Risk Premia and the Conditional Tails of Stock Returns Bryan Kelly NYU Stern and Chicago Booth B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Outline Introduction An Economic Framework Econometric Methodology Empirical Findings Conclusions B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Tail Risk in the Big Picture Value of assets depends on the potential for infrequent, extreme payoff events 1 Peso problems (Krasker, 1980) 2 Potential for rare disasters can explain equity puzzles (Rietz, 1988; Barro, 2006; Weitzman 2007; Gabaix 2009; Wachter 2009) Plausible mechanism – OR – convenient (though unrealistic) explanation? B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails The Trouble with Tail Risk Tail risk is difficult to measure, even unconditionally Few risks are static: Feasibility of conditional tail measures? My solution: An economically-motivated conditional tail risk measure extracted from the cross section of asset returns B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Objectives 1 Structural understanding of how tail risk is priced I derive tractable expressions for expected returns as a function of a tail risk state variable I derive the distribution of return tail events implied by the model 2 I econometrically identify the conditional tail distribution of returns Directly estimable from the cross section of asset prices by exploiting restriction implied by economic theory 3 I evaluate theories relating tail risk to risk premia using my estimated series B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Preview of Empirical Results Tail risk varies substantially over time and is highly persistent Tail measure predicts market returns over horizons of one month to five years, outperforms commonly studied predictors A one standard deviation increase in tail risk increases expected returns by 4.4% per year Large explanatory power for cross section of returns Stocks that covary highly with tail risk earn annual expected returns 2% to 6% lower than stocks that with low tail risk covariation B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Outline Introduction An Economic Framework Econometric Methodology Empirical Findings Conclusions B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Structural Models and Tail Risk Emergence in varied theoretical settings, for example 1 Long run risks + heavy-tailed shocks (similar to Eraker and Shaliastovich 2008, Drechsler and Yaron 2009) 2 3 Time-varying rare disasters (similar to Gabaix 2009, Wachter 2009) Long run risks + large swings in confidence (similar to Bansal and Shaliastovich 2009) B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails A Tail Risk State Variable in the Long Run Risks Framework Epstein-Zin preferences: mt+1 = θ ln β − θ ∆ct+1 + (θ − 1)rc,t+1 ψ Dynamics of the real economy: p ∆ct+1 = µ + xt + σc σt zc,t+1 + Λt Wc,t+1 xt+1 = ρx xt + σx σt zx,t+1 2 σt+1 = σ̄ 2 (1 − ρσ ) + ρσ σt2 + σσ zσ,t+1 Λt+1 = Λ̄(1 − ρΛ ) + ρΛ Λt + σΛ zΛ,t+1 ∆di,t+1 = µi + φi ∆ct+1 + σi σt zi,t+1 +qi fW (w ) = B. Kelly p Λt Wi,t+1 1 exp(−|w |), w ∈ R 2 Risk Premia and Conditional Tails What Is Tail Risk? Gaussian baseline: is variance sufficient to characterize risk of extreme events? Illustrative example: Normal-Laplace distribution Since at least Mandelbrot (1963) and Fama (1963), economists have argued for power law return tails P(R > x|R > u) = x −ζ u , u some high threshold −ζ ≡ tail risk measure Does ζ change through time? What kind of world? B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails What Is Tail Risk? Normal (µ,σ2) Laplace (Λ) Var(XN−L)=σ2+2Λ2 Normal−Laplace (µ,σ2,Λ) P(XN−L>x|XN−L>u)=exp(−[x−u]/Λ) u −10 −8 B. Kelly −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Risk Premia and Conditional Tails What Is Tail Risk? Gaussian baseline: is variance sufficient to characterize risk of extreme events? Illustrative example: Normal-Laplace distribution Since at least Mandelbrot (1963) and Fama (1963), economists have argued for power law return tails P(R > x|R > u) = x −ζ u , u some high threshold −ζ ≡ tail risk measure Does ζ change through time? What kind of world? Return B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails A Tail Risk State Variable in the Long Run Risks Framework Epstein-Zin preferences: mt+1 = θ ln β − θ ∆ct+1 + (θ − 1)rc,t+1 ψ Dynamics of the real economy: p ∆ct+1 = µ + xt + σc σt zc,t+1 + Λt Wc,t+1 xt+1 = ρx xt + σx σt zx,t+1 2 σt+1 = σ̄ 2 (1 − ρσ ) + ρσ σt2 + σσ zσ,t+1 Λt+1 = Λ̄(1 − ρΛ ) + ρΛ Λt + σΛ zΛ,t+1 ∆di,t+1 = µi + φi ∆ct+1 + σi σt zi,t+1 +qi fW (w ) = B. Kelly p Λt Wi,t+1 1 exp(−|w |), w ∈ R 2 Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Prices and Excess Returns Proposition The log wealth-consumption ratio and log price-dividend ratio for asset (i) are linear in state variables, 2 wct+1 = A0 + Ax xt+1 + Aσ σt+1 + AΛ Λt+1 2 pdi,t+1 = Ai,0 + Ai,x xt+1 + Ai,σ σt+1 + Ai,Λ Λt+1 . Proposition The expected return on asset (i) in excess of the risk free rate is 1 Et [ri,t+1 − rf ,t ] = βi,c λc (σc2 σt2 + 2Λt ) + βi,x λx σx2 σt2 + βi,σ λσ σσ2 + βi,Λ λΛ σΛ2 − Var (ri,t+1 ). 2 Proof B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Key Implications 1 Tail risk forecasts excess stock returns High tail risk ⇒ high future returns 2 Covariance with tail risk impacts cross section of expected returns High return tail risk beta ⇒ low expected returns B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Implied Distribution of Returns Proposition The lower and upper tail distributions of arithmetic returns are asymptotically equivalent to a power law, Pt (Ri,t+1 < r Ri,t+1 < u) ∼ Pt (Ri,t+1 > r Ri,t+1 > u) ∼ ai ζt r u −ai ζt r u √ where ai = max(φi , qi )−1 and ζt = 1/ Λt . B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Key Implications Tail risk state variable drives risk premia and tail exponent 1 Tail risk (and thus tail exponent) forecasts excess stock returns High tail risk ⇒ high future returns 2 Covariance with tail risk (and thus tail exponent) impacts cross section of expected returns High return tail risk beta ⇒ low expected returns Other Structural Models B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Outline Introduction An Economic Framework Econometric Methodology Empirical Findings Conclusions B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Econometric Intuition ˛ Pt (Ri,t+1 < r ˛ Ri,t+1 < u) ∼ „ «ai ζt r u Single process drives tail dynamics of entire panel of returns B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Definition: Dynamic Power Law Model Individual returns on asset (i), conditional upon exceeding threshold u and given Ft , obey Fu,i,t (r ) = P(Ri,t+1 > r |Ri,t+1 > u, Ft ) = −ai ζt r u with exponent 1 = π0 + π1 ζt+1 1 ζtupd + π2 1 ζt and observable update 1 ζtupd = B. Kelly Kt Rk,t 1 X ln Kt u k=1 Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Definition: Dynamic Power Law Model Individual returns on asset (i), conditional upon exceeding threshold u and given Ft , obey Fu,i,t (r ) = P(Ri,t+1 > r |Ri,t+1 > u, Ft ) = −ai ζt r u with exponent 1 = π0 + π1 ζt+1 1 ζtupd ∞ + π2 X j 1 1 π0 = + π1 π2 upd ζt 1 − π2 ζ j=0 t−j and observable update 1 ζtupd Kt Rk,t 1 X = ln Kt u B. Kelly k=1 ( Hill (1975) Estimator applied to cross section Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Quasi-Likelihood Estimator for Dynamic Power Law Model Proposal: Assume tail observations in time t cross section are identical and independent But theory (and years of empirical work) suggests... 1 2 3 Dependent observations (factor structure) Heterogeneous volatility Heterogeneous tail exponent Result: Despite mis-specification, estimator consistent and asymptotically normal B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Quasi-Likelihood Estimator for Dynamic Power Law Model 1 Assume (provisionally) tail observations are cross-sectionally independent and each obey −ζ̃t x F̃u,i,t (Xi,t+1 ; π) = u ζt f˜u,i,t (Xi,t+1 ; π) = u 2 −(1+ζ̃t ) x u Construct log quasi-likelihood using only u-exceedences T T Kt+1 Xk,t+1 1 X ˜ 1 XX 1 L(X ; π) = ln fu,t (Xt+1 ; π) = − ln T T u ζ̃t t=0 3 t=0 k=1 Maximize QML Estimator: π̂QL ≡ arg max L(X ; π) π∈Π B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Asymptotic Properties of QML Estimator Proposition Let the true DGP of {Rt }T t=1 be given by the Dynamic Power Law model with parameter values π ∗ . Under standard GMM regularity conditions, p π̂QL → π ∗ and √ d T (π̂QL − π ∗ ) → N(0, Ψ) where Ψ = S −1 GS −1 , S = E [∇π s(Xt ; π ∗ )], and G = E [s(Xt ; π ∗ )s(Xt ; π ∗ )0 ]. B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Proof Sketch First order condition of quasi-likelihood maximization Kt+1 s(Xt+1 ; π) ≡ ∇π ln f˜t (Xt+1 ; π) = Kt+1 X Xk,t+1 − ln =0 u ζ̃t k=1 MLE identification condition: expected value of FOC equals zero Mis-specified MLE is GMM – FOC moment condition holds Lemma E [s(Xt+1 ; π)] = 0 when the true model is the Dynamic Power Law. Proof: E [s(Xt+1 ; π)] = = = B. Kelly Kt+1 X Xk,t+1 ˜ ˆ Kt+1 E Et [ − ln ] u ζ̃t k=1 P Kt+1 n1 i ai Kt+1 − E[ ] ζt ζ̃t P 1 ai 1 0 when = n i . ζt ζ̃t Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Volatility and Other Considerations By varying threshold each period, accommodate time-varying volatility Cross sectional differences in volatility? Explicitly modeling dependence? B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Outline Introduction An Economic Framework Econometric Methodology Empirical Findings Conclusions B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Data Primary sample: Daily NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ stock returns from CRSP Fama-French factors; Ken French’s data library Federal Reserve macro data Goyal and Welch (2008) data OptionMetrics Other (VIX, Hao Zhou’s variance risk premium) Count B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Dynamic Power Law Estimates 1 ζt+1 = π0 + π1 1 upd ζt + π2 ζ1 t Table: 1963-2008 B. Kelly Both Tails Lower Tail Upper Tail ζ̄ 2.110 (0.021) 2.201 (0.044) 1.872 (0.018) π1 0.188 (0.014) 0.072 (0.010) 0.239 (0.058) π2 0.798 (0.015) 0.923 (0.011) 0.683 (0.092) Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Dynamic Power Law Estimates: Exponent Series 6 −1.5 5 −2.0 4 −2.5 3 −3.0 2 1963 Tail Risk (− ζt) Aggregate Price−Dividend Ratio (Log) Exponent (both) 1967 1971 1975 1979 1983 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 −3.5 2008 ρ(Exponent, log P/D) = −14% B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Dynamic Power Law Estimates: Exponent Series 6 −1.5 5 −2.0 Tail Risk (− ζt) Aggregate Price−Dividend Ratio (Log) Lower Upper −2.5 4 −3.0 3 −3.5 2 1963 1967 1971 1975 1979 1984 ρ(Lower Exponent, log P/D) = −15%, B. Kelly 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 −4.0 2008 ρ(Upper Exponent, log P/D) = −14% Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Dynamic Power Law Estimates: Threshold 0.8 Volatility Threshold (both) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1963 1967 1971 1975 1979 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 ρ(Volatility , Threshold) = 60% B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Testing Model Implications: Predicting Stock Returns Theory suggests increases in tail risk forecast increases in excess returns Predictive regressions of excess returns on aggregate market over short (one month) and long (up to five year) horizons Compare against common alternatives (dividend-price ratio, term spread, etc.) Robustness B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Testing Model Implications: Predicting Stock Returns Univariate Prediction Tail Risk (-ζ lower) Book-to-market Cross section premium Default return spread Default yield spread Dividend payout ratio Dividend price ratio Dividend yield Earnings price ratio Inflation Long term return Long term yield Net equity expansion Stock volatility Term Spread Treasury bill rate Variance risk premium One month horizon Coef. t-stat R2 One year horizon Coef. t-stat R2 Five year horizon Coef. t-stat R2 6.70 0.81 5.53 1.73 4.65 -0.27 2.55 2.65 2.80 -6.72 5.35 -0.70 -4.34 0.15 4.49 -3.08 9.73 4.44 1.76 -4.19 -0.08 2.26 0.88 3.19 3.18 2.86 -1.99 2.21 1.50 -2.11 0.44 3.95 -0.81 4.34 5.02 1.15 -4.28 -0.12 2.45 1.90 3.15 3.10 2.17 -0.21 1.18 3.93 -1.04 -0.03 4.00 1.26 -4.64 B. Kelly 2.9 0.3 2.4 0.7 2.0 0.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 2.6 2.3 0.3 2.1 0.1 2.0 1.3 3.3 0.016 0.000 0.010 0.001 0.008 0.000 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.016 0.010 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.007 0.003 0.035 2.1 0.7 1.8 0.1 0.9 0.4 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 3.0 0.6 0.9 0.2 1.9 0.3 3.1 0.069 0.011 0.061 0.000 0.018 0.003 0.036 0.036 0.029 0.014 0.017 0.008 0.016 0.001 0.056 0.002 0.038 2.3 0.4 1.9 0.6 1.3 0.7 1.4 1.4 0.9 0.1 2.5 2.0 0.5 0.0 1.8 0.6 2.9 Risk Premia and Conditional Tails 0.272 0.013 0.179 0.000 0.063 0.028 0.092 0.089 0.049 0.000 0.014 0.151 0.010 0.000 0.159 0.016 0.090 Testing Model Implications: Predicting Stock Returns Bivariate Prediction Coef. Book-to-market Cross section premium Default return spread Default yield spread Dividend payout ratio Dividend price ratio Dividend yield Earnings price ratio Inflation Long term return Long term yield Net equity expansion Stock volatility Term Spread Treasury bill rate Variance risk premium 0.73 16.9 1.45 3.36 0.49 1.80 1.78 1.66 -6.31 4.56 -3.45 -2.34 1.02 2.46 -3.92 9.19 One month horizon Tail Tail t Coef. t 0.3 4.7 0.6 1.5 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.6 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.1 0.4 1.0 1.7 2.9 B. Kelly 6.47 16.7 6.42 5.72 6.54 6.27 6.23 6.18 6.05 5.86 7.71 5.66 6.62 5.59 6.96 6.73 2.8 4.6 2.8 2.5 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.5 3.2 2.3 2.9 2.3 3.0 2.0 R2 Coef. One year horizon Tail Tail t Coef. t 0.015 0.070 0.016 0.019 0.015 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.030 0.023 0.019 0.017 0.016 0.017 0.021 0.052 1.70 -2.17 -0.28 1.33 1.42 2.70 2.61 2.11 -1.70 1.64 -0.10 -0.63 1.04 2.70 -1.37 4.63 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.0 0.8 1.0 2.5 0.0 0.3 0.6 1.3 0.5 3.3 4.41 2.97 4.44 4.13 4.59 4.11 4.06 4.04 4.31 4.21 4.46 4.21 4.56 3.45 4.59 7.42 2.1 1.3 2.1 2.0 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 1.6 2.2 2.6 R2 Coef. Five year horizon Tail Tail t Coef. t 0.080 0.081 0.070 0.076 0.077 0.096 0.094 0.085 0.080 0.079 0.070 0.071 0.074 0.092 0.077 0.228 1.05 -1.45 -0.32 1.35 2.67 2.44 2.29 1.25 0.17 0.44 2.24 1.08 0.62 2.36 0.57 -3.90 0.4 0.9 1.4 0.7 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.1 1.4 1.3 0.6 0.6 1.3 0.3 2.9 5.04 4.15 5.07 4.75 5.34 4.74 4.72 4.83 5.07 5.00 4.24 5.44 5.14 4.20 4.99 5.45 Risk Premia and Conditional Tails 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.1 2.3 1.9 R2 0.283 0.286 0.273 0.290 0.325 0.325 0.319 0.287 0.272 0.273 0.313 0.281 0.275 0.319 0.275 0.313 Testing Model Implications: Predicting Stock Returns Out-of-Sample Prediction (Lower Tail) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 −5 1965 1969 1973 1977 1981 1985 1989 1993 1997 2001 2005 2008 Monthly Out-of-Sample R 2 = 1.3% B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Testing Model Implications: The Cross Section of Returns Theory predicts 1 2 Differential exposure to tail risk state variable implies cross-sectional difference in expected returns Negative price of tail risk: assets with high beta on tail risk have hedge value Test for cross-sectional relation between individual asset/portfolio return tails and returns 1 2 3 Returns on tail risk beta-sorted portfolios Fama-MacBeth tests Robustness to alternative characteristics B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Testing Model Implications: The Cross Section of Returns Tail Beta-Sorted Portfolios: NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ Stocks Tail Risk Beta Low 1 Panel A: Tail Risk Beta Only All 6.40 2 3 4 High 5 Diff. (5-1) Diff. t-stat 7.13 6.23 4.44 0.36 -6.03 2.55 Panel B: Market Beta / Tail Risk Beta Low βMKT 1 6.71 7.41 7.11 2 5.91 6.19 5.97 3 4.32 5.12 4.34 4 2.54 3.36 2.53 High βMKT 5 -0.02 1.78 -0.35 6.40 4.50 3.25 1.06 -1.57 3.65 2.27 0.44 -1.01 -4.45 -3.06 -3.64 -3.88 -3.55 -4.43 1.76 2.01 2.08 1.87 2.20 Panel C: Market Equity / Tail Risk Beta Small 1 10.16 9.27 10.15 2 2.76 4.48 3.46 3 4.81 5.81 4.99 4 6.71 7.72 6.45 Big 5 6.76 6.82 6.80 10.67 0.51 0.86 4.79 5.68 13.98 -4.33 -5.32 -2.18 1.43 3.82 -7.10 -10.13 -8.89 -5.33 1.72 2.81 4.18 3.69 2.31 Panel D: Book-to-Market / Tail Risk Beta Growth 1 5.75 6.16 5.23 2 7.50 7.34 7.07 3 9.14 8.78 8.11 4 10.35 9.93 9.00 Value 5 11.09 10.66 11.64 3.05 5.23 7.22 8.98 12.01 -1.88 1.94 4.71 7.11 14.06 -7.63 -5.56 -4.43 -3.24 2.96 3.07 2.37 1.97 1.52 1.42 B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Testing Model Implications: The Cross Section of Returns Stage 2 Fama-MacBeth Results: NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ Stocks -ζ (both) -5.303 2.5 -ζ (lower) -5.582 2.3 -6.197 2.9 -ζ (upper) -4.399 2.4 -5.782 2.7 -0.112 0.1 R. Vol. -5.586 2.9 -0.005 0.0 5.209 2.8 4.663 2.6 4.978 3.0 e RMKT -1.249 0.7 -1.150 0.7 -1.087 0.6 SMB -3.787 2.4 -3.596 2.3 -3.583 2.3 HML -0.940 0.6 -0.930 0.6 -0.588 0.4 5.264 6.0 0.143 4.883 5.6 0.151 4.647 5.3 0.135 Intercept R 2 6.001 2.9 2.420 1.1 0.030 B. Kelly 2.268 1.0 0.029 -0.645 -0.2 0.020 4.082 2.2 0.053 6.309 3.1 4.023 2.2 0.056 6.863 3.6 -1.617 1.2 4.561 2.3 0.031 Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Hedging Tail Risk Tail Risk Betas: 25 Size/BM Ptfs and VIX B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Outline Introduction An Economic Framework Econometric Methodology Empirical Findings Conclusions B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails Conclusions Derive link between return tails and risk premia in an affine pricing framework with tail risk Present new methodology for capturing dynamic extreme risk in the economy Identify substantial time variation in tails Empirics consistent with predictions of structural model 1 2 3 Large variation in tail risk over time Tail exponent forecasts excess market returns Associated with large cross-sectional differences in average returns ? What next? 1 Unified pricing with other asset classes (options and credit) B. Kelly Risk Premia and Conditional Tails