Induced current distributions in inductively stimulated bone growth by Robert Royal McLeod A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements fo the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Robert Royal McLeod (1985) Abstract: Recently, use of EM-stimulated bone healing has gained wide clinical use. As yet, however, no experimental data for the induced field distributions in an injured limb have been published. This research presents a method for finding such distributions, consisting of a large-scale, PVC model filled with saline "flesh". A dipole E-field probe is used in conjunction with a high-gain amplification and filtering circuit to measure the horizontal, induced E-field at any point in the model. Data is presented for several simple bone models. The results show that traditional Helmholtz coil configurations do not give 2-D horizontal currents, as has been assumed. Currents are found to be large near smooth bone faces and small near corners and edges. An examination of current theoretical methods, based on the experimental information, is performed. Prior work based on relaxation methods is shown to be incomplete and a complete formulation is derived. This formula is shown to contain an extraneous solution which cannot be avoided,. Multi-variable, first-order methods are examined, and it is demonstrated that the full power of finite-element or boundary-integral methods is necessary to solve the stimulated bone problem. INDUCED CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS IN INDUCTIVELY STIMULATED BONE GROWTH by Robert Royal McLeod A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements fo the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana November 1985 MMN UB. A/373 H Tlsij&op. SL ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Robert Royal McLeod This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. X c y p - 6? — ' CXy.*?- ■ Date Chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department / 2 - J ' F Date j Head, Major/De^Aptment Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting requirements that the the thesis in partial fulfillment of the for a master’s degree at Montana State University, I agree Library Library. special this shall Brief permission, make it available to borrowers under rules of quotations from this thesis are allowable without provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission thesis may Director of the material of for quotation from or reproduction of this be granted by my major professor, or in his absence, by the Libraries material when, in the opinion of either, the proposed us is for scholarly purposes. Any copying or use of the in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Date extensive IAllhfG iv TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION................ EXPERIMENT ................ lO CTi Model Structure .......... Coils....................... Probe ..................... Filtering . . . . ........ System Verification . . . . IO 2. CM tO The Device ................ Method . .................. Page I 10 11 14 .... 18 Complete Tartk. . . . . . . . Short T a n k .......... .. Two-D Geometry ............ 22 4. NUMERICAL METHODS .......... 30 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS One Variable Solutions . . . First-Order Solutions. . . . More Sophisticated Solutions 19 26 30 34 36 5. CONCLUSIONS ................ 37 6. REFERENCES CITED 40 V LIST OF FIGURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Sketch of coils and leg...................... Sketch of model with b a f f l e s ................................. Two views of experiment.................. .................... View of Helmholtz coils. ................. Dipole p r o b e ................................................. Filter circuit block diagram ................................. Filter circuit d i a g r a m .................. v .................. System block d i a g r a m ......................................... Probe calibration............................................. Standard deviation of three s e t s ............................. Sketch of model with horizontal baffles.................... Current density, complete tank .............. . . . . . . . . Second view of current density,complete tank. . ............. Current flow, complete tank................................... Global current flow........................................... Tank with baffles in p l a c e ................................... Current density, short tank............................... , - . Second view of current density,short tank . . ................ Current f l o w .......... Sketch of tank with horizontal b a f f l e s ....................... Current density, 2-D case..................................... Second view of current density, 2-D c a s e ..................... Current flow, 2-D case ........................................ Solution of equation 8 for complete t a n k ..................... Page 3 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 27 28 28 29 33 vi ABSTRACT Recently, use of EM-stimulated bone healing has gained wide clinical use. As yet, however, no experimental data for the induced field distributions in an injured limb have been published. This research presents a method for finding such distributions, consisting of a large-scale, PVC model filled with saline "flesh". A dipole E-field probe is used in conjunction with a high-gain amplification and filtering circuit to measure the horizontal, induced E-field at any point in the model. Data is presented for several simple bone models. The results show that traditional Helmholtz coil configurations do not give 2-D horizontal currents, as has been assumed. Currents are found to be large near smooth bone faces and small near corners and edges. An examination of current theoretical methods, based on the experimental information, is performed. Prior work based on relaxation methods is shown to be incomplete and a complete formulation is derived. This formula is shown to contain an extraneous solution which cannot be avoided,. Multi-variable, first-order methods are examined, and it is demonstrated that the full power of finite-element or boundary-integral methods is necessary to solve the stimulated bone problem. I INTRODUCTION In hospitals fields are being of non-union, EM fields clinics throughout used to heal broken bones. where can amputation. and the world, electromagnetic Employed mainly in cases the fracture shows virtually no sign of regrowth, stimulate healing and are often the only alternative to The technique has a reported success rate of about 10% III, is non-invasive, and has no apparent side effects.. That there possibility that may be concerns unapparent many side doctors. effects, however, is a Using similar or identical techniques on various animals, researchers have shown changes in mental functions 121, cancer stimulation 133, and increased birth defects 141. As yet, there is no complete explanation of either these effects or of the stimulated bone healing process. It is the understanding scientific system these be EM purpose of this thesis to make a first step towards an of EM-stimulated bone growth. investigation, is to completely This first step, as in any define the input to the the actual field distributions inside the injured limb. fields possible Once in and around the broken bone are known, it will then to proceed to propose a model that will explain the direct effect of these fields on bone cell growth. 2 The Device The use most common, commercially available bone growth stimulator in is the Bio-ostogen [TM] unit, sold by Electro-biology Inc. devices are so prevalent in hospitals and research labs that they will be taken since as the default for the study. many These This is not overly restrictive other devices on the market are similar or identical to the Bio-ostogen [TM] device. The shown configuration in figure configuration, in the Gauss area one. for The an actual broken leg under stimulation is coils, placed in a nearly Helmholtz produce a time-varying, spatially uniform magnetic field of the break. This magnetic field, on the order of 20 in peak strength, induces currents in the leg - resulting in both electric variation and of magnetic the field distributions that depend on the time driving current plus the boundary conditions imposed by the bone, flesh, and air interfaces. 3 Figure I. The exact form considerable debate. flesh is linear input waveform sinusoidal function a be the best However, material, into current can of Sketch of coils and leg. its is time given variation the is a subject of reasonable assumption that it is possible to Fourier transform any sinusoidal spectrum. Once the response to known, the response to the original complicated determined. Therefore, this research will use a single-frequency, sinusoidal driving current. Method Electromagnetic different ways; distributions in the flesh may be found in several exact solutions of Maxwell’s equations, approximate 4 numerical descriptions, solutions of the or experimental measurements of models. field equations are impossible for even moderately realistic biological boundaries involved. Numerical computer solutions can be flexible and convenient but the have systems Exact due to disadvantage the that difficult to interpret and may not be unique. difficult to construct complicated these geometrical results are more Experimental models are and alter but, being actual physical analogues of the problem, offer conclusive results. As explanations features of change. should by a such To most that the healing device must address will useful, then, be completely flexible. computerized and numerical any practical method of solution This requirement can really only be met routine. the fields measured. compared. results, Thus be bone However, since the results of as a check, a physical model of a simple broken bone should also be built the broken the bone healing process evolve, the critical a routine can not be entirely trusted without experimental data to use be a of the computer the If the computer The results from both methods can then solution agrees with the experimental "correctness" of the computer results is assured and then solution could be generalized to more complex problems. first step, and the main thrust of this thesis, is to produce an accurate set of experimental data. 5 EXPERIMENT The model perhaps the perfect, ends of a broken bone structure used for this experiment is simplest possible view of a broken bone, consisting of two non-conducting are cylinders perfectly flat, separated by a small gap. and all other tissue is The bone considered homogeneous. Although compared the geometry of this structure is obviously simplified as to a approximation clinical however will can human to large meter) and induced data will currents conductivity the taken electrically the give near a the reasonable first break in an actual In reality, neither the bone nor the flesh is uniform, dominate be the case. the leg, as entire the modeling the system and, as a first-order approximation, only the bone change across the bone/flesh boundary feature flesh present. These assumptions for (conductivity equal to one Semen per (conductivity equal to zero) are consistent with the latest physiological data available (SI. A "place healing the problem the simplified is an change. ends". coils other. with and These model artificial this simplified model of a broken leg is where to A ends human is quite long in comparison to the in torso on one side and knee or lower leg on features must leg are not practical to build and thus the stop at some point. boundary that might This unnatural termination cause the field solution to For example, if the induced currents normally flow up into the 6 lower torso, change, "cutting" possibly problem, model that two). leg at the hip will force the currents to throughout potential so the a the set the system. of position In order to investigate this movable baffles were built into the lab of the ends could be varied (see figure Data was taken with the "end boundaries" in several positions to determine the effect of the artificial boundary location. Figure 2. Sketch of model with baffles. Model Structure A is major experimental design consideration in this and similar work that the field probe is usually too large to give data that is truly "data at constructed actual probe a point". is on The the smallest order of one reasonable probe that centimeter in size. can be Since the bone may be about five centimeters in diameter, a one centimeter can not take "point" measurements or enough data points to 7 adequately describe the cannot probe where a scaled of one up the be fields. reduced, The solution to this problem, since is to enlarge the bone model to a size centimeter probe can be considered a point. by Our model is a factor of approximately 12. This allows a 45 x 25 grid points across the model at a one inch spacing, and the maximum probe dimension is at least 30 times smaller than the smallest dimension of the model. The PVC model, "bones". conductivity are then, is a PVC tank 4 ’ x 4 ’ x 2 ’ with 15 inch diameter The that constructed closely seal to "flesh" fills the is saline solution of one Semen per meter rest of the model. The moveable baffles of one inch styrofoam that can deform slightly to more the tank walls. Around this tank structure are the driving Helmholtz coils (see figure three). O Figure 3. Two views of experiment. 9 Coils Increasing Helmholtz the size of the model in this fashion requires a set of coils five feet in diameter set (see figure four). Each coil in the particular used in this experiment is made using 288 turns of #16 magnet wire with the set having an inductance of approximately .350 Henries. Figure 4. The use View of Helmholtz coils. Bio-ostogen (TM! clinical device and many other clinical units complicated, asymmetrical or square wave shapes to drive their 10 coils. Although this apparently works well for healing, it causes many difficulties in generating and shape, is this it model reasonable be done experimental situation. delivering difficult to to Besides the difficulty of the coils a high voltage wave of such a filter or measure the output wave. Since is made up entirely of electrically linear materials, it is to assume a Fourier decomposition of the input waveform can and then simply use a single frequency sine wave to obtain the response in an of the system. the frequency Sixty cycles, being both readily available and range of interest, field generated was chosen to be the signal frequency. Probe The flow magnetic in the saline picked up by figure five). a and by these coils induces currents to creates a measurable E-field. This field is standard dipole antenna made of braided aluminum (see The use and slows the electric polarization of the probe. input impedance transmitted to also (approximately the gives the probe a much surface is lowers aluminum surface polarization, which braided greater therefore area of current density at the probe inhibited one Meg by ohm). Current, and the probe's very high The probe signal is the measurement circuitry by a very long coaxial cable, running vertically out of the tank area to reduce cable pick-up. 11 Figure 5. Dipole probe. Filtering This (see to probe figures raise the 60 six the high-gain signal goes into a filtering and amplification circuit incoming Tow-Thomas hertz because which much, where is to it it much detectable would The first circuit block is an amplifier signal level above the power-supply noise. A pre-filter then removes most of the noise outside bandwidth amplified signal and seven). of interest. contains a This constant signal can not yet be 60 hertz background level greater than the desired signal. To amplify the levels would amplify the background to the point saturate the amplifier. This then requires that the 12 constant added) the portion by means signal induced reference to the signal be subtracted out (phase inverted and of a 60 hertz reference. The phase shifter (to align signals in time) and the reference level adjust are used to set the reference the of zero signal at any desired level and phase. current must be zero at the Since, by symmetry, center of the tank, the adjustments may be used to set the level of the output signal at that remaining this point, calibrating the system. remains spectral is noise. amplified and a Finally, the induced post-filter removes any The output signal is then fed to a digital volt-meter, allowing direct measurement of the induced signal strength, and oscilloscope to an which is used to obtain phase data. diagram of the entire system is shown in figure eight. Post - Figure 6. Filter circuit block diagram. A block 13 Rer Filter circuit diagram. 6 Figure 7. 14 Dipole Signal in -- Dipole Probe Signal Out ^ Arrme ter 60 Hertz Line Figure 8. System block diagram. System Verification Several that system it was tests were performed on the experimental set-up to confirm operating properly. Specifically, in one experiment, the was tested for linearity and the calibration constant was found. In a second test, the repeatability of the measurements was verified. 15 The should of probe circuit gives readings in volts which, theory indicates, be the line proportional to the E-field at the test point. input E-field through constant, the the versus origin. Thus a graph the output voltage should be a straight The slope of the line is the calibration multiplier necessary to translate output voltage back to the actual measured E-field value. To A beaker coils. test this assumption, the following experiment was performed. of saline solution This system closely approximates a two-dimensional, circular, saline-filled boundary in a was placed in a small set of Helmholtz uniform magnetic field. The E-field for this problem may easily be calculated and compared to the probe output. The in The the probe was placed to measure the induced, circular current flow saline results function is are and a number of data points were taken along a radius. shown in figure nine. linear and As was predicted, the transfer intercepts the origin. gives the calibration constant as .00836. The slope of the line 16 O •.SO 0.00 % SO I. so RADIUS (CM) Figure 9. The linear, data must accurate, feature from also the be repeatable of Probe calibration. experimental bone model system, besides being repeatable. results, the Without data the would ability to produce be meaningless. This the test system was checked by simply taking three complete sets of data and comparing them. The curves were nearly identical - a plot of the is shown in figure ten. standard deviation The average 17 deviation the in the data over the tank for the three data sets is .007 and maximum deviation these correspond noise level system is to causes linear, is .07. zeros the in Note the E-field where the minimum constant deviation calibrated, the spikes in the plot below to become and repeatable. very large. Confident results may now be presented. "gy- «r Figure 10. Thus, the Standard deviation of three sets. 18 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Results tank, presented for three configurations - I) the complete 2) the "short" tank with the end baffles in place, and 3) a "2-D" set-up a are thin strictly where lower water and horizontal baffles limited current flow to plane (see figure two-dimensional 11). currents. Case three was performed to force As will be shown, it is necessary to force this condition - it is not the normal mode of operation. Figure 11. Sketch of model with horizontal baffles. 19 Complete Tank. Figures throughout 12-14 present the magnitude full tank. First, current does not fact), resulting in zeros at all corners including the edge of the bone face. Also, expected. have the and disappear expected. flow into the insulating walls (a comforting current would flow other. behavior many features are as expected. flow between the bone faces is nearly as It flows along the faces, not across as some clinical people assumed center that the horizontal current the the Note of A of the here This be the case. The expected zero was found in the was one way along one face and the opposite way along feature which does not seem correct, however, is the currents at the end walls. instead of reversing The current seems to just and flowing back up the bone as is a major departure from the expected two-dimensional flow. I 20 Figure 12. Figure 13. Current density, complete tank. Second view of current density, complete tank. ? : 5 5 5 'S 2 21 Figure 14. Due to the nature horizontal currents that would this two-dimensional vertical horizontal between flow magnetic the of the experiment (primarily the probe), only could be be measured, sufficient (i.e. pattern). It field currents Current flow, complete tank. - from but it was initially assumed that was there reasoned would that be the only a uniform the Helmholtz coils should produce only especially in the center plane of the bones end faces of the break where the geometry is constant in z to first-order. As wrong. can be seen from the flow diagram, these assumptions must be The current flowing down beside the bone does not flow back out 22 and is must, that and indicate along that the must flow up or down. the bottom somewhere . current flows The only conclusion Experiments with various in a circuit down one end parallel to the bone, up the other end plate the surface of the saline (see figure 15). by the vertical, region near non-uniform have current along forced and current continuity, go the baffles plate, by This behavior is fact that the Helmholtz field is not everywhere uniform but is instead quite non-uniform outside the Helmholtz the center of the coils. Outside of the Helmholtz region, magnetic fields are set up; hence, the induced current must vertical components which will effect the current flow throughout the entire leg. Figure 15. Global current flow. Short Tank. If magnetic the vertical currents are due to the non-uniform nature of the field, a reasonable move would be to restrict the problem 23 entirely coils. in tank to the Using figure two 16), feet uniform the magnetic field region near the center of the styrofoam end-baffles discussed before (shown again this was done. on a side The problem then consisted of a square centered in the coils. presented below. Figure 16. Tank with baffles in place. The results are 24 25 Figure 19. The major complete tank solution, though the magnetic uniformity The did not vertical Helmholtz in the change - currents. coils data as discussed above for the no currents into walls, symmetry of It is thus concluded that, even produce a nearly-uniform, nearly-vertical field in the Helmholtz region, slight deviationsfrom perfect are important and in fact appear to dominate the solution. fact that the magnetic field magnitude is and features Current flow, short tank. has significant distributions. is not quite all vertical and that the decreased by only fractions of a percent atthe box edge and does strongly effect the induced currents and their 26 A the first conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the use of Helmholtz coil configuration special significance. special or geometry. produce does qualitatively The an arbitrary choice that has no general, this type different from any of coil is in no way other particular coil Helmholtz configuration is simple for analysis and does two-D not In is currents yield between the bone faces. two-dimensionality Overall, however, it or any other special properties in the induced current. Secondly, boundary still the it does have be seen that the position of the artificial end not significantly change the current mode. the magnitudes boundary can same are The currents overall shape and, especially in the break area, nearly the same. Thus the introduction of this into the problem has probably not strongly changed the induced fields, particularly in the region of the bone break. Two-D Geometry. In order to confirm the fact that the currents were indeed flowing vertically only in the horizontal between this preceding cases, the geometry was changed to force (two-dimensional) case and current flow. A large difference the others would confirm the three-dimensional nature of the overall problem. A level from two-dimensional geometry was created by first lowering the water until it came below the top of the bone - this prevented currents flowing "over the top" of the bone. Next, a set of styrofoam 27 baffles the was placed horizontally about four inches below the surface of water - restricting currents to a thin flat volume (see figure 20). Data was then taken in this restricted area. Figure 20. Sketch of tank with horizontal baffles. 28 Current density, 2-D case. J(A' Figure 21. *-S) Figure 22. Second view of current density, 2-D case. 29 Figure 23. As can current cases seen continuity currents they be flow along Current flow, 2-D case. by the flow diagram (figure 23), two-dimensional now the appears side to hold where it did not before. walls and then back along the bones as must in a two-dimensional system. above demonstrates The This strong change from the two that the current normally flows in all three dimensions and cannot be considered two-dimensional. NUMERICAL METHODS As were in described in the introduction, a number of numerical algorithms formulated Fortran 77 and tested. on The routines described below were written a VAX 11/750. The IMSL scientific library was used for advanced mathematics and matrix manipulation. One Variable Solutions The problem experimental is not results above two-dimensional, show that the simplified bone but must really be analyzed in three dimensions. Prior work 161 has used a two-D Helmholtz equation which, as shown below, will limited to however, will be be two can dimensions. incorrectly The simpler formulated, besides being two-dimensional approach, yield some insights into the mathematics of the model and used two-dimensional is for that problem, the purpose following solved over the two-dimensional region: here. In general, for the two Maxwell equations must be , 31 V x H = (o + Jcue ) E (1) V x E = -juvH (2 ) with the following two-dimensional restrictions: H = Hz only, E = curl H = Ex and Ey only, all derivatives with respect to z = 0. Although frequency regions Starting similar (E or the in of conductors, zero from to H). displacement-current is quite small at low it will be included since the bone model has conductivity the term where this term may be important. equations above, one may proceed with a development the Helmholtz wave equation in order to remove one variable We will choose to work with H in this case since it will have only one component (vertical). V x V x H = Vx -v H + v (v (o + Joie) E H) = V (a + jme) X E + (a + jwc) V x E (4) 32 Note that the conductivity pulled outside the curl operation since in this case the conductivity varies in space (i.e. across term in equation three may not be the flesh, bone boundary). As will be seen, this term causes some severe problems. Continuing the development, then, we have: v (v • H) = ( Vu) v (v • B) = 0 (5) (iff mu = constant) (6 ) (a + jcuc) V x E = (a + Ju e ) (-juy) H Simplifying (equation material five). is terms, the div of H may be removed if mu is a constant This is a reasonable assumption here since biological non-magnetic. substituting for restrictions stated zero everywhere epsilon change. E from Ampere’s above. except Equation at Combining seven may be simplified by first law and using the two-dimensional This results in a loss-1 ike term which is interfaces these terms between regions where sigma or with the original equation yields: I (a+ Jm e ) [v(a+ Jcue)-V] Hz (8 ) 33 This any equation problem described currents may be geometry. solved by finite difference techniques for Sample solutions above are shown in figure 24. inside the bone - an of the bone model problem Note that there appear to be insulator! The reason for this is discussed in the next paragraphs. Figure 24. Imagine possible terms) letting find which equation conditions \ \ \ \ \ Solution of equation 8 for complete tank. the closed form solution of the above equation (if it were to the ' one) vary in frequency eight, are one - it Hsol. Hsol may contain a term (or space but are not induced. This can be seen by approach time is applied call zero. With no equation. variation in left with Laplace’s If boundary which vary in space, so will Hsol; a classic 34 example sides of and vary in over this is a H non-zero on the fourth. entire problem. frequency-independent, boundary extraneous equation for term Laplace’s must equation, this go to zero when constant This same result is also true for the - the left-hand side of equation eight. However, the inhomogeneous term is present (the right-hand side of equation eight), the boundary sigma extraneous conditions. changes, Hsol of So, conditions are applied,. wave when If the boundary conditions do not space and all boundaries are constant, Hsol will be a constant the lossy square area with H equal zero applied on three part This alters of Hsol does not go to zero for constant extra the term, which is non-zero only where solution and causes the extraneous part of to remain even for constant boundary conditions. the equation by means of a computer implementation reveals that the "improper" part An investigation part and, solution. single the therefore, It "currents" of in is the solution cannot this spurious insulating second-order be equation bone is not simply added onto the proper separated from information above. the that real results induced in the This demonstrates that a in E or H applied to the entire geometry is insufficient to solve the problem. First-Order Solutions the The error two first-order second-order above was introduced by eliminating one variable from differential formulation. It can equations to arrive at a single, be seen that in taking the curl of 35 Ampere’s law, alternative, the then, extraneous is to solution consider was allowed. A logical solving the first-order equations directly. The set of first-order equations to be solved then, is V x E = -JwuH (9) ( 10) V x H = (a + J w e ) E with the boundary conditions of It a Htl = Ht2 (11) Etl = Et2. (12) has been proven [71 that this formulation has a unique solution reassuring other two both beginning. Maxwell An indication of this result is that the equations can be determined from those above. With the curl and the divergence of the fields specified, the solutions are unique. A problem displacement flow and impossible currents the insulators. arises, curl however, are of derive the practically H This formulation to when the frequency zero. (equation ten) is so low that Now only Ohmic currents is essentially zero does not have a unique solution . divergence of E from these in It is equations and,therefore, E is incompletely specified. An optimist at this point will proceed and include displacement current terms in the equations even though they are very the 36 small, and and it will attempt to solve the problem anyway. doesn’t work. strongly near zero. It considered. an then, that these simpler methods must discarded and a approach overwhelming importance have matrix solutions have determinants very with guaranteed uniqueness must be A survey of current literature on this more general problem great and and Obviously, yet another method must be tried. three-dimensional of An iterative solution does not converge (indeed, diverge) seems, yields This attempt was made been amount of material. Eddy current problems are in electric machine design (and many other areas) extensively researched. literature is paragraphs sketch the general line of attack of the most common methods used solve to beyond the scope of A comprehensive survey of this three-dimensional this thesis, induced current but the following (eddy current) problems. More Sophisticated Solutions In lost general, additional uniqueness. Solving inefficient real to (and since values. store the potential these are placed on E to regain the equations directly, however, is and H consist of six complex components or twelve On a four-byte real system this requires nearly 50 bytes fields associated problems. E restraints These at a single node. computing memory formulations. time) and Thus a huge amount of memory is required for even the simplest of efficiency problems are avoided by using Mayergoyz [7] has shown that, with appropriate 37 boundary single conditions, a scalar problem may be solved in insulators and a vector potential CA) used in conductors. This reduces both the storage and computation to a workable level. The solution formulated, of these can are difference be these elements formulations generally No field equations, however accomplished in a number of ways. finite inflexibility. are direct they The most common and boundary integral methods. not generally comparison of the used other are due two to Finite their methods is possible - each has advantages and disadvantages for specific problems. Of the two, finite elements is generally more popular. these formulations shown to from of have been implemented for many cases and have been give accurate, reliable results. being Both The broken bone system, far the simple question assumed before, is a complex, intricate problem requiring the full power of such methods. CONCLUSIONS The overall These experimental presented in this paper reveal both the mode and magnitude of the currents in a first-order bone model. results, none-the-less complicated currents found scale for generally models. inside approximate large data the The the simplest applicable as_ a currents possible bone structure, are first approximation to more measured are the actual induced the boundaries of the model and they can be assumed to currents modes, both inside a the and E human leg. H fields In the broad sense of are now known in a 38 stimulated broken limb. This information will be essential in building a theoretical model of the healing process. Besides been presented will again currents and small modes, specific plots of the current density have the simplified bone model. invaluable to future Features of these data investigators. For example, shown to be large near flat, cdntinuous parts of the bone at corners or discontinuities. This fact, perhaps not could strongly influence the design of a healing device based current extended for be are expected, on general stimulation to more near realistic bone bone shards. models These results can also be by employing the verified experimental set-up created for this work. The theoretical solution and methods cannot stimulated complete these to broken produce have and literature. A general this thesis has shown that previous accurate results. The magnetically bone problem is fully three-dimensional and requires three-dimensional algorithms of were both oversimplified and incorrect mathematically hope methods solve part eddy current formulations. Fortunately, been investigated for many years and many complete mathematical number problems of developments commercial of this nature. packages are available in the are also available to It should be possible to find such a package to apply to this problem. In inside never the It summary, the goals of this research have been met. The fields an inductively stimulated limb have been measured, an experiment before successfully completed. The theoretical foundations of problem have been investigated and prior solution methods rejected. has been shown that a fully three-dimensional eddy current solution 39 is necessary such problems. tool in healing. the and that With methods are perhaps already available to solve these results, researchers now have an essential quest for the basic mechanisms of electrically stimulated I 40 REFERENCES CITED 1. Downes, E . M., and Watson, J., “A Clinical Study of the Efficacy of ~\ a Battery-Operated Orthopaedic Stimulator," presented at the 1985 Bioelectric Repair And Growth Society meeting. 2. Liboff, A. R., Thomas, J. R-, and Schrot J., "Magnetically Induced Behavior Modification in Rats," presented at 7th Annual Bioelectromagnetics Society Meeting, 1985. 3. Winters, W. D., and Phillips, J. L., "Monoclonal Antibody Detection of Tumor Antigens in Human Colon Cancer Cells Following EM Field Exposure," Proceedings of the Bioelectromagnetics Society , 6, 1984, p. 46. 4. Sisken, Betty F., Fowler, Ira, and Kryscio, Richard, "The Effects of Pulsed EM Fields (PEMF) on Chick Embryos After Limb Amputation," presented at 5th Annual Bioelectromagnetics Society Meeting, 1983. 5. Kosterich, Jeffrey D., Foster, Kenneth R., and Pollack, Solomon R., "Dielectric Properties of Fluid-Saturated Bone - The Effect of Variation in Conductivity of Immersion Fluid," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 31, April 1984, pp. 369-373. 41 6. Parker, Reed A . , “Computer Solutions of Complex Biological Boundary-Value Problems," Master’s Thesis - Montanta State University, March 1984. 7. Mayergoyz, I. D., "3-D Eddy. Current Problems and the Boundary Integral Equation Method.", available from the author at EE Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20724. ___.,tv/ ITBBiRIES 3 1762 10014836 8 !'a.i n N378 M22U cop. 2 McLeod, Robert Royal Induced current dis­ tributions in inductive­ ly. . . Vain N378 M224 cop. 2