Microbiological findings of pollution studies on the East Gallatin River and its tributaries by Theodore Allen Ehlke A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Microbiology Montana State University © Copyright by Theodore Allen Ehlke (1968) Abstract: A microbiological study was made on the Hagt Gallatin River near Bozeman, Montana, to determine if pollution existed and if so, its extent and ways of measurement. Total numbers, coliform and entero-coccic bacteria, anaerobic heterotrophs, sporeformers, ammonia and nitrite oxidizers, denitrifiers, urea utilizers, aerobic and anaerobic cellulose decomposers and nitrogen fixers were quantitatively determined at various stations. The major sources of pollution were found to be a sewage outfall of the city of Bozeman and agricultural areas bordering the river. MICROBIOLOGICAL FINDINGS OF POLLUTION STUDIES ON THE EAST GALLATIN RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES by THEODORE ALLEN EIILKE A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Microbiology Approved: Head, Major Department MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana December, 1968 ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like t o ■take this opportunity to express his , gratitude to those who have.especially been o f help during the course of this study& ; ' Sincere thanks are due Dr. John C, Wright for his guidance in • this study and assistance in the preparation of this manuscript. Sincere thanks are also due Drs. Kenneth L. Temple, William G. Walter and Richard H.- McBee for their support and suggestions throughout the duration of this study. Thanks are also due Ray Soltero for his assistance in collection of field data a n d .for making flow and chemical data available. This project was supported by a National Institute of Health Training Grant No. 5T01 A100131-08 and by a Federal Water Pollution ■ ■ / Control Administration Training Grant No. WP-5T1-WP-180~01. ■ iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page o e o o w e o o e o e e o e o o e o e e '.x lNTRODUCTION o o o e w o o o o e o o o e o o o e o I ABS Tl^-ZVCT e DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA METHODS o p o o w o o o e S GimpIG Co XIQ c l.ion e . o e . e . . . o o o « © © (° ©•© Collection H o m s © o © © © Bacteriological Studies © © . . o o o , o , o 10 e © © © © © © 10 ^ o o o o o o o o o o o o o Snoreformers o o o e b e o o o o o o o o o o Nitrite Oxidizers « . 0 0 « Cellulose Decomposers = . O . . . 0 0 13 .. . . . o « 10 © © © © © ©© © © © o , 10 ® o Ammonia Oxidizers 7 ' © © ©© © ©.- © Total Numbers (Thornton's Medium) Anaerobes . 0 . o » » < . 13. 00 '15 0 0 15 o . « . o . . o 0 0 16 . = = = = . . . . . 16 . Z Nitrogen Fixation 0. '• ' 19.' Denxcrrfxers i= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -o .. 21 LJrea Utxlxzers . 23 Flow Studies RESULTS O O O 1 O 0 X*Xo v7 S tudy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Summer 1967 Work 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = . 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o O O 1O O O O O . « » « . 0 0 . o o . . . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . o o e 0 Coliform Organisms . . = . . . o . Enterococcal Organisms 0 o O 0 0 o 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 24 25 25 27 « . = «. 27 . 27 . . . . V Page Total Counts . . . . . . 28 24 Hour Studies 28 L ... . DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . 44 SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . 49 APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . 51 LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . 67 LIST OF TABLES TABLE , Page 1 . II ; Aerobic cellulose medium © . 17 © . . . © © . 18 20 VIII Anaerobic nitrogen fixation medium = = = . « = 21 Denitrifier medium „ = . © = » « = « © = „ = © 22 Urea soil extract medium « » . « . = . © « © = 23 Results of a tracer study^ Elapsed time in iAinutas © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © 23 Influent sewage flow at the treatment plant (M,G.P=D„) at various times during the day over the summer of 1967 © © © © © © © 26 Flow times (minutes) between stations at the stations sampled during 24 hour sampling periods throughout the summer of 1967 © . . . 26 xi XII ' ;' 16 Aerobic nitrogen fixation medium „ © © © . © • - X _ = = © . . © = 14 VII IX . 14' Anaerobic cellulose medium VI ' A Anaerobic heterotroph medium (Based on Thornton's medium) . . . . . o . . . , . . . . . Stephenson's basal salts medium iv V ' 13 Anaerobic heterotroph medium (nutrient ■ bro th base) @ o o <> o <* o o o « o * « * « » © ■ III ;r. Thornton's medium XIII XIV XV • Number of organisms-per 100 ml in water sample's taken from the sampling stations during the summer of 1967 on 7/11, 7/19, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8 and 8/28 © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © .29 Total number of organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations on 7/11, 7/19, 7/25 and 8/8 1967 30 vii Page XVI XVII XVIII XIX ■ XX XXI XXII Percent change in numbers between scanons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of anaerobic heterotrophs per ml .in water samples collected at the sampling • ' ’ •, ■ stations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 Total number of aerobic heterotrophs per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o 36 MPN of anaerobic nitrogen fixing organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling s cations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 MPN of denitrifying organisms p e r .ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations 38 Number of nitrite oxidizing organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 39 O 40 Number of ammonia oxidizing organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling s t a t i o n s XXIII XXIV XXVI XXVII O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Number of -sporeforming organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations 41 Number of urea hydrolyzing organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling' S cations XXV 31 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Number of aerobic cellulose decomposing organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations = = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42- 43 Number of organisms per 100 ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations 8/l"**2/b7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of organisms per 100 ml in watersamples taken at the sampling stations 8/15-16/67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 vxii Page XXVIII xxix XXX XXXI XXXII Number of organisms per 100 ml in water ,samples taken at the sampling stations 6 & u p p p p p p p p p p p p p u p ■ 6Q Nuitiber of col!form organisms per 100 ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations during the summer of 1967 61 Number of enterococcal organisms per 100 ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations during the summer of-1967.• . . . . . 62 Total count of organisms per ml of water samples' taken at the" sampling stations during the summer of 1967, . . . . . . . . . . 63 Temperature in °C of water samples taken at the sampling stations during 1967r 1968 64' „ . ix LIST OF FIGURES Page Figures 1 2 3 Map of the upper East Gallatin River system showing location of study area and Stations o o e o o e o e o o o o o .■ 5 6' 7 ' : "s 9 10 o Results of a 24 hour sample taken Aug„' I & 2, 1967= o o o o o <a o o o w e o a o e 9 e v o o 0 0 0 2 Results of a 24 hour sample taken Aug, I 4 e & 2 ^ 1 9 6 7 o 0 c o 0 o 0 o o o 0 0 0 * 0 0 Rate of net change between stations over a 24 hour period Aug= I & 2, 1967, » » « = Results of a 24 hour sample taken Aug« 15 & 1 5 ^ 1967 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 3 3 34 52 Results of a 24 hour sample taken A u g0 15 St 16, 19670 Coliform organisms per -L00 ml 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 Rate of net change between stations■over a 24 hour period Aug0 15 & 16, 1967 . 0 . . . 54 Results of a 24 hour sample taken Aug0 29 Ss 30, 1967. Enterococcal organisms per 100 ml O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 55 Results of a 24 hour sample taken A u g 0 29 Sc 30, 1967o Coliform organisms per 100 m I 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rate of net change between stations over a 24 hour period Aug= 29 & 30, 1967. O 0 0 0 0 56 57 ABSTRACT A microbiological study v/as made on the Hagt Gallatin River near Bozeman, Montana, to determine if pollution existed and if so, its extent and ways of measurement. Total numbers, coliform and enterococcic bacteria, anaerobic heterotrophs, sporeformers, ammonia and nitrite oxidizers, denitrifiers, urea utilizers, aerobic and anaerobic cellulose decomposers and nitrogen fixers were quantitatively deter­ mined: at various stations. The major sources of pollution were found to be a sewage outfall of the city of Bozeman and agricultural areas bordering the river. INTRODUCTION At one time much of the microbiological work involving water quality dealt with total numbers of bacteria as well as g o Iiform and cnterococcic populations* . . . . Recent work tends to include other eco- logical groups 'as well'so as to achieve a clearer picture of the microbiological community* ' Ryabov (1965) in a study of the Dnepr River and reservoirs of the UcS.SoR. found that numbers of denitrifying organisms were a more sensitive criterion of organic pollution than were other saprophytic bacteria and suggested the need for their inclusion in water quality studies. . Deufel (1965) found a rapid rise in numbers of Azotobacter in Lake Constance (Switzerland) over an eight year period correlated with a rise in organic content of the lake, and suggested the use of Azotobacter numbers as a criterion of pollution. Harrison, Keller and Lombard (1963), in a study of the Vaal River (Union of South Africa) determined total numbers at 20°C and 37°C; lactose fermenters, denitrifers, H^S producers, and citrate producers as well as doing a'chemical analysis of the river mud bottom. Only slight changes in population were noted between wet and dry seasons, and these were believed to be due to soil forms being washed .into the river from runoff resulting from rainfall. It appeared that the populations consisted partly of forms indigenous to water, partly of soil origin, and saprophytic bacteria which entered with the runoff and settled out in the' mud. 2 In a Polish study, Luchterowa (1962) determined numbers of glucose, lactose, mannitol^ phenol, cellulose, urea and kerosene decomposing bacteria as well as the denitrifying, ammonifying, and proteolytic bacteria at two stations differing in the degree of pollution. She ■found"hydrocarbon and urea decomposing organisms only at the station of lesser pollution, and the others at both stations but in greater numbers in the polluted zone. Her results followed the second bio- coenotial rule of Thienemann (1939) which states, that if the conditions of life change from the normal situation, the number of species decreases, while the number of individuals increases. Felton, Cooney and Moore (1967) studied sulfur, ammonia, nitrite and iron-oxidizing autotrophs, aerobic nitrogen-fixers, urea utilizers cellulose decomposers and sporeformers, as well as aerobic and anaer­ obic heterotrophs i n •a. temporary pond near.Florenville, Louisiana. The bacteria were found to play a role in the nitrogen, carbon, and energy cycles as decomposers and transformers, as a source of nutrilites and as members of the food chain. ; Lueschow and Mackenthun (1962) described a microscopic method of. concentrating iron bacteria on a membrane filter and counting them in situ on the filter. XsFhen water was .sampled from municipal wells highest- counts were obtained from infrequently used outlets and indi­ cated disuse rather than pollution. Pintus (1961) studied the usefulness of coliform, enterococcal^ and Clostridium welchii (C. perfringens) populations as indicators of 3 pollution of surface waters and found that in treated waters the test for GfIostridium was the most sensitive while in untreated waters the teat for coliform organisms was most sensitive and Clostridium the least sensitive. . He concluded that coliform and enterococcal populations were indicative of recent pollution and Clostridium indicated pollution of more remote•origin= Bonde (1962) in a study of marine waters, concluded that. Clostridium perfringens was a useful indicator of intermittent sewage pollution,, that its detection was more precise than tests for coliform bacteria and therefore it might be used to support Escherichia coll counts. In a later paper, Bonde (1966) restated his view that the total coliform.group of bacteria was a poorly defined group which did not meet all the requirements that a pollution indicator.system should have and proposed that C„ perfringens would be a more useful.indicator. He also proposed that under certain conditions green fluorescent pseudomonads.would be more useful indicators. . Rodina (1964) in Russia, found Clostridium pasteurianum to be widely distributed in lakes, rivers, fishery ponds and soil. The development of this organism seemed to be related to the content andnature of organic substances in the water= Much of the modern European work is-based on the saprobity system originally devised by Kolkwitz and Marsson (1908, 1909) and by Kolkwitz (1935, 1950). The saprobity system is based on the observation that a slow and evenly flowing river which has received a.',heavy load 4 of sewage shows distinct zones of decreasing pollution* These zones are termed polysaprobic (gross pollution), alpha-mesosaprobic, betamesosaprobic and oligosaprobic* Pantle and Buck (1955a, 1955b) define the zones in the following formula; ■ ' s = r. sh "z:h where S is the sap.robity index, s is the degree of saprobity, and h is the frequency with which the single species occur. The degree of saprobity s is the indicator value of each species obtained from Liebmann1s 'list of indicator organisms (Liebmann, 1951, 1962)» The frequency term h is obtained by ecological investigation of the water. The frequency of each organism is noted and tabulated as follows: oligosaprobic indicator organism s = I beta-mesosaprobic indicator organism s = 2 alpha-mesosaprobic indicator organism > s = 3 polysaprobic indicator organism s = 4 species found only by chance h = I species occurring frequently h = 3 species occurring in abundance, h = 5 By using the above-mentioned formula and degree of pollution may be estimated in the following manner: 5 Saprobity index Degree of pollution I.0-1 .5 Very slight (oligosaprobio) I.5-2.5 Moderate (beta-mesosaprobic) 2 .5-3.5 Heavy (alpha-mesosaprobic) 3.5-4.0 Very heavy (polysaprobic) Each zone offers optimal conditions for certain species and communi­ ties of organisms, that could be used as indicator organisms. Since the bacteria are mainly engaged in the decomposition of organic matter, their numbers constitute very important criteria for determining.the different zones of pollution. Thus, in the saprobity system, both stenoecic (limited to a narrow range of environmental conditions) and euryoecic (ubiquitous) organisms are used. Considerable work has been done by Sladecek (1963.) in Czechoslovakia to subdivide the zones of / greater pollution and to characterize their ecosystems. . In a study of Czechoslovakian waters, Daubner (1963) determined total numbers, heterotrophs, psychrophiles, mesophiles, sporeforming psychrophiles and mesophiles, enterobacters, enterococci, and anaerobic sporeformers. An attempt was made to correlate numbers to flow volume, temperature, and organic content of the water. An inverse relationship was found between bacterial numbers and flow volume and between non-' sporeforming heterotrophs and sporeformers. Discharge from sugar beet refineries in Austria and Moravia caused considerable increase in numbers o f ;heterotrophs 'during October, November, and December. 6 Sladecek and Katzova (1964) determined horizontal distribution of Coliform9 mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria in a fishpond near Jankov, Czechoslovakia in an attempt to study their correlation■with the presence of aquatic weeds. The fecal population was very low. There was no correlation between numbers of heterotrophs in surface water layers and the presence of aquatic weeds. The- purpose of this investigation was to determine numbers of bacteria-of both fecal and non fecal origin at different seasons in the East Gallatin River. Various stations were selected to demonstrate different zones in the saprobity system. The results were examined to determine if correlations existed between members of the groups studied and temperature, time of day, season, agricultural practices, organic.content of the water, and location within the study,area. •DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA .■ The East Gallatin River is formed by the confluence of Bozeman and Rocky Creeks at n point on" half mils (0.8 km) north of Bozeman, Montana. 2 The river drains a 148 square mile (383 km ) area 3 and has an average discharge of 86.3 c.f.s. (2.44 m /sec) (p.S„G.Se, 1963). Bridger Creek joins the East Gallatin River at a point 1.3 miles (2.1 Itin) below the origin of the East Gallatin. Bozeman, Bridget, and Rocky Creeks originate in forested areas and all of them drain agricultural areas in the vicinity of Bozeman. The stations were located as follows: Station I was located, above Bozeman on Bozeman Creek a distance of 3.7 miles (5.9 km) above the site, of the drainage of the sewage effluent into the East Gallatin River. Station 2 .was above a' slaughterhouse and stockyard on the East Gallatin River about 0.8 mile (1.3 km) above the sewage effluent. Station 3 was situated above the fish hatchery on Bridger Creek about 3.4 miles (5.5 km) upstream from its junction with the East Gallatin River. Station 4 was' a sampling point below the fish hatchery on Bridget Creek about 0.6 mile (0.96 km) above its confluence with the East Gallatin River. Station 5 was located below the slaughterhouse and stockyard on the East Gallatin River about 0.5 mile (0.8 km) above the sewage effluent and about 0.1 mile (0.16 km) above the Bozeman Creek effluent. 8 Station 6 was situated below Bozeman on Bozeman Creek about 0«,4 mile CO,,64 km) above the Sewage effluento Station 7 was on the East Gallatin M v e r about 50 feet (0.015 km) upstream from the sewage effluent. Station 8 was the sewage effluent, which originates about 0.4 mile (0.64 km) from the treatment plant. Station 9 was a sampling point- on the East Gallatin River about 0.2 mile „(0.32 km) below the sewage effluent. This station was located in the vicinity of the city sanitary land fill. Station 10 was on the East Gallatin River about 1.5 miles (2.4 km) below the sewage effluent. This station is located in an agricultural area and receives the flow from Bridget Creek into the East Gallatin River at a point approximately one mile (1.6 km) below the sewage effluent. Station 11 was situated in an agricultural area on the East Gallatin River about 5.0 miles (8 km) below the sewage effluent. ■■ Station 12 was on the East Gallatin River about '11.3 miles (18.2 km) below the sewage effluent. ' - X- 9 O Bozsman City S e w a g s Treatment Plant 0 Stockyards L Slaughter House IIi0O O 1 45" 45' c S / EAST jGALLATIN ( RIVER ETIDGER CREEK B CZ E1 1MA N I Mile .BOZEMAN vTCREEK J Figure I. Map of the upper East Gallatin River system showing location of study area and stations METHODS Sample Collection. Samples were collected from the sampling stations- during the summer of 1967 and the spring and summer of 1968. Collection was made by lowering a plastic bucket into the water and rinsing the bucket in the water before obtaining a sample. Samples were placed in sterile 2 liter wide mouth .polyethylene bottles which had been rinsed with a small amount of sample. Temperature was determined by a mercury- thermometer or by the thermistor probe of a Precision Galvanic Cell Oxygen Analyzer. Upon return to the laboratory, samples were stored at 4°C, if analysis could not be done immediately. However, all samples were processed within 5 hours of collection. Collection Hours. During the summer of 1967 samples were collect­ ed between 0600 and 0730 hours except for the 24 hour runs which were collected at 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400 and 0600 hours. During the spring and summer of 1968 samples were collected between 1200 and 1300 hours.. • Bacteriological Studies. - "" Water samples were taken at the various 'i stations at weekly intervals, when possible, throughout the summer of 1967. Total number, coliform and enterococcal populations were deter­ mined for each sample after return to the. laboratory. Total counts were done using either membrane filter or conventional plate method. Materials used in the membrane filter count included plastic Sterifil (a registered■trademark of the Millipore Corn.) filter 11 holders and b a s e , membrane filters of 47 mm diameter and 0.45 p. pore size obtained from the Millipore Coirp,, ^ B- $1ford, Massachusetts. The procedure described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Uater and Wastewater, 12th edition , s used for the membrane filter count in the following manner. The apparatus was sterilized at 121°C for 15 min and was then aeseptically assembled when cool. Dilutions of M O I 2 , 10", 3 and 10 were made from each sample and filtered. were filtered before the lower. The higher dilutions The apparatus was not sterilized between samples but was rinsed with 100-200 ml sterile phosphate buffer ed water. The filters were then transferred to sterile 12 x 60 mm Falcon (a registered trademark of Falcon Plastics) plastic disposable petri dishes. The filter was placed directly on the Tryptose Glucose Extract-agar. Petri dishes were then incubated inverted at 35°C for 22 hours in a closed vessel containing a small amount of water to prevent desiccation. A small quantity of 17. triphenyltetrazolium chloride was added after incubation to facilitate counting. -Some difficulty was - encountered with spreaders, therefore a conventional technique was adopted using Tryptose Glucose Extract agar (Difco) incubated at 35°C for 48 hours. v .• ' For the coliform test M-endo broth (Difco) was used. The medium, in 2 ml amounts was added to a sterile pad in a 50 mm tight fitting plastic petri dish (Miliipdre or Falcon). After filtration the filter was. placed on the pad and the inverted dish was incubated at 35°G for 22 hours In a closed container. 12 MPN coliform tests were also run, and lactose broth served as the medium- Tubes were read after 48 hours incubation at 35 G= A 5 tube series was used for each dilution= For the enterococci test, M-enterococcus agar (BBL) was used. The medium in 10 ml amounts was poured into sterile 60 mm Falcon plastic dishes. The filter was placed directly on the agar- surface and the inverted, petri dish was incubated at 35°C for 30 hours in a closed container. IujN enterococci determinations were also made. In this case, azide dextrose broth.was used. A 5 tube series was. used for each dilution. Counting. At,the end of incubation all plates were counted using a binocular dissecting scope and hand tally. counts all colonies were counted. For the total In the enterococcic all pink or red colonies'were counted as enterococcic organisms. All colonies with a metallic sheen were counted as coIiforms= For coliform counts the total number was used as a basis for determining the count as both types (dark red, with or without sheen) were found to ferment brilliant green lactose bile broth. In the spring and summer of 1968 the"program was expanded to include: total numbers at 20 C and 35, C , anaerobes, sporeformers, ammonia oxidizers, nitrite oxidizers, aerobic and anaerobic cellulose decomposers, aerobic'and anaerobic nitrogen fixers, denitrifiers, and urea utilizers. ) 13 Total !lumbers. hetorotrophoa Thornton's medium was used to cultivate aerobic This medium wea selected on the rationale that the greatest number of organisms would be of soil origin- One set of plates was incubated at 20°C and another at 35°C„ . O Thornton's Medium S MgSO^-YHgO. 0.2 S CaCl-ZHgO 0.1 g NaCl 0.1 ■ g Fed3 6.002 S KNO3 0-5 S Aspargine 0.5 S Mannitol 1.0 S FO TABLE 1« g iyipo^ Agar iooo Distilled water , 7.2-7. 4 Anaerobes- Two media were devised to allow growth of anaerobic and faculative heterotrophs = One was based on Thornton's medium and the other utilized nutrient brothtechnique of McBee (1950) was used- In both cases the roll tube 14 TABLE H o Anaerobic heterotroph medium (Based on Thornton’s medium)= Oob g MgSO-ZKgC 0.1 S CaCl2 0.05 S NaCl 0.05 g Eed3 OoOOl• S NHaCI 0.25 S Aspargine 0.25 g Mannitol ■ 0.5 S NaIICO3 2.5 g 10.0 ml Na thiogIyco11ate 0.1 S Resazurin (0.1% solution) 0.5 ml 490.0 ml Cysteine (2 =5% solution) Distilled water . TABLE H I . ' Anaerobic heterotroph medium (nutrient broth base) Nutrient broth (Difco) Cysteine (2*5% solution) Na2CO3 Na sulfide Resazurin (0*1% solution) Distilled water pH 7.0-7.4 4.0 S 10.0 ml 2.5 ' g . 0.1 S 0.5 ml 490.0 ml 0 1 pH *2 7 / 15 The medium was made up in a one liter balloon flask and oxygen free carbon dioxide vraa bubbled, in until the indicator (r^daKurin) was-reduced, indicating anaorobioois, The medium, in ,10 ml amounts was put into .18 x 150 mm test tubes containing 0 =2 g agar= The tubes were sparged with CO^ for 20 seconds, securely stoppered and stcril-. ized for 15 minutes at 121°C= Inoculation was done while the tubes O 1 w e r e ■in a water bath at 47 C= After inoculation, the tubes were again sparged with,CO^ for 20 seconds and then rolled until cool on a tube rolling machine to produce a thin layer of medium around the tube surface= Tubes were then incubated at 23°C for two to three weeks= Sporeformers= Sporeforming organisms were selected by heating an aliquot of the sample -to 85°C for 10 minutes and appropriate di­ lutions were plated on Thornton's agar= Incubation was at 20°C for 48 - 72 hours or until growth was adequate for counting= Ammonia oxidizers= and nitrate= These organisms oxidize ammonia to nitrite The basal salts medium of Stephenson (1949), as modi­ fied by Mayeaux (1961) was used. 16 TAHLE IV. Stephenson's basal salts medium KIIgPO^ 0< 75 C 0.25 S ■ 0.01 MgSO4-YHpO 0.03 S 0.01 S 1.00 8 Saturated phenol red solution 0.20 ml Oxoid ionaga.r No. 2 O O Os -s EeSO4-THpO S MnSO4-Hp0 ■ (NH4 )pSO4 ■ 1000 Distilled water ml Plates w e r e 'incubated at 28°C for 2 to 3 weeks At the end of incubation, 2 ml of a 1:20,000 solution of Rose Bengal was added to each plate to facilitate count "/■-.g Nitrite Oxidizers. The basal salts medium of Stephenson (1949), as modified by Mayeaux (1961) was also used to cultivate nitrite oxidizers with the substitution of I,.0 g NaNO^ for (NH^^SO^ ° Plates were handled in the same manner as for ammonia oxidizers= Cellulose Decomposers= Anaerobic and aerobic cellulose decomposers were counted using the roll tube method of McBee (1950)= Two different media were used: 17 TABLE V. Anaerobic cellulose medium. Ainer.al solution Ifo. I 36.5 ml Mineral solution Mo. 2 '38.5 ml 0.5 ml Resazurin (0.17. solution) 50.0 ml Cellulose (57.) 0.5 Tea-St extract Cysteine HCl (2.57.) Ha thioglycollate Na2CO3 Distilled water S ' 10.0 ml ■ . 0.1 S 2.5 S 388 ml Distilled water ' O K2HPO^ L-J Mineral solution No. I 500 S ml Mineral solution No. 2 . KH2PO^ 3.0 S (rn^gSO^. . . 6.0 g NaCl ■ 6.0 S MgSO^ 0 =6 S CaCl2 0.6 S Distilled water 500 ml 18 TABLE VI. Aerobic cellulose medium,. K 2KPC4 ■0.5 g 0.1 g CaClg-ZKgO 0.05 s NaCl 0.05 g FeCl3 0.001 s KNO3 0.25 g Cellulose (57. floe) Yeast extract• Distilled water' pH 50 0.5 45 0 ml s ml 7.2 The cellulose suspension vzas prepared by grinding a 57« solution of Solka.Flop in a pebble mill for 72 hours. T h e 'aerobic cellulose medium was made up and 10 ml aliquots were distributed into 18 x 150 mm test tubes containing 0.2 g agar. Tubes were tightly stoppered and_sterilized in the autoclave for 15 minutes at 121°C. Inoculation was done in a water bath at 47°C , after which the tubes were placed on a tube rolling machine and rolled until the agar had solidified. The stoppers were then replaced by sterile'metal caps and the tubes were incubated at 28°C for 2 to 4 weeks. On the second run it was found necessary to add 100 m g /I Captan to inhibit fungi. 19 The anaerobic medium was made up in a one liter erlenmeyer flask and gassed with CO^ until the resazurin was decolorized. Ten ml aliquots were distributed in 18 x 150 min test tubes containing 0.2 g agar and gassed with CO^ for 20 seconds. Tubes were tightly stoppered and sterilized in the same manner as for the aerobic medium. Inocul­ ation was .handled in the same manner as for. the anaerobic heterotrophs. Tubes' were incubated at 28°C for 4 to 6 weeks. Nitrogen Fixation. Aerobic and anaerobic nitrogen fixation was studied by the method of Po chon.: and Tardieux (1962). The media -X used are described in Tables VII and- VIII. :i I The soil extract was made by adding one liter of distilled water to 1000 g soil and autoclaving the mixture for one hour at 121°C. After cooling the supernatant was decanted and filtered to obtain an amber liquid which was sterilized in 100 ml volumes in the autooclave at 121 C for 15 minutes. 7, or slightly alkaline. : The pH of the extract should be near Soil was obtained near the study area, in this case, from■the East Gallatin River and yielded a soil extract with pH 7.4. The aerobic nitrogen fixation medium]is designed to.enumerate essentially Azotobacter. The medium, in 5 ml amounts, was distributed in 16 x 150 mm test'tubes and sterilized at 121°C for 15 minutes. Inoculation was done by transferring a I ml aliquot of t h e ■appropri­ ate dilution to each of 5 tubes. Five different dilutions were used, (10^, 10^, 10^, 10^ and 10').' The tubes were incubated at 28°C for one ' .! :: -i !( : -' 20 week. Those with a pellicle of Azotobacter were counted as positive It was also necessary to confirm positives microscopically, TABLE VII, Aerobic nitrogen fixation medium. Standard saline solution 50,0 Mannitol 10,0 \ g Soil extract 10,0 ml Solution of trace elements 1,0 ml CaCO3 0.5 s 940,0 ml 5.0 . g 2.5 g 2.5 g 0.05 g 0.05 g Distilled water ml Saline solution ' K 2HPO4 MSS°4^ NaCl . . . MnSOz, Distilled water 1000.0 mV Trace element solution .K2MoO4 / 0.05 g Na2B4 O, 0.05 g " I crystal Fed, 0.05 g 0.05 g CuSOzi 0.05 g ZnSO 0.05 g MnSO. 4 Distilled water 0.05 g CoNO3 ' CdSO4 . 1000,0 ■ ml ,1 21 TABLE VIII. Anaerobic nitrogen fixation medium. Standard saline solution K2m 0 4 50.0 0.75 . ml S 0.IOH NaOH . . 33.0 ml Glucose 10.0 g .10.0 ml 1.0 ml 1000.0 ml Soil ■extract Trace elements Distilled water Q t» S » Anaerobic nitrogen fixation was studied by a technique also described by Pochon and Tardieux (1962). Essentially Clostridium pasteurianum was the species cultivated. The medium' was distributed in 17 x 150 mm test tubes, each containing a durham tube. Sterilization, inoculation and incubation were done as described for the aerobic nitrogen fixers. At the' end of 7 to 15 days tubes showing the presence of gas were recorded as positive. Denitrifiers. The denitrifying bacteria typically cause an evo­ lution of gaseous nitrogen from nitrate and nitrite.. The gaseous products■of the reaction are , N^O and sometimes NO. Denitrifi­ cation is affected mainly by certain species of the genera Pseudomonas, Achromobacter, Bacillus, and Micrococcus. The bacteria responsible are facultative anaerobes which adapt to the utilization of NO^ environments of low O0 tension. or NO" in The process is then analogous to 22 respiration as the nitrate or nitrite replaces 0? as a terminal electron acceptor^ Denitrifiers were enumerated using a MPN technique described in Methods o£ £ioil Analysis (1965), part 2. TABLE IXo Denitrifier medium=. Solution A KNO^ 1.0 Aspargine O H to g 5.0 ml 17. Alcoholic solution ° of brom thymol blue Distilled water ' 500 ml Solution B Na Citrate 8.5 ' g KH^ro^ 1.0 g MgSO4 -7H20 ' ■ 1.0 g CaCl2 -OH2O 0.2 g FeCl3 -GH2O 0.05 g Distilled water 500 ml The solutions were mixed and the pH was adjusted to 7=0-7=2. The medium in 10 ml amounts was placed in 15 x 125 mm test tubes each containing a durham tube. at 121°C for 15' minutes.' The tubes were then.plugged and sterilized, Sterile tubes were stored in the.dark, as the color changes in the light. Inoculation was done using a series of 23 5 dilutions (1C)\ IO^, IO^, 1 0 ’ and 10^) with 5 tubes per dilution; IoO or Ool ml of .the appropriate'dilution being introduced= were incubated at 28 G for 3 to 7 days= Tubes As the bacteria grew* the color, initially greenish blue, changed to a deep,' intense blue as the pH increased= At the same time large amounts of and captured in the durham tubes= were evolved Any tube showing both vigorous gassing and deep blue coloration was recorded as positive= By consulting the appropriate probability table in Methods of Soil Analysis (1965), part 2, readings can be converted to a MPN value per ml= Urea Utilizers= Bacteria hydrolyzing urea were cultivated on a modified urea soil extract agar medium ,of Allen (1957). TABLE X= Urea soil extract medium. Urea Soil extract Tap H2O Agar . pH 5.0 g 0 =5 g . 100 ml 900 ml 15 g 7 =4-7 =6 An alternative medium was developed which was identical except for. the addition of 10 drops of a 17. tincture of phenolphalein per liter which, it was hoped, would make the colonies stand out. After O .appropriate dilutions were plated, the cultures were incubated at 28 C 24 for approximately 4 to 7 days. smooth white appearance. Urea hydrolyzers normally- have a Such colonies were counted using a New Brunswick Scientific electronic colony counter. ' ' ■ ' Flow Studies. It was necessary to correct data of the 24 hour studies for flow in order to determine net change between stations. The' procedure of Odum (1956) and Wright (1967) was used. ■ Flow time . between stations was determined by detection of fluorescent rhodamine B dye introduced upstream. A Turner Fluorimeter model H O with rustralc recorder and, continuous flow cell was used to detect the dye downstream. : ■ When flow time and bacterial populations have been determined ■■ data can be corrected for flow as follows: An arbitrary point in the study area was designated zero and flow time between it and downstream stations was calculated. , In this case station 7 was selected as zero. Data were plotted a s ■received for the null point.(station 7) with time as abscissa and number of organisms as ordinate. Data for downstream were displaced to the left in an amount equal to the flow time between the station and .station 7. For example, at 1200 hours on August 1st, 1967, the coliform count at station 9 was 33,000 per ml. Since the flow time in this case was 9 minutes, the point was plotted at 11:51 on the time scale. In this manner it was possible to study net changes of the populations in the same body of water as it flowed downstream. ; , a - ! < i1 h i , : RESULTS Flow Study- On July 22, 1968 an experiment was undertaken to determine flow times within the Bozeman sewerage system; At.1330 hours two liters of a 40% solution of rhodamine B in gla&iul- acetic acid were dumped'into a sink in the laboratory. . The results are shown in Table XI. TABLE XI. Results of a tracer study. Elapsed time in minutes. From laboratory to plant 80 ^ — Retention in plant 30 Plant to river 10 Total time (Maximum flow time to ,river) , Minimum time (Firstdetected in river) Plant flow (Cap. 4 M.G.P.D.) 120 ; 105 4.1 The Bozeman sewage is treated as follows: The influent is screened to remove large debris and ground to reduce the particle• size. The sewage is then passed into a clarification pond where the large., particles settle out. The supernatant is then chlorinated and passes to the river via an.outfall located at station 8, about 0.4 mile (0,64 km) north of the treatment plant. - Sludge from the clarification pond is pumped to a series of two digestion tanks, then to drying beds. The sewage plant capacity is frequently exceeded and needs secondary treatment facilities as well. The volume of influent -sewage received by the treatment plant on dates when 24 hour sampling was done is shown in Table XII. TABLE X U . Influent sewage flow at the treatment plant (MoGcPiD0) at various times.during the day over the summer of 1967. Aug- I & 2 Aug, 29 & 30 0600 2.8 3.4 3.2 0900 3.5 ' 3.9 3.9 1200 3.6 3.9 3.9 3.8 . 4.0 3.8 3.9 3.9 . 1500 • Aug. 15 & 16 1800 3.8 .. 2100 3.8 3.8 3.6 2400 3.6 3.6 3.5 0300 2.8 3.1 3.1 0600 2.8 3.1 ' 3.0. . The flow time increased during the summer as river flow decreased (Table XIll)„ for this reason water took much longer to pass downstream in late summer than in spring or early summer. ■ 'TABLE XIII. Flow times -(minutes) between stations at the •stations sampled during 24 hour sampling periods .throughout the summer of 1967» Stations Date 7-9 August.1-2 - .9 August 15-16 10 9-10 ■ 70 V \ August 29-30 11 10-11 116 103 133 . 104 165 27 Summer 1967 Vfork- The results are recorded in Tables XIV through ■XVI and in Figures 2 through 10. The microbial population tended to be most numerous when the water warmed during the late summer. Coliform Organisms. shown in Table XIV. Values for the coliform populations are Counts above the outfall, with the exception of one value, showed a slow increase in numbers as the water flowed through Bozeman. Bozeman Creek south of the city had a very low coliform population but numbers increased sharply as the flow passed through Bozeman and in fact it was the major contributor above station 7. It is possible that coliform organisms entered the stream by septic tank drainage from nearby residential areas. In contrast, the counts in Bridger and Rocky Creeks did not show such rapid increases = Between stations 7 and 9 numbers increased 286%, a result of outfall pollution at station 8. Between stations 8 and 9,numbers decreased 53% due to dilution by the East Gallatin River. Despite the low numbers of coliform organisms entering between stations 9 and 10 with the flow of Bridget Creek, the counts increased 47% between these two stations. satisfactory explanation has been-found. No Between stations 10 and 11 numbers decreased 55%, possibly as the result of an increased death rate. The population increased betweep. stations 11 and 12 possibly because of an intermittent source of pollution. Enterococcal Organisms. Numerical values for the enterococcal populations have been placed in Table XIV. Generally the enterococcal 28 counts closely paralled the coIiforms, although they were much lower. Counts in Rocky and Bridget Creeks showed a slow, increase in numbers When flowing towards Bozeman but counts in Bozeman Creek increased' ■ sharply in it's passage through town. : Counts reached a maximum at station 7 and decreased slightly downstream, tending to approach a constant value. Total Counts. XV. Results of the total count are presented in Table The populations fluctuated greatly but tended to increase as the water passed through Bozeman. was from Bozeman Creek. 288%. Above station 7 the major contribution Between stations 7 and 9 numbers increased . Numbers decreased 39% between 9 and 10 and increased 62% between 10 and 11. 24 Hour Studies. On days when a 24 hour study was made, samples were collected at 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400 and 0600 hours at stations 7 through 11. Coliform and cnterococcal populations were quantitatively determined by MPN as previously discussed. times were used to correct results for flow. Flow Data for each 24 hour study were plotted in the following manner: Coliform and enterococcal numbers were corrected for flow time and plotted■against time. Such plots showed gross differences in the Same body of water at different stations. Figures 2 and 3 show plots for the data of August 1-2, 1967. Mien the net differences between the stations are computed from plots corrected for flow time the result is a net rate of change such as.is 29 TABLE XIV. Number of organisms per 100 ml in water samples taken from the sampling stations during the summer of 1967 on 7/11, 7/19, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8 and 8/28. Coliform organisms Station min. I 150 19,000 76,000 2 4,600 7,400 10,000 '3 3,500 4,500 6,000 . 4 .3,000 •5 3,000 6 7,300 7 mean max. 8,100 ' 16,000 9,400 16,000 23,000 42,000 . 4,900 13,000 45,000 3,000 100,000 540,000 9 16,000 49,000 160,000 10 6,100 72,000 160,000 11 2,000 40,000 120,000 ■12 28,000 79,000 130,000 8 ' ; ' - Entcrococcal organisms I 9 170 470 2 370 450 750 3 30 430 840 4 190 . 380 ' 630 5 380 610 1,100' 6 770 1,300 2,100 7 . 460 3,400 11,000 8 30 2,400 19,000 9 300 2,400 11,000 ’ 10 460 3,100 390. 2,600 7,900 2,900 6,300 11 12 1 ,100 ' 11,000 30 TABLE XV. Station Total number of organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations on 7/11, 7/19, 7/25, and 8/8. 1967. min. mean THaX o .1 3,000 850 19,000 2 3,000 17,000 31,000 3 3,000 5,300 10,000 • 4 . . - 3,000 30,000 54,000 5 3,000 22,000 34,000 6 • 4,200 69,000 96,000 7 3,000 50,000 92,000 8 5.000 3,300,000 6,520,000 .9 8.000 190.000 320.000 10 4,200 120.000 320.000 11 2,800 191.000 470,000, 12 2,800 110.000 210.000 31 presented in Figure 4. Data from the three 24 hour studies are summar­ ized in Table XVI„ TABLE XVlo Percent change in numbers between stations. Coliform population I -19.0 Co • +738.0 % change 10+11 9-10 .7-9 Stations Ln . .. Enterococcal population Stations 7-9 % change -8.9 10-11. 9-10 ' -19.7 -46.4 .. Table XVI shows that, for coliform organisms a large increase in numbers occurred between stations 7 and 9; a result of outfallu pollutiono " ' ’ ' A moderate decrease in numbers occurred between stations 9 and 10 and a large decrease between 10 and 11 was evident. For the,. enterococcal population a slight decrease in numbers occurred between 7 and 9, probably as a result of effluent chlorination. A moderate decrease was observed between 9 and 10 and great decrease occurred between 10 and 11. Two periods of peak demand on the river were observed, one between 0900 and 1200, the other near 2400 hours. It can. be seen, that during periods of light pollution (morning), recovery (from the standpoint of coliform populations) is nearly complete at station 11. : '■ n :• 1 r r: . n o ENTEROCOCCAL ORGANISMS PER IOO ml. x IOOO Figure I. ... ------- 0600 STATION STATION STATION STATION STATION 1200 7 8 S 10 11 1800 2400 OSOO HOUR Results of a 24 hour sample taken August I & 2, 1967. MPN enterococcal counts were determined on samples collected at stations 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 at 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400 and 0600 hours. Data were corrected for river flow using the procedure of Odum (1956) and Wright (1967) described on page 24. 33 1500 - STATION STATION STATION STATION STATION 7 8 9 IO 11 CU 2 0 0 i- / IOO / • 0600 Figure 3. 1200 1800 HOUR 2400 0300 Results of a 24 hour sample taken August I & 2, 1967. MPN coliform counts were determined on samples collected at stations 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 at 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400 and 0600 hours. Data were corrected for river flow as described on page 24. 34 P" 500 I- OOI X Knoi I / '|W 001 K3c! SriolNVOKO NI 30NVH0 o / 200 I - 100 ^ •-0XV / ?«" O K -100 :or ( \ • \ ! COLSFORM ..-o - £ 0 0 1- \ \ -- STATIONS 7-9 — STATIONS 9-10 -- STATIONS IO-11 ■500 1X 4 IOl_____L OSOO Figure 4. I 1200 i i IS00 HOUR ' I 2400 ! I OSCO Rate of net change between stations over a 24 hour period August I & 2, 1967. The rate of net change was obtained from Figures 2 and 3 by calculating the net difference between stations 7-9, 9-10 and 10-11. 35" TABLE XVTL. Station Number of anaerobic heterotrophs per ml in water samples collected at the sampling stations. 7/3/68 5/15/68 '' 2 570 1,200 4 ' 580 570 850 ' 3,400 1 ,000 1,500 .1S 6 ■ , 2,000 7 640 8 15,000 9 1,300 10 .1,300 2,500 11 940 1,800 15,000 % Table XVII shows the anaerobic heterotrophic population. 2,600 On the earlier date (5/15/68) little appreciable increase occurred above station 7« The largest increase was between stations 7 and 9, after . which numbers decreased and tended to approach populations at stations 2 through 7. On the later date (7/13/68) numbers tended to be higher. Only slight increases occurred between stations 7 and 9, with slight decreases between 9 and 10 and rapid decreases between 10 and 11 that approached figures recorded at stations 2 through 7. 36 ;xviii. Total number of aerobic heterotrophs per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations. - 8/5/68 20*C 35°C 20°C 35*C 2 2,900 570 10,000 1,300 4 3,500 230 5,600 520 5 5,000 530 7,900 2,000 6 1,900 .830' 21,000 4,800 7 4,000 400 12,000 3,600 8 27,000 31,000 1,200,000 • 470,000 9 5,400 ■ 550 78,000 35,000 10 2,800 310 79,000 30,000 11 3,700 370 45,000 13,000 Station ' 5/8/68 Population at 20°C 5/8/68 = 7.7 Population at 35°C Population at 20°C 8/5/68 = 2.9 Population at 35°C Table XVIII presents the aerobic heterotrophic population. On the earlier date (5/8/68) only slight changes occurred between stations. On the-later date (8/5/68) significant increases occurred between stations 7 and 9, with a tendency for a decrease downstream. Above station 7 and major contributor of these forms was Bozeman Greek, follow­ ed by Rocky and'Bridger Creeks = If the count at station 8 is excluded, it, can be ,shown that the population at 35 C was present in a lesser proportion on the earlier date (5/8/68). This suggests that organisms ■of soil origin were present to a greater degree during spring runoff. 37 TABLE XIXo MPN of anaerobic nitrogen fixing organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations= 5/1/68 Station - 8/5/68 2 7 =9 , 0=45 4 3 =3 0.2 '5 3.3 0.2 6 2.3 0.78 7 4.9 0.45 8 270=0 24.0 9 22.0 4.9 13.0 . 1.3 10 • 11 7 =9 0.2 Table XIX shows the population "of anaerobic nitrogen fixing organisms= Above station 7 very low numbers were evident but" a" Large increase occurred between I and 9= There was a decrease downstream until the low figures recorded at stations 2 through 6 were similar • to those at station 11= Data for the later date indicated lower numbers but the pattern was similar. 38 TABLE XX„ IfPM of denitrifying organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations. 5/1/68 7/9/68 2 28 33 4 11 27 Station 5 6 7.9 ' 350 12 ■ . 6.4 7 - 48 40 8 470 35,000 ■9' 330 1,300 10 140 240 ' 11 21 1,300 Table XX presents the number of denitrifying organisms per ml. Upstream from station 7 data indicated low populations except for the value observed at station 6 on 7/9/68= Greatest increases occurred between stations 7 and 9 after which numbers tended to approach the low value recorded fcpr stations 2 through 5. major contributor was Bozeman Greek. Above station. 7 the ■ 39 TABLE XXI. Number of nitrite oxidizing organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations. Station 1,000 4 560 240 5 1,200 2,000 ■ 3,500 5,600 7 1,700 4,100 8 32,000 58,000 9 4,000 12,000 10 7,200 4,400 7,600 4,300 11 • ; 950 2 6 . , 7/22/68 '5/20/68 Table XXI shows the population of nitrite oxidizing organisms. Upstream of station 7 greatest numbers occurred at station 6 on both dates. Greatest increases occurred between stations 7 and 9. On the ■later sampling date numbers below station 8 tended to decrease to numbers recorded- for stations upstream, on the other hand, on the ■earlier date'they tended to increase. 40 TABLE XXII. Number of ammonia oxidizing organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations 5/20/68 7/22/68 2 1,800 1,850 4 5,700 900 5 7,400 - 3,200 6. 8,400 9,800 7 ' 5,300 5,800 8 100,000 170,000 9 11,000 10,000 10 '16,000 10,000 14,000 ■ 7,400 ;ation 11: Table XXII indicates the populations of ammonia oxidizing organisms. Only slight increases in numbers may be seen between the dates sampled. As previously noted station 6 had the highest numbers of the stations upstream from station 7, and numbers approximately doubled between stations 7 and 9; but between. 9 and 10 numbers in­ creased slightly or remained constant and then decreased slightly downstream to station 11. 41 TABLE XXIlI. Number of sporeforming organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations. Station 2 ■ ' 5/8/68 8/5/68 ■ 120 37 4 44 5 74 6■ 35 7 63 ' 21 31 . 91 _ 48 7 51 9 58 80 10 90 55 130 93 . 8 ' 11 . ‘ ' Table XXIII shows the sporeformer population. Numbers on the earlier date tended to be higher than those at the later sampling date. Great fluctuation was' apparent and appeared to be due to agricultural practices in the vicinity of the sampling stations. both cases maximum numbers occurred at station 11«' Station 4 (Bridger Creek) tended to contribute low numbers of sporeformers. In 42 TABLE XXIV.■ Number of urea hydrolyzing organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations. 7/22/68 Station 2 660 4 - 100 5 2,100 6 3,000 "..7 8 . ’ 3,100 13,800 9 4,400 10 3,700 11 4,000 Table -XXIV presents the urea hydrolyzing population. Only one sample is available since modification to the formula was first necessary. Station 4 (Bridger Creek) had'the lowest numbers. In general moderate increases occurred below station 5 with only slight increases between stations 7 and 9, below which numbers tended to remain constant. 'i 43 ’ TABLE XXVo Number of aerobic cellulose decomposing organisms per ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations= 7/3/68 6/23/68 Station ' 100 4 ■ 210 25 170 60 .6 250 30 7 400 30 8 230 20 30 35 160 90 230 50 5. 9 ' 10 ■n • ■ ■ ■i 50 2 Table XXV shows the numbers of aerobic cellulose decomposing organisms= Numbers tended to be highest on the earlier sampling date, probably d u e .to runoff- Considerable fluctuation was apparent and seemed dependent on terrain and agricultural practices- . The population of anaerobic cellulose decomposing.organisms was low. counts were between 2 and 5 organisms per ml. ficient to warrant any inferences. \ All The data were insufr- DISCUSSION A downstream increase in numbers of coliform and enterococcic organisms and total numbers was shown in the Bridger and Bozeman Creeks as well as the East Gallatin River itself. Of the three streams forming the East Gallatin River the major contributor to the microbial groups was Bozeman.Creek, followed by Rocky and Bridger Creeks. The; great increase found in Bozeman Creek is no doubt due to its passage through Bozeman. The study revealed no real indication of pollution due to the stockyard and slaughterhouse located on Rocky Creek but should not preclude the.possibility of intermittent pollution from these sources. It is possible that a significant portion of the .pollution of Bozeman Creek comes from homes bordering the creek since most use a septic tank.disposal system. The traditional indicators of fecal pollution are coliform and enterococcic populations. A review of the data does show a four fold increase in numbers of coliforms between stations 7 and 9 due to the sewage outfall. However, on dates of single samples numbers increased 497. between stations 9 and 10 and 99% between 11 and 12. If it were not for the influx of Bridger Creek between stations 9 and 10 the increase would have been even greater. The observed increases could.• have been due to growth of organisms in the river itself or to pollution, from adjacent agricultural areas. Hanes, Rohlich and Sarles (1966) and Scarce, Rubenstein-and ’Megtegian'(1964) in laboratory studies using samples' of raw wastewater diluted with B.O.D. water found that coliform 45 populations could increase in numbers at IO0C 3 20°C, and 30°C but that enterococcal populations could not. In the absence of data to confirm pollution of agricultural origin it -would seem that increases in numbers could be attributed to growth. Results of the flow time data indicate that sufficient time existed particularly in late summer. The decrease in numbers of coliform organisms between stations 9 and 10 could have been due to an increase in the death rate, an-. increase in predation, or to a settling out of the particulate matter to which the bacteria are attached. However, the most likely cause is a dilution effect due to the flow of Bridger Creek entering between stations 9 and 10. In the case of. the enterococcal organisms the picture changes. The mean values indicated a high at station 7 decreasing to a nearly constant value .at the lower stations. The low value recorded at the sewage outfall may have resulted from the practice of chlorinating the effluent. The enterococcal .group is noticeably less resistant to S' . . . extremes of environment than is the coliform group. The results of counts at stations 9, 10 and 11 would tend to agree with the findings of Hanes, Rohlich and Series (1966) since,numbers, did not appear to increase appreciably because of growth in the stream. This could indicate that fecal pollution below the outfall is minimal. The 24 hour studies were set up to show periods of demand on the river and recovery from pollution originating from the sewage outfall. It would seem that numbers of;enterococcal organisms do not - 1j ■ 46 serve as a reliable index of fecal pollution because of the low. values observed at and below the outfall* It is possible that in the absence of chlorination results would have been completely different. studies showed a more regular pattern. Goliform During periods of lesser pollution (1400 to 1900 hours), recovery of the river although never complete, was very, nearly so at station 11. That is, numbers at station 11 tended to approach numerical values, at station 7. During periods of peak pollution (0900 to 11400, 2000 to 2400 hours) recovery was far from complete even at station 11.due to the higher microbial load carried by the river during these periods. Aerobic heterotrophic counts were much higher at 20°C than,at 35°Co This was also observed by Boyd and Boyd (1967) in a study of arctic waters and by Harrison, Keller and Lombard,(1963) in a study of the Vaal River (South Africa)• If numbers, at 20 C ,are compared with numbers at •35°C it is seen-that the proportion of,organisms at 35°C is much lower for the.earlier sample (see Table XVIII). This seems to indicate that a greater proportion of soil organisms' and,.organisms attached to organic matter entered with the runoff during the spring. Anaerobic heterotrophs showed about a two-fold increase in numbers between sampling dates except at the outfall. This group could indicate the level of organic pollution in the water.' -It has been suggested by some sources, ,(Rodina, 1964) that anaerobic nitrogen fixers (principally Clostridium pasteurianum) could serve as a very sensitive criterion of organic pollution., i My results indicate that 47 this could well be the case and further suggest using C. pasteurianum as an indicator of pollution from soil sources. I was unable to verify the suggestion made by Deufel (1965) regarding use of Azotobacter as an indicator of organic pollution. The medium also allowed growth of other organisms which made counts confusing. ' Ryabov (1965) and Luchterowa (1962) suggested the.use of denitrifiers as pollution criteria. suggestion. The results of this study supported this The rise in numbers at .stations 6 and 8 probably indicate organic but not necessarily fecal contamination at these points. (At 8 fecal contamination obviously occurs). The rise in numbers between- stations 10 and 11 has already been noted and probably indicates pollution of an intermittent source. : The group of nitrite and ammonia oxidizing organisms is auto­ trophic and seems to be a sensitive index to the level of the partic­ ular substrate. • In general, numbers follow closely the nitrite and ammonia concentrations found at each station (Soltero, •1968). Chemical data indicated a low level of nitrite, below the outfall which increased very slowly as the water passed downstream. Numbers of nitrite oxidizers follow this chemical change very closely. Ammonia concentration was found to be much higher than nitrite and to increase slightly below the outfall to station 11, Soltero, (1968). v Numbers of ammonia oxidizers were found proportionate, ;to ammonia levels, hence they would be expected to be much more numerous than nitrite oxidizers. 48 Sporeformeirs do not seem to indicate fecal pollution but seem indicative of pollution from soil origin* This can be seen by the high counts during runoff at irregular points in the study area. High counts just below station 9 are easily seen by the dirt, concrete blocks, etc. pushed into the river at this point. It would seem that pollution introduced between stations 10 and 11 is of soil, rather than of fecal origin. No chemical data were available for comparison with numbers of urea hydrolyzing organisms. The observed decrease 'between stations 9 and 10 seems to be a result of substrate dilution. An increase in numbers of urea utilizers between stations 10 and 11 would be expected if organisms were to utilize the urea remaining at these points. Changes in nupbefs tend to suggest that the origin of cellulose decomposing organisms was from adjacent fields rather than fecal and . organic sources and probably represents a good index of pollution from soil origin. This;Is supported by the higher numbers found at various stations during spring runoff and low numbers found in the sewage effluent. SUMMARY During the summer of 1967 coliform, enterococcal and total microbial populations were determined at stations located on the East Gallatin River, and on Bozeman, Bridger, and Rocky Creeks near Bozeman, Montana, On dates when single samples were collected (7/11, 7/19, 7/25 and 8/8) all three groups were quantitatively determined at 12 stations. On dates when samples were collected every 3 hours during a 24 hour period (8/1 and 2, 8/15 and 16, and 8/29 and 30) coliform, and enterococcal populations were quantitatively determined at 5 stations, one.situated above, one out of, and 3 below the sewage outfall. During the spring and summer of 1968, total numbers of bacteria and organisms classed as anaerobes, sporeformers, ammonia and nitrite, oxidizers, aerobic and anaerobic cellulose'decomposers, aerobic and anaerobic nitrogen'fixers, denitrifiers,■and urea utilizers were quantitatively determined at 9 stations. Except for urea utilizers, data for each group were based on samples taken on two different dates Above the sewage outfall the major pollution was from Bozeman Creek and could,have been of fecal origin. Below station 7 the sewage outfall was a major contributor but pollution enters from nearby agricultural areas as well. There was some indication of partial recovery from outfall pollution 5 miles downstream'of the sewage outfall. 50 Results from determinations.of aerobic hcterotroph, anaerobic nitrogen fixer, sporeformer, and cellulose decomposer populations suggested the possibility of serious pollution from agricultural sources during spring runoff. i Results from counts of the anaerobic nitrogen fixer, dcnitrifier, ammonia .and nitrite oxidizer populations seem indicative of 'organic and hence fecal pollution from the sewage outfall. If so, their numbers appear to indicate that under certain conditions partial or nearly full recovery from the sewage effluent may occur within 5 miles below the outfall. APPENDIX ENTEROCOCCAL ORGANISMS PER IOO ml. x IOOO 52 Figure 5. -- STATION • * • STATION --- STATION ---STATION ---STATION "-(j -j-y.' 0600 I •1’— ... 1800 HOUR 2400 0600 Results of a 24 hour sample taken August 15 & 16, 1967. MPN enterococcal counts were determined on samples collected at stations 7-11 at 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400 and 0600 hours. Data were corrected for river flow using the procedure described on page 24. 53 COLIFORM ORGANISMS PER IOO ml. x IOOO 1500 • STATION STATION -- STATION - - STATION -- SiAi ION IOOO 7 S 9 IO 11 400 - 200 :■ IOO - 0600 1200 1800 2400 0600 HOUR Figure 6. Results of a 24 hour sample taken August 15 & 16, 1967. MPN coliform counts were determined on samples collected at stations 7-11 at 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400 and 0600 hours. Data were corrected for flow using the procedure described on page 24. 54 -IOO COLiFORM -200 — STATIONS 7-9 --STATIONS 9-10 — STATIONS IO-Il — y ENTEROCOCCAL 0600 1200 ISOO 2400 0600 HOUR Figure 7. Rate of net change between August 15 & 16, 1967. The ed from Figures 5 and 6 by between stations 7-9, 9-10 stations over a 24 hour period rate of net change was obtain­ calculating the net difference and 10-11. ENTEROCOCCAL ORGANISMS PER IOO ml. x IOOO 55 --... ------- OSOO STATION STATION STATION STATION S .ATiON 1200 7 S 9 IO 11 1300 2400 0300 HOUR Figure 8. Results of a 24 hour sample taken August 29 & 30, 1967. MPN enterococcal counts were determined on samples collected at stations 7-11 at 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400 and 0600 hours. Data were corrected for flow using the procedure described on page 24. 56 COLIFORM ORGANISMS P E R IOO ml. x I O O O !500 - --IOOO ------- STATION STATION STATION STATION S iA.ION 7 8 9 10 II o 500 400 Figure 9. Results of a 24 hour sample taken August 29 & 30, 1967. KPN coliform counts were determined on samples collected at stations 7-11 at 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400 and 0600 hours. Data were corrected for flow using the procedure described on page 24. 57 C H A N G E IN O R G A N I S M S P E R IOO m l . / H O U R x I O O O 300 - COLIFO RM 200 __ STATION'S 7 - 9 — STATIONS 9 - 1 0 — STA TIO N S 10-11 ENTEROCOCCAL -IO - 2400 0600 OSOO HOUR Figure 10. Rate of net change between stations over a 24 hour period August 29 & 30, 1967. The rate of net change was obtained from Figures 8 and 9 by calculating the net difference between stations 7-9, 9-10 and 10-11. 58 TABLE ' ' Number of organisms per 100 ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations 8/1-2/67. X X V I o PdIifairm Time» Itims Stations 8 ’ 9 10 . 11 11,000 28,000 161,000 35,000 35,000 7,000 54,000 35,000 54,000 14,000 2,000 350,000 ■ 33,000 920,000 1500 4,000 49,000 49,000 12,000 13,000 1800 2,000 9,000 14,000 17,000 17,000 2100 7,900 160,000 ■ 35,000 54,000 54,000 2400 2,000 1,600,000 240,000 220,000 33,000 0600 11,000 540,000 17,000 130,000 N> O O O 7 0600 . 0900 1200 . - Enterococcal organisms 0600 3,300. 200 11,000 11,000 7,900 0900 3,300 17,000 7,000 1,300 1,700 1200 4,000 13,000 2,000 5,000 - 1500 5,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1800 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 , 2,300 .4,900 3,300 4,900' 2400 2,100 54,000 4,900 4,900 4,900 0600 2,200, 200 3,300 . 1,700 1,400 2100 ' not determined ' . 2,300 59 TABLE XXVII„ Number of organisms per 100 ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations 8/15 -16/67. do 11 leriti organisms i' Stations Time 8 7 . 11 92,000 24,000 160,000 17,000 92,000 79,000 160,000 24,000 17,000 1200 . 7,900 79,000 79,000 49,000 14,000 1500" 7,900 79,000 79,000 23,000 7,000 1800 4,900 240,000 27,000 23,000 14,000 2100 3,100 540,000 110,000 49,000 17,000 2400. 7,900 1,600,000 240,000 130,000 17,000 0600 7,000 2,000 5,000 31,000 92,000 • 0900 . 10 7,900 0600 ' 9 Enterococcal organisms 200 1,700 3,300 4,900 ' 35,000 13,000 7,900 200 200 ' 500 3,300 2,300 2,300 200 200 1,700 . . 3,300 200 500 •1800 400 200 1,300 7,900 'soo 2100 2,200 11,000 4,600 3,300 200 2400 2,100 ' 13,000 2,300 13,000 3,300 11,000 200 4,900 3,300 0600 3,300 0900 1200 '1500 . ■ ; ' 0600 . ' 500 ' 60 TABLE XXVIII. Nurnbe::: of organisms per 100 ml in water samples taken- at the sampling stations 8/29- 30/67. Gollform organisms Time Stations 7 8 9 10 11 0600 7,900 7,900 17,000 17,000 35,000 0900 - .1,700 ' 79,000 160,000 92,000 13,000 1200 13,000 540,000 79,000 79,000 ' 11,000 1500 7,900 110,000- 49,000 33,000 70,000 1800 7,900 130,000 79,000 23,000 17,000 2100 .3,300 350,000 .130,000 23,000 14,000 2400 7,900 I,600,000 350,000 33,000 17,000 0600 4,900 17,000 54,000 160,000 35,000 Enterococcal organisms 0600 9,400 200 1,700' 4,900 3,100 0900 . 3,300 7,900 3,300 ■ 1,100 2,200 1200 2,300 13,000 7,900 2,300 200 1500 2,200 13,000 4,900' 1,300 800 1800 7,900 2,300 2,200 2,300 1,100 2100 2,300 7,900 2,200 800 2400 13,000 28,000 13,000 4,900 800 0600 2,100 200 1,300 ' 2,100 3,300 . 17,000 ' 61 ' Number of coliform organisms per 100 ml in water samples taken at the' sampling stations during the summer of 1967. TABLE XXIX. Date 8/8 - 8/15 8/28 7/11 7/19 7/25 I 150 350 440 - 76,000 - - 2 . 9,000 5,900 4,600 - 10,000 - - 3 3,500 3,900 - - 6,000 - - 4 16,000 3,000 - - 5,300 - - 5 11,000 3,000 7,600 - 16,000 - - 6 7,300 11,000 34,000 - 42,000 - - 7 11,000 5,400 16,000 Il'000 11,000 45,000 7,900 7,000 7.900 4.900 8 30,000 3,000 270,000 28,000 540,000 52,000 92,000 2,000 7,900 17,000 9 31,000 16,000 25,000 161,000 17,000 140,000 24,000 5,000 54.000 35,000 130,000 160,000 160,000 31,000 160,000 35,000 2,000 120,000 17.000 92.000 35.000 35.000 Station 10 11 . .12' 11,000 38,000 80,000 6,100 17,000 - 9,400 13,000 28,000 8/1 130,000 - - .not determined i - 17.000 17,000 - TABLE XXX Number of enterococcal organisms per 100 ml in water samples taken at the sampling stations during the summer of 1967» Date Station . 7/11 7/19 7/25 I 9 23 170 2 270 750 390 3 ’ . 30 ' ' 840 8/8 8/15 8/28 470 - - - 370 - - - - 420 - - - - 630 - - " 540 - - - 1,000 - — 8/1 . 4 190 330 ■ 5" 400 i,ioo . 380 6 770 2,100 1,300 7 460 ■ 1,400 630 3,300 2,200 670 3,300 11,000 9,400 2,100 ■8 19,000 920 3,000 200 200 30 200 200 200 200 9 ' 1,500 940 2,400 11,000 3,300 300 1,700 500 1,700 1,300 460 11,000 1,700 480 3,300 .4,900 4,900 2,100 390 7,900 1,400 480 10 .720 11 .430 12 1,350 . 1,200 ■ 1,000 ■ - not determined 6,300' ’ _ »■ 1,100 4,900 . 3,300 — 3,100 3,300 ' - 63 TABLE XXXI. Total count of organisms per ml of water samples taken at the sampling stations during the summer ©£ 1967a Date Station 7/11- 7/19 7/25 . 8/8 I 8,600 3,000 19,000 3,300 2 3,000 31,000 30,000 5,600 3,000 - 3,000 54,000 34,000 - 3,000 5 34,000 30,000 - 3,000 6 96,000 88^000 89,000 4,200 7 69,000 92,000 35,000 3,000 8 6,520,000 - 5,000 ■9 270,000 300,000 - 8,000 10 320,000 30,000 “ 4,200 470,000 - 2,800 - 2,800 3 10,000 - 4 11 ' 12 not determined 100,000 ' 210,000 - - 64 TABLE XXXII.- O Temperature in C of water samples taken at the sampling ■stations during 1967 and 1968. July and August 1967 Stations 7/11 7/19 ,7/25 8/8 I . 10.8 - 11.5 9.6 2 12.5 - 13.7 11.8 3 11.4 - - 11.9 4 12.2 5 12.3 6 10.9 I 11.9 14.0 11.6 - 13.0 10.4 11.7 11.6 13.6 11.3 8 12.7 12.8 13.5 . 13.5 9 11.9 11.5 13.6 11.4 10 12.3 11.8 13.9 11.7 11 14.0 12.3 14.5 12.2 12 14.0 15.6 13.4 not determined 65 TABLE XXXII. CONTINUED. Aliquot I & 2, 1967 Time Stations 8 7 9 10 11 0600. 13.0 13.7 13.1 13.3 13.6 0900 12.8 14.0 13.2 13.2 14.8 1200 ' 15.1 15.3 15.3 15.1 1500 18 „6 ■ 15.4 18.9 18.5 18.9 1800 20.1 15.6 19.5 19.5 20.0 2100 18.6 15.3 18.1 18.2 18.7 2400 16.5 15.0 16.2 16.3 16.6 0600 12.7 13.5 12.6 13.0 13.5 - • 15.7 August 15 & 16, 1967 13.3 13.7 0900 . 12.4 14.5 12.7 12.6 13.4 1200 15.0 15.7 . 15.3 15.5 1500 ■ 19.6 18.5 19.0 18.6 19.3 1800 20.5 16.3 20.1 19.7 20.4 2100 18.7. 18.2 18.2 2400 17.0 0600 • 14.0 16 =6 15.4 16.5 13.4 14.0 13.3 13.5 H . 15.5 O 14.1 UO 14.0 H CO 13:0 0\ 0600 . , • ' 16.0 66 TABLE XXXII0 CONTINUED, August 29 & 30, 1967 Time Stations 7 8 9 11 ‘ 10 0600 13.0 14.3 13.1 13.3 13.5 0900 12.6 14.7 13.0 13.0 13.5 1200 14.0 15.6 14.3 14.4 15.0 15.00 17.6 16.0 17.6 17.2 . 18.0 18.0 15.8 17.6 18.0 18.3 2100 16.6 15.4 16.4 16.6 17.1 2400 15.0 15.4 1&.7 15.0 15.3 0600 12.5 14.2 12.6 12.9 13.2 1800 - Temperature in °C, 1968 Date Stations 5/1 5/8 5/15 5/20 5/28 7/3 7/19 7/22 8/5 2. 5.0 4.5 4.0 5.5 8.0 13.0 16.2 15.3 15.0 4 6.0 5=0 4.6 5.8 .8.0 11.4 14.0 14.5 14.8 5.5 4.6 4.0 6.0 8.0 13.5 16.7 15.8 ’ 16.0 7.0. 5.2 4.0 ' 5.4 7.4 10.2 13.8 14.0 13.4 '5 . 6 : C •' 7 6.0 4.8 4.0 5.8 8.0 12.3 16.0 15.5 15.0 '8 12.0 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.1 14.8 15.5 16.0 16.2 "9" 6.0 5.3 4.5 6.0 8.0 ' 12.5 16.2 15.8 15.4 10 6.0 5.0 4.6 6.0 8.4 12.5 15.5 15.4 15.3 11 6.3 5/0 4.8 6.2 8.5 13.0 16.0 16.0 15.6 LITERATURE CITED Allen, 0„ N„ 1957,, Minn., U.S.A. 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