CPC Minutes (April 9, 2015) 900 Oakwood Street 342U EMU Student Center

CPC Minutes (April 9, 2015)
900 Oakwood Street
342U EMU Student Center
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Meeting Opened
7:0 p.m.
Officers Present
All officers present
Delegates Present
Special Guests
 Vince is the manager of EMU Foundation. He is in interested in starting a senior
class gift campaign where the goal is raising $1,000 to make a donation to support
anything of your choice at anything at EMU. This could apply to scholarships or
to departments. Your donation can be as simple as $5, $10 or $25. They are
asking for four to five seniors to head this program and help to make it grow. If
you are interested in being a part campaign there will be an informational meeting
next Tuesday at 7:30PM in the student center. There will be pizza at this event.
 Nate Pyle from Delta Tau Delta will be having a clothing drive. They will be
picking up clothes two weeks from now to the weekend of the 23rd to 26th. They
will be giving these clothes to Purple Heart.
Officer Reports
 6- word stories
-Seniors please continue to submit your 6-word stories. This will be displayed at
Senior Dinner next Monday evening.
 Thank you!
-Thank you for a great year and continue living your panhellenic values!
Executive Vice President
 No Report
Vice President of Membership
 Recruitment Reminders
-Let all of your recruitment chairs know to be expecting e-mails from me over the
summer. Keep an eye on their email
 Have a great summer!
Vice President of Education
 New Member Educator Meeting
- Wednesday, April 15, 5 pm SC Room 302
 Tip & Joke
-Tip: Music helps beats stress. Classical music in particular has been shown to
reduce anxiety and tension. Give music a try while studying or typing up that term
paper. If you need to read try instrumental music. If you need motivation, try an
upbeat tune!
-Joke: Q: What building on campus has the most stories?
A: The library
Vice President of External Affairs
 Service hours & philanthropy dollars
- Please continue in submitting your service and philanthropy dollars raised
until the end of the year.
Vice President of Internal Affairs
 Chapter of the Month
-Sigma Sigma Sigma is our chapter of the month! Please see attached document.
 Senior Recognition
- Senior Recognition will be next Monday, April 13th at the Student Center
room 300 at 5:30 PM. GSAP advisors and chapter advisors are more than
welcome to be there.
 Greek Awards
- Greek Awards will be next Monday, April 13th at the Student Center Ballroom
at 7 PM. Please dress in your finest badge attire.
Advisor Report
Unfinished Business
 Greek Weekend Resolution as seen in attached document.
-The motion carries
 Bylaw Revision
-Alpha Sigma Tau makes a friendly amendment article 5 section 3 to add gender
expression and gender identity.
Motion Carries.
-Alpha Sigma Tau makes a friendly amendment to article 10 section 6 subsection
5 to say if a member wants to be considered to sit on the committee this member
must be in good standing with their chapter.
Motion Carries.
- A motion was made to pass the bylaws revision except article 4 section 1
subsection A and article 4 section 5 subsection B which states have a
minimum GPA of 2.85 and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Motion Carries.
- A motion was made to pass the bylaw revision of Article 4 section 1
subsection A which states have minimum GPA of 2.85
Motion Carries.
- A motion was made to pass the bylaw revision of Article 4 section 5
subsection B which states have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
Motion Carries
New Business
• Elections
-The newly elected Vice President of External Affairs is Nicole Hepp.
• Officer Installation
Sigma delta tau is having their PCAA 5k run on April 18th and 12pm, for more
contact information contact: rlange@emich.edu to register
AKL wiffle ball tournament April 11th, 5 dollars a person (4 or more players can
be both male and female), check in will be at 10 am and games will begin at
11am, and will played at the EMU softball fields by Cornell Apartments
Meeting Closed
8:46 P.M