Solid sorbents for the recovery of nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) for MHD exhaust gases by Christopher John Evoniuk A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Chemical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Christopher John Evoniuk (1976) Abstract: Nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) are air pollutants produced in high, temperature combustion processes. Th generating power by the Magnetohydro dynamic (MED) process high temperatures are used and subsequently nitrogen oxides are produced. Two methods which:' are technically feasible for the control of the nitrogen oxides (NO ) are: combustion modification to reduce the amount of NO produced and recovery of the NO for the manufacture of nitric acid or nitrate fertilizer. This research was performed to study solid sorbents for the recovery of nitrogen oxides. Results of this work indicate that the carbonates of lithium, sodium or potassium and the first row transition metal oxides are not effective absorbents. However, mixtures of sodium or potassium carbonate with manganese dioxide or ferric oxide are very effective absorbents of NO and NO2. Ten grams of a 1:1 mole mixture of alkali carbonate and metal oxide in a temperature range from 380-450°C reduced the NO concentration from 9000 ppm to less than 100 ppm from a feed of 500Xml/min consisting of 15% CO2, 18% O2, 66% N2 and .9% NOx in a contact time of less than 4 seconds. Other equally effective sorbents were potassium manganate and decomposed mixtures of sodium nitrate and ferric oxide. Sorbents could be regenerated and then reused by heating in a temperature range of 600-700°C. During the regeneration process, NOx could be recovered at concentration levels from 20 to 50% and the major component of the NOx was NO2. STATEMENT OE PERMISSXOli TO COPY In presenting t h i s thesis in, partial, fulfillment of the require­ ments for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection, I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for schol­ arly purposes m a y he granted b y m y major professor, or, in his absence b y the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain .shall not be allowed without m y written permission. Signature' Dat e : Vf 7^1 SOLID S ORBEMTS FOR THE RECOVERY OF ' MITROGEM OXIDES (MO AMD NO ) FROM MHD EXHAUST GASES ^ by CHRISTOPHER JOHN EVOMIUH A thesis submitfed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Chemical Engineering Approved: Chairperson, Graduate Committee Head, Major Depantmerrt''"] Graduate 9Dean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana Decemher, 1976 tit ACKUOELEDGEMENTS TIie author wishes to thank!.the faculty and staff of the Depart­ ment of CIiemical Engineering for tIieir assistance, especially Dr. F.P. McCandless for his Iielp and suggestions. Special thanks is extended' to the aut h o r 1s wife, Marian, for her help in typing and editing the thesis and for Iier patience. Financial support for this study was provided b y the Energy Research and Development Administration for Montana State University M H D Program Contract Mo. E (.49-18)-l8ll. Task HIV, administered through the Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page T O T A ....... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ii .................. LIST OF TABLES ........___ ............... ................ . IiI v ' LIST OF FIGURES ............ vi ABSTRACT IX INTRODUCTION I OBJECTIVES .... ................ ■--- ........---- ■............ . 6 APPARATUS AND P R O C E D U R E ....... 7 RESULTS ....... 13 APPLICATION ............................. 67 CONCLUSION ...................... 70 RECOMMENDATION ............. 72 LIST OF R E F E R E N C E S ... ...........'.......... .................... 73 V LIST OF TABLES Table I. Page Equilibrium Constants and Rate Constants .................l4 II. Equilibrium Values of NO and NO0 .......... 15 ■III. Equilibrium Values of N^O^ ........... l6 IV. Equilibrium Values of N g O ^ ..... . l6 V. VI. NO^ Absorption b y the Metal Oxides ..... . 20 NOx Absorption b y Mixtures of Na^CO^ and Metal Oxides ............................ VII. 24 Effect of Flow on Temperature Gradients in the Reactor and NOx Absorption ...... ......... . VIII. 33 NOx Absorption b y KMnO^ and Mixtures of N a N O ^ 5 Na^CO^, KgCO^j KNO^ with Fe 5O^ and MhO^ ..:.......... ...... . IX. 35 Equilibrium Constants for Reactions Involving NO and COg ..................................... X. Melting and Boiling Points of Alkali Carbonates and Oxides XI. XII. XIII. 49 .................................... Thermal Stability Characteristics of Alkali Oxides Possible Reactions of the Sorbents 53 .... 54 .......... .......... 58 Melting and Decomposition Temperatuhes of Alkali Nitrates, Nitrites and Hydroxides ............... 60 XIV. XV Cost of 7.28 x 10^ Moles of Sorbent Mixture Cost of Chemicals 67 69 LIST OF .FIGURES Figure 1. FI ott Diagram of Apparatus 2. Reactor Cross Section ... 3. NO 4. NO 5. NO X X X 6 . NO 7. NO X X 8 . NO 9. NO 10. NO ll. NO X x. X 12 . NO NO l4. NO 15. NO 16. NO 17. NO CO NO H 13. 19. NO 20. NO X X X X X X X X X X Absorption Curve for Li 2CO 3 Absorption Curve for Na2CO3 Absorption Curve for KgCO 3 Absorption Curve for TiO 2 . Absorption Curve for Co2 Os Absorption Curve for MnO 2 . Absorption Curve for Pe2 Os Absorption Curve for PbO 2 . Absorption Curve for Al2O3 Absorption Curve for Na2CO + TiO 2 Absorption Curve for .Na2CO3 + Absorption Curve for Na2CO3 + Cr2 O Absorption Curve for Na 2CO 3 + MnO 2 Absorption Curve for Na 2CO 3 + Fe2O Absorption Curve for Na 2CO 3 + Co2O Absorption Curve for Na2CO3 + NiO Absorption Curve for Na 2CO 3 + CuO Absorption Curve for Na2CO3 + Cu2O Vii Figure Rage 21. Absorption Curve for NagCO^ + Al^O^ .................. 29 22. MOx Absorption Curve for Decomposed MaWO^ + Fe^O^ ....... 31 23. MO^ Absorption Curve for Ma^ Fe^ O ^ .... ............. 31 2i. Effect of Temperature on MOx Absorption b y i 25. Decomposed MaMO^ + Fe^Og ......... ........ ................ Effect of COg on MOx Absorption b y Decomposed MaMO .26. 32 + Fe 2O 3 ......... .............. ....... . ..... ........ 34 Effect of MO to Og Ratio on MOx Absorption b y Decomposed M a M O 3 + FegQ 3 ......... ........................ . 34 27. MOx Absorption Curve for MagCO 3 + FegO 3 (Bed) ........... 37 28. MOx Absorption Curve for MaMO 3 + FpgO 3 (Bed) ............. 37 29. MOx Absorption Curve for KgCO 3 + FegO^ (Bed) ............ 38 30. MOx Absorption Curve for Decomposed KMO 3 + FegO^ (Bed) .. 38 31. MO (Bed) ............ 39 32. MOx Absorption Curve for KgCO^'+ MnOg (Bed) ............. 39 33. MOx Absorption Curve for KMhO^ + SiOg (Bed) ............. 4i 3^. MOx Absorption Curve for Decomposed MaMO 3 + MnOg (Bed) .. 4i 35. MOx Absorption Curve for MagCO 3 + SiOg (Bed) ............ 43 36. MOx Absorption Curve for .KgCO3 + SiOg (.Bed) ............. 43 37« MOx Absorption Curve for MnOg + SiOg (.Bed) ............... • 44 38. MOx Concentration During Regeneration of KgCO 3 + MnOg ... 45 39. Regeneration of KgCO 3 + MnOg .............................. x„ Absorption Curve for Ma CO 2 3 + MnO ^ 45 viii Figure Page 40. Loading Curve for KgCO^ + F e g O ^ .......... •................ 4-7 41. Loading Curve for KgCO^ + MnOg ........... ................ 4% ■42. Effect of Metal Oxides on Decomposition of Carbonates ... 56 43. Amount of .... ..... 63 44. Amount of Og Released From KgCO^ + FegO^ ........ ........ 63 45. Absorption of Og b y KgCO^ + MnOg and KgCO 0 + FegO^ ...... 66 Or . Released From K d 0CO Z 0> + M nO d 0 td ix ABSTRACT Nitrogen oxides- (NO and NO^ I are air pollutants produced in high, temperature combustion p r o cesses. T h generating power b y the Magneto­ hydro dynamic (MED) process high, temperatures are used and subsequently nitrogen oxides are produced. TVo methods which:' are technically feas­ ible for the control of the nitrogen oxides (NO ) are: combustion modification to reduce the amount of NO produced and recovery of the NO for the manufacture of nitric acid or nitrate fertilizer. This research was performed to study solid sorbents for the recovery of nitrogen oxides. Results of this w o r k indicate that the carbonates of lithium, sodium or potassium and the first row transition metal oxides are not effective absorbents. H o w e v e r , mixtures of sodium or potassium car­ bonate with manganese dioxide or ferric oxide are very effective ab­ sorbents of NO and NO^. Ten grams of a 1:1 mole mixture of alkali carbonate and metal oxide in a temperature range from SBO-U^O0C red­ uced the NO concentration from 9000 ppm to less than 100 ppm from a feed of 500Xml/min consisting of 15% C O g , 18% O g , 66% N^ and .9% NO^ in a contact time of less than 4 seconds. Other equally effective " sorbents were potassium manganate and decomposed mixtures of sodium nitrate and ferric oxide. Sorbents could be regenerated and then reused by heating in a temperature range of '600-T00°C. During the regeneration process, NO^ could be recovered at concentration levels from 20 to 50% and the major component of the NO^. was N O g . INTRODUCTION Removal and control of nitric oxide from exhaust gases is a prim­ ary concern for all combustion processes. - Nitric oxide (NO) is not . considered as an irritant in itself and is not considered to have ad­ verse health effects at concentrations found in the ambient atmosphere Its greatest toxic potential is due to its oxidation to nitrogen di­ oxide (NOg). Nitrogen dioxide exerts a toxic effect on the lungs and concentrations of greater than 100 ppm are lethal to most animal s p e c i e s , including man. ■ Long term exposure to low concentrations does not cause acute inflammatory responses but does have an accumulative sustained effect. Results of community exposure to NO^ levels of .062 to .109 ppm for long periods of time (6 months) gave an increased respiratory illness rate of 18% (Pollution Control Technology, 1973). On a global basis the total amount of nitrogen dioxide generated I by n a t u r e .exceeds that made by man-made technological sources. Nat­ ural scavenging processes in nonurban areas keep background levels on the order of 2 -■ 4 ppb. In urban areas the levels are frequently higher because pollutants are added faster than scavenging processes can control them. Fuel combustion is a major source of nitrogen dioxide in air pollution. Combustion of coal, oil and gasoline accounts for the ma j ­ ority of man-made emissions. The estimated global breakdown of nitro­ gen dioxide emissions in the year 1965 is as-follows (Seinfield, 1975) 2 Source Emissions in Trillion grams of Coal combustion 2h.h x 10 Petroleum processes and combustion 20.2 " Natural gas combustion 1.9 « Miscellaneous 1.5 " • (fires, etc.) EPA emission standards for KOg from coal fired steam generators a r e -0.TO Id. per million Btu of heat input or "approximately 600 ppm (Walters and G o o d w i n , 197^)• an efficiency of would be For a 1000 Megawatt MHD generator having 50% it is estimated that the exhaust gas flow rate 1.25 million standard cubic feet per minute and could contain from less than 600 ppm NO to greater than 30,000 ppm NO (3%) depen- . ding on the combustion process used (Hals and Lewis, 1973). To comply with EPA standards the MHD process would have to limit NOx (NO and NO^) emissions. Of the methods which appear promising, the most practical would be either combustion modification or absorp­ tion of the NOx produced. Previous Work Combustion modification would reduce the amount of NO formed by lowering of the combustion temperature (Pepper, Eustic and K r uger, 1972). However, a preliminary economic" analysis indicated that if the nitric oxide is collected and converted to nitric acid or a nitrate fertilizer, the income from marketing the product would be much greater 3 than that from the sale of electricity produced, b y the MHD generator (Wright and Yo u d e r i o n , 1976; Hals and Jackson, 1969). Since profit­ ability is the prime concern of any industrial process,collection of the nitric oxide would be preferred over combustion modification. A method which is technically feasible for the recovery of the nitric oxide is absorption by liquids or solids. Liquid absorption appears promising for it can be used to absorb both HO and SO^. Usually alkaline solutions or sulfuric acid are used in conjunction with equi­ molar concentrations of HO and HO^ (Hals and Jackson, 1969). Absorp­ tion of HO^ by liquid systems is' improved by having equimolar concen­ trations of the two oxides rather than just HO^ (Koval and Roberts, i 960). The increased absorption is due to the formation of HgO^ from the HO and HO^, whi c h is then absorbed to form nitrous acid. Hitrogen dioxide would have to be recycled to the incoming gas stream to achieve the equimolar concentration. Among the alkaline scrubbing systems which have been tested, lime-water or magnesium hydroxide solutions have been reported as showing the most promise (Bartok, et al, 1971). The magnesium hydrox­ ide is said to be better due to advantages in regeneration of the nit­ ric oxide from the nitrite formed. From the standpoint of forming a nitrate fertilizer, liquid ab­ sorbents form nitrites which would have to be oxidized to nitrates. Also the regeneration of liquid sorbents produces HO and little HOg k which, means that an added investment would he needed to oxidize the W to N O . -Among solid sorbents, metal oxides, especially manganese and fer­ ric oxides, have been reported to show technical potential (Leung and G i d a s p o w , 1974). Patent literature indicates that sodium and calcium carbonate or calcium oxide can be used to. absorb M o r e l l o , and Peters, 1969). but not NO (H a r r e s , Nitric oxide is removed at normal temper­ atures and pressures by inorganic salts of hydroxy acids (FeSO^, KMnO^, KClO^) by inorganic oxides (Na^O^, PbO^) or by inorganic halides (KI, CuCl2 ) (Lewis, 1975). A ferric oxide-sodium oxide sorbent developed by R» A. Ogg and J. D. Ray (U.S. Patent 2,684,283) absorbs NO at 400°C forming sodium nitrate and little sodium nitrite. The sorbent was prepared by heat­ ing 2 moles of sodium nitrate (NaNO^)-and I mole of ferric oxide (Fe 2O ^ ) in a temperature range of JOO to 900°C until the sodium nit­ rate was largely decomposed and no nitrogen oxides were being given off. When a gaseous mixture consisting of 0.7% NO, oxygen and nit­ rogen was contacted wi t h the sorbent the NO was absorbed and sodium nitrate was formed. Nitrogen oxides could then be recovered in a con­ centrated form on heating the sorbent to a temperature of over 700°C. A sorbent of this type would be particularly useful since a nitrate fertilizer could be directly formed or a concentrated stream of nitrogen oxides could be produced for the manufacture of nitric acid. 5 The importance of HO and.NO^ concentrations in the formation of nitric acid is best shown hy the following example: I atm and 25°C containing 5$ H of which For a gas mixture at Q0% is oxidized to NOg the equilibrium- strength of nitric acid with this gas mixture is weight (C h i lton„ 55% by 1968), while if the gas contains 50% HO^ of which 80% is oxidized to HOg then the equilibrium strength of nitric acid is rJ0% b y weight. The increased concentration is useful if the nitric acid is to be concentrated. Also by increasing the pressure of the concentrated NO^ stream the equilibrium strength of nitric acid would be well over 70%. OBJECTIVES The purpose of this research was to develop a solid for the re­ moval of NO and NO^ (NO^I from the M HD exhaust gases and either convert them to a nitrate or on regeneration produce a more concentrated stream of NO^ or NO. Other objectives were to determine the factors w h i c h affect the absorption and regeneration processes. APPARATUS AED PROCEDURE Figure I is a schematic of the apparatus used. Individual gas ' ■ streams were passed through rotameters and into a mixing chamber to r form a test gas of similar composition to that expected for the MHD exha u s t . From the mixing chamber the gas could be passed directly to the HO^ analyzer to determine the NO^ composition.or it could be passed to the reactor and then to the NO^ analyzer. Septum ports were located on b o t h sides of the reactor to permit taking of gas samples for analysis of CCR,, E^ and CR,. Figure 2 is a schematic of the reactor. a stainless steel pipe The reactor consisted of 10.5 inches long with an outside diameter of 7/8 inch and an inside diameter of 5/8 inch. couple well made from l A A stainless steel thermo­ inch O.D. and 5/32 I.D. tubing was situated in the center of the reactor. Approximately 7 inches from the top of the reactor a stainless steel porous disk was placed. Beneath the disk the reactor was packed with stainless steel rings which served to preheat the gas coming in. of the disk. Materials to be tested were placed on top Glass wool packing at the exit of the reactor prevented solid particles from blowing o u t . After each run the reactor was cleaned with dilute hydrochloric acid, rinsed with distilled water and dried. The reactor was heated by an inconel pipe wrapped with 6.5 feet of ceramic beaded n i chrome wire (.9 ohm/ft) and insulated b y a 6.5 inch diameter housing packed with zeolite. Rotatmeters Air or N O 2 or NO Mixing chamber Sample port Exhausts Water cooler Analyzer Dilutent rotatmeters Filter Reactor Temperature recorder Figure I. Flow Diagram of Apparatus Sample port 9 To analyzer Inconel pipe •Glass wool Thermocouple well Heater coils Absorbent Insulation Porous stainless steel disk Housing Stainless steel Stainless steel rings Glass wool Feed gas Thermocouples Figure 2 Reactor Cross-section 10 Sorbents The sodium oxide-ferric oxide sorbent was prepared by heating a 2:1 mole ratio mixture of sodium nitrate and ferric oxide at red heat in a small rotating kiln over a large burner for approximately one hour. Gravimetric analysis indicated a weight loss of approximately 31% w h i c h corresponded to a formula of NagOFe^O^ for the remaining material. Bulk density of the substance when loosely packed was. beO tween 1.33 and 1.44 g/cm . Transition metal oxides and the alkali carbonates were tested in the form that they were obtained from reagent grade chemicals. tures of the oxides and carbonates were made on a Mix­ 1:1 mole basis and 10 g. of the resulting mixture was used for testing. The chemicals were dry mixed with a mortar and pestle. Gas Mixtures Standards for calibrating the analyzer were made b y diluting .50% HO (5 0 0 0 ppm) with room air. The reactant gas mixtures also contained HO diluted w i t h room air to produce the desired HOx concentration, generally between .75% (7 5 0 0 ppm) and 1% ( 1 0 ,0 0 0 p p m ) . Hitric oxide reacted with oxygen in the air to produce a final gas mixture con­ taining approximately .5% HO and .5% H O ^ . Carbon dioxide was added to the feed stream and the resulting concentration of COg was approximately 15%. Due to plugging of the 11 analyzer B y high, concentrations of moisture, no appreciable amount of HgO was included in the feed gases other than what was in the room air. To determine the effect water had on the absorption, the air was saturated prior to being mixed w i t h HO at 2It0C to get a moisture con­ tent of approximately 2 - 3$. Analysis of HO and HOg was accomplished using a Thermo-Electron Model IOA Self-Contained Chemiluminescent HO-HO^. Gas Analyzer, which has the capability of measuring from 0-10,000 ppm of HO or H O g . ni­ trogen and oxygen analysis was performed on a Beckman gas chromatograph using a column packed w i t h molecular sieve- type 13-X. Carbon dioxide analysis was performed on a Varian gas chromatograph using a column packed w ith Porapak Q-S (Waters Associates). Hitrate Analysis Hitrate analysis was performed b y using an Orion specific ion electrode model 93-07. The solid sorbent was dissolved in water and the p H of the resulting solution was adjusted to approximately 5. The resulting solutions were then compared to known mixtures contain­ ing nitrate and nitrite ions. Presence of the nitrite ions was det­ ermined in the following m a n n e r ; The amount of HO^ absorbed by the sorbent was determined from the absorption versus time curves. Stand­ ard solutions of nitrate and nitrite ions -were made to approximate the concentration anticipated when the. sorbent w a s .dissolved in water. 12 Comparison of the reading for the sorbent solution and for each stand­ ard solution tras then made to determine if nitrite or nitrate ions were predominately present. RESULTS Due to the reaction of NO with. to form NO2 , it was necessary to determine the actual compos'ition of the gas entering the reactor. Writing the chemical equation for the oxidation of NO to NO 2 as: '2N0 i O2 = 2N0g the rate expression for the formation of N O 2 'can he written as: dpNOgyzdt = NO P0g where, " rate of change in the partial pressure of NOg dPN0 k = reaction rate constant PN0 = partial pressure of NO Pq = partial pressure of Og The rate expression can be written in a more useful form L y letting a = initial partial pressure of NO (atm). ■ L = initial partial pressure of Og (atm) c = partial pressure of NOg at time t t = time from start of reaction (sec.) k = reaction rate constant: ' and.T is in pK' (Chilton, k = exp( 6^l/T - 0,72p) (atm ^sec 1 ) 1968) . substituting these variables in the original rate equation gives the expression: dc/dt = k(a T c)2 (b - c/ 2 ) Xf b is m u c h larger than c /2 then the last term on the right hand side Ill reduces to "b,. TKe resulting expression can be easily integrated and solved for c to give; c = a(l - I / CaKbt t ill If a = .01, Tb = .21, k g .38 and t = 27 then c = Xf a = .0068 atm C6800 ppm I .008 and the other variables remain the same then c = .00506 atm (5060 ppm] Approximately 50% of the original NO is' oxidized to UO^ in the time (2. 7? s e c ) it takes, the feed, stream to reach the reactor. To determine if the NO^ decomposes significantly as it passes through the preheat section, the equilibrium constant (K ) and the P rate constants for the forward (k^] and reverse (k^] reactions need to be known. Table X lists values of k^ calculated from the .expression; 1V M d = kP = P N 0g/P NOp O 2 TABLE I; °C 38 K I X Equilibrium Constants and Rate Constants 200 5 H 6 10 IlOO I x IOp I x 2.2 x IO 1 li.3 1.69 2.2 x ir;3 X 1 0 - 5 • 10 I (Chilton, 600 800 -I I x 1968) 10 -3 1.7 x 10 0 P V kd IO-10 ,.169 1 .02. 10 . RJ .Jh5 7.'ii5 x IO 2 As can be seen from the table the decomposition reaction does not proceed at a significant rate until the temperature exceeds 1|00°C. 15 Since the. decomposition reaction vlll Be Important aBore UOO 0C , it is important to know* vzhat the' equilibrium .concentrations' of NO and NO^ will he above this- temperature. Table H lists- some w a lues for the concentrations- of NO and NO^ when the initial amount of NO added to a stream containing TABLE II: 21$ Og is- known. Equilibrium "Values- of NO and NOg Initial NO concentration = 10,000 ppm ®c Uoo 600 800 N O g (ppm) 677U 17U 0 - U NO(pprn). 3226 8260 9996 Initial concentration = 8,000 ppm N O g (ppm) 5U 20 1390 3 N O (ppm) 2580 6610 7997 Comparison of these values w i t h the values calculated for the feed composition indicates that the concentration of NO and NOg entering the reactor will be close to the equilibrium concentration of NO and NOg at U-OO0C, Other nitrogen oxide species that could form from the mixture of NO and NOg are dinitrogen trioxide (NgO^ I and dinitrogen tetroxide (NgO^). and Table IV. Equilibrium values for these are shown in Table III 1 16 TABLE III: Equilibrium Values for (Chilton, 1968) K = P /PT P N 2O 37 NO NO 2 Reaction NO + NO 2 = NgO 0.272 0 .4 7 5 K 0 .1 4 5 Equilibrium Values for N 5O^ (Chilton, TABLE IV:: Reaction 45 35 25 °C 2N 02 = N 2O 4 kp °C P 20 65 12 = V ZV 1 1 2 80 - 60 Uo 2.7 O CVJ K 0 1968) .'67 Inspection of the equilibrium values indicates that neither of these species would be .-significant" at temperatures above I OO 0C. •.Graphs and Order of P r e s e n t a t i o n -• • - • Some points which are important in reading of the graphs are as follows: The feed concentration is in ppm of NO while the exit conc­ entration'' is in ppm of NO^ (NO + NO^). It should also be noted that desorption is occurring when the exit concentration (NOx ) exceeds the original NO concentration in the feed. Since absorption tests were performed with changing temperature, the concentration of NO in the x gas stream leaving the reactor and the corresponding temperatures are 17 plotted against time. The original order of testing sorbents was to examine the sodium oxide-ferric oxide sorbent in detail since it was reported to be a very effective solid sorbent. Then mixtures of alkali carbonates and metal oxides were tested as was.the individual components of the mixtures to determine if a more effective sorbent could be found. For unification the results are presented in the order that follows. UOx the Alkali.Carbonates The concentration of UOx leaving the reactor and temperature curves for runs made with 10 grams of Li^CO^, Ua^CO^, and K^CO^ are shown in Figure 3, I and 5. Each carbonate has an initial absorp­ tion m aximum at approximately IOO0C and at 350 - U50°C.. The absorp­ tion at I O O 0C does not occur after the carbonates have been heated. Absorption capacity increases from lithium to potassium. carbonate is unique in that it reduces the UO (UO + UO Potassium ) concentra- tion leaving the reactor below the UO^ concentration entering the reactor at temperatures between 350 and U^O 0C. It should be remem­ bered that of the original UO that is injected into the feed stream, approximately half is oxidized to UO^ before reaching the reactor. Also as UOg is absorbed the possibility exists that the rate of UO oxidation will increase creating more HOg which can be absorbed. '- k 18 too ^ £ Sxlt Concentration 500 3 I kOO 300 Figure 3. NO x Absorption Curve for Li0CO 2 3 Sa2CO3 Feed - $00 al/mio air (ppm NOx x IO--3) 9000 ppm NO ___ Temperature Minutes Figure 4. NO Absorption Curve for Na0CO0 x 2 3 I 19 [,CO, Peed - 500 al/ain air 9000 ppm 30 _ _ Temperature Temperal _ 1,300 ppm — 300 ppm Mlnutea Figure 5. N O ^ Absorption Curve for K g C O ^ 20 A b s o r p t i o n .of NO^ .by .Metal.Oxides 6 through- 11 are the results of the runs made with metal Figures oxides TiO2 , M n O 2 , FegO^, CogO^, PbOg and AlgO^ (activated alumina). Of these oxides, alumina and lead dioxide showed the greatest potential for absorbing N O ^ . ■ At room temperature AlgO^ absorbs NOg and possibly some N O . (Fig­ ure .11) while PbOg absorbs primarily NOg (Figure 10). Both oxides have an absorption maximum at about 300 - U00°C, but AlgO^ desorbs in the temperature region from 20°C to 300°C. Above a temperature of U00°C AlgO^ and PbOg desorb NO^ and after the desorption AlgOg will absorb more NO^ at U 00°C than previously (9200 ppm compared to 800 p p m ) , while PbOg absorbs less (3500 ppm compared to 6250-ppm). Manganese oxide absorbs mostly NOg at room temperature but as the temperature increases from 26°C to 500°C desorption occurs (Figure 8 ), then as the temperature decreases from 500°C to 300°C some absorption occurs again. TABLE V. NO x 'Table 5 summarizes the performance of the metal oxides. Absorption by the Metal Oxides ■■ To (ppm) Oxide From (ppm) TiO 2 .9,000 .7,000 MnOg 10,000 7,500 PbOg 7 *000.. 750 From(ppm) To(ppm) COgOg 9,000 " 6,800 Fe2 Og 10,000 8,900 10,000 800 "Oxide M 2O 3 ' 21 TOO 600 u 8 U00 I 300 6 . NO^ Absorption Curve for TiO^ 600 500 Uoo 300 200 100 Figure 7. NO Absorption Curve for Co0O 2 3 I Temperature Figure 22 -T •o 700 500 I I IiOO Figure Tempera! 600 F I 8 . NOx Absorption Curve for MnO^ Fe2O3 Feed - 500 ml/min air 8,900 PJM 10000 prpm NO _ Temperatrue Temperature (°C) ------- ,0x Minutes Figure 9. NOx Absorption Curve for Fe^O^ 23 Feed - 500 al/min air Tempei 7000 rpo SO Minutes Figure 10. NO^ Absorption Curve for PbO^ Activated alumina (AlgO^) Feed - 500 ml/min air 10000 ppm HO I Figure 11 NO^ Absorption Curve for Al^O^ 2b It should be noted that these absorption.tests were performed when . no COg was present in the feed. Absorption b y Mixtures of Metal Oxides and Alkali Carbonates Results of the runs made with mixtures of the first row trans­ ition m etal oxides and sodium carbonate are shown in Figures 12 to 21. In all cases a maximum absorption occurs in the temperature range from 350 ' to h50°C. No increase in absorption of HO^ occurs over that for' R a ^ C O ^ .until, oxides of manganese^,.-iron,..c o b a l t , n i c k e l , or copper are used. The oxides of manganese, iron, nickel, and cobalt when mixed with sodium carbonate reduce the the reactor to less than 100 ppm. run made w i t h M n O g ). concentration leaving (Rote that CO^ was present in the Table VI summarizes the performance of mixtures of RagClg with metal oxides. TABLE VI. ROx Absorption by Mixtures of RagCOg and Metal Oxides Oxide I t o m (ppm) To(ppm) Oxide FromCppm) To (ppm) 10,000 3,000 COgOg 9,000 100 . 8,000 1,900 RiO 8,000 30 CtgOg 8,000 3,200 CuO 8,000 800 MnOg 8,000 50 CUgO 8,000 550 FegOg 7,500 25 AlgOg 10,000 600 TiOg V 2 05 • 25 Ha2CO3 + TlO2 Feed - 500 ml/min air 10000 ppm NO _ _ _ Tatrperature 7OC 600 HOO Temiperi 500 30C 3,000 ppm 200 100 0 Figure 12. NO^ Absorption Curve for Na^CO^ + TiOg TOO 600 o’ ,00 I I itoo E Figure 13 . NO^ Absorption Curve for Na2CO3 + VgO^ 26 Temper! Exit Concentration (ppm HO Heed - 500 ml ,'Bin air 3,200 ppn Minutes Figure l4. NO x Absorption Curve for Na 0CO 0 + Cr0O 2 3 2 3 Feed - U-OO al/ain air BCCO ppr RC Concentration (ppm Temperature (0C) x 10*J ) ICC ai /Bin CC 50 ppm Minutes Figure 15 NOx Absorption Curve for Na2CO3 + MnO,. 27 'rOO 60C v 500 I I too I 30C 2OC 100 Figure l 6 . NO^ Absorption Curve for Na^CO^ + Fe^O^ 600 500 p § 300 Figure 17. NO^ Absorption Curve for Na2CO^ + Co2O^ Tempei 8 Uoo 28 Sa2OO3 ♦ SiO Peed - 500 al/min air 8000 ran SO _ _ _ Temperature ------ 6oo z 200 200 ppm Minutes Figure l 8 . NO^ Absorption Curve for Na^CO 3 + NiO Sa0CO, + CuO 500 ni/ain air 8000 ppm NO 600 u ^ Tem pe: 500 800 ppm Minutes Figure 19 . NOx Absorption Curve for NagCO3 + CuO 29 700 600 u Uoo 4» g Temperat 50 0 300 200 Figure 20. NO^ Absorption Curve for Na^CO^ + Cu^O 700 50 0 I S g. Uoo g Figure 21. NOx Absorption Curve for Na^CO^ + AlgO^ 30 ITO^ Absorption "by Sodium Oxide and Ferric Oxide Mixtures .(Ferrates) A mixture of sodium nitrate and ferric oxide was heated to decom­ pose the nitrate and form a sodium oxide-ferric oxide m i x t u r e . Also a sample of commercial sodium ferrate (WagFe^O^) was obtained and test­ ed. Even though b o t h substances had the same molecular formula, the commercial ferrate was red while the ferrate made from nitrate was yellow. (Note: When pure NaWO^ was decomposed, a yellow substance was produced, presumably sodium peroxide (Wa^Og)). The results of runs made with these two ferrates are shown in Figure 22 and 23. Both absorb WO^ at low temperature and also absorb NO and WO^ at approximately 380 - 500°C, reducing the exit concentra­ tion of NO to less than 100 ppm. test). (CO^ is" present in the NaNO^ + Fe^O^ It is interesting to note that the temperature where absorp­ tion starts to occur is also the temperature at which the sodium nit­ rate starts to decompose and give off NO (380°C). The extended temperature range in whi c h absorption occurs may be due to temperature gradients in the reactor (see Table V I I ). It can be assumed that the middle of the reactor is where absorption first ■ occurs and also the point at which the temperature first reaches 380°C. A test on the effect temperature had on absorption is shown in Figure 2h. In this test no CO^ was present. off at approximately 380°C. Absorption of NO^ starts to drop 31 Feed - UOO ml/min air 7000 ppm NO 100 ml/min C0„ _ _ _ Temperature ------- "°x 100 ppm Minutes Figure 22. NO^ Absorption Curve for Decomposed NaNO^ + Fe^O^ * V e2°i. Feed - 500 ml/min air 10000 ppm NO _ Temperature , u 60 0 ° 500 I Uoo I 300 100 50 ppm b Minutes Figure 23 . NO^ Absorption Curve for Na^Fe^O^ 32 ___ Taapermt-.ire Peed — 2k0ml/mln 7500 M » 10 (.75%) 10% O2 CoocentrstIon of HO. (pj») In Ellt St Haemlnder Ig Temperal -ItOO Figure t 2k. Effect of Temperature on NO Absorption by Decomposed NaNO^ + F e ^ O ^ 33 TABLE V X I . Effect of Flow on Temperature Gradients in the Reactor and NOx Absorption Flow (ml/min) 600 800 1100 1200 T (0C) 457 457 457 457 Tt (0C) 402 400 395 395 Tm( 0 C) 445 445 4oo . 435 Tb (0C) 330 330 320 310 20 16 18 20 W NOx (ppm) T = temperature of outside wall of reactor across from T w m Tj. = temperature I inch below the top of reactor Tm = temperature I inch above the porous disk (middle of reactor) Tj3 = temperature .5 inch below the porous disk NOx = concentration of exit stream (feed is 5000 ppm NO) (Temperatures were measured by using thermocouples). * Also in Table VII the exit concentration of NO leaving the % reactor at the various flow rates are listed. Even though the flow rate was doubled the absorption of NOx was not affected. Figures... 2.5. and 26 show 'the effect CO^ and O^ had on the absorp­ tion of NO and NO * oxide. C. at 400°C b y the decomposed sodium nitrate-ferric The presence of carbon dioxide in amounts of 20% or greater affected the absorption of N0x ; and when the NO to O^ ratio was below 1:2 the absorption of NOx was also severely reduced. 25 Decomposed SaHO^ ♦ Fe^O^ Feed - 325 ml/min air Exit Concentration Cppe *0^ 20 - 15000 ppm BO 15 - Effect of CO on NO Absorption by Decomposed NaNO + Fe 0 Concentration (ppn NO^ x . 1:3 I:' Ratio of BO:Og Figure 26. Effect of NO to Og Ratio on NO^ Absorption by Decomposed NaNO3 + Fe2O3 35 Performance of Sodium and Potassium Carbonates and Nitrates with Manganese and Iron .Oxides'......................... Figures 27 through 32 are the results of tests made with dif­ ferent combinations of manganese and ferric oxides w i t h the carbonate and nitrates of potassium and sodium. Table V Z I I ). and sorbent (The results are summarized in In these tests equal volumes of 20-30, mesh. Ottawa sand (.025 moles) were mixed together and poured into the reac­ tor to form a packed bed. The volume between the bed and top of reac­ tor was then filled with Ottawa sand to keep the sorbent from separ­ ating out. TABLE VIII. NOx Absorption by KMnO^ and Mixtures of NaNO^, Na 2CO^, KgCO^, ENO^ with FegOg and MnOg NO Sorbent Concentration'Reduced x From 9000 ppm To (ppm) NagCOg + FegOg 200 NaNOg + FegOg 150 KgCOg + Fe2 Og 25 KNOg + Fe2 Og 250 N a 2COg + MnOg 150 KgCOg + MnOg 50 NaNOg + M n O g 2500 KMnOli 25 36 Sodium nitrate-ferric oxide mixtures absorbed slightly more NO than did the decomposed sodium carbonate-iron oxide. The first absorp­ tion at 380°C reduced the NO^ concentration to 1900 ppm for the car­ bonate and ppm for the nitrate, while NO at the second absorption x at 380°C was reduced to 200 ppm and 150 ppm by the carbonate and nit­ rate respectively. It was found that upon successive regeneration, the carbonate mixture steadily improves and surpasses the performance of the nitrate mixture. Similarly with the potassium carbonate and decomposed nitrate m ix­ tures w i t h ferric oxide (Figures 29 and 30), the carbonate performed m u c h better than the nitrate, reducing the NO^ concentration to less than 50 ppm, compared to 400 ppm for the nitrate. A few factors worth noting about the potassium carbonate-ferric oxide mixture a r e : (i) it absorbs more than Na^CO^ + Fe^O^ or decomposed NaNO^ + Fe^O^, (ii) absorption starts at a lower temperature (300oC) compared to 380°C for the sodium carbonate, (iii) a higher temperature is needed for regeneration (this m a y be caused by the temperature gradient in the reactor), and (iv) more NO^ is absorbed at lower temperature than for the previous mixtures. The effect of using manganese dioxide with sodium and potassium carbonate is shown in Figures 31 and 32. Absorption was improved for the sodium carbonate (the NO^ concentration dropped to less than 100 ppm) and there was a slight improvement for the potassium carbonate 37 TOO 600 t. E 5 00 5 1.00 £ I Figure 27. NO x Absorption Curve for Na CO 3 + Fe 0 (bed) <- 3 Decomposed IiaHO3 + Fe, Feed - UOO ml/min air 9000 ppm NO 15.8$ CO2 _ _ _ Temperature TOO 600 500 UOO S I 300 200 100 0 Figure 28. NO^ Absorption Curve for NaNO3 + Fe^O3 (^ed.) 38 TOO 60 0 o 500 i Uoo Temperal £ 300 200 Figure 29. NO^ Absorption Curve for K^CO^ + Fe^O^ (bed) Decoaposed KNO^ + Pe^O^(bed) Peed - UOO ml/min air 9000 ppn NO 15.85 CO2 _ _ Temperature Temperature (°C) _ --- 250 ppm Figure 30 NO^ Absorption Curve for Decomposed KNO^ + Fe^ (bed) 39 700 6oo £ 500 I 300 200 ICC Figure 31. NO x Absorption Curve for Na CO j + MnO 2 (bed) KpCO 3 + MnOp (bei) Feed - 100 ml/air. air 9000 ppE n: 15.2% CCp _ _ Temperature Tempe- _ 50 ppm 100 ppm Minutes Figure 32. NO^ Absorption Curve for KpCO3 + MnOp (bed) (KOx dropped to less than 40 p p m ) . Again the mixture with CO^ ab­ sorbs more than the NagCO^ m i x t u r e . Unlike the potassium carbonate-ferric oxide m i x t u r e , the manganese mixture formed clumps which could cause problems in a large scale reac­ tor. The clumpy material when dissolved in water produced a green colored solution w h i c h is characteristic of potassium manganate (KgMnO^) (Partington, 1921; Tyree and Knox, 196l). A test was per-' formed in which a mixture of KgCO^ and MnOg was decomposed at a high temperature in an atmosphere of Kg. When the decomposition was con­ sidered to have proceeded sufficiently the reactor was cooled down and the material removed. This material was hard and initially had a blue color, indicating that potassium hypomanganate had formed (K^MnO^) (Partington, 1921). On being exposed to the room atmosphere, the blue material gradually turned green and became moist. The green material is presumably potassium manganate while the moisture m a y be due to the formation of potassium hydroxide which then absorbs moisture from the air. Potassium permangante ('KMnO^) and a decomposed mixture of sodium nitrate and manganese dioxide were tested to see if they would absorb N0x . Results of these two tests are shown in Figures 33 and 34. performance of the decomposed nitrate mixture was poor. The However, the potassium permanganate absorbed almost all the NOx in the feed. The temperature at which the KMnO^ started absorbing is the temperature KMnOl 4+ Sloshed) Feed - 1*00 ml/ain air 9000 ppc NO 15.8? CO^ _ _ __ Temperature 7OC 600 500 too 300 20C IOC 25 ppm 0 Minutes Figure 33. NO^ Absorption Curve for KMnO^ + SiO 2 (bed) 700 600 £ t 500 2 I Uoo I 300 200 100 Figure 3U. NO^ Absorption Curve for Decomposed NaNO^ + MnO5 (bed) k2 at which it decomposes (l90°C) to potassium manganate (K5M n O ^ ) . The possibility existed that SiCh in the Ottawa sand reacted with the carbonate or manganese dioxide and increased their sorbent ability. It'is known "that SiOg will displace CCL from carbonates at high temp­ eratures to produce silicates. Figures 35 through 37 are the results of potassium c a r bonate, sodium carbonate and manganese dioxide tested independently of each other w i t h Ottawa sand. The Ottawa sand did not improve absorption. Regeneration Studies Figures 38 and 39 are typical regeneration curves for K CCL-MnCL. Four absorptions- and regenerations were performed w i t h the K^CO^-MhO^ mixture and there was no indication of loss in sorbent performance. The concentration of RO X obtained on regeneration depends on the flow rate used,..the amount preabsorbed and the heating rate used in regen­ eration.' An ROx concentration of greater than 50% was- obtained on regenerating MhOg-KgCO^ sorbent at a temperature of 600 - JOO0C using 10 ml/min of air. Furthermore, of the 50%.RO , approximately 49.5% was ROg and only .5% was. R O . It is interesting to note the large amounts of Og that are also given off during decomposition. This ox­ ygen could be responsible for oxidizing RO to R O g . Similar regeneration results were obtained with KgCO^-FegO^ mixtures. After six cycles of regenerating and absorbing, no loss in 8,700 ppo IIa2CO3 + SiO2 (ted) Feed - U00 ml/ain air SWOO ppm IO 700 15.8% CO2 _ _ _ Teeperature 60C ? Z 500 UOO 5 C $. E 300 2,800 ppe 200 100 0 Mlnutea Figure 35. NO^ Absorption Curve for Na 2CO 3 + SiO 2 (bed) I2CC 3 ♦ SlO2 (bed) Feed - UOO al/aln air 9000 pptn HG 15.8% CO2 _ _ _ Temperature 3,600 ppm Minutes Figure 36 . NO^ Absorption Curve for KgCO3 + SiOg (bed) 1+1+ Mo:; ♦ S i O ^ bed) Feed - UOO m-l/mln air 9000 ppm HO 15.8$ C O 2 _ _ _ Temperature 700 6oo 5,800 ppm 500 UOO 300 200 100 0 Figure 37. NOx Absorption Curve for MnO 2 + SiO 2 (bed) 5 4$ Regeceration 2 3 ♦ MnO2 I CO [5.5 gj Feed — 10 ml/min --------- Temperature HO (H) t HO. --------- N0% when NO^% vas equal to 50 Minutes Figure 38. NOx Concentration During Regeneration of K 3CO 3 + MnO 3 600 u Regeneration of absorbent Minutes Figure 39 . Regeneration of K 3CO 3 + MnO 3 k6 sorbent performance was noted. Other tests on the potassium ferric oxide mixture indicated that when NO^ is .absorbed at low flow rates (10 ml/miri) on regeneration, NO is primarily given off, while if ab­ sorption occurred at higher flow rates given off. (500 ml/min)? NO^ was primarily Also after low flow rate absorptions, less oxygen is de­ sorbed than after, h i g h flow rate absorptions. When desorption was completed a feed of and NO was passed over the KgCO^-FegO^ sorbent at temperatures greater than or equal to TOO0C. The N and 0 any NO was present. content of the exiting stream went up and hardly This indicates that the NO is reduced b y the sor­ bent to Ng and O g , which corresponds to reports in the literature that alkali oxides reduce NO to Ng and Og at high temperatures and M o r e l l o , (Harris 1969). Loading Studies The time taken for the concentration of NO^ in the exit stream t o exceed 200 ppm was determined with and without COp in the feed. r * Figures 40 and 4l are typical loading curves. If COg was present the loading time was between 30 minutes and 60 minutes. This corres­ ponds to a conversion of 8.5 to 17% of the .025 moles of sorbent pre­ sent. When COg was not present the loading time was about equal to the time needed to theoretically convert all the alkali carbonate or alkali oxide to an alkali nitrate (5 - 10 hr). It was found that 10 Loading Curve K2CO 3 * Fe 3O 3 (7.5 g) Feed - LOO ml/min air Ir Exii 8000 ppm NO 700 15* CO2 — --- - — Temperature ---- H0, I 0M Minutes Figure 40. Loading Curve for K^CCy + Fe^O^ Loading Curve K2CO 3 ♦ MnO2 (5.5 g) Temperature UItO0C Feed - UOO ml/min air 10,000 ppm NO 15* CO. Figure Ul. Loading Cuirve for K^CO^ + MnO,-, 6000 48 if the exit concentration reached 200 ppm when CO^ was present, shut­ ting off the COg would cause the N concentration to drop below 200 ppm. COg and H g O .Effects As was mentioned carbon dioxide affects the absorption of NO and NO^ but tests showed that no detectable.amounts of COg are absorbed. The other affect of carbon dioxide is to limit the temperature range in which absorption occurs. Addition of carbon dioxide to the feed will narrow the temperature range from 80 to 20 degrees. This effect is less pronounced for the potassium carbonate than for the sodium carbonate and non-existant for KgMnO^. ' It is possible by using the free energies of reaction to determine the equilibrium constants for reaction involving carbon dioxide and nitric oxide (see Table IX). The values calculated indicate that the carbonates do not appreciably decompose by themselves, but by reacting with NO and O g , decomposition is favored. When equal amounts (l%) of carbon dioxide and.nitric oxide, along with 20% oxygen are fed into the reactor, no decrease in sorbent ab­ ility is seen. It i s n ’t until the concentration of COg is greater than 5% that sorbent performance drops off. Since the concentrations of carbon dioxide are far below the values predicted b y equilibrium cons­ tants to cause the reaction to reverse, COg possibly affects an inter- TABLE' IX: '"4?/ .Equilibrium’.Constants, . ’for .Beactions’.En-volving .HO .and. COg Reaction ^ Eree Energy ' Change at 425°C (.Kcal/moleI Equilibrium Constant Ha 2CO 3 = Na2O + COg 52.128 5.09 x IO-17 KgCO3 = K a 2O + COg 68.42 4.3 x IO-22 NagO + 2N0 + 3.5 Og = Na 2CO 3 + 2NaN0 -143.40 8.58 x IOlllt' - 91.27 28 3.97 X 10 2N0 + 3.5 Og ? 2NaN03 + COg NagFegO, + 2N0 + 3.5 Og = 2NaN0 Na 2CO 3 + Fe 3O 3 47 -150 (estimate) I x 10 58.24 5.63 x 10 t Fe2O3 Na2F e 2O1^ + COg -19 50 m e d i a te r e a c t i o n . F u r th e r m o r e , i f t h e s o r b e n t h a s a b s o r b e d oxygen p r i o r t o t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o f a s tr e a m o f NO. an d N ^s t h e n i t r i c w i l l be a b so rb e d f o r a s h o r t p e rio d o f tim e . o x id e ' As s o o n a s t h e a b s o r p ­ t i o n o f NO s t o p s t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o f oxygen t o t h e f e e d w i l l c a u s e th e a b s o rp tio n t o b e g in a g a in . , The effect of water on absorption of NO^ was tested b y satur­ ating the air stream at room temperature prior to adding NO to the stream. At moisture concentrations of 2-3% no'effect on sorbent per­ formance was detected. It has been reported that the NO^ absorption b y the carbonates is facilitated by the presence of.water vapor in the feed (Lewis, 1975). DISCUSSION The potassium and sodium carbonate absorption maximums occurred at IOO-SOO0C and from SOO-^QO0C. Generally NOg "was absorbed b y the carbonates at l o w temperatures (below I O O 0Cj and any NO that was not converted to NOg passed through the reactor. The absorption from 100 to 200°C is. possibly due to water being released b y the carbonate. For example potassium carbonate had a water content of approximately 8%. The water is probably due to the decomposition of bicarbonate and the release of hydrated w a t e r , b oth of which occur in the temperature range from 100 to S O O 0C. This would also explain w h y the low temp­ erature absorption m a x i m u m does not occur after the carbonate has been heated. It was been reported that the presence of water vapor improves the absorption ability of carbonates (Harris, Morello and Peters, 1969). The high temperature absorption is probably due to a compound formed during the heating of the carbonate. Decomposition with lib­ eration of COg and the formation of an oxide is a characteristic prop­ erty of carbonates at h i g h temperatures (Webb, 1970; pp 304). The rate of decomposition depends on the carbonate used and on any imp­ urities present in the material. The oxide formed depends on its stability at the temperature in question and the amount of Og present. It is interesting to note that the reactivity of the carbonates for absorption of NO^. is in the reverse order of the stability of the 52 carbonates to thermal decomposition. Tables X and X X list thermal characteristics of the possible alkali oxides that could be formed. Thermal studies, on NaO^-NagQ show that the sodium superoxide (NaOg) decomposes with the rapid evolution of oxygen up to 280°C leaving only sodium peroxide (Na^0^) (Webb, 1970; pp 242). Decomposition of Na^Og into NagO and oxygen does not take place until the temperature is above melting (460°C). In decomposing sodium carbonate in the reac­ tor the compound formed had a yellow color indicating possibly that Na^Og was formed. Common oxides of potassium are potassium superoxide (KOg) and potassium peroxide (KgOg); the superoxide is the most common. When KOg is heated, reversible decomposition into oxygen and a mixture of KgOg and KOg takes place at 300 to 400°C (Yost and Russell, 1944). A yellow substance was formed when potassium carbonate was heated in the reactor indicating that the oxide'formed was K O g . It is possible then, that the active species in absorption at higher temperatures is not the alkali carbonate but rather the alkali oxide w h i c h is formed from the carbonate.. This would explain why ab­ sorption increases after the carbonate has been heated to high temp­ eratures. ■TABLE X: M e lt in g -and --BoTBing-BoLnts-Lof ' A l k a l i . C arB o n ates- a n d O x id e s* .Formula Formula weight Bip(0 C) LigCOg 73.89 735 Color L p ( 0 C) white '3590 I Ha 2CO 3 KgCO3 105.99 854 d 600 white -138.21 896 d670 white LigO 29.88 1570 LigOg 1:5.88 dl'6o NaOg 54.99 d 280 Na2O 61.98 N a 2 Og 77.98 KDg 71.1 K2 O 94.20 d350 d88l 110.20 490 d . % *(jang. 1967; Samsonov, 1973) d!93 white 920 d 46o • 402(380) d657 yellow d yellow white 54 Table Ll2O XE - --Thermal Stability}:' Characteristics -of Alkali Oxides* Thermally stable. Volatility 'increases .and thermal stability decreases in the series Li— C s . Li2O^ Decomposes Trith- liberation of oxygen at l 60oC. Decomposes completely at 315'-343°C. Na2O Volatile above 1300°C. NagO2 Some loss of active oxygen is observed on heating at 311~400°C vigorous decomposition begins at 540°C; gives up active oxygen completely above 6j^°C. NaOg Decomposes on heating; decomposes completely above 540°C. K 2O Decomposes at 300-400oC without melting to metallic patassium and peroxide. Melts without decomposition. Thermal stability of peroxides rises from K to Cs. KO2 Decomposes completely at 5U3°C. * (Samsonov, 19731 55 Effect o f ' on the Decomposition of Carbonates As was discussed earlier the effect of impurities in the carbon­ ate can m a r kedly affect its decomposition rate. the results of CO Shown in Figure 42 are released from mixtures of carbonate and metal oxide when decomposed in an air stream. The presence of the metal oxide in­ creases the rate of decomposition of sodium and potassium carbonate considerably. This increase in CO^ liberation m a y be responsible for the increased sorption ability of the carbonate due to the production of active alkali oxides. oxygen or E It was also found that the presence of in the feed increases the rate at which COg is released from the carbonate. A test was performed using iron powder and sodium carbonate as the sorbent, although the thermal conductivity of this mixture would have been higher than that of the other metal oxideNa 0CO 0 mixtures, no increase in NO absorption occurred above that of just NagCOg. The alkali oxide formed from decomposition of a Na^CO^ or NaNO^ is reactive and would combine with Fe^O^ to form a ferrite or ferrate (NagO-FegO^). The ferrates are known to be strong oxidizing agents and it is possible that if a nitrite was formed it would be oxidized to a nitrate. The possible reactions that may be occurring are as f o l lows: NagOFegO + 2N0 + 3/2 Og = 2NaN0^ + FegO 3 N a 2OFe 2O 3 + 2N0g + 1/2 Og = ENaNO3,+ Fe 3O 3 ■ 56 Decomposition Peed - 500 ml/min air + Fe, ♦ HnO, 0 Na CO. l2vv3 Figure h2 Effect of Metal Oxides on Decomposition of Carbonates 57 It is also possible that NagO2FegQ^ is .formed and undergoes the same reactions except a half a mole less of oxygen would be needed. reactions are listed in Table XIX. Other In a test using only nitrogen and NO the ferrate from the nitrate reduced the NO concentration from a level of 7500 ppm to 3500 ppm, indicating that a reaction will occur without oxygen present in the feed gas. The temperature at which absorption occurs and the activity of the carbonate mixtures compared to those prepared from the.' nitrates might be explained b y the following paragraph taken from Arvid Eedvall *s Solid State C h e mistry, "It is in many cases advantageous to ‘start, not from original oxides but from structurally defect and consequently particularly active oxides which are formed by thermal decomposition. An example is the production of ferrites and chromites b y homogenised heating of the required oxide w i t h iron carbonate or of magnesium carbonate with chromium oxide, respectively. In powder mixtures of ferric oxide and oxides of alkaline-earth metals, the preparations with structural defects formed ferrites far more rapidly and completely than the preparations without defects. The differences only disappear at temperatures above 900°C as the irreversible defects vanish. Innumerable experiments involving various types of changes -of structure have provided a basis for a general rule which states that the temperature (or temperature range) where new phases are formed b y transformation coincide with a relative maximum of reactivity in a substance." Temperatures at w h i c h the nitrates undergo a change are listed in Table XIII. Sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate decompose in the temperature range at w h i c h NO^ is absorbed by the sorbents. Chemical analysis also indicates that nitrates are formed when NO^ is absorbed. An alternate method b y w h i c h the reaction could proceed is through an oxidation step on the metal oxide. Before discussing this Table XIX. -Possible Reactions of the Sorbents AHgp8Ckcal/mole) Reaction Na 5CO 3 = Na2O + CO2 76.8 K 2C O 3 = K 2O + CO2 9^.05 N a 2CO 3 + 1 / 2 -O2 = N a 2O2 + CO2 55.6 K2CO3 + 1/2 O2 = K2O2 + CO2 62.U5 2NaN03 = NagO + 2N0 + 3/2 Og 166.88 2KN0 192.29 2NaN0 = KgO + 2N0 + 3/2 Og = Na2O2 + 2N0 + Og 1^5.68 160.69 2KN03 = K2 O2 + 2N0 + O2 N a 2CO 3 + 2N0 + 3/2 O2 = 2NaN03 + COg K 2 CO 3 + 2N0 + 3/2 O2 = 2KN0 + COg - 90.08 -98.27 59 Table XII; Continued: Reaction A Hggg (.kcal/mole) NO + 1/2 O2 = RO2 -13,51 N a 2O + 2N02 + 1/2 Og = 2NaN0^ . -139.86 KgO + 2N02 + 1/2 O2 = 2KNO 3 -166.30 2NaN03 + Fe 2O 3 = Na2F e 2O^ + SNOg + 1/2 O2 176.67 N a 2CO 3 + Fe 2O 3 = N a 2Fe 2O 4 ■+ CO2 • 121.75 (32.06)* N a 2Fe 2O 4 + 2N0 + 3/2 O2 = 2NaN0 + T e 2O 3 K 2 CO 3 + M n O 2 + 1/2 O2 = K 2M nO 4 + CO2 Na 2MnO 4 + 2N0 + O2 = 2NaN0 + MnOg K 2MnO 4 + 2N0 + O2 = 2K N O 3 + MnO2 - 211.78 221.98 -116.78 -133.22 * Matsui., Mototaro and Sakamaki., Tomonosuke, J. S o c , C h e m . Ind. (japan) 30, 29-36 C1927) 6o 0 TABLE- X E H . Melting and Decomposition. Temperatures of. Alkali Nitrates, ■ ■ •' ;•' '"Nitrites and Hydroxides -(Jang, .196.7) "(CRC"H A n d L o o k '4|?th ed) Eormula Weight -DipC0 C I LiNO 3 . 68.95' 25U d 600 NaNO0 85. Ol 310 d 300 ENO 1 0 1 .1 0 337 d3U0 LiNO2 52.95 100 d l8 5 NaNO2 69.00 271 d320 KNO2 8 5 .ll UUo d350 LiOE 23.95 U62 NaOH U 0 .0 0 318 KOH 56.11 360 '3 O Compound '61 mechanism the oxides used in the oxidation of CO to COg will "be des­ cribed, The catalytic activity series of metal oxides for the oxid­ ation of CO is from the most active to the least active (Dixon and , , Lo n g f i e l d , i 960): Co +2 ,Cu +1 ,Ni +2 ,Mn Cr+ ^, Th+^ , Zr+^ , V+ ^ , Hg+ ^, and Al+ ^. +Ii , Cu +2 , Fe + ’R , Zn +2 , Ce +U , There is also a qualitative connection between the activity of the oxide and their semicond­ ucting properties. The most active oxides are the P type which include manganese dioxide (Ashmore, 1967 ; pp 239). In the P type oxides, electrical conduction occurs b y changes of charge or motion of pos­ itive holes. N type oxides (eg. FegO^) which are the next most ef­ fective oxidizers of CO, conduct electricity by free electrons. At high temperatures carbon monoxide attacks the surfaces of P and N type oxides to form carbonate ions. The proposed mechanism is one in which oxygen is absorbed as O'. •and CO reacts with two 0 to form the carbonate, which decomposes to COg (Ashmore, 1967; Thomas and Thomas, 1967 ). A similar scheme can be thought to occur for nit­ ric oxide, since NO and CO are very similar molecules. The NO^ formed when NO is absorbed would decompose to produce NOg wh i c h would react w i t h the alkali carbonate or oxide to form a nitrate. Absorp­ tion of NOg at low temperatures does occur for the carbonates and studies indicate that NOg is absorbed as NO^ ions on AlgO^ and NiO surfaces (K h o z i n g e r , 1976) . Pt is also known that NO will displace CO from the surface of metal o x ides, indicating that the NO molecule 62 H a s a strong affinity for metal oxide surfaces. Release of Oxygen from Potassium Carbonate and Manganese Dioxide or . Ferric Oxide M i x t u r e s ..................... ................... ...... • Tests were performed to determine if oxygen was given off during decomposition of KgCO^ + MhO^ or K^CO^ + Fe^O^. As is shown in Figure 43 and 44, the manganese dioxide mixture releases O^ when de­ composed, while the ferric oxide mixture does not. The decrease in' Ng at 200 - 250°C is not due to Ng being absorbed, but from the de­ composition of bicarbonate present to give off HgO and C O g . Decomposition of manganese dioxide to MhgO^ and Og is responsible for the large Og p e a k around 450 - 550°C. Integration of the Og peak indicates that approximately 1.5$ of the original ganese dioxide releases O g . .025 mole of man­ It is possible that MhgO^ is an active species in the absorption process if it doesn't" revert back to MnOg below 450°C in the presence of O g . Decomposition of the carbonate appears to reach a final value for the MnOg-KgCOg mixture while the FegOg-KgCOg decomposition continues for a longer period of time as indicated b y the nitrogen composition of the exit stream. the original An approximate analysis indicated that 11$ of .025 mole of carbonate present in both mixtures releases COg and the total amount of carbon dioxide released after 70 minutes is the same for b o t h mixtures. 63 Decomposition of 600 u Minutes Figure 43. Amount of Released From K 5CO 3 + MnO 5 Decomposition of •6 0 0 Feed - 10 ml/min I3 Figure 44. Amount of O5 Released From K5CO3 + Fe5O3 0 A TIie possible reactions of the manganese mixturein,' an atmos­ phere are as follows: 1) K 2CO 3 = K2O + CO2 2) GMnO2 = M n 3O 3 + 1/2 O2 3) K 2CO 3 + M n O 2 = K 2MnO 3 + CO2 4) K 2CO 3 + M n O g = K 2MnO^ + C O 5) K 2CO 3 + GMnO2 = GK 3M n O 1^ + GCO2 + CO , All of the reactions are endothermic and would be favorable at higher temperatures. Equilibrium calculations are not app]icable since the gaseous products are removed by the nitrogen stream but the rates of the reaction may play an important role. .Exactly to what extent each reaction takes place is hard to determine. or K 3MnO^ has been suggested earlier. The formation of KgMnO^ The presence of stream indicates that reaction 2 takes place. in the exit Analysis of CO was not possible at the time so definite conclusions can not be drawn on the extent of any reactions. Similarly, the reactions that take place between KgCO 3 and Fe 2O 3 c o u l d n ’t be positively identified but some of the likely ones that could take place in the inert Eg atmosphere are: 1) K 2CO 3 = KgO + CO2 2) K 2CO 3 = K2 Q2 + CO 3) K 2CO 3 + Fe 2O 3 = K 2OFe 2O3 + CO2 4) K 2CO 3 + Fe 2O 3 = K 2O 2Fe 2O 3 + CO 65 Absorption of CL b y Decomposed Potassium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide and _______ ' ' ' __________ Manganese Dioxide Mixtures After decomposing tb_e carbonate metal oxide mixtures in a Ng stream, the feed stream was switched over to air and the amount of absorbed recorded (see Figure U 5). The initial large absorption of ' Og b y b o t h mixtures is probably caused b y the already existing com­ pound formed when the carbonate decomposed and reacted w i t h the metal oxide. Since the manganese mixture initially absorbs more Og and d o e s n ’t give off C O g , the carbonate in this mixture is largely de­ composed. Furthermore, once loaded, the manganate does not absorb Og until.the temperature drops to below 600°C which corresponds to the reaction MhgO^ + 1/2 Og = 2Mn0g. The absorption of Og between 600 - 450°C was reversible in that Og was given off above this temperature and absorbed when the temperature was lowered. On the other hand, the ferric oxide-carbonate mixture continually absorbs oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide indicating that the carbonate i s n ’t fully decomposed. Then when the temperature drops, the carbonate no longer decomposes and subsequently Og absorption stops. These tests indicate that the oxygen is absorbed, therefore MD may be reacting with the ox­ ygen as an intermediate step in the absorption process. 66 Absorption of Feed — 10 ml/ialn air •600 0 Minutes Figure 45. Absorption of by K^CO^ + MnO 5 and K^CO^ + Fe 5O^ APPLICATION ■ It was estimated that approximately 1.25 million standard cubic feet per minute of gas containing 1.5% NO VrillxIiave to be handled for a 1000 Megawatt MHD generator. to be 2.37 x 10 k- gmole/min. laboratory reactor, In terms of moles of NO this comes out Under the test conditions used in the • .025 mole of sorbent was able to absorb 1.63 x IO- mole/min of NO for 30 minutes before having to be regenerated. If the same conditions are applied to the MEED plant then 3.64 x 10^ moles of sorbent would be required every 30 minutes. Assuming a continuous p r o c e s s , taking a one hour cycle for completion, the total amount of sorbent that would have to be purchased is 7.28 x 10^ moles or approx­ imately 40 tons. The initial costs of sorbent mixtures that could be used for absorption of NO is shown in Table XIV (individual costs for chemicals are listed in Table X V ) . TABLE XIV. Mixture In the study performed to deter- Costs of 7.28 x IO^ Moles of Sorbent Mixtures Cost .in' Thousands of Dollars. KgCO^-FegOg 520 NagCOg-FegOg 165 N a 2COg-MnOg 320 KgCOg-MnOg • 673 mine the economic feasibility of producing nitric acid from a 700 Mega­ watt MHD generator, silica gel was used as the sorbent and oxidizer at 68 cost of over 2 million dollars Offright and Youderion, 1976). Even with, this h i g h expenditure for a sorbent the plant showed a projected rate of return of 31$. Scaling up the cost of the silica gel for a 1000 Megawatt generator indicates an investment of over 3 million dollars. Comparing this cost to the cost of the solid sorbents shows that the solid systems could save over 2.5 million dollars. Further­ more, the optimum ratio for the sorbent mixture has not been deter­ mined nor has the maximum flow rate, both of which would further reduce the cost. 69 ' 'TABLE XV. ' 'Costs:'of 'CMrfttcal^ ■ ■ CIiemLcal NSgCOg dollar s'/lB 028 dollars/IL mole 2.97 KgCOg .20 25.00 FegOg '.QhG 7.36 MnOg .21 17.00 KMnOj^ CO 82.00 BaNOg 065 KEOg KCl CaCOg CaClg 5.53 .10 10.11 ..02 1 .U8 .01 1.00 ' .035 3.85 EiO 2.00 Ih9.h2 COgOg 4.27 ■708.22 FbOg .66 157.74 AlgO .16 16.32 CONCLUSIONS 1. Ferric oxide or manganese dioxide m i x e d on a one to one mole "basis with, potassium or sodium carbonate will absorb KCf. in a temp­ erature range from 380 to U50°C. U s i n g these absorbents, the concentration can be reduced from 10,000 ppm to less than 200 ppm from a g a s containing 1 # NO, 15$ C O g , 17.5$ Og and 66.5$ Ng at flow rates of 500 ml/min. The effective operating time of .025 moles of sorbent mixture was' between 2. .5 and I hour. Decomposed mixtu r e s of sodium nitrate and ferric oxide (ferrates) are effective NO^ absorbers when the ratio of Og to NO in the feed is greater than 3:1. 3. Nickel o f "cobalt oxides; mixed w i t h sodium carbonate show potential for absorbing N Q x at high temperatures. 4. The order of the solid sorbents for absorbing NO is as follows (in order of increasing ability): LiCO^, NagCO ^5 K g C O ^ , de­ composed NaNO^ + F e g O ^ , NagCO^.+ FbgO^, KgCO^ + FegO^, NagCOg + M n O g , KgCO 5. + M n O g , KMnO^. Carbon dioxide at concentrations of greater than 5$ reduced the effective operating times of sorbents from several hours to less than one hour. KgCOg mixtures, are less affected b y the C Og. 6. Water vapor at concentrations of 2-3$ does not affect the gprption ability of the solid sorbents. Tl 7. Alkali' nitrate?:' are formed %&en NXy i?, absorbed b y alkali, carb­ onate— ferric oxide or manganese dioxide mixtures-. 8 . : Nitrogen dioxide is.- absorbed at l o w temperatures b y the carbonate metal oxide mixture. . 9. . i I- Nitric oxide is not absorbed at room temperature but is absorbed ,at higher temperatures C^QO0C I b y the-carbonate-metal oxide sor­ bents. 10. Nitrogen dioxide is- formed when sorbents are regenerated at temp­ eratures between 6>0Q and TOO 0C. 11. Formation of NO^ during regeneration of ferric oxide-carbonate sorbent is affected b y the flow rates used during absorption of NO^. 12. Higher flow rates favored the formation of N O g . Carbon dioxide is- not absorbed in any detectable amounts b y the sorbents. 13. At h i g h temperatures CTOO0C I in an inert atmosphere, NO is red­ uced to N g and Og b y potassium carbonate-ferric oxide mixtures. lit. The carbonate-oxide mixtures appear to be more economical than silica gel for the absorption of NO^ from the MHD exhaust. , RECOJWEKDATIDITg' The research, performed has- ihdi'cated that carhonatepoxide m i x ­ tures- are effective U serhents'. Data is- n o w required to better evaluate the performance of each, sorhent mixture. Therefore, the following factors need to Be k n o w n ; 1. Optimum f l o w rates, temperatures and stoichiometric ratios for sorhent mixtures', 2. Ra t e s and mechanism of reaction for absorption and regener­ ation. 3. Effect of. different concentration of C O ^ 5 and NO. U. Surface area-of sorbents. 5. Heats- of reaction for regeneration and absorption. Since there is evidence indicating that oxidative properties of the metal oxides are important, mixtures known as Hopcalites w i t h metal oxides] should be tested w i t h the carbonates. (MhO^ In conjunc­ tion w i t h the oxidative properties, the semiconductive properties should be evaluated to help determine a mechanism. Further investigations in the reduction of NO at temperatures greater than T O O 0C b y the sorbents m a y also be valuable. Application of ..the. sorbents for automobile-emissions.- control should- be investigated LIST OF REFERENCES A s h m o r e , P. G. 1963.''C a t a l y s i s 'a n d 'Inh i b i t i o n 'o f 'Chemical Reactions. P. 239. Butterworth. Inc. Bartok, ¥. , Crawford, A. R., and S k o p p , A. 1971. Control o f 'NO Emissions''f r o m 'Stationary Sources. ' CIiem. Eng. Prog. X 67 C2): 64-72. ' Ch-emical Marketing Reports. C h i l t o n , T. BE. ............ Aug. 9, 1976. 1968. ' Strong Water. Schnell Publishing Co. Inc. 89. Mass M..I.T. Press. P. 53, D i x o n , J. K., and Lo n g f i e l d , <T. E. i 960. Catalysis. N e w York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation. VII: 305 D u r r a n t , J. P. and D u r r a n t , B. 1962. 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