Polymerization of sunflower oil diesel fuel by Joan Patricia French Keller A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Joan Patricia French Keller (1986) Abstract: The mechanism of insoluble gel formation in hydrocarbon basestock lubricating oil contaminated with sunflower oil was studied in a laboratory apparatus simulating the conditions of a diesel engine crankcase. Two distinct and separate phases formed within the system when using basestock oil as the lubricating substrate - a solid insoluble gel phase and a supernatant liquid phase. The research was conducted to understand and characterize the physical and chemical differences between polymer species contributing to viscosity and those contributing to insoluble gel. Addition polymerization was known to yield viscosity rise at conditions of this work. A theory was developed which hypothesized simultaneous oxidation of addition polymers in basestock oil to yield more polar compounds which formed the separate gel phase. Experiments supported the polar gel theory. Attempts to homogenize or disperse the gel in basestock or commercial lube oils failed to show similarity to the physical behavior of non-gel addition polymers. Infrared spectroscopy also showed that gel contained more carbonyl groups than pure sunflower oil or addition polymerized sunflower oil. Antioxidant and free radical initiator trials indicated gel was chemically different from addition polymerized sunflower oil, with the presence of oxygen being key to gel formation. A long chain amine was successful in preventing gel formation. When the acidic addition polymers were converted to less polar amides, the oil mixture remained a single phase. These results generally confirm that the polymers resulting from addition polymerization are polarized by oxidation to form the separate gel phase. POLYMERIZATION OF SUNFLOWER OIL DIESEL FUEL by Joan Patricia French Keller A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana December 1986 MAIN LIB. Lop - X ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Joan French Keller This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citation, bibliographic style and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. -hereDate % mSC, Chairperson, GraduateTfommittee Approved for the Major Department . IZJMt Date CuX. T" xuiasui. Head(y Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis requirements for a in partial fulfillment of the master's degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules from this thesis are of the Library. Brief quotations allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive of this thesis may be quotation from or reproduction granted his absence, by the Dean of by my major professor, or in Libraries when, in the opinion of either, the proposed use of the material is for scholarly purposes. for Any copying or use of the material in this thesis financial gain permission. Signature. Date . m n QiCjLmlo^J shall not be allowed without my iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to the Chemical Engineering University for their and encouragement Department guidance given research by my advisor. appreciated. thank the faculty and staff of Dr. Daniel the State The advice course of this L. Shaffer, is greatly The author also wishes to thank Mr. Sid Schiff Montana State University's recomoendations. for assistance and with the is infrared support Natural Dr. Chemistry Special thanks financial Department of Montana assistance. throughout of Phillips Petroleum Company generous and at Department for their extended to Tom Mendes spectroscopy. received Resources Paul W. Jennings of and from the Finally, Montana Conservation and the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL.................. ii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE............. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................ iv TABLE OF CONTENTS..... ....................... LIST OF TABLES.......... LIST OF FIGURES...... v vi vii ABSTRACT............... x INTRODUCTION.... .......... I RESEARCH OBJECTIVES... ..................... 6 THEORY............ 7 Oxidative Polymerization............... Other Oxidation Reactions...... 7 15 EXPERIMENTAL.................... . ...j_____ 22 Equipment....... Materials.......... ........ ....... t... 22 28 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION,..... ............... 30 SUMMARY....... .......................... ... 77 CONCLUSIONS................................ 79 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH. ............ 81 LITERATURE CITED........ . .................. 82 APPENDIX..... ............... ...___ ..._____ 86 vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Fatty Acid Distribution in Sunflower Oil.... 9 2. Summary of Experiments with Additives....... 49 3. Atomic Emission Data....................... 52 4. Operating Parameters for Oil Bath Runs...... 86 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure ' Page 1. Reaction Kettle........................... 24 2. Oil Bath and Reaction Kettle.............. 24 3. Oil Bath and Operating Diagram........ . 26 4. Viscosity of commercial oil and 5.0 sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions................................. 32 Viscosity of basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions........................ 33 Viscosity of basestock oil and 25.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions at 150 C and 135 C............. 37 Viscosity of supernatant/gel mixture vs. time of homogenization.................... 40 Viscosity of basestock oil and 5.0% - sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with initial addition of 1.0% ZDTC.................... ............ 45 Viscosity of basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with nitrogen and additions of 0.5% Lupersol 130 every 4hours............ 47 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. viii LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Figure Page 10. Viscosity comparison of old and new basestock oils and 5.0 % sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions......... 53 11. Viscosity comparison of old arid new basestock oils and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with nitrogen and additions of 0.5% Lupersol 130 every 4 hours..... ................... 57 12. Viscosity comparison of old and new basestock oils and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with initial addition of 1.0% ZDTP.... ........ 61 13. Viscosity of new basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with nitrogen and addition of 0.5% Lupersol 130. Nitrogen switched to oxygen at times indicated by arrows.................. ............ 68 14. Viscosity of new basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with 15 g ODA added initially......... ....................... 70 15. Viscosity of new basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with additions of 0.7 g ODA every 4 hours....... ..................... 72 16. Total base riumber of new basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with additions of 0.7 g ODA every 4 hours...... . 73 ix LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Figure 17. Infrared spectroscopy of equal concentrations of pure sunflower oil, addition polymerized sunflower oil and insoluble gel from sunflower oil......... Page 76 X ABSTRACT The mechanism of insoluble gel formation in hydrocarbon basestock lubricating oil contaminated with sunflower oil was studied in a laboratory apparatus simulating the conditions of a diesel engine crankcase. Two distinct and separate phases formed within the system when using basestock oil as the lubricating substrate - a solid insoluble gel phase and a supernatant liquid phase. The research was conducted to understand and characterize the physical and chemical differences between polymer species contributing to viscosity and those contributing to insoluble gel. Addition polymerization was known to yield viscosity rise at conditions of this work. A theory was developed which hypothesized simultaneous oxidation of addition polymers in basestock oil to yield more polar compounds which formed the separate gel phase. Experiments supported the polar gel theory. Attempts to homogenize or disperse the gel in basestock or commercial lube oils failed to show similarity to the physical behavior of non-gel addition polymers. Infrared spectroscopy also showed that gel contained more carbonyl groups than pure sunflower oil or addition polymerized sunflower oil. Antioxidant and free radical initiator trials indicated gel was chemically different from addition polymerized sunflower oil, with the presence of oxygen being key to gel formation. A long chain amine was successful in preventing gel formation. When the acidic addition polymers were converted to less polar amides, the oil mixture remained a single phase. These results generally confirm that the polymers resulting from addition polymerization are polarized by oxidation to form the separate gel phase. I . I M rRQDUCTIOM Recently, fuel costs have declined, but an increased awareness that the supply of petroleum-based fuels is finite has sparked interest in finding new sources of motor fuels. Vegetable diesel oils as alternate engine fuels received modest interest for several decades Zll . economic factors have favored the have However, use of petroleum-based fuels C2] . The use of vegetable oils as fuels for diesel engines is not a new concept. As far back as 1912, Rudolf Diesel, the ' I ' inventor of the diesel engine, tried using vegetable oils as diesel fuels, but economics and design never favored their use C33 . The development of the the availability of turn has been engines. engine has been based on petroleum-derived tailored During diesel to this meet the period, knowledge has been developed a that diesel fuel which in needs of the current wealth serves of empirical as the data base for the current diesel fuel specifications E43 . Two principle problems have been identified with using vegetable oils directly as diesel fuels: form carbon deposits inside the I) vegetable oils combustion chambers of 2 direct injection engines and 2) the crankcase polymerize in vegetable oils carried into the thickened oil mixture plugs the sticking and plugs crankcase. orifices These failure. The problems oil. The oil filter, causes oil ring leading problems above lubricating into and out of the can cause eventual engine are related to the chemical structure differences between vegetable oils and diesel fuel C53 . Positive aspects of natural state is heat content is vegetable liquid and oils hence comparable to widespread availability and 4) as fuels are: I) easily transported, 2) diesel fuel, 3) potential renewability as resources [63 . Studies have been decarboxylation of either of which performed the vegetable increases processed vegetable on transesterification and oils oils for fuel purposes, cost. Direct use of minimally should permit on-farm processing and minimize costs £5,7,8,93 . This research laboratory. thickens to may £10,11,123 . conditions part of continuing work at this Previous workers confirmed that lubrication oil due thickening is vegetable cause These an workers consisting of oil contamination. This unacceptable viscosity developed set of standard variables a known to rise strongly influence the thickening of lubricating oil due to vegetable 3 oil contamination. The factors considered conditions were catalysts. Rewolinski temperature, temperature because CIO] 150 encountered by the oil and engine viscosity strongly in is areas. vegetable influenced by the As oxygen oxygen was flow viscosity rise increased. affect viscosity oxygen flow investigated concentration. 2.0 the effects As vegetable the rate of viscosity rise viscosity rise in a oil and as the standard through test oil increased, the rate of presence of nitrogen did not conditions ml/sec. of include an Rewolinski varying also vegetable oil oil concentration increased, increased. reasonable conditions include 5.0 weight also showed polymerization was % of oxygen. In a percolated Standard of C presence rate The rise. rate environment Rewolinski to mixtures. standard a rough average temperature due standard exposure 150 the it travels through the crankcase combustion rise chemical chose C as developing To get a measurable period percent of time, standard sunflower oil in the lubricating oil. Jette's research fill catalyst in the metal, and system. Rewolinski focussed Copper had on is determined important polymerization catalyst than the role of copper a common engine wear copper iron. was a more Jette went on 4 to determine that catalyst form. soluble He copper used viscosity rise increased copper with was foil is present control the amount of in the metal and increased As a result of this combined research, foil strip the most important observed that copper foil area. a 2 cm x 5 cm copper standard present conditions. To in the system, all of the equipment in contact with the oil mixture is glass. Lubrication oil thickening the engine design or perhaps may be reduced by changing by changing the chemical make­ up of the lubricating oil. Engine design modifications are costly; therefore, alteration of the lubrication oil is more feasible [13] . oils and Extensive work has been done on lubricating conventional diesel specific antioxidants, have been developed. fuel dispersants systems and where system- metal deactivators There is a need to explore these areas with vegetable oil fuels. The equipment environment of a copper, oxygen used at this crankcase. flow laboratory Variables rate, amount of simulates the such as amount of sunflower oil and temperature can be controlled to a greater degree than in an actual engine. Simulation also allows for repeated tests in the same apparatus as well as avoiding the recurring costs of replacing expensive engines upon their failure. The use of hydrocarbon substrate is desirable if basestock as the lubricating oil a complete understanding of the 5 contaminated system chemistry is sought. This is due to the unknown chemical nature of the additive package in the commercial Iuhe oil. Dutta CI23 contaminated attempted with 5.0 as the precipitated sunflower out measurements to as a quantify for this two-phase system. only problem Dutta was swollen of was with hydrocarbon percent two oil oil and phases. polymerized, separate basestock sunflower distinct phase. and A gel this gel Viscosity polymerization became meaningless Measuring viscosity was not the encountered. amount of gel formed gel use weight encountered the formation formed to He also discovered the difficult to quantify because the lubricating oil. Until the mechanism(s) of gel formation in the current lubricating oil system is understood, viscosity quantify polymerization of are meaningless. measurements as a method to sunflower oil in basestock oil 6 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES This research was conducted mechanism(s) of contaminant a lubrication oil system. the chemical nature formation as to understand the vegetable oil polymerization in A primary goal was to understand of gel precipitation versus viscosity vegetable oil polymerization occurs in the given system. A further objective was to hydrocarbon basestock lubricating the impact of unknown chemical accomplish this objective, the must be sharply minimized. As is understood, gel formation be able oil to utilize the in future studies so additives is eliminated. formation To of insoluble gel the chemistry of the system and viscosity eliminated by future research findings. rise may be 7 THEORY The presence of oxygen in contaminated with vegetable chemical reactions. One a diesel lubrication system oil of may produce these a variety of reactions is oxidative polymerization where oxygen interacts with the double bonds of vegetable the formation of addition reactions may occur when oxygen polymers. oils to Other oxidation cleaves a vegetable acids. initiate oil Ketones can The possible cleavage. double also be bond to form aldehydes or formed without double bond reactions of vegetable oils and oxygen will be discussed in the following sections. Oxidative Polymerization Current chemically diesel fuels different contains hydrocarbons are from which petroleum-derived vegetable are oils. arranged and are Diesel fuel in straight or \ branched chains. It is usually may contain some aromatics. hand, are (glycerol water-insoluble, esters of fatty paraffinic in nature, but Vegetable oils, on the other hydrophobic acids). A triglycerides vegetable oil 8 triglyceride is approximately three times larger than a typical diesel fuel component E143 . Vegetable oil can be thought of as a reaction product of glycerol and fatty acids. CH0-OH I 2 CH0-OOCR1 HOOC-R1 + HOOC-R0 I --- > Water scheme, R^, even numbered hydrocarbon chains upon They are typically different bonds. The triglyceride molecule of bonds. The molecular acids that are The size of R^, R2 and particular vegetable oil. in chain length and number of of vary weight molecule is 750 to 1000. fatty the degree can h Triglyceride R2 and R3 symbolize the usually 16 to 22 carbons in length. depending 2 CH2-OOCR3 Fatty Acids In the above reaction 1 CH-OOCR0 HOOC-R3 Glycerol R3 may vary + 3H0H 2 CH2-OH double I 2 I 1 CH-OH unsaturation from of a zero of one to nine double typical triglyceride The fatty acids contribute roughly 95% of the total weight of the physical and chemical the molecule and influence both properties of the vegetable oils [143 . The current contaminant system. research vegetable Sunflower oil oil's constituents are oleic, is using in the primary linoleic sunflower oil simulated lubricating unsaturated and as the fatty linolenic. acid An oleic 9 fatty acid is an eighteen-carbon bond while linoleic has two three double bonds E143 . fatty acid with one double double bonds and linolenic has Compositions of typical sunflower molecules are shown in the following table. Table Is Fatty Acid Distribution in Sunflower Oil Sunflower 2a * Sunflower I* Fatty Acid . Palmitic 6.0 6.4 Stearic 4.2 4.2 Oleic 18.7 23.9 Lirioleic 69.3 61.4 Linolenic 0.3 3.0 Eicosenoic 0.1 ——— AKaufman and Ziejewski C153 AAPeterson, Wagner and Auld C133 The double bonds in the sunflower oil may be attacked by oxygen. This autoxidation autocatalytic. process is because the When vegetable result is addition sometimes oxidation polymerization oils to mechanism as is are autoxidized, the which radical, hydroperoxide mechanism [143 . referred occurs by a free 10 Oxidative polymerization of vegetable oil occurs as described below E163 . 1. The initiation preceded to the by an of the induction presence of oxidative chain reaction is period which has been attributed natural antioxidants. There are no detectable changes in the vegetable oil physical or chemical properties. The induction period may be eliminated by adding a small quantity of a hydroperoxide. 2. The double bonds are directly attacked by oxygen, and hydroperoxides are formed. As oxygen is consumed, the polymerization reaction may be detected. 3. The hydroperoxides decompose to free radicals. The decomposition of these hydroperoxides causes the reaction to become autocatalytic. 4. High molecular weight, formed by polymerization, and cross-linked polymers are scission reactions yield low molecular weight compounds such as carbonyls and hydroxys. The initiation controversial topic. of the of the unsaturated peroxides E173 . chain reaction an initial attack on the double fatty acids to form This reaction is depicted below. -CH2-CH=CH- is a The autoxidation of vegetable oils was first thought to consist of bonds radical + O2 --- > -CH^-CH-CH- 2 I I 0— 0 cyclic 11 Later work showed the noncyclic, alpha-methylenic bonds still intact C183 intact, this would Initial products hydroperoxides . If imply the to contain with the double the double bond were still alpha-methylenic hydrogen bond was broken. This kcal/mole. little available energy to break Since there is this relatively strong the oxygen directly bond, bond carbon- has a strength of 80 investigators have concluded attacks the carbon-carbon double bond €19,20,21,223 . Only a few of attacked to produce the carbon-carbon hydroperoxides. double bonds need be Once formed, even in trace amounts, hydroperoxides can act as catalysts. point, it should be mentioned autoxidation may be due to that the At this initiation of metal catalysts since most fatty esters contain metal 123,243 . Hydroperoxides are formed carbon-carbon double bond. bond, the electrons by attack at the As the oxygen attacks the double rearrange double bond is shifted. oxidative in such a manner that the This shifting is often referred to as conjugation [20,213 . 02 -CH2-CH=CH- --- >-CH=CH-CH OOH Hydroperoxides may decompose hydroperoxides decompose, by the several following mechanisms. groups Mhen can be 12 produced: and a tertiary radicals, carbon-carbon decompose to form hydroxyl radicals, carbonyls cleavage. free radicals The in hydroperoxides may the following manner [19] . R O O H --- > RO * + HO 0 ROO + HOOR > R00---H 0 0 R --- > HOH + RO ° + R00 ° I I H H The mechanism of chain investigators C253 . propagation is agreed upon among The oxidized or may combine initiation products may be with another hydrocarbon to produce the following reactions. R° + © 2 --- y R00 0 R000 + R H ---> R00H + Ro Termination reactions and often yield polymers. generally consume free radicals Some of these reactions are shown below C19,253 . R00« + R00 ° --- > R00R + O2 R00 ° + *OH > ROH + O2 Ro + R o ---> R-R ROOo + R o --- > ROOR Free radicals may also attack carbon-carbon double bonds and produce larger hydrocarbon free radicals [19,253 . HH R0 + I I —G=CH H --- y R I 0 -CH-CH00R I O 13 The following general of the double bond, scheme describes oxidative attack formation of hydroperoxides, hydroperoxide decomposition, chain reactions and termination reactions [19,24] . -CH2-CH=CH- 2 -CH2 -CH-CH- I 00' -CH2-CH=CHY -CH--CH-CH 2 + I CH-CH=CH- OOH -CH--CH=CH- -CH0-CH0-CH- + -CH-CH=CH- 2 -CH=CH-CH- + H» -CH-CH=CHI 00" (I) I chain reaction (4) I chain reaction chain reaction 14 Each of the [19,253 . radicals may react with a variety compounds These are detailed below. Radical (2) may react with a carbon-carbon double bond and polymerize to form another radical. This is the primary polymerization pathway. -CH=CH-CH- + -CH0-CH=CH----- > -CH0-CH-CH2 2 j -CH=CH-CHRadical (4) has the capability to attack a carbon-carbon double bond to produce polymer products and continue the chain reaction. -CH=CH-CH- + -CH0-CH=CH----- > 2 00» Radical (2) may also -CH=CH-CHi o I 0 0 I -CH2-CH-CH- combine with Radical (4) and polymerize to a nonradical polymer. > -CH=CH-CHI 0 -CH-CH=CH- + -CH=CH-CHI OOo I I 0 -CH=CH-CHTwo Radical (2)'s may polymerize polymer. -CH-CH=CH- + -CH-CH=CH- .--- > -CH=CH-CHI -CH=CH-CH- to a nonradical 15 Two Radical (4)'s may polymerize. -CH=CH-CH- + -CH=CH-CH- — — > -CH=CH-CH- I I OO0 J 00 0 0 I -CH=CH-CHAnother way to visualize Radical (2) or (4) attacking a carbon-carbon double bond is shown below [25] . HH R° + I I I I HH I I I I —C=C- ---- ) R-C-C ° R1R2 HH R1R2 HH I I R00 ° +. -C-C- > Higher polymers I I ---- ) R00—C—C°---- > Higher polymers I I I I r Ir2 R1R2 This predominant polymerization pathway to higher polymers is known as vinyl polymerization. Other Oxidation Reactions Besides oxidative oxidation mechanisms. polymerization, there exist other The double bonds in the sunflower oil can also be homolytically cleaved cleaves the double the bond, by oxygen. When oxygen alkene molecule is converted into two smaller molecules C26] . The products of cleavage each contain a carbonroxygen double bond with the oxygens attached to the carbons present in the original carbon-carbon double bond [273 . 16 -CH0-C=C-CH0 2 I I 2 -CH0-C=O 2 H H alkene O=C-CH0- I I H 2 H aldehydes Aldehydes may also carbon-carbon + double be formed bond. without If contains a terminal double bond, a cleavage of the hydrocarbon molecule this bond may be attacked; and an aldehyde may be formed C263 . R-CH=CH2 Oxygen may open the of the double bond) in --- > R-CH2-C-H hydrocarbon chain (without cleavage the following manner to form ketones [26,273 . °2 -- > -C=C-CH0-C=C- I I H H Aldehydes can ease. They are 2 H -CH0-C-CH0-C=C- I I 2 H N O undergo readily further converted 2 H I I H oxidation with extreme to carboxylic acids by copper and heat E263 . RCHO RCOOH aldehyde Another mechanism by carboxylic acid which aldehydes carboxylic acids and alcohols may be are converted to [26,273 17 O OH Il 0 I H R-C-H + R-CH=CH-CH----- > R-C-O-OH--- > R-C-OH + ROH I I OOH R Aldehydes may undergo autoxidation to that of hydrocarbons. in a manner similar Hydroperoxide radicals act as the chain carriers, and the products can be acids C283 . RCHO +R' ---- > RCO +R'H RCO + © 2 --- > RCOg0 RCOg0+ RCHO --- > RCOgH + RCO RCOgH + RCOgH --- > RCO2H + RCOgH + Og The mechanism for these reactions may be as follows: 0 Il 0 . R-C-H + Il R ' ---> R-C° + R'H 4 O2 0 0 0 0 Il Il H Il R-C-O-O 0 + R C H -- -> RC0 + RC-00H f . - 0 0 0 0 Il Il Il Il RC-00H + RC-00H --- > RC-0H + RC-0H + 0g A molecule produced. of oxygen Acids are is regenerated, generally the and two acids are terminal oxidation pathway products. Oxidation of bonds, and from a ketones requires thermodynamic under severe conditions. can take place, ketones breaking carbon-carbon viewpoint takes place only If conditions exist where cleavage are cleaved on either side of the carbonyl group to yield a mixture of carboxylic acids E263 . 18 Both aldehydes and ketones contain the carbonyl group, C=O and are referred to as carbonyl compounds. group plays an important role The carbonyl in determining the chemistry of aldehydes and ketones. The carbonyl group addition and increases attached to the provides the alpha a site acidity carbon. of Both for nucleophilic the hydrogen atoms these effects are consistent with the structure of the carbonyl group 1126,273. The carbonyl group contains a carbon-oxygen double bond. The pi carbonyl electrons carbon pull strongly toward electron-deficient electron-rich. Because the susceptible to unhindered carbonyl approach Approach is perpendicular to the the polarized carbonyl group oxygen and and make carbonyl group from oxygen is flat, it is above or below. plane of the group. is accessible, Since it is highly reactive £26,273 . Because aldehydes and ketones group, they resemble each properties. An aldehyde attached to the carbonyl other has a their with reactive difficulty; than ketones in most of their carbon and a hydrogen atom (b) of ketones. properties aldehydes are easily oxidized, only closely group while there are two carbons attached to the carbonyl group in structure affects both contain the carbonyl This difference in two ways: (a) whereas ketones are oxidized aldehydes toward are usually nucleophilic more addition. 19 Nucleophilic addition is the characteristic reaction of carbonyl compounds [26,27] . Aldehydes, ketones nature. Once formed, solvents because and carboxylic they polar may acids not be soluble in nonpolar groups tend to associate themselves more readily than with the solvent. hydrogen bond, and are polar in precipitation or with These groups phase separation may occur as they form in a system. For example, carboxylic acid molecules are polar and can form hydrogen bonds with each other. Two carboxylic acids can strongly hydrogen bond in the following manner: C263 O-H-- 0 R-C ^ In this case, the together by two hydrogen in / 0-- H-O carboxylic hydrogen bond C-R bonds. hydrocarbon bonded, they are less acid likely molecules are held Carboxylic acids readily solvents. to Once hydrogen react with other chemical species in the system. Carboxylic acids were given their name because their most characteristic property is acidity. The hydroxyl group of an acid can be replaced by NHR to yield amides. Amides are functional derivatives of acids and contain the carbonyl group. Amides undergo amines [26,27] . hydrolysis to revert to acids and 20 Formation of amides involves of the acid: cleavage of the C-OH bond [26] 0 / R-C " 0 „ + BJH0R / R-C — > 2 A' OH + H2° \ EHR Anhydrides and esters are also functional derivatives of carboxylic acids. The hydroxyl group is replaced by OOCR or OR' respectively [26,273 . 0 // R-C \ 0 OR' / R-C 0 anhydride ester The presence of the carbonyl group makes these latter groups polar [273 . As the number of increases, they may phase. If the acidic carbonyl species in a nonpolar system precipitate species chain amine, the resulting or could be reacted with a long amide should remain soluble in a nonpolar system. became long chain amides, form a separate liquid oxidized be less polar and If enough of the acids triglycerides might remain in solution in a nonpolar oil solvent. Amides can be derived from acids, esters and anhydrides. Some examples are shown on the following page [273 . 21 H \\ R-C-OH + RWH2 — > R-C-NHR + H3O R-C-OR' + RNH2 --- > R-C-NHR + R'OH 0 0 0 0 Il Il Il Il R-C-0—C—R + RNH3 — — > R-C-NHR + HO-C-R Sunflower weights. oil consists Making one portion polar may not make the of a variety of molecular of an extremely large molecule entire molecule polar enough to form a separate phase in a nonpolar Hii^ht have to contain a number oil solvent. of Each molecule polar groups before it separates. The resulting phase may be a solid (or gel) with entrapment of solvent. other molecules such as a nonpolar oil 22 EXPERIMENTAL Equipment The environment of the crankcase of a diesel engine was simulated in the laboratory in the form of a reaction kettle placed in an oil bath conducted in a pair of heater. 500 All the experiments were ml reaction kettles fitted with four post entrance lids (Figure I). Two of the openings (the kettle lid were fitted with center and one side) on each Ace threads to provide airtight seals for entering and exiting gas tubes, respectively. tight seals environment were as necessary well as to to provide measure the a Air controllable gas flow rate. Silicon grease insured gas-tight seals between each entrance and its ground glass stopper. As entering gas tube was connected to shown in Figure I, the a 30 mm glass frit that provided gas percolation through the oil mixture. frit was accurately positioned consistent positioning from in a experiment percolation could be observed The exiting tube was connected by The glass fixed location with to experiment. Gas removing a glass stopper. to tygon tubing leading to a soap film flow meter which measured normally adjusted to 2.0 ml/sec. the gas flow. Flow was 23 Copper Copper foil cylinder and was used with as an placed copper foil was 5 cm a catalyst area of over the long, 2 cylinder, 20 cm gas cm all experiments. was rolled into a dispersion tube. The wide and 0.125 mm thick. When forming the overlapping. When resting on the fritted glass surface, the copper was in intimate the in O contact ends with were both touching, not the gas and oil (Figure I). The reaction (Figure 2). The kettle(s) oil was bath placed contained in the oil bath paraffin oil which reached a higher level on the reaction kettle than the level of the oil mixture within the kettle. A Polyscience Model 73 immersion circulator was utilized to maintain an oil bath temperature of slightly above 150 C. The Polyscience Model 73 has automatic temperature control with a precision of 0.2 C and circulates approximately 13 minute. liters of heating oil per The automatic temperature control was adjusted to a setting where the oil mixture bath) was maintained at 150 within the kettle (not in the C. The temperature within the reaction kettle was checked periodically with a thermometer. The oil bath was well insulated with approximately 2 inches of vermiculite insulation between the sides and bottom of the bath. covered the vapor space above the steel plates that formed A tight fitting steel lid kettle(s) and bath oil. The oil bath was placed under a venting hood. 24 Gas Dispersion Tube Cos Exit Tube Gloss Stopper Ace Thread Reaction K ettle L id Reaction K e ttle Copper F o il — F ritted Disc Cos Dispersion H ead Figure I. A. immersion Circulator Reaction Kettle D. Thermometer B.Insulated Gas Line Line to Preheating Coil C. Gas E . Reaction K ettle F. Gas Preheating C oil Figure 2. Oil Bath and Reaction Kettle 25 High pressure nitrogen) to the exited from the cylinders reaction gas supplied kettle. cylinder position gas header mounted the oil bath. the (oxygen or Stainless steel tubing regulator on gas to enter a four- a steel frame placed beside Two precision needle valves were connected to the headers via tygon reaction kettles. tubing to control gas flow to the Gas was preheated by passing it through a one-quarter inch coil of immersed in the oil bath. stainless steel tubing that was Insulated teflon tubing connected the preheating coil to the glass stem of the frit. was adjusted to 2.0 ml/ sec. Gas flow An operating diagram is shown in Figure 3. Viscosity of the using calibrated viscometers oil mixture was periodically measured Cannon-Fenske were used for viscometers. specific viscosity Specific ranges. Viscometers were placed in a constant temperature water bath that was maintained immersion at circulator. 40 C by The a Polyscience Model 73 Polyscience Model 73 automatic temperature control with a precision of 0.2 C. take a sample, one of removed and 8 ml of reactor. The viscometer. 8 In the ml an the oil sample attempt kettle was of the lid on lid glass stoppers was then to placed steel To mixture was pipetted from the procedure, the pipet was the has transferred to the standardize the pipetting 8 inches below the surface oil bath. Two viscosity 26 A. Immersion Circulator B. Insulated Gas Line C. Gas Line to Heating Coil D. Thermometer E. Tygon Tubing Fi Soap Film Flow Meter G. Oil Both H. Gas Lines I . Stainless Steel Tubing J. Needle Valve K. Tygon Tubing L. Four Position Header M. Stainless Steel Tubing N. Shut~off Valve O. Pressure Regulator P. Gas Cylinder Figure 3. Oil Bath and Operating Diagram 27 measurements were taken on each sample, and the average value was used as the data point. If necessary, the sample was then saved for a Total Base Number (TBN) titration. If not, it was returned to the reaction kettle. In an attempt care was taken particles in measurement. to to quantify note the when the rate of gel formation, gel was viscometer Once gel was frit and copper foil were the copper surface taking a viscosity observed in the viscometer, the checked for gel formation. the frit were covered with gel, the experiment was stopped. At the end of the dispersing gel was area When of each experiment, and when first observed as allowed to drain on paper towels in an attempt to remove as much of the supernatant as possible. The gel was approximate comparison of then gel weighed. This allowed formation from experiment to experiment. Total Base Number (TBN) oil mixture. 2896, TBN values were determined according to ASTM D "Total Base Number Potentiometric Perchloric method suggested sharp end indicates the alkalinity of the points using when of Acid the Petroleum Titration". back working titration with used Products This standard method to get oils. Excess standard HClO^ solution was added to a prepared sample. excess was then back solution. An Orion titrated by The with standard sodium acetate Research Model 901 Microprocessor 28 Ionalyzer fitted with a Corning sleeve-type saturated glass electrode was used to detect the endpoints C293 . The iodine value of the sunflower oil was determined to provide a relative indication present. This value was Standard 1959-69 which is of the amount of unsaturation determined applicable according to ASTH to vegetable oils and their fatty acids [30] . Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to determine relative amounts of carbonyl groups in selected samples. FTIR is digitization of spectra information in a matter a low-cost, computer-controlled enables the user to extract which of . seconds. spectroscopic instruments, shelves on chart paper. [313 . A With older infrared of spectra were recorded FTIR spectra is stored in the computer Nicolet 5DX computer system with a helium-neon laser and a sodium chloride sample chamber was employed. Materials The vegetable oil used at was sunflower mill oil the beginning of the research from Continental Grain Company of Culbertson, Montana. It had an in the research, the Culbertson oil supply became depleted. New sunflower mill oil was iodine value of 140. obtained Incorporated in Fargo, North Dakota. from Early Cargill It had an iodine value 29 of 144. by Hydrocarbon Phillips basestock lubricating oil was provided Petroleum in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Two different batches of basestock oil were obtained. Lupersol 130 Corporation of was provided Buffalo, New dithiocarbamate (ZDTC) Vanlube AZ, by R. Connecticut. Chemical T. Co. obtained supplied Zinc the dialkyl tradename, under dialkyl the tradename, Company, Inc. of Norwalk, from Lubrizol Bartlesville, Exxon Chemical Products, Inc. stearate. Pennwalt Zinc dithiophosphate TBHQ of of Food-Grade Stamford, (ZDTP) was 1395, by Phillips Oklahoma. Chemicals Tertiary butyIhydroquinone (TBHQ) Company York. Vanderbilt Petroleum Company of name Tenox Lucidol Octadecylamine (ODA) was obtained from Aldrich supplied under was was by of Paranox 107 Houston, Texas. was received from Eastman Kingsport, Tennessee under the Antioxidant. Connecticut Sattva Chemical provided the copper All other chemicals were reagent grade. From the standpoint of safety, inherent problems arise when working with hot oils. The experimental apparatus was placed under a venting hood to remove noxious vapors. Care was taken when working with the high pressure gas cylinders. All waste oils and cleaning agents were treated as hazardous wastes and disposed Chemical and of Hazardous through Waste Montana State University's Department. Gloves, safety glasses and aprons were worn when handling hot oils. I RESULTS AMD DISCUSSION Any given commercial additive package that particular oil. lubricating is specifically contains, an designed for that The oil additive package contains chemicals that maximize engine performance. are oil dispersants, detergents, Some of these chemicals rust inhibitors, oxidation inhibitors, viscosity modifiers and friction reducers. the presence of such a wide variety is extremely additive package chemistry of With chemicals, the complex. Each of these additives are chemicals and may react with one another to form new compounds when placed in the lubricating oil. The showed previous workers commercial CIO,11,121 lubricating weight percent sunflower oil was quantified by polymerization of oil oil this mixture laboratory contaminated degraded rapidly. viscosity the in with 5.0 Degradation measurements, measured with by viscosity rise. To begin the current with Super commercial HD II research, low lubricating percent sunflower oil. ash oil a standard run was made MIL-L-2104C contaminated API with CD SAE 30 5.0 weight Standard conditions consisted of the oil mixture being exposed to 20 cm2 copper foil, 150 C and 2 31 ml/sec oxygen percolation. rise for this case. Figure 4 presents the viscosity Sunflower oil polymerization was rapid, and simulated engine failure occurred within 20 hours. commercial lubricating oil experiment, In a failure takes place when the viscosity of the oil mixture reaches or exceeds 500 centistokes. Due to This result was consistent with previous work. the unknown chemical package in commercial oil, Dutta 30 hydrocarbon basestock oil basestock oil as the nature in his lubricating sunflower oil standard oxygen flow, copper severe degradation of the The viscosity When using basestock oil with 5.0 exposed foil and the mixture to 150 C. He observed mixture within twenty hours and noted formation of insolubles heavy sludge. research. substrate, new problems and oil the additive [12] attempted to use SAE were encountered. Dutta contaminated weight percent of which he referred to as a data of Dutta, shown as a dotted line in Figure 5, are viscosities taken of the clear liquid above the sludge. This clear liquid will be referred to as the supernatant phase. To familiarize the basestock oil, verified. Dutta's current standard Hydrocarbon basestock weight percent sunflower oxygen percolation supernatant can be and researcher oil 150 seen was C. in with the use of conditions experiment was contaminated exposed Viscosity Figure 5. with 5.0 to copper foil, data of the Formation of 32 H- 300 (A 200 TIME, hrs Figure 4. Viscosity of commercial oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions. 33 Dutta: o this work:a TIME, hrs Figure 5. Viscosity of basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions. 34 appreciable insolubles occurred within 8 to (referred 10 to hours. as gel or sludge) Both gel and viscosity results are consistent with Dutta's work. The gel blanketed the copper foil and was 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick on the sides and bottom of the reaction vessel. The gel was sticky with an with irregular surface structure nipples of gel protruding into the supernatant. The proportion of nine to one. This supernatant result current researcher felt contributing to gel was that to gel was approximately not unexpected because the polymerized sunflower oil was formation. The original concentration of sunflower oil in the latter experiment was nine and one- half to one. is highly swollen with supernatant. This may The account gel for the small difference in the above proportions. The gel was were made to difficult to gravimetricalIy methods of quantification were phase was swollen with quantify. measure Initial attempts the gel, but these not reliable because the gel lubricating oil. Since two phases are formed when using hydrocarbon basestock oil, the current researcher felt little regarding the viscosity degradation. measurements It was alone meant also difficult to avoid gel particles when pipetting the supernatant, and even fine gel particles lodged viscosity measurements. in the viscometer and distorted 35 When using the commercial lube oil, sunflower oil polymerization resulted in viscosity rise with only a slight amount of gel at the end of research in the a basestock run CIO,113 . oil indicated polymerization contributed to gel must be eliminated going to be from measured unquantifiable and the by C123 sunflower oil formation. system viscosity adds Dutta's The gel phase if oil degradation is rise. another Gel is largely complication to the research. Preliminary experiments (Runs I attempt to find milder conditions polymers might contribute to formation. have a Since lower the and 2) were done in an where the sunflower oil viscosity rise rather than gel addition polymerization reaction may activation energy than the other oxidation reactions that form aldehydes, ketones and acids, decreasing the temperature might produce reduced gel C273 From . conditions of 5.0 weight Dutta's percent ml/sec oxygen flow and presence within 10 hours; and and get In A control of standard of copper foil produced gel viscosity rose only order to avoid gel at a lower measurable reasonable time frame, more C123 results, standard sunflower oil, 150 C, 2.0 supernatant slightly within 60 hours. temperature increased viscosity rise and viscosity rise in a sunflower oil may be necessary. conditions (basestock oil, oxygen percolation, copper foil and 150 C) with 25.0 weight percent 36 sunflower oil (Run I) was run to establish a baseline for an increased sunflower oil trial at reduced temperature. Viscosity showed measurements little of viscosity rise conditions) as shown in Figure observed at 8 hours. 55 hours, the Upon mixture was allowed to cool. Twenty formation with observed. As ridges the (similar 6. conditions sunflower oil. to Run I standard completion of the experiment at removed to from the oil bath and thirty hours later, uneven gel protruding anticipated, in Gel formation was first more above gel experiment with 25.0 weight percent standard supernatant experiment the surface was was observed in this sunflower oil than in a with 5.0 weight percent This was consistent with prevailing thinking that sunflower oil polymerizes and forms gel simultaneously. Increasing the amount of sunflower oil in the system resulted in an increase in the amount of gel formed. Lowering the temperature from 150 allow proceed oxidation as to rapidly polymerization. This the species as those might to 135 C might not contributing contributing limit experiment (Run 2) was conducted C at gel to to gel to addition formation. This 135 C with 25.0 weight percent sunflower oil, basestock oil, copper foil and oxygen percolation and gave viscosity the higher temperature was used. in Figure 6. Significant rise similar to Run I where This result is also shown gel formation was observed in the 37 I— 300 CO 200 135 C TIME, hrs Figure 6. Viscosity of basestock oil and 25.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions at 150 C and 135 C . 38 same time frame as Run I (8 slightly more gel seemed to to 10 hours). be present than in Run I at 150 C. It was alleviate that problems Future work would Run 2 at 135 C 1 concluded the in Unexpectedly, lower associated emphasize temperature with gel did not formation. understanding the formation of the gel phase and its relation to viscosity rise. When working with distinguish and polymers, classify the it gel and the species contributing be slight, might show them to be physically and vigorous homogenization gel could be physically dispersed to gel and viscosity between solids The difference between the to viscosity might viscosity rise, one might often difficult to differences (especially gels) and liquids. species that contribute to is similar species. If the and made to contribute to conclude the species contributing rise are physically and chemically similar. A standard basestock oil/sunflower oil experiment was run for twenty hours. The viscosity was measured and found to be 103 centistokes. Gel from this experiment was swollen with the supernatant. Most of the supernatant was removed from the gel by draining and "patting" dry with an absorbent cloth. The "dried" gel was then weighed. The proportion of gel to supernatant was determined to be approximately ten to ninety. The gel, in proper proportions, was then 39 homogenized at room temperature Homogenization of the in the supernatant phase. gel/supernatant mixture in a Waring high speed laboratory blender (Model 700B) at 20,000 rpra for five minutes produced a H O centistokes. viscosity produced was At slight twenty 124 viscosity minutes of homogenization, the centistokes. increased rise from 103 to viscosity homogenization, the viscosity Further rise. At appeared homogenization 75 minutes to decrease. of These results can be seen in Figure 7. The reliability of the 7 was questionned. mixture through detected. Upon the Once measurements closely gel riot the be mixture distinct The particles gel supernatant phase. fine particles lighting where a fine examining the flow of the viscometer, may homogenization, viscosity measurements in Figure are gel particles were detected, reliable. was two Upon inspected phase ceasing under bright system was observed. gradually Homogenization viscosity had settled from the produced a finely dispersed two phase system where the above viscosities have little meaning. particles probably distorted the Fine gel viscosity measurements when passing through the viscometer. This led to the that physical agitation did not cause the gel conclusion to revert, phase, viscous material. even temporarily, to a single 40 TIME, min Figure 7. Viscosity of supernatant/gel mixture vs. time of homogenization. 41 Dispersants additive and package surfactants are in intended to substances such as dirt/grime, but preventing the gel phase from the commercial disperse they oil inorganic may be a factor in precipitating C323 . It was believed the commercial oil dispersant might be able to keep the gel in solution rise. Some of the and thus "dried" gel from a basestock experiment was heated in the commercial ten to ninety for 24 checked every four nature of the gel the lube oil yield a meaningful viscosity lubricating hours at hours. were did not 150 No oil at a ratio of C. The mixture was physical changes in the observed. The additive package in appear change to the physical or chemical nature of the gel. The amount of gel present did not appear to the decrease, and gel particles remained a separate phase from the commercial oil. This result was not surprising because the dispersants are not commercial oil designed to disperse organic species. the gel-forming species were This result indicated chemically different from the species contributing to viscosity. A commercial obtained from Exxon organic dispersant, Chemicals of Paranox Houston, Texas. 107 is a suecinamide-based, ashless dispersant. that this strong dispersant might forming species dispersed as be they dispersant in the commercial oil 107, may was Paranox It was felt able to keep the gel­ are being formed. The not have been able to 42 disperse the gel that was already highly associated in the homogenized gel/commercial oil experiment. The amide part of the dispersant is basic in nature and might interact with acidic species to keep them reasons, the exact chemical not be obtained. Paranox 107 may A be dispersed. structure Due to proprietary of Paranox 107 could Phillips 66 representative speculated capable species in the present of dispersing organic chemical system and recommended using 1.0 to 5.2 weight percent [32] . Paranox 107 was added at basestock oil/sunflower oil 3.0 mixture percolation, copper foil and 150 was observed by 14 hours. the gel again made have formation worked still for a Gel formation to 10 hours. meaningful Presence supernatant The commercial dispersant short viscosity-forming species and exposed to oxygen that gel appeared in a 8 taking occurred. percent to the (Run 3). Recall viscosity measurements difficult. may and C standard conditions experiment in of weight period This the of again time, but gel indicated the gel-forming species were chemically different. The homogenization trials experiment indicated and the commercial dispersant formation simply a physical separation. the commercial oil might act of the gel phase was not It was felt the additives in in chemically inhibit gel formation or either 2) of two ways: I) keep gel suspended. 43 If the gel were merely suspended, it might be chemically the same as viscosity-forming species. Dutta [123 found two little gel was produced experimental where in experiments using basestock oil. Both these experiments were present work because they future research. situations These reproduced and confirmed in the were pivotal to the direction of experiments are discussed in the following paragraphs. An antioxidant, zinc dialkyl dithiocarbamate (ZDTC), is sometimes used in commercial oil and ZDTC an anti-wear agent. as an oxidation inhibitor is corrosion by inhibiting oxidation of species as well as surfaces. understood, The by forming mechanism but by ZDTC a weight inhibit protective film on metal ZDTC believed hydroperoxides. The recommended usage lubricating system is 1.0 to the lube oil to acidic which is thought acts is not well to decompose level in a diesel oil percent. The structure of ZDTC is given below. c ShII [j N-C-S C5H11 Zn 2 In Run 4 where 1.0 weight percent ZDTC was added at time zero to the 5.0 weight oil and exposed to percent sunflower oil and basestock copper foil, standard oxygen percolation 44 and 150 C, no viscosity rise and no significance were observed (Figure 8). block polymerization formation. This and work hence gel The ZDTC appeared to viscosity confirms formation of the rise and gel finding of Dutta C123 with ZDTC. Rewolinski [10] showed commercial oil proceeded by oxidative a free Rewolinski's work, a commercial periodically added polymerization of radical mechanism. In peroxide (Lupersol 130) was to the commercial oil nitrogen environment, and viscosity rise produced with oxygen percolation was system under a matching observed. that The structure of Lupersol 130 is shown below. CHL CH-, 3 3 I I (CH3)3C00-C-C=C-C-00C(CH3 )3 I I CH3 Lupersol 130 is known to to produce free radicals CH3 homolytically cleave at 0-0 bonds which of oxidative polymerization. catalyze the chain reaction It is widely used as a free radical initiator in vinyl polymerization. Dutta [123 used Lupersol oil in the nitrogen basestock environment, Lupersol 130 was hours. oil He added observed 130 with 5.0 percent sunflower and copper at 0.5 subjected catalyst weight significant the mixture to a and 150 C. The percent every four viscosity rise with 45 600 DuttaJ o this work:a 500- CO 400- O > I— 30 0 CO O U # 200 100 - 20 30 40 50 TIME, hrs Figure 8. Viscosity of basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with initial addition of 1.0% ZDTC. 60 46 negligible gel formation. as that encountered Viscosity when using rise was not as rapid commercial oil and oxygen, but still occurred; In this work, the free radical initiator at 0.5 weight percent was added every four hours to the 5.0 weight percent sunflower oil/basestock oil mixture nitrogen percolation, copper This trial resulted in catalyst and essentially viscosity rise presented in Figure with no 9. 150 gel exposure to C (Run 5). and gave the Dutta's results are shown on Figure 9 as a dotted line. Zinc dialkyl rise and gel while the dithiocarbamate, formation Lupersol without oxygen. No oxygen atmosphere. that gel is a in the ZDTC, blocked viscosity basestock 130 experiment gel was These separate formed yielded viscosity rise in experiments chemical oil with oxygen the absence of an seemed to indicate species produced by oxidation. If oxygen produced gel and Lupersol 130 without oxygen yielded only viscosity rise, what used simultaneously? would happen if they were One might expect to get both viscosity rise and gel formation. make species which could Lupersol 130 free radicals might contribute to viscosity rise while simultaneous oxidation might result in gel formation. 47 Dutt a: a this work:o TIME, hrs Figure 9. Viscosity of basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with nitrogen and additions of 0.5% Lupersol 130 every 4 hours. 48 An experiment with 0.5 weight percent Lupersol 130 added every four hours at standard conditions with oxygen present (Run 6) produced significant gel standard conditions without Only one viscosity in a time frame similar to Lupersol measurement was 130 (8 to 10 hours). taken because the gel formation by 8 hours was so great that gel particles plugged the viscometer. It was because the speculated that this result occurred triglycerides oxidized with the simultaneously resulting polymerized and polymers perhaps precipitating due to their "carbonyl polarity." Previous results indicated inhibiting polymerization that gel formation. ZDTC was produced an antioxidant viscosity rise and What if more free radicals as derivatives of Lupersol 130 were added to the earlier experiment using 1.0% ZDTC with oxygen in basestock oil? viscosity rise an Dutta when exposure [12] used Lupersol 130 present. of 5.0% sunflower oil in showed with Current a ZDTC does not prevent nitrogen atmosphere and and past research indicated ZDTC does not inhibit the initiator role of Lupersol 130 but does seem to work as an Lupersol 130 were system, results might be viscosity rise because the significant all antioxidant. present oxidation of polymers to gel produce viscosity rise. If ZDTC, .oxygen and in the sunflower/basestock and no gel ZDTC formation may block but the yet allow Lupersol 130 to 49 An experiment using oil, 5.0 weight 1.0 percent weight percent ZDTC, basestock sunflower oil, 0.5 weight percent Lupersol 130 added every four hours, copper foil, oxygen and 150 C (Run 7) produced again difficult to heavy take such large quantities gel. because by 8 Viscosity results were gel formation occurred in hours that the gel particles plugged the viscometer. The experiments with ZDTC and/or Lupersol 130 are summarized below. Table 2; Summary of Experiments with Additives ZDTC ZDTC ZDTC Lupersol 130 oxygen Lupersol 130 Lupersol 130 oxygen nitrogen oxygen no viscosity viscosity gel little gel little gel gel A strong hypothesis may be made regarding Table 2. dialkyl dithiocarbamate (ZDTC) polymerization, but hot the appears to block oxidative oxidation reactions that cause polymerized material to become increasingly polar. may be blocking Zinc hydroperoxide formation, The ZDTC but not 50 hydroperoxide decomposition. When Lupersol 130 is present, hydroperoxides are already present and decomposition of the hydroperoxides occurs. In the ZDTC, Lupersol 130 experiment with nitrogen present, the rise. In the same polymers contribute to viscosity experiment polymers may undergo oxidation with and oxygen present, the form gel. ZDTC cannot stop the oxidation reactions that cause polarity. is present, occurs, the polymer is polymer still being becomes oxidation reactions appear to made. increasingly be fast When ZDTC As oxidation polar. The enough to knock the polymer out of solution to form gel before it contributes to viscosity rise. When Lupersol simultaneously, oxidation of 130 the and polymers oxygen are used results in gel formation. These foregoing results research approach. It led was to a re-evaluation of the decided that pursuing a system with two additives, Lupersol best interest of future 130 and research. ZDTC, was not in the Dealing with a simple chemical system might be the best approach. At this point in the research, hydrocarbon basestock oil was the original supply of exhausted. The new basestock oil was obtained from Phillips 66 and is known as Baltic Oil ISO UG 68, Grade supplies of 315, commercial 81550. Jette C113 found different lubricating oil had different 51 additive packages which their source of crude different sources were oil. with formulated These their for and based on lubricating oils from customized additive packages gave viscosity rise in different time frames. Due to Jette's Clll findings, exposed to standard conditions sunflower oil, oxygen (Run 8). the new basestock oil was with percolation, Gel was still produced 5.0 copper weight percent foil and 150 C but at a later time. The old basestock oil and standard conditions produced gel in 8 to 10 basestock hours, while the conditions did not produce hours. Supernatant significant viscosity oil was similar to basestock oil. new supernatant and the new basestock oil spectroscopy between these oils. sent to gel and standard until 15 to 20 with the new basestock viscosity rise with the old This comparison is shown in Figure 10. Why did the old basestock emission rise oil Lubricon at would Samples Laboratory oil produce gel at ten hours twenty hours? identify of in a Perhaps atomic key difference both basestock oils were Indianapolis, Indiana and analyzed for trace metal content. Atomic emission data indicated differences in trace metals as shown in Table 3. 52 Table 3: Atomic Emission Data New Basestock Old Basestock ppm ppm Iron I I Aluminum I I Copper I 2 Tin 3 O Silicon 5 5 Sodium 2 8 Maanesium 3 6 Zinc 3 9 Barium O 4 It is difficult to pinpoint any significant differences that may be causing the basestock oil. a catalyst of gel formation in the new Some possibilities are tin may be acting as while delay other metals magnesium and barium may be tests from Lubricon not parts per million; are therefore, such sodium, zinc, acting as deactivators. These extremely the as accurate below ten small parts per million numbers shown in Table 3 may not really indicate significant differences between the two basestock oils. On visual inspection, the be more iridescent speculated than aromatics the were new basestock oil appeared to old basestock involved and oil. It was might somehow 53 Basestock H I 1^ 300 C/) 200 TIM E, hrs Figure 10. V i s c o s i t y c o m p a r i s o n of o l d a n d n e w b a s e s t o c k o i l s a n d 5.0 % s u n f l o w e r o i l vs. t i m e f o r s t a n d a r d c o n d i t i o n s . 54 influence the sunflower oil polymerization C333 spectroscopy (IR) or . on other Fourier the two differences in aromatics. oxidation transform samples E343 were of the infrared analyzed for The aromatic region of IR showed no distinct differences between the two basestocks. Differences between the two definable using data. Up infrared to this researcher assumed spectroscopy point the basestocks were not clearly in the basestock or atomic emission research, oil the current acted as an inert diluent for the sunflower oil because Dutta [123 showed that, the basestock oil without the when sunflower oil was viscosity did not exposed rise to and oxygen, no presence copper gel formed. of and 150 C, Surprisingly, different batches of hydrocarbon basestock appeared to cause sunflower oil to react differently at the experimental conditions of this work. In attempting to different answer basestocks, there explanations. Perhaps a refinery chemical sources of crude was may the question are a trace agent causing the contain of influence of variety of possible such as a homogeneous difference. varying Different amounts elements due to geographical differences C333 . of trace These trace elements may not have been detectable in the atomic emission study because variations in results occur when attempting to detect metals in amounts of 10 parts per million or less. • V V-. 55 Further speculation basestocks was as judged to to differences be between unproductive the two to the current work. Because the new basestock from those found previously, to be extended would need ZDTC and Lupersol 130 oil any to gave different results earlier research that was be reproduced. experiments discussed were reproduced (Runs 4-7) that The series of were previously in the new basestock oil. The first experiment with the new hydrocarbon basestock oil (Run 9) involved 5.0 weight percent sunflower oil, 1.0 weight percent and 0.5 ZDTC added every four hours. copper foil and 150 weight percent Lupersol 130 The mixture was exposed to oxygen, C. It was hypothesized that because . sunflower oil in the new basestock later time than in the old This was of believed the polymers which contribute because slower oxidation of polymers which new basestock-'(gel at 20 with the old basestock). make polymers produced gel at a basestock oil that ZDTC might be able to prevent oxidation to gel. oil hours there appeared to be a contribute to gel in the instead of at 10 hours as Lupersol 130 might then be able to contributing to viscosity rise because the polymers might not be oxidized and become polar. experiment was performed, gel formation occurred within 20 that ZDTC did not act against the hours. It was concluded When this 56 oxidation reactions that result in polar polymers. did not perform any better in basestock oil than it with did The ZDTC this experiment with the new the same conditions in the old basestock oil. Next, the every four new basestock hours conditions of at oxygen 0.5 oil with weight percolation, without ZDTC present (Run 10) Lupersol 130 added percent copper were tested. also produced heavy gel in the and foil standard and 150 C This experiment twenty hour time frame. The polymers were again being oxidized and becoming polar. The two key experiments that old basestock oil were The first experiment added every four weight percent repeated used hours, was oil. observed, Comparison of the Figure 11. 5.0 copper, This in and rises weight exposed to Lupersol 130 and C and 5.0 experiment (Run 11) no gel formation took results can be seen in of the percent nitrogen nitrogen environment, viscosity 150 the old basestock oil. viscosity Viscosity with the new basestock oil. weight percent Lupersol 130 obtained place. contaminated 0.5 in nitrogen, sunflower reproduced the results Viscosity rise did not produce gel in the rise two basestocks sunflower oil and are similar. Under a occurred in the same time frame. The second experiment that produced no gel in the old basestock was 1.0 weight percent ZDTC, oxygen, copper, 150 C 57 Basestock I*.A Basestock 2 :o T IM E , hrs Figure 11. Viscosity comparison of old and new basestock oils and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with nitrogen and additions of 0.5% Lupersol 130 every 4 hours. 58 and 5.0 weight percent sunflower oil. were tested with the new These same conditions basestock basestock, gel formation occurred (Run 12). between With the new 15 and 20 hours. The amount of gel formation at 20 hours in the new basestock oil with ZDTC present was formation at 10 hours in present. The amount comparable the old basestock oil without ZDTC of gel formed the new basestock oil was also formed in the new occurred in the to be with ZDTC present in similar to the amount of gel basestock ZDTC. ZDTC appeared to the amount of gel oil without the presence of ineffective since gel formation same time was so frame as standard conditions (around 20 hours). Because ZDTC formation in the old effective basestock oil in minimizing gel (exposed to an oxygen atmosphere) and was considered a key to future research, the exact same ZDTC experiment (Run 13) was repeated. Gel formation again occurred in significant amounts at 20 hours. There appeared to be no improvement when using the new basestock oil in conjunction with ZDTC. The new basestock oil may have some metal or contaminant compound that ineffective. is deactivating the Some difference(s) ZDTC and making it between the two basestocks causes ZDTC to perform differently in each. From the beginning of this laboratory, it was the sunflower oil experiments in known that ZDTP, zinc dialkyl 59 dithiophosphate, was the most commonly used antioxidant in the lubricant industry C323 . ZDTP supposedly inhibits the initiation stage of autoxidation by decomposing intermediate hydroperoxides to nonradical products. the propagation step by reacting It may also inhibit with the peroxy radical. The structural formula of ZDTP is given below. RO S > Zn RO Dutta [123 showed 1.0 formation and viscosity weight percent 2 weight rise sunflower percent ZDTC blocked gel in oil the old basestock oil/5.0 mixture percolation, copper foil and 150 C. was ineffective when used current research antioxidant. indicates However, ZDTP decomposes. it Jette zinc (presumably from oil/5.0 weight percent time. under Based on these may same conditions. may remain [113 showed ZDTP) in sunflower results, to oxygen One weight percent ZDTP the ZDTC exposed a not be The a superior in the system while the concentration of commercial lubricating oil system decreased with a decision to test ZDTP in the new basestock was made. Dutta's results with 1.0 weight basestock oil/5.0 reproduced with sunflower oil weight the under new percent ZDTP in the old percent basestock standard sunflower oil were oil/5.0 weight percent conditions (Run 14). 60 Significant viscosity rise was formation occurred within 20 are shown in Figure dotted line. over 12 There hours. The viscosity results improvement with ZDTP present conditions formation occurred at a case later time a gel no was in and Dutta's results depicted by a standard and observed, with the experiment not with time no than similar frame ZDTP. in to Gel Dutta's a standard conditions experiment. Jette Since declined with [113 time showed the concentration ZDTP may be and of zinc decomposing in this laboratory system, progressive additions every four hours of 1.0 weight oil/5.0 oil sunflower were ZDTP percent foil this experiment was run, the new basestock to Again , mixture exposed to oxygen, copper within 15-20 hours. made and the system was C (Run 15). 150 When significant gel formation occurred The ZDTP added either initially or periodically was not effective in the given system. Neither ZDTC nor ZDTP had worked in the new basestock, yet one of the earlier speculations was that antioxidants in the commercial lube Perhaps there was an oil were stopping interaction oxidation to gel. between the antioxidants and some other material in the commercial lube oil. time, an ongoing review stearate have might of a At this the literature revealed copper synergistic effect with the 61 Basestock Basestock K 300 200 T IM E , hrs Figure 12. Viscosity comparison of old and new basestock oils and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with initial addition of 1.0% ZDTP. 62 antioxidants C353 . The structure of copper stearate is as follows: (ci7H35C00~)2 Cu+2 Perhaps the activated the old ZDTC Copper was a known reaction and may reactions. basestock whereas the new a material that basestock did not. catalyst for the addition polymerization be Dutta's a catalyst for gel-forming oxidation copper and no-copper experiments E123 could not distinguish formation. contained any differences He concluded copper was The current formed so rapidly in old basestock copper played was undefinable. where gel formation occurs at In a the rate of gel not a catalyst for the gel-forming reaction(s). the in researcher felt gel oil that the role the new basestock oil slower rate, the role of copper with respect to gel may become clearer. To establish a control, 10 ppm copper stearate replaced copper foil in an experiment of new basestock oil/5.0 weight percent sunflower oil exposed to It was speculated that yield Cu 9+ ions in oxygen and 150 C (Run 16). copper stearate might dissociate and the system. However, significant gel formation occurred in Run 16 within 5 hours which was faster than with standard conditions. This was not unexpected because Jette [113 showed soluble copper was the most active form of catalyst in the copper first had this to system. When using copper foil, dissolve to form active species. 63 With direct addition of copper stearate, the copper was already in a soluble form. Next copper stearate ZDTC were both added 17). ZDTC appeared to at (10 ppm) and 1.0 weight percent otherwise standard conditions (Run be effective time, but significant gel formed stearate experiments seemed to for a short period of by 16 hours. produce Both copper gel faster than the standard conditions case. The ongoing literature search suggested phenols might work as antioxidants in the present system. Quinones which are oxidized phenols might destroy free radicals and thereby terminate radical reactions C363 might increase the induction process. Dutta butylphenol) in C123 his phenol might not have may be the action C373 . active. High levels of phenols period and delay the oxidation tried 4,4'-methylenebis (2,6-di-tertresearch. been functional It converted form was believed Duttas to the quinone which responsible for antioxidant The tertiary butyl groups might have hindered the hydroxyl group and the been . Tertiary quinone structure might not have butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) is a simpler molecule and might be easily oxidized to the quinone form. This conversion is shown on the following page. 64 When 0.5 weight percent system with new basestock TBHQ was used in the current oil, 5.0 weight percent sunflower oil, copper foil, oxygen and 150 C (Run 18), significant gel was formed within 20 hours. There was no improvement with the addition of TBHQ. The complex additives such as chemistry associated antioxidants was decided that some and more fundamental simpler oil resulted rise viscosity oil again reviewed, and it variables examined. At removal of the copper foil from the commercial lubricating a using chemistry must be understood experimental this time, Raman C383 found in was with conditions where the copper was system similar at four hours still to the standard left in the mixture for the duration of the experiment. In the new basestock chemistry might be obtained system, more insight into the by manipulating the environment to which the oil mixture was exposed. From Raman's results. 65 it was hypothesized that long-lived radicals might be formed early in the experiment polymerization. oxygen for keep producing addition If the new basestock system were exposed to four hours environment, viscosity formation. and and then subjected rise might take to a nitrogen place without gel The initial oxygen environment might produce the long-lived radicals that might not form because lead the to viscosity, oxygen and the gel would not be present to polarize the addition polymers. A standard experiment of new basestock oil/5.0 weight percent sunflower oil exposed to copper run with oxygen for four and remainder (Run 19). No hours viscosity foil and 150 C was then nitrogen for the rise was detected in 48 hours (4 hours of oxygen and 44 hours of nitrogen). amount of gel formed due Because viscosity rise formed, the theory of It appears more to the initial exposure to oxygen. was not detected and minimal gel long-lived radicals seems improbable. likely copper after four A small that hours is Raman's due result with removing to soluble copper species that remain in the system after the copper is removed. The body of experimental oxygen polymers was attacking and making addition polymers are lubricating oil. If the these then the data gathered so far indicated double bonds polymers not in polar. soluble carbon-carbon in the addition The polar the nonpolar double bonds were 66 converted to addition polymers by Lupersol 130 in a nitrogen atmosphere, the large materials that dissolved in neutral solvent might produce viscosity. Next, three experiments basestock/sunflower Lupersol 130 atmosphere. oil added were performed mixture every to two 1.0 exposing the weight hours and a percent nitrogen The first (Run 20) subjected the oil mixture to Lupersol 130, nitrogen, copper foil and 150 C until reaching a viscosity of 500 centistokes. then switched to oxygen (28 Nitrogen percolation was hours) to produce a viscosity rise to 1278 centistokes in an additional 24 hours. viscosity results are shown in Figure ran for another 44 hours formation was occurring. No However, the oil was a solid at room temperature; conclusion was drawn that gel. The it the most were made to see if gel apparent mixture have been detected even if convert to The experiment where viscosity measurements were not taken and frequent observations place. 13. These gel formation took became so viscous that it therefore, gel might not were present. The tentative polymerized material did not accessible converted to addition polymers by double bonds were the Lupersol 130, and few were left for oxygen to attack to form gel. The second experiment conditions as Run 20, and (Run 21) involved the same a viscosity of 215 centistokes at 20 hours was measured before switching to oxygen. Viscosity 67 continued to rise for the centistokes. These next results 20 hours until reaching 500 are also shown in Figure 13. The experiment ran for an additional 22 hours while checking for gel formation. hours, but it supernatant An apparent could hot phase. temperature, be When attempts gel phase was present at 62 separated the to from mixture separate the the viscous cooled to two phases room by decanting were unsuccessful. The result of this experiment leads that to material the conclusion converts to gel only accessible double bonds were moderately very converted polymerized slowly. The most by the Lupersol 130 to addition polymers, and few were left for oxygen to attack to form gel. In the third experiment H O centistokes at 12 environment. hours before switching to an oxygen Viscosity results are also shown in Figure 13. Significant gel was formed to oxygen. (Run 22), the viscosity reached The amount of within 15 hours after switching double from 60 to H O centistokes may bonds consumed in going not have been high enough to prevent gel formation after oxygen introduction. The double theory bonds that to polymerization was further test this oxygen yield was polar proceeding hypothesis, simultaneously compounds appears a to while be cleaving addition valid. To compound that might react with carboxylic acids and prevent gel formation was tested. 68 Run 20: to O7 0 500 cSt: o Run 21: N7 to O7 0 215 cSt: A T IM E , hrs Figure 13. Viscosity of new basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with nitrogen and additions of 0.5% Lupersol 130. Nitrogen switched to oxygen at times indicated by arrows. 69 Octadecylamine (ODA) is an eighteen carbon amine with the following formula. CH3(CH2 )17MH2 The amine should react with amides which would be less soluble in the nonpolar the acids polar to form long chain than the acids and remain lubrication oil. As the carbon- carbon double bond is being cleaved to form acid groups, the ODA might react with the acids. The product molecule should be a triglyceride with an eighteen carbon amide which should be somewhat larger and might remain than in the original triglyceride molecule solution due to its overall nonpolar character. Fifteen grams octadecyIamine was beginning of a basestock initially added at the oil/sunflower oil experiment and exposed to copper foil, oxygen and 150 C (Run 23). Viscosity at 20 hours was 147 centistokes it was 309 experiment. centistokes gel experiment a with as a can did not appear to oil occurred and gel particles seen commercial in formation was detected at twenty for an additional 16 commercial Viscosity rise occurred at a slower standard be standard were difficult to take after formation plugged the viscometer. than in Viscosity results 20 hours because rate in Run 23 while at 20 hours hours, increase. Figure hours. and lubricating 14. oil Slight gel The experiment ran the amount of gel present The final quantity of gel 70 commercial oil:A ODA initially: o T IM E , hrs Figure 14. Viscosity of new basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with 15 g ODA added initially. 71 formed was substantially less than the amount of gel formed in a standard conditions experiment with basestock. It was hypothesized ODA might be evaporating from the system; therefore, periodic additions grams ODA were added every C (Run 24), gel hours hours. 18 gel formation. The ODA as they formed. and exposed to copper, oxygen formation experiment ran for 32 An additional When 0.7 four hours to basestock oil/5.0 weight percent sunflower oil and 150 were tried. with was prevented. The ODA additions every four hours of exposure resulted in no appeared to be reacting with acids Viscosity rise was similar to a standard experiment as shown in Figure 15. The total base numbers (TEN'S) Figure 16. Two TEN The first sample was ODA. the The second ODA. maintained. samples taken sample An for were Run 24 are shown in taken every four hours. immediately prior to adding the was average taken 25 minutes after adding TEN of approximately 0.3 was These results indicated the ODA was keeping the system from becoming increasingly acidic. To test the polar speculated the ODA been formed. might A reaction oil, 4 grams gel from grams ODA was heated to "dissolved", compound and a hypothesis further, it was solubilize gel that had already kettle with 36 grams new basestock a standard basestock experiment and 4 150 C. viscosity After six hours, the gel measurement was taken. 72 commercial oil:A ODA at intervals:o T IM E , hrs Figure 15. Viscosity of new basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with additions of 0.7 g ODA every 4 hours. TBN1 mgKOH/g 73 TIME, hrs Figure 16. Total base number of new basestock oil and 5.0% sunflower oil vs. time for standard conditions with additions of 0.7 g ODA every 4 hours. 74 Basestock oil viscosity was the gel into centistokes. basestock gave Another experiment of gel, ODA oil. the 60 centistokes while dissolving and oil The gel also was a viscosity of 75 using the same proportions run using commercial lubricating "dissolved" within six hours. Viscosity increased from 95 to 155 centistokes. The acidic gel further hypothesis confirm this, spectroscopy was used. amounts of It Fourier This carbonyl comparisons. appeared was believed polar and was thus more oxidized valid. To infrared should show relative and the be transform method compounds to allow gel for sample material was more than the sunflower oil by itself or the same amount of sunflower oil in a degraded oil mixture that had been converted Sunflower oil in degraded lube oxidized than pure sunflower degree of oxidation might oil converted to oil oil. be to addition polymers. would probably be more The order of increasing pure sunflower oil, sunflower addition polymers from given and sunflower oil converted to gel. Since the swollen with reasonably pure conditions gel any supernatant, gel. experiment it The was swollen (Run 16) experiment was highly necessary to gel a standard was from washed at obtain room temperature with octadecane and hexane and then vacuum dried at room temperature for two or three minutes. This 75 procedure was repeated until the gel was dry and crumbly. The gel was then subjected to a warm nitrogen atmosphere for 30 minutes to remove any occluded solvents. The gel was then dissolved in ortho-chlorophenol (OCP) which is a common solvent for dissolving complex polymers. Three samples were analyzed with each sample containing the same concentration of sunflower were I) pure conditions sunflower experiment oil/sunflower oil oil, and from a thickened to 300 centistokes. OCP. Next the three oil. 2) The three samples gel 3) from a commercial standard standard lubricating conditions experiment All samples were dissolved in samples, containing the same concentration of sunflower oil were analyzed by FTIR. As expected, the gel was the most oxidized and contained more carbonyl groups than the other two samples. The degraded lubrication oil contained more carbonyl groups than the pure sunflower oil, another anticipated result. 17 gives the FTIR spectra. was determined. Areas under each of the curves The degraded lube oil had 1.7 times as many carbonyl groups as pure sunflower times as many Figure carbonyls results were consistent as with oil while the gel had 4.2 pure the sunflower oil. These "polar gel" theory and other experiments. A tabulated review of all experiments performed is given in Table 4 of the Appendix. 100.000 Sunflow er OH ( 5 % ) 63.333 56.667 Degraded Lube (5 % S.O .) ^ 50.000 H 33.333 16.667 GEL 2002.4 1946.4 1890.3 1834.3 ( 5 % S.O.J 1778.2 1722.2 If22.2 1666.1 ibiu.i 1554.0 iooh .u 1498.0 V/AVENUMBERS ( C M - I ) Figure 17. Infrared s p e c t r o s c o p y of addition polymerized equal concentrations sunflower oil and of pure insoluble gel s u n f l o w e r oil, from s u n f l o w e r oil. 77 SUMMARY The mechanism of gel formation in basestock lubricating oil needed to be clarified at The experiments performed in into the differences the conditions of this work. this research provided insight between polymerization of sunflower and gel formation appear gel formation oil. to and addition Addition polymerization occur simultaneously and only exlude each other as double bonds are consumed. Once a polymer is polarized competing oxidation reactions, it nonpolar lubricating oil. a two phase system. certain degree by has less affinity for the Smalll molecules that are polarized may polymerization simultaneously with a The difference in affinity causes still remain in solution, so it addition to should be kept in mind that to large polarization to molecules acidic occurs species. The addition polymers that become polarized appear to contribute to gel formation. Attempts to make the of a long chain When acidic the amine system were polymers amides, the oil mixture less polar by the addition successful in dissolving gel. were existed converted as to less polar a single phase. Total 78 base number acidic. carbonyl results the system was no longer as Infrared spectroscopy showed the gel contained more groups sunflower oil. resulting showed from than All these addition pure sunflower oil or degraded results confirm that the polymers polymerization are polarized by oxidation to form the separate gel phase. These results now facilitate the way for future research in hydrocarbon basestock oil without the presence of gel. / 79 CONCLUSIONS 1. Insoluble gel formed from sunflower oil in basestock lubricating oil appears to be due to simultaneous addition polymerization and other oxidation reactions. These other oxidation reactions also take place at points of unsaturation to yield polar carbonyl groups, especially acids. These polymers then lose affinity for the nonpolar lubricating oil and form a separate phase. 2. The formation of insoluble gel requires the presence of oxygen at the conditions of this work. Sources of peroxy free radicals other than oxygen do not yield insoluble gel. 3. Insoluble gel formation can be prevented by reaction with long chain amines to yield amides which reduce overall molecular polarity by addition of a long chain polar component. Other long chain basic species should show similar gel-retarding behavior. 80 4. The antioxidant, zinc dialkyl dithiocarbamate (ZDTC), appears to retard gel formation by blocking addition polymerization and not by inhibiting the oxidation reactions that yield polar species. r 81 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 1. A new standard experimental procedure needs to be devised where gel-forming species are converted to soluble species which can be quantified by viscosity rise. 2. Further confirmation of the theory that acidic species contribute to gel formation should be gained by alkalinity studies of gel and gel-forming systems. 3. 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