Photoemission investigation of the electronic structure of manganese by Gary Joel Stensland A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Physics Montana State University © Copyright by Gary Joel Stensland (1969) Abstract: Photoemission measurements in the spectral range from 4.leV(threshold) to 11.8eV have been obtained from evaporated films of Mn. The nondirect transition model is used to obtain the optical density of states . The filled d-like states have a prominent peak 0.9+0.2eV below the Fermi energy, a shoulder at approximately 3.5eV below the Fermi energy, and an estimated width of 4.8eV. No structure was observed in;Nc for energies above the vacuum level. The reflectance of Mn for angles of incidence of 12.5°, 40°, and 60° is measured from 2eV to 11.5eV, and is found to be structureless, except for a very broad and weak peak centered about hv=7.OeV. P HO TO EM ISSIOW INVESTIGATION OF THE ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF MANGANESE by GARY JOEL STENSLAND A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Physics Approved: MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana June, 1969 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes Gerald J . L a p e y r e , his to express special thanks to Dr. thesis a d v i s o r , for his p a t i e n c e , g u i d a n c e , and constructive criticism which made this thesis possible. The helpful guidance of other committee members. Dr. Georgeanne Caughlan and Dr. V. Hugo Schmidt, appreciated. was also Informative discussions as well as technical aid and advice rendered to the author in the course of this investigation by Kenneth A. Kress were very helpful. author wishes The to express his gratitude to this fellow student The contributions of C . B a d g l e y , F . B l a n k e n b e r g , and Dr. E. Holversen in the design and construction of apparatus was appreciated. and being Thanks also to my wife for typing so patient and understanding. this thesis - ivTABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION ' ............ .. II . THEORY III. .......................... .. I . . . . . 3 APPARATUS AND .PROCEDURE.'. A. Photoemlsslon B . Reflectance IV. . . . . .. . . , . RESULTS . 11 ........................ ............ 1 2 . . '................................15 ............................. 19 A. Reflectance D a t a ................ B. Pho to emission D a t a ......... . . .............. 22 C . Optical Density of States Analysis D . Summary LITERATURE CITED ................... 19 ... . . . 28 32 34 -VLIST OF FIGURES Page Fig. Fig. I 2 Fig. 3 Fig. Fig. 4 5 f' Fig . 6 Fig. Fig. 7 8 Fig. 9 Side View of Reflectometer Used for Reflectance Measurements ......... . . . . . . 16 Spectral Reflectance of Mn Sample B at Three Angles of Incidence and the Effect 1 of Exposure to the A t m o s p h e r e ......... .. 20 Spectral Reflectance of Mn Sample C at Three Angles of Incidence .................. 21 Quantum Yield arid Determination of the Work Function of M n ....................... .. 23 Sample Dependence of Energy Distribution Curves at hv=10.2eV Plotted as a Function of E-hV+<f> ................ * .................... 25 Energy Distribution Curves .f o r .Sample VI for hv=6.2eV to hV-9.8eV Normalized to the Quantum Yield ............................... . 26 Energy Distribution Curves for Sample VI for h V = 1 0 . 2 e V ’to hV=11.8eV Normalized to the Quantum Yield ..................... . . . . . 27 Valence Band Optical Density of States o f Mn ................ .. 29 Effective Final Optical Density of States of M n .............. ........... .. . . . . 31 —v i — ABSTRACT Photoemission measurements in the spectral range from 4.I e V (threshold) to ll.SeV have been obtained from evaporated films of Mn. The nondirect transition model is used to obtain the optical density of states . The filled d-like states have a prominent peak 0.9 i 0 .2eV below the Fermi e n e r g y , a shoulder at approximately 3 . 5eV below the Fermi e n e r g y , and an esti­ mated width of 4.8 e V . No structure was observed, i n ;N c for energies above the vacuum level.. The reflectance of Mn for ■ angles of incidence of 12.5°, 40°, and 60° is measured from 2eV to 11 .5 e V , and is found to be structureless; except for a very broad and weak peak centered about h v = 7 .O e V . I. INTRODUCTION The electronic structure studies of metals have been subjects of both experimental and theoretical investigations for many y e a r s . Methods such as de Hass-van A l p h e n , cyclotron resonance' t and anomalous skin effects are.useful in studying electronic properties near the Fermi Surface of the metals. Photoemission m e a s u r e m e n t s , however, giving information about the electronic properties over wide energy ranges centered.about the Fermi level. to other optical measurements, one to measure have the attribute of A n d ,in contrast photoemission studies allow the energy of the electrons after excitation and thus obtain information on the initial and final states. The optical constants .which can be determined from reflectance measurements are related, to the response of the electrons energy. integrated over all final states at a given photon As a result, only energy differences are determined for the excitation p r o c e s s . however, Reflectance measurements do, depend on a simpler physical process scattering since electron in the excited states does not contribute to the p r o c e s s , and information can be obtained for all photon energies. Thus determination of the optical constants does provide a useful correlation with photoemission results besides having its own intrinsic v a l u e ; The purpose of this work was to use the photoemission -2- process to study the metal m a n g a n e s e . technique has been used The photoemission to study the first series metals C u , 1,2 N i , 3 >4 C o , 4 *5 and F e . 4 *6 this laboratory studied C r . 4 *7 Fe on the periodic chart, transition Lapeyfe and Kress of Since Mn lies between Cr and it was chosen for this investigation. Section II will summarize the photoemission theory necessary to interpret the d a t a . Section III will present the apparatus and procedure u s e d , and Section IV will p r e s e n t , interpret and summarize the results Of this study. II. THEORY The energy of the photoemitted y i e l d , and this study. the reflectance are e l e c t r o n s , the quantum the quantities measured in This chapter will show how these measurements' lead to information on the electronic structure of m a n g a n e s e . The photo emission experiment involves the measurement of the kinetic energy distribution of the electrons emitted from a clean metal surface when irradiated by a monochromatic beam of photons. What must be established is the re lation­ ship between the distribution of the emitted electrons and the properties of the electronic states in the metal. The theory will show that the kinetic energy distri­ bution of the electrons that.have escaped is proportional the product of the initial optical density of states and the final ODS of the electrons inside the metal. to (ODS) But the crucial point is that the initial and final ODS have different functional dependence which permits characteristics their to be separated. To establish the basic relationship's, considered a three step p r o c e s s . 1 *8 the photoexcitation of the electrons. photoemission is The first step involves In the second step the electrons migrate to the surface and may suffer energy, losses due to scattering. In the third step, electrons With sufficient kinetic energy and the proper momentum escape into the v a c u u m . The data in this study show no optical selection rules except energy co n s e r v a t i o n . When this occurs excitations are called n o n d i r e c t .* the optical The internal energy distribution of the excited electrons produced in the first step of the photoemission p r o c e s s , is given b y 9 M 2N c (E)Nv (E-h\)) ‘ (I) where M is the matrix element for the transition, the optical density of empty final states and Nv (E-hv) (conduction band) is the optical density of filled initial states (valence band). energy N c (E). is Since the experiment measures the kinetic (KE) of the electron after it is emitted, E is referenced to the vacuum level. the variable The vacuum level is the minimum energy required for an electron to escape. The matrix element M i s taken to be constant because the data in this investigation show M has no strong energy dependence. This has been frequently observed in other transition metal s t u d i e s .10 In the second step of the photoemission process the photoexcited electrons m i g r a t e the surface. During this process a large fraction of the electrons are emitted with *I-n some solids the Bloch state wave vector is conserved in the optical transition and the transition is called ditect. ~5“ no energy loss. H o w e v e r , some of the electrons suffer In­ elastic collisions and produce two effects.. F i r s t , electrons are scattered out of the state E and s e c o n d , the scattered., electrons may have sufficient energy to e s c a p e . The latter are called secondary electrons. The energy distributions of the photoexcited electrons inside and outside the metal are now d i f f e r e n t . A simple model can be used to correct E q .■ (I) for the electrons scattered out of the internal energy distributions. Taking the probability for an.electron escaping from the metal w i t h ­ out losing energy to b e .given by e“x / k (E) the correction factor - is found to be S (E,V) = -M At(V)L(E) !+CX(V)L(E) (2) where a (V) is the optical absorption coefficient and L(E) is the escape d e p t h . In the third step of the photoemission process electrons leave the surface of the metal. But the the excited electrons must have the proper momentum component pe rp endicu­ lar to the surface if they are to escape. tion or threshold function T(E) f u n c t i o n .1 This escape func ­ is in general a complicated In the simplest case where one assumes the photo- excited electrons are described by plane waves and the surface is atomically c l e a n , the threshold function i s 1 — 6— CO = %(1— ^-) if P >PC T(E) = 0 if P< P C Z-N T(E) . (4) where P c is the critical minimum momentum of the e l e c t r o n , and the vacuum level is taken as the zero of energy. Whether this free electron model for the threshold function is valid , or not, two things are true. because electrons The maximum value of T(E) is h. excited with a momentum component away from the surface cannot e s c a p e . Also T(E) is a monotonically increasing function of E and zero for energies less than the vacuum l e v e l . . Combining the a b o v e .three steps energy distribution curve the expression fot the (EDC) becomes (5) n ’ (E)hv C= M 2T( E) S( E,v )N c (E)Nv (E-hv). Upon normalizing the EDCs to the number of photons o b s e r v e d , E q . (5) becomes Ii(E)hv M 2T(E)S.(E,V)NC (E)Nv (E-hV) Ep+hV M 2N c (E)Nv (E-hV)dE ,eF since the denominator gives The quantum yield (6) the total number of transitions. (Y) is defined, as the total number of photoemitted electrons divided by the number of absorbed I 7- photons. The relation between the energy.distribution curves and the quantum yield is Ey+hV Y(V) = n(E)h dE (7) , Ep+<f> where <j> is the work function. Since it is not practical during EDC measurements experiment. the yield is measured by a separate In measuring flux can be m e a s u r e d . to measure the light flux the yield only the incident light Thus the reflectance has to be de t e r ­ mined in order to calculate the number of absorbed p h o t o n s . The denominator in E q . (6) is directly related to the imaginary part of the dielectric constant £2 "by the relation1’2 Ep+hV E2 (V) = -B M ? N C (E)Nv (E-hv)d E . v2 J e f (8 ) The constant B is given by (9) where e and m are the electron charge and mass respectively and h is Planck's c o n s t a n t . Thus E q . (6) can be Written B M 2T ( E ) S ( E 9V ) N c (E)Nv (E-hV) Xi(E)hv = V 2E 2 (V) (10)1 -8- Typical values for the transition metals of Ct-^rVlOQA and L(SeV)rVlOA are quoted in the lite ra tu re 12 so CtLrV O ,I . When otL<<l, Eq . (2) reduces to .S (E ,V) *0t (\>)L (E) and Eq„ (10) becomes n(E)hv ■ B M 2C( V ) E c e f f (E)Nv (E-hv) (H) c(v) (12 ) where = --9(v) V 2E 2 (O) and N c e f f (E) = T(E )L (E ) Nc (E) E q . (11) (13) is valid for primary e l e c t r o n s , that is, that escape without being inelastlcally scattered. emission of secondary electrons, those The that is those which suffer inelastic collisions but still escape, makes an additive contribution to E q . (11) and distorts the E D C s . 1 ’13 Most of the secondaries do not have sufficient energy to escape the surface barrier. As the photon energy increases, however, increasing numbers of secondaries have sufficient energy to escape. The energy distribution of secondaries tonically decreasing on other studies is a mono- function of the Alectron energy. Based the secondaries contribute on the order of. 20 to 40 per cent at hV = 11;O e V «1 *4 Certain models have been ■-9- used in the lit er a tu re 1 *13 to account for the contribution of these secondary electrons to the EDCs but they were not utilized in this study because significant information was obtained without them. The important point to note about E q . (11) functional dependence of N ce^ and Nv . is t h e ■ The energy position of the structure found in the EDCs originating from Nv has E-hV d e p e n d e n c e . Structure with E dependence is due to N ce^ ^ Letting P c and Pv be the kinetic energy values of the peaks in N c and N v r e s p e c t i v e l y , the above properties can be represented by the equation APv (hv) = AhV (15a) AP c (hv) =0. (15b) The spectral reflectance and as noted above isused the spectral reflectance data (R) is measured in this work in the yield study. F u r t h e r m o r e , can be used optical c o n s t a n t s , eg. a and e g « O n e , using the Two methods are available. the Kramers-Kronig relations incidence reflectance data, toobtain requires to reduce normal that the reflectance data extend essentially over the whole spectral range. second m e t h o d , making use of the Fresnel equations, the reflectance at two angles, preferably more, requires fot each energy at which the optical constants are d e s i r e d . The — 10 — The optical constants will not be determined in this study but either of the methods above could be used to analyze the d a t a « III. APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE If Mn samples were prepared and studied in low v a c u u m s , many impurities would adhere to the surface chemically or otherwise. during Also impurities would be trapped in the sample the.evaporation i t s e l f . In particular Mn forms many stable oxide compounds t The impurities have the effect of changing the spectral r e f l e c t a n c e , especially in the ultraviolet r e g i o n . almost all of the photoemitted Also electrons from a metal surface covered with impurities are scattered by the impurities. typical EDCs obtained from a badly contaminated of one large peak at low energies. The sample consist The intrinsic structure resulting from the properties of no longer apparent. To avoid such im p u r i t i e s , since the electronic structure of pure Mn is d e s i r e d , the Mn samples were prepared and studied in ultra high vacuum systems. The samples were prepared by vapor deposition. The Mn samples used for all the measurements were of ultra-high purity;* The main impurity was 250 parts per million of s u l p h u r . Mn has four crystal structures in the solid state.'14 The room temperature structure for bulk samples is the a form *Manganese was purchased from Electronic Space P r o d u c t s , Inc., Los A n g e l e s , C a l i f o r n i a . -12- which is a complex cubic s t r u c t u r e . 14 An X-ray diffraction analysis of a Mn film deposited at 10“^ to 10“ ^ Torr on a glass slide by heating a tungsten basket containing source material showed predominately Mn a p r e s e n t . 3 or Y were present identified. the lines were not distinct the If Mn be Other investigations have obtained similar results for evaporated films of M n . 15 The kinetic energy distributions of the photoemitted electrons (EDCs) and quantum yield measurements described in Section A. procedure to measure are In Section B the apparatus and the spectral reflectance is d e s c r i b e d . Existing photoemission instrumentation was used in this study. The construction of the reflactometer was part of this thesis work and is therefore described in d e t a i l . A. Photoemission Most of the phqtoemission and quantum yield data were taken in an all metal ultra-high vacuum system pumped by an . 800 L/s Orb-ion p u m p . The system contained a LiF window, for transmission of the exciting radiation which permitted photon energies up to 11.8eV tungsten basket containing (1033A) to be utilized. the source material was resistively heated until evaporation was accomplished. pressure of the system was A Base typically in the lO"'**® Torr range while evaporation brought the pressure tip to the lower 10 —Q -13- Torr r a n g e . These pressures were measured by an ion gauge. The primary light source used for all the measurements was a one-meter- McPherson model 225 vacuum ultraviolet monochromator whi ch is equipped with a Hinteregger type, DC discharge lamp. The photodiode geometry used has been described in the l i t e r a t u r e .1 6 >1^ Basically it consists of a cylindrical collector and a flat polished cathode which is approximately one inch in diameter. Both were made of stainless steel. The cathode could be moved out of the collector for sample preparation. The electronics used to measure the EDCs for the elec­ trons photoemitted from the cathode has been fully described in the li t e r a t u r e . 18 Basically, for a diode of the above design the current as a function of the retarding bias is an integral energy distribution. The energy distribution, is thus obtained by differentiation. varying A retarding potential linearly with time was applied to the collector while photons of fixed energy impinged on the cathode. The electron, current from the cathode to the collector was monitored by a Cary Model 401 vibrating reed electrometer. The electrometer output was differentiated by an operational amplifier differentiator. - To determine the quantum yield the total electron -14- emission was measured with an electrometer and the photon flux was detected by a sodium salicylate coated EMI 9514B photomultiplier tube, The fluorescence from the sodium salicylate permitted detection of the photon flux at energies above the transmission cut off of the tube's glass e n v e l o p e . The spectral response of fresh sodium salicylate is con­ sidered constant. . Since the response did vary with a g e , at the completion of an experiment the sodium salicylate film was compared with a. freshly prepared film so that appropriate corrections could be made. The maximum variations were on the order of 10 per cent. A second method used to study the quantum yield of Mn was to deposit a Au film inside the collector and on the cathode. t u r e .2 versus The quantum yield of Au is reported in the literaTherefore by measuring , the photoemitted electrons incident photon frequency for both a.Mn and a Au s a m p l e , the shape of the Mn yield curve could be determined and the calibration also m a d e . The deposited Au films had other u s e s . By depositing a' film of .a metal of known work function.on the collector, shifts the to expect in the EDCs contact potential effects was determined. The Au deposited on the cathode between the Mn films retarded .peeling of the Mn films and also indicated when an adequate depth of Mn had been deposited for the -15- photoemisslon studies. B. R e f lectance The optical reflectance R (v) is the number of reflected photons divided by the number of incident photons. high vacuum reflactometer used shown in Fig. (I). The ultra to make this measurement Its design permits is the reflectance to be measured at angles of incidence from 10° to 70° so either method of analysis described in.Chapter II could be used to determine the optical constants. The ref lactometer consisted of a 10-inch stainless chamber with a LiF w i n d o w . was used steel A Va rian e-Gun evaporation source to form the thin film to be studied. As illustrated in Fig. (I), both the substrate, the sample was .d e p o s i t e d , and the detector, The substrate was mechanically coupled drive rotary motion feedthrough. to a 6-inch ring gear. was magnetically coupled on which could be rotated. to an Ultek direct- The detector was A permanent magnet outside to a permanent magnet connected the system inside the system which was connected by a shaft and pinion gear to the 6-inch ring g e a r . About. .050 inch of. stainless steel s e p a r a t e d .the two magnets which rotated easily on ball bearings. The number of teeth in the pinion and ring gears, were such that 6.9 revolutions of the external magnet moved the detector through one r e v o l u t i o n . The design allowed ,the SUBSTRATE 8 Fig. I. Side View of Reflectometer Used for Reflectance M e a s ur em e nt s. -17- d e t e c tor to be positioned to Various detectors photomultiplier degree. could be utilized. An RCA-1P28A tube with sodium salicylate on the tube envelope was used to measure the l i g h t .£ lux from 11.8eV to 2eV. An R C A - I P 27 photodiode could then be. employed for the spectral region from .3eV to I e V . The 6-inch viewport was used for checking optical al i g n ­ ments and monitoring the evaporation.procedure. orientation of the substrate, one could view the e-Gun during evaporation and determine where and if the metal By proper the electron beam was focusing to be deposited was m o l t e n . This was an aid in determining when a film was being deposited on the sub­ strate. During tometer was the measurements the base pressure of the r e f h e c ­ typically in the high 10- -*-® Torr range. Evaporation pressures were typically in the low 10~® Torr range but fell very rapidly to the low IO-^ the power, to the e-Gun was turned off. Torr range when Reflectance m e a s u r e ­ ments commenced within five minutes after the e-Gun had been turned off. , Studies of copper were initially made to assure that the apparatus was giving meaningful and accurate results since copper's reflectance is found in the l i t e r a t u r e .19 The apparatus was found to be sufficiently precise. On -18- any one film, data of I or 2 per cent precision was obtained. The limiting factor in taking these reflectivity measurements appeared to be that various films did not give the same reflectance curves as will be Illustrated in Chapter IV. IV. A. RESULTS Reflectance Data Figs. 2 and 3 show the reflectance data taken for ultra- high vacuum evaporated Mn samples B and C with the reflectometer shown in Fig. I. The normal incidence reflectance (incident angle of 12.5°) for the three samples studied has very nearly the same spectral distribution with slight variations in m a g n i t u d e . Reflectance values due to sample dependence vary from 15.5% to 17.0% a.t 11.OeV and from 39.0% to 42.5% at 5.O e V . This same dependence has been observed by other workers for different metals .2 0 The only structure in the normal incidence data is a slight rise at about 7e V . This rather structureless and flat shape for the normal incidence reflectance curve makes Mn a bit anamolous when compared to other metals but of the reflectance curve is similar Shown in Fig. to other metals. 2 is the reflectance of a film after being exposed to air for about .an hour vacuum. the magnitude and then returned to a high The magnitude of the normal incidence reflectance data changed c o n s i d e r a b l y .and the structure also appears have changed. to This- air exposed sample agrees quite well with data taken by Sabine in 19 3 9 . 21 He vacuum evaporated his films and then exposed them to air to. take m e a s u r e m e n t s « ..This demonstrates very clearly the need for clean surfaces in -2Cr SAMPLE B A IR EXPOSED PHOTON ENERGY ( e V ) Fig. 2. Spectral Reflectance of Mn Sample B at Three Angles of Incidence and the Effect of Exposure to the A t m o s p h e r e . PHOTON ENERGY (e V ) Fig . 3 . Spectral Reflectance of Mn Sample C at Three Angles of Incidence. 21- Mn SAM PLE C — 22 — ultraviolet optical studies. Figs . 2 and 3 show angular dependence of the reflec­ tance for two M n . samples, where the angle of incidence was. 12.S 0 1, 40°, and 60°. The reflectance data at 40° for sample B were measured from 11 .SeV to 2eV and were found to super­ impose within the precision of the experiment',on the 12.5° reflectance data from about 6.SeV to 2 e V . B. Photoemission Data The spectral dependence for the quantum yield per absorbed photon is shown in F i g . 4. The absolute magnitude of the yield curve was obtained by comparing Mn to the p u b - . Iished value of Au at 1 0 . 2 e V .2 The only possible structure observed in.the yield appears dotted in F i g . 4 at 7. I e V . This dip appeared, in the data but is questionable because of the low light levels of the s p e c t r u m . in this region The light flux drops by an order of m a g n i ­ tude from 7 .7eV to 7.OeV and this could cause problems with the detector. Another possible cause is structure in the sodium salicylate response; discussed in Chapter The Mn-Au comparison method III was not carried out in sufficient detail to determine by this independent measurement if the dip o c c u r r e d . The photoelectric threshold value for Mn is obtained by making a linear extrapolation to zero of the square root of -23- 45 PHOTON E N E R G Y (e V ) PHOTON ENERGY ( e V ) Fig. 4. Quantum Yield and Determination of the Work Function of Mn. -24- the yield as a function of photon e n e r g y . This functional dependence for the threshold.region is predicted by Fowler's th e o r y .2 2 The insert in F i g , 4 shows this plot for Mn VI. From this and studies on other films the value of 4.1 ± 0 .IeV was measured for Mn. Photoemission studies were carried out on two Mn samples (I, I I ) , prepared in a glass system and four s a m p l e s , (IIIVI), prepared in the all metal system discussed in Chapter II A representative set of data are shown in Fig. 5. The data taken in the glass system are not analyzed because the strong scattering shows noted that the films are not clea.n. It should be that even in the presence of the strong scattering major structure points are present. Samples V and VI have almost the , the same shape although there does appear to be a bit m o r e .scattering Ill and IV agreed well with V and VI. in sample VI. Thus it appears that . any of the samples measured in the metal system could be used equally well to obtain the optical density of states. Figs. normalized 6 and 7 show a complete set of EDCs for Mn VI, to the quantum yield in Fig. function of E-hV+<|>. 4 and plotted as a The EDCs are displayed in this manner for easy demonstration that the data fit the nondirect model and that all the major structure results from valence band states. n(E-hr»</>) ARBITRARY UNITS Fig. SAM PLE - - SAM PLE SAM PLE - 5. Sample Dependence of Energy Distribution Curves at hV=10.2eV Plotted as a Function of E-hV+<j). -26- PHOTON ENERGY 9 8 »V 9 6 a o Mn SAMPLE V! UUJJJ-U L E-hk*^ ( eV ) Fig. 6. Energy Distribution Curves for Sample VI for Hv=6.2eV to hV=9.8eV Normalized to the Quantum Yield. -27- PHOTON ENERGY CD ne »v @ n.s @ 106 @ 102 / S' SAM PLE V! n ( E - h y $ ) (10 ELECTRONS/PHOTON/ e V ) @ "3 Fig. 7. Energy Distribution Curves for Sample VI for hv = 10.2eV to hv = 1 1 .8eV Normalized to the Quantum Yield. — 28 — C. Optical Density of States Analysis The EDCs of Mn VI, shown in Figs, obtain the optical density of states 6 .and 7 were used to (ODS). The essential features of the nondIrect model as explained ,in Chapter XII are given by ,■ n (E) hvc=Nceff (E)Nv (E-hv) . The low kinetic energy (16) (KE) part of the EDCs are strongly affected by the threshold function T(E). depth, decreases with energy, L(E), thus the effect of electrons . being scattered out of the distribution produces effect the escape in the high KE part of the E D C s . the greatest Therefore the internal energy distribution of electrons should agree best with the measured EDCs used in the mediu m KE range. to obtain the valence band ODS was magnitudes The procedure to normalize the of the succeeding EDCs- in their respective KE regions around 2.5'eV on an E-hV+tj),; plot.7 for N v is shown in F i g . 8. The resulting curve The curve for Ny (E-hv) has been obtained without considering secondary electrons which may. contribute to the EDCs at low K E . If the secondaries are important, the amplitude of Ny for - 6 . 3 e V < E < - 4 .OeV would be altered. The large peak in t h e .filled band at 0,9i012eV below the Fermi energy is a result of the d electrons of manganese. The (ARBITRARY UNITS) Nv ( E ) -4 ENERGY ( e V ) Fig. 8. Valence Band Optical Density of States of Mn. -30- shoulder at about 3 . 5eV below the.Fermi energy is probably also due to d e l e c t r o n s . Assuming this shoulder is at the edge of the d-like states a value of 4,8*0.2eV is determined for the width of the filled d b a n d . secondary electrons and The possible effects of the effect of T(E) makes the total width of the valence band somewhat a m b i g u o u s . If all the factors were known in E q . (11), the magnitude of Nv could., be calculated exactly from the d a t a . this is not possible, but by equating However, the area of the valence band to the five d and two ..s' electrons of Mn, Nv can be cali­ brated. If one makes a linear extrapolation of" N v in F i g . 8 to zero at -7eV, and then equates the area to seven electrons, the value of Ny at the Fermi energy is 1.9 electrons/eV/atom. The effective conduction band ODS [Nce^ = T( E) L ( E ) N c (E)] is found by dividing all of the energy distributions by.the valence band O D S . The curves produced by the above divisions superimpose within -10% and the resultant curve is shown in F i g . 9. For 0 < E < 2 .OeV the shape of N ce^ to T(E). implies is due essentially No strong structure is observed in N c e ^ ( E ) which the conduction ODS does not contain strong s t r u c t u r e . Therefore, considering N q (E) as flat or slowly increasing free electron model) , the decrease in N q 6^ ( E ) attributed,to (eg. for E>2.. 5eV is electron scattering. Since Mn has only five d electrons.there should be a (E) (ARBITRARY UNITS) I LO H I E (eV) Fig. 9. Effective Final Optical Density of States of Mn. -32- large number of empty d states . These are not observed above the vacuum level where they would have been detected by this experiment so they must occur between the Fermi level and the vacuum level. The fact that all N ce^ results superimpose implies that the product character of the nondirect transition model Eq. (16)] [see is valid and that the matrix element cannot have any strong energy dependence. This justifies the use of the nondirect model with constant matrix element for this study. D. Summary The photoemission process has been used to obtain the valence band optical density of states as well as the effective conduction band optical density of states. The prominent structure found in the filled d-like states was a strong peak at 0. 9* 0. 2eV below the Fermi energy. A shoulder at about 3.5eV below the Fermi energy was also.identified. The width of, the d-like states was estimated to be 4,8eV. structure was observed in N c for energies above level. Eastman has recently o b t a i n e d •s i m i l a r Ttfo the vacuum results.4 It would be. informative to extend this work by assuming a reasonable model for the effect of secondary e l e c t r o n s . This would probably lead to.a different magnitude for the low energy section of Ny as well as a better estimate for the total valence band width. — 33 — The reflectance at normal incidence and two other angles has been measured for Mn. As soon as the infrared data at normal incidence is available for Mn, Kramers-Kronig relations can be used to obtain the optical constants with the angular reflectance data serving as a check through the Fresnel equations. The optical constants thus- determined will provide a useful correlation to the photoemission data in determining the optical density of states of Mn. LITERATURE CITED I.. C . /N. Berglund and W. E . Spicer, P h y s . R e v « 13 6 , A1030 (1964); P h y s , Rev. 13_6, A1044 (1964). 2. W . F . K r o l i k o w s k l , Technical Report No. 039, Stanford U n i v e r s i t y , 1967. 3. A. J . Blodgett, J r and W . E . Spicer, P h y s , R e v . 1 4 6 , No. 2, 390 (1966) ; Phys . R e v . Letters JL_5, 20 (1965). 4. D . E . E a s t m a n , to be p u b l i s h e d . , 5. 6. A. Y - C . Yu and W . E . S p i c e r , P h y s . R e v . 5218-1, SEL-67- 1 6 7 , 674 (1968). -A, J . Blodgett '.and W . E . .Spicer, P h y s . Rev. 1 5 8 , No. 2, 514 (19 67) ; W . E . S p i c e r , J . A p p l . P h y s . 3_7_, 947 (1966) 7. G . J . Lapeyre and K . A . Kress, 589 (1968) . Phys R e v . 1 6 6 , No. 2, 8. A. H . Sommer and W. E . 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