Zoology 2009 Phylum ____________________ Subphylum ____________________

Zoology 2009
Phylum ____________________
Subphylum ____________________
Superclass__________________ (jawless fishes)
Class _________________
™ E.g. _________________________
™ ____________________ scavengers
™ Body form –
™ Used for
™ Almost
™ Attach to______ via mouth, enter body with _________________
™ Tie themselves ______________to _____________from prey
™ Generate prodigious amounts of ____________________
Class ________________________
E.g. ____________________________
Most _________________________
Attach to host via _______________mouth with many ___________
Feeding similar to the__________________
__________________, Great Lakes of the U.S. devastated the _________________industry
Chondro = _____________________
ichthyes = ________________
Therefore, skeleton is _______________________
Ichthyology = _________________________
Skates & Rays – 4 ways they differ from sharks
1. ____________________body
2. ________________________pectoral fins
3. __________ openings on _____________side of head 4. Habitat –__________ marine water
1. ____________________ scales, embedded in_________, feel like ____________________
2. No _________________ (Note, bony fish have an operculum to cover gills)
3. No__________________ – either _________________or ___________________
Note: oil in liver provides some bouiyancy
4. _________________ body (bullet shaped) – great low drag, efficient swimming
5. ________________________ tail a. large _______lobe of tail b. spine extends into tail for great __________
to swim
Shark facts
¾ Teeth - __________________, up to______, in rows, new ones ready to ____________ if lost
¾ Senses:
1. Smell – very___________, can smell one drop of blood from __________feet away
(1 part per 10 billion parts of water)
2. Vibration – use _______________ ___________________
3. Electrical fields – use ____________________ on __________ & around ____________
4. Sight –__________range = _____________________,_______________ vision
(as indicated by the presence of _____________ cells in their retinas)
¾ Size – up to __________ feet in length
¾ Not all are _______________________