5.73 Lecture #19 19 - 1 Density Matrices I (See CTDL pp. 252-263, 295-307**, 153-163, 199-202, 290-294) Last time: Variational Method ˜˜ Linear variation: 0 = H − ε S ⇒ 0 = H − ε dε ψ = ∑ cnφ n =0 dc n n 1 [Variation vs. pert. theory TODAY ψ phase ambiguity – but for all observables each state always appears as a bra and a ket. what is needed to encode motion in the probability density? A superposition of eigenstates belonging to several different values of E. coherent superposition vs. statistical mixture: think about polarized light ρ no phase ambiguity “coherences” in off-diagonal position “populations” along diagonal A = Tr (ρ A) = Tr ( Aρ ) Quantum Beats prepared state → ρ detection → D (detect or destroy coherences) ρ (t ) Α t ∂Α d i Α = Η , Α] + [ h ∂t dt dρ = [Η (t ), ρ ] ih * state: dt ρ * evolution: H * detection: D modified 10/9/02 10:20 AM 5.73 Lecture #19 19 - 2 Let us define a quantity called “Density Matrix” ρ≡ ψ ψ a pure state ψ can be any sort of QM wavefunction * eigenstate of H * coherent superposition of several eigenstates of H but ψ cannot represent a statistical (i.e. incoherent) mixture of several different ψ’s However, ρ can represent a statistical (i.e. equilibrium) mixture of states ρ ≡ ∑ p k ψ k ψ k = ∑ p k ρk k k ∑pk =1 Example * one beam of linarly polarized light, with the polarization axis (ε-field) ê y * ( ê = 2 −1/2 ê x + ê y 45° ) x two beams of linearly polarized light, 50% along êx, 50% along êy. These 2 cases seem to be identical if you make 2 measurements with analyzer polarizers along êx then êy. But they are different with respect to 2 measurements with analyzer polarizers along 2 −1/2 ê x + ê y then 2 −1/ 2 ê x − ê y . In the statistical mixture, it does not matter how the analyzer is oriented. ( ) ( ) modified 10/9/02 10:20 AM 5.73 Lecture #19 19 - 3 What are the properties of ρ? 1. ρ for a pure state is Hermitian with positive elements along diagonal and other elements off-diagonal. ρnm = n ψ ψ m c*m cn ψ = ∑ cn n ρnm = c n c*m ( )nm but ρ† * = ρmn =[ mψ ψ n can expand |ψ〉 in any basis set but H eigenbasis is most useful. ] * = ψ m n ψ = n ψ ψ m = ρnm ∴ ρ† = ρ 2 ρnn = n ψ ψ n = c n c*n = c n ≥ 0 positive along diagonal 2. 2 × 2 Example Coherent Superposition vs. Statistical Mixture 1 ψ = 2 −1/ 2 ±1 ρcs = 1 1 1 1 ±1 = 1 ± 1 ( ) 2 ±1 2 ±1 1 Trace ρ = 1 Now consider a statistical mixture state. modified 10/9/02 10:20 AM 5.73 Lecture #19 19 - 4 1 1 1 (1 0) + 10 (0 1) 0 2 2 1 1 0 trace ρ = 1 = 0 1 2 ρsm = The difference is in the off-diagonal positions of ρ diagonal elements → “populations” off-diagonal elements → “coherences” (statistical mixture states have strictly diagonal ρ) Expectation values of  in terms of ρ A = ψ A ψ = ∑ ψ |k k A j j| ψ j,k = ∑ j ψ ψ k A kj j,k ρ jk = ∑ (ρ A) jj ≡ Trace(ρ A) j ρ) Could have arranged the factors ∑ A kj j ψ ψ k = ∑ (Aρ )kk = Trace(Aρ j,k k A = Trace( Aρ ) = Trace(ρ A) So ρ describes state of system, A describes a measurement to be made on the system simple prescription for calculating 〈A〉 The separation between initial preparation, evolution, and measurement of a specific observable is very convenient and instructive. modified 10/9/02 10:20 AM 5.73 Lecture #19 19 - 5 Example: Quantum Beats Preparation, evolution, detection magically prepare some coherent superposition state Ψ(t) Ψ( t ) = N ∑ a n ψ n e n −iE n t h Several eigenstates of H. Evolve freely without any time-dependent intervention 2 N = ∑ a n n −1/2 normalization ρ ( t ) = Ψ(t) Ψ(t) Case (1): Detection: only one of the eigenstates, ψ1, in the superposition is capable of giving fluorescence that our detector can “see”. Thus 1 0 L D = ψ1 ψ1 = 0 0 0 M 0 0 a projection operator (designed to project out only |ψ1〉 part of state vector or ρ11 part of ρ. a 2 a a* e −( E1 −E 2 )t h L 1 1 2 2 a2 ρ = N2 2 a 3 O ρ12 = 1 Ψ Ψ 2 ρ12 = N 2a1e −E1 t ha*2 e +iE 2 t h a 2 1 2 D t = Trace(Dρ) = N Trace 0 M = N2 a 1 2 D picks out only 1st row of ρ. a 1a *2 e − iω12 t 0 M stuff L 0 0 M M no time dependence! modified 10/9/02 10:20 AM 5.73 Lecture #19 19 - 6 case (2): a particular linear combination of eigenstates is bright: the initial state 2–1/2(ψ1 + ψ2) has 〈D〉 = 1. a projection operator. 1 How much of the original D= ψ1 + ψ 2 ψ1 + ψ 2 state is present in the 2 evolved state? ( )( ) 1 ψ1 ψ1 + ψ 2 ψ 2 + ψ1 ψ 2 2 1 0 0 L 0 0 0 L 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 + 0 2 M 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 M 1 1 0 L 1 1 1 0 0 = 2 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 = [ + ψ 2 ψ1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] L 0 0 0 1 0 0 + 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 1 -1 0 1 -1/ 2 -1 1 0 − if the bright state had been 2 ψ ψ then = , D ( ) 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 why do we need to look at Trace(Dρ ) = N Trace only the 1,2 block of ρ? 2 1 (Dρ )11 = N 2 a1 2 + a1*a 2 e +i( E1 −E 2 )t h 2 1 (Dρ )22 = N 2 a 2 2 + a1a*2 e −i( E1 −E 2 )t h 2 1 2 2 Trace(Dρ ) = N 2 a1 + a 2 + 2 Re a1*a 2 e +iω12 t 2 [ [ 0 0 0 0 ]] beat note at ω12 ρ ) would [if the bright state had been 2–1/2(ψ1–ψ2), then Tr(Dρ be the same except for –2Re[ ] ] 2 If a1 = a2 2 (and a1, a2 real), Trace(Dρ) = N 2 a1 2 [1 ± cos ω12t ] (N2 = 1/2) QUANTUM BEAT! 100% modulation! modified 10/9/02 10:20 AM 5.73 Lecture #19 19 - 7 So we see that the same Ψ(x,t) or ρ (t) can look simple or complicated depending on the nature of the measurement operator! The measurement operator is designed to be sensitive only to specific coherences (i.e. locations in ρ) which oscillate at ωij. THIS IS THE REASON WHY WE SEPARATE PREPARATION AND OBSERVATION SO CLEANLY. Time evolution of ρ nm and A Start with the time-dependent Schrödinger equation: HΨ = ih ∂ H Ψ = ih ∂t Ψ Ψ H = − ih ∂ Ψ ∂t ∂Ψ ∂t for time-independent H we know Ψ( t ) = ∑ a n ψ n e −iE n t h n 1. ρ(t) ρ (t) = Ψ(t) Ψ(t) ρnn (t) = n Ψ(t) Ψ(t) n = a n 2 a time independent “population” in state n. −i E −E t h ρnm (t) = a n a*m e ( n m ) = a n a*m e −iω nm t a “coherence” which oscillates at ωnm (eigenstate energy differences /h) Α〉t 2. 〈Α Recall ih ∂Ψ = HΨ ∂t ∂ ∂ ∂A ∂ A = Ψ A Ψ + Ψ Ψ + Ψ A Ψ ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t −1 ∂A 1 = + Ψ A H Ψ Ψ H AΨ + ∂t ih ih i ∂A Heisenberg Equation = [ H , A] + of Motion h ∂t [ ] Note that nothing has been assumed about the time-dependence of H. modified 10/9/02 10:20 AM 5.73 Lecture #19 19 - 8 If A commutes with H (regardless of whether H is time-dependent), there is no dynamics as far as observable A is concerned. However, if A does not commute with H, there can be dynamics of 〈A〉 even if both A and H are time-independent. ∂ρ Similarly can derive ih = [H( t), ρ] evolution of ρ under H(t). This is a matrix equation. ∂t It specifies the time dependence of each If H is element of ρ. time dependent Summarize ρA) = Tr(Aρ ρ) 〈A〉 = Tr(ρ info about quantity being measured ih info about state on which measurement is to be made ∂ρ = [H, ρ ] ∂t time evolution state initial state: ρ each expressed independently in time evolution of ρ : H the form of matrices which can be observable quantity: A easily read (or designed!). NMR pulse gymnastics statistical mixture states - use same machinery BUT add the independent ρk matrices with weights pk that correspond to their fractional populations. ρ is Hermitian so can be diagonalized by T†ρT. However, if ρ is time-dependent, T would have to be time-dependent. This transformation gives a representation without any coherences in ρ̂ρ even if we started with a coherent superposition state. No problem because this transformation will undiagonalize H, thereby reintroducing time dependencies. modified 10/9/02 10:20 AM