Effects of elevated summer water temperatures below Ennis Reservoir on the macroinvertebrates of the Madison River, Montana by John Joseph Fraley A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Fish and Wildlife Management Montana State University © Copyright by John Joseph Fraley (1978) Abstract: The effects of Ennis Reservoir on the chemistry, thermal regime and aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Madison River were studied during 1976 and 1977. Only small differences in pH, total alkalinity, hardness, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and total phbsphorus were measured at the five stations. Mean water temperatures from June through August, 1977 at stations below the reservoir averaged 3.5 C higher than at stations above the reservoir. Water temperatures were above 17 C at least 31% more of the time at stations below the reservoir. Diurnal temperature fluctuations immediately below the reservoir were reduced by more than 80%. A total of 56 taxa of aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected on artificial substrate samplers. Of these four occurred only at stations above the reservoir, 14 were found only at stations below the reservoir and 38 were taken both above and below. The average number of taxa per sampler was significantly lower at the station immediately below the reservoir than at all other stations (p<.01). The average total numbers collected at stations below the reservoir were significantly greater than at stations above (p<.01). A greater composition of Trichoptera and a lower composition of Plecoptera were found on artificial substrates immediately below the reservoir. Cold water preference taxa and eurythermal taxa dominated invertebrate numbers on artificial substrates at stations above the reservoir. Warm water preference taxa and eurythermal taxa were numerically dominant at stations below. Total oven dried weights of invertebrates on artificial substrate samplers averaged about 100% higher at stations below the reservoir than at stations above. A total of 54 taxa were collected in bottom samples. Of these four were taken only in the river above the reservoir, 15 were found only below the reservoir and 35 were collected in both sections. The average number of taxa per bottom sampler was significantly lower (p<.01) at the station immediately below the reservoir than at all other stations. The numerical composition of Trichoptera was larger and Plecoptera smaller immediately below the reservoir than at all other stations. Cold water and eurythermal preference taxa numerically dominated the invertebrate fauna at stations above the reservoir. Warm water and eurythermal forms dominated the fauna below. Biotic index values indicated stress on macroinvertebrate communities at stations below the reservoir. Coefficients of similarity indicated distinct invertebrate communities at stations above the reservoir, immediately below the reservoir and at stations further downstream. Some species of adult aquatic insects appeared two weeks to one month earlier at stations below the reservoir than at stations above. Pteronaroys oalifomica did not emerge, in the 4 km of the river below Ennis Reservoir where thermal constancy existed. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment, of the requirements for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial, gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. EFFECTS OF ELEVATED SUMMER WATER. TEMPERATURES BELOW ENNIS RESERVOIR ON THE MACROINVERTEBRATES OF THE MADISON RIVER, MONTANA by JOHN JOSEPH FRALEY A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Fish and Wildlife Management Approved: Chairperson, Graduate Committee ead, Maj o p Department Graduate Dean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana December# 1978 ill ' ACKNOWLEDGMENT ' . The author wishes to express appreciation .to those who assisted him during the study. Dr. William R. Gould directed the study and assisted in preparation of the manuscript. ' Drs. George R. Roemhild and John G. Wright critically reviewed the manuscript. .Dr. Wrightprovided laboratory equipment for chemical analyses. Dr. Roemhild confirmed the identifications of selected aquatic invertebrates. Dalton Burkhalter assisted in statistical analyses, Richard' Oswald provided identifications of.the Chironomidae and Steve Whalen aided in chemical analyses. Thanks are extended to my parents for their moral arid financial . support during my college years. • This study was funded by the, Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit. TABLE OF CONTENTS ■. VITA • • • ■ » «'• • • e • • ^• « • • ACKNOWLEDGMENT ....... .. . Page * • ■ e ii . . . . . :\ . / . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS......................... ; .■ LIST OF T A B L E S .......... .. .............. .. LIST OF FIGURES......................... .. .., Iii . . . . . . . . ............. . . . ... iv v . . . . A B S T R A C T ............ x xi INTRODUCTION I. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY. AREA............ ....................... METHODS. . '........ .. • . •..................................... Water Chemistry. Temperature Monitoring Macro invertebrates . . V 3 . 9 -...............• . 9 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ; ., ' 10 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . 10 RESULTS. ........................ '. ■ 14' Water Chemistry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Temperature Monitoring .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Macroinvertebr a t e s ......................... ' ............. 28 Artificial Substrate Sampling. . .. . . . . . . . .. 28 Bottom Sampling................ . . . . . . . .. ■ 41 1 Community Measurements ^ . 45 Biotic Index . . . . . . , . i .. . .. ; ........ 45 Similarity Coefficients. .,. '.. . . . . : '. ,. ■ 48 Adult Aquatic Insects. . . . .... . '..' V .. . . . .. 50 SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION . . LITERATURE CITED .'. . . . . . '. ........ • .. . . . . . . ... . '.'.......... '. . APPENDIX ........ ..................................... .. 54. 58' . .... . . 64 . LIST OF TABLES Table 1. 2. . Page Mean values.and ranges (In.parenthesis) of,selected chemical and physical characteristics from 12-14 monthly samples taken at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977 ......................... .. . . . . . . . . 15 Monthly mean and average minimum and maximum (in parenthesis) water temperatures. (C) at stations on the Madison River from May through October, 1977 20 -, - 3. Thermal preferences of taxa from the Madison River based, on the correlation of frequency of occurrence with the percent of time above 17 C at each station. Correlation coefficients are in parenthesis.......... .. . . . .. . . . . . 30 4. Percent composition of, numbers o f .macroinverLebfateh1by' major taxa collected on artificial substrate samplers ■ in the Madison River from September, 1976 through September, 1977........................................ .. 5. Average number (nearest whole number) of macroinvertebrates collected on artificial substrate samplers at stations on the Madison River from September, 1976 through September, 1977 ..................................34 .. 33 ;• 6. The ten numerically dominant genera,or species on artificial substrates collected at stations on the.Madison . River from September, 1976 through September, 1977 (with average numbers of invertebrates/sampler in each taxon). . . 39 7. The percent composition of the dry weight of major orders of macroinvertebrates bn artificial substrate samplers collected on the Madison River in December, 1976 and March, May, July and September, 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. The ten numerically dominant taxa in bottom samples collected at stations on the Madison,River during 1977 ■ (with average number of invertebrate/sample in the taxon). . '■ 41 43 Vi Table 9. 10. Page. Biotic index values of tnacrbinvertebrates calculated from bottom samples at stations on the Madison River during 1977 ........... .. . . . . . . . ............... ; 46' Jaccard and Czekanowski similarity coefficients from presence-absence data of taxa at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977. . . . . . ... . . . A9 Oven dried weights (g) of groups of 25 P. QaZ-Vfovnioa^ ■ adults collected on the Madison River in June 1977. . . . ,52. 12. The pH at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977: 69 13. The total alkalinity (mg/I CaCo ) at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977. . . „ . . . .' '. . .. 66 11. 14. The hardness (mg/1 CaCb-) at stations on the Madison ■ River in 1976 and 1977.......... .............. .v . ... . 15. The conductivity (ymhos/cm at 25 C) at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977........ . . . . . ...... 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. '• 67, . 68 The dissolved oxygen (mg/1 0-) at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1.9/7................... 69 The turbidity (Jackson Turbidity Units) a:t stations ■ on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977 . . . .. . . •• • 70 The ammonia (mg/I NH--N) nitrate (mg/1. N0--N) and nitrate, (mg/1 NO -N) at stations on the. Madison River in 1.976 and 1 9 7 7 . .............. .. '. ■ .71 The total phosphorus (mg/1 total-P) and arthophosphate (mg/1 P0.-P) at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977 ;....................................... .. 72 The total alkalinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and percent saturation (in parenthesis), levels in a diurnal series of measurements made on August 14 and ,15, • 1977 at Stations -2 arid 4 on the Madison:Rivet < . 73 vii Table 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Page Weekly mean and average weekly minimum and maximum, temperatures (C) at stations on the Madison River from April thru October, 1977 . ................... .. 74 The percent of time water temperatures were greater than each given degree at stations on the Madison River in May, 1977. ........................................... .. 78 The percent of time water temperatures were greater than each given degree at stations on the Madison River in June, 1977 ...................................... .. . 79 The percent of time water temperatures were greater, then each given degree at stations on the Madison River in July, 1977 . . ......................................... 80 The percent of time water temperatures were greater than each given degree at stations on the Madison River in August, 1977 .......................................... 81 The percent of time water temperatures were greater than each given degree at stations on the Madison River in September, 1977 . ...............y............... .. 82 The mean temperature (C) and percent of time 7 through 17 C at stations on the Madison River for colonization periods of artificial substrates in 1976 and 1977 . . . . 83 Average numbers/sampler and ranges (in parenthesis) of each macroinvertebrate taxon collected from artificial substrate samplers at Station I on the Madison River on each sampling date. Averages are rounded to the each macroinvertebrate taxon collected from artificial substrate samplers at Station 2 on the Madison River on each sampling date. Averages are rounded to the ' nearest whole number and dashes indicate zero counts. . . 87 viii Table 30. ' '' ■ Page Average numbers/sampler and ranges (in parenthesis) of.! each macroinvertebrate taxon collected from artificial substrate samplers at Station 3 on the Madison River on each sampling date. Averages are rounded to the nearest whole number and dashes indicate zero counts . . , 31. Average numbers/sampler, and ranges (in parenthesis) of each macroinvertebrate taxon collected from artificial substrate samplers at Station 4 .on the.Madison River on each sampling date. Averages are rounded to the nearest whole number and dashes indicate zero counts . . 32. Average numbers/sampler and ranges (in parenthesis) of each macroinvertebrate taxon collected from artificial substrate samplers at Station 5 on the Madison Riyer on each sampling date. Averages are rounded to the nearest whole number and dashes indicate zero counts . . 96 Frequency of occurrence of taxa on artificial substrate samplers at each station from September,' 1976 through September, 1977 on the Madison River . . ... . . 99 33. 34. 2 Mean oven dried weights (mg) of major taxa per 0.20m artificial substrate sampler taken at stations on the Madison River in December, 1976 and March, May, July and September, 1977........ .. . ... ............... .. . 10.2 35. ' 2 Numbers of invertebrates per taxon in 0.25m bottom samples at Station I on the Madison River in 1977. . ,. . 104 36. .■ 2 Numbers of invertebrates per taxon in 0.25m bottom samples at Station 2 on the Madison River.in 1977. ... . 106 37. 38. Numbers of invertebrates per taxon in 0.25m bottom samples at Station 3 on the Madison River in 1977. . . . 108 2 Numbers of invertebrates per taxon in 0.25m bottom. . . samples at Station 4 on the Madison River in 1977. . 110 ix Table 39. 40. 41. 42. Page 2 Numbers of invertebrates per taxon in 0.25m bottom samples at Station 5 on the Madison River in 1977. . . . 113 2 Average numbers/m of selected taxa of aquatic invertebrates collected from eight 0.20m artificial . substrate samplers and 0.25 m z bottom samplers (in italics) at stations on the Madison River in May and August, 1977. Dashes indicate incomplete dapa . . ... i 116 Quality values from Hilsenhoff (1977) assigned to macroinvertebrates collected in 1977 .from the Madison River and used in calculating the biotic index . . . . . 117 List of adult aquatic insects collected on the upper and lower Madison River with the range of dates of collection. Collections were made in 1977 unless otherwise noted 118 X LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. 2. 3. Page . Map of the study area. Numbers indicate the location of the sampling stations .................................... 4 Mean monthly flow of the Madison River at Ennis Reservoir from May, 1976 through October, 1977 (Madison Power Plant unpublished data)............................... .. 8. Diurnal changes in dissolved oxygen and pH at Stations 2 (upper Madison River) and 4 (lower Madison River) on August 14-15, 1977............................. .......... 4. The average daily maximum (solid bars) and minimum (dotted bars) water temperatures from June I through August 31, 1977 at stations on the Madison River. . ................... 21 5. The percent of time water temperatures were from 7 through 17 C in May through October, 1977 at stations on the Madison R i v e r ........................... ............ 23 6. The black portion represents the percent of time (numbers) water temperatures exceeded 17 C from May through September, 1977 at stations on the Madison River. Circles without numbers indicate percent of time values of less than 1 0 % ..................... .......... 25 7. The regression of percent of time >17 C and mean biotic index values at stations on the Madison River in 1977. . . . 19 47 Xl ABSTRACT The effects of Ennis Reservoir on the chemistry, thermal regime and aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Madison River were studied during 1976 and 1977. Only small differences in pH, total alkalinity, hardness, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, ammonia,. nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and total phbsphorus were measured at the five stations. Mean water temperatures from June through August, 1977 at stations below the reservoir averaged 3.5 C higher than at stations above the reservoir. Water temperatures were above 17 C at least 31% • more of the time at stations below the reservoir. Diurnal temperature fluctuations immediately below the reservoir were reduced by more, than 80%. A total of 56 taxa of aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected on artificial substrate samplers. Of these four occurred only at sta­ tions above the reservoir, I4 were found only at stations below the reservoir and 38 were taken both above and below. The average number of taxa per sampler was significantly lower at the station immediately below the reservoir than at all other stations (p<.01). The average total numbers collected at stations bel'ovj the reservoir were signifi- ■ • cantly greater than at stations above (fx.Ol). A greater composition of Trichoptera and a lower composition of Plecoptera were found on artificial substrates immediately below the. reservoir. Cold water preference taxa and eurythermal taxa dominated invertebrate numbers on artificial substrates at stations above the reservoir. Warm water preference taxa and eurythermal taxa were numerically dominant at stations below. Total oven dried weights of invertebrates on artificial substrate samplers averaged about 100% higher at stations below the reservoir than at stations above. A total of 54 taxa were collected in bottom samples. Of these four were taken only in the river above ■ the reservoir, 15 were found only below the reservoir and 35 were col­ lected in both sections. The average number of taxa per bottom sam­ pler was significantly lower (p<.01) at the station, immediately below the reservoir than at all other stations. The numerical composition of Trichoptera was larger and Plecoptera smaller immediately below the reservoir than at all other stations. Cold water and eurythermal preference taxa numerically dominated the invertebrate fauna at sta- " tions above the reservoir. Whrm water and eurythermal forms dominated the fauna below. Biotic index values indicated stress on macroinverte­ brate communities at stations below the reservoir. Coefficients of similarity indicated distinct invertebrate communities at stations above the reservoir, immediately below the reservoir and at.stations further downstream. Some species of adult aquatic insects appeared two weeks to one month earlier at stations below the reservoir than at sta­ tions above. 'Btevonavoys dalifotmtca Aid not emerge, in the .4,'kih o f .the river below Ennis Reservoir where 'thermal-constancy',existed.. INTRODUCTION The Madison River is one of Montana's important trout streams. It contains 116 km of the 727 km of blue ribbon trout water in Montana (Brown 1965). In 1967 the river supported an estimated 124,298 hours of fisherman use and yielded 89,767 trout (Vincent 1969). Shortly after 1900 the Madison River was impounded to form Ennis Reservoir. Water from the reservoir is used to produce power at the Madison Power Plant located immediately below Ennis dam. Ennis Reservoir raises summer temperatures in the Madison River below it. Early morning temperatures in July and August, 1950-51 (U.S.F.W.S. 1954) averaged 4 C higher in the river below the reservoir (lower river) than in the river above the reservoir (upper river). Heaton (1961) reported daily minimum temperatures in the lower Madison River during July and August averaged about 4 C higher than in the upper river. The maximum temperatures he recorded were 24 C in the upper river and 27 C in the lower river. Vincent (1977) monitored temperatures in the Madison River from 1972 through 1976 and found Ennis Reservoir elevated the mean July and August temperature of the lower river 4 C. Maximum temperatures during these years were 22 C in the upper river and 27 C in the lower river. Recent studies (Vincent 1977) have shown rainbow and brown trout 27 cm or more in total length had slower growth fates in the lower 2 river than in the upper river. Conversely, rainbow and brown trout less than 27 cm grew, faster in the lower river. The reason for these differences in growth rates were not clearly understood, but the effects of high summer water temperatures on the trout's metabolism or food supply have been cited as possible causes. The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Ennis Reservoir on the chemical and thermal regimes and the aquatic macroinvertebrate communties of the lower Madison River. The secondary purpose.was to determine if the macroinvertebrate food supply was responsible for the observed differences in growth rates of trout in the upper and lower river. Fieldwork was conducted from July, 1976 through October, 1977. \ DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA The Madison River arises in northwestern Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, and flows through Madison and Gallatin Counties in southwestern Montana. It is formed by the confluence of the Gibbon and Firehole Rivers in Yellowstone National Park at an elevation of 2074 meters. The river flows approximately 220 kilometers northward across broad valleys and joins the Jefferson and Gallatin Rivers to form the Missouri River near Three Forks, Montana. about 1235 m at the river’s mouth. The elevation is The. river passes through Hebgen Reservoir, Quake Lake and Ennis Reservoir, which are 33, 61, and 151 km below its headwaters, respectively. 2 The Madison River drains a total land area of 6480 km . Approximately two-thirds of the drainage area in Montana is in national forest lands. Major land uses in the Madison basin are livestock grazing, wheat farming and recreation (U.S.F.W.S. 1954). The study area was located on the lower 90 km of the river. It extended from the Varney Bridge, 22 km upstream from Ennis Reservoir, to the U.S. Highway 10 Bridge, 56 km downstream from Ennis Reservoir. Five stations were established on the study area (Fig. I). I and 2 were located above Ennis Reservoir. flows through the wide upper Madison Valley. Stations In this area the river Riparian vegetation at these stations consisted of cottonwood (Populus), willow (Salix), alder (Alnus), rose (Rosa) and grasses (Gramineae). Here the river T h re e For LOWER M A D IS O N RIVERi Bozeman > ENNIS RESERVOIR UPPER !MADISON R IVER HEBGEN RESERVOIR 10 20 Mi 17 33 Km Figure I. West Yellowstone Map of the study area. Numbers indicate the location of the sampling stations. 5 averaged about 60 m wide and was composed mostly of riffles and rapids with few large pools. The substrate consisted of large cobble and boulders interspersed with small cobble, gravel and sand. Ctadaphova occurred sparesely on the substrate. of the river in this area was 5.7 m per km. The average gradient Station I was located 100 m below the Varney Bridge, 22 km above Ennis Reservoir. approximate elevation was 1585 m. Its Station 2 was located 150 m below the U.S. Highway Bridge at Ennis, Montana, 7 km above Ennis Reservoir. Its elevation was about 1505 m. Ennis Reservoir is located between Stations 2 and 3 and lies 7 km north of Ennis, Montana. (U.S.F.W.S. 1954). It has a surface area of 15.30 hectares It is wide and shallow, especially in the southern end and is approximately 8 km long. Three stations were established below Ennis Reservoir. Station 3 was located approximately 3 km below Ennis Reservoir and 0.5 km below the Madison Power Plant. Its approximate elevation was 1430 m. In this area the river flowed through the Beartrap Canyon in which steep cliffs and rockslides commonly extend to the river’s edge. Riparian vegetation consisted primarily of conifers and shrubs. Substrate in this area consisted primarily of boulders with inter­ spersed cobble, gravel and sand. algae which was mainly CZadophova. It supported a heavy growth of The average gradient in the 20 km long Beartrap Canyon was 6.5 m/km. 6 Stations 4 and 5 were located in the lower Madison Valley. Riparian vegetation was composed of cottonwood, grasses and shrubs. The river in the lower valley.averaged about 90 m wide and was characterized by riffles and rapids, with some large pools. Cladophora and Myriophyllion grew in relatively heavy densities in this area during the summer. The average gradient of this 39 km portion of the river was 3 m/km. Station 4 whs located 150 m below the Norris Bridge, 20 km downstream from Ennis Reservoir. approximate elevation was 1355 m. Its The substrate there consisted of large cobble and boulders, with interspersed small cobble, gravel and sand. Station 5 was located 150 m below the U.S. Highway Bridge near Three Forks, Montana. It was situated 56 km downstream from Ennis Reservoir and 3 km above the headwaters of the Missouri River. Its elevation was 1240 m and its substrate was composed of small rubble and gravel, with interspersed sand and silt. The flow of the Madison River is regulated by Hebgen and Ennis Reservoirs and is relatively- stable compared to unregulated streams of similar size. Ennis Reservoir is maintained at a nearly constant level so the inflow and outflow at the reservoir are similar. Mean, minimum and maximum flow of the river at Ennis Reservoir for a 38 3 3 year period of record ending in 1976 were 50 m /sec(1766 ft /sec), 3 3 3 3 6 m /sec(210 ft /sec) and 270 m /sec(9550 ft /sec), respectively (U.S.G.S. 1976). Flows during the study period were below normal. 7 3 3 The mean, minimum and maximum flows were 46.9 m ./sec(1656 ft /sec), 21.2 m"Vsec(749 ft'Vsec) and 86.8 m^/sec(3068 ft^/sec), respectively (Madison Power Plant unpublished data). Mean monthly flows from May, 1976 through October, 1977 appear in Fig. 2. Trail, Moore, Cedar, O'Dell and Jack Creeks are tributaries to the upper Madison River.. Tributaries to the lower river are Beartrap, Warm Springs, Cherry and Elk Creeks. 1-100 3000m J/ s e c $ 2000<£ -50 * O 1000- I l M J 1976 Figure 2. l l J I A S MONTH I O I N I D I J I I F M I A I M I J I I J A I S 1977 Mean monthly flow of the Madison River at Ennis Reservoir from May, 1976 through October, 1977 (Madison Power Plant unpublished data). I O 00 METHODS Water Chemistry The pH, total alkalinity, hardness, dissolved oxygen and turbidity were measured monthly at each station throughout the study period except during January, 1977. Water samples were collected in one liter polyethylene bottles, kept at 4 hours of collection. meter. C and analyzed within 12 The pH was measured with a Beckman expandomatic Total alkalinity was determined pbtentiometrically using the above pH meter following Standard Methods (A.P.H.A. 1971). was determined using Hach Chemical Supply reagents. Hardness Dissolved oxygen was measured by the modified Azide-Winkler method using.Hach Chemical Company reagents. turbidometer. Turbidity was assessed with a Hach model 2100 Conductivity was measured with an Industrial Instru­ ments Company solubridge conductivity meter. Inorganic nutrients were measured quarterly. was determined using Hach Nitriver reagent. Nitrite nitrogen Ammonia nitrogen was determined as described by Strickland and Parsons (1972). nitrogen was measured as described by Barnes (1959). Nitrate Orthophosphate and total phosphorus were determined using single reagent methods in Standard Methods (A.P.H.A. 1971). Oxygen, pH and alkalinity were measured every three hours over a 24 hour period on August 14 and 15, 1977 at Station 2 (upper river) and 4 (lower river) following the methods of Wright (1968). The 10 pH was measured on site with a Beckman expanded scale meter. Oxygen samples were fixed on site and analyzed in the laboratory by the Winkler method (A.P.H.A. 1971). Alkalinity was measured potentiometrically in the lab within 12 hours of collection of the water sample. Temperature Monitoring Water temperatures were monitored at each of the five sampling stations with either a Taylor, Wecksler or Foxboro continuous recording thermograph. Temperatures were recorded throughout the study period except during January, February and March, 1977. Cali­ bration of the thermographs was checked weekly from late May to September. Temperatures from the thermograph charts were digitized and printed on computer cards using programs, written by Dr. D . Reichmuth, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. Temperature data were analyzed using computer programs written by D. Burkhalter, Department of Biology. Water temperatures were measured at sites I, 1.5 and 3 km below Station 3 from mid June to mid July, 1977 with maximum-minimum thermometers. Macroinvertebrates Macroinvertebrates were sampled monthly using multiplate artificial substrate samplers similar to those of Hester and Dendy (1962). Each sampler consisted of. seven pressed hardboard plates 11 measuring 12.2 x 12.2 cm. spacers. The plates were' separated by 0.60 cm thick 2 Each sampler had a surface area of 0.20 m . Four samplers were placed in riffle areas at each of the five sampling stations. All samplers were placed in areas of similar depths and current velocities with the plates positioned parallel to the flow. They were anchored to the stream bottom with steel posts. After approximately 30 days, the material on each sampler was removed and placed in a jar containing 10% formalin and a label. Sam­ ples were taken to the laboratory where each was washed on a U.S, Series number 30 screen. The aquatic macroinvertebrates present in each sample were separated, washed and preserved in 70% ethanol. Macroinvertebrates were identified to genus or the lowest possible taxon using keys by Bauman et al. (1977), Edmondson (1959), Edmunds and Jensen (1977), Gaufin et al. (1972), Mason (.1973), Pennak (1952), Roemhild (1976), Usinger (1956), and Wiggins (1976).. individuals in each taxon was recorded. The number of Macroinvertebrates belonging to each order in samples collected in December, 1976. and March, May,July and September, 1977 were dried in an oven at 100 C to a constant weight and measured on a Mettler Instruments Corporation H-16 balance. The percent composition of dry weight of each order in each of the above samples was calculated. 12 Bottom samples of macroinvertebrates were collected at each station in February, May, August and October, 1977. Two 0.25 m 2 bottom samples were taken at each station in areas of small rubble with a Surber-Iike sampler having a net of 9 meshes,/cm. Each sample was placed in a jar with 10% formalin and a label. Macroinvertebrates in these samples were treated as those from artificial substrates except none were oven dried and weighed. A biotic index was calculated for bottom samples collected during the study following the method described by Hilsenhoff (1977): - BI = Z n. . a. " j T l where BI = the biotic index value n_. = the number of each macroinvertebrate in the sample and a = the quality value for that macroinvertebrate N = the total number of macroinvertebrates in the sample Adult aquatic insects were collected using a standard fine, mesh sweep net and preserved in 70% ethanol. Species determinations were made by Dr. G. Roemhild (Ephemeroptera), Dr. R. Newell (Plecoptera), Dr. D. Denning (Trichoptera) and Dr. W. Lange (Lepidoptera). 13 One hundred adult male and 100 adult female Ptevonaroys. Cdltfovn-Loa were collected from both the lower (June 7, 1977) and upper (June 18, 1977) river within the first two days of their emergence. The insects were killed with chloroform fumes, returned to the laboratory and oven dried to a constant weight. The weights of insects from the two areas were compared statistically. Statistical tests were made using methods in Dixon and Massey (1969). Statistical analyses of number of taxa per sample, total number of macroinvertebrates per sample, ordinal number of macro­ invertebrates per sample and total weights of macroinvertebrates per sample were performed using "MSUSTAT" programs on Montana State University's Sigma 7 computer. RESULTS Water Chemistry The chemical and physical characteristics of water samples collected on each sampling date are presented in Appendix Tables 12 through 19. The mean and range of chemical and physical parameters measured at each station are presented in Table I. Mean pH values ranged from 8.29 to 8.52, with slightly higher values usually being found at stations in the lower river. The ranges of values, however, were up to 100% greater at stations in the lower river. Mean total alkalinity values ranged from 96 to 112 mg/1 and were 7 to 16 units higher at stations in the lower river. ately hard. Mean hardness values ranged from 65 to 85 mg/1 and were 11 to 20 mg/1 higher in the lower river. value was The Madison River was moder­ 10 mg/1 at all stations. The mean dissolved oxygen Mean turbidity values were less than 7 JTU and generally increased in downstream progression. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, orthophosphate and total phosphorous levels were similar to those reported by the U.S.G.S. Montana waters. (1976) for Mean ammonia and nitrite levels were less than 0.009 mg/1 and were similar at all stations. Mean orthophosphate values were less than 0.028 mg/1 and generally alike at all stations. Mean nitrate levels were less than 0.014 mg/1 and decreased in downstream progression, probably due to uptake by aquatic vegetation in the lower river. Mean total phosphorus values were less than 0.102 mg/1 Table I. Mean values and ranges (in parenthesis) of selected chemical and physical characteristics from 12-14 monthly samples taken at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977. STATIONS Parameter pH I 2 3 4. 5 8.29 8.41 (8.15-8.74) 8.30 (7.80-8.92) 8.51 (8.20-9.20) 8.52 (8.35-9.05) (8.10-8.65) Total alkalinity (mg/1 CaCo3) 96.0 (77-116) 97.0 (86-113) 104,0 (91-118) 112.0 (95-150) 110.0 (85-122) Hardness (mg/1 CaCo3) 65.0 . (48-78) 72.0 ■ (60-83) 85.0 (67-102) 83.0 (67-120) 84.0 (60-105) 232 (175-301) 233 (182-266) Conductivity 214 (pmhos/cm at 25 C) (161-273) Dissolved oxygen (mg/1) 10 (9 -12 ) 219 220 (172 -280 ) (175 -263 ) 10 (9-12) (8-11) Turbidity (JTU) 3.4 (2.1-6.8) 4.1 (3.1-6.8) Ammonia'*" (mg/1 NH 3-N) .008 ■ (.005-.014) .008 (0-.016) I Nitrate (mg/1 No 3-N) .013 (.005-.019) .010 (003-.018) 10 5.5 (4.0-8.0) .008 (0-.019) .008 (.004-.012) 10 (9-13) 6.1 (2 .6-8 .5 ) .008 (.005-.018) .006 .(.003-.009) 10 (8-13 ) 6.1 (3.5-8.5) .008 (.004-.016) .005 (.003-.009) Table I (Continued) STATIONS Parameter Orthophosphate"*" (mg/1 Po^-3-?)' Total Phosphorus"*" (mg/1 Total-P) 2 Nitrite (mg/I No^-N) I 2 3 4 5' .025 (.019-.036) .019 (.008-.027) .024 (.016-.032) .027 (.019-.033) .022 (.016-.031) .058 . (.047-.068) .060 ( .0 3 7 -.0 7 7 ) .101 (.057-.141) .087 (.057-.116) .084 (.064-.116) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) .003 (0-1) "*" From 4 determinations (Aug. and Nov., 1976, May and Aug., 1977). From 3 determinations (Aug. and Nov., 1976, and Aug., 1977). 17 and were approximately 40% higher in the lower river. The differ­ ences in the measured parameters of water chemistry at the five stations were not considered significant. Matney and Garvin (1978) studied water chemistry, inorganic nutrients, suspended sediment and flows at sites on the Madison River near Stations I, 3, and 5. They found the river to be a mod­ erately hard, calcium-bicarbonate stream with similar anion and cation concentrations at all three sites. Flows varied by less than 3 6 m per minute at the three sites and inorganic nutrient levels were reported to be generally low throughout the drainage. Values reported by these investigators were similar to those found in this study and further indicate the chemical composition of the Madison River varies little from Stations I through 5. Results of the diurnal alkalinity, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen measurements appear in Appendix Table 20. Total . alkalinity remained nearly constant throughout the 24 hour period at approximately 98 mg/1 at Station 2 and 116 mg/1 at Station 4. Water temperatures ranged 5.8 C (14.2 to 20.0) at Station 2 and 5.9 C (16.9 to 22.8) at Station 4. The pH changed 0.59 units (8.14-8.73) at Station 2 and 1;03 units (7.92-8.95) at Station 4. Dissolved oxygen changed 1.47 mg/1 (7.52-8.99) at Station 2 and 3.86 mg/1 (6.80-10.66) at Station 4. The diurnal dissolved oxygen and pH .1.8 fluctuations are presented graphically in Figure 3. These two parameters were greater at Station 2 than at Station 4 from 2100 hours (9 P.M.) to 0900 hours (9 A.M.)* then became greater at Station 4 from just after 0900 hours until just before 2100 hours. The greater pH and dissolved oxygen values during the day and greater fluctuations of these values over the 24 hour period at Station 4 were probably due to photosynthesis and respiration by the large growths of Cladophora and Myriophyllum in the lower river. Temperature Monitoring Weekly mean and average weekly minimum and maximum temperatures of the Madison River from April through October, 1977 appear in Appendix Table 21. Monthly mean and average monthly minimum and maximum water temperatures are presented in Table 2. The average water temperature from May through September was 14.0 C in the upper river and 16.9 C in the lower river. Mean water temperatures were 1.5, 3.4, 3.9, 3.1 and 1.2 C greater at stations in the lower river than at stations in the upper river in May, June, July, August and September, respectively. In October, however, temperatures in the lower river averaged 1.1 C cooler than in the upper river. Tempera­ tures taken sporadically from December through February indicated the river was 0 C except for a short section immediately below the reservoir. Heaton (1961) and Vincent (1977) also found increases in 19 9.0-1 7.5-«----------- 1----------- 1----------- 1----------- 1----------- 1----------- 1----------- 1----------- 1----------- 1-----------h 18 24 6 12 18 Hours Sea- Hours figure 3. Diurnal changes in dissolved oxygen and pH at Stations 2 (upper Madison River) and 4 (lower Madison River) on August 14-15, 1977. 20 Table 2. Monthly mean and average minimum and maximum (in. parenthesis) water temperatures (C) at stations on the Madison River from May through October, 1977. STATIONS Month May I 8.6 (5.9-11.9) 2 11.3 (9.5-13.8) 3 4 11.4 10.9 (10.7-12.0) (7.6-15.1) 5 12.1 (9.5-15.1) Jun 15.7 14.0 (10.9-17.1) (13.6-18.5) Jul 15.9 (13.3-18.9) 16.6 20.2 19.7 20.4 (14.3-19.3) (19.7-20.7)(16.4-23.6)(17.8-23.2) Aug 15.6 (13.3-18.1) 16.7 19.2 18.7 19.3 (14.7-19.3) (18.7-19.7)(16.2-21.7)(17.1-21.8) Sep 12.7 (10.9-14.3) 14.1 (12.9-15.6) Oct 9.1 (8.2-10.1) 10.7 (9.7-11.4) 17.9 18.1 18.6 (17.2-18.7)(15.2-21.4)(15.8-21.5) 14'. 6 14.3 ' 15.0 (14.2-15.2)(12.9-16.2)(12.9-17.1) . 8.6 (8.2-8.9) 8.8 (7.9-10.1) 9.0 (5.1-11.6) the mean temperature of the river below Ennis Reservoir during the summer months. Maximum temperatures recorded at Stations I through 5 were 22.3, 24.4, 22.9, 27.0 and 27.1, respectively (Appendix Table 21). The average daily maximum and minimum water temperatures at each station from June through August, 1977 are presented in Figure 4. 21 1 2 3 4 5 Station Figure 4. The average daily maximum (solid bars) and minimum (dotted bars) water temperatures from June I through August 31, 1977 at stations on the Madison River. 22 The diurnal temperature fluctuations during this period were similar at Stations I, 2, 4 and 5 where they measured 5.5, 4.9, 6.4 and 5.3 C , respectively. However, the average diurnal tempera­ ture fluctuation at Station 3 for this period was only 1.1 C. Vincent (1977) reported low diurnal temperature fluctuations at this location previously. Ward (1976) and England (1976) have reported diurnal constancy of water temperatures at regulated sites below other dams. Maximum-minimum thermometers showed the diurnal water temperature fluctuations at Station 3 and points I and 1.5 km below it ranged from 1.5 to 2.0 C from mid June to mid July, 1977. How­ ever, the diurnal fluctuation 3 km below Station 3 ranged from 3.0 to 4.5 C , indicating the pattern of temperature constancy broke 1 between 1.5 and 3 km below Station 3. The thermal regime of the Madison River from May through September, 1977 is presented in Appendix Tables 22 through 26 as the percent of time temperatures were greater than each given degree. Studies by Brett (1969), Gaufin (1962), Gaufin and Hern (1971), Hayes (1949), Nebeker (1968, 1971) and Newell (1973) have indicated water temperatures of 7 through 17 C were favorable to the metabo- ■. Iism of cold water organisms. The monthly distribution of this range of temperatures on the Madison River is depicted in Figure 5. In May, water temperatures were favorable 80% or more of the time Percent --------- rf May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Month Figure 5. The percent of time water temperatures were from 7 through 17 C in May through October, 1977 at stations on the Madison River. 24 at all stations except Station I where they were, favorable only ■; about 65% of the time. : : . . Temperatures less than 7 C caused the lower percent of time at Station I. In June, July and August . temperatures, at stations in the upper river averaged 200, 400 and 200% more time, respectively, in the favorable range than at stations in the lower river. Temperatures at Stations I through 5 were in this range 74, 64, 20, 32 and 21% of the time, respectively, during these three months. The percent of time in the favorable temperature range at Station 3 was nearly zero in July. Temperatures above 17 C have been considered to be stressful to cold water organisms (Gaufin 1962, Nebeker 1971, Gaufin and Hern 1971, Brett 1969). The percent of time water temperatures exceeded 17 C at each station for each month from May through September, 1977 is presented in Figure 6. In May water temperatures did not exceed 17 C more than 10% of the time at any station and never exceeded 17 C at Station 3. From June through August 17 C was exceeded 76% of the time in the lower river but only 30% of the time in the upper river. During the average day from June through August cold water organisms in the lower river were subjected to temperatures above 17 C for about 18 hours. In the upper river temperatures were above 17 C for only seven hours of the average day during these months. In September temperatures were above 17 C . 25 STATION 1 Figure 6. 2 3 4 5 The black portion represents the percent of time (numbers) water temperatures exceeded 17 C from May through September, 1977 at stations on the Madison River. Circles without numbers indicate percent of time values of less than 10%. 26 about 20% of the time in the lower river and about 5% of the time I in the upper river. Water temperatures exceeding 21 C severely stress cold water organisms (Gaufin 1962, Gaufin and Hern 1971, Nebeker 1968 and 1971). From June through August, 1977 water temperatures of 21 C were exceeded I, 6, 23, 25 and 29% of the time at Stations I through 5, respectively (Appendix Tables 23 through 26). The mean temperature and percent of time from 7 through 17 C during the colonization periods of the artificial substrates at each station (Appendix Table 27) were representative of the thermal regime of- the river. The average temperature at stations in the lower river was higher than at stations in the upper river during the sampling in mid April through September. The average temperature at. stations in the lower river was cooler than in the upper river during the colonization periods in October, November, March and early April. The percent of time between 7 and 17 C during the sampling periods followed the seasonal thermal pattern of the river. Ennis Reservoir caused elevated May through September water temperatures and a high percent of time over 17 C from June through August in the lower river. at Station 3. It reduced diurnal temperature fluctuation It largely caused the mean water temperature at Station 4, 20 km downstream, to be 2.0 C higher than the mean air temperature (U.S.D.C. 1977) from June through August 1977. The mean water 27 temperature at Station 5, 56 km downstream from the reservoir, was 0.5 C greater than the mean air temperature during this period. The reservoir probably prevents the minimum temperature of the lower river from dropping therefore causing higher maximums to be reached as a result of the consistently maintained higher minimums. Heaton (1962) and Vincent (1977) also have concluded the Ennis Reservoir caused the thermal enrichment of the lower Madison River. The thermal enrichment of the lower river probably has become greater over time. Mean water temperatures for the period August 15 through 31, 1961 were 16.6 and 17.6 C at locations near Stations.2 and 3, respectively (Aagard 1969). For this period in 1977 mean water temperatures at the same locations were 16.2 and 18.4 C, respectively. Water temperatures were higher at Station 3 in 1977 even though the mean air temperature in 1977 was 3 C cooler than in 1961. Further­ more, Vincent (1978) correlated the available air and water tempera­ tures from 1961 through 1977 and found a significant warming trend in water temperatures near Station 3. This increased warming is probably the result of the reservoir becoming shallower from ,the continuing deposition of sediment. 28 Macroinvertebrates Artificial Substrate Sampling A total of 220 artificial substrate samplers were placed in the river from September, 1976 through September, 1977. Fifty seven samplers were lost or did not provide usable samples due to water level fluctuation, ice formation, vandalism or fouling by heavy algae growths. The taxa and numbers of macroinvertebrates collected on the 163 samplers recovered are given in Appendix Tables 28 through 32. Fifty six taxa belonging to 11 orders were collected on the artificial substrates. Four taxa were taken only in the upper river, 14 taxa were collected only in the lower river, and 38 taxa were found in both sections. The total number of taxa collected on artificial substrate samplers at Stations I through 5 were 36, 41, 30, 42 and 39 * respec­ tively. The average number of taxa present per sampler at Stations I through 5 were 12.0, 12.4, 8.6, 13.7 and 13.5, respectively. Analysis of variance and the Newman-Keuls multiple comparison tests showed Station 3 had a significantly lower mean number of taxa per sampler than all other stations (p<.01) while Stations I, 2, 4 and 5 had statistically similar mean numbers of taxa. The frequencies of occurrence of taxa appear in Appendix Table 33. EphemereVla grandis, Aretopsyohe -Vnernrisj Glossosoma spp. and Physa sp. had frequencies of occurrence at least four times greater 29 in the upper river than in the lower river. Choroptej’p&s alb-iannulqta.j Triaorythodes minutus, Hydroptila sp., Leuootrdohia piotipes3 Zumatriohianotosa3 Parargyraotis 'confusalis3 Hyalella azteoa and Asellus sp. were collected only in the lower river or had frequencies of occurrence at least four times greater in the lower river than in the upper river. Ephemerella inermis3 Baetis sp.. and Amiobentrus, aspilus had similar frequencies of occurrence in both sections. Because water temperature appeared to be the major physicalchemical factor that differed between sections of the river, the frequencies of occurrence of taxa were correlated to the percent of time over 17 C at each of the five stations and tested statistically. Taxa with negative correlation- coefficients significant to the 80% level or greater were classed as cold water preference organisms. Taxa with positive correlation coefficients significant to the 80% level or greater were classed as warm water preference organisms. Taxa with nonsignificant correlation coefficients were classed as eurythermal organisms. Taxa occurring at frequencies of less than 10%.at all stations were not classified. The results of the classifications by thermal preference are shown in Table 3. Physa spu, A., inermis, Antooha sp., Helioopsyohe borealis3 Glossosoma s p p Lepidostoma Veleda3 Ephemerella grandis Table 3. Thermal preferences of taxa from the Madison River based on the correlation of frequency of occurrence with the percent of time above 17 C at each station. Correlation coefficients are in parenthesis. COLD W A T E R PREFERENCE FORMS W A R M W A T E R PREFER E N C E FORMS sp. (-.97)1 Hydroptila (-.96)1 Heptagenia elegantula (-.96)1 Cheumatopsyohe Lepidostoma veleda (-.94)^ Hydropsyohe Helioopsyche borealis (-.94)2 " Tricorythodes minuius Fhysa sp. Aratopsyohe Antooha inermis sp. Glossosoma spp. (-.93)2 ■ Asellus E U R Y THERMAL FORMS (• 94)2 spp. spp. sp. sp. Pteronaroys c a l i f o m i c a (-.66) Atherix variegata (-.62) (.88)2 Heseroperla pacifioa (-.46) (.84)3 Epeorus sp. (-.39) (.81)3 Amiooentrus aspilus (-.26) (.BO)^ Claassenia sabulosa (-.01) (V?)4 Ephemerella inermis ( .12) ( . 94)2 Ephemerella grandis (-.91)2 Simulium Psyohomyia flavida (-.89)2 Parargyraotis confusalis ( . 73)4 Oecetis avara ( .17) Braohyoentrus (-.69)4 Leuootriohia pictipes ( . 72)4 Baetis ( .30) Zumatriohia notosa (VO)4 (intermedius) oocidentalis Ferrissia sp. ' 'R h i t h r o g e n a u n d u l a t a Paraleptophlebia heteronea Microcyloeppus sp. Choropterpes albiannulata Significant to the 99% level. Significant to the 95% level. Significant to the 90% level. Significant to the 80% level. ( .31) Sk w a l a ^ p a r a l e l l a ( .31) ( .34) ( .38) ( .53) ( .59) 31 and Psyohomyia flavida demonstrated the strongest negative responses to water temperatures above 17 C with correlation coefficients significant to the 95% level or greater. Armitage (1958) also found E. gvandis and Avctopsyohe sp. to prefer cold temperatures. Gaufin and Hern (1971) found E. gvandis to be a cold stenothermal organism. Physa s p . has usually been found to be tolerant of high water temper­ atures (Coutant 1962, Kirk 1974). However, different species of Physa may show different thermal preferences. Oswald (personal com­ munication) also found a species of Physa to prefer cold temperatures in a tributary of the Madison River. Eydvoptila sp., Heptagenia etegantula and Cheumatopsyehe spp. showed the strongest positive responses to temperatures over 17 C with correlation coefficients significant to the 95% level. Ed­ mondson (1959) has reported Cheumatopsyehe sp. preferred warmer streams. Tvicovythodes minutus and Hydvopsyehe spp. showed statis­ tically significant positive responses to temperatures over 17 C at the 90% level. Armitage (1958) has reported T. minutus and Hydvopsyehe sp. prefer warm temperatures. However, some species of Hydvopsyche are known.to prefer cold water (G. R. Roemhild personal communication). Asettus sp., which had a correlation with tempera­ tures over 17 C significant to the 80% level, has been reported by Sprague (1963) to be tolerant of high water temperatures. 32 Amiooentvus aspitus3Claas.senia sdbulosa, Ephemevella inevmis, Oeoetis avava and Baetis sp. had the lowest correlations to 17 C or greater temperatures thus showing a eurythermal response. An average of 622 invertebrates per sampler was collected (Appendix Tables 26 through 30). Numbers were highest in samples collected in June or July and lowest in December or March. Kirk (1974) also found higher numbers of invertebrates on artificial substrate samplers during periods of warmer water temperatures. The average total number of macroinvertebrates per sampler was 218, 228, 1386, 840 and 323 at Stations I through 5 respectively. Analysis of variance was performed and.station means were grouped according to the Newman-Keuls multiple comparison test. Stations 3, 4 and 5 had significantly greater numbers of invertebrates than Stations I and 2 (p<.01). Station 3 had significantly greater num­ bers than all other stations except Station 4. Brenda and Proffitt (1974) also found increased numbers of insects in a warmed section of a stream. Coutant (1962) reported increased numbers of inverte­ brates in a riffle heated I to 3 C above natural temperatures. How­ ever, Kirk (1974), Massengill (1976) and Bisson and Davis (1976) found decreased numbers of invertebrates in thermally enriched streams. Langford (1971) reported no increase in numbers of insects in a heated section of a river. 33 The ordinal composition of macroinvertebrate numbers at each station by major taxa is given in Table 4. The percent composition of Trichoptera, Diptera, Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera was similar at Stations I , 2, 4 and. 5. At Station 3, however, the composition of Trichoptera was significantly greater (p<.01) and the composition of Plecoptera less than at all other stations. Ward (1976) also reported uneven ordinal composition at regulated sites with Plecoptera being the most severely reduced group. Table 4. Percent ordinal composition of numbers of macroinvertebrates collected on artificial substrate samplers in the Madison River from September, 1976 through September, 1977. STATIONS I 2 3 4 5 Trichoptera 57 44 78 60 46 Diptera 22 37 11 21 18 Ephemeroptera 15 14 10 3 2 Order Plecoptera .07 . 16 ' 2 . 30 5 The average number of each subordinal taxon collected at each station is presented in Table 5. Hydropsyehe spp., Braahyoentrus Oaaidentalis3 Cheumatopsyohe spp., Baetis sp., Sirmlium sp., Ephemerella inermts and Chironomidae were the most important I 34 Table 5. Average number (nearest whole number) of macroinvertebrates collected on artificial substrate samplers at stations on the Madison River from September 1976 through September 1977. Station Taxon Number of samplers Plecoptera Pteronarcidae Pteroharays aaliforniaa Newport Pteronaroella badia Hagen Perlidae Claasseniasabulosa Banks Eeivgeroperla paaifiaa Banks Perlodidae Cultus tostonus Ricker Skwala parallela Prison Isoperla spp. Chloroperlidae Alloperla spp. Ephemeroptera Ephemerellidae Ephemerella -inermis Eaton Ephemerella heouba Eaton Ephemerella grandls Eaton Baetidae Baetis (intermedius) Dodds Psuedooleon e d m m d s i Jensen Heptageniidae Eeptagenia elegantula Eaton Epeorus sp. Rhithrogena undulata Banks Leptophlebiidae Paraleptophlebia heteronea McDunnough Choropterpes albianulata McDunnough I' (36) 2 (33) 3 4 ■ 5 (35) (33) (26> . 2 <1 I <1 2 O 2 O I <1 <1 I I <1 O <1 O <1 2 <1 <1 2 O O I <1 <1 7 O I 10 <1 <1 O O <1 8 O 5 13 <1 5 21 0. I 18 O I .27 0 0 .19 <1 12 <1 100 <1 88 <1 <1 I <1 <1 <1 <1 8 O O I I I 4 0 I <1 <1 <1 <1 3 O O O <1 I O ' I 3 I 25 <1 • 35 Table 5. (Continued) Station Siphlonuridae Ameletus sp. Ephemeridae Ephemera simulans Walker Tricoryithidae Trteorythodes minutis Traver Unidentified sp. Trichoptera Hydropsychidae Hydropsyake spp. Cheumatopsyehe spp. Aretopsyehe inermis Banks Glossosomatidae Glossosoma spp. Protoptila Brachycentridae Braehyeentrus oeeidentalis Banks Amioeentrus aspilus Ross Leptoceridae Ceraelea spp. Oeeetis avara Banks Psychomyiidae Psyehomyia flavida•Hagen Hydroptilidae Hydroptila sp. Leueotrichia pietipes Banks Zumatriehia notosa Ross Rhyacophilidae Rhyaeophila eoloradensis Lepidosomatidae Lepidostoma veleda Denning Helicopsychidae Helieopsyohe borealis Hagen 1 2 3 4 5 O I O O O O O O O 4 O I 4 14 36 <1 <1 O O <1 30 2 2 10 I 3 926 140 O 60 23 <1 97 36 0 2 <1 I <1 O O 81 I 69 I <1 I 382 I 5 0 <1 <1 O <1 <1 <1 <1 I 0 <1 4 6 I I <1 <1 O O • <1 O O 8 I I 4 I <1 7 <1 ' <1 O <1 O 0 0 3 4 <1 0 <1 I I O <1 0 O o. <1 <1 36 Table fj. (Continued) Station I 2 3 4 5 <1 <1 I O O O O I O O I O <1 O O <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 I 47 . I 80 97 66 38 127 3 52 Lepidoptera Pyralidae Pqrargyractis oonfusalis Walker O O 3 10 I Coleoptera Elmidae Optioservus sp. Miorooyloeppus sp. Lara sp. 2 O O 2 <1 O O <1 O 2 O <1 ■ I I 6 Hemiptera Corixidae Sigara sp. O O O <1 O Amphipoda Talitridae Hyalella azteoa Saussure O O <1 <1 <1 Isopoda Asellidae Asellus sp. O O I <1 <1 Diptera Rhagionidae Atherix variegata Meigen Tipulidae Tipula sp. Hexatoma sp. Antooha s p . Simulidae Simulium sp. Chironomidae ' 37 Table 5. (Continued) Station Gastropoda Ancylidae F e w i s s i a sp. Lymnaeidae Lymnaea sp. Physidae Physa sp. Planorbidae Gyraulis sp. Pelycypoda Sphaeriidae Pisidium sp. I 2 3 4 5 O <1 O I <1 2 • O O O 4 4 O <1 O • <1 O O ■<1 O O O O <1 O <1 38 subordinal taxa numerically. Bradhyoentrus oocidental-is was the numerically dominant taxon in the upper river and Hydropsyohe spp. was the most abundant taxon in the lower river. The 10 numerically dominant genera or species at. each station is presented in Table 6. These major forms and the family Chironomidae comprised about 96% of all the aquatic invertebrates collected during the study. Five of the 10 numerically dominant taxa at Stations I and 2 were previously classed as cold, water preference forms in Table 3. Only one of the 10 numerically dominant forms at these stations was categorized as a taxon preferring warm water. Four were rated as eurythermal taxa. At Stations 4 and 5, however, only one taxon in the dominant 10 was listed as a cold water preference form while six were cited as prefer­ ring warm water. Three were grouped as eurythermal. At Station 3 none of the dominant taxa were cold water preference forms. Seven were classed as warm water preference forms and three were called eurythermal. At. this station 67% of all invertebrates collected were Hydropsyche. Ward (1976) and Hynes (1970) also have reported Hydropsyohe numerically dominated the fauna at regulated sites. The presence of high numbers of filter feeders such as Hydropsyohe and Cheumatopsyohe below dams may be due to the exclusion of invertebrate Table 6. The ten numerically dominant genera or species on artificial substrates at stations on the Madison River from September, 1976 through September, 1977 with average numbers of inverebrate/sampler. STATION 2 I 3 4 spp. 81 B. occidentalis 69 Hydropsyche 30 E. inermis 13 Cheumatopsyche sp. 19 Baetis 12 Baetis E. inermis 8 10 Simulivm E. grandis 5 .P. flavida 6 E. P. flavida 4 E. grandis 5 Hydroptila sp. 4 L. veleda . 4 H. veleda 3 sp. 4 B. occidentalis Hydropsyohe Baetis Physa L. Isoperla P. spp. spp. oalifomioa sp. Hydropsyche ' Physa spp. sp. 926 spp .140 ■100 sp. inermis B. 5 382 occidentalis Baetis sp. Hydropsyche 97. Simulivm 21 E. spp. sp. inermis spp. Hydropsyche 88 T. 60 Cheumatopsyche 38 E. 18 Baetis 60 36 minutus spp. 23 inermis 27 sp. 25 8 Cheumatopsyche elegantula 8 T. minutus 14 Hydroptila T. minutvs 4 P. confusalis 10 B. occidentalis 5 confusalis 3 Isoperla 7 H. elegantula 4 I Hydroptila 4 Simuliim 2 A. inermis 3 P. 2 P. califomica 2 Asellus sp. sp. sp. spp .23 Isoperla spp. sp. sp. 10 7 3 40 predators through thermal modifications' or increased planktonic food, supply from the reservoirs (Ward 1976). The average dry weight of major taxa per sampler from each station appears in Appendix Table 34. The average dry weight of macroinvertebrates at Stations I through 5 was 211, 368, 745, 419 and 607 mg per sampler, respectively. Weights obtained in May, July and September were analyzed statistically. The mean dry weight at Station 3 was significantly greater than at Stations I and 2 and the mean weight at Station 5 was significantly greater than at Station I (p<.01). Weights at Station I, 2 and 4 and at Stations 3 and 5 were not statistically different (p<.01). The percent compositions of Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera and Diptera were not signifi­ cantly different at Stations I, 2, 4 and 5 (p<.01) (Table 7). At Station 3, however, the composition of Plecoptera was significantly less and Trichoptera significantly greater than at all other stations (p<.01). About 13% of the weights at Stations I and 2 were composed of Gastropoda, while this taxon made up less than 1% of the weights at Stations 3, 4 and 5. The results of analyses of dry weights were similar to the results of analyses of numbers. Both showed similar ordinal compositions at Stations I, 2, 4 and 5 and uneven ordinal composition at Station 3 with Trichoptera dominating and Plecoptera being severely reduced. 41 Table 7. The percent composition of the dry weight of major taxa of macroinvertebrates on artificial substrate samplers collected on the Madison River in December, 1976 and March, M a y , July and September, 1977. STATIONS I 2 3 4 5 Plecoptera 43 45 6 57 61 Trichoptera 24 26 73 21 26 Ephemeroptera 10 11 15 13 10 3 4 5 8 . 2 13 14 6 I 0 Order Diptera Gastropoda Bottom Sampling 2 The taxa and numbers < of macroinvertebrates present in the 0..25m / bottom samples collected in February, May and August, 1977 appear in Appendix Tables 35 through 39. the 30 samples. A total of 53 taxa were collected in Four taxa were foutid only in the upper river, 14 occurred only in the lower river and 35 were collected in both sec­ tions. The total number of taxa collected at Stations I through '5 were 38, 39, 32, 39 and 45, respectively. The average numbers of taxa per sample at Stations I through 5 were 26, 24, 16, 22 and 24, respectively. Station 3 had a significantly lower mean number of taxa per sample than all other stations (p<.01). 42 The 10 numerically dominant taxa in bottom samples collected at each station are presented in Table 8. The.preference classification of these dominants at Stations I through 5, respectively, were; four, five, zero, two and three cold water preference organisms; two, two, five, five and four warm water preference forms; three, three, four, four and three eurythermal taxa and one, zero, one, one and zero unclassified forms. An average of 1111 invertebrates were collected per sample. greatest numbers of invertebrates were taken in August. The The smallest numbers were about one half of the highest and occurred in February and May. The mean number of invertebrates per sample at Stations I through 5 were 863, 541, 1963, 940 and 1253, respectively. Station.3 had a significantly greater mean than all other stations and Station 5 had a significantly greater mean than Station 2 (pc.Ol). The ordinal composition of invertebrate numbers was similar at . Stations I, 2, 4 and 5. At Station 3, however, the composition of Trichoptera and Isopoda was significantly greater than at all other stations. station. Also the composition of Plecoptera was reduced at this , 2 The mean number of invertebrates/m , mean number of invertebrates 2 by order/m , average number of taxa/sampler and total number of taxa collected on eight artificial substrate samplers and four bottom Table 8. The ten numerically dominant taxa in bottom samples collected at stations on the Madison River during 1977 (with average number of invertebrates/ sample in each taxon). STATION 2 I GTossosoma Hydropsyche spp. spp. 135 E. 130 Glossosoma spp. 115 Cheumatopsyche inermis Hydropsyche 4 3 spp. spp. sp. spp. 904 85 Hydropsyche 56 Cheumatopsyche 55 Asellus sp. 126 Diamesa 46 Diamesa sp. B HO B. spp,.681 Hydropsyche 5 spp. Cheumatopsyehe 218 spp,.217 sp. B Hydropsyehe spp. Cheumatopsyehe 76' E. occidentalis 61 Mierocyloeppus 403 spp. 266 121 inermis sp. 75 E. Tnermis 79 Physa L. veteda 68 B. occidentalis 38 E. inermis 33 B. intermedius 40 P. flavida 61 B, O Q c i d e n t a l tIs 53 L. v e Ieda 27 0. avara 21 T. mihutus 33 P. confusalis 43 39 R. undulata 24 Hydroptila 17 E. inermis 32 T. minutus 39 38 Cheumatopsyche 32 H. borealis 34 sp. 36 H. 24 L. veleda 34 catiforniea 29 Optiosewus 24 B. intermedius 23 Microtendipes H. borealis Baetis P. sp. borealis sp. spp .23 B. intermedius 14 Mierocyloeppus ■ 20 P. confusalis 12 • Optioservus sp. 20 A. 'v a r i e g a t a 9 H. borealis sp. sp. 44 samplers at each station in May and August appear in appendix Table 40. The results from bottom samplers and artificial substrate samplers were generally similar. However, artificial substrate samplers collected only about 75% of the total numbers/m 2 arid 67% of the number of taxa per sampler collected in bottom samplers. Bottom samplers collected three to eight more total taxa at the stations than artifi­ cial substrate samplers. Bottom samplers collected slightly greater relative numbers of Trichoptera and Plecoptera, similar relative numbers of Ephemeroptera and relatively fewer Diptera than artificial substrate samplers. Bottom samples contained the taxa Ephoron album, Nectopsyohe s p ., Dioranota sp., Ophiogomphus sp., Orooneotes sp. and Sphaerium sp. which were not taken with artificial substrate samplers. However, artificial substrate samplers collected Choropterpes albiannulata, Epeorus sp., Ameletus sp., Rhyaoophila ooloradensis, Lara sp. and Sigara sp. which were not taken in bottom samples. The Chironomidae in bottom samples were identified to genus and counted (Appendix Tables 35 through 39). Twenty genera were present with Miorotendipes sp., Diamesd s p . A, Orthooladius sp. and Sympotthastia s p . being numerically dominant in the upper river and Diamesa sp. B, Miorotendipes sp., Polypedillum sp. and Eukieferriellasp. dominant in the lower river. 45 Community Measurements . Biotic Index The quality -values assigned to taxa used in the calculations of biotic index values from bottom samples appear in Appendix Table 41. About 80% of these taxa were given values obtained from Hilsenhoff (1977) and 20% were assigned values on the basis of this study and data from other collections at Montana State University. The numbers of each taxon used in calculating the biotic index are given in Appendix Tables 35 through 39. The biotic index values are given in Table 9. The low values at Stations I and 2 were reflective of a low degree of environ­ mental stress and were statistically similar (p<.01). The rela­ tively high index values at Station 3 were indicative of severe environmental stress. The intermediate and statistically similar values at Stations 4 and 5 suggested moderate environmental distur­ bance . The percent of time over 17 C from June through August was correlated with the mean biotic index value at each station. The correlation between these two parameters was significant (r=.94, p< .05), suggesting the index values accurately reflected the degree of thermal stress present at each station. The regression1 of per­ cent of time over 17 C and mean biotic index value at each station 46 Table 9. Biotic index values of macroinvertebrates calculated from bottom samples at stations on the Madison River during 1977. Station Sampling Date Feb. 6 May 14 Aug. 22 Sample I 2 3 4 5 I 1.86 1.72 . 3.03 2.62 2.73 2 1.65 1.65 3.02 2.87 2.63 I 2.09 1.82 • 3.51 2.87 2.65 2 1.86' 1.79 3.43 2.70 2.44 I 1.98 1.84 3.44 2.20 2.98 2 1.88 1.94 3.35 2.43 2.67 1.88 1.79 3.30 2.64 2.68 .15 .10 .21 .29 .18 Mean Standard Deviation is shown in Figure 7. The small deviations of the station points from the regression line are partially due to the effect of assigning all species at certain genera (especially Hydropsyahe and Chewnatopsyohe) the highest quality value found in their genus. The sensitivity of the index would have been improved if each species of these genera could have been assigned a separate value. 47 Y = 2 .3 6 x + 1.10 % T IM E O V E R 17C Figure 7. The regression of percent of time >17 C and mean biotic index values at stations on the Madison River in 1977. 48 The biotic index seems to be an accurate guide to environmental stress on the Madison River. It may give a better measure of environ­ mental stress on aquatic communities than community indicator concepts (Gaufin and Tarzwell 1956) or diversity indices (Wilhm 1967) because it incorporates ecological as well as numerical data for each taxon into the index value. Chutter (1972) found the biotic index was useful in determining the degree of environmental stress in South African streams and Hilsenhoff (1977) found it was a better indicator of stress on stream organisms in Wisconsin than an information theory diversity index. Similarity Coefficients The similarity coefficients of the macroinvertebrate communities at the sampling stations were computed and compared from presenceabsence data for taxa from bottom and artificial substrate sampling. The coefficients (Table 10) indicate there were distinct community types at Stations I and 2, at Station 3 and at Stations 4 and 5. These results are consistent with the differences between station's shown by ordinal and generic composition of invertebrate numbers and the biotic index values. 49 Table 10. Jaccard and Gzekanowski similarity coefficients, from presence-absence■data of taxa af stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977. Jaccard Coefficients Station I 2 I 3 4 5 — 2 .789 3 .483 .477 4 .640 .597 .565 — 5 .605 ,598 .593 681 — — — Czekanowski Coefficients Station I 2 I 3 4 5 — 2 .871 3 .652 .646 4 .747 .789 .723 — 5 .731 .774 .745 804 — — —. — 50 Adult Aquatic Insects The list of the 50 species of adult aquatic insects collected, location of collection and the range of the collection dates appear in Appendix Table 42. Of these adults 14, 11, 24 and I were species of Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Lepidoptera, respec­ tively. Forms collected commonly in the upper river but not taken on the lower river were the plecopterans S v W a i U a H n e o s a and S. Ipaindula3 the ephemeropterans Rhithrogena vndulata and Epeorus sp. and the trichopterans Rhyaoophila Coloradensis3 Glossosoma montana3 Arotopsyohe inermis and Hydropsyohe jewetti. Forms collected commonly on the lower river but not found on the upper river were the plecopteran Isoperla patrioia3 the ephemefopteran Tricorythodes minutus3, the trichopterans Neatopsyohe sp., Leucotriohia piotipes and Zumatriohia notosa and the lepidopteran Parargyraotis oonfusalis.. Twenty one species were collected on both the upper and lower river. The adults of some species present in both sections of the river appeared earlier on the lower river than on the upper river. The plecopterans Pteronaroys Oalifomiea3 Claassenia sdbulosa and Hesperoperla pacifioa were collected about, two weeks earlier and Isoperla fuVoa appeared about one month earlier in the lower river. 51 The .trichopteran Heliaopsyohe borealis was collected about one month earlier and the ephemeropterans Ephemevella grandis and E. inemris several weeks earlier in the lower river. The earlier emergences in the lower river were probably caused by the higher temperatures that occurred there. Nebeker (1971a) also found some species of aquatic insects emerged earlier in warmer sections of a stream. He concluded water temperatures had a direct effect on their emergence times. Hynes (1976) too suggested water temperature was a major factor controlling the timing of emergence of many species of Plecoptera. Langford (1971), however, did not find earlier emergences of Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera in a stretch of a river warmed by cool­ ing water from a power plant. Pteronaroys oalifomioa emerged in large numbers upstream and downstream from Ennis Reservoir where there was no pattern of thermal ■ constancy. However, no emergence of this species was observed for approximately 4 km below the reservoir where the pattern of thermal constancy existed. The weights of groups of.P'. oalifomioa adults collected in 1977 from the upper and lower, river are presented in Table 11. The average weight of groups in the lower river was 13% less (p<.01) than of those in the upper river. Preliminary analysis of weights obtained in 1978 also showed P. oalifomioa adults weighed less in the lower river. Table 11. Oven dried weights (g) of groups of 25 P. CaljLfornica adults collected on the Madison River in June 1977. Males Sex lower river Location Females upper river . - lower river upper river I 3.203 3.688 7.326 8.475 2 3.254 3.717 7.322 8.066 3 3.256 3.765 7.186 8.606 4 3.242 3.727 7.258 8.252 Mean 3.238 3.724 7.273 8.350 Standard Deviation ' .025 .032 .066 .239 Group 53 The lighter weights of P. Qat1Iforwioa in the lower river may have been due. to lower fat reserves because of the higher metabolic costs in the lower river. Fat reserves are the important source of energy in plecopteran nymphs just prior to emergence (Oberndorfer and Stewart 1977). Nebeker (1971b) has suggested food storage in P. dorsata was probably less in nymphs raised at 20 C than at colder temperatures due to increased metabolic costs. During the 7 days prior to the emergence of P. o a t t f o m i o a ^average maximum water temperatures at Station I in the upper river and Station 4 in the lower river were 14.5 and 21.0 C, respectively. During this same period the percent of time over 17 C was zero in the upper river and 39% in the lower river. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION .Ennis Reservoir has caused significant qualitative and quanti-. tative changes in the macroinvertebrate fauna of the lower Madison River. . Of the 81 taxa collected during the study five were taken only in the upper river, 17 were found only in the lower river and 59 were common to both sections. The numbers of macroinvertebrates collected in the lower river were significantly greater than in the upper river. The estimated numbers of invertebrates from artificial 2 substrate sampling were 1115/m the lower river. 2 in the upper river and 4140/m Estimates from bottom samples were 2808/m upper river and 5536/m 2 in the lower river. 2 in the lower river. in the Dry weights of inverte- brates from artificial substrate samplers averaged I.48g/m upper river and 2.95g/m 2 in 2 in the The macroinvertebrate community was dominated by cold water and eurythermal forms in the upper river and warm water and eurythermal forms in the lower river. Biotic index values averaged 1.84 in the upper river and 2.94 in the lower river.and were significantly different. Coefficients of similarity indicated invertebrate communities in the upper river were distinct from those in the lower river. Emergence times of some insects were two weeks to one month earlier in the lower river than in the upper river. The macroinvertebrate community at Station 3, located 3 km below Ennis Reservoir, was the most severely altered. Ordinal composition 55 of invertebrate numbers and weight was skewed toward increases in Trichoptera and decreases in Plecoptera. Hydropsyohe about 70% of all invertebrates collected at Station 3. made up Only warm water and eurythermal invertebrates were numerically important at this station. The average biotic index value at Station 3 was 3.30. This was significantly greater than at all other stations and indi­ cative of severe environmental stress on the cold water invertebrate community. Biotic index values at Stations 4 and 5 averaged 2.64 and 2.68, respectively. These values indicate moderate stress on the cold water invertebrate communities. Increased summer water temperatures caused by Ennis Reservoir appeared to be largely responsible for the altered macroinvertebrate communities in the lower Madison River. Water temperatures in the lower river averaged 3.5 C greater than in the upper river from June through August, 1977. During these months water temperatures were over.17 C nearly 75% of the time in the lower river but only 31% of the time in the upper river. The thermal constancy at Station 3 appeared to accentuate effects of increased water temperatures. Air and water temperature comparisons indicate some thermal enrichment extended to Station 5. The effects of the reservoir on the chemistry: of the lower river was deemed too small to affect the differences measured in the distribution and numbers of macroinvertebrates. 56 It ig doubtful the slower growth rates of the larger trout in the lower Madison River were caused by deficiencies in, the macro­ invertebrate food supply. The numbers and weights of invertebrates in the lower river averaged two to three times greater, than in the upper river. Average numbers of invertebrates per m 2 collected in the lower Madison River were three to five times greater than in the Yellowstone River (Newell 1976), West Gallatin River (Roemhild 1971), Firehole River (Armitage 1958) and Provo River (Gaufin 1958). Increased temperatures in the lower river probably caused increased maintenance requirements in the 27 cm and larger fish from near Station 4 resulting in slower growth rates than comparably sized fish in the upper river. Growth studies indicate (E. R. Vincent, personal communication) these larger fish were unable to initiate growth in the spring before water temperatures reached levels considered by Brett et al. (1969) to be unfavorable for salmonid growth. Preliminary analysis of growth rate studies of trout smaller than 27 cm in the Madison River indicate their greater growth rates in the lower river may have resulted from superior growth obtained in the spring before water temperatures reached unfavorable levels . (E. R. Vincent personal communication). The much greater numbers of smaller insects, particularly Hydroptilidae, in the lower river may 57 have provided a superior food supply for the smaller trout there. These smaller insects were emerging and available to the smaller trout during the period of favorable temperatures in the spring. No evidence could be found to indicate smaller trout are better able to cope metabolically with high temperatures than larger trout. . The fishery resource in the lower Madison River is important and increasing in value as high quality trout habitat is being lost. This resource warrants some mitigating action from the high summer water temperatures which will only increase further as the reservoir continues to fill with sediment. been considered. Several methods of mitigation have The most feasible solution appears to be lowering the level of Ennis Reservoir from June through August. This action would reduce the surface area and decrease the retention time of water . in the reservoir. Thermal data on the reservoir and river will be entered into a computer model.to determine the effects of water level reductions on the temperature of the lower river. This study will provide data for comparisons if mitigation is attempted. Lite r a t u r e cited LITERATURE CITED Aagaard, F . C. 1969. Temperature of surface waters in Montana. U . S . Dept, of the Interior Geological Survey and Montana Fish and Game Commission. 613 p p . American Public Health Association. 1971. Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water. 13th Ed. APHA., New York. 874 pp. Armitage, K. B. 1958. Ecology of the riffle insects of the Firehole River, Wyoming. Ecology 39:571-580. ______________ . 1961. Distribution of riffle insects in the Firehole River, Wyoming, Hydrobiologia 17(I):152-174. Barnes, H. H. 1959. Inorganic nitrogen: nitrate. 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Oceanography-12(4):568-577. APPENDIX 65 Table 12. The pH a t 'stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977. STATIONS DATE I 2 3 4 5 8/4/76 8.45 — 8.75 9.20 8.40 9/6/76 8.30 8.40 8.45 8.40 8.55 10/8/76 7.85 8.15 7.80 8.20 8.90 11/6/76 8.50 8.55 8.35 8.30 8.80 12/3/76 8.20 8.25 8.20 8.45 8.40 8 .2 8 8.30 8.25 8.42 8.50 3/16/77 8.40 8.40 4/17/77 8.35 8.6 5 8.35 8.45 8.40 5/14/77 8.20 8:35 8.15 8.45 8.35 6/16/77 8.10 8.35 8.60 8.50 8.40 7/18/77 8.65 8.55 8.45 8.80 9.05 8/18/77 8.60 8.61 8.30 9.05 8.50 9/21/77 8.48 8.74 8.92 8,98 8.86 10/22/77 8.42 8.42 8.42 8.60 8.54 2/11/77 ' 8.40 — . ■ 8.35 66 Table 13. The total alkalinity (mg/1 CaCOg) at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977. STATIONS DATE I 2 3 • 4 5 8/4/76 88 — 97 98 97 9/6/76 90 86 98 101 108 10/8/76 77 83 96 104 122 11/6/76 80 93 91 95 85 12/3/76 82 90 95 104 102 2/1 1 /7 7 109 HO 114 120 115 3/16/77 116 113 140 120 4/17/77 113 113 115 • 103 5/14/77 95 95 HO 113 113 6/16 /7 7 100 95 103 115 114 7/18/77 98 96 HO 150 .115 8/18/77 99 97 118 114 120 9/21/77 95 90 108 113 120 10/22/77 99 100 HO HO 109 — 108 ' ' 67 Table 14. The hardness (mg/1 CaCo^) at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and .1977. STATIONS DATE ' I 2 3 4 5 9/6/76 78 83 90 90 94 10/8/76 58 63 79 79 90 11/6/76 48 70 73 76 60 12/3/76 52 60 67 67 68 2/11/77 70 77 80 88 80 3/16/77 55 60 — 105 75 4/17/77 65 75 75 80 65 5/14/77 63 63 81 80 '80 6/16/77 ■ 85 80 93 106 95 7/18/77 71 78 98 120 105 8/18/77 70 75 102 .101 102 9/21/77 65 75 95 90 95 10/22/77 65 76 90 85 88 68 Table 15. The conductivity (yxnhos/cm at 25 C) at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977. STATIONS DATE 2 ■' I 3 4 5. 8/4/76 181 -- 183 175 193. 9/6/76 207 192 221 221 207 10/8/76 186 186 196 193 11/6/76 203 200 207 210 • 217 12/3/76 211 207 231 237 237 2/11/77 221 225 252 267 265 3/16/77 252 270 — 301 287 4/17/77 273 280 175 252 228 5/14/77 228 228 249 252 252 6/16/77 .161 172 207 203 182 .7/18/77 224 224 214 231.' 21.7 8/18/77 217 224 238 230 263 9/21/77 193 200 224 232 10/22/77 252 252 263 245 ' ' . . ■ 210 242 265 . I 69 Table 16. The dissolved oxygen (mg/1 0^) at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977. STATIONS DATE 8/4/76 . 2 I — 10 3 4 5 9 9 9 .9 9 9 8 9 10/8/76 10 10 11 9 11/6/76 11 12. 11 12 11 ' 12/3/76 12 12 11 13 13 3/16/77 12 12 10 12 11 4/17/77 10 9 9 9 " 10 5/14/77 10 10 9 10 11 6/16/77 10 10 10 9 . '10 7/18/77 10 9 8 . 10 8/18/77 9 9 8 ' 10 .8 9/21/77 11 ' 11 10 11 11 9 10 10 9 10 9 /6/76 10/22/77 • . ■ ,* 9 9 70 Table 17. The turbidity (Jackson Turbidity Units) at stations on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977. STATIONS DATE 2 I 3 4 5 8.0 7.0 8.5 8/4/76 3.0 9/6/76 3.1 3.7 5.9 7.7 4.8 10/8/76 3.4 4.5 6.4 6.5 7.0 11/6/76 2.1 4.2 4.3 6.3 6.1 12/3/76 2.9 3.1 4.0 4.3 5.6 2/11/77 3.0 5.3 2.1 2.6 3.5 3/16/77 2.8 3.1 8.0 4.4 4/17/77 4.0 5/14/77 — — 3.5 7.0 8.5 10.0 6.8 6.8 8.0 6.9 8.2 6/16/77 3.3 3.3 5.8 8.0 6.0 7/18/77 2.5 3.0 4.1 4.3 4.2 8/18/77 4.0 . 5.5 5.8 5.9 • 6.0 9/21/77 3.4 3.8 5.9 4.5 5.7. 10/22/77 3.5 3.1 4.8 5.8 5.6 ' 71 Table 18. The ammonia (mg/1 NH^-N) nitrite (mg/1 NO^-N) and nitrate (mg/1 NOg-N) at stations' on the Madison River in 1976 and 1977. . STATIONS I 2 3 4 5 8/20/76 .014 .016 .019 .015 .016 10/12/76 .006 .007 .004 .005 .004 9/18/77 .005 ■0 0 .. .005 .005 DATE Ammonia Nitrite 8/20/76 0 0 .001 0 0 10/12/76 0 0 0 0 0 . 5/17/77 0 0 0 0 0 . 8/20/76 .019 .016 .009 .007 .009 10/12/76 .016 .018 .012 .009 .003 , ■ .013 .004 .004 ' .003 .005 Nitrate 5/17/77 9/18/77 .005' . .004 .004 .003 .003 . 72 Table 19. The total phosphorus (mg/1 total-P) and orthophosphate (mg/I PO^-P) at stations on the Madison River in .1976 and 1977. STATIONS DATE I 3 .2 4 5 Total phosphorus 8/20/76 .068 .064 .099 .080 .072 10/12/76 .062 .063 .057 .057 .064 5/17/77 .056 .077 .141 .116 .116 9/18/77 .047 .037 .105 .095 .087 Orthophosphate 8/20/76 .019 .008 .024 .023 .021 10/12/76 .024 .021 .016 .019 .016 5/17/77 .020 .021 .024 .033 '.021 9/18/77 .036 .027 .032 .032 .031 . Table 20. The total alkalinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and percent saturation (in parenthesis).levels in a diurnal series of measurements made on August 14 and 15, 1977 at Stations 2 and 4 on the Madison River. Total alkalinity Station 2 4 Temperature 2 4 pH 2 Dissolved oxygen 4 2 4 Hours 1800 97.5 115.0 20.0 22.8 8.61 8.94 7.52(101) 9.11(123) 2100 97.5 117.0 ' 17.8 20.0 8.54 8.34 7.63( 95) 6.80( 87) 0600 ‘ -- — 14.2 16.9 8.14 7.92 8.13( 94) 7.08( 86) — 14.5 17.2 8.18 8.14 8.65(102) 8.39(102) 9.53(117) 0900 ---- --- 1200 98.0 116.5 16.7 18.9 8.34 8.51 8.99(110) 1500 -- — 19.4 22.2 8.53 8.84 8.64( 98) 10.66(144) 1800 97.5 112.5 .20.0 21.1 8.73 8.95 8.16(106) 9.04(119) 2100 96.5 116.5 17.2 19.4 8.64 8.59 7.85( 96) 7.20( 93) Table 21. Weekly mean and average weekly minimum and maximum temperatures (C) at stations on the Madison River from April through October, 1977. STATION > I 2 3 4 5 Month Week April I 5.1 2.3- 8.8) 4.8 2.2- 9.8) 2 4.9 ■ ( 1.9- 9.0) 6.9 ( 4.0-10.7) 3 5.7 ( 2.6- 9.8) 9.7 ( 8.1-11.7) 9.2 ( 8.7-10.1) 7.3 ( 4.6-10.9) 9.1 ( 6.5-11.6) 11.4 ( 9.7-13.6) 12.4 (11.7-13.2) 12.5 ( 8.3-17.4) - I 7.3 ( 5.0-10.3) 10.2 ( 8.7-12.4) 10.9 (10.1-11.6) 10.8 ( 8.2-14.4) 11.1 ( 8.8-13.9) 2 9.7 ( 6.6-13.3) 12.2 (10.2-15.4) 12.0 (11.5-12.6) 12.2 ( 8.3-16.8) 13.5 (10.7-16.4) 3 7.3 ( 5.0-10.6) 10.3 ( 8.8-12.6) 11.1 (10.3-11.8) 8.8 ( 6.1-12.8) 10.2 " ( 7.5-13.9) 10.1 12.2 ( 9.9-14.9) 11.4 (10.9-12.1) 11.7 ( 7.4-16.6) 13.2 (10.3-16.2) May 4 ( 6.9-13.9) - Table 2 1 . (Continued) Station Month Week I 2 3 4 5 June I 14.0 (10.6-17;8) .14.4 ' (12.8-16.7) 15.7 (14.7-16.8) 17.3 (13.4-22.1) 18.1 (15.2-20.8) 2 11.1 ( 9.1-13.3) 12.7 (11.8-14.2) 17.4 (16.6-18.1) 16.7 (15.4-18.5) 17.4 (15.6-19.5) 3 13.2 (10.3-16.3) 14.9 (12.9-18.0) 17.0 (16.4-17.6) 16.7 (14.2-20.1) 18.0 (15.1-21.4) 4 16.4 (12.7-20.0) 17.5 (15.0-21.6) 21.1 (20.4-21.8) 21.3 (18.0-24.4) 20.1 (17.1-23.3) I . 14.1 (11.9-16.6) 14.8 (13.1-16.9) 19.1 (18.7-19.5) 18.7 (16.1-21.6) 18.9 (16.7-21.3) 2 15.1 (12.2-18.3) ■- 14.6 (12.1-17.6) 18.6 (18.2-19.2) 18.9 (15.3-23.2) 19.3 (16.7-22.2) 3 16.8 (13.9-19.8), 17.5 (15.0-20.1) 20.8 (20.2-21.6) 20.2 (16.4-24.4) 21.2 (18.3-24.1) 4 17.2 (14.4-20.5) 18.5 (15.9-21.6) 21.6 (21.2-22.3) 20.6 (17.1-24.8) 21.5 (18.7-24.6) July Table 21. (Continued) Station Month .Week August Sept. I 2 . 3 4 5 I 16.5 (14.2-19.1) 17.7 (15.3-20.7) 21.1 (20.6-21.6) 20.1 (17.1-24.3) 21.2 (18.7-23.7) 2 16.0 (13.2-19.2) 17.0 (14.7-20.4) -19.1 ' (18.6-19.6) 18.9 (15.7-22.7) 19.9 (17.3-22.5) 3 16.8 (14.3-19.8) 17.9 (15.4-20.9) 19.8 (19.3-20.4) 19.6 (16.9-22.9) 20.5 (17.9-23.3) 4 13.3 (11,8-15.3) 14.4 (13.3-16.3) 16.8 (16.4-17.3) 16.2 (14.8-17.8) 16.2 (14.6-18.5) - I 14.8 (12.5-17.0) ' 16.2 (14.4-18.5) 16.2 (15.5-16.9) 16.3 (14.3-18.8) 17.4 (14.5-20.3) -■ 2 13.6 (11.3-15.8) . 14.9 (13.4-16.8) 17.3 (16.8-17.8) 16.6 (14.6-19.2) 16.6 (14.3-19.2) 3 11.9 (10.8-13.2) 13.3 (12.4-14.4) 14.9 (14.6-15.3) 14.2 (13.2-15.8) 14.8 (13.2-16.3) 4 10.8 ( 9.8-12.1) 12.5 (11.7-13.4) 11.3 (10.8-11.8) li.O (10.2-12.2) 11.7 (10.4-13.1) Table 2 1 . (Continued) Station Month Oct. Week I 2 3 4 I 9.8 ( 8.8-10.8) 11.6 (10.8-12.4) 9.9 ( 9.7-10.3) 9.6 ( 8.6-11.2) 10.1 ( 7.4- ) 8.7 ( 7.8- 9.7) 10.2 ( 8.3-11.0) 7.5 ( 7.2- 7.9) _ - 8.3 ( 5.1- ) 9:6 ( 8.4-10.6) 10.8 ( 9.6-11.5) 8.7 ( 8.2- 9.3) 8.3 ( 7.6- 9.1) 10.0 ( 9.1-10.5) 8.0 ( 7.6- 8.3) 2 3 4 5 - 9.2 ( 7.0-12.9) 7.8 ( 7.2- 8.8) 8.3 ( 5.9-10.6) _ ]_ Calculations for the 4th week of each month Included the odd remaining days of the month. 78 Table 22'. The percent of time water temperatures were greater than each, given degree at stations on the Madison River in May, 1977.• Station Temperature (C) 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 1413 12 11 10 9 8 7 ' 6 5 4 3 I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 2 5 6 11 12 19 29 42 56 •64 78 89 98 100 ' I I I 2 5 10 21 30 50 70 , 89 100 . 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 . 15 25 59 87 97 99 100 0 0 0 0 : I. I , 2 3 6 9 15 ■ 22 29 33 42 54. 69 80 87 . 93 100 I 2 .4 ■ 8 16 27 41 49 .64 76 86 ■ 93 94 97 100 ' Table. 23. 79 The percent of time water temperatures were greater than each given degree at stations on the Madison River in June, 1977. Station Temperature (C) 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 ■ 15 14. 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 ■ , I 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 I . 5 8 14 16 25 • 35 46 59 66 78 89 95 99 100 0 0 I 2 4 7 11 14 19 26 29 38 48 ' 63 79 88 95 100 0 0 0 0 0 2 16 23 38 49 59 75 87 95 98 100 0 I 2 4 11 13 21 28 39 49 57 70 . 81 93 96 98 100 0 0 I 2 8 11 21 31 42 58 67 79 92 99 100 •' ■ . I 80 Table 24.. The percent of time water' temperatures were greater . than each given degree at stations on the Madison River' in July, 1977. Station Temperature (C) 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 ' 14 13 12 11 10 I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 <1 2 5 14 25 35 47 62 76 89 94 99 100 0 ■ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <1 3 41 58 74 96 98 100 <1 2 5 13 22 32 40 57 70 83 92 96 99 100 '3 4 . 0 <1 ■<1 .3 10 17 24 32 43 56 70 77 ■ 89 97 99 100 5 0 . <1 I 2 ■ 10 18 25 . 37 54 72 86 . 89 98 100 81 Table 25. The percent of time water temperatures were greater than each given degree at stations on the Madison River in August, 1977. . Station Temperature (C) 27 . - ' 26 25 24 23 22 21 ' 20 19. 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 3 12 21 26 40 55 75' 87 91 97 99. 100 • 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 , I 3 11 22 31 38 54 74 88 97 98 100 0 0 0 0 0 3 ■ 13 ■ 34 72. 82 84 90 94 100 0 I 2 3 8 14 . 23 30 42 57 68 82 91 98 100 0 0 I . 4 . 11 17 . 27 41 58 • 73 80 87 91 96 .. 100 82 Table ,26. ' T h e 'p e r c e n t ■o f 'time watpr temperatures were greater, than each given degree at stations on the Madison River iri 'September, 1977. ' ' Station . Temperature (C) 21 20, 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 I 9 0 . . o . 0 0 2 8 17 28 . 43 ' 54 75 90 99 100 ■' 2 Q 0 0 I 4 8 17 29 49 74 \ 83 . 96 100 ■ ’■ 3' " o 0 .0 I 9 19 37 53 64 71 74 84 97 100 4 ■ ■ 0 ■ 0 .1 . 5 ■ . 13 . 16 28 ' ■ 41 ' 57. 67 , ■ -73 .83. .95 . . 100 ‘ 5 0 I ■ 4 . . 10 .18 .23 35 50 1 64 77 82 9l V 98 100 ■ 'j ■A : ■;. ! ■ ■■■■• ,5 ■ 83 Table 27. The mean temperature (C) and percent of time from 7 , through 17 C at stations on the Madison River for coloni- zation periods of artificial substrates'in 1976.and 1977.. Station Period I 2 . 3 5 ’ 4 ■.' - 1976 8/6-9/6 10/9-11/6 1977 (62). ^ 7.5 (52) — . 2.8 ( I) — “ — —— . 13.7 ' (98) ■ 13.1 (99) 7.4 (37) ; . 6.7 . ,(26) 2.9 ( D I . 11/7-12/1 11.5 (iod) 18.0 i i 9/7-10/8 14.0 (90) ’ 2/16-3/16 — 3/17-4/16 5.2 —— (26) . 2.6 (0) . . -. ■2.6 ( 0) 4.3 (17) . —— 3.4 (0) . 4/17-5/14 7.8 (58) 10.9 (98) 11.2 (97) ' 11.1 (81) '• 12.3 • ' (94). 5/15-6/16 10.5 12.3 14.4 13.6 (76) (76) ' 14.9 ' (64) 6/17-7/18 7/19-8/17 8/18-9/21 9/21-10/21 (77) (97) 15.3 16.6 (74) (63) (11) 19.2 (31) 1 '19.6 (20) 16.7 (59) 17.9 20.6 ( 0). 19.9 (18) 20.9 ' ( 4) 13.9 15.4 (82) . 17.1. (57) ' 16.5 (92) ' " 16.9 . (56) 9.7 (99) 11.6 (100) 9.6 . (90) (42) ' 19.4 . (62) 10.6 (100) 9.9 .■■(86) Table 28. Average numbers/sampler and ranges (in parenthesis) of each macroinvertebrate taxon collected from artificial substrate samplers at Station I on the Madison River on each sampling date. Averages are rounded to the nearest whole number.and dashes indicate zero' counts. 1976._____________ Taxon 9/6 Sampling, date 10/8 11/6 12/1 ___________ . _______ 1977______________ • ■ 3/16 4/16 5/14 6/16 8/17 I■ (0-1) 3 (1-6) 6 (1-11) I (0-3) I (Q-I) AytnvaL 9/21 Mean Plecoptera 4 (1-7) I (0-4) 3 (1-5) P t e r o n a r o y s oa.Vifom.ioa ■ C l a a s s e n i a sabiilosa' Besperoperla pacifioa I (0-3) SkwaZa parallela Alloperla spp. I (0-2) "t _ I (0-2) ■" “ • 2 (1-5) <1 - 7 (4-12) 4 ■ (1—5) 4 (2-5) 4 (0-10) 5 (0-7) I ' (I-I) ■I . (0-3) 2 (10-3) 7 (4-9.) I (0-2) ■ _ Total Plecoptera <1 <1 _ spp. Isoperla 3 .(1-5) ~ ■ _ 3 (0-10) 2 " (1-3) - — 8 (3-11) 2 I ' (1-3)- . (1-2) 6 <1 (2-11) <1 2 '(1-3) 9 (3-11). 8 (3-13) 5 (2-8) 2. (0-6) I (0-6) 2 (1-2) . <1 2 <1 'I 2 _ _ <1- - - <2 .8 (3-12) - 5. • (3-8), S Ephemeroptera Ephemerella inermis ' EpheTreivila 'gpcandis E p h e m e r e l l a heoiiba BaepZs ZntermedZus ■ PsUedoOleon e dmundsi' Pardteptophiebia ■ "heteronea HepidgehZa elegantula ■ I (0-1) I (0-2) . 2 28 (14-48)- (0-2) ~ ■ — 2 (0-4) - - I (0-1) I (0-1) ■■ Bhiihrogena undulata Epeprus sp. ’ -'.'Unidentified species . Total Ephemeroptera • - <i — " - - .8 30 (15-48). .(4-11) 2 21 ■ (1-3) (13-29) .t ■ 4 (1-6) 29 . (5-46) 23 (14-34) . <i - - _ 'l % . (0-2) "- ' 7 35 22 (26-44) (15-28) . -■ 37 (10-56) 16 (12-21) ■ 17. (13-21) • 10 ’ (6-12) - <1 ■ 8 ' t ' <1. 21 (3-35) . ' <1 - _ 16 (9-23} <1 ■ 5 <1 19 <1 . <1 "— ’<1 <7. - i ■ (0-2).. . i (0-2) . <1 <2 •• <1 : 5. (1-9) 29 (24-32) .23 (6-31) 26 ' ’ 61 (19-38) (58^66) 75 (45-87) .7 (6-8) - 49 ■ (44-54) 22 (14-35) . - ■ .2 ■' <2 ;. 16 (9-23) 33 . Table 28. (Continued) 1976 Taxon Sampling date 9/6 . . 10/8 19.77 Armuat 11/6 12/1 3/16 4/16 5/14 6/16 I ■ (0-2) <1 <1 3 (0-6) I (0-1) ■- I (0-2) I (0-1) " 3 (0-5) <1 I (O-I)' .3 ■ (1-4) 2 (0-3) <1 8/17 ■ 9/21 Mean Trichoptera spp. Hydropsyohe Cheumatopsyohe spp. A r o t o p s y o h e -LnermCs Gtossosoma Protoptila spp. spp. B r a o h y c e n t r u s occidentali-s Amioaentrus aspilus C e r a o l e a spp. O e o e t i s dvar.a ■C Lepiddstoma veleda . <1 ■ Re t i ’OO'gsyohs h o r e a t i s 10 (9-11) 4 . (1-8) I (0-D 10 (5-20) " • 14 (9-19) 9 (3-28) - 3 '(0-8) <1 <1 - - - <1 • ■ - 8 (1-12) <1 - 3 (0-7) ■ <1 6 (4-7) - I • (0-2) - 2 (1-3) - — - - ‘— 2' (1-2) ■ <1 • \ - 7 ' (4-9) - Hydroptila sp. ■ P s y o h o m y i a flavida. Total Trichoptera - , -- 7 " (2-14) 6 (5-8) - ' 199 .(98-293) 55 ' (45-72) 14 (11-21) - - - '<1 <1 .8 (7-10) Diptera ' 3 (2-4) ■ . <1- ' 3 , (1-4) 9 (7-12) sp. Chironomidae Total Diptera, .. .'<1 2 (1-2) ■3 (0-6) <1 ’ I (0-3) . 7 (4-11) 3 (1-6) I (0-4) - ' .<i <1 84 ■ 87 (51-153) (68^108) 5 ■' 75 (1-15) (40-116) 27 (4-48) ■87 ' .89 : (51-159) (.74-110) 6 . • 76 (1-15):■(40-118) 58 (40-87) 40 (21-59) - - 2 - . - ‘ <2 <1 - .. 3 . ■ <1 • - ' I <1 • .2 - <1 . (0-3) <1 - . <1 ’ - <1 81 ■ .1 ■ 10 1.6 ■ (11-20) (7-17) - <1. - I (0-3) 37 . 25 (14-58-) (4-45) . I' I - r . - I (0-3) I ' I (0-2) . (dr-2) 12 ' 56 (40-82) (1-33) 2 (0-6). . 2 .29. 454 .■ 163 . 29.6 723 (23-37)(300-650) (251-329)(106-248) . Atherix Pariegata S i m u l i u m sp. Antoaha - — . - ■ ZO 439 ' 165 147. (90-914) (116-197)(93-239). - '■ ' - - 14 I . (0-4) ' (7-17) - —' 133 4 (100-160) (1-7) - •10'. I . (8-13) (0-2)2 <1 (0-6) t ■ <1 85 145 (51-246). 5 (0-9) 10 (0-18) ■4 (6-11) .. I (0-1) 24' (11.-37) I <1 (1-2) 66. '23 (53-87) (11—35 13 (1-33) 67 - 23 ■ (55-89) (11-38) . <1 I - -I . 47 ■■ 49 - .■ 'v v" - '" ''. " : ; .• ■ 1- y : .-r ' ' <■' v , ' . 'V- -- - \' Table 28. (Continued) 1976 Taxon Sampling date ' 9/6 10/8 3 (2-5) (2-3) 1977 11/6 12/1 3/16 4/16 5/14 Annual 6/16 8/17 9/21 . 4 (2-6) Mean Coleoptera Optioservus sp. 2 - I (0- 2) 2 I (0- 2) - (0-4) 3 (2-4) - - - - - <1 4 (1-5) - 3 (0-7) I (0-1) - 17 (10-26) 4 (1-5). 3 (0-7) I (0-1) 17 (10-26) 2 Gastropoda Lytmaea Fhyea Gyraulie Total Gastropoda I (1-4) I (0-2) - <1 2 <1 <1 - <1 <1 I I I (0-4) Average total number. invertebrates/ sampler Average number taxa/ sampler 112 136 281 97 (151-406) (56-121) (70-191) (95-173) 16 (15-17) 16 (13-18) 9 (6-12) » (8-10) <1 <1 <1 8 <1 (4-14) - 8 8 12 (9-14) 14 (12-15) 13 (12-14) 4 (4-14) 37 161 173 521 446 ' 217 (28-47)(114-206) (121-225)(15641012)(427-482)(160-288) (6-10) <1 v-14 ■ ' 12 (11-14) (10-14) 218 . 12 Table 29. Average numbers/sampler and ranges (in parenthesis) of each macroinvertebrate taxon collected from artificial substrate samplers at Station 2 on the Madison River on each sampling date. Averages are rounded to the nearest whole number and dashes indicate zero Counts. 1977 1976 Sampling date Taxon 12/1 10/8 11/6 3 (3-3) - I (0-2) - - I (0-1) 2 (2-2) 2 - - - I (0-1) I - 8 (7-8) 6 (3-8) I (0-2) - 3/16 Annual 4/16 5/14 6/16 7/17 ■8/17 I (0-1) 3 (2-3) <1 7 (4-8) I (0-2) <1 3 (0-5) 2 • (1-3) - 5 (2-7) <1 - I (0T3) I (0-2) - - 2 (1-3) 2 (1-2) - ' I (0- 2) - 2 (1-3) <1 - 4 (2- 8) - 6 (2-13) - - - - - 2 - <1 - - <1 3 (2-5) I (0-2) 2 (1-3) 5 (3-9) ■10 (6-17) 8 (7-8) 5 (1-8) 5 (3-7) 4 (2-5) 6 (4-8) <1 2 (1-3) <1 6 (4-8) 26 (5-49) I (0-4) - 13 - S I (0-1) <1 - 17 (11-34) I (0-1) 35 (20-58) 2 (2-2) - - 23 (14-34) <1. 71 • (42-93) 17 (12-22) I (0-4) . - 2 (0-4)' - . 22 (6-48) <1 13 (9-20) I (0-2) 8 (4-18) - - - <1 - <1 - 2 (1-3) - <1 9/21 Mean Plecoptera Pteronareys e a l i f o m i e a Claassenia sabulosa Hesperoperla paeifioa Isoperla Cultus spp. tostonus Skwala parallela A l l o p e r l a spp. Total Plecoptera „ ■- 2 I <1 <1 <1 S Ephemeroptera Psuedoaieon edmundsi - 4 (2-6) I (0-1) 3 (1-3) <1 Paraleptophlebia heteronea - - - Heptagenia elegantula - - - - - - . I (0-2) - - - - - Ephemerella inermis Ephemerella grandis Baetis intermedius Hhithrogena undulata Epeorus sp. Triaorythodes minutus Ameletus sp. Unidentified species Total Ephemeroptera • <1 - . - - - - - - 7 (5-8) 7 (5-11) 28 (12-56) 26 (19-38) 22 (16-35) - 21 93 ■ (62-119) (10-31) 9 (3-25) I (0-3) I (0-1) 24 (15-38) I (0-1) <1 2 (2-3) - ■ 65 29 (26-130) (18-42) 6 (2-10) - 12 <1 - <1 - <1 <1 '- <1 - <1 - <1 6 (2-10) 30 I Table 29. (Continued) 1977 1976 Taxon Sampling date 10/8 11/6 12/1 3/16 4/16 5/14 9 (1-16) 3 (1-5) 37 (6-77) Annual 6/16 7/17 8/17 9/21 13 (2-20) I (0-3) 14 (2-29) 16 (9-20) I (0-5) 4 (3-4) t - - 3 2 - <1 - <1 69 Mean Trichoptera spp. Hydropsyahe Chenmatopsyohe Arotopsyohe Gtossosoma 9 (9-9) 2 spp. (1- 2) 4 (3-5) inermis spp. - - - - - - <1 <1 - - - 38 (25-51) I (0-1) (5-9) Oeoetis avara - - Lepidostoma veleda - P r o t o p t i l a sp. Bradhyoentvus ocoidentatis , Amiooentrus aspitus - 8 - 2 (0-4) Helioopsyahe borealis H y d r o p t i l a sp. Psyohomyia flaoida 4 (2-6) I (0-3) - I (0- 2) I (0-1) <1 I (0- 2) <1 <1 - - <1 - - 3 (2-5) - <1 - - <1 10 (0-27) - - <1 - <1 <1 - - - <1 <1 - - - 55 (42-68) 10 (7-11) 6 - - <1 - 84 139 346 64 (18-271)(157-469) (68-103) (48-79) I I 2 (0-3) (0-3) (1-2) I (0-2) I 5 23 I (13-34) (0-3) (2-11) (1-1) 7 (2-15) - - - 5 (2-7) - I (0- 2) 2 (0-5) 19 (1-44) ■ I (0-5) - E h y a c o p h i l a oolarddensis Total Trichoptera - - 2 (0-5) 10 <i - - - - - - 50 (31-73) (7-8) - - 6 24 68 160 378 168 76 (17-36) (31-103) (22-294) (160-493)(142-216) (62-90) (4-9) 3 (1-4) - - - I (0-3) <1 I <1 5 I <1 6 <1 95 Diptera Atherix variegata Simuitwn sp. Antoaha Chironomidae Total Diptera - - 2 I 3 (0-5) (1- 2) (0-3) I <1 (0-2) 104 26 123 (13-38)(75-180) (77-139) 28 124 108 (14-41)(75-180) (80-147) I (0-2) <1 - - I (1-1) - - 2 - <1 5 (1-15) 42 44 191 99 (17-78) (76-114) (18-85) (93-354) (1-4) 5 I (1-11) (1-1) 57 104 (26-108) (88-119) 6 42 44 101 194 (17-78) (78-116) (18-85) (93-358) 64 105 (29-120) (89-121) - (1-15) - <1 - - <1 I I 80 82 Table 29. (Continued) 1977 1976 Sampling date Taxon Optioservus sp. Ificrocyloeppus 10/8 4 (3-4) 11/6 <1 12/1 - 3/16 - ■ 4/16 ' Total Coleoptera ' 4 . (3-4) <1 6/16 2 2 - (1-3) (0-3) <i <1 sp. ' 5/14 Annual 7/17 8/17 9/21 I (0- 2) 5 . (4-8) 3 (0-7) <1 ~ 2 Mean 2 <1 . (0-4) 2 2 (1-3) (0-4) <1 I (0-2) ' 7 (5-12) ■ 3 (0-7) 2 Gastropoda Physa I (0-3) 144 101 145 (75-125)(105-195)(102-213) 14 (12-16) 9 (7-11) <1 <1 <1 I (0-1) ' I ' (0-3) Total Gastropoda Average number taxa/ sampler <1 ' <1 sp. Average total number invertebrates/ sampler <1 - sp. sp. Feirpissia Lymridea 7 (6-9) 5 (3-6) 7 (1-9) I (0- 2) 25 (10-37) 5 (3-6) . 7 (1-9) 26 (12-39) <1 <1 5 (4-7) 4 5 (4-7) S 26 309 654 129 279 298 200 '228 (21-34) (70-142) (218-353)(220-397)(332-994)(238-323)(191-208) 8 (7-9) 12 ' (11-13) 17 (14-19) 11 (10-11) 15 (14-15) 18 (18-19) 13 (12-13) 12 Table 30. Average numbers/sampler and ranges (in parenthesis) of each macroinvertebrates taxon collected from artificial substrate samplers at Station 3 on the Madison.River on each sampling date. Averages are founded to the . nearest whole'number and dashes indicate zero counts. 1976 Taxon 9/16 Sampling date - 1977 12/1; ■ 3/16 .Annual ~ 4/16 ' 5/14 6/16 7/17 <1 - <1 - - 8/17 ' 9/21 ' Mean- Plecoptera Pteronarcys califomica Besperoperla pacifica ■I s o p e r l a ■C u l t u s -4 (0-6) I •(0-2) - - *- - - I ■ (0-1). <1 I ' (0-1) ‘ r - 2 . (1-2) ' <1 . . 'I (0-2) - - spp. - <1 ' . tostonus Pteronaroella badia •' Total Plecoptera 5' ■ ’ (Q-8) ,— Ephemeroptera , E p h e m e r e l l a Inerrrils <1. Ephemerella grandis Baetis intermedins Psuedocleon e d m m d s i ' ■ Paraleptophlebia heteronea Heptagenia elegantula Tricorythodes minutus Total Ephemeroptera ‘• .. ■ .1 (0-2) ‘ 22 (9-34) . <1. - 6 (3-16) - „ 9 (1-16) <1 ■ ■ 29 (22-34) .'- ; <1 53 . (39-65) ' 12. .(5-25) - I ■ (0-1) ' 2 (1-2) 2 •' (1-4) •- . I , (0-1) ' - •- " - -■ '. ■■ 21 8 I' 23 ■ . 128 (17-27) (0-3) (0-16) (13-35) (95-147) - 2 I ■ . .7 • .I (0-2) (0-4) (0-3) (3-11) 148 . 121. 134 215 ' 155 (72-194) (162-279)(99-213) .(64-193) (136-196) 4I ■ t I ■5 (0-2). (0-1) -3 <1 . 10 ■ 7 (4-16) (0-7) . (3-19) - ’ 25 (5-36) . ■ I - <1 . - <1 .- <1- - I . I ■■ '' ' . - ' .. 2' (0-9) ■ - 21 - I . ■ 22 (2-48) 5 -.76 ■1 0 0 ' (34-105) - '• : ■' 2 ■ 19 •(0-32) ' 9. (0-25) .<iI' 8 (0-5). 5 '' 4 (0-19) 162 ■ 281 240 187 • 51 ■ 143 (74-212) (200-307) (201-364) (108-216) (141-245),. (35-67) . 84(34-93) 135- ■ . Table 30. ,(Continued) 1976 . 9/16 Sampling date Taxon 1977 . . 12/1 4/16 3/16 5/14 Annual .6/16 7/17 8/17 9/21 Mean TrichopCera 2 (0-4) 5 (4-8) 15 (8-30) - <1 - Amioeentrus asptlus <1 <1 _ C e r a c L e a spp. Oecetis avara <1 - - - - - ■ Hydropsyche 1093 '• (700-1450) spp. Cheumatdpsyahe spp. Brachycentttis o a c i d e n t a l i s 18 (7-30) 2 (0-8) - ' • ' - • 132 120 2698 2380 1885 (82-154) (52-293) (1061- ■ (2230- (981-3016) 3640) '.3470) 3 16 907 ' 75 244 (1-7) (5-38)(541-1196) (66-124)(187-336) <1 3 - * - - .- — • - ■ <1 3 (0-11) - . Lepidostoma veleda H y d r o p t i l a sp. .* . Leueotriehiapietipes . - Zumatriahia natpsa Psychomyia flavida - <1 I (0-5) - - - - - - - <1 ■. , ■ '' .. 7 - -(3-14) 3 (0-14) . <1 - “ -- T- ' - - Cl'.. - - 3 ' 1109 (710-1485) , (1-5) Total Trichdptera ■ I CO-2). '- •2 (0-9) 21 . - 123 ■ 150 3305 5 . (4-8) ' (8-40) (89-155) (52-293) (19364847) 3 (0-7) I (0-5) 59 (0-112) 4 (0-16) 6 (0-24). 8 (0-20) 2866 (25163648) 926 U O <1 I - <1 3 ’ (0-8) <1 8 <2 - I - II 2129 (12173350) 1079 Diptera .t Atherix variegata ■ H e w i t o m x sp. ' •S i m u l i u m ■ sp. Ch-i-rdnomidae ' Total Diptera T 553 . 39 . -- (156-1180) (9-83) . 40 17 (4-32). (32-47) . - * T * - ' .571 79 ' (181-1185) (51-120) - - - . ‘- ‘ -24 - 7 • (11-35) . (2-10) 4' : - * - 4 (1-7)(3-6) '28, .(14-41) 11 ' (9-14) - ’ . 6 (0-16) - 2 (0-8) ' i . ■ (0-5)10 82 (0-23) (37-149) 221 ' 153. (165-310)(49-219) I (0-2) 6 (2-14) . 9■171 (4-19)(71-252) 13 132 (1-21) (67-215) 7 (3-15) 22-. 278 237 -238 • (10^36)(218-344)(170-319) (86-294)' I <1 97 '66 ISZ Table 30. (Continued) 1976 Taxon Sampling date 9/16 1977 12/1 3/16 , - - - - - 4/16 5/14 Annual 6/16 7/17 8/17 9/21 Mean Cbleoptera Miovoayloeppus “ " -" 2 (0-7) <i I <1 Amphipoda Hyaleila - - - - . - : . (0-5) - Isopoda . Asellus - I - - . - 3 (0-6) •- (0-1) Average total number invertebrates/ sampler Average number- taxa/ . sampler •' . 1738 (932-2551) 11 (10-13) 8 ■ 95 176 273 413 .334 3771 3174 (58-149) (97-258) (219-360)(363-470)(221-487)(2431-5252)(27263941) 6 (5-6) 6 (5-6) ■8 (6-8) 10 (9-10) IO- (9-11) 10 ’ (8-13) J. (o-ii) . io . (8-11) 2461 .. (13373733) “ 9 (7-9) 1386 s: I Table 31. Average numbers sampler- and ranges (in parenthesis) of each macroinvertebrate taxon collected from artificial substrate samplers at Station 4 on the Madison River on each sampling date. Averages are rounded to the nearest whole number and dashes indicate zero counts. Taxon Sampling date 1976_________ _________________________1977___________________ 9/16 10/8 3/16 3 (2-4) I (0-2) I (0-4) 3 (2-4) - 20 (6-41) <1 - 3 (2-4) I (1-1) I (0-1) - 6 (4-7) 5 (4-5) 3 (2-4) 21 . (6-43) I (0-2) 4 (3-5) 24 (2-68) - 11/6 Annual 4/16 5/14 6/16 7/17 8/17 9/21 I (0-3) <1 ■ 4 (2-5) I (0-2) 2 (0-4) <1 - 4 (0-7) - 2 (0-4) I (0-1) - I (0-1 - 39 (10-70) <1 4 (1-5) 4 (3-7) ■ 7 (4-13) <1 <1 - - <1 40 (12-71) 15 (11-18) 7 (4-8) 4 (0-7) 3 (1-5) 58 (47-89) - 38 (18-58) ~ . Mean Plecoptera Pteronaroys c a l i f o m i c a Hesperoperla paoifica Isoperla Cultus spp. tostonus S k w a l d parallela Pteronaroella Total Plecoptera - - <1 - <1. - I I 7 <1 *2 <i I (0-2) 10 37 2 <1 I (6-61) (0-4) (0-1) 5 (1-11) 62 100 78 152 140 137 29 (71-227) (58-160) (30-112) (43-115)(126-200)(113-212) (19-43) 'I <1 3 <1 (0-1) (1-3) <1 2 I “ <1 I <1 (0-3) (0-2) (0-1) 2 4 . (1-5) (1-10) I 5 (0-1) (3-6) 3 4 19 9 <1 109 (0-8). (25-233) (5-30) (6-16) '(0-5) 3 “ (1-6) 18 Ephemeroptera, E p h e m e r e l l a inermls Ephemerella grandis Baetis intermedius Psuedooleon e d m m d s i - - 112 11 (28-156) (4-18) <1 <1 62 (13-95) <1 - Rhithrogena undulata - . I (0-1) <1 sp. - - - I (0-2) - I (0-1) - - Pardleptophlebia heteronea Heptagenia elegantula Epiorus Trioorythodes minutus Choropterpes albiannulata Total Ephemeroptera <1 - 88 115 17' (31-186)(11-22) (81-95) 19 (2-38) - 107 162 129 261 161 39 161 (74-263)(108-213) (78-213)(100-167)(160-444)(128-212) (27-52) I ■88 ' I <1 I I I 15 <1 124 Table 31. (Continued) 1977 1976 Taxon Sampling date 9/16 10/8 11/6 3/16 4/16 5/14 6/16 Annual 7/17 8/17 9/21 Mean 38 (13-53) 8 (2-12) 21 (13-29) - 60 Trichoptera spp. Hydropsyohe Cheiaratopsydhe Arotopsyohe spp. inermis Braahyoentrus oocidentalis Amiooentrus aspilus spp. Ceractea Oeoetis avara Heliaopsyche borealis Hydivptila sp. Leuootridhia piotipes ZumatiyC a k i a n o t e s a Psydhonyia flaoida . Total Trichoptera 42 193 (188-200) (41-43) 39 10 (7-13) (5-69) 17 77 (48-104) (14-21) - 2 (1-2) 2 (1-3) <1 5 (3-8) 3 (1-6) 2 (1-3) - - - - 14 (10-18) - I (0-2) 10 (1-31) - 2 (0-4) - <1 - - - - - - - 14 (1-36) • 12 (5-20) I (0-1) ' 3 (1-7) - - - 84 313 (287-340)(82-86> <1 Diptera sp. sp. Hexatoma SimiLiim Antooha sp. Chironomidae Total Diptera - 63 (24-115) 15 (6-22) 8 (4-12) - 36 (16-53) - 112 43 (34-52) (41-149) 51 - 147 78 (41-137) (46-46) (79-202) 77 39 10 178 20 (16-25) (7-187) (19-65) (7-12) (58-313) 17 8 13 19 109 (6-10) (2-34) (10-20) (8-25) (54-153) " <1 <1 <1 3420 234 49 (2800-4400)(102-383) (35-72) 4 <1 <1 . <1 (0-9) . <1 - I (0-5) <1 I (0-1) - I (0-2) - - - - - - - 4 (2-11) - - 32 99 3473 (24-42)(14-208) (28004400) - I (0-2) I (0-2) 2 (0-3) <1 4 (0-12) 2 (0-3) 6 (1-15) .262 352 (120-412) (167419) 21 (8-51) - 2 (0-4) <1 I <1 <1 I <1 7 (0-15) I (0-2) <1 <1 4 6 (2-12) i 81 (55-93) 472 6 (0-11) <1 230 63 450 66 373 109 (127-414)(23-111)(211-905)(28-112)(195-579)(70-170) <1 382 - <1 10 ■34 18 (6-26) (1-21) (3-28) I (0-1) 42 . 52 .448 60 362 80 56 ■ . (35-71) (15-60) (208-901) (28-109)(193-544)(36-114) (13-107) ~ 178 (92-343) - 23 74 (41-121) IO i <i <1 3B <1 127 164 Lepidoptera Parargyraatis oonfusalis I (0-1) I (0-1) <1 - <1 - <1 6 (0-12) 61 (2-103) 31 (3-47) 10 4> Table 31. (Continued) 1977 1976 Taxon Sampling date 9/16 10/8 I (0-3) ’ - 3 (2-4) •~ 4/16 5/14 - 2 (1-4) t I (0-4) - - - - - 2 (1-4) I (0-4) - - - - 11/6 3/16 Annual 6/16 7/17 8/17 9/21 2 (0-4) 6 (0-8) I (0-2) 3 (2-6) I (1-1) I ■ 2 (0-4) 7 ■(0-10) 4 (3-7). <1 <1 Mean Coleoptera Optioservus sp. Mieroeyloeppus Lara sp. - - sp. Total Coleoptera I (0-3) 3 (2-4) <1 2 <i <i 2 Hemiptera sp. Sigara • - <i Amphipoda EyaleVla azteea - - - - - - - - - - - 2 (0-3) <2 - - I (0-3) <2 <1 I (0-4) - 2 . (0-3) 3 (0-6) <1 <1 Isopoda Asellus sp. Gastropoda■ Ferrissia Physa sp. sp. Gra u l i s sp. Gastropoda - • - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - ■. <1 I (0-4) 5 (0-6) <1 <1 I Pelycypoda Sghaerium sp. Average total number invertebrates/ sampler Average total taxa/ sampler <1 171 . 189 514 (368-598) (168-173) (167-297)' 15 14 (12-14) (13-16) <1 T 8 (6-10) 671 3674 697 423 299 917 243 (258-675)(203-408)(321- (3120- (505-1441)(407-923)(189-263) 4566) 1286) 10 (9-12) 13 ’ 16 (11-17) (12-17) . 14 (13-15) - 14 (12-15) 16 17 (14-18) (16-18) 840 14 Table 32. Average n u m b ers/sampler and ranges (in parenthesis) of each macroinvertebrate taxon collected from artificial substrate samplers at Station 5 on the M adison River on each sampling date. Averages are rounded to the nearest w h o l e number and dashes indicate zero counts. Taxon Sampling date 10/8 11/6 Annual 1977 1976 12/1 3/16 ’ 5/14 6/16 Mean 7/17 9/21 3 (1-5) 2 2 . (1-2) 5 (1-4) ~ (2-8) - 2 - <1 10, - I Plecoptera Pteronarays Claassenia oalifomiaa sabulosa Hesperoperla paoifioa Isoperla spp. Pteronaroella 2 2 (1-3) badia Total Plecoptera <1 - - . - 20 (13-29) I (1-1) - (0-4) 2 - (1-3) <1 13 (7-22) 26 (16-35) 2 13 (0-8) 2 3 (3-4) (0-5) 5 4 (3-4) ~ <1 (5-19) I spp. <1 ■ (1-3) 10 ■ Skwala parallela Alloperla - 10 (3-24) ■ (5-7) 25 I S I I - (15-44) - (0-1). (0-1) - - - - - <1 17 32 7 7 IS (3-11) (4-9) - ' (0-6) - <1 <1 15 3 (9-25) (1-5) . (9-31) (22-49) ■■ Ephemeroptera Ephemerella Baetis inemris intermedins '9 (7-13) I • (0-3) Psuedoaleon edmundsi Paraleptophlebia heteronea Heptagenia elegantula Shithrogena undulata I r i e o r y t h o d e s .m i n u t u s Ephemera simulans Choropterpes Unidentified O' albiannulata species - 4 (0-7) - 30 (16-43) 2 (1-3) 8 (2-13) <1 3 4 (1-5) I (0-2) - (1-8) ' I (0-2) ’ - - 18 (8-37) 13 (7-17) <1 5 (0-11) 2 14 . 45 (12-113) <1 - 120 ( 1 09-127) 41 (22-57) <1 3 (0-4) I - (0-1) <1 - 4 - (1-6) - - - - ■ (0-9) ■ <1 - 27 (16-46) 29 (17-42) <1 ■■ 20 (0-65) I ' <1 (0-1) I 2 (0-1) 6 (0-3) I (0-2) 48 (22-74) I (0-4) 15 . '25 . <1 3 ■ 4 (2-11) . (14-16) - - 32 237 (18-55)(165-278) <1 7 - '2? (2-13) 2 - I 16 se (5-27) <i ' i <i (0-5) " Total Ephemeroptera .18 - (10-28) 45 (25-66) • 39. (23-70) 58 169 (18-132)(140-194) 90 (84-93) 273 ( 1 79-348) 82 (71-93) 97 ; Table 32. (Continued) 1976 Taxon Sampling date • 10/8 11/6 1977 12/1 3/16 5/14 6/16 Annual 7/17 9/21 Mean Trichoptera spp. Hydropsyahe Cheiamtopsyche Glossosoma spp. spp. P r o t o p t i l a spp. Braohycentrus oacidentalis Oecetis avara 82 (72-100) 50 (48-51) 6 (4-9) - Lepidostoma veleda Hydroptila 12 (9-17) - sp. Leucotridhia piotipes - Zumatriohia notosa Psyahomyia flaoida total Trichoptera 34 (25-46) 26 (15-37) 3 (0-6) 9 ' (7-11) 4 (2-5) I (0-1) - 19 (9-36) - - 13 81 149 (133-166) (51-125) (13-14) 272 108 6 99 166 (4-9) (135-499) (87-125) (54-186)(141-191) 92 4 11 ■ 19 83 (2-4) (3-17) (17-21) (37-164) (70-96) <1 <1 I I 16 9 • 5 (5-14) (0-3) (0-1) (14-20) (0-10) <1 I I (0-3) (0-3) I (0-3) 2 5 7 4 9 (0-5) (0-15) (0-19) (0-13) (1-5) I (0-3) <1 I <1 * - 97 287 14 152 209 262 (10-21)(124-523)(134-166)(116-393)(221-303) 146 36 <1 <1 S <1 <1 7 <1 <1 <1 Diptera Tipula - sp. - Hesxitoma sp. - Simulium sp. 3 (1-4) - . 9 (1-18) 4 (3-6) 12 (5-19) 5 (4-6) sp. Chironomidae Antoeha .Total Diptera ' I - - - - - - - - - - 4 (0-12) - • <1 I 5 I (0-16) (0-3) (0-5) • ■147 113 44 (83-217) (9-241) (29-55) I (0-3) <1 62 (42-93) I (0-1) 2 (1-2) 10 (0-21) 36 (8-72) 4 (0-3) 152 114 45 (99-217) (19-244) (29-57) 63 (42-98) 49 (30-67) <i 56 <i 3. <1 52 Table 32. (Continued) 1977 1976 Taxon Sampling date 10/8 11/6 12/1 3/16 5/14 6/16 Annual 7/17 9/21 3 2 (0-4). . (0-3) <1 I (0-3) I (6-2) I (0-5) 3 (2-3) 3 (3-3) 3 (0-4) 2 (0-5) 6 Mean Coleoptera Optiosirvus <1 Miaroayloeppus Total Coleoptera <1 - - - - - '- - - - 3 (2-3) I . I 2 Amphipoda Eyalella azteaa <1 - <1 - I <1 I (0-3) - <1 - Isopoda ■A s e l l u s sp. - - <1 - - - - - Gastropoda Ferrissia sp. Average total number invertebrates/ sampler • Average number taxa/ sampler - 157 200 (167-219)(96-210). 14 ' (13-16) 14. (13-16) 74 (46-111) 11 (11-12) ' 228 633 (193-262)(438-955) 10 (9-12) 14 (12-15) - 322 (292346) 555 (360- • 845) 410 _ (360-486) 323 15 (13-16) 15 (13-16) 16 (14-18) 16 99 Table 33. Frequency of occurrence of taxa on artificial substrate samplers at each station from September, 1976 through September, 1977 on the Madison River. ' Station I Taxon No. Samplers Plecoptera Pteronarcidae Ptevonavcys califovnioa Newport Pteivonavcella badia Perlidae , Claassenia'-sabulosd Banks Eespevopevla-paeifiea Banks Perlodidae Cultus tostonus Ricker Skwala pavallela Prison Isopevla spp. Chloroperlidae Allopevla spp. Ephemeroptera Ephemerellidae Ephemevella inevmis Eaton Ephemevella gvandis Eaton Baetidae Baetis (intevmedius) Dodds Psuedocleon edmundsi Jensen Heptageniidae Eeptagenia elegantula Eaton Epeovus sp. Rhithvogena Banks Leptophlebiidae Pavaleptophlebia hetevonea ■ McDunnough Chovoptevpes ■albianulata McDunnough Siphlonuridae Ameletus sp. Ephemeridae Ephemeva Walker (36) 2 3 (33). . (35) ''■ 4 5 (33) (26) ' .67 O .61 .0 .19 . .39 ' .12 .47 .15 . .03 .63 .06 .50 .08 0 0 ,09 .48 .65 .04 O .03 .56 .12 0 0 .39 .23 .03 .03. 0 .78 .67 .85 .58 .69 . .29 .79 .12 1.00 ■0 .94 O .88 1.00 .0 1.00 .88 .03 .08 ■ .14 .03 .06 .06 .51 .0 0 .36 .18 .30 .50 .11 .11 .06 .09 0 .03 . . •46 O 0 0 .12 ;15 O .18 0 0 0 O 0 0 . 6 .03 .03 .06 0 .06 . .31 .64 . .88 • 0 .12 0 .31 i04 100 Table 33. (Continued) ______________ Station____ .. 2 3 4 '5 Ephemeroptera (continued) Tricorythidae Triaorythodes minutus Traver Unidentified family Unidentified sp. O O .26 .64 .73 08 .03 O O .08 .83 .44 .19 .67 .46 .24 .50 .03 .21 .97 .08 1.00 .21 .06 .14 Trichoptera Hydropsychidae Hydropsyche spp. Cheumatopsyahe spp. Aratopsyahe inermis Banks Glossosomatidae Glossosoma spp. Protoptila spp. Brachycentridae 1.00 1.00 1.00 .74 ■ 1.00 0 .97 ■ .03 0 0 0 .04 .03 0 .09 .14 .79 .18 .PO .03 .03 .03 .09 .33 .15 .56 .30 <$- 1 i—I Taxon .27 .12 .03 O O O .06 0 0 .39 .09 .06 .49 .18 .15 .58 .08 .08 .03 0 0 0 .50 .58 .03 0 .04 .19 .12 0 .09 o .11 .18 . .11 0 0 O 0. . 0 P O 0 Braahyaentrus oocidentalis Banks Amiooentrus aspilus Ross Leptoceridae Ceraalea spp. Oeoetis- avara Banks 0 0 0 Psychomiidae Psyohonryia flavida Hydroptilidae Hydroptila sp. ■ Leuootriahia piotipes Banks Zumatriahia notosa Rhyaoophila ooloradensis Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma veleda Denning Helicopsychidae Helioopsyohe borealis Hagen . Diptera Rhagionidae Atherix variegata Miegen Tipulidae Tipula s p . ■ .04 101 Table 33,' (Continued) -' ■ Station Taxon Diptera - Tipulidae (Continued Eexatoma sp. Antoeha sp. Simulidae S-Lrmlium sp.. ■Chironomidae I 2 3. .O .28 O .30 .03 O . -.28 .97 . .42 . .97 .91 .97 ' 4 ' 5 .08 . .04 .03 ' .12 .94 ■ .89 1/00 • ' . Lepidoptera ■ Pyralidae Parargyraatis eonifUsalis Walker O - O .52 .35 . .52 .27 .03 .38 .23 ■ Coleoptera Elmidae .58 Optioservus sp. . Miaroayioeppus sp. Lara sp. Hemiptera Corixidae Sigara sp. ' .0 .55 .09 O ■ .03 O 0 O ;o . o O O .06 0 O O .03 .09 .04 O O . .,17 . .03 , .08 .03 ■ : . V : .21 .04 , Amphipoda Taltridae Eyalella azteaa Saussure Isopoda Asellidae Asellus sp. Gastropoda '' Ferrissia sp. Lymnaeidae Lyrmaea-'sp . Physidae Physa sp. Planorbidae Gyraulis sp. Pelycypoda Sphaeriidae Pisidium sp. "O'" .1 1 . , .61 . .03 O O ■ .. O ..1 2 ; .48 . o O , . O ' .09 0 .03 ^ V 0 -; ,03 . f 0 , . . O''' ■ Q 102 Table 34. 2 Mean oven dried weights (mg) of major taxa per 0.20m artificial substrate sampler taken at stations on the Madison River in December, 1976 and March , May, July and September, 1977. Station Taxa I .2 " 4 . 3 5 December Plecoptera Ephemeroptera Trichoptera Diptera Gastropoda Other Total 65 8 14 14 <1 6. . 0 5 3 3 15 14 13 8 12 ' 11 27 I 0 _0 0 . _0 _L 53 41 4 9 17 .0 _JL 113 .33 19 2 10 I 13 I 90 4 I 3 20 11 20 I 18 71 • 12 23 8 0 March . 52 105 76 • 41 Plecoptera Ephemeroptera Trichoptera Diptera Gastropoda Other _0 0 _0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 20 35 120 248 152 248 208 399 520 891 89 184 I 22 0 Maz Plecoptera Ephemeroptera Trichoptera Diptera Gastropoda Other 160 62 16 Total 162 120 I 14 130 .6 0 12 310 680 1140 8 63 33 1219 1011 . 161 475 9 . . 0 0 1656 103 Table 34. (Continued) ' :• Station 2 I Taxa . 3. 4 5 July Plecoptera Ephemeroptera Trichoptera Diptera Gastropoda Other Total - ' - - 376 0 20 34 834 113 140 27 38 42 643 152 38 20.5 29 545 ,I. 67 144 . 0 2 0 3 6 0 2 983 425. 764 3 16 78 15 , 237 18 141 18 September Plecoptera Ephemeroptera Trichoptera Diptera Gastropoda Other Total 80 212 0 11 176 3 44 3 191 23 81 30 1335 92 0 • 21 ■ 6 0 5 21 0 12 ' 320 510 1462 154 426 Table 35 ■. V . .■ . ,2 Numbers- o f ■invertebrates per taxon'In 0.25m „ . bottom samples at Station I on 'thfe,Madison River in 1977. . Ave. Taxon Date . . Feb. 6 Sample No. Plecoptera ■ Pteronaroys ealifomica Clqassenta sabulosa Ees-perq-perlapaoifioa Cultus tostonus Skwala parallela Isoperlq spp. .Alloperla spp. Total Plecoptera Ephemeroptera Ephemerella inermis Ephemerella grandis Baeti-s intermedius Psuedooleon edmundsi Heptagenia elegantula Rhithrogena unduldta Paraleptophlebia heteronea Total Ephemeroptera Trichoptera Hydropsyohe spp. Cheumatopsyohe spp. Arotopsyohe inermis Glossosoma . ■ Protoptila • ' Braohyoehtrus oooidentali's Amiocentrus aspilus ■ Ceraolea spp. Oecetis avara Psyohomyia flavida ■ " Hydroptila sp, . Lepidostoma veleda ■ Helioopsyohe borealis Total Trichoptera I . 2 I 2 28 39 - :3 - I 5 ’- 3 I . 2 O . I 21 .14. 33 28 2 I 16 6 0 21 2 0 o. 26 .0 - I 0. 0 58 63 5.7. 79 168 118 .. 42 1 6 93 89 : i I 57 48 I . 0 I 0 0 I 75 65 6. 31 -3 ■ ■2 I H O 70 4 . ,0 .52 108 2 '2 140 . o 3 2 I I 0 0 ■Q 4 0 I 4- .0 44 53 8 3 .260 324 0, 0 I v: ' 2. 4 ■ 0 I 61 I . I 0 ■ 35 3 2 0 .. ■ 48 21 0 64 300 192 240 0 - 4 38. 154. 320 0 0 0 81 10 222 0 0 0 ■0 ' I. 0 4 39. 10 0 .0 10 68 142 151 ■ 7 92 ' 21 9 650 491 357 79 10 : 35 <1 ■2 . 16 o 0 . ■1 \ 44 • 151 .200 ■ 5 0 6 0 . Ho. '29 - 22 2 4 ■■ ■ Z : ■ 49 . ^ ,. 0 -■ 2 ■ ;0 0 o ■ 1 <1 ' . 0 0 ' '10 0 <2" ■ 0. 32 54 30 286 181 92 .11 0 0 2 I . -.0 . o 2 4 64 54. Aug . 22 13 38 154 179 ‘ May 14 32 860 130 ■ 114 ■ '3. . 135 2 • 5 '3 ■ '<1' <1 ‘ 4 . '14 ■ <1 68 . 34 497. 103 Table 35. (Continued) Taxon Date Sample No. Diptera Athevix vaviegata Antocha sp. Sirmtivm sp. Cavdioeladius sp. Cvieotopus sp. Othoeladius sp. Pavametvioenemus sp. Theinemanniella sp. Mievotendipes sp. Polypedilum, sp. Rheotanytavsus sp. Diamesa sp. A Diamesa sp. B Sympotthastia sp. Total Diptera Coleoptera Optiosevvus sp. Mievoeyloeppus sp. Total Coleopteta Gastropoda Fevvissia sp. Lymnaea s p . Physa sp. Total Gastropoda Pelycypoda Pisidium s p ; Total number invertebrates Feb . 6 I 2 26 5 I O O O O O O O O 23 I 2 O 49 O O O O O 7 O O 24 O O 57 14 23 11 6 2 . I May 14 I Aug. 22 2 I 2 36 5 O O O O O . 7 6 O O O O O 16 . O O O I O 4 O 0' O O O 48 81 18 O O 9 O 18 43 11 8 2 4 I 6 0. 0 10 ,203 0 . 17 3 0 0 0 8 0 21 3 57 278 26 7 33. I O I 39 . 12 ■ 51 49 19 0 16 24 I 3 O .O O 4 0 0 8 12 O I 3 4 6 6 20 24 I O O O 555 653 2 0 2 963 715 68 Ave. No. 27 4' I . 2 I 3 <1 I' 39 3 I 7 2 4 95 25 7 32 3 3 7 51 . 58 ' <1 .3 ■15 18 I 2 I 873 1416 863 106 Table 36. 2 Numbers of invertebrates per taxon .,in 0.25m bottom samples at Station 2 on the Madison River in 1977. Taxon Date Sample No. Plecoptera Pteronaroys caltfornioa Ctaassenia sdbulosa Eesperoiperla paoifioa Isoperla spp. Cultus tostonus Alloperla spp. Total Plecoptera Ephemeroptera Ephemerella inermis Ephemerella grandis Baetis intermedius Psuedooleon edmundsi Paraleptophlehia heteronea Eeptagenia elegantula Rhithrogena undulata Trioorythodes minutus Unidentified species Total Ephemeroptera Trichoptera Eydropsyohe spp. Cheumatopsyohe spp. Arotopsyohe inernris Glossosoma spp. Protopiila spp. Braohyoentrus oooidentalis Oeoetis avara Lepidostoma veleda Eelicopsyohe horealis Psyohomyia flavida Total Trichoptera Fet>. 6 May 14 Aug.. 22 I 2 I 2 I ■. 2 3 I O 16 5 O 25 10 I .7 I 7 40 I 57 3 4 16 3 .0 8 2 0 0 0 0 10 3 5 24 3 I 47 123 142 6 6 O 2 12 0 17 2 0 0 0 0 50 19 104 136 8 67 8 16 I 17 42 0 0 0 I 3 3 0 0 0 55 31 .0 46 0 O O 0 151 215 0 0 0 153 268 0 19 0 0 0 0 2 3 25 45 64 59 ' 60 94 58 7 21 15 32 2 I 4 0 0 160 17 19 51 20 I 0 I 0 3 16 I 7 23 90 6 16 0 0 0 18 O 28 25 23 I 0 o ■ 18 O 2 14 4 ■ .2 ■ 2 337 138 219 155 178 Ave. No. 7 4 I 11 15 I 55 85 14 12 18 I <1 I 0 0 ■ <1 24 0 <1 2, 0 I 135 20 I 0 8 7 0 70 0 88 20 69 103 13 378 55 23 • I ■ 56 I 38 7 27 20 6 235 107 Table 36. (Continued) Taxon Date Sample No. Diptera Atherix variegata Tiyula sp. Hexatoma sp. Simulium sp. Diaranota sp. ■ Antooha sp. Cardioaladius sp. Criootapus sp. Eukiefferiella sp. Othooladius sp. Theinemanniella sp Miorotendipes sp. Fhaenopseotra s p . Polypedilum sp. Rheotanytarsus sp. Diamesa sp. A Sympotthastia sp. Total Diptera Coleoptera Optioservus s p . ■ Miorooyloeppus sp. Total Coleoptera Feb . 6 Aug. 22 I 2 I 2 I 2 10 16 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 15 O 25 2 O O I O O O O I O O O O I O I O O O 3 O O O O O 30 O 35 26 O O . I O I 24 O O O O . O 3 O O 3 ii i 12 O O I I O O O O O O O O O 10 O 30 6 O O O O O 9 O 18 2 O I I 3 23 4 O O O I 63 8 21 I 9 3 O O 72 13 <1 <1 <1 <1 I<1 <1 I 2 2 7 I 2 I 11 <1 41 I 4 4 I 8 39 19 51 4 O I 5 O O O 2 11 2 O 20 2 10 O O 6 2 12 114 245 .I 370 O I I O O O O O O 388 554 527 O O 3 O 3 9 O 15 Pelycypoda Pisidium•s p . Sphaerium sp. Total Pelycypoda O O O O O O 2 357 543 49 18 67 Ave. No. 17 I 18 Gastropoda Ferrissia sp. Lyrmaea sp. Physa sp. Gyraulis sp. Total Gastropoda Total number invertebrates May 14 20 6 26 46 I 60 5 I <1 I 882 542 5 ■ 0 108 Table 37. 2 Numbers of invertebrates per taxon in 0,25m bottom samples at Station 3 on-the Madison.River in 1977. Date Taxon Sample No. Plecoptera 'Pteronarcys oalifomtca Isoperla spp. Alloperla spp. Total Plecoptera Ephemeroptera Ephemerella -inermis Ephemerella grandis Baetis intermedins Paraleptophlebia heteronea Ueptagenia elegantula Trieorythodes minutus Total Ephemeroptera Trichoptera Hydropsyehe spp. Chenivatopsyehe spp. 1 Ceraelea spp. Oeeetis avara Lepidostoma veleda ■ Hydroptila s p . Leueotriehia pietipes Znmatriehia notosa Psyehomyia flavida Total Trichoptera Diptera Atherix variega’ta Simulinm sp. Crieotopus. sp. Eukiefferiella sp. Othoeladius Sp . Chironomous Sp. Glyptotendipes sp. _ Feb. 6 May 14. Aug. 22 Ave. No. I 2 I 2 I 2 I 3 I 5 2 I I I I O 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I 2 0 0 2 2 I I 2 36 I I 0 4 0 42 25 O 46 I 3 86 0 0 0 0 21 23 2 14 I 3 5 57 12 9 3 O 14 O 51 0 0 2 50 100 26 200 54 62 5 5 0 O 0 O 43 24 0 O 0 .O 0 O 128 293 245 232 230 170 0 0 0 0 61 9 34 0 I 17 616 5 3 O O O O 0 38 I 5 0 2 2 0 2 I 4 0 I 0 ' 0 46 4 0 0 20 0 9 34 64 2768 1958 904 2264 1306 ' 681 32 7 0 0 . 21 47 0 20 2 4 0 . 0 ' -17 0 0 . 0 4 3 .I 0 I 2 0 I 9 32 .0 4. 460 5032 3351 1647' 0 .4 I 3 0 0 0 0 I I 0 . 4 9 0 0 5 13 0 0 0 0 9 2 I 3 .25 ' <1 I 109 Table 37. (Continued) . Aye. Taxon Date Feb. 6 Sample No. Diptera (continued) Miarotendipes s p . Paraahii3Pnomus sp. Paraoladopelma sp. Polypedilum sp. Rheotanytarsus sp. Diamesa sp. A Diamesa sp. B Total Diptera May 14 I 2 I O O O O O O O O 11 2 15 6 O . O O O . O O O O O O O O O 2 385 274 403 312 Aug. 22 2 I ' 2 O O O No. I I 3 12 6 3 3 4 O O O O O 2 5 I 111 141 2 54 8 24 41 Lepidoptera Parargyraatis aonfusalis 11 ■ O O O O 32 36 O O O O O 5 5 O O O 4 13 .17 19 31 3 6 . 9 O I O O O O ■ <1 I O I O I O . 283 362 25 4 40 40 126 . O O O O .0 2 0 0 0 I <1 I 5211 3351 1963 Coleoptera Optioservus sp. Miaroayloeppus sp. O O Total Coleoptera 12 ' Amphipoda ■ Hyalella dzteaa Decapoda Orconeotes sp. Isopoda . Asellus s p . . I- ■ Gastropoda Perrissia Gyraulis ■sv > Total Gastropoda ■ Total number invertebrates O I . -o .. I 2 O 863 1026 2 751 573 ■ O . O HO 2 Table 38. Numbers of invertebrates per taxo.n'in 0.25m bottom samples in Station 4 on the Madison River in 1977. Taxon Date Sample No. Plecoptera Ftevonavoys oattfovnioa Hespevoipevla pacif-iea Isopevla spp. Cultus tostonus Skwala pavallela Ptevonavcella badia Total Plecoptera Ephemeroptera Ephemevella Inevmis Ephemevella gvandis. Baetis intevmedius., Psuedooleon edmundsi Pavaleptophlebia hetevonea Eeptagenia elegantula Ehithvogena undulata Tvioovythodes minutus Unidentified species Total Ephemeroptera Trichoptera Hydvopsyohe spp. Cheumatopsyohe spp. Glossosoma spp. Pvotoptila spp. Bvaohyoentvus oooidentalis. Amiooentvus aspilus Cevaolea spp. Oeoetis avava Helioopsyohe bovealis Hydvoptila sp. Leuootviohia pictipes Zumatviohia notosa Feb. 6 I 11 2 14 O O O 27 73 O 91 O May 14 2 I 6 . 4 I O 3 O O O 14 O O Aug. 22 2 I 2 2 27 O O O 4 O 31 3 O O O 8 O 9 .4 O O 15 35 44 42 0 2 0 5 15 15 0 0 0 0 120 0 2 22 0 0 68 0 0 0 8 O 11 0 0 44 I 2 I I 3 12 2 0 0 I 0 2 0 0 0 55 63 67 191 79 4 127 374 372 245 201 57 27 120 68 120 3 I 144 3 I 91 0 0 0 0 0 .0 O 170 198 163 422 248 0 0 0 0 46 33 0 0 0 12 0 4 47 I 55 0 0 0 0 - 0 I 2 50 3 2 0 3 4 60 54 119 . I 4 6 4 6 5 5 - 2 3 13 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 16 2 7 ■ I Ave. No. 9 I 6 I 2 <1 19 32 <1 40 <1 I 3 I 33 'I 112 218 217 15 I 61 I 3 22 24 19 3 '2 Ill Table 38. (Continued) Ave. Taxon Date Sample No. Trichoptera (Continued) Psyehomyia f lavida Neetopsyehe s p . Total Trichoptera Feb . 6 I 2 4 O O O 722 512 May 14 I 2 Aug. 22 I No. 2 7 4 . 0 2 O 0 3 932 682 . 368 320. 10 4 I 589 Diptera Simulium sp. Antoeha sp. Cavdioeladius sp. Cvieotopus sp. Eukieffeviella sp. Othoeladius sp. Micvotendipes s p . Pavaeladopelma sp. Polypedilum sp. Eheotanytavsus sp. Nilotanypus sp. Theinemannemyia group Diamesa sp. A Diamesa sp. B Total Diptera Lepidoptera Pavavgyvaetis eonfusalis Coleoptera Opti&sevvus sp. Mievocyloeppus sp. Total Coleoptera Decapoda Oveoneetes s p . 6 2 4 O 31 6 22 O O O O I 14 2 O O O 30 O 28 O O O O O 24 201 222 313 306 O I 7 O O 3 2 0 10 O 15 0 0 0 0 0 I 4 I I 0 12 0 19 0 13 8 9 0 O O 0 0 2 0 0 4 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 50 50 5 0" 0 0 9 0 I 8 4 9 4 I 3 <1 11 3 15 33 I <1 I 6 71 227 14 10 10 15 19 20 15 28 6 12 40 3 9 36 14 50 16 17 33 26 52 78 34 96 130 24 ■ 32 56 .O O 0 0 I 0 <1 112 Table 38. (Continued) Aye. Taxon Date Sample N o . Gastropoda FepiyIssva sp. Physa sp. Total Gastropoda Pelycypoda Pvsavdiion sp. Sphaevvum s p . Total Pelycypoda Total number invertebrates Feb • 6 . May 14 Aug., 22 No, I 2 I 2 I 2 13 O 13 22 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 I 7 6 20 13 I 8 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 . 5 10 1097 862 743 629 26 1325 957 I 5 5 113 Table 39. 2 Numbers of invertebrates per taxon in 0.25m bottom samples in Station 5 on the Madison River in 1977. Aue. Taxon Date Sample No. Plecoptera Ptevonavoys odli-fornioa Claassenia sabulosa Eesiperoiperla paeifiaa Isoperla spp. Cultus tostonus Skwala parallela Pteronaroella badia Total Plecoptera Ephemeroptera Ephemerella inemrls Baetis intermedius Paraleptophlebia heteronea Eeptagenia elegantula Rhithrogena undulata Trioorythodes minutus Ephemera simulans Ephoron album Unidentified species Total Empemeroptera Trichoptera Eydropsyohe spp. Cheumatopsyohe spp. Glossosoma spp. Protoptila spp. Braohyoentrus oooidentalis Amiooentrus aspilus Oeoetis avara Lepidostoma veleda Eelioopsyohe borealis Eydropti la s p . Leuaotriohia piatipes Feb. 6 I 3 26 O 3 O 0. O 32 May 14 Aug., 22 2 I 2 I 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 . 0 - 5 0 0 0 12 0 12 0 0 0 16 0 15 0 0 I 31 7 I 0 0 11 152 254 15 5 . I O O 0 2 O O 0 I 3 0 O 0 O 273 160 192 26 368 113. 70 580 189 60 6 12 0 . 2 456 145 21 10 19 14 0 8 0 0 10 8 0 183 170 0 0 13 0 0 14 I 0 0 0 233 15 3 0 7 I I 8 0 0 0 13 128 27 3 0 7 7 I 0 4 177 2 I 0 6 0 0 28 38 0 12 8 .8 132 0 0 0 0 . 12 96 I 2 0 180 157 354 109 50 9 384 660 280 380 0 0 2 2 21 ,2 11 0 :5 2 - 5 Q No. . 8 0 20 .0 I 64 128 0 0 0 0 4 I 9 <1 6 <1 2 <1 18 121 23 I 3 7 32 I <1 I 197 399 260 34 7 9 I ' 13 4 34 61 I 114 Table 39. (Continued) Aye. Taxon Sample No. Trichoptera (Continued) Zumatridhia notosa Psyahomyia flavida Total Trichoptera Diptera Atherix sp. Tipula sp. Eexatoma s p . Simulium sp. Cardioaladius sp. Criaotopus sp. Eukiefferiella sp. Othoaladius sp. Chironomous sp. Diarotendipes sp. Miarotendipes s p . Phaenopseatra sp. Polypedilum sp. Rheotanytarsus sp. Diamesa sp. A Diamesa sp. A ■ Total Diptera Lepidoptera Parargyraatis aonfusalis Coleoptera Optioservus sp. Miaroayloeppus sp. Total Coleoptera Odonata Ophiogomphus sp. Feb. 6 Date May 14 Aug,. 2 2 I. I 2 I O I 826 O I 760 O 871 I O 5 5 9 O O 4 6 5 I O O ■ 4 7 5 2 6 I O O 6 3 I 15 O O O 2 I I ’ O 4 I 11 17 O O O I O 5 2 2 .2 10 I 3 4 O .6 518 1147 . 810 O 2 O I O O O I O O O O O O O 3 O O O O 6 O O O 15 O O O O O O . 0 23 7 •' Do. 3 2 <1 ' '3 2 3 0 ' <1 8 34 7 20 2 0 I 0 I . o 8 20 <1 0 IS 70 2 12. 5 0 3 0 61 156 O O 4 0. 21 10 4 65 13 73 O O 42 4 2 . I 4 128 120 43 8 I 4 19 23 48 154 60 200 202 260 . 22 75 : 97 O I 0 <1 5 13. 2 3 16 .65 83 O I O 115 Table 39. (Continued) Date Taxon Sample No. Amphipoda Hyalella azteea Decapoda Oraoneates sp. ■ Isopoda Asellus sp. Gastropoda Ferrissia sp. Pelycypoda Pisaidium sp. Sphaerium sp. Total Pelycypoda ' Feb . 6 May 14 .. Aug. 22 Ave.■ No. I 2 I 2 I 2 O 2 O O O O ' <1 I I O . o I I I 3 . I O O . O O I O O 3 O O .I O O O O O O O I I O . <1 O ■■<1 I O I O O O Total number Invertebrates 1115 1153 1241 I I 2 794 1707 1509 .1253 116 Table 40 2 Average numbers/m of selected tax^ of aquatic inverte­ brates collected frgm eight 0.20 m artificial substrate samplers and 0.25 m bottom samplers (in italics) at stations on the Madison River in May and August, 1977. Dashes indicate incomplete data. Station Taxa ' Plecoptera Ephemerop tera Trichoptera Diptera Lepidoptera Coleoptera Odonata Decapoda Isopoda Gastropoda Pelycypoda 40 200 245 720 810 2360 315 484 0 0 10 164 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 115 0 4 Aver, total n o .^ invertebrates/m I 2 1470 3 4 40 132 305 464 590 1048 410 180 0 0 25 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 388 0 ■■ 8 4 5 830 248 7475 9376 610 124 52 70 2 0 0 0 4 0 5 112 <1 0 0 0 64 105 670 446 1130 2304 1400 144 64 150 20 292 0. 0 2 0 0 0 4 5 2 0 — 1450 2288 8995 9884 3345 3532 - 5252 5 - - - 44 748 3344 226 134 568 <1 ■4 4 4 5 AVer. no. taxa/ sampler 14 25 18 24 10 16 16 22 — 23 Total no. taxa collected 28 . 31 32 35 21 24 30 38 - 41 117 Table 41. Quality values from Hilsenhoff (1977) assigned to macro­ invertebrates collected in 1977 from the Madison River and used in calculating the biotic index. Plecoptera P. cal-tfovnioa I, P. badia I*, C. sdbulesa I*, R. Pacifi-Oa I*, C. tostonua O*, S. pavatlela I*, Isoperla spp. 0, Alloperld spp. 0*. Ephemeroptera E. inermis 2*, E. grandis 0, Baetis sp. 3, H. eleganiula 2, Epeorus sp. 0, R. undulata 0, P. heteronea I, C. albiarmulata 3*, T. nrinutus 2. Trichoptera Hydropsyehe spp. 3, Cheumatopsyehe spp. 4, A. inermis 0*, Glassosoma spp. I, Protoptila spp. I, B. oeeidentalis I, A. aspilus 2, Ceraelea sp. 2, O. avara 2, Neetopsyahe sp. 2, P. flavida 2, Hydroptila sp. 3, L.- pietipes 3, 2. notosa 3*, P. eoloradensis 0, L. veleda 2, ff. borealis I. Dipera A. variegata 2, Tipula sp. 2, Hexatoma sp. 3, Bieranota sp. I, Antoaha sp. 2, Simulium sp. 3, Cardioeladius sp. 4, Cricotopus ,sp. 4, Eukieferriela sp. 2, Miaroariaotopus sp. 3*, Orthoaladius sp. 4, Parametrionemus sp. I, Theinemanniella sp. 0*, Chironomus sp. 5, Dierotendipes sp. I, . Glyptotendipes sp. 5, Miarotendipes sp. 2, Paraehironomous sp. 2, Paraeladopelma sp. 3, Phaenopseetra sp. I, Polypedillum sp. 3, Rheotanytarsus sp. 0, Theinemannemyia group 4, Diamesa sp. A I, Diamesa sp. B 3. Lepidoptera P. eonfusalis Amphipoda Hyallela azteea 4. Isopoda Asellus sp. 5. Gastropoda Physa. s-p. I*, Lymnae sp. 2*. 3*. *Values assigned on the basis of this study and/or MSU collections. 118 Table 42. List of adult aquatic insects collected on the upper and lower Madison River with the range of dates' of collection. • Collections were made in 1977 unless otherwise noted. Location of Collection Taxa lower river . upper river Plecoptera Pteronarcidae Ptevonavoys Oattfovntoa Newport 6/5 - 6/11 6/17 - 6/23 7/6 6/6 - 6/11 7/16 6/17 - 6/23 4/4 - 4/30 4/30 - 6/6 7/9 - 8/8 6/12 - 6/30 6/10 4/16 6/6 - 7/6 7/27 6/13 6/15 — — —.— - - — —. 6/18 . 6/29 6/30 - 7/20 7/7 - 7/27 4/30 — —' Perlidae Claassenta sdbulosa Banks Hegpevopevla pa&tfiaa Banks Perlodidae Skwala pavallel'd Prison Isopevla fulva Claasen Isopevla movmona Banks Isopevla patvtota Prison Cultus tostonus Ricker 6/6 - 6/23 Chloroperlidae Allopevla .setieva Hagen Tvtznaka stgnata Banks Sweltsa oolovadensts Banks Suwatlta palltdula Banks Suwatlta ltneosa Banks Taeniopterigidae Taentonema sp. Banks' Ephemeroptera Leptophebiidae Pavaleptophlebta hetevonea McDunnough. I 6/20 - 6/21 7/20 7/20 - - 5/13 - 6/13 8/22. 6/271 6/20 - 7/1,5 — — — 6/17 6/6 - 6/23 7/11 7/2,0 Tricorythidae Tvtoovythodes minutus Traver Baetidae Baetts tntevmedtus Dodds Pseudooleon edrmmdst Jensen Calllbaetts sp. Ephemerellidae Ephemevella gvandis Eaton Ephemevella.,Inevmts Eaton Table 42. (Continued) Location of Collection Taxa Ephemeroptera (Continued) Heptageniidae Eeptagenia elegantula Eaton Rhithnogena undulata Banks Epeonus sp. Siphlonuridae Ameletus sp. lower river upper river 6/8 — 6/29 6/15 5/1 — 6/24 - — 5/6 - 5/16 Trichoptera Rhyacophillidae Rhyaeophila eolonadensis group — 7/13 — Helicopsychidae Eelieopsyehe honealis Hagen 6/23 7/20 - 6/30 - 7/13 Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma veleda Denning “ Polycentropidae Psyehomyia f lccoida 5/28 - 6/27 6/20 - 7/2 6/7 - 6/23 6/18 6/15 - 7/4 — — — — 4/30 - 6/6 6/5 - 7/13 5/14 7/12 - 7/27 Glossosomatidae Glossosoma veldna Ross Glossosoma montana Ross Pnotoptila eoloma Ross 6/20. - 7/13 Brachycentridae Bnaehyeentnus oecidentalis '&a-aks Amioeentnus aspilus Ross Leptoceridae Nectopsyehe sp. Oeeetis avana Banks Cenaelea annulieo.nnis Stephen Cenaelea eopha Ross 6/12 6/15 6/13 6/13 - 6/23 8/22 6/29 6/15 — — 6/13 — — ----- - Hydroptilidae Leuaotniehia pietipes Banks Zumatniehia notosa Eydnoptila sp . Dalman .Oehnotniahia s ^ . Mosely 6/6 - 6/24 n 6/20 - 6/29 5/26 - 6/12. 6/22 - 6/3p — “ “ — - - — ~ - 7/27 120 •Table 42 (Continued) Location of Collection Iotirer river Taxa upper river I Trichoptera (Continued) Hydropsychidae • Aratopsyehe inernrls Banks Cheumatopsyohe l&gant Gordon Chewnatopsyahe sp. Hydropsyohe oooidentaUs Banks Hydropsyahe cookerelli Banks Hydropsyahe bronta Ross hydropsyche jewetti Denning 6/18 - 6/23 6/5 - 8/22 6/14 - 7/9 • 6/5 - 6/15 5/31 - 8/3 Lepidoptera Pyralidae Parargyraatis aonfusalis Walker ^Collected in 1978 6/25 - 6/271 7/7 6/30 - 7/27 7/7 6/5 - 6/29 t Fraley, John J Effects of elevated summer water temperatures below Ennes Reservoir ... 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