*Reminder: Lunch will not be at the club, but at the Hope Hotel. No

R eg ional VP
Ma r ci Snyd er
O ff icers
A l a n H autm an, P r es ident
A p ril Lewi s, P r es . E lec t
K e n S tegal l , V P
Ted He c h t, Secret ary
D r e w Ti to ne, A s s t . S ec .
A n d r ea Pa k uls k i, Tr eas .
P e t e Ba ttaglia, A s s t . Tr ea s .
Ma r ci Snyd er, 1s t Dir.
G ra nt Ba rte e, 2nd Dir.
D avid Perkins , 3r d Dir.
C ommi ttees
E d u c ati o n
D r. M ark Golt z
N ad ja Tu re k
I n du s try Affair s
Jo hn Ko ern er
K e n S tegal l
Mike C l a re
S m al l Busi nes s
Mike C l a re
S a m R eed
Me m b ershi p
K i m D unca n
P rog ra ms
N ad ja Tu re k
J eff Leonard
R ea di n ess
Jo n Wheel e r
C M SGT Di rk M c Dowell
S u st . Memb er s
R osie O’ Gra dy
Young M e mb er s
B rad D oudi c an
C pt . Jere my K inne
C ollege Out r eac h
N ich ol e Las hley
Travis Burr
K -12 Ou tre ac h
Jim L evy
R yan Schl o s s er
Yello w R i b b on
N ikki Ke l l y
S o cial
Mike H owe
Je nni fe r Ta m bur ino
G o lf
D avid R obi n s on
Ted He c h t
Aw ards
Je nni fe r Ta m bur ino
C ommu ni cat ions / P R
Todd B u tl e r
A ff iliates Soc iet ies
D r e w Ti to ne
Jim R yckman
F e llows R epr es ent at iv e
N ick Sca mb ilis
P o st Sm. Bus . Lias on
K e n S tegal l
Kittyhawk Flyer
*Reminder: Lunch will not be at the club, but at the Hope Hotel. No base access required.
Steve Rager to Speak at SAME Kittyhawk Luncheon
Thursday, 9 June 11 | 1145 hrs | HOPE HOTEL*
Steve Rager, Chief of the Emergency Management and Security Branch of the Louisville District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is scheduled to present on, “Readiness and the A/E Community in the New Madrid Fault Zone,” at the June SAME Kittyhawk Luncheon. A brief description of his topic follows:
FEMA’s National Level Exercise 2011 will be held in late May and will simulate the catastrophic nature of a major earthquake in the central United States, affecting eight in the region of the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). This year, 2011, is the bicentennial anniversary of the 1811 New Madrid earthquake, for which the NMSZ is named. The National Level Exercise will simulate the response to a major HDUWKTXDNH ZLWKLQ WKH 1HZ 0DGULG ]RQH WKH ¿UVW WLPH WKH 1/( ZLOO VLPXODWH D
natural hazard. NLE 2011 activities will take place at command posts, emergency operation centers and other locations to include federal facilities in the Washington D.C. area and federal, regional, state, tribal, local and private sector facilities in the eight member states of the Central United States Earthquake Consortium (CUSEC). The eight member states of CUSEC encompass four different FEMA regions: Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee (FEMA Region IV);; Illinois and Indiana (FEMA Region V);; Arkansas (FEMA Region VI);; and Missouri (FEMA Region VII). As a key participant in the exercise for the Corps, Mr. Rager will tell us KRZWKHH[HUFLVHZHQWDQGWKHUDPL¿FDWLRQVIRUWKHHPHUJHQF\UHVSRQVHFRPPXQLW\
as well as the design and construction community of living near the fault.
Area Representatives for Luncheon Reservations
Individual and Sustaining Members: AFIT:
HQ AFMC: 88 ABW and USACE: UD: Ms. Rosie O’Grady, 937-­291-­6545 x1161 ogrady@testechinc.com
Capt. Rebecca Brown, 937-­656-­1626, rebecca.brown@wpafb.af.mil
Mr. Jeff Leonard, 937-­656-­3590, jeff.leonard@wpafb.af.mil
Ms. Nicole Lashley, nlashley@lawhon-­assoc.com;; Mr. Travis Burr, burr@testechinc.com Area representatives, please forward reservation information to Jeff Leonard (jeff.leonard@
wpafb.af.mil) and Ryan Schlosser (ryan.schlosser@wpafb.af.mil) no later than COB Friday, June 3rd.
June 2011
President’s Message
endeavor to follow his lead and ask myself, ‘What would Dave do?’
invited to participate. Thank you for your trust in me.
I was once the Scholarship Committee Chairman and my interest in furthering SAME’s mission to encourage the engineers and architects of tomorrow is strong. I am very interested in advancing the activity of our young members and students. I am also very interested in promoting activities and events that encourage WKHSDUWLFLSDWLRQRISXEOLFVHFWRUPHPEHUV.LWW\KDZN3RVWKDVEHHQEOHVVHG
with many active members from the public sector and I want to tap that resource to explore new ways of making the Society vital to this portion of our membership. Each year seems to pass faster than the last as many of you who are not Young Members can attest. I look forward to a busy year ahead and commit to doing my best to live up to the tradition of leadership established for the Kittyhawk 3RVW3UHVLGHQF\
Alan Hautman, RA, LEED AP BD+C
June 2011
Meet Your SAME Kittyhawk Board Members: Rosie O’Grady
who leads our post. It takes many volunteers to make a post as VXFFHVVIXODVWKH.LWW\KDZN3RVWKDVEHHQDQGZHKDYHEHHQ
blessed with dedicated volunteers. This month we’re focusing on Rosie O’Grady, Marketing and Business Development Manager for TestTech, who has been active with SAME Kittyhawk since 1984. Alan Hautman, president of the SAME Kittyhawk board was ¿UVWLQWURGXFHGWR5RVLH\HDUVDJRDWD5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFH
“She impressed me with her enthusiasm for the organization and the network of contacts and friendships that she had established through SAME. I had been a member of other professional organizations in the past but had never met a member in WKRVH RUJDQL]DWLRQV WKDW HPERGLHG ERWK WKH EHQH¿WV RI DFWLYH
membership and the willingness to share the experience with QHZFRPHUV6KHKDVEHHQDIULHQGDQGPHQWRUVLQFHWKDW¿UVW
became more involved in 1987 when the post was selected to host the National Conference in 1990. Rosie said she was “volunteered” to be the coordinator for the exhibit area by her PDQDJHU6LQFHWKDW¿UVWIRUD\LQWRYROXQWHHULQJLQRUJDQL]LQJ
a SAME conference, she has participated in every conference since then with the exception of the 1999 conference due to health issues.
In 1993 Rosie became involved with the Executive Board as the programs chair. In 1994, she was elected to post secretary, then YLFHSUHVLGHQWWKHIROORZLQJ\HDUDQGLQEHFDPHWKH¿UVW
female post president. She remained on the board as a director for 3 years following her presidency and then volunteered as the Sustaining Member Chair, which she has held since. In 2002 VKHZDVVHOHFWHGDVWKH2KLR9DOOH\5HJLRQDO9LFH3UHVLGHQWIRU
two years, and in 2003 Rosie was inducted as a SAME Fellow, a very high honor.
Rosie’s involvement with SAME doesn’t end with our .LWW\KDZN3RVW6KHLVDOVRDPHPEHURIWKH6PDOO%XVLQHVV
SAME Younger Members and DSEC Lead Dayton Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Days
Dayton Service Engineering Collaborative (DSEC), the SAME Younger Members have scheduled an opportunity to volunteer with Dayton Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, June 4, 2011 12:30-­4:00 pm and Saturday, June 11, 2011 12:30-­4:00 pm at 234 William St., West Carrollton, OH. Bring your family and come join your fellow SAME members and other Dayton area engineers in an afternoon of service! All volunteers in your group are required to sign up online -­ click here and follow WKH VLPSOH LQVWUXFWLRQV WR VLJQ XS 3OHDVH FRQWDFW /LQGVD\
SAME Younger Members Support Development of Water Treatment and Distribution System in Rural Honduras
SAME members John and Lindsay Jaszkowiak traveled to Honduras in May as part of a collaborative effort of Miami Valley engineers to bring clean drinking water to a rural community in Honduras that is heavily impacted by water-­borne illnesses. Improvements are currently being designed for a poorly functioning untreated water distribution system for the village of Canchias. In addition to the survey, analysis, and design of the proposed distribution system, a FRPPXQLW\OHYHOVHGLPHQWDWLRQDQGELRVDQG¿OWUDWLRQWUHDWPHQW
system is proposed. In August a second team will return to &DQFKLDVWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKH¿QDOFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGGHGLFDWLRQ
of the system, working alongside other development workers and the local Hondurans. If you are interested in participating in this trip please contact Brad Doudican (doudican.1@osu.
is a collaborative project between SAME Younger Members, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Dayton Service Engineering Collaborative, and the University of Dayton. For more detailed information on this project, please go to www.
June 2011
Award: Butt Construction Scholarship
Winner: Kylie Bushroe
Plans: Pre-Med/Psych major at University of Dayton
Award: Environmental Quality Company Scholarship
Winner: Deepak Chona
Plans: Biological Sciences at Vanderbilt University
Award: Major General Frank Barnes Scholarship
Winner: Jeneé Christensen
Plans: Civil Engineering at Purdue University and Air
Force ROTC cadet
Award: Timothy Allen Curtis Scholarship
Winner: Brad Doudican
Plans: Earning PhD of Civil Engineering at OSU
Award: Timothy Allen Scholarship
Winner: Jonathan Flynn
Plans: Assoc. Degree in Architectural Engineering
at Sinclair, with plans to enroll at the University of
Cincinnati for a BS
Award: LJB Inc. Scholarship
Winner: Caitlin Jackson
Plans: Chemical Engineering at Notre Dame
June 2011
Award: Major General Frank Barnes Scholarship
Winner: Sarah Koop
Plans: Industrial & Systems Engineering at OSU with
a minor in Entrepreneurship
Award: Major General Frank Barnes Scholarship
Winner: Tyler Pollock
Plans: Math and Education at Butler University
Award: Turek Family Scholarship
Winner: Graeham Rieman
Plans: Mathematics at The University of Dayton
Award: Major General Frank Barnes Scholarship
Winner: Luke Sabota
Plans: Electrical and Computer Engineering at OSU
Award: Sinclair Scholarship
Winner: Jonathan Flynn*
Plans: Assoc. Degree in Architectural Engineering
at Sinclair, with plans to enroll at the University of
Cincinnati for a BS
Award: Woolpert Inc. Scholarship
Winner: Christopher Tubb
Plans: Aerospace Engineering, College Undecided
*Accepting for Jonathan are Sharon Smith from Sinclair and Nick Scambilis.
June 2011
Membership Updates
Mr. Jeremy Dicken
Ms. Liz Zimmer
Ms. Sarah Ladd
Mr. John Wellinger
Mr. Jesse Hubbell
Tecta America Zero Company
Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati, OH
University of Dayton
Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati, OH
Resource International, Inc.
Columbus, OH
Capt Ryan Howell, USAF
Mr. Michael Brady
Capt Justin Meihaus, USAF
Lt Matthew Blackburn, P.E., USAF
Boise, ID
Kettering, OH
Goldsboro, NC
Fairview Park, OH
It's time for the Annual
SAME Kittyhawk Post
Social Event at a Dayton
Dragon's baseball game!
&&# $"#"!##
June 2011
Society of American Military Engineer’s
WHEN: Friday, July 8, 2011
8:00 a.m. Shotgun Start (Rules meeting 7:45 a.m. sharp!)
Registration starts at 7:00 a.m. – coffee and doughnuts available
Range balls available prior to event
WHERE: Twin Base Golf Course, WPAFB
FORMAT: Four-­person Scramble / Best Ball /
$50 Government
$85 Non-­Government / Contractor
awarded to the
-­‐ Top teams
-­‐ Skills Competition
-­‐ Middle & highest score
Includes: greens fees, cart, beverages, lunch, prizes
Mr. Ted Hecht, (937) 257-­‐6214 -­‐ WPAFB
Mr. David Robinson – Weston Solutions
Mr. Grant Bartee – LJB Inc.
RSVPs are due by June 24
Payment must be received by June 24
1. ____________________________ 2. ___________________________
3. ____________________________ 4. ___________________________
ORGANIZATION: _______________________________________________
TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: __________________________________________
To pay by check, please make checks payable to SAME Kittyhawk Post. To pay by credit card, please complete the following: Name on credit card: ___________________________________________ Phone #: _____________________ Email:__________________________ For Visa, Mastercard or Discover #: ________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________________ 3 digit code on back: _________ American Express #: ____________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________________ 4 digit code on front: _________
Please mail completed registration forms and checks to: SAME Kittyhawk Post, c/o Golf Classic, P.O. Box 328, Fairborn, Ohio 45324. For credit card processing, please send to apakulski@ljbinc.com or fax (937) 259-­‐5100. Any questions can be directed to Ted Hecht or David Robinson as noted above. CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS
Provide scholarship opportunities!
Society of American Military Engineer’s
All proceeds will be placed in the Education and Mentorship Fund
GOLD SPONSOR includes placard with company name displayed at two holes ($500 and above) and notation on the Gold Sponsor placard at the awards luncheon.
SILVER SPONSOR includes placard with company name displayed at one hole ($300) and notation on the Silver Sponsor placard at the awards luncheon.
BRONZE SPONSOR includes company name notation on the Bronze Sponsor placard ($150) at the awards luncheon.
Company logo items for door prizes are welcome!
(Items such as golf balls, clubs, towels)
YES, my company will be a Kittyhawk Post Golf Classics Sponsor!
Company Name: ____________________________________________________________
Contact: ___________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________
Level of Sponsorship: _________________________________________________________
Please list door prize items: ____________________________________________________
TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: ________________________________________________________
To pay by check, please make checks payable to SAME Kittyhawk Post. To pay by credit card, please complete the following: Name on credit card: _________________________________________________________
Phone #: __________________________ Email:___________________________________ For Visa, Mastercard or Discover #: ______________________________________________
Expiration Date: _______________________ 3 digit code on back: ____________________ American Express #: __________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: _______________________ 4 digit code on front: ____________________
Please mail completed registration forms and checks to: SAME Kittyhawk Post, c/o Golf Classic, P.O. Box 328, Fairborn, Ohio 45324. For credit card processing, please send to apakulski@ljbinc.com or fax (937) 259-­‐5100. Any questions can be directed to Ted Hecht or David Robinson as noted above.