A Neoclassical Interpretation of Momentum Laura Xiaolei Liu1 1 Lu Zhang2 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2 The Ohio State University and NBER The Q Group April 9, 2014 Theme An economic interpretation of momentum based on the neoclassical q-theory of investment Practical implication: Momentum might be riskier than you thought Key Result Price and earnings momentum 25 W 20 Average predicted returns Average predicted returns 25 9 8 15 7 6 10 3 45 2 5 0 0 L 5 10 15 20 Average realized returns 25 20 6 15 3 L2 10 4 W 89 7 5 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 Average realized returns 25 Outline 1 The Q Model 2 Average Momentum Profits 3 Momentum Reversal 4 Long-run Risks in Momentum 5 Market States and Momentum 6 The Interaction of Momentum with Firm Characteristics 7 Risk Analysis Outline 1 The Q Model 2 Average Momentum Profits 3 Momentum Reversal 4 Long-run Risks in Momentum 5 Market States and Momentum 6 The Interaction of Momentum with Firm Characteristics 7 Risk Analysis The Q Model A microfoundation for the WACC approach to capital budgeting Marginal benefits of investment at time t+1 z " }| 2 # Yit+1 a Iit+1 (1 − τt+1 ) κ + Kit+1 2 Kit+1 | {z } Marginal product plus economy of scale (net of taxes) Iit+1 +τt+1 δit+1 + (1 − δit+1 ) 1 + (1 − τt+1 )a Kit+1 | {z } I rit+1 ≡ Expected continuation value 1 + (1 − τt )a | {z Iit Kit } Marginal costs of investment at time t Ba S wit rit+1 + (1 − wit )rit+1 | {z } The weighted average cost of capital I = rit+1 { The Q Model Expected stock returns = expected levered investment returns? I Ba S rit+1 (a, κ) − wit rit+1 = 0, E rit+1 − 1 − w it | {z } Iw rit+1 with the model error, αiq , as the sample average of the difference Construct a χ2 test per Hansen (1982) based on these alphas The Q Model Measurement, 1963–2012 Kit : Net property, plant, and equipment (PPE) Iit : Capital expenditure minus sales of PPE Yit : Sales Bit : Long-term debt plus short-term debt Pit : The market value of common equity δit : The amount of depreciation divided by capital B : Imputed bond ratings, assigning corporate bond returns rit+1 of a given rating to all firms with the same rating τt : Statutory tax rate of corporate income and firm i’s investment for the current fiscal year, respectively. δ it+1 and Yit+1 are the depreciate rate and sales from the next fiscal year, respectively. Kit is firm i’s capital observed at the end of the last fiscal year (or at the beginning of the current fiscal year). The Q Model Panelalignment, A: Firms with December yearendfiscal yearend Timing firms with fiscal December I rit+1 - (from July of year t to June of t + 1) τ t , Iit (from January of year t to December of t) - τ t+1 , δ it+1 Yit+1 , Iit+1 - (from January of year t + 1 to December of t + 1) December/January December/January December/January t June/July t+1 June/July t+2 Kit 6 The holding period, February–July of year t, for the first sub-portfolio of a momentum portfolio in July of year t 6 6 Kit+1 Kit+2 6 The holding period, July–December of year t, for the sixth sub-portfolio of a momentum portfolio in July of year t Outline 1 The Q Model 2 Average Momentum Profits 3 Momentum Reversal 4 Long-run Risks in Momentum 5 Market States and Momentum 6 The Interaction of Momentum with Firm Characteristics 7 Risk Analysis Average Momentum Profits Point estimates a [se] κ [se] Price momentum Earnings momentum 2.52 [0.94] 0.12 [0.02] 5.41 [2.51] 0.17 [0.03] Average Momentum Profits Deciles, alphas and overall model performance L 5 W W−L mae [p-val] 0.83 [0.04] 0.63 [0.09] Price momentum r̄ S αq [t] 4.04 −1.61 −0.39 12.36 1.32 0.44 19.13 −1.21 −0.29 15.09 0.40 0.12 Earnings momentum r̄ S αq [t] 10.48 −0.39 −0.09 15.48 1.05 0.25 18.95 −1.31 −0.37 8.47 −0.92 −0.36 Average Momentum Profits Comparative statics I The investment return, rit+1 z S rit+1 = | }| { 2 Yit+1 I (1 − τt+1 ) κ Kit+1 + 2a Kit+1 + τt+1 δit+1 it+1 h i +(1 − δit+1 ) 1 + (1 − τt+1 )a KIit+1 it+1 Ba −wit rit+1 Iit 1 + (1 − τt )a Kit 1 − wit {z Iw The levered investment return, rit+1 Components of expected stock returns: Iit /Kit , Yit+1 /Kit+1 , (Iit+1 /Kit+1 )/(Iit /Kit ), and wit } Average Momentum Profits Expected return components Loser 5 Winner W−L [t] Price momentum Iit /Kit (Iit+1 /Kit+1 )/(Iit /Kit ) Yit+1 /Kit+1 wit 0.22 0.83 3.16 0.34 0.19 0.99 3.00 0.25 0.25 1.15 4.10 0.22 0.04 0.32 0.94 −0.12 [3.6] [15.4] [5.6] [−7.2] Earnings momentum Iit /Kit (Iit+1 /Kit+1 )/(Iit /Kit ) Yit+1 /Kit+1 wit 0.19 0.95 3.01 0.29 0.19 1.00 3.06 0.28 0.20 1.05 3.53 0.20 0.01 0.10 0.52 −0.09 [2.2] [5.0] [3.7] [−7.5] Average Momentum Profits Comparative statics Loser 5 Winner W−L Price momentum Iit /Kit qit+1 /qit Yit+1 /Kit+1 w it −2.58 −7.26 −2.59 −1.39 3.77 1.00 −0.56 1.22 −7.23 2.66 4.13 −1.48 −4.65 9.92 6.73 −0.09 Earnings momentum Iit /Kit qit+1 /qit Yit+1 /Kit+1 w it 0.62 −3.20 −1.65 −0.57 2.89 0.88 0.24 1.20 −4.54 0.88 1.71 −2.52 −5.16 4.07 3.36 −1.95 Outline 1 The Q Model 2 Average Momentum Profits 3 Momentum Reversal 4 Long-run Risks in Momentum 5 Market States and Momentum 6 The Interaction of Momentum with Firm Characteristics 7 Risk Analysis Reversal Price momentum, The stock return 20 15 10 5 0 Iw and rit+1 25 The levered investment return 25 S rit+1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Reversal Price momentum, (Iit+1 /Kit+1 )/(Iit /Kit ) and Yit+1 /Kit+1 1.2 4 Sales−to−capital The investment−to−capital growth 4.5 1.1 1 0.9 3.5 3 0.8 0.7 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 2.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Reversal Earnings momentum, The stock return 20 15 10 5 0 Iw and rit+1 25 The levered investment return 25 S rit+1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Reversal Earnings momentum, (Iit+1 /Kit+1 )/(Iit /Kit ) and Yit+1 /Kit+1 1.2 4 Sales−to−capital The investment−to−capital growth 4.5 1.1 1 0.9 3.5 3 0.8 0.7 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 2.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Outline 1 The Q Model 2 Average Momentum Profits 3 Momentum Reversal 4 Long-run Risks in Momentum 5 Market States and Momentum 6 The Interaction of Momentum with Firm Characteristics 7 Risk Analysis Long-run Risks Long-run risks in the stock return Bansal, Dittmar, and Lundblad (2005) show that aggregate consumption risks in cash flows help explain momentum profits: ! 8 1X gc,t−k + ui,t gi,t = γi 8 k=1 gi,t : demeaned log real dividend growth of momentum decile i gc,t : demeaned log real growth rate of aggregate consumption γi : cash flow exposure to long-run consumption growth Long-run Risks Long-run risks in the investment return Define the cash flow in the investment return as: " # Yit+1 a Iit+1 2 ? Dit+1 = (1 − τt+1 ) κ + + τt+1 δit+1 Kit+1 2 Kit+1 ? : demeaned log real growth of D ? Let gi,t it+1 for momentum decile i: 8 ? gi,t = γi? 1X gc,t−k 8 ! + ui,t k=1 γi? : cash flow exposure to long-run consumption growth Long-run Risks Evidence Price momentum L 5 W γi [se] −3.09 0.18 14.94 [4.41] [1.27] [9.04] γi? Earnings momentum [se] 4.21 [2.09] 5.52 [1.20] 15.95 [2.87] W−L 19.28 [11.66] 11.74 [2.78] γi [se] −1.27 [2.51] 1.21 [2.20] 3.70 [1.94] γi? [se] 6.77 [2.06] 5.82 [1.49] 9.02 [1.64] 4.97 [3.43] 2.26 [1.67] Outline 1 The Q Model 2 Average Momentum Profits 3 Momentum Reversal 4 Long-run Risks in Momentum 5 Market States and Momentum 6 The Interaction of Momentum with Firm Characteristics 7 Risk Analysis Market States and Momentum Cooper, Gutierrez, and Hameed (2004), UP (DOWN) defined as the market returns nonnegative (negative) over the prior year State DOWN UP DOWN UP Price momentum Profits [t] 2.21 9.89 9.19 6.87 [0.62] r S [5.04] r S [4.50] r Iw [4.64] r Iw Earnings momentum Profits [t] 1.31 5.04 4.50 4.64 [0.40] [6.73] [2.46] [6.51] rS rS r Iw r Iw Outline 1 The Q Model 2 Average Momentum Profits 3 Momentum Reversal 4 Long-run Risks in Momentum 5 Market States and Momentum 6 The Interaction of Momentum with Firm Characteristics 7 Risk Analysis Interaction GMM tests, price momentum a [se] κ [se] p-val mae Size Age Trading volume Credit ratings Stock return volatility Book-tomarket 2.33 0.70 0.09 0.01 0.00 3.66 2.37 0.95 0.12 0.01 0.00 1.29 2.76 0.93 0.12 0.01 0.00 1.67 1.97 0.83 0.12 0.01 0.00 1.68 3.17 0.82 0.12 0.02 0.00 1.92 3.44 0.89 0.13 0.01 0.00 3.10 Interaction GMM tests, earnings momentum a [se] κ [se] p-val mae Size Age Trading volume Credit ratings Stock return volatility Book-tomarket 2.74 0.60 0.09 0.01 0.00 4.37 2.75 1.55 0.12 0.02 0.27 1.08 2.56 1.32 0.12 0.02 0.00 2.30 1.14 0.72 0.11 0.01 0.00 1.35 2.74 0.76 0.12 0.02 0.00 1.95 7.20 2.36 0.16 0.02 0.01 2.88 Interaction Size and price (earnings) momentum 25 25 1W Average predicted returns Average predicted returns 1W 20 1M 2W 15 1L 2M 10 3W 2L 5 0 0 3M 3L 5 10 15 20 Average realized returns 25 1M 20 15 2W 2M 1L 10 3W 2L 5 0 0 3M 3L 5 10 15 20 Average realized returns 25 Interaction Book-to-market and price (earnings) momentum 25 3W 20 1W 15 Average predicted returns Average predicted returns 25 2W 1M 2M 10 3M 1L 2L 3L 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 Average realized returns 25 20 3W 1W 2W 15 1M 2M 3M 1L 10 2L 3L 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 Average realized returns 25 Outline 1 The Q Model 2 Average Momentum Profits 3 Momentum Reversal 4 Long-run Risks in Momentum 5 Market States and Momentum 6 The Interaction of Momentum with Firm Characteristics 7 Risk Analysis Risk Analysis The consumption-investment model Testing the consumption CAPM and the Q model jointly: S f E [Mt+1 (rit+1 − rt+1 )] = 0, f E [Mt+1 (rt+1 /it+1 )] = 1, f Iw E [Mt+1 (rit+1 − rt+1 )] = 0, S Iw − rit+1 ] = 0. E [rit+1 Mt+1 = ρ (Ct+1 /Ct )−γ . Annual data Risk Analysis R : CCAPM with r , CCAPM with r Iw , Q-moment S 25 20 20 15 10 5 0 −5 −10 −10 −5 2 8 67 3 45 9 W 15 10 5 L 2 345 7 8 9 W 6 0 −5 L 0 5 10 15 20 Average real stock returns 25 25 −10 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Average real levered investment returns Average levered investment returns 25 Average real predicted rIw Average real predicted stock returns 6 20 W 15 8 10 2 5 3 9 67 45 L 0 −5 −10 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 Average realized stock returns 25 Risk Analysis SUE: CCAPM with r , CCAPM with r Iw , Q-moment 25 20 20 15 9 L2 4 56 78W 3 10 5 0 −5 −10 −10 −5 25 15 10 5 0 L4 7 23 5 6 8 9W −5 0 5 10 15 20 Average real stock returns 25 −10 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Average real levered investment returns Average levered investment returns 25 Average real predicted rIw Average real predicted stock returns S 20 15 10 3 L2 4 6 5 W 89 7 5 0 −5 −10 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 Average realized stock returns 25 Conclusion Summary and future work The Q model broadly consistent with many aspects of momentum: Managers align investment properly with costs of capital Momentum per se might not imply investor irrationality Several directions in the future: Value and momentum jointly, industry-specific parameters Value and momentum in currencies, International Q model Recent developments in CCAPM in the joint model