LA 354: AN INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC LAW: LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the module the student should be able to: Knowledge: Understand and engage in the theoretical discourse regarding Islamic law. Specifically an understanding of the development of principles of sources of Islamic law in the area of family and property rights and its incorporation in legislation Contextual Skills: Understand and appreciate the various concepts employed in constructing Islamic law. Be able to differentiate between ‘divine’ and ‘human’ made legal principles and laws based on reformist principles in Islamic law Application: Engage and present critical legislative and context based analyses of issues relating to legal reform in jurisdiction in the Muslim world Cognitive Skills: Apply the various principles of Islamic law to problems arising with regard to the specific topics covered in the module including marriage, dower, divorce, custody guardianship, succession and inheritance. To recognise principles of Islamic law in the legislation of various Muslim countries covered in the module Sources and Research: To research a topic in Islamic law covered by the module using paper and electronic resources and specialist Islamic law legal materials How will the learning and teaching methods enable students to achieve this learning outcome? Which assessment method will measure the achievement of this learning outcome? Lectures, seminars, module materials, directed reading Through structured assessed essay Lectures, student led seminars and directed reading Exam in the form of scenario and problem based questions Lectures, seminars and guest lectures Exam, essay, both theoretical and problem based Directed reading of principles of Islamic law, codified law of some Muslim countries and commentaries and analysis on these laws Problem based questions to be solved in seminars and group work Prepared through direct readings, advanced bibliography prepared by module leader as well as preparatory work for lectures and seminars Research skills will largely be assessed through assessed essay and examination questions 110