CIS144 “Problem Solving Methodologies”

CIS144 “Problem Solving Methodologies”
Instructor: Paul Morris
Take Home Final Exam
For each of the following three (3) questions, you should write or create a one-page paper, typed and
double-spaced when necessary. Be complete and logical in your development of thought using complete
sentences when appropriate. Be sure to include the Analysis of your SurveyMonkey Survey.
Test is due in my office by 6pm, Wednesday, March 16th. If you decide to email me your final, please
make sure it is in WORD format. Remember you are expected to do your own work. Any work
suspected and proven to be plagiarized will receive an ‘F’ for Final and Course Grade.
Scenario 1:
Apply TWO (2) of the following techniques to the situation below: (a) Present state/Desired state, (b) Duncker Diagram, (c)
Statement/Restatement, or (d) K.T. Problem Analysis. Be Complete and thorough.
Pillsbury, a leader in the manufacture of high-quality baking products, had its origins in the manufacture
of flour for the baking industry. However, at the time Charles Pillsbury purchased his first mill in
Minneapolis, the wheat from Minnesota was considered to be substandard when compared to the wheat
used in the St. Louis mills, then the hub of the milling industry. Part of the problem was that winter
wheat, commonly used in high-grade flour, could not be grown in Minnesota because of the long and cold
winters. Consequently, the Minnesota mills used a ‘low grinding’ process to separate the wheat from the
chaff. The low grinding process refers to using stone wheels. A stone wheel rests directly on the bottom
wheel, with the wheat to be ground placed between them. With harder wheat, a large amount of heat was
generated, discoloring and degrading the product quality. Thus, the flour produced from the Minnesota
mills was discolored, inferior and had less nutritional value and a shorter shelf life.
Scenario 2:
Prepare a Potential Problem Analysis (should include at least 6 potential problems well developed) for ONE of the following
The transportation of an Orca whale from Mexico to Newport, Oregon.
A 3-day 50th Wedding celebration including a vow reaffirmation
The transportation of garbage from Portland to Hermiston, Oregon
Funding technology development at a local community college
A family camping trip to the mountains
Scenario 3:
You are going to prepare a three-course dinner for your gourmet dinner group, a party of eight. Prepare a Gantt chart and
a Critical Path diagram for: (these can be hand- or computer-generated, using Excel or whatever)
Bacon-wrapped water chestnuts
Cook in oven 10 minutes
Onion Soup
Bread Sticks
Cook 30 minutes on stove
Warm 10 minutes in oven
Pot Roast
Fresh Mixed Veggies
Mashed Potatoes
Red Wine & Ice Water
Cook 2 hours in oven
Boil 20 minutes
Cook juice from roast 10 minutes on stove
Boil 20 minutes, mash
Let wine ‘breathe’ 10 minutes
40 minutes to eat
Apple Pie
Ice Cream
Cook 35 minutes in oven
Let stand 5 minutes before scooping
Takes about 15 minutes to brew
15 minutes to eat
15 minutes to eat