The organization and structure of by B Beattie A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Agricultural Economics Montana State University © Copyright by B Beattie (1964) Abstract: The purpose of this research study was to describe as completely as possible the organization and structure of the beef cattle industry in 18 counties of southeastern Montana, The description was accomplished by cross-classifying individual ranch data concerning nonbeef livestock enterprises, crop enterprises, the hay base, the pasture base, ranch size, and land tenure. Data concerning each of these items were stratified and then cross-classified with seven cow-herd-size-categories within each of four study areas, The number of observations, the mean, and the percentage distribution for each stratification were calculated and compared in order to identify unique populations of beef ranches within each area, cow-herd-size-group, and the beef industry of the entire study area. The results of the study revealed that several unique populations of beef ranches exist within each of the study areas and that different output and input combination's are evident in different areas. THE ORGANIZATION AND STRUCTURE OF THE BEEF CATTLE INDUSTRY IN SOUTHEASTERN MONTANA by Bruce R 0 Beattie A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Agricultural Economics Approved; nor Department Committee Dean 9 Graduate Division' MONTANA STATE COLLEGE Bozeman 9 Montana August9 1964 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express special thanks and appreciation to D r 0 Lloyd C 0 Rixe, for his guidance and critical review of this thesis „ Thanks are extended to D r 0 Clarence W e Jensen and M r 0 William J 0 Ewasiuk ■of the Department of Agricultural Economics who served on the thesis committee* Appreciation is extended to W„ D 0 Goodsel of the Farm Economics Research Division, Economic Research Service, and to Ray Hurley, Chief of the Agriculture Division of the Bureau of the Qensus for their cooper­ ation in this study. The author is indebted to John Miller and other members pf the ■ >. Computing Center at Montana State College, who spent many hours proces­ sing the data for this thesis, ' Appreciation is also extended to the fellow graduate students who provided encouragement and helpful suggestions 0 - Any errors or ommissions in this study are the responsibility of the author. Iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page VITA . . . . . . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES . LIST OF FIGURES ABSTRACT . . . . ° e o, » • ° 6 • O ^• 'O O O ° •» O o 6 ° a 0 • o O 6 e ii ill iv vi vii xii I . . . . . . . . . . . . Q 9 0 0 0 0 6* 10 PROCEDURE 11 15 The Study Area . . „ Beef Cow' Distribution III. » INTRODUCTION Problem Situation Research Problem Objectives . . . Limitations . . . II. * * * O O O O e O o VO MD -O H I. • ° • • O O O o' O » o OTHER ENTERPRISES FOUND IN COMBINATION WITH BEEF CATTLE RANCHES . . . . . . . Livestock Enterprises Sheep .0000000600 Swine • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Dairy o o o o o o o o o o o Crop Enterprises O O O O O O O All crops harvested All wheat . O O o o o o o o o Winter wheat o o o o o o o o Spring wheat and durum Feed grains— oats and barley irley Oats o o o o o o o o o o o o Barley 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Corn o e o o o o o o o o o o Other crops o o o o d o o o o Sugar beets O O O O O O O * Q O iv ZO 20 20 .24 O O '0 O O O O O O O 25 27 28 31 35 38 41 43 46 48 50 51 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cant.) LAND. RESOURCE USE AS AN INPUT OF BEEF CATTLE RANCHES H 3 .y o a o . o o o -e o o’ O e e o o e e e, 0 0 , 0 .o o All hd,y o e o o e ' e o o e e e o o o o o o e o o Alfalfa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 Clover, timothy and other grasses, small grains for hay,, and other hay o o o o o o o o o . o o o Wild hay o o o o o o o o o o o . o o o o o o o o Pasture o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Acres pastured per animal unit , , « « . « . » Cropland pastured . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Irrigated pasture . . . . . » . 0 . . . Pasture as percent of total land . . . . . . . General Land Data . . . o o . . . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 Ranch size 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 Ownership pattern 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0' . 0 0 0 0 . 0 Irrigated cropland . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . 53 53 56 58 61 62 62 66 67 69 72 72 75 79 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Area; I . o . . . . . . . . . . . Area 2 . . . . . o . . . . . . . Area 5 . . . . . c o . . . . . . Area ^ . o o o o e o . o . o o o Area Comparisons . ....... . Suggestions for Further Research .. Oj 0 0 0. 0, 82 84 85 86 87 90 APPENDICES APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX A B C D E LITERATURE CITED 92 95 105 109 113 LIST OF TABLES Table Io ' II. III. Page CASH RECEIPTS FROM MARKETING LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS (MONTANA) ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 MAJOR USES OF LAND IN MONTANA, 1950 . . . . . . . . . . . 5 BEEF COW NUMBER DISTRIBUTION BY STUDY AREA vi . . . . . . . 16 LIST OF FIGURES Page Cattle (except milk cows) and sheep on f,arms, Montana, 1 9 2 5 - o o e o o e o e o o o e o o e d e o ' e e o o 4 e 2. Graphic distribution of study areas,......... .. ............ 13 30 TypeS Of farming , 14 4, Percentage distribution of cow number strata by area 5« Percentage distribution of ranches having no breeding A u 9S of sheep per breeding AU of beef cow, by cow strata „ „ „ „ 22 Percentage distribution of ranches havipg 0 to 0.5 breeding A U 9S of sheep per breeding AU of beef cow, by cow strata. . 23 6, o e e e e o e o o * o o e e o o o o o e o . „ . 17' Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 0.5 breeding A U 9S of sheep per breeding AU of beef cow, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Percentage distribution of. ranches farrowing more than one litter of hogs, by cow strata . . 9. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than five dairy cows, by cow strata 10. ,V Percentage distribution of ranches having zero acres in all crops, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '* . 29 S 11. 12. 13. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than z e r o but not more than 50 acres of all crops, by cow strata . . 30 Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 pores of all crops, by cow strata „ . „ „ 30 Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 200 acres of all crops, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 14. Percentage distribution of ranches having no wheat, by ,cow strata 15. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of wheat, by cow strata . . . . . . vii 33 LIST OF FIGURES (Cont0) Fignre 16o 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 50 but not more than'200 acres of wheat, by cow strata . . . , > Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 200 acres of wheat, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Percentage distribution of ranches ,having no winter wheat, b y cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of winter wheat, b y cow strata . 36 Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acres.of winter wheat, by cow strata .,. 37 Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 200 acres of winter wheat., by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Percentage distribution of ranches having no spring wheat or durum, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of spring wheat or durum, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acres of spring wheat or durum, by.cow, strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 200 acres of spring wheat or durum, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . 40 Percentage distribution of ranches having no oats or barley. by cow strata o o o 0 o o e o o o e o o o o o » o e o e e 42 Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres, of oats or barley, by c o w , strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Percentage distribution of those ranches, having more ,than 50 acres of oats or barley, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . 43 Percentage distribution of ranches having no oats, by cow , strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '44 viii LIST OF FIGURES (Coat.) Figure 30. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of oats, by cow strata . . . . 31. Percentage distribution of ranches having more .than 50 acres of oats, by cow strata ^ 32. Percentage distribution of ranches having no barley, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . 33 0 Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of barley, by cow strata „ „ . 3^o Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 50 acres of barley, by cow strata Percentage distribution of ranches having c o m , by cow strata . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36. Percentage distribution of ranches having other crops, by cow strata Percentage distribution of ranches having sugar beets, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . ,38. Perbentage distribution of those ranches having or less of all hay, by cow strata . 39. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acres of all hay, by cow strata 40. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 200 acres of all hay, b y cow strata . i * . 41. Percentage distribution of those ranches having less than or equal to $0 acres of alfalfa, b y cow strata . . . . . . 42. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acres of alfalfa, by cow strata 43. Percentage distribution of those ranches paving more than 200 acres of-alfalfa, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . ix 50 acres . LIST QF FIGURES (Cent.) 44. Percentage distribution of those ranches having less than or equal to 59 acres of clover, timothy and other grasses, small grains for hay, and other hay (excluding m i d hay), b y cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . 4-5. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acres of clover, timothy and other grasses, small grains for hay, and other hay (ex­ cluding wild hay), b y cow strata ^ . 4-6. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 200 acres of clover, timothy, and other grasses, small grains for hay, and other hay (excluding wild hay), by cow strata . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Percentage distribution of those ranches having more ,than 10 acres of wild hay, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4-7. 48. Percentage distribution of those ranches having not more than 20 acres of land pastured per animal unit, by cow. strata Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 20 but not more than 4-0 acres of land pastured per animal unit, by cow strata o o o e o o e e o e o o o o e o ^ e e o 51 o" 52. 53« 54. Percentage .distribution of those ranches having more than 40 but not more than 60 acres of land pastured per animal unit, by cow strata 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 . 0 O O O O O O O 65 Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 60 acres of land pastured per animal unit, by cow strata » . 65 Percentage distribution of those ranches having cropland for pasture, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6? Percentage distribution of those ranches having irrigated pasture, by cow strata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Percentage distribution of those ranches having pasture com­ prising less than 40 percent of total land, by cow strata . 70 \ x LIST OF FIGURES (Cont0) Percentage distribution of those ranches having pasture comprising more than UO percent but not more than 60 per­ cent of total land, by cow strata „ 0 0 0 . 0 * . 0 0 „ „ Percentage distribution of those ranches having pasture comprising more than 60 percent but not more than 80 per­ cent of total land, by cow strata „ „ » o „ Percentage distribution of those ranches having pasture comprising more than 80 percent of total land, by cow strata Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percentage distribution of those ranches having total land of less than dr equal to 640 acres, by cow strata O 0 0 0 0 Percentage distribution of those ranches having total land of more than 640 acres but not more than 2,560 acres, by cow strata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percentage distribution of those ranches having more thap 2,560 acres"but not more than 6,400 acres of total land, by cow strata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percentage distribution of those ranches having total land of more than 6,400 acres, by cow strata . . . . . . . g . Percentage distribution of ranches where zero percent of the land is owned, by cow. strata o o o e o o o o o o o e e Percentage distribution of ranches whe'fe greater than zero but not more than 60 percent of the land is owned, by cow strata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percentage distribution of ranches where more than 60 lout not more than 99 percent of the land is owned, by cow. strata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percentage distribution of ranches where all of the land is owned, by cow strata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percentage distribution of those ranches having irrigated cropland, by cow strata ABSTRACT The purpose of this research study was to describe as completely as possible the organization and structure of the beef cattle industry in 18 counties of southeastern Montana, The description was accomplished by cross-classifying individual ranch data concerning nonbeef livestock enterprises, crop enterprises, the hay base, the pasture base, ranch size, and land tenure. Data con­ cerning each of these items were stratified and then cross-classified with seven cow-herd-size-categories within each of four study areas, The number of observations, the mean, and the percentage distribution for each stratification were calculated and compared in order to identify ipiiqne populations of beef ranches within each area, cow-herd-size-group, and the beef industry of the entire study area. The results of the study revealed that several unique populations of beef ranches exist within each of the study areas and that different output and input combination's are evident in different areas. xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Problem Situation ■ The farming and ranching Industry in Montana plays an important role in the income of the' state. The beef industry as a particular segment of agriculture has been a very important economic force in the Montana econ­ omy since its early beginning. It was the first principle agricultural industry in the state and still remains an important industry to the Montana economy. This is largely due to the fact that the range forage resource, which is so abundant in Montana, is marketed principally through the beef cattle industry. Agriculture as an industry contributes a greater proportion to the income of the state of Montana than does agriculture to the income of the nation as a "whole. Montana derives 17.1 percent of its personal income directly from farming and' ranching. Montana ranks fourth highest in the nation as far as percent of personal income derived from farming is con­ cerned. North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa are the only states that derive a greater portion of their personal income directly from farming. Farming and ranching contributes only 4.3 percent to the personal income . of the United States„^ In the state of Montana the livestock industry contributes just about one half of the cash receipts of all farm products marketed. .The I 962 ,Committee, for Economic Development, An Adaptive Program for Agriculture. July, 1962, p. 66. issue of Basic Facts states: The value of livestock and livestock products marketed rose above the crop value in 1958 and 1959 but were below for the previous six yearso Over the period from 1944 to 1959» livestock and livestock products brought in 5 percent less cash receipts than crops marketed,2 Table I shows the cash receipts from marketing livestock and livestock products as it is related to total receipts. TABLE I, CASH RECEIPTS FROM MARKETINGS9 LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS . .(MONTANA),* 1955-1959 Averages• All Cash Sales Average Value $ Livestock & products Cattle & calves Dairy products Sheep & lambs Wool Hogs Efegs. Chickens Other. *Source I 49.1 36.4 3.8 3.3 1.6 1.6 1.4 0.9- 2009046 149,191 15,550 13,47? 6,357 6,390 5,786 1,235 .. 2.906,0 Livestock and Products 1951-1955 Average Value 1955-59 as $ of 1951-55 ‘ ■% $ 100.0 . 74 ,6 7.8 6.7 3.2 3.2 2;9 . 0.6 1.0 . 180,277 119,719 15,710 15,690 10,762 8,418 9,108 110.9 .124.6 99.0 85.9 59.1 75.9 77.1 86.9 23.7^0 ' Cooperative-Extension .Service ,and Ag, Experiment Station9 Montana Agriculture Basic Facts, #293s Jnne9 19629 p, 19. ^Cooperative.Extension.Service.and Ag. Experiment Station9 Montana. Agriculture' Basic Facts . #2939 Jnne9 19629 p. 19. - 3 " During the period from 1955 to 1959$ 49.1 percent or nearly one half of all cash sales were attributable to livestock and livestock products in Montana. One would certainly not expect livestock to decline in importance re­ lative to crops in Montana. demand for farm products. Some important changes have taken place in the As an economy experiences growth and becomes more affluent,the demand for meat and livestock products increases rela­ tive to cereal grains. If we assume that as an economy becomes more af­ fluent 9 it shifts its consumption in the direction of goods with a higher income elasticity of demands then we could safely say that the demand for meat and livestock products is going to increase relative to the demand for crops (thinking in terms of crops used primarily for human consump­ tion). Therefore, one would not expect resources devoted to livestock production in Montana to be transferred to the production of food grain's. If we focus our attention once again on the data shown in Table I, we see that a significant portion of the cash receipts from MohtanaeS livestock industry comes from cattle and calves. There is reason to believe that the percentage of all livestock receipts resulting from the sale of cattle and calves (beef industry) is likely to increase. In past years cattle numbers and sheep numbers in Montana have tended to follow different trends. Sheep numbered over 5 million head in the first decade of the 19009s 9 but there were only 1.75 million head on January I, 1961,3 This reduction of sheep numbers by 3Ibid., p, 190 65 percent was accompanied by approxi- - 4 mately a 40 percent increase in cattle numbers over the same period. In the future, cattle numbers are likely to continue to increase and sheep and lambs to decrease. The relationship between beef cattle and sheep numbers over the period from 1925 to I960 is shown in the following graph (Figure I). Sheep have decreased almost steadily since 1942. Cattle (Millions) Sheep (Millions) 2.5 _ 5 SHEEP & LAMBS ALL CATTLE (except milk cows) 1925 1930 1935 19^0 19^5 1950 1955 I960 Figure I. Cattle (except milk cows) and sheep on farms, Montana, 1925-60.* * *Source: Cooperative Extension Service and Ag. Experiment Station, Montana Agriculture Basic Facts. #293» June, 1962, p. 19. Cattle and sheep ranching in Montana is still predominantly a range operation. Therefore, it is natural that as sheep numbers decrease, cattle numbers will increase. was in pasture and range, or In 1950 two-thirds of Montana's land area 63 million acres out of the total of 93.6 5 “ million acres#^ Sheep production has also been shifting from range to farm flocks and from the western states to the east#-5 Land use in Montana is shown in Table II0 TABLE II#, MAJOR USES OF. UlND IN. MONTANA,. 1950.# * Acres (million) Irrigated cropland Nan-irrigated cropland Non-forested pasture and range Woodland and forest grazed Woodland and forest not grazed All other land 2#0 11.5 53.0 IO0O IOcI 7.0 . Totals 93.6 . Percent 2.1 12.3 56.7 10.7 IO0^ 7.4 IOO0O ^Sources .Cooperative.Extension Service.and A g e Experiment Station, Basic Facts# #293, Oct#, 1956, p# 3^° Because the beef cattle industry plays an important role as an income source in Montana, we find considerable research effort, concerning the efficiency of resource combination, being directed toward the industry# Economists are interested in a maximum social product# It is recognized that the allocation of scarce resources within and among industries is an important factor in the maximizing process of firms, of industries, and of a total economy# By carefully analyzing the existing resource combination, researchers' may discover that a reorganiza,tion of resources within' firms, ^ ^Cooperative Extension.. Service and Ag# Experiment Station#■ Montana Agriculture Basic Bacts0 #293$ O c t # 1956, p# 13° ■ 5lbid# # p» 13# I - 6 _ industries, or between firms and industries could bring about greater ef­ ficiency and hence, greater social product* Consequently, we find many research projects devoted to examining existing resource combinations in the beef cattle industry. It is essential for us to understand and know as much as possible about the structure of the beef industry and its component individual ranch units before we can draw meaningful conclusions and inferences for the industry. There is a pressing need for us to know if, where, and how many of a well defined homogeneous group of ranches exist if we want to measure the impact of findings in this study and in others for the state or the industry. Most sources of data available to the researcher and policy-maker are aggregated in such a manner that the identification of particular popula­ tions within the agricultural industry is next to impossible. Many sources of data provide statistics concerning the number of beef cows and the num­ ber of ranches involved, the number of acres of winter wheat and the num­ ber of farms involved, the average number of acres of pasture per ranch, etc., for a particular area. Such data may not be the type of information that the researcher or policy^mhker needs. - For instance, the researcher seeking to discover the economic importance of sheep enterprises in combination with beef ranches needs to know not the average number of sheep in Gallatin County, but he needs to know i f , and in what numbers, combination beef and sheep ranches exist and where they exist, so that he might study them. ■ - 7 Suppose that a readjustment of the tax rates applied to various qualities of rangeland is proposed. The policymaker needs to know the number of ranches that might have increased income due to that tax change. In order for him to be correct in his judgment, he needs to know not the average carrying capacity of Montana rangeland, but he needs to know the number of ranches that have pasture of certain quality and capacity, and the percentage of the total ranches this comprises in each particular part of the state that might be affected. It is important for.a researcher to have considerable homogeneity in a group of firms studied if he expects his results or conclusions to be sound. The researcher must attempt to keep the variances of the statisti­ cal parameters small enough so that the parameters derived and the con­ clusions made are meaningful. It, therefore, becomes essential that we know how many firms of this homogeneous group exist and where they are located^. Research Problem This research problem is concerned primarily with the structure and organization of the beef cattle industry in the plains area of southeastern Montana, This study is to be the first phase of a study to collect infor­ mation and estimates relating differences or similarities in Montana range' beef ranches regarding: (l) their organization and operation; (2) their costs and returns, their rates of earnings on investment, labor, and management; and (3) the value of the grazing resource of these firms. - 8 In this study we are concerned with phase one, the organization and operation of the ranching industry in southeastern Montana. An attempt will be made to obtain a clear and accurate description of what is in the ranching industry in southeastern Montana and how and where the ranching industry is distributed within the area. There is a need to designate the ranch structure as it exists in the state of Montana, The ranching industry in Montana is very heterogenous. In Montana we find a diverse combination of natural operating factors. ■ These factors— topography, elevation, soils, range plants, temperature, moisture, winds, etc.— we find in endless combination and great variety.^ Montana’s ranching industry is spread over moist mountain valleys, rough river break lands, dry plains, forest lands, and even fertile cropland areas. Due to Montana’s wide range of natural features, we would expect that the size, organization, and output combinations of Montana’s ranches would likewise be quite diverse. Accordingly the problem of the researcher in analyzing Montana’s beef industry is a complex one. If, as in later phases of this study, a researcher is interested in studying Montana’s beef industry for purposes of analyzing the efficiency of resource allocation, he is confronted by a multitude of different sizes, organizations, input combinations, and output combinations of farms and ranches comprising the total beef industry in the state. It is hoped that this phase of the project will shed considerable light oh the What is - 9 and the location of the beef cattle industry for use in later phases of the study, and for use in other studies„ If suggestions and conclusions for improving resource allocation within the industry are to be made, then a complete understanding of the existing structure is necessary. Objectives There is one basic major objective of this study. That is to des­ cribe the economic structure and composition of the beef ranching industry in southeastern Montana. Some secondary objectives that would be accomplished by such a des­ cription are I 1. To provide data in such a form that will benefit researchers in setting up study areas and in sampling various populations. 2. To identify and describe some existing populations within the beef industry in the study area. 1 3 o To provide data that will allow researchers to estimate accurately the impact of conclusions drawn in this study and others oh the beef industry and the state. Limitations It is necessary that the limitations to this study be pointed out: 1. The ranches to be observed have been limited to those with at least 20 and not more than 500 beef cows. Therefore, any ranches having less than 20 or more than 500 beef cows will not be included. 2. Because the initial sort is to be made on beef cows (including heifers that have calved), any ranch whose entire operation is one of purchasing feeder cattle and fattening them will be excluded. I CHAPTER II PROCEDURE In any descriptive study of this nature one must choose an approach and method of presentation that is as logical, straight forward, and con­ sistent as possible in order to accomplish the job and leave the reader with a clear and uptangled notion about the nature and structure of the subject being described. In this case the decision was made to describe on the basis of area and cow-herd-size. It is hoped that this'will"re- suit in a clear picture of where ranches with particular characteristics are located, and how they are related to the size of the cow herd.•' The general procedure for this problem will be to describe by means of'cross-classifying individual ranch data. Data have been collected on one-half of the ranches that have from 20 to 49 (inclusive) beef cows and on all ranches that have from 50 to 500 (inclusive) beef cows in area i n 'southeastern Montana. The data for this study, obtained through the cooperation of the Bureau of Land Management and the Bureau of the Census, were collected in 1959° ' The description is stratified according to geographic study area and beef-eow-number-grouping. fications, There are four areas and seven-beef cow dlassi-. Each individual rinch observation within each area was sorted into a specific eou-number-categcry„ The description, therefore, entails 28 separate and distinct groups of ranches (7 cow number stratifications and 4 geographic stratifications). The analysis and stratification of land use data and nonbeef livestock data is the same for each area andr - 11 cow-number-group„ The same basic method of analysis and presentation was used throughout,.the entire study. Each chapter, which represents a specific phase of the description, contains appendix tables showing the data distribution by study area and graphs showing the percentage distribution of the various land use and nonbeef livestock stratifications by study area and cow-number-group. Each table contains information relative to the number of observations, the mean, and the percent of total observations for the area. All stratifications are on a purely physical basis, i.e,,.acres, cownumbers, animal units, etc. Ho attempt has been, made to convert any data to monetary terms. The Study Area Each ranch as mentioned earlier was segregated into one of four geo­ graphic subareas within the study area. cording to two criteria. These regions were selected ac­ The counties were grouped as much as possible by (l) geographic, topographic, and climatic similarities; and (2) by type of farming similarities. are shown in Figure 2. The total study area and component individual areas Figure 3 shows the types of farming found through­ out the study area. The total area, which includes 18 counties in southeastern Montana, is bounded on the north by the Missouri River, on the west by mountains and ■foothills, on the south by Vfyoming, and on the east by Horth and South Dakota. This area, comprising a little less than l/3 of Montana9S land - 12 surface, is characterized b y a semiarid climate which is typical of the Great Plains„ Area I includes Wheatland, Golden Valley, and Musselshell counties„ This group of comities is bounded on the north b y the Big Snowy and the ' little Belt mountains „ Crazy mountains. Along the western boundary are the Castle and the The dominant type of farming found in this group is livestock ranching. A small amount of cash graiii farming can be found i along the southern edge of Golden Valley County, and some mixed livestock ranching and cash grain farming is located along the northern edge of Musselshell County. Area 2, which includes the counties of Yellowstone, Treasure, and Big Horn, is a very diversified area. The two major influences in this area are the irrigated Yellowstone Valley and the irrigated valleys- along the Big Horn and Little Big Horn rivers „ However, most of- the agricultural activity of this area outside of the irrigated valleys is classified as livestock ranching. Area 3 includes Petroleum, Garfield, Prairie, Rosebud, Custer, Powder River, and Carter counties. The dominant type of farming found in this area is livestock ranching. The only major discrepancies are found along the Yellowstone River and in Petroleum and Prairie counties where some cash grain and mixed cash grain and livestock ranching is found. Area 3 re- presents the semi-arid plains; the average annual rainfall for the seven county area is 12.32 inches.^ 7USDA Statistical Reporting Service, Montana Agriculture Statistics, VIX, December, 1962, p. 16. MONTANA F igure 2. Grap h i c d i s t r ibution of study a r e a s . Cash crop f a r m i n g : G rain L i v e stock ranching H" J__ I j M i x e d livestock ranching and cash crop farming General farming and irrigation F i gure 3. *Source: Nicholas H e lburn, M. J. Edie, Types of farming.* and G o rdon L i g h t f o o t , M o n t a n a in M a p s , p. 27. - 15 Kie fourth area, "which includes McCone, Richland, Dawson, Wibaux, and Fallon counties, is similar to Area 2 in that it is quite diversified0 However, in Area 4 there is less agriculture that is classified as the livestock ranching type and as general and irrigated farming than in Area 2o In Area 4 we find considerable cash grain farming and mixed cash grain farming and livestock ranching 0 In the northern part of this area we begin to get into that section of the state which is devoted largely to the production of spring wheat. As stated previously, the second major sort on the individual ranch observations was by beef cow numbers, The beef-cow-groupings used are as follows: Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Is 2s 3! 4s 5s 6: 7s those those those those those those those ranches with ranches with ranches with ranches with ranches with ranches with ranches with 20 to 49 beef cows; 50 to ?4 beef cows; 75 to 99 beef cows; 100 to 149 beef cows; 150 to 199 beef cows; 200 to 299 beef cows; 300 to 500 beef cows. The observed-data is presented in Table III, which includes informa­ tion of 'the' number of observations found in each cow group, the mean for each group, and the percentage that each group comprises of the total ob­ served' ranches of the particular areas, Figure "4 is a pictorial presenta­ tion showing, by study area, the percentage of the ranches in each area falling into'the various cow groups or stratifications, TABLE III. BEEF COW NUMBER DISTRIBUTION BY STUDY AKEA6 - Cow Strata - Area I Percent -of Qba-. 'Mean Area # ••# 20=49 50-74 ' 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 84 73 34 58 25 23 6 TOTALS 303-/ 35.7 60.2 87.0 119:9 177.3 228.3 421.3 -Qbs. % # 27 „7 24.1 11.2 19.1 8.3 7.6T 2,0 190 92 72 61 32 38 23 100.0 ‘ 508-/ Area 2 Percent Mean of Area Obs. Area 3 Percent Mean of Area Area 4 Obs. % # # % # 35.9 37.4 60.4 18.1 14.2 12.0 6.3 7.5 4.5 308 248 199 191 121 87 47 35.0 61.7 87.1 122.0 171.3 236.1 366.0 25.6 20.7 16.6 15.9 10.1 7.2 3.9 304 198 108 110 29 30 10 # 86.8 124.1 170.7 233.8 365.4 100.0 100.0 1201-/ 789-/ Mean Percent of Area 7. 35.1 60.3 86,1 119.3 173.2 246.5 406.2 38.5 25.1 13.7 13.9 3.7 3.8 1.3 100.0 a/ The figure for number of observations in cow category 20=49 has been, doubled. Data were collected from only 1/2 of the ranches in this cow category. Throughout the remainder of the study the number of observations have not been adjusted for the first cow category. b/ These are corrected totals. To get the number of ranches actually observed-subtract 1/2' of the first entry from each total. ’ ' y- ■ Percent 40 ■ S □ B 35' 3CT AR E A I AREA 2 AREA 3 AREA 4 25T 20 X 15* 10 5 20-49 50-74 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 COW STRATA F igure 4. Percentage D i s t r i b u t i o n of C ow N u mber Strata By Area. As one would, expect, most of the observations fall into the smaller cow categories. In Areas I and 3 considerably fewer observations were found in the 20 to 49 cow strata than in Areas 2 and 4. Area 4 ranks first among the four areas in the first two cow stratifications and last , in the last three cow stratifications. In order for one to .evaluate and interpret the tables and graphs in the remainder of this study, it is well to bear in mind the relative num­ ber of ranch observations in the various cow categories. In the larger cow categories only a few observations were found; therefore, some dis­ tortion in the means of other items stratified (cross-classified) within each individual cow category may occur. As stated previously, the description of the beef industry in south­ eastern Montana was accomplished by cross-classifying the individual ranch data of 28 study groups with other livestock data, crop enterprise data, hay data, pasture data, and some general data on land tenure and use. The description is handled in two major but separate parts. Chapter III deals with the analysis of all the various output or product combina­ tions found on beef ranches in the study area. Chapter III and its ast- sociated appendices are further broken into two sections— the first sec­ tion is an analysis of other livestock enterprises in combination with beef enterprises, namely sheep, swine, and dairy; the second section contains information relative to crop enterprises found in combination with beef enterprises, namely wheat, barley, oats, c o m , other crops, and sugar beets. 19 The second major part of the description. Chapter XV, contains a discussion and analysis of the hay, pasture, and general land inputs found on beef ranches in the study area. There are three appendices for Chapter -IV— the first contains tables concerning hay acres, the second contains tables concerning pasture analysis, and the third contains tables on general land use and tenure. Chapter V is a brief summary of the conclusions made and major trends that were found by the analysis. / CHAPTER III OTHER ENTERPRISES FOUND IN COMBINATION WITH BEEF CATTLE RANCHES The first phase of the description entails a cross-classification of other ranch output data Hith the established beef-cow-stratifications„ Data ..concerning other livestock and crop enterprises were stratified with­ in each of the cow and study,area stratifications. The stratifications on all of the output data are the same for each beef-cow-herd-size-group or stratification. The data are presented in graphic form throughout the text, showing the percentage distribution of ranch observations having a particular out­ put stratification in each cow-number-group and study area. The data from which the graphs were constructed are presented in tables in the appendix. The tables contain information on the mean and the number of observations found in each output strata in addition to the percentage distribution. The reader should recognize that, in some areas, distortions or ex­ aggerations of the percentage distributions do occur because there are only a few observations in some of the larger size categories. Livestock Enterprises Sheen.--In order to get some picture of the importance of sheep enter­ prises in conjunction with various sized cattle ranches, the comparison was made on a breeding animal unit basis. All ranches in each cow category were stratified as to whether they had no ewes or between zero and one-half as many animal units of ewes as beef cows, or more than one-half as many animal units of ewes as beef cows. Ranches were sorted into one of the - 21 three categories by taking one-fifth of the ewes and dividing by the num­ ber of beef cows. The percentage distributions shown in Figures 5s 6, and 7 are, therefore, distributions -of animal unit equivalents of breeding sheep by beef cow strata. A comparison of beef cattle and sheep on an animal unit basis works well, in that cattle and sheep ranching in southeastern MoUtana is pri­ marily a range proposition. In many instances the cattle and sheep enter- prises must compete for the same land resource. In. such instances addi­ tional cattle or additional sheep can be added to a given ranch only at the sacrifice of the other enterprise. Of course, there are other ranches where sheep complement cattle because much of the range may be unsuitable for grazing by cattle. As one would expect, more combination beef and sheep ranches were found in Areas I and 3 than in Areas 2 and 4. Also, with the exception of Area I, as cow numbers increase the percentage of ranches incorporating a sheep enterprise decrease. , The number of ranches with sheep in Areas 2 and 4 ranged from O to 15 percent with the lower percentages found in the larger size categories (Figure 5)° It is important here to note that in all categories in Area 3 the per­ centage of ranches incorporating a sheep enterprise ranged between 15 and 30 percent. Area I. Even more common is the combination beef and sheep ranch in In all categories in Area I the percentage of combination beef and sheep ranches exceeded 30 percent and ranged upward to 50 percent in the 200 to 299 cow category. It becomes apparent to one that these areas have a large number of combination beef and sheep ranches and that this - 22 population is indeed an important one in these areas. The relative impor­ tance of the sheep and cattle enterprises can be seen in Figures 6 and 7. Certainly any researcher or other individual sampling or studying some aspect of agriculture in Areas I and 3 should be aware of this population. One would expect that the combination beef and sheep ranches might be or­ ganized quite differently than the pure beef ranch. An awareness of such populations is particularly important in many instances because of the high dependence of both enterprises on the range and hay resource. Percent I Area 4 Area 3 Area I 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 5. Percentage distribution of ranches having no breeding AU's of sheep per breeding AU of beef cow, by cow strata„ - 23 Percent Area I Area 3/^f Area 4 Area 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300^500 Figure 6. Percentage distribution of ranches having 0 to 0.5 breeding AU's of sheep per breeding AU of beef cow, by cow strata. Percent Area I Area 3 Area 4 Area 2 75-99 100-159 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 7. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 0.5 breed­ ing A U ’s of sheep per breeding AU of beef cow, by cow strata. - 24 - Swine.— Figure 8 shows the percentage distribution of beef ranches in­ corporating a hog enterprise. Hogs were cross-classified with beef cattle on the basis of litters farrowed. Ranch observations were sorted into two groups-— those farrowing one litter or less and those farrowing more than, one litter per year. Any hog enterprise involving the purchase and feed­ ing of weaners was eliminated in this analysis. One would conclude from the analysis that as cow numbers increase the percentage of ranches incorporating a hog enterprise tend to decrease. However, there are two unique exceptions to this generalization $ namely those ranches having 150 to 199 cows in JLreas I and 4. In JLreas 2 and 4, where there are more diversified irrigated farms than in Jlreas I.and 3, a hog enterprise in conjunction with the beef enter­ prise occurs more frequently. In all cqw categories except one, JLrea 4 has more combination hog and beef enterprises than the other areas. On the smaller beef ranches of Jlreas 2 and 4, hogs seem to be of some impor­ tance. The percentage of ranches incorporating a hog enterprise in con\ junction with beef in these instances runs from 15 to 20 percent. How­ ever, on the whole, one must conclude that hogs do not play an important role on most beef ranches in southeastern Montana. Certainly in Areas I and 3 the combining of swine and beef enterprises on the same ranch is not a common practice. In most instances the percentage of ranches in these areas having hogs ranges downward from 10 percent. - 25 Percent Area 2 \ Area 4 Area L» Area 3 ' 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 8. Percentage distribution of ranches farrowing more than one litter of hogs, by cow strata. Dairy.— The identification of dairy enterprises in combination with beef ranches was accomplished by sorting the individual ranch observations into two groups— those ranches having five or less dairy cows and those ranches having more than five dairy cows. It was felt that any ranch having no more than five dairy cows had these cows for the primary purpose of providing dairy products for home use. On a ranch having more than five dairy cows, the dairy enterprise would likely be a commercial operation supplementing other ranch income. The results of this analysis revealed, as in the case of hogs, that the percentage of ranches having a dairy enterprise in conjunction with a beef enterprise declines as the size of the beef herd increases. - 26 The reader should not be misled by the opposite trend that occurs in the last two cow stratifications of Area I (Figure 9)° As was stated pre­ viously, distortions in percentage distributions are likely to occur when dealing with small numbers of observations„ One observes'when examining Table VI of Appendix A that there are only 23 and 6 ranches in Area I that have from 200 to 299 and from 300 to 500 beef cows, respectively, Jh the latter case, only one observation had more than five milk cows, (six to be exact), but this was enough to distort the picture considerably, As in the case of hogs one would conclude, as*a general rule, ranches having a commercial d a % y enterprise in combination with a beef enterprise are few in southeast Montana, In the majority of cow categories the per­ centage of ranches having more than five milk cows is less than 10 percent and in one-half of the categories the percentage is less than 5 percent, Qn the smaller beef cow ranches of Areas 2 and 4, combination beef and dairy enterprises are more common. This is as expected, because many diversified irrigated ranches are found in th,e Yellowstone Valley and most of"'the larger towns' and cities of southeastern Montana are located in these areas. - 2? Percent Area 4 Area I A rea,2 -Area 3 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 9. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than five dairy cows, by cow strata. Crop Enterprises Major sections of the beef industry in Montana are built or organized as combinations of cattle and cash crops. This is of greater importance in some areas than others, but one must examine and know how many such organi­ zations we have in various areas to draw inferences resulting from changes in either the cattle or crop enterprises. They are very closely inter­ related and the organization of these combination units is different from the organization of either a straight cash crop or straight beef unit. All crops harvested.— The description of crops and their influence and importance on beef ranches is accomplished by looking at an aggregate of all crops harvested, and by then breaking this aggregate down and ex­ amining separately each major crop grown in the study area. The first observations one makes when examining Figure 10 is that crop enterprises in combination with beef ranches are much more common than other livestock enterprises in combination with beef ranches. In only 3 of the 28 individual groups of. ranches does the percentage of pure livestock organization or those' having no cash crops harvested exceed 50 percent. Those three categories are the largest category in Area 2 and the two largest size categories in Area 3The first graph of each sequence on sheep, swine, and dairy tells the rest of the story in that very few of the 28 individual groups had even 25 percent other livestock. With the exception of Area I, those cow num­ ber categories having no sheep exceed 70 percent. Those cow number cate­ gories having one or less litters farrowed all exceed 79 percent. With the exception of the two largest size categories of Areal those cow number groups having five or less dairy cows exceeded 84 percent. The area that stands out in the analysis of all crops harvested is Area 4. The percentage of ranches harvesting more than 200 acres of crops (Figure 13) is the greatest for Area 4 in all cow categories, and in the first five cow categories of Area 4 the percentage of ranches harvesting more than 200 acres of crops is, in every instance, more than double that of any other area. - 29 Further analysis and conclusions about crop enterprises in conjunc­ tion with the beef enterprise will be pointed out in the sections dealing with specific crops. Percent 20-49 50-74 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 10. Percentage distribution of ranches having zero acres in all crops, by cow strata. (Excludes sugar beet acres.) - 30 Percent Area I Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Cow Strata Figure 11. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of all crops, by cow strata. (Excludes sugar beets.) Perjcent 50 40 —Area 2 30 Area I Area 3 20 Area 4^ 10 0 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Cow Strata Figure 12. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acres of all crops, by cow strata. (Excludes sugar beet acres.) - 31Percent Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area I ' 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Cow Strata Figure 13. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 200 acres of all crops, by cow strata. (Excludes sugar beet acres.) All wheat.— The most common enterprise found in combination with beef cattle ranches in southeastern Montana is wheat. ranches not having a wheat enterprise exceeds The percentage of 50 percent in only one- fourth of the 28 individual groups. It is also interesting to note that of those ranches in Area 4 having 75 to 99 cows, 100 to 149 cows, and 150 to 199 cows, better than harvested more than 200 acres of wheat (Figure 17). 50 percent In the last two cow categories of Area 4 more than 30 percent of the ranches harvested in ex­ cess of 200 acres of wheat. It is evident from an examination of Figure 17 and Table VIII of Appendix B that large wheat enterprises in conjunc­ tion with large beef enterprises are common in both Areas 2 and 4. It - 32 is indeed revealing to examine the mean acreage of wheat harvested for . ■ all cow categories of Area 2 and 4- harvesting more than 200 acres of ■wheat. The mean acres of wheat harvested for those ranches having over 200 acres of wheat for Area 2 in order of increasing cow herd size are 272,7 acres, 4-28,3, acres, 585-2 acres, 572,5 acres, acres, and 729.3 acres. 552.1 acres, 364,4- The means of acres of wheat harvested in excess of 200 acres for Area 4 in order of increasing cow herd size are acres, 411.0 acres, 361,8 456.8 acres, 484,4 acres, 302,6 acres, 839.0 acres, and 294.3 acres. Still another conclusion drawn from Figure 14 is that there is a definite trend between the number of ranches incorporating a wheat enter prise and the size of the beef cow herd. In all study areas the percent age of ranches not having wheat increased as the size of the beef cow herd increased. The percentage distribution of those ranches incorpora­ ting a wheat enterprise is shown in Figures 15» 16 and 17. - 33 Percent Area I Area Area 2 ' 20-49 50-74 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Cow Strata Figure 14. Percentage distribution of ranches having no wheat, by cow strata. Percent Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 15. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of wheat, by cow strata. - 34 Percent Area I -Area 2 Jlrea 3' Area 4 - \ ^ 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 16. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acres of wheat, by cow strata. Percent Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area I 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 17. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 200 acres of wheat, by cow strata. - 35 — Winter wheat.--All wheat acres have been broken into two groups— winter wheat and spring wheat plus durum— for further analysis„ There are two reasons for this further breakdowns (l) the production pattern of winter and spring varieties is quite different when comparing study areas; and (2) the labor requirements for the production of winter and spring varieties although the same in quantity occur at different times during the year. These factors affect the relationship between the beef and crop enterprise. The general conclusion concerning this section and the section following on spring wheat and durum is the same as that for all wheat, namely, as eow-herd~size increases, the percentage of ranches with a winter wheat or a spring wheat and durum enterprise decreases (Figures 18 and 22) ,. The analysis points out quite convincingly that the production of winter and spring varieties occurs in different areas. Areas 2 and 4 which were dominant in the analysis of all wheat on beef ranches, are also dominant in this analysis. In Area 2 one finds the combination cattle and winter wheat ranches, and in Area 4 one finds the combination cattle and spring wheat ranches. Figures 18 through 21 pertain to winter wheat and Figures 22 through 25 to spring wheat and durum. An interesting observation about the percentage distribution of ranches having more than 200 acres of winter wheat is the relationship t between the cow-herd-size and winter wheat enterprise Occuring in Area 2 (Figure 21). The relationship appears to be, to a degree, the reverse of that for all other areas'. In other areas the percentage of ranches - 36 incorporating a winter wheat enterprise declines as cow numbers increase. The trend shown by Area 2 in the cow categories starting at 100 head is that as cow herd size increases the percentage of ranches having wheat also increases. Area 2, in Figure 18, also shows the same sort of trend for winter wheat enterprises of all sizes. Percent Area 3 Area 4 Area Area 2 20-49 50-74 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 18. Percentage distribution of ranches having no winter wheat, by cow strata. Percent Area Area Area Area 20-49 50-74 75-99 I 2 3 4 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 19. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of winter wheat, by cow strata. - J l Percent Area I Area Area 4 A — ' Area 3 7 74-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Cow Strata Figure 20. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acres of winter wheat, by cow strata. Percent Area I Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 50-74 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 21. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 200 acres of winter wheat, by cow strata. - 38 — Spring wheat and durumo— Most of the results of and reasons for this analysis have been covered in the proceeding section. Figures 22, 24, and 25 tell the story; combination beef and spring wheat ranches are located in Area 4, Of those beef ranches harvesting more than 200 acres of spring wheat or durum (Figure 25), Area 4 leads its nearest competitor, Area 3 by as much as 14 fold (150 to 199 cow category), One other observation about this analysis should be pointed out. Area 3, which is the only area bordering Area 4» ranks second quite con­ sistently to Area 4 as far as percentage of beef ranches incorporating a spring wheat enterprise is concerned. If one turns to Figure 3, Types of Farming, that part of Area 3 where the combination beef and spring wheat ranches are found is evident. Prairie County. Most of these ranches lie within or near - 39 Percent 20-4? 50-74 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Cow Strata Figure 22. Percentage distribution of ranches having no spring wheat or durum, by cow strata. Percent Area Area Area Area 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 23. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of spring wheat or durum, by cow strata. - 40 Percent Area 4 Area 3 Area Area 2 50-74 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 24. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acres of spring wheat or durum, by cow strata. Percent 50 40 X Area 4 X 30 X X Area I Area 2 Area 3 20 - 6— 6- 10 0 20-49 50-74 3 = = 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 25. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 200 acres of spring wheat or durum, by cow strata. Feed grains--oats and barley,,-- The analysis of the feed grains$ like the analysis of -wheat, is handled in three parts I (l) oats and barley in I combination, (2) oats separately, and (3) barley separately. Although oats and barley are often analyzed as one group, it is the opinion of this author that a separate analysis of each is justified for the following reasons: (l) barley produced on a Montana cattle ranch may very likely be a cash crop; and (2) oats produced on a.Montana cattle ranch will most likely be used for livestock feed. If this opinion be so, then barley is likely to be marketed directly as a cash crop much the same as wheat, and oats will be marketed indirectly in the form.of livestock products much the same as pasture or hay. The results of the aggregate analysis of barley and oats in conjunc­ tion with beef ranches is presented in Figures 26, 2?, and 28, general trends do exist they would be difficult to identify. If any Certain of the areas follow some sort of a continual movement 1between cow stratifi­ cations, but movements of other areas are too erratic to attempt to identi­ fy or explain. Area 3 has the least erratic fluctuations, Area 3 follows the more general pattern, in that the percentage of ranches having a feed grain enterprise tends to decrease as cow numbers increase, A feed grain enter­ prise on beef ranches is important as well over half of the ranches in­ cluded a feed grain enterprise, A much more detailed explanation of these two enterprises will be presented in the following sections on oats and on barley. - 42 Percent Area I Area Area 2- 50-74 Figure 75-99 — Area 4 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 26. Percentage distribution of ranches having no oats or barley, by cow strata. Percent Area I 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 27. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of oats or barley, by cow strata. - 43 Percent Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area I 50-74 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Cow Strata Figure 28. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 50 acres of oats or barley, by cow strata. Oats.— Oats are important on beef ranches in Montana not so much as a cash crop but as a livestock feed. Some contend that oats are superior to barley if one is interested mainly in growth rather than a fattened pro­ duct. Livestock producers also view oats as being an excellent supple­ mental feed for female animals during and following the calving and lambing periods. It is a good milk producing feed which can be supplied on the ranch from diverted acres not in wheat production. Therefore, on many ranches one will find a few acres of oats harvested in order to provide feed for replacement heifers, bulls, and horses. Another advantage is that oat straw is of higher quality than the straw of other cereal grains. - M- The results of this analysis indicate that no evident patterns exist in the production of oats on beef cattle ranches. One important observa­ tion is the difference in the relative percentage levels of Figures 30 and 31. Of those ranches having zero to 50 acres of oats, most categories ex­ ceed 20 percent. On the other hand, of those ranches having more than 50 acres of oats, few categories exceed 10 percent. oat acreages on beef ranches are generally small. One would conclude that One would probably get a much better or stronger connection between those ranches having sheep and supplementary oats enterprises. Many sheep producers feed oats at time of lambing. Percent Area I Area 2 Area 4 20-49 50-74 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 29. Percentage distribution of ranches having no oats, by cow strata. - 45 Percent Area 2- Area 4 Area 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Cow Strata Figure 30. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of oats, by cow strata. Percent /Area 4 Area Are^ 3' 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 31. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 50 acres of oats, by cow strata. ...- (— 46 «=* Barley.--The production of barley on beef ranches is important for two reasons; (l) on ranches marketing fed cattle in'Montana, one of the more popular feeds for fattening is barley; and (2) on combination commer­ cial grain and cattle ranches in Montana, barley is one of the better al­ ternatives for diverted wheat acres. \ Figures 32, 33$ and 34, which show the results of the analysis of barley, .are somewhat more revealing than were the graphs on oats and barley combined and on oats separately, in that much of the fluctuation has been removed with the removal of oat acres. These fluctuations are probably caused by the sheep enterprise as pointed out earlier. In gen­ eral one could conclude that as cow numbers increase, the number of ranches including a barley enterprise decrease in much the same manner as did wheat. Also, as in the analysis of all wheat and of spring wheat and durum, Area 4, with only one exception, has a greater percentage of ranches incorporating a barley enterprise of more than 200 acres than any of the other areas. A comparison of Figure 36 (more than 200 acres of barley) and Figure 33 (more than 200 acres of oats) is appropriate. In all categories, ex­ cluding parts of Area 3 and the last cow category of Area I, more than 10 percent of the ranch observations harvested barley in excess of 200 acres, while in most cases fewer than 10 percent of the ranches harvested more than 200 acres of oats. - 4? Percent Area Area 3 Area 2 20-4950-7475-99100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 32. Percentage distribution of ranches having no barley, by cow strata. Percent Area 2 Area I Area 4 Area 20-4950-7475-99100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 33. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero but not more than 50 acres of barley, by cow strata. - 48 Percent Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area I 7 5 - 9 9 1 0 0 - 1 4 9 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 34. Percentage distribution of ranches having more than 50 acres of barley, by cow strata. C o m .— Corn is not a major crop in most of the state. However, in Area 4 considerable amounts of c o m are produced for use as livestock feed. Most c o m in southeastern Montana is harvested as silage or is grazed in the field during the fall of the year. Figure 35 shows the percentage distribution of ranches having a c o m enterprise. It is particularly interesting to note the high percentage of ranches in Area 4 harvesting c o m at all cow-herd-sizes. In only the last cow category does the percentage of ranches harvesting c o m fall below 40 percent, and then only to 30 percent. The percentages range upward to over 50 percent in the 150 to 199 cow stratification. Certainly if one were interested in studying the economics of feeding c o m silage to beef cattle, Area 4 would be the place where one would find ranches to sample. It is also the area where a c o m base is available for supplementing barley - 49 and other feed grains in a feeding enterprise. This does not say that other areas cannot grow corn but points up a definite difference in the areas at this time. It seems that no specific trends exist between percentage of ranches harvesting corn and the cow herd size. One would expect to find a distri­ bution of this nature because c o m and beef enterprises on Montana ranches are not competitive but complementary. Very likely most ranches having a c o m enterprise do so not to supplement income but to produce livestock feed. It is also likely that many of the ranches including corn do so to supplement a cattle feeding enterprise. Percent Area 4 Area 2 Area 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 35. Percentage distribution of ranches having c o m , by cow strata - 50 Other crops.— (Excluding sugar beets)— Other crops that might be found in the study area are flax, rye, safflower, and dry beans. ranches in the study these crops were of little importance. Figure On most A look at 36, which shows the percentage distribution of ranches having more than zero acres of other crops, reveals that in all ranch groups the per­ centage of ranches having other crops was less than 10 percent, and in all but five ranch groups the percentage having other crops was less than 5 percent. The importance of other crops seems to be about the same for all areas. However, the percentage of beef ranches having other crops is slightly higher for Area 4 than for the other areas throughout the smaller cow stratifications. These other crops are of little or no importance in describing the structure of the beef cattle industry in the study area. Percent Area I Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 20-4950-7475-99100-149150-199 Cow Strata Figure 200:299300-500 36. Percentage distribution of ranches having other crops, by cow strata. - 51 Sugar beets.— Sugar beets is probably the best alternative crop for irrigated ranches in the Yellowstone Valley. A sugar beet enterprise in combination with a beef enterprise exists probably as a supplement to or as the main source of ranch income. The analysis showed that Area 2, which includes most of the irrigated areas of the Yellowstone, Big Horn, and Little Big Horn valleys, is by a considerable margin the leading area in the production of sugar beets. The trend shown (Figure 37) by Area 2 is very definite, i.e., as cow-herdsize increases the percentage of ranches incorporating a sugar beet enter­ prise decreases. Areas 3 and 4 have some combination beef and sugar beet ranches, but not many. Those that do exist are found along the Yellowstone River. Percent Area Area Area Area I 2 3 4 Area 2 75-99100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 37. Percentage distribution of ranches having sugar beets, by cow strata. CHAPTER IV ' L M D RESOURCE USE AS M INPUT OF BEEF CATTLE R M C H E S The major input item associated with any beef cattle operation is feed. Southeastern Montana has vast acreages of range and pasture land which are harvested by and marketed through beef cattle. This semi-arid range land provides a feed base in the form of range and hay for a substan­ tial part of Montana’s beef industry. The vast range resource of the area is utilized in the production of feeder calves which are shipped in large numbers to the C o m Belt for finishing. Although some feediot operations are found in the study area, the majority of the area’s beef industry is made up of cow-calf operations. The range resource is supplemented during the winter months with hay which is also usually produced on the. ranch. It is, therefore, appropriate that a detailed analysis of the hay and pasture base associated with beef cattle ranches be included in any des­ criptive study of the industry. This chapter, and its accompanying appen­ dices, is divided into three major parts. The first part includes that portion of the analysis describing the hay base asssociated with various sized cattle ranches within the four study areas. The second part per­ tains to the pasture base found in conjunction with each study group. The third part, which contains information on general land data, emphasizes irrigated land and ownership patterns. The data from which the percentage distributions in the text were calculated are,presented on tables in Appen­ dices C , D, and E which pertain to hay, pasture, and general land analysis - 53 In addition the tables include information on the number of observations found in, each grouping and the mean for that grouping. As in the analysis presented in the preceding chapter, the reader should be aware that distortions of percentage distributions and means may occur in those ranch groupings that contain only a few observations. Hay All h a y .--In order that the hay base associated with beef ranches can be identified and described in more detail9 the analysis has been broken into four parts. First an aggregation of all hay found on individual ranch groups is analyzed and then an analysis based on a grouping of hay into three major types is presented. Ranches were sorted inter one of three groups— those having less than or equal to '50 acres of hay, those having between 50 and 200 acres of hay, and those having more than 200 acres of hay. Figures 38, 39, and 40 show the percentage distribution of observations resulting from the analysis. As one would expect, the number of acres of hay is closely related to the number of cows. Those cow groups ranking highest, so far as percentage of ranches having less than 50 acres of hay is concerned (Figure 38), are the three groups having less than 100 cows. In Figure 39 the highest con­ centration of ranches having between 50 and 200 acres of hay are found in the middle three size categories. Of the total ranches, those cutting more than 200 acres of hay (Figure 40) range from approximately 35 to 70 per­ cent for the largest two size categories. - 54 Area 2, which is the area with the most irrigation, has the highest percentage of ranches falling into the 50 acres or less category (Figure 38) and the lowest percentage of ranches falling into the greater than 200 acre category (Figure 40). This would indicate that where irrigation is more predominant the number of acres that need be devoted to the production of hay for livestock feed are few because of the high yields of hay found on irrigated land. Percent 60. Area 2 Area 4 Area 3 Area I 100-149 Figure 150-199 200-299 300-500 38. Percentage distribution of those ranches having 50 acres or less of all hay, by cow strata. - 55 - Percent Area I Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 39. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acres of all hay, by cow strata. Percent Area I Area 3 Area 4 Area 2 50-7475-99100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 40. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 200 acres of all hay, by cow strata. - 56 Alfalfa.— Figure 41, 42, and 43 pertain to the analysis of alfalfa. Ranches were studied on the same basis as all hay— -those with 50 acres or less of alfalfa, those with between 50 and 200 acres of alfalfa, and those with more than 200 acres of alfalfa. Area 2 has the greatest per­ centage of ranches (in most size categories) cutting alfalfa hay as con­ trasted with its last place ranking in the analysis of all hay. The irrigated land base is the principal reason that alfalfa is the most pre­ dominant kind of hay. Alfalfa is a high yielder under irrigation;" it is a very high quality livestock feed, and it is commonly used in rotation systems with sugar beets and other cash crops because of its nitrogen firing properties. Another fact that should be pointed out is the- last place position that Area 4 consistently holds in the percent of ranches having acreages of alfalfa. Although Area 4 has the highest percentage of ranches having 50" acres or less of alfalfa (Figure 4l), the mean acreage in every c'dw category is considerably lower than for all other areas (Table II, Appendix C)". This would indicate that there was a higher percentage'of “the ranches in Area 4 that had no alfalfa than in the other areas. also is the lowest ranking area in the more than Area 4 50 but 200 acres or,less category (Figure 42), and of the more than 200 acres category (Figure 43). - 57 Percent 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 20-4950-7475-99100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 41. Percentage distribution of those ranches having less than or equal to 50 acres of alfalfa, by cow strata. Percent Area 2 Area I Area 3 Area 20-49 50-74 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 42. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acfes of alfalfa, by cow strata. - 58 - Percent Area Area Area 20-4950-7474-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 43. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 200 acres of alfalfa, by cow strata. Clover, timothy and other grasses, small grains for hay, and other hay (excluding wild hay).— This conglomerate, which makes up the second subdivision of all hay, includes all kinds and types of legumes other than alfalfa, crops, and grasses that were harvested for hay. clude only those species that were at one time planted. These types in­ Therefore, wild hay, which follows as the third subdivision of all hay, is excluded. Figures 44, 45, and 46 pertain to this analysis. Figures 45 and 46 suggest that in Area 4 hay of these types are most likely found, and that in Area 2 one is least types. likely to find hay of these As in the analysis of all hay, the rather obvious general trend shown by the series of graphs is that acreages of this type of hay are closely related to the cow herd size. Any further attempt to explain the - 59 various relationships shown by the graphs for this particular analysis would be futile because of the variety of kinds and species of hay involved. Percent Area 2 Area I Area 3 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 44. Percentage distribution of those ranches having less than or equal to 50 acres of clover, timothy and other grasses, small grains for hay, and other hay (excluding wild hay), by cow strata. - 6Q - Percent Area 4 •Area 3 Area I Area 2 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 45. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 50 but not more than 200 acres of clover, timothy and other grasses, small grains for hay, and other hay (excluding wild hay), by cow strata. Percent Area Area Area Area I 2 3 4 100-149 Cow Strata 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 46. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 200 acres of clover, timothy, and other grasses, small grains for hay, and other hay (excluding wild hay), by cow strata. - 6i -■ Wild hay,— -Unlike the previous analysis of hay, ranches were sorted into only two groups— those cutting less than or equal to 10 acres of wild hay and those cutting more than 10 acres of wild hay„ Although stratifica­ tions on similar subject matter are consistent throughout most of the study, it was necessary to depart in this instance to avoid zero or small numbers of observations in the majority of study groups „ From Figure 4? one sees that the harvesting of wild hay is not common in Area 2„ In all cow categories the percentage of those ranches havipg more than 10 acres of wild hay in Area 2 was less than 15 percent, and in all but two size categories the percentage of ranches cutting wild hay was less than 10 percent* i Another conclusion one might draw, although it is based on rather less conclusive evidence, is that the percentage of ranches cutting wild hay tends to increase as the cow herd size increases„ This conclusion appears to have supporting evidence in Areas I, 2, and 3. Area 4 one would be hard pressed to identify such a trend. However, in JVLso distur­ bing, or at least inconsistent, is the drop that occurs from the fifth to the sixth size category (from 150 through 199 to 20t) through 299 cows) in Jlreas I and 3° - 62 - Percent Area 4 Area I Area 2 75-99 Figure 4?. 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 10 acres of wild hay, by cow strata. Pasture Acres pastured per animal unit.— In order to gain some concept of the amount of the land resource that is devoted to the production of grass for livestock feed, an acres-per-animal-unit basis works well. In this study, breeding animal units rather than total animal units have been used when appropriate. The ranches were sorted into four groups— those pasturing no more than 20 acres per breeding animal unit, those pasturing between 20 and 40 acres per breeding animal unit, those pasturing between 40 and 60 acres per breeding animal unit, and those pasturing more than 60 acres per breed­ ing animal unit. For purposes of this analysis the total breeding animal units on a ranch is defined as the number of cows that have calved plus one-fifth of the number of ewes. 63 T It should be pointed out that any pas­ ture utilized under a government lease or contract is not included. Figures 48, 49, 50, and 51 show the percentage distribution of ranches according to the aforementioned strata. Area 2 has a higher per­ centage of ranches having less than 20 acres of pasture per breeding animal unit than any other area. Of those ranches having between 20 and 40 acres of pasture per breeding animal unit, Area 4 is the leader. In the 40 to 60 acres per breeding animal unit category, Area 3 appears to have the highest percentage of ranches, and of those ranches where more than 60 acres per breeding animal unit is required, Area I is dominant. Although one could not.rank the areas according to productiveness of range solely on the basis of this analysis, the evidence indicates that more of the highly productive pasture and range is to be found in Jireas 2 and 4 than in Areas I and 3« Certainly one could not safely conclude any more than this because government grazing permits, which are very important in some of the study areas, are not included as part of the pasture base. A conclusion about the general relationship between the size of the beef cattle herd and the carrying capacity of the range or pasture can not be made on the basis of the results of this analysis. consistent relationships, were found by the analysis. Few trends and no With the exception of Figure 49, which shows the percentage distribution of those ranches having between 20 and 40 acres of land pastured per breeding animal unit, all groupings within each of the pasture breakdowns tend to cluster'between 10. and 30 percent. - 64 Percent Area 2 Area 4 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 48. Percentage distribution of those ranches having not more than 20 acres of land pastured per animal unit, by cow strata. Percent Area 4 Area I Area 3 Area 2 75-99 100-149. Cow Strata 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 49. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 20 but not more than 40 acres of land pastured per animal unit, by cow strata. - 65 - Percent Area I Area 3 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 50. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 40 but not more than 60 acres of land pastured per animal unit, by cow strata. Percent Area I CN Area Area 4 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 51. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 60 acres of land pastured per animal unit, by cow strata. W «■» Cropland pastured,— Cropland for pasture includes only that cropland for which no other use was ;made„ Fall grazing of stubble and fence lines after the removal of crops is not considered „ Qn combination grain and beef ranches grazing of stubble is not uncommon, for it enables a rancher to ride out a dry year b y supplementing short range. Also9 it is not un­ common for ranchers to utilize bunched straw and stubble to prolong the grazing season or to supplement a hay ration. Figure 52 shows the percentage distribution of those ranches having cropland for pasture. different areas. Cropland for pasture is of differing importance in Area 2 has a greater percentage of ranches pasturing cropland than do the other areas„ Area 3 ranks second, Area 4 ranks third, and Area I, which as was pointed out in the previous chapter has very little crop farming, has the lowest percentage of ranches that have crop­ land for pasture. One might conclude that cropland for pasture is quite important, since in most of the size categories between 15 and 30 percent of the ranches pastured cropland which was used only for that purpose. As in the previous analysis, there seems to be no identifiable relationship or trends between cow-herd-size and the percentage of ranches pasturing cropland. ) - 6? Percent Area 3 Area 2 Area 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 52. Percentage distribution of those ranches having cropland for pasture, by cow strata. Irrigated pasture.— Figure 53 shows the percentage distribution of those ranches having irrigated pasture. The erratic movements of Areas I and 2 and the more or less unchanging percentage levels of Areas 3 and 4 lead one to believe that there is no relationship between cow-herd-size and irrigated pasture. One rather obvious and expected observation is that Area 2, which in­ cludes the major irrigated areas of the Yellowstone Valley and the Big Horn and the Little Big Horn valleys, has a greater percentage of ranches with irrigated pasture than the other areas. In all but the last size category of Area 2 the percentage of ranches having irrigated pasture exceeded 11 percent and ranged upward to approximately 33 percent. - 68 In Areas 3 and 4 irrigated pasture is of much less importance. In every instance the percentage of ranches having irrigated pasture was less than 10 percent and in many categories the percentage was considerably lower. In Area I, erratic as the movement may be, the larger size groups tend to have a greater percentage of ranches having irrigated pasture. Certainly the major concentration of irrigated pasture in this area would be found along the Musselshell River and along the eastern slopes of the Crazy Mountains. Percent Area 2 Area I Area 4 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 53« Percentage distribution of those ranches having irrigated pasture, by cow strata. - 69 -• Pasture as percent of total land.— -For purposes of the analysis 9 pasture as a percent of total land was sorted into one of four categories those ranches having 40 percent or less of the total land in pasture, those ranches having between 40 and 60 percent pasture, those ranches having between 60 and 80 percent pasture, and those ranches having more than 80 percent pasture„ The percentage which was stratified according to the above four categories was computed by dividing total pasture by total land. Total pasture includes cropland and woodland pasture but ex­ cludes government permit lands. land rented less land rented out. Total land is equal to land owned plus Total land represents all of the land used by the ranch with the exception of government lease lands. Figures 55$ 56, and 57 pertain to this analysis. There are not many ranches in the total study area that have pasture comprising less than 40 percent of the total land, and for that matter those ranches having between 40 and 60 percent pasture are not plentiful. With the exception of Area 4, the majority of ranches observed had greater than 60 percent of the total land in pasture. The analysis also reveals that as cow-herd-size increases, the percentage of land that is in pasture also increases. This point is particularly exemplified by those ranches having over 80 percent pasture (Figure 57)« This category included over 40 percent of all observations with the exception of the first two size groups of Area 4. This analysis tends to substantiate many of the conclusions drawn in Chapter III. The evidence would indicate that, on the larger beef ranches the dependence of the ranch family on enterprises that utilize the - 70 grazing resource tends to be greater than for ranches with smaller cow herds. From Figure 57 we see that of those ranches having from 200 to 299 cows the percentage of the total acres in the ranch that is pasture ranges from approximately 75 to over 95 percent. ranches having Likewise, of those 300 to 500 cows the percent pasture runs from over 87 percent to 100 percent. Percent Area Area Area Area 75-99 I 2 3 4 100z5T^]30=]^9 200Y299 300^0 Figure 54. Percentage distribution of those ranches having pasture com­ prising less than 40 percent of total land, by cow strata. Percent Area Area Area Area I 2 3 4 Figure 55. Percentage distribution of those ranches having pasture com­ prising more than 40 percent but not more than 60 percent of total land, by cow strata. - 71 Percent Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area I 50-7475-99100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-300 Figure 56. Percentage distribution of those ranches having pasture com­ prising more than 60 percent but not more than 80 percent of total land, by cow strata. Area I Percent Area 2 Area 4 5 0 - 7 4 7 5 - 9 9 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299300-500 Figure 57. Percentage distribution of those ranches having pasture com­ prising more than 80 percent of total land, by cow strata. - 72 - General Land Data Ranch size (acres)- -No farm or ranch description would be complete without some analysis and discussion of the total acres of land involved„ As in the previous analysis, total acres of land operated, which includes all owned land plus land rented minus land rented out and which excludes all government permit or lease land, were cross-classified with ,beef-cownumber-groupings„ Ranches were sorted into four groups— those having less than 640 acres of total land (I section), those having between 640 acres and 2,560 acres of total land (2 to 4 sections), those having between 2,560 acres and 6,400 acres of total land (4 to 10 sections), and those having more than 6,400 acres of total land. Figures 58, 59, 60, and 61 refer to the above classifications, respectively. In Figure 58 we see that there are very few beef ranches of any size that have less than one section of land. Only those ranches in Area 2 having between 20 and 49 beef cows exceed 10 percent. In practically all other instances the percentage of ranches having less than 640 acres was less than ;5 percent. As one'would expect the size of the c o w h e r d is closely related to total acres. On all of the graphs the percentages for each area are close for each cow number grouping. Figure 59 exhibits a definite trend of decreasing percentages as cow herd size increases. Figure 60 seenjs to peak out at the third size category (75 to 99 cows)"and falls as you move in either direction. As indicated ip Figure 6l, those ranches with larger cow herds definitely lead the greater than 10 sections category. - 73Area 2 has the greatest percentage of ranches having less than I section and between I and 4 sections in all cow categories with only one exception (Figures 58 and 59). Accordingly, Area 2 has fewer ranches in the last two land categories than do the other areas. Therefore, a defi­ nite population of beef ranches with smaller total acreages can be found in Area 2. A look at Table I of Appendix E reveals that the mean acreage for most cow stratifications in the first two land groups is less for Area 2 than for other areas. Certainly the large irrigated areas found in Area 2 account for this difference. Also the difference shown by Area 4 in Figure 60 should be pointed out. In cow categories 50 to 74, 75 to 99» and 100 to 149, Area 4 has more than a 10 percent lead on the other areas in terms of percentage of ranches having between 4 and 10 sections. Percent Area Area Area Area I 2 3 4 6— & 75-99 Cow Strata Figure 58. Percentage distribution of those ranches having total land of less than or equal to 640 acres, by cow strata. - 74 - Percent Area 2 Area 4 Area 50-7475-99100-149 Cow Strata 150-199 200-299 300-500 Figure 59. Percentage distribution of those ranches having total land of more than 640 acres but not more than 2,560 acres, by cow strata. Percent Area 4 Area 3 Area I 75-99 100-149 150-199 200-299 300^500 Figure 60. Percentage distribution of those ranches having more than 2,560 acres but not more than 6,400 acres of total land, by cow strata. - 75 Percent Area Area Area Area e- I 2 3 4 — 75-99 Figure 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 6l. Percentage distribution of those ranches having total land of more than 6,400 acres, by cow strata. Ownership pattern— Figures 62, 63, 64, and 65 show the percentage distribution of those ranches where none of the land is owned, where greater than zero but not more than 60 percent of the land is owned, where more than 60 but less than 100 percent of the land is owned, and where all of the land is owned. In general it would be difficult to identify any trends or relation­ ship between the percentage of land owned and cow herd size. Figure However, in 65 it appears that as cow herd size increases the percentage of - 76 ranches owning all of the land operated tends to decrease. One might ex­ pect that if government lease land were added to the analysis that the trend might be more precise. Ranchers owning more than 60 percent of their land exceed 60 percent for nearly all strata (Figures 64 and 65). If one were interested in beef ranches where all of the land was rented $ he would be at a loss to decide where to find this type. None of the areas seem to be predominant and in most cases those ranches made up of all rented land comprise less than 15 percent of the total ranches. In most economic analyses, farm and ranch ownership patterns are taken into account. Certainly a different organization of inputs and a different structure of outputs (enterprise combinations) is likely to occur on a rented ranch than on an owner-operated ranch. In drawing ag­ gregate conclusions, the economist must know the relative numbers of such populations if he expects to make accurate predictions and generalizations concerning the economic phenomenon that he is studying. — 77 Percent Area 4 Area 2 Area 3 Area I 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 62. Percentage distribution of ranches where zero percent of the land is owned, by cow strata. Percent Area 3 Area I 75-99 Figure 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 63. Percentage distribution of ranches where greater than zero but not more than 60 percent of the land is owned, by cow strata. - 78 Percent Area 3 Area I Area 4 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 Area 2 300-500 Figure 64. Percentage distribution of ranches where more than 60 but not more than 99 percent of the land is owned, by cow strata. - 79 Percent Area I Area 2 Area 3 Area 75-99 Figure 100-149 150-199 200-299 300-500 65. Percentage distribution of ranches where all of the land is owned, by cow strata. Irrigated cropland— Irrigated cropland is important on beef ranches in that a good portion of irrigated cropland found on livestock ranches in Montana is devoted to the production of hay. This is not to say that ir­ rigated cropland on ranches is used only in the production of hay. Cer­ tainly the primary crop raised on irrigated lands in certain parts of Area 2 is not hay. Figure 66 is a percentage distribution of those ranches having irrigated cropland. With the exception of Area 4, all but one of the cow categories had more than 20 percent of the observations with irrigated cropland, and this percentage goes up to as high as ?0 percent in the - 80 200 to 299 cow category of Area I. Definitely one could conclude that ir­ rigated cropland in conjunction with beef ranches is commonplace. Areas I and 2 are the leaders and Area 4 is the definite last rank­ ing area as far as percent of ranches having irrigated cropland is con­ cerned. In Area I. only the first cow category has less than 30 percent of its ranches having irrigated cropland. The irrigated cropland found in Area I is undoubtedly used mostly in the production of hay for livestock feed. In Area 2 much of the irrigated cropland is utilized in the pro­ duction of hay. However, a good share of it is devoted to other crops, namely, sugar beets, beans, corn, -wheat, barley, and other crops. The production of hay, particularly legumes, will always be found in rotations where other crops are grown on irrigated land. Percent Area I Area 2 Area 3 20-49 50-74 75-99 100-149 150-199 Cow Strata 200-299 300-500 Figure 66. Percentage distribution of those ranches having irrigated cropland, by cow strata. CHAPTER V SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This study had several objectives as was pointed out in Chapter I„ The first and major objective was to describe the economic structure and composition of the beef industry in southeastern Montana„ The need or use­ fulness of such a description is partially pointed out by the secondary objectives which were (l) to provide data in such a form that it would benefit researchers in setting up study areas and in sampling various popu­ lations, (2) to identify and describe some existing populations within the beef industry in the study area, and (3) to provide data that would allow researchers to estimate more accurately the impact of conclusions drawn in studies concerning beef ranches on the industry, the area, and the state. Undoubtedly, the most important contribution that this study can make is to point out and describe existing ranch populations. If the study has accomplished this objective, then it has necessarily accomplished the other objectives mentioned. When the researcher knows the whereabouts of, the relative numbers of, the relative importance of, and the differences be­ tween unique populations in the beef industry^ then one also has the necessary basis for drawing sound inferences from specific research efforts, The researcher can predict with a much higher probability of accuracy the impact that certain action might h ave•on the beef industry, the economy of an area, or the economy of the state when he knows where certain types of beef operations can be found. It is indeed an understatement to say that if we attempt to predict the impact that a certain action or policy might , - 82 - have on an industry or the economy of a given area solely on the basis of some aggregation of data concerning unique and dissimilar ranches, then the probability of accuracy and correctness in our predictions, conclu­ sions or actions will not be as great as it should be. Certainly one can not predict accurately on the basis of aggregate ranch data if he knows little or nothing about the individual ranch units and populations of ranches from which that aggregation is compiled. The identification of existing populations within the beef industry of the study area was accomplished by separating beef ranches into 28 groups on the basis of geography and cow herd size. Four geographic study areas and seven cow-herd-size-categories were used. Throughout the study each of these 28 groups of ranchers was cross-classified with other data concerning the structure of the individual ranches within each group. The data was presented throughout the study in sections treating each of the items comprising or affecting that structure. A brief summary of the unique populations found in each study area will point out some of the important differenced that exist between ranch populations in different areas. Area I Area I, which is made up of Wheatland, Golden Valley, and Musselshell counties, is livestock ranching country. A very important population ex­ isting in Area I is the combination beef and sheep ranch; 34 percent of the beef ranches in this area had sheep. Also, oh the larger beef ranches in this area the liklihood of a sheep enterprise increases. Of those - 83 - ' ranches having more than 100 cows, 38 percent also had sheep* and of those ranches having more than 200 cowfe, 44 percent had sheep. Certainly this population is significant. Another population existing in Area I, and one thAt is probably very closely tied to the beef-sheep population, is the beef ranch that also produces oats. Forty-four percent of those beef ranches in Area I raised oats. It appears that in Area I the very extensive type of ranching is most likely to be found. In all but two of the seven cow-herd-size-groupings, Area I had the highest percentage of ranches that had more than 60 acres of pasture per breeding animal unit. Also, a smaller percentage of the beef ranches in this area had cropland that was pastured than in the other three areas. It was also found that a large percentage of the ranch land was pasture. Of those ranches having, more than ?4 beef cows, more than 85 percent had over 80 percent pasture and in two size categories 100 percent of the ranches had over 80 percent pasture. If one were interested in studying this large and extensive type of beef ranch which was at one time so typical of the western frontier,- then Area I would be a good place to begin a search for such operations. Owner-operated beef ranches tend to be more predominant in Area I than in other areas. Although there is not as high a percentage of.ranches owning all of the land operated as in other areas, there is a higher per­ centage of ranches that are between 60 and 99 percent owned and a lower percentage owning less than 60 percent than in the other three areas. Il _ 84 Another important population that should be pointed out is the con­ centration of ranches in Area I having a high percentage of land that is irrigated cropland. In all cow categories starting at 75 to 99 cows a higher percentage (50 to 70) of the ranches had irrigated cropland than that found in other Areas,. This irrigated cropland is devoted to the pro­ duction of hay to be used as winter feed. Area 2 Area 2, which includes the counties of Yellowstone, Treasure, and Big Horn, has a variety of kinds, types, and combination beef ranches, with no particular type or combination ranch being dominant. Although they are relatively few, some combination beef-swine and beef-dairy ranches are found in Area 2. In Area 2 a higher concentration of combination beef-winter wheat ranches are found than in other areas„ Over 50 percent of the beef ranches in Area 2 harvested winter wheat. Of course sugar beets is a crop found in combination with beef ranches in Area 2. The percentage of ranches in Area 2 that also raise sugar beets runs from approximately 22 percent of those ranches having between 20 and 49 cows to approximately 5 percent of those having between 300 and 500 cows. In Area 2 a higher percentage of the beef ranches cut alfalfa hay than do those of other areas. One would surmise that this is attributable to the large amount of irrigation found in Area 2. Also, a higher percentage of the beef ranches that had 20 acres or less of pasture per breeding unit was found in Area 2 than in other areas. HI V-£" One might suggest that one of the Reasons for this is that in Area 2 a highter percentage of the ranches pastured cropland and irrigated pasture, A higher percentage of the beef ranches in this area had less than 4 sections of land than in other areas. In the 4-to-10-section stratifica­ tion and the over-10^section stratification a lower percentage of the ranches were found than in other areas. Area 3 Area 3 includes Petroleum, Garfield, Prairie, Rosebud, Custer, Powder River, and Carter counties. In Area 3» as in Virea I, a combination beef- sheep ranch population was found. sheep enterprise was present, On over 20 percent of the ranches a VHthough this beef-sheep ranch population does not appear to be as important as the one in Area I, it points out some of the similarity of the two areas, In Area 3 the percentage of ranches not harvesting crops (37 percent) was the greatest of all areas. This accompanied with the relative unimpor­ tance of other livestock enterprises (excluding sheep) would lead one to believe that a good number of the ranches in this area are purely beef operations. This is further substantiated by a look at the iypes of farm­ ing map (Figure 3)« Most of the grain farming in the area is located along the northeastern border of the area. If Prairie County were removed from the area and hay land was subtracted from crop acres, one could'expect an even lower percentage of ranches having commercial crop enterprises. One- half of the beef ranches did not have any wheat, which is the most impor­ tant cash crop in Montana. In addition 62 percent did not harvest any - 86 barley, which is Montana’s second leading cash crop. Eighty percent of the ranches in Area 3 had over 80 percent of theip total land in pasture. If government lease lands were added, certainly one would conclude that ranches in this area are largely dependent on income that can be produced by those livestock enterprises that harvest range grasses. Area 4 McCone, Richland, Dawson, Wibaux, and Fallon counties form Area 4. The characteristic of this area that makes it unique is the combination commercial beef and grain ranch. There is no question that Area 4 was the dominant area in the analyses of all crops and of zfiany individual crops studied. Eighty^nitie percent of all beef ranches in Area 4 reported that they also harvested cpops (includes hay). What is even more significant, 84 percent of all beef ranches also harvested wheat. wheat harvested was spring varieties. more than 200 acres of wheat, 1 ' The majority of the Of those beef ranches harvesting 50 percent were included. •' '• ,» " ’ •• j- In the production of barley, the beef ranches of Area 4 lead all other areas. Fifty-eight percent of the beef ranches indicated that barley was harvested from the ranch. Of those beef ranches in the area, 67 percent reported, that they had harvested either barley or oats (feed grains)^ This is a factor that would account, in part, for the interest shown by ranchers, ■ •' "-Sn researchers, and others in cattle feeding in that area. Another small population that exists in Area 4 may albo be dependent someth at on the abundance of feed grains in that area. ■Of those beef ranches in the area, 17 percent reported that they farrowed more than one - 8? litter of hogs per year. Although the beef-swine population is not a large one, it is more important to Area 4 than the other areas, Area 4 leads all other areas by a considerable margin in the produc­ tion of corn on beef ranches'. Forty-seven percent of the beef ranches in Area 4 harvested corn either as grain or for silage. Undoubtedly the ma­ jority of corn produced in this area is put up as silage for livestock feed. What might be harvested for grain is most likely also consumed on the ranch as livestock feed. x— > In Area 4 beef ranches tend to rely more heavily on hay other than alfalfa than do other areas. The percentage of ranches cutting in excess of 50 acres of alfalfa is lowest for Area 4, Another interesting observation is that Area 4 has the lowest percent­ age of beef ranches that have irrigated pasture; even lower than Area 3= Likewise, the percentage of ranches that have irrigated cropland is also lowest for Area 4. Area Comparisons Let us now point out some of the similarities between areas or at least those analyses where no recognizable differences were shown to exist, In general we could conclude that Areas I and 3 are quite similar in that each area the specialized pure beef or combination beef and sheep ranch seems to be most prevalent. This undoubtedly is due to the vast expanse of range land that is either unsuitable for crops because of topography, rainfall, or soil quality. - 88 - Areas 2 and 4, although not nearly as similar as Areas I and 3s are somewhat comparable in that both are very diversified and in both one will find practically every combination of enterprises associated with a beef enterprise that exist anywhere in Montana, Some of the analysis did not reveal any important differences be­ tween the study areas. were predominant. In the analysis of other crops none of the areas In all cow categories of all areas the percentage of ranches having other crops was less than 10 percent. The distribution for all hay acres looks approximately the same for all areas except that in Area 2 the distribution was slightly heavier in the less-than- 50-acres category than were the other areas, In general the distribution found on total size (acres) of ranch re­ vealed no major differences between areas. Likewise, the analysis of ownership patterns showed no identifiable differences even though the dis­ tributions found had erratic and widely fluctuating differences in some instances,A discussion about a shortcoming or weakness of this description should enable us to realize better the need for complete understanding and knowledge about the organization and structure of the individual units and populations comprising an aggregate. After having studied patterns demonstrated by Area 2 on graphs throughout this thesis, the middleness or in-between position held should be disturbing to one familiar with the area involved. One would expect stomp very unique and distinct populations to be exposed, but the data would indicate that no particularly different populations exist in Area 2, until it is examined in detail. - 89 Miat is similar or homogenous about a ranch laying two miles west of Billings and one laying two miles north? For instance the beef ranch two miles west has 10 acres of pasture per animal unit9 the one two miles north has 70 acres of pasture per animal unit (the two average 40 acres per animal unit). ,Of what value is an aggregation of data on such ranches? Let us assume a researcher would like to study ranches having about 40 acres of pasture per animal unit. He goes to Billings. How many such ranches will he find by randomly sampling ranches' to the west or to the north or in both directions? It is also evident that a researcher must know the makeup of the total population to draw meaningful inferences to an area. One cannot average two or five extreme or different unique ranch types into one aver­ age or typical and draw conclusions to all such ranches. The researcher must study the impact of a particular situation on each kind of ranch and then aggregate weighting by the relative importance of the individual types in drawing inferences as to importance to the areas. It should be obvious to anyone familiar with the agriculture of Area 2 that extremes are not the exception but the rule. Will not confused and meaningless aggregations always result when aggregating data from complet­ ely nohhomogenous ranches ? The shortcoming is therefore clear. Any popu­ lations that might have otherwise been revealed were completely disguised by aggregating over a large and nohhomogenous study area. - 90 - Suggestions for Further Research It- is often beneficial at the conclusion of a study to point to areas or problems where more research is needed in order to clarify or add to the body of knowledge concerning the subject of that study. Addi­ tional research is needed to describe and point out existing populations in the beef cattle industry in the Remaining areas of the state. Certainly further study would reveal several other populations within the beef in­ dustry of Montana that need to be identified. In terms of a descriptive analysis of the beef cattle industry, this study is only a beginning. The next step is to take data -concerning the primary populations pointed out in this study and complete further crossclassifications, For instance, further analysis of the same nature should be completed on those ranches found in Areas I and 3 that had sheep and beef in combination. Do these ranches also tend to be the ones that had over 60 acres of pasture per breeding animal unit? Are the beef-sheep ranches of Area I also those ranches harvesting oats? Many other questions of this nature should arise concerning the primary populations identified in this study. Once data have been collected and aggregated in such a manner that more or less homogenous populations have been identified and the structure of the individual units of the aggregation is clearly understood, then and only then can sound conclusions be made, the economic impact on individuals, populations, communities, and states be estimated, and proper actions be taken. APPENDICES APPENDIX A TABLE I, DISTRIBUTION OF BREEDING ANIMAL UNITS OF SHEEP PER BREEDING ANIMAL UNIT OF BEEF COW BY COW STRATA, a/ Area I Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Cow Nos. and AFs Ewes/ % of 7. of AUs 7. of % of Total # of Total # of Beef, , -# of Total # of Total Obs. Mean O b s . Obs. Mean Cow Obs. Ofes. Mean Ofes. Ofes. Ofes. Mean 20-49 R=O 0<R<»5 R>»5 50-74 R=O 0<Rs«5 R$-o5 75-99 R=O 0<Rs.5 R>«5 100-149 R= 0 0<R<»5 R>.5 150-199 R=O 0<R< .5 R>.5 200-299 R=O 0<R<.5 81 9 5 0 0.19 0 0.59 15.1 80 5 7 0 0.14 0.87 67.6 26.5 5.9 66 5 I 38 14 6 0 0.19 3.52 65.5 24.1 10.4 15 8 2 60.0 0.07 3.91 32.0 0 0.27 1.72 52.2 R >.5 12 6 5 300-500 R=O 0<Rs.5 R>,5 4 0 2 28 4 10 0 0.20 5.00 66.7 9.5 52 10 11 0 0.19 2.39 71.2 23 9 2 0 0 1.32 23.8 13.7 8.0 26.1 21.7 66.7 0 33.3 85.3 114 9.5 12 5,2 28 4.68 74.0 129 7.8 10 18.2 13 0.20 4.32 87.0 191 ■ 0 5.4 25 0.16 7.6 32 2.58 77.0 177 10.1 16 12.9 5 0.13 1.97 8.1 0 0.12 w,«.to= =, 91.7 154 6.9 23 1.4 22 0.14 77.4 11.6 11.0 0 0.17 0.88 88.0 8.3 3.7 56 2 3 0 0.19 1.08 91.8 155 3.3 17 4.9 19 0 0.15 3.92 81.1 105 0 0U7 95.5 3.6 = = = = = 0.9 30 2 0 0 0.06 == = = = 93.8 99 6.2 14 0 0.10 8 1.73 37 I 0 0 = = == = = = == = 97.4 2.6 0 23 0 0 = = = 1.36 1.13 0 100.0 0 = = == = 0 0 = = 72 0 0.27 0 2.09 0 9 6 0.21 1.41 39 4' 4' 0 0.13 1.35 95 9 4 8.9 4 10.0 .1 81.8 11.6 6.6 25 82.8 10.3 26 2 2 6.9 83.0 8.5 8.5 2 2 9 I 0 0 0 0 0.13 0.64 84.9 6.6 8.5 89.4 2.5 86.2 6.9 6.9 o ; o2 86.7 6.7 1.07 6.6 0 = = === ==== = 90.0 10.0 0 0 a/ 5 ewes = I cow. hj R is that ratio computed by dividing the number of AUs of ewes by the number of beef cows. - 93 TABLE II. DISTRIBUTION OF LITTERS FARROWED BY COW STRATA, Area 2 Area I Area 3 Area 4 Cow Nos. and ;i Lit% of fcers % of % of % of Total # of Total # of Far-. , #■ t>f Total # of Total Obs. Obs. Mean Obs. Obs. Mean Obs. Obs. Mean O b s » Mean Obs. -rowed— 20-49 L >2 36 6 0.06 7.17 85.7 14.3 81 14 0.04 6.50 85.3 135 19 14.7 0.05 7.53 87,7 123 12.3 29 0 5.28 80.9 19,1 50-74 L 51 L >2 66 7 0.06 17.29 90.4 9.6 75 17 0.05 26.65 81,5 227 18,5 21 0.04 8.24 91,5 158 8.5 40 0 4.47 79.8 20.2 75-99 L<1 L>2 31 3 0.03 4.33 91.2 8.8 58 14 0.05 6,50 80.6 184 19; 4 15 0.04 5.20 92.5 7,5 92 16 0 4,69 85.2 14.8 100-149 Lcl L >2 55 3 0.04 4.00 94.8 5X2 55 6 0.04 7.17 90.2 183 8 9.8 0,04 7.37 95,8 4.2 96 14 0 4.29 87.3 12.7 150-199 L<1 L>2 21 4 0.05 10.75 84.0 16.0 30 2 0.03 22.00 93.8 118 6.2 3 0.04 5.33 97.5 24 2.5 . 5 0 6.00 82.8 17.2 200-299 L<1 L>2 21 2 0.05 4.00 91.3 8.7 35 3 0.06 2.67 92.1 7.9 83 4 0,01 13.50 95.4 4.6 26 4 0 8.00 86.7 13.3 300-500 LSl L>2 6 0 0.17 100.0 w ™ ■ e,ei 0 21 '2 0.09 19.50 91.3 8.7 45 2 0.04 7.00 95.7 4.3 9 I 0 90.0 10.0 Ui a/ L is the number of litters farrowed per year - 94 - TABLE III, DISTRIBUTION OF DAIRY COWS BY GOW STRATA, Area I Area 2 Area 3 • Area 4 Cow Nos. and Dairya/ Cows — % of % of Total # of # of Obs. Mean Total # of Obs. Obs. Mean Obs. Obs. Mean % of % of Total Total # of Obs, O b s . Mean Obs. 20-49 DS5 D>5 39 3 1.49 17.67 92.9 7.1 83 12 1.55 10.83 87.4 144 12.6 10 8.90 93.5 129 6.5 23 1,58 84.9 9,83 15.1 50-74 D<5 D>5 67 6 1.25 11,83 91.8 8.2 81 11 0.96 11.09 88.0 235 1.33 12.0 13 ' 7.69 94.8 170 5.2 28 1.61 85,9 8.04 14.1 75-99 D<5 D>5 33 I 1.21 ----- 97.1 2.9 67 5 1.48 9.40 93.1 191 6.9 8 1.31 8.87 96.0 4.0 97 11 1.23 89.8 10.45 10.2 100-149 D<5 D>5 54 4 1.63 8.75 93.1 6.9 59 2 1.36 6.00 96.7 182 3.3 9 1.23 95.3 ioi 8.33 4,7 9 150-199 D<5 D>5 24 I 1.54 96.0 4.0 31 I 1.13 96,9 116 3.1 5 1.47 7.20 95.9 4.1 25 4 1.36 86.2 8.25 13.8 200-299 D<5 D>5 19 4 1.21 9.25 82.6 17.4 36 2 0.94 8.50 94.7 5.3 85 2 1.51 6.00 97.7 29 I 1.52 96.7 5 1.20 83.3 16.7 23 0 1,43 100.0 45 2 1.49 7.00 95.7 10 0 1.70 100.0 0 300-500 Di5 D>5 a/ I — err «1 U DO O D is the ttumbey of dairy cows. o .. 1.26 2.3 4.3 1.38 91,8 7; 22 8.2 3.3 APPENDIX B TABLE I. DISTRIBUTION OF ALL CROP ACRES BY COW STRATA. Cow Nos. And All # of Cropsk./ Ob s. 20-49 C=O 0< 0 5 0 50<C£200 0200 50-74 C=O 0<O50 50<C1200 0200 75-99 CsO 0<C-<50 50<Ci200 C >200 100-149 CsO 0<C-50 50< C ^200 0200 150-199 C=O 0<C-50 50<Ci200 0*200 200-299 G=O 0<GS50 50<0200 C >200 300-500 OO 0<CS50 50«fCS200 0200 Area I * % of Total # of Mean Obs. Obs. Area 2 % of Total # of Mean Obs. Obs. a/ Area 3 % pf Total # of Mean Obs. Obs. Area 4 % of Total Mean O b s . 13 4 13 12 0.0 40.7 117.3 353.0 31.0 9.5 30.9 28.6 15 22 33 25 0.0 28.5 117.5 356.3 15.8 23.2 34.7 26.3 48 20 42 44 0.0 23.7 113.7 405.0 31.2 13.0 27.3 28.5 8 6 40 98 0.0 26.5 121.7 446.8 64.5 13 15 32 13 0.0 32.9 112.5 378.7 17.8 20.6 43.8 17.8 16 15 33 28 0.0 25.5 107.3 522.9 17.4 16.3 35.9 30.4 77 43 63 65 0.0 27.9 109.6 354.1 31.1 19 17.3 13 25.4 42 26.2 124 0.0 31.4 126.3 499.4 9.6 6.6 21.2 62.6 6 13 8 7 0.0 37.2 131.6 407.6 17.7 38.2 23.5 20.6 17 12 29 14 0.0 29.9 111.9 486.3 23.6 16.7 40.3 19.4 72 34 56 37 0.0 25.7 113.1 405.5 36.2 17.1 28.1 18.6 8 5 27 68 0.0 29.6 120.0 560.4 7.4 4.6 25.0 63.0 16 18 13 11 0.0 25.1 131.6 429.7 27.6 31.0 22.4 19.0 21 14 13 13 0.0 31.4 119.6 751.2 34.4 23.0 21.3 21.3 75 32 50 34 0.0 27.8 115.7 425.9 39.3 16.7 26.2 17.8 12 5 20 73 0.0 24.8 132.1 609.1 10.9 4.5 18.2 66.4 9 4 9 3 0.0 27.0 142.3 389.7 36.0 16.0 36.0 12.Q 4 7 13 8 0.0 28.9 117.5 638.5 12.5 21.9 40.6 25.0 46 25 29 21 0.0 26.6 108.2 470.2 38.0 20.7 24.0 17.3 6 I 2 20 0.0 20.7 122.0 561.2 69.0 7 0.0 4 22.5 8. 113.9 4 1293.4 30.4 17.4 34.8 17.4 13 3 9 13 0.0 20.0 104.9 455.6 34.2 7.9 23.7 47 10 16 14 0.0 22.6 105.7 464.4 54.0 11.5 16.1 0.0 10 I 6 124.5 13 : 1055.2 33.3 3.3 20.0 43.4 3 2 50.0 33.3 16.7 0.0 21 I 0.0 91.3 4.3 24 0.0 40.8 128.9 467.1 51.1 8.5 21.3 19.1 .4 0 2 4 0.0 40.0 0,0 I 0 0.0 30.0 I 0 “ — — — 34.2 4.4 0.0 4 10 9 a/ Excludes sugar beets. b/ C is the number of acres of all crops harvested. 18.4 5.3 3 . 9f 26.3 3.4 158.5 523.5 6.9 20.0 40.0 - 96 TABLE II, DISTRIBUTION OF WHEAT ACRES BY COW STRATA, Area I Cow Nos', And All # of Ob s, Wheat— 20-49 W = O OdwgSO 50£W^200 W >2.00 Area 2 % of Total # of Mean Obs. Obs, Area 3 % of % of Total # of Total # of Mean Obs , O b s , ,Mean Obs. Obs. 13 1 0,0 7 29.9 15 107,6 7 327,9 30.9 16,7 35.7 16,7 25 23 30 17 0,0 19,3 115.2 272.7 308,6 28.8 19.2 42,4 9.6 24 26 22 20 25.2 96.1 428.3 28.3 .W>200 21 14 31 7 75-99 W = 0 OdWiSO 5CKwA00 W>200 10 9 12 3 0.0 23,9 29.4 26,5 105.2 35.3 508,0 8,8 23 17 26 6 100-149. W = O 28 CKWibO 12 SOdWAOti 12 W>200 6 0,0 .48.3 17,2 20,7 138,2 20.7 407.0 10,3 28 12 10 11 0,0 : 45,9 102 27.7 19.7 27 108,9 16.4 38 18.0 24 572,5 150-199 W = O OAJ^SO 5OdWdgOO W>200 13 4 6 2 0,0 28.3 93.5 352.5 200-299 W = O OdwiSO 5CKwi200 W>200 15 I 4 3 0,0 65.2 v'19 “«**■-***» 4.3 ■ 4 92,5 17.4 6 418.3 13.1 9 300-500 W = O 0dwi50 SOdWAOO W>200 5 I 0 0 50-74 W = O d^wiso 50dM&00 a/ 0,0 31.9 106,6 0.0 52.0 16.0 24.0 8,0 83.3 16.7 OBCO«■«,«=, 0,0 *"—"«®— «* 0,0 0.0 26,3 24.2 31,6 17,9 60 23 43 0.0 29.5 115,3 28 382.4 26,1 101 44 23.9 60 21.7 43 0,0 26.2 108.5 290,5 % of Mean 39.0 14 14,9 14 0.0 30.3 27.9 18,2 45 79 126.7 361.8 40,7 17.7 27 18 58 95 0.0 31.9 24.2 17.4 130.9 411.0 Total Obs. 9^2 9.2 29.6 52.0 13.6 9.1 . 29.3 48,0 0.0 47.2 27.6 17.1 113,6 .22,6 388.1 13.1 18 0.0 5 30 55 28,2 4.6 103.2 456,8 27.8 0,0 21,9 113,2 411.7 53.4 16 6 30 58 0.0 28.7 116.4 412.7 59.5 11.6 16.5 25.0 72 14 20 15 0,0 34.3 128.3 364,4 50.0 10.5 15.8 23.7 60 6 15 6 0.0 20.8 127.9 398,3 69,0 0.0 27.0 168,3 43,5 13.0 17.4 26,1 0.0 35 25,0 3 4 105,7 5 . 338.2 74.5 6.4 5 0 8,5 iO .6 ■2 0.0 32.0 26,3 23.6 94 34 99.6 36.1 45 585,2 8,3 26 0,0 14 7 29,7 95,7 3 8 ■552,1 10 3 4 6 Area 4 729.3 W is all wheat acres harvested. 43.7 21.9 9.4 14.1 19,9 12.6 12.4 6,9 17.2 6,9 0.0 28,7 16.7 50.9 14.6 5.4 27.3 129.4 484.4 52.7 0,0 24.1 133.8 17.2 302.6 55.2 0.0 14 0 5 126.6 11 . 839.0 46.7 0.0 50.0 7 I 5 16 3 3.5 0.0 6.7 36.6 : 0.0 150,5 20.0 294.3 30.0 - 97 TABLE III. DISTRIBUTION OF WINTER WHEAT ACRES BY COW STRATA. Area I Cow N o s . and Winter Wheat a/ 20-49 W=O 0<W^50 50<w £200 W »200 50-74 30 W=O 0<W&50 13 50CW<200 25 5 . W>200 75-99 W=O 14 0<W&50 5 50<W$200 ■ 13 W>200 2 100-149 W=O 39 6 0<W£50 50<WS00 9 W>200 4 150-199 W=O 17 0<W<50 I 5 50<rw$200 W>200 2 200-299 w=o'' 16 0 0<W550 5 50<Wi200 2 W>200 300-500 5 W=O I 0<Wi50 0 50-<Wi200 W>200 - 0 a/ Area 2 Area 3 7=:of Tot; Obs. Area 4 % of Tot, # oi Obs. Ob s. Mean 7= of Tot. Obs. # of Ob s . Mean 45.2 9.5 31.0 14.3 37 16 25 17 0 25.8 112.3 267.6 26.3 17.9 37 19 18 18 0 30.4 100.1 429.4 40.2 158 20.6 26 19.6 ■ 42 19.6 22 0 25.8 115.4 308.8 63.7 309 / 6 . 41.1 17.8 34.3 6.8 0 27.2 98.3 659.5 41.2 14.7 38.2 5.9 29 15 40.3 132 22 0 24.9 103.6 6 585.2 16 36 ■15 0 29.6 115.0 441.9 66.3 8.0 18.1 7.6 75 3 13 17 6 18.2 130.8 481.3 67.2 10.4 15.5 34 0 23.2 108.2 601.3 55.8 136 9.8 12 18.0 27 16.4 16 0 25.7 118.1 391.6 71.2 6.3 14.1 6.9 6 ii 10 76 4 17 13 0 19.0 118.1 519.5 0 17 4 3 8 0 ,34.3 0 32.5 128.8 72.7 9.1 9.9 8.3 20 I 6 2 0 11 529.5 53.1 12.5 9.4 25.0 88 120.2 257.5 68.0 4.0 20.0 8.0 0 ■atowjIK-w 94,. 0 364.0 69.6 0 21.7 8.7 20 3 6 9 0 52.6 30.0 109.2 364.4 7.9 15.8 23.7 77.0 67 0: 17.0 4.6 4 11 ‘ 105.9 , 12.6 5 335,8 5.8 23 ■I 4 2 , 83.3 16.7 0" 0 10 3 4 6 0 23.7 165.3 729.3 43.5 13.0 17.4 26.1 39 3 3 2 0 .83.0 33.3 . 6.4 6.4 153.0 321.5 4.2 8 0 I I # of O b s 1 Mean 19 4 13 6 . 0 36.0 98.2 321.0 0 32.7 105.9 ■ 'o 85.3 39.0 16.8 20.8 30.6 8.3 # of Obs . Mean 93 22 25 14 12 10 0 60.4 38.4 14.3 124,6 • 16.2 382.6 9.1 413.0 W is the number of acres of winter wheat harvested. 10.5 16.9 8.9 8.4 106 11 % of Tot. Qbs. 0 33.0 132.6 335.1 69.8 0 133 10 32.2. 32:. 121.2 23 340.7 67.2 23 12 0 35,0 124.1 373.2 98.5 375,0 0 «iaa«ansGa 88.6 700.0 0 “ w™'w- 7.2 15.1 7.9 5.0 16.2 11.6 69.4 2.8 12.1 15.7 69.1 3.6 15.5 11.8 69.0 ' 3.4 20.7 6.9 76.7 3.3 13.3 6.7 80.0 0 10.0 10.0 - 98 T A B L E IV: D I S T R I B U T I O N O F S PRING W H E A T A N D D U R U M AC R E S B Y C O W STRATA. Area I C o w Nos. & Spring W h e a t & # of D u r m a/ Obs. .20-49 W=O 0<W<50 50<W<200 W>200 50-74. W=O 0<W<50 50CW5200 W>200 75-99 W=O 0<W<50 50<W£200 W>200 100-149 W=O 0<W<50 50<W <200 W>200 150-199 W=O 04WS50 50<W$200 W >2 00 200-299 W=O 0<Wi50 50 <W <200 W>200 300-500 W=O 0<WS50 50twS200 W>200 a/ 27 12 2 I 52 11 9 I Mean Area 2 7= of Tot. Obs, 0 64.3 24.9 28.6 65.0 0 25.1 87.7 Ar e a 3 % of # of Ohs. Mean 4.7 2.4 64 29 2 0 0 19.1 108.5 71.2 15.1 12.3 1.4 68 19 4 I 0 18.1 80.5 — =>*»«-«» Tot. Obs. # of O b s . Mean Area 4 % of Tot. 0b s . # of Obs. Mean 7o of Tot. Obs. 67.4 30.5 2.1 0 86 27 0 55.8 16 0 27.4 17.5- 16 30.3 10.5 10.5 34 ■ 7 117.2 344.3 22.1 4.6 59 61 105.6 320.6 38,8 40.2 73.9 20.6 4.4 1.1 150 43 45 10 0 27.3 60.5 17.3 18.2 4.0 34 30 74 60 0 31.1 131.9 17.2 408.2 30.3 0 21.3 5.6 36.1 100.2 309.7 15.1 37.4 t 0 23.7 64.3 0 61 8 3 0 75.9 13.8 48 12 0 24.8 26 7 I 0 0 20.6 76.5 20.6 ■ •.wra. 2.9 44 8 5 I '0 18.4 134.8 19 3 3 0 0 32.7 83.3 19 I 3 0 0 33.0 142.3 6 0 0 0 0 =e =««, cw 8.6 I 1.7 0 76.0 25 5 2 0 12.0 12.0 0 4.4 13.0 0 34 3 I . 0 100.0 0 0 0 21 2 0 0 82.6 * ■«3 CU Cd W 0 12.4 90.5 84.7 11.1 4.2 0 133 ■37 24 5 78.7 133 25 27 6 19.7 1.6 0 78.1 15.6 6.3 0 0 33.7 89.5 7.9 2.6 0 0 16.0 91.3 8.7 0 0 92 14 11 4 70 8 ' 8 I 40 3 I 3 0 24.8 105.8 66.8 289.6 2.5 40 30.2 120.3 402.4 69.6 13.1 14.1 3.2 20 7 36 47 0 31.3 120.1 399.4 42.7 0 25.6 91.0 373.5 76.0 11.6 9.1 8 I 7 13 0 27.6 0 80.5 9.2 15 21.6 I B e d -a 91.9 9.2 6 8 115.3 917.5 20.0 0 60.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 0 22.2 93.9 321.2 18.6 12.1 3.3 1.1 0 24.7 c» «u Ca «a* «a 284.3 85.1 6.4 2.1 6.4 23 6 39 6 I I 2 W is the n u m b e r of acres of spring w h e a t a n d d u r u m harvested. 37.0 18.2 6.4 3,2.7 3.5 24.1 88.8 367.2 44.8 0 50.0 CBMCB O H . ca» 3.3 - ca «u ---■ 324.0 26.7 - 99 TABLE V, DISTRIBUTION OF OATS AND BARLEY ACRES BY COW STRATA,. ' Area I Area 2 Cow Nos. And Oats % of . And , # of Total # of Barleyr- O b g j -Mean Obs „ Obs. Mean 20-49 X = O 0ZX 650 X >50 50-74 X = O 0.0 33.2 115.7 40.5 33.3 26.2 30 37 28 0,0 31.6 23.8 38.9 29.5 106.8- 63 58 33 0.0 34.2 29.2 42.5 X>50 130.0 23.3 22 . 0.0 23.9 109 26.»6 42.4 95 39 31 162 . 5 . 33.7 44 75-99 X = O 04X650 X>50 13 13 8 0.0 32.5 100.1 38.3 38.2 23.5 24 31 17 0.0 28.1 43,1 66 142.9 23.6 28 19 21 18 0,0 21.6 112.3 32.8 31 15 15 0.0 24.9 185.6 50.8 103 0.0 12 6 31.2 7 '117.1 48.0 9 24.0 10 28.0 13 0.0 .26,5 108.3 31.3 40,6 0.0 23.7 30.4 30.5 382.8 39.1 0.0 16 10 28,9 12 .160,4 5 0.0 83.3 I => BHCS ea e. 16.7 0.0 100-149 X = O 04x650 X%0 150-199 X = O 04X650 X>50 200-299 X = O 04X 650 X>50 300-500 X = O 04X650 X>50 7 '7 9 0 36.2 31.0 9 4 9 0.0 46.2 137.7 Area 4 %_of .% of % of Total # of Total # of Total Obs. Obs . M e a n Obs ,■ Obs. ■ Mean Obs, 25 31 17 04X650 a/ 17 14 11 Area 3 33.3 105 0.0 24.4 105.7 40.9 37.7 21.4 44 58 0,0 31.0 125.8 32.0 121.9 50 26,1 44.0 38.3 9 9.9 17.7 63 54 81 0.0 26,3 81.0 52.7 33.2 14,1 33 28 47 0.0 0.0 31.8 27.3 40.9 0,0 30.6 34.8 25.9 129.7 . 43.5 51 0.0 31.6 135,6 46.4 13 '5 0,0 44.8 39.0 108.0 56.2 25.6 18.2 Tl 185.1 17.3 37.9 0.0 63.2 43.3 17.3 19.5 13 7 10 0.0 25.5 38.1 23.4 33.3 57 31 29.0 53.9 29.9 37 24.6 24.6 114.5 16.2 28.1 68 31 0.0 32.3 22 42.1 26.3 31.6 55 15 17 128.9 40.9 18.2 29 5 13 0.0 32.6 116.8 40.9 0.0 28.9 32.9 38;2 61.7 10.6 27.7 X is the number of acres of oats plus barley harvested. 22 4 3 3 229.6 0.0 33.6 20.0 29.0 40.0 30.0 258.7 30.0 100 - TABLE VI. DISTRIBUTION OF OAT ACRES BY COW STRATA. Area I Area 3 Area 2 Area 4 Cow Nos. % of % of % of % of and , # of Total # of Total # of Total # of T@tal Gaits— Q b s . Mean Obs. Obs. Mean Obs. Obs. Obs. Mean Obs. O b s . Mean 20-49 X-O 0<X<50 X>50 50-74 X=O O<X<50 X>50 75-99 0<Xs5.O X>50 100-149 X=O 0<Xs50 X>50 150-199 X=O 0<Xs50 X,50 200-299 X=O 0<Xs50 X>50 300-500 X=O 0<XS50 X>50 26 0 14 27.6 2 112.0 52 18 3 19 15 0 Q 24.6 83.33 0 28.5 CDOQOOCDO O 61.9 33.3 4,8 67 28 0 0 17,9 0 70.5 102 29,5 48 20.9 0 4 108.2 66.2 31.2 2.6 69.0 116 71.2 24.7 4.1 0 59 30 20.5 3 390.3 64,1 171 32.6 70 55.9 0 49 21 19.2 2 283.0 68.0 140 29.2 54 2.8 • 5 77.0 138 23.0 42 11 0 44.1 0 2,8 60 31 0 22.2 92.4 72.2 22.0 70 23.5 73.0 48.3 41.4 10.3 47 14 0 0 14 11 24.7 0 ----- 56.0 44.0 0 0 15 15 30.4 2 117.5 46.9 46.9 6.2 92 25 4 0 26.9 93.7 76.0 20.7 11 0 8 23.0 ' 4 210.0 47.8 34.8 17.4 28 0 7 26.1 3 115.0 73.7 18.4 7.9 0 64 18 ■25.6 5 82.4 73.6 20.7 0 28.9 65.2 30.4 34 0 11 29:1 2 100.0 72.3 0 c a o c w —— 100.6 0 0 15 7 I « = .< » « > •, 4.4 64 18 70.4 27.1 2.5 0 • 28.2 28 0 24 17.2 6 106.33 6 0 0 0 19.2 3:3 0 21.6 ■ 7 118.6 96 46 10 5.8 3.3 5.7 0 24.0 97.1 63.2 30.2 0 25.2 58.6 92.1 9.1 0 32.1 55.6 6.6 32.3 17 101.7 28.7 15.7 0 28.2 92.9 63.6 21.8 14.6 0 19 6 27.7 4 108,8 65.5 0 6 30.7 2 194,0 73.3 20.0 6.7 24 16 22 6 0 23.4 • I 43 3 130.0 20.7 13.8 60.0 10.0 30.0 - 101 - TABLE VII. DISTRIBUTION OF BARLEY ACRES BY COW STRATA. Area I Cow Nos, and 20-49 X=O 0<X<50 X>50 50-74 X=O 0<Xs50 X >50 75-99 X=O 0<X<50 X>50 100-149 X=O 0<X<50 X>50 150-199 XsO 0<X<50 X >50 200-299 X=O 0<X<50 X>50 300-500 X=O 0<X<50 X>50 a/ Area 2 % of Total # of # of O b s . Mean 1 Obs. Obs. Mean Area 3 Area 4 % of % of Total # of Total # of O b s . Obs Mean ■ Obs'. Obs. Mean % of Total Obs.' 23 13 6 0 54.8 31.7 30.9 120.2 14.3 37 32 26 0 38.9 22.2 33.7 102.4 27.4 80 52 22 25.6 33.8 97.0 14.3 33 28 12 0 45.2 30.0 38.4 131.8 16.4 29 38 25 0 31.5 25.6 41.3 132.6 27,2 138 89 21 0 55.6 26.8 35.9 102.4 8.5 17 12 5 0 50.0 23.0 35.3 102.4 14.7 27 31 14 0 37.5 25.5 43.1 110.2 19.4 130 57 46 28 12 0 65.3 26.0 28.7 74.0 6.0 33 15 10 0 56.9 24.9 25.9 105.2 17.2 36 10 15 0 59.0 22.2 16.4 178.5 24.6 127 45 19 0 66,5 29.5 23.6 101.5 9.9 43 29 14 6 5 56.0 0 28.5 24.0 112.8 20.0 16 11 5 0 50.0 32.5 34.4 124.8 15.6 82 24 15 67.8 0 30.5 19.8 106.5 12.4 13 8 8 0 44.8 39.7 27.6 150.3 27.6 11 8 4 o z 47.8 23.4 34.8 600.0 17.4 21 9 8 0 55.3 25.7 23.7 181.9 21.0 66 .12 9 0 75.9 27.7 13.8 152.2 10.3 16 7 7 53,4 0 44.0 23.3 240.4 23.3 11 • 3 9 0 47.8 37.7 13.1 226.4 39.1 31 66.0 5 .3 2 50.0 0 25.0 30,0 193.0 20.0 5 I 0 0 ..... 83.3 16.7 0 7 9 0 0 51.9 26.7 14.9 108-3 19.1 X is the number of acres of barley harvested. . 64 41 47 83 56 59 34 38 42.1 0 32.2 27.0 116.9 30.9 0 41.9 32.5 28.3 110.5 29.8 0 42.6 31.4 25.9 102.1 31.5 39.1 0 28.8 26.4 144.1 34.5 - 102 TABLE VIII. DISTRIBUTION OF CORN ACRES BY COW STRATA. Area 2 Area I Area 3 ■ Area 4 Cow Nbs.' and , # of Corn — Obs'. Mean 20-49 C=O OO 41 I 0 30-74 G=O OO 73 0 0 75-99 G=O OO 30 4 100-149 C=O OO 54 4 150-199 C=O OO 24 I 200-299 G=O OO 20 0 3. 99.7 300-500 C=O OO 5 % of Tbtal # of Obs. Obs . Mean % of Total # of Obs. Obs. Mean % of Total # of Ob's. Obs . Mean 97.6 2.4 76 19 0 48,3 80.0 123 20.0 31 0 47.5 100.0 0 ' 71 21 0 51.6 77.2 193 22.8 55 53.3 22.2 0 36.0 88.2 11.8 60 12 0 45.7 83.3 165 16.7 34 0 56.5 0 26.5 93.1 6.9 52 9 0 64.9 85.2 170 14.8 21 96.0 4.0 29 3 0 74.3 90.6 102 9.4 19 87.0 13.0 30 8 0 65.8 83.3 16.7 20 3 0 88.3 0 0 % of Total Obs . 0 79.9 54.0 46.0 93 0 88.5 53.0 47'.0 82.9 17.1 58 50 0 97.0 53.7 46.3 0 38.7 89.0 11.0 57 0 53 115.3 48.2 0 65,8 84.3 15.7 13 0 16 124.4 44.8 55.2 79.0 .21.0 78 0 9 155.0 89.7 10.3 0 17 13 158.8 56.7 43.3 87.0 13.0 39 83.0 17.0 0 7 3 121.3 70.0 30.0 0 8 • Data C is the-number o f 1acres.of corn harvested. 79.9 82 20.1 70 77.8 105 51.8 - 103 T A B L E IX. D I S T R I B U T I O N OF O T H E R CROP A C R E S B Y COW STRATA, Area 2 Area I Cow N o s . and Other # of Crops b/ Obs .Mean % of Tot # .of Obs. Obs. Mean a/ Area 3 Area 4 % of Tot. Obs. % of Tot. # of O b s . Mean Ob s . # of , Obs. Mean % Of. Tot 0b s . 20-49 142 3.9 10 26.0 6.6 96.8 3.2 187 11 0 56.1 94.4 28.5 0 97.5 2.5 0 103 . 5 108.8 95.4 27.6 2.6 102 8 61.6 92.7 7.3 98.4 1.6 27 2 0 93.1 82.5 16.0 0 97.7 30 0 0 2.3 100.0 0 97.9 2.1 10 0 0 100.0• ,0 91 4 0 22.0 95.8 4.2 148 6 59.2 100.0 0 91 I 0 98.9 1.1 240 8 97.1 2.9 70 2 0 7.5 97.2 194 5 100.0 0 58 3 0 96.7 95.1 186 1 5 0 97.4 71.4 96.0 31 I 0 96.9 3.1 119 2 0 - -4,0 7O 91.3 304.0 . 8.7 38 0 0 100.0 0 85 2 8.5 100.0 0 23 0 0 100 . 0, 46 ,1 42 0 0 50-74 X=O X?0 73 0 0 75-99 X=O XfO 33 I 0 100-149 X=O XfO 58 0 0 150-199 24 X=O X>0 I 96.1 100.0 0 X=O XfO 0 2.8 4.9 0 0 0 0 93.4 5.6 4.6 6.9 200-299 X=O X >0 300-500 X=O X>0 21 2 6 0 0 0 0 a/ Sugar beets excluded. bj X is the n umber of acres of o t h e r crops harvested. - IO^ T A B L E X. D I S T R I B U T I O N OF S U G A R Area I C ow N o s „ and S ugar # of Beets aj Obs „ M e a n BEETS A C R E S B Y C O W STRATA. Area 3 Area 2 % of Tot. Obs. # of Obs. Mean % of Tot. Obs. # of O b s . Mean Ar e a 4 % of Tot. Obs. # of Obs. Mean 7= of Tot. Obs. '0 98.0 20-49 S=O S>0 41 I 97.6 2.4 74 21 0 66.0 77.9 22.1 149 5 98.0 149 28.8 2.0 3 17.7 2.0 50-74 S=O S>0 73 0 100.0 0 75 17 0 81.5 18.5 246 2 0 51.0 . 99.2 41.4 194 4 0 18.5 98.0 2.0 75-99 S=O S?0 34 0 100.0 0 62 10 0 86.1, 196 13.9 3 0 14.3 98.5 33.0 . 105 3 0 42.3 97.2 2.8 100-149 S=O S>0 58 0 100.0 0 54 7 0 54.4 88.5 11.5 189 2 0 99.0 81.5 1.0 107 3 0 25.3 97.3 2.7 25 0 100.0 0 29 3 0 53.3 90.6 121 0 0 100.0 0 ———— , 29 0 0 SfO 100.0 0 200-299 S=O S>0 23 0 100.0 0 0 33 5 143.6 86.8 13.2 86 98.8 1.2 30 0 0 100.0 0 300-500 S=O S>0 6 0 '100.0 0 0 ™— ™ 95.6 4.4 46 I 97.9 10 0 0 100.0 0 150-199 S=O a/ «a o to 22 I 9.4 0 0 I 0 — —— — S is the n u mber of acres of sugar b e e t s h a r v e s t e d . 0.8 1.5 2.1 APPENDIX G T ABLE I. D I S T R I B U T I O N OF A L L H A Y A C R E S B Y C O W STRATA, Area I Cow N o s . And .# of All Hay-' O b s . Mean 20-49 H-50 50CH6200 H>200 21 19 2 50-74 H&50 50CH«200 H>200 75-9.9 H$50 50<H-200 1-0200 Area 2 % of Total # of O b s , Obs . Mean 26.9 50.0 107.9 262.5 45.2 41 10 22.3 115.0 321.8 10 19 5 50<H^200 H>200 150-199 H<50 50CH-200 H>200 200-299 H^50 5O^H-200 H>200 H <50 — % of Total #: of Obs, Obs,, Mean 54 37 4 20.1 102.4 325.0 56.8 39.0 4.2 30.1 56.2 13.7 43 47 46.7 2 23.1 104.7 286.5 23.6 112.7 266.0 29.4 55.9 22 41 9 23.1 109.8 284.2 30.6 7 41 10 19.8 128.1 342.6 12.1 18 70.7 32 13.8 118.9 17.2 11 381.4 2 16 7 24.0 156.1 402.6 8,0 64,0 16.9 147.0 28.0 9 14 9 275.8 0 11 12 132.4 449.8 0.0 47.8 52.2 14 11 13 136.0 276.9 40.0 33,3 6 8 9 97.5 360.1 22 300 - 5 0 0 = 2 H&50 50^H-200 H>200 Area 3 0 4 =3 W =>«3 481.5 4.8 14,7 0.0 66.7 13,3 14.7 H is the number of acres of all hay % of % of Total # o f Total Obs. Obs . Mean O b s , 16 284.4 10.4 76 7 24.2 91.3 393.4 45.4 50.0 4.6 81 140 113.5 27 331; 2 32,7 67 56.4 117 10.9 14 24.8 104.5 259.9 33.8 59.1 49 25.4 125 119.2 25 293.6 24.6 62.8 12.6 25 68 23.3 114.9 15 264.3 23.1 63.0 13.9 52.5 18.0 35 15.3 94 132.2 62 318.1 18.3 49.2 32.5 21 67 120.5 22 312.2 19.1 60.9 20.0 28.1 43.8 28.1 17 11.6 64 126.5 40 344.3 14.0 52.9 33.1 5 14 10 6.2 126.6 355.0 17.2 48.3 34.5 36.8 29.0 24.2 40.2 35,6 8 11 11 5.9 119.2 34.2 21 14.8 35 138,8 31 358.0 444.9 26.6 36.7 36.7 26,1 34.8 39.1 5 18,0 11 146.4 31 455 »6 10,6 23.4 66.0 2 4 4 0.0 127.5 517,5 40.0 40.0 51.1 2.2 56.9 12.5 29.5 68 Area 4 70 100.5 24.7 44.2 45.4 23.9 69 18.8 7.1 - 106 TABLE II, D I S T R I B U T I O N OF A L F A L F A A C R E S BY C O W STRATA. Area 2 Area I Cow N o s . # of And a/ Alfalfa— O b s . 20-49 H-50 50<H^200 H>200 50-74 H^50 50<H^200 H>200 75-99 H^50 50«?H^200 H >200 36 6 0 49 24 0 % of Total # of Mean . Obs. Obs. 17.2 101.8 14.5 101.7 »6 — «9 OO 1» 17 15 2 275.0 50<B<200 27 30 13.2 111.2 H>200 I 13.9 99.7 85.7 14.3 0.0 Area 3 Area 4 % of % of Total # of Mean Obs. Qbs . Total # of Mean Obs , Obs . 64 17;9 28 106.1 67.4 114 37 3 11.3 100.8 266.7 3 356.7 29.5 3.1 67.1 . 50 18.0 32.9 40 103.6 0.0 ■ 2 262.5 43.5 2.2 11 106.1 369.8 50.0 44.1 5.9 30 15.6 35 110.7 7 283.1 41.7 111 48.6 81 7 9.7 17.0 107.-2 253.0 46.6 26 97 9.1 72 22 124.5 54.3 153 84 12.4 %of 74.0 138 24.0 14 0 2.0 61.7 174 33.9 23 Mean 7.3 86.3 = = = = = 9.0 99.5 4.4 I SBOlGaOD CO 55,8 80 28 9.2 97.8 40.7 3.5 0 Total Obs , 90.8 9.2 0.0 87.9 11.6 0.5 74.1 25.9 0.0 100-149 ■E <50 51.7 1.7 15.4 27 107.9 8 385.6 42.6 44.3 13.1 44.0 52.0 4.0 14 13.4 13 136.9 5 294.0 43.8 26.1 52.2 16 9.6 IJ 125.0 11 267.7 42.1 8 10.3 7 90.0 8 331,0 89 8.4 80.9 17 4 111.6 15.5 322.5 50.8 37.7 11.5 311.3 3.6 57 50 14 12.2 130.2 311.4 47,1 41.3 11.6 20 7.5 69.0 8 I 119.9 27.6 28.9 29.0 37 35 15 12.0 134.7 338.0 42.5 40.2 17,3 20 6 4 34.8 30.4 34.8 16 17 14 9.4 131.8 395.2 34.0 36.2 29.8 6 4 0 150-199 H &50 11 11,1 50<H^200 13 117.9 H>200 I 40.6 15.6 3.4 200-299 H <50 6 16.7 5C<H^200 12 H>200 5 139.7 378.0 300-500 H^50 5(XH^200 H>200 2 I 3 21.7 0,0 33.33 *• o»oae o«b 16.67 50,00 401.3 a/ — E is the number of acres of alfalfa 13.3 66.7 90.0 20.0 243.8 13.3 0.0 110.0 60.0 40.0 0.0 - 107 TABLE III. DISTRIBUTION OF CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND OTHER GRASSES, SMALL GRAINS FOR HAY, AND OTHER HAY ACRES BY COW STRATA..,a/ Area I Cow Nos. And Other. , # of Hay — - Ob s. 20-59 H -50 31 50<H^200 10 H >200 I 50-74 H -50 50 50CH^200 18 H>200 5 75-99 H^SO 29 50CHf200 5 H>200 0 100-149 H-50 40 50<H^200 14 H>200 4 150-199 H^SO 20 5 0 m c200 4 H>200 I 200-299 H^SO 14 50fHfZOO 5 H>200 4 . 300-500 H“50 SOdH^ZOO H>200 4 0 2 Area 2 Mean Area 4 Area 3 % of % of % of % of Total # of Total # of Total Total # of O b s . Obs:, Mean O b s . Obs. Mean O b s . Obs. Mean Ohs. 10:7 89.9 73.8 23.8 2.4 89 6 0 3.2 107.5 ----- 93.7 6.3 0.0 129 13.5 21 108.9 4 278.0 83.8 112 13.6 37 2.6 3 15.9 82.6 369.0 73.7 24.3 2.0 87.8 123.9 369.2 68.5 24.7 6.8 90 2 0 6.5 120.0 ----- 97.8 2.2 0.0 9.8 189 55 103.1 4 266.5 76.2 131 17.3 22.2 65 ■ 91.9 1.6 2 251.5 66.2 32.8 1.0 9.8 100.0 85.3 14.7 0.0 64 7 I 5.2 83.3 88.9 9.7 1.4 8.8 138 58 56.1 3 413.3 69.3 29.2 1.5 62 43 3 14.8 99.0 275.0 57.4 39.8 2.8 14.2 110.5 403.8 69.0 24.1 6.9 52 8 I 5.3 79.9 85.2 13.1 1.7 128 8.4 56 1 1 1 . 0 7 327.3 67.0 29.3 3.7 51 52 7 13.7 99.1 293.4 46.4 47.3 6.3 13.7 118.0 80.0 16.0 4.0 26 4 2 5.9 -■81.2 121.3 12.5 6.3 252.5 8.2 69.4 84 29 97.1 '24.0 8 336.0 . 6.6 16 9 4 14.1 147.7 283.5 55.2 31.0 13.8 6.1 60.9 122.0 ■21.7 414.3 17.4 33 5 0 3.9 101.6 86.8 13.2 0.0 71 8.7 13 91.3 3 536.7 81.6 14.9 3.5 17 9 4 8.2 120.0 376.3 56.7 30.0 13.3 66.7 0.0 33.3 19 3 I 4.0 78.3 82.6 13.0 4,4 6.3 32 8 143.8 7 445.0 68,1 17.0 14.9 8 2 0.0 97.5 ----- 80.0 20.0 0.0 5.0 282.5 I - - - - - a/ Excludes wild hay and alfalfa. b/ H is the number of acres of hay of this type. 0 - 108 T A B L E IV. D I S T R I B U T I O N O F W I L D H A Y B Y C O W STRATA. Area 2 Area I Cow Nos. And Wild # of Hay - Obs. Area 3 0L of % of Area 4 % of % of Total # of Mean Obs. Obs. Total # of Mean Obs. Obs. Total # of Mean Obs. Obs. Mean 0.4 , 74.7 58.1 25.3 103 49 0.1 60.8 0.6 74.4 82.7 17.3 116 82 0.9 58.6 55.8 ’ 41.4 Total Obs , 20-49 h <2lo H>10 34 8 0,0 81.0 47.3 . 19.0 93 2 0.2 16.0 97.9 2.1 50-74 H^lO H>10 61 12 0.5 60.4 83.6 16.4 89 3 0.2 27.0 96.7 205 43 3.3- 29 5 0.2 127.6 85.3 14.7 70 2 0.2 46.0 97.2 2.8 134 : 0.4 65 57.4 67.3 32.7 67 41 0.6 68.9 62.0 38.0 100-149 H -10 B>10 48 10 0.3 101.0 82.8. 54 17.2 7 0.0 45.7 88.5 11.5 126 65 0.2 94.5 66.0 34.0 68 42 0.5 83.5 61.8 38.2 150-199 H “10 H >10 14 11 0.0 205.6 56.0 44.0 30 2 0.0 55.0 93.8 6.2 76 45 0.3 95.4 62.8 37.2 1.6 21 8 162.5 72.4 27.6 200-299 H=IO H>10 16 7 0.0 119.3 69.6 30.4 35 3 0.0 53.3 92.1 7.9 61 26 0.4 99.5 70.1 29.9 0.2 20 10 174.2 66.7 33.3 3 . 0.0 3 360.0 5u.U 50.0 20 3 0.4 ii7 ,U 25 56 , 5 . 13.0 0.2 22 155.9 53.2 46.8 0.0 5 5 389.0 50.0 50.0 .75-99 H-IO H>10 300-500 H^lO H>10 2./ H is the number of acres of wild hay. i}. 115 39 67.8 32.2 5 APPENDIX D TABLE I. DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL ACRES OF LAND PASTURED PER ANIMAL UNIT BY COW STRATA, a/ Area 2 Area I Cow Nos. and Pas-b/ ture— # of Obs. Mean 20-49 P<20 8 20<P<40 19 8 40<P^60 7 P>60 50-74 P<20 11 20<P<40 >31 40<P<60 17 P t-60 14 75-99 4 Pi 20 20<P<40 13 40<P<60. 9 8 P>60 100-149 Pi 20 8 20<P£40 27 40<P<60 13 P>60 10 150-199 Pi 20 2 20<P<40 11 40<P<60 7 P>60 5 200-299 P<20 5 9 20<P<40 8 40<P<60 I P>60 300-500 I Pi 20 I 2O<P<40 40<P<60 0 P>60 4 a/ b/ % of Total # of Obs. Obs. Mean 19.0 45.2 19.1 16.7 28 38 16 13 14.1 29.8 48.7 77.8 15.1 42.4 23.3 19.2 28 39 16 9 , 15.1 29.8 50.8 80.9 11.8 38.2 26.5 23.5 20 23 18 11 13.0 31.0 49.6 111.1 27.8 31.9 25.0 15.3 16.2 30.5 47.9 92.2 13.8 46.6 22.4 17.2 25 20 7 9 13.7 30.7 48.0 136.1 19.0 27.2 50.2 73.2 8.0 44.0 28.0 20.0 9 8 12 3 13.2 30.1 48.4 21.7 39.1 34.8 4.4 16.7 16,7 0 66.6 w w w — — — — cow — 92.0 8.6 29.7 50.1 145.1 7. of Total # of Gbs. Obs. Mean 13.4 32.9 49.4 100.6 Area 4 Area 3 7. of Total # of Obs. Obs. Mean 7. of Total Obs» 30 55 42 27 11.4 30.7 51.2 123.6 19.5 35.7 27.3 17.5 17 75 36 24 13.9 30.3 49.3 117.8 11.2 49.3 23.7 11.8 30.4 38 42.4 117 17.4 58 9.8 35 15.3 31.4 49.7 105.2 15.3 47.2 23.4 14.1 36 99 51 12 14.1 31.0 48.1 75.8 18.2 50.0 25.8 6.0 34 80 54 31 14.8 30.5 50.7 91.3 17.1 40.2 27,1 15.6 16 58 24 10 13.4 30.7 48.4 92.1 14.8 53.7 22.2 9.3 41.0 32.8 11.5 14.7 38 74 53 26 15.1 32.1 48.7 92.6 19.9 38.7 27.8 13.6 20 57 24 9 13.9 31.8 46.9 104,2 18.2 51.8 21.8 8.2 10.0 31.5 49.3 98.2 28.1 25.0 37.5 9.4 29 14.7 31.2 45 31 . 48.7 16 80.6 24.0 37.2 25.6 13.2 4 17 6 2 15.2 30.1 52’.5 77.7 13.8 58.6 20.7 6.9 11 16 7 4 7.0 33.8 49.3 80.0 29.0 42.1 18.4 10.5 14 33 20 20 15.3 30.8 49.9 82.6 16.1 37.9 23.0 23.0 2 14.2 17 > 32.1 6 53.0 5 79.7 6.7 56.7 20.0 16.6 2 10 4 7 2.6 34.9 51.4 91.5 8.7 43.5 17.4 30.4 6 19 10 12 12.6 30.2 50.3 81.7 12.8 40.4 21.3 25.5 13.1 31.4 47.6 80.0 29.5 40.0 16.8 13.7 0 6 3 I 0 30.6 60.0 49.7' 30.0 ----- 10.0 AU = I (# of beef cows) + 1/5 (# of ewes). Excludes Govt. Contract Lands, P is that number calculated by dividing total acres pastured by AUs. - H O TABLE II. - DISTRIBUTION OF ACRES OF CROPLAND PASTURED BY COW STRATA. Area I Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Got? Nos. and CropLand Pas~a/ ture- # of Ob s . Mean % of Total # of Qbs. Obs. Mean % of Total .# of Obs. O b s . Mean % of Total # of Obs. -Obs. Mean % of Total Obs. 20-49 P-O P>Q 34 8 0 182.9 81.0 19.0 72 23 0 159.7 75.8 114 24.2 40 0 191.5 74.0 112 26.0 40 0 124.9 73.7 26.3 50-74 P=O P>0 6 fit 0 11 643.0 84.7 15.3 67 25 0 205.4 72.8 192 27.2 56 0 258.6 0, 77.4 155c 22.6 43, 230.5 78.3 21.7 75-99 P=O P>0 32 2 0 40.0 94.1 5.9 50 22 0 130.6 69.4 149 30.6 50 0 154.6 74.9 25.1 88 20 387.7 81.5 18.5 100-149 P=O P>0 51 7 0 53.8 87.9 12.1 43 18 0 140.5 70.5 141 29.5 50 0 611.9 73.8 26.2 89 21 0 141.2 80.9 19.1 150-199 P=O PX) 24 I 0 96,0 4.0 24 8 0 100.8 75.0 25.0 95 26 0 131.3 78.5 21.5 24. 5 0 192.0 82.8 17.2 200-299 P=O P>0 IS 4 0 328.8 82.6 17.4 29 9 0 133.0 76.3 23.7 70 17 0 145.1 80.5 19.5 27 3 % 344.3 90.0 10.0 300-500 'P=O51' P>0 6 0 0 100.0 0 19 4 0 343,8 82.6 17.4 33 14 0 334.2 70.2 29.8 9 I 0’ 90.0 10.0 a/ — »— P is the n u m b e r of acres o f cro p l a n d for pasture. O - Ill - TABLE III. DISTRIBUTION OF IRRIGATED PASTURE BY COW STRATA. Area I Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Coe Nos. : and Irri­ gated # of Pas~a/. fcure^ Obs. Mean % of % of Total # of Total # of Obs. Obs. Mean . Obs. Obs. Mean % of % of Total # of Total Obs. Obs. Mean 'Qbs, 20-49 P=O P>0 3» 3 0 85.0 92.9 7.1 67 28 0 64.1 70.5 144 29,5 '10 0 28.3 93.5 146 6.5 6 50-74 P=O P>0 63 10 0 54.3 86.3 13.7 70 22 0 80.-6 76:1 231 23.9 17 0 48.4 0 93.1 194, 98.0 2.0 6.9 4 "53,.1.8 75-99 P=O P>0 32 2 0 150.0 94.1 5.9 59 13 0 31.8 81.9 191 18.1 8 0 53.9 96.0 106 4.0 2 0 38.0 98.1 1.9 100-149 P=O P>0 50 S 0 85.9 86.2 13.8 41 20 0 77.4 67.2 182 32.8 9 181.9 95.3 107 4.7 3 0 16.7 97.3 2.7 150-199 P=O P»0 22 3 0 64.7 88.0 12.0 28 4 0 42.5 87.5 111 12.5 10 0 79.8 91.7 8,3 290 0 100.0 0 200-299 P=O P>0 17 6 0 87.5 73.9 26,1 31 7 0 165.6 81,6 18.4 80 7 0 53.6 92.0 8.0 29 I 0 96.7 3.3 300-500 P=O P>0 5 I 0 83.3 16.7 22 I 0 95.7 4.3 43 4 0 144.0 91.5 8.5 10 0 0 100.0 0 a/ G P is the nuisher of acres of irrigated pasture. 0 24.0 96.1 3,9 112 _ &/ DISTRIBUTION OF PASTURE AS PERCENT OF TOTAL LAND BT COW STRATA.-' TABLE IV. Area I Cow Nos. and ■SSw 20-49 P<40 40<P<60 60<P£80 P>80 50-74 P<40 40<P<60 60<P<80 P?80. 75-99 PS40 40<Ps60 60<P<80 P >80 100-149 P<40 40cP<60 60<P^80 P>80 150-199 P&40 40<P<60 60<P<80 P>80 200-299 P <40 40<P£60 60<Pl80 P>80 300-300 P<40 40<P<60 60<P<80 P>80 # of Qbis. Mean Area. 2 % of Total ,# of Obs. Oba. Hdan Area 3 % of Total # of Area 4 % of Total # of % of Total Obs ♦ -Obs. Mean Obs» Obs»'Mean Obs. 8 9 3 22 20.8 53.6 76.8 96.6 19.1 21.4 7.1 52.4 10 19 24 41 21.2 52.4 71.8 91.3 10.6 20.2 25.5 43.7 10 12 43 89 22.2 .50.0 71.9 92.1 6.5 7.8 27.9 57.8 16 40 62 33 ' 34.1 51.3 71.4 "89.5 10.6 26.5 41.1 21.8 2 7 14 50 15.0 53.4 75.0 92.8 2.7 9.6 19.2 68.5 7 5 22 58 27.2 53.1 69.7 91.4 7.6 I 5.4 10 23.9 58 63.1 179 WWW* — 55.8 73.5 92.4 0.4 4.0 23.4 72.2 9 32 SI 76 22.4 53.1 70.8 89.3 4.5 16.2 40.9 38.4 I 3 15 53 ***** 52.4 77.2 92.4 0 5.9 5.9 88.2 57.9 72.3 92.5 1.4 4 4.2 6 20.8 25 73.6 163 17.2 55.5 74.2 93.6 2.0 3.0 12.6 82.4 3 12 44 49 13.8 55.5 72.2 88.7 40.7 45.4 72.3 93.7 1.7 1.7 5.2 91.4 0 5 10 46 49.0 73.1 93.8 I 0 8.2 3 ' 54.5 16.4 17. 74.8 75.4 169 93.0 0.5 1.6 9.0 88.9 3 12 39 56 12.8 54.7 74.6 89.7 2.7 10.9 35.5 50.9 0 5 ' 55.7 4 74.3 23 94.2 0 0 15.6 0 12.5 8 71.9 113 0 0 6.6 93.4 0 0 8 21 ***** 0 4.3 8.7 87.0 5 2 2 29 13.1 5.3 5.3 76.3 2 0 2 83 2.3 0 2.3 95.4 I 2 5 22 0 0 0 97.4 100.0 0 0 3 20 0 0 13.0 87.0 2 0 0 44 4.3 0 0 95.7 0 0 0 0 ----0 0 10 . 94.2 100.0 0 2 2 30 I I 3 53 0 0 0 25 wee**— 0 0 0 ^3.0 100.0 0 I 2 20 WW *w— 0 0 0 6 W*w—— W— WWW WWWWW 78.3 93.6 ** ——* ***** WWW* — 22.4 54.2 79.7 94.7 ***** 77.6 95.5 ■ —*——* W WW W— 75.5 93.7 20.1 ***** 77.4 95.9 4.9 W— WWW 96.3 ****—, 74.4 92.0 —*** — 52.4 71.2 94,1 2.8 ll.l 0 0 27.6 72.4 3.3 6.7 16.7 73.3 ***** a/ Pasture = Cropland for pasture + woodland for pasture + other pasture (exclude GoTt. Lease). b/ P is the percent of total land that is pasture (acres pastured/total acres operated). APPENDIX E T ABLE I; D I S T R I B U T I O N OF T O T A L L A N D A C R E S B Y CO W STRATA, Area I Cow and Total Land b/ Area 2 % of # of 1 Obs. Mean Tot. # of Obs. Obs. Mean a/ Area 3 Area 4 I % of Tot. # of Ob s . Obs. .Mean % of Tot,.. # of . Obs. Obs. Mean 15.8 65.3 16.8 2.1 61.0 25.3 8.5 % of Tot. 0b s . 20-49 161 Lf1^4 4<L<10 L>10 50-74 l£ l k l £4 4<L<10 ' L>10 75-99 L£1 KLf-A I 4<L£L0 L?10 100-149 L^l KLlA 4<LilO L>10 150-199 L— I KL-4 , AcL^lO L>10 I 26 13 2 0 33 35 5 0 7 18 9 4.8 15 62 16 2 275 1501 3571 15085 2 53 36 I 177 1808 10643 0 45.2 47.9 6.9 1919 4271 7866 0 20.6 52.9 26.5 2 25 35 10 1.7 5.2 55.2 37.9 I 15 30 15 1730 3967 9870 1683 4263 I 3 2043 32 22 4404 10066 — ■ 0 ■ W fl» M c w e ™ • * e* 0 10 ■ 4882 15 11594 ho 2.4 61.9 30.9 3779 = HOHO-- 324 1810 4257 11146 1610 4349 13800 8 94 39 13 6 96 45 5 446 1760 3.9 63.2 3460 29.6 18234 3.3 OHUHHCdOH ■ 1911 3621 14109 0 42.3 2.8 34.7 520 1910 4198 11297 1.0 20.1 I 12 61.8 17.1 84 1964 4004 11 9053 0.9 11.1 77.8 10.2 0.5 2001 8.2 4682 65.5 26.3 2 40 48.6 123 13.9 34 1.6 I 24.6 19 49.2 ,104 67 1789 4927 10744 0 21.9 25.0 53.1 0 12 44 '69.6 0 HOOJ D BHO 6 1372 "6 3849 26 '11360 0 15.8 15.8 68.4 0 I 16 70 0 0 0 100.0 0 2 0 21 0 ■ 8.7 0 91.3 I 0 2 44 HOH OCDCDO- 5.2 0 2.2 57.6 105 39.1 116 1.1 27 24.6 0 0 7 0 40.0 8 60.0 .17 392 1588 3697 14992 65 2013 4531 11285 —OHCHOOO H 2 77 46.8 117 10.9 2 9.9 0 9 54.5 35.1 72 29 0 0 I 12 16 1990 4590 11130 9.9 36.4 oobw —o x a 0 1.1 18.4 53.7 340 . 1.0 1896 38.9 3693 •59.1 9510 1.0 ——— 0 9125 0 4913 9432 3.4 41.4 55.2 200-299 I ■ * ea ■■ L^l ULiA 0 6 ■ 5277 AlLilO LFlO 16. .15032 300-500 0 Lil KLiA 0 0 ■ooHeacs ca 4^L<10. 6 35288 L>10 4.3 0 26'. I _____ 990 —MHOS,=. 21918 5092 13843 U S , C=CSJ 4400 20661 80.5 2.1 0 4.3 93.6 0 0 I 29 0 0 0 10 =JC--IO 14088 -UCCtO 0 0 3.3 96.7 0 0 0 18286 100.0 a/ Total land equals owned land plus rented land less land rented out (excludes government permit land). b/ L refers to the stratifications on the n u m b e r of sections A l l M e a n figures are in terms of a c r e s . in the r a n c h . T A B L E LI. D I S T R I B U T I O N OF P E R C E N T OF T O T A L L A N D T H A T IS O W N E D B Y CO W STRATA. Area I Cow N o s . and % Owned # of L a n d a/ O b s 1 Mean 20-49 L=O CKL < .6 .6 < L < 1 .0 L = I .0 50-74 L=O O^LSv 6 .6 < L < 1 .0 L=1.0 75-99 L=O 0 < L i .6 .6 < L < 1 .0 L = I .0 100-149 L=O 0 < L < .6 .6 < L < 1 .0 L = I .0 150-199 L=O 0 < L < .6 .60*1.0 L = I 1O Area 2 % of T o t , # of Obs. Obs. 0:0 3 14 46.3 12 88:0 13 100.0 7.1 20 33.3 28.6 23 18 33 0.0 7 13 36.7 40 . 81.3 13 100.0 9 .6 17.8 54.8 17.8 I 0.0 7 31.5 21 84.9 5 100.0 20.6 61.8 14.7 5 9 34 10 31.0 2.9 0.0 8.6 41.4 83.5 15.5 ioo.o 17.3 58.6 16.0 8 34 31 19 11 16 36 9 4 18 27 12 4 0.0 30.6 3 18 80.0 m: 0 M «uCUoa< 12.0 72.0 0.0 2 15 11 4 m CMna*n 0 u< 3 15.3 13 82.9 7 100.0 0.0 13.1 56.5 30.4 3 14 17 4 0 _____ 2 32.5 4 87.6 0 CUMl <uaCU 0.0 33.3 66.7 0.0 2 6 11 4 Mean Area 3 7= of " , Tot. # ' o f Obs. Obs. 0.0 35.7 76.4 100.0 21.3 24.5 19.1 35.1 0.0 13.1 80.9 8.7 37.0 33.7 100.0 20.6 0.0 37.0 81.1 15.3 22.2 50.C 12.5 100.0 0.0 0.0 38 43 37.1 78.1 100.0 57 26 58 99 65 % of Tot. Obs. 10.4 24.7 15 47 50 39 10.0 31.1 27.9 37.0 0.0 10.5 37.3 82.9 23.4 39.9 26.2 ioo.o 29 50 92 27 0.0 36.5 79.0 33.1 100.0 25,8 0.0 38.9 79.7 25.3 100.0 14.6 46.5 13.6 0.0 10.1 13 0.0 12.0 39.3 81.7 22.7 26 37.8 24.1 . 81.6 100.0 46.0 21.2 45 42 24 100.0 41.7 22.2 0.0 11.6 37.4 25.2 51.6 12 27 58 0.0 34.9 78.9 11.6 13 100.0 9.9 25.6 50.4 14.1 2 10 16 I 44.2 82.8 5.7 17.3 71.3 5.7 6 9 10 5 6.5 3 I 6 12 31 61 17 0.0 8.0 30.0 83.1 36.8 100.0 44.7 10.5 5 15 62 5 0.0 27.7 8.7 26.1 11 81.9 47.8 100.0 17.4 100.0 ' #. of Obs . M e a n 20 6.2 4 6 .9 34.4 \L2„5 0.0 33.3 82.0 % of Tot. Obs. 45 91 44.3 19.6 82.3 100.0 6 .6 29.5 Mean 16 22 48 98 22 33.1 ' ' Area 4 80.6 100:0 0.0 39.7 81.2 100.0 0.0 10.9 24.6 52.7 11.8 6.9 34.5 55.2 100.0 3.4 0.0 35.2 20.0 82.7 33,3 16.7 200-299 L=O 0 < L < .6 .6 K L C 1 .0 L = I .0 300-500 L=O 0 4 L < .6 . S C L C l 1O L = I 1O £/ 3 27 5 0.0 37.4 81.0 100.0 0.0 35.5 53.0 100.0 23.9 58.7 10.9 100.0 30.0 0.0 25.5 30.0 84.9 60.0 0 L is a p e r c e n t a g e calculated b y div i d i n g ovmed land b y total land (excludes government- p e r m i t l a n d ) . 10.0 0.0 t X - 115 - T A B L E III; D I S T R I B U T I O N OF IRRIGATED CRO P L A N D B Y C O W STRATA. Area I Cow N o s . and I r r . of Crop-land a/ Obs. Area 2 % Mean of Tot. Obs. # of . O b s . Mean Area 3 % of Tot. Obs. . # of Obs. Mean Area 4 % I of , Tot. # of Obs.. O b s . Mean of Tot. O b s. 76.6 23.4 134 18 0.0 88.2 68.0 11.8 180 18 0.0 97.4 90.9 9.1 20-49, L=O L>0 32 10 76.2 23.8 50 45 153.5 52.6 47.4 118 106.2 50-74 L=O L?0 48 25 0.0 85.1 65.8 34.2 50 42 0.0 154.5 54.3 45.7 189 59 0.0 124.4 76.2 23.8 75-99 L=O L>0 17 17 0.0 50.0 50.0 42 30 0.0 119.4 58.3 41.7 164 35 0.0 114.0 82.4 46.8 17.6 86 0.0 22 277.6 79.6 20.4 0.0 144.0 44.8 55.2 35 26 0.0 151.3 57.4 ■ 128 42.6 63 0.0 127.3 67.0 33.0 0.0 91 19 102.5 82.7 32 150-199 L=O L7 0 10 15 0.0 222.2 40.0 60.0 22 10 0.0 204.4 68.8 84 37 0.0 157.5 69.4 30.6 24 31.2 82.8 17.2 200-299 L=O L>0 7 0.0 193.6 30.4 69.6 22 0.0 16 233.9 57.9 42.1 58 29 0.0 108.7 66.7 33.3 22 16 33.3 66.7 14 9 234.3 60.9 39.1 31 16 0.0 199.2 66.0 34.0 . 8 2 100-149 L=O . L>0 3 0 0-500 L=O L>0 a/ 26 0.0 0.0 0..0 36 - 69.3 0.0 5 109.0 0.0 8 102.6 17.3 73; 3 26.7 / 2 4 0.0 701.0 0.0 L represents the n u m b e r of acres of irrigated, cropland. 0.0 80.0 210.0 20.0 LITERATURE CITED Agricultural ,Ebqperiment Station and Extension Service, Montsina Agriculture Basic Facts, Bozeman, Montana: Montana State. College, Bulletin 293, October, 1956. '• V ,, - f \ ,* , . - tv*' ' r■ . • 4 -,Vv Committee for Economic Development, An Adaptive Program for Agriculture. New York: Committee for Economic Development, July, 1962. Cooperative Extension Service and Agricultural Experiment Station, Montana Agriculture Basic Facts. Bulletin 293, Bozeman, Montana, Montana State College, June, 1962. Helburn, Nicholas 5 Edie, M. J.; and Lightfoot, Gordon, Montana in Mans. The Research and Endomment Foundation, Bozeman, Montana: Montana State College, 1962. Saunderson, Mont H . , Montana Stock Ranches and Ranching Opportunities. Agricultural Eixperiment Station, Bozeman, Montana: Montana State College, 1950. United States-Department.of Agriculture, Statistical Reporting Service, Montana Agriculture Statistics. Helena, Montana.: Montana Depart­ ment of Agriculture, Vol. IX, December, 1962. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 1762 10012842 8 NS 78 B381 cop.2 Beattie, B. R. The organization and structure Iof the beef cattle industry... N AMC ANP AODWKSa A ^\ .c t 15/ V J -yVr & - Q L T . i l 3 ISI JrH iOa.a / ( ' v.k i- '~L-' fy-('