Recommendations for Making the Most of Your Blended Course by Larry Ragan SPOTLIGHT ON: Professor Victor Oguejiofor Okafor Winter 20 1 Scholarsh 0 ip Results (See Reverse) It’s no surprise that more and more instructors we work with are revamping their traditional courses into an online or blended format; over 4.6 million students were taking at least one online course during the fall 2008 term, according to Sloan Consortium’s seventh annual report, “Learning on Demand. Online Education in the United States, 2009.” This represents a 17 percent growth rate from the previous year, “...with the most recent data demonstrating no signs of slowing.” Over the past several years, faculty members at Penn State have been developing and teaching blended format courses in various colleges and We wanted to hear more about this trend from the instructor’s point of view. Below, Eastern departments. Below is a list of recommendations Michigan University’s African American Studies department head, Dr. Victor Oguejiofor based on their experiences, using data collected Okafor, answers our questions regarding the challenges and advantages of running online and from interviews and conversations with many blended courses: of those faculty. At a minimum, blended instructors should Q: +RZGLG\RXSUHSDUHIRUWKHFRXUVH" Teaching Since: allow six months lead time for course 1999 development; one year is preferred. Several A: Prior to designing AAS 313 as an online instructors voiced an opinion that the need course, I had developed and taught it as Courses Taught: for integration and organization necessitates AAS 101 a day-time traditional course offering. a full course redesign; creating a blended Converting it to an online course took several Introduction to course is not as simple as placing presentation steps, one of which was the transformation African American slides or notes online. of the traditional classroom syllabus into Studies (wholly online) Mastering the technology necessary to AAS 102 Introduction to African administer the course can be a challenge, an interactive electronic document and instructors should set aside time to incorporating various learning tools of Civilization (web enhanced) learn the requisite tools. AAS 232 Politics in the African American a typical online offering. Hold an initial face-to-face kick-off meeting. Experience (web enhanced) Q: +RZGLIIHUHQWZDVWKHSUHSDUDWLRQ 7KLVÀUVWPHHWLQJFDQVHUYHPDQ\UROHV AAS 313 Contemporary Africa: IURPWKDWRIDWUDGLWLRQDOFODVV" including a general orientation to the format The Struggle Prospects for Development of the course, a review of technology A: There were several differences. One, I (wholly online) requirements, and an opportunity for the converted my traditional classroom lecture AAS 505 the African Political Economy students to socialize and get to know their notes into electronic Power Point slides. In peers and their instructor. (wholly online) addition to designating reading assignments Make students aware of what a from required books, for the online course, blended course entails. For I was somewhat surprised to see the online students ,DOVRUHVHDUFKHGLGHQWLÀHGDQGVHWXSOLQNVWR many students, the blended WHQGHGWRGREHWWHU³LQWHUPVRIDFKLHYHGÀQDO format is a novelty. web-based supplemental materials, including grades — than their traditional class counterparts. Provide information on time what I labeled as “educational websites.” management skills. Because of Furthermore, the online students of the the self-pacing elements of a blended course, course write more than their traditional Q: :KDWZDVWKHÀUVWEOHQGHGRURQOLQH VWXGHQWVPD\EHQHÀWIURPimproving their class counterparts. The online students FODVVWKDW\RXWDXJKW" skills in managing their work and schedules. engage in class discussions of materials Be sure that the face-to-face class meetings A:7KHÀUVWRQOLQHFRXUVHWKDW,GHVLJQHG differently – through both synchronous and are integrated into the course, and hold value and taught is AAS 313 Contemporary asynchronous learning tools. to the educational experience that connects Africa: The Struggle & Prospects for with the online coursework. Students may Q: :KDWVXUSULVHG\RXWKHPRVWDERXW Development (03 hrs). I designed and become frustrated if they feel that the WHDFKLQJDEOHQGHGRURQOLQHFRXUVH" face-to-face sessions are simply thrown launched this course in 1999 as part of the into the course, with no thought given A: I was somewhat surprised to see that ÀUVWVHWRIRQOLQHFRXUVHVWREHRIIHUHGDW to the role that the classroom time plays the online students tended to do better – in Eastern Michigan University. within the course. WHUPVRIDFKLHYHGÀQDOJUDGHV²WKDQWKHLU Excerpt taken from: Ragan, Larry. Best Practices in Online Teaching - Pulling It All Together - Teaching Blended Learning Courses. Connexions. 28 Aug. 2007 <http://cnx. org/content/m15048/1.2/>. traditional class counterparts. This applies not only to upper division courses, but also to the lower division online course that I developed later. Spotlight continued on page 2 Q: A: Email: Phone: Web: We look forward to hearing from YOU! Samanthaa Laurie Q: Melinda Leslie A: Winter 2010 scholarship results Q: Congratulations to the following departments: A: | Q: Huron Valley Publishing Re inventing Course Packs Have an idea for CourseNotes? (800) PRINT-01 | (734) 971-2135 | Contact Us: refer-a-friend | new instructor incentive rewards program You Refer. We Reward. A: