thickness of the vein structures varies from 0.5 to 2.0 or 2.6 m ( W inchell, 1914). D eta ils of P a c ific vein system morphology are lacking in the a v aila b le lit e r a t u r e . M in e ra liza tio n varies s lig h tly amongst the two mines. In the P a c ific mine antimonial s ilv e r s u lfid es and native gold and s ilv e r occur in quartz and iron oxides ( W inchell, 1914). In the Easton mine the ore contains a rg e n tite , auriferous p y r ite , native s ilv e r , te tra h e d rite , native gold, s p h a le rite , and s tib n ite (W in chell, 1914). Gangue is c h ie fly quartz and fe ld s p a r. The s ilv e r-to -g o ld r a tio is higher in the Easton than in the P a c ific , and the r a tio increases with depth in both mines (Tansley. and others, 1933). 40 Prospect Mine The Prospect Mine, elevation 1890 m, is located 1.5 km west of V irg in ia C ity (P la te I ) . A ll workings are dangerous and inaccessible. The vein system, a ttitu d e . N45°W; 75°NE, is in quartzofeldspathic gneiss. I t is l i t t l e disturbed by post-ore fa u ltin g (Tansley and others, 1933). Unlike other productive vein systems in the d i s t r ic t , i t is re a d ily traced a t the surface over the f u l l length o f the Prospect claim . The vein system appears to be composed o f a single vein s tru c tu re . I t contains quartz lenses up to 2.3 m th ic k in sheared gneiss (L o ra in , 1937). The p rin cip al hypogene m in e ra liza tio n consists o f galena, c h a lc o p yrite , and p y r ite , with minor s p h a le rite and n ative gold. Petrographic study indicates 25% of observable microscopic gold is contained in q u artz, with the remainder occurring in s u lfid e s , mainly galena (Tansley and others, 1933). Although p y rite is not an important c a rr ie r of observable gold, i t is assumed th a t p y rite contains gold as submicroscopic p a rtic le s and/or as a la t t ic e c o n stitu en t. S t. Lawrence Mine The S t. Lawrence mine, elevation approximately 2000 m, is located about 4 .0 km southwest of Nevada C ity (P la te I ) . to the mine is via a 50° in clin ed s h a ft. Entrance The follow ing data is from observations by the author in the 1 5 0 -le v e l. 41 The S t. Lawrence vein system, a ttitu d e N65°E; 50°NW, is contained in quartzofeldspathic gneiss. I t is composed of two p a ra lle l vein structures th a t merge toward the northeast. Maximum distance between the two structures is about 20 m (Boyer, personal comm. 1982). The vein structures vary in thickness from 0.3 to 2.3 m. They are composed of ta b u lar quartz bodies, exceeding I m in thickness, and quartz strin g ers in fractured and a lte re d wall rock (F ig . 17). tabular quartz qu artz stringer 3 0 cm Figure 17. Cross-section of the vein stru ctu re in the S t. Lawrence 1 5 0 -le v e l. Sulfides (black) occur as pockets and blebs. 42 A ltered wall rocks (in and adjacent to the vein system) contain a pervasive potassic a lte ra tio n assemblage consisting o f m icrocline and possibly quartz, -Subsequent p ro p y litiz a tio n occurs as massive dissemination-patches and m icroveinlets o f carbonate and hematized p y r ite . No c h lo rite is present probably because the o rig in a l gneiss lacks b io t it e . Primary m in e ra liza tio n occurs as blebs and large pockets of p y rite with some galena and minor chalcop yrite. Ore from the 150- level is only s lig h tly oxidized. Each vein stru ctu re hosts a recent f a u lt . Both fa u lts e x h ib it approximately 60 m of le f t - l a t e r a l o ffs e t (Boyer, 1982, personal comm.). As a r e s u lt, portions o f the vein structures are fra c tu re d , crushed, and granulated. Fork Mine The Fork mine is located in Browns Gulch about 5 km south of Nevada C ity (P late I ) . Elevation of the d r i f t is about 1950 m. The vein system s trik e s N35°E and dips 20°SE (L o ra in , 1937). Observations of mine dump samples in d icate the vein system contains much a lte re d and crushed gneissic wall rock, and possibly some pegmatitic fe ld s p a r. Microscopic examination o f a single wall rock sample indicates intense p ro p y litiz a tio n in the form of massive carbonate and p y r ite , with abundant b io t it e ghosts containing c h lo rite and p y r ite . According to Lorain (1 9 37 ), a 0 .7 m eter-thick "quartz vein" is contained in a "crushed and sheared zone in gneiss". Ore samples 43 from the dump contain v a ria b le q u a n titie s o f p y rite and galena in a gangue o f quartz. 44 GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF THE VIRGINIA CITY DISTRICT Based on data from the southern Tobacco Root Mountains (Cordua, 1973; M ueller and Cordua, 1976; Burger, 1969; Wooden and others, 1978), data from maps o f the mining d is t r ic t (W eir, 1982; Hadley, 1969), and f ie ld relationsh ips observed by the author, the follow ing geologic h is to ry has been proposed. Deposition o f p ro to !ith s and subsequent metamorphism p rio r to and a t 2700 m.y.B.P. formed the p re -B e lt rocks in the mining d i s t r ic t . Deformation accompanying the 2700 m .y.B.P. metamorphism yielded tig h t is o c lin a l folds with a xial plane f o lia t io n . Sometime a fte r th is deformation but p rio r to 1600 m.y. ago, coaxial (?) re fo ld in g o f the p re -e x is tin g f o lia t io n produced the n o rth e a s t-s trik in g antiform of the d i s t r i c t . About 1600 m .y .B .P ., a thermal event reset mineral ages, and pegmatites of the d i s t r ic t were formed. During the Paleozoic and the Mesozoic Eras, sedimentary rocks were probably deposited in the mining d i s t r i c t , however, th is is not c e rta in . The Madison Limestone was observed in upper Alder Gulch, but was in th ru s t contact with the underlying Precambrian rocks. From Late Cretaceous to Mid Oligocene tim e, Laramide orogenic processes operated in the d is t r ic t and the surrounding region.; B r i t t l e , non-penetrative, low-temperature deformation in Precambrian c r y s ta llin e rocks probably created new f a u lt s , fra c tu re s , and shears. 45 and reactivated many p re -e x is tin g weaknesses. s tra ta were th ru s t onto Precambrian rocks. Paleozoic and Mesozoic Plutonism, volcanism, and hydrothermal a c t iv it y were widespread throughout the area. The Browns Gulch stock and marginal pegmatite phase were in je c te d , followed by the emplacement o f q u artz-sulfide-precious-m etal ore bodies. Subsequent erosion and deposition o f stream gravels was followed by the extrusion o f voluminous q u an titie s o f Eocene and Oligocene volcanics. During Late T e rtia ry and Pleistocene tim e, erosion removed most of the volcanics, the underlying g ravels, most o f the Paleozoic and a ll Mesozoic s tr a ta , and some o f the Precambrian rocks. Sediments containing placer gold were deposited in the la rg e r stream v a lle y s . 46 CONCLUSIONS: AGE AND GENESIS OF QUARTZ-SULFIDEPRECIOUS-METAL VEIN SYSTEMS IN THE VIRGINIA CITY MINING DISTRICT Previous In te rp re ta tio n s The genesis of q u artz-sulfide-precious-m etal vein systems in the V irg in ia C ity d i s t r ic t is not obvious. Previous w rite rs express ideas influenced mainly by the Lindgren magmatic-hydrothermal theory. Winchell (1914) stated the occurrence o f E aston-Pacific ores in the Browns Gulch stock was not o f chance but of genetic r e la tio n ­ ship. He acknowledged th a t vein systems hosted by Precambrian gneisses contained p y ra rg y rite , s y lvan ite or c a la v e rite , nagyagite, S tib n ite 1 and te tra h e d rite . This prompted him to say th a t vein system constituents "may have traveled a considerable distance from some parent igneous mass." However he then stated "the country rock o f the ores is much broken and a lte re d , and such conditions f a c i l i t a t e and bear witness to a c tiv e c irc u la tio n of meteoric waters. I f such waters penetrated to s u ffic ie n t d e p th e y might dissolve the m aterials o f the ore deposits from the country rock on th e ir downward and la te r a l journey and redeposit them in fis s u r e s ..." In a d d itio n , he indicated the vein systems were d e fin ite ly older than, and unrelated to . T e rtia ry volcanics in the d i s t r ic t . Tansley and others (T933) also thought the occurrence of the Easton-Pacific group in the Browns Gulch stock suggested a genetic re la tio n s h ip . Subsequently, they stated i t was probable th a t "the 47 Precambrian rocks o f the region were underlain by monzonitic rocks which were responsible fo r much of the. fis s u rin g and m in eralizatio n o f the area." Lorain (1937) implied an o rig in (o f precious-metal ores in a ll Tobacco Root d is t r ic t s ) re la te d to Laramide plutonism by his discussion o f metal zoning with respect to the Tobacco Root bath o lith A d d itio n a lly he stated the Easton-Pacific group was located in the Browns Gulch stock, and the M a rie tta , High-Up, and other mines were closely associated with i t (P la te I ) . A ll other mines of the d i s t r ic t are w ith in several kilometers o f the in tru s iv e , with most of them between the main outcrop o f the b a th o lith and the stock. Weir (1982) mapped the bedrock o f the north h a lf o f the mining d i s t r i c t , including outcrop patterns o f quartz vein systems. He stated with uncertainty th a t the ore bodies were T e rtia ry in age though d e fin te ly older than the T e rtia ry volcanics. Author's In te rp re ta tio n The follow ing in te rp re ta tio n o f age and genesis of qu artzsulfide-precious-m etal ores in the V irg in ia C ity mining d is t r ic t is based on petrographic study and K-Ar radiom etric dating of altered wall rocks in the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l, information obtained via aboveand below-ground mapping, and data from a v a ila b le li t e r a t u r e . I t is assumed th a t the strong s im ila r ity in character and morphology of . a ll mines in the d is t r ic t allows in te rp re ta tio n s o f data obtained from a single mine to be applicable to a l l . 48 Age o f Ore Deposits I t is proposed th a t the age o f emplacement o f ores (in th e ir present form) in the mining d is t r ic t is between Latest Cretaceous and Early T e rtia ry time (70-60 m .y .B .P .) . This in te rp re ta tio n is supported by several types of evidence. The occurrence o f the Easton-Pacific group in the Late Cretaceous Browns Gulch stock indicates the ores bodies (o f the d i s t r ic t ) must be younger than Late Cretaceous. I t is reasonable to assume they are no younger than Early T e rtia ry because an andesite plug, with an age of 51.1 m.y.B.P. ± 1.2 m.y. (Marvin and Dobson, 1979), cuts the El Fleeda 4 -le v e l vein system (Plates 2 , 4 ) . A ltered wall rocks from the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l contain variab le amounts o f fre s h , n o n -s e ric itiz e d m icro clin e, and, s e r ic itiz e d Precambrian feldspar (Figs. 7 &. 8 ) . M icroclin e , because i t lacks s e r ic it e , is p o s t-s e r ic itiz a tio n . The youngest known age of any s e r ic it ic feldspar is 1572 m.y.B.P. ± 51 m.y. from the "Powder Mag" pegmatite. Therefore mi croclin e is post-1572 m .y.B.P. This age in te rp re ta tio n is also supported by the crosscutting of a ll pegmatites in the 3 -le v e l by the m icrocline-bearing a lte r a tio n halo. Based on the geologic h isto ry of the mining d i s t r ic t , the only post1572 m .y.B.P. process capable of forming m icrocline is hydrothermal potassic a lte ra tio n re la te d to Laramide igneous a c t iv it y . However, a t present i t cannot be determined i f s e r ic itiz a tio n is a product of 1600 m .y.B.P. retrograde metamorphism, pre-micrpcline Laramide hydrothermal a lte r a tio n , or post-pegmatite weathering. 49 An attempt was made by the author to determine the exact age o f ore m in e ra liza tio n in the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l vein system. I t was assumed th a t a lte ra tio n o f wall rock was approximately synchronous with ore m in e ra liz a tio n . This allowed the use of hydrothermal micro- c lin e fo r determination o f ore body age. bearing a lte re d wall rock (F ig . 8 is a petrographic sketch o f the sample) was analyzed by Geochron Labs. dated by K-Ar technique. A sample of m icrocline- The feldspar was removed and An age of 311 m .y.B.P. ± 11 m.y. was a tta in e d . This age appears contradictory to the proposed Latest Cretaceous to Early T e rtia ry age. However, careful microscopic examination of the age-date sample reveals the wall rock feldspar population contains approximately 85% hydrothermal m icrocline and 15% Precambrian (v a ria b ly s e r ic itiz e d ) feldspar (F ig . 8 ). Therefore, th is apparently contradictory age (and the occurrence of excess Ar 40 ) is due to contamination ( Dalrymple and Lanphere, 1969; Schaeffer and Zahringer, 1966) of the Latest Cretaceous to Early T e rtia ry m icrocline sample by r e l i c t (1600 m .y.B .P .) fe ld sp ar. Consequently th is date is a composite age of m icrocline and r e l i c t feld sp ar. The previous in te rp re ta tio n by the author appears p lau sib le . A d d itio n a lly , the a lte rn a tiv e explanation of a Precambrian age presents problems. I f the ore bodies are not the products of Latest Cretaceous to Early T e rtia ry hydrothermal a c tiv ity but instead are the products of a Precambrian metamorphic re la ted process, one would expect a maximum age o f ore deposition and wall rock a lte ra tio n o f about 1572 m.y. To achieve a 311 m.y. age from 1572 m.y. old 50 m icroclin e, 80% of the. A r ^ must escape the m icrocline la t t ic e . Data fo r loss o f Ar4® from m icrocline suggest a maximum o f 20% (Schaeffer and Zahringer, 1966) or 20-30% (DalrympTe and Lanphere, 1969). Consequently i t seems u n lik e ly the apparent age of 311 m.y. is modified from a real age o f 1572 m.y. I t must also be noted th at b io t it e from the "Powder Mag" pegmatite in the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l (P la te 3 , Sheet I , R.P. #6)' has a K-Ar date of .1572 m.y.B.P. ± 51 m.y. B io tite is known to re ta in Ar40 b e tte r than m icrocline, and considering the 1600 m .y.B.P. age fo r the la s t metamorphic event in the d i s t r i c t , th is b io t it e sample ex h ib its complete re te n tio n . Why ( i f m icrocline and b io t it e are synchronous) would the m icrocline lose an extreme amount of Ar to ta l retention? 40 while b io t it e exhibits The most lik e ly explanation is th a t m icrocline is not 1572 m.y. old but is o f Latest Cretaceous to Early T e rtia ry age. According to Lorain (1937), a rough regional zoning o f copperto -s ilv e r and s i l v e r-to -g o ld ra tio s occurs with respect to the Tobacco Root b a th o lith (F ig . 3 ) . This regional zoning appears to encompass a ll Tobacco Root mining d is t r ic t s , and th erefo re suggests a re la tio n s h ip between Tobacco Root precious-metal deposition and. the Tobacco Root b a th o lith . Johns (1 9 61 ), Tansley and others (1933), and Winchell (1914) report on various d is tr ic ts in the Tobacco Root region. They also suggest a possible genetic re la tio n s h ip between the b a th o lith and precious-metal m in e ra liz a tio n . I f (most or a l l ) Tobacco Root precious-metal deposits are of s im ila r (b a th o lith -r e la te d ) genesis, they are lik e ly o f s im ila r age. The occurrence of some deposits as f r a c t u r e - f illin g s in the Tobacco Root b a th o lith (77-72 51 m .y .B .P .; Appendix 2) and re la te d rocks, and the unquestionable pre-51 m .y.B.P. age o f the ores in the V irg in ia C ity d i s t r i c t , strongly supports a Latest Cretaceous to Early T e rtia ry age fo r emplacement o f (most or a l l ) Tobacco Root precious-metal ores. Genesis .of Ores in the V irg in ia C ity Mining D is t r ic t In conjunction with the proposed Latest Cretaceous to Early T e rtia ry age o f V irg in ia C ity precious-metal deposits, the follow ing in te rp re ta tio n o f genesis is suggested. Precious-metal deposits of the V irg in ia C ity d i s t r ic t (and the Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region) appear to be the products a t le a s t in p a rt o f (Tobacco Root) b a th o lith -re la te d hydrothermal a c t iv it y . A d d itio n a lly , Precambrian metamorphism may be responsible fo r an i n i t i a l p a rtia l concentration of ore m etals, though no evidence is a v a ila b le a t present. A model depicting genesis of epithermal precidus-metal deposits ( Eimon and A nctiI , 1981; Buchanan, 1981) appears s u ita b le , with some m o d ific atio n , fo r the V irg in ia C ity deposits (F ig . 1 8 ). I t must be noted th a t "epithermal" re fle c ts a genetic-class (Buchanan, 1981) and not a temperature-class of Lindgren (193.3). The follow ing is a presentation o f the basic concepts o f th is model. For more d e ta il re fe r to Buchanan (1981) or Eimon and Anctil (1981). The model encompasses a geothermal convection c e ll (driven by an igneous heat source; T aylo r, 1973) th a t c irc u la te s a large . volume o f hydrothermal f lu id s . The water in these flu id s (as in rx> Figure 18 Depositional model of epithermal precious-metals Modified from Buchanan (1981) 53 documented in some deposits) is dominantly or e n tir e ly meteoric (T a y lo r, 1973). Episodic b o ilin g o f the flu id s in the upper, near­ surface portion o f the convection c e ll is responsible fo r metal deposition (F ig . 1 8 ). Precious-metals are deposited a t and above the b o ilin g le v e l, whereas base-metals are deposited a t and below i t . Reported temperatures of precious-metal deposition vary from 200o-300°C (Buchanan^ 1981) to IOO0-SOO0C ( Eimon and A n c til, 1981). In a d d itio n , numerous p re-m in e raliza tio n fractu res (freq uently te n s io n al) are required to tra n s p o rt, and accommodate deposition from, hydrothermal flu id s . Host rocks are dominantly volcanic or sedimentary Widespread propyli t i c a lte ra tio n ( c h lo r ite , p y r ite , montmoriI Io n ite , carbonate, and i l l i t e ) encloses e r r a t ic a lly present inner a lte ra tio n assemblages (a d u la ric , p h y llic , a rg il l i e , a l u n it ic , and s i l i c i c ; Fig. 18). Also, most recognized epithermal deposits are o f T e rtia ry age (Buchanan, 1981; Eimon and A n c til, 1981). Based on th is model, the follow ing genesis has been proposed fo r the V irg in ia C ity deposits. A geothermal convection c e ll produced la rg e -s c a le , regional c irc u la tio n of hydrothermal flu id s in the upper­ most portion o f the c ru s t. Heat from Laramide plutonism (Tobacco Root b a th o lith and re la te d rocks) powered the convection c e ll. Ore constituents were co llected (in p art remobilized ?) and transported by hydrothermal flu id s . Numerous fra c tu re s , mostly w ith in the n o rth e a s t-s trik in g antiform of the d i s t r i c t , were invaded by the ore-bearing s o lu tio n s ." With tim e, fractu res th a t exhibited proper physiochemical environments fo r ore deposition became the locus of m in e ra liza tio n . 54 At present i t is not known i f b o ilin g o f the ore-bearing flu id s is the mechanism responsible fo r precious-m etal.deposition in the V irg in ia C ity d i s t r ic t . Additional data ( i . e . f lu id inclusion studies) is needed to make a d e fin itiv e statement. The source o f the ore constituents is not known, however, based on current lit e r a t u r e , several statements may be made. Water in hydrothermal flu id s is lik e ly in part or e n tir e ly meteoric (T aylo r, 1973). According o f the rock to Boyle (1979) and T illin g and others (1973), any types in the d is t r ic t are adequate sources o f gold. Therefore, Precambrian metamorphics and Laramide in tru sive s are possible source rocks. Nearby Laramide igneous rocks are possible sources fo r s u lfu r (Whitney and Stormer, 1983). In the fu tu re , oxygen, s u lfu r, and lead isotope studies may provide valuable clues about the source of some ore constituents. The V irg in ia C ity d i s t r ic t deviates from the model in several ways. Host In the U.S. rocks of the d i s t r ic t are n e ith er sedimentary or volcanic. Grant 3 -le v e l and the S t. Lawrence 1 5 0 -le v e l, p ro p y litiz a - tio n is present but appears to be re s tric te d to a narrow irre g u la r band on e ith e r side of both vein systems. In the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l, the S t. Lawrence 1 5 0 -le v e l, and the El Fleeda 4 - le v e l, m icrocline (and not a d u la ria ) is the feldspar present in the accompanying a lte ra tio n assemblage. A d d itio n a lly , most of the ore-bearing fractu res in the d i s t r ic t are shear zones and not tension fra c tu re s . The occurrence o f gold and s ilv e r with abundant base-metals suggests th a t d i s t r ic t m in e ra liza tio n is from the deeper portion of the model in the zone o f overlap between base- and precious-metal 55 deposition. According to the model (F ig . 1 8 ), width o f th is overlap is about 50 m, however, most mines in the d is t r ic t span a considerably greater v e rtic a l distance. The question arises: why is there an apparent lack o f major v e rtic a l change in hypbgene m in e ra liza tio n in the d is tr ic t? An answer may be th a t the location o f the mechanism responsible fo r precious-metal deposition cannot remain constant in space and time (Buchanan, 1981). V e rtic a l change o f the location of th is mechanism can explain large v e rtic a l in te rv a ls o f mixed baseand precious-metal m in e ra liza tio n found in the V irg in ia C ity d is t r ic t and other epithermal deposits (Buchanan, 1981). A d d itio n a lly , genesis of these ores in the deep le v e ls of the model may explain the lim ite d extent of p ro p y litiz a tio n (F ig . 18). Another point to consider about d is t r ic t m in e ra liza tio n is the (form er) occurrence o f ric h Alder Gulch placer deposits. These deposits yield ed tw enty-fold more gold than the combined production of a ll lode mines in the d i s t r ic t . Undoubtedly, the source lodes fo r these deposits were o f considerably higher grade than t h e ir presently exposed and eroded ro o ts . The regional zoning (o f copper) with respect to the b a th o lith appears to f i t the epithermal model. Tobacco Root d is t r ic t s with high c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r ra tio s occur nearest the b a th o lith and are possibly in d ic a tiv e o f m in e ra liza tio n from the deepest portion of the model. Those d is t r ic t s fu rth e r from the b a th o lith e x h ib it m ineraliza­ tio n possibly in d ic a tiv e of less-deep portions of the model, based on moderate c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r ra tio s fo r these d is t r ic t s . The V irg in ia C ity d i s t r i c t , with the lowest c o p p e r-to -s ilv e r r a tio is possibly the 56 shallowest level of epithermal m in e ra liza tio n in the Tobacco Root region, though s t i l l deep when compared to base-m etal-free epithermal s ilv e r-g o ld deposits. The m in e ra liza tio n in the V irg in ia C ity d is t r ic t is s im ila r to some o f the epithermal deposits o f Eimon and A nctil (1981) and Buchanan (1981) including Comstock (Nevada), Finlandia (P eru ), and Guanajuato (Mexico). This s im ila r ity helps support the author's in te rp re ta tio n of ore genesis. The follow ing is a comparison of hypogene m in e ra liza tio n in the U.S. Grant and the Comstock Lode. Throughout the Comstock Lode, dominant ore minerals (in order o f t h e ir abundance) are chalcop yrite, s p h a le rite , galena, a rg e n tite , and p y r ite , with v a ria b le amounts of ruby s ilv e rs and (pale yellow ) gold in a gangue of (dominantly) quartz ( B astin, 1922). In the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l dominant ore minerals (in order of abundance) are p y r ite , s p h a le rite , and galena, with minor amounts o f chalcopyrite and te tra h e d rite , and rare hematite and (b rig h t-y e llo w ) gold in a quartz gangue (Table 2 ) . Microscopic study of ores from the Comstock Lode suggest contemporaneous deposi­ tio n of the ore constituents during a single m in e ra liza tio n event, however, in some ores p y rite is e a r lie r than, other m e ta llic minerals ( B astin, 1922). M in e ra liza tio n in the U.S. Grant 3 -le v e l is the product o f a two-stage event where quartz and (auriferous ?) p y rite are followed by q u artz, s p h a le rite , galena, c h a lco p yrite, te tra h e d rite , hem atite, and gold (? ). This comparison c le a rly depicts the strong s im ila r ity in ore mineralogy and sequence o f deposition between the Comstock Lode and the U.S. Grant 3 - le v e l. 57 Furthermore, Eimon and A nctil (1981) c ite (not in th e ir te x t but in a fig u re o f epithermal g o ld -s ilv e r deposits in Montana) V irg in ia C ity , N o rris , Mineral H ill (p a rt o f the Pony d i s t r ic t ) and other g o ld -s ilv e r deposits in the Tobacco Root precious-metal mining region as examples o f epithermal precious-metal deposits (F ig . 1 9 ). o FLATHEAD o LI TTLE ROCKIES © MAR YS VI LLE B A S , $ ©ELKHORN e RADERSBURG MINERAL HILL NORRIS ©VI RGINIA CI TY Iadlson County Figure 19. Epithermal precious-metal deposits of Montana, Modified from Eimon and Anctil (1981). 59 REFERENCES CITED 60 REFERENCES CITED B astin, E .S ., 1922, Bonanza ores o f the Comstock Lode, V irg in ia C ity , Nevada: United States Geological Survey B u lle tin 735, p. 41-64. Boyle, R.W., 1979, The geochemistry o f gold and it s deposits: Geological Survey o f Canada B u lle tin 280, 584 p. Buchanan, L .J ., 1981, Precious-metal deposits associated with volcanic environments in the southwest, _in Dickinson, W.R., and Payne, W.D., (e d s .), Relations of tectonics to ore deposits in the southern C o rd ille ra : Arizona Geological Society D igest, V o l. 14, p. 237-262. Burger, R.H. 3rd, 1969, S tructural evolution of the southwestern Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana: Geolocial Society o f America B u lle tin , V o l. 80, p. 1329-1342. Chadwick, R .A ., 1981, Chronology and s tru ctu ral settin g of volcanism in southwestern and central Montana: Montana Geological Society 1981 Field Conference Guidebook, p. 301-310. Cordua, W.S., 1973, Precambrian geology of the southern Tobacco Root Mountains (a b s tra c t): D issertation A bstracts, V o l. 34, p. 3305B. Dalrymple, G .B ., and Lanphere, M .A., 1969, Potassium-argon dating: San Francisco, W.H. 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Smith, J .L . , 1970, Petrology, mineralogy and chemistry o f the Tobacco Root b a th o lith , Madison County, Montana (a b s tra c t): Disser­ ta tio n A bstract, V o l. 31, p. 5429B. Stanton, R .L ., 1972, Ore petrology: New York, McGraw-Hill, 713 p. Tansley, W., Schafer, P .A ., and H art, L .H ., 1933, A geological reconaissance o f the Tobacco Root Mountains, Madison County, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Memoir 9 , 55 p. T a y lo r, H .P ., 1973, 0 ^ / 0 ^ evidence fo r meteoric-hydrothermal a lte ra tio n and ore deposition in the Tonopah, Comstock Lode, , and G o ldfield mining d is t r ic t s , Nevada: Economic Geology, V o l. 68, p. 747-764. T i lli n g , R .J ., G o ttfrie d , D ., and Rowe, J . J . , 1973, Gold abundance in igneous rocks: Bearing on gold m in e ra liza tio n : Economic Geology, V o l. 68, p. 168-186. V i t a l iano, C .J ., Kish, S ., and Towel I , D .G ., 1980, Potassium-Argon dates and strontium isotopic values fo r rocks o f the Tobacco Root b a th o lith , southwestern Montana: Isochrbn/West, no. 28, p. 13-15. 62 V i t a l Iano9 C.J . , and Cordua, W .S., (com pilers), 1979, Geologic map of the southern Tobacco Root Mountains, Madison County, Montana Geological Society of America map and chart series'MC-31., 1:62,500 scale. W eir, K ., 1982, Maps showing geology and outcrops o f p art o f the V irg in ia C ity and Alder quadrangles, Madison County, Montana: United States Geological Survey map MF-1490, 1:12,000 and I :4750 scales. Whitney, J .A ., and Stormer, J.C . d r . , 1983, Igneous su lfid e s in the Fish Canyon T u ff and the ro le of s u lfu r in c a lc a lk a lin e magma: Geology, V o l. 11, no. 2, p. 99-102. W inchell, A .N ., 1914, Mining d is tr ic ts of the D illo n quadrangle, Montana, and adjacent areas: United States Geological Survey B u lle tin 574. Wooden, J .L . , V i t a l iano, C .J ., Koehler, S.W., and Ragland, P .C ., 1978, The la te Precambrian mafic dikes of the southern Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana: geochemistry, Rb-Sr geochronology and re la tio n s h ip to B elt tecto nics: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 15, no. 4 , p. 467-479. APPENDICES 64 APPENDIX A RADIOMETRIC DATES (K-Ar TECHNIQUE)■ SAMPLE K40, ppm *** B io tite from unaltered Powder Mag pegmatite, 3 -le v e l U. S. Grant Mine *** M icrocline (with minor amount of Precambrian feldspar and p e rth ite ) from alte red wall rock, 3level U.S. Grant Mine ** Andesite plug, El . Fleeda Mine (whole rock) *Ar 40 9.507 Ar 40* , ppm 1.366 Ar40* /K 40 0.1437 CONSTANTS Xe, - 4.72x10"10/y r AGE (m .y.) 1572 ± 51 X e = 0.585x 10- l 0 /y r K40ZK = 1.22xlO-4 g.Zg. 13.797 0.2729 0.01978 X b = 4.72x10-10Zyr 311 ± 11 . X e = 0.585x10-10Zyr K40ZK = 1.22xlO-4 g.Zg. 2.567 0.0079 0.00307 refers to radiogenic argon **Data from Ma fv in and Dob son (1979) ***D ata from Geochron Lab, Cambridge, Massachusetts X 6 = 4.692x10-10Zyr X e = 0.581 x l O-10Zyr . K40ZK = 1.167xlO-4 g.Zg. 51.1 ± 1.2 66 APPENDIX B GENERAL DATA ON SOME TOBACCO ROOT PRECIOUS-METAL DEPOSITS 67 DISTRICT PONY NORRIS MINE ATTITUDE HOST DEPOSIT MORPHOLOGY Mammoth Strawber­ ry/Key­ stone Boss TweedC lipper Garnet E-W;60S E-W;5060N PCgn PCgn QVS;LNS QVS;TB I I N60W; 40SW N60E; 40-60SE E-W; Steep N40E; 30NW NE; Steep Varies PCgn Rplcm-diss I QM QM-K PCgn QM QVS;TB Rplcmdiss QVS; STR I I QM QVS;TB I QM QVS;LNS 1,2 QM PCgn PCgh PCgn QVS;TB QVS QVS QVS;LNS,STR QM QM QVS;LNS QVS;TB I I I I I I I PCgn QVS;LNS,STR I PCgn QVS;TB I PCgn-K AS PCgn PCgn PCgn QVS;TB PCgn QVS;LNS,TB PCgn QVS;TB PCgn PCgn PCgn QVS;LNS QVS QVS;TB QM QVS;TB PCgn PCgn QVS;TB,LNS QVS;LNS,TB A tla n tic & P a c ific Galena Rosebud Revenue Group Bull Moose Boaz Josephine Montana Boy Madisonian Norwegian Washing­ ton subd is t r ic t VIRGINIA CITY NS;25W N40W;70NE N40W;50NE N25-40E; 35NW N45E;.40NW N20,40E; v e rt. Betty Mae N45E; 45-60NW New Deal/ N60-70W; Heater 35-40SW M issouriF la tMcKee lyin g Prospect N45W;75NE Alameda N70E;50NW U.S.Grant N40-50E 35-50NW El Fleeda N40-50E 30-50NW S t. Law­ N65E; rence 50NW Winnetka N76E;50S S ilv e r Bell N50E;45NW Black Rock . N50E; 20-30NW EastonN55W; P a c ific 70NE Fork N35E;20SE M arietta N45E; 35-45SE QVS;LNS QVS;TB QVS;LNS,STR1TB REF. 1,2 ■ 1,2 I I th is paper th is paper th is paper I 3 th is paper I I I 68 DISTRICT MINE ' ATTITUDE HOST. DEPOSIT MORPHOLOGY REF. SHERIDAN Lake Shore/ Gladstone A g ita to r Broadguag&r Tamarack. Red Pine N30E; 80NW N10E-50W N30E;45NW E-W;35NW N20E;50NW PCgn QVS 1,2 PCm PCm QVS; LNS Rplcm-diss I I QVS;LNS I Lucky : S trik e Fairview Highridge E-W; 45-60N PCm-K PCgn PCgn? QVS I PCm PCgn-K SH PCgn. P1STR1Rplcm QVS I I QVS I I PZLS QVS I E-W; 20-25N N35E 40-50NW Varies PZLS Rpl cm I QM QVS; TB I PZLS PZLS Rplcm P,diss I 1,2 TIDAL WAVE N30E; 70-80SE N30E;70SE Corncracker Mountain View Hawkeye RENOVA Pete and Joe Strawn Mayflower KEY D 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) PCgn = Precambrian gneiss PCm = Precambrian marble PZLS = Paleozoic Limestone SH = Paleozoic Shale QM = Late Cretaceous in tru s iv e rocks AS = Andesite s i l l -K = deposit occurs in contact between the two rock types indicated • Deposit Morphology: References: I 2 3 I) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) QVS = quartz vein system /structure LNS = quartz lens (es) STR = quartz stringers TB = ta b u la r quartz bodies Rplcm = replacement deposit diss = disseminated deposit P = pipe-shape deposit = Lorain (1937) = Tansley and others (1933) = Boyer (personal comm.) 69 APPENDIX C ORE AND GANGUE MINERALS OF TOBACCO ROOT BASE- AND PRECIOUS-METAL DEPOSITS 70 MINERAL DISTRICT VIR,. CITY A rgentite iArsenop y rite A zurite B arite Bornite C alc ite Cerargyr ite Cerussite Chalcanth ite Chalcocite Chal copyr ite C h lo rite Chrysoc o lla Copper Cuprite Dolomite F lo u rite Galena Gold Hematite Huebnerite . Limonite Magnetite Malachite Melaconite M e la n te rite M icrocline Molybden­ it e Nagyagite P yrargyrite P y rite Pyrolusite Quartz S id e rite S ilv e r S phalerite S tib n ite Sylvanite Tetrah ed rite Modified from PONY X SHERDN. TDLWV. NORRIS. X X X X X X RENOVA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ' X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X . X X X X X X X X X X . X. X X X X X % X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Winchell (1914) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X . 71 APPENDIX D LODE PRODUCTION FIGURES FOR TOBACCO ROOT MINING DISTRICTS (1901-1935) SILVER GOLD DISTRICT TONNAGE. 405,775 PONY VIRGINIA 162,501 CITY 66,633 SHERIDAN 47,376 TIDAL WAVE 56,200 NORRIS* >70% o f pro­ duction from oxidized ore 15,227 RENOVA REGIONAL 753,712 TOTAL T t l .oz oz/ton T t l .oz oz/ton Cu/Ag Ag/Au Cu (lb ) Pb (lb ) Zn (lb ) 116,274 67,719 0.29 0.42 193,209 I ,107,064 0.48 6.81 6.79 0.05 1.66 16.34 1,311,137 55,449 25,840 30,432 0.39 0.64 184,457 143,000 2.77 3.02 0.82 1.05 7.14 4.70 151,661 150,109 1,445,503 2,801,820 294,452 21,873 54,716 0.97 124,345 2.21 0.48 ** 2.27 60,162 154,368 NR ■ 16,674 1.10 75,628 4.97 1.40 4.54 106,202 1,005,792 311,655 ' 0.41 I ,699,003 2.25 1.08 5.45 1,834,720 5,878,101 . 292,600 178,018 NR NR NR 316,325 Tonnage of each d i s t r ic t is a sum (o f v a riab le proportion) of mining and d ire c t shipping (usually oxidized) ores. NR = no production reported . *Includes Washington s u b -d is tric t **This Cu/Ag is lower than expected probably because >70% o f d is t r ic t production is from oxidized ores th a t do not express primary metal content. The Boaz mine production is exclusively from primary ore and Cu/Ag = 3 .96; Ag/Au = 0 .9 7 . Both ra tio s are congruent with the regional zoning p a tte rn . Data from Lorain (1937) 73 APPENDIX E LODE PRODUCTION FIGURES FOR SELECTED MINES OF THE TOBACCO ROOT REGION (1901-1935) MINE TONNAGE Mammoth (PONY) (1905-1935) Boss Tweed-Cl ipper (PONY) (1904-1935) Easton-Pacific 214,149 MILL PRMY . . 171,415 MILL PRMY (v.c.) (1902-1935) Revenue Group (NORRIS) (1901-1935) Missouri-McKee (NORRIS-Wash. s u b d str.) (1905-1935) BroadgaugeTamarack (SHRDN) (1908-1935) LakeshoreGladstone (SHRDN) (1910-1929) Boaz (NORRIS) (1902-1935) 70,049 MILL PRMY OXDZD 26,095 MILL OXDZD 14,340 MILL OXDZD Ag oz Au/ton Ag/ton 53,377 113,938 0.25 0.53 44,223 49,748 0.26 0.29 22,091 759,148 0.32 10.84 15,842 16,878 0.61 0.64 1.07 NR 16,664 41,958 1 .16 2.92 2.52 NR Au oz Cu lb . Cu/Ag 2.13 1,008,111 8.84 1.12 57,090 1.14 Ag/Au 34.4 NR •"-J 4^ 8,976 MILL OXDZD 5,055 380 0.56 0.04 0.07 4,317 MILL PRMY 2,436 7,288 0.56 1.68 3.0 1,959 MILL PRMY 3,752 3,641 1 .92 1.85 0.97 NR ' . 7,154 0.98 14,425 3.96 From Lorain (1937) MILL = production from m illin g (low-grade) ores OXDZD = production from oxidized ores (grade not im plied) Numbers in parentheses show years of production NR = no production reported PRMY = production from primary (hypogene) s u lfid e ore APPENDIX F LODE PRODUCTION FIGURES FOR SELECTED MINES OF THE VIRGINIA CITY DISTRICT (1901-1935) 76 MINE EastonP a c ific (19021935) U.S. Grant (19081926) Alameda (19061915) Winnetka (1909- ' 1932) M arietta (1936) DISTRICT TOTAL TONNAGE 70,049 MILL PRMY/OXDZD 1,764 SHIP PRMY . . ? SHIP OXDZD 3,322 SHIP OXDZD MILL 811 PRMY I ,0001,300 tons/ month (1936) MILL PRMY 162,501 Au oz Au/tbn Ag oz .. Ag/Au 22,091 0.32 759,148 34.4 834 0.50 46,393 55.6 ? 1.64 3,205 0.96 236 0.27 ? (3 3 .9 /to n ) 4,747 ? ? 1.49 ? ? 0.27 67,719 20.6 0.42 . ( 1 .11/to n ) 4.11 1 ,107,064 16.34 From Lorain (1937) MILL = m illin g ores (low-grade) SHIP = shipping ores (high-grade) OXDZD = oxidized ores (no grade im p lie d ), production dominantly from PRMY = primary hypogene (s u lfid e ) ores, production dominantly from Nevada City V i r g i n i a Ci t y BProspect Location shown of in sample figure 6 U . S x-JsG r a n t H AIameda V y St. / B Cornucopi Lawrence Black Rock Bell Fork/ E a s t o nK Vs W 1P a c i f i c V K e a r s age Plate BEDROCK MAP OF THE VIRGINIA CITY MINING DISTRICT I Scale _____________ O N E 1:24,000 ONE Madison Coun t y , Montana MILE KILOMETER Based Vitaliano Contour interval = 400 on and field others work (I 979), by M. Cole Hadley and ( 1 96 9), data and from Weir Tansley ( 1 98 2), and others ( 1933). feet LEGEND / Tertiary volcanic Includes some Tertiary volcanic rocks on Quaternary Early Tertiary gravels in stream lower Alder gravels. cont act Gulch. contact, approximately located plug fault Late Cretaceous granitic Browns Gul ch fault, Stock approximately normal Mississippian Mission Canyon Limestone thrust fault, fault, inferred r: t------- Cambrian through Mississippian sedimentary located approximately teeth on overturned located, upthrown antiform ball on downthrown block axis, arrows show dip rocks shear zone Precambrian quartz-feldspar-mica pegmatite strike and dip of vert i cal f ol i ati on P recambrian m e t a - d o l o m i t e . Dots probable stratig raphic continuity. represent Precambrian metamorphic rocks. Dominantly q u a r tz -fe ld s p a r g n e i s s wi t h some h o r n b l e n d e - b i o t i t e gne i s s . Al so mi nor g a rn e t i f e r o u s g n e i s s , q u a r t z i t e , and m e t a - u l t r a m a f i c i n t r u s i v e s . shaft portal mine, caved stream paved road foliation block (compositional layering) direction of limbs / y i 5 Cf /L' 4) r,' r j P LA T E I G EO LO G Y IN V I C I N I T Y OF THE U.S. GRANT MINE V i r gi n i a Ci ty Mining D i s t r i c t , Madison Co un t y, M on t an a PLATE a base Based on map from and field R work & data 2 D by M . Minerals, from Weir Cole, Virginia City, ( 1982) \ LEGEND <7 <3 q <1 Tertiary volcanic flows T ertiary volcanic plug on Early T ertiary gravels a Tv Precambrian pegm atite Cornucopia Ti Precambrian m e ta-dolom ite Precam brian gneiss, strike and vertical contact J--- contact dip of dominantly foliation q ua rtzo felds pa thic (compositional layering) foliation with dip with dip, approxim ately located fault, ball on block SI X jlX normal ap p ro xim a te ve rtica l downthrown surface projection outcrop of mine of vein system with dip workings portal a shaft st ream Contour Interval SCALE 20 0 = 200 feet 1:4 75 0 meters I____________________I 4 X T sh P LA T E 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PLAN MAP OF THE U.S. GRANT MINE NO. 3 LEVEL LOCATION SHOWN OF IN SAMPLE FIGURE 9 VIRGINIA CITY MINING DISTRICT MADISON COUNTY, MONTANA PLATE 3 S H E E T 1 OF 2 VS-2c: elong qtz qtz 2 .5 -5 .0 G NEISS: X /7 Z V U N A L T E R E D OR S L I G H T L Y A L T E R E D , N O T CRUSHED. H B g n r H O R N B L E N D E - PPLLAA G I O HBgn: STRIKE AND DI P OF FOLIATION In strs, (COMPOSITIONAL 60 cm crushed cm thick, thick, and several altered occasional 2 .5 -5 .0 W R , suit cm several pockets. LAYERING) CLA S E -B lO TlTE HORIZONTAL X X X A X X G N E I S S : ALTERED AND FOLIATION CRUSHED X X % XX BEARING vj V 'I V J AND PLUNGE OF LINEATION (SMALL ISOCLINAL FOLD AXES) Xxx-XX X- X - X - X G N E ISS : ALTERED, BASALT BRECCIA: CRUSHED, AND OXIDIZED FOLIATION PORTAL qtz: v v V V C O N TA IN S TERTIARY VOLCANIC PEGMATITE I n: I ns: strs: DIKE elong: suit: APLITE < « % RANDOMLY F F F F QUARTZ LENS LENSES STRINGERS ELONGATE SULFIDE ORIENTED PEGMATITE VEIN T i- ST: PEGMATITE FELDSPAR STRUCTURE p y r i t e ) IN VEIN BLOCKS STORE R S : RAISE STRUCTURE WITH etc.: LOCATIONS INFERRED VEIN WITH ~L L 1 V a o l IJ~ L I T H O L O G I C STRUCTURE FEATURES ARE WITH 1 CM = 2.4 I-------- 1 DIP CONTACT REFERRED TO IN T E X T DI P BASE PLANAR d o m i n a n t l y SCALE: FAULT ALL ( WALLROCK I , TL, H I , Tu MINERALS DIKE WR: # * LINEATION AND PRECAM BRIAN METAMORPHIC CLASTS 1 CM TO 1 M A C R O S S , ALL S T R O N G L Y O XIDIZED V WITH AT METERS I---------------------- 1 6 . 0 METERS COURTESY OF R & D MINERALS, GEOLOGY DI P PROJECTED MAP WAIST LEVEL M 2.4 MODIFIED BY M. VIRGINIA COLE CITY, thick suit MONTANA seams c 6 7 < r_ f 17 PLAN MAP OF THE U.S. GRANT MINE NO. 3 LEVEL VIRGINIA CITY MINING DISTRICT ! MADISON COUNTY, MONTANA P LAT E 3 S H E E T 2 OF 2 V S- 2 e : t b Ir qtz 90 cm thick some suit pocket s. V S - 2 e : numerous abundant crushed qtz sirs < suit pockets, and altered 5 cm thick WR. G GNEISS: U N A L T E R E D OR S L IG H T L Y ALTERED, NOT CRUSHED. H B g n :H O R N B L E N D E -P L A G IO C L A S E -B IO T IT E . H B G g n :H O R N B L E N D E -P L A G IO C L A S E -G A R N E T -B IO T IT E V S - 2e: elong qtz several suit Ins suit pockets, and strs 2 .5 -1 0 s e a m s j s. 5 crushed cm and cm thick, altered E N qtz: I n: D QUARTZ LENS thick, sparse WR. I ns: %X % X&X* GNEISS: ALTERED AND CRUSHED strs: V P PEGMATITE elong: ORIENTED PEGMATITE F F F FELDSPAR PEGMATITE IN VEIN BLOCKS suit: WR: STRUCTURE ST: VEIN STRINGERS t b Ir : TABULAR DIKE RANDOMLY LENSES STRUCTURE WITH ELONGATE SULFIDE MINERALS ( d o m i n a n t l y p y r i t e ) W ALLROCK STORE DIP R S : RAISE INFERRED VEIN STRUCTURE .-Mfc FAULT T 75 WITH SHEETS VERTICAL STRIKE FAULT AND LINE FOLIATION MATCH I , TL, m , DIP DIP WITH PLANAR LOCATIONS SCALE: OF FOLIATION BEARING (SM ALL ALL etc.: FEATURES AND IS O C LIN A L ARE (C O M P O S IT IO N A L PLUNGE FOLD OF I REFERRED CM = 2 . 4 LAYERING) LINEATION J TO IN T E X T M 2.4 METERS 6.0 METERS AXES) PROJECTED AT WAIST LEVEL BASE MAP COURTESY OF R & D MINERALS, GEOLOGY MODIFIED BY VIRGINIA M . COLE CITY, MONTANA /L/ 3 7ST f k 7 $ ^ PLAN OF MAP THE EL FLEEDA MINE Portal fault with dip; dashed where inferred S C A L E 1 : 2 4 0 vertical fault 6 met er s contact with dip ALL PLANAR INCLINED Base map courtesy Geology / / / ' 75 I I z FEATURES WORKINGS of R & D M i n e r a l s , V i r g i n i a m o d i f i e d by M . C o l e ARE City PROJECTED AT WAIST DEPICTED BY DASHED LEVEL LINES I / ST / MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES