A critical analysis of bone marrow-spleen cell interaction in the immune response by Donna Gail Sieckmann A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Microbiology Montana State University © Copyright by Donna Gail Sieckmann (1970) Abstract: The spleen-bone marrow cell interaction phenomenon was studied in three strains of mice, using various experimental parameters. Lethally irradiated mice were reconstituted with either spleen, thymus, bone marrow, or combinations of these cell suspensions and immunized with sheep erythrocytes or bovine gamma globulin. The immune response was measured by Jerne plaque spleen assay or immune elimination. The immune response in spleen or bone marrow reconstituted animals was dependent upon two cell interactions taking place. However, low doses of spleen and bone marrow alone were not able to immediately reconstitute an animal's immune potential. Spleen dilutions from normal SPF mice could not interact synergistically with bone marrow, but could interact with normal thymus cells. Spleen dilutions from immune mice or older conventionalized mice were able to interact synergistically with bone marrow. The appearance of the synergistic cell in the immunized spleen followed that of the memory cell population. It was concluded that the size of the antigen reactive cell population of the spleen could be.- altered by immunization, exposure to cross-reacting antigens and/or aging of the animal. In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may he granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries= It is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed.without my written permission= Date A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF BONE MARROW-SPLEEN CELL INTERACTION IN THE IMMUNE RESPONSE by DONNA GAIL S BECKMANN A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Microbiology Approved; Head, Major Department Chairman, Examining Committee Graduate/ Dean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana August, 1970 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my advisor, Dr. Norman D= Reed, for his inspiration and guidance, and for generously giving of his time and talents during the course of my studies. I would also like to thank the faculty of the Department of Microbiology at the University of Nebraska and the Department of Botany and Microbiology, Montana State University, for their cooperation. I wish also to express my gratitude to Drs. E. 0= Jones, University of Nebraska Medical Center; John McGreer Jr., Lincoln General Hospital; and L. Brewton and L= Hammer, St. James Hospital, for the irradiation of experimental animals. Financial support for the author and research materials were provided by NIH Grants 7 ROI AI09862 and 7 EOI AI09859 and by NIH Training Grant.No. AI131-09. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page VITA c o o e o o c ACKNOWLEDGEMENT' c O e C o O TABLE OF CONTENTS, i Q LIST OF TABLES. e e O o e C o o O o e O o O e e O o e G e e o O O O O o c o e ii e iii a o o o o o o e O o iv o e ® vii o o F ® o o o e e e » ® e e o o o e LIST OF FIGURES o o o p o o o o o o e o o e e * » ® o viii ABSTRACT ix e o INTRODUCTION e Q O o o o o o o o o o o o e e o o ® ® ® ® ® 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 « ® 0 0 « e » 0 0 o e I MATERIALS AND METHODS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mice. o » Antigens. 5 e 5 e e e e o o e e e e o o e e e . ' e e o e o e a o e 5 o Irradiation o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o . 0 e 0 e 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 o o e + 0 e 0 e 0 e 0 e 0 o 0 o ^ 6 0 Preparation of Reconstituting Cell Suspensions Reconstitution of Irradiated Mice . o Jerne Placpie Assay . . . . . . . T . . . © . e . ® . » 7 o . p o o . Assay of Immunity to BGG by Immune Eliminations Preparation of Labled Protein . o © o « o o o o o o © © o o o o 8 e e 8 10 o Immune EIimx ns ~bion p o o o o o o ® e o o o e e o 11 Serum TltrstIOns 11 RESULTS O O O B O O O O e o e o e o o o o » o o e » e 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Irradiation and Hematopoietic Reconstitution o O O 0 O O 13 O 13 V Page 13 Assay of Immunity to BGG by Immune Elimination: A0 Immune and Nonimmune Elimination, . . . . . . . . . 13 Bo Correct Assay Time, 0 0 0 16 Co Tolerance Induction . o o 0 0 o 0 o * e 0 e e o e o o e e o 19 * Time of Recovery of Immune Responsiveness After Irradiation and Reconstitution With Bone Harrow 19 A Dose-Response Curve for Bone Marrow Transplantation 22 A Dose-Response Curve for Spleen Cell Reconstitutions The Dilution Effect With SRBC Antigen 2k The Spleen Dilution Effect With BGG Antigen , 0 Absence of Synergism Between Normal Spleen and Normal, Bone Marrow in SPE Mice * 0 0 0 0 p 0 Variation in Experimental Parameters Affecting the Immune Respqnse in Reconstituted Mice 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 e, Zk 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 32 Absence of Normal Spleen-Bone. Marrow Synergism in in C57B1 with BGG Antigen a . , . . . . . . . . . , , . . 36 The Effect of the Immune State of the Donor Cell Population Ipon Synergism o o o o e o o , 36 The Time of Appearance of the Synergistic Cell in the Spleen After Antigenic Stimulation The Specificity of Primed Spleen Cell-Bone Marrow Cell Synergism 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spleen^Thymus Synergism,0 0 0 * Natural, Hemagglutinins to SRBC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 o 0 0 Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in 15 Week Old ..Conyentiqnal LAE^/J Mice,. Op o O o O o O o o O o O O kl p o kk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 kk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 k? O Av o< O 0 0 0 0 . 0 vi Page DISCUSSION e e o o p o e e o o e e a e t i o e e e e o e o e e e o 52 S U M M A R Y o o o o o o o o o o o o o a < i o o o « o » * * 9 a o « o ^ 1O APPENDIX o o . o * o o e e e 62 e 63 ' LITERATURE CITED i o e a e e » o * 6 e o e e * e e e e e * e o o * e e ® e e e ® o e e # * » e e e e * vii LIST OF TABLES Page TABLE I TABLE II TABLE III TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE IV V VI VII TABLE VIII TABLE IX TABLE TABLE X XI Effect of Irradiation and Hematopoietic Reconstitution. „ „ „ „ ........ , 14 The Spleen Dilution Effect.:'. , 26 Absence of Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in C57B1 Mice: .Low Cell Dose . . . . , 30 Absence of Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow. Synergism in C57B1 Mice: High Cell Dose. „ . . ■ 31 Absence of Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow. . Synergism in Balb/C Mice. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Absence of Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in LAF_/j Mice. . . . . . . ■ 34 The Effect of Delayed Reconstitution on Subsequent Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Interaction, Oi- &r> o * Ofr O* o> e» e o. ©i oi o*1 o» ^. 35 Effect of Time of Jerne Assay on PFC Response . . 37 Immune Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in C57B1 Mic e *. P.,,. ^ . 4o Immune Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in LAF^/J Mice9. . . . . . . . . . . . , 42 The Specificity of Immune Spleen Cell-Bone Marrow Synergism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 o« O'i o TABLE . XII Spleen-Thymus Synergism in LAF^/J Mice. . . . . TABLE XIII Natural SEBC Hemagglutinins in C57B1 Mice . . . TABLE XIV Natural SRBC Hemaglutinins in LAF^/J Mice . . . TABLE XV . . . Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in 15 Week Old Conventional LAF^/J Mice. . . . . . . 46 48 49 50 Tiii LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure Figure Figure I 2 3 Immune and nonimmune elimination of — ■O 6 e ® o < i o e o o o e o o e #eeeee-e 15 Assay for immune elimination at various times during the immune response • ' ' . • • • • • • • « 17 Assay for immune elimination at various times during the immune response 18 20 Figure 4 Tolerance induction in C57B1 adults Figure 5 Tolerance induction in adult C57B1 which had been treated with soluble BGG at birth Figure Figure Figure Figure 6 7 8 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 »««>«-» 21 The apperance of an immune response to SHBC in irradiated, bone marrow reconstituted C57B1 miceu-j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 ® ® ® ® ® ° ° - 23 A dose-response curve for reconstitution with bone marrow o o ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® 25 A dose-response curve for reconstitution with spleen cells ^7 Anti-BGG response in spleen cell reconstituted C57B1 mice® ® o » ® o ® o » ® ® ° = » 9 29 Immune elimination in normal spleen and bone marrow cell reconstituted 057B 1 . « ® » ® ® ® ® « ° ° 38 The appearance of the synergistic cell in the spleen after immunization ® o . ® ® ® ® ® ® ® » « « » ® ^3 ABSTRACT The spleen-bone marrow cell interaction phenomenon was studied in three strains of mice, using various experimental parameters„ Lethhlly irradiated mice were reconstituted with either spleen, thymus, bone marrow, or combinations of these cell suspensions and immunized with sheep erythrocytes or bovine gamma globulin=, The immune response was measured by Jerne plaque spleen assay or immune elimination. The immune response in spleen or bone marrow reconstituted animals was dependent upon two cell interactions taking place=. However % low doses of spleen and bone marrow alone were not able to immediately reconstitute an animal--iS :•immune potential» Spleen dilutions from normal SPF mice could not interact synergistieally with bone marrow, but could interact with normal thymus cellso Spleen dilutions from immune mice or older conventionalized mice were able to interact synergistieally with bone marrow= The appearance of the synergistic cell in the'immunized spleen followed that of the memory cell population= It was concluded that the size of the antigen reactive cell population of the spleen could be.- altered by immunization, exposure to cross-reacting antigens and/or aging of the animal= INTRODUCTION The role of lymphoid cells in the development and main­ tenance of an animal's immunelogical competence has been well docu­ mented during the last two decades 0 However, data which reveal the complexity of the mechanism of antibody formation at the cellular level have only recently been provided* There has been evidence suggesting that cell-cell interactions are involved in the development of an immune response (l6 , 21, 11, 12)„ Fishman (11) was first to show that macrophages, which had ingested bacteriophages, produced an RNA species that could induce neutralizing antibody formation in nonimmune lymphocytes = Ford, Gowans, and McCullagh (12) showed that peritonial macrophages, which had ingested sheep erythrocytes (SRBC), could induce specific antibody formation by culturing them with thoracic duct lymphocytes» In 1966, Clamen, Chaperon, and Triplett (4) presented more direct evidence for the involvement of two cell types in antibody production* They showed that when the immune potential of lethally irradiated mice was reconstituted with both thymus and bone marrow cells, the cellular response to SRBC, as measured by foci of anti­ body production in the spleen, was several fold greater than the response which would have been expected had the reconstituting effect of thymus and marrow cells been only additive = The results clearly I 2 showed that a synefglstic interaction between the two cell populations had taken place=, This phenomenon of thymus-bone marrow synergism has sinpe been confirmed repeatedly with SHBC as antigen (10,21) and also with protein antigens (3 ,31)= With the -development of the Mishell-Dutton technique for im­ munization of dissociated spleen cells in vitro (24), it was soon discovered that three cell types were involved in the in vitro res­ ponse to SEBGs a glass-adherent cell, now thought to be the macrophage, and two nonadherent celld (23)° , t The adherent cell was found to be necessary for an in vitro primary response to SRBCe How­ ever, this cell is present and functional in the lethally-irradiated animals used in in vivo studies of cell Interaction 0 The exact role of the adherent cell is presently being debated= The functions of the nonadherent cells have been more suc­ cessfully investigatedo By use of hybrids and anti-H2 isoantisera, it has been demonstrated that the bone marrow cell or cells derived from the marrow produce antibody (8 , 22, 30)» These are the plaque forming cells (PFC) of the Jerne hemolysis-in-gel assay for antibodyproducing cells and are also the cells responsible for the different classes of antibodies produced during the immune response (7 )® The other nonadherent cell, the thymocyte or a cell derived from the thymus, has now been termed the antigen reactive cell (ARC)o 3 It has been shown (21, 29) that this cell proliferates after contact with the antigen and then interacts with antigen and a percursor of the PFC (P=PFC) to cause differentiation of the P-PFC into the PFC» By statistical analysis, it has been shown (29) that after the initial contact with antigen, the AEC undergoes 6 to 10 cell divisions, producing 80 to 800 progeny ARC, each of which is able"to interact with approximately 150 PFC» These figures, which depict a mushrooming of the PFC population as the result of antigen contact with only one ARC, help to explain the magnitude of the response obtained after the synergistic interaction between these two cel] populations«, Cell-cell interactions can be most profitably studied by use of thymus and bone marrow, which contain relatively pure populations of the ARC and P-PFC 9 respectively= The premium effect, shown by Celada (2), or the dilution effect, as it is called by Talmage and co-workers (30), and studies by Hosier and Coppleson (25) indicate that cell interactions can also take place between two lymphoid cells in the spleen, namely, a thymus-derived ARC and a bone marrow-derived P-PFC= These investigators showed that the response to antigen was a nonlinear function of the spleen cell dose given to lethallyirradiated anumals or in in vitro culture with antigen= A 50 fold increase in the munber of spleen cells given was accompanied by a 2500 fold increase in. the response of the irradiated animal,(26)= 4 Talmage and co-workers furthermore demonstrated that a subtraction of unprimed spleen gave no response alone, but could give a synergistic response to SEBC if given with bone marrow (26). On the other had, Clamen and co-workers (5) did not detect any enhancement of the immune response of spleen cells by bone marrow. Radovich (27) also reports that spleen-bone marrow synergism does not occur in all strains of mice tested. In our laboratory, preliminary experiments were run in attempt to show spleen cell-marrow cell synergism in order that it might later be applied to the study of immunologic tolerance. synergistic effect could not be shown. A The experiments which followed, and that are reported below, sought to determine the cause for the discrepancies between reports in the literature on spleen-bone marrow cell interactions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Miceo Young adult C57B1 (H-2h ), Balb/C (H-2d ), and LAF^/J (C57L/J x A/HeJ ) inbred mice, 6 to 12 weeks old, were used in the experimentso Specific pathogen free (SPF) C57B1 and Balb/C stock breeders were obtained from Dr= J» J= Trentin, Baylor University Medi­ cal School, Houston, Texas, in 1968, and have since been maintained by brother-sister matings under SPF conditions» LAF^/J mice were obtained at the age of 6 weeks from Re B 0 Jackson Memorial Laboratories, Bar Harbor, Maine, and were housed in the SPF animal quarters upon arrival 0 All cages, watering bottles, and San-i-cell bedding were autoclaved before use 0 Mice received Wayne Sterilizable Lab Chow or Autoelavable Puyina Laboratory Chow 5010, which had been sterilized, and acidified-ehlorinated water (20) ad Iibitum 0 All mice remained in the SPF animal quarters until removal for experi­ mental use=, Antigens 0 Sheep (SRBC) and horse (HRBC) blood in Alsever1s solution were obtained from Colorado Serum C o 0, Denver, Colorado, and washed three times in sterile O 085$ NaCl (saline) before use in immunization, serum titrations, or Jerne plaque assay=, Lyophilised bovine gamma globulin (BGG, Cohn Fraction IV) was obtained from Immunology, Inc, Glyn Ellyn, Illinois =, The BGG was dissolved in saline and used for immunization either in an aggregated form, prepared by heating for 20 min at 70° C, or as an emulsion 6 consisting of equal volumes of Freund’s Complete Adjuvant (FCA, Difco, Detroit) and BGG solution® BGG solutions used for isotopic labeling or to induce tolerance (soluble BGG) were freed of aggregated mole­ cules by centrifuging at 40,000 x G for 30 min in a Spinco Model L refrigerated ultracentrifuge with an SW25°1 rotor® BGG solutions were quantitated by optical density analysis at 280 nm in a Beckman DB Spectrophotometer®, The ^ was found to be 1®040 in 0o03M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7®0, using a solution whose concentration was determined by micro-Kjeldahl nitrogen analysis ® Irradiation® Mice were given 900 rad whole body gamma irradiation using Co-60 Teletherapy units with the following dose rates: 162 R/min at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska, by Dr= E® 0® Jones? 7b R/min at Lincoln General Hospital, Lincoln, Nebraska, by Dr® John MeGfeer, Jr=? ?2 rad/min at St® James Hospital, Butte, Montana, by Drs= L= C= Brewton and L= Hammer® Twelve mice were held fast in a round perforated plexiglass cage (H&H Plastics, Lincoln, Nebraska), designed for irradiation purposes= This cage was positioned in a 19 x 19 cm irradiation field, 60 cm below the source, oh top of a turntable (Sieckman Const= Co®, Lincoln, Nebraska)® In order to achieve uniform irradiation of all animals, the mice were rotated at 2rpm during irradiation® Maximum 7 backscatter conditions were produced by placing a five-inch thickness of masonite under the cage on the turntable<> The mice were held in the cage only for the duration of the irradiation time, which varied between 5 and 15 min, depending upon the source used= In several experiments a Model M Cs-137 Gammator (M34-1-1074, Radiation Machinery Corporation, Parsippany, Illinois) was used* The mice were irradiated individually at a rate of 195R/min« The type of source used in any particular experiment will be recorded within the experimental procedure = Donor and recipient mi.ee were generally pre-bled, and when possible, were selected from mice showing no natural SBBC hemagglutinins„ Donqr spleens were removed aseptieally, placed in Hank’s balanced salt solution (HESS, Grand Island Biological Co=, Grand Island, No To), teased apart with forceps, and pipetted gently with a Pasture pipette to produce a single-cell suspension0 large particles were allowed to settle out and the supernate was brought up to 15 ml, quantitated with a hemacytometer, centrifuged at 500 x G in the cold for 10 min, and resuspended in fresh BBSS to the proper cell concentration= Bone marrow was obtained from femurs and tibias of donor mice= Bones were removed and cleaned of tissue= The marrow was removed by 8 cutting off the epiphyses and injecting HBSS into the marrow cavity thereby forcing the marrow out of the other end of the bone® A single cell suspension was produced by pipetting gently with a Pas­ ture pipette= Large particles were allowed to settle out and the supernate was quantitated with a hemacytometer, centrifuged in the cold at 500 x 6 for 5 min, and resuspended in fresh HBSS to the proper cell concentration= Thymus cell suspensions were prepared by mashing the thymus in HBSS against a fine mesh wire screen with the flat end of a glass syringe plunger= Further processing was the same as that for bone marrow= Reconstitution of Irradiated Mice= reconstituted at 5 hrs after irradiation= Mice were generally Cell suspensions were mixed and injected intravenously (IV) in a lateral tail vein= In cases of immunization to SRBC or HRBC, the antigen was mixed with and injected with the cell suspension= When BGG was used for immunization, the aggregated form was given intraperitonealiy (IP) after reconstitution of the mouse = Experimental mice were main­ tained on sterile feed and acidified-chlorinated water ad libitum= Mice to be assayed by immune elimination were started on 0=1% KI in tap water at the time of reconstitution= Jerne Plaque Assay= Spleens were assayed for antibody 9 producing cells.by the method of Jerne and Nordin (17)«, Spleens were removed aseptically, and placed in cold Eagle’s minimal essential medium. Hank’s base (MEM, Grand Island Biological C o 0)» After the spleen was teased apart with forceps, cell aggregates were further broken down by gently pipetting with a Pasture pipette * Coarse material was allowed to settle out in a centrifuge tube, and the supernate was removed and plated immediatly thereafter? Either 0=,1 or O 02 ml of the resulting cell suspension or a I;10 dilution of the suspension was added to an overlay agar mixture at 47°C«, The over­ lay was composed of I ml of 1°/o agarose (L 0Industrie Biologique Frangaise 8 «, A 0), I ml of 2x MEM, and 0=9% NaCl 0 The overlay was spread in a plastic petri disk, which contained a base agar layer composed of 10 ml of 1 04$> Ionagar, No= 2 (Oxoid, Colab Laboratories) in HBSS, to which 500 ug of DEAE-dextran was added per ml of media after autoclaving=' Both the overlay and the base agar solutions were filtered after sterilization and adjustment to pH 7 with 7=5% NaHGCyo Double distilled water was used for all solutions = The plates were incubated at 37°C in a humidified 5% C0_-95% air incubator for 3 hrs= Development of plaques was accomplished by addition of 1=5 ml of 1:10 guinea pig ebmplement (Difco, Detroit, or Colorado Serum Co=, Denver) and incubation at 37°C for I hr= Plaques were counted under a dissecting microscope at IOOx magni­ 10 fication. Spleen, cell suspensions were quantitated with a hemacyto­ meter= Assay of Immunity to BGG by Immune Elimination: of Labled Protein= The Chloramine T method of McConahey and Dixon (19) was used to lahle BGG with Na 131 Preparation Iodine-131 was obtained as I 9.biochemical grade 9 in carrier-free form from Mallinckrodt Nuclear«> Chloramine T 9 200 yug in 0=05 ml sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7=0 (Eastman Organic Chemicals) was injected into a small stoppered vaccine bottle containing 200 ^ig soluble BGG in 0,4 ml buffer and 200 ^zC Na"^"*"I in 0=1 ml buffer= agitated on crushed ice for 10 min= The vial was gently Then 0=05 ml (400 jag) sodium meta-bisulfite (Fisher Scientific Go=,) was added with a syringe to stop the reaction and to reduce any remaining Chloramine T and free iodine = The BGG was separated from the salts on a 0=9 x 15 cm Sep- hadex G-50 (superfine) column (15)° The column had been prewashed with nonlabled BGG and phosphate buffer= Ten-drop fractions were collected.and assayed for radioactivity with a Nuclear Chicago Scintillation Counter-Analyser Computer (Model 132A) in a well-type sodium iodide crystal Scintillation Detector (Model DS5)= Active fractions at the void volume were pooled, and the protein content was assayed by optical density at 280 nm= The pooled fractions were diluted to a concentration of ItiOjig protein N/ml= protein was generally used immediately= The labled 11 Immune Elimination. Each mouse, which had previously been maintained on Ool^ KI in tap water, Was given 10 p g ^ ^ I - B G G (approx. Oo? ^aC) IV. Whole body counts were taken immediately and at various times thereafter. The mouse was held in a small cup, which was placed directly on top of the NaI crystal detector. At least 6400 counts were taken to give values with no more than 3% error. Back- round activity was measured with the empty mouse holder in place. Correction for daily variation in machine efficiency and for decay of isotope still present in the animal was made by counting a stan­ dard, consisting of a stoppered test tube containing a solution of I^l Na ^ I. Correction: for counting efficiency was necessary, due to x I fluctuations in line voltage. Results are expressed as the per­ centage of initial activity remaining in the animal at a certain time after injection of the labled material. For sample calcu­ lations, see the appendix. Serum Titrations. Sera were titrated using a microtitrator system (CookeEngineering Co., Alexandria, Va.). Twenty-five jal of serum was diluted in two-fold dilutions, 1.2 to I;4096, in modified barbital buffer (I). Then 2 5 yil of Q a3% SRBC in 1% normal, absorbed, heat inactivated mouse serum in buffer was added. Hemagglutinin assays were incubated at room temperature for I hr and then over­ night at 40C. Hemolysin assays were held 10 min at room temperature 12 before adding 25 ^al of a 1:20 dilution of guinea pig complement in buffer. Incubation for I hr at 37°C and overnight at 4°C completed the hemolysin assay. RESULTS .Irradiation and Hematopoietic Reconstitutions A preliminary experiment was conducted to test the effectiveness of irradiation and reconstitution of the strain of mice to be used in these Studies„ C 57B 1 female mice were given either 600 or 900 rad whole body irradi­ ation at the University of Nebraska Medical Center=, Syngeneic bone marrow was administered to several of the irradiated mice either IV or IP=, All mice receiving 600 rads survived and showed very little weight loss (Table I)= A dose of 900 rad proved lethal for nontreated mice* The time of death indicated that it was due to hematopoietic failure and not damage of the intestial tracts reconstitution with 2 x 10 7 Death could be prevented by syngeneic bone marrow cells» Either route of injection proved satisfactory for this number of bone marrow cells® A dose of 900 rad was used in subsequent experiments = Assay of Immunity to rite Toy Immune Elimination® In antici­ pation of studying cell interactions involving a soluble protein anti­ gen, preliminary experiments were run to determine the practicality of using immune elimination of A0 131 I-BGG as an assay for immunity to BGG=. Immune and Nonimmune Elimination® The average elimination pattern of 8 normal C57B1 mice is shown in Fig® I by curve A 0 The 10 jig ‘^■'t -BGG given IV was eliminated with a half-life of 3°2 days in the linear portion of the curve® Curve B represents the average of three mice which had been TABLE I. Mouse Number The Effect of Irradiation and Hematopoietic Reconstitution Dose (rad) Body Weight(gms) Day 2 Day 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 BM IV BM IV BM IP BM IV none none none none 17.9 15.2 17.8 17.9 19.4 16.3 18.8 13.5 15.3 15.6 15.8 15.4 17.6 13.5 14.5 I 2 3 4 5 6 600 600 600 600 600 600 BM IV BM IV BM IV none none none 17.3 18.9 16.4 22.5 22.2 16.1 18.3 18.9 16.5 22.2 21.6 15.3 BH = 2 x 10 b „ a Treatment syngeneic bone marrow cells Post-irradiation - Time of Death Due to Radiation (days) 9b 11 9 10 4 H -Fr 4- u I 2 DAYS 3 A FT E R 4 I-BGG 5 6 7 INJECTIO N Figure I. Immune and nonimmune-elimination of ^I-BGG. Curve A represents the elimination of 10 Jig I-BGG given IV ^n^day 0 to 8 normal C57B1 mice. Curve B shows immune elimination of ^ I-BGG by 3 mice previously immunized 23 days before with 8 mg BGG in FCA subcu­ taneously. Verticle bars represent the range of individual curves. Ir 16 immunized 23 days before with 8 mg of BGG in FCA subcutaneously, A rapid elimination of 60# of the injected protein was most probably due to circulating antibody» Most of the remaining protein was then eli­ minated with a half-life of 0*88 days, which reflects upon the actual rate of synthesis of antibody in the animal» The remaining 3% was eliminated slowly with a rate almost approaching natural biologic decayo This portion of the curve may represent (i) elimination of "^"*"1 re-utalized by the animal in its own metabolism, (ii) elimination of 131 I-BGG molecules which have acquired a certain foreignness due to denaturation during the labeling process, or (iii) antigen-antibody aggregates of labled BGG in the tissues of the animal„ Bo Correct Assay Time 0 The purpose of the following experiment was to determine the Manliest time in the immune response at which immune elimination could be detected= Adult C57B1 female mice were immunized with 2 mg BGG in FCA subcutaneously= trol mice received saline-FCA subcutaneously = Three conr On days 6 , 8 , 10, 12, and 14 several mice were given tracer doses of labled BGG= Controls received labled BGQ on day 6 =. The results of this experiment are shown in Figs= 2 and 3° The 6 day immune mice did not show immune elimination until one day after injection of labeled BGG= All groups assayed beyond day 7 showed immediate immune elimination, the rate of which increased M t h time after immunization= It was concluded, that mice in subsequent experiments could be assayed at least 7 days Control 6 DAY IMMUNE 8 DAY IMMUNE DAYS A FTER 131I-BGG IN JE C T IO N Figure 2. Assay for immune elimination at various times during the immune response. Fiers• 2 and 3 show elimination patterns of groups of mice given 10 j i g a t 6 , 8 , 10, 12, and 14 days after immunization with 2 mg BGG in FCA subcutaneously. Three con­ trols received saline-FCA. All other groups consisted of 2 adult female C57B1. A C TIVITY REMAINING 18 IO DAY IMMUNE IN ITIA L 12 DAY IM M UNE 14 DAY IM M U N E DAYS AFTER 13I-BGG INJECTION Figure 3* Assay for immune elimination at various times during the immune response. 19 post-immunization, Co Tolerance Induetiono Adult C57B1 mice were given 2»5 mg soluble BGG IP and 10 days later challenged with 8 mg of BGG in FCA subcutaneously» ^ I-BGG was given 12 days later® the results of this tolerance inducing regimen® Fig. 4 displays The animals appeared partially toleraht, showing an average elimination half-life of 1.19 days. Fig. 5 shows a half-life of 2=75 days for BGG in adult G57B1 which had been made tolerant by injection of 50 jfxg of soluble BGG IP onbe each week after birth for 8 weekso The mice were challenged with I mg of BGG. in FCA at 10 weeks and given the tracer BGG 20 days later. Time of Recovery of Immune Responsiveness After Irradiation, and Reconstitution With Bone Marrow. Preliminary to running experiments involving cell transplantations and cell interactions, it was thought necessary to determine the time at which bone marrow alone could "iully reconstitute the.immune potential of a lethally irradiated animal. Bone marrow has been shown to contain precursor cells for all types of cells involved in the immune response. Since in later experiments we wished to repopulate the animal with only the P-PFC (precursor of plaque forming cell) by giving bone marrow, it was important to know the length of the latent period preceding the appearance of the ARC (antigen reactive cell) being derived from the bone marrow cell pre- 20 Nontreated Immune DAYS A FTER 131I - BGG INJECTION Figure 4. Tolerance induction in C57B1 adults. Adult C57B1 were given 2=5 mg soluble BGG IP and 10 days later challenged with 8 mg BGG in FCA. Solid lines represent individual elimination curves. Broken lines show nonimmune nontreated controls and immune controls. 21 Nontreoted Immune DAYS AFTER 131I-BGG INJECTION Figure 5 . Tolerance induction in adult C57B1 which had been treated with soluble BGG at birth. The solid line represents the average elimination curve of four C57B1 mice challenged with I mg of BGG in FCA 20 days before giving 10 ug labled BGG. The mice had been given 50 JJg soluble BGG IP once every week for 8 weeks after birth. Superimposed on the graph are immune and nonimmune elimination curves. The vertical bars represent the range of individual curves. 22 cursors, which pass through the thymus 0 Adult female C57B1 mice were given 900 rad whole body irradi­ ation at Lincoln General Hospital and reconstituted the same day with rp 2»65 x IOf syngeneic bone marrow cells= Immediately, and at weekly intervals thereafter, subgroups were immunized with I x 10° SRBC IP= Mice were bled from the retro-orbital sinus at days 7 and 14 after immunization= Individual sera were titrated for hemolysins and hemagglutinins to SRBC 0 It can be seen from Fig= 6 that a full res­ ponsiveness had not developed until the second and third week after reconstitution= This implied that any response measured up to 2 weeks after reconstitution was due to interactions between cells which were fully differentiated at the time of transplantation and not due to differentiation of transplanted precursor cells from the bone marrow= A Dose-Response Curve for Bone Marrow Transplantation= The next question to be answered was, how many cell types are present in bone marrow= ..It was important to know if transplantation of 5 x I O^, cells would involve only one or both of the nonadherant cells neces­ sary for a response, since this dose would be used in later cell interaction experiments = C57B1 male mice given 900 rad at St= James Hospital were reconstituted with 5 , 10, 50, or 100 million syngeneic bone marrow 23 F 256 SRBC — Hemolysins - - - Hem agglutinins 256I28TSRBC W EEKS A F T E R IR R A D IA TIO N Figure 6 . The appearance of an immune response to SRBC in irradiated, bone marrow reconstituted C57B1 mice. Groups of mice (2 mice per group), given 900 rad and 2.65 x IO? syngeneic bone marrow cells at time 0 , were immunized immediately and at I, 2 , 3i and k weeks thereafter. The graphs show hemolysin and hemmagglutinin titers of individual mice within each group. The response in nonirradiated immune controls approximated the response of mice injected at 4 weeks. 24 O cells and a constant dose of 4 x 10° SEBC IV0 assayed for antibody-producing cells on day 8» Their spleens were The results of this experiment are shown in Fig, 7 as a plot of log response vs» cell dose given. The curve displays a slope of 1«60, indicating that two ■ cell populations are interacting to give the response (6)« A Dose-Response Curve for Spleen Cell Reconstitution: Dilution Effect With SRBC Antigen. The Groups of C57B1 female mice which had been given lethal doses of irradiation at Lincoln General Hos­ pital were reconstituted with either I x IOb 9 10 x 10 „ or 50 x 10 syngeneic spleen cells* Several mice in each group were also immu- nized on the day of irradiation with I x 10 8 SRBC® To determine the cellular response, their spleens were assayed on day 5 for antibodyproducing cellso A marked dilution effect was seen, in that an average of 958 times more PFC were present in the spleen of mice when 50 million spleen cells were injected than when one million spleen cells were injected (Table II)* This dilution effect was also seen if results were transformed into number of PFC per million recipient spleen cells* The dose-response curve (6) for this data shows a slope of 1*40, indicating that two cell types are present in the spleen being used for reconstitution and that they are interacting to give the response (Fig* 8)* The Spleen Dilution Effect With BGG Antigen* C57B1 male mice 25 Slope = 1.60 Log BONE MARROW CELL DOSE Figure 7» A dose-response curve for reconstitution with bone marrow. The graph shows a plot of log FFC response per recipient spleen to 4 x 10° SRBC on day 8 vs. the log bone marrow cell dose given to the recipients on day 0 after 900 rad irradiation. Each point is average of 5 C57B1 male mice. TABLE TI. Treatment The Spleen Dilution Effect a No. of Mice Spleen Cells Transferred Nucleated Cells/Spleen x 10 "6 PFC/Spleen PFC/IO6 Spleen Cells NONEfe SRBC I 3 50 x 50 x IO6 89.0 41.7 0 4792 NONE SRBC I 3 10 x 10 x 10° 17.8 18.1 10 36 0.56 4 NONE SRBC I 2 0 0 0.29 I I X X IO6 5.80 11.3 5 0 79. All mice received 900 rad. b I x IO8 SRBC C Assayed by Jerne plaque on day 5. Nonirradiated immunized control spleens contained an average of 20,738 PEG. 27 CL 4 .0 Slope = 1.40 Log SPLEEN CELL DOSE Figure 8, A dose-response curve for reconstitution with spleen cells„ The graph shows a plot of log PFC response per ICr recipient spleen cells to I x 10° SRBC on day 5 vs. the log spleen cell dose given to irradiated C57B1 female mice. Each point is the average of 3 mice. 28 were given 900 rad whole body irradiation with the Gammator, recon­ stituted with I, 10, or 50 million syngeneic spleen cells, and immunized with I mg of aggregated BGG= 131 Eight days later 10 jfig I-BGG was given IV, and the elimination was monitored by whole-body counting. The rate of elimination was shown to increase with increasing dose of spleen cells given (Fig. 9)» The half-life of BGG in the immunized mice decreased from 2.7 days when one million cells were given to 0.63 days when 50 million spleen cells were given. However, transformation of the data into a dose-response curve did not display the spleen dilution effect nor the presence of cell interaction. Absence of Synergism Between Normal Spleen and Bone Marrow in SBF Mice. G57B1 male mice were irradiated at St. James Hospital and reconstituted with I x 10° normal syngeneic spleen cells and/or 5 x /■ 10° bone marrow cells. Their spleens were assayed for PFG on day 7» The results (Table III), recorded as PFC per spleen, reveal no in­ creased response in mice receiving both spleen and bone marrow over the response in mice receiving only marrow. A notable increase in the spleen size of groups of mice which had received bone marrow over those that did not was evident. The data in Table IV show the absence of synergism in mice receiving larger doses of nonpal spleen, 10 and 50 million cells, 29 Figure 9. Anti-BGG response in spleen cell reconstituted C57B1 mice. The graph shows the average elimination patterns beginning on day 8 of groups of mice given I, 10, or 50 million spleen cells and I mg aggregated BGG after irradiation. All points are the average of 2 or 3 mice. Control curve represents elimination in normal nonirradiated C57B1 mice. TABLE III, Absence of Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in C57B1 Mice: Low Cell Dose Treatment a No. of Mice Nucleated Cells/Spleen x 10 -7 PFC/Spleen*3 Spleen Spleen + SRBC 2C 5C Bone Marrow Bone Marrow + SRBC 2 5 20.80 19.95 9 35 Spleen + Bone Marrow + SRBC 4 15.29 31 Control Control + SRBC 2 2 10.15 7.750 1.059 - 6 - 15 36,625 All mice except controls received 900 rad at St. James Hospital. Cell doses were I x IO^ spleen cells and 5 x IO^ bone marrow cells. Immunized mice received I x 10® SRBC. Assayed by Jerne plaque on day 7 c All mice in this group died before day of assay TABLE IV. Absence of Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in C57B1 Mice: High Cell Dose Treatment C Experiment A3 10 x IO0 Spleen + SRBC 5 x IO^ Bone Marrow + SRBC Spleen + Bone Marrow + SRBC No. of Mice Nucleated Cells/Spleen x 10"7 5 4 4 1.62 5.87 6.20 PFC/ Spleen 330 81 516 b Experiment 50 x IOb 5 x IO^ Spleen + B Spleen + SRBC Bone Marrow + SRBC Bone Marrow + SRBC I I I 30.5 31.4 16.6 220,500 200 111,000 Mice received 900 rad in the Gammator and were assayed on day 5. Mice received 900 rad at Lincoln General Hospital and were assayed on day 8. c g All mice were immunized with I x 10 SRBC. VJ H 32 with a constant number of bene marrow cells= Similar experiments were also conducted using male and female Balb/C and male LAF./J -L mice, irradiated at St= James Hospital= The results in Table V show that no synergistic effect was observed in the Balb/C strain of mice= An attempt to show synergism in LAF^/J mice resulted in very low numbers of PFG per spleen in all groups (Table VI)= synergism was seen= No impressive Only one out of three mice showed synergism= Variation in Experimental Parameters Affecting the Immune Response in Reconstituted M c e = The lack of synergism between spleen and bone marrow cell populations may have been due to the toxic envi­ ronment of the irradiated host immediately after irradiation= To test this hypothesis, C57B1 female mice were Irradiated at St= James Hospital dnd reconstituted 20 hrs Iater9 at a time when the toxic sub® stances produced in the host's irradiated tissues could be suf­ ficiently avoided= . Table VII shows that delayed reconstitution produced results similar to those obtained for immediate reconsti­ tution= Since the synergistic effect observed by Talmage et al= (26) might have been dependent upon the time of assay of the host Spleen9 an experiment was conducted to determine the time of maximum res­ ponse in the host animal= Female mice of the C57B1 strain irradiated at St= James-Hospital, were reconstituted with one million spleen x TABLE V. Absence of Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in Balb/C Mice Treatment a No. of Mice PFC/Spleenb Spleen + SRBC 2 13 Bone Marrow + SRBC 2 58 Spleen + Bone Marrow + SRBC 3 35 All mice received 900 rad. Cell doses were: I x IO^ spleen cells, 5 x IO6 bone marrow cells, and I x 10 SRBC. b Assayed on day 6 TABLE VI. Absence of Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in LAF^/J Mice Treatment3 Nucleated Cells/Spleen x 10 "6 No. of Mice Spleen + SRBC 2 Bone Marrow + SRBC 2 81.9 5 Spleen + Bone Marrow + SRBC 3 90.4 25 SRBC 2 SRBC Control0 2 a 6.25 PFCZSpleenb 5.74 173. 2 15,600 All mice except controls received 900 rad. Cell doses were: I x 10 spleen cells, 5 x 10° bone marrow cells , and 4 x IO8 SRBC. Assayed on day 6 c 3 g Nonirradiated mice were given 4 x 10 SRBC IV. 6 TABLE VII. The Effect of Delayed Reconstitution on Subsequent Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Interaction Treatment3 No. of Mice Nucleated Cells/Spleen x 10 7 PFC/Spleenb Spleen + SRBC 2 Bone Marrow + SRBC 2 10.4 30 Spleen + Bone Marrow + SRBC I 20.5 87 2:95 85 All mice were reconstituted and immunized^20 hr after being letjaally irradiated. Cell doses were:g5 x 10 spleen cells, 5 x 1 0 bone marrow cells, and I x 10 SRBC. b Assayed by Jerne plaque on day 7 after irradiation 36 cells and 5 million bone marrow cells, immunized with I x 10 SRBG, and assayed for PFC at days 4, 5» 6, and 7 after reconstitution® The daily variation in the efficiency of the Jerne assay was controlled by assaying a 4 day immune mouse on each day of Jerne assay® The results of this experiment, compiled in Table VIII, show that the response increased with time after reconstitution® The time of maximum response was not seen in this experiment ® However, for convenience of running experiments simultaneously, day 8 was the chosen time of assay for all subsequent experiments® There was little variation in the efficiency of the Jerne assay, and hence, results obtained with experimental mice within., this experiment may be compared® Absence of Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in C57B1 With BGG Antigen® C57B1 male mice were irradiated in the Gammator and reconstituted with 10 million normal spleen cells and/or 5 million bone marrow cells. ‘ Several mice in each group were immunized with Img of aggregated BGG IB. immune elimination® All mice were assayed for immunity on day 11 by Fig® 10 shows the absence of synergism in mice receiving both spleen c&lls and bone marrow. The magnitude of the response of spleen cells alone was even seen to be diminished^ by the addition of bone marrow. The Effect of the Immune State of the Donor Cell Population Upon Synergism® Experiments described thus far have shown a lack of TABLE VIII. Effect of the Time of Jerne Assay on the PFC Response No. of Mice Day of Assay Nucleated Cells/Spleen x 10 "7 PFC/Spleen PFC/106 Spleen Cells Experimental Control 2 2 4 4 0.975 39.4 17 117,450 1.75 291. Experimental Control 2 2 5 5 4.74 28.5 75 81,500 1.59 260. Experimental Control 2 2 6 6 19.2 21.4 285 62,500 1.48 292. Experimental Control 2 2 7 7 20.1 20.8 708 73,875 3.53 355. 38 O - IM M UNIZED ------NONIM M UNIZED » - IM M U N IZE D .......NON IM M UNIZED Ar IM M UNIZED ' ---------N ONIMM UNIZED m- IM M U N IZE D I -------- N O N IM M U N IZE D IMM UNE CONTROL SPLEEN +BG G BONEMAR ROW + BGG S P L E E N + BONE MARROW + BGG DAYS AFTER I-BGG INJECTION Figure 10» Immune elimination in normal spleen and bone marrow cell reconstituted C57B1. Mice were irradiated, reconstituted with 10 x 10& spleen cells and/or 5 x 10° bone marrow cells, and immunized with I mg aggregated BGG IP. Labled BGG was given IV on day 11 after reconstitution. Points are the average of 2 mice. 39 synergism between dilutions of normal spleen cells and the bone marrow P-PFGe Furthermore, this inactivity was shown to be inde­ pendent of mouse strain, time of reconstitution, and time of assay„ It was thus proposed that the concentration of the AEG in the spleen was too low for purposes of showing a synergistic effect with bone marrowo This suggested that synergism might be shown by use of an immune donor spleen, which supposedly contains an increased number of AEG due to ABC proliferation and formation of memory cells during the immune responsee " a C57B1 mice were irradiated at S t e James Hospital and recon­ stituted with normal or immune bone marrow, normal or immune spleen, or combinations of thesee Immune cells were harvested from two 657B1 Q males which had received 4 X 10 SBBG IV 8 days previouslye The PFC response of recipients 8 days after reconstitution and immunization O with 4 x 10° SBBC are presented in Table IXe The combined effect of normal bone marrow and normal spleen should have given 55 plus 28 or 83 PFC per spleen with normal cellse Whereas the combined effect of immune spleen and normal bone marrow should have been 34 plus 55 or 89 PFC per spleen, the actual response was l?o7 times greater, or 1575 PFC per spleen, revealing impressive synergism between the two cell populations 0 In contrast, no synergism was seen when immune bone marrow was combined with normal Spleen0 The same type of experiment was conducted using LAF^/J male TABLE IX. Immune Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in C57B1 Mice Treatment3 No. of Mice Nucleated ^ Cells/Spleen x IO'7 PFC/Spleen' Normal Spleen + SRBC 2 Normal Bone Marrow + SRBC 2 Immune Spleen + SRBC 2 Immune Bone Marrow + SRBC I 13.7 350 Normal Spleen + Normal Bone Marrow + SRBC 2 13.4 81 Immune Spleen + Normal Bone Marrow + SRBC 2 10.2 1575 Normal Spleen + Immune Bone Marrow + SRBC I 12.8 HO SRBC Control 2 10.5 2572 All mice received 900^rad and 4 x IO^ SRBC IV. cells and 5 x 10 bone marrow cells. 3.74 12.5 4.86 55 34 Cell doses were I x IO^ spleen Cell suspensions were counted using a Coulter Counter. Assayed on day 8 28 41 mice irradiated at St. James Hospital and reconstituted with 5 dayimmune cells. Similar results were obtained (Table X). The Time of Appearance of the Synergistic Cell in the Spleen After Antigenic Stimulation. In order to define the c&ll type res­ ponsible for synergism in systems using immune spleen* it was necessary to determine the time of appearance and longevity of this cell in the immune spleen. The experimental design called for donor mice in various stages of the immune response. Donor C57B1 were immunized with 4 x IO^ SEBC IV I, 3» 5* 7* and 15 days before transfer of their spleen to recipients irradiated at St. James Hospital. PFC to SEBC were assayed on day 8. 11. The results are plotted in Fig. Each point is an average of 2 or 3 mice. Mice receiving one million immune spleen cells only* without further immunization* showed very little response, indicating negligible transfer of antibody-producing cells from dohors undergoing a primary response. The Secondary res­ ponse shown by immune spleen cells alone remained fairly constant after reaching, a plateau on day 5° was found to appear ground day 3° The cell responsible for synergism This is shown by an increase in the response of recipients of both cell types over the added responses of either cell type alone. to near maximum by day 5° with 15 day immune spleen. The active cell increases in concentration The- greatest amount of synergism was seen TABLE X. Immune Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in LAF^/J Mice No. of Mice Treatment3 Nucleated Cells/Spleen x IO'7 PFC/Spleenb Normal Spleen + SRBC 2 1.975 122 Immune Spleen + SRBC 2 1.737 690 Normal Bone Marrow + SRBC 2 19.13 380 Immune Bone Marrow + SRBC 2 23.19 372 Normal Spleen + Normal Bone Marrow + SRBC 3 20.13 260 Immune Spleen + Normal Bone Marrow + SRBC 3 15.20 2347 Normal Spleen + Immune Bone Marrow + SRBC 2 20.53 173 SRBC 2 1.000 42 SRBC Control0 2 8.925 11,000 All mice received 900 rad; cell doses were I x IO^ spleen cells, 5 x IO^ bone marrow cells, and 4 x 10 SRBC IV, Assayed on day 8 g Nonirradiated mice given 4 x 10 SRBC IV 43 8000 6000 SRBC + SPLEEN + BONE MARROW 4000 2000 SRBC + S P L E E N SRBC+BONE MARROW DAY OF CELL TRANSFER AFTER ANTIGEN Figure 11= The appearance of the synergistic cell in the spleen after immunization. The abscissa represents the time after immunization at which donor spleens were removed and used to reconstitute irradiated C57B1 males with I x IO^ spleen cells. In addition, some mice were also given 5 million bone marrow cells and 4 x 10° SRBC= Points are average of 2 or 3 mice measured on day 8. 44 The Specificity of Primed Spleen Cell - Bone Marrow Cell Synergism. In dealing with primed spleen cells in synergism experiments, it was important to know if the effect of priming was specific for the antigen or whether priming was only a nonspecific sti^mlus o If the later were true then synergism should occur using donor spleen primed with a non-crossreacting antigen. C57B1 male mice were given 900 rad at St. James Hospital and reconstituted with normal bone marrow and/or 7 day HEBC (horse erythrocytes) immune spleen with either SEBC or HBBC. On day 8 Jerne plaque assay was performed using either SEBC or HBBC. The results, shown in Table XI, indicate that priming of donor spleen is antigen specific. While synergism did not occur using HEBC-primed donor spleen cells in mice immunized with SEBC, synergism was demonstrated in mice that were immunized with HEBC after receiving HEBC-primed spleen and normal bone marrow. Spleen - Thymus Synergism. Since synergism between normal spleen and the bone marrow P-PFC did not occur, it1 was questioned whether or not normal spleen could react sy&ergistically with the AEC of the thymus. Thus, LAF^/J male mice, irradiated at St= James Hospital, were reconstituted with 50 million thymus cells and/or I or 10 million normal spleen cells. The results of Jerne plaque spleen assay on day 8 (Table XII) confirmed that one million spleen cells TABLE XI. The Specificity of Immune Spleen Cell-Bone Marrow Synergism NO. of Mice Nucleated Cells/Spleen x 10-7 IS + SRBC BM + SRBC IS + BM + SRBC 2 2 2 1.044 8.853 5.275 IS + HRBC BM + HRBC IS + BM + HRBC 2 2 2 1.153 10.84 9.778 HRBC Control SRBC Control 2 2 10.06 5.913 Treatment a 6 PFC/Spleen to HRBC SRBC 8 15 20 - - 383 80 3370 2720 8000 2005 35 _ 6 IS = I x 10 HRBC immune spleen cells • BM = 5 x 10 nogmal bone marrow cells; SRBC = 4 x 10 ; HRBC = 4 x 10 HRBC TABLE XII. Spleen-Thymus Synergism in LAF^/J Mice Treatment Thymus a b + SRBC No. of Mice Nucleated Cells/Spleen x !Cr? PFC/SpleenC 2 2.300 30 I x IO6 Spleen f SRBC Thymus + I x 10 Spleen + SRBC 2 3 2.713 3.083 35 230 10 x IO6 Spleen £ SRBC Thymus + 10 x 10 Spleen + SRBC 2 3 SRBC Control 2 5 x 10 normal syngeneic thymus cells b 4 x IO8 SRBC c Assayed on day 8 10.58 10.84 6.918 880 850 9895 47 could interact synergistically with thymus cells. Synergism could not be seen at the higher spleen cell dose, however, indicating, per­ haps, a selective interaction between splenic ABC and splenic P-PFC. Natural Hemagglutinins to SBBC. During the course of these experiments all C57B1, and in several cases, LAF^/J mice were screened for natural hemagglutinins to SBBC before use in experiments. The results of these titrations are compiled in Tables XIII and XIV. The average titer was found to increase '^Significantly when C57B1 mice were 10 weeks old. This increase in titer was mainly due to an increase in the number of mice showing a naturally acquired titer and not to an increase in the magnitude of individual titers. Natural titers as high as 1:128 were found. Normal Spleen - Bone Marrow Synergism in 1$ Week Old Con­ ventional LAFj/J Mice. LAF^/J male mice were removed from the SPF animal room as young adults and fed on non-sterile feed and tap water until 15 weeks of age. Twelve of these mice were given 900 rad at St. James Hospital and later reconstituted with I x 10 5 x 10 6 spleen and/or bone marrow cells from non-irradiated 15 week old mice and immunized with 4 x 10 8 SEBC. Their PFC response was measured on day 8. The results, as recorded in Table XV, show that mice receiving both normal spleen and bone marrow gave a response that was 8 times 48 TABLE XIII. Natural SRBC Hemagglutinins in C57B1 Mice No. of Mice Age (weeks) Average Titera 10 6 0.4 1:4 90 19 7 2.7 1:32 74 19 7 1.2 1:8 68 10 7 2.9 1:8 30 16 6-8 2.3 1:16 63 36 7-8 6.7 1:128 31 16 7-8 2.0 1:128 63 11 8 4.3 1:32 45 22 8 7.5 1:64 50 27 8-9 1.7 1:16 74 20 8-9 2.7 1:16 55 11 8-9 0.0 0 100 19 8-10 12.4 1:64 31 9 11 23.6 1:128 19 12 13.5 1:32 11 3 > 12 13.3 1:32 0 a Reciprocal of titer Highest Titer % Animals With No Titer 0 TABLE XIV. Age (weeks) Average Titer3 5 7 0.4 1:2 80 20 10 2.0 1:16 80 16 15 2.8 1:16 50 No. of Mice a Natural SRBC Hemagglutinins in LAF1ZJ Mice Reciprocal of titer Highest Titer % Animals With No Titer TABLE XV. Normal Spleen-Bone Marrow Synergism in 15 Week Old Conventional LAF^/J Mice No. of Mice Nucleated Cells/Spleen x 10"6 SRBC 2 7.39 8 Spleen + SRBC 3 23.6 60 Bone Marrow + SRBC 3 311. 17 Spleen + Bone Marrow + SRBC 4 256. 643 Treatment a PFC/Spleen^ All mice received 900 rad at St. James Hospital. Cell doses were I x 10 spleen cells, 5 x IO^ bone marrow cells, and 4 x 10® SRBC. b Assayed by Jerne plaque on day 8 ■51 larger than the added reponses of either cell type alone. All four mice in this group showed a positive synergistic response«, Such a response was never seen in young adult mice. DISCUSSION The immune response has been recently shown to be mechanis­ tically complex, involving the interactions of several different cell populations0 In this study of immunocompetent cell populations with­ in the spleen, lethally irradiated, and thus immunologically incom­ petent, animals were used to determine the reactions of various cell types to antigen. It was shown (Table I) that 900 rad gamma radi­ ation was lethal for mice if not compensated for by resupplying the animal with hematopoietic stem cells from the bone marrow. This dose also proved efficient for eliminating the natural responsiveness of mice to SEBC (Tables VI, X, XV)d Thus, the lethally irradiated mouse could serve as an ideal living "test-tube" for studying the reactions of lymphoid cells injected into it. Bone marrow has been shown to repopulate an animal's hematopoietic system as well as i^s immune potential. However, the later is a delayed reaction, presumably due to the need for certain cell types to migrate through the thymus to produce the thyitiasderived antigen reactive cells (AEG) (23), which are the necessary initiators of an immune response. It was shown (Fig. 6) that the immune responsiveness had not recovered until the second and third weeks after irradiation and reconstitution with 20 million bone marrow cells. This confirms the work of Gregory and Lajtha (14), who demonstrated that full responsiveness, as measured by the PFC 53 response to SKBC9 did not occur until 2 weeks after irradiation and reconstitution with one million bone marrow cells. They hypothesized that recovery was due to a renewal of the ARC population, since ad­ dition of thymus cells hastened the recovery of the mice. Thus, with­ in the subsequent experiments of this study, it can be assumed that the reactions studied were due to cells which were fully dif­ ferentiated at the time of transplantation. Coppleson and Michie (6) showed that the slope of a I o g ^ cell dose-log^Q response curve could be used to indicate the number of cell interactions taking place. Hosier and Coppleson (25) later utalized this method in determining the number of cells which were interacting to give an immune response in in vitro spleen cell cultures. In the present studies, it has been shown (Fig. 7) by use of the Iog10 cell dose ■>* Iogl0 plaque forming cell (PFC) response plot, that two cell types are interacting to give a response in a ■ bone marrow-reconstituted animal. This implies that although the bone marrow has been used in numerous experiments as a rich source of PFC precursors (P-PFC), it also contains small numbers of fully differentiated ARC. However, if small doses of one to five million \ cells are given, the predominant cell received in the host spleen will be the P-PFC, as can be seen by the low response (10 PFC/spleen) obtained using these low doses. 54 Spleen cell preparations will also reconstitute an animal's hematopoietic and immune systems, Talmage et a l . (26), Celada (2), and Gregory et al, (13) have shown that the responses of irradiated animals was not a linear function of spleen cell dose used for reconstitution (spleen dilution effect or premium effect). In the present studies, a I o g ^ dose - I o g ^ response representation of data showing the spleen dilution effect (Table II) indicates that the spleen also contains two cells which are interacting to give a res­ ponse (Fig, 8), Proof that the increased response is not due to an increased probability of cells lodging in the spleen as the dose increased is provided by Kennedy et al, (18), They demonstrated that the relationship between the number of hemolytic spleen foci (caused by one ARC) and the number of cells injected is linear be­ tween doses of O to 8 x IO^ spleen cells injected. By double-host trasfer, it was calculated that Vy% of the ARC injected had lodged in the spleen after 2 hr (l8), Talmage and co-workers (30) reasoned that even though the spleen contained both P-PFC and. ARC, these two cell populations were not of equal size. Thus, various dilutions of the spleen of 16-17 week old normal LAF^/J male mice were used, which lacked one cell type (P-PFC), but retained enough of the other cell type (ARC) to give an enhanced response when combined in vivo with P-PFC of the bone marrow. This synergistic effect was masked when a larger number, of spleen 55 cells was given, due to the increased presence of the splenic P-^PFC in these doses. The present studies show that the response of similar Apleen cell numbers from normal young adult SPF mice is not enhanced by the addition of marrow. Attempts to show a synergistic interaction .in the SPF Balb/C, C57B1, and LAF^/J mouse strains failed ( Tables III, IV, V, VI). Lack of interaction was furthermore shown to be inde­ pendent of the time of reconstitution (Table VII) and assay of the PFC response. Assay times of 5s 6, 7s and 8 days after reconstitution gave little indication of cell interaction. It was concluded that such low numbers of spleen cells did not contain sufficient numbers of ARC to show a synergistic response with bone marrow. In contrast to the above, it was demonstrated that low doses of immune spleen could synergize with normal bone marrow (Table Et)'= This finding, coupled with the fact that immune bone marrow did not enhance the activity of normal spleen, indicates that through im­ munization the ARC population increases in size, such that addition of P-PFC caused an increased response. According to Cdtikowicz (29) the PFC population is greater t M h the ARC population during the immune response. Thus, any fraction of spleen taken during this time would contain both cell types. This experiment therefore implies that the ARC formed immediately after immunization (including both functional ARC and memory cells) are potentially able to react with 56 more P-PFC than are present in the spleen. Such mas shown by the 17- fold increase in the PFC response of immune spleen by addition of normal bone marrow (Table IX)0 These results confirm similar ex­ periments by Talmage and co-workers (26) and Cunningham (9)» Additional evidence supporting the hypothesis that immuni­ zation had caused a specific proliferation of SEBC-AEC is given in Table XI, where it was shown that a non-crossreacting antigen, HEBC, was unable to induce the appearance of the SEBC synergistic cell in the spleen. This specificity of the priming antigen has also been shown by Cunningham (8), In these studies, the synergistic population of ABC was shown to have appeared in the spleen by the third day after im­ munization (Fig, 11), The size of this cell population increased significantly on day 5 after immunization. Either the size or the potential of this population was, of all times tested, greatest at 15 days after immunization. These findings seem to indicate that the primary type of ARC responding to the second antigenic stimulus in the irradiated host is an IgM (or direct Jerne) memory cell. Sup­ portive evidence comes from Sercarz and Byers (28), who claimed that IgM memory cells to SEBC began to appear one day after priming. Cunningham (8) has given evidence for the memory cell being separate from the PFC cell line, and thus possibly related to or formed from the AEC of the primary response. By use of adoptive transfer 57 systems, he has shown that IgM memory to SHBC was maintained with a near constant PFC inducing potential for at least 5 months. The finding in these studies, that synergism was maximal on day 15, a time at which the primary IgM PFC rsponse has waned to background levels, supports the hypothesis that the observed synergistic inter­ action between immune spleen and bone marrow involved primarily a form of memory cell-derived ARC. An experiment showing that limiting numbers of spleen not , synergizing with bone marrow were able to interact synergistically with thymus, supported the earlier conclusion that the splenic ARC population of normal young adult mice was smaller than the splenic P-PFC population of such mice. Data displayed in Table XII show that low doses of spleen could interact with thymic ARC, indicating that the splenic ARC could be removed from cell suspensions fey dilution, leaving a population of P-PFC0 A final experiment (Table XV) demonstrated that older animals, removed from SPF conditions, develop a spleen in which the ARC out­ numbers the P-PFC, such that appropriate dilutions of spleen cell suspensions are able to synergize with bone marrow in vivo. This re­ sult can be explained by ^evidence (Tables XIII and XIV) for an increased probability of natural immunization to the antigen, used in these and other experiments (26) with the age of the animal. nature immunization is an uncontrollable processo An animal's In 58 immunologic defense, units are constantly being challenged by foreign antigens in the environment» Among the most important stimuli are the microbial flora of the skin and intestional tract and respiratory tract, and foreign material in food= It is important that the possibility of intervening crossreacting antigens in immunological experiments be avoided= In these experiments, this factor was con­ trolled by use of young adult animals maintained under SPF conditions= An attempt was made to eliminate from experiments all animals having already been exposed to SBBC crossreaeting antigens = In conclusion, these studies have shown that bone marrowspleen synergism is dependent upon the age and immune state of the animal= In young adult mice, the P-PFC outnumbers the smaller ARC population= This cell type ratio seems logical from a knowledge of the proliferative events which follow antigenic stimulation= Natural or controlled immunization to SRBC causes formation tif a large'memory cell population, which is able to interact with bone marrow P-PFC to give an enhanced secondary response= These studies do not rule out the possibility that with the increase in the age of the animal a proliferation of splenic stem cells occurs without antigenic stimulus or that more stem cells migrate into the spleen from the thymus as the animal ages= However, the information presented above indicate that inadvertent immunization accompanied by the formation Cf radio­ resistant (32) memory cells is an important factor influencing the 59 siz,e of the lymphoid cell populations in the spleen SUMMARY Cell-cell interactions involving the spleen in its immunologic response to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) and bovine ghmma globulin (BGG) were studied by adoptive transfer of either spleen, thymus, bone marrow, or combinations of these cell preparations to lethally irradiated mice= The response of cells in the host animal to anti­ genic stimulation was followed by the hemolytic plaque forming res­ ponse to SRBC or the ability to eliminate iodine-131 labled BGG= A response in the irradiated, reconstituted, and immunized animals resulted from the interaction between antigen, an antigen reactive cell (ARC), and a precursor of the antibody forming cell (P-PFC)= Synergism between the two cell populations was detected by a significantly large increase in the number of antibody producing cells formed from P-PFC as a result of this interaction= Both bone marrow and spleen of a normal animal contained unequal numbers of both ARC and P-PFC= In the young adult animal the P-PFC population of both bone marrow and spleen outnumbered the ARC, such that appropriate dilutions of these cell preparations were unable to supply the host spleen with ARC= Such host spleens, which had received dilutions of young adult normal spleen and thus P-PFC but not ARC, could respond to antigen only if thymus cells, containg ARC only, were also given to the host= During immunization the ARC population of the spleen 6l proliferates and transforms into memory cellso - Dilutions of immune . donor spleen were thus able to interact synergistically with bone c ' marrowo The spleens of older conventionalized mice also had an enlarged ARC population in the spleen* This is most probably due to inadvertent immunization of the animal by exposure to environmental crossreacting antigens* Natural non-antigenically stimulated pro­ liferation of Atem cells may also be a contributing factor* APPENDIX Calculations for Deriving Immune Elimination Curves Data corrected for Background: Whole body count of mouse - day 0 Whole body count of mouse - day 3 3.46 x 1.08 x 105 IO5 cpm cpm Standard - day 0 Standard - day 3 5-79 x 4.70 X IO^ cpm cpm Calculations: Standard-day 3 Standard-day 0 Ic _ ~ 4700 5790 0.812 2* Corrected cpm of _ cpm of mouse-day 3 _ 1.08 x IO^ _ ^ 33 x 10' F " 0.812 mouse on day 3 3. % Initial Activity Remaining - Day 3 Corrected cpm-day 3 cpm of mouse-day 0 1.33 x IO^ 3.46 x IC k 38.4* 100 LITERATURE CITED 1. 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