COMPARATIVE NITROGEN PARTITIONING AND WATER USE BY NATIVE AND INTRODUCED GRASS COMMUNITIES IN SOUTHERN ALBERTA, CANADA by Shane Warren Porter A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Land Resources and Environmental Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana August 2005 © COPYRIGHT by Shane Porter 2005 All Rights Reserved ii APPROVAL of a dissertation submitted by Shane Warren Porter This dissertation has been read by each member of the dissertation committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Dr. Jon M. Wraith Approved for the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Science Dr. Jon M. Wraith Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Dr. Joseph J. Fedock iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this dissertation in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a doctoral degree at Montana State University–Bozeman, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. I further agree that copying of this dissertation is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with "fair use" as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests for extensive copying or reproduction of this dissertation should be referred to Bell & Howell Information and Learning, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, to whom I have granted "the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute my dissertation in and from microform along with the non-exclusive right to reproduce and distribute my abstract in any format in whole or in part." Shane Warren Porter August, 2005 iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my major advisor at Montana State University, Dr. Jon Wraith, and my advisor at the Lethbridge Research Center, Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, Dr. Walter Willms, for the ideas, support, and encouragement they have given me as a graduate student at Montana State University–Bozeman. I would also like to thank the other members of my graduate committee, Dr. Paul Hook, Dr. Jerry Nielsen, Dr. Clayton Marlow, and Dr. David Weaver for their assistance. I could not have accomplished this without the help of Marj Scheurokogel and Paula Dressler who assisted in the word-processing and formatting of this dissertation. My special thanks go to the following researchers at the Lethbridge Research Center: Dr. Chi Cheung, Dr. Henry Janzen, Dr. Ben Ellhert, and Toby Entz. I would also like to thank Ryan Beck, Dan Hoover, Harriet Douwes, Rosie Wallender, Emily Davies, and Mari Henry for their help with laboratory work. I am especially grateful to Dr. Johann Dormaar who told me the story of grassland soils and was always willing to listen and discuss. Finally, I would like to give special thanks to my wife, mom, and family for their loving support. v TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 References Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2. LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Plant Community Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Cultivation and Nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Cultivation and Water Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 References Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3. NITROGEN PARTITIONING IN NATIVE AND AGRONOMIC COMMUNITIES IN THE NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS . . . . . . . . . . 27 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Site Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Experimental Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Statistical Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Site and Year Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Biomass and Root: Shoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Nitrogen Concentration in Roots and Shoots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Total Nitrogen in Biomass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Native Grassland Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Annual Monocultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Perennial Monocultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 References Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS - (Continued) 4. SOIL NITROGEN PARTITIONING IN NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS GRASSLANDS: SHORT-TERM RESPONSE TO AGRONOMIC TREATMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Site Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Experimental Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Soil Nitrogen Determination Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Statistical Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 References Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 5. WATER UPTAKE RESUMPTION FOLLOWING SOIL DROUGHT: A COMPARISON BETWEEN NATIVE AND AGRONOMIC COMMUNITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Description of Source Material Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Experimental Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Water Uptake Following Periods of Drought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Differences in the Rate of Water Uptake After Drought . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 References Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 6. COMPARATIVE WATER USE EFFICIENCY OF SELECTED NATIVE AND AGRONOMIC GRASS COMMUNITIES . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS - (Continued) Site Description of Source Plant Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Experimental Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Environmental Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Above Ground Water Use Efficiency (Above Ground WUE) . . . . . . 97 Crown and Root Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 The Effect of Water Content on Roots, Crowns and Above Ground Water Use Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Above Ground WUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 References Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 7. SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 APPENDIX A: NITROGEN PARTITIONING TABLES IN CHAPTER 3 . . . 119 APPENDIX B: NITROGEN PARTITIONING TABLES IN CHAPTER 4 . . . 130 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3.1 Monthly growing season precipitation (mm) and temperatures (°C) from 1995 to 1997 at three Southern Alberta Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.2 Total model for total biomass, shoot mass, root mass, root: shoot (R:S), concentration N in shoot mass, concentration N in root mass, shoot mass N, root mass N. total N in biomass and R:S N of native and agronomic communities at three southern Alberta sites in 1995 and 1997 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.1 Monthly precipitation (mm) over the growing season from 1995 to 1997 at three sites in southern Alberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 4.2 Total model for total soil nitrogen, mineralizable nitrogen, C:N in soil, ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), light fraction (LF), and total light fraction nitrogen at three southern Alberta sites in 1995 and 1997 . . . . . . . 62 5.1 Linear regression slope of change in soil water content for six 7-day re-wet sequences from Day 210 to 295 of 1998 in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and needle-and-thread - blue grama grass communities planted in columns in a controlled-environment greenhouse at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 5.2 Water uptake rates (mm h-1) for six 7-day re-wet sequences from Day 210 to 295 of 1998 in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and needle-and-thread - blue grama grass communities planted in columns in a controlled-environment greenhouse at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 6.1 Long-term average, 1998, and 1999 monthly air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, precipitation and Class A Pan evaporation over the growing season at the Lethbridge Research Centre rainout shelter in southern Alberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 6.2 Table of fixed effects for dry weight, total water used and water use efficiency for the lysimeter study of needle-and-thread - wheatgrass blue grama grass., crested wheatgrass, and Russian wildrye communities in soil with two different volumetric water contents in 1998 and 1999 . . . . 99 ix LIST OF TABLES - (Continued) Table Page 6.3 Dry matter production (g), total water use (kg) and water use efficiency (g kg -1) in native (needle-and-thread grass - wheatgrass blue grama grass), crested wheatgrass, and Russian wildrye communities in 1998 and 1999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 6.4 Total root mass and root mass for 0-15 cm, 0-45 cm, and 45-90 cm depths in native (needle-and-thread grass - wheatgrass - blue grama grass), crested wheatgrass, and Russian wildrye communities grown in a rain-out shelter under two soil moisture regimes at Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, in 1999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 6.5 Mass of crowns at two different soil water contents (2) in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye and native Mixed Prairie (needle-and-thread grass - wheatgrass - blue grama grass) grown in a rain-out shelter at the Lethbridge Research Centre, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada in 1998-1999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 x LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 3.1 Total biomass nitrogen of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are standard error of the treatment means (n = 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.2 Root mass of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are standard error of the treatment means (n = 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.3 Shoot mass of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997.Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.4 Root-to-shoot ratio (R:S) of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997.Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.5 Nitrogen concentration in root mass of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8) . . . . . . 41 3.6 Nitrogen concentration in shoot mass of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are the standard error of treatment populations (n = 8) . . . . . 42 3.7 Total biomass nitrogen of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 xi LIST OF FIGURES - (Continued) Figure Page 3.8 Total nitrogen in shoot mass of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.9 Total nitrogen in roots of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 4.1 Light fraction (LF) concentrations in the upper 7.5 cm of agronomic and native communities in Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are the standard error of treatment means (n = 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.2 Total nitrogen content of the light fraction (LFN) in the upper 7.5 cm of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua (SB), Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua (SAB), and Festuca-Danthonia (FD) sites in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are the standard error of treatment means (n = 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 4.3 Mineralizable N in the upper 15 cm of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are the standard error of treatment (n = 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4.4 Nitrate content in the upper 15 cm of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are the standard error of treatment means (n = 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.1 Changes in soil water content during six rewetting sequences between Day 210 and 245 of 1998 at 7.5, 15, and 30 cm soil depths in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and needle-and-thread - blue grama grass communities grown in columns at the controlled-environment greenhouse at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 xii LIST OF FIGURES - (Continued) Figure Page 5.2 Changes in soil water content during the first two re-wetting sequences (re-wet 1 and 2) between Day 210 and 245 of 1998 at 7.5 and 15 cm soil depths in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and needle-and-thread blue grama grass communities grown in columns at the controlled-environment greenhouse at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 5.3 Changes in soil water content during the second two re-wetting sequences (re-wet 3 and 4) between Day 245 and 275 of 1998 at 7.5 and 15 cm soil depths in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and needle-and-thread blue grama grass communities grown in columns at the controlled-environment greenhouse at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 xiii ABSTRACT The objectives of this research were to evaluate 1) short-term changes in soil and plant N partitioning created by cultivating and re-seeding native grasslands with two cropping systems of wheat and perennial (crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye) monocultures; 2) differences in the rate of soil water uptake between Mixed Prairie grasslands, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye after a dry-down period; and 3) differences in above ground water use efficiencies, root and crown masses between Mixed Prairie grasslands, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye under two different soil water contents. The perennial agronomic species were recommended by Agriculture and Agrifood Canada for seeding in Mixed Prairie and Fescue grassland in southern Alberta, Canada. In the first four years after plow-down, soil nitrate (NO3-) concentration was higher and light fraction N (LFN) was lower in the soil under wheat than native grasslands. Although LFN was lower in perennial monocultures than native grasslands, there was little difference in soil nitrate. More N was partitioned into shoot biomass of wheat, crested wheatgrass and bromegrass that native grasslands and levels increased as annual and long-term growing season precipitation increased. There were no differences in the rate of soil water uptake after dry-down periods between native Mixed Prairie, crested wheatgrass or Russian wildrye, but both perennial monocultures had higher above ground water use efficiencies than native Mixed Prairie. 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Over 60% of the 114 million acres of the Northern Great Plains occur in Canada (Padbury et al. 2002), with a majority being found on an eastward sloping plain between the Rocky Mountains and the Precambrian Shield. The zonal climate of this northern grassland is marked by low growing season precipitation, high winds, and drought, with differences in amount, pattern, variability, intensity, and duration of precipitation determining the size and species composition of each plant association. Although five associations occur in the Canadian Northern Great Plains, only Mixed Prairie, Fescue Prairie, and Parkland are found in Alberta (Smoliak et al. 1976). In the Mixed Prairie association of southcentral and southeastern Alberta, a lack of relief coupled with a variable dry-subhumid to semi-arid climate and the presence of a Chernozemic soil allows the co-existence of mid and short-grass species (Clements 1920, Coupland 1992a). This association can be further divided into five vegetation types1: Agropyron-Koelaria, Bouteloua-Agropyron, Stipa-Agropyron, Stipa-Bouteloua and Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua. The first two vegetation types are primarily edaphic climaxes; the Agropyron-Koelaria vegetation type occurs on soils originating from lacustrine clay deposits and the Bouteloua-Agropyron vegetation type has underlying 1 The names of some of the grasses in these communities have been revised, but the communities themselves have not been renamed. 2 shale and a Solonetzic character to the soil. The Stipa-Bouteloua and Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua vegetation types occur in loamy soils with differences in soil and species composition primarily the result of differences in long-term average annual precipitation. The Stipa-Bouteloua community in southeastern Alberta exists on the Brown subgroup of the Chernozemic order (Aridic Ustochept) with a long-term average annual precipitation near 33 cm, while the Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua community of southcentral Alberta occurs on Dark Brown subgroups of the Chernozemic order (Typic Haploboroll) with an average annual precipitation near 40.2 cm. Both of the above vegetation types are affected by high evaporation which leads to precipitation-to-evaporation ratios between 0.3 and 0.5. The final vegetation type in the Mixed Prairie is Stipa-Agropyron which is thought to be a transition between Mixed Prairie and Fescue Prairie (Smoliak et al. 1976). In Alberta, Fescue Prairie is restricted to the north and northwest fringe of the Northern Great Plains in the lower southern foothills of the Rocky Mountains (Strong 1992) where the large bunchgrasses Festuca campestris Rydb. (rough Fescue) and Danthonia parryi Scrib. (Parry’s oatgrass) are dominant (Moss 1944). In this grassland the climate is sub-humid, and the soils are classified as Orthic Black Chernozemic soils (Udic Haploboroll). The average annual precipitation is 55 cm, with a precipitation-toevaporation ratio approximating 1.0, and less than 170 growing season days (Coupland 1961, Naeth et al. 1991). Although precipitation is higher in this association than in the Mixed Prairie, the increase in the precipitation-to-evaporation ratio is primarily a result of lower evaporation due to the higher altitude which results in a lower annual temperature (Hart et al. 1995). 3 In the pre-European settlement period in Canada, stable prairie ecosystems existed, with decomposition of plant residues resulting in the accumulation of soil organic matter (SOM) and a stable pool of nutrients for the plant growth. In addition, SOM increased aggregation in the soil, which, in turn, increased infiltration and storage of water and decreased erosion. Prior to settlement, the primary disturbances affecting the Canadian portion of the Northern Great Plains were fire and bison grazing. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the development of dry-land farming techniques and mechanization accelerated the conversion of native grasslands to annual crops and hayland (Johnston 1981). A prolonged depression and drought that occurred in the second decade of the twentieth century left approximately 650,000 hectares of abandoned land bare, causing large amounts of soil erosion and weed infestation. Research found that most of these problems could be controlled by strip farming, stubble retention, and/or establishing perennial grasses such as Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. (crested wheatgrass) and Psathyrostachs juncea (Fisch.) Nevski (Russian wildrye) (Dormaar and Smoliak 1985). These introduced grasses establish quickly, consistently yield more than native range, and control a variety of annual and perennial weeds (Westover and Rogler 1934, Reitz et al. 1936, Pavylchenko 1942, Hull and Stewart 1948, Hubbard 1949, Hull and Klomp 1966, Smoliak et al. 1967, Springfield and Reid 1967, Smoliak 1968, Currie 1970, Looman and Heinrichs 1973, Smoliak and Slen 1974, Dormaar et al. 1978, Dormaar et al. 1980, Smoliak and Dormaar 1985). Once established, pastures of these species have remained productive for more than fifty years as monocultures due to their ability to resist invasion by other species (Smoliak et al. 4 1967, Valentine 1971, Looman and Heinrichs 1973, Dormaar et al. 1978, Call and Roundy 1991). In the late 1960s, another wave of “sod-busting” or “plow-down” began in Alberta grasslands despite concerns that the experience of the thirties had shown that marginal semiarid land in southeastern Alberta could not economically sustain agriculture over the long term. In addition, an increasing number of acres of mesic Fescue grasslands were being plowed and replaced by annual cereal crops and cultivars of introduced perennial forage grasses, such as Bromus inermis Leyss. (smooth brome grass) and Dactylis glomerata L. (orchardgrass) (Suleiman et al. 1999). Eventually, over 75% of the western Canadian native grasslands were replaced with annual crops or perennial forages of which approximately 55 million hectares seeded to annual cereal and seed crops. Of that 55 million hectares, over 50% is cropped in wheat (Canadian Wheat Board 2002) and 12% in perennial forages. Of the area planted to forages, approximately one million hectares is crested wheatgrass, and one hundred thousand hectares is Russian wildrye (Johnston et al. 1986, Dormaar et al.1980, Smoliak and Dormaar 1985, Statistics Canada 1999). The remaining native prairie is either too dry or too rough to make cultivation economical at this time (Willms et al. 1993). However, with global human population growing exponentially, the demand for food will be used to justify conversion of the remaining native grasslands. Coupland (1979a) and Heady and Child (1994) believe it is urgent to obtain a greater understanding of the mechanisms and processes that control various native grassland ecosystem 5 components, including the capture and flow of energy and nutrient cycles such carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous, since they are pivotal in sustaining grassland ecosystem function. In the past, as native grasslands were replaced with agronomic systems, oversimplification of natural systems, poor interpretation of knowledge, and the need for quick results meant a loss of economic sustainability (Costello 1957, Heady and Child 1994). Although in the short term, replacement generally increases yields of both annual cereals and forage crops, it is likely due to changes in ammonification, nitrification, and water use (Johnston et al. 1986). However, more baseline information is needed to better understand both the changes and the rate of change immediately following cultivation. This project was initiated to investigate changes in nitrogen partitioning and water dynamics in the first few years after plowing and seeding native grasslands in southern Alberta Canada to annual and perennial agronomic species. The objectives of this study were to determine 1) short-term changes in soil N partitioning created by the cultivating and seeding native grasslands with selected annual (wheat) and perennial (crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye) monocultures; 2) changes in biomass partitioning of N within these communities; 3) difference in the rate of water uptake between Mixed Prairie grasslands, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye after a period of water stress; and 4) differences in above ground water use efficiencies, root and crown masses between Mixed Prairie grasslands, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye at two different soil water content. It is hypothesized that above-ground production of seeded forages and cereals is greater than native grassland communities in the first few years 6 after “plow-down.” During that period, the quality of the soil is expected to deteriorate and will ultimately cause the system to be unsustainable. The rate of uptake after a period of water stress of perennial communities (crested wehatgrass and Russian wildrye) will be more rapid and water use efficiency will be greater allowing these agronomic communities to access and assimilate more soil nitrogen. 7 References Cited Call, C.A. and R.A. Roundy. 1991. Perspectives and processes in revegetation of arid and semiarid rangelands. Journal of Range Management 44:543-549. Canadian Wheat Board. 2002. Clements, F.E. 1920. Plant indicators: the relationship of communities to process and practice. Carnegie Institute Washington Publication 290. 388 p. Costello, D.F. 1957. Application of ecology to range management. Ecology 38:49-53. Coupland, R.T. 1961. A recondieration of grassland classification in the Northern Great Plains of North America. Journal of Ecology 49:135-167. Coupland, R.T. 1979a. Background. In: R.T. Coupland (ED.). Grassland ecosystems of the world: analysis of grasslands and their uses. Cambridge, Great Britain: Cambridge University Press. p. 3-22. Coupland, R.T. 1992a. Mixed prairie. In: R.T. Coupland (ED.). Ecosystems of the world 8A: natural grasslands - introduction and western hemisphere. New York, NY: Elsevier. 469 p. Currie, P.O. 1970. Influence of spring, fall and spring-fall grazing on crested wheatgrass range. Journal of Range Management 23:103-108. Dormaar, J.F., A. Johnston, and S. Smoliak. 1978. Long term soil changes associated with seed stands of crested wheatgrass in Southern Alberta, Canada. In: Proc. 1st International Rangelands Congress. Denver, CO: Society for Range Managment. p. 623-625. Dormaar, J.F., A. Johnston, and S. Smoliak. 1980. Organic solvent-soluble organic matter from soils underlying range and crested wheatgrass in southeastern Alberta, Canada. Journal of Range Management 33:99-101. Dormaar, J.F., and S. Smoliak. 1985. Recovery of vegetative cover and soil organic matter during revegetation of abandoned farmland in a semiarid climate. Journal of Range Management 38:487-491. Hart, R.H., W.D. Willms, and M.R. George. 1995. Cool-Season Grasses in Rangelands. Chapter 12. In: L.E. Moser (ED.). Cool-season forage grasses. Madison, WI: Agronomy Monographs #24. 8 Heady, H.F., and D. Child. 1994. Rangeland ecology and management. San Fransisco, CA: Westview Press. Hubbard, W.A. 1949. Results of studies of crested wheatgrass. Science and Agriculture 29:385-395. Hull, A.C., and G.J. Klomp. 1966. Longevity of crested wheatgrass in the sagebrush grass type in southern Utah. Journal of Range Management 19:5-11. Hull, A.C., and G. Stewart. 1948. Replacing cheatgrass by reseeding with perennial grasses on southern Idaho range. Journal of American Society of Agronomy 40:694-703. Johnston, A. 1981. History of agriculture in the prairie region of western Canada. Director’s Work- Planning Meeting. Agriculture Research Station. Lethbridge. Johnston, A., Dormaar J.F., and S. Smoliak. 1986. The regrassing of southeastern Alberta. The Palliser Triangle: Interdisciplinary Studies of the Alberta, Saskatchewan and Montana Borderlands. May 15-18, 1986. Medicine Hat, AB: 11 p. Looman, J., and D.H. Heinrichs. 1973. Stability of crested wheatgrass pastures under long-term pasture use. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 53:501-506. Moss, E.H. 1944. The prairie and associated vegetation of southwestern Alberta, Canada. Journal of Resources C22:209-227. Naeth, M.A., A.W. Bailey, D.S. Chanasyk, and D.J. Pluth. 1991. Water holding capacity of litter and soil organic matter in Mixed Prairie and Fescue grassland ecosystems of Alberta. Journal of Range Management 44(1):13-17. Padbury, G., S. Waltman, J. Caprio, G. Coen, S. McGinn, D. Mortenson, J. Nielson, and R. Sinclair. 2002. Agroecosystems and Land Resources of the Northern Great Plains Agronomy Journal 94:251-261. Pavylchenko, T.K. 1942. The place of crested wheatgrass, Agropyron cristatum L. in controlling perennial weeds. Science and Agriculture 22:459-460. Reitz, L.P. M.A. Bell, and H.E. Tower. 1936. Crested wheatgrass in Montana. Montana State College Agriculture Experimental Station Bulletin 323. 53 p. Smoliak, S. 1968. Grazing studies on native range, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye pastures. Journal of Range Management 21:44-50. 9 Smoliak, S., and J.F. Dormaar. 1985. Production of Russian wildrye and crested wheatgrass and their effect on prairie soils. Journal of Range Management 38(5):403-405. Smoliak, S., A. Johnston, M.R. Kilcher, and R.W. Lodge. 1976. Management of prairie rangeland. Publication 1425. Ottawa, ON: Information Division, Department of Agriculture. 30 p. Smoliak, S., A. Johnston, and L.E. Lutwick. 1967. Productivity and durability of crested wheatgrass in southeastern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 47:539547. Smoliak, S., and S.B. Slen. 1974. Beef production on native range, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye pastures. Journal of Range Management 27:433-436. Springfield, H.W., and E.H. Reid. 1967. Crested wheatgrass for spring grazing in northern New Mexico. Journal of Range Management 20:406-408. Statistics Canada. 1999. Table of seeded acres of cereal and forage crops in Canada in 1999. Strong, W.L. 1992. Ecoregions and ecodistricts of Alberta. Volume 1. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife. Suleiman, A., E.K. Okine, L.A. Goonewardene, P.A. Day, B. Yaremcio, and G. RecinosDiaz. 1999. Yield and feeding of prairie grasses in east-central Alberta. Journal of Range Management 52(1): 75-82. Valentine, J.F. 1971. Range development and improvements. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press. 545 p. Westover, H.L., and G.A. Rogler. 1934. Crested wheatgrass. U.S.D.A. Leaflet 104. (revised 1947). 8 p. Willms, W.D., S.M. McGinn, and J.F. Dormaar. 1993. Influence of litter on herbage production in the Mixed Prairie. Journal of Range Management 46(4):320-324. 10 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Plant Community Dynamics The process by which assemblages of plant species develop into long-lived stable communities in specific environments has been debated since Clements (1916) first developed the climate climax theory. In the last 30 years, a synthesis of ideas relating to community stability has emerged among such diverse fields as ecophysiology, soil organic matter dynamics, herbivory, plant competition, and fire ecology, in which a discussion of vegetation-soil feedbacks in grassland ecology is central. Tilman (1987a) suggested that a mechanistic approach to grassland ecology would allow the development of this concept and move away from the rather deterministic view put forth by Clements. This approach would define species performance in terms of demography (including patterns of recruitment and mortality), resource use efficiency, and partitioning, under specific environmental conditions such as water, nutrient and light availability, herbivory, and disturbance. Within the performance criteria, linkages between nitrogen cycling, soil organic matter dynamics, and plant nitrogen use are fundamental (Tilman 1988, Wedin 1999). In most ecosystems, it is assumed that the dominant plant species control ecosystem processes such as productivity and nutrient cycling (Schlesinger 1996); however, recent studies have 11 addressed a range of ecosystem characteristics including the diversity of plant species and functional characteristics of individual species (Tilman et al. 1997, Hooper and Vitousek 1998, Hector et al. 1999, Knops et al. 2001, Loreau et al. 2001). The functional characteristics of the component species in any ecosystem are likely to be at least as important as the number of functional groups present for maintaining critical ecosystem processes and services (Hooper and Vitousek 1997). Plant species adapted to temporary, highly variable and uncrowded environments as occur after disturbance have different life histories than those found in stable, crowded environments. The former have short life spans (annual or biennial), rapid photosynthetic, respiratory, transpiratory, growth, and reproductive rates, relatively low root:shoot ratios (R:S), rapid responses to changes in environmental resources, and high acclimation and dispersal ability. In most native grassland communities, a majority of the species are stable assemblages of perennial species. These species are capable of withstanding competition, possess slow growth and low reproductive rates, and direct more resources into organs that will guarantee survival over the long term (e.g., higher R:S) (Bazzaz 1986, Brewer 1988). Once these communities are disturbed, succession may depart from the expected outcomes proposed by classical Clementsian theory (Ellis and Swift 1988, Behnke et al. 1993) due to discontinuous irreversible changes associated with most disturbances (Holechek et al. 1998). Cultivation of native grasslands causes physical, chemical, and biological changes in the soil, as well as altering the plant community such that feedbacks between existing soil characteristics and newly introduced plant species may prevent the redevelopment of the original community when 12 cultivation ceases (Vinton and Burke 1995). Changes in productivity and R:S ratios may change the quality and quantity of N partitions in the soil. Cultivation and Nitrogen Both natural and agricultural ecosystems provide many services and goods that are essential for food and a range of other products that support our existence (Matson et al. 1997). A burgeoning global human population has created an increased need for the production of food, and increasing agricultural intensification is resulting in a reduction of diversity, with large areas of monoculture cropping made up not only of identical crop species, but individuals with the same genetic code (Dearden and Mitchell 1998). Since the beginning of the twentieth century, improved agricultural technologies such as mechanization, irrigation, molecular genetics, fertilizers, and pesticides have increased yields dramatically. In these systems, the dominant role taken by farmers in the modifying of the abiotic environment, selection of organisms planted, and control of species that reduce production represents a cost to the rest of the ecosystem in terms of energy, matter, and biological diversity. These changes do not necessarily result in the impairment of ecosystem services unless diversity-function thresholds are breached by the elimination of key functional groups, species, or organisms (Swift et al. 2004). Tillage and seeding of the landscape and changes of native grasslands causes massive modifications in the structural and functional diversity of communities and ecosystems. These activities introduce species with differences in lifespan, growth form, biomass allocation, and tissues chemistry than existed in the original community. 13 Changes also include modification in soil structure, bulk density chemistry, thermal and hydraulic properties, aggregation, quantity and quality of SOM, N, water retention and soil microbial and macrobial populations (Griffiths and Burns 1972, Dormaar et al. 1978, Jenny 1980, Dormaar et al. 1990). All of these changes can have significant impacts on critical ecosystem processes that promote stability and sustainability. In the past, dryland agriculture on the Canadian prairies has concentrated on the production of cereals, oil seeds, and forages. In 2004, cereal species represented the greatest acreage planted on the Canadian Northern Great Plains, with over 10.3 million hectares planted to wheat (Statistics Canada 1999). By 1986, 2.5 million hectares of perennial forage pastures were utilized by the beef industry in the prairie provinces, with over 1 million in crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye (Smoliak and Dormaar 1985). Domestic cereal crops are annual species that have high photosynthetic, respiration, transpiration, growth and reproductive rates, low root:shoot ratios and highly viable seeds (Mooney 1972, Newell and Tramer 1978, Bazzaz 1986, Brewer 1988), and only maintain their dominance through anthrogenic activites such as tillage and fertilization. These species quickly colonize the new readily-available nitrogen pool within their rooting zone but may rapidly reduce this N pool. Numerous studies with wheat have demonstrated reductions in SOM over time, as a function of cropping system, crop rotation, tillage, and other agronomic factors (Campbell et al. 1990, Janzen et al. 1992). Of particular concern is the loss in labile organic matter, which plays a prominent role in soil nutrient dynamics and appears to be more susceptible to short-term cropping practices (Campbell and Souster 1982, Parton et al. 1987, Janzen 1987, Skjemstad et al. 14 1998, Janzen et al. 1992). At some point, without the addition of fertilizer, available soil N becomes insufficient to support high above-ground biomass production (Redente et al. 1992). In the last 60 years, perennial grasses have been introduced into the Canadian northern Great Plains to prevent erosion of abandoned land or to improve land to allow an increase in beef production (Smoliak et al. 1967). The four prominent species seeded in these grasslands are crested wheatgrass, Psathyrostachs juncea (Fisch.) Nevski (Russian wildrye), Dactylis glomerata L. (orchardgrass) and Bromus inermis Leyss. (smooth bromegrass). The first two species are recommended by Agriculture and Agrifood Canada for drier Mixed Prairie grasslands and the latter for more moist Mixed Prairie and Fescue grasslands. Once these grasses are seeded, they tend to become a permanent part of the landscape (Smoliak et al. 1967). Crested wheatgrass is tolerant of cold and drought, establishes quickly, is outstanding in early season production and nutritive value (Knowles and Buglass 1966, Smoliak at al. 1970, Knowles 1987, Looman and Heinrichs 1973). Redente et al. (1989) and Christian (1996) reported 1.7 to 3 times greater above-ground biomass with monocultures of this species than for native grass in Saskatchewan. Although the N content of the standing crop of crested wheatgrass is higher in the spring, by fall it was 1.01% (Lawrence 1978) due to senescence and N translocation to crowns and roots. The root mass of crested wheatgrass was between 60 and 71% of the native Stipa-Boutleoua community (Smoliak et al. 1967, Dormaar et al. 1978, Christian 1996). Russian wildrye, due to later development, maintains forage quality into the fall. Smoliak and Dormaar 15 (1985) found that over a 25-year period, this species produced 47% more forage than native grasslands. Smooth bromegrass and orchardgrass are often seeded on soils that are mildy acidic and/or poorly drained. Bromegrass spreads quickly by rhizomes and produces higher dry matter yields than orchardgrass. In southwestern Saskatchewan and nothern Montana, Lawrence (1978), Knowles (1987), and Wickman (1998) found that varieties of bromegrass have high yields, with between 1.44 and 1.68% N in standing crop during the fall but protein levels in orchardgrass remain higher (Couleman 1987, Tannas 1991). Orchardgrass dry matter production is better distributed over the growing season and is the most competitive of the two species (Couleman 1987, Tannas 1991). The competitive ability of orchardgrass may be due to its early spring growth and the presence of many basal leaves (Jung and Baker 1984). Cultivation and Water Relations Vast regions of native grasslands experience water stress due to limited precipitation during the growing season. This lack of moisture may modify nutrient acquisition, photosynthetic activity and growth, and cause damage in the plant and/or intensify competition between plants and influence feedback systems that control ecosystem (Kramer 1980, Swindale and Bidinger 1981, Wedin and Tilman 1990, Brown 1995, Vila and Sardans 1999). The physiological consequences of water deficits differ with species, type of plant, current environmental conditions. As duration and intensity of the water deficit persist, changes in root:shoot ratios occur as a result of a slowing in leaf, shoot and tiller development, and stimulates root growth at the expense of shoots (Sharp 16 and Davies 1979, Brown 1995). Therefore, in grassland research, it is important to study both plant responses to variations in available water and adaptations to water deficits (Kramer 1983). Changes in these processes and controlling feedbacks created by tillage and seeding of annual and perennial monocultures may create the potential for alternate stable states in vegetation-soil systems (Wedin and Tilman 1990). A number of researchers contend that the ability of a species to be a successful competitor is a function of more efficient use of resources such as water (Tilman 1988, Goldberg 1990, Busch and Smith 1995, Davis et al. 1998, Li 1999, Tsialtas et al. 2001), while others contend that increased competition is a result of less efficient use by nonnative grasses, resulting in an increase in water uptake and demand, which leaves less for competing species (Davis et al. 1998, Gordon et al. 1999). Both of these strategies could inhibit establishment, survival, and/or reproduction of native species (Blicker et al. 2003). Water use efficiency is defined as either the amount of water consumed by a plant in transpiration per unit gain in growth or biomass production, or as gain in biomass per unit of water transpired. Species have variable rates of water use relative to biomass production, atmospheric conditions (precipitation, vapor pressure deficits between the plant and air, and wind), stage of plant development, and soil physical and chemical properties (Stanhill 1986). Water use efficiency is not a fixed characteristic within each species, but is of interest to plant physiologists, breeders, and range managers because it is used to define interactions of water use and nutrient gain as they affect plant growth, survival, and response to stress (Ehleringer et al. 1993, Kramer 1983, Brown 1995, 17 Kramer and Boyer 1995). Measurements of WUE in the field are often hampered by variability in rainfall, and crop responses to soil type and to agronomic practices (Asseng et al. 2001). Agronomic practices which change the canopy structure, soil structure, soil N and energy dynamics, may modify production or water acquisition and WUE (Claussen 2002, Frank 2003). Sims and Singh (1978b) suggested that natural communities dominated by cool season grasses (C3) that possess higher aerial production than those dominated by warm season (C4) grasses have higher water use efficiencies. However, when C3 species are compared to C4 species, the latter have higher water use efficiencies due to photosynthetic and structural differences (Black 1971). In Mixed Prairie and Fescue Grassland in the northern Great Plains, a large range in WUE exists between communities due to large variations in precipitation and temperature (Sims and Singh 1978a) which agrees with work done by Vinton and Burke (1995), who suggested these processes are not primarily limited by plant-mediated characteristics but by the supply of water itself. Many studies have shown differences in water use efficiency between species (Johnson et al. 1990, Johnson and Bassett 1991, Read et al.1992, Akhter et al. 2003, Blicker et al. 2003, Xue et al. 2003). An understanding of species and community differences in soil-water-root relationships will enhance our ability to effectively manage plant, soil, and water resources, weed infestation, and will allow the design of multi-crop agro-ecosystems that fill more below-ground niches (Noy-Meir 1973, Grime 1994, Sheley and Larson 1995, Wraith and Wright 1998). 18 Rapid recovery of species after drought may be facilitated by a variety of factors including difference in root distribution, rapid root growth and hydraulic lift which may enhance biochemical conditions, nutrient availability, microbial processes, and the acquisition of nutrients by roots (Bittman and Simpson 1989, Caldwell et al. 1998). In the native Stipa-Bouteloua community, most of the root system occurs in the upper 15 cm due to the prevalence of blue grama grass; however, root systems of needle and thread grass and western wheatgrass penetrate much deeper (Weaver 1958, Coupland and Johnson 1965). The ability of blue grama grass to rapidly raise leaf water potential following rainfall, regardless of the previous drought stress, increased water uptake by surviving roots and rapid development of new extensive fine root systems allows more efficient absorption of water made available during short intense convection storms while needle and thread and western wheatgrass access water lower in the profile (Plummer 1943, Briske and Wilson 1977, Coyne and Bradford 1985, Lauenroth et al. 1987, Johnson and Aguirre 1991). Both crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye have coarser, deeper root systems than the Stipa-Bouteloua community (Weaver 1958, Smoliak and Johnston 1980, Dormaar and Sauerbeck 1983, Smoliak and Dormaar 1985). These differences may create differences in the rate of the uptake of water after drought. 19 References Cited Akhter, J., K. Mahmood, M.A. Tasneem, M.H. Naqvi, and K.A. Malik. 2003. 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Plasticity in resource allocation within these species created by differences in growth habit, production, root: shoot ratios, and nitrogen partitioning allows these species to survive changes in physical environment and interspecific interactions (Mueller 1941, Weaver 1958, Odum 1968, Hartnett and Keeler 1995, Whitehead 1995). In the last 100 years, the demand for cereal, oil and feed grains, and forage has resulted in a large portion of Canadian grasslands being replaced with simplified agronomic communities modified to maximize the amount of usable product with a large proportion removed through harvest, grazing or a combination of both. These changes modify nitrogen cycling within the plant-soil complex and impact sustainability of these agronomic systems (Spedding 1971, Love 1972, Pate and Farquhar 1988, Dormaar et al. 1995). However, the rate of change in the quantity and quality of the N partitions immediately after plow-down is not well understood. Therefore, a three-year study was undertaken to examine changes in N partitioning within common agronomic communities 28 that had been created out of nature rangeland. The purpose was to test the hypothesis that cultivation and replacement of native grasslands with agronomic monocultures results in greater N allocation into shoot mass and lower allocation into root mass than in native grassland communities. Materials and Methods Site Description The study was conducted at three sites in southern Alberta (Onefour, Lethbridge, and Stavely) distinguished by differences in native community, climate, and soil. The Onefour site was located in southeast Alberta near Manyberries (49o 07' N, 110o 29' W). The Orthic Brown Chernozemic soil (Aridic Haploboroll) underlies a Stipa-Bouteloua community with an average annual precipitation of 332 mm. The Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua site near Lethbridge in south-central Alberta (49o 43' N, 110o 57' W) possesses an Orthic Dark Brown Chernozemic (Typic Haploboroll) and an average annual precipitation of 402 mm (Smoliak et al. 1967, Ellert and Janzen 1999). The Fescue Prairie grassland (Festuca-Danthonia) site was located in the Porcupine Hills west of Stavely, Alberta (50o 12' N, 113o 57' W). The soil is an Orthic Black Chernozemic (Udic Haploboroll) with an average annual precipitation of 493 mm (Dormaar and Willms 1993). The vegetation at these three sites has been described in detail by Moss (1944) and Coupland (1961). 29 Weather records including precipitation and temperatures were obtained for the period of the study reported herein from meteorological stations at Onefour, Lethbridge, and Claresholm. Precipitation during the growing season (March to September) in 1995 at the Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua and Festuca-Danthonia sites were, respectively, 148, 137, and 83% of the long term average (Table 3.1). In 1996, precipitation at the Festuca-Danthonia and Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua sites was well below the long-term average, but near the average at the Stipa-Bouteloua site (Table 3.1). In 1997, all three sites experienced near average growing season precipitation (Table 3.1). Longterm growing season temperatures (March through September) among sites were StipaBouteloua > Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua > Festuca-Danthonia site (Table 3.1). In 1995, the Stipa-Bouteloua and Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua sites were approximately 2 and 4o C lower than the long-term average, respectively, while the Festuca-Danthonia site was approximately 4o C above normal. In 1997, the growing season temperatures at all three sites was above the long-term average, with Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua and Festuca-Danthonia sites being 7, 10, and 3o C higher, respectively (Table 3.1). Experimental Design The effects of cultivation and seeding were tested at each site by planting two perennial grass monocultures recommended by Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, and two cropping systems of Triticum aestivum L. ‘Katepwa’ (spring wheat), in a randomized complete block design. Four replicates of five treatments were established in 3 x 10 m plots with native grassland serving as a control. The treatments were imposed on three 30 Table 3.1. Monthly growing season precipitation (mm) and temperatures (ºC) from 1995 to 1997 at three southern Alberta sites. Precipitation (mm) Year March April May June July Aug. Sept. Total %1 1995 17 37 41 130 56 50 48 379 148 1996 32 13 64 80 33 4 51 277 109 1997 28 15 84 65 11 23 20 246 96 22 28 41 64 34 39 27 255 100 Stipa-Bouteloua Ave. 2 Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua 1995 10 38 106 138 66 44 19 421 137 1996 21 22 54 18 5 70 6 196 64 1997 14 96 101 32 33 8 10 294 95 24 31 55 74 42 42 40 308 100 1995 6 23 72 84 69 39 63 356 83 1996 45 24 72 49 7 4 54 255 60 1997 15 21 138 73 28 77 35 387 91 24 14 99 113 74 69 34 427 100 Ave. 2 Festuca-Danthonia 3 Ave. 2 Mean Monthly Temperatures (ºC) Year March April May June July Aug. Sept. Total %1 1995 -1.2 3.6 10.8 15.8 18.0 17.6 13.0 11.1 97.9 1997 -1.5 3.6 11.4 16.6 19.3 19.6 15.7 12.1 106.8 Ave. 2 -2.9 5.2 11.4 15.6 19.6 18.8 12.2 11.3 100.0 Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua 1995 -0.3 4.3 10.1 14.6 17.3 15.8 12.5 10.6 96.3 1997 0.7 3.9 11.3 16.0 18.2 18.6 15.9 12.1 109.7 -1.5 5.6 10.8 14.9 18.0 17.1 12.2 11.0 100.0 1995 -1.4 3.7 9.2 14.1 16.1 15.0 11.9 9.8 104.4 1997 -2.0 2.0 8.8 12.9 15.5 16.3 14.3 9.7 103.2 -2.1 5.0 8.7 12.8 15.7 15.2 10.4 9.4 100.0 Ave. 2 Festuca-Danthonia3 Ave. 2 1 % - Sum of precipitation or temperatures from March to September divided by the long-term averages during the same period 2 Averages over a 50-year period - Agriculture and Agrifood Canada 3 Measured at Claresholm which was approximately 30 m southeast of the study site 31 previously uncultivated native grassland sites that had been lightly grazed. The StipaAgropyron-Bouteloua and Festuca-Danthonia sites were established in 1993, while the Stipa-Bouteloua site was established in 1994. At the time of establishment, all sites were protected from livestock grazing by fences. The perennial grasses seeded on Mixed Prairie sites (Stipa-Bouteloua and Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua) were Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. (crested wheatgrass) and Psathyrostachy juncea (Fisch.) Nevski (Russian wildrye). On the Fescue prairie site (Festuca-Danthonia), the perennial grasses seeded were Bromus inermis Leyss. (smooth bromegrass) and Dactylis glomerata L. (orchardgrass ). At each site, two cropping systems were used with wheat; one treatment was continuously cropped and the other was left fallowed alternate years. All seeding of introduced grasses was done in the spring with 15-cm row spacing. Methods In 1995 and 1997, standing crop at each site was estimated by harvesting plant biomass to a 2 cm stubble height in two randomly located 0.25-m2 subplots (0.5 x 0.5 m) in each treatment and block. Net annual aerial production (shoot) was estimated by removing standing litter from green standing crop. The plant material was oven-dried (60o C) and weighed. Root biomass was sampled using three randomly placed cores (2 cm x 91 cm deep) in each treatment, and block using a hydraulic truck-mounted unit. The samples were frozen until washed on a 2-mm screen over a 0.5-mm screen to remove soil. The washed root samples were then oven-dried (60o C) and weighed. 32 Shoot and root mass samples were composited by treatment, ground with a laboratory mill equipped with a 2-mm screen followed by a mill equipped with a 1-mm screen. Approximately 8 mg subsamples were taken from each composite and analysed for C and N using an automated dry combustion technique (Carlo Erba TM, Milan, Italy). The ash content of the root samples was not determined; however, care was taken in the washing of the roots to reduce differences due to the presence of soil. Statistical Analyses The dependent variables were analysed as a split-plot design with site, treatment, and their interaction as the main plot effects, and time and its interactions with the other factors as the split-plot effects (Steel and Torrie 1980). For these analyses, the two grass and two wheat treatments were individually pooled and analysed in a whole model as an unbalanced 3 (site) x 2 (years) x 3 (treatments) split-plot design, where the treatments were native grass, agronomic grass, and wheat. This grouping was necessary to avoid the nesting of treatments within sites. These analyses were performed to determine the generalized effect of cultivating and seeding to perennial or annual grasses on production and soil properties over a wide range of conditions. Separate split-plot analyses were also performed for each site, with treatment as the main plot, and time and the time-bytreatment interaction as the split-plot effects. Differences of means that were of interest were evaluated for significance using single degree of freedom contrasts which are reported in the appendices (Steel and Torrie 1980). All analyses of variance were performed using the MIXED procedure from SAS (SAS Institute, Inc. 1999). Significant 33 differences between treatment means were determined as P< 0.05. Results Year, site, and treatment (with two grass and two wheat treatments pooled) affected the magnitude of most variables (Table 3.2). Mass variables (biomass and N) tended to follow the order: Stipa-Bouteloua < Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua < FestucaDanthonia, while the ratio of root to shoot mass and N concentrations in shoots tended to follow the opposite order: Stipa-Bouteloua >Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua > FestucaDanthonia (Table 3.2). The effect of site on treatment for any variable tended to be primarily on its relative magnitude rather than ranking within the site. The effect of treatment on each variable was influenced by both site and year and, in some cases, by their interaction (Table 3.2). Due to the complexity of interpretation, the data was re-analysed by site to assess the effects of treatment (with two individual grass and two individual wheat treatments) and year. Site and Year Effect Site affected the magnitude of all variables except N concentration in shoot mass and influenced the effect of native pooled perennial grass and pooled wheat treatments on all variables (Table 3.2). Nevertheless for any variable the effect of site on treatment effects tended to be on magnitude rather than ranking treatments within each site. Yearby-treatment interaction was significant for many variables at each site and there was little consistency regarding significance among sites. Due to large numbers of significant Table 3.2. Total ANOVA model for total biomass, shoot mass, root mass, root: shoot (R:S), concentration N in shoot mass, concentration N in root mass, shoot mass N, root mass N. total N in biomass and R:S N of native and agronomic communities at three southern Alberta sites in 1995 and 1997. Source Biomass Shoot Mass Root Mass (g m-2) (g m-2) (g m-2) Root: Shoot Concentration Shoot N (mg g-1) Concentration Root N (mg g-1) Shoot N Root N Total N (g m-2) (g m-2) (g m-2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year (Y) 0.196 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.008 Site (S) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.015 0.070 0.031 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Treatment (T) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 SxY 0.552 0.003 0.179 0.114 <0.001 <0.001 0.030 0.077 0.085 TxY <0.001 <0.001 0.004 0.010 <0.001 0.006 <0.001 0.018 <0.001 TxS <0.001 0.010 0.001 0.003 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 SxYxT 0.384 0.005 0.674 0.228 <0.001 0.224 0.003 0.667 0.629 Site -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 Stipa-Bouteloua Native 1015.3 66.9 948.4 15.4 1.1 1.4 0.7 14.1 14.8 943.2 183.1 760.1 6.2 1.1 1.4 1.8 11.0 12.8 987.8 503.9 483.9 1.2 0.7 1.6 3.8 8.1 12.0 Native 1135.7 181.2 1033.5 8.3 1.3 1.3 2.1 14.2 16.3 Perennial Grass1 1152.9 203.3 1022.2 6.6 0.9 1.2 1.6 12.1 13.7 809.7 524.2 306.4 1.1 0.8 1.6 3.8 5.1 8.9 2153.2 265.0 1888.0 7.3 1.2 1.5 3.0 30.9 34.0 1731.1 389.9 1341.2 6.6 1.0 1.3 3.5 17.3 20.8 1030.2 556.3 473.8 1.5 0.7 1.4 3.8 6.5 10.4 Perennial Grass 1 2 Wheat Stipa-Bouteloua-Agropyron 2 Wheat Festuca-Danthonia Native Perennial Grass Wheat2 1 2 3 3 Crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye. Fallow and continuously cropped wheat. Smooth bromegrass and orchardgrass. 35 year-by-treatment interactions and their inconsistencies, the means and differences between means for each year, treatment, and site were determined and are reported in appendices. Biomass and Root: Shoot There were few differences in total biomass between native grasslands and perennial monocultures except for orchardgrass in 1997 (Figure 3.1). However total biomass in native grasslands and perennial grasses was greater than wheat at each site and year except at the Stipa-Bouteloua site in 1995 (Figure 3.1). Root mass of native grasslands was greater than for wheat at all sites (Figure 3.2). There were few differences in root mass between native grasslands and perennial species except at the Stipa-Bouteloua and Festuca-Danthonia sites in 1997, where native grasslands had a larger root mass than crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and orchardgrass (Figure 3.2). In 1995 and 1997, native grasslands yielded less shoot mass than either wheat or crested wheatgrass at the Stipa-Bouteloua site; however, the magnitude of the difference was greater in 1995. A similar pattern was evident at the Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua site; however, there was no difference in shoot mass of native grasslands and crested wheatgrass in 1995 (Figure 3.3). In 1997, the native grassland shoot masses were similar to those of perennial grasses on all sites (Figure 3.3), while wheat shoot mass was greater than that of the native grasslands in both Stipa-Bouteloua and Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua sites. Figure 3.1. Total biomass nitrogen of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are standard error of the treatment means (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - native grassland, RWR Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop, WF - wheat fallow. Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Festuca-Danthonia 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 40 30 20 36 Total Biomass N (g m-2) 50 10 0 Total Biomass N (g m-2) 50 40 30 20 10 0 NAT CWG RWR Treatment WC WF NAT CWG RWR Treatment WC WF NAT B O Treatment WC WF Figure 3.2. Root mass of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are standard error of the treatment means (n = 8). Symbols: B brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - native grassland, RWR - Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop, WF - wheat fallow. -2 Root Mass (g m ) 3000 Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Festuca-Danthonia 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 2000 1000 37 0 Root Mass (g m-2) 3000 2000 1000 0 NAT CW G RW R WC Treatment WF NAT CW G RW R WC Treatment WF NAT B O WC Treatment WF Figure 3.3. Shoot mass of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua and FestucaDanthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997.Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - native grassland, RWR - Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop WF - wheat fallow. Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Festuca-Danthonia 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 1400 Shoot Mass (g m-2) 1200 1000 800 600 400 38 200 0 1400 Shoot Mass (g m-2) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 NAT CWG RWR WC Treatment WF NAT CWG RWR WC Treatment WF NAT B O WC Treatment WF 39 In 1995 and 1997, native grasslands had greater root-to-shoot ratio (R:S) than all seeded treatments in the Stipa-Bouteloua and Festuca-Danthonia sites with the exception of orchardgrass (Figure 3.4). In 1997, Russian wildrye and native grasslands had similar R:S in the Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua site (Figure 3.4). Nitrogen Concentration in Roots and Shoots Nitrogen concentration in shoot and root mass was affected by treatment in all sites while year affected N concentration of shoot mass in Stipa-Bouteloua and FestucaDanthonia sites and root mass in the Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua site. N concentration in root mass of fallow wheat was greater than that of native grasslands in both StipaBouteloua and Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua sites, while the root mass of the native treatment had greater N concentration than perennial grasses in the Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua site and only orchard grass in the Festuca-Danthonia site (Figure 3.5). In Stipa-Bouteloua and Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua sites, the native treatment had a greater N concentration in shoot mass than all other treatments except Russian wildrye (Figure 3.6). Similarly, the native treatment in the Festuca-Danthonia site had higher shoot N concentrations than other treatments except orchardgrass (Figure 3.6). Total Nitrogen in Biomass Total N accumulated into biomass was greater in native grasslands than wheat, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye at all sites at all sites in 1997 but only at the Festuca-Danthonia site in 1995 (Figure 3.7). Wheat had greater N in shoot mass than either native grassland or the perennial forages in 1995 except for Bromegrass Figure 3.4. Root-to-shoot ratio (R:S) of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997.Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - native grassland, RWR - Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop WF - wheat fallow. Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Festuca-Danthonia 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 15 10 5 40 Root:Shoot Ratio 20 0 Root:Shoot Ratio 20 15 10 5 0 NAT CWG RWR WC Treatment WF NAT CWG RWR WC Treatment WF NAT B O WC Treatment WF Figure 3.5. Nitrogen concentration in root mass of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997.Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - native grassland, RWR - Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop, WF - wheat fallow. Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Festuca-Danthonia 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 Stipa-Bouteloua -1 N Concentration (mg kg ) 2 1 41 0 N Concentration (mg kg -1) 2 1 0 NAT CWG RWR Treatment WC WF NAT CWG RWR Treatment WC WF NAT B O WC Treatment WF Figure 3.6. Nitrogen concentration in shoot mass of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are the standard error of treatment populations (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT -native grassland, RWR - Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop, WF - wheat fallow. Festuca-Danthonia Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Stipa-Bouteloua 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 2 1 42 N Concentration (mg kg-1) 3 N Concentration (mg kg-1) 0 3 2 1 0 NAT CWG RWR Treatment WC WF NAT CWG RWR Treatment WC WF NAT B O Treatment WC WF Figure 3.7. Total biomass nitrogen of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - native grassland, RWR - Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop, WF - wheat fallow. Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Festuca-Danthonia 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 40 30 20 10 43 Total Biomass N (g m-2) 50 0 Total Biomass N (g m-2) 50 40 30 20 10 0 NAT CWG RWR Treatment WC WF NAT CWG RWR Treatment WC WF NAT B O Treatment WC WF 44 (Figure 3.8). In 1997, the same trend was evident in fallow wheat; however, the magnitude of the difference was smaller. N in the shoot mass of continuous wheat in 1997 was either similar or lower than the other treatments (Figure 3.8). Total N in the biomass of roots was greater in native grasslands than wheat at all sites and years while perennial grasses only had lower total root N at the Festuca-Danthonia site in 1997 (Figure 3.9). Discussion Cultivating semi-arid and sub-humid native grassland communities and establishing agronomic cereal and forage monocultures resulted in decreases in R:S and shifted N distribution from root to shoot mass. The magnitude of the shifts were speciesspecific and subject to changes in growing season precipitation and temperature. The establishment of the agronomic monocultures not only changed plant species composition but introduced differences in biomass allocation and net primary productivity. These have significant impacts on ecosystem processes such as soil organic matter and nutrient dynamics (Tilman and Knops 1997, Hooper and Vitousek 1998, Craine et al. 2002). Native communities are useful as benchmarks for measuring changes induced by anthropogenic disturbances. In these grasslands where moisture availability is variable and limiting, species diversity, functional differences in N sequestration and partitioning between species, and niche complementarity may promote long-term stability of the community type (Tilman et al. 1996, Hooper and Vitousek 1998). Figure 3.8. Total nitrogen in shoot mass of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O- orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - native grassland, RWR - Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop, WF - wheat fallow. F e s tu c a -D a n th o n ia S tip a -A g ro p y ro n -B o u te lo u a S tip a -B o u te lo u a -2 1995 1995 1997 1997 1995 40 30 20 10 45 Total Nitrogen (g m ) 50 1997 40 30 Y Data -2 Total Nitrogen (g m ) 0 50 20 10 0 NAT CW G RW R WC T re a tm e n t WF NAT CWG RWR WC T re a tm e n t WF NAT B O WC T re a tm e n t WF Figure 3.9. Total nitrogen in roots of agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are standard error of the treatment population (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - native grassland, RWR - Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop, WF - wheat fallow. F e s tu c a -D a n th o n ia S tip a -A g ro p y ro n -B o u te lo u a S tip a -B o u te lo u a -2 1995 1995 1997 1997 1995 40 30 20 10 46 Total Nitrogen (g m ) 50 1997 40 30 Y Data -2 Total Nitrogen (g m ) 0 50 20 10 0 NAT CW G RW R WC T re a tm e n t WF NAT CWG RWR WC T re a tm e n t WF NAT B O WC T re a tm e n t WF 47 Native Grassland Communities Total biomass N in native communities increased in periods of lower growing season precipitation primarily by increasing root mass which enhances the uptake and storage of nitrogen (Woodmansee et al. 1978). This leads to N conservation and a reduction in leaching and volatilization losses from the system (Gleeson and Tilman 1990, Vinton and Burke 1995, Tilman et al. 2002). In Mixed Prairie communities (StipaBouteloua and Stipa-Agropyron- Bouteloua), increased root mass N with decreased current growing season precipitation was a result of differences in growth form (rhizomatous vs. bunchgrass) and rooting depth between the predominant species. During periods of lower annual growing season precipitation, small bunchgrasses such as Bouteloua gracilis (Wild. ex Kunth) lag ex Griffiths (blue grama) and Koelaria macrantha (Ledeb.) J.A. Schultes f. (Junegrass), which have large root: shoot ratios, allocate the majority of their resources to shallow root systems to more efficiently access soil moisture near the soil surface, whereas Heterostipa comata (Trin. Rupr.) Barkworth (needle and thread grass), with deeper roots, accesses deeper sources of soil water and N (Weaver 1958, Vinton and Burke 1995). With increased long-term growing season precipitation, Agropyron species become more prominent in the species mix of native communities. During periods of above-average current growing season precipitation, the rhizomatous wheatgrasses (Pascopyrum smithii (Rupr. A. Löve) (western wheatgrass), Elymus albicans (Scrib. and J.G. Sm.) A. Love (northern wheatgrass), with lower R:S ratios allocate much more N to shoot mass (Vinton and Burke 1995, Christian 1996) as was evident in reductions in both 48 N concentration and total N in roots and N and N concentration in roots. However, these species not only lack well developed near-surface water-absorbing systems (Weaver 1958) but lack the ability to reallocate resources from shoots to root systems if current growing season precipitation is below average. In the Festuca-Danthonia bunchgrass community, higher long-term annual growing season rainfall combined with lower evapotranspiration due to lower long-term growing season temperatures resulted in greater N accumulation in biomass than in Mixed Prairie systems. During near normal annual growing season precipitation in 1995, a greater proportion of N accumulated was allocated to shoot mass, while the drier Mixed Prairie (Stipa-Bouteloua and Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua) accumulated more N in root mass. If the soil water regime of this grassland became drier over the long term, a corresponding change species composition would be expected. Annual Monocultures Annual monocultures such as wheat accumulated less N in biomass than either introduced perennial monocultures or native communities. The only exception, 1995 fallow wheat at the Stipa-Bouteloua site, was likely due to greater available soil water and N as a result of later establishment, less cultivation than continuous wheat, and above-average growing season precipitation. In annual monocultures, lower biomass N is a result of an inability to store N above basic requirements for growth. After absorption, this N is assimilated in the leaves and translocated to the seed head that was removed with the stem at harvest (Murphy and Lewis 1987, Cramer and Lewis 1993). As current growing season precipitation 49 decreases, the inability of these annuals to reallocate N from leaves to root mass reduces their ability to further absorb limited water and N, effectively reducing shoot production (Pate and Farquhar 1988). This reduces harvesting losses but may increase leaching or volatilization losses. Increased current growing season precipitation increases N assimilated into shoot mass, which increases losses in N through harvesting. In ecosystems with less and more variable precipitation, the rate of reduction in biomass N will be more rapid. Perennial Monocultures Perennial monocultures sequestered more N into biomass than annuals but less than native communities, which was more evident in periods of near normal current growing season precipitation and is a result of differences in root mass N. However, lower N concentration in root mass was not evident in the Stipa-Bouteloua site, which may be the result of the presence of residual roots from the native prairie species due to the later establishment date for the site. Perennial monocultures did not show a corresponding increase in shoot mass N except at the Stipa-Bouteloua site in 1995. The increase at this site was also likely a result of more recent establishment. Differences in allocation patterns between the species of perennials studied may modify the rate of reduction in soil N in more moist years. Crested wheatgrass and smooth brome allocate a greater amount of N to the development of shoot mass than Russian wildrye and orchardgrass during periods of increased current growing season precipitation, while the N concentration in shoot mass is higher in the latter species. This suggests differences in sexual and vegetative reproductive patterns between the species 50 during moist years, which will increase N loss through harvest. The planting and harvesting of both crested wheatgrass and bromegrass will causing a greater loss of N from the system than for either Russian wildrye or orchardgrass. Summary and Conclusions This research found that annual and perennial agronomic monocultures did not accumulate more total biomass than native grasslands in the first four years after plowdown, but there was a decrease in total N in the biomass of these communities relative to natives. Annual monocultures fixed a greater amount of N into standing crop than either perennial monocultures or native grasslands and the differences increased with an increase in current growing season precipitation. In the last year of the study, perennial monocultures sequestered less total N into biomass than native grassland communities which may indicate that either these perennial agronomic monocultures were less efficient at absorbing available mineral N or that the readily available supply had declined. However, it should be noted that the crowns were not sampled and that the perennial bunchgrasses (crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye) were found to have larger crown masses which serve as an N sink than the native communities. There were no differences in total shoot mass N between perennial monocultures and native grasslands in the last year of the study. Standing crop of the perennial monocultures was larger but the N concentration in the shoot mass was lower, which agrees with work of other researchers. Total N in the root masses of the perennial grass communities were not different than native grassland, but the quantity of roots was lower, further agreeing 51 with earlier work. In the first few years after plow-down, the shift toward aerial partitioning of N at the expense of root mass is far larger in annual than perennial monocultures. The effect of continued cultivation, and the inability of the annual species to absorb nutrients above basic requirements for growth and harvest could continue to reduce the supply of N in the soil environment. There were changes in partitioning of N in perennial monocultures with a shift towards more shoot mass; however these changes were much smaller than expected and do not seem to support the view put forward by Lesica and Deluca (1996). On the other hand, spring grazing or harvest is the norm for most perennial monocultures and in this study the monocultures were harvested in the fall. Consequently, the N content of the standing crop may have been higher in the spring and losses may be greater than observed in this study. In this study, by the time the standing crop was harvested, a great deal of the N in the shoot mass may have been translocated to the crowns and roots (Lawrence 1978). Although others have suggested that production is higher in these perennial monocultures over the long-term, this research indicates that immediately after plowdown, differences in biomass partitioning of N between the perennial monocultures and native communities are minimal. Continued grazing of these perennial monocultures during periods of lower growing season precipitation might decrease their productivity and economic sustainability. 52 References Cited Burke, I.C., W.K. Lauenroth, and D.G. Milchunas. 1997. 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These soils represent a benchmark that can be used to determine the impacts of cultivation and seeding on the quantity and quality of soil N. Soil N is stored in various fractions that differ in stability, availability and rate of turnover, but only a small labile N fraction is readily available to plants. This labile N fraction is most sensitive to changes in management or environmental conditions (McGill et al. 1988). The light fraction (density < 1.7 g cm-3) is part of this dynamic labile fraction and consists of partially decomposed plant material found near the soil surface. In soils, the conversion of the light fraction (LF) to available mineral N (NH4+ and NO3-) occurs through biochemical transformations mediated by soil microorganisms and is affected by temperature, moisture and pH (Stevenson 1986, Whitehead 1995). Changes in LF and mineral N in agronomic systems are influenced by the climate, soil crop and cropping 56 system (Biederbeck et al. 1994, Gregorich et al. 1994, Bayer et al. 2000, Sá et al. 2001, Diekow et al. 2005). However, these effects are typically reported from studies of established sites (Stevenson 1986) and do not include changes in soil N partitioning during the first few years after seeding a native grassland. This research was conducted at three Northern Great Plains sites, distinguished by varying degrees of aridity, to determine the soil N response within four years of cultivating native grassland and seeding with perennial or annual agronomic grasses. Materials and Methods Site Description The study was conducted at three sites in southern Alberta (Onefour, Lethbridge, and Stavely) distinguished by plant community, climate, and soil. The Onefour site was located in southeast Alberta near Manyberries (49o 07' N, 110o 29' W). The Orthic Brown Chernozemic (Aridic Haploboroll) soils support a Stipa-Bouteloua community with an average annual precipitation of 332 mm. The Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua site near Lethbridge, in south-central Alberta (49o 43' N, 110o 57'W), has Orthic Dark Brown Chernozemic (Typic Haploborolls) soils and an annual average precipitation of 402 mm (Smoliak et al. 1976). The Fescue grassland (Festuca-Danthonia) site was located in the Porcupine Hills west of Stavely, Alberta (50o 12' N, 113o 57' W). The soils are Orthic Black Chernozems (Udic Haploborolls), and the average precipitation is 493 mm (Naeth et al. 1991). Native vegetation of these sites has been described in detail by Moss (1944) and Coupland (1961). 57 Experimental Design The effects of cultivation and seeding were tested at each site in a randomized complete block design with four replicates of five treatments established in 3 x 10 m plots. The treatments were imposed on previously uncultivated native grassland that historically had been lightly grazed. During establishment, the research plots were protected by a fence. Seeding treatments consisted of two perennial grass monocultures recommended for each site by Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, and Triticum aestivum L. ‘Katepwa’ (spring wheat) that was either cropped annually or fallowed in alternate years. Native grassland served as a control. The perennial grasses seeded on the two Mixed Prairie sites (Stipa-Bouteloua and Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua) were Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn (crested wheatgrass) and Psathystachys juncea (Fisch.) Nevski (Russian wildrye). On the Fescue prairie site, the seeded perennial grasses were Bromus inermis Leyss. (smooth bromegrass) and Dactylis glomerata L. (orchardgrass). The Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua and Festuca-Danthonia sites were established in 1993, and the Stipa-Bouteloua site in 1994. The soils were cultivated to an average depth of 15 cm, and all seeding was done with 15-cm row spacing. Soil Nitrogen Determination Methods In the fall of 1995 at all three sites, three 2-cm-diameter soil cores were extracted from each plot and partitioned into three depth segments: 0 - 7.5 , 7.5 - 15, and 15 - 30 cm. In 1997, one 2-cm core was collected per plot at the same depths. Total N and mineralizable N were determined for the upper 15 cm, while analysis of the light fraction 58 was completed for the upper 7.5 cm. Aliquots were obtained from each sample and dried at 105o C for 48 hours to determine soil water content and bulk density. Stones were removed before oven drying by screening with 2-mm sieves. The samples were then ground in a rotating sieve (2 mm) and stored at room temperature until the analyses were completed. Another subsample was further ground (149 :m) and analysed for C and N using an automated combustion technique (Carlo ErbaTM, Milan, Italy). Percent soil C and N content were converted to mass equivalent using bulk density. Mineralizable N was determined by wetting 50 g oven dried soil to 80% of field capacity wetness, which was determined using a pressure plate apparatus. These samples were then incubated at 25o C for eight weeks in airtight 1-L glass jars. Evolved CO2 was trapped in 10 mL of 2M NaOH. Jars were aerated and NaOH traps replaced at one, four, and eight weeks. A replacement at two weeks was added in 1997. At the completion of the incubation, the soils were air-dried and analysed for inorganic N using a Technotron Autoanalyzer II (Tarrytown, NY). Ammonium was determined according to Industrial Method No. 98-70W after KCl extraction, while nitrate levels were determined according to Industrial Method No. 199070W/B (Keeney and Nelson 1982). The LF was determined using a method utilized by Strickland and Sollins (1987) and Janzen et al. (1992). A 10-g subsample of coarsely ground soil (2 mm) was dispersed with sodium iodide (NaI) solution with a specific gravity of 1.70 (± 0.02) using a Vitis homogeniser (Vitis Co., Gardiner, NY). Suspensions were allowed to settle for 48 hours at room temperature, and the suspended material was removed using a vacuum and transferred directly to a Millipore filtration unit (Millipore Corp., Medford, MA) with 59 Whatman No. 1 filter. The soil was suspended a second time to ensure complete recovery. The light fraction was washed, oven-dried (60oC), weighed, ground using a 149 Fm mesh, and analysed for C and N using an automated dry weight combustion technique (Carlo ErbaTM, Milan, Italy). Due to difference in light fraction sample preparation between years, 1995 native grassland values were used as a reference to adjust 1997 results. Statistical Analyses Each variable was analysed in a whole model as an unbalanced 3 (sites) x 3 (treatments) x 2 (years) x 4 (replicates) split-split plot design using the GLM Procedure of SAS (1999). The potential bias resulting from repeated measurements over years was alleviated using the Box Correction Procedure (Milliken and Johnson 1984). The analysis was unbalanced because the perennial grass species were pooled, as were the wheat cropping systems, resulting in twice the number of observations that were present in the native treatments. The variables were highly responsive to the factors tested, and due to interactions meaningful interpretation required a more detailed examination of the data. This was accomplished by analysing the data within sites, and the grass species as individual treatments, as a 5 (treatments) x 2 (years) x 4 (replicates) split plot design. Means separation was achieved using single degree of freedom contrasts (Steel and Torrie 1980). Those contrasts are found in the appendices. Significant difference between treatment means was evaluated at P < 0.05. 60 Results Precipitation during the 1995 growing season (March to September) at all three sites decreased as Stipa-Bouteloua > Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua > Festuca-Danthonia (Table 4.1). In 1996, precipitation at the Festuca-Danthonia and Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua sites was well below the long-term average, but near average at the StipaBouteloua site (Table 4.1). In 1997, all three sites experienced near average growing season precipitation (Table 4.1). The treatment effect on most variables examined in this study was affected by site, year of sampling, and their interactions (Table 4.2). The soil light fraction, light fraction N, and the concentrations of soil N and NO3- followed a trend of Stipa-Bouteloua < Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua < Festuca-Danthonia, while the concentrations of mineralizable N and NH4+ were smallest for the Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua site. Site had little impact on the treatment response of pooled perennial grass and wheat treatments (Table 4.2). The light fraction of wheat declined between 30 and 38% compared to native grasslands by 1995 and further declined to 60 to 73% of native values by 1997, except at the Stipa-Bouteloua site in 1995 (Figure 4.1). The lack of treatment effect at this site was probably a result of its later establishment date. The light fraction of the perennial grass treatments was 38 and 50% of native grasslands in 1995 but rebounded to between 50 to 65% of native grasslands in 1997 (Figure 4.1). The drop in the light fraction of wheat and perennial grasses resulted in a corresponding drop in light fraction N; however, there were few significant differences between any of the perennial species utilized at any of the three sites (Figure 4.2). 61 Table 4.1. Monthly precipitation (mm) over the growing season from 1995 to 1997 at three sites in southern Alberta. Year March April May June July Aug. Sept. Total %1 1995 17 37 41 130 56 50 48 379 148 1996 32 13 64 80 33 4 51 277 109 1997 28 15 84 65 11 23 20 246 96 Ave. 2 22 28 41 64 34 39 27 255 100 Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua 1995 10 38 106 138 66 44 19 421 137 1996 21 22 54 18 5 70 6 196 64 1997 33 14 96 101 32 33 10 319 104 Ave. 2 24 31 55 74 42 42 40 308 100 Festuca-Danthonia 3 1995 6 23 72 84 69 39 63 356 83 1996 45 24 72 49 7 4 54 255 60 1997 15 21 138 73 28 77 35 387 91 Ave. 24 14 99 113 74 69 34 427 100 3 1 Percent of 50-year average. 50-year averages - Agriculture and Agrifood Canada. 3 Measured at Claresholm. 2 At the Stipa-Bouteloua site, cultivating and seeding of agronomic species reduced mineralizable soil N in 1997 but not in 1995 (Figure 4.3). At the StipaAgropyron-Bouteloua site, mineralizable N increased by cultivating and seeding in 1995, but by 1997 the effect was evident only in wheat treatments (Figure 4.3) while at the Festuca-Danthonia site, mineralizable N was not affected (Figure 4.3). 62 Table 4.2. Total model for total soil nitrogen, mineralizable nitrogen, C:N in soil, ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), light fraction (LF), and total light fraction nitrogen at three southern Alberta sites in 1995 and 1997. Mineralizable N (mg kg-1) Source NH4+ (mg kg-1) NO3- (mg kg-1) LF (mg g-1) Total LF N (mg kg-1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities--------------------------------------------------------------------- Year (Y) 0.006 <0.001 0.360 <0.001 <0.001 Site (S) <0.001 <0.001 0.013 <0.001 <0.001 Treatment (T) 0.163 0.318 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 SxY 0.012 <0.001 0.005 <0.001 <0.001 TxY 0.248 0.468 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 TxS 0.674 0.513 0.282 <0.049 <0.031 SxYxT 0.891 0.505 0.041 <0.001 <0.001 Site ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Means------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stipa-Bouteloua Native 52.580 8.400 1.990 26.340 345.000 Perennial Grass1 41.300 7.700 2.500 15.850 205.000 Wheat2 40.980 8.270 5.500 12.780 172.000 SE 9.680 2.040 0.900 6.740 140.000 Native 31.950 7.030 2.650 40.620 670.000 Perennial Grass1 27.260 6.690 2.390 21.100 310.000 Wheat2 35.730 6.800 6.650 15.390 240.000 SE 9.680 2.040 0.900 6.740 140.000 Native 149.420 17.030 2.860 74.790 1410.000 Perennial Grass1 131.390 16.390 4.240 40.070 690.000 Wheat2 147.100 20.620 9.220 25.680 430.000 9.680 2.040 0.900 5.830 140.000 Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Festuca-Danthonia SE 1 Results a combination of crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye. Results a combination of fallow and continuously cropped wheat. 3 Results a combination of smooth bromegrass and orchardgrass. 2 Figure 4.1. Light fraction (LF) concentrations in the upper 7.5 cm of agronomic and native communities in Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are the standard error of treatment means (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - native grassland, RWR - Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop, WF - wheat fallow. Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Festuca-Danthonia 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 160 120 100 80 60 63 Light Fraction (g kg-1) 140 40 20 0 160 Light Fraction (g kg-1) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 NAT CW G RW R WC Treatment WF NAT CW G RW R WC Treatment WF NAT B O WC Treatment WF Figure 4.2. Total nitrogen content of the light fraction (LFN) in the upper 7.5 cm of the soil under agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua (SB), Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua (SAB), and Festuca-Danthonia (FD) sites in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are the standard error of treatment means (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - native grassland, RWR - Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop, WF - wheat fallow. Stipa-Bouteloua Festuca-Danthonia Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Light Fraction N (mg kg-1) 3000 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 64 0 Light Fraction N (mg kg-1) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 NAT CWG RWR WC Treatment WF NAT CWG RWR WC Treatment WF NAT B O WC Treatment WF Figure 4.3. Mineralizable N in the upper 15 cm of the soil under agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, StipaAgropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are the standard error of treatment (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - native grassland, RWR - Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop, WF - wheat fallow. Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Festuca-Danthonia 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 Mineralizable N (mg kg -1) 250 200 150 100 50 0 65 Mineralizable N (mg kg -1) 250 200 150 100 50 0 NAT CWG RWR WC Treatment WF NAT CWG RWR Treatment WC WF NAT B O WC Treatment WF 66 At the Stipa-Bouteloua and Stipa-Agropyron Bouteloua sites, wheat treatments resulted in greater soil NO3- concentrations than either perennial or native grass communities in both years (Figure 4.4). In 1995, the results were similar at the FestucaDanthonia site but in 1997 NO3 - concentration in wheat was higher than the native grasslands but not different from perennial grasses (Figure 4.4). Discussion Cultivation and seeding had no effect on total N in the first 15 cm soil depth, but it did influence the light fraction found in the upper 7.5 cm at all sites. Site treatment responses were different only for the variables derived from the light fraction. However, magnitudes were different rather than ranking. A greater reduction in light fraction and light fraction N at the Stipa-Bouteloua site than at Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua or Festuca-Danthonia sites was expected, since the labile pool of nitrogen at this site is more prone to thermal and physical decomposition through freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycles than at the other sites (Dormaar 1975, Lutwick and Dormaar 1976). However, physical changes in the soil environment caused by cultivation may have reduced thermal and moisture variability in the soil resulting in reduced decomposition or the pool was less dynamic. Cultivation and seeding of native grasslands may modify soil N partitions through the mixing of the soil, incorporation of vegetation, changes in the soil temperature and moisture regimes, and changing microorganism activity. The direct effect of mixing on total soil N was negligible, since the plow layer imposed during cultivation was shallower Figure 4.4. Nitrate content in the upper 15 cm of the soil under agronomic and native communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, StipaAgropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in 1995 and 1997. Error bars are the standard error of treatment means (n = 8). Symbols: B - brome grass, O - orchardgrass, CWG - crested wheatgrass, NAT - nativegrassland, RWR Russian wildrye, WC - wheat continuous crop, WF - wheat fallow. Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua 1995 1995 1995 1997 1997 1997 Festuca-D anthonia 16 Nitrate (mg kg -1) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 67 0 16 Nitrate (mg kg -1) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 NAT CW G RW R WC Treatm ent WF NAT CW G RW R WC Treatm ent WF NAT B O WC T reatm ent WF 68 than the Ah horizons at all three sites; however, it may partially explain the reduction in light fraction and light fraction N in the upper 7.5 cm of the soil because cultivation exceeded that depth. At these sites, 73 to 91% of the N contained in these native communities is partitioned into root mass. Cultivation caused the death of this root mass, which may have modified the quantity and quality of the light fraction. Cultivation disturbs soil structure and macerates roots which increases microsite availability for microorganism activity and alters soil microbial communities due to changes in soil temperature and moisture regimes. (Rovira and Graecen 1957, Kennedy 1999, Calderón et al. 2001). These modifications may have increased mineralization of the light fraction, reduced light fraction N and increased soil nitrate (NO3-) concentrations (Entz et al. 2001, Calderón and Jackson 2002). The increased soil nitrate concentations created by cultivation may be lost from the system in a variety of ways. Since agronomic species have been modified to maximize shoot production, a proportion of the absorbed nitrate is assimilated into shoot biomass, most of which is removed through harvest (McGill et al. 1981). Secondly, since nitrate is soluble in water as precipitation increases in amount or intensity, losses may occur through erosion or leaching (Davidson et al. 1990, Bayer et al. 2000, Malhi et al. 2002). Tillage method, timing and frequency of tillage also increase erosion or leaching losses (Ritter et al. 2005). Lastly, denitrificaton and volatilization causes losses of soil nitrate from agronomic systems. Increased levels N20 can be attibuted to higher soil moisture and temperature created by cultivation (Horgan et al. 2002) and losses may occur from bare soil or through the transpiration stream (Chang et al. 1998, Smart and 69 Bloom 2001). The amount of nitrate in the soil profile can be reduced with no-till and continuous cropping systems that include perennial plants (Weed and Anwar 1997, Entz et al. 2001). Light fraction and light fraction N in the soil of all treatments were generally lower at the Stipa-Bouteloua site than at the Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua and FestucaDanthonia sites. This suggests a positive correlation between the quantity of light fraction and long- term growing season precipitation levels. By 1997, the light fraction under wheat had declined 73% at the Festuca Danthonia site and 60% the StipaBouteloua site. With mean growing season precipitation less limiting at the FestucaDanthonia site, changes in soil temperature caused by cultivation, removal of the plant canopy, aggregate disruption and changes in root input may have allowed greater mineralization of the light fraction. At the drier Stipa-Bouteloua site, however, water may have been the primary factor limiting microbial populations and mineralization of the light fraction. The rate of reduction in the light fraction and light fraction N components increased with cultivation and planting of annual species. When planting perennial species, there were no significant losses in light fraction or light fraction N over the short-term; however, continued harvest may cause reductions in both. Summary and Conclusions Four years after converting native prairie grass into agronomic crops, there was no change in total N, mineralizable N or ammonium in perennial and annual crop species, 70 but there were large changes in the LF and LFN. The absence of short-term changes in total soil N was expected due to the large size of the pool in grassland soils. However the lack of difference in mineralizeable N does not agree with work done in Wyoming that found native grasslands had higher mineralizable N than selected agronomic treatments. The typical increases in soil temperature, moisture and oxygen due to cultivation led to increased mineralization. In the first four years there was a marked increase in nitrate in annual monocultures, indicating that the rate of mineralization was elevated immediately after plow-down and cultivation of the native grasslands. This agrees with other studies that found increased mineralization with cultivation and nitrate concentration which was attributed to breakdown and mineralization of soil organic matter. In contrast to patterns recorded under agronomic crops, there were no differences in nitrate content between native grasslands and perennial monocultures. This response does not agree with work done on different perennial grass species which were found have up to tenfold differences in annual net mineralization after only three years, and which were attributed to differences in nitrogen concentrations in below ground biomass. However, there were few differences in the nitrate concentration of root tissue between crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye and native communities in this study. The lack of difference in nitrate concentrations could have been due to the short period of time since plow-down and the effect of the decomposing relic root masses of the native species. In the last year of the study, light fraction N was lowest in annual monocultures which agrees with other work done in Canada. Low LFN was thought to be due to a 71 combination of tillage effects and reductions in root mass following plowdown. In this study perennial agronomic monocultures had a higher LFN than the annual monocultures and lower than native grasslands with few differences between the various perennial species. The intermediate position occupied by the perennial monocultures was likely a result of the single tillage event rather than differences in species root mass. With adequate moisture and proper management these monocultures will likely continue to produce greater above ground biomass for a period of time. However it will be at the expense of N reserves in the soil. At some point, lower N available for growth will likely limit the amount of useable forage and the economic benefits of maintaining these monocultures. At that time the accumulated changes to ecological processes and diversify may limit our ability to reestablish native multi-species communities 72 References Cited Bayer, C., Mielniczuk, J., Martin-Neto, L. and S.V. Fernandez. 2000. 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UK: CAB International. 76 CHAPTER 5 WATER UPTAKE RESUMPTION FOLLOWING SOIL DROUGHT: A COMPARISON BETWEEN NATIVE AND AGRONOMIC COMMUNITIES Introduction In an environment with low, variable growing season precipitation, high evapotranspiration and frequent droughts, the Stipa-Bouteloua (needle and thread grass blue grama grass) community of the Northern Great Plains of southeastern Alberta, Canada has evolved a stable assemblage of functionally diverse species that occupy complementary niches (Tilman et al. 1996, Hooper and Vitousek 1998). In both dominant species found in this dry mixed grass community {Heterostipa comata (Trin. Rupr.) Barkworth (needle and thread grass) and Bouteloua gracilis (Wild ex Kunth) lag ex Griffiths (blue grama grass), a large proportion of assimilated resources are allocated to root mass to better use limited soil water. Needle and thread grass, a C3 species, has a broad, deep, well-branched rooting system which effectively uses deeper early-season soil water, whereas the shallow rooted C4 blue grama grass has a high capacity for fine root proliferation and rapid water uptake after convection storms later in the growing season (Smoliak 1956, Weaver 1958, Coupland and Johnson 1965, Sala and Lauenroth 1982, Hook and Lauenroth 1994). 77 Over the last 60 years, millions of hectares of this grassland have been cultivated and replaced by monocultures of Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. (crested wheatgrass) and Psathyrostachs juncea (Fisch.) Nevski (Russian wildrye) (Dormaar 1978, Christian and Wilson 1999). Both of these C3 bunchgrasses have widespread and deep root systems that efficiently access limited soil water supplies (Smoliak and Johnston 1980). In addition, crested wheatgrass roots have been shown to lift absorbed water from deeper parts of the soil profile and release it into shallower layers (Caldwell et al. 1998). This hydraulic lift not only maintains shallower roots but enhances soil biochemical conditions, nutrient availability and acquisition by roots. These characteristics may result in the creation of a competitive advantage over native communities (Bittman and Simpson 1989, Caldwell et al. 1998). The potential for hydraulic lift in Russian wildrye and the dry mixed prairie has not been reported. In both cultivated and uncultivated semiarid grasslands, temporal and spatial differences in water availability combined with heterogeneity of soil resources are important factors in determining the structure and dynamics of plant communities. An understanding of species and community differences in soil-water-root relationships will enhance our ability to effectively manage plant, soil, and water resources, allow the design of multi-crop agro-ecosystems that more fully exploit below-ground niches, and increase our understanding of invasive plant infestation and management (Noy-Meir 1973, Frank and Bauer 1991, Grime 1994, Sheley and Larson 1995, Wraith and Wright 1998). 78 Drought is a common characteristic of the semi-arid environments in which these species have evolved. During drought periods, short duration high intensity convection storms may occur in the summer. The objective of this study was to compare the rate of water uptake of needle and thread - blue grama grass, crested wheatgrass, and Russian wildrye communities after simulated drought periods. The information from this research may provide a greater understanding of functional characteristics which allow long-term survival of introduced grass monocultures after plowdown and seeding of native grasslands. Materials and Methods Description of Source Material Sites The needle and thread grass - blue grama grassland community at the Onefour substation of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada near Manyberries, Alberta, Canada (49o 07' N, 110o 29' W) has a long-term annual average precipitation of 332 mm, with 247 mm or 74.3% falling during the March-through-September growing season. During that period, 54% (133 mm) falls from April to June, and 27% (66 mm) in July and August (Agriculture and Agri-food Canada). The vegetation of this community has been described in detail by Moss (1944) and Coupland (1961). Experimental Design In 1994, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye communities were established in 3 m x 10 m plots at Onefour on previously uncultivated native grassland that had a history of light grazing. At the time of establishment, the sites were protected by a fence. 79 In July 1997, five 38-cm diameter, 15-cm deep sods were obtained from each of the three field treatments: crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and native (needle and thread - blue grama grass) communities. These sods were transported to a controlledenvironment greenhouse at Montana State University (Bozeman, Montana, USA) where each was transplanted into a 250-L barrel filled with sandy loam soil. Each barrel was packed in 15-cm increments to a bulk density of 1.26 g cm- 3. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) probes (30-cm length) (Topp et al. 1980) were placed horizontally at 7.5, 15, and 60 cm depths within each barrel. Each probe was attached to a series of coaxial multiplexers (SDMX50, Campbell Scientific. Inc., Logan, UT, USA). A Tektronix 1502C (Beaverton, OR, USA) metallic TDR cable tester controlled by a 21X datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Inc.) allowed for hourly recording of volumetric water content (2) for the three depths in each column. Supplemental illumination by 1000 W metal halide lamps created 14-h daylengths, with 1-h ramp periods in the morning and evening. Air temperatures fluctuated between 15o C (night) and 20-25o C (day) with an uncontrolled RH of 0.2 to 0.4 (HMP35C, Vaisala. Inc., Woburn, MA, USA) over the period of the study. The planted columns were allowed to establish for 11 months until the first week of June 1998, at which time watering ceased. On July 29, when soil water content of the column at all depths stabilized near -1.5 MPa matric potential equivalent as determined via a pressure plate apparatus, water was added to each column to bring the soil in the column to 0.01 MPa wetness to a 30 cm depth. Soil water content was monitored at each depth hourly for six 7-d periods between calendar day 210 and 295 of 1998. The first 80 Figure 5.1. Changes in soil water content during six rewetting sequences between Calendar Day 210 and 245 of 1998, at 7.5, 15, and 30 cm soil depths in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and needle and thread - blue grama grass communities grown in columns at the controlled-environment greenhouse at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Re-wet sequences 1 to 6 progress in order from left to right in each of the graphs Soil Water Content (m3 m-3 soil) 0 .4 0 0 .3 5 0 .3 0 0 .2 5 0 .2 0 0 .1 5 0 .1 0 0 .0 5 0 .3 5 Soil Water Content (m3 m-3 soil) C re s te d w h e a tg ra s s R u s s ia n w ild ry e N e e d le -a n d -th re a d - b lu e g ra m a g ra s s D e p th 7 .5 c m 0 .3 0 0 .2 5 0 .2 0 0 .1 5 0 .1 0 D e p th 1 5 c m Soil Water Content (m3 m-3 soil) 0 .0 5 0 .1 8 0 .1 6 0 .1 4 0 .1 2 0 .1 0 0 .0 8 D e p th 3 0 c m 0 .0 6 200 220 240 260 D ay of 1998 280 300 81 re-wet occurred on day 210, the second on day 217, the third on 244, the fourth on 251, the fifth on 273 and the sixth on 280 (Figure 5.1). On each re-wet, an amount of water was added to each column to bring them back to 0.01 MPa matric potential equivalent. For each 7-d period, the slope of the 2 time series was determined by linear regression (R2>0.85) for 7.5 and 15 cm depths in each column. The rate of soil water uptake (mm h-1) was also determined for each 7-d period by multiplying the change in 2 by the estimated depth of the horizontal TDR probe measurement sensitivity (4 cm). Since relative humidity and wind speed were fairly uniform in the greenhouse, spatial differences in evaporation were not considered significant for the randomly located treatment columns. The soil water data were analyzed separately for the initial (1, 3, and 5) and second (2, 4, and 6) re-wets using the MIXED procedure from SAS (SAS Institute, Inc. 2005). Community, time, and their interaction were considered in the model as fixed effects. Re-wet sequences were treated as repeated measures and different variancecovariance structures were fitted; the one with the lowest AIC value was selected for the final analysis. The UNIVARIATE procedure was used to test the residuals for normality and for obvious outliers. Differences among slope means were evaluated for significance using an LSD test (SAS Institute, Inc. 2005) with significance determined at LSD < 0.05. Results Although there appeared to be a greater rate of water uptake at 7.5 cm in the needle and thread-blue grama grass community (Figure 5.2 and 5.3), there were no 82 Figure 5.2. Mean changes in soil water content during the first two re-wetting sequences (re-wet 1 and 2) between Day 210 and 245 of 1998 at 7.5 and 15 cm soil depths in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and needle and thread - blue grama grass communities grown in columns at the controlled-environment greenhouse at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. 0.40 Crested wheatgrass Russian wildrye Needle-and-thread - blue grama grass Soil Water Content (m3 m-3 soil) 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 7.5 cm depth Soil Water Content (m3 m-3 of soil) 0.05 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 15 cm depth 0.05 205 210 215 220 225 Day of 1998 230 235 240 245 83 Figure 5.3. Mean changes in soil water content during the second two re-wetting sequences (re-wet 3 and 4) between Day 245 and 275 of 1998 at 7.5 and 15 cm soil depths in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and needle and thread - blue grama grass communities grown in columns at the controlledenvironment greenhouse at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. 0.40 Crested wheatgras Russian wildrye Needle and thread- blue grams grass 3 -3 Soil Water Content (m m ) 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 7.5 cm depth 0.05 0.40 0.30 3 -3 Soil Water Content (m m soil) 0.35 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 15 cm depth 0.05 240 245 250 255 260 Day of 1998 265 270 275 84 significant differences between water uptake rates at 7.5 and 15 cm depths within or between communities following any of the re-wetting periods. There was a significant difference between all re-wet sequences, with slopes for re-wets 2 and 3 steeper (more negative) than for re-wet sequences 1, 4, 5 and 6 for all three grass communities (Table 5.1). The rate of water uptake at 15 cm was approximately three times the rate at 7.5 cm after the first pulse of water but following subsequent pulses the rates at 15 cm were either equal to or lower than for 7.5 cm depth (Table 5.2). Discussion Water Uptake Following Periods of Drought Surface soils dry more rapidly and to a greater extent than do deeper layers during prolonged drought as a result of direct soil evaporation combined with high root density (Sala et al. 1992, Soon 1988). Grasses concentrate their roots in the upper part of the soil profile (Weaver 1958, Sims et al. 1978) and as expected there was reduced water uptake rate for the first re-wet for all three communities when compared with the subsequent rewet sequences that followed shorter periods between water addition. This agrees with previous work that included different species, plant forms and stages of development (Wraith and Baker 1991, BassiriRad and Caldwell 1992, Wraith et al. 1995). Sala et al. (1982) suggested that the extent of this after-effect of drought may depend on the duration and magnitude of the drought. A lower rate of water absorption immediately after a dry-down period than would be observed during well-watered periods may be caused by a variety of factors including Table 5.1. Linear regression slope of change in soil water content, and P values for the probability of differences in slope within each re-wet for six 7-day re-wet sequences from Day 210 to 295 of 1998 in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and needle and thread - blue grama grass communities planted in columns in a controlled-environment greenhouse at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Slopes of Re-wet Sequences (SE)1 Treatment Slope 2 Slope 3 Slope 4 Slope 5 Slope 6 Crested Wheatgrass (CWG) -0.0085 (0.0008) -0.0126 (0.0012) -0.0149 (0.0011) -0.0119 (0.0013) - 0.0107 (0.0010) -0.0106 (0.0011) Russian Wildrye (RWR) -0.0081 (0.0010) -0.0127 (0.0011) -0.0157 (0.0009) -0.0114 (0.0014) -0.0106 (0.0014) -0.0106 (0.0013) Needle and Thread Blue Grama Grass (Native) -0.0099 (0.0006) -0.0150 (0.0011) -0.0171 (0.0011) -0.0140 (0.0012) -0.0105 (0.0005) -0.0106 (0.0013) Contrast 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Probability of Differences in Slope----------------------------------- CWG vs RWR 0.686 0.943 0.567 0.329 0.786 0.981 Native vs CWG 0.314 0.147 0.129 0.180 0.855 0.719 Native vs RWR 0.158 0.167 0.337 0.030 0.925 0.701 - the numbers in brackets are the standard errors of the mean 85 Slope 1 86 Water uptake rates (mm h-1) for six 7-day re-wet sequences from Day 210 to 295 of 1998 in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye, and needle and thread blue grama grass communities planted in columns in a controlledenvironment greenhouse at Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Table 5.2. Treatment CWG RWR Treatment NAT Water uptake Rate (mm h-1) CWG Re-wet RWR NAT Water uptake Rate (mm h-1) Depth Re-wet 7.5 15 1 1 0.004 0.014 0.004 0.012 0.004 0.012 2 2 0.025 0.018 0.025 0.020 0.030 0.023 7.5 15 3 3 0.026 0.023 0.028 0.024 0.031 0.020 4 4 0.026 0.015 0.013 0.010 0.021 0.023 7.5 15 5 5 0.022 0.015 0.023 0.017 0.020 0.017 6 6 0.022 0.016 0.022 0.015 0.021 0.0016 root death, xylem embolism, cortical lacunae, increasing suberization and cell wall adjustment (Ares 1975, North and Nobel 1991, Neumann 1995), while the subsequent increase in the rate of water uptake after a period of time may be the result of renewed permeability or function of existing roots, growth of new un-suberized roots or a combination of both (BassiriRad and Caldwell 1992, Huang and Nobel 1993, Wraith et al. 1995). Differences in the Rate of Water Uptake after Drought Following the first re-wet episode, the 15 cm depth had a water uptake rate 3 time higher than at 7.5 cm in all communities. This difference may be partially explained by the slower rate of dry-down at the 15 cm depth (data not shown). Therefore the roots at 7.5 cm had less water available for longer than those roots at 15 cm which caused damage and a reduction water uptake rate. 87 Differences in expected root distribution between the three grass communities were anticipated to create differences in near-surface water uptake. A majority of the root system of the needle and thread - blue grama grass community occurs in the upper 15 cm due to the prevalence of blue grama grass, while more of the root systems of crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye are found at greater depths (Coupland and Johnson 1965, Weaver 1958, Smoliak et al. 1972). Crested wheatgrass has a coarser, deeper root system with a lower mass of roots in a given soil volume than the needle and thread blue grama grass community, while Russian wildrye is similar to crested wheatgrass but having a greater horizontal spread (Weaver 1958, Smoliak and Johnston 1980, Dormaar and Sauerbeck 1983, Smoliak and Dormaar 1985). However, in this study, there were no differences in the rate of water uptake between communities at the two shallow soil depths studied. Arid and semiarid plants are adapted to drought through a variety of physiological, morphological, phenological and life history strategies (Chesson et al. 2004, Schwinning et al. 2005a). The ability of blue grama grass to rapidly increase water uptake by surviving roots, and development of new extensive fine root systems allows absorption of water made available by short intense convection storms following drought (Briske and Wilson 1977, Coyne and Bradford 1985, Johnson and Aguirre 1991). In crested wheatgrass, potential water stress later in the season is often avoided through early growth and development followed by senescence, and by hydraulic lift of deeper sources of soil water and subsequent efflux into surface layers, thus reducing water stress and root senescence near the soil surface (Caldwell et al. 1998, Hassanyar and Wilson 88 1978, Bittman and Simpson 1987, Bittman and Simpson 1989, Frank and Bauer 1991). Summary and Conclusions Crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye monocultures resist invasion by other species and have become a permanent part of North American grasslands with frequent summer drought periods punctuated by short intense convection storms. This suggests that these agronomic communities may possess adaptations that allow them to quickly capitalize on water when it becomes available after a dry period. The study was completed in a controlled environment greenhouse where crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye and Stipa-Bouteloua communities were established in large soil columns. Six dry-down-then-rewetting sequences were initiated and soil water uptake rates were determined by recording changes in soil water content hourly. Although a previous study found differences in the rate of water uptake within different genotypes of barley, the results of this study did not indicate any differences between the agronomic monocultures and native mixed prairie grassland communities. This lack of difference indicates that crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye and native communities are all well adapted to the semi-arid conditions and quickly absorb water when it becomes available. 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Hortscience 33(6):951-959. 93 CHAPTER 6 COMPARATIVE WATER USE EFFICIENCY OF SELECTED NATIVE AND AGRONOMIC GRASS COMMUNITIES Introduction Water is limiting in grasslands in the Northern Great Plains, and the relationship between soil water availability, atmospheric evaporative demand, and internal water status modifies vegetative resource allocation and frequently limits production (Odum 1968, Brown 1977, Whitehead 1995). A number of researchers contend that competition is intense in these arid and semiarid environments, and the ability of a species to be a successful competitor is a function of more efficient use of scarce resources such as water (Tilman 1982, Tilman 1988, Goldberg 1990, Busch and Smith 1995, Davis et al. 1998, Li 1999, Tsialtas et al. 2001). Others contend that increased competition is a result of less efficient use of resources resulting in increased uptake which leaves less for competing species (Gordon et al. 1989, Davis et al. 1998, Gordon et al. 1999). Both of these mechanisms could inhibit the re-establishment of native communities after a disturbance (Blicker et al. 2003). Since the early 1900s, over two million hectares of native grassland in Canada and the United States have been seeded to Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. (crested wheatgrass) and Psathyrostachs juncea (Fisch.) Nevski (Russian wildrye) (Woolford 1951, Smoliak and Dormaar 1985). Native plant species have had little success in 94 invading these planted stands, allowing their continued existence as monoculture alternate stable states (Heinrichs and Bolton 1950, Lawrence and Heinrichs 1977, Knowles and Kilcher 1983, Redente et al. 1989). The inability of western wheatgrass species to re-colonize may be a function of differences in water use efficiency (WUE), which varies among species and is affected by climatic factors and plant and soil characteristics (Briggs and Schantz 1914, Miller 1938, De Wit 1958, Stone and Stone 1975, Taylor et al. 1983, Frank et al. 1996, Abbate et al. 2004). Above ground water use efficiency (WUE) research has been focused primarily on annual crops rather than perennial grass species (Frank and Bauer 1991). This study was undertaken to examine above ground WUE of two introduced perennial forage monocultures (crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye) and a Mixed Prairie (StipaAgropyron-Bouteloua) community in a test of the hypothesis that persistence of these monocultures is related to higher above ground water use efficiencies than for the native Mixed Prairie communities. Materials and Methods Site Description of Source Plant Material In 1997, nine plugs (40 cm diameter x 15 cm depth) were randomly selected from native Mixed Prairie (western wheat - blue grama grass), crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye communities at the Animal Diseases Research Institute (ADRI) site near Lethbridge, in south-central Alberta, Canada (49o 43' N, 110o 57' W). Crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye monocultures had been established at the ADRI site in 1993. This 95 site has a long-term annual average precipitation of 402 mm, with 76.5% falling from April to September (Smoliak et al. 1967, Ellert and Janzen 1999). Soils at this site are Orthic Dark Brown Chernozems (Typic Haploborolls). The 27 plugs were randomly transplanted into steel column lysimeters (40 cm diameter x 120 cm depth) under a rainout shelter at the Agriculture and Agrifood Canada Research Centre, Lethbridge, Alberta (49o 42' N, 112o 42'W). Each lysimeter had been filled with sandy loam surface horizon soil to a depth of 105 cm, packed in 15 cm intervals to a bulk density of 1.26 g cm-3. Experimental Design The soil volumetric water content (2) of the sandy loam soil at -15 and -0.03 Mpa mature potentials was determined using a pressure plate apparatus at the Lethbridge Research Center. These were: 2 (-1.5 MPa) = 0.07 m3m-3 and 2 (-0.03 MPa) =0.18 m3m-3. Throughout 1997, the column lysimeters were kept near -0.03 MPa by daily watering to facilitate the establishment of the communities. In 1998, two water content regimes were initiated within each with 4 replicates, the first at 2 = 0.07 and the second at 2 = 0.14. Between May and September of 1998 and 1999, the lysimeters were weighed at two to three day intervals using a 450 kg CM Loadstar electric winch, a load cell (ML 200), and a digital weight recorder (DF 2000, Messload Technologies). Water was then added to each lysimeter to restore treatment 2. 96 At the end of both growing seasons, the above ground biomass within each lysimeter was harvested at a height of 2.5 cm, dried at 60" C for 48 hours, and weighed. In the fall of 1999, the top 15 cm of soil was harvested from each lysimeter, as were two 5-cm diameter soil cores spanning 15-90 cm depth. The roots and crowns were double washed using a 2-mm screen above a 0.5- mm screen to remove soil, dried at 60" C, and weighed. Above ground water use efficiency calculated as the total shoot mass produced by plants (g) per unit of water (kg) used (Kramer and Boyer 1995) was determined for each plant community for each year. Analysis of variance was performed using the MIXED procedure of SAS statistical software (SAS Institute, Inc. 1999). Means separation was achieved using least significant differences (LSD) (Steel and Torrie 1980), with significance established as P < 0.05. Weather records including precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and Class A pan evaporation were obtained for April to August in 1998 and 1999 from a meteorological station adjacent to the rain-out shelter. Long-term weather records for the site were secured from Lethbridge Research Center Agriculture and Agrifood Canada. Results Environmental Conditions Between 1998 and 1999 the potential evapotranspiration (PET) from April to August was different in both pattern and amount. The total 1998 PET was near the long- 97 term average, but the monthly pattern was different, with April and June being much lower and July and August much higher than average (Table 6.1). In 1999, the PET pattern was similar to the long-term average, but the total was 26% higher, with monthly totals being between 1.1 and 1.3 times the long-term averages (Table 6.1). The mean monthly air temperatures from April to August 1998 were higher than the mean and than 1999 values except in June (Table 6.1). The mean relative humidity was lower than 1998 and 1999 values (Table 6.1). 1998 wind speeds were lower than 1999 and long-term values during all five months (Table 6.1). Overall, April to September 1999 was cooler than 1998, but windspeed and Class A Pan evaporation were higher (Table 6.1). Above Ground Water Use Efficiency Above ground WUE was not affected by 2 or by year main effects for any of the grass communities. However, aerial biomass and total water used were affected by both 2 and year (Table 6.2). Above ground WUE was greater in 1998 than 1999 only in the native Mixed Prairie (needle and thread - wheatgrass - blue grama grass) community. In both years, crested wheatgrass had greater above ground WUE than Mixed Prairie and Russian wildrye (Table 6.3). In 1998, the aerial biomass was greater than for 1999 in all communities. In 1998, crested wheatgrass aerial biomass was greater than that of Russian wildrye, whereas there were no differences between communities in 1999 (Table 6.3). Total water used in 1998 was greater than in 1999 in crested wheatgrass. In 1999, the native community used more water than did crested wheatgrass (Table 6.3). 98 Table 6.1. Long-term average, 1998, and 1999 mean monthly air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, precipitation and Class A Pan Evaporation over the growing season at the Lethbridge Research Centre rainout shelter in southern Alberta. Year April May June July Aug. 1998 7.8 13.6 14.4 20.3 20.1 1999 6.1 10.3 14.6 16.4 18.8 Ave.1 5.6 10.8 14.9 18.0 17.1 1998 53.9 47.8 62.1 56.8 42.5 1999 49.5 48.3 54.5 54.0 54.2 44.0 40.0 40.0 38.0 38.0 1998 13.7 16.0 15.0 12.7 12.5 1999 17.6 18.4 17.0 16.4 13.5 1 20.3 19.0 17.6 15.2 14.6 1998 41.9 53.4 148.4 57.4 36.2 1999 41.5 58.3 65.1 64.2 39.3 Ave.1 31.0 55.0 74.0 42.0 42.0 1998 0.0 213.2 190.5 319.6 309.5 1999 181.3 249.4 264.4 305.7 264.6 Ave.1 121.3 190.6 237.6 228.4 199.7 Air Temperature (oC) Relative Humidity (%) Ave.1 -1 Wind Speed (km h ) Ave. Precipitation (mm) Class A Pan Evaporation (mm) 1 Long term averages - Agriculture and Agrifood Canada. 99 Table 6.2. Table of fixed effects for dry weight, total water used and water use efficiency for the lysimeter study of needle and thread - western wheat - blue grama grass, crested wheatgrass, and Russian wildrye communities in soils with two different water content treatments in 1998 and 1999. Effect Aerial Biomass Total Water Use Water Use Efficiency -----------------------------------------------------Probabilities----------------------------------------------------Species 0.506 0.141 <0.001 Treatment <0.001 <0.001 0.130 Year <0.001 <0.001 0.064 Species x Treatment 0.414 0.035 0.126 Species x Year 0.024 0.186 0.376 Treatment x Year 0.086 0.119 0.328 Species x Treatment x Year 0.720 0.414 0.221 Table 6.3. Mean dry matter production (g), total water use (kg) and water use efficiency (g kg-1) in native (needle and thread grass - western wheat - blue grama grass), crested wheatgrass, and Russian wildrye communities in 1998 and 1999. Variable Year Species Aerial Biomass (g) 1998 1999 Total Water Use (kg) 1998 1999 Water Use Efficiency (g kg-1) 1998 1999 -------------------------------------------------------------------Means------------------------------------------------------------------ Native (NAT) 72.2 44.1* 60.1 45.2* 1.2 0.9* Crested Wheatgrass (CWG) 78.3 41.4* 57.0 32.0* 1.5 1.5 Russian Wildrye (RWR) 56.5 41.5* 51.3 43.2 1.1 1.0 Contrasts ---------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities--------------------------------------------------------------- NAT vs CWG 0.572 0.799 0.604 0.030 0.050 <0.001 NAT vs RWR 0.139 0.804 0.140 0.736 0.583 0.564 CWG vs RWR 0.049 0.993 0.335 0.075 0.015 0.002 * Significant difference in treatment between years (P < 0.05). 100 Crown and Root Mass There were higher root masses in the upper 15 cm of soil for crested wheatgrass and native communities at 2 = 0.07 than at 2 = 0.14 (Table 6.4). Russian wildrye root masses from 0 to 15 and 15 to 45 cm soil depths were greater than for the native community at 2 = 0.07, but at 2 = 0.14 both Russian wildrye and native communities had smaller root masses than crested wheatgrass (Table 6.4). There were no differences in 4590 cm depth and total root mass between soil water contents within communities. Russian wildrye had a larger total root mass than the native community at 2 = 0.07m3 m3 , while crested wheatgrass had larger total root mass than the native community at 2 = 0.14m3m-3 (Table 6.4). Table 6.4. Total root mass and root mass for 0-15 cm, 0-45 cm, and 45-90 cm depths in native (needle and thread grass - wheatgrass - blue grama grass), crested wheatgrass, and Russian wildrye communities grown in a rain-out shelter under two soil moisture regimes at Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada in 1999. 0 - 15 cm 0.07 Community 0.14 Depth 0 - 45 cm Soil Water Content 0.07 0.14 45 - 90 cm 0.07 0.14 Total (g) 0.07 0.14 ------------------------------------------------------------------Mean Root Mass (g) -------------------------------------------- Crested Wheatgrass (CWG) 163.7 216.7* 438.1 520.8 298.2 302.0 736.3 822.8 Native (NAT) 122.3 179.2* 323.0 365.2 260.3 262.0 583.4 627.2 Russian Wildrye (RWR) 174.7 146.6 449.9 419.4 358.1 345.3 807.9 764.7 Contrasts --------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities-------------------------------------------------------------- CWG vs NAT 0.102 0.117 0.038 0.007 0.554 0.533 0.130 0.057 RWR vs NAT 0.042 0.147 0.024 0.281 0.137 0.179 0.031 0.150 CWG vs RWR 0.653 0.008 * There is a probability <0.05 between treatments. 0.821 0.052 0.353 0.477 0.293 0.533 The mass of root crowns were larger in Russian wildrye at 2 = 0.14 m3 m-3 than at 2= 0.07 m3 m-3, while differences in soil water content had no effect on the crown mass 101 of crested wheatgrass and native Mixed Prairie (Table 6.5). For 2 = 0.07, both crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye had larger crown masses than the native community, while Russian wildrye had a larger crown mass than the other communities at 2 = 0.14 (Table 6.5). Table 6.5. Mass of crowns at two different soil water contents (2) in crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye and native Mixed Prairie (needle and thread grass - western wheat - blue grama grass) grown in a rain-out shelter at the Lethbridge Research Centre, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada in 1998-1999. Crowns (g m -2 ) (SE)1 2 = 0.07 2 = 0.14 Crested Wheatgrass (CWG) 122.0 (6.7) 109.0 (18.8) Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua (NAT) 62.2 (11.5) 91.3 (14.2) Russian Wildrye (RWR) 148.3 (1.5) 203.1( 14.4)* Contrasts ------------------Probabilities ------------------ CWG vs NAT 0.005 0.338 RWR vs NAT <0.001 <0.001 CWG vs RWR 0.182 <0.001 * There is a significant difference (P < 0.05) between different soil water contents 1 The means are followed by the standard error of the mean in brackets Discussion The Effect of Water Content on Roots, Crowns and Above Ground Water Use Efficiency In semi-arid northern grassland communities, most native plants possess adaptations to water stress, such as phenological modifications, stomatal control, morphological modifications, root systems that are able to respond to physiological demands, alternate photosynthetic pathways, osmotic adjustments and dehydration 102 tolerance mechanisms (Brown 1995). In these native communities, partitioning of limited environmental resources by potentially competing organisms as a result of structural or functional differences allows coexistence of species and creates long-term stability (Whittaker 1969, Whittaker et al. 1973). The two soil water content treatments used did not result in differences in water use efficiency within the perennial grass communities studied. Previous work with C3 species has shown reductions (Heitholt 1989), increases (Johnson et al. 1990), and lack of differences (Johnson and Bassett 1991, Xue et al. 2003, Zhang et al. 1998) in above ground WUE in response to differences in soil water content. Although C4 species such as Bouteloua gracilis (Wild. ex Kunth) Lag ex Griffiths (blue grama) and Artemisia frigida Willd. (pasture sagewort) have higher inherent above ground WUE than C3 grasses (Akhter et al. 2003), their small contribution to the aerial biomass of the native community at ADRI as determined by Willms et al. (1993), would presumably have had little effect on above ground WUE. The three grass communities had different root system responses in relation to the two soil water content treatments. Although there was no overall difference in total root mass between 2 = 0.07 and 2 = 0.14 in any of the communities, crested wheatgrass and native communities had smaller root masses between 0-15 cm depths at 2 = 0.07, whereas there was no difference in Russian wildrye, indicating that near-surface root mass of crested wheatgrass and native Mixed Prairie communities were negatively impacted by low season-long soil water content whereas the increased surface root mass of Russian wildrye may be an adaptation to those conditions. Crested wheatgrass and 103 Russian wildrye were able to maintain crown mass at the lower soil water content. Carbohydrates may be translocated to the crown for storage to facilitate osmotic adjustment (Chaves 1991, Frank and Bauer 1991), thus preventing crown senescence and providing materials for regrowth of roots when conditions become more favourable. Above Ground WUE Crested wheatgrass demonstrated a higher above ground WUE than Russian wildrye or native Mixed Prairie communities due to utilization of less water rather than production of greater standing crop. Above ground WUE values reported in the present study are at the lower limit of the ranges (1 to 3 g kg-1) reported by Kramer and Boyer (1995) and Blicker et al. (2003). There are a number of explanations that may account for the lower values observed in this study. First, most of the previous studies were conducted in Utah and the more northerly location of this study may have constrained aerial production due to lower light intensity, air and soil temperatures. Secondly, most of the previous studies considered annual agronomic species selected for high above ground production. Finally, the reduction of fallen and standing litter with harvest may have increased evapotranspiration (Willms, 1988, Willms 1993). Crested wheatgrass, a cool season bunchgrass, has greater root mass in the upper 45 cm, which may result in rapid uptake of water from this layer early in the growing season when temperatures, potential evaporation, and water vapour pressures are lower than they are later in the season. This results in early development of aerial biomass and higher above ground WUE (Smika et al. 1965, Bittman 1985, Frank et al. 1996). Later in the season (July and August), when soil water availability is lower and evaporative 104 demand is higher, leaf rolling and dormancy reduce transpiration losses by this grass (Bittman and Simpson 1989). Higher water use efficiency does not necessarily confer high drought resistance (Johnson and Bassett 1991), but in these perennial grasses this characteristic in concert with higher soil nitrate concentration immediately after cultivation (Porter, Chapter 4) may allow establishment and maintenance of these monoculture communities. The efficient use of water may limit the germination of native grass seeds that are not numerous in the seed back and have very narrow germinations requirements (Lauenroth et al. 1994, Coffin et al. 1996, Heidinga and Wilson 2002). Summary and Conclusions Crested wheatgrass demonstrated a higher WUE than either Russian wildrye or native Mixed Prairie communities by utilizing less water to produce a similar quantity of above ground biomass. WUE values reported in the study are at the lower limit of the ranges reprted by others. This field research was conducted in southern Alberta, Canada where lower growing season light intensity, air and soil temperatures in addition to high winds may have constrained production. In addition, harvesting at the end of each growing season reduced soil surface litter and may have increased evaporation. Although above ground biomass was not different between these communities, there were differences in quantity of crown and root mass at the lower soil water content. Russian wildrye had a larger total root mass than the native grassland community which was due to a greater root mass near the soil surface. This suggests that Russian wildrye is 105 able to more effectively explore surface layers for water when it is less available. Both agronomic species maintained larger crown masses when soil water content was lower. During that period nutrients may be translocated to the crown to allow faster regrowth of roots when moisture levels are more favourable. However the root mass in crested wheatgrass was not larger than the native community, suggesting greater growth of root mass when soil water content is higher. These two introduced grass communities seem to have different methods of adapting to semi-arid conditions. The higher WUE coupled with the larger crown mass of crested wheatgrass may allow rapid root and shoot growth in the spring, and Russian wildrye may better utilize moisture near the soil surface throughout the growing season. In addition to these adaptations, rapid utilization of nitrate released in cultivation and higher water use efficiencies may sustain these monocultures. Although native species may have some of the same adaptations, lower water use efficiencies, low soil nitrate after cultivation and the absence of a high concentration of viable seeds in the seed-bed of these monocultures, may limit re-colonization. 106 References Cited Abbate, P., J. Dardanelli, M. Cantarero, M. Muturano, R. Melchiori, and E. 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Plant and Soil 201(2):295-305. 111 CHAPTER 7 SUMMARY This project was initiated to investigate changes in nitrogen partitioning and water dynamics in the first four years after plowing and seeding native grasslands in the northen Great Plains of southern Alberta, Canada to annual and perennial agronomic species. The objectives of this research were to evaluate 1) short-term changes in soil N partitioning created by cultivating and seeding native grasslands with selected annual (wheat) and perennial (crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye) monocultures; 2) changes in partitioning of N within the biomass of these selected species; 3) difference in the rate of water uptake between Mixed Prairie grasslands, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye after a dry-down period; and 4) differences in above ground water use efficiency, root and crown masses between Mixed Prairie grasslands, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye under two soil water content levels. The research for Objectives 1 and 2 relating to short-term changes in soil and plant N in annual and perennial monocultures was conducted in 1995 and 1997 at three locations in the northern Great Plains (Onefour, Lethbridge and Stavely, Alberta) with different soils, climate and native plant communities. Objective 3 relating to rates of water uptake after a dry-down period by native needle and thread - blue grama grass, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye communities was evaluated in 1998, using horizontal TDR probes placed at three depths in columns at a controlled environment 112 greenhouse at Montana State University. The fourth study relating to the determination of above ground water use efficiency, root and crown masses under two soil water contents was conducted in 1998 and 1999, using weighing column lysimeters under a rain-out shelter at the Lethbridge Research Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. The column lysimeters contained crested wheatgrass, Russian wildrye and the native Mixed Prairie (needle and thread-native wheatgrass - blue grama grass) communities. Two different water contents were imposed on the communities and total water used during the growing season was recorded for each year of the study. Shoot mass was harvested at the end of each growing season and root and crown mass was harvested at the end of the study. Above ground WUE was calculated for the two growing seasons. N sequestered as biomass, soil N, LF and LFN in native grassland communities increased with increases in long-term annual precipitation. A large proportion of biomass N was sequestered by root mass in the perennial monocultures and native grasslands. All of the native grassland systems studied were dominated by ammonium N sources rather than nitrate. In the short-term, cultivation and seeding of native grasslands had no effect on total soil N, due to a large reservoir of N in soil organic matter. However, these activities reduced the light fraction and light fraction N in the soil. This was presumably caused by increased mineralization which produced an increase in the concentration of nitrate (NO3-) in the soil. After 4 years, losses in the light fraction N in soil under wheat treatments were greater than 60%, with the largest losses occurring at the site with the highest long-term annual precipitation. Soil nitrate under wheat remained higher than 113 observed in either perennial monocultures or native grasslands. Losses in the light fraction and light fraction N were not as great under perennial agronomic monocultures, but the LF and LFN were smaller in these perennials than in native communities. Larger losses in light fraction (LF) and LFN under wheat than perennial monocultures, in the short-term, is a function of the frequency of cultivation and differences in the size of the root masses. Losses in LF and LFN of annual and perennial monocultures will continue until new equilibria are established with the reduction being more rapid with above average precipitation. The new equilibrium under wheat will be dependent on cropping system but in any case losses will be greater under perennial grass monocultures. Annual agronomic monocultures sequester less N into biomass than either native or cultivated perennial communities, even with increased nitrate available for absorption. This is likely due to their inability to accommodate N above basic requirements for growth. Due this inability, some of the increased soil nitrate available due to accelerated mineralization will be lost through a combination of volatilization, leaching and runoff. Most of N absorbed is assimilated in leaves, translocated to the seed heads and removed during harvest. The rate and quantity of losses in soil nitrate under annual monocultures will be a function of both climate and the variability of soil moisture and temperature regimes during the growing season. Generally, the warmer and wetter the growing season, the more rapid the loss. 114 The lower reduction in LF and LF N under perennial monocultures compared to wheat was likely a product of both higher root mass and only a single cultivation in the case of the perennials. However, soil nitrate levels were not elevated as was observed in wheat. The single pulse of nitrate resulting from the single cultivation event and the perennial bunchgrass form of these species may have facilitated greater absorption of N and lower soil nitrate concentrations. Orchardgrass in 1995 was an exception to this pattern, and the difference may have been a result of root death caused by drought the two previous years. Although perennial monocultures have been selected for increased aerial production, in this study only crested wheatgrass and smooth brome grass had significantly higher shoot masses than native communities. However, lower shoot mass N concentration in these species resulted in lower total N in shoot mass than native communities, except with crested wheatgrass at the Stipa-Bouteloua site in 1995. This was likely a result of a combination of a more recent establishment date and increased current growing season precipitation. Therefore, although the establishment of perennials limits the frequency of cultivation, species like crested wheat grass and Russian wildrye with lower R:S and lower N concentration in root mass will create larger N losses from the system through harvest. During periods of high current growing season precipitation the concentration of N in shoot mass was higher in crested wheatgrass and smooth bromegrass suggesting that during moist years, harvesting of crested wheatgrass and bromegrass will further increase N losses from the system. 115 In the short-term, cultivation and seeding of native grasslands to annual and perennial monocultures changes N partitioning in the plant-soil complex. The magnitude of the change rather the ranking of the change within treatments is determined by differences in long-term and current precipitation. Perennial monocultures maintained light fraction N better than annual monocultures. However, it is likely that management practices will modify the magnitude of the differences between annual and perennial monocultures. Differences will be smaller with no-till continuous cropping systems in annuals versus over-harvested or grazed perennial forages. Differences in root distribution between native communities and agronomic monocultures were expected to create differences in the rate of water uptake after a period of soil water depletion. However, after artificially imposed periods of water stress, there were no differences in the rate of water uptake between Stipa-Bouteloua, crested wheatgrass, and Russian wildrye. This suggests that these two introduced species which evolved in ecosystems with similar quantities and variability in water supply are as well adapted to rapid absorption of water as the native communities. This characteristic is likely important in maintaining these introduced monocultures as alternate steady state communities. Crested wheatgrass possessed a higher water use efficiency than either Russian wildrye or native (Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua) communities due to the utilization of less water rather than greater production of aerial biomass. The values obtained in this research were near the lower limit of the ranges reported by other researchers. The differences reported here may be partially due to the fact that this study was conducted 116 further north, commensurate with lower light intensities and lower air and soil temperatures, which may have constrained production. In addition, these perennial species partition more nutrients to crowns and roots therefore reducing above ground WUE. This research adds to our understanding of the roles that water and nitrogen may play in the maintenance of alternate steady state communities that are produced after disturbances such as cultivation. The interrelationship between water and a single pulse of soil nitrate created by a disturbance such as cultivation may allow crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye to absorb and assimilate the excess mineral N. Later in the year when water is not as available, the N in shoot mass will be translocated out of leaves and stems and into seed heads, crown and roots. The N translocated into the crown and roots may allow more rapid re-growth and allow preemption of soil water and N before other possible colonizing species. This may be one of the reasons that these monocultures survive over the long term. Since large volumes of water are used by these monocultures to produce a large standing crop early in the growing season, it is expected that heavy removal of leaves through grazing or other means early in the season when the crowns are just beginning to produce new tillers, and continuing removal over the length of the growing season, will over time damage roots and crowns. This may provide a window of opportunity for colonization by other species with highly viable seeds, capable of rapid germination and establishment, and with high water use efficiencies. But if not properly managed, many may not be native nor desirable. It may require substantial time and effort to re-establish multispecies native communities within these monocultures. These activities may include 117 extensive leaf removal, herbicide, water and fertilizer application, and the provision of highly viable seed. 118 APPENDICES 119 APPENDIX A NITROGEN PARTITIONING TABLES IN CHAPTER 3 Table 3.1. Monthly growing season precipitation (mm) and temperatures (ºC) from 1995 to 1997 at three southern Alberta sites. Mean Monthly Temperatures (ºC) Year March April May June July Aug. Sept. Total %1 1995 -1.200 3.600 10.800 15.800 18.000 17.600 13.000 11.100 97.900 1997 -1.500 3.600 11.400 16.600 19.300 19.600 15.700 12.100 106.800 Ave. 2 -2.900 5.200 11.400 15.600 19.600 18.800 12.200 11.300 100.000 Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua -0.300 4.300 10.100 14.600 17.300 15.800 12.500 10.600 96.300 1997 0.700 3.900 11.300 16.000 18.200 18.600 15.900 12.100 109.700 Ave. 2 -1.500 5.600 10.800 14.900 18.000 17.100 12.200 11.000 100.000 1995 -1.400 3.700 9.200 14.100 16.100 15.000 11.900 9.800 104.400 1997 -2.000 2.000 8.800 12.900 15.500 16.300 14.300 9.700 103.200 Ave. 2 -2.100 5.000 8.700 12.800 15.700 15.200 10.400 9.400 100.000 Festuca-Danthonia3 1 % - Sum of precipitation and temperatures from March to September divided by the long-term averages during the same period. 2 Long-term averages - Agriculture and Agri-food Canada. 3 Measured at Claresholm. 120 1995 Table 3.2. Total model for total biomass, shoot mass, root mass, root:shoot (R:S), concentration N in shoot mass, concentration N in root mass, shoot mass N, root mass N. total N in biomass and R:S N of native and agronomic communities at three southern Alberta sites in 1995 and 1997. Source Biomass Shoot Mass Root Mass (g m-2) (g m-2) (g m-2) Root:Shoot Concentration Shoot N (mg g-1) Concentration Root N (mg g-1) Shoot N Root N Total N (g m-2) (g m-2) (g m-2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year (Y) 0.196 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.008 0.001 Site (S) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.015 0.070 0.031 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Treatment (T) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 SxY 0.552 0.003 0.179 0.114 <0.001 <0.001 0.030 0.077 0.085 0.186 TxY <0.001 <0.001 0.004 0.010 <0.001 0.006 <0.001 0.018 <0.001 0.006 TxS <0.001 0.010 0.001 0.003 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 SxYxT 0.384 0.005 0.674 0.228 <0.001 0.224 0.003 0.667 0.629 0.527 Site --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Native 1015.300 66.900 948.400 15.400 1.100 1.400 0.700 14.100 14.800 943.200 183.100 760.100 6.200 1.100 1.400 1.800 11.000 12.800 987.800 503.900 483.900 1.200 0.700 1.600 3.800 8.100 12.000 1135.700 181.200 1033.500 8.300 1.300 1.300 2.100 14.200 16.300 1152.900 203.300 1022.200 6.600 0.900 1.200 1.600 12.100 13.700 809.700 524.200 306.400 1.100 0.800 1.600 3.800 5.100 8.900 Native 2153.200 265.000 1888.000 7.300 1.200 1.500 3.000 30.900 34.000 Perennial Grass3 1731.100 389.900 1341.200 6.600 1.000 1.300 3.500 17.300 20.800 556.300 473.800 1.500 0.700 1.400 3.800 6.500 10.400 Perennial Grass 1 2 Wheat Stipa-Bouteloua-Agropyron Native Perennial Grass 1 Wheat2 Festuca-Danthonia 2 1030.200 Wheat Crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye. 2 Fallow and continuously cropped wheat. 1 Smooth bromegrass and orchardgrass. 121 Stipa-Bouteloua 3 R:S N Table 3.3. Partial model of probabilities of differences between sites in total biomass, shoot mass, root mass, R:S, concentration N in shoot mass, concentration N in root mass, shoot mass N, R:S N of native and agronomic communities at three southern Alberta sites in 1995 and 1997. Site Biomass Shoot Mass Root Mass (g m-2) (g m-2) (g m-2) Root: Shoot Concentration Shoot N (mg g-1) Concentration Root N (mg g-1) Shoot N Root N Total N (g m-2) (g m-2) (g m-2) R:S N ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stipa-Bouteloua 0.059 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.017 <0.001 <0.001 0.015 <0.001 Year (Y) 0.100 <0.001 0.017 0.004 <0.001 0.834 <0.001 0.063 0.222 <0.001 TxY <0.001 <0.001 0.670 0.429 <0.001 0.197 <0.001 0.102 0.003 0.386 Treatment (T) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 Year (Y) 0.189 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.053 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 TxY <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.011 0.388 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.087 Treatment (T) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.029 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Year (Y) 0.010 <0.001 0.032 0.089 <0.001 0.159 <0.001 0.051 0.444 0.038 TxY 0.020 <0.001 0.152 0.677 <0.001 0.127 <0.001 0.294 0.098 0.141 Stipa-Bouteloua-Agropyron Festuca-Danthonia 122 Treatment (T) Table 3.4. The total biomass and root:shoot mass production (R:S) of agronomic and native communities in three selected sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Site Stipa-Bouteloua Total Biomass (g m-2) 1997 Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Total Biomass (g m-2) R:S 1995 1997 1995 1997 Festuca-Danthonia Total Biomass (g m-2) R:S 1995 1997 1995 1997 R:S Year 1995 1995 1997 Treatment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Native (NAT) 847.100 1183.500 12.800 18.100* 847.200 1424.300 2.400 14.300* 1700.300 2606.000 6.300 8.300 Crested Wheatgrass (CWG) 1071.300 1013.300 1.900 5.800 1050.900 1304.200 1.700 6.400* - - - - - - - - - - - - 1741.700 2124.500 1.200 4.400 895.100 7.200 10.000 870.300 1386.600* 4.900 13.800* - - - - - - - - - - - 1404.900 1653.300 5.100 15.600* Smooth Brome (B)2 Russian Wildrye (RWR) 793.100 Orchardgrass (D)2 1 1074.500 720.900* 0.600 2.300 866.400 622.800* 0.400 2.500 1017.500 710.300 0.900 3.700 Wheat Fallow (WF)1 1328.200 827.500* 0.800 1.300 1268.200 481.300* 0.200 1.200 1759.200 633.700* 0.600 0.900 Contrast ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAT vs CWG 0.083 0.183 <0.001 <0.001 0.062 0.276 0.136 <0.001 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.910 0.195 0.096 0.189 0.669 0.028 0.018 0.015 0.828 0.722 0.265 0.825 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.423 0.014 0.692 0.020 0.034 0.352 0.018 0.064 0.097 0.439 0.150 0.002 - - - - - - - - - - 0.362 0.205 0.197 <0.001 NAT vs WC 0.079 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.356 <0.001 0.070 <0.001 0.075 0.122 NAT vs WF <0.001 0.008 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.295 <0.001 0.872 <0.001 0.062 0.017 WC vs WF 0.051 0.400 0.899 0.619 <0.001 0.189 0.898 0.562 0.050 0.835 0.926 0.353 NAT vs B NAT vs RWR NAT vs D CWG vs RWR B vs D 1 - Wheat continuous was planted each year and fallow wheat was planted every alternate year. 2 - NOTE:At the Festuca-Danthonia site, bromegrass and orchardgrass were substituted for crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye. *.- There is a significant difference in treatment between years (P<0.5). 123 Wheat Continuous (WC) Table 3.5. Biomass of shoot and roots of native and agronomic communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Shoot Biomass (g m-2) Site Stipa-Bouteloua 1995 1997 Native (NAT) 65.500 248.600 281.700 784.600 1997 1112.200* 1995 594.100 1997 Festuca-Danthonia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------109.200* 1995 Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua Treatment 223.000 1997 Stipa-Bouteloua 1995 71.300 1995 Festuca-Danthonia Year Bromegrass (B) 1997 Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua Root Biomass (g m-2) 1995 1997 1315.100* 1451.700 2324.300* -- -- -- 801.500 389.500* -- -- -- -- 940.200 1735.200* 159.300* 392.300 177.800* -- -- 677.400 854.000 658.500 1226.200 -- -- Orchardgrass (D) -- -- -- -- 238.300 130.200 -- -- -- -- 1166.100 1523.100 Russian Wildrye (RWR) 97.400 81.700 150.100 93.200* -- -- 695.700 813.400 720.200 1293.400 -- -- Wheat Continuous (WC) 694.500 226.600* 610.600 182.700* 544.500 166.000* 380.100 494.300 255.700 440.000 473.000 544.300 Wheat Fallow (WF) 682.300 365.600* 1081.700 222.100* 1179.600 335.400* 599.500 461.900 186.500 259.500 579.700 298.300 Crested Wheatgrass (CWG) Contrasts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAT vs CWG <0.001 0.084 0.002 0.189 -- -- 0.036 0.015 0.541 0.052 -- -- -- -- -- -- <0.001 0.203 -- -- -- -- 0.167 0.113 0.519 0.834 0.163 0.756 -- -- 0.053 0.005 0.236 0.817 -- -- NAT vs B NAT vs RWR NAT vs D CWG vs RWR B vs D -- -- -- -- 0.906 0.078 -- -- -- -- 0.435 0.034 <0.001 0.126 <0.001 0.108 -- -- 0.856 0.686 0.558 0.083 -- -- -- -- -- -- <0.001 0.005 -- -- -- -- 0.536 0.561 NAT vs WC <0.001 0.004 <0.001 0.160 0.002 0.172 <0.001 <0.001 0.003 <0.001 0.011 <0.001 NAT vs WF <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.035 <0.001 0.519 0.006 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.022 <0.001 WC vs WF 0.807 0.008 <0.001 0.447 <0.001 0.051 0.035 0.747 0.511 0.063 0.770 0.500 *.- There is a significant difference in treatment between years (P < 0.5). 124 -394.000 Table 3.6. Total biomass N of native and agronomic communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Total Biomass N (g m-2) Site Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron- R:S N Festuca-Danthonia Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-Agropyron- Bouteloua Year 1995 Treatment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Native (NAT) 1997 1995 Festuca-Danthonia Bouteloua 1997 1995 1997 1995 1997 1995 1997 1995 1997 16.700* 10.000 22.600* 26.500 41.400* 17.300 24.400 2.700 17.900* 7.700 13.500 -- -- -- -- 21.400 23.300 – – – – 2.000 10.000* 13.200 13.100 9.100 17.400* -- -- 3.100 15.200* 2.700 13.900* – -- -- -- -- -- 17.300 21.300 – – – – 5.000 16.900* Russian Wildrye (RWR) 12.400 12.600 9.200 19.300* -- -- 5.500 13.900* 4.500 16.000* -- -- Wheat Continuous (WC) 10.800 9.500 8.300 10.500 10.600 8.900 1.100 9.100* 0.700 7.200* 2.000 8.300 Wheat Fallow (WF) 17.700 10.100* 9.400 7.500 15.500 9.600 1.600 3.300 0.400 3.200 0.800 2.200 Bromegrass (B) Crested Wheatgrass (CWG) Orchardgrass (D) Contrasts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAT vs CWG 0.848 0.054 0.568 0.005 -- -- <0.001 0.012 0.999 0.230 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.392 0.005 -- -- -- -- 0.047 0.224 0.826 0.030 0.944 0.292 -- -- 0.003 0.072 0.579 0.565 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.129 0.002 -- -- -- -- 0.335 0.019 0.671 0.787 0.617 0.058 -- -- 0.499 0.725 0.579 0.524 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.492 0.727 -- -- -- -- 0.279 0.002 NAT vs WC 0.279 <0.001 0.311 <0.001 0.011 <0.001 <0.01 <0.001 0.540 0.003 0.049 0.074 NAT vs WF 0.012 0.001 0.725 <0.001 0.070 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.479 <0.001 0.019 <0.001 WC vs WF <0.001 0.758 0.504 0.092 0.414 0.706 0.874 0.119 0.922 0.214 0.670 0.040 NAT vs B NAT vs RWR NAT vs D CWG vs RWR B vs D *.- There is a significant difference in treatment between years (P < 0.5). 125 12.800 Table 3.7. Concentration N in net shoot and root mass of native and agronomic communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Shoot Biomass Concentration N (mg g-1) Site Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua Festuca-Danthonia 1995 1995 1997 1995 1995 1997 1997 Native (NAT) 1.100 1.100 1.200 1.300 1.300 1.000* 1.400 1.400 1.200 1.500* 1.400 1.600 -- -- -- -- 0.900 0.500* -- -- -- -- 1.400 1.200 0.900 0.600* 0.600 0.700 -- -- 1.500 1.400 1.000 1.300* -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.300 1.200 -- -- -- -- 1.200 1.300 Russian Wildrye (RWR) 2.000 1.100* 1.100 1.200 -- -- 1.500 1.400 1.000 1.300* -- -- Wheat Continuous (WC) 0.800 0.400* 0.800 0.800 0.600 0.600 1.500 1.700* 1.300 1.900* 1.500 1.400 Wheat Fallow (WF) 0.900 0.700* 0.600 0.900 0.800 0.800 1.700 1.700 1.400 1.900* 1.200 1.500* Contrasts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 -- -- 0.439 0.666 0.003 0.092 -- -- -- -- -- -- <0.001 <0.001 -- -- -- -- 0.929 0.004 <0.001 0.947 0.318 0.329 -- -- 0.181 0.963 0.013 0.033 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.036 <0.001 -- -- -- -- 0.066 0.012 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 -- -- 0.560 0.700 0.548 0.605 -- -- -- -- -- -- <0.001 <0.001 -- -- -- -- 0.079 0.658 NAT vs WC <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.434 0.017 0.186 <0.001 0.834 0.163 NAT vs WF 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.004 0.023 0.022 <0.001 0.141 0.320 WC vs WF 0.002 <0.001 0.108 *.- There is a significant difference in treatment between years (P<0.5). 0.288 0.005 0.870 0.026 0.898 0.292 0.340 0.095 0.678 NAT vs B NAT vs RWR NAT vs D CWG vs RWR B vs D 126 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAT vs CWG 1995 Festuca-Danthonia Treatment Orchardgrass (D) 1997 Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua 1995 Crested Wheatgrass (CWG) 1997 Stipa-Bouteloua Year Bromegrass (B) 1997 Root Biomass Conentration N (mg g-1) Table 3.8. Total N in net shoot and root mass of native and agronomic communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Shoot Biomass N Root Biomass N Site Stipa-Bouteloua Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua Year 1995 1995 Treatment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Native (NAT) 0.700 0.800* 2.800 1.500* 3.300 2.800 12.100 16.000* 7.200 21.200* 23.600 38.600* -- -- -- -- 9.400 2.100* -- -- -- -- 14.000 21.200 3.400 0.900* 2.500 1.200* -- -- 9.800 12.200 6.600 16.300* -- -- -- -- -- -- 3.000 1.500* -- -- -- -- 14.300 19.800 Russian Wildrye (RWR) 1.900 0.900* 1.700 1.100 -- -- 10.500 11.700 7.500 18.100* -- -- Wheat Continuous (WC) 5.300 1.000* 5.000 1.500* 3.400 1.000* 5.500 8.500* 3.300 9.000* 7.100 7.900 Wheat Fallow (WF) 6.500 2.400* 6.900 2.000* 8.800 2.100* 10.500 7.700 2.600 5.500 6.600 7.500 Contrasts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAT vs CWG <0.001 0.784 0.534 0.541 -- -- 0.190 0.041 0.716 0.008 -- -- -- -- -- -- <0.001 0.224 -- -- -- -- 0.128 0.006 0.006 0.783 0.026 0.474 -- -- 0.366 0.022 0.874 0.087 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.614 0.054 -- -- -- -- 0.143 0.003 <0.001 0.999 0.096 0.917 -- -- 0.674 0.780 0.602 0.282 -- -- -- -- -- -- <0.001 0.373 -- -- -- -- 0.954 0.803 NAT vs WC <0.001 0.003 <0.001 0.969 0.884 0.011 <0.001 <0.001 0.030 <0.001 0.011 <0.001 NAT vs WF <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.244 <0.001 0.273 0.356 <0.001 0.011 <0.001 0.009 <0.001 WC vs WF 0.007 0.002 <0.001 0.259 <0.001 0.113 0.009 0.652 0.667 0.051 0.930 0.577 Bromegrass (B) Crested Wheatgrass (CWG) Orchardgrass (D) NAT vs RWR NAT vs D CWG vs RWR B vs D *.- There is a significant difference in treatment between years (P<0.5). 1997 1995 1997 Stipa-Bouteloua 1995 1997 Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua 1995 1997 Festuca-Danthonia 1995 1997 127 NAT vs B 1997 Festuca-Danthonia Table 3.9. Carbon to nitrogen ratios (C:N) of shoot and root mass of native and agronomic communities at Stipa-Bouteloua, Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua, and Festuca-Danthonia sites in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Shoot Biomass C:N Site Stipa-Bouteloua 1995 1997 1995 1997 Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua 1995 1997 Festuca-Danthonia 1995 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Native (NAT) 40.900 43.400 36.900 35.400 33.600 45.200 30.600 32.000 37.300 30.900 25.000 24.900 -- -- -- -- 49.300 84.500 -- -- -- -- 27.700 30.600 53.700 83.000 71.100 69.400 -- -- 28.200 33.400 45.900 35.000 -- -- -- -- -- -- 33.600 37.700 -- -- -- -- 31.000 30.300 Russian Wildrye (RWR) 23.500 43.800 38.500 37.400 -- -- 27.800 32.400 42.100 35.900 -- -- Wheat Continuous (WC) 60.100 104.300 27.800 62.800 74.000 77.700 30.500 26.900 34.900 25.800 28.700 26.700 Wheat Fallow (WF) 48.900 70.800 72.800 58.100 62.300 73.400 24.600 27.800 32.900 25.100 29.000 27.900 Contrasts -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAT vs CWG -- <0.001 -- <0.001 -- -- 0.357 0.598 <0.001 0.053 -- -- NAT vs B -- -- -- -- -- <0.001 -- -- -- -- 0.314 0.040 NAT vs RWR -- 0.944 -- 0.772 -- -- 0.300 0.867 0.024 0.019 -- -- NAT vs D -- -- -- -- -- <0.001 -- -- -- -- 0.031 0.050 CWG vs RWR -- <0.001 -- <0.001 -- -- 0.905 0.718 0.070 0.650 -- -- B vs D -- -- -- -- -- <0.001 -- -- -- -- 0.310 0.914 NAT vs WC -- <0.001 -- <0.001 -- <0.001 0.905 0.062 0.250 0.019 0.176 0.509 NAT vs WF -- <0.001 -- 0.003 -- <0.001 0.029 0.120 0.041 0.010 0.144 0.268 WC vs WF -- <0.001 -- 0.521 -- 0.364 0.039 0.736 0.337 0.704 0.910 0.649 128 Treatment Orchardgrass (D) 1997 Stipa-Bouteloua 1995 Crested Wheatgrass (CWG) 1995 Festuca-Danthonia Year Bromegrass (B) 1997 Stipa-AgropyronBouteloua Root Biomass CN Table 3.10. Partial model of probabilities of differences between years in total shoot biomass, root, R:S, concentration N in shoot mass, concentration N in root mass, shoot mass N, and root mass N of native and agronomic communities at southern Alberta sites in 1995 and 1997. Biomass Stipa-Bouteloua Shoot Mass Root Mass R:S Shoot % N Root % N Shoot N Root N Total N --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Treatment Native 0.012 0.903 0.038 0.013 0.281 0.672 0.943 0.039 0.043 Crested Wheatgrass 0.645 <0.001 0.086 0.053 <0.001 0.425 <0.001 0.183 0.936 Russian Wildrye 0.420 0.753 0.246 0.166 <0.001 0.322 0.015 0.517 0.941 Wheat Continuous 0.008 <0.001 0.250 0.362 <0.001 0.042 <0.001 0.099 0.476 Wheat Fallow <0.001 <0.001 0.177 0.825 <0.001 0.744 <0.001 0.130 <0.001 Stipa-Bouteloua-Agropyron ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 129 Treatment Native <0.001 0.034 <0.001 <0.001 0.412 0.001 0.008 <0.001 <0.001 Crested Wheatgrass 0.223 <0.001 <0.001 0.040 0.729 <0.001 0.008 <0.001 <0.001 Russian Wildrye <0.001 0.274 <0.001 <0.001 0.399 <0.001 0.232 <0.001 <0.001 Wheat Continuous 0.028 <0.001 0.029 0.352 0.892 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 0.205 Wheat Fallow <0.001 <0.001 0.308 0.625 0.010 <0.001 <0.001 0.096 0.271 Festuca-Danthonia ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Treatment Native 0.019 0.602 0.022 0.491 <0.001 0.114 0.409 0.014 0.017 Smooth Brome 0.301 <0.001 0.035 0.292 <0.001 0.388 <0.001 0.228 0.746 Orchardgrass 0.500 0.101 0.330 0.001 0.065 0.114 0.021 0.364 0.509 Wheat Continuous 0.405 <0.001 0.845 0.348 0.851 0.989 <0.001 0.903 0.777 Wheat Fallow 0.004 <0.001 0.442 0.919 0.005 0.042 <0.001 0.728 0.145 130 APPENDIX B NITROGEN PARTITIONING TABLES IN CHAPTER 4 131 Table 4.1. Year Monthly precipitation (mm) over the growing season from 1995 to 1997 at three sites in southern Alberta. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Total %1 1995 17 37 41 130 56 50 48 379 148 1996 32 13 64 80 33 4 51 277 109 1997 28 15 84 65 11 23 20 246 96 2 22 28 41 64 34 39 27 255 100 Stipa-Bouteloua Ave. Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua 1995 10 38 106 138 66 44 19 421 137 1996 21 22 54 18 5 70 6 196 64 1997 33 14 96 101 32 33 10 319 104 24 31 55 74 42 42 40 308 100 Ave. 2 Festuca-Danthonia 1 3 1995 6 23 72 84 69 39 63 356 83 1996 45 24 72 49 7 4 54 255 60 1997 15 21 138 73 28 77 35 387 91 Ave.3 24 14 99 113 74 69 34 427 100 Percent of 50-year average. 50-year averages - Agriculture and Agrifood Canada. 3 Measured at Claresholm. 2 132 Table 4.2. Total model for total soil nitrogen, mineralizable nitrogen, C:N in soil, ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), light fraction (LF), and total light fraction nitrogen at three southern Alberta sites in 1995 and 1997. Mineralizable N (mg kg-1) Source NH4+ (mg kg-1) NO3- (mg kg-1) LF (mg g-1) Total LF N (mg kg-1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities--------------------------------------------------------------------- Year (Y) 0.006 <0.001 0.360 <0.001 <0.001 Site (S) <0.001 <0.001 0.013 <0.001 <0.001 Treatment (T) 0.163 0.318 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 SxY 0.012 <0.001 0.005 <0.001 <0.001 TxY 0.248 0.468 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 TxS 0.674 0.513 0.282 <0.049 <0.031 SxYxT 0.891 0.505 0.041 <0.001 <0.001 Site ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Means------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stipa-Bouteloua Native 52.580 8.400 1.990 26.340 345.000 Perennial Grass1 41.300 7.700 2.500 15.850 205.000 Wheat2 40.980 8.270 5.500 12.780 172.000 SE 9.680 2.040 0.900 6.740 140.000 Native 31.950 7.030 2.650 40.620 670.000 Perennial Grass1 27.260 6.690 2.390 21.100 310.000 Wheat2 35.730 6.800 6.650 15.390 240.000 SE 9.680 2.040 0.900 6.740 140.000 Native 149.420 17.030 2.860 74.790 1410.000 Perennial Grass1 131.390 16.390 4.240 40.070 690.000 Wheat2 147.100 20.620 9.220 25.680 430.000 9.680 2.040 0.900 5.830 140.000 Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Festuca-Danthonia SE Total N (mg g-1) Source Mineralizable (mgNkg-1) NH4+-1 (mg kg ) NO3--1 (mg kg ) Soil C:N LF Total LF-1N (mg kg ) LF C:N ---------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year (Y) 0.113 0.006 <0.001 0.360 0.016 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Site (S) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.013 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Treatment (T) 0.325 0.163 0.318 <0.001 0.003 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 SxY 0.138 0.012 <0.001 0.005 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 TxY 0.011 0.248 0.468 <0.001 0.034 <0.001 <0.001 0.304 TxS 0.261 0.674 0.513 0.282 0.753 <0.049 <0.031 0.080 SxYxT 0.037 0.891 0.505 0.041 0.087 <0.001 <0.001 0.025 Site ----------------------------------------------------------------Means-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Native Perennial Grass1 Wheat SE 2 1.570 52.580 8.400 1.990 9.790 26.340 345.000 18.410 1.510 41.300 7.700 2.500 9.500 15.850 205.000 18.370 1.570 40.980 8.270 5.500 9.390 12.780 172.000 17.550 0.310 9.680 2.040 0.900 0.130 6.740 140.000 0.460 133 Stipa-Bouteloua Table 4.2 (Continued). Total N (mg g-1) Site Mineralizable N (mg kg-1) NH4+-1 (mg kg ) NO3- -1 (mg kg ) Soil C:N LF Total LF-1N (mg kg ) LF C:N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means---------------------------------------------------------------- Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua Native 31.950 7.030 2.650 9.860 40.620 670.000 15.690 Perennial Grass 2.760 27.260 6.690 2.390 9.720 21.100 310.000 16.010 Wheat2 2.680 35.730 6.800 6.650 9.470 15.390 240.000 14.650 SE 0.310 9.680 2.040 0.900 0.130 6.740 140.000 0.460 Native 6.720 149.420 17.030 2.860 11.880 74.790 1410.000 17.430 Perennial Grass3 6.540 131.390 16.390 4.240 11.790 40.070 690.000 17.900 Wheat2 7.310 147.100 20.620 9.220 11.670 25.680 430.000 16.360 SE 0.310 9.680 2.040 0.900 0.130 5.830 140.000 0.460 Festuca-Danthonia 1 Results a combination of crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye. 2 Results a combination of fallow and continuously cropped wheat. 3 Results a combination of smooth bromegrass and orchardgrass. 134 2.870 1 Table 4.3. Partial model by site for total soil nitrogen, mineralizable nitrogen , C:N in soil, Ammonium (NH4+), Nitrate (NO3-) light fraction (LF), total light fraction nitrogen and C:N of the light fraction at three southern Alberta sites in 1995 and 1997. Total N (mg g-1) Site Mineralizable N (mg kg-1) Soil C:N NH4+-1 (mg kg ) NO3--1 (mg kg ) LF (mg kg-1) Total LF-1N (mg kg ) LF C:N ------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities------------------------------------------------------------ Stipa-Bouteloua Treatment (T) 0.636 0.505 0.220 0.460 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.277 Year (Y) 0.671 0.510 <0.001 <0.001 0.100 <0.001 0.003 <0.001 TxY 0.098 0.041 0.068 0.687 0.964 0.006 0.079 0.557 Treatment (T) 0.366 0.030 0.037 0.938 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Year (Y) 0.082 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.004 0.540 0.473 0.696 TxY 0.094 0.896 0.064 0.476 <0.001 0.177 0.376 0.068 Treatment (T) 0.285 0.270 0.171 0.393 0.002 0.002 0.005 0.036 Year (Y) 0.018 0.006 <0.001 <0.001 0.711 <0.001 <0.001 0.010 TxY 0.036 0.281 0.404 0.056 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.021 Stipa-Bouteloua-Agropyron 135 Festuca-Danthonia Table 4.4. Effects of agronomic and native communities on mineralizable N, ammonium (NH4+), and nitrate (N03-) in upper 1 15 cm of soil and light fraction, light fraction N, and C:N in upper 7.5 cm in a Stipa-Bouteloua site in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Mineralizable N (mg kg-1) 1995 Treatment 1997 NH4+-1 (mg kg ) 1995 1997 NO3--1 (mg kg ) 1995 1997 LF (mg kg-1) 1995 1997 LF N (mg kg-1) 1995 1997 LF C:N 1995 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means---------------------------------------------------------------- Native 48.300 62.000 10.000 6.900 2.900 1.500 16.300 38.400 244.000 471.000 19.200 17.600 Crested Wheatgrass 49.900 38.700 11.000 7.200 3.600 1.400 13.600 18.100 193.000 215.000 19.700 17.800 Russian Wildrye 41.800 35.200 9.700 4.100 3.100 1.700 10.500 20.300 160.000 240.000 19.500 17.100 Wheat Continuous 41.500 41.300 10.600 7.500 5.100 4.900 9.600 Wheat Fallow 46.100 35.000 10.200 4.900 5.300 6.600 10.700 14.700 156.000 190.000 18.500 15.900 SE2 8.000 1.400 0.740 0.520 1.500 1.200 2.400 26.000 35.000 0.700 0.000 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities -------------------------------------------------------------------- Native vs Perennial Grass 0.800 0.012 0.632 0.514 0.626 0.877 0.037 <0.001 0.052 <0.001 0.640 0.806 Native vs Wheat 0.634 0.013 0.626 0.711 0.020 <0.001 0.010 <0.001 0.010 <0.001 0.796 0.014 Perennial Grass vs Wheat 0.774 0.863 0.991 0.719 0.015 <0.001 0.169 0.169 0.202 0.169 0.337 0.010 1 Soil samples contain root biomass. 2 Standard error of the sample population. 3 Probabilities of planned contrasts. 136 Contrast 6.600 16.200 135.000 206.000 19.400 16.400 Table 4.5. Effects of agronomic and native communities on mineralizable N, ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (N03-) in upper 1 15 cm of soil and light fraction, light fraction N, and C:N in upper 7.5 cm in a Stipa-Agropyron-Bouteloua site in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Mineralizable N (mg kg-1) 1995 1997 NH4+ (mg kg-1) 1995 1997 NO3(mg kg-1) 1995 1997 LF (mg kg-1) 1995 1997 LF N (mg kg-1) 1995 1997 LF C:N 1995 1997 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means---------------------------------------- Native 31.200 29.100 7.800 6.000 2.800 2.500 32.800 44.000 570.000 702.000 15.400 16.100 Crested Wheatgrass 30.900 21.200 7.200 6.400 2.200 2.600 19.200 21.800 299.000 309.000 15.500 16.500 Russian Wildrye 33.400 23.500 7.400 5.800 2.100 2.600 20.200 23.200 329.000 320.000 15.800 16.200 Wheat Continuous 38.000 31.900 7.400 5.900 3.000 11.900 16.100 14.900 260.000 219.000 15.500 14.200 Wheat Fallow 40.900 31.800 8.300 5.700 4.300 7.600 18.300 12.600 314.000 194.000 14.900 14.100 SE2 2.800 0.500 0.600 0.400 0.800 2.900 Contrast 2.700 3.100 48.000 51.000 0.340 0.410 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities3------------------------------------- Native vs Perennial Grass 0.778 0.066 0.464 0.865 0.202 0.930 0.003 <0.001 <0.001 0.462 0.662 Native vs Wheat 0.036 0.406 0.864 0.788 0.110 <0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.670 0.002 Perennial Grass vs Wheat 0.015 0.004 0.242 0.593 0.002 <0.001 0.344 0.015 0.139 <0.001 1 Soil samples contain root biomass. 2 Standard error of the sample population. 3 Probabilities of planned contrasts. 0.001 0.537 0.058 137 Treatment 138 Table 4.6. Effects of agronomic and native communities on mineralizable N, ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (N03-) in upper 15 cm of soil1 and light fraction, light fraction N and C:N ration in upper 7.5 cm in a Festuca Danthonia site in southern Alberta in 1995 and 1997. Mineralizable N (mg kg-1) 1995 1997 NH4+ (mg kg-1) 1995 1997 NO3(mg kg-1) 1995 1997 LF (mg kg-1) 1995 1997 LF N (mg kg-1) 1995 1997 LF C:N 1995 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Means--------------------------------------- Native 156.400 134.000 24.400 10.600 2.900 3.100 26.400 123.200 466.000 2348.00 19.100 15.800 120.900 99.800 21.600 11.700 7.200 2.200 13.000 43.000 216.000 706.00 17.900 18.900 183.500 121.400 22.600 10.900 5.400 2.200 34.600 69.700 590.000 1234.00 18.600 16.200 139.600 131.600 20.300 12.800 6.700 7.800 16.200 41.800 272.000 795.00 17.700 15.400 Wheat Fallow 187.700 118.200 32.800 9.900 7.000 12.500 20.300 25.100 372.000 409.00 16.000 16.300 SE2 19.500 16.600 2.200 1.100 1.700 Contrast --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Probabilities3---------------------------------- Smooth Bromegrass Orchardgrass Wheat Continuous Native vs Perennial Grass 3.300 5.300 13.500 108.000 282.00 0.700 0.500 0.862 0.251 0.580 0.701 0.016 0.655 0.700 0.002 0.646 0.002 0.339 0.010 Native vs Wheat 0.775 0.646 0.613 0.890 0.008 0.004 0.258 <0.001 0.318 <0.001 0.025 0.921 0.349 0.223 0.745 0.577 <0.001 0.350 0.136 0.492 0.239 0.077 0.004 Perennial Grass vs Wheat 1 0.586 Soil samples contain root biomass Standard error of the sample population 3 Probabilities of planned contrasts 2 138 Treatment