AN ANALYSIS OF MONTHLY WHEAT, FLOUR, AND BREAD PRICES IN A STRUCTURAL AND TIME SERIES FRAMEWORK by RUSSELL ELI TRONSTAD A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Applied Economics MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana June 1985 i i APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Russell Eli Tronstad This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citation, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Date Chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved tar the Major Department Date Head, Major Department Approved tor the Col lege of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean i ii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE presenting In this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master's degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules the Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable special permission, of without provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction thesis may be granted by my major professor, Dean of Libraries when, the material this or in his absence, by tha in the opinion of either, is for scholarly purposes. of the proposed use of Any copying or use of the material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my permission. Signature _________________________________ Date ___________________________________ iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS would graduate like to extend my sincerest thanks to the chairman of committee, Dr. John Marsh, for his unlimited guidance, and support during my work on this thesis. to thank the other members of my committee, Frank, and professors Drs. insights and helpful my patience, I would also 1 ike Drs. Gail Cramer, and Mike Oscar Burt and Jeffrey LaFrance, for their cirticisms on the preliminary draft of this thesis. Special classmates career. appreciation for their is expressed to my support and patience roommates, family, throughout my and academic v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL ................ , , , ................ , . , ....... , ..... , .. , . . ii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE ................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......... , .............. , ...... , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................. , .... , ......... , . . . v LIST OF TABLES................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES .................................................. viii ABSTRACT .. ' ... ' ...................................... ''' I I . ' •.•. ' i;'{ Chapter 1 2 3 4 INTRODUCTION •.. , ....... , ................................ . Statement of the Problem ............................ .. Objectives ........................................... . Procedures ........................................... . Literature Review .................................... . 3 3 4 MODEL DEVELOPMENT ............................. , ......... . 7 Terminal Wheat Markets................................ Kansas City Flour Market.............................. Retail Bread Market................................... 8 12 14 ECONOMETRIC THEORY, ..... , ............................... . 16 Distributed Lags...................................... Stochastic and Nonstochastic Difference Equations..... Recursive Systems ..... , .......... , .. ,, ... , ....... ,.... Time Series........................................... 16 22 23 24 EMPIRICAL RESUlTS ....................................... . 27 Terminal Wheat Markets .... , ............ ,.,, ... ,., ... ,. Kansas City Flour Market.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . Retai 1 Bread Market................................... Multivariate ARIMA Equations.......................... Structural vs. Multivariate ARIMA..................... 27 33 39 41 45 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS-Continued Pe:ge 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS, .. , , , , , , , , , , , ••.•.• , . , ...• , , , , , , . 51 LITERATURE CITED •. ,,,,,,, ... ,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, 56 APPEND I X, . , , , , . , .. , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , .. , , , .. , . , . , , , , . , . . 59 vii LIST OF TABLES Page Tables 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Statistical Results of Kansas City Hard Red Winter Wheat, Minneapolis Dark Northern Spring Wheat, and Portland Soft White Wheat Price Equations................ 34 Estimates of Price Flexibilities for Kansas City Hard Red Winter Wheat, Minneapolis Dark Northern Spring, and Portland Soft White Wheat Price Equations................ 36 Statistical Results of Kansas City Flour and U.S. Bread Price Equations ....... ,.................................. 42 Estimates of Price Flexiblllties for Kansas City Flour Price and Retail Bread Price Equations ................ ,.. 44 Statistical Results for the ARIMA models of Wheat, Flour, and Bread Prices......................................... 48 Comparison of the Root Mean Square Errors of the Structural and ARIMA Wheat, Flour, and Bread Price Equations................................................ 50 Appendix Table 7. Original Data Used in the K.C. HRW, Minn. DNS, Port. sww, K.C. Flour, and Retail Bread Price Equations ........... :. 59 v Ill LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1. Koyck geometric 1ags . . , .... , , , ......................... . 19 2. Pascal dlstrubutlon .•...................•....•...•...... 20 ix ABSTRACT Wheat, flour, and bread prices fluctuate at all levels of the market. Accurate forecasts of these prices are valuable to buyers and sellers that trade in the cash and futures markets. Rational distributed lag models of monthly prices from June 1977 to May 1984 for Kansas City No. 1 Hard Red Winter Wheat, Minneapolis Dark Northern Spring Wheat, Portland No. 1 Soft White Wheat, Kansas City flour, and retail bread prices are made to evaluate the economic or structural factors influencing price. Multivariate autoregressive-integratedmoving average error (ARIMA) models are also used to compare with the structural models price forecasting ability. Rational lags are estimated using a nonlinear least squares algorithm, incorporating the specification of nonstochastic difference equations so that the disturbance process is divorced from the systematic portion of the difference equations. Certain economic factors are found to be significant in Influencing the prices of wheat, flour, and bread. Partial derivatives and price flexibilities are calculated to estimate the short, intermediate, and long-run adjustments of prices in the structural models. In the structural models total wheat stocks are the most Influential variable in determining wheat prices and the price of wheat was most influential in the flour price equation. Flour price is highly significant in influencing retail bread price, with the secular effects of income increasing over time. The price forecasting abilities of the structural and ARIMA are found to be relatively close when co~paring the Root Mean Square Errors and the adjusted coefficients of determination. 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION United States wheat production and marketing Is highly with the international grain market. wheat production is Currently the U.S. share of world about 14 percent and its share exports is about 43 percent. Integrated of world wheat In general, U.S. wheat is used for food, feed, and seed, as well as exports, with changes in stocks accounting for the net disappearance. For the marketing years of June 1977 to May 1984, 24 about 61 percent of U.S. wheat disappearance was exported; about percent was used for human consumption; for seed; feeding. and about However, about 4.5 percent was used 7 percent was used for livestock and poultry there has been a relatively rapid increase In wheat fed during the last two years of that period. 1 The the process. in which wheat moves Into human consumption wheat first being stored (public and private storage), into flour, Usually Involves processing and then further processsed Into an edible retail product. these retail products fall Into the general categories of cereal products and bakery products. Considering these marketing stages of wheat, consists the final demand for the end product (i.e. cereal and bread) of the demand for the farm based component (wheat) plus the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. Wheat Outlook and Situation, Statistical Bulletins WS-247-273, Washington D.C. Government Printing Office. 1981-1983. 2 demand for the services component (i.e. storage, processing and dis t r i but 1on) . The market structure of the U.S. and initial market. marketing levels illustrates an example of a competitive with the farmers being a price taker since individual demand is Infinitely elastic. of production Specifically, there are numerous local elevators buying wheat many producers, from wheat Industry at the Local elevators are each composed many farmer owned cooperatives that handle most of the trade to the terminal elevators. selling The to foreign buyers, concentration ratio terminal elevators, which do most are relatively few in number so Increases from the farm level to of the that the the terminal 1eve 1 . Statement of the Problem complexity The of the U.S. wheat market makes It difficult predict certain variables in wheat production and marketing. to This is a particular problem In predicting wheat prices since they are subJect to economic, technical, institutional, and random factors ln the market. However, If some of the important variables that Influence price can be identified and used to form an efficient price forecasting model, buyers and sellers in the market would be able to predict price changes that could improve upon marketing strategies. Models of annual wheat prices are more common than either quarterly or monthly models, but the annual models are more useful for yearly production decisions than for marketing have a current year's crop. Short term changes in wheat more of an Influence on producer marketing decisions. They prices also 3 haVe important implications for the flour and Previous studies dealing with the wheat, dealt more with time bread flour, series analysis and have markets. and bread markets not considered interrelationship of these markets in a structural framework. that provides coefficients the estimates may of structural parameters the A study and response be more useful In understanding the relationship wheat and processing markets, by measuring Impacts of of exogenous shocks to the wheat and wheat products Industries. Objectives Three major objectives are addressed in this research. is objective distributed bread to develop a monthly econometric lags for terminal wheat prices, price. The The model first based flour price, and on retail terminal wheat prices include Kansas City Hard Red Winter (HRW), Minneapolis Dark Northern Spring (DNS), and Portland Soft White Wheat (SWW). price Is dynamic a U.S. Flour price Is a Kansas City quotation and average. interrelationships The second objective is of these markets by to bread analyze calculating the short, intermediate, and long term price flexibillties, and to Interpret their meanings. The multivariate third objective Is to estimate ARIMA model for each price series, an alternative and to compare their predictive performances with those of the structural model. Procedures The using structural a nonlinear parameters for the first objective least squares algorithm which are estimated incorporates 4 nonstochastic difference equations and a autoregressive/moving average error dynamic model is based on prior knowledge of the industry and economic theory. The short, intermediate, and long term price flexibilities are based on structure. joint The specification of the variables the distributed lags of the structural equations, estimated by a mathematical algorithm using a recursion ARIMA models are estimated by the accounting for trend and seasonality. performances of the Box-Jenkins the and are formula. integrated The method, Finally, the relative predictive structural and ARIMA models are calculated Root Mean Square Errors of forecast (RMSE). period by period in evaluated via Predictions are for a sample of twelve months. Literature Review No previous dynamic work, known to the author, model that interlinks the wheat, has estimated a flour, and bread monthly markets. Most of the work completed in this area involves using structural time series methods to forecast farm wheat pric~s and in either annyal or quarterly periods. A Kansas study conducted by Kahlon (1961) the wheat competitive by primarily investigated and complementary nature of the different classes comparing their respective price and consumption ratios. Least-square regression lines were fitted to log price ratios of (the dependent variable) for the interwar period (1929-1938) and the (1946-1957). substitutes variable) and log consumption ratios (the Kahlon for of wheat independent postwar period concluded that hard winter and spring wheats were each other and that all wheat price movements were 5 positively correlated. hard wheats However, his results showed that the soft and were not statistically significant as oeing competitive products .. Wang various (1962) estimated structural parameters for price functions of classes of wheat in the u.s .. An annual model data from 1929-1957 was hypothesized and the were estimated by ordinary least squares. Incorporating regression coefficients Domestic wheat price was estimated as a function of the adjusted supplies of each class of wheat and per capita disposable Income. Results showed that at least 89 percent of the variation in domestic wheat prices could be explained by these variables, with the adjusted supply of wheat being the more significant variable. Vannerson (1969) estimated monthly U.S. data and an annual wheat price model. wheat prices using postwar Parameters estimated annual model were incorporated in the monthly model. included the in the The monthly model effects of government support price and loan programs, stocks of wheat remaining in commercial holdings, exports of and whe~t, domestic food and feed consumption. The monthly model was determined to be useful for Inventory control of wheat stocks, although some autocorrelation was felt to be present In the error structure. A study by Barr (1973) estimated annual average farm price of wheat from 1964-1972 by stocks on July 1. fifth power variables so using a ratio of normal food usa to total ending The ratio of food use to stocks was specified to the that existed. a curvilinear relationship between The results showed that average wheat the price two rose sharply when total ending stocks were less than 600 million bushels. 6 Arzac supply (1979) with data stabilization variables estimated an annual structural model of from 1947-1975. the U.S. grain to market. evaluate a endogenous Included In the model were domestic consumption, commercial domestic supply, and the market price of wheat. government stocks, weather, for was wheat The inventories, policy The purpose U.S. and Exports, support prices, diversion rates, disposable income, a time trend were treated as exogenous variables. The most influential variables were the market and support prices of wheat, an index of weather conditions, and trend in the domestic supply of wheat. A study by Westcott, U.S. Hull, and Green (1984) estimated an aggregate wheat price model by using three classes of wheat stocks, wheat price, and quarterly binary seasonal variables. lagged The following three wheat stocks were considered: (1) total wheat stocks (al 1 private and government Credit wheat In storage); Corporation (2) total stocks less owned reserve (FOR) in storage (SFONE); and (3) SFONE less CCC wheat on loan (~FTWO). Hyperbolic curves ratio variables, years 1971-1981 The (CCC) wheat in storage less farmer Commodity relating quarterly wheat prices for a given lagged price, SFTWO for 1982-1983 was .278, Indicated that the stocks-to-use were constructed for and then were used to predict prices mean absolute error of prediction for to total for stocks, turning points In wheat prices. 1982-1983. SFONE, and .261, and .246 respectively. The results less aggregated wheat stocks (SFONE compared to total wheat stocks, the and SFTWO), were slightly better at predicting the 7 CHAPTER 2 MODEl DEVELOPMENT This chapter presents the theoretical and practical framework tor the equations. The nature of the interrelationships between the market levels and the specification and modeling wheat, is framework essentially justification It is by the and hypothesized twofold; modal describing the wheat, that the flour, monthly price interrelationships and bread markets are of a recursive That is, wheat prices at the terminal markets are established economic forces specific to that level and then feed forward The flour and bread market flour and bread markets. further bread price of the Individual variables at each level of the market. between the U.S. nature. flour, into prices are determined by economic variables specific to their industries. Such a framework is hypothesized since, on such a short-term basjs, the concentration Importance of of economic power at the terminal markets the international market may reduce the effect domestic flour and bread trades on wheat prices. and the of the However, if the time period were expanded to quarterly or annual observations, more feedback would be expected from the flour and bread markets, representing more of a jointly dependent relationship among prices. Since that the model is formulated on a monthly determine distributed wheat, lags. flour, Such and dynamics basis, bread prices are indicate that the variables specified a change with in an 8 economic variable spreads its effect (on price) over periods (discussion in Chapter 3). may delayed be adjustments in several monthly This seems reasonable since there the markets due to formation of expectations, and institutional and technical constraints. Terminal Wheat Markets The first Terminal price level considered is the wheat prices are defined for Kansas City, Minneapolis, Dark Northern Spring; Each Spring. relation, wheat and all price prices determined random variables. set terminal wheat market. Hard Red Winter; and Portland, Soft White Winter and equation is treated as a together are considered a set are relatively technology. good of form jointly Consequently, each equation has a common of independent variables since it is believed that wheats reduced substitutes with the the different present milling However, it is not hypothesized that the magnitude of each independent variable will be the same in each wheat market. In general, seasonality, estimated each class of wheat is considered to be a function of wheat wheat exports, production. feedgrain exports, Specifically, the wheat stocks, equation for and the terminal market price of the rth class of wheat is: PWHrt = f 1 [D,OEXFGt-j•OEXWHt-j•Kt-j•PRODt-j•E(PWHrlt-i•£rtl r=1,2,3, j=O,I, ... ,k (1 l k~p where PWH 1 = Price of No. 1 Kansas City Hard Red Winter Wheat ($/bu.). PWH 2 =Price of Minneapolis Dark Northern Spring Wheat ($/bu.). PWH 3 =Price of No. 1 Portland Soft White Wheat ($/bu.). 9 K = Beginning stocks of government and private wheat storage, (all classes of wheat (million bushels)J. 1 QEXFG = Quantity of U.S. feed grain exports, oats, and barley (mil. metric tons)). (corn, sorghum, QEXWH =Quantity of U.S. wheat exports (all classes of (thousand bushels)). wheat = United PROD States Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.) monthly projected harvest (crop year from March to August (mil. metric tons)). D =Seasonal binary variables specific to eleven months with the month of January omitted. E = Expectation the operator. rth wheat price. Refers to the lagged expectation of • = Random disturbance term with mean zero, constant variance, and serial independence. All The prices are deflated by the Consumer Price Index (1967 = sample period for the variables is based on monthly data from June of 1977 through May of 1984. specified time 100). series The reduced form mode 1 is as a set of difference equations (with the justification of the lagged expectation of the dependent variables given in Chapter 3). Difference the necessary equations are specified since, information in small samples, al.l to explain wheat prices cannot be contained in the specified set of independent variables. Over the sample period, the total disappearance wheat exports averaged about 44 percent of of U.S. wheat supplies. Consequently, inclusion of this variable in the structural equations is crucial. quantity of wheat exported each month reflects factors such 1 Since only quarterly stock figures are published by the U.S.D.A., the remaining months were linearly interpolated from the quarterly figures. The as 10 International relations, and general difficult foreign exchange rates, ocean freight rates, tariffs, affairs. to quantify, Since some If not Impossible, of these variables are the export variable itself would tend to proxy the sum of these effects. Monthly measure exports of feedgrains were also Included as an Indirect of the substitution relationship between wheat and feedgralns. Generally, corn is the key component in the feedgraln market with other feedgrains reacting to economic changes in the consumption of corn, that of wheat. relative Thus, to barley, corn market. Usually and sorghum in livestock feeding exceeds Nevertheless, in periods when feedgrain prices increase wheat prices, utilization of wheat as feed increases. changes in fsedgrain exports would be expected to influence the level of wheat price. Wheat stocks are assumed to have a strong Influence on wheat prices since they measure the net balance that occurs between production disappearance. because of Thus, for example, and if wheat stocks are building an increase in production and/or a decrease in wheat up use, economic logic implies that wheat prices would reflect these changes. After completion expectation of expectations future of a wheat harvest for a given next year's crop production Is crop year, important. the Producer play an important role here since anticipated changes wheat production will have an Impact on current wheat In prices. For example, if next season's crop production is projected to increase, less grain will probably be stored and more marketed. figures beginning used of are a forecast of total U.S. March unti 1 the harvest has The production wheat production from been completed. the After I I 11 completion U.S. of harvest, wheat production. the U.S.D.A. figures are estimates of Such .projections usually actual reflect weather conditions as well as government farm programs which are implemented or will be enacted. The binary variables are specified to account for monthly seasonal wheat prices over the course of a crop patterns in seasonal variables may capture other factors in casting doubt on their meaning and interpretation. usua 11 y making an the year. the At times, model, However, thus, this is inherent risk with seasonal time series data (Sims 197 4)' binary method legitimate for the purposes of study. this The expected signs or the partial derivatives in equation ( 1 ) the a priori relationships among the variables. a a PWHr OEXFG < 0 a a PWHr OEXWH < 0 a a They are given as: PWHr K a PWHr a indicate PROD < 0 (2 ) < 0 ( 3) Ceteris paribus, an increase (decrease) in the quantity demanded of a commodity decreases (Increases) its price. of a substitute increases (decreases), decreases the price of the (increases) and consequently reduces (increases) through the demand response process. monthly If the quantity changes in d~manded substitute own price Therefore it is hypothesized that export quantities of wheat and feedgrains will display a negative relationship with wheat prices. Stocks and the production that of wheat represent supply variables, thus, it is expected changes in thelr levels would demonstrate a negative with wheat prices. correlation 12 Kansas City Flour Market In the monthly model, the price of wheat Interacts with the flour market and Is thus one of the factors responsible for determining flour price. It is recognized that consumer demand represents primary demand at the retail level, with the demand for flour and wheat being derived demands Robinson 1972). (Tomek and However, In this study It is hypothesized that one month is not a sufficient time period for changes in the flour market to significantly impact terminal prices, but rather the reverse occurs. In addition, other economic variables specific to the flour market level are important. The following equation specifies the determinants of Kansas City flour price: j =0' 1 ' ... 'k 1=1 ,2, ... ,p k::;p where PKCF =Price of Kansas City Flour ($/cwt. ), PWH 1 =Price of No. 1 Kansas City Hard Red Winter Wheat ($/bu, ). DISP =Disposable Income per capita ($/thousand people). QFLM =Quantity peop 1e). of flour milled per capita (mil. cwtlthousand W =Wage Index of flour mill workers (1967 = 100) D =Seasonal binary variables specific to eleven months with the month of January omitted. E = Expectation operator. Refers to the lagged expectation of flour price. € All = Random disturbance term with mean zero, constant variance, and serial Independence. price and income variables are deflated by the CPI (1967=100). 13 The contemporaneous recursively of K.C. HRW enters the flour equation as an exogenous variable because It is believed that on monthly basis, wheat price a the world wheat market Is the primary influence on K.C. (rather than the K.C. wheat price jointly determined with the expected signs of the partial derivatives in equation (41 are K.C. flour price). The given as: a a PKCF PWH 1 > 0 a a PKCF DINC > a PKCF il QFLM a PKCF a w 0 < 0 (5) < 0 ( 6) Flour is made with wheat as the major raw material resource. and Bread related products made from flour are a relatively smal 1 portion of consumer expenditures, therefore the consumption of these products fairly constant and not highly price responsive. is The milling Industry is a fairly competitive industry so that we would expect the profits in the industry concepts to be in mind, yielding a normal rate of return. With it logical that the price of flour wi 11 highly influenced by the price of wheat rather than the price of (in a monthly time framework). (decrease) these in the price of K.C. be bread Such reasoning implies that an increase HRW wheat would result In an increase (decrease) in the price of K.C. flour. Per capita quantity of flour mil led would be expected to display negative relationship with the price of K.C. paribus, market with additional That is, ceteris supplies of flour would only be sold to users at lower prices. respect flour. domestic The partial derivative of flour to income is expected to oe positive, a however, price not of 14 great The magnitude. reasoning that positive sign is consistent with flour (and particularly its end products) theoretical are normal goods. The flour mill wage is used as a proxy for the processing margin in flour production. the raw product. Such marketing costs affect the derived demand For example, for if there were an increase in the flour mill wage the result would be a decrease in the derived demand on wheat The prices. extent of its reduction would depend upon the relative elasticities of supply and demand for wheat (Tomek and Robinson 1972). Retail Bread Market The logic specification of the retail price of bread is based on similar used in The modeling the flour market. retai 1 bread price equation is given as: where PBR =Retail price of bread (cents/lb.), PKCF = Price of K.C. flour ($/cwt.). DINC =Disposable income per capita ($/thousand people). PPOT = Indexed price of potatoes (1967 D = 100). = Seasonal binary variables specific to eleven months with the month of January omitted. E = Expectation E = Random operator. of the'price of bread. Refers to the lagged expectation disturbance term with mean zero, constant variance, and serial independence. 15 The expected signs of the partial derivatives In equation (7) are given as: All a a PBR PKCF > 0 a a PBR DINC > 0 price a a PBR > 0 PPOT (8) ( 9) and income variables are deflated by the CPI (1967 = 100). Cost statistics Indicate that about 13 percent of the final cost of' a loaf of bread Is due to the price of the flour. 1 other variables constant, the effect of a change in the price of flour on the price of bread is expected to be positive. be a normal good as well, Consequently, Bread is presumed to so that an increase In per capita disposable income would result in an Increase in the demand for bread, price of bread. However, hence It Is hypothesized that the income the effect would be minimal, A price measure between for index of potatoes is included in the bread equation as a substitute commodity. bread particularly and potatoes since the proportion to potatoa purchases Is small, since of Is The not substitution expected to be relationship very .large, of consumer expenditures However, a positive sign is allocated expected an increase in the demand for potatoes would increase the potatoes relative to bread, a leading consumers to substitute bread in the diet. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. Wheat Outlook and Situation. Statistical Bulletins WS-247-273. Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office. 1981-1983. price mora 16 This chapter discusses the statistical concepts and econometric methods used in parameter estimation of the models developed in Chapter 2. Included are (I 1 distributed lags, 121 stochastic and nonstochastlc difference equations, (3) recursive ARIMA models. multivariate systems, and 141 Elementary aspects of market Box-Jenkins demand and supply theory are assumed to be understood. Distributed Lags Oftentimes respond For functions to changes In Independent variables over several time periods. example, effect the dependent variables in demand and supply the time adjustment between a change in price and on quantity may not occur Instantaneously due to the natyre the commodity, its of imperfect knowledge, habits and technology, and/or time required to make changes in consumption and production decisions. This particular form of dynamics (i.e. time lags in the adjustment of demand and supply) is the basis of distributed lags. lag models can be classified as whether a change in finite an or distributed infinite. difference refers influences the dependent variable over a finite or infinite length time. to either In general, independent The variable of 17 A finite lag model can be specified as follows: =a Yt where Y variable + ~OXt + ~!Xt-1 + ~2Xt-2 + • • .+ ~kXt-k +et is the dependent variable, and •t is a white noise X is an (10) independent disturbance term. (exogenous) The indicates that the order of lag coefficients higher than ~k equation are assumed to be zero, so that the independent variable X does not affect Y beyond k time periods. Examples include the arithmetic lag, and Almon polynomial lag. to statistically proper end of estimate the multicollinearity. arbitrary, precise knowledge period. freedom may V-lag, Finite distributed lag models are difficult because of the problems adjustment process, degrees of defining the of freedom, and Usually, defining the end of the adjustment process becomes period inverted since there is little theoretical basis of the industry to identify the length of If the order of lag structure is large, and/or the lag degrees of are lost and multicollinearity between the lagged coefficients result in small coefficient estimates relative to their standard errors (Rucker 1980). Three weighted lag structure models, Jorgenson's geometric rational weighted lag the geometric, are common examples of Pascal, Infinite lag model with one dependent variable and lags. Y and A one independent (exogenous) variable X is specified as: ( 11 ) where •t is white noise and the sum of the cannot be is finite. be directly estimated due to an infinite number and multicollinearity between the can ~·s estimated via a Koyck ~·s. However, transformation This model of parameters the geometric series (Kmenta 1971 ), which 18 transforms equation (11) into the following three parameter function: (12) The difference adjustment of equation the dependent independent variable.. rate parameter, A_, variable indicates the time Y given a change rate of in the Thus, higher values of A indicate a slower X. of adjustment and lower values of A indicate a more rapid rate of adjustment. Such results are illustrated in figure 1. Note also that the error term is transformed into a first order autocorrelated process. Distributed lag models with geometrically declining weights may not always be current appropriate. changes It may be more reasonable to expect in an independent variable would display more that of a polynomial weighted effect (i.e. an Inverted V-lag distribution) rather than a geometric decline from the current period. for this distribution are by using the Pascal Two ways of allowing lag and Jorgenson's rational lag. The Pascal lag model is specified as ( 1,3 ) where L is a lag operator, lag operator L. W(L) = w0 + and W(L) represents a power series in the Specifically, w1L + w2 L2 + w3 L3 + , , • ( 1 4) Each weight corresponding to the model is wi where :>- = [(i+r-1 )I I I l(r-1 )ll (1-A)r AI ( I =0, 1 , 2, .•. ) , is the time period in question, r is some positive integer, and is a parameter to be estimated (Kmenta, 1971 l. For r equal to one the Pascal distribution is a geometric lag distribution. than (15) one For r greater the result is an inverted V-lag distribution with the peak 19 - high " - low 1-. 0 Figure 1. Geometric Distributed Lags 20 2 0 Figure 2. Pascal Density 3 21 weight occurring at period r-1. Pascal distribution essence, order in r for determines Figure 2 shows the relationship ot the different values of r with a the order of the difference equation of correlation in the error term when the latter is equation (13) (Kmenta 1971). A. given and In the transformed Its estimated value determines the rate of adjustment of the dependent variable, with the restriction that all roots of the difference equation are real, positive rand A enter the estimation process nonlinearly, Both maximum likelihood procedures are used to estimate and and the equal, generally Pascal lag ( Judge, et a 1 • 1982 J . A less restrictive distributed lag structure that allows inverted V-lag is Jorgenson's (1966) rational lag model. for an This model is specified as = bT(LlXt Yt + <t (16) with the rational generating function T(L) = A(LJ/P(L), = a0 As given by Jorgenson, A(L) ~0 - ~nln, - ~ 1 L- ~ 2 L2- , , , Thus, and ( 17) + a 1L + a 2 L2 + ••• + amlm and ~(L) with ~O normalized at a value of = one. AIL) is an mth order polynomial lag on the independent variable, ~(LJ is an nth order polynomial lag on the dependent variable. ~(L) also determines the order of the difference equation and correlation of the error structure. the numerator ~(L) For example, multiplying equation (16) through by yields; Yt + PtYt-1 + · · · + PnYt-n = a+ a1Xt-1 + • · • + amxt-m + ( 18) m:;:n 22 The result Is an nth order. difference equation with an nth order moving average error process. Pascal Jorgenson's model Is less restrictive than lag since the roots may be Imaginary, the or real and unequal. If the order of m and n are of sufficient magnitude, Jorgenson showed that any arbitrary This lag function can be approximated by the implies that the geometric and the Pascal functions cases of the rational lag. of rational However, if are lag. special not too constraining, the use the Pascal or geometric lag may be more suitable in dynamic models due to the estimation of fewer parameters. Stochastic and Nonstochastlc Difference Equations When there is a joint presence of a stochastic difference and an autocorrelated error process, ordinary least squares regression results In Inconsistent parameter estimates. to equation This Inconsistency is due statistical correlation between the error structure and the dependent variable(s). One method that can be used to alleviate this problem is nonstochastlc difference equations (Burt, Burt's definition, lagged 1980). Fo~lowlng a first order nonstochastic difference equation can be written as: Yt = = Pl't-1 where ~'t error purely term. O£ + •t• The exogenous EIYt-1) = yt-1 the EIYt-l) structure Is Is minus difference equation Is dependent variable Is observed lagged replaced by its lagged expected value. variable, and •t Is a white noise - ~'t-1• mean of the nonstochastlc since ( 1 9) + llXt-1 + H(Yt-1) + l't its That Is, random misspecified in such a model, the lagged component. consistent If and dependent the error unbiased 23 coefficient process estimates are still obtainable since is removed from the systematic part of the advantages the disturbance equation. in specifying nonstochastlc difference equations Further are; (1) the disturbance structure does not have to be correctly estimated as In the stochastic difference equation; (2) the disturbance structure is usually simpler because it does not have to be transformed; and (3) distinction is made between the exogenous and endogenous components the model, of The major advantage is that the parameter estimates of any autocorrelated disturbance are asymptotically uncorrelated with parameters in the model (Burt 1980). nonstochastic not a difference appropriate since other Perhaps a minor weakness in using equations is that ordinary least squares the specification of and/or E(Yt-!) is an autocorrelated error structure yields nonlinearities in the parameters. Therefore, nonlinear for the model developed in this paper, a modified Marquadt least squares algorithm (maximum likelihood under normality) is used to estimate the parameters. Recursive Systems Oftentimes in agriculture, particularly with short time periods, supply-demand interaction can be described by recursive systems 1953). For determines example, a price determined at one market price at another market level. level + P2t = + b2X2t + clPlt + 't (2 I + b3X3t + c2P2t + c3P1t + ~t (22) P3t 11 2 =63 et (20) Pit =a! + often A recursive system can illustrated as follows: b1X1t (Wold, i be 24 where the error terms let, and •t• and ~tl are assumed to be uncorrelated, the error term in each equation Is uncorrelated with its relevant exogenous variable, Xt. Thus, a chain causality effect occurs where an endogeous equation variable determined In one equation feeds into the following as an explanatory variable. described as having a triangular matrix (Johnston 1972). Such a system technically matrix and diagonal error covariance ~ As explained in Chapter 2, hypothesized in the wheat, is flour, this structure is Terminal wheat and bread markets. price is determined by certain exogenous and predetermined variables. Wheat price then feeds into the flour price equation, the flour of price and price, in turn, feeds Into the bread price equation. Time Series An alternative behavior by time to structural price models is analysis series methods. Arguments for pure time series analysis Is that knowledge of the "true" structural model Is uncertain, data collection is usually less costly, history of past The prices. prices may accurately may predict current and future time series method used in this study is the Box-Jenkins autoregressive-integrated-moving model and lor an efficient market, a average process (ARIMA). start with a simple univariate autoregressive The ARIMA process of order q, given as AR(q): Yt = elvt-1 + e2vt-2 where •t is white noise. term +. · .+ 8 qYt-q + •t 123 l If the order of q is large, is weighted differently across time, or if the error then a moving average process of order pis more appropriate (Judge, et al. 1982). (MAl A MA(p) 25 is denoted as Yt = •t (24) + at•t-1 + • · • + ap•t-p• where equation (24) is merely a moving average of the white noise error term, •t. If both an autoregressive, and a moving average error structure are present, then an autoregressive-moving average (ARMA) process of order q and p is appropriate. = 8 1Yt-1 Yt An ARMA (q,p) is noted as: + 8 2Yt-2 + we assume a process where E(Ytl follows a linear trend equal If then the series is nonstationary since the mean Is not solve this problem, = where tot~, constant. To Yt can be differenced up to some order d so stationarity is obtained. Wt ( 25 l + 8 qYt-q + •t + at•t-1 + · • • + ap•t-p that That is, (1 - L)d Yt L (26) is the lag operator and wt is stationary. The result is that Yt in equation (25) would represent an autoregressive-integrated-moving average process, denoted as ARIMA (q,d,p), where d is the order of described In differencing. The Chapter time series method applied to the price model 2 approximates the Box-Jenkins method. That is, approximates the Box-Jenkins ARIMA model by accounting for with and binary variables, tests for difference is multiplicative an in study seasonality accounts for data trend with a trend variable, autocorrelated that this seasonality the Box-Jenkins alternative, the wheat, multivariate ARIMA processes. error is structure. additive method in (Marsh, The this primary model 1983). but As an flour and bread price equations are tested as The latter implies that various lagged 26 endogenous 1983). variables are specified in the time series system (Chow, The Individual ARIMA equations are represented in the following form: (PWHrt• PBRt, PKCF t) = t 4 (D,T,PWHrt-i•PBRt-I•PKCFt-l•~t) ( 27) where D = monthly binary variables. T = trend variable. PWHrt-i = lagged price of the rth wheat. PBRt-i = lagged price of bread. PKCFt-i = lagged price of flour. = PJ~t-l + .•• Thus, history + Pq~t-q + Et- e 1 £t-l - ... - epEt-p' which represents an autoregressive process of order q and a moving average process of order p. each time series equation Is expressed as a function of the past of the endogenous variables (i.e., error process. would i=l,2, ... ,k lags) and an If the markets are relatively efficient, lagged prices reflect important market Information and the order of lags would be expected to be small. 27 CHAPTER 4 EMPIRICAL RESULTS This chapter presents the statistical results of the structural and multivariate ARIMA Determination ot models of the wheat, the flour, and bread final model estimates was based on markets. the joint criterion of the adjusted R2 's, asymptotic t-ratios, standard errors of the equations, Therefore, not and consistency of the model with all variables hypothesized in the economic initial theory. equations (Chapter 21 are included in the final version of the model. Tables through equations and 4 present the statistical results of the structural their respective price flexibilities. 1 The latter are based on the distributed lag patterns of the endogenous variables with given changes in the exogenous variables. of the Square Table 5 presents the statistical multivariate ARIMA models and Table 6 presents the Errors of forecast (RM5Es) used to compare the results Root Mean relative predictive performances of the structural and ARIMA models. Terminal Wheat Markets The structural wheat prices of K.C. HRW, Minn. DNS, and Port. SWW are estimated with a common set of independent variables since they are hypothesized example, each production, to be wheat and influenced by the same economic price would be determined by stocks. Also, the wheat factors. exports, prices are For domestic closely 28 interrelated since they are substitutes in the milling process and are partially utilized in livestock feed rations. The of Pascal distributed lag was used to estimate all three wheat prices. The final wheat price equations are classes estimated as functions of seasonal binary variables, exports of feedgrains (t and t1 ), exports government estimates. a of wheat (t and t-1 ), plus the contemporaneous private wheat stocks, and monthly wheat of production The nonstochastic difference equations are estimated up to fourth order lag and each equation is also estimated first quantity order serial coefficient correlation. estimates Table I presents with the positive regression and statistical results for the three terminal wheat price equations. The Pascal distributed lag facilitated wheat price models in parameter stability in the that the parameter estimates varied little with changes in model specifications. The order of the difference equation, determined by r in the Pascal density structure, Is not the same in all equations. difference month months That is, r=4 for PWH 1 and PWH 2 , and r=3 for PWH 3 ., indicates that the distributed lag price effects earlier in the Portland market (I .e., compared to 3 months for the markets). Although this difference is not large, role of white wheat in livestock feeding. peak Portland prices Kansas City and This peak one 2 Minneapolis one reason may be the Generally, more soft white wheat (lower grade) is fed to livestock compared to the hard wheats. Thus, the shorter price peak period may reflect its relatively quicker adjustments due to changing livestock feeding conditions In the Pacific Northwest, particularly since lower quality white wheat suostitutes 29 with barley In concentrate rations. The t-1) summation of the parameter estimates for wheat exports (t is negative, indicating larger quantities of wheat entering and the export market occur at a reduced price. This would be in agreement with negative quantity effects for inverse demand. Initially, the price flexibilitles are positive since the contemporaneous parameter estimate for wheat exports Is positive. In a 3 month period, Increase in wheat exports leads to increases in K.C. and Port. 2). HRW, 10 percent Minn. DNS, SWW prices by .56, .16, and .44 percent, respectively (Table These initial positive signs are likely due to an initial Increase in demand for wheat at the terminal level. of a wheat exports exports (t-1) relatively coefficients effects are negative as the negative coefficient dominates. little Beyond 3 months the effects impact However, the until about 12 price on wheat flexlbllltles months, after demonstrate a more significant effect. Such which price reliance upon For example, over a 10 percent Increase In wheat exports reduces K.C. HRW price by 6.8 percent but Port. smaller full Note, also that soft white wheat prices are not as affected by wheat exports as are hard wheat prices. a 12 month period, the cumulative appear to be more in line with an adjustment period of a crop year or more. show flexibility SWW price by only 1.8 percent. may partly reflect white livestock feeding, wheat's where the latter tends to The greater cushion wheat price variability due to changes In exports. The sum of the parameter estimates for exports of feedgralns (t and t-1) Indicate that an increase in the quantity of feedgrains results in a decrease In all classes of wheat prices. exported Generally, this 30 reflects competition between wheat and feedgrains as wheat is partially utilized as livestock Note, production. feedgrain feed however, exports and some feedgrains are used In that a positive relation exists food between and the price of soft white wheat for the first 3 months and then the relationship becomes negative thereafter (Table 2). The Initial positive relation Is small and could mean that teed9rain exports Northwest, thus, Extending period, Minn. 8.05 the temporarily reduces feed supplies boosting time in additional the feed demand for lower quality white wheat. analysis It can be seen that, over a a 10 percent Increase In feedgraln exports reduces DNS, and Port. percent, Pacific SWW prices by 9.96 percent, respectively. These 12 month K.C. HRW, 10.37 percent, and results confirm the fact that a dominating Inverse demand relation exists. The contemporaneous and variables lag parameters of both the appear to alternate In sign. wheat feedgrain export reasoning would Indicate that unusually high or low exports one and A priori month (I .e., due to unusual International events or problems with loadipg and unloading exports ships at the dock) could be followed by opposite the next month. observations seem Upon examining the sample to confirm this pattern for data, both levels the wheat of export and feedgrains. However, In the statistical model the combination of other independent variables more and the difference equation coefficients of a smoothening affect on the distributed lag patterns of prices. The result Is to preclude wheat prices from have wheat displaying corresponding month-to-month oscillations. Government plus private wheat stocks display a negative correlation 31 with all three theoretical terminal wheat prices. reasoning since This is additional wheat In agreement with augment total stocks supplies, thus, tending to decrease wheat prices. As shown by the price flexibilities in Table 2, impact wheat stocks have a greater distributed lag on wheat prices compared to the impact of other variables. For example, K.C. over the long-run, HRW price percent, wheat for wheat and feedgrain exports. 1.3 Since total stocks measure a net balance between wheat production and wheat Its dominating effect is not surprising. An alternative included specifying explanatory variable. compared there decreases by about 2.2 percent compared to I .2 percent and respectively, disappearance, model a I percent increase in stocks to was However, increase In the variance of stocks as a separate the statistical results were inferior those including total wheat stocks. an government only private wheat stocks were added, the One reason is stock that variable giving more explanatory power when to the latter. The forecast an of next year's crop production independent variable in each (PRODt) price also included as However, positive signs of the parameter estimates resulted, which are opposite of those hypothesized in Chapter 2. wheat is equation. Monthly data reveal that wheat exports, feedgraln exports, and wheat stocks display considerable variations about their means. is defined phenomena), estimates. these However, on a crop year basis (I.e., relatively Such unexpected lack little since the production variable more nearly variation exists reflects in of variation may at least partly coefficient signs. But due to strong its yearly monthly account for theoretical 32 considerations, wheat price production forecast variable was retained in equations. expectations production the of In terms of demand and supply future wheat production (as given by estimates) should certainly be important the analysis, U.S.D.A. in wheat influencing current cash wheat prices. Overall, the significant. monthly seasonal binary variables are Calculation of F-ratios indicated that K.C. not highly HRW was the only terminal wheat price significant at a 90 percent confidence level, indicating that the seasonal variables contributed only little to regression sum of squares in the Minn. However, making certain these models, individual results seasonal DNS, and Port. asymptotic t-ratios difficult coefficients to lack interpret. the SWW equations. appear significant Often, in precise meaning as dynamic the binary variables may be confounded with other economic and technical factors. The model nonstochastic are prices. (i.e. an difference equation coefficients in the relatively large (in absolute values) for all three These large values indicate that the distributed lag the wheat effects adjustment period of a dependent variable given a change in independent dissipate. Pascal variable) take a considerable period of time to In the Pascal model, the time length of dissipation for at least 80 percent of the distributed lag affects to be realized on wheat prices due to changes in the independent variables averaged 14 months. This may not be unusually long since it only extends 2 months beyong full crop sample divided year. prediction by The Pascal model also performs reasonably performance as the standard error of the the respective means of the dependent variables wel I a in estimates are less 33 than 5 percent tor all three wheat price equations. Kansas City Flour Market The Kansas City 'flour price equation is estimated as a function of lagged Kansas City wheat price, per capita quantity of flour mil led per capita, first order nonstochastic autoregressive statistical error. rational lags, the parameter equation adjustment period income, trend, and a a first estimates and time The structural equation was estimated by The value of the coefficient ( .7033) indicates the length (the order while Table 4 presents the yielding a Koyck geometric function. difference given equation with gives results of flour prices, related price flexibilities. variable 3 disposable seasonal variables, difference Table U.S. distributed lag pattern) of a change in an independent variable. the On the of the dependent average, flour prices tended to reach an equilibrium or dissipate within 6 to 8 months given a change in an independent variable. The hypothesis evaluated price against that wheat price influences the alternative of flour flour price determining in a structural and lagged price framework. was pri~e wheat The results of the and adjusted R2 's indicated that changes in flour price t-ratios determined by wheat price movements with little feedback. were Because 1 ittle feedback occurred, wheat and flour prices were assumed not to be jointly dependent. Consequently, K.C. HRW price entered the price equation recursively In Its original form. K.C. HRW significant flour Entering the original price data was also supported by the fact that there was correlation (i.e., adjusted R2 's were less than no .01) 34 Table 1. Statistical Results of the Kansas City Hard Red Winter Wheat, Minneapolis Dark Northern Spring Wheat, and Portland Soft White Wheat Price Equatlons.a Equations Variable PWH 1 PWH 2 PWH 3 .1499E+OO ( .1974E+01 l .1149E+OO ( • 1482E+01 ) .2173E+OO (. 3721 E+Ol l -.5928E-02 (-.1091E+Ol) -.6521E-02 (-.1599E+01 l .9625E-02 (. 7758E+OO) EXFGt_ 1 .2258E-02 ( .3951E+00) . 4178E-02 (.1019E+01) -.I 732E-01 (-.1325E+Ol) EXWHt .2868E-06 (. !689E+01) .1414E-06 (.1171E+01) .2933E-06 ( . 8838E+OO) EXWHt_ 1 -.4420E-06 (-.2260E+01 l -.2737E-06 (-.1920E+01 l -.3865E-06 (-.1133E+01) Kt - .1669E-04 (-.3030E+O!J -.8683E-05 (-.2848E+01) -. 2971 E-04 (-.3055E+OI) .2242E-03 (.2389E+01) .1557E-03 ( .1933E+OI l .1829E-03 (, 7919E+00) 02 -.9126E-O! (-.6533E+OOJ -.1262E+OO (-.8771E+00) -. 1156E+OO, (-.1462E+01 l 03 -.9534£-01 (- .1069E+01) -.4524E-01 (-.4948E+00) -.1205E+OO (-.2107E+OI) 04 -.6723E-01 (-.6217E+00) -.4297E-Ol (-.3858E+00) -.5390E-OI (-.8787E+00) Ds - .1408E+OO (-.I331E+01) -.!363E+OO (-.1252E+OI l -.!539E+OO (-.2495E+Ol l 06 -.3688E-01 (-.3471E+OOJ -. 7092E-01 (-.6482E+00) -.7604E-01 (-.1204E+01) 07 -.l262E+OO (- .1160E+Ol l -.5717E-01 (-.5125E+00) -.8985E-01 (-.1415E+Ol l Da -.1474E+OO (-.1425E+Oll -. 2232E+OO (-.2087E+OI) -.1416E+OO (-.24522E+01) Intercept EXFGt PRODt 35 Table I ( cont l nued). Equations Variable PWH 1 PWH2 PWH 3 .1048E+OO (. !245E+O!) .2431E+OO ( .2812E+O!) -.4675E-01 (-.8095£+00) 0 to -.2!26E+OO (-.2391E+Ol) -.2866E+OO (-. 3211E+O!) -.9204E-01 (-.1415E+OI) 011 .2157E-Ol (.2494E+00) -.3673E-01 (-.4211E+00) -.3619E-01 (-.6308E+00) 012 -. 1930E+OO (-.1364E+0!) -.9294E-01 (-.6378E+00) -.1610E+OO (-.2037E+Ol) E(DEP-1 )b E(DEP-2) E(DEP-3) E(DEP-4) . 2761 E+Ol -.2859E+Ol .!316E+Ol -.2270E+OO .2918E+Ol -.3193E+O! .1553E+Ol -.2830E+OO .2182E+Ol -.1586E+01 .3850E+OO Pt .5731E+OO (.6215E+Ol) .5933E+OO ( . 6 551 E+00 ) .7902E+OO (.1153E+02) 09 Statist Icc Regression Results -2 R .9347E+OO .9!92E+OO .9380E+OQ Sy/Y .4260E-Ol .4096E-01 .3891E-01 D.W. .1872E+Ol .1925E+Ol .1852E+Ol a The top figure represents the paramter estimate and the figures In parentheses represent the respective t-ratlos for each variable. b Represents the expected value of the lagged dependent variables, which are determined by the estimated Pascal parameter. The Pascal parameters and their asymptotic t-ratios for each equation are: PWH 1 = .6903, t-ratlo = 20.462; PWH 2 = . 7296, t-ratio = 27.281; PWH 3 = . 7272; t-ratio = 17.530. cR2 = adjusted multiple R-squared statistic. Sy/Y = standard error of the estimate divided by the mean of the dependent variable. D.W. = Durbin-Watson statistic. 36 Table 2. Estimates of Price Flexibilities for the Kansas City Hard Red Winter Wheat, Minneapolis Dark Northern Spring, and Portland Soft White Wheat Price Equations.a Length of Run (months) Variable 3 EXFG EXWH K 6 -.445 (-.455) 24 Long-Run -1.301 (-1.454) 12 [-.218] -.996 (-1.037) [-.805] [-1.214] -1.329 (-1.537) [-1.268] .056 ( .016) [. 044] -.075 (-. 140) [-.006] -.682 (-. 86 7) [-.183] -1.178 (-1.719) [-.318] -1.228 (-1.911) [-.336] -.16 7 (-.095) [-.214] -.623 (-.395) [-.629) -1.556 (-1.173) [-1.312] -2.122 (-1.896) [-1.717] -2. 1 7 5 (-2.051) [-1. 768] -. 1 37 (-. 144) [ .019] a The top figures represent the PWH 1 equation, the figures in parentheses represent the PWH 2 equation, and the figures in brackets represent the PWH 3 equation. The price flexibil ities are calculated with respect to the means of each variable. Price flexibilities were not computed with respect to the production variable because the sign was not consistent with the original hypothesis. between the residuals of the wheat price and flour price equations. The effect of Kansas City wheat price is statistically in both the contemporaneous and first order lag periods. lag could relationship between from The distributed lag effect of hard winter price on flour price indicates there is always material The one month indicate the time period needed for wheat to be moved storage to the point of processing. red significant the two prices (Table 4). That is, a positive as the cost of wheat increases millers pass part of the cost on raw in 37 the form of higher flour prices. For example, the 6 month price flexibility indicates a 10 percent Increase In wheat price yields a 7. 7 percent increase in flexibility for K.C. per capita These flour price. Note that the long-run HRW Is about 3 times larger than that for quantity of flour milled or per capita disposable price either Income. economic results are consistent with the fact that wheat Is the dominant Input In the flour milling process. Per capita disposable Income has a positive affect on flour which is consistent with flour being a magnitude of effect of slowly over normal good. However, the disposable income coefficient Indicates income is relatively small and tends to time. Given a 1 percent increase in increase disposable price increases only about .3 percent over the long-run. is relatively smal I proportion of the cost of retail the that flour a price, the rather income, Flour products In consumer budgets. Thus, the income effect is not expected to be strong. In addition, income flour inelastic, is utilized in numerous retail products that precluding a strong Income effect are in the. flour negatively correlated market. The with per capita quantity of flour milled is flour price. Its effect is not particularly large as can be seen by the price flexibility coefficients in Table 4. percent price For example, a increase in per capita quantity of flour milled decreases of flour by only 1.6 percent over the long-run. One reason 10 the for its minor importance may be the dominating effect of the level of wheat prices. relatively That Is, if monthly processing costs for making bread remain constant, the price of flour is largely affected by the 38 price of This Is particularly true since the cost wheat. of wheat constitutes the largest share of miller raw material costs. In to the original hypothesis a flour mill wage variable was included proxy the processing margin between the wheat and flour markets. However, the result was a positive relationship between the flour price and wage rate, derived demand (Tomek and Robinson 1972). positive margin a price about price. monthly wage as a proxy for a processing might be Inadequate for reflecting all processing example, due flour influence wage rates rather than wages impacting flour in this case, using on Part of the reason for the relationship may be that milling technology and jointly Also, which was contrary to the effect of marketing costs costs. For 85 percent of the final cost of flour (at the mil 1) is to the cost of wheat and most of the processing costs are related to capital investment in plant and equipment. The asymptotic t-ratios indicate that most of the seasonal variables are not statisticallY significant (different from determining levels of flour prices. since wheat is life. Consequently, binary zero) in Economic logic would bear this out a nonperishable commodity with considerable storage millers can continually draw upon wheat stocks to satisfy monthly flour processing requirements. In addition, seasonal retail consumption of flour based products is very weak at best. The trend variable in the flour price equation indicates that flour real prices experienced an upward trend throughout the sample period. Though the variable Is statistically significant, coefficient ( .0014) Is relatively small, the magnitude of the Indicating overshadowed by the effects of other regressors. Its Impact Is 39 Retail Bread Market The retail bread price equation is also estimated by rational distributed lags (similar to that of the flour price equation). bread price price, per seasonal is estimated as a function of lagged Kansas capita binary disposable variables, Income, trend, Retail City flour a price index of potatoes, and a first order nonstochastlc difference equation with a first order autoregressive error. Table 3 presents the associated parameter estimates and statistical results. The rational lag form for the bread price equation was reduced to a geometric function. 0.907, indicates than The estimated difference equation that the distributed lag effects adjust those found in the flour price equation. average length of period for bread prices coefficient, more slowly More specifically, to dissipate or the reach equilibrium (given a change In any independent variable) is about 10-12 months (6-8 months for flour). This may be due to the fact that price Is not only subject to economic influences from the flour but also consumers. to the factors that purchasing ~arket, behavior of The result could be to produce an underlying structure that delays the distributed lag process. reflected determine bread in Such distributed lag effects are the price flexibilities for different lengths of run in Table 4. The price causal relationship of flour price influencing was evaluated against the opposite alternative to hypothesized recursive structure (i.e., retail verify bread the similar to the relationship of wheat and flour prices in the flour price equation). Results of the t- 40 ratios and adjusted R2's showed that, significant on a monthly basis, there was no joint dependency between the two markets, flour price only impacted bread price. that the Kansas City flour price but rather that The regression Is significant results in contemporaneous period and in the period lagged one month. be due next both the The lag may to an adjustment in price expectations from one month or show to tne to a lag in the production process due to transportation and processing time. The price flexibllltiy of bread price with respect to flour price is .305 for a 3 month period and then decreases to .187 for the long-run. Indicates This time decrease In the price flexibility coefficients that bread prices adjust to changes In flour rapidly In the initial months, prices quite which may be due to the very short time horizon In bread production and sales. Per the capita disposable income displays a positive correlation price of bread. hypothesis that This positive relationship supports the original bread Is a normal good. coefficient of .13 for a 3 month time period The price flexibility indicates that the· Income effect Is not very significant for shorter time periods, over the course of a year to a value of .353. but increases Although small, indicative that longer periods of time permit consumers to more adjust bread flexibility reflecting purchases coefficient the with from an Income change. Also, is still relatively smal 1 over the fact that bread is a relatively small the It Is freely price long-run, proportion of total consumer food expenditures. The price substitute for Index of potatoes is Included to measure potatoes as bread. A priori the degree of substitutability a is 41 hypothesized to be weak, which was confirmed withand a long-run price flexibility coefficient of only .027. theoretically correct; in The positive coefficient sign is that Is, for substitute commodities an increase the price of potatoes would lead to an increase in the demand tor bread (hence, increase its price). The seasonal significance. continual f~ct and The trend absence variables show little statistical of seasonality In bread prices is due available supplies of flour for bread manufacturing and that consumption of bread Is nonseasonal. The negative trend to the in real bread price could indicate there has been a steady Increase in the efficiency of baking bread, but lack of information makes the argument weak at best. Multivariate ARIMA Equations Few theoretical consequently, estimated considerations terminal wheat prices, are used in the ARIMA models, flour price, and bread price are as a function of the same set of variables. They ,Inc 1ude lagged prices, seasonal binary variables, trend, and an autoregressivemoving average error structure. FIna 1 parameter estimates and statistical results for the time sarles equations are given in Table 5. Stochastic difference equations are used since values of the dependent variables are specified. binary lagged observed The specification of variables and trend account for seasonality and time effects in the data, account the respectively. for conventionally the The autoregressive term (p) is estimated fact that the data Is not first done In the Box-Jenking differenced framework. as However, to is the 42 Table 3. Statistical Results of the Kansas City Flour Price and U.S. Bread Price Equations.a Equations Variable PKCF PBR Intercept .6639E-01 ( .4083E+OOJ .5683E+OO ( .4384E+00) .1605E+01 (. 1088E+02) P\1Hl t-1 -.1040E+01 (-,3499£+01) .9378£-01 ( .3403E+01 l .2869E+OO (, 1930E+OI) -.1690E+01 (-, 1009E+01) .1743£+01 ( '5240£+01) -,1651E+01 (-,4749E+01) PKCFt_ 1 .4800£-03 ( , 2162 E+00) PPOTt E<DEP-1 ) 0 Trend .7033E+OO ( .5904E+01 l .9070E+OO (.1112£+02) .3160£+00 (. 2980E+OI l . 7118E+OO (. 9064E+OI) .1143E-02 (.2133E+01) -.3141E-02 (-.6600£+00) -.7880E-02 (-.1252£+00) .1300E-01 ( ,5470E-01 l -.1836E-Ol (-.3156E+OOJ -. 7768E-01 (-.3323E+OOJ -. 7210E-01 (-.1255E+Ol) .2395E-01 (. 1033E+OO l 43 Table 3 (continued). Equations Variable Statist icc PKCF PBR . 7232E-OI ( .1309E+Ol) -.6253E-01 (-.2703E+00) -.4488E-01 (-.7515E+00) -.9063E-02 (-.3757E-01 l .1610E+OO (.267!E+OI) .6572E-01 (.2607E+00l .8969E-02 (. 1427E+OO l . 1347E+OO ( .5531E+00) - .!962E-01 (-.3144E+00) .1 711E-01 (. 7104E-OI) -.4443E-01 (-. 7420E+00) .3063E-01 (. 1322E+OO) -.4174E-01 (-.7007E+OO) .2944E-01 (. 1248E+OO) -.5243E-01 (-.8363E+00) .2359E+OO (. 9882E+OO l Regression Results .9616E+OO .9587E+OO Sy/Y .2481E-OI .1987E-01 D.W. . 1976E+Ol . 2l78E+Ol a The top figures represents the parameter estimates and the figures in parentheses represent the asymptotic t-ratios lor each variable. b Represents the expected values of the lagged dependent variables. c R2 = adjusted multiple R-squared statistic. Sy/Y = standard error of the estimate divided by the mean of the dependent variable. D.W. =Durbin-Watson statistic. 44 Table 4. Estimates of Price Flexlblllties for the Kansas.City Flour Price and u.s. Bread Price Equations.a Length of Run (months) Variable 3 6 12 24 PWH 1 .726 . 766 .784 . 787 .787 OFLM -.102 -.137 -.153 -.156 -. 156 DINC . 180 ( . 1 30) .243 (. 227) .272 (.353) .276 ( . 462 ) .276 (.512) PKCF ( . 305 ) (.275) ( . 2 36) ( . 203) (. 187) PPOT (. 007) ( . 012) ( . 019) ( . 02 5 ) ( . 02 7) Long-Run a The figures in parentheses represent the U.S. Bread Price Equation, and the figures without parentheses represent the Kansas City Flour Price Equation. Price flexibllitles were calculated with respect to the means of the variables. statistical not results showed that an autoregressive error structure significant consisting in any equation, and that the only error was structure of a moving average parameter in the soft white wheat price equation. The lagged price variables that were not statistically significant (in terms of their asymptotic t-ratios) were excluded from the original ARIMA seen model (as given in Chapter 2). As a general result, that most of the equations nearly reverted back to autoregressive structure. a The individual fits of the ARIMA It can be univariate equations 45 however, the adjusted are close to those of the structural equations, R2 •s and standard errors of estimates are slightly inferior. Since the comparison ARIMA of Generalization seasonality and structural respective their of is the very methods results are is results would Indicate weak, highly somewhat that appears marginal only strong In the soft effects Trend equations. In the in In no doubt due to lack of requirements In monthly production and consumption. models hard red white winter both models seasonal Trend In the ARIMA wheat wheat equation, and variables, in the ARIMA models rests which are merely with bread price the ARIMA may be reflecting some of the significance dependent tenuous. strong structural arguments found in the structural equations. statistical different, weaker Finally, with the incorporating the lagged historical information implicit in the sample. Such results suggest that the wheat, relatively efficient in flour, and bread markets are that past prices readily capture important factors at work in the market. In the structural models, the dif~erence equation coefficients are also reflecting past history in wheat prices, but emphasis is shifted toward Independent effects by certain regressors that leads to understanding market structure. Structural vs. Multivariate ARIMA To evaluate the relative predictive performances of the and ARIMA models, Root most Mean Square Errors of forecast calculated. The recent sequentially truncated and, 12 months of the thus, sample structural (RMSE) were period were forecasts were made on a month by 46 month parameter suggesting Error is RMSE the process, =[ structural n The formula for the Root Mean ~2 dependent variable, size standard of 12). Square ~ ei/n)l/2 i=l ei is the difference between the actual and predicted sample the that same models would have bean chosen even if sample had been shortened. where truncating estimates remained stable for both the ARIMA and equations, the During the basis for each equation. value and n is the number of periods tested Table 6 presents the RMSE, adjusted error of estimate associated with each equation in of (i.e., R2 , and both the to the structural and ARIMA framework. Generally standard errors specification usually when of errors revealed the size forecast, of RMSEs are it relative is Indicative of in the model (Marsh, 1983). the measure of Such errors are in that the estimated parameters are respect to a change in sample size. of large unstable In this model, however, the RMSEs both the structural and ARIMA price equations are less respective standard errors of forecast, for the structural model, than and the parameter remained quite stable in the truncation process. particularly with This would their estimates suggest, that given the combination of data, sample size, and methodology, relative structural price stability is present in the wheat, flour, and bread markets. Overall, the comparative results equations appear to be close and mixed. for the structural and AR!MA For example, in examining the price equation for hard red winter wheat, the RMSE statistical criteria are close for the structural and ARIMA methods when comparing .0416 In 47 the structural slight model with .0456 in the ARIMA advantage for the structural equation). method (i.e., However, only a in the soft white wheat and bread price equations the RMSE's favor the ARIMA model. Thus, one may conclude that if there is joint interest in structural information and price prediction in the market, the use of a structural model pure would serve relatively well. If one were merely interested price forecasting in these markets, the ARIMA model would be in a more efficient method since the costs of data collection and estimation would be less with little concession of statistical precision. 48 Table 5. Statistical Results for the ARIMA models of Wheat, and Bread Prices." F 1our, Equations Variable PWH 1 PWH 2 PWH 3 PKCF .3357E+OO .2647E+OO ( .2398E+Ol) (-. 7698E+00) PBR Intercept .8096E-01 -.1596E+OO (. 8439E+OO) (-,8614E+00) 02 . 1088E-01 -.5214E-02 - .1684E-02 ( .2761E+00) (-. 1411 E+00) (-.SOOOE-01) 03 .1389E+OO (. 3507E+OO) -.l857E-01 .IOOOE-01 ( .2696E+00) (-.4923E+00) .1978E-02 -.8112E-01 ( .2313E-Ol) (-.3089E+00) 04 .3561E-01 ( .9003E+00) .6499E-01 ( .1757E+01) .1806E-01 ( .4787E+00) .3344E-02 ( .3905E-Ol) .1913E-01 (. 7278E-Ol) Os -.2252E-02 (-. 5661E-01) .5803E-01 -.1846E-01 (. 1565E+OI) (-.4880E+00) .8971E-01 ( .1048E+01) .8176E-01 (.3109E+00) 06 .2593E-01 (. 6280E+OO) .4740E-01 ( .1220E+01) .5800E-02 (.1478E+00) .1433E-01 -.3914E-01 ( .1596E+OO) (- .1430E+OO l 07 .8412E-02 ( .2032E+00) .3947E-OI ( .1009E+01) .2820E-01 (. 7160E+00) .1611E+OO (.I 793E+OI) .1627E+OO (. 5940E+OO) -,3514E-02 -.3443E-01 -. 2721E-01 (-.8323E-01) (-.6990E+00) (-.8725E+00) .1246E-OI (.1376E+00) . 7871E-OI (. 2878E+OO) Og .!674E-Ol (.1958E+00) . 1848E+Ol ( .1599E+01) .3964E-Ol ( .1510E+00) Og .4067E-OI ( .1006E+01) .4325E-01 -.1581E-01 ( .1167E+01) (-.4229E+00) .3335E-01 (.3887E+00) .6308E-Ol (.2397E+00) 0 10 .4646E-01 ( .1167E+01) . 71 72E-01 -.1581E-01 (, 1938E+Ol) (-.4192E+00) . 1898E-Ol (.2213E+00) .4806E-01 (.1827E+00) 011 .7882E-01 (. 1999E+01 l .4622E-01 (, 1244E+OI) .9437E-01 (.1101E+01l , 1 776E+OO ( .6756E+OO) 0 12 -. 7192E-03 -.5291E-01 -.3048E-01 - .1688E-01 (-.1829E-01) (-,4546E+00) (-,1567E+01) (-.3554E+00) .1688E+OO ( .6122£+00) Trend -.7155E-03 (-,l372E+01) PWHI t-1 .8117E+OO (. 1048E+02) .1413E-01 (,3750E+00) .1886E-03 - .1325E-02 ( . 2850E+OO) (-.2305E+OI) .6827E-03 -.5961E-02 ( .4245E+00) (-.1454E+01) 49 Table 5 (continued) Equations Variable PWH 1 PWH 3 PKCF PBR .8231E+OO ( .1387E+02) PWH2t_ 1 PWH3t-l PWH 2 .1361E+OO ( . 1441 E+0 I ) .8754E+OO ( .1598E+02) PKCFt_ 1 . 7949E+OO (.1134E+02) .1993£-01 ( .1860E+01) P8Rt_ 1 .5228E-OI (. 1925£+01) .9157E+OO (.1879E+02) -.2094£+00 (- .1637E+OI) e! Statisticb Regression Results .9224E+OO .9065E+OO .9278E+OO .8920E+OO .9384E+OO Sy/Y .4629E-OI .4388E-01 .4182£-01 .4167E-01 .2425E-01 o.w. .!831E+Ol .1771E+O! .!955E+Ol .2!95E+OI .2053E+01 a The top figures represent the parameter estimate and the figures in parenthesis represent the asymptotic t-ratios for each variable. b R2 =adjusted multiple R-squared statistic. Sy/Y = standard error of the estimate divided by the mean of dependent variable. D.W. = Durbin-Watson statistic. the 50 Table 6. Comparison of Structural and Equations.a the Root Mean Square Errors of the ARIMA Wheat, Flour, and Bread Price Statistlcb Equation RMSE -2 R Sy PWH 1 .0416 ( . 0456) .9347 ( .9224) .0675 ( .0734) PWH 2 ,0400 ( .0430) .9192 ( . 9065) .0645 (.0691) PWH 3 .0642 (.0401) .9380 ( .9278) .0642 (. 0690) PKCF .0523 ( .0782) .9616 ( . 8920) .0952 ( . 1 599) PBR .1 750 (.1325) .9587 (.9384) .4025 (.4912) a The top figures represent the structural equations and figures in parentheses represent the ARIMA equations. b RMSE =Root Mean Square Error of forecast. -2 R = adjusted multiple R-squared statistic. Sy = standard error of the estimate. the 51 CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this study was: (1) to determine the dynamic structure of economic variables that impact short-term (monthly) levels of wheat prices (K.C. retail bread relationships (3) to prices; HRW, Minn. DNS, Port. SWW), flour prices, and (2) to measure and analyze the distributed both within and between these market level compare the price forecasting performance of model incorporating difference while equations rational and structural An econometric and nonstochastic structural equations, the time series equations were estimated by an approximation were used. flexibilities. patterns 12 month, 24 month, was to price These price flexibilities reflected the distributed lag adjustment process. dependency used and long-run of the endogenous price variables which facilitated their prices, 6 month, of Monthly data from June of 1977 to May of The structural coefficient estimates were calculate 3 month, of lags was used to estimate the the Box-Jenkins ARIMA method. 1984 distributed prices; each equation with an alternative multivariate AR!MA model, lag Statistical tests revealed nonexistent between monthly wheat, flour, but rather that a recursive structure existed. analysis that joint and bread That is, wheat price determined flour price and flour price, in turn, determined bread price. economic This stands in contrast to many agricultural commodities where conditions in the higher market levels (i.e., retail) feed 52 Into the lower market levels (i.e., farm). The seasonal terminal market wheat prices were estimated as a function of variables, of feedgrfilns, fourth exports of wheat, lagged exports U.S.D.A. monthly wheat production estimates, and third and order difference lagged nonstochastlc equation was difference equations. estimated for Port. difference equations were estimated for K.C. SWW The and third order fourth order HRW and Minn. DNS. All equations were estimated as Pascal distributed lags with positive first order serial correlation. Exports of wheat and exports of feedgralns Included contemporaneous values and lags of one period. and feedgrain terminal export wheat variables prices, indicating occurred at lower market prices. relatively role in positive exerted a negative Increases In Both the wheat Impact quantity probably due to The wheat production variable relationship wheat expectations. Total prices, stocks which of wheat variable in determining monthly wheat prices. flexibility coefficient demanded wheats livestock feeding. theoretical the However, the asymptotic t-ratlos were weak for feedgraln exports, with on exceeded was minor exerted contrary was the a to dominant In particular, its price twice the value of those of other regressors. Kansas City variables, Income, first flour price was estimated as a function lagged Kansas City wheat price, estimated by autoregression nonstochastic rational difference distributed a trend variable, equation. lags with in the error structure. seasonal per capita U.S. disposable quantity of flour milled per capita, order of and a The structure positive first order Red Winter Kansas City Hard was 53 Wheat price (contemporaneous and one period lag) was the most Important variable the In determining flour price. fact This result Is consistent that wheat Is the dominant raw product Input In the with milling process and constitutes the largest portion of variable costs. Retail bread variables, per price was estimated as a function contemporaneous and lagged Kansas City flour capita variable, disposable and Income, a price Index of of seasonal price, potatoes, a first order nonstochastic difference U.S. a trend equation. The equation was likewise estimated by rational lags with a positive order autoregressive error. that K.C. first Basically, the statistical results showed flour price was the most influential variable in determining levels of bread prices within a sixth month period. However, beyond six months effects disposable Income was most Important, of demand (i.e., Indicating that secular as opposed to the Input side of the market) are more important In establishing bread price. All of of the multivariate ARIMA models were estimated as a the same set of lagged stochastic price variables, seasonality and trend variable, statistically result reverted accounting for time effects In the data with binary variables and a respectively. The lagged price variables that were not significant were omitted from each price was that the price equations for Port. back function to a univariate autoregressive SWW, equation. and retail structure. The The bread price equations for K.C. HRW, Minn. DNS, and K.C. flour more nearly reflected a multivariate autoregressive structure since an price variable was included (Port. SWW price, additional lagged retail bread price, and retail bread price, respectively). These results suggest that the ARIMA 54 models are relatively efficient since past wheat, flour, and bread prices appear to capture relevant economic and technical Information In the market. In the structural observations and ARIMA models, made for each estimation method. were evaluated the multivariate model via standard price prediction performances of Both the sample predictions prediction ARIMA models were relatively close, performances of forecast. structural with the and structural demonstrated parameter In the truncation process and all RMSEs were less than their errors of estimation may concluded (for this efficient if short researcher. ana 1yzed Their calculated Root Mean Square Errors performing only slightly better. stability recent were sequentially truncated and then monthly were Overall, the 12 most be forecast. less However, (i.e., the Since data costly for model) term that the prediction time collection series ARIMA were and equations, approach the parameter only may it be goal Is more of the if the effect of grain policy decisions must be impact of a change In the government .storage program on wheat price) then a structural model is superior since there is a description of cause-effect relationships. Several concluding remarks are In order. relationship of wheat, short run framework. First, in this model the flour, and bread prices Is cast in a relatively Consequently, price studies based on longer periods, such as quarterly or annual models, might negate the recursive structure and yield more of a jointly dependent system. Second, a further refined model could provide additional Information for terminal wheat prices determined by quantities divided Into different classes of 55 wheat; however, the necessary data was not available. Third, the interpretation of the effect of wheat exports may be relatively obscure since it income farm also captures the effects of other variables of importing countries, programs. Fourth, ocean freight rates, as three involved however, the and six months may be valuable parameter equations were the indirectly, longer forecast periods because in producer grain marketing and holding overall, and as the Root Mean Square Errors of forecast were estimated on a month to month basis; such such estimates In the of the decisions. structural not highly significant though most of the time Lastly, wheat price coefficient signs were theoretically correct and the adjusted R2 's were high. The strength the in these equations, according to the t-ratios, was negative impact of stocks. However, its effect goes beyond the terminal market since wheat prices are instrumental in the indirectly equations in the bread market. flour One can conclude that the market, structural would serve as a base for likely direction and magnitude wheat price changes (due to changes in the independent variables), such measurements need to be interpreted with caution. and in but 56 LITERATURE CITED 57 LITERATURE CITED Arzac, E.R. "An Econometric Evaluation of Stabilization Policies for the U.S. Grain Market." Western Journal of Agr. Econ. 4 (July 1979): 9-22. Barr, T.N. "Demand and Price Relationships for the U.S. Wheat Economy." Wheat Situation. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. WS-226, 1973, pp. 15-25. Burt, O.R. "Nonstochastic Difference Equations, Distributed Lags, and Agricultural Supply." Dept. Agr. Econ. and Econ. Staff Pap. No. 78-9. Montana State University, Bozeman. October 1978. Burt, O.R. 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Flour, and Retail Bread Price Equations.a Consumer Price Index .18180£+03 . 18260£+03 .18330E+03 . 18400E +03 .18450E+03 .18540E+03 .18610E+03 .18720E+03 . 18840E+03 .18980£+03 .19150E+03 .19330£+03 .19530E+03 .19670E+03 . 19780E+03 . 19930E+03 .20090£+03 . 20200E +03 . 20290E +03 .18720£+03 .18840£+03 . 18980E +03 .19150E+03 .19330E+03 .19530E:J"03 .19670£+03 .19780E+03 .19930£+03 .20090£+03 .20200£+03 .20290£+03 .23320E+03 .23640£+03 .24490£+03 .24250£+03 .24490£+03 .24760£+03 .24780£+03 .24940£+03 .25170E+03 .25390E+03 K.C. HRW Price .23100£+01 .23500£+01 .23100E+01 .24700E+Ol .25600E+01 .28100E+01 .28000E+01 .28200E+01 .28400£+01 .30700E+01 .32100E+01 .31200E+01 .31200E+01 .31400£+01 .31400£+01 .32400E+01 .34200E+01 .34800£+01 .33900£+01 .34200E+01 .35000£+01 .35200E+01 .35300£+01 .36400E+01 .41700£+01 . 43400£+01 .41200£+01 .42600£+01 .43900£+01 .45300E+01 .45100£+01 .43300£+01 .43200£+01 .40700E+01 .39000£+01 .41000£+01 .40700£+01 .42100£+01 .43100£+01 .44500£+01 .47000£+01 Minn. DNS Price Port. .24300£+01 .22900£+01 .22200£+01 .25100£+01 .26100£+01 .27100E+01 .26800E+01 .27300E+01 . 27200£+01 .28600£+01 .30800E+01 .31000£+01 .30600E+01 .29500E+01 .29600E+01 .30700E+01 , 32100E+01 .33200£+01 .31500£+01 .31200£+01 .31200E+01 .31800E+01 .32900£+01 .36200E+Ol .42300E+01 .43100E+01 .41000£+01 .41800£+01 .43100£+01 .42700£+01 .41800E+01 .41600E+01 .41300£+01 .40400E+01 .39400E+01 .42100£+01 .41900£+01 .45400E+01 .42200£+01 .41700E+01 .46200£+01 .27900£+01 .28800E+01 .28800E+01 .28000E+01 . 27500E+01 .29100E+01 .29700£+01 .31700£+01 .33300£+01 .34100£+01 .36200E+01 .36000E+01 .36000E+01 . 37400£+01 .37200E+01 . 37700E+01 .37600E+Ol .37600E+01 .37100£+01 .37000E+01 .36500E+01 .37000£+01 .37000£+01 .39100E+01 .44600£+01 .46700£+01 .44500E+01 .43100£+01 .41300£+01 .41600£+01 .41000E+01 .41000E+01 .42600£+01 .41300£+01 .40200£+01 .39100£+01 .39200E+01 .41500E+01 .40600E+01 .42300E+01 .44800E+Ol sww Price K.C. Flour Price .55800E+01 .58500E+01 .59100E+01 .60900E+01 .63200£+01 ,65800E+01 .64900E+01 .69900£+01 .66800£+01 .69600£+01 . 72500E+Ol .74600£+01 . 72300£+01 .76000£+01 . 75800E+01 . 75500E+Ol . 76000£+01 . 79200£+01 . 77900E+Ol . 75500E+01 . 77800E +0 1 .81800£+01 .81200£+01 ,88000E';01 .90800£+01 . 10390E +02 . 10090E +02 . 10080E +02 .10100£+02 . 10600E +02 . 10460E +02 . 1OOOOE +02 . 10260E +02 ,98100E+Ol .94900£+01 .10010E+02 .98100E+01 . 10000£+02 .10110£+02 . 10480E +02 .10600E+02 a Observations 1-84 represent months of June 1977 to May 1984. 61 Table 7 (continued), OBS 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Consumer Price Index K.C. Minn. Port. HRW DNS sww Price Price Price .25620E+03 .25840E+03 .26050£+03 .26320E+03 .26900E+03 .26680£+03 .26900E+03 .27130E+03 .27440£+03 .27650E+03 .27930E+03 . 27990E+03 .28070E+03 .28150E+03 .28250E+03 .28340E+03 .28310E+03 .28430E+03 .28710E+03 .29060E+03 . 29220E+03 .29280E+03 .29330E+03 .29410E+03 .29360E+03 .29240£+03 .29310£+03 .29320E+03 .29340£+03 .29550E+03 .29710E+03 .29810E+03 .29930E+03 .30030E+03 .30180E+03 .30260£+03 .30310E+03 .30350E+03 .30520£+03 .30660£+03 . 30730£+03 .30880E+03 .30970E+03 .48900£+01 .45400£+01 .46000E+OI .44700E+OI .43500£+01 .44800E+OI .43600E+OI .42400£+01 .42500£+01 .41400£+01 .41900E+01 .43100£+01 .44600E+01 .43500E+01 .43300E+01 .42600E+01 .42500E+OI .42800E+Ol .42200E+Ol .40600E+01 .37400E+Ol .37000E+01 .37500E+01 .36100£+01 .38600£+01 .39800E+Ol .40000E+OI .40800£+01 .41800E+01 .42100E+Ol .40500E+01 .39200£+01 .37100E+01 .38800E+01 .39000E+01 .38400E+01 .38200E+01 .38500£+01 .38100£+01 . 37100E+Ol .38500E+Ol .39300E+OI .37200E+01 .47800£+01 .46200E+Ol .46500E+OI .45300£+01 .43200£+01 .44100E+Ol .44400E+01 .42900E+01 .41800E+01 .40300E+Ol .40700E+Ol .42200£+01 .42900£+01 .41500E+01 .42100£+01 .41700E+01 .41000E+Ol .42100E+Ol .41600E+01 .40800E+Ol .40800E+01 .37800E+Ol .37900£+01 .37800£+01 .38500E+01 .37600E+Ol .38000£+01 .38200E+01 .40100E+01 .43400E+01 .42500E+01 .41500E+Ol .40700E+01 .42100£+01 .43000E+01 .43300£+01 .42300E+01 .42100E+01 .41500E+Ol .40600£+01 .42000E+Ol .42800E+01 .43900E+01 .46800£+01 .44000E+OI .45200E+OI .45200E+OI .44100£+01 .45100E+OI .44100£+01 .42600E+OI .42700£+01 .42500E+01 .42100E+01 .43800£+01 .44200£+01 .40000E+01 .41200E+OI .40900E+01 .41200E+01 .41400E+Ol .42400E+Ol .41800E+Ol .41300E+01 .41600E+01 .42900E+01 .42900E+01 .44400E+Ol .44500£+01 .45200E+01 .45900E+OI .46800E+01 .46200E+Ol .43500£+01 .41500E+01 .40800£+01 .40600E+01 .41200E+01 .40300£+01 .39000E+01 .38100£+01 .37900£+01 ,36900£+01 .37300£+01 .40300E+Ol .40500E+OI K.C. F 1our Price . 10680£+02 . I 0350E+02 . I 0660E+02 . I 0400£+02 .10280£+02 .10530£+02 .10310E+02 .10530£+02 . I 0280E +02 . 10300E +02 .10200E+02 • 10020£+02 . I 031 OE +02 . 10050E +02 .10640E+02 . 10700E+02 . I 0640E+02 .10420E+02 .10330E+02 • 10260E +02 .10210E+02 .99800E+01 .10120E+02 .99600£+01 .99200E+Ol . 10300E +02 . 10200E+02 . 10490E+02 . 10500E +02 .10160E+02 .10350E+02 .10390E+02 .10380£+02 . 10340E +02 .10330£+02 . 10300E +02 .10020£+02 .96800£+01 .98700E+Ol . 10030E +02 .10120E+02 . 10070E+02 .10120E+02 62 Tab 1e 7 (continued). OBS Population Quant lty of Wheat Stocks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 .21667£+03 .21682£+03 .21699£+03 .21716£+03 .21733£+03 .21748£+03 .21761E+03 .21774£+03 .21784£+03 .21794£+03 .21809E+03 .21822E+03 .21836E+03 .21850£+03 .21867E+03 .21886E+03 .21903E+03 .21919£+03 .21934E+03 .21953£+03 .21967£+03 .21978£+03 .21993£+03 .22009£+03 .22025E+03 .22058£+03 .22078£+03 . 22099E+03 .22118£+03 .22136E+03 .22155E+03 .22172E+03 .22187£+03 . 22200£+03 .22217E+03 .22235E+03 .22261E+03 .22281E+03 .22301£+03 .22324E+03 .22345£+03 .22848£+03 .11108£+04 .14322£+04 .17536£+04 .20750£+04 .23965£+04 .22623£+04 .21281£+04 .19938£+04 .18384£+04 .16830£+04 . 15277£+04 .13522E+04 .11767£+04 .14168£+04 . 16569E+04 . 18970£+04 .21370E+04 . 19686E +04 . 18002£+04 .16318£+04 . 14963£+04 .13606E+04 .12249£+04 .10747£+04 .92450£+03 .12611£+04 . 15977£+04 • 19343€+04 . 22708£+04 .20859£+04 . 1901 OE+04 .17162£+04 .15525E+04 .13888£+04 .12251E+04 . I 0635E+04 .90200£+03 .12946£+04 .16872£+04 .20798£+04 .24723£+04 .22826E+04 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Quant lty of Feedgraln Exports Quantity of Wheat Exports u.s. Wheat Production Estimate .39000£+01 .41000£+01 .41000£+01 .46000£+01 .38000£+01 .46000E+OI .53000£+01 .42000E+01 .43000E+OI .51000E+01 .51000E+OI .60000£+01 .58000£+01 .50000£+01 .52000£+01 .48000£+01 .39000£+01 .44000E+OI .45000E+01 .42000£+01 .43000£+01 .49000£+01 .53000£+01 .58000£+01 .61000£+01 .60000£+01 .62000£+01 .54000£+01 .63000£+01 .65000£+01 .65000£+01 .59000£+01 .58000£+01 .61000E+01 .65000E+OI .51000£+01 .57000£+01 .57000£+01 .59000£+01 .58000£+01 .69000E+01 . 70000E+OI • 77073£+05 .83657£+05 . 93432£+05 .11063£+06 .69107£+05 .57565E+05 .87368£+05 .64819£+05 .94669E+05 .10547E+06 . I 0329E +06 .12006E+06 . 10893E +06 .10611 E+06 .13192E+06 .11961E+06 .11552E+06 .92392E+05 .90027£+05 . 70400£+05 .67106£+05 .75548£+05 . 76961£+05 .78306£+05 .10461 E+06 .13328£+06 .11779£+06 .12962£+06 .14904£+06 . 10888E+06 .11488£+06 .82683£+05 .89526E+05 .94735£+05 .98327£+05 .88579£+05 .96193£+05 .12360£+06 . 14141 E+06 .13732£+06 .11695£+06 .11220£+06 .55100E+02 .55600£+02 .55600£+02 .55200E+02 .55200£+02 .55200£+02 .55200£+02 .55100£+02 .55100E+02 .48100£+02 .48100E+02 .48800E+02 .48800£+02 .49500£+02 .49500£+02 .48700E+02 .48400E+02 .48400£+02 .49000E+02 .49000E+02 .49000E+02 .49000£+02 .49000£+02 .49000£+02 .49000£.;.02 . 5 7200£+02 .58100£+02 .57800£+02 . 5 7500E +02 .57500£+02 .57500£+02 .58300£+02 .58300£+02 .58300E+02 .58300£+02 .61800£+02 .61800£+02 .63100£+02 .63300£+02 .64100£+02 .64300£+02 .64300£+02 63 Table 7 (continued). 085 Population Quantity of Wheat Stocks 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 .22865£+03 .22883£+03 . 22898£+03 .22912£+03 .22928E+03 .22944£+03 .22962£+03 .22980£+03 .23003£+03 .23026£+03 .23048£+03 .23067E+03 .23084£+03 .23101E+03 .23118£+03 .23138£+03 .23154£+03 .23170E+03 .23188E+03 .23206£+03 .23228E+03 .23250£+03 . 23270E+03 .23290E+03 .23308£+03 .23327E+03 .23343£+03 .23357£+03 .23374E+03 .23389E+03 .23407£+03 .23423£+03 .23467£+03 .23488E+03 .23522£+03 .23538£+03 .23555£+03 .23571£+03 .23588£+03 .23603E+03 .23620£+03 .23636E+03 . 20929£+04 .19032£+04 .17117E+04 .15202£+04 . 13286£+04 .11587£+04 .98880£+03 .14254£+04 . 18620£+04 .22986£+04 .27352£+04 .25495£+04 .23638£+04 .21780£+04 .19710£+04 .17640£+04 .15571E+04 .13605E+04 .11639E+04 .16197£+04 .20755£+04 .25313£+04 . 29871 E+04 .28315£+04 .26759E+04 .25210E+04 .23060E+04 .20920E+04 .18770E+04 .17090£+04 .15410£+04 .18973£+04 .22535E+04 .26098E+04 .29660£+04 .27527£+04 .25393£+04 .23260£+04 .21360E+04 .19460E+04 .17560E+04 .15660E+04 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Quantity ot Feedgrain Exports Quantity ot Wheat Exports U.S. Wheat Production Estimate .68000E+01 .62000£+01 .61000E+01 .60000E+01 .53000E+01 .60000E+Ol ,46000£+01 .47000£+01 .47000£+01 .49000£+01 .61000E+01 .51000£+01 .54000£+01 .48000£+01 .44000£+01 .56000£+01 .54000£+01 .58000E+01 ,50000E+01 ,37000£+01 .37000£+01 .34000£+01 .48000E+01 .49000E+01 .52000E+Ol .53000E+01 .46000£+01 .49000£+01 .42000£+01 .41000E+01 .42000£+01 .36000£+01 .37000£+01 .46000£+01 .47000E+OI .57000E+Ol ,53000£+01 .53000£+01 .48000E+O! .54000E+OI .50000E+01 .46000E+Ol . 13205£+06 . 12998E +06 .12440£+06 .12877£+06 .12765£+06 . 78030E+05 .12452£+06 .13817£+06 .14543£+06 .19415£+06 .15699£+06 .12749£+06 .13776£+06 .12416£+06 .13872£+06 .14908E+06 .14818E+06 .11660E+06 .14591£+06 . I 1791£+06 .12434E+06 . 13099E +06 .98520E+05 .94638£+05 .88457£+05 .14314£+06 . 14659E+06 .13113£+06 .11245E+06 .96235E+05 .11351£+06 .11670E+06 .87823E+05 . 11926£+06 .11481£+06 .10288E+06 . 1 2889E+06 .11836E+06 .11110£+06 .1!871£+06 .97132£+05 .11281E+06 .64300£+02 .64500E+02 . 64500E-t02 .64500£+02 .64500£+02 . 73600£+02 . 71800E+02 .76500E+02 .74800£+02 .74800E+02 .74800£+02 .74800£+02 . 74800E+02 .76000£+02 .76000£+02 .76000£+02 . 76000£+02 . 721 OOE+02 . 73900£+02 .73800£+02 .75400E+02 .76600E+02 .76500£+02 . 76500£+02 .76500£+02 . 76400£+02 .76400E+02 .76400£+02 .76400£+02 .64000£+02 .63800E+02 .66300E+02 .66000£+02 .65500£+02 .65500E+02 .65500E+02 .65500E+02 .66000£+02 .66000E+02 .66000£+02 .66000£+02 .69400E+02 64 Tab 1e 7 (continued) . OBS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 14 I5 16 I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Disposable Income Ret a i 1 Bread Price Wage of Flour Mi 11 Workers . 13026E+04 .13222E+04 .13317E+04 .13424E+04 .13558E+04 .13679E+04 .13799E+04 .13825E+04 .13949E+04 .14166E+04 .14330E+04 . 14399E+04 .14493E+04 .14702E+04 .14825E+04 .14936E+04 .15!31E+04 .15294E+04 .15504E+04 .15648E+04 .15785E+04 .15972E+04 .16024E+04 .16105E+04 .16254E+04 .16503E+04 . 16664E+04 .16747E+04 .16944E+04 .17109E+04 .17251E+04 .17569E+04 .17633E+04 .17751E+04 .17756E+04 .17838E+04 .17930E+04 .18249E+04 .18377E+04 .18592E+04 . 18802E+04 .18977E+04 .40200E+02 .40600E+02 .40600E+02 .40700E+02 .40500E+02 .40400E+02 .40900E+02 .39900E+02 .40100E+02 .40200E+02 .40300E+02 .41200E+02 .41900E+02 .42000E+02 .42400E+02 .42400E+02 .42800E+02 .43500E+02 .44000E+02 .44400E+02 .44600E+02 .44900E+02 .45200E+02 .45400E+02 .45700E+02 .46600E+02 . 47700E+02 .48200£+02 .48600£+02 .49100E+02 .49800E+02 .50100E+02 .50700E+02 .50200E+02 .50700E+02 .50400E+02 .50300E+02 .51100E+02 .50700E+02 .51100E+02 .51400E+02 .51900E+02 .58300E+01 .59300E+OI .60300E+OI .62000E+OI .62100E+Ol .64000E+Ol .63900E+OI .64000E+OI .63800E+OI .64300E+OI .64400E+OI .64900E+Ol .65300E+OI .66800E+Ol .68500E+OI . 71100£+01 . 70800E+01 .71700E+01 . 71100E+Ol .69400E+01 .69900E+Ol .69200E+Ol .68300E+01 .68900E+Ol .69000E+Ol .70400E+OI . 71700E+Ol .73700E+01 . 75000E+O! .76100E+Ol . 75800E+OI .73600E+Ol , 73600E+Ol . 74600E+Ol .75800E+OI .75400E+Ol . 76200E+01 .78300E+Ol . 79100E+Ol . 79200E+Ol . 79200E+Ol .81500E+Ol 65 Table 7 (cont l nued J o OBS 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Disposable Income o19131E+04 o19314E+04 o19466E +04 19654£+04 o19756E+04 o19849E+04 o19963E+04 o20554E+03 o20432E+04 o20573E+04 20804£+04 o20929E+04 o20921E+04 o21092E+04 o21175E+04 o21244E+04 o21463E+04 o21525E+04 o21556E+04 o21948E+04 o21967E+04 o22027E+04 o22119E+04 o22287E+04 o22323E+04 o22532E+04 o22482E+04 o22665E+04 o22868E+04 o23038E+04 . o23124E+04 o23518E+04 o23644E+04 o23861E+04 o24103E+04 o24269E+04 o24487E+04 o24822E+04 o25045E+04 o25197E+04 o25452E+04 o25541E+04 0 0 Retail Bread Price Wage of Flour Mill Workers o51900E+02 o53100E+02 o53300E+02 o53800E+02 o51900E+02 o52500E+02 o52300E+02 o52100E+02 o51900E+02 o52400E+02 o52100E+02 o52700E+02 o52100E+02 o53700E+02 o53400E+02 o52600E+02 o52600E+02 o52900E+02 o52500E+02 o53400E+02 o53400E+02 o53600E+02 o53400E+02 o53400E+02 o53700E+02 o53800E+02 o54000E+02 o54400E+02 o54500E+02 o54600E+02 o54700E+02 o54900E+02 o54700E+02 o54600E+02 o55000E+02 o55500E+02 o55600E+02 o56000E+02 o55600E+02 o55900E+02 o55800E+02 o56200E+02 o80200E+01 o80000E+01 o80100E+01 79700£+01 o80400E+01 o80300E+01 o81900E+01 o82200E+OI o84400E+01 o85500E+01 o84600E+01 o84600E+01 o85500E+01 o86400E+01 o87500E+01 o87800E+01 o88300E+01 · o87800E+01 o87200E+OI o91400E+01 o93100E+01 o94200E+01 o93600E+OI o94500E+01 o93800E+OI o93800E+OI o94400E+OI o94600E+01 o94400E+01 o95500E+01 o95500E+OI o97200E+01 o98700E+01 o99700E+01 o99400E+Ol o10040E +02 o10110E+02 oi0150E+02 o10130E+02 oI 0060£+02 o10180E+02 o99900E+Ol 0