K&L I G/aTES K&t Gates lLp 1661 K Street PAW Washington, DG 20066-160 6 a 202 .778 .9000 www .klgatesxom Barry M . Hartman T: 202 .778 .9338 F : 202.778 .9100 Barry . hartman @klgates .com February 13, 200 9 Via Hand Delivery Jeffery N. Liithi Clerk of the Pane l United States Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building One Columbus Circle, N.E. Room G-255, North Lobby Washington, D.C. 20002 Re : MDL- ,' In Re United States Environmental Protec tion Agency, "Final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NDPES) General Permit Incidental to the Normal Operation of a Vessel, 73 Fed . Reg . 79,473 (Dec . 29, 2008) Dear Mr . Liithi: We represent the Lake Carriers' Association (LCA) in connection with a petition for review of the above-referenced permitting action by the U .S . Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pending the U. S . Court of Appeals for the D .C. Circuit (Nos . 09-1001 and 09-1010) . As you may recall, on January 26, 2009, we submitted the attached letter to you in anticipation that EPA would be notifying the Panel that more than one petition for review of this EPA NPDES permitting action was filed and served on the agency within the applicable 10-day period. 28 U .S . § 2112(a)(3) . See Exhibit A. EPA so notified the Panel on February 12, 2009 . In its submission, EPA contends that LCA's petition for review pending in the D .C. Circuit at No . 09-1001, which was filed on January 5, 2009, was premature because, in EPA's view, the challenged NPDES permit was not "issued" for purposes of judicial review and 28 U .S .C . § 2112 until January 12, 2009 . See EPA's Notice to the Panel at ¶5 . For the reasons explained in our January 26, 2009 letter and as supplemented herein, EPA's position is erroneous . The challenged permit was "issued" for purposes of judicial review and 28 U.S.C. § 2112 on December 18, 2008 . While EPA's notice to the Panel claims, citing 40 C.F.R. § 23 .2 that the challenged NPDES permit was not issued until January 12, 2009, it utterly fails to address, let alone rebut, the undisputed fact that permit on its face states that it was signed and "issued" on December 18, 2008, and the agency expressly stated the permit was effective th e 1 As of a call with the Panel this morning, this matter has not yet been assigned a docket number . HA-220335 v4 K&L I GATE S Jeffery N. Luthi United States Panel on Multidistrict Litigation February 13, 200 9 Page 2 next day . Exhibit B (permit excerpts) . Because EPA expressly provided an issuance date in the challenged permit, the default provisions of 40 C .F.R § 23.2 for determining the date of issuance do not apply. Indeed, EPA, with LCA's January 26, 2009 letter in hand, readily acknowledged in a February 5, 2009 PowerPoint presentation to the regulated community that the permit was, in fact, "issued" on December 18, 2008 . Exhibit C (PowerPoint excerpts). Given EPA's express and repeated pronouncements to the regulated community that the challenged NPDES permit was "issued" on December 18, 2008, and effective on December 19, there is no rational basis, and it is arbitrary and capricious for the Agency to now advocate a contrary position to this Panel. Additionally, LCA is unaware of any p rior examples of EPA decla ring an entirely new NPDES general permit program effective while bar ring judicial review until a later date .3 In previous similar circumstances, the new NPDES general permit program became effective after, or simultaneously with, its issu ance by EPA . See, e.g., 51 Fed. Reg . 24897 (July 9, 1986) (Final NPDES General Permit for the Outer Continental Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico) ; 54 Fed. Reg. 29986 (July 17, 1989) (Final NPDES General Permit for Petroleum Ground/Storm Waters in the State of Flo ri da); 64 Fed . Reg. 11885 (March 10, 1999) (Final NPDES General Permit for Oil and Gas Exploration, Cook Inlet, AL) . The reason for that timing is clear : EPA cannot subject the regulated community to the requirements of a new NPDES general permit while, at the same time, delaying the availability of judicial review of the permit . Finally, EPA acknowledged in yesterday's Federal Register that attempting to bar judicial review of this permit after its stated issuance and effective date is unfair and inequitable . EPA stated, with respect to the application of this challenged permit in the states of Hawaii and Alaska, that : Under 40 C .F.R. § 23 .2, actions such as today's would by default be considere d issued for purposes of judicial review two weeks after publication in the Federal Register. However, in other contexts, affected parties have expressed concern that deferring judicial review of Agency permits beyond the point at which regulated entities are obligated to comply with them may compromise judicial review rights . EPA is therefore exercising its discretion under 40 C .F.R. § 23 .2 to deem 2 The entire presentation is posted on EPA's website at: http://cfpub .epa .gov/npdes/home .cfm?program_id=350 . 3 EPA has done this in the past in different circumstances where a new NPDES general permit was replacing or reissuing a prior NPDES general permit and the regulated community was, in the interim, operating under administrative extension of the prior permit and was not subject to enforcement under the new permit while judicial review was delayed . See, e .g., 73 Fed . Reg . 56572 (Sept . 29, 2008) (Final NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges From Industrial Activities) . To LCA's knowledge, the timing of EPA's "issuance" of those permits was not challenged and, therefore, do not serve as precedent for EPA's action with respect to the NPDES permit being challenged by LCA . K&L GATE S Jeffery N. Luthi United States Panel on Multidistrict Litigation February 13, 200 9 Page 3 the VGP for Alaska and Hawaii "issued for purposes of judicial review" on the same date it becomes effective. 74 Fed . Reg. 7042 (Feb . 12, 2009) (emphasis added). Because the challenged NPDES permit was issued on December 18, 2008, and effective the next day, LCA's petition in the D.C. Circuit at No . 09-1001 was timely and, moreover, was the only petition filed within the ten-day period after issuance of the challenged permit . EPA should be directed by the Panel to fi le its record in the D .C. Circuit . We respectfully request that this letter be included with the docket and that the Panel consider this submission in its deliberations . Thank you for your attention to this ma tter. Sincerely , eaw g/6~v P~q~~ Barry M. Hartman Christopher R . Nesto r Enclosure s c : M. McDermott EXHIBIT A K&LIGATES K&L G,ites aN 1601 K Street NW Washington, DC 20006-160 0 202 .778 .9000 January 26, 2009 www .klgatos .co m Barry M . Ha rt man D 202 .778 .933 8 F 202 .778 .9100 b arry . ha rt man @ki8ates .com VIA HAND DELIVER Y Jeffery N. Luthi Clerk of Panel United States Judicial P anel on Multidistrict Litigation Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building One Columbus Circle, N .E. Room G-255 North Lobby Washington, DC 20002 Re : Lake Carriers'Association v. Johnson, D.C. Circuit Nos . 09-1001, 09-1010 (filed January 5, 2009 ) Dear Mr. Ltithi : We represent the Lake Carriers' Association (LCA) in connection with a petition for review of a permi tting action by the U .S . Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that is pending the U .S. Court of Appeals for the D .C. Circuit . This letter is written at the suggestion of one of your staff regarding a matter that might come before the panel . As explained on the attached letter sent to the Department of Justice, this concerns several petitions for review of action taken by the EPA . Pursuant to section 509 of the Federal Clean Water Act, 33, U .S.C . §1369, the petition referenced above was filed in the D .C. Circuit on January 5, 2008, and served on the EPA, within ten days of when judicial review was permitted ; Three others were filed in several circuit courts after the initial 10-day period . Northwest Environmental Advocates, et al. v. EPA (9th Cir . No. 09-70115, file January 12, 2009); Lake Carriers' Association v . Johnson, D.C. Circuit Nos., (D.C. Circuit 09-1010, filed January 12, 2009) ; Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc . v. EPA (2nd Cir. No. 09-0244, filed January 16, 2009) . We believe the Department of Justice, which represents EPA, may advise the cou rt that more than one petition was filed and served on it in within the initial ten-day pe riod, and may seek to invoke the lottery procedure set fo rth in 28 U .SC. § 2112(a)(3) to determine in which court the record in this case should be filed. We believe doing so would be in error. DC-1292283 v3 K& L I GATE S Jeffery N. Luthi January 26, 2009 Page 2 Under the current circumstances, the record is required to be filed in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 2112(a)(1) . The reasons why we believe the Department is obligated to follow 28 U .S .C . § 2112( a) and file the record in the D.C Circuit, are largely set forth in the a tt ached letter sent to the Department today . Should the Department seek to invoke 28 U .S .C. § 2112(a)(3), we respectfully request the opportunity to more fully address why that would be incorrect. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, A~' - Wk1~0PICZ-- Barry M. Hartman Christopher Nesto r Enclosure K&L I GATES k&t Cates uN 1601 K 5troet NW Washington, DC 20006 160 0 i 202 .x78 . 9000 January 26, 2009 www .kIptes .imn Barry M . Hartman D 202 .778 .9338 F 202 .778 .9100 b arry .hartman@klgates .com VIA EMAIL ONL Y Mr. Martin McDermott Senior Trial Counsel Environmental Defense Section U.S. Department of Justice Environmental and Natural Resources Division 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N .W . Room 214 1 W as hington, D.C. 2053 0 Re : Lake Carriers' Association v . Johnson, D.C. Circuit Nos. 09 -1001, 091010 Petitions for Review - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES") Vessel General Permit (VGP) issued December 18, 2008, 73 Fed . Reg. 79473 (December 29, 2008) Dear Martin : As we discussed, our firm represents the Lake Carriers' Association (LCA) in connection with the above referenced petition of review filed in the U .S . Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit . As I discussed with you last week, the purpose of this letter is to confirm the Department's intention regarding the filing of the record in the D .C. Circuit in accordance with its obligations set forth in 28 U .S .C . §2112(a)(1), and that the Department will seek to have all other petitions pending in other circuits transferred to the D .C. Circuit . LCA filed its initial petition (D .C. Cir. No 09-1001) on January 5, 2009 . It has also come to our attention that at least two other petitions for review of the VGP have been filed, one in the U .S. Court of the Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on January 12, 2009, and the other in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on January 16, 2009 . See Northwest Environmental Advocates, et al. v. EPA (9`h Cir. No. 09-70115); Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc . v. EPA (2°d Cir. No. 09-0244) . K & L I GATE S Mr. Martin McDermott January 26, 200 9 Page 2 As you know, 28 U.S.C. §2112(a)( 1) provides : If within ten days after the issuance of the order the agency, board, commission, or officer concerned receives, from the persons instituting the proceedings, the petition for review with respect to proceedings in only one court of appeals, the agency, board, commission, or officer shall file the record in that court notwithstanding the institution in any other court of appeals of proceedings for review of that order . For purposes 28 U .S.C . §2112, the VGP for which review is sought was issued on December 18, 2008 . Pursuant Fed. R. App . P . 26, the ten-day period subsequent to that issuance date ended on January 5, 2009 . To our knowledge, LCA's January 5, 2009 petition for review of the VGP filed in the D .C. Circuit and served on you on that date, was the only such petition filed on or before January 5, 2009 . Accordingly, the Department is obligated to file the record for this appeal in the D .C. Circuit, notwithstanding the filing of other petitions in other circuit courts, and those other petitions (and any future ones filed within 120 days of issuance of the VGP), should be transferred to the D .C. Circuit . Section 509 of the Clean Water Act ("CWA") provides that judicial review of the VGP may be had by filing a petition for review within 120 days of "issuance" of the permit . 33 U.S.C. §1369. The VGP itself and EPA's website notice speci fically and unequivocally provided that the permit was "issued" by EPA on December 18, 2008 and, moreover, became "effective" on Decemberl9, 2008.See http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/home .cfin?program_id=35 0. The agency confirmed this in its Federal Register notice of December 29, 2008 . See 73 Fed. Reg. 79473 (Dec . 29, 2008). After specifically announcing that the VGP was issued on December 18 and effective on December 19, EPA indicated in its December 29, 2008 Federal Register notice that, pursuant to 40 C .F.R. §23 .2, the VGP would be issued for purposes of Section 509 of the Clean Water Act at "1 :00 p. m. eastern time (standard or daylight, as appropriate) on . . . the date that is two weeks after the date when the document is published in the Federal Register . . . ." 73 Fed. Reg. 79473. It is untenable for EPA to take the position that it may have a permit that is "issued" and "effective" for the regulated community, yet not "issued" for purposes of judicial review until sometime thereafter. That is, EPA may not, under 40 C .F.R. §23 .2 or the CWA in these circumstances, lawfully impose a permit obligation on the regulated community and at the same time, prevent the regulated community or other interested parties from obtaining judicial review of that permit obligation . Additionally, 40 C .F.R. §23 .2 provides that its timing provisions do not apply where the Administrator otherwise explicitly provides an issuance date. Here, the Administrator otherwise explicitly provided that it the VGP was issued on December 18, 2008 and effective on December 19, 2009. K&L I GATE S Mr. Martin McDermott January 26, 2009 Page 3 No court has ever upheld the application of 40 C .F.R. §23 .2 to defer judicial review until after the action being reviewed is already issued and effective . In fact, at least one court has expressly rejected such a notion . In Virginia Electric Power Company v . EPA, 610 F.2d 187 (4" Cir . 1979), the agency had promulgated regulations under the CWA, which were subject to judicial review under section 509 of the Act, just as the VGP permit is here . The regulations at issue in Virginia Power were deemed by EPA to be issued for purposes of judicial review after they were published in the Federal Register (thus deferring judicial review), but well before they became effective . See Virginia Power, 610 F .2d at 188; 44 Fed. Reg. 32854 (June 7, 1979) . The Fourth Circuit held that EPA's use of the deferral mechanism in Virginia Electric was appropriate, because "the exposure to judicial review commenced prior to the stated time at which the regulations were to become effective for substantive purposes." Id. Moreover, the Fourth Circuit specifically said that its approval of EPA's use of a deferral mechanism to clarify the start date for a judicial review period "does not imply that an agency may postpone for any period of time past the time of substantive effectiveness of regulations their exposure to judicial review ." Virginia Electric, 610 F .2d at 189 (emphasis added). The deferral mechanism at issue in Virginia Electric ultimately was the basis for the current regulation relied on by EPA here . See 50 Fed . Reg. 7268 (Feb . 21, 1985) . Here, given the statements made by the EPA on December 18, 2008, and again in the Federal Register on December 29, 2008, the 120-day judicial review period necessarily started to run on December 18, 2008 - the date the VGP was, in fact, "issued ." Applying the timing provisions of Fed. R. App. P . 26, the 10-day period in 28 U.S.C. §2112 expired on January 5, 2009. Because LCA filed its petition for review in the D .C. Circuit on January 5, 2009, and no others were filed on or before that date, the Department has the obligation to "file the record in [the D .C. Circuit] . . . notwithstanding the institution in any other court of appeals of proceedings for review of that order ." 28 U.S.C. § 2112(a)(1) .1 Under these circumstances, it would be inappropriate for the Department to invoke 28 U .SC. §2112(a)(3), and notify the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation that two or more petitions have been filed in different circuits within the initial ten-day period, because that is not the case . Please notify us immediately if the Department disagrees and intends to attempt to invoke 28 U .SC. § 2112(a)(3), so that we have an opportunity to advise the court of our position . We further request that any notification by the agency be accompanied by this letter notifying the panel of our position . t LCA filed a second, protective petition for review (D .C. Cir. No.09-1010), on January 12, 2009, in the event it is determined that EPA's regulation at 40 C .F .R. §2 3 .2 is applicable . K&LIGATE S Mr. Martin McDermott January 26, 2009 Page 4 Please contact me if you should have any questions or wish to discuss this matte r further. Sincerely , dn~~ Barry M . Hartman Christopher Nestor EXHIBIT B Vessel General Permit (VGP) Version 2/5/2009 United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) VESSEL GENERAL PERMIT FOR DISCHARGES INCIDENTAL TO THE NORMAL OPERATION OF VESSELS (VGP) AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTE M In compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.), any owner or operator of a vessel being operated in a capacity as a means of transportation who: • Is eligible for permit coverage under Part 1 .2; • If required by Part 1 .5.1, submits a complete and accurate Notice of Intent (NOI ) is authorized to discharge in accordance with the requirements of this permit . General effluent limits for all eligible vessels are given in Part 2 . Further vessel class or type specific requirements are given in Part 5 for select vessels and apply in addition to any general effluent limits in Part 2 . Specific requirements that apply in individual States and Indian Country Lands are found in Part 6 . Definitions of permit-specific terms used in this permit are provided in Appendix A . This permit becomes effective on December 19, 2008 for all jurisdictions except Alaska and Hawaii . This permit and the authorization to discharge expire at midnight, December 19, 2013 i Vessel General Permit (VGP) Version 2/5/2009 Signed and issued this t8 h day of December, 2008 Robert W . Varney , Regional Administrator, EPA Regio n William K . Honker, Acting Director Water Quality Protection Division, EPA Region 6 Signed and issued this 18"i day of December, 2008 Barbara A . Finazzo, Directo r Division of Environmental Planning, and Protection, EPA Region 2 Signed and issued this 18 'h day of December, 200 8 William A . Spratlin, Director Water, Wetlands and Pesticides Division, EPA Region 7 Signed and issued this 18d' day of December, 2008 Carl-Axel P . Soderberg, Directo r Caribbean Environmental Protection Division, EPA Region 2 Signed and issued this 18" day of December, 2008 Jon M . Capacasa, Directo r Water Protection Division, EPA Region 3 Signed and issued this 18" day of December, 2008 James D . Giattina, Director Water Protection Division, EPA Region 4 Signed and issued this 18d' day of December, 2008 Peter Swenson, Acting Director Water Division, EPA Region 5 Signed and issued this 18th day of December, 2008 Signed and issued this 18d` day of December, 2008 Eddie A. Sierra, Acting Assistant Regional Administrato r Office of Partnerships and Regulatory Assistance, EPA Region 8 Signed and issued this 18th day of December, 200 8 Nancy Woo, Associate Director Water Division, EPA Region 9 Signed and issued this 1 8 1 n day of December, 2008 Michael Gearheard, Director Office of Water and Watersheds, EPA Region 1 0 This permit becomes effective on February 6, 2009 for Alaska and Hawaii . Signed and issued this 2nd day of February, 2009 Alexis Strauss, Directo r Water Division, EPA Region 9 Signed and issued this 2°d day of February, 2009 Michael A . Bussell, Director Office of Water and Watersheds, EPA Region 10 ii EXHIBIT C G7, i Y e Jo"n"to-Ah FA, n~il Ryan Albert, U S EPA 2/51,09 77 ,75 s, ve'', s', s e December 18, 2008,", - final V GP i (fod~~[Reg`, u (8"'(73", 9 4 7 3/, /', ), %- OW 301 a c* z ~ t5c 'S rii ~ ► ► `~-~ 5 ~~ a y 1,0 p ► ~ Cialf;lll~~fji 11 hr er,-d . .i"8Cha,rg,e/,~/ v y 5 js)e,$~,- Al A bYy 1 ~~~ " T