Chemical control of clubmoss (Selaginella densa Rydb.) by Don Wilms Stroud A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Range Management Montana State University © Copyright by Don Wilms Stroud (1970) Abstract: Selective chemical control of Selaginella densa Rydb. was investigated at three locations involving 15 trials representing spring, summer and fall treatments from "1964 through 1968. Treatments were evaluated for percent clubmoss control, vegetational change, and production of herbage. Results of the trials indicated that 10 lbs/A of AMS or 2 lbs/A of atrazine or monuron would control clubmoss and increase herbage production. Atrazine and monuron killed existing fringed sagewort plants and prevented refinfestation for one or more growing seasons. The addition of 50 lbs/A of nitrogen to atrazine and monuron treatments significantly increased the production of herbage over herbicidal treatments alone. In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the require­ ments for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or publi­ cation of thjLs thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. CHEMICAL CONTROL-OF CLUBMOSS, (Selaginella densa Rydb.) V ■ Don Wilms S troud A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree 'of .MASTERfOF SCIENCE -■ » ; Range Management Approved: T T MMa./sfcxsi* i P Head, Major Department ' Chairman, Examining Committee" MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY; Bozeman, Montana December, 1970 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author would like to express his sincere appreciation to Laurence 0„ Baker for his valuable advice, constructive criticism and encouragement throughout the course of this investigation. Appreciation is also expressed to Dr. Erwin Smith for his advice and assistance in processing the data at the Montana State University Computer Center, and to Dr. G. F. Payne and Dr. Don E. Ryerson for their assistance throughout the bourse of the study. Special thanks is extended to the Bureau of Land Management who supplied the grant under which this project was carried out. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS VITA..... ............ ........... ................................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............... ii iii TABLE OF CONTENTS........................ ......... ...... *.......... iv LIST OF TABLES....... ............ .................................. v LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES...................... ........ .............. viii LIST OF FIGURES............................. ix x INTRODUCTION...... ........................ I REVIEW OF LITERATURE........ ............... ........... ............. 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS........ ............................... . 8 VO OO CO ABSTRACT............ ............... ......... ........................ STUDY AREAS..... Havre Site.. Glasgow Site Norris Site..................... .................. ....... . 10 CHEMICAL CONTROL.......................... .......... ............ 11 NITROGEN-WATER....... 14 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION....... ............ ......... ................ 15 CLUBMOSS CONTROL,....... ........ .'............... .......... . Herbage Yields............... .................. ............ Species Response to Herbicides............................ Herbicide Effects on Fringed Sagewort.... ............. Chemical-Nitrogen I n t e r a c t i o n ; ....... Nitrogen-Water............ 15 20 34 39 39 45 SUMMARY........... 52 APPENDIX........... 53 LITERATURE CITED............................... 58 V LIST OF TABLES 1. 2. Physical and chemical characteristics of AMS, atrazine and monuron.................................... ...... ........... 5 Percent clubmoss control in June, 1967 from herbicidal applications at Glasgow, Havre and Norris for treatments made during 1964, 1965 and the spring of 1966.................. 16 3.. Percent clubmoss control from treatments made at Norris with and without surfactants.......... .................... . 4. 5. 6. 7. 18 Pounds of dry matter produced by the untreated check from each test during each year at each location............... 21 Herbage yields in 1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967 as a percent of average check following herbicidal applications in the spring of 1964 at Havre and Norris for selective control of clubmoss..... ................................. . 23 Herbage average fall of control 24 yields in 1965, 1966 and 1967 as a percent of check following herbicidal applications in the 1964 at Glasgow, Havre and Norris for selective of clubmoss.......... ...... ........ .......... ...... . Herbage yields in 1965, 1966 and 1967 as a percent of average check following herbicidal applications in the spring of 1965 at Glasgow, Havre and Norris for selective control of clubmoss......... ......... ............... 25 Herbage yields in 1966 and check following herbicidal 1965 at Glasgow, Havre and of clubmoss................ 1967 as a percent of average applications in the fall of Norris for selective control ................ ......... ........... 26 Herbage yields in 1966 and 1967 as a percent of average check following herbicidal applications in the spring of 1966 at Havre and Norris for selective control of clubmoss,................ ............................ ........... 27 10. Herbage yields in 1965, 1966 and 1967 following herbi­ cidal treatments at Glasgow in the fall of 1964 and spring of 1965 for selective control of clubmoss.............. 28 8. 9. vi LIST OF TABLES (Continued) 11. Herbage yields in 1965, 1966 and 1967 following herbicidal treatments at Havre in the fall of 1964 and spring of 1965 for selective control of clubmoss.......... 29 12. Herbage yields in 1965, 1966 and 1967 following herbicidal treatments at Norris in the fall of 1964 and spring of 1965 for selective control of clubmoss........ . 30 13. Herbage yields expressed as percent of check the first, second, third and fourth growing seasons after treat­ ment with AMS 10, atrazine 2, monuron 2, and paraquat .5 Ibs/A applied for selective control of clubmoss............ 32 14. Yields of blue grama, needleandthread, prairie junegrass and forbs in 1965, 1966 and 1967 following herbicidal application at Havre in the fall of 1964, for selective control of clubmoss................. 35 15. Yields of blue grama, needleandthread, prairie junegrass and forbs in 1965, 1966 and 1967 following herbicidal application at Havre in the spring of 1965, for selective control of clubmoss........... .......... . 36 16. Yields of blue grama, needleandthread, misc. grasses (annual and perennial) and forbs in 1965, 1966 and 1967 following herbicide application at Norris in the fall of 1964, for selective control of clubmoss..... ...... 37 17. Yields of blue grama, needleandthread, misc. grasses (annual and perennial) and forbs in 1964, 1965 and 1967 following herbicidal application at Norris in the spring of 1965, for selective control of clubmoss......... 38 18. Yield of fringed sagewort in 1967 at Glasgow follow­ ing applications of herbicides at various times for control of clubmoss.......... .......... .................. . 40 19. Yields as a percent of check in 1966 and 1967 following application of herbicides and nitrogen at Glasgow, Havre and Norris in the fall of 1965 and Havre and Norris in the spring of 1966.................... . 42 vii LIST OF TABLES (Continued) 20. Effects of several herbicides and 50 Ibs/A nitrogen on herbage yields following applications at Havre and Norris in the fall of 1965............... . 43 21. Effects of nitrogen on several species of herbage with all herbicides combined for treatments made in the fall of 1965 at Havre and Norris............ ........... 44 22. Response of herbage to four levels of nitrogen and water on clubmoss infested range for each of two years at Norris..................................... ....... .. 46 23. Response of herbage to four levels of nitrogen following application in May, 1965 at Norris................ . 24. Effect of four levels of water applied during the growing season in 1965 and 1966 on herbage yield. ...... . . 47 47 25. Herbage yields in 1965 and 1966 expressed as percent of check following applications of nitrogen and water at Norris...... ....... ............. ...... ........ . 48 26. Forage yield in 1965 and 1966 from the nitrogen-water treatments at Norris for needleandthread and miscel­ laneous forbs and shrubs.................... ................ .. 51 viii LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES I* P l 3Tlt T13H1G 5A 2« OtiGim c a l xiaiiiGs#*o**#»@*#*m*#*#9**$**$<,**********@**$**#f*###*t* 55 3. Percent clubmoss control in June, 1967 on treatments made in the spring of 1964 at Havre and N o r r 4. i s 56 Precipitation measurements from the nearest weather station for each experimental site.... .............. . *...... . 57 ix LIST OF FIGURES 1. 2. Herbage yields expressed as percent of check the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th growing seasons after treatments with AMS 10, atrazine 2 and monuron 2 Ibs/A applied for selective control of clubmoss..... ....... ............... .. 33 Herbage yields in 1965 and 1966 expressed as percent of check following the application of nitrogen and water at Norris 49 X ABSTRACT Selective chemical control of Selaginella densa Rydb. was investi­ gated at three locations involving 15 trials representing spring, summer and fall treatments from 1964 through 1968. Treatments were evaluated for percent clubmoss control, vegetational change, and production of herbage. Results of the trials indicated that 10 Ibs/A of AMS or 2 Ibs/A of atrazine or monuron would control clubmoss and increase herbage produc­ tion. Atrazine and monuron killed existing fringed sagewort plants and prevented refinfestation for one or more growing seasons. The addition of 50 Ibs/A of nitrogen to atrazine and monuron treat­ ments significantly increased the production of herbage over herbicidal treatments alone. INTRODUCTION Selaginella densa Rydb., commonly called dense clubmoss (hereafter referred to as clubmoss) is a spore producing, mat-forming plant common to extensive areas of the Northern Great Plains and foothill-mountain regions bordering the plains. Clubmoss is found on native rangeland throughout the State of Mon­ tana, except at extremely high elevations and some sedimentary plains areas in the southeastern part of Montana. Clubmoss is most abundant on plains and foothill ranges east of the Continental Divide and north of the Missouri.River, Apparently clubmoss prefers well developed soils of medium texture and nearly neutral reaction on level to moderately sloping topography (Payne e t a l . , 1967). Substantial acreages of land administrated by the Bureau of Land Management in northern Montana are infested with clubmoss. To aid in future management of clubmoss infested range the Bureau entered into a research contract with the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station in 1963 to study clubmoss. Mechanical methods of clubmoss control were investigated by the Animal & Range Sciences Department and reported by Dolan (1966) and Ryerson et al. (1969). Soil-water relationships were studied by Hotilton at the North Montana Branch Station and reported by Ryerson jet al. (1969). Chemical methods of clubmoss control were studied by the Plant and Soil Science Department. (1966). Preliminary results were reported by Wagner This thesis represents a continuation of the work he initiated “2?" and summarizes results of all selective chemical control work on clubmoss . REVIEW OF LITERATURE Dolan (1966) and Wagner (1966) extensively reviewed the literature available on clubmoss. Their reviews covered taxonomy, reproduction, growth, cytology and factors affecting distribution and control of clubmoss, No additional literature was available since completion of their reviews except for that originating in Montana. Although low in stature clubmoss was found to be an important com­ ponent of the vegetation present because of its high degree of ground cover (over 90 percent basal cover in some heavy infestations) (Ryerson jBt aJL., 1969). Clubmoss was found throughout Montana except at extremely high elevations and some sedimentary plains areas (Payne et aJ., 1967). On clubmoss infested range Houlton seldom found available moisture below 18 inches at the beginning of the growing season. rapidly depleted as the growing season progressed. Reserve moisture He attributed these losses to suspected high evapotranspirational rates of clubmoss. He found that evapotranspiration losses continued to occur in the late summer whenever light rains fell, even though grasses were in a summer dormant condition (Ryerson et al., 1969), Yearly herbage production from pitting and scalping at the North Montana Branch Station (Havre) consistently exceeded check yields. Scalping-with-seeding outyielded pitting at the Nyquist allotment near Glasgow and in some tests at Havre (Ryerson et al.* 1969). Wagner (1966) in reporting 1964 results of herbicides applications made in the field during the spring of 1964 found that clubmoss was controlled by several chemical treatments. Herbage yields increased following certain treatments (AMS9 atrazine) but were reduced by monuron and paraquat!/. Bromacil treatments destroyed all vegetation present. Reduction of live and dead clubmoss ground cover 30 years after mechanical treatments was observed by Dolan (1966). Three annual applications of 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre signify icantly reduced dormant clubmoss ground cover but did not affect live clubmoss. Water9 however9 increased both live and dormant clubmoss ground cover.(Klages and Ryerson9 1965). Herbage yield increases with applications of 40=320 Ibs/A of nitro­ gen plus monuron at I Ib/A were greater than with nitrogen alone (Choriki e_t al.^ 1969). A standardized system of reporting herbicide characteristics was developed by the Weed Society of America (1967), Information regarding physiological and biochemical behavior, behavior in or on soils9 toxi­ cological properties, physical properties and use were some of the items requested for each herbicide from the manufacturer. Information regard­ ing three of the chemicals tested is summarized in Table I. AMS is rapidly absorbed by foliage, is highly soluble and is subject to leaching in the soil. However9 AMS is also rapidly decomposed by microbial action in the soil. Atrazine and monuron are less subject to leaching, being more readily adsorbed by clay particles and organic matter. I/ Full chemical names are given in Appendix Table 2. They are also Table I, Physical and chemical characteristics of AMSs atrazine and monuronJ:/. Physiological and Biochemical Behavior "Solubility in water at"25° C Absorption Translocation AMS 68.4 ppmw Rapidly absorbed through foliage and stems. Translocation does occur. Mechanism of action Atrazine Monuron 70 ppmw Through both roots and foliage, Foliage absorption often small. Translocated aero= petalIy in the xylem and accummulates in the apical meristerns. A photosynthetic inhibitor. 230 ppmw Readily absorbed through root system, less so in foliage and stems. Primarily upward in the xylem. More readily adsorbed on muck or clay soils than on soils of low clay and organic mat­ ter. Not normally found below upper foot of soil. Probably accounts for major breakdown in the soil. Micro-organisms can utilize it as a source of energy and N. Increases as clay and/or organic matter increases, leaching not important. ' Strong inhibitor of the Hill reaction. Behavior in or on soils Adsorption and leaching Not retained in Soilss moves like chlorate. Microbial, breakdown Species of fungi and bacteria converted sulfamate to sulfate in approx, equimolar proportions to amount of N assimilated. I/ Information obtained from the Herbicide Handbook 1967 Primary factor in dis­ appearance from soils Some organisms can use monuron as sole source of carbon. Table I (continued)» Behavior in or on Soils AMS Both occur to some extent. More subject to UV and volatility. Loss from photo= decomposition and/or volitalization. Average persistence at recommended rate Atrazine 6=8 weeks at 3 lbs. per 1000 sqi ft. under humid eastern con= ditions. Most rotational crops can be planted I year after application, except under arid or semi=arid climate. Monuron Probably are insig­ nificant except when exposed on soil sur­ face for extended length of time. At lower ^.-selective rates phytotoxic concen­ trations disappear within one season. Higher rates may re- o quire more than one T season. Accumulation from annual applica­ tion is not a problem. Toxicological properties General toxicity td'wildlife. Deer fed A M S "treated foliage suffered no ill effects. Information pro= vided by E .I.DuPont"deNemours and Company. Investigations con= ducted on 2 species of birds arid 3 species of fish, showed a very low toxicity.. Geigy Agricultural Chemicals. E „I „ DuPont deNemours and Company -7- subject to microbial breakdowns but. at a slower rate than AMS. would be expected to appear in ground water. Neither Movement in surface water would be dependent on movement of soil particles to which the chemical was adsorbed (WSA 1967). MATERIALS-ANB METHODS STUDY AREAS.° Herbicides.which appeared to control elubmoss in initial greenhouse experiments by Wagner (1966) were further evaluated in field trials. These trials were conducted at the North Montana Branch Station near Havre (Havre site), the Buggy Creek State Grazing District (Fabian Nyquist allotment) near Glasgow (Glasgow site) and the Red Bluff Research Ranch hear Norris'. (Norris site). Havre Site.” This heavily infested c lubmoss site is located on a gently undulating glacial till plain dissected by moderately deep coulees. The approximate elevation is 2,800 feet. Average annual precipitation is 11.25 inches measured at Fort Assinniboine five miles north of the site. The dominant soils are Telstad loams with other unidentified soils occurring locally in small vegetated micropits. Telstad soils are classified in the fine-loamy, mixed family of Aridic Argiborols. larity with the Scobey classification is noted. Simi­ Typically Telstad soils have grayish brown loam surface, brown prismatic clay loam B2, ca, and C horizons. The thickness of solum over the calcareous ca horizons ranges from 10 to 15 inches. the profile. JL/ Compared with Seobey there is less clay throughout Both soils are. well drained and moderately permeable!/. Classification of soils at all study sites have been made by Soil Conservation Service Soil Scientists Fred A. Boettcher, R. L 0 Moshier, R. E. Richardson and J. L. Parker. Information much the same as re­ ported by Ryerson et al,, 1969. 9- Natiwe vegetation other than clubmoss is dominated by needleandthread and blue grama. Associated grasses and grass=like plants include Sandberg bluegrass* prairie junegrass, plains reedgrass, western wheat*=* grass9 green needlegrass, six-weeks fescue and needleleaf sedgel/. Important forbs are scarlet globemallow, Hoods phlox, American vetch, hairy goldenaster, penstemon, pussytoes, milkvetches, cudweed sagewort and green sagewort. Half-shrubs include fringed sagewort and broom snakeweed. Glasgow Site.- This area is located approximately 3 miles north and one and one-half miles west of the Glasgow Air Force Base. Soils of the Glasgow study area were formed on a gently rolling till plain at an elevation of 2,300 feet. Average annual precipitation is 12.27 inches measured at Glasgow airport 25 miles south of site. On the more level slopes and in the swales and drainage areas, the soils are Thoeny loams classified in the fine montmorillonitic family of Borollie Natragids, Typically they have grayish brown loam A2, columnar clay B2t, clay loam B3ca, Cca and C horizons. a depth of about 10 inches. The platy structured A2 extends to The structural columns of the B2t are gray*? capped, hard when dry, and exhibit few roots or pores in the dense inter­ ior. Gypsum crystals are found in the C horizon about 2 feet below the soil surface. Thoeny loams are well drained with medium to slow infil­ tration and runoff. I/ Permeability is very slow. See Appendix Table I for complete list of common and latin names. =>IOo Scobey loams occur on areas with 4 to 8 percent slopes. These soils are classified in the fine; montmorillonitic family of Aridic Argi= borolls. Typically they have brown clay loam Ai blocky light clay B2t» B3ca and G horizons. There are many roots in the B2t which begins at a depth of about 4 inches. ly 14 to 16 inches. Depth to the prominent ca horizon is common­ Scobey soils are well drained. Runoff and perme­ ability are moderate. The vegetation is very similar to that at Havre with the addition of thickspike wheatgrass and Montana wheatgrass. The lowland sites support colonies of porcupine grass. Norris Site.- The experimental site is located approximately one- half mile west of the Red Bluff Research Ranch headquarters and approxi­ mately one mile east of Norris9 Montana. Annual precipitation averages 15.05 inches measured at ranch headquarters, The dominant soil on the study site is tentatively identified as Sappington loam. This site is situated on a southeast-facing four per­ cent slope of an upland fan at an elevation of 4 S700 feet. Like the Telstad9 the Sappington is classified in the fine-Ioamy9 mixed family of Aridic Argiborolls„ Although the sequence of horizons are very thin at this site, sandy Ioam9 sandy clay Ioam9 clay loam and loamy sand occurs below 40 inches. A typifying profile has 2 inches of grayish brown loam Al, underlain by 3 inches of clay loam B2t, 3 inches of light clay loam -U BScaj 12 inches of silt loam Clca and 20 inches of sandy loam C2„ off is slow to medium. Run­ Permeability is moderate. The principal grass and grass-like species present on this foothill grassland range are needleandthread, blue grama, needleleaf sedge and western wheatgrass. A few remnants of bluebunch wheatgrass can be found. Forbsj including clubmoss are Hoods phlox, hairy goldenaster, biscuitroot, American vetch, pussytoes, woolly Indianwheat, with tansy mustard present on disturbed areas. Among the shrubs, fringed sagewort is common with an occasional plant of rubber rabbitbrush. —CHEMICAL — — —CONTROL.— Initial herbicide screenings for clubmoss control were carried out in the greenhouse on cores of clubmoss sod (Wagner, 1966). Herbicides showing clubmoss control were further trested in the field at the Havre and Norris sites in the spring of 1964. Trials were conducted using plots 8% X 16% feet with treatments applied in triplicate using a ran­ domized block design. The third site (Glasgow) was added in the fall of 1964 using plots 8% X 33 feet (Wagner, 1966). Following observations of the 1964 treatments seven chemicals were selected for further trials in the spring of 1965 at all three locations. AMS, momuron, atrazine and picloram were applied at Norris on April 22, at Havre on May 21 and at Glasgow on May 22. Paraquat, diquat and endothall were applied at Norris on June 18, at Glasgow on June 22 and Havre on June 23, 1965. Surfactant Ortho X-77 was added to paraquat a 12= spray solution. Additional applications of AMS, atrazine, monuron and paraquat were made at all three locations in the fall of 1965 to plots 8% X 33 feet in size following the same procedures. Treatments were ap= plied at Norris November 11, Havre October 30 and Glasgow October 31, 1965, Nitrogen fertilizer was included as an additional variable applied to One=Iialf (8% X 16 feet) of each plot at a rate of 50 pounds N per acre in the form of granular ammonium nitrate. After evaluation of all 1964 and 1965 treatments, plots 40 X 60 feet were treated in the spring of 1966 with what was thought to be optimum rates of AMS, atrazine, monuron and paraquat. Applications were made at two locations = Havre March 24 and Norris March 28, Nitrogen at 50 lbs. N per acre was applied to half (20 X 60 feet) of each plot. On June 15, 1966 at Norris an additional test was established on plots 8% X 16% feet to evaluate spray surfactants. Spray surfactants are designed to increase the wetting, spreading and sticking of pesticide sprays on plant surfaces and thus enhance herbieidal activity.(Jensen, 1964). Two surfactants were used ~ Ortho X=77 and DuPont Spreader Sticker, paraquat. In this test X = 77 at .5 percent by volume was combined with DuPont Spreader Sticker at .5 percent was combined with lower rates of AMS and monuron treatments. In May, 1968 further trials were established at Norris on rod square plots to evaluate effectiveness of spray adjuvants with lower rates of AMS, atrazine and monuron. DuPont Spreader Sticker was combined with AMS “ 13=* at the rate of .126 percent by volume. DuPont T=MULZ AOZ emulsifier formulated by Thompson Hayward Chemical Company especially for use with atrazine was used at I percent by volume with atrazine. DuPont surfacfe™ ant W-K was combined with monuron at the rate of .5 percent by volume. All spray applications were made with a compressed air sprayer us­ ing 40 gallons of water per acre as the carrier. Applications to small plots (less than 40 X 60 feet) were made putting water and chemical for one plot into a sprayer equipped with a single teejet nozzle. The entire plot was sprayed twice^ first in one direction then in the other. Large plots (40 X 60 feet) were treated with a hand carried 8 foot boom equipped with nine teejet nozzles and constant air pressure. Application rate on the large plots was controlled by length of spraying time. Plots were visually evaluated at least twice during each growing season to determine the response of clubmoss to the herbieidal treat­ ments. All evaluations were made by the same person and were generally made following a rain when clubmoss was in a period of active growth. Comparisons were made between the amount of green clubmoss present on the untreated check plots and the chemically treated plots. Results were tabulated for each plot based on G for no control to 100 for com­ plete clubmoss control. Mosts but not all9 treatments were evaluated (for effects on vegetational production) by hand Clippings usually in early August. Yield samples included all vegetation except clubmoss. The vegetation -14" was clipped at ground level from a 2 square foot circular plot and sepa­ rated by species groups to sample herbicidal affect on herbage yield. The 8% X 16% feet plots were sampled at two locations and the 8% X 33 feet plots at Glasgow were sampled at three locations. When nitrogen was applied to half of the 8% X 33 feet plots the plots were sampled at four locations. Ten locations were sampled on the 40 X 60 feet plots. Where nitrogen was applied half of the samples were from the nitrogen treated portion of the plot. Sampling locations within plots were changed each growing season.. NITROGEN-WATER.° Treatments consisting of four levels of nitrogen and four levels of water were made in a split plot randomized block design. Rates of 0, 50, 100 and 150 pounds of nitrogen per acre were applied to square rod plots in triplicate May 27, 1965. Sub-plots consisting of four levels of water were obtained by using metal strips 6 inches wide and formed into rings 2 feet in diameter which were driven 2 inches into the ground. each water level on each nitrogen plot. Two rings were used for Water was added weekly from June Il8 1965 to September 9, 1965 and May I, 1966 to August I, 1966 to supplement natural precipitation with enough water to reach one-half, I and 2 inches per week. Yield response was sampled by removing the metal strips and clip­ ping at ground level all vegetation except clubmoss. in August of 1965 and 1966. Harvests were made RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Preliminary chemical screening trials were conducted on clubmoss sod in the greenhouse. Results of these trials are reported in detail by Wagner (1966), In the spring of 1964 those herbicides showing activity in the greenhouse were submitted to field trials for further evaluation on plots established at Norris and Havre, Several chemical treatments in­ cluding AMSs atrazine and monuron killed all clubmoss at both locations. Significant yield increases were reported for some of these treatments at Norris in 1964 (Wagners 1966), CLUBMOSS CONTROL.No herbicide has been registered by the USDA for selective control of clubmoss, At the time of this writing a petition requesting approval of atrazine for this purpose has been submitted to the USDA. It is hoped that like action can be taken with AMS and monuron in the near future. Response of clubmoss to treatments applied in the spring of 1964 varied from O to 100 percent control. Based on evaluations made during the summer of 1964 some chemicals were eliminated (Appendix Table 3). Eight chemicals were selected for further testing (Table 2), They all proved to be effective under certain circumstances^ however, due to the inconsistent results obtained or to cost relationships, dicamba, diquat, endothall and picloram were dropped from further testing in the fall of 1965. Table 2. Percent clubmoss control in June, 1967 from herbicidal applications at Glasgow, Havre and Norris for treatments made during 1964;"1965 and the spring of 196614 Chemical AMS Atrazine Rate Ib/A 5.0" 7.5 10.0 20.0 1.0 Spring 1964 Hl/ N % % G % 23 98 28 90 88 50 100 78 18 20 3 85 38 40 95 100 100 100 100 48 88 100 100 100 30 83 100 % Time of Application Spring 1965 N H N G G % % % '% % 3 3 Fall 1964 H 70 37 Diquat Ehdothall Monuron 2.0 1.5 3.0 :5 1.0 3;o i;o 45 78 38 15 78 10 13 50 70 87 100 58 72 89 37 97 98 93 93 10 10 62 3 4 100 3 0 42 97 100 100 2:o Paraquat!/ Picloram ...... — N % 7o 85 93 70 74 70 97 100 38 53 60 93 20 25 65 83 98 100 97 100 28 80 8 90 0 37 7 90 46 80 100 92 100 100 100 100 12 13 15 35 35 25 48 48 95 16 53 18 80 93 88 100 100 100 100 73 90 100 70 85 70 68 48 100 18 55 63 33 40 i:5 4.0 .5 1.0 .5 1.0 2.0 27 67 53 93 10 50 Spring 1966 H N •% % 13 i;s Dicamba Fall 1965 H . JL/ Average of three replications from observations in June, 1967» l / G - Glasgow, H - Havre, N - Norris JB/ Surfactant Ortho 77, I percent by volume. Ave, % 25 75 66 85 53 61 89 5 22 22 46 15 77 90 99 100 37 63 42 66 100 =17= A 10 Ib/A rate of AMS averaged 66 percent clubmoss control in the 11 trials in which it was included (Table 2). It is not known why poor results were obtained in approximately 25 percent of the trials since they were not necessarily associated with date of application or loca­ tion of treatments and since higher percent kill was obtained from several applications at lower, rates. AMS in excess of 10 Ibs/A produced slightly better clubmoss control, however, such increases were not ■ justified by the increased chemical cost. Results from the inclusion of DuPont Chemical Company° s Spreader Sticker with AMS at Norris were disappointing (Table 3). Excellent results were obtained from the 1966 treatments; however, there was no apparent advantage obtained from the Spreader Sticker in 1968. Possibly the lack of favorable response to surfactant was due to a reduced rate (from .5 to .126 percent by volume). Clubmoss control at the 2 Ib/A fate of atrazine averaged 89 per­ cent in the 14 trials which it was used (Table 2). 2 Ibs/A results were generally not satisfactory. At less than Results from the I pound rate varied by location with control highest at Norris and lowest at Havre. Even at the 2 pound rate clubmoss kill was only 63 percent at Havre from the fall applications (1964. and 1965), possibly due to inter­ ception of the chemical by the large amounts of vegetative residue on the soil surface. I r -1 V r Table 3. Chemical AMS- Percent clubmoss control from treatments made at Norris with and without surfactants!/. Treatment Date Previous Spring Application June, 1966 May, 1968 without surfactant without with without with Rate 1964 1965 1966 Ave, Surfactant Surfactant— 'Surfactant Surfactant Ibs/A 7. Z= ; ?= 7, 7= V" 7. 7= 13 5 7.5 10 Atrazine Monuron Paraquat 13 97 38 68 I 2 88 100 93 100 100 91 100 I 2 95 100 90 100 100 93 100 .25 .50 .75 100 88 100 100 100 97 100 60 12 40 40 40 42 82 88 43 100 95 100 96 100 100 100 I/ Average of three replications. -treatments. Observations made in 1967 except in 1969 on May, 1968 2/ X=77 .5"percent by volume with paraquat; DuPont Spreader Sticker, .5 percent with AMS and. monuron. 2/ AMS - DuPont Spreader Sticker .126 percent by volume. Atrazihe = T=MULZ A02 I percent by volume. Monuron = DuPont Surfactant W=?K .5 percent by volume. “ 19 ” One percent by volume TaMULZ=AO2 emulsifier was used in May, 1968 with atrazine at Norris. It resulted in slight bleaching of the vege= tation a few days after treatment. While the 95 percent control re= suiting from I Ib/A was more than twice as high as that obtained with= out surfactants it was not different from the results without surfactant in 1964 and 1965 (Table 3). The 43 percent control without surfactant was the poorest results ever obtained at Norris with any rate of atrazine. Excellent elubmoss control was obtained with 2 Ibs/A of monuron. Fifteen applications, over a four=year period, resulted in an average control of 99 percent (Tables 2 and 3). Twelve applications at the I pound rate averaged 78 percent control although three treatments, fall of 1964 at Glasgow and Havre and the fall of 1965 at Havre, gave only about 50 percent control. The excellent results obtained in June, 1966 and May, 1968 both with and without surfactants at the I Ib/A level indicated a lower rate of monuron should have been used to determine the effectiveness of sur= factants with monuron at Norris (Table 3). Paraquat supplemented with Ortho X=77 surfactant was generally less ieffective than AMS, atrazine or monuron although at the I Ib/A rate paraquat did give complete elubmoss control under certain undefined conditions. A paraquat treatment to be comparable in cost to the 2 pound rates of atrazine or monuron should not exceed .5 pounds per =20= acre. Nine treatments made at this rate averaged only 37 percent club- moss control (Tables 2 and 3), Clubmoss control with picloram was generally good with the I or 2 Ib/A rate. Cost of such treatments precluded further testing of this chemical. Diquat was generally less effective than paraquat in selectively controlling clubmoss. Dicamba and endothall were eliminated from further tests due to the poor response of clubmoss. Herbage Yields.During the course of these investigations, herbage yields from the untreated check plots varied considerably. Differences between years was at least in part due to amount and distribution of precipitation which was considerably below normal in 1966 and 1967 at Havre, and at Glasgow in 1967. Above normal precipitation was received at Glasgow and Havre in 1965 and at Norris in 1967. Monthly precipitation figures for each year of the study are shown in the Appendix (Table 4) for each loca­ tion. Differences in yield within years among untreated check plots at each location was at least partially due to differences in distribution patterns of individual species. Because of this variation in check yields, an average check for each year at each location was used to com­ pare most treatments (Table 4). Since there was considerable range in Table 4. Pounds of dry matter produced by the untreated checks from, each test during each year at each location. Beginning of Test 1965 Ib/A Glasgow 1966 1967 Ib/A Ib/A Spring, 1964 Havre 1966 Ib/A Voik 1964 Ib/A 9721/ 425 462 320 1965 Ib/A 1967 Norris 1965 1966 Ib/A Ib/A 1967 Ib/A 401 353 477 Fall, 1964 710 605 670 588 391 342 521 392 333 Spring, 1965 437 696 507 657 473 264 617 261 573 565 542 554 432 .300 421 494 303 369 397 Fall, 1965 Spring, 1966 Summer, 1966 Averages 585 574 622 573 739 467 Each yield is an average of three replications. 361 320 513 358 464 “ 22 = forage production, all yields are expressed as a percent of average check for each year at each location, (Tables 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9). Herbage yields from all treatments shown in Tables 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were generally more than the average check. Yields of vegetation following treatments with dicamba, diquat, endothall and picloram were not sampled as extensively as AMS, atrazine or monuron treatments due either to poor clubmoss control or higher cost of obtaining similar re­ sults. Individual trials were analyzed for significance using Duncan1s Multiple Range Test (1955). Comparisons of yields for 1965, 1966 and 1967 are shown in Tables 10, 11 and 12. In 1965 significant differences were found in all six trials. Yields significantly higher than untreated check occurred in three trials - AMS 10 pound rate at Glasgow in the spring of 1965, paraquat 2 pound rate in the fall of 1964 at Havre, and atrazine I pound rate in the spring of 1965 at Havre. icantly lower than the check: In two trials at Norris yields were signif­ Picloram granules at I pound rate in the fall of 1964 and in the spring of 1965 by atrazine I pound, diquat I pound, paraquat I pound, and picloram granules at I pound. Yields did hot differ significantly in 1966 in any of the trials, however, by the third growing season (1967) after treatment, 18 treat­ ments in five of the trials had significantly higher yields than the Table 5. Chemical Herbage yields in 1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967 as a percent of average check follow­ ing herbicidal applications in the spring of 1964 at Havre and Norris for selective control of clubmoss. Rate lb./A .. I/ j2/ 3/ 7» % 160 128 158 143 84 85 108 137 104 HO 104 123 143 122 163 189 224 127 140 160 139 120 126 62 144 97 94 77 158 123. 107 115 81 135 108 81 160 198 179 149 160 167 170 137 117 59 87 72 82 76 71 226 99 98 104 89 125 118 51 113 132 68 70 60 173 467 361 320 513 150 137 192 98 109 174 201 182 134 122 151 135 212 739 137 130 163 129 .85 HO 128 181 170 191 184 119 165 116 163 144 94 132 137 154 147 186 165 156 136 141 187 112 358 464 139 120 126 62 152 112 126 HO 117 59 87 72 82 76 71 226 125 118 148 94 117 146 126 148 133 95 HO 98 192 1967 % HO 108 136 133 95 HO 116 122 162 146 177 186 172 127 140 160 162 120 135 130 88 134 122 118 154 192 172 152 148 154 178 124 Average of three replications expressed as a percent of the average check for each year at each location, Not harvested in 1964, With surfactant X-77, I percent by volume, -23 20 I 2 4 Dicamba 3 Iliquat I 2 4 Endothall 1% 3 I Monurqn 4 2 I Paraquat^/ Picloram .5 I 2 50 Nitrogen Average Check Yields in Ib/A - AMS Atrazine Herbage. YieldLas. Percent of Checki,/ Norris Average 1964 1965 1966 1967 1964 1965 1966 % % % % % % % % Havre^V 1965 . 1966 1967 T a b l e '6. Herbage yields in 1965, 1966 and 1967 as a percent of average check following herbicidal applications in the fall of 1964 at Glasgow, Havre and Norris for selective control of clubmoss. Chemical Rate Ibs/A Herbage Yield as Percent of Cheek!/ Glasg O W Havre_____ _____ Norris_____ "____ Avi 1965 1966 1967 1965 1966 1967 1965 1966 1967 1965 1966 7o 7o % % 7. 7, % % Zo 7, 7. AMS 5 10 20 117 148 HO 135 126 147 87 114 125 115 130 119 82 111 115 122 121 161 78 87 87 113 94 112 105 116 98 103 122 105 HO HO 125 105 117 128 I 2 138 116 170 141 137 132 106 106 98 105 137 158 90 86 130 139 150 182 111 103 133 128 141 157 1.5 3 97 103 131 104 103 87 94 109 122 Monuron I 2 179 150 144 136 Picloram h I HO 105 I 104 .. Atrazine - 1967 7o 9 Dicamba - Picloram granules Average Check Yield in Ibs/A 574 I/ 76 97 92 140 89 82 150 158 128 HO 103 127 148 181 118 86 169 123 157 201 142 115 139 139 152 180 145 87 124 103 109 123 178 88 83 105 99 118 141 95 104 104 104 121 155 117 49 361 513 92 622 573 739 467 82 358 9 117 464 Average of three replications expressed as a percent of the average untreated check for each year at each location. Table 7. Herbage yields in 1965$ 1966 and 1967 as a percent of average check following herbicidal applications in the spring of 1965 at Glasgow, Havre and Norris for selective control of clubmoss. Chemical Rate Ib/A Herbage Yield as Percent of Checkl./ Norris Glasgow Havre 1954 1966 1967 1965 1966 1967 1965 1966 1967 7, % % 7, % 7, 7, % % AMS 5 10 20 122 144 93 99 121 135 130 HO 124 133 100 102 142 172 157 104 . 90 166 95 152 118 99 108 104 144 171 182 115 113 101 113 134 132 126 149 153 I 2 90 79 134 129 116 160 151 95 167 187 126 191 122 65 122 133 222 187 121 80 141 150 155 179 181 214 83 79 89 170 138 138 83 79 89 170 133 166 150 173 165 232 95 98 115 133 114 212 108 99 138 145 136 181 169 139 186 226 100 154 179 147 74 145 361 513 Atrazine . Diquat Monuron I 2 Paraqua .5 I Piclofam granules 91 147 % I I 119 99 2/ 128 99 109 101 155 136 75 Average Check Yields in Ibs/A 574 JL/ 148 128 622 123 79 573 739 467 358 1965 7. Average 1966 1967 7o 7, 164 180 76 464 Average of three replications expressed as a percent of the average check for each year at each location. With surfactant X=77, I percent by volume. 138 Herbage yields in 1966 and 1967 as a percent of average check following herbi= cidal applications in the fall of 1965 at Glasgow, Havre and Norris for selec= tive control of clubmoss, Herbage Yield as a Percent of Check=/ . Havre Norris Average 1966 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 % % % % 7o 7, Chemical Rate Glasgow 1966 1967 % % AMS 7.5 10 126 127 94 92 108 182 172 150 138 103 181 136 124 137 149 126 Atrazine I 1.5 2 109 108 HO 103 80 88 185 107 74 170 124 164 96 98 77 127 183 175 132 104 87 133 129 142 Monuron I 1.5. 2 145 102. 102 98 84 106 136 191 124 144 195 236 112 102 96 181 186 190 131 132 107 141 155 177 Paraquat^/ .5 I 120 125 100 87 HO 135 135 108 163 99 94 140 131 120 101 112 622 573 467 361 358 464 482 466 Average Check Yields in lbs/A I/ Average of three replications expressed as a percent of the average untreated check for each year at each location. 2! With surfactant X = 77, I percent by volume. - 92= Table 8. Table 9. Herbage yields in 1966 and 1967 as a percent of average cheek following herbi= cidal applications in the spring of 1966 at Havre and Norris for selective control of clubmoss, Chemical Rate Ib/A Glubmoss Controll/ Havre Norris Ave. 7, . 7= 7, Herbage Yield as Percent of Checki./ Havre Norris 1966 1967 1966 1967 1966 1967 7. 7o 7, 7. % 7, AMS 10 100 38 69 138 207 HO 145 124 176 Atrazine 2 97 100 98 122 240 99 143 111 191 Monuron 2 100 100 100 115 192 68 146 92 169 Paraquat!./ .5 35 25 30 108 153 113 94 HO 123 467 361 358 464 412 412 Average Check Yields in Ibs/A I/ 2/ 3/ Average of three replications from observations in June 1967. Average of three replications expressed as a percent of the average untreated check for_each year at each location. With surfactant X=77, I percent by volume., O IS) -28 Table 10. Herbage yields in 1965, 1966 and 1967 following herbicidal treatments at Glasgow in the fall of 1964 and spring of 1965 for selective control of clubmoss. Chemical Ra Ibs/A 1965 Ibs/A 1966 Ibs/A 1967 Ibs/A Fall, 1964 Check AMS Atrazine Dicamba Monuron Picloram Picloram granules O 5 10 20 I 2 1.5 3 I 2 .5 I I 710ab 669l/ab2/ 852ab 632ab 790ab 663ab 555b 594b 1029a 864ab 633ab 600b 599b 605a 841a 774a 906a 1066a 922a 670ab SOlbc 656ab 719ab 783ab 75 7ab 813a 899a 871a 860ab 906a 823ab Spring. 1965 Check AMS Atrazine Diquat Monuron Paraquat!/ Picloram granules. I/ _2/ 3/ O 5 10 20 I 2 .5 I I 2 .5 I I 437b 701ab 828a 5 3 lab 517ab 453b 696a 614a 753a 841a 833a 813a 682ab 567ab 920a 795a 802a 812a 431b 507d 742abcd 731bcd 71labcd 662abcd 917a 520cd 843ab 733abcd 562cd 870ab 782abc 703abcd C ABC ABC ABC ABC A BC ABC ABC ABC AB ABC ABC Average of three replications Means with same letter are not significantly different; (Small letter . P < .05, Large letter P < .01), using Duncan1s Multiple Range Test. Comparisons can only be made within year of harvest and treatment date. With surfactant Ortho X-77, I percent by volume. -29Table 11. Herbage yields in 1965, 1966 and 1967 following herbicidal treatments at Havre in the fall of 1964 and spring of 1965 for selective control of clubmoss. Chemical Rate Ibs/A 1965 Ibs/A 1966 Ibs/A 1967 Ibs/A Fall. 1964 Check AMS Atrazine Dicamba Monuron Paraquat Picloram Picloram granules O 5 10 20 I 2 1.5 3 I 2 2 .5 I I 391a 588b SSli/ab!/ 385a 517a 958ab 537a 881ab 458a 782ab 489a 783ab 559b 428a 720ab 479a 9 5 Oab 593a Sllab 1144a . 535a 480a 646b 915ab 508 683ab 342a 442a 437a 582a 493a 570a 505a 536a 654a 449a 444a 643a 421a Spring, 1965 Check AMS Atrazine Diquat Monuron Paraquat!/ Picloram granules I/ O 5 10 20 I 2. ,5 I I 2 .5 I I 657b 986ab 738ab 752ab 119a 702ab 803ab 748ab 586b 474a 665a 804a 734a 782a 876a 793a 700a 809a 792a 647a 264d 375cd 598abcd 548abcd 454bcd 69 Iabc 652abc 774ab 596abcd 838a 672abc 815a 529abcd B AB AB AB AB AB AB A AB A AB A AB Average of three replications 2! Means with same letter are not signifnicantly different; (Small ^3/ letter P < .05, Large letter P«< .01), using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Comparisons can only be made within year of harvest and treatment date. With surfactant Ortho X=77, I percent by volume. -30Table 12, Herbage yields in 1965» 1966 and 1967 following herbicidal treatments at Norris ,in the fall of 1964 and spring of 1965 for selective control of clubmoss, Chemical Rate Ibs/A 1965 Ibs/A 1966 Ibs/A 1967 Ibs/A Fall, 1964 Check AMS Atrazine Dicamba Monuron Picloram Picloram granules O 5 10 20 I 2 1,5 3 I 2 .5 I I 521a 403l/ab2/ 448ab 448ab 462a 439ab 455ab 419ab 604a 441a 452ab 426ab 251b 392a 405a 334a 403a 465a 497a 333f 489def 539cdef 455ef 697bcd 846ab CD BCD CD ABC AB 376a 602a 441a 377a 355a 472def 730abc 933a 549cdef 654bcde CD ABC A BCD ABCD Spring, 1965 Check AMS Atrazine Diquat Monuron Paraquat^/ Picloram granules JV 2/ J3/ O 5 10 20 I 2 .5 I I 2 .5 I I 618a 464ab 485ab 606a 628a 336b 427ab 404b 486ab 505ab 515ab 342b 381b 261a 356a 387a 372a 435a 477a 318a 410a 477a 384a 480a 573de 668cde 793abcde 843abcd 1031a 866abc 641cde 638cde 528e 983ab 714cde 829abcd 675cde C ABC ABC ABC A ABC BC BC C AB ABC ABC ABC Average of three replications, Means with same letter are not significantly different; (Small letter P<,05» large letter P<C,01), using Duncan0s Multiple Range. Test. Comparisons can only be made within year of harvest apd' treatment date. With surfactant Ortho X<=77s I percent by volume. “ Sl- un treated check. These included the atrazine, diquat, monuron, paraquat and piclorpm treatments. Average yields for all applications of AMS IG pound rate8 atrazine 2 pound rate, and monuron 2 pound rate at all three locations the first, second, third and fourth growing seasons after applications are given in Table 13 and Figure I. Average herbage yields from AMS treated plots showed an increase over untreated check the first growing season following treatment for every test conducted except for those established in the fall of 1964 and the spring of 1965 at Norris. This was probably due to the greater : selectivity AMS had for the grasses and forbs and for their immediate response to reduced clubmoss competition. Yields continued to increase through the third growing season, however not as rapidly as those follow­ ing atrazine and monuron treatments (Figure I). Yields the first growing season following treatment with atrazine and monuron were generally lower than for AMS. Monuron appeared to be slightly less injurious than atrazine (Figure I). Greatest increase in herbage production from atrazine and monuron treatments occurred during the second growing season. Yields continued to increase through the fourth growing season (1967) at which time forage sampling ended. Paraquat at .5 pound per acre with Ortho X-77 surfactant produced herbage yields similar to the 10 pound rate of AMS or the 2 pound rates of atrazine or monuron for the first two growing seasons following treat- Table 13. Location Herbage yields expressed as percent of check the first, second, third and fourth growing seasons after treatment with AMS 10, atrazine 2, monuron 2, and paraquat .5 Ibs/A applied for selective control of clubmoss, Harvest year after Treatment AMS 10 lbs/A No. of Treat. % of Check Ave.-/ Atrazine 2 Ibs/A Monuron 2 Ibs/A No. of No. of 7= of Treat. 7. of Treat. Check Ave=JL/. Check Ave.-/ Paraquat .5 Ib/A No. of 7. of Treat. Ave.I/ Check Norris I ' 2 3 4 98 121 144 4 4 2 82 137 178 191 4 5 3 I 87 141 192 165 4 5 3 I 125 94 154 3 2 I Havre I 2 3 4 138 160 144 4 4 2 99 171 152 . 163 4 5 3 I 113 182 1.73 179 4 5 3 I 109 152 186 2 3 I Glasgow I 2 3 4 140 113 112 3 3 2 100 119 146 3 3 2 117 124 128 3 3 2 120 100 155 I I I Ave. of all Locations I 2 3 4 125 131. 133 31/ 3 3 94 142 159 177 3 3 3 2 106 149 164 172 3 3 3 2 118 115 165 3 3 3 JL/ 2/ Average from number of tests indicated with each test consisting of three replications. Average from number of locations where tests were conducted. 6 W ro 0 -33AMS ______ Atrazine -----Monuron _______ Norris Havre 200- 200Yield % of Ave. Check 190- £ 9080- Growing Seasons After Treatment Yield % of Ave. Check Glasgow ____________ ____ 1 2 3 4 Growing Seasons After Treatment Average of all Locations 200- 200- 190180170160150- ^ 190cu 180- / ' S --- 80-______ ________________ 1 2 3 4 Growing Seasons After Treatment Figure I. 801 2 3 4 Growing Seasons After Treatment Herbage yields expressed as percent of check the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th growing seasons after treatments with AMS 10, atrazine 2, and monuron 2 Ibs/a applied for selective con­ trol of clubmoss. -34- ment. Paraquat, a contact type herbicide was less injurious to the vegetation when applied during dormancy. Species Response to Herbicides.There was a significant species X treatment.interaction. for this reason that each species is. discussed separately. that contributed the most response It was The species to this interaction was needleand- thread which is the dominant species at both Havre and Norris (Tables 14, 15, 16 and 17). Response of needleandthread following the fall 1964 and spring 1965 treatments showed paraquat 2 and picloram I Ib/A at Havre from the fall 'k- L 1964 applications as the only two treatments with yield significantly higher than the check plots in the 1965 harvest. By 1967, even though yields on the untreated check plots were lower, yields on several of the herbicide treatments had increased. Treatments of AMS, atrazine, monu- ron, picloram, diquat and paraquat all showed yields significantly higher than the untreated plots. Yields of blue grama were of minor importance at both Havre and Norris. In 1967 at Havre yields were near zero on the check plots and less than 50 Ibs/A on most herbicidal treatments. Yields at Norris were also quite low, however, there was some response to treatments. Signifi= cant increases in blue grama occurred on plots treated with atrazine and monuron compared to no increase on the untreated check plots (Tables 16 and 17). Table 14. Chemical and Rate Ibs/A Yields of blue grama, needleandthread, prairie junegrass and forbs in 1965, 1966 and 1967 following herbicidal application at Havre in the fall of 1964, for selective control of clubmdss. Blue Grama 1965, 1966 1967 Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A 22l/al/ Check AMS 38b 5 24b 10 22b 20 Atrazine 24b I IOOa 2 Dicamba 17b . 1.5 15b 3 Monuron . 34b I 43ab 2 Paraquat 2 Sb Picloram .5 40ab I Picloram Granules' 14b I I/ 27 3/ 20a Oa 22a 31a 17a 13a 7a 7a 17a 54a Needleandthread 1965 1966 1967 Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A 192a Forbs 1966 Ibs/A lbs/i 70bc 120bc 48a 1967 16a 5a 480abc 209a 379bc 234a 626abc 301a 74a 265bc 249bc 128a 366abc 58a 16a 42a 70a 22a 81a 104a 166abc 96bc 284a 149ab 75bc 104bc 55a 51a 56a 7a 31a 559abc 293a 421bc 346a 276bc 349abC 35a 62a 8a 24a 20a 38a 104abc 122bc 25bc 28bc 146a 62a Na 16a 348bc 561abc Na 124a 382abc 112a Na Na Na 28a 26a 35a 15a 4a 537abc 324a 361bc 230a 3 70abc IlOa 423ab 112a 28a 27a 52a 97a 174abc 66bc 149abc 247a 36a 39a IOa la 803a 343a 349abc 69a 52a 52a 195ab 114bc 24a 32a 36a 9a 12a 475abq 369a 694ab 366a 343abc 493a 64a 96a 31a 56a 51a 93a 22bc Oc 24bc Oc la 0a Na Na 210c 1965 Ibs/A 85a NaV . 295c Prairie Junegrass 1965 1966 1967 Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A 6bc Oc Na Na Na 6a 434abc Na 245bc 85a Na 28a 52bc Na Average of three replications. Means with the same letter are not significantly different; (P~<.05) using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Comparisons are valid only within years by species. Na = Not harvested. Na 2a Oa Table 15» Chemical and Rate Ibs/A Yields of blue grama^ needleandthread, prairie junegrass and forbs in 1965s 1966 and 1967 following herbicidal applications at the spring of 1965s for selective control ofclubmoss, Blue Grama 1965. 1966 1967 Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A Needleandthread 1965 1966 1967 Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A Prairie Junegrass 1965 1966 1967 Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A 1965 Ibs/A Forbs 1966 Ibs/A 1967 Ibs/A 129a 9a 2a 421a 361a 13a 219f 66ab 52b 28b 26l/al/ 33a Cheek AMS 606a 480a 166a 31a 52a 64a 29a 12a 236f 84a 66ab 5 64ab 79a 15a 27a 513a 659a 46a 29a 49Oede 115a 10 27abe 52ab 16h. 476a 486a 98a 87a Ida 92a 42a 395de 174a 20 31abe 15b 41b Atrazine 36a 609a 13a 14a 93a 52a 757a 361ef 159a I 42abc 102ab 31b. 583a 690a 4a 59a 177a 28a 9a 2 602abe 41a 19bc lb 50b Diquat Na Na Na 3a Na 498ede Na Na 41a Na .5 Na 99ab: Na Na 19a Na Na Na 72a Na I 605abc Na Na 62ab Monuron 6a 537a 80a 21a 31a 13a 653bcd 536bcd 87a I 9b 55abc 13b 81a 85a 69a 600a 544a 719a 39a 28a IOa 2 9be 151a 27b Paraquat Na 43a 51a Na 651a Na 47a 28a 383de ,5 Na 23b 208a Na 48a 27a Na 493a Na 24a I 6 7lab 76a Na 53ab 20b Picloram Granules 38a Na 8a 408a Na Na 394de 123a 124a I Oc Na Ob I/ Average of three replications 2/ Means with the same letter are not significantly different; ( P C , 05) using Duncan°s Multiple Range Test, Comparisons are valid only within years by species, jj/ Na = Not harvested. Table 16. Chemical and Rate Ibs/A Yields of blue grama, needleandthread, M i s c . grasses (annual and perennial) and forbs in 1965, 1966 and 1967 following herbicide application at Norris in the fall of 1964, for selective control of clubmoss. Blue Grama 1966 1965. 1967 Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A Misc . Grasses Needleandthread 1965 1966 1965 1966 1967 1967 Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A . Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A 1965 Ibs/A 236a 130a 68a 5&l/b c 45b2/ 30b 197de 105a 35b Check 99abcd AMS 32a 30b 48b 40b 53ab 223ab 133a 253cde Ila 126ab 5 168a 45a 10 55b 56ab 83ab 157ab 322bc 29a 33b 147a 64ab 42b 4 lab 125ab 124a 81a 112a 105b 20 187de 73abcd Atrazine 48b 36a 27a SOab 105ab 199ab 225a 397ab 33b I 124abc 84ab 90a 103ab 176ab 261a 471a 51a 35a 139b 2 32bcd Dicamba Na Na 178ab Na Na 125a Na Na 86ab 20d 1.5 Na Na 45b Na 73ab 184ab 192e 126a 119b 3 23cd Monuron 89a 71ab 217ab 297a 78a 250a 80ab 303bcd 70a 135a I 203ab 188a 471a 47a 119a 2 IOOab 53ab 182a 79b 83abcd Picloram 86ab 249cde 84a 48a 99b 66ab IOlab 214ab 233a .5 19d 175a 415ab 62ab 29b 85ab 234a 78a 124a 108b 4d I Picloram Granules 120a Na Na 89b Na Na Na Na 38a Id I I/ Average of three replications. 2/ Means with the same letter are not significantly different; (P<»05) using Multiple Range Test. Comparisons are valid only within years by species. 2/ Na - Not harvested. Forbs 1966 Ibs/A 1967 Ibs/A 130ab 56ab 181a 135ab 51bc 83ab. 97abc 59ab 119abc 129ab IObc 64ab Na Na Na 25c 75abc 54b 24bc 153a 15bc Ic 58ab 15c Na Na Duncan's Table 17. Yields of blue grama, needleandthread, raise, grasses (annual and perennial) and forbs in 1964, 1966 and 1967 following herbicidal application at Norris in the spring of 1965, for selective control of clubmoss. Chemical Blue Grama 1966 1967 and Rate 1965. Ibs/A . Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A Needleandthread 1965 1966 1967 Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A Misc . Grasses 1965 1966 1967 Ibs/A Ibs/A Ibs/A 1965 Ibs/A Forbs 1966 Ibs/A 1967 Ibs/A M O VO 5O 49a 158e 93b 59i/bc 39a2/ 78ab 190ab 100a 163bc 196ab 43a 159bcd Check AMS 39a 36a 83ab 188ab 127a 287cde 60b 106c 89abc 122a 149bcd 5 50c 45a 166a 42a 37b 139b 303bcd 64b 10 159bc 187ab 78a 238abc 52c 55a 72ab 172ab 130a 258bcde 179a 78a 370a 20 56c 137abc 51a 106cd Atrazine 510a 70a 190a 56b 49a 138a 132ab 212a 275ab 145abc 41a I 58d 57a 304a 363b 121ab 128b 61b 18a 2 56c 99c 49bc 69a. 244ab Diquat Na 39b 182b -Na 352bc 57b Na .5 49c 77c 89abc Na 140bcd 59a 290bcde 44b 34a 123ab 154ab 148a I 62bc 86c 117abc 40a 102d Monuron 60a 70ab 197ab 122a 174de 57b 52a 143a I37bcd I 72bc 108c 74a 506a 9 lab 147ab 212a 48b 36a 230a 2 57c 107c 124a 265ab Paraqua t 68a 140a 129b 109a 279bcde 30b 67a 68bc .5 107c ' 256a 92a 167bcd 66a 140a 118ab 174a 224cde 36b 30c 21a I 105c 142abc 155a 300a Pieloram Na Na 112ab 158ab 197de 69bc 77b 317a Na I Ic Na 36d JL/ Average of three replications. 2/ Means with the same letter are not significantly different; ( P < .05) using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Comparisons are valid only within years by species, 3/ Na - Not harvested. -39- Prairie jUtiegrasss, a species separation at Havre, like blue grama was of minor importance in pounds of forage produced (Tables 14 and 15). There were considerable differences in yields but no significant dif­ ferences were found among treatments. Distribution of forbs was irregular leading to large fluctuations in yields. Some increases in yield of forbs occurred following applica­ tions of AMS, mbnuron and paraquat. Complete kill of forbs resulted from applications of picloram. Herbicide Effects on Fringed Sagewort.Fringed sagewort, a widely distributed range plant is increasing in many areas of the state. It was especially prevalent at both the Glasgow and Havre experimental sites. While present at Norris, the stand was of minor importance. Fringed sagewort was separated during the harvest at. Glasgow. Yields ranged from zero where it was controlled by treatments of atrazine, monuron and picloram to over 300 pounds per acre (Table 18). All atrazine, monuron and picloram treatments greatly reduced yields of fringed sagewort. However, AMS had no effect on this species. Visual observations since 1967 at the treatment site indicate fringed sagewort seedlings may reinvade treated areas two or more years after treatment. Chemical-Nitrogen Interaction.The immediate response that some vegetation showed to clubmoss con­ trol does not appear to be entirely due to reduced competition for water. -40Table 18, Yield of fringed sagewort in 1967 at Glasgow following appli­ cations of herbicides at various times for control of club- mossl/. Chemical Rate Ibs/A - Check 5 7.5 10 20 AMS Atrazine . I 1.5 2 Fall 1964 Ibs/A Time of Treatment Fall Spring 1965 . 1965 Ibs/A lbs/A . 30 56 I 33 67 23 54 20 I 3 0 0 I 1.5 2 7 0 0 0 Picloram I 0 0 Paraquat •.5 Monuron I/ ■ 325 Average of three replications for each treatment. Ave.. Ibs/A 32 39 39 8 17 39 43 22 I 2 0 2 2 0 11 6 4 6 6 I 0 2 164 ”41- To determine if nitrogen in combination with herbicidal treatments woyld provide an added increase in vegetation production over that obtained with either herbicide or nitrogen alone, a 50 pounds per acre rate of nitrogen was applied with all herbicidal treatments in a split plot design on all treatments made in the fall of 1965 and the spring of 1966. Herbage yields in general increased in 1966 and 1967 following herbicide and nitrogen applications. Increased yields in 1966 were due primarily to the addition of nitrogen (Table 19). However, by 1967 the vegetation had recovered from initial herbicidal injury and vegetation yields increased for all treatments. Increased growth was further ob­ served ("yield was not measured) in 1968 and 1969. In general, both nitrogen and herbicide treatments increased vegetation yields. Yields measured in 1967 from treatments applied in the fall of 1965 are presented in Table 20 for Havre and Norris. Data was analyzed to determine if the addition of nitrogen significantly increased the vege­ tation over herbicidal treatments alone. Significant increases occurred at Havre on six of 11 treatments consisting of check, atrazine, monuron and paraquat treatments. Yields were significantly increased with nitro­ gen in five of 11 treatments involving AMS, atrazine and monuron. Individual species reacted differently to the addition of nitrogen (Table 21). Nitrogen significantly increased the yields of needleand- thread at both Havre and Norris. Miscellaneous grasses and forbs also -42- Table 19. Yields as plication Norris in spring of Chemical a percent of check in 1966 and 1967 following ap­ of herbicides and nitrogen at Glasgow, Havre and the fall of 1965 and Havre and Norris in the 1966. Rate Ibs/A 0 Nitrogen 1966 1967 % % O 100 100 Nitrogen 50 *== AMS 10 113 Atrazine 2 Monuron Paraquat Check Check Check - Nitrogen I/ 2/ 3/ 50 Ibs/A Nitrogen 1966 1967 % % 100 100 149 181 150 161 235 97 165 119 250 2 95 181 133 250 .5 95 119 132 210 479 Ibs/A 412 Ibs/A 479 Ibs/A 412 Ibs/A 714 Ibs/A 746 Ibs/A *”*=• Nitrogen and herbicidal treatments applied in a split design with nitrogen as the main plot. Average of three replications from each of the five tests in percent of average check for each year and nitrogen treatment. X-77 surfactant used at I percent by volume. -43= Table 20. Herbicide Effects of several herbicides and 50 Ibs/A nitrogen on her­ bage yields following applications at Havre and Norris in the fall of 19651/. Rate Ibs/A 4322/bl/ 816a 625b 421a 780a 0 50 620a 890a 755b 841a 1128a 985abc 10 0 50 540a 843a 692b 633b 1301a 967abc I 0 50 613a 900a 754b 590b 1457a 1024ab 1.5 0 50 448b 1086a 767b 851a 1271a 1024ab 2 0 50 592a 849a 720b 811b 1363a 1087a I. 0 50 521a 779a 650b 841b 1607a 1224a 1.5 0 50 704b 1048a 876ab 864b 1568a 1216a 2 0 50 852b 1283a 1068a 883a 981a 932abc 0 50 488b 925a 707b 436a 905a 671bc 0 50 391b 913a 652b 651a 1060a 7.5 Atrazine Monuron Paraquat!/ .5 I J./ 2V 4/ Norris with & Treatment without N Means Ibs/A Ibs/A 0 50 Check AMS Nitrogen Ibs/A Havre with & Treatment without N Means Ibs/A Ibs/A 601c , 856abc Nitrogen and herbicidal treatments applied in a split plot design with nitrogen as the main plot. Average of three replications. Means with and without nitrogen within treatment and treatment means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P"<.05) using Duncan"s Multiple Range Test. X-77 surfactant used at I percent by volume. -44- Table 21. Effects of nitrogen on several species of herbage with all herbicides combined for treatments made in the fall of 1965 at Havre and Norrisl./. Species Nitrogen Ibs/A Havre Species with & without N Means Ibs/A Ibs/A 142/a3/ 13a 14c 6 .50 36a 33a 35bc Needleandthread 0 50 439b. 763a Western wheatgrass 6 50 Blue grama 0 50 Prairie junegrass . - 24a '5 la 601a 0 50 Forbs 0 50 I/ ImI J3/ 92a 103a 98c 17a 19a I8d 295b 568a 432a 139b ' 231a 185b 3 8b c Misc. grasses 0 (Annual & Perennial) 50 Needleleaf sedge Norris Species with & without N Means Ibs/A Ibs/A 27a 55a 51a 80a 65b 142b 226a 41cd 184b Nitrogen and herbicidal treatments applied in a split plot design with nitrogen as the main plot at 50 Ibs/A. Average of 11 treatments each with three replications. Means with and without nitrogen within species and species means followed by the same letter are not significantly•different (P<T.05) using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. -45- increased significantly at Norris. Other species were not significantly affected by addition of nitrogen. Nitrogen-Water.Vegetation in this test responded rapidly to both nitrogen and water as evidenced by a change in color and by increased growth. Herb­ age yields in 1965 ranged from 399 pounds per acre on the untreated to 1843 pounds per acre on plots receiving 2 inches of precipitation per week and a 150 pound per acre nitrogen treatment (Table 22). The 1966 yields were lower on all plots including the untreated check. However, there were still significant results from the added nitrogen and water. One explanation for this decline in production is the possible injury to the plants associated with harvesting the same both years by clipping at ground level all vegetation except clubmoss. Nitrogen significantly increased yields in both 1965 and 1966 (Table 23) although there were larger differences in 1965. Addition of water also showed significant effects on yield in both 1965 and 1966 (Table 24). However, results were not as great from the addition of water as from nitrogen. Even though 1966 yields were lower than those obtained in 1965 the response to both nitrogen and water were similar when compared to check on a percentage basis (Table 25 and Figure 2). the highest rate of water for unknown reasons. An exception occurred at =46= Table 22. Lbs. of Nitrogen Per Acre Response of herbage to four levels of nitrogen and water on clubmoss infested range for each of two years at Norrisl./. Vegetation Yield±/ Year 0 Ibs/A Moisture!/ (Inches) I % lbs/A lbs/A 2 lbs/A 1965 399h4/ 43 Ogh 545fgh 546fgh 1966 191e Slide 382cde 221e 1965 663efgh 612fgh 756defgh 840defg 1966 491cde 333de 409cde 334de 1965 816defh 874def 1078cde 1675ab 1966 668abcd 534bcde 1965 853defg 1094cd 1395bc 1966 658abcd 862ab 959a o 50 . 100 741abc 592abcd 1843a 150 602abcd 1^/ Nitrogen and water treatments applied in a split plot design with nitrogen as the main plots,, nitrogen applied in May9 1965. 2./ Average of three replications at each rate and year. 3/ 4/ Water applied to subplots from June 11 to September 9, 1965 and from May I to August Is 1966 to obtain weekly rates of: Y O = natural precipitation .5 in. per week moisture 1.0 in. per week moisture 2.0 in. per week moisture. Means followed by the same letter for the same year are not signifi­ cantly different; (P<1.05) using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. = Table 23. 1966 Ibs/A 48Q2/d2/ 276b 50 718c 392b 100 Illlb 6344 150 1296a 771a Table 24. Effect of four levels of water applied during the growing 1965 and 1966 on herbage yield!/ Inches H 2O per Week Yield and Year 1965 Ibs/A 1966 Ibs/A 683?/cl/ 502b 753c 438b 1.0 943b 510b 2.0 1226a 623a <£/ .5 2/ 4/ Yield and Year 1965 Ibs/A 0 2/ " Response of herbage to four levels of nitrogen following ap­ plication in May, 1965 at NorrislA Lbs, of Nitrogen per Acre I/ 47 . Nitrogen and water treatments applied in a split plot design with nitrogen as the main plot with nitrogen being applied in May, 1965 and water applied weekly during the 1965 and 1966 growing season. Average of 12 replications. Means for the same subscript for the same year are not significantly different; (P«<.05) using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. Water applied to subplots from June 11 to September 9, 1965 and May I to August I, 1966 to obtain weekly rates of; O = natural precipitation .5 in. per week moisture 1.0 in. per week moisture 2.0 in. per week moisture. =48™ Table 25. Lbs. of Nitrogen per Acre Herbage yields in 1965 and 1966 expressed as percent of check following the applications of nitrogen and water at Norrisl'. YieldS./ as Percent of Check Moisture!/ (Inches per Week) I h % 7, Year 0 % 2 7, 1965 100 108 137 137 1966 100 163 200 116 1965 166 153 189 211 1966 257 174 214 175 1965 205 219 270 420 1966 350 280 388 310 1965 214 274 350 462 1966 345 451 502 315 U 50 io o 150 I/ 2/ 3/ 4/ Nitrogen and water treatments applied in a split plot design with nitrogen as the main plot, nitrogen applied in May, 1965. Average of three replications at each rate and year. Water applied to subplots from June 11 to September 9, 1965 and from May I to August I, 1966 to obtain weekly rates of: 0 = natural precipitation .5 in. per week moisture 1.0 in. per week moisture 2.0 in. per week moisture. Means followed by the same letter for the same year are not signif™ icantly different; (P<»05) using Duncan's Multiple Range Test. 500 1965 Yield 1966 Yield 400 Percent of Check 200 - lbs. N/A In. H20/Wk. Figure 2. 50 100 0 150 100 .5 150 50 100 1.0 150 100 150 2.0 Herbage yields in 1965 and 1966 expressed as percent of check following the applica­ tion of nitrogen and water at Norris. -50- Not all species responded the same to the addition of nitrogen and water. The greatest increase in yield in 1966 was recorded for needle- andthread; while the greatest decrease was shown by the forbs and shrubs (Table 26). Clubmoss was apparently not adversely affected by the addi­ tion of water during the two growing seasons. There was no apparent injury to clubmoss from nitrogen even at the 150 pound per acre level. -51Table 26. Lbs, of Nitrogen per Acre Forage yield in 1965 and 1966 from the nitrogen-water treat­ ments at Norris for rieedleandthread and miscellaneous forbs and shrubs. Yieldl/and Moisture LevelZ/ Misc. Forbs and Shrubs Needleandthread I 2 0 I % % 2 in. in. in. in. in. in. in. Year _0 in. 1965 144 137 133 150 95 76 178 128 1966 80 107 163 87 45 89 51 37 1965 187 200 199 148 152 166 131 1966 200 200 158 155 172 52 35 40 23 1965 247 311 218 368 323 265 279 310 1966 343. 235 364 370 101 81 60 41 1965 324 338 308 430 310 269 269 365 1966 445 572 531 373 96 64 72 45 U 50 100 150 I/ Average of three replications. 2/ Average of three replications at each rate and year. SUMMARY Selective chemical control of clubmoss was studied at three loca­ tions involving 15 tests representing spring, summer and fall treatments from 1964 through 1968. Treatments were evaluated for percent clubmoss control, for vegetational change, and for production of forage. 1. AMS, atrazine and monuron were the most promising herbicide treatments. 2. Monuron at 2 pounds per acre gave the highest kill of clubmoss (99 percent). 3. Atrazine at 2 pounds per acre and AMS at 10 pounds per acre generally gave satisfactory clubmoss control. 4. Atrazine and monuron killed existing fringed sagewort plants and prevented reinfestation for one or more grazing seasons. 5. Dead clubmoss decomposes very slowly leaving a dense, compact sod resistant to wind and water erosion. 6. Herbage yields continued to increase for four years following application of AMS, atrazine and monuron. 7. Addition of 50 Ibs/A nitrogen to atrazine and monuron treatments increased the production of herbage over herbicide treatment alone. APPENDIX ■ -54" Appendix Table I. Plant names. Common Names Scientific NamesA/ GRASSES AND SEDGES: Bluebunch wheatgrass. Blue grama.......... Green needlegrass.... Montana wheatgrass... Needleandthread..... Plains reedgrass,.... Prairie junegrass.... Sandberg bluegrass... Six-weeks fescue.... Thickspike wheatgrass Threadleaf sedge..... Western wheatgrass... .Agropyron spicatum .Bouteloua gracilis .Stipa viridula .Agropyron albicans .Stipa comata .Calamagrostis montanensis .Koeleria cristata .Poa secunda .Festuca octoflora .Agrqpyron dasystachyum ..Carex filifolia .Agropyron smithii FORES; American vetch..... Biscuitroot....... Cudweed sagewort... Green sagewort..... Hairy goldenaster.. Hoods phlox........ Milkvetch.......... Penstemon.......... Pussytoes.......... Scarlet globemallow Woolly Indianwheat. Vicia americana Lomatium spp Artemisia ludoviciana Artemisia dracunculoides Chrysopsis villosa Phlox hoodii Astragalus spp Penstemon albidus Antennaria spp Sphaeralcea coccinea Plantago purshii SHRUBS: Broom snakeweed.....................Gutierrezia sarothrae Fringed sagewort............. ...... Artemisia frigida I/ Botanical names according to Booth, 1950 and Booth & Wright, 1962 -55- Appendix Table 2. Chemical names. Chemical Amitrole T 3-amino-l,2,4-triazole ammonium thiocyanate AMS Ammonium sulfamate Atrazine 2-chloro-4?ethylamino-6-isopropylamino^s-triazine Bromacil 5-bromo-3-sec-butyl-6-methyluracil Dicamba 2-methoxy-3,6-dichlorobenzoic acid Diquat 6,7-dihydrodipyrido (l,2-a:2',l,-c)pyrazidiinium DNBP 4,6-dinitro-o-sec-butylphenol Endothall 7-oxabicyclo(2.2.l)heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid Fenac 2,3,6-trichlorophenylacetic acid Fenuron 3-phenyl-l,I-dimethyIurea Monuron 3-(p-chlorophenyl)-l,I-dimethylurea Paraquat I,I'-dimethyl-4,4'bipyridinium Picloram 4-amino-3i5,6-trichloropicolinic acid Propazine 2-chloro-4,6-bis(isopropylamino)-s-triazine 2,4,5-T 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,3,6-TBA 2,3,6-trichlorobenzoic acid 56- Appendix Table 3. Chemical Percent clubmoss control in June, 1967 on treatment made in the spring o f 1964 at Havre and N o r r is J ;/. Rate Ibs/A Havre 1.5 3 0 22 17 42 9 32 40 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 Atrazine 4 77 100 88 Bromacil I 2 8 80 73 100 41 90 Diquat 2 4 25 95 65 98 45 97 DNBP 1.5 3 2 0 0 17 I 9 Endothall 1.5 0 12 6 Fenac 3 3 5 4 Fenuron I 2 .4 2 7 . 40 15 30 100 9 19 70 Monuron 4 100 100 100 Nitrogen 50 0 0 0 Nitrogen 50 Ibs/A + 2,4,5-T .5 Ibs/A 50 4 .5 0 0 0 35 90 63 Amitrol-T AMS Ave. % Paraquat I Propazine 2 32 35 34 2,3,6-TBA 3 3 3 3 2,4,5-T 1.5 3 0 . 5 3 17 2 11 J./ ■ % Norris 7, Average of three replications. “57- Appendix Table 4» Precipitation measurements from the nearest!/ weather station for eadh experimental site. Year '1964 Month G in. .in. January .21 February ,19 March .61 April .41 May 2.52 June 2,78 July 1.28 August .85 September .52 October .20 November .26 December ,78 .31 .11 .22 1.71 2.44 1.12 1.49 .98 1.22 .00 .44 1.19 TOTAL I/ 10.53 H 11.23 ;n . in. .06 .28 .33 1.62 2.83 4.20 .38 1.98 .02 .53 .93 .86 14.02 G in. 1965 H in. 1966 .N' _ in, . I . !. 1967 G in. in. N in. G in. in. N in. H H Long Term Average H G in. in. N in. .46 .20 ,30 .51 3,24 4.64 .91 3.01 ,79 T .12 .12 .64 .32 ;40 1.46 .85 4.62 2.28 2.27 2.56 .04 .70 .29 .35 .09 .60 2.02 4.19 1.91 .65 .75 2.47 ,72 .50 .60 ,51 .14 .10 .59 1.91 .89 3.13 3.65 .41 .68 .34 .23 .53 ,04 .17 .44 .30 2.60 1.80 .56 .20 1.02 .64 .22 .47 .43 .76 1,29 ; 3.53 \ 1.95 | .29 1.21 1.30 1.20 1.34 30 .84 .25 .83 .84 .68 2.23 .12 .18 2.10 1.13 .36 .26 .45 .50 1.70 2.42 .16 .85 T .03 1.80 .41 .22 .41 ,46 .33 2.80 1.47 3.12 5.00 .79 .34 .84 2.55 1.05 .73 .48 .41 .56 1.01 1.49 2.98 1.33 1.49 .96 .64 .47 .45 .37 .34 .49 .89 1.47 2.76 1.31 1.21 .92 .72 .40 .37 .33 .51 .98 1.51 2.70 2.95 1.07 1.08 1.27 1.17 1.03 .46 14.31 16.43 14.85 12.58 8.52 14.07 9.92 8.95 19.48 12.27 11,25 15.05 Glasgow - WPAB, 25 miles south of site (12 year average). Havre - Ft.,Assinniboine9 5 miles norjth of study (64 year acerage). Horris - ^ENE9 % mile east of study (10 year average). I -58LITERATURE CITED Choriki9 Raymond T.$ A. L. Dubbs9 and L. W. Stempke. 1969. Effect of salt concentration, monuron and diuron on eradication of June grass, blue grama, clubmoss, and other undesirable shallow rooted species not important on range establishment. 1969 Mont. Agr. Exp. Station Report, pp. 35-55. Dolan, J. J. 1966. Long-term responses of dense clubmoss (Selaginella densa Rydb.) to range renovation practices in Northern Montana. M. S. Thesis. Montana State Univ. 83 p. Duncan, D. B. 11:1-42. 1955. Multiple range and multiple F tests. Biometrics Klages, M. G. and D. E. Ryerson, 1965. Effect of nitrogen and irriga­ tion on yield and botanical composition of Western Montana range. Agron. Journ. 57:78-81. Payne, G. F., J. E. Taylor and D. E. Whitmer. 1967. Distribution of dense clubmqss in Montana. Mont. Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 247. Progress Report, 1965. Clubmoss Research, Mont. Agr. Exp, Sta. and Bureau of Land Management. Progress Report, 1966. Clubmoss Research, Mont. Agr. Exp. Sta. and Bureau of Land Management. Progress Report, 1967-68. Clubmoss Research, Mont. Agr. Exp. Sta. and Bureau of Land Management. Ryerson, D. E., J. E. Taylor, L. 0. Baker, Harold A. Houlton, and D. W. Stroud. 1969. Clubmoss on Montana Rangelands: Distribution, Con­ trol, Range Relationships. Mont. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull, (in press). Stroud, D. W. and L. 0. Baker, 1966. rangeland to nitrogen and water. Response of clubmoss infested WWCC Res. Dept. pp. 16-17. Wagner, Stephen F. 1966. Selaginella densa and its chemical control. M. S. Thesis. Montana State Univ. Weed Society of America. 1967. Herbicide Handbook. Press Inc., Geneva, N.Y. 293 p. W. F. Humphrey HpfflH 3 '762 10015588 4 f 2378 GtSp c o p .2 « » S tro u d , Don W llns Cherilcal c o n tr o l o f cluhmoss /7