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fall 2003 shifting double dihedral movement path Temporal Boundaries front view pixel data reduction lf 80dpi Data Reduction: as a means to define patches vector data reduction 40dpi 20dpi 10dpi patched space types Patches are defined as nonlinear surface areas-in this case each patch is a visual representation of a traced movement of the body. The idea is to capture the idiosyncratic movements of Danny's body (the residue) as he goes through his daily routine in his dorm room (closed system). Then, the data can be used as a seed (DNA) which can be introduced into the site (open system), where it can engage and adapt to the surrounding environment. Patch Typologies Instead of a specific design proposal for future occupation of the site, a series of loose organizational typologies are proposed. Hybrid Programs Four broad programmatic categories are proposed: rest, entertain, cook, and work. These programmatic zones are fragmented (distinguishing) and fused (blending) into another creating a hybrid condition. Genera House 1 movement trace Skin Depending on density and organization on the site, the hybrid patches might function as: rest/entertain, cook/work, or some other variation. Scale and density of material suggests possible programs. composite hybrid programs rest work eat entertrain transitory fall 2003 subject translation 1a front back right left Genera House 1 space diagrams subject traces Information reduction as a method for transformation body trajectories 2a soft body 2b shell 2c fall 2003 vector traces slab enclosure rest storage plumbing roof 2nd floor Development Cycles Cycle Evolution The idea is to derive patterns from Danny's daily bodily movements, or his daily routine. These 2 dimensional diagrams are translated into a 3 dimensional environment, 3d modeling construct. The patterns of movement are then fused together to capture the subjects movement residue; the residue is the result of an act of automatism by the body. At this point, the data is translated into a spatial construct. The goal is to trap Danny's spatial idiosyncrasies and embed them into the construct. The result is an understanding of dwelling as a fusion between a series of activies. Imagine the movements of the human body blurring in space leaving a residue which fusses into the environment. cycle a cycle b cycle c eat Genera House 1 rest eat rest eat rest rest entertain floor plan 1 cycle 1 program patches floor plan 1 cycle 2 program patches floor plan 1 cycle 3 program patches floor plan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