The developmental dynamic visual acuity status of elementary students by Doreen Alice Heintz A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Physical Education Montana State University © Copyright by Doreen Alice Heintz (1977) Abstract: The purpose of the study was to determine the dynamic visual acuity status of elementary age children, Dynamic visual acuity was defined as the ability of an observer to detect the detail of an object when there is relative movement between the observer and the object. The test for dynamic visual acuity consisted of the individual identifying a distinct portion (checkerboard design) of a moving target slide that moved across a 180° cylindrical screen. The test was conducted in three parts as the target slides moved at. three predetermined speeds (60° per second, 90° per second, and 120° per second,) In each part of the test, the targets on the slides were large and got progressively smaller as the test continued. By means of analysis of variance, a comparison of three variables (grade level differences, sex differences, and eye preference differences) to the dynamic visual acuity test was considered. Also, interaction effects of the variables was considered, Main conclusions made from the study included the following: 1) a difference between grade levels and the dynamic visual acuity test was found to exist; 2) a difference between the dynamic visual acuity scores was seen between males and females; 3) no difference was seen on the dynamic visual acuity test between children who had left or right eye preference; and 4) no interaction effects between grade level differences and eye preference differences, grade level differences and sex differences, or sex differences and eye preference differences was noted. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fullfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection, I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director, of Libraries, It is understood that ary copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. THE DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMIC VISUAL ACUITY STATUS OF ELETdENTARY STUDENTS by DOREEN ALICE HEINTZ A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Physical Education Approved* Chairperson^" G^duA teCom^ttee Headf m y c r Depamnent Jy Graduate Dean . MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozetnans Montana, August r 1977 ill I • ' - ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank Dr 6 G 6 S 0 Don Morris for All his time and wisdom in helping complete the study. A special thanks goes also to Dr. Ellen Krelghbaum, Dr 0 Albert Suvak, and Herb Agocs for their contributions during the completion of the Study6 The author is indebted to the many people who helped in the collection of the data— to Judy Halra and Priscilla Fleseh for all their time in assisting with the testing procedures, to the principal and teachers at Irving Elementary School who made the students avail" able to the investigator, and,, finally, to the students at Irving Elementary School who made the study, possiblee Also, the author is grateful to Edith Breitmeier, her sister-" Debbi Kramer, and her mother for all their work in helping prepare and type the final copy. TABLE CF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES, . . vii LIST OF FIGURES . . ix Chapter I, 09 00 I INTRODUCTION STATEMENT OF GENERAL AND SPECIFIC PROBLEMS. O O O O O O I DEFINITION OF .TERMS USED IN STUDY . . . . . 0 9 9 0 0 0 I DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY. . . .......... e•»o 3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY. »00. 3 ...... 4 ^ JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY, 2e SURVEY OF RELATED.LITERATURE, . . . . . . . . VISUAL PERCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN . . . «. o STUDIES RELATING STATIC VISUAL ACUITY AND DYNAMIC VISUAL ACUITY ...............* . • 0 . 6 13 DYNAMIC VISUAL ACUITY STUDIES . » 0 * 0 * 9 DYNAMIC VISUAL ACUITY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO SPORTS PERFORMANCE . . . . . . . . . . .SUMMARY ’» * 6 . . . 0 0 * 0 0 9 , 0 . 6 0 0 e» 14 18 . 0 0 6 0 , 21 60 . 0 METHODS AND PROCEDURES. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 23 JUSTIFICATION OF THE DESIGN 0 0 6 0 23 HYPOTHESES FOR THE STUDY. ................. 0 0 0 o' 24 SAMPLE FOR THE STUDY. EQUIPMENT USED IN THE STUDY . 24 0 0 0 0 25 V Chapter ^agc TESTING PROCEDURE AND DATA COLLECTION . . . . 4. o .... 26 SCHEDULE OF DATA COLLECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 ANALYSIS OF DATA e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION CF DATA, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 PRESENTATION OF THE RESULTS ................... 30 Results Contrasting Grade Differences and DVA Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, Results Contrasting Eye Preference Differences and DVA Test* . . . . . . . . . . . . o 33 Results Contrasting Sex Differences and DVA‘Test. , . , , . . e . 33 Results Contrasting Grade Differences and Eye Preference Differences. . . . . . . . . . . 36 Results Contrasting Sex Differences and Grade Differences 38 . . . * Results Contrasting Sex Differences and Eye Preference Differences. . , . . . « . , . « 3 9 Results Related to Hypotheses DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS 5. 41 ^ SUMMARY, CONCLUSION'S, AND "RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . ^ 42 o » 45 SUMMARY . . . e e o e e e e e . . . . . . . » « • « . « 45 CONCLUSIONS 46 RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 46 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 50 vi Page APPENDIXES APPENDIX A . . APPENDIX B . . APPENDIX C . . APPENDIX D , . vii LIST OF TABLES Table I, Page Least-Squares Mean for Grade Levels and DVA Test# # # # # # # # # # # # 0 0 0 0 # # » # 2 0 Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Grade ; Differences and DVA Test# . # , # . # # 0 «'» « « 0 3« 4, 5# Least-Squares Mean for Eye Preference and DVA Test# # # # # # # # # # # # # # e . 31 « » 0 32 #-*0 ® # # Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Left and Right Eye Preference and DVA Test y ' Least-Squares Mean for Male and Female Subjects and DVA Test# # # # # # # # # # # . # * # » # # # # _ # 0 e 33 0 . 34 . . 35 6 # Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Male and Female Subjects and DVA Test# # « # . « # # # * • # 7$ Least-Squares Mean for Grade Levels and Eye Preference. . 6 36 . . 37 8 . Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Grade Differences and Left and Right Eye Preferences# # . # . , « , « 9# Least-Squares Mean for Grade Levels and Male and Female Subjects# « ........ # 6 38 1 i 38 IOe Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Grade Differences and Male and Female Subjects. . . « . .'#-,# » # » , . 39 11, Least-Squares Mean for Male and Female Subjects and-Left and Right Eye Preferences, #,« ., , . 12* . . e e 40 Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Male and Female Subjects and Left and Right -Eye Preferences » # . . * a 41 viii Ifege Table 13. 14. Visual Acuity Equivalents of Visual Anglese expressed in minutes of arc, and Snellen Ratings, Raw Data 33 « * 0 0 0 0 « 56 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure . Fage Ie Target Slide 2, DVA Score Sheet e e e t o e e e e o o . 53 5t X ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the dynamic visual acuity status of elementary age children, . JGynamic visual acuity was defined as the ability of an observer to detect the detail of an ob­ ject when there is relative movement between the observer and the object. The test for dynamic visual acuity consisted of the individ­ ual identifying a distinct portion (checkerboard design) of a moving target slide that moved across a 180° cylindrical screen. The test was conducted in three parts as the target slides moved at. three predetermined speeds (6ti° per second, 90° per second, and 120° per second,) In each part of the test, the targets on the slides were large and got progressively smaller as the test continued. By means of analysis of variance, a comparison of three vari­ ables (grade level differences, sex differences, and eye preference differences) to the dynamic visual acuity test .was considered. Also, interaction effects of the variables was considered. Ikin conclusions made from the study included the following* I) a difference between grade levels and the dynamic visual acuity test was found to exist; 2 ) a difference between.the dynamic visual acuity scores was seen between males and females; 3 ) no difference was seen on the dynamic visual acuity test between children who had left or right eye preference; and 4) no interaction effects between grade level differences and eye preference differences, grade level differences and sex differences, or sex differences and eye prefer­ ence differences was noted. Chapter I INTRODUCTION STATEMENT OF GENERAL AND SPECIFIC PROBLEMS The purpose of the study was to measure the developmental dynamic visual acuity status of students in grades one through four at Irving Elementary School in Boseman, Montana, Specifically, an attempt was made to I ) compare the dynamic visual acuity status among the different grades of students, 2) compare the dynamic visual acuity status among students who'had different eye -preference, and 3) compare the dynamic .visual acuity status' "between males and fe­ males. DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN STUDY The following terms were defined by the investigator to provide a better understanding of the study*, Dynamic Visual Acuity, Dynamic visual acuity is the ability of an observer to detect the detail of an object when there is rel­ ative movement between the observer and the object. Dynamic visual acuity is sometimes known as DVA. Static Visual Acuity. Static visual acuity is the ability of the visual system to discriminate the detail of stationary objects in the field of vision 2 Perception, As defined by Larson (16:11), , , a Perception is an activity of the mind intermediate between sensation and thought. It is the mental process which gives meaning to the. given sensation and acts as a preliminary to thinking. Perception is that which, enables the individual to organize and come to understand the environment around him. Visual Perception, Visual perception is that part of per­ ception that has to do with the organization of visual'stimuli* In order for this process to occur, a sensory input, is received by the visual receptors. brain. The nervous system, relays the information to the ■ In the brain the process in which past information, e, g., memory, is used so a message can be sent to the muscles after which an .observable behavior can occur. Eye Preference. most depends. Eye preference is the eye on which a person Just as a person is usually left- or right-handed, he also usually has a dominate eye, Oculo-Rotator, .An oculo-rotator is a machine that has a variable speed mechanism on it which allows a mirror to',rotate at different speeds. The oculo-rotator is manually manipulated to establish the different "speeds. Target Slides, distinct parts. A target slide is a slide which has five Out of these five parts, one part is different from the other parts (checkerboard design). The checkerboard can be lo­ cated in one of four places on the slides up, down, right, or left. 3 In the dynamic visual acuity test, each subject must identify where the checkboard design is on each target slide. Students at Irving Elementary School, The study involved ■ "■ .. . students in grades one through four who were enrolled at Irving ' Elementary School in Bozeman, Montana during the course of the test­ ing which took place fall and winter quarters, of 1976-77, DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The study was delimited to students in grades one four who'were enrolled at Irving Elementary School, through Testing occurred during fall and winter quarters of the school year 1976-77, more, the study was delimited to measuring dynamic visual Further­ .acuity and eye preference. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Although all students were tested during the afternoon hours, of the school day, no attempt was made to control the students8 activities immediately prior to the administration of the test. Another limitation of the study was the operation of the equip' ' ment during testing. precisely. It was assumed that the equipment operated 4 JUSTIFICATION OF THB STUDY The development of visual perception is seen to develop early in infants as evidenced "by Cratty (9*69)0 e e .For example, the infant is seen to. track moving objects at birth, and by the sixth month he performs this task quite well for increasingly longer periods of time when objects move in arcs through his space field at various speeds. Cratty (9169) further stated, though, that this development is not complete until a later age. It thus appears, upon surveying the available' evidence, that complex spatial perceptions involving.the-perceptual :anticipation of rapidly moving objects in space, coupled with-locomotor and manual responses necessary to control them-, are not .seen to mature until, late childhood. Even though visual perceptual development is evidenced in young children, it is an area in which little research has been done and no real conclusions have been reached by previous investigations. Movement perception is one area where no real conclusions have been reached, as reported by Kidd and Rivoire (l5il02-03). Perhaps movement, ttib most primitive of all visual percep­ tions, may be thought of as favoring detail perception, provided the movement is-not too fast or too slow. It is, therefore, the development of perception of detail in movement that is of spe­ cial interest to psychology. Research on this type of perception, however, is highly scattered, cross-sectional, unorganized, and still in a very elementary stage, and far less- research has been done in this area compared to research into other visual pro­ cesses. What variables there are to be studied in tracing this development are still relatively undetermined$. they ,have not even been identified by preliminary research. Indeed, a refined longitudinal study of this process is greatly needed. 5 Based upon this earlier evidence, an attempt was made by the investi­ gator to provide a study which contributed to the body of information in the area of movement perception# Dynamic visual acuity was one area that could be explored in the area of dynamic visual perception# The investigator chose the area of dynamic visual acuity because it was an area which does not involve a motor response, such as catching.a ball with his or her hands, as seen in other areas, of dynamic visual perception# By adding the variable of motor coordination relative to visual percep­ tion, accurate interpretations of findings were difficult# By using the target type of test as was employed in a dynamic visual acuity study, the task of a motor response was eliminated# Earlier studies in the area of dynamic visual acuity by Burg and Hulbert (?) and Morris and Kreighbaum (l?) have confined themselves to adult subjects# In the interest of seeing the develop­ ment of younger children, the investigator chose to study the de­ velopment of elementary age children# Cratty (8 ) performed a similar study to the one proposed here# It was. the purpose of his study to explore the dynamic visual acuity status of children from the ages of five to twelve years# Chapter 2 SURVEY OF RELATED LITERATURE The survey, of related literature consists of four major I) visual perceptual development in children, 2) studies topics! relating static visual acuity and dynamic visual acuity, 3) dynamic visual acuity studies, and 4) dynamic visual acuity and its relation­ ship to sports performance. VISUAL PERCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDR# In order to understand visual perception, one must realize that visual perception depends on more than just the eye. Visual perception is a process which involves the eye, brain, and sensory pathways. Begbie (4s3*4) reported the following: , , ,But optics and anatomy are not the only types o f ■science needed in studying the eye. The.retina, which receives the light patterns, sends information b y .nervous pathways to the brain, and we have to know how this information is transmitted along nerves by physiochemical processes, and what limits are. put by ' these processes upon the kind of message that can be .sent, A further fundamental problem arises here. The number of nerve pathways leaving the retina is much fewer than the number of separate receptive areas in the retina itself. The latter there­ fore appears to act as a kind of processing center where a lot of diverse items are sorted out and sent on their way in fewer categories. Further reorganization takes place at still another site in the brain (the lateral geniculate body) before the visual information reaches that part of the brain (the occipital cortex) which we associate with vision. Even at the cortex, more resort­ ing takes place. .In addition to all this, what we finally "see!* is influenced by many other factors— simultaneous information 7 from other senses, memory, etc* ways and connections. This implies more nervous path­ In addition to.the internal factors that must play a part in our seeing, there is also an external factor that is important— th e . head and eyes working together, Gibson (12:29) discussed the effects of eye and head movements. The visual field shifts whenever the eyes are moved from one fixation point to another, since the eyes normally play over the visual environment in much the same way that a searchlight moves over a night sky except that light is being absorbed by them in­ stead of emitted* Scanning movements of this sort are termed saccadic eye movements, and are rapid jerks of very brief dura­ tion* If the shifts of fixation are wide the head also moves in the same direction as the eyes and, as a result, the boundaries of the visual field formed by the eyelids and nose sweep across the array of colored patches* Not only is the operation of the head and eyes important in seeing, but also the perception of the visual world is important. Gibson (12s10) described it in the following ways The problem of how we perceive the visual world can be di­ vided into two problems to be considered separately, first, the. perception of the substantial or spatial world, and, second, the perception of the world of useful and significant things to which we ordinarily attend. The first is the world of colors, textures, surfaces, edges, slopes, shapes, and interspaces. The second is the more familiar world with which we are usually con­ cerned, a world of objects, places, signals, and written symbols, The latter shifts from time to time depending on what we are doing at the moment, whereas the former remains a more or less constant background for our experiences, and a sort of support for maintaining posture and for moving about* The world of significant things is too complex to be attended to all at once, and our perception of it is selective. Certain features 8 stand out prominently, others are neglected* It is sometimes said that our perception is distorted and falsified by this fact. To see how visual perception develops in a child, a chrono­ logical overview is presented, beginning from the birth of the child and proceeding to adolescence. Major emphasis is on movement per­ ception, as this is the part of visual perception that is important in the study of dynamic visual acuity. It is hard to; place a certain age for seeing certain characteristics because the order of sequence seems to be similar from child to child, but the age at.which the specific patterns make their appearance will vary with each indivi­ dual child, Gesell (11:78) reported the following about vision develop­ ment which begins at births When does this newborn baby begin to use his eyes? He is visually sensitive to light from the moment of birth. Although his eyes are prevailingly closed, they are far from inactive. The eyeballs frequently make short lateral excursions, even under closed lids, . .Repeatedly the eyes open, more or less complete­ ly, in unison or singly. The head extends or rotates slightly from time to time. Occasionally the eyes open and immobilize as though to stare, Cratty (9*71) reported that infants seem to track moving objects at birth, but he noted that there was a tendency for the head and eyes not to work in unison, "Characteristically, the head will lag behind as the eyes follow an object moving across the space field," 9 Kidd and Rivoire (15:103) also reported on the seemingly early development of movement perception seen in infants. Probably the earliest, most primitive perceptions available to a child is that of movement. It has been noted that premature babies pursued a slowly moving light with their eyes (Kassmaul, 1859* Kroner, 1881), Preyer (1882, 1888) noticed that at about the third week eyes could follow slowly moving objects, while Peterson and Rainer (1910) recorded that in the first eight days a baby would follow a light, Jones (1926) made, a study of visual pursuit in an infant and found that horizontal pur­ suit movements were first consistently present at about one month, and the median age being 58 days, that consistent ver­ tical and circular pursuit occurred about the 51st day, median ages for these types of pursuit being 68.and 75 days respectively. Depth perception, even though primitive, also seems to de­ velop at an early age. Infants, as early as one-and-one-half to two months, seem to be able to perceive features bf our environment, Gesell (ll) reported that binocular convergence^ appeared, on the average, by the end of the second month. From earlier observations made by Gesell on the development of monocularity and binocular!ty, Williams (23:125-26) reported the following: In the newborn infant (2-3 days old), neither true mono­ cularity nor binocularity as such seem to be present. Within ■ the first week, however, monocularity begins to dominate the child's visual processes and he seems to be more adept .at using . a single eye than in using the two eyes together (Gesell, 1949), With continuing growth, a transitional period occurs— a period which is clearly marked by the alternating use of monocularity Ilhe ability to focus both eyes on an object and. thus a fore­ runner of true depth perception. 10 and Mnocularity in viewing the environment or objects in the environment (one to two months), Binocularitys however, be­ comes the primary force in vision at about two months and much advancement can be noted in the coordinated use of the two. eyes in the weeks and months that follow (Pants, 1961; Gesell, 1949)« Fixation and pursuit movements of the eyes are also important in the development of visual perception, as reported by Williams (23 1128-29 )/ . Fixation processes proceed from a very unstable regard or focusing of objects in "near" space (0-2 weeks) to an intense and precise fixation of such objects in "far" space. Finally the child is able to look out into far space while maintaining specific fixation of an object in near' space (1-2 years). In pursuit movements, there is a progression from a very unstable and awkward following of a moving target for simple and brief . excursions (0-4 weeks) to an easy and accurate pursuance of "faster" moving targets through more complicated paths (5**6 years). These visual powers, which at the outset are simple and primitive, attain a higher level of functional complexity by the age of six* When a child adds locomotion to his body functions, there is also a continuing improvement in his vision development, as the increased locomotion allows for increased -experience in the visual world. In fact, Cratty (9$81) stated that by the age of two years a child's ocular apparatus is mature in many ways. The eyes track through a wide range of- angles and speeds and many children are well coordinated in these efforts. The size and weight of the eyeball approach adult dimensions; pupil­ lary reflexes and fibrillation also are nearly mature, At the same time the perceptual development of the infant is far from complete, , ,His most obvious problem is the inability to co­ ordinate his motor effects when attempting to deal with rapid movement is his space field. 11 Williams (23) reported that the typical two-year-old is at­ tracted by movements of almost any kind. Distance and space percep­ tion is also becoming more sophisticated, Gesell (ll:12l) reported that the three-year-old is displaying a new interest in orientating himself with his space world, "He displays a new interest in land­ marks, recognizing and anticipating them when he is away from home, out for a walk, or a ride," At the age of five, or six years the typical child will start school, so it is not until this time that many vision problems will be noted. In a study by Gratty (8 s5)* five perceptual factors were identified as typical of a five-year-old. Studies with young children have made it clear that visual perceptual behaviors by the age of five years.are highly specific and diffuse. The investigations by Smith and his colleagues, for example, resulted in the computations- of a factor structure. which is similar to that seen in adulthood. In essence, they found that there were at least five independent visual-perceptual factors evidenced by the five-year-old, consisting of visual acuity, ability to make judgments about moving objects, the ability to fractionalise space efficiently (to estimate what is half-way between two objects), depth perception, and distance perception (judgments of the relative placement of two objects, without references to the position of the perceiver), As one can see, the visual perceptions of the child con­ tinues to improve, Williams (23:13$) reported the following: At five, the child can follow a target moving at increased rates of speed and through fairly complex paths, At seven the child can follow this object as it moves downward toward him . more easily than he.can if it is moving upward. The seven-year- 12 old seems, however, to have little difficulty in pursuing ob­ jects which move horizontally across his visual field. Eight- and nine-year-olds have made considerable progress in their ability to judge the speed and direction of a moving . target and rarely overshoot or lag behind it in their visual pursuit movements. Still children of this age are greatly in­ fluenced in their judgments of range of speed of movement by the total situation in which the movement occurs, ' Also of special interest in the development of visual per­ ception is how children organize the dimensions of their sjace.field, Cratty (9$?9) describes it in this ways The available evidence indicates that children, as they mature, seem to organize the various dimensions of their space . field in a reasonably orderly sequence. First to mature are the vertical dimensions,., followed by the recognition and or­ ganization of the horizontal,. The more complex oblique or diagonal dimensions of the space field are the last to become organized by the child. In a study by Bogard (5s5l)» the difference in dynamic and static visual perception of figure-ground was examined. The per­ ception of figure-ground involves the ability to distinguish a-figure from a field or ground. The results of Bogard* s (5$51) study were the following: Within the limits and design of this study, it was concluded that there is a difference between static and dynamic visual perception of figure-ground at the four age levels elementary grade one, elementary grade six, college, and elderly adult studied and that perception .of figure-ground is developmental in nature. Performance on tests.of figure-ground, tends to improve with age. 13 STUDIES RELATING STATIC VISUAL ACUITY AND DYNAMIC VISUAL ACUITY Early research done in the area of visual perception dealt mostly with static visual acuity. In comparing definitions of the two acuity terms, one ,sees that static visual acuity deals with no movement between the observer and the object being observed,- while dynamic visual acuity deals with some sort of movement relative to the observer or the object being observed. The most widely used test in measuring static visual acuity is the Snellen test. Researchers are now questioning what the best indicator of visual acuity, is-= static visual acuity or dynamic visual acuity. Related to this questioning is the following statement by Burg (6:460); This increased interest is an outgrowth of the realisation that for many activities, such as driving,.flying, ball playing, and the like, discrimination of moving objects (or of station­ ary objects while one is moving) plays a key role^ and, there­ fore, that performance on a dynamic acuity test may be more closely correlated with task performance than is the score obtained on a test of static (or standard) acuity. Because of the questioning, there have been studies done ■ to see if there is a correlation between dynamic and static acuity, A study by Burg and Hulbert (7:116) found little evidence of a correlation between static and dynamic visual acuity. The results of this research clearly indicates that a per­ son's ability to discriminate a moving target cannot be predicted In­ adequately from. ?his static acuity, and that the adequacy of his prediction decreases as the speed of the moving target increases, Weissman and Freeburne (20 1145) reported the following from their study; A significant relationship at the ,01 level between the first four speeds [20, 60, 90, and 120®/sec ,3 and static acuity were found to exist, whereas at the two fastest speeds [150 and 180°/ s e c t h e relationship at this criterion level of significance .. was not demonstrated. In later research done by Burg (6;460), in which 17,500 subjects ranging in age from 16=92 years were tested for both static visual acuity and dynamic visual acuity, the following results were noted; , ,(a) acuity declines progressively with both increasing speed of target movement and advancing age, (b) males have consistently better acuity (both static and dynamic) than females, and (c) high intercorrelations exist between the static and. dynamic tests, these correlations decreasing with increasing speed of target movement. DYNAMIC VISUAL ACUITY STUDIES Moire recently, studies have been concerned with dynamic visual acuity. Miller and Ludvigh, as reported by Sanderson (18;158), describe the dynamic visual acuity test in the following ways The test of dynamic visual acuity consists of presenting what has been defined as a ’unit velocity step stimulus,* The test object suddenly appears, at time t*G, traveling at a constant angular velocity. The CNS must estimate the direction and vel­ ocity of movement of the object, ■ It a)ust then send to the extra.= ocular muscles innervation appropriate to place and hold the image of the object in the vicinity of the fovea for a suffi- 15 ciently long period of time to permit the resolution of the critical detail* It is the efficiency of this complex process which is measured by the test of dynamic visual acuity* Fergenson and Susansky (lO$343) reported further on the work of Ludvigh and Miller* The results of Ludvigh and Miller indicated that (a) DVA deteriorates significantly and the angular velocity of the target increases, (b) BVA performance varies little for a horizontal or vertical plane of movement,, (c) DVA varies insignificantly between a subject moving with respect to the target and vice versa, •(d) DVA performance can be improved by training or by increasing target illumination, and (e) DVA and SVA are not significantly correlated*' In the study by Cratty (8 ), dynamic visual acuity was ex­ plored in 4?5 children- ranging in age from five to twelve years* A summary of the findings by Cratty were the following; I )sign­ ificant age differences existed under all visual conditions; 2 ) there were significant differences between the two sexes with the male showing superior results in both the dynamic visual test and the static visual test; 3 ) there were no significant racial dif­ ferences recorded in the study; 4) children wearing glasses were significantly inferior in. both the dynamic and static visual tests to the children not wearing corrective lenses; 3) there were no significant differences seen between children with left or light eye preferences; and 6 ) only.minor differences were seen in scores of children with different eye color, and then only at the faster 16 speeds. The study by Burg and Hulbert (?) also found evidence that male subjects consistently did better on dynamic visual acuity tests than females. In a study by Barmack (2:1377). the dynamic visual acuity of man was compared to the dynamic visual acuity of monkeys. He re­ ported the following! The results of this experiment demonstrate that the DVA of monkeys is superior to that of man, although the static visual acuity of monkeys is inferior to that of man. Both monkeys and man employ a stereotyped sequence of eye movements, consisting of a combination of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements, to fixate the moving acuity target,. The superiority of monkeys in DVA is accounted for by the.shorter latencies and higher velocities with which they execute saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements. In the above quotation by Barmackf two basic eye movement ,patterns were suggested that respond to a moving stimuli— saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements. Westheimer (21:939) added the following information about the eye movement patterns. Movements of the target across the retina or the illusion of movement as produced by short bursts of retinal stimulation in the temporal and spatial sequence of-a typical movement stimulus, but separated by reasonably short time intervals, induces a regular constant velocity movement in both eyes. The velocity of this movement is generally, but by no means always, closely related to the speed of the target, and with­ in a reasonable span of target velocities the eyes start moving with the correct velocity after a'reaction time of often less than 200 msec, . , During tracking, adjustments to errors are carried out by discrete changes in the velocity-of the following movements 17 and by saccadic movements, A great deal of the adjustment of errors due to an incorrect velocity of the constant velocity following movements, as well as the adjustment of all position errors, takes place by means of saccadic movements, Abercrombie, as reported by Sanderson (18:17$), stated the following about the development in children of the eye movements, .The regularity of both pursuit and saccadic movements im­ proved in normal children between the ages of 6 and lit even at that age they are not so good as those of men of 18, so attainment of precision in eye movements takes some time to develop. In a study by Fergenson and Susansky (IG)e dynamic visual acuity was evaluated by two specific variables— target angular velocity and target exposure time. It was the intent of their in­ vestigation to see whether an increased target angular velocity or a decreased target exposure time resulted in a deterioration of dynamic visual acuity. The. conclusions Fergenson and Suzansky (10: 3$l) reached regarding their research are the following: In agreement with previous DVA research the present study has again demonstrated that DVA deteriorates as w [!target angu­ lar velocity} increases. The deterioration was.approximately linear for the range of w studied, , ,The analysis of variance indicated that the small changes in w of this experiment still resulted in significant DVA changes, DVA also deteriorated as te [target exposure timSJ de­ creased, supporting the hypothesis that t% is an important determinant of DVA scores. This deterioration was an in­ creasing nonlinear function for decreased te , , ,The hypo­ thesis was further supported'by the analysis of variance, which demonstrated-a higher significance for the effects of te changes than for w changes. 18 Discussions with the subjects after testing hinted that the variation of DVA with changes of te may be related to changes of the viewing technique that accompanied changes of te» Most of the subjects reported that they could do best by tracking the target with head movement during the longer exposure times. . , ,but that during the shorter exposure times. , ,they used a blinking technique of short, rapid eye jerks in an attempt to 'stop' the target. Fergenson and Suzansky (10) further stated that dynamic visual acuity was related to the effectiveness of the entire oculo­ motor system. They identified the following important abilities as necessary to the effectiveness of the oculomotor system: l) head movement and eye movement, in tracking, 2) judiciously timed blinking, and 3) the resolving abilities of the eye. In the study, by Barmack (2), three main factors were proposed that determine dynamic visual acuity— foveal acuity, oculomotor control, and para­ foveal acuity. As reported by Sanderson (l8il60), Miller and Ludvigh concluded that; , . .a normal individual’s dynamic visual acuity is dependent chiefly upon the efficiency of the entire oculomotor pursuit mechanism rather than upon the .functioning of the individual muscles. DYNAMIC VISUAL ACUITY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO SPORTS PERFORMANCE Researchers are -now beginning to :see. a relationship' between dynamic visual acuity and ball skills performance, but there is ,some 19 discussion among the researchers about just what that relationship is, Sanderson (I81I 56) reported the following: The fact that, in fast ball 'games, the-performance is de­ pendent upon the visual system for providing him with cues concerning, the constantly changing stimulus situation, en­ courages the view that there is an important link between some aspect or aspects of visual efficiency and games performancee Much effort has been given to the attempt to isolate such visual parameters as are related to games ability, but there has been little agreement amongst'investigators as to the precise nature of particular relationships, Sanderson (18 1176-77) continued on to say the following: If accurate perception of ball flight characteristics depends partly upon oculomotor co-ordination and- the DVA test represents a measure of this ability, a positive relationship'may well emerge between ball'games ability and- dynamic vision. The test, used with school children8 may be sensitive to those cases of partial paralyses of the-■extraocular muscles and other oculo­ motor co-ordination defects which would normally have gone unnoticed— and consequently delineate tangible reasons for in­ ability to acquire ball skill. If the test can facilitate such diagnosis it may have prognostic implications in that the test score could be used as a predictor of ball games ability, . Graybiel and others (13) reported on.a study by Krestovinikov in which he found that visual acuity was improved in a large percen­ tage of athletes immediately after exercise, Whiting and Sanderson (22) also reported that they found an increase in visual acuity after exercise. They suggested that exercise may lead to an in­ creased arousal level and to greater receptor- sensitivity, which leads to the increase in -visual acuity. 20 Eubbard and Seng (l4) did a study to determine the visual basis for tracking a pitched ball in terras of head and eye move­ ments e Conclusions they (14:56) reached were the following: I 0 Watching the ball cross the plate without swinging often involved tracking movements of the head; the head was turned" either with the passage of the ball, or subsequent to it, or not at all, 2, Visual tracking when a swing occured was accomplished with the head essentially fixated and the eyes moyinge Pursuit movements of the eyes seemed to provide the primary basis for ' tracking. Convergence and compensatory^ movements.were also found, but no evidence of saccadic jerks, was found, 3« The ball was not touched with eye movements clear up to bat contact,. , ,Under special circumstances tracking to contact may be possible, Howeyer, , vision and ball-movement suggest strongly that reports of ability to track to contact are based on an illusion resulting from perceptual integration of diverse sensory stimuli* Sanderson and Whiting (19:93*94) found evidence of a slight correlation between dynamic visual acuity and catching performance, "However at best there is only 23% common variance between DVA and catching, a fact which encourages caution and emphasises the need for confirmatory investigation," In a study by Beals (3:589), basketball shooting accuracy was found to be significantly depen­ dent upon dynamic visual acuity. The ability of a basketball player-to shoot baskets from the field is highly dependent upon his DVA and the computerised techniques of principal-component analysis and multiple re­ gression analysis can quickly and economically develop the functional relationship between characteristics of vision. The resulting models can then be used to predict athletic performance with extreme reliability. 21 A study by Morris and Kreighbaum (l?) concurred with the results found by Beals0 Morris and Kreighbaum (17:483) reported the following: • . .dynamic visual acuity may have a positive effect on basketball playing ability, and, further, on the ability to coincide with a moving object, and that such acuity is an asset beyond good shooting mechanics. Training for • enhanced dynamic visual acuity might be included in con­ ditioning programs for athletes participating in activities where they must coincide with moving objects. O ' - SUMMARY In summary several important points about visual per­ ception should be reviewede First of all, the development of visual perception begins at birth and continues to develop until adulthood. Young children need to be exposed to many different visual stimuli in order for their visual development to progress to its fullest capabilities. One aspect of visual.perception that can be investigated is dynamic visual acuity* .\ - Dynamic visual acuity . is the ability of an observer to detect the detail of a moving ob­ ject, There is an increased interest in this area of visual per­ ception because of the many activities that involve discrimination of moving objects. Researchers are now beginning to show that a relationship exists between dynamic visual■acuity and ball skills ■ performance even though the researchers have not come to a conclu­ 22 sion about what that relationship is. When considering the possible relationship that might exist, one should consider what the possible meaning to physical education might be, Bogard (5*^7) the following statement in that regard: , . ,those who are interested in physical education programs for perceptual-motor development might give more consideration and emphasis to activities which'require visual perception of moving objects rather than static, objects. If one of the ob­ jectives .of such a program is to aid development of ability to cope with the world, more consideration should, be given to movement which must be perceived before responses can be made, As is suggested by several investigators, an integral part of every physical education program might need to include a training program for the enhancement of dynamic visual acuity. Chapter 3 METHODS AND PROCEDURES JUSTIFICATION OF THE DESIGN The basic purposes of the study were; I) to compare the dynamic visual acuity status among the different grades of the stu­ dents tested, 2) to compare the dynamic visual acuity status between students who had different eye ..preferences, and 3) to compare the dynamic visual acuity status between males and females,. The dynamic visual acuity status was measured at three dif­ ferent speeds— 60° per second, 90° per second, and 120° per seconde The three speeds were chosen on the basis of information gathered from previous, studies done on dynamic visual acuity0 The design of the study was similar to the one. used in Cratty1s (8) study* Through test-retest comparisons, Cratty found this test to be reliable» After consultations with Dra Suvak2 , the.investigator deter­ mined the results by computation of analysis of variance* By using the computations of analysis of variance, the investigator was able to determine the relationship between the different variables of the test* _________ r— . .... ; '2Dr0 Albert Suvak, Testing and Counseling Department, Montana State University* 24 HYPOTHESES' FOR THE STUDY The three null hypotheses relevant to the study were the followingj Hypothesis One. There will be no significant difference in ■ the dynamic visual acuity status among the different grade levels of the students. There will be no significant difference in the dynamic visual acuity status between children who have a left or right eye preference. Hypothesis Three. . There will be no significant difference in the dynamic visual acuity status between males -and. f emales. SAMPLE FOR THE STUDY Students enrolled at Irving Elementary School in Bozeman, Montana, provided the sample for the study. The sample tested in­ cluded 46 first grade students, 4? second grade students, 46 third grade students, and 43 fourth grade students. The following reasons were the basis for the selection of these students as the samplei I. The teachers and the principal of the school were willing to co-operate in the study. . 25 2, The school was easily, accessible to the investigator* 3« The students were available to the investigator at the alloted scheduled time to conduct the research* 4» The Irving School population was representative of the Bozeman elementary school population* EQUIPMENT'USED IN THE STUDY The equipment that was used in the study included the followingt l) a 35 mm slide projector-equipped0With a six inch zoom lens, 2) a 180° white cylindrical screen, 3) an oeulo-rot'ator, and 4) two sets of Bausch and Lomb Master Crtho-Bater target slides* The equipment was similar to the equipment used in Morris and Kreigbaum's (l?) study and also was proposed by Anderson (l)» The investigator of the study spent several preliminary hours working with the equip­ ment (specifically, the oculo-rotator) to become acquainted and to become familiar with its operation* The equipment was operated in the following Wayt the 35 mm slide projector rested above the mid-point on the top of the 18-0° white cylindrical screen* A target slide was projected to a rotating mirror which was behind and above each subject’s head* The mirror allowed the Image of the target slide to be projected back onto the screen in front of each subject. The mirror rotated the target slide 26 from left to right through the full 180° field of the cylindrical screen. Through manipulation of the oculo-rotator, the three differ­ ent speeds of the mirror were accomplished. The two sets of slides employed in the test were target slides modified to fit the slide projector, (See Appendix A,) The sets of slides consisted of targets whose checkerboard design was randomly positioned in one of four positions: up, down, left, right. Each subject was instructed to indicate the position of the checker­ board as the slide was projected on the 180° screen. of slides was shown at an angular velocity Of The first set 60° per second. In the second part of the test, the second set-of slides was presented at an angular velocity of 90° per second. The first set of slides was used for the third part of the an angular velocity of 120° per second. TESTING PROCEDURE AND DATA COLLECTION Each subject was individually acuity. tested for dynamic visual Background information including the subject’s name, grade in school, sex, and eye preference was obtained for each subject, preference was checked for each student by asking him or her to sight one eye into a hollow tube which was.placed directly in front of the student at eye level. The eye that was used for sighting was 27 noted as the preferred eye. When the testing procedure began, the subject was seated on a chair which was four feet in front of the cylindrical screen, A general orientation of the testing procedure was given to each student, so that the individual understood the followingt I) what the target slides looked like, 2) that the slides would move from left to right across the screen at each of the three previously mentioned speeds, and 3) that the job of the subject being tested was to try to identify either verbally or by hand indication where the each target slide. checkerboard was on The subject was allowed to freely move his or her. head from left to right to help in tracking the slides. The first set of slides was presented at an angular.velocity of 60° per second, with each succeeding slide getting progressively smaller. vals, Each slide was presented to the subject at ten second inter­ The subject was verbally cued one second before each slide was visible on the screen. After the subject incorrectly identified two consecutive slides, the first part of the testing procedure was concluded. After a one minute rest interval, the second part of the test began. In this part, the second set of slides was presented at an angular, velocity of 90° per second. Each slide was again presented to the subject at ten second intervals, and the subject was verbally 28 cued one second before each slide was visible on the screen. After two consecutive misses, the second part of the test was completed. After a one minute rest period, the final part of the test began. The first set of slides ^was used in this part of the test at an angular velocity of 120° per second. The testing procedure was the same as for the.two previous other parts. All data oertinent to the- study were collected on the dynamic * / visual acuity score sheets. (See Appendix B ,) A table (see Appendix C) was used in translating the number of slides correctly identified to the target size (which is expressed in minutes of arc). SCHEDULE OF DATA COLLECTION _ . The data for the study-were collected according, to the fol~ ■ lowing time tablei I) the data collection for. the fourth grade was completed by December 17, 1976; 2) the second grade data collection was completed by January 31, 1977; 3) February 28, 1977 was the final date for completing the data collection for the third grade; and 4) the data collection, for the first grade was completed by March 18, 1977. ANALYSIS OF DATA The collected data were tabulated, and the. Sigma 7 computer ■' at Montana State University was used for making statistical computa­ 29 tions, The data .were analyzed through the use of analysis of variance, In .grade comparisons, the mean differences for each grade under"each of the visual conditions were inspected. Similar com- • parisons were made for the differences in eye preference and the difference between male and females. In the following chapter, a complete analysis and discussion of the.results of the data.can be found, Chapter 4 RESULTS M D DISCUSSION OF DATA Data on the dynamic visual acuity status of students in grades one through four were collected during the fall and winter quarters of 1976-77o The number of students tested was 182« This chapter includes a presentation of the results of the data,and a discussion of the results, PRESENTATION.OF THE RESULTS By the use of analysis of variance„ a .comparison of the dynamic visual acuity status among three different variables was considered. The three variables were identified as the following? grade differences, sex differences, and eye preference differences. Each variable was considered individually, and then the interaction effect of two variables was considered. Results Contrasting Grade Differences and DVA Test Students were categorized into four different grade levels, for the study. This categorization was identified as the current grade level for the individual students. The number of students tested included 46 first grade students, 4? seepzid grade students, 46 third grade students, and 43 fourth grade students. 31 The results of>the grade comparisons are found in Table I and Table 2„ Table I consists of the least-squares mean for each grade at each speed of the teste Also, total mean scores are given for each grade and for each speed of the test. The lower the score, the better the students performed on the dynamic visual acuity test* For example, a fourth grade least-squares mean score of 1*0$ (60° per second) was a better dynamic visual acuity score than a first grade least-squares mean score of 1623 (60° per second). Table I „ Least-Squares Mean for Grade Levels and DVA Test ' DVA Test 120°/sec, (min. of arc) (min. of arc) (min. of arc) 60°/sec, 90°/see. I 1.23 2,02 3.71 2.32 2 1.09 1.73 3.86 . 2.23 3 1.09 1.61 2.79 1.83 4 1,05 1.41 2.29 X 1.11 1.69 ■ 3.16 Grade X (min. of arc)** . 1,# ■^Assumed throughout all Tables In Table 2, an analysis of variance is presented, contrasting the grade differences and the dynamic visual acuity test. The analysis 32 of variance yielded an F ratio of 8,312 for grade differences. ratio of 3o80 was needed for a significance at the ,01 level. An F The F ratio indicated that there was a significant difference among the four grades on their performance on the dynamic visual acuity.test. By referring to Table I, one can see that the higher the grade, the better the performance on the dynamic visual acuity test. Table 2 Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Grade Differences and DVA Test SOURCE D 0F, SUM'OF SQ, MEAH SQ• Grade 3 474505,375000 158168.125000 8.312* Test 2 4056377.OOOOOO 2028188,000000 106.590* Grade X Test 6 375041.312500 62506,882812 3.285* 10160877.000000 19027,859375 Remainder 534- . • F RATIO ^Significant at p <,01 level Table 2 shows that there was a significant interaction effect between the different grades and the dynamic visual acuity test. F ratio was 3*285, which was significant at the ,01 level. ratio of 2,82. was needed for a ,01 level of significance, The An F in looking at the least-squares mean (Table l), one can see that grade level 33 was fairly indicative of performance on the dynamic visual acuity test, but it did not hold true in all cases. Grade four students had the best score at all three speeds of the test, while students had the lowest score on the two slowest speeds of the test (60° and 90° per second). Grade one students did score better than grade, two students on the fastest speed (120° per second) of the test. Results Contrasting Eye Preference Differences and DVA Test Por a comparison to the dynamic visual acuity test the second variable that was identified was eye preference. Seventy students had a left eye preference and 112 students had a right eye prefer­ ence, The results of the comparison in using this variable are found in Table 3 and Table 4, Table 3 Least-Squares Mean for Eye Preference and DVA Test Eye Preference 60°/sec, BVA Test 90°/seco 120°/sec. Left 1.13 1.76 Right 1.11 1.66 1.12 1.71 X 3.24 . x . 2.04 1.97 3,19 34 According to the results found in Table 3» children with a.right eye preference scored better, on the dynamic visual acuity test than children with a left eye preference# The analysis of variance (Table 4) yielded an F ratio of o330 which meant that no significant difference was found in the dynamic visual acuity status between.children who had a left or right eye preference. An F ratio of ,041, which was not signi-i fleant, was found.for the interaction effect between eye prefer­ ence and the dynamic visual acuity test thus one can say. that eye preference does not determine how a person will perform on the dynamic visual acuity test# Table 4 Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Left and Right Eye- Preference and DVA Test. SOURCE D 0F o SUM OF. SQ0 ■MEAN SQ. . F RATIO Eye I 6729»277344 6729.277344 .330 Test 2 3933661,000000 / 1966830«000000 96,536 Eye X Test 2 1650,691406 825.345703 ,041 540 11002039,000000 20374*144531 Remainder ^Significant at p 4.« 01 level 35 Results. Contrasting Sex Differences and DVA Test The third variable identified was sex differences® One hundred one. males and 81 females were tested for dynamic visual acuitye The results of the data are found in Table 5 and Table 6« In looking at the least-squares mean scores in Table 5» one can see that the males in the study were more efficient on the dy­ namic visual acuity test than the females® Furthermore,, the males were consistently more efficient than the females on sJl three speeds of the test. Table 5 Least-Squares Mean for Male and Female Subjects and DVA Test DVA Test Sex 60°/sec, 9O0/sec, 120°/sec. X Male 1.08 1*59 2.8? 1.85 Female lel6 1.83 3.5? 2.19 1.12 1.71 3.22 X According to the F ratio of 7,68? shown in Table 6, there was a significant difference between male and female scores on the dynamic visual acuity test. .01 level. The difference was significant at the No significance (F ratio=#,322) was noted in the 36 interaction effects between sex differences and the dynamic visual acuity testo This means that males consistently scored better on the dynamic visual acuity test throughout all three speeds of the test. Table 6 Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Male and Female Subjects and BVA Test D6F e SOURCE SUM OF SQe MEAN SQ. i 53235.75OO.OO - Sex I I53235.75OOOO Test. 2 4217101.000000 2108550 00000.00 Sex X Test 2 92591.062500 46295.531250 540 10764593.000000 . 19934.429687 Remainder F RATIO 7.687* 105.774* 2.322 ^Significant at p <.01 level Results Contrasting.Grade Differences and Eye Preference Differences In Table 7 and Table 8, a presentation of the results of the interaction effects of two variables is given. The two dif­ ferent variables were identified as grade differences and eye preference differences. As was established;earlier in the chapter, a-significant difference between grade levels was found to exist on the dynamic 37 visual acuity test, and no significant difference between eye pre­ ference was found* For example, according to the results in Table 7,, students in grade one with a right eye preference scored better than the students with a left eye preference} but in grade two, students with a left eye preference scored better than the ones with a right eye preference* Table 7 Least-Squares Mean for Grade Levels and Eye Preferences Eye Preference I 2 ■Grade 3 ' 4 Left 2.54 1.97 1.80 1.73 Right 2.12 2.32 1.86 '1.51: 2,33 2.14 1.83 1.62 X . X 2.01 . 1.95 When looking at the Interaction effects of the .two variables (Table 8), no significant difference (F ratio=l*125) was established between grade level and eye preference; therefore, one can say that eye preference.does not any of the grades how well that grade will perform on the dynamic visual acuity test. 38 Table 8 Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Grade Differences and Left and Right Eye Preference SOURCE D 0F e SUM OF SQe MEAN SQ„ F RATIO 4 .156* Grade 3 127366.750000 42455.582031 Eye I 1328.576172 1328.576172 .130 Grade X Eye 3 34468.046875 11489.347656 1.125 174 I7775O7.0G0000 10215.554667 Remainder ^Significant at p <„01 level •Hesults Contrasting Sex Differences • and Grade Differences The next two variables were sex differences and grade level differences. The results are found in Table 9 and Table 10. Table 9 Least-Squares Mean for Grade Levels and 'Male and Female Subjects,. Sex I 2 .... Grade 3 ... 4 X Male 2.36 1.89 1.63 1.43 1.83 Female 2.26 2,76 2.01 1.77 2.20 2.31 2.32 1.82 '1.60 X . 39 According to the results, seen in Table 9» males scored -'I" consistently better on. the dynamic visual acuity test than females. At the first grade level the females did score better than the males. According to the results in Table 10, there was no signi«= ficance in the interaction effects between sex and grade level (P ratio=1.772)$ therefore, one can say that the sex of the child does not determine how well that grade will perform on the dynamic visual acuity test. Table 10 Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Grade Differences and Male and Female Subjects SOURCE B.F. SUM OF SQ. MEAH SQ. F RATIO Grade 3 172131e875000 57377.289062 5.870* Sex I 61648.496094 61648.496094 6,307* Grade X Sex 3 51972.628906 17324.207031 1.772 174 1700762.000000 •9774.492187 Remainder ■^Significant at p <.01 level Results Contrasting Sex Differences and Eye Preference Differences The final two variables that were compared- in the study were male and female subjects and left and right eye preferences. .Table 40 11 and Table 12 show the results of the data® : ; . . In Table 11, one can see that the males did better on the dynamic visual acuity test, regardless of their eye preference® Table 11 Least-Squares Mean for Male and Female Subjects;; and Left and Right Eye Preferences Left Eye Preference ___ Right Male 1,86 1.84 1.85 Female 2,27 2.13 2,20 2® 06 1.98 Sex X X According to the results seen in Table; 12, there was no significant difference (F ratio”=!»58) in- the interaction effects of the two variables of sex differences and eye preference differences; therefore, one can say that eye preference did not determine how well male or female subjects would perform on the dynamic visual acuity test* 41 Table 12 / ' • Analysis of Variance, Contrasting Male and Female Subjects and Left and Right Eye Preference . SOURCE DoF. SUM OF SQo MEAJW SQ. F RATIO Eye I 2756.664063 2756.664063 ,256 Sex I 52782*054687 52782,05468? 4.901* Eye X Sex I 1704,941895 1704.941895 Remainder 178 1917041.000000 10769.890625 .158 ■“•Significant a.t p <«,01 level Results Related to Hypotheses On the basis of the results of the present study, the fol­ lowing three.hypotheses were either accepted or rejected. Hypothesis One: there will,be nonsignificant difference in the dynamic visual acuity status among the different grade levels of the students® The hypothesis was rejected on the basis of the obtained significant F score (P ratic=8 ®312) for the variable of grade differences on the dynamic visual acuity test® Hypothesis Twos there will be no significant difference in the dynamic visual acuity status between children who M v e a left or right eye preference. The hypothesis was accepted on' the basis.of 42 the obtained non-significant F score (F ratio=.330) for the variable of eye preference differences on the dynamic visual acuity test* Hypothesis Threet thgre will be no significant difference in the dynamic visual acuity status between males and females* The hypothesis was rejected on the basis of the obtained significant F score (F ratio=?*68?) for the variable of. sex differences on the dynamic visual acuity test, DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS The. results of the present study.supported previous dynamic visual acuity research in which dynamic visual acuity was shown to deteriorate as the angular velocity of the target increases* The previous studies done in the area include ones by Ludvigh and Miller* as reported by Fergenson-and Suzansky (10), and the one by Fergenson and Suzansky (10), Since there was a significant difference among the grade levels on the dynamic visual acuity test, the study supported earlier findings by Cratty (9),. In Cratty's study age differences were found to exist, while in the present study grade level differences were found to exist* In both studies the older children performed better on the dynamic visual acuity test, especially at the faster speeds, supporting the theory that dynamic visual acuity is developmental* 43 In Cratty's (9) study, plateaus of performance on the dynamic visual acuity test seemed to exist at different age levels* example, an initial level of performance was ,seen at For the ages of five and six years, while a second level of performance was seen in the scores of children at the age of seven through nine years* In the.present study.the scores between first and second grade students were similar, while greater differences were seen In scores between . second and third graders and third and fourth graders. The study also supported Williams's (23) reporting of the age at which children can pursue objects moving horizontally* Williams (23) stated that eight-= and nine-year-olds are more capa­ ble in their visual pursuit movements than seven-year-olds* Further­ more, the study would seem to support Abercrombie's position, as reported by Sanderson (18), that the two eye movements that respond to a moving stimuli (pursuit and saccadic) improve in normal children between the ages of six and eleven* The present study also supported earlier findings by Cratty (9) and Burg/Hulbert (?) in which male subjects consistently perform­ ed better on dynamic visual acuity tests than females* One interest- / Ing observation from this study was the fact that at the first grade level the females scored higher on the dynamic visual acuity test, while at all the other grade levels the males scored higher* The 44 possible reason for this could he the difference in the activities of the males and"females after starting school. The study also supported Cratty's (9 ) findings that no significant difference could he seen between subjects who had a left or right eye preference. Furthermore, the study concurred with Gratty's (9 ) findings on the interaction effects of two variables. In Cratty's study no significance of interaction effects between sex differences and age differences was seen, while in the present study no significance of interaction effects between sex differences and grade level.dif­ ferences was seen. Chapter 5 sm-mrar, conclusions, and recommewdations SOMMART The study was conducted t o .determine the dynamic visual acuity status of 182 elementary age students. Each student was individually tested by identifying where a distinct portion (checkerboard design) was on a moving target slide. The target slides were presented on a 180° cylindrical screen. .By the use of an oculo-rotator, the target slides were moved at three predetermined speeds (60° per second, 90° per second, and 120° per second) across-the screen. Bach portion of the test consisted of target slides moving at -one of the three pre­ viously mentioned speeds. Also, each, slide got .progressively smaller in each portion of the. test. When a subject incorrectly identified the placement of the checkerboard design in two consecu­ tive slides, a portion of the test was completed. •The number of correct responses was translated to the target size (which was ex­ pressed in minutes of arc).. A comparison of the dynamic visual acuity status among three different variables was considered— grade differences, sex differences, and eye preference differences. Each variable was considered indivi­ dually, and the interaction effects of two variables was also con­ sidered, By the use of analysis of variance, the investigator made the following' conclusions from the study. 46 CONCLUSIONS .. . ^ -v I, A significant difference among the different grade levels (grades one -through four) and the dynamic visual acuity test was found to existe The difference in the performance on the test seemed to be> developmental in nature, as the students in the upper grades performed better on the test than the students in the lower grades, 2»' No significant difference was seen on the dynamic visual acuity test when/the scores of children with a left eye preference were compared to the scores of children with a right eye preference, 3, -Male and female subjects scored significantly different on the dynamic visual acuity test with the.males scoring consistently better on all parts of the test, ) 4 0 There were no interaction.effects between grade level differences.and eye preference differences noted in, 5, No interaction effects between grade level differences and sex differences were noted, 6» Also, no interaction effects between sex differences and eye preference differences were seen, • • •■ RECOMMENDATIONS In view of .the findings of the study, the following recom­ mendations have been.made by the investigator for further research 47 in the area of dynamic, visual acuity. I. Investigations similar to the present study need to be . made using a wider age or grade range of subjects to substantiate where the developmental plateaus of dynamic visual acuity seem to be in the elementary age child. Z0 Studies need to be made in, "the area of sex ,,differences to determine the reason or reasons why males perform better than fe­ males on the dynamic visual acuity test, 3o Follow-up investigations need to be made comparing the dynamic visual acuity status of children and academic abilities such as I eQe tests and reading ability tests. 4 0 Follow-up investigations need to be made comparing the dynamic visual acuity status of children and specific motor skill abilities that involve movement, e.g. striking ability and catching ability, 5. A study needs to be undertaken to see if physical exercise immediately proceeding a dynamic visual acuity test will have an effect on the results of the test. 6. A follow-up investigation should be considered in the area, of eye preference to see if subjects with a right hand/right eye preference or left hand/left eye preference differ on the dynamic visual acuity test as compared to subjects with a cross-dominance, such as right hand/left eye preference or left hand/right eye Preference6 7 o Finally, a longitudinal study needs to be done to see when and why, if possible, improvements in dynamic visual acuity come about in individual Children6 ■SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Ie Anderson, Pe D 0, and others, "An Apparatus for Measuring Dynamic Visual Acuity," Test Engineering, August 1970, ppe 18-19, 2, Barmack,'-N. H, "Dynamic Visual Acuity as an Index of EJye Move­ ment Control," Vision Research, 10:1377-91« 1970« 3e Beal, R, P,,. and others. "The .Relationship'Between Basketball Shooting Performance and Certain Visual Attributes," American Journal of Optometry, 48:585-90, 1971« . 4. Begbie, G, ■Hugh. Seeing and the Eye :,An Introduction to Vision, Garden City, New York: The Natural History Press, 1969« 5« Bogard, Dolores Ann. "Visual Perception of Static and Dynamic Two-Dimensional Objects: A Cross-Sectional Study," Doctoral dis­ sertation, University of Southern California,.1971« 6« Burg, Albert, "Visual Acuity as Measured by Dynamic and Static Tests: A Comparative Evaluation," Journal 'Cf. Applied -Psychology, 50:460-66, 1966« 7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and Slade Hulbert, "Dynamic Visual Acuity as Related to ■ Age, Sex, and Static Acuity," Journal of'Applied Psychology, 45:111-16, 1961. 8, Cratty, Bryant Je Dynamic Visual Acuity:■ A Developmental Study, Monograph, UCLA, 1973« 9« _____ . "Visual Perceptual Development," Perceptual and Motor Development in Infants and Children,- New York: 'The MacMillan Compary, 1970, pp. 67-99. 10«. Fergenson, P. E0 and J. W. Suzansky. "An Investigation of Dynamic and Static Visual Acuity," Perception, 2 s'343-356,"■ 1973« 11« Gesell, Arnold, Vision— Its Development in Infant and Child, New York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1949, 12. Gibson, James J. The Perception of the Visual World, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Riverside Press, 1950. 13« Graybiel, Ashton,.and others. "Russian Studies of Vision in Relation to Physical Activity and Sports," Research Quarterly, 26:480-85, 1955« 51 14» Hubbard, Alfred W 0 and Charles N 0 Seng0,, "Visual Movements of Batters," Research Quarterly. 25«42-57,- 1954» . 15o Kidd, Aline H 0 and Jeanne L 0 Rivoire, eds. Perceptual Develop­ ment in Children. New York* International Universities Press, Inc0, 1966, l60 Larson, Charlotte E 0 "Perceptual Development in Young Children," Association for the Study of Perception, 3«11* 1968, I?o Morris, G 0 S0 Don and Ellen Kreighbaum0 "Dynamic Visual Acuity of Varsity Women Volleyball and Basketball Players," Research Quarterly. 48«480-83, 1977» 18, Sanderson, F 0 H0 "Perceptual Studies« Visual Acuity and Sport­ ing Performance."' Readings in Sports Psychology. ed0 H 0 T 0 A 0 Whiting, London* Henry Kimpton -Publishers,, 1972, pp„ 156-82. 19 o . and. He T 0--A6 Whiting0 vDynamic Visual Acuity and Per­ formance in a Catching Task,". Journal of Motor Behavior, 6*87-94, 1974» 20o Weissman, Seymour and C 0 M 0 Freeburae0 "Relationship Between . Static and Dynamic Visual Acuity," Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70:141-46, 1965* 21, Westheimer6 Gerald, "Eye Movement Responses to a Horizontally Moving Visual Stimulus." AMA,! Archives ..of Opthalmology, 52*932-41, 1954c 220 Whiting, H 0 T 0 A. and F 0 H 0 Sanderson, “The Effect of Exercise on the Visual and Auditory Acuity of Table-Tennis Players," Journal of Motor Behavior. 4 *163-69, 1972, 23, Williams, Harriet G 0 “Visual Perception Characteristics of Perceptual-Motor Development," A Textbook of Motor. Development, ed, Charles B 0 Corbin, Dubuque, Iowa* Wm0 C 0 Brown Compauny, 1973, pp.122-29. APPENDIXES APPENDIX A Figure I Target Slide APPENDIX B Figure 2 DVA Score Sheet Age Name RPM I h " Eye Color Eye Preference Grade■ ... Date Static Acuity Score RPM RPM R D D . L D U D R k U L D U I ■ h R I U I ~T~~r— "i H T T - n ...... ' ................ L D u I U I L D R n r i R T T D I I R I D L D D R L R M • RPM R D L D D R D U R1 U D U U R i, h U U Ii I D RPM ' - ‘ . .... _ a I ■L D L ft b R .________________ I„ L ‘R I R I L ■ I L I' U I u. I D ■ I L RPM : _______ ______ 2 ! R D U R U D U U . D L '' D L R a I R . APPENDIX C Table 13 Visual Acuity Equivalents of Visual Angles, expressed in minutes of arc, and Snellen Ratings Visual Angle (Minutes of arc) ’ ' ■ Slides Piresented 1-15 Snellen Rating "" • 10.0 1 2/200 5«o 2 20/100 3.33 3 20/ 6? 2.5 4 20/50 2.0 5 . 20/40 1.6? 6_ 20/33 1.43 7 20/69 1.25 = 8 20/25 9 ‘ 20/22 1.11 . 10 20/20 .91 11 20/18 .83 12 . 20/17 .77 13 . 20/15 .71 14: 20/14 .67 15; ■ 20/13 1.0 APPENDIX D Table 14 Raw Data Student Identlf!cation 101 102 103 104 105 106 10? .. 108 109 no 111 112; 113' 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 Grade I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I ■ Eye Preference Sex Left Right Right Left Left Right Right Left Right Left Right Left Left Left Left Right Left Right Right Left Right Right Right Right Male Male Male. Female Male Female Male Male Female Male Male Female Female 'Male 'Male Male Female Female Female Male Male Male Male Female DVA scores 9O0Zsec6 12O0Zsec. 60°/sec« 2.00 1.25 1 .6? 2.50 3.33 2.50 .77 .83 .. i.ii 2.50 .91 1.67 .83 1,43 3.33 2.00 .83 3.33 . .91 1.25 1,11 1.25 3.33 3.33 3.33 2.00 1.25 3.33 1.25 1.67 1,25. .91 " ■ .77 . .83 2.OQ 1.6? 2.50.83 .Tl 1.25 .83 ' .91 .91 .77 . 2.00 .83 .91 l.ll 1.25 1.67 1.67 1.11 3.33 3.33 1.67. 2.50 3.33 2.50 10.00 lo.oo : 2,00 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.33 2.00 2.50 3.33 3.33 2.00 Average 1.91 1.78 1.69 1.46 1.13 1.86 2.88 1.69 1 .2? . 1.46 1.80 2.61 5.00 5.2? 1.61 1,48 2.36 1.52 1.97 1.34 1.50 2.33 1.94 1.34 Table 15 (continued) Student Identification Grade Bye Preference Sex I I I I ■ I I I I I I I I I ■ I I I I I I I I I Left Right Left Right Right Left Right Left.Right Right Left Right Left Right Right Left Left Left Left Right Right Right Female Male Female Female Female Female, Male ' Female Male Male Female Male Male Female Female Female Male Male Male Male Female Male 201 202 2 203 204 205 2 2 2 . 2 Left ' Left Right Right Right Left Male Male 'Male Female Male Male , 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 133 136 137 138 139 . 140 141 142 - 143 144 145 146 206 2 DVA scores 90°/sec9 IZO1 V s e c tt 60o/sec. .77 .91 1.43 .91 1.67 2.50 .83 .77 1.25 .83 .77 .83 2.50 .83 1.25 1.00 .91 .83 3.33 1.43 2.50 1.43 1,11 1.43 2.00 .83 1.25 2.00 2.50 1.43 ■ 2.00 1.43 1.43 i.ii 3.33 .83 1.00 2.00 3.33 2.50 3.33 3.33 1.84 1.44 2.50 1.25 2.00 2.00 .95 1.91 1.42 1.18 1.58 1.67 2.50 1.43 2.50 2,00 2.00 2.00 2.50 1.43 3.33 2.50 . 10.00 1.67 5.00 2.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 2.50 . 5.00 3.33 5.00 1.43. ■ .91 1.43 .91 3.33 1.43 1.11 2,50 Average 2.50 2.50 2.50 10.00 2.50 3.33 2.22 . 1.22 1.41 2.44 1.42 1.91 1.97 5.27 1.86 5.66 4.64 5.47 4.81 4.44 . 1.56 1.41 1.64 5.11 1.61 2.31 Table 15 (continued) Student Identification 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 21? 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228. 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 Grade 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 * 2 . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Eye Preference Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Left. Right Left Right Right Right Right Right Left Right Left Right Right Right Left Left Right Right Right Right Right Sex 60°/sec» 1.43 Female Male 1.11 Male .77 2.50 Female Male 1.43 Male i.n Male .77 • Female ■1.11 Male : .77 Female .91 Male .91 Female .67 Male 1.11 1,67 Male Male .77 Male 1.25 Female .83 Female .83 Female 1,43 Female .83 1.2$ Male Female 1.6? Male . 1.25 Male .Tf Male .77 . Male 1.43 Female .83 Female 1.23 Female ,83 * DvA scores 90°/sec. 120°/sec. 2.50 2.00 .91 3.33 2.00 3.33. l.ll 1 .6? 1.11 1,6? 1,67 1.11 1.67 1.25 1.25 2.50 I .25 ■ ,91 2.50 1.25 2.00 3.33 3,33 .83 1.25 .91 1.67 3,33 I.25 3.33 2.50 2.00 10.00 5.00 3.33 2.50 2.00 1.67 3.33 3.33 2.50 10.00 2.00 2,00 3.33 2.50 2.50 5.00 10.00 10.00 2.50 2.00 1.6? 2.50 3^33 5.00 5.06 3.33 Average 2.42 1.8? 1.22 5.2? 2.81 2.59 1.46 1.59 1.18 1.97 1.97 1.42 4.26 1,64 1.34 2.36 1.52 1.41 2.97 4.02 4.41 2.50 2.19 I .09 1.50 1.89 2.50 3.19 1.80 Table 15 (continued) Student Identification 2 2 2 2 2 236' 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 24? 301 302 303 304 3P5 306 30? 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 . 315 316 Grade • 2 .2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3' 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Eye Preference Sex Left Left Right Left Right Right Right Left Right Right Right Right Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Female Female Female "Male Male Left Right Left Left Right Right Right Right Left Right Right Right Left ■ Right Left Right Female Female Female. Female Male Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Male Female Female 60o/seci, 1.00 .77 DVA scores 90°/sec. 12O0Zsec. 2.00 1.11 1.43 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 1.43 2.50 5.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 1.11 .91 2.50 1.25 2.50 . 1.46 1,13 1.61 1.34 .91 1.43 1.43 2.00 .91 .1.25 .77 .83 .83 1.67 1.25 .77 1.25 Average O91 1.43 1.66 I .29 1 .6l . 1.97 I .03 1.52 2.42 4.55 4.4l 1,11 1.25 1.67 1.25 .91 .8% .83 1.6? 1.43 1.6? 1.67 5.00 2.00 3.33 2.50 .1.25 2.00 *91: "82 1.43 loll 2.50 2.00 1.31 2.00 3.33 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.14 1.80 1.43 1 ,ii .7?; .83 1,4%. .8%. .77 1.6? 1.43 1,6? 1.43 1.25 2.50 1.25 2.78 1 056 1.89 1.66 1.36 . 1.61 1.76 1.56 1.36 1.11 3.33 2.50 1.46 5.00 10.00 5.55 Table 15 (continued) Student Identificaticn 317 318 319 320 321. 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 .344 345 346 Grade Eye Preference Sex 600/sec, 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Left Left Right Right Left Right Left Left Right Right Left Right Right Left Left Right Left . Right Left Right Right Right Right Left Left Left Left ■ Left Right Left Male Male Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Female Male Female Male Male Male Female Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Female ,83 1.11 1.11 DVA scores 90°/sec. 120°/sec. Average 1«11 1.67 1.20 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.62 1.62 I eI l «91 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.00 .77 1,67 «91 «77 1.67 3.33 2.00 3.33 .83 2.00 «91 «77 . .91 .83 1.43 2 000 I «43 1 ,6? 3.33 1.43 lo ll . < & 1.67 2.00 3.33 2.50 1.25 1.67 2.QO 1.43 .83- 2.00 1.00 2 I »43 »91 .7? I »11 • «91 .71' 1.6? .77 • «91 1.25 .. .91 1.25 1.25 .91 I »67 I »11 1.00 2.00 1.62 1.52 1.92 I .67 1.52 1.84 1.66 2 .5 0 2.88 1.44 3.33 2.00 2.50 1.46 1.33 1.77 2.42 1.43 2.50 2.50 2.61 3.33 1.67 2.50 1.27 2.05 4.4? 1.97 10.00 2.50 2.50 2,50 1.43. ' 2.50 2.50 1.67 3.33 2.00 1,44 1.41 1.03 1.62 1.55 I.09 2.22 1.29 lo ll 3 . 3 3 1.00 ' 2.19 Table 15 (continued) Student Identification 401 402 403 404 405 . 406 40? 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 4l6 41? 418' . .419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 Eye Grade Preference. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Left Left Right Left Right Right Right Right Right Left Right Right Left Left. Right Right Right Right Left Right Left Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Sex Male Male Female Female Male Male Female Male Female Female Female Male Female Female Female Female Male '■ Male Female ■Male Male Female Male Female Male ■ Male . . Male Female Male 60°/sec, .6? DVA scores 12O0Zsec. 90°/sec« 1.11 7 1.25 o77 .77 1.67 .91 1.25 .9% .91 1.25 1.11 . 1.6? 1.43 1.25 1.25 1.43 191 1.25 1.43 1.6? 2a50 1.15 1.80 1.43 3.33 1,25 2.00 1.25 2.50 1.03 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.25 1.67 . 1,67 2.00 3.33 3.33 .77 1.25 1.25 2.50 , 2.00 .83 1.25 2.50 .77 .83 .83 lo ll 2.00 .77 .77 .71 .91 2600 2.00 1.67 1.00 .91 2.58 2.00 1.67 1.00 2.00 2,00 1.00 .91 • 1,84 1.25 1,27 1.13 1.68 2,22 2.42 1.39 1.64 3.05 1.50 3.33 2.50 .83 Average 1.36 1.36 1.36 ' 1.24 1.76 1,66 1.11 1.25 1.23 .99 2.00 .77 1.11 2.00 1.43 1.43 1.25 2.50 3i33 2.00 1.67 1.44 2.14 1.81 .83 .91 2.00 1.24 .83 .71 lo ll 1.29 Table 15 (continued) Student Identlf!cation Grade 430 431 432 - 433 434 435 436 437 433 439 440 441 442 443 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Eye . Preference Left Left Right . Left Right Left Right Right Right Right Left Right Right Left DVA scores Sex Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Male. Female Male 90°/secn 12O0Zsec, 2 .0 0 1,00 I »25 1,11 2.50 2.50 .77 1,11 ,71 »91 1,25 2,50 . 1,11 .8 3 1,25 1,67 3 .3 3 3 .3 3 2.50 2,00 5.00 6o°/sec9 1,11 " »77. .8 3 .71 .67 1 .2 5 1 .4 3 *83 1,25 ,71 . 2 .5 0 3 .3 3 Average 1.8? 1.42 1.52 1.71 .8? 1.39 1,57 1.36 3 .3 3 1.25 3 *3 3 3 .3 3 2.63 2.00 *83 l.ll 1,43 1.25 2.50 »92 1.72 1.21 1.67' & moktana O 1/52 10014231 2 H378 E364 c op. 2 DATE Heintz, Doreen A The developmental dynamic visual acuity status of elementary students ISSUED TO