Piezoelectric polymer wind generators by Hadi Darejeh A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Physics Montana State University © Copyright by Hadi Darejeh (1983) Abstract: Small wind generators based on the piezoelectric effect in poly(vinylidene fluoride), or PVF2 for short were designed, built and tested. The design was based on developing a voltage across a bimorph made of two PVF2 sheets glued back-to-back and coated with electrodes. Suitable means of setting these bimorphs into oscillation in the wind were developed. One of these designs (oscillating leaf) is based on forcing the blades into oscillation at 60 Hz and feeding the output directly into the ac line. The other two designs had the blades as parts of rotors which were forced to rotate by the wind. For these designs the power was brought out through the rotor bearings and could be fed into the line by means of a rectifier and synchronous inverter. The poled PVF2 is very expensive, but reducing the cost of the poling process could make PVF2 wind generators practical for commercial use. PIEZOELECTRIC POLYMER WIND GENERATORS by Hadi Darej eh A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science ii . Phy sics MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana D e c embe r 19 83 Main lib . cop* ^ APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Hadi Darejeh This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis c o m m i t t e e and has b e e n found to be s a t i s f a c t o r y r e g a r d i n g content, E n g l i s h usage, format, citations, b i b l i o g r a p h i c style, and con s i s t e n c y , and is ready for s u b m i s s i o n to the College of Graduate Studies. f) ^ Date . io, X it Chairpe 7OTl, Graduate ____ Committee Approved for the Major Department Date Head, Approved for the College Date Ma epartment of Graduate Studies Graduate D ean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In p r e s e n t i n g the r e q u i r e m e n t s University, I this thesis for in partial a master's agree tha t the degree f u l f i l l m e n t of at M o n t a n a Library shall make a v a i l a b l e to b o r r o w e r s under rules of the Library. quotations from permission, this thesis are allowable State without it Brief special provided that accurate acknowledgment^ of source is made. Permission reproduction professor, Libraries of of or when, the material for this in extensive thesis his/her may be absence, quotation gra n t e d by in the opinion of either, the by from my major Director the proposed is for scholarly purposes. or of use Any copying or use of the m a t e r i a l in this thesis for f i n a n c i a l gain shall ission. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES .............................. ABSTRACT. ................................................... v vii 1. INTRODUCTION........ I 2. T H E O R Y ............................... 5 3. P R O C E D U R E ...... 24 4. CONCLUSION................. 55 R E F E R E N C E S ................. ............................... 58 AP P E N D I C E S...... 60 Appendix I - Figures, Graphs and D a t a s ....... . Appendix II - Figures and Plots . . . . . ............. Appendix III - Energy Analysis Calculation......; \ 61 68 74 V LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure I: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Electromechanical coupling in piezo­ e l e c t r i c s ................................ 5 An applied force produces electric polari­ zation in piezoelectric solids............ 6 Dimensional changes of a piezoelectric in an external field........ 7 solid (a) Piezoelectric material. (b) An electric field induces dimensional expansion. (c ) Reverse polarity produces a contraction. Figure 5: (a) t g + tg Figure 6: Schematic representation electric f i l m Figure 7: Blade (b) all trans..................... 8 10 ofmaking piezo­ 11 tip sh a p e............ ............. . 13 Figure 8 : Geometry of deflection a ngle............ 16 Figure 9: 18 Cantilever b l a d e .............. Figure 10: Cantilever torque ........... . analysis. ............... . . 18 Figure 11: Frequency vs.. amplitude r e s ponse......... 21 Figure 12: Circuit to measure Y, d ^ j ....... 24 Figure 13: Geometry of blade r o o t ................... 28 Figure 14: Capacitive blade g e nerator......... 32 Figure 15: Blade as current g e n e r a t o r................. 33 Figure 16: Blade as voltage 33 Figure 17: RLC representation of generator............ 34 Figure 18: Impedance matching circuit for the generator, power o u t p u t ..... ............... 35 19: Power v ^ . load resistance 37 Figure g enerator................. curves..;......,. vi LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page Figure 20: Savonius rotor design for oscillating b l a d e s ........................................ 3g Top view cross section of Savonius rotor with PVF2 b i m o r p h ........................... 40 Plot of power v s . load resistance of S-rotor generator.... ...................... 43. Figure 23: Cross section of oscillator le a f ........... 44 Figure 24: Front view of an oscillator leaf. .......... 44 Figure 25: Output power vs., load resistance for oscillating l e a f ......... 45 Circuit representation of three generators in p a r a llel........ .............. 51 Figure 27: Equivalent 52 Figure 28: Y and d ^j measurement, apparatus.......... 62 Figure 29: Stress-strain c u r v e ............ 63 Figure 21: Figure 22: Figure 26: circuit of figure 2 6 ............ .......... Figure 30: Load v^s . voltage drop graph for d g ^ ..... . 64 Figure 31: Load vs., voltage drop graph for d ^ 2 ...... 65 Figure 32: Circuit diagram for determining Q and f r .. 66 Figure 33: Plot of frequency .vs. amplitude for Q and fr determination......................... 57 Figure 34: Plot of a v_s . w ............................. 69 Figure 35: Lateral leaf rotor construction figure... 70 vii ABSTRACT S m a l l w i n d g e n e r a t o r s b a s e d on the p i e z o e l e c t r i c effect in p o ly(vinylidene fluoride), or PVF2 for short were designed, b u i l t and tested. The design was based on d e v e l o p i n g a v o l t a g e across a b i m o r p h m a d e of two P V F 2 sheets glued b a c k - t o - b a c k and coated w i t h electrodes. Suitable means of setting these bimorphs into oscillation in the w i n d w e r e d e v e l o p e d . One of t h e s e d e s i g n s ( o s c i l l a t i n g leaf) is b a s e d on forcing the blades into o s c i l l a t i o n at 60 Hz and f e e d i n g the output d i r e c t l y into the ac line. The other two designs had the blades as parts of rotors w h i c h w e r e forc e d to rotate by the wind. For these designs the p o w e r was b r o u g h t out t h r o u g h the rotor b e a r i n g s and co u l d be fed into the line by means of a rectifier and synchronous inverter. The poled PVF2 is very expensive, but r e d u c i n g the cost of the p o l i n g process could m a k e P V F 2 w i n d g e n e r a t o r s p r a c t i c a l for c o m m e r c i a l use. I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION When Coulomb between two stated the well-known law of the force charges, it was thought that electricity co u l d be p r o d u c e d by pressure. First Hauy and then A., C. Becquerel crystals conducted showed experiments electrical in effects which when particular pressure was applied. Credit s h o u l d also be given to the b r o t h e r s Pierre and J a c q u e s crystals Curie when for the discovery compressed produce positive and negative of their surfaces, the pressure, these and which in in 1880 particular that some directions charges on certain portions charges being p r o p o r t i o n a l then vanish when the pressure to is removed. This wasn't just a lucky discovery, b e c a u s e Pierre Curie's previous of them study of pyroelectric phenomena to look for electricity from pressure. led both They also look e d for a p a r t i c u l a r d i r e c t i o n of a p p l y i n g the force and studied which So the n ame pressure, One groups of piezoelectric, crystals exhibit which means the effect. e l e c t r i c i t y by was given to this class of material. of these piezoelectric materials is a 2 piezoelectric polymer, namely p o ly(vinyIidene a b b r e v i a t e d P V D F or P V F 2 . The piezoelectric PVF2 was first discovered by Kawai, in 1969. As electric the name forces are acting. is p r o p o r t i o n a l force implies, polarization is of effect a Japanese this in scientist, phenomenon the p o l y m e r (solid) is an on w h i c h For reasonable forces the polarization to the reversed in applied sign force. the direction. An inverse effect strain) fluoride), If the external polarization changes is a d i m e n s i o n a l change (a caused by applying an electric field. P V F 2 and some of its c o p o l y m e r s have b e e n sh o w n to be ferroelectric, while other piezoelectric polymers are less likely to be. PVF2 , whose molecular chain formula is (CH^-CF^)^, appears to be the strongest of piezoelectric these polymers m a c r 0 sc0 p i c a 11y and pyroelectric polymers. In polar, order there electrical array oriented of has poling. reorientation an to mak e of the to be Mechanical original crystallites in the mechanical direction of extension spherulitic which the extension now and causes structure a into has its molecules force. Now the final step consists of evaporating electrodes on the sample and connecting them to a high voltage field of 0.5 megavolt per centimeter. permanent polar film. source, applying a This step creates a 3 Wind generator main aspect detail. application of this project, Today electricity wind by of P V F 2 , w h i c h is explored herein power can be conventional used to is the in great provide windmills, but a ? piezoelectric technique wind to produce generator this is quite a different electricity. If a p i e z o e l e c t r i c p o l y m e r is set into o s c i l l a t i o n by m e a n s voltage of wind, and since the strain the polymer o u tput w i l l be alternating. these polymers three different lateral leaf in the p o l y m e r rotor, of the voltage Suitable means of setting are developed generators. Savonius rotor, T hey thr o u g h are and Procedure The reason for named and oscillating leaf. Their e n g i n e e r i n g as p e c t s are dealt w i t h m a i n l y Theory a is oscillating into o s c i l l a t i o n types creates in the sections. the design of the lateral leaf rotor is to have as large a rotor as p o s s i b l e c o n s i s t e n t w i t h the r e q u i r e m e n t of 60 Hz blade o s c i l l a t i o n f r e q u e n c y so that its 60 Hz p o w e r output can be fed into the utility line. The Savonius (S— c r o s s — section) vertical axis rotor has a low tip speed ratio, but its design shape is very s u i table blades. for oscillating This has a flexible blade root m a d e of P V F 2 a t t a c h e d to a central rod w h i c h holds the entire assembly together. 4 For bot h of these de s i g n s the output c urrent from the rotor is taken out through the rotor bearings and fed into a resistor measuring bimorph as a test the v o l t a g e load, w ith an o s c i l l o s c o p e c r e a t e d due to the s t r a i n in the blade. The o s c i l l a t i n g leaf g e n e r a t o r sets a P V F 2 b i m o r p h blade into oscillating an ac voltage. bending motion, thereby creating A cantilever mounted thin spring steel bar has a PVFg bl a d e m o u n t e d on the free end. That puts the entire the system into oscillation if bar same resonant frequency. The blade and blade have consists of two sheets of the piezoelectric polymer PVFg glued back-to-back onto an inert p l a s t i c c entral layer. The b e n d i n g a l t e r n a t e l y causes one PVFg sheet to be in t e n s i o n and the other one in c o m p r e s s i o n , producing a net electric field in the same d i r e c t i o n in both sheets for one half cycle, while both fields reverse in the next half cycle. 5 CHAPTER 2 THEORY Piezoelectric crystals do not have a center of s y m m e t r y . If they have net dipole m o m e n t s in their unit cells piezoelectrics are also pyroelectrics. all unit piezoelectric ther e f o r e not all Piezoelectricity subjected to is produced mechanical field is applied, have piezoelectrics s u r f a c e s of the crystal Some cells when net are However, dipoles and pyroelectrics, a suitable stress. not crystal Conversely, if is the are e l e c t r o d e d and an electric deformation of the crystal will of the electromechanical coupling effects are result. shown in figure I. Q Figure trics . I. l _ +„ Electromechanical coupling in piezoelec­ 6 As the name implies, of solid polarization (figure 2). For polarization applied a is on the the forces forces, proportional If phenomenon which reasonable stress. direction, thi s to e x t ernal polarization the are the a acting amount magnitude force is is of of the cha n g e d changes in direction accordingly. The relationship (for a simple b e t w e e n P and F can be e x p r e s s e d geometric figure) as P = constant P F F Figure 2. An polarization in piezoelectric is s h o w n here any angle The is, applied force produces solids. This col I inear w i t h F. In general, electric polarization P can make with F. inverse piezoelectric a dimensional crystal * F. when it change is placed (a effect strain) in an exists is also. produced e l e ctric field. That in a The inverse piezoelectric effect however is a linear function of the first fields). power Therefore of the applied field the magnitude of (for appreciable the piezoelectric stra i n S x i n a s p e c i m e n p l a c e d in an elect r i c field F for 7 a s i m p l e shape s p e c i m e n is given by the r e l a t i o n s h i p S j, = const a n t * E. The figure geometry 3. With represented then the the above initial I and strain sens i t i v e field by of is the relation length leng t h S x = A I/I. (no field in the The is shown present) field by inverse in I+A I, effect is to the d i r e c t i o n of the app l i e d field. If the is reversed, the strain is a contraction. M /2 of a piezoelectric E Figure solid 3. Dimensional in an external field. A d e s c r i p t i o n of wha t applying This a field figure sound wave. also cha n g e s to the shows truly happens polymer the is r e ason in the case of sh o w n for in figure generation 4. of a 8 + + + + 99 AA UU Figure 4. (a) Piezoelectric electric field induces dimensional polarity produces material. expansion, (b ) An (c) Reverse a contraction. The f igure of m e r i t for p i e z o e l e c t r i c s K is called the coefficient of electromechanical coupling, or o Electrical Energy out Mechanical Energy out g* = _________________— ----- = ----------------------Mechanical Energy in Elect Energy in K is also related to the dielectric constant e in the following manner. Bfree ^ where the * ~ eClamped Sfree clamped frequency is dielectric where own inertia. dielectric constant constant the device at is low frequency measured at is effectively clamped by and high its Fiom the m e c h a n i c a l point of v i e w K is also related to Young's Modulus Y , such that: Y open ckt * The value of Y is m e a s u r e d w i t h closed c i r c u i t and wit h electroded sho r t e d ^ = ^closed ckt the s u r faces value of connected Y is less to each than other. that for When an open 9 circuit. Let's c o n s i d e r that there is a single crystal w i t h the dipoles 4. In of the unit cells applying an aligned as shown electric field as in figure e x h i bited, the crystal l e n g t h e n s b e c a u s e the ions are a t t r a c t e d to the pole plates. expands If an AC v o l t a g e and contracts into the is applied, in oscillation, surrounding medium, the crystal sending out a wave whether air or water. If we apply a m e c h a n i c a l force, the charges s h o w n above build up on the surface, creating exponentialIy when the force responsive fluoride), A few would piezoelectric PVF2 , with words pifobab Iy piezoelectricity have on many To constituents helical shapes polarization. of monomers good should crystallization linked These obtain in repeating are is be so These produce (CHg-CF^)^. of PVFg understanding Macromolecular unit cells, have big chemical polymers, they or make internal macromolecules chains during polar that the called chemically the macromolecules which off of the most composition piezoelectric not dies p o l y ( v i n y lidene formula chemical this material. that polymerization. polymers useful elementary monomers, groups. the which is removed. One the chemical be of a vol t a g e their prevent them have gathering should also of be chemically stable and not cross-linked into infusible and 10 insoluble solids. B e c a u s e fluorocarbons are the piezoelectric polymer of the above best considerations, monomers crystals. A to yield schematic representation of the two most common crystalline chains is shown in figure 5. H Figure indicate planes 5. (a) t g+ t g- projections of (b) (all the -cF2 trans). dipole The arrows directions on defined by the carbon backbone. The tg+tg- configuration has its dipole moments both parallel other one molecular The obtained, figure 6 . and p e r p e n d i c u l a r to the chain axis, wh i l e the has its dipole moments perpendicular to the axis. process mentioned by which piezoelectric films on page 2 , is shown schematically are in 11 Melt Modified PVF0 a-phase & Mechanical Extension Polar 3-phase Random dipole direction Electrical Poling (1) stretch direction (2) transverse direction (3) electric field direction . I t * t f t t ? I f~TT Dipole normal to film Figure electric 6 . Schematic representation of mating film. We have built two kinds of rotary w i n d g e n e r a t o r s w h i c h use P V F 2 p o l y m e r to produce power. lateral are used piezo leaf rotor in these and a Savonius rotors are rotor. called The y e m p l o y a The blades bimo r p h s . that This is 12 because two layers o f .PVF2 are glued t o g e t h e r b a c k - t o - back p i e z o e I e c t r i c a I Iy to sheets w h i c h add w h i l e sheet induce voltages the b i m o r p h is bent in the two so that one is in tension and the other is in compression. Savonius RojtjDjr The blade Savonius roots Procedure made rotor of a has PVFg two blades bimorph with as f l e xible shown in the sec t i o n in figure 20. The change in d i r e c t i o n of the w i n d force on each blade as the rotor turns will give the desired oscillation of the blades. The Savonius rotor is a non— synchronized ac generator. It is d e s i r e d to have a c o n s t a n t bend radius of the bimorph so that all portions in generating power. of it are equally effective Calculations show that a blade with exponentially decreasing wid t h would attain a constant b end radius whole blade. if uniform Now, this so it must be truncated. wind pressure shape would have exists over infinite the length. 13 M Figure 7. Blade tip shape The following calculation particular shape. truncating "cap" , supports the idea behind a Using a it desired is parabolic torque per unit width as x varies to shape get (figure a for a constant 7) which is: (x'-x)y'dx' Eq. I N is the We also w a n t torque, with y is the w i d t h this shape and p is constant. a constant Then integrating the second term slope at x=a. on the right results in: N(X) Y(X) Eq. 2 The cap portion acts as a point acting at X q = (2b+3a)/5. can be replaced gravity of the by cap. source F = 2 P y o (b-a) / 3 So for any cap shape, a force PA acting at the the cap center of 14 The theoretical developed by the value bimorph at of a the voltage constant that is frequency is o b t a i n e d u s i n g the f u n d a m e n t a l p i e z o e l e c t r i c e q u a t i o n s and the e l e c t r i c d i s p l a c e m e n t and r e a s o n i n g b e h i n d these Computational Procedure equation. The equations are derivation stated in the section. The cur r e n t that is p r o d u c e d in the b i m o r p h is equal to the time rate of change of the charge. equal to the free The charge is surface charge times the surface area A: V 2 Et dQ . dcr, = .. =S . =S A —— * R R dt dt I The direction electric (I) displacement Eq. 3 equation for a stretch in is: D 3 = 8 oE 3 + P 3 Eq. 4 and the piezoelectric stress and strain equations are: P 3 = d31 Sl+(8r"1)coE 3 Eq. 5 and Eq. 6 8I " d 31E3+Sl /Y For a free surface charge density: D3 = Of Eq. 7 Substituting equation 5 into 3 gives dQ dt . ds dt . the result: dE dt Eq. 8 w h e r e 8. is the strain, E is the e l e c t r i c field. stress D is the electric displacement, P S is the is the 15 polarization, and Y is Young's modulus. 2Et Substituting — — f or R 2Et ds Ad -- + R dt dQ —— in equation 8 gives the equation: dt . dE As -Eq. 9 dt A s o l u t i o n of the for m is tried for b oth E and S and the following recursion relation is obtained: 2t E(^— - j (i)As )E=JAdtoS Substitution for S Eq . 10 from equation 5 into the above equation yields: 21 o E (— -j toAs + j (odzYA) = j AdtoY8 Using E of , we eventually obtain the recursion relation the following form: 2 tAYd AYdz- A s r s0 + 2 J t/toR 5 This calculation sheet is bent, for the 6 sh o w s shape the achieved circle with radius r. The diagram By sector, taking we the differential get dL = 0dr. fact is that while a portion the of a i s .shown in figure 8. of the equation If the d i s p l a c e m e n t for a is also a sector with radius L then the equation is y = L0/2. Figure 8. Geometry of deflection angle. Now using the above e q u a t i o n s and the r e l a t i o n s h i p dr = t / 2 , we get dL = yt/L. Since the the strain strain in terms of L and t is To find the theoretical is 6 = dL/L, = yt/L^. value for voltage, we use equation 11 to get V/ 6 , and knowing 6 , we get V. Lal^ral Leaf Rotor The reason achieving as requirement power basic this large a rotor be directly of this design A p p e n d i x 1 1 is to have pitch similar machine, desi g n as is the d e s i r a b i l i t y of possible and but to into which for the is shown two b l a d e s that mounted fed power the that both have a high-speed on a v e r t i c a l and the wind force line. The in figure 35 in small horizontal rotation p i t c h (bending) of the blade m u s t be o p p osite revolution, also of a 60 Hz blade oscillation frequency so the could idea for itself achieves axis. The each half this pitch .17 change the as it acts on the entire wind velocity accordingly, increases, tending the wind velocity to keep blade the pitch the rotor increases. at all times. wil l speed As increase the same as The bending torque tries to b r i n g the blade b a c k to its free position. This b e n d i n g torque is quite produce electrical advantageous having large to compared power get equal excite In order one analysis. blade, blade so the blade The to ana l y z e has to exact do (resonant) the blade it b e c o m e s at its natural frequency be in the lateral cantilever is quite desi g n is calculation made The later improved using a more in the computational procedure cantilever blade has a leaf beam complicated but an approximate approach is sufficient for a trial This by frequency. piezoelectric calculation required to deflection This requires that the rotational to the blade natural rotor, the large the wind pressure frequency. in to the torque t hickness of design. detailed section. 2 Z Q and w i d t h w that is d i v i d e d into two parts. The root length X 2 bends w i t h a u n i f o r m radius thickness 2Z C, and length X q -X^ straight shape. shown in figure The 9. total and the cap of w i d t h W , is assumed blade length to maintain a is then X q , as I8 Cantilever blade Figure To compute torque N along the root the bending of the root is neglected, the blade is considered and the so this torque torque of the c a n t i l e v e r blade figure 10. Cantilever torque a uniform inertia of is balanced by the elements 10 . Figure root, analysis dz as s h o w n in 19 Now, the torque is given by the equation: N = J ZdF = / _ f ° ZWS(Z)dZ = ZWY5(Z)dZ zo J Zo w h e r e S is the stress, strain. Now Eq. 12 Y is Young's m o d u l u s and 8 is the the strain 6 = ZZR1 and the deflection angle Q = X 1 Z R 1 ; U s i n g the f o r m u l a for root d e flection, Y 1 = 9 X 1 ZZ = X 1 2 Z Z R 1 , we Therefore N = If the the 8 = Z Y 1ZZX12 . torque, , f_l° Z 0ZWYy1Xj2Z2dZ centrifugal constant get R 1 = X 1 2 Z Z Y 1 and blades are force on = 4WYy11Z 0Z Sx1 not each and would affect connected blade at can E q . 13 the be tips, the considered the blade's radial position but not its r e s o n a n t f requency, just as gra v i t y affects the e q u i l i b r i u m p o s i t i o n but not the natural f r e q u e n c y of a mass hanging on a spring. The blade resonant frequency is then determined from a tors i o n a l analog of Newton's se cond law: N = 4 WYy1 Z 0ZSx12 = Ia=mx02W2#/3 and N = 4 PcZ cton y i WXo/3xl Eq. 14 “5 - lz^ e cz C1O*! Eq. 15 then Now angular it is d e s i r e d to get m r a>n , where (or is the frequency so exists of the rotor there a synchronization between the blade's oscillation frequency 20 and the rotational frequency. More generally, »r+»n=»o where (Uq is the blade oscillation at zero rotor speed. f 0 is 60 Hz at r e s o n a n c e w h e r e If = w r , it is i m p o r t a n t to have PcZ fi in accord with equation 15. There is a new f a ctor here that needs to be def i n e d for a resonant blade, and that is c a lled the qua l i t y fact o r or Q. If one obt a i n s a plot of f r e q u e n c y of this rotor v.s^ (while electrically amplitude following shows the amplitude oscillation then one of a shaker) obtains the ■■ plot. Figure amplitude of f vibrated by means 11 shows of a sample bandwidth the r e s ponse of the p e a k - t o - p e a k vs., the applied frequency. at half power i It corresponding of oscillation I / (2) of its m a x i m u m value, also to that is : ' where R.F. is the obvious from resonant the plot. Q frequency and f 2 and f ^ are 21 FREQ Figure 11. ( H 2) Frequency v.s. amplitude response 22 For a driving force F q Mt, cos the displacement is Q times as large as the displacement for a static force F q. Therefore, a resonantly driven blade and produce more piezoelectric power can be much than thicker a nonresonant blade. Bneraz Analysis The q u a l i t y f a c t o r Q is also a m e a s u r e of the e n e r g y s t ored in a r e s o n a n t per radian. The system fraction d i v i d e d by the e n e r g y lost of energy lost per cycle is 2jt/Q. This e n e r g y must be s u p p l i e d by the w i n d s t r e a m to retain a constant mechanical amplitude of oscillation. The e n e r g y in the P V F 2 b l a d e root is c o m p u t e d as follows: 1st: Energy density = S5/2 = Y5^/2 and 8 = S q Z Z Z o 2nd: For integral two b l a d e s this mechanical energy is the of the energy density: ^stored Now the p o w e r loss is the kinetic rotor's From e n ergy of projected area the relations E s tored w/Q. The p o w e r due to the windstream incident on the is given in the Computational section, we get for the output power: Procedure 23 P out = V 02 o>C/4 where v 0= g Y 6 0Z 0, and C = e W X 1/2Z0 for one blade. Here V is the p e a k open c i r c u i t vol t a g e and C is the blade cap a c i t a n c e . This f o r m u l a a s s u m e s an impedance-matched resistive load. The efficiency, P 0 U t ZPin' a n ^ i nternal losses are c o m p u t e d and s h o w n in the Procedure section. CHAPTER 3 PROCEDURE AND TESTS In order rotors to o b t a i n the best we measured mechanical various manufacturers quality. In doing PVF 2 p o l y m e r properties of samples so as to choose a polymer so, we achieved power output as well as mechanical The first for b e tter our from of higher e l e c trical responses. series of tests wer e p e r f o r m e d to obtain Young's m o d u l u s , y i e l d stra i n and p i e z o e l e c t r i c strain coefficients. The experimental set-up is shown in figure % 2^ of A p p e n d i x I. In order to make the m e a s u r e m e n t s of the above constants, Figure 12. the following circuit was designed. Circuit to measure Y, d ij ‘ 25 To o b t a i n Young's M o d u l u s , equation we start w i t h the basic of: „ stress S Y — ------ — — strain 8 F S =— A where and s t r a i n F =— wt mg wt is 8 Now, t e n s i o n in the wire, m is the load m ass creating g is a c c e l e r a t i o n of gravity, the l e ngth of the sample, I is Al is the change of length, w is width of the sample and t is the thickness. The fundamental displacement piezoelectric piezoelectric equations are used strain constant. to and electric calculate the They are the following: P = S ’d + e0 (er-l) -E, and D = e0E+P, where P is the stress D Eq. I is S (stress the Eq. 2 polarization vector to the applied tensor), E is the electric field vector, electric dielectric due tensor, displacement and d is the vector, er piezoelectric is the strain tensor. Now substitution of P from 2 results equation I into equation in the relation S*d = D - e •E, where e = e0 er In stress our application is I and the the direction Eq. 3 of the d e s i r e d f i e l d is p r o d u c e d applied in the 3 26 direction. This piezoelectric simplifies equation 3, because only one strain coefficient dg^ is needed: d31 Sl = D 3- 8 33E 3 The the stress e l e ctric Eq* 4 is the force per area, field in the mg so S1 = — . -L wt dielectric is the Also voltage divided V T by the thickness. Eg The electric displacement to the surface divided total free surface charge by the charge capacitance charge in the dielectric is equal density, density is also equal surface is also area, equal o = Dg = <y. to the or Dg to the voltage The total free charge = divided by The the C. Now s u b s t i t u t i o n of the above values in e q u a t i o n 4 results d , i in = VtC ; mg I A plot PVFg Vw V d , - , 8 8 — — or = o r mg mg _ I - eo erw of mg vs. — V (voltage) is shown in the Appendix I, that line ---------------------------- is proportional developed figure 30. across the The slope of to dg ^. The complete apparatus figure for this experiment is presented in figure 28 of Appendix I. 27 Test Procedure for Determining Natural Frequency and Quality Factor Q Since on Q, the energy loss a careful necessary. higher in our measurement The e n e r g y loss Q is, system the less of this lossy the b i m o r p h was frequency and system. quality depends quantity is d e t e r m i n e d by Q, physics of Q is mentioned in the Theory Natural greatly is so the The basic section. factor d e t e r m i n e d by e l e c t r i c a l Q for PVF2 excita t i o n . The c i r c u i t that was used is s h o w n in figure 32 of Ap p e n d i x I. The v a r i a b l e various frequencies corresponding frequencies amplified the frequency through shaker. and c o n s t a n t amplitude was oscillator as meas u r e d . the of and at Then the change oscillator amplifier The rotor natural operated a m p l itude. result The power was output then fed in was into frequency was measured by m o u n t i n g the ends of the central rod on the shaker so the blades were and then the means of perpendicular amplitude The measurements of the direction of o s c i l l a t i o n was a stroboscope. resonant frequency to The method is e x p l a i n e d natural leaf were a little different. of of vibration m e a s u r e d by finding in the T h e o r y frequency First of Q and section. the oscillator the blade itself was m o u n t e d on a strip of rigid a l u m i n u m and then v i b r a t i o n applied so the natural frequency of the blade was 28 measured. and the Then the blade was mounted on the spring steel length was adjusted so that the entire outfit could o s c i l l a t e w i t h the nat u r a l f r e q u e n c y of the blade measured previously. This the leng t h was used in the win d tunnel. Sometime second measured if it was a p p r e ciable. occurs at the same length of the Blade This some thickness at all times. f by The of vibration assumes spring the the wind following was This second m ode also steel. calculation for lateral computation frequency mode rotor force. diagram is leaf rotor: turning with The wind speed is u shows variables and constants for this computation The calculation for maximum kinetic energy follows: r (6 ,t ) = r (6) c o suit where r(0) = ro (l-cos0) v (0 ,t ) = -air (0) s indit so KE max Eq. 5 29 KEmax = PZoro2woR“2 Let KEfflax = PEfflax to get the thickness h. Then after a lot of derivation and substitution . /(5/3-jt/2) p n^r + E’ - 6 where p is density of PVF2 , u wind velocity, ratio, rt tip speed and <i>6 is the line frequency of 377 rad/s. R U0 = u r t then R = --- 1 . Our p a r t i c u l a r cm. (I)q Now the second part d e sign requires of the c a l c u l a t i o n R = 2.65 is to find the parameter a in the following blade shape equation: W = M sin ad Eq. 7 w h e r e M is blade height, a is a constant, shape angle. To do so, force and balance They a r e : we use torque the g e o m e t r i c balance dT = -pTdd + «4 and d is blade equation for equation, the blade. Eq . 8 77 w A A0 C dc = pc d@ + -dd Pd J Eq • 9 dT + dc + dFc=0 E q . 10 O Il .^ O + (-T + — — + BW)p + ap A dN = kRcdd E q . 12 w h e r e T is tension, c i s shear force. centrifugal and boundary force, conditions E q . 11 B is N is torque, F c i s a constant. and s u b s t i t u t i o n s With of one proper equation 30 into another, are the simplified forms of the equations used stated as: 9T I dN dt$ + R 96$ 0 =5> T ----R N = DW for constant curvature, so T -----W R where D is differential constant. These result in the following equation D 92W (— + B) W + R R 94% = " E q . 13 A solution of the above is W = Msinad + ncosad . From boundary condition n = 0 , W = Msinad In finding E q . 14 a, there are tremendous engineering mechanics involved, results calculus so here we just and state the of those calculations: By the means of the previous equation, a is shown to be “ _ /l + BR . V D ° /I + 3R4a)2p0 E q . 15 YZo The plot of a vs w is shown in figure 34 in Appendix II. Calculation of elastic energy of the PVF2 blade shows YMZ — Ra (1-cosad-) ° E q . 16 31 Centrifugal energy is a(cosad0-cos2d0 ) Dc p^<i)^M( 2ZQ )Rr (I-Cosod0 ) (cosad0-cosd0 ) + 2a It can e a s i l y be shown that a depends on 4 in the following manner. 3a^-21a^+36+(— a^+7a^-18)cosad0 for +2a^(a^-l)cos^d0— 4a^(a^-4)cosdo=0 E q . 17 d o = 90° =$> in the a = 1.6. Now all design consideration are found, obtained through some the p a r a m e t e r s so a particular shape is tedious calculation. Electrical Analysis of Lateral Leaf Rotor The lateral leaf rotor c o m p u t a t i o n s and analysis, Appendix II. In m a k i n g is b a s e d on the following and is s h o w n in f i gure 35 in this analysis, we c o n s i d e r e d a b i m o r p h w i t h o u t e r layers of p i e z o e l e c t r i c p o l y m e r and center layer stiffness, of just plastic with strong enough negligible to make density the blade and act as a beam. It is c o n s i d e r e d that this b i m o r p h is f e e d i n g a line whose voltage is lower circuit is as follows: than that of the bimorph. So the 32 E=EqCOS (Wt+<f>) Figure 14. By Capacitive adding blade the voltages Kirchhoff voltage law, generator. around the loop according to I is found. I0 = JwC(E0 Z d - V 0 ), so I = w C (-E0 (sin wt cosd+cosw t sind)+V q sin w t ) Average power = <P> = VI */2 = - W C V 0E0 sin (d )/2 M a x i m u m p o w e r is w h e n i = -90°, but I is then not in phase w i t h V. To have I in phase w ith V as des i r e d by the utility company, V -E.cosd+V ° o o =O or cosd = —E0 1 V <P> = - (l/2)wCV0E 0 sin[cos'1 — °] E q . 18 Then <P> = (l/2)wCV0 V e ^ - V q ^ Now if the blade consisting is c o n s i d e r e d of very together, we have as a current generator, thin layers of t hickness d z stacked the following eqivalent circuit: 33 T y Figure 15. Blade as current Therefore Iq = A ^ Cn = 8A/dz. generator [dxn+ (e-I)E q ] It is known that Iq varies with n, so Q n will be an additional variable. After using the fact that V=ZI V = tdx + ( 6 - l ) E ] Z 0 /e The blade following considered equivalent ------- © Figure 16. as a vol t a g e generator has circuit: — K— — Blade as voltage I^— (5)— — generator A Thevinen and Norton analysis of the blade results V.v J Nor ws A in the 34 In t e r m s of strain the i m p e d a n c e incr e a s e d by a factor of 8e Using the 6e stress equation, the impedance is again of the form - i±P (1)8A Again calculation and stress result if equation for a blade energy by using strain of t hickness w ItoeV, V e 02- 1 the capacitive, blade circuit is inductive L C . | 6 17. as it is represented by the following R Figure 2Z 0 w o u l d in: <Wm > Now of m e c h a n i c a l RLC representation of generator well figure. as 35 so if to is close to <i>0 , d e f i n e d as (LC) *^^ , E j 2 ---0 QR+R wo where a) L R The radian Now inductor is is I energy 2 and the energy R/ 2o). the e f f i c i e n c y of blade for the parallel the form loss per case is of eff = I/Q c Ic (17Q eIc + 1ZQm ech} AE , /radian where 1/Q. 'elc = e _ ------The data that shows this design is included To m e a s u r e generator, power the power in Appendix output and voltage II. of the lateral the following circuit output of leaf rotor is used: GRD Figure power 18. output Impedance matching circuit for the generator 36 R EICO. is a variable The resistor oscilloscope box model is Model T922 made vs,. resistance 1100 made by by Tektronix. Rprobe is 10M ohmThe power plotted for m/s output the the wind velocities is s h o w n in figure 19. of 9.6, of 11.6, the box 14.3 and 22 The m a x i m u m p o w e r output of this generator is 750 pw at a wind velocity of 22 m/s. V 2 Now the power is where Vp_p is peak-to-peak voltage of the generator (Ri ) (R probe ^ and R = -------; -----Rprobe+ Rl For resistance the case of of the box. R probe >> R1, R is just the Resistance (Cl Load /00 300 P o w e r Figure 19. In Power vs. summary 500 TOO f load resistance curves from both the Theory and Procedure sections the lateral leaf rotor power design requirements are A. Develop an oscillating blade B. Find the mechanical C. Determine energy needed to bend blade the fraction of energy going to stored mechanical energy D. E. Determine the electrical energy Calculate fraction internal energy of energy going lost and friction to F. Determine how the above to electromechanical G. Determine H. Decide statements are related coupling constant. the role of dielectric constant on series or parallel blade connections Savoni us Rotor The basic physics of this design is explained Theory section. rotor. In addition to drag on shaft power, This rotor is basically the vane in the a d rag-type producing rotary that drag c r e a t e s d o w n w i n d forces on the tower. The S - r o t o r w h i c h slows air d o w n on one other. The d i a g r a m is subject side w h i l e below shows to the M a g n u s s p e eding effect it up on the the basic shape of our S a v o n i u s rotor w h i c h has a fairly high tip speed ratio. almost I. Figure 20 Savonius rotor design for oscillating blades In order to get a high RPM from a S-rotor, two considerations ought to be taken into account: 1. Maximize the difference in drag between upwind and downwind vanes, 2. Minimize the These wind moving vane. two proper desi g n of shapes and force against requirements like coefficients cone, the can be wedges, upwind met by a extra vane, etc. . The S-rotor oscillating P V F 2 is a little d i f f e r e n t rotary application of than the r e g u l a r S - r o t o r for S-rotor was built by the wind generator the f o l l o w i n g m anner. thin-walled s ide of the The g e n e r a t o r frame tubes. approximately one half one for shaft power. This two blade Each tube has a lab in c o n s i s t s of diameter of the length of the active region of bimorph. The t o g e t h e r by two n y l o n bolts. tubes These are connected tubes have a brass rod with a cone-shaped tip connected at each end. The brass rods are electrically insulated from each other and serve as b e a r i n g s w h i c h also carry current to the external for the circuit. S-rotor is The two bimorph layers of that was constructed PVFj glued together back-to-back so the piezoelectricalIy induced voltages in the two sheets add w h e n the b i m o r p h is bent so that one sheet is in tension and the other is in compression. The 40 two sheets were connected with epoxy glue. The hardener was p l a c e d on one surface and the resin was p l a c e d on the other surface. completely off The and hardener the sheets and were resin w ere cleaned then placed together. A top v i e w of the S-r o t o r wit h the b i m o r p h m o u n t e d on its center rod is shown in figure 21. wind back stop tube rotation PVF0 bimorph blade >■ Figure 21. end cap Top view cross section of Savonius rotor with P V F2 bimorph. The electrical measurements were recorded by an o s c i l l o s c o p e w i t h a v a r i a b l e r e s i s t o r box c o n n e c t e d in 41 parallel to resistance the leads. of 4.12M ohm. area should power outp u t v±. the load is 95.2p w at a load r e s i s t a n c e The deviation of experimental the t h e o r e t i c a l area output is shown in figure 22. The m a x i m u m bimorph The results is due to the use of the actual in the c a l c u l a t i o n s . be used as results from the bimorph A smaller effective was not uniformly strained as assumed. Experiment Theory LOAD F i g u r e 22. generator. RESISTANCE(MD) Plot of p o w e r vs load r e s i s t a n c e of S-rotor 42 The d e sign parameters of the found for a r b i t r a r y P V F 2 t h i c k n e s s Numerical Savonius rotor are t and blade w i d t h w. results here are for t=100 microns and w = l O cm, and a w i n d speed for this wind velocity d e s i g n is V q = IO m/sec. is the required value This to bend the blade its m i n i m u m radius as l i m i t e d by the bac k stop tube. steps to The in the Savonius rotor analysis are: 1. Calculation of allowable strain S max 2. Calculation of allowable curvature Rffl^n 3. Calculation of allowable torque Tq needed to required to obtain Rmin 4. Calculation of blade length L achieve T 0 at d e s i g n w i n d speed V 0 5. Computation of blade oscillation frequency fQ at design wind speed V q 6. Computation of blade open ci r c u i t voltage V fl when bent to radius R min 7. Calculation of blade electrical 8. Measurements impedance Z. of power per cm^ of PVF2 volume at design wind speed V q 9. and calculation of output intercepted wind area of V q. power per m 2 of Oscillating Flag Generator This is the n e w e s t idea in a p p l i c a t i o n of PVF 2 i n a 43 wind generator. a The rotor is eliminated, c a n t i l e v e r - m onn t.e d nat u r a l frequency. blade The which first and replaced by oscillates idea was to at its de v e l o p a desi g n like a tree leaf w h i c h o s c i l l a t e s b a c k and forth in the wind. which shows together. desi g n The idea comes from oscillation of the entire The of second combination of these the oscillator construction involves leaf a flexible a road sign, sign and its mount two ideas generator. piece led, to the I The basic of plasticj cut in the shape of a tree leaf m o u n t e d on a thin sprinig steel strip that is set into oscillation by the wind: force. Our first d e sign w i t h P V F 0 gl u e d b a c k - t o - b a c k onto the I neu t r a l layer didn't o s c i l l a t e by itself due |to the change in the The g l uing . flexible mechanical properties of the s t i f f e n e d the entire blade, composite. creating leaf w h i c h could not oscillate. a less This p r o b l e m ! was overcome in two stages: A. First, by c o v e r i n g only o n e - f o u r t h of the blade w i t h P VFg glued b a c k - t o - b a c k w i t h double sided scotch tape. B. Second, of a c y l i n d e r length, pull blade the by designing a^vortex maker in the shape that had its diameter half of the blade so it could deflect w i n d off its side to easily blade and the tip in and spring steel then out. to oscillate This helped the with much bigger 44 amplitude A and greater bending at the blade root. sample model construction are of this generator show n in figures lea f and its 23 and 24. neutral layer Figure 23. Cross Again the section of oscillator leaf power output was measured by an oscilloscope with variable resistor connected in parallel to the lead s . resistance The of 3.2 M ohms. for a very small 6 c m ^ on each the plot maximum of R v.s. was The m a x i m u m area of PVF^• side power obtained p o w e r was for 10 pW The area of PVF2 used was of the neutral power output layer. is In figure shown for 25 th r e e 45 different velocities. The blade 25.5 change was Hz. as result of change The resonant frequency in the resonant of this frequency in wind velocity is about + 1Hz. v* = 2.85 m / s NA,=4.6 m / S v.-7 / m / s P o w e r (U W ) Figure 25. oscillating Output leaf power v si. loa d resistance for 46 The g e n e r a t o r as r e c e n t l y made c o n s i s t e d of a thin, steel leaf spring mounted as a cantilever in) w i t h a blade a t t a c h e d near (thickness 0.02 its tip. The blade was m a d e of p l a s t i c w h i c h was 230 m i c r o n thick. T w o layers of PVFg polymer with thickness of 28 micron were attached on either side, near the blade's b l a d e s e x t e n d o u t w a r d from like two blowing wings, the in entire a T central portion. the tip of the steel configuration. assembly lies With With wind blowing perpendicular to this plane, bends and bot h assembly goes starts, it position. blade tips bend into o s c i l l a t i o n . does so at this The back and forth backward When the bent-back oscillation spring no in a v e r t i c a l The win d plane. the spring before the oscillation equilibrium is relative to I that equilibrium position. The blade r e s p e c t to their e q u i l i b r i u m tips oscillate with condition. the spring do not o s c i l l a t e in phase. r e l a t i o n s h i p of this o s c i l l a t i o n , were taken by m e a n s shapes have The reason and To find the phase a series of p i c tures of a stroboscope. different The blade D i f f e r e n t blade phase relationships. for o s c i l l a t i o n and cycle of o p e r a t i o n are as f o i l o w s : I) The spring blowing blades begins ag a i n s t are in at its its back) their rearward position neutral (wind but is the curved 47 I configuration. Now as the blade the d i r e c t i o n of the wind, rearward straightening pr o v i d e the m a x i m u m w i n d by the equilibrium 2) time blade sec t i o n spring has tip goes so as toward to the g o t t e n to its position. The spring keeps moving forward from its neutral to its most continues forward position while the blade f o r w a r d to its e q u i l i b r i u m p o s i t i o n (both motions 3) the the blade the cross goes forward in are relative to the spring). The spring c o m e s b a c k to its neutral position, while the b l a d e m o v e s spring, t hus smallest forward relative providing area, at the the time wind when to the with the the spring motion toward the wind is greatest. 4) The spring most continues position blade tips going rearward finishing go the rearward to to cycle its while their rear the neutral configuration. If small amplitude of oscillation is considered, blade gets more energy from the wind while than it position. gives This up while is because coming back to the going forward its neutral the area which the wind pushes on is larger during the forward motion. As the amplitude of oscillation gets larger, the wind velocity against the 48 blade becomes smaller during the forward motion faster during the rearward part of the cycle. to d e c r e a s e and This tends the net e n e r g y input per Cycle, but this is c o m p e n s a t e d by g r e a t e r b e n d i n g of the blade p r o d u c e d by the greater i n c rease wind in velocity area difference difference resulting between the from the forward and rearward motion, At last the blade bends so far at the e x t r e m e s of its m o t i o n that m ore b e n d i n g h a r d l y differential input and amplitude any more. los s per For cycle this i ncreases amplitude becomes the the area the Same energy and the of oscillation stabilizes. Line Synchronization Calculation Td synchronize operation, considered the PVF2 blade 1 0 60 Hz cycle the c o u p l i n g of P V F 2 to the ac line s h o u l d be in d e t a i l . An estimate is p r e s e n t e d of a s im pl e c r i t e r i o n for f r e q u e n c y locking. It is t h o u g h t that frequency the oscillator will chOdse O s c i l l a t i o n which gives m a x i m u m blade is resonance. Oscillating Now with x 6 > the the amplitude. a given amplitude of of C o n s i d e r the amplitude a forced x ^ at damped h a r m o n i c o s c i l l a t o r d r i v e n at f r e q u e n c y m is as f o l l o w s : *6 = F o /mr(“ o2" 6,2)2 + to4/Q2 ]l/2 E q . 19 If it is a s s u m e d t h a t o s c i l l a t i o n t a k e s p l a c e at the 49 frequency Wq , which undamped system, is the resonant frequency of then Eq. 19 becomes Xq (re s ) = F 0 ZCmto2ZQ') where Q' includes electrical the both output Eq. 20 the mechanical at resonant losses frequency toQ from and the the PVF2 blade. Since line the r e s o n a n t f r e q u e n c y is d i f f e r e n t from the frequency impedance, If and the the electrical resistance (voltage to, R is E2 ZR, generated by the blade line power wh e r e has basically dissipated e is the in the rms zero source source emf the bimorph). locks into the line frequency, then e q u a t i o n 19 applies. This w a y Q differs fro m Q' in that the electrical output is smaller because supplying line. the in w h i c h both expressions for X q in equations 19 and 20 are equal, Q is sufficiently larger For a value of the generator is than Q' so that Mq the other term which when AtoZto = (k2 Z4Q) where appears only in equation 19 is compensated. This Ato is M0 equality the and to, takes magnitude and k2 of is place the the frequency difference electromechanical c o n s t a n t w h i c h is about 0.01 for P V F 2 20 for the b l a d e s we have m e a s u r e d , that there can be about 5% between c o u pling Since Q is about this r e l a t i o n says deviation of the resonant f r e q u e n c y from the line f r e q u e n c y before the blade gets 50 out of synchronism supports the maximum idea with the line that the blade power output. frequency. This is to be d e s i g n e d for In our measurements the frequency s t a b i l i t y as w i n d v e l o c i t y ch a n g e s over a w i d e range is about 1% so obtaining synchronization with the line seems to be a possibility. Computational The basic Procedure for Line Synchronization assumptions that one. needs to make are as follows: 1. its The blade o s c i l l a t e s at the f r e q u e n c y at w h i c h amplitude is oscillation remains at resonance the blade 2. the remains 3. at the the the natural The same with largest. amplitude same regardless line ((i)j = 377 of whether rad/S) xQ of it is or resonant at frequency Mq. dri v i n g ia and same The force (i>0 as amplitude long as the F q of the w i n d is blade amplitude at x 0 (g)j ) and x0 (M 0 )• This x Q is given by the s t a n d a r d d r i v e n d a m p e d harmonic oscillator expression Xr. = F./m[ ((U2 -to2 ) 2 + a>4 /Q2 ] 1 ^ 2 Now for m = (i)Q the above r e l a t i o n is xo = p OtV If Q is not m w O2 dependent on w then resu l t in the m a x i m u m x 0. this value M = M 0 will B a s i c a l l y Q is l i m i t e d by both 51 mechanical and electrical that Q ffl is independent As earlier a voltage losses. It is also of to. in this section, generator with series we consider the blade as capacitive a lot of blades are connected in parallel impedance. three and make generators it mor e resistive. connections If then connecting an i n d u c t o r in series w i t h these blades will impedance considered reduce the Figure 26 shows in parallel. ■)(----V W Figure generators 26. Circuit in parallel representation of three 52 Now ba s e d on the above c o n d i t i o n s , figure 26 reduces I Figure 27. The to the circuit the c ircuit in figure in 27. — Equivalent line has circuit a vol t a g e of figure 26. of V and zero impedance. Since the v o l t a g e s are a c then we have E=Eo Sinwt and V = V 0 Sinw^t In the first the p o w e r output also the power case, it is assumed that WjfeWj therefore is s i m p l y E ^ m g Z R eq = E q 2 / 2 R eq w h i c h is loss. This is supported by the following derivation: Heat loss in R After eS is substitution of relation and integrating E 2 TC2 - V - W Equation 21 and cas e the is when synchronized. E( t ) a n d it, V (t ) i n t o the heat the above loss is given by Eq. 21 - g l to W=W j Now T (E-V)' (e-V)Idt =(T JO Req V2 exhibits generator f^ JO the heat the so load both the heat contribution from separately. line loss and The the line second generator calculation in the are load 53 is coupled such that "'I, - f eq The real power into the line is, <iv> = 4 - ^ « v QR eq Addition of power losses results in the power output of generator e or, ® - T eO fe o-vo >/6 Q Calculation for Synchronized and Unsynchronized Cases It is k n o w n that the mechanical energy stored in blade is Wm = T Y S 2At where A is area and t is thickness of blade. The voltage £ of the generator as seen previously is B = -Y— — e F r o m the d e f i n i t i o n of Q it is obv i o u s that Q - Eq. 23 ' "Re,= "Re, =A N o w by m a n i p u l a t i n g e q u a t i o n s 22 and 23 it can be sh o w n that : Eq. 24 ” R1 Q T . 54 Similarly Q_ = E q . 25 t'Qelc(Eo-Vo> Using equations 19, 22, 23, and forth results and 25, substitution back in: E q . 26 <r -Wm iW ) " 2 After a lot of algebra and a binomial expansion, equation 26 can be w r i t t e n as k zQ„ (<o0- “ l) + italic’ Eq. 27 U s i n g n u m e r i c a l v a l u e s from our first design such as k' = 0.01, Q elc = 20 and Q m = 20, we o b t a i n (O0-O)I = 0.056 The above value is b a s e d on assumptions s t a t e d above. E v e n t u a l l y a b e t t e r c a l c u l a t i o n of the s y n c h r o n i z a t i o n condition must be made 55 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION The there Savonins is rotor a minor is one problem of the most with this efficient design. The but top bearing does not make constant contact with the top mount where the lead is connected, b e c o m e s a very no i s y sine wave. that has a spring the output wave form We d e v e l o p e d a top m o u n t an old re l a y which contact with the bearing at all times. This signal mode s t l y . from so adjusts its improved the It is p o s s i b l e to de v e l o p an i m p r o v e d bearing design so the contact becomes permanent. The tip speed Savonius rotor ratio rotor. could directly for lateral this be leaf rotor is quite An generator low compared intermediate practical to the line. is e f f i c i e n t if it size can goal of to that but its of the of lateral be leaf synchronized The calculation of synchronization limits the v a l u e s that they have to be fairly high for The also, improvement of g e n e r a t o r is of m a j o r impor t a n c e . of Q and m r such its operation. the oscillating leaf This is b e c a u s e this 56 new generator oscillates with at frequencies (tip s p e e d ) / ( w i n d speed) ratios from 25 to 55 Hz from 0.7 to 2. To get 60 Hz o s c i l l a t i o n s y n c h r o n i z e d w i t h the a c line, is desirable oscillation 2 k . to and maximize the the mechanical electromechanical Q coupling of it the constant The m e a s u r e d v a lues of Q are in the 13 to 15 range, and improvements in Q are both possible and desirable. To increase Q of the b i m o r p h one has to exp l o r e the following alternatives: 1. Blade 2. G l uing from shape design. technique if inert different PVF 2 » 3. New calculation for a better geometry of blade. 4. A better vortex maker of to increase locations may be device. compactness. uniaxial amplitude generator in remote cost-effective application testing of PVF2 bimorphs under of extreme and wind conditions has not yet been done. A major present the first But temperature is no need the oscillation. Operation .as. a line-independent this layer , is advantage Since of the PV F2 wind generator the PVF2 will for gear boxes cost of a 100 "Kynar" almost proportional create or separate c m 2 piece P V F 2 film is of the power, there generators. HO $75.00 to its thickness. is its and Using micron the The thick cost is the value of 57 0.212 w a t t s / cm^ power output computed in the a n a l y s i s s e c t i o n in A p p e n d i x III, this b e c o m e s watt. for solar cell cost in 1985 . exp e n s i v e , Clearly wha t almost three the amount meantime of generator times is n e e d e d to be done the poling process which makes In $321 per This is 2 00 times as e x p e n s i v e as the $1.60 / watt DOE goal very energy- money concept it to seems the price of gold. is a b r e a k t h r o u g h in the polymer piezoelectric. w ise develop The p o l e d PVFg is to the spend a ver y piezoelectric m o dest wind so it will be ready when the prices of PVFg polymer drop sharply. preliminary wind tunnel These tests better piezoelectric properties design computations and show that a combination of and lower cost are needed b e f o r e these PVFg w i n d g e n e r a t o r s will be e c o n o m i c a l l y practical. 58 REFERENCES 59 REFERENCES Bikales, N.M. Mechanical Properties Wiley and Sons New; York, 1971. Cady, W.G. Piezoelectricity, Inc., 19 4 6 . Ka w a i , H. of P o l y m e r s , McGraw-Hill Book John Company, Jpn. J. App I. Phy s . (?,. 9 7 5 , 1.969. Key s e r , M a t e r i a l s Sc ie nc e in E n g i n e e r i n g , 3rd Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1974. Ed., Loving er, A.J., Sc ie nce 220, 4602, 1983. Park, J. The Wind Power Book, California, 1981. Cheshire Books, Palo Alto, Schmidt, V.H., Klakken, M., and Darej eh, H. Experimental Study and Electromechanical Analysis of Oscillation of Piezoelectric Polymer Bimorphs as Wind Generator Elements, to appear in Proceedings of Wind Workshop VI (Minneapolis, June 1983). Sch mid t, V.H. P r o c e e d i n g s of the 1981 W i n d and Solar Energy Technology Conference (University of MissouriC o l u m b i a Press), p. 97. Yoler, Y.A. A Stud y of P i e z o e l e c t r i c E l e m e n t s for the Measurement of T r a n s i e n t Forces, U n i t e d States Department of Commerce Office of Technical Services, PB 111702, February I, 1955. APPENDICES 61 APPENDIX I Measur eme nts , equipment diagrams and test plots. 62 VISES SAMPLE CARRIAGE I""'""! T 'T BALL BEARINGS WEIGHT HOLDER Figure 28 Y and d _ measurement apparatus. 63 Y, = I.AxlO9 N 3m Slope - I.633x10® kg ~2 m Yield strength at 0.3% T m Y- I.6x1O9 ^ 2 m Figure 29. S tress-strain curve. 64 S ize I by 2 cm Thickness 30 micron Slope ~ 0.038 ^ gm d„. = 4xl0'12 C 31 N VOLTAGE ( m Sample made by 3M 2 0 0 load Figure 30. ( gm ) Load vs. voltage drop graph for d 31 65 Sample made by 3M SIze I by 2 cm Thickness 30 micron Slope ~ 0.0504 d - 5.36x10-12 c 200 load Figure 300 cg m 400 ) Load vs. voltage drop graph for d 66 Cable U Shaker I Power Amp Oscillator CFJ- Figure 32. Circuit diagram for determining Q and f r' 67 Shape : Tree Width = 13.5 Height = 4.5 Blade thickness leaf cm cm = 350 micron io6 a m p litu d e ( E Q. 5— I a 60 - H 25 30 FREQ ( H Z J Figure 33. Plot of frequency vs. amplitude for Q and fr determination. 68 APPENDIX II Construction figures of lateral leaf rotor, design parameter plot of a and power data. 69 IOOOO^ IOOO- Figure 34. Plot of a vs. a). Also see Procedure Section for a (to) 70 CONNECTOR T0P ELECTRODE WIRE 1/4“ BRASS SCREW STEEL SQUARE PHENOLIC ,SHAFT NYLON "FISH IN G LINE / BIMORPH NYLON SCREWS 1/4 PLEXIGLAS DISK CONNECTOR W IRE BOTTOM ELECTRODE (CROT SO SPSV EI CE TW ION) Figure 35. SI (CRO SD SESV EI CE TW ION) Lateral leaf rotor construction figure. 71 Power Data for Lateral Leaf Rotor RPM Tip Velocity (m/s) Voltage (P-P) (V) Load R(Q) Power (fiW) 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 750 750 7 50 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 2 .1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2 .1 2.1 2.1 5 12 17 25 30 35 40 42 44 50 45 45 45 IOOK 15 0K 220K 3 3 OK 4 7 OK 680K IM I .SM 2.2M 3 .3M 5.7M 6 .SM 10M 31 .3 120 164 237 2 40 - 225 200 147 HO 126 79 62 50 11.6 11.6 11.6 1 1 .6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 1 1 .6 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 770 77 0 770 770 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 15 20 25 30 35 43 52 55 60 - 65 60 60 60 IOOK I 5 OK 220K . 3 3 OK 47 OK 6 SOK IM I .SM 2 .2M 3 .SM 4.7M 6.SM 10M 281 333 355 341 326 340 338 2 89 250 212 .8 150.3 111 90 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15 .7 770 770 7 70 770 770 770 770 770 770 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 25 30 35 40 60 70 65 65 65 1 5 OK 220K 3 3 OK 470K IM 2.2M 4.7M 6.SM 10M 521 511 464 425 450 339 165 130 105.6 Wind Velocity v w(»/«> 72 Wind Velocity Vw (m/s) RPM Tip Velocity (m/s) 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 920 920 92.0 920 920 920 920 920 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 Voltage (P-P) (V) 30 35 " 40 . 55 60 65 60 60 Load R(Q). Power (pW) 15 0K 220K 3 3 OK IM 2.2M 4 . 7M 6 .SM IOM 750 696 606 587 250 165 73 Power Data for Oscillating Leaf Load R(Q) Power (pW) Wind Velocity (m/s) Freq. (Hz) V o l tage (P-P) (V) 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 I .6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 I 1.5 2.3 3 4 5 .5 8 10 12 15 17.5 17.5 1 5 OK 220K 3 3 OK 47 OK 680K 0.91M I .SN I .SM 2 .SM 3 .2M 4.55M SM 0.83 1.28 2 2.4 2.9 4.2 6.1 6.9 7.2 8.9 9.4 8 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 1.3 1.7 2 .4 3.5 4.5 6 8 11 13 16 17.5 19 I 5 OK 220K 3 3 OK 470K 680K 0.91M I .SM I .SM 2 .SM 3.2M 4.5 5 M SM I .4 1.6 2.2 3.3 3.7 4.95 6.2 8.4 8.5 10 9.5 9 7 .1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7 .1 7.1 7 .1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7 .1 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2 2 .4 3 4 5 6 8 11 13 15 17 18 I 5 OK 220K 3 3 OK 47 OK 680K 0.91M I .3M I .SM 2 .SM 3 .2M 4.55M SM 3.3 3.3 3 .4 4.3 4.6 4.95 6.2 8.4 8.5 8.8 8.9 8.1 74 APPENDIX III Energy analysis calculation. 75 Energy Analysis 8 = -S-= 0.0294 Rmin = t/5max = 3 *33 mm for t = 100 micron T 0 = 2YWt3 /3Rmin T q = 8x10~^ N-m Blade impedance Z = — j/wc w h e r e , w = 2itf = 2jr (60) C= 80 erWL/2t S q = Constant Er = 12 W = 10 cm L = 0.52 cm .then IZ |. = 9.61x10** ohms V q = 920 volts output power = mc PVF2 Volume = 10 cm x 0.52 cm x 0.02 cm Power/Volume = 0.212 W/cm3 The output p o w e r is 0.022 w a t t s for a blade of 5.2x10^ PVFj area facing the wind, but only 45% of the blade area is composed meter blades, of PVFj- area the facing output Accordingly if a sy stem the packed wi n d power is would be fairly good compared with 100 watts/m of one densely 19.1 watts. square wi t h such This is available from large conventional wind generators at design wind speed MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES stks N378.D245@Theses Piezoelectric polymer wind generators / RL 3 1762 00184023 8 » H312 CLop- S,