A SEMI-STRONG FORM EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THE WHEAT FUTURES MARKET by Llewelyn Edward Jones A thesis submitted in par~ial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Applied Economics MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana March 1988 ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Llewelyn Edward Jones This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Date Chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department Date Head, Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean j iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment requirements for a master's degree at Montana State University, of the 1 agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations special permission, from this thesis are allowable without provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission thesis Dean the for extensive quotation from or reproduction may be granted by my major advisor, of Libraries when, material material or in his absence, in the opinion of either, is for scholarly purposes. of by this the the proposed use of Any copying or use of the in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature______________________________ Date___________________________________ iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I Dr. would like to express my appreciation to my committee Jeffrey T. LaFrance, Dr. Ronald N. Johnson, and Dr. John members, M. Marsh for their patience and guidance during the course of this thesis. Special thanks go to my parents, Edward and Marjorie, and my wife, Carole, whose love and support made possible the pursuit and of my academic goals. attainment v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE............................. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv TABLE OF CONTENTS..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v LIST OF TABLES............................................. vii LIST OF FIGURES............................................ viii ABSTRACT................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i x CHAPTER 1. 2. INTRODUCTION .................................... . I nt reduction ................................. . Statement of the Problem ..................... . Objectives ................................... . 2 3 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ........................ . 5 The Theory of Efficient Markets .............. . Efficient Futures Market Research ............ . Wheat Price Forecasting Models ............... . General Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Modeling Theory ...................... . Development of an Efficiency Test for the Wheat Futures Market ......................... . Data Availability and Requirements ........... . 3. 1 5 12 17 21 25 29 EMPIRICAL RESULTS ............................... . 31 Soft Red Winter Wheat ARIMA Model ............ . Random Walk Model Results ................. . ARIMA(3,0,3) Model Results ................ . USDA Model Results ........................... . 31 31 40 50 Vi TABLE OF CONTENTS-Continued Page Market Trader's Model Results................. Predicting the PPI............................ Utilizing the ARIMA(3,0,3) Model.............. 55 59 60 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .........................• 66 Summary....................................... Cone 1us ions. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Further Research.............................. 66 69 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................... 72 APPENDIX ....••................•.•....•.....•......... ·..•... 76 4. vi i LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Price Predictions with a Random Walk Model ....... . 37 2. Predictions Made by the Wheat Futures Market ..... . 38 3. Autocorrelation Check of Residuals ............... . 44 4. Price Predictions with an ARIMA(3,0,3) Model ..... . 48 5. Price Predictions with Model (23) ................ . 53 6. Price Predictions with the Market Trader's Mode 1 ............................................ . 57 7. PPI Predictions with a Random Walk Model ......... . 60 8. Returns to Market Price Speculation Using the ARIMA(3,0,3) Model ........................... . 63 Original Data Set ................................ . 11 9. viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Relationship Between Quarterly Prices and Stocks-to-Use Ratio ............................. . 19 2. Nominal and Real Cash Soft Red Winter Wheat ..... . 32 3. Random Walk Model's Forecast versus Cash Price ........................................... . 40 Wheat Futures Market's Forecast versus Cash Price ........................................... . 41 5. Autocorrelation Function (ACF) for Cash Wheat .... 42 6. Partial Autocorrelation Function (PACF) for Cash Wheat ...................................... . 43 ARIMA(3,0,3) Model's Forecast versus Cash Price ................................... ·· .. ··.·· 49 8. USDA Model's Forecast versus cash Price ......... . 54 9. Market Trader's Model's Forecast versus Cash Price ........................................... . 58 1. 4. 7. ~ ix ABSTRACT Futures market efficiency is of concern to both market participants and non-participants. The practical problem is that inefficient futures markets can lead to resource allocation problems. The specific objective of this study is to perform a Fama (1970) semi-strong efficiency test on the Chicago Board of Trade's wheat futures market. In this study, three wheat price prediction models are used as a standard with which to compare, on the basis of root mean squared error and bias, the futures market. One of the models, an autoregressive integrated moving average model, succeeded in obtaining a semi-strong efficiency rejection. Returns from speculating with the autoregressive integrated moving average model are then examined to see if the incremental returns are sufficiently large to cover all costs of speculating. A 19.5 percent after cost return was generated by simulating speculation with this model. Since a risk premium is expected when using unproven methods to forecast price, it was not determined whether this return is large enough to compensate for the risks involved. The results of this study indicate that there exists a possibility that the Chicago Board of Trade's wheat futures market is not allocating resources efficiently, at least for the time frame examined and efficiency definition chosen. As to whether this detected ineff~ciency is just an anomaly caused by the time frame examined, efficiency definition chosen, or the examination method, little can be said. The results of this test are only strictly interpreted relative to the particular definition of efficiency and time period chosen, and are not used to infer that the futures market can be replaced by a "more efficient" m~rketing tool. 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Introduction This study offers a semi-strong test of the Chicago Board of Trade's wheat futures market. compares price predictions with predictions made market squared the study quarterly autoregressive integrated United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA), trader's models. error by of Specifically, the the Chicago Board of Trade's wheat futures markets moving average (ARIMA), and efficiency The basts for CRMSE) and bias. comparison The approach follows is the root mean format set forth by Leuthold and Hartman's (1979) analysis of the Chicago Board of Trade's hog futures market with the exception that the structural models used to literature forward price rather than predict in this study explicitly created were from chosen economic from the analysis. Choosing models from the literature allows conclusions about the forward price predicting ability of commonly accepted models while avoiding questions of model specification validity. Following explicitly Fama tested (1970, p. 1), the definition in this study is, "A market in reflect available information is called efficient." of which efficiency prices fully This definition was made testable by Fama (1970) and is the model of choice for studies such as these. Upon completion of this study some conclusions about wheat 2 futures market efficiency and model choice are reached for the period 1966 to 1986. Statement of the Problem Grain production and export trade is of tremendous the United States; the and exports futures number United States produces 141 of the world's SOl of the world's grain trade (Cramer et markets play importance an integral part in this grain grain al., 1983). The trade the with of contracts traded increasing fifteen fold from 1960 to Presently, there are approximately 9000 contracts traded per day 1985). to The Chicago Board of Trade's wheat futures market is 1985. <Peck, generally considered the key grain futures market for two reasons: (1) the largest volume futures of grain futures trading, approximately 75% of the total grain trade, occurs on the Chicago Board of Trade; and (2) while the contracts tendered on the Chicago Board of Trade are for soft red winter wheat, other grain varieties such as soft white wheat, hard red wheat, and hard red spring wheat are accepted for delivery winter with the appropriate premiums and discounts. The above statements plays demonstrate the prominent role in the United States economy. that grain futures trading A question of concern to participants in this market is whether or not this market is operating efficiently since an inefficient market could potentially lead to the misallocation of resources. individuals market, but that still may use This question is also important not directly participate in the wheat function to make decisions. futures the market's to wheat futures forward pricing 3 The procedure for testing a market for pricing efficiency must take into consideration chosen for futures the comparison. trader's cost and availability of any models that are For USDA and models reason, readily available were selected and deliberately kept simple. hypothetical thi~ modeling procedures Upon selection of a "best" competing trading with relevant commission charges will be were model, executed over a prospective test period. Objectives The specific objectives of this research project are: 1. To test the hypothesis that the Chicago Board of Trade's wheat futures market is efficient. 2. To rank, on the basis of RMSE and bias, USDA, ARMA, and rejecting the futures trader's models. 3. To test any hypothesis model(s) that succeed(s) in in objective (1) for after commission above average returns where above average returns are defined to be returns investments Organization reviews previous summarizes develops modeling, definition wheat the and of in excess of the return such as cash deposits (CDs) at this thesis is as follows: research done on futures models that are present in theory rate the second and of efficiency. a testable implication from chapter efficiency, literature, behind autoregressive integrated develops "safe" a bank. markets the of briefly moving average the chosen Chapter 3 presents the empirical results of 4 the efficiency tests undertaken. Chapter 4 includes the suggestions for further research, and other concluding remarks. summary, 5 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE This chapter development of summarizes consists the of six sections. The theory of efficient markets. first The previous research done on the subject of section efficient futures The third section models; two of these models will be chosen to use in The regressive develops fourth reviews recent literature on section briefly reviews the integrated moving average wheat the theory modeling. The price efficiency behind fifth autosection the efficiency tests that are to be undertaken in this The sixth list of section considers data requirements and the second markets. tests. traces study. availability. references cited in this review is not complete. The However, it does contain those works considered by the author to be important to the development and motivation of this project. The Theory of Efficient Markets Working information and "necessary" necessary (1958) and writes judgment, and "objectionable." inaccuracies; information. that the sources of classed market market An efficient mistakes are inaccuracies as market contains unexpected price changes are due only Any error beyond that is objectionable inaccuracy, only to new often termed as speculative error, and likely results from the bad judgment of traders or from noncompetitive market situations. Working (1949) 6 implies that, if future price changes are inaccuracies must objectionable error is absent. line exist. If the predictable, changes objectionable unpredictable, are Samuelson (1965, p. 105) followed of reasoning when he noted that "expected profits in an market can't be increased by charts or any other esoteric this efficient device of magic or mathematics." Fama (1970) took general statements such as the ones above, and, in an article that has become a classic in the relevant literature, defined concise tests for market efficiency. First, Fama (1970) stated the there are no transaction costs involved in trading; (2) all available information is costlessly on following sufficient conditions for market efficiency: (1) available to all market participants; and (3) all agree the implications of current information for the current market price and distributions market In such a market, the current price would obviously "fully reflect" all available information. However, while efficiency, if of future market prices. the above conditions they are not necessary. "sufficient numbers" of are sufficient The market may still be investors have access market for to efficient available information, and there are no investors who can consistently make better evaluations of available information than are implicit in market CFama 1970). one Fama prices Next, Fama (1970) concisely defined an efficient market as in which prices "fully reflect" all available information. Then (1970) defined exactly what he meant by the term "fully ·reflect". His theoretical development went as follows: (1) - - E ( p.J • t: + 1 lit ) = [ 1+ E ( r .J • t where E is the expected value operator, +1 : It: ) l p.J t , P.Jt: is the price of security j 7 at time t, P.:t,t+l intermediate percentage whatever price t+l (With reinvestment cash income from the security), G,t+l is return (P.:t.t+l - It is P.:~tliP.:~t• a the general at t, and the tildes indicate that Pt • .J+l and r.J,t+l at ECr.:~.t• 1 1ft> t. expectation The value of the equilibrium expected notation of return return theory at hand. symbol for in are the random return determined The is meant to imply, however, (1) any one-period expected projected on the information It would be particular expected of set of information is assumed to be "fully reflected" variables the is its price at from conditional that model is assumed to apply, the information whatever in It fully utilized in determining equilibrium expected returns. This is sense in which It is "fully reflected" in the information of the is the price P.:tt · Fama (1970) then took his equation empirically testable implications. assumptions terms of (1) and developed His development went as follows: The that the conditions of market equilibrium can be stated expected some returns and that equilibrium expected returns in are formed on the basis of (and thus "fully reflect") the information set It have a major empirical implication-- they rule out the possibility trading systems based only on the information in It that have of expected profits or returns in excess of equilibrium expected profits or returns. Thus let (2) X.:I • t +1 =p .:I • t +1 - E( p.:I • t +1 lit ) Then ( 3) - E(X.:t,t+ 1 lit) = 0 which, by definition, says that the sequence {x.:tt J is a "fair game" with 8 respect to the information sequence {It}. or, equivalently, let (4) z.J.t+1 = r.J.t+1 - - E(r.J.t+1 :tt J Then ECz.J.t+ 1 :tt> ( 5) so that the = o, sequence £z.Jtl is also a fair game with respect to the information sequence £1}. In economic terms, j at time t+l; expected x.J. t+l is the excess it is the difference between the observed price and the value of the price that was projected at t on the basis of the information It· Similarly, z.J.t+l is the return at t+1 in excess of the equilibrium expected return projected at t. Let a ( It > = Ca1 ( It >, ~ ( It: ) , ... , C4. ( It: >J (6) be market value of security any trading system based on It which tells the investor the a.J(It> amounts of funds available at t that are to be invested in each of then available securities. The total excess market value at t+l that will be generated by such a system is n vt+l ( 7) =s a.J Cit: Hr.J.t+l - ECr.J.t+l a~ )Ji, ..:1-1 which, from the fair game property of (5) has expectation, - E(Vt:+l :tt:) ( 8) The testable straightforward. efficient market = n 5 a..t Cit )E(z.J.t+ 1 :tt) ..:1-1 implications of Fama's =0. (1970) work are quite It is impossible to create a model that outpredicts an to the extent that expected profits excess of "normal" profits or returns are generated. or returns in 9 Fama broke (1970) These categories. the tests of efficient markets categories were named weak form test, into three semi-strong Fama's judgment efficiency, requires testing a market to see if price changes follow a random walk. A random form test, and strong form test in order to reflect of how powerful each efficiency test was. The walk first category, implies returns) the weak form test for that successive price changes (or are independent and identically successive distributed. one-period Formally, this says (9) f( which is the t. uf that an the conditional independent random and marginal variable are In addition, the density function f must be the same for all Expression return statement distributions probability identical. usual r.J. t: ... 1 I It: ) = f ( r.J • t: +1 >, model (9), of course, says much more than the general expected summarized by (1). For example, assuming that the expected return on securttiy then we have - E(r.J.t:+ 1 11t:l ( 10) = E(r.J.t:+ if we restrict j (1) is constant over by time, 1 ). This says that the mean of the distribution of r.J.t:+l is independent of ·the information available at t, It:, whereas the random walk model of (9) says in This, addition however, that does the entire distribution is independent not preclude the possibility of a trend of It:. (random walk with a drift) since expected price changes can be non-zero; earlier work by samuelson (1965) had previously shown that prices could deterministic trends while still fluctuating randomly. careful to note that, as shown above, follow Fama (1970) was the fair game assumption is not 10 sufficient to lead to a random walk. i.e. that the returns) be However, game" stationary return (zero (indeed the serial entire distribution correlations) through while zero serial correlations are consistent with model, the "fair game" model does not specifically serial correlations. markets that However, to expected The random walk implies much more, In his 1970 article, Fama tested "fair game" efficient did were "fair require zero that serially many correlated. he felt that the small levels of serial correlation that be often present in markets could not very likely be profitable returns. best time. the show to regard seem exploited Fama (1970) went on to explain that it is the random walk model as a special case of for probably of the more general expected return model ("fair game" model) in the sense of making a more detailed specification of the economic environment. basic model model, with conditions time. of market equilibrium is the "fair game" a random arising when assumption this the of judged relative these violations environment. viewpoint, violations of the random walk model are to be Fama themselves pure through independence But, random walk insights into the nature of the (1970) concluded his section on weak form that there isn't much evidence against the "fair return environmental expected. to the benchmark provided by the can provide expected additional are such that one-period returns repeat From noting walk That is, the when model, market tests by game" model's form tests, with whether more ambitious offspring, the random walk. Fama's (1970) contains tests current prices of second category, the semi-strong efficient market that are "fully reflect" all concerned obvious publicly available 11 information. market Each individual test is concerned with the prices to some kind of information generating adjustment event(s) of (e.g., export reports, domestic usage, dollar values, substitute prices, etc.). Leuthold and Hartmann comparisons between econometric model (1979) interpreted econometric this models and test futures include to markets; better utilizes available information if an thereby and out-forecasts the futures market in question, then this is a valid semistrong rejection of market efficiency. When semi-strong tests of efficiency are carried out in this manner, the econometric models become a norm with which to compare the futures markets. (1970) third category, Fama~s of efficient "fully reflect its whether Fama current (1970, p. 415) all available information, is probably best strictest sense) can be judged." Tests that Osborne (1966) and Scholes (1969) indicated that assumed as a (interpreted fall into would be concerned with above average returns being by such factors as monopolistic access to information. noted viewed against which deviations from market efficiency category prices strong efficient markets model, in which prices are benchmark in markets that are concerned with reflect" all available information. that, "The to the strong form test, contains tests this generated Niederhoffer and such market inefficiencies do occur by showing that above average returns are earned by New York Stock Exchange specialists and corporate officers. Since Fama (1970), there have been many articles dealing with the concept of efficiency and the characteristics of efficient markets. The conventional author, so Fama (1970) approach to efficiency was taken little discussion will be made of later approaches. by this It is 12 pertinent to note, however, that later works do indicate that there be some problems with Fama's (1970) definition of efficiency may since no account is taken of the costs of acquiring information and/or changes in the variability of the price series (Grossman and Stiglitz, fact, Grossman efficiency to and Stiglitz (1980) showed that, for hold, costless information is condition, but also a necessary condition. particular not the only In property of a sufficient This implies that, even if a model's forecast is more accurate than the forecasts of futures market, inefficiency does not necessarily follow. to 1980). For a the market be inefficient, it is necessary to have a model that forecasts accurately than the market; however, this is not sufficient for inefficiency. To be sufficient for market inefficiency, more market the risk adjusted returns must be large enough to cover all modeling costs. Efficient Futures Market Research Both the efficient market model and the special random walk model discussed in the previous section imply that no mechanical trading rules can be used to increase profits. Fama's (1970) A large body of research that followed article attempted to reject efficiency by constructing successful trading rules or by testing for serial correlations with the idea serial correlations indicate the possibility that trading study, rules. the of profitable Since this will largely be the approach taken in articles discussed in the following section will this be congregated around these ideas. Other approaches to efficiency tests of futures of markets do exist and will be briefly summarized at the this section. end 13 cargill 464 and Rausser (1975, p. 1049) weak form futures contracts from seven commodities efficiency (corn, oats, copper, live beef cattle, and pork bellies) and soybeans, obtained weak- rejections of efficiency for the set of results as a whole: "the wheat, form tested results of this analysis clearly indicate that there are a significant number of departures from randomness. Thus the random walk model must be rejected." They did note in their paper that this was a rejection of random walk and therefore did not necessarily imply that tested were inefficient. paper, they applied a g-percent filter (a quite popular that In fact, in an interesting the aside markets in their trading rule gives buy-sell signals based upon percentage changes in price) computer produced generating random series of market substantial profits. prices and felt this was strong evidence in support of the contentions that the walk model markets was not an accurate explanation of efficient in that random commodity that positive profits from the g-percent filter and to succeeded Cargill and Rausser (1975) a were not necessarily indications of serial correlation as previously believed. Leuthold and Hartmann (1979) performed a semi-strong form test efficiency on constructing which Chicago Board of Trade's hog futures and market an econometric forecasting model to serve as a to compare the Chicago Board of Trade's hog futures econometric data the norm (1979, p. 484) stated that, "By design, the econometric is simple kept inefficient, because, further if a simple model shows elaboration becomes the unnecessary The monthly Leuthold Hartmann market to by with market. model was a two equation demand-supply model using closely following the well known cobweb model. for test and model to be the 14 efficient market Hartmann (1979) hypothesis." were able On the basis of to reject RMSE, (semi-strong form test) efficiency hypothesis. comparison because of the importance of weighting large errors They chose to use RMSE as and Leuthold the the statistic of greater than small errors in a forecasting model. Rausser efficiency Carter and on the (1983) Chicago performed Board of a semi-strong Trade's soybean test complex. of They followed fairly closely the framework set forth by Leuthold and Hartmann (1979) by compare building the rejection was an econometric forecasting futures market and succeeded in of market efficiency. model with obtaining a to semi-strong However, they did not feel that this in fact a true rejection of efficiency; rather, they felt that necessary condition for sufficient condition for efficiency rejection would require cost of constructing incremental appropriately benefits Rausser efficiency rejection and utilizing their model cost/benefit condition). in which adjusted had been did not by risk met. the The that the exceed the (relative Bias was also added as a comparison statistic and Carter's (1983) analysis because they felt that for a model to meet the necessary condition for efficiency rejection it had to do this so in both terms of volatility (RMSE) and bias. concept of meeting both a bias and a They volatility referred to constraint as I -"relative accuracy." In concluding their article, Rausser and Carter (1983, p. 477) pointed out that, while only the necessary condition for efficiency rejection had been quantitatively met by their research, they had deliberately kept the predictive models simple, thereby the marginal cost of use and giving a high probability minimizing of meeting 15 sufficiency requirements opportunities returns exist whicn indicate "It in the soybean complex for excess exceed that, for efficiency rejection: normal returns adjusted appears returns, for· risk." in later research, they planned to that do i.e., They market did trading simulations with their model to test if actual excess returns do exist. A simple market trading rule using their model as an indicator of direction was to be used in developing a trading strategy. Kamara (1984) summarized other research that had occurred futures market efficiency area over the last twenty years. the results researchers different general were fairly the same or conclusions. consensus that as a the similar As a since questions who in reached (1970) the the large large enough that reports on market position and intent had to Commodity Futures Trading Commission), could whole, ability especially traded the different often forecasting speculator, speculator better than the futures market. Fama disconcerting In the area of price was (defined quantities the found asking speculator with he in be filed forecast pri.ce This result would be consistent with semi-strong efficiency rejection. However, it should a be noted that the majority of the studies reviewed by Kamara (1984) did not take into account the cost of the speculator's forecasting information or the possibility that the speculators were being rewarded for risk. for Therefore, these results represent only the necessary efficiency rejection and do not meet sufficiency bearing condition requirements. Also, it should be noted that Hartzmark, in a 1987 study based upon the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's confidential files, was unable to 16 find any evidence to support the contention that speculators walk efficiency could forecast price. As for the special case of the random tests, most of the research on random walk models of the futures markets was summarized by Karama (1984) found some evidence correlation, especially short run serial correlation. is consistent again the nonrandom with a Fama (1970) weak form components efficiency unless is some not sufficient serial While this result rejection results aren't very compelling. of that of efficiency, The mere existence of evidence unexploited opportunities some to reject general for above average profits are created by this Jack of randomness in price. A 1980 argument by Grossman and Stiglitz probably best summarizes the current thoughts on futures market efficiency. futures prices reflected all available information, then traders no incentive to gather information. have obtain, then, in equilibrium, held by information earn a higher return. no informed prices information market They argued that If information is traders, so that those would costly will reveal only part who Costly information will if of to the acquire result in prices that do not reflect all available information even though traders behave suboptimally. This again emphasizes current theoretical trends towards redefining Fama's (1970) efficiency rejection tests as tests for only the necessary conditions for efficiency rejection and not tests that satisfy general market efficiency rejection criterion. To meet rejection, the both necessary and sufficient potential criterion expected returns from for efficiency exploitation of the 17 perceived failings in the market price must be greater than the cost and risk of gathering and utilizing the necessary information. Wheat Price Forecasting Models This section forecasting read or reviews some of the recent models that are used wheat prices. easily available publications This 1i terature. Only models that were published in were considered was done to insure that the cost of for commonly as relevant acquiring and using these models was minimal. Westcott et al. (1984) and Westcott and Hull (1985) built wheat price forecasting models for the United States Department of Agriculture (the USDA is the largest publisher of agricultural commodity and forecasts). hyperbolic price, The model function, (P-a)(S-d) = c, was based where P is on the the general quarterly wheat cs- 1 year, a Solving the above equation for price gives To represent the different effects of separate important usage, • c parameter was assumed for in the wheat industry. market filled. reflect each Westcott et al. since the wheat market had grown sharply develop stocks this "relative usage" measurement required (1984) "stickiness" of the is amount of felt that, over time, it was necessary to of stocks because a greater level of stocks to keep term = It quarter. quarterly a marketing Lagged price was also included as an independent short P through to note that stocks, s, were measured relative to u, are To avoid nonlinearities in estimation, the parameter d was assumed to equal zero. + developed s denotes quarterly ending stocks of wheat, and a, c, and d parameters. a they price wheat larger channels variable prices. to Price 18 was "stickiness~ thought to reflect partial adjustments caused by relative bargaining positions of market participants and/or expectations based upon complete incomplete market information, which thereby price adjustments in the short run. The preceding prevented adjustment resulted in the following general equation: (i 4 P =a+ b lag(PJ + s c,D, (5/U)- 1 i=l 1) • o, are quarterly dummy variables (equal to 1 in the i-th quarter, Where 0, elsewhere), lag(PJ is the one quarter lag of price (P), and a, b, and c,, i=1, ... ,4, denote are quarters, April-May quarter, October-December c:~.D:~. (5/U)- 1 hyperbolic estimated. smaller as "i" the i=3 is the June-September quarter, and i=4 is the Westcott et (1984) al. included to allow a different effect of stocks on the prices as the For any given 5°/UO, the resulting prices would be time from harvest increases. This is from one hyperbolic curve to the next. stock-to- stock-to-use expected to indicated The actual by model estimated from 1971-81 (44 observations). The final empirical results were: (12) P = 0.041 + .830 lag(P) + 1.071 01 (5/U)- 1 + .389 02 {5/U)- 1 + (0.2) (12.7) (1.9) (0.9) 2.385 03 (5/U)- 1 + 2.401 04 (5/U)- 1 (2.6) R2 in Thus, equation (11) is expected to yield a family of four curves that represent price's relationship to the such movement subscripts is use ratio for each quarter (see Figure 1). ratio, The where 1=1 is the January-March quarter, i=2 quarter. terms each quarter. parameters to be = .875 • (3.1) MAE <mean absolute error) = .270 be a was 19 PRICE (p) P01 ' , ,I \ } .. P~ --t'--\\-~".. r• Po3 pO 4 S~U 0 STOCKS-TO-USE RATIO h = harvest quarter h + 1 a 1 quarter after harvest h + 2 • 2 quarters after harvest h + 3 a 3 quarters after harvest P = prtce per bushel of wheat ~ • harvest quarter prtce tor a gtven ~., • harvest + 1 quarter prtce tor a ~. 2 • harvest + 2 quarter price tor a ~. 2 • harvest + 3 quarter prtce tor a SO/UO • a gtven stock-to-use ratto (S/U) stock-to-use ratio gtven stock-to-use gtven stock-to-use gtven stock-to-use (5°/UO) ratio (5°/UO) ratio (5°/UO) ratto (5°/UO) Ftgure 1. Relattonshtp Between Quarterly Prtce and Stocks-to-use Ratto 20 The sign of the coefficients on the stock-to-use ratios were and tended positive to diminish as the time from harvest increased. This met with the expectations of Westcott et al. (1984). To al. assess the predictive capabilities of their model, Westcott (1984) forecasted quarterly price for the years 1982 and 1983. 1982 a mean absolute error (MAE) of 24.2 cents per bushel was et For obtained and for 1983 an MAE of 31.1 cents per bushel was obtained. This was felt to be acceptable performance for a wheat forecasting model although they noted that some problems with forecasting may have been caused by the 1983 PIK program and the 1983 drought. Another is the publicly available source of commodity forecasting many books and pamphlets published analysts. Schwager (1984) contributed by futures models traders and to this body of information when he published the book A Complete Guide to the Futures Markets. While not explicitly presented creating and testing a wheat forecasting model, theoretical arguments for a general model form. Schwager Since this book represented a fairly new and available publication on wheat market models, it was chosen as a literature source that met the general cost- availability framework discussed earlier. The following section will develop Schwager's (1984) general wheat model. The basic model proposed by Schwager is: (13) Where DP DP question, =a + b(D5/ES). is the average deflated cash wheat price for a and b are parameters to be estimated by the period regression, in and 05/ES is a ratio of five period average disappearance of grain stocks to ending grain stocks. The five period moving average of grain stock 21 disappearance, 05, was used to normalize stocks since Schwager felt that this would be a more representative measure of the size of the market. A single period, D, could make the model unstable by making it prone being affected It market. was on average by short period abnormalities that can suggested, however, that the stock disappearance be occur length of varied until "best in the model to any moving fit" is obtained. Schwager viewed the general model (13) as a logical starting for constructing price forecasting models of the grain this basic model was were ratios Two potential right-hand suggested are: (appropriately and impressive trade dollar model fits Once tested, the analyst can then experiment with addition. of other variables. that markets. point (~ values. lagged) Schwager side variables wheat-to-corn stated that the some of .89 to .98) had been obtained using price very these methods, but did not explicitly show the actual models. There are models in followed the general framework of Schwager (1984) and/or Westcott et al. (1984). All models and publications. many other wheat price However, those reviewed by forecasting this author had lagged wheat price or wheat-to-feed grain price ratios either lagged or forecasted supply-disappearance variables on the righthand side. Therefore, the two wheat price models discussed above are felt by this author to be representative of the literature available. General Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Average Modeling Theory Box form of and Jenkins (1976) are generally considered the creators of time series analysis that is referred to as a autoregressive 22 integrated defined CAR) moving average as follows: lag, the differenced, d and the p represents the order of represents the the number of of analysis emphasis Cp,d,q) autoregressive the the is data moving were average (The Cp,d,q) will not be presented unless a In this approach to time specific model structure is being discussed.) series the times q represents the order (abreviated MAl error term. The {ARIMACp,d,Q)) modeling. the goal is generally is placed on explanation. prediction; therefore, little As a result, ARIMA modeling has a much more limited application than most forms of time series econometric modeling; econometric models are often as concerned with explanation as with prediction. ARIMA modeling is generally broken down into a four-fold exercise. The four basic exercises are: timation, (3) diagnostic checking, and three steps satisfactory this are iterative. The (1) identification, (4) fourth forecasting. step is taken results are obtained from steps 1 through 3. The section will discuss the characteristics that a data exhibit iterative first only when rest to be a candidate for ARIMA modeling, and will present a an in-depth discussion refer to Time Series of need brief Brevity was considered reasonable since ARIMA modeling is a well known and For es- The series discussion of each of the steps involved in ARIMA modeling. process. (2) accepted Analysis: Forecasting and Control (Box and Jenkins, 1976). data Candidate characteristics. contain intervals data (Box processes for ARIMA models must These that and was characteristics measured in are: equally (1) have the data spaced, Jenkins (1976) suggest at least 50 some basic set must discrete time observations), 23 (2) the mean of the data series must be constant through time, . variance (3) the of the data series must be constant through time, and (4) the autocorrelation function must be constant through time; must be autocorrelation a function of lag length only, i.e. relative position in the series cannot have any effect on autocorrelation. candidate a If data set satisfies preceding the all characteristics, then it is referred to as second order stationary (505) and is data a good candidate for univariate, Box and Jenkins ARIMA. set does methodology series is that not satisfy these characteristics, then to difference the series to try to obtain cannot meet 50S criterion is not a It a the accepted sos. A data candidate for ARIMA modeling. If a data set meets the requirements tor ARIMA modeling, step is the identification stage. the Identification is the step in which one or more possible ARIMA models are chosen as candidates for the forecasting correlations devices estimated model. between next Two graphical devices are used observations within a single data to The measure series. are called an estimated autocorrelation function (act) partial autocorrelation function Cpacf). building These and an estimated act and pact measure the statistical relationships within a data series and are helpful in giving a feel for the patterns available in the data. I The estimated act and pact are then used as guides in choosing I ' or that it. more ARIMA models that seem appropriate. Thus, the basic every ARIMA model has a theoretical act and pact idea associated At this stage the theoretical acts and pacts are compared with estimated acts and pacts in order to select a model whose one is with the theoretical 24 acfs and pacfs most closely match the estimated acfs and pacts. The data is not approached with a preconceived idea about what model to use, as in the case of econometric models; rather, the data is expected to "talk" through the estimated acfs and pacfs and ihereby reveal the model of choice. stage; it Models are only chosen tentatively at the identification a tentative model will not be accepted as a final proves adequate in the estimation and diagnostic Otherwise the identification stage must be model unless checking stages. rep~ated. The estimation stage is where precise estimates of the coefficients of the chosen signals about model are obtained. This stage the adequacy of a model. In provides particular, some the warning estimated coefficients must meet certain mathematical constraints (size and or the tentative model is rejected. constraints will requirements. For not satisfy doesn't A model that stationarity and/or a more detailed explanation of meet sign) these invertibility stationarity and/or invertibility see Pankratz (1983). The third stage of ARIMA modeling is the diagnostic checking stage. Box and determine Jenkins (1976) suggested some diagnostic checks if an estimated model is statistically adequate. This is mainly concerned with looking at the residuals in order to if only white noise remains. If a model is shown to be to help stage determine inadequate in this stage, then stage 1 (identification) must be returned to. The Assuming fourth and final step in ARJMA modeling is that all the requirements of steps 1 through 3 are the model is then used to derive forecasts. If the forecasting. satisfied, ARIMA model is indeed the correct one, then forecasts made with this model are chosen said 25 to be optimal. smaller This means that no other univariate forecasts have a mean-squared forecast error CMSE). Development of an Efficiency Test for the Wheat Futures Market The following section traces the general ideas and concepts the efficiency test that is undertaken by this study. efficiency in this section refer to the Fama behind All references to (1970) definition of efficiency. The market that is tested for efficiency in this Chicago Board of Trade's wheat futures market. the Chicago Board of Trade's study is the The contract tendered on wheat futures market is for number 2 soft red winter wheat deliverable upon contract expiration to any of several designated is subject cash delivery to price points. One such point of delivery that location premiums or discounts is Chicago, for number 2 soft red winter wheat at thereby Chicago not making a logical choice for a data series to be used in this study. The next step is to choose a time interval to forecast Chicago Board forward price predictions of any length less than 15 close of Trade's wheat futures market is (contract (contracts traded) predictions) five given capable length) and the number· of indicates that near term " the making However, the price predictions made contracts experience the greatest trading volume. of months. examination of the relationship between the length of prediction since (short Since contracts (December, March, May, July, and September) length there are traded per year, each contract spends approximately two and one-half months 26 being the near term contract. number 2 The closest any readily available, soft red winter wheat data set could come prediction interval was in quarterly format. As a to cash, matching result, this quarterly intervals were chosen to be the standard by which efficiency tests made; quarterly, a series cash price, number 2 soft red winter were wheat was obtained for the period from the first quarter 1966 data to the 2nd quarter 1986. After step selection of the prediction interval and data set, becomes efficiency selection tests proposed . by of used in in 1970. Fama the appropriate this study closely efficiency follow The version of the Fama (1970) efficiency test that requires compare test. framework is undertaken price prediction capabilities of the market Conclusions on market efficiency efficiency reached. relative to The the the creation or selection of a standard (norm) with the the next in which to question. or, at least, conclusions about market the model chosen for comparison, can Logically, "simple" (easily constructed and then utilized) be models should be chosen first since an efficiency rejection by a "simple" model precludes the necessity of creating a more complex model. It must also be recognized that a Fama (1970) form rejection of efficiency represents only the Therefore, necessary since the condition for general sufficient condition efficiency for efficiency rejection. rejection requires that model cost be taken into account, the cost of creating and utilizing complex models often makes them fail sufficiency criterion. Perhaps random walk; the most simple model of a market proposed is that of a it takes minimal knowledge and time to test the hypothesis 27 that a data set is a random walk. random walk, model or then follow If the data set does not follow a build a this indicates that it may be possible to some other trading rule that predictions than those generated by the market. will allow better The general cash wheat random walk model is: WPt: (14) Where =a + 13WPt:-t · WPt:-t represents cash, number 2, Chicago in the (t-i)th quarter, soft red winter wheat price a is an intercept parameter to at be estimated, and 13 is a slope parameter to be estimated. The number random walk model has 13 equal to one and a equal best to whatever represents the market drift, i.e. a market with no drift would have a equal to zero, whereas a market with positive growth would have a greater than zero. that 13 = 1. freedom (n hypothesis Therefore, the hypothesis to be The T test is the appropriate test with is the that 13 number = 0 of is a observations). Fama (1970) n-2 tested is degrees of A rejection weak form of the rejection of efficiency. If the wheat price series do not follow a random walk, then this indicates the possibility of building an ARIMA model to compete with the wheat futures market. A random walk model is an AR(l) process; therefore, the rejection of a random walk model poses the possibility of creating a model that has an AR(p) process with p>l. An model where the exact form is not ARIMA(l,O,O) indicates price does not "fully reflect" available information. succeeds ARIMA(p,d,q) that current If such a model in rejecting wheat futures market efficiency, then this would represent a Fama (1970) semi-strong rejection of market efficiency. 28 Models other than ARIMA can be used to serve as a norm for efficiency comparisons; any model or rule that allows for either actual price viable prediction candidate for an or predicts direction of price change efficiency test. Two other is competing a models were selected from the literature to serve as comparison norms in this study. The general form of and theory behind the models selected and model (13)) are given in a previous section. chosen over model creation currently in the literature. to allow for tests Model of (model selection models the largest, most easily available source of predictions. is that are This is especially relevant in the case of model (11) since this model is one that the USDA advocates. possibly (11) The USDA is commodity price Another benefit of model selection over model creation is that with model selection the right-hand side variables don't have to be derived and defended. The the statistics that will be used for comparison between models wheat market and the wheat futures market are RMSE and selected statistic of comparison is RMSE since it effectively large prediction important could also of will This prediction more effectively lead to resource allocation problems. as a statistic of comparison to effectively rate resource allocation. consistently A biased model or misallocate resources through time~ futures Both RMSE are commonly accepted measures tor tests such as these. is that Bias is how the futures market fared against the other chosen models in the consistent The penalizes errors. since it is the large errors in wheat price chosen wheat errors more than small prediction bias. of area market bias and 29 The final empirical step taken in this study only occurred because one of the preceding models (ARIMA) succeeded in obtaining a Fama (19701 semi-strong efficiency rejection of market efficiency. Since a Fama meets only the necessary condition for rejection general efficiency rejection, the sufficient condition for efficiency must be examined. rejection enough of In order to meet sufficiency returns (risk adjusted) utilizing the competing model. to cover the Returns from market rejection requirements market efficiency, a competing model must cost for a high generate of of building and trading the model that met the necessary criterion will be measured, the cost of building the model will be estimated, and the opportunity cost of money invested model will be figured at a 101 discount rate. in the However, the returns from speculating with a price predictive model need to be adjusted for risk before risk comparing them to returns from other investments. Since adjustment is a function of personal preference, no attempt will be made to adjust have to returns for risk. choose Individuals that review this a method of adjusting returns to reflect study will their risk preferences and thereby reach a conclusion as to whether the sufficient condition for wheat market efficiency rejection is met. Data Availability and Requirements ! Quarterly were measures of the following variables from 1966 required: number 2 Chicago cash price for soft red producer trade readily price index (PPI}, total grain usage, ending weighted dollar values, and cash corn prices. available from the following government to 1986 winter wheat, grain stocks, All the data publications: were Wheat 30 Outlook and Situation Report, Feed Outlook and Situation Report, Agricultural Outlook, and The Economic Report of The President. Efficiency tests require that an accounting of the costs of data gathering be kept in mind; however. the data required for this study did not represent a problem in this area. obtained All the data sources are from libraries or can be ordered on an annual basis that total less that $100. for easily fees 31 CHAPTER 3 EMPIRICAL RESULTS The study. previous This estimation chapters chapter of the presented the theoretical basis summarizes the actual empirical models used in this study is for this results. completed The using the statistical package DYNREG (Burt et al., 1986). chapter first ~ection the results of fitting ARIMA models to the cash wheat market. This presents The with is divided into five sections. second section gives the results obtained from model efficiency (11). The third section gives the testing with model (15). The efficiency testing results obtained from The fourth section provides the from modeling the producer price index. The results acquired section presents the costs of utilizing and the potential returns fifth from speculating with the best competing model. Soft Red Winter Wheat ARIMA Models Random Walk Model Results An ARIMA modeling process begins with a visual examination of the candidate data series to check for obvious problems that the series may exhibit regarding the nominal and real cash wheat series raises some real whether the series has constant mean and/or constant nominal data series appears to exhibit a slight growth rate, 50S; visual examination (see Figure 2) of both questions variance. and as to The both 11 10 9 + • B 0 0 NOMINAL WHEAT PRICE REAL WHEAT PRICE <1985•100> 7 L 8 L A R s w N 5 4 3 :J ~~~i~l~i~i~IMi~i~lrrtrjTITiTITITiTITITITI~j~l~i~l~i,l,l,i~l~i~jrriTITITITITITITITI,j~i~i~l~iMI~IrriTITITjTITITITITITITI~ITITjTITI~I,i,i,l~i~i~i~J~i~lrrtriTITITiTITITjTITITITI~iTITI~i~l~j 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 QUARTERS C1966COTR1>-1986COTR2>l Figure 2. Nominal and Real Cash Soft Red Winter Wheat eo 90 33 the nominal variance and real data series appear to changes quarter exhibit in the quarters of 1973-1974 some structural (specifically of 1973 and the first two quarters of 1974}. the 4th At this point it became necessary to choose to work with either the nominal or real price series. Since the futures market's price predictions are nominal basis, the nominal data series were chosen as series to work with to create the ARIMA model. then on a appropriate The nominal series were split in half (41 quarters per half} in order to compare the mean and variance of the two halves. set the made equals equals The mean of the first half of the $2.39, whereas the mean of the second half $3.41. of the data series The variance of the first half of the data set is equal to $1.64 whereas the variance of the second half the the data set equals $0.35. ' The and mean and variance statistics indicate a problem with 505. Jenkins (1976) suggest differencing to deal with problems nature, so this series became caused by is initially the approach constant mean; however, the the taken. constant 1973-1974 quarters did not improve. The of this differenced variance In Box fact, problem as the degree of differencing increased, the constant variance problem actually worsened. At this point either a time series approach other than ARIMA or a dummying of the problem quarters in 1973 and 1974 became necessary. I" Visual examination through 1974 of a quarterly price chart 1988 indicates that frame wheat large variance appearing in (352 1900 the 1973series. Historically, there exists an explanation for the violent price changes this period. is an anomaly in this longer from quarter) of time ~he for In 1972 the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC}, eager 34 to unload grain stocks in government storage, struck a bargain with drought stricken Russia which completely emptied the CCC stocks of grain (400 million Organization bushels) of 1974. Also, in Petroleum Exporting Countries thereby bringing factors contributed experienced by an this time (OPEC) cheap strongly tremendous in this time period. the the embargoed oi I, Both these energy. end to the era of to frame, price However, it can be inferred from 1900-1988 quarterly wheat chart (indicating the 1973-1974 an variance the time frame as anomaly) that both the OPEC oil embargo and the Russian wheat deal Given, then, that the price variance of the fourth quarter of 1973 were uncommon occurrences and unlikely to reoccur. and of the first and second quarters of abnormality, it seems approach to stationarity. 1974 can be described reasonable and prudent to take the as dummying A zero/one dummy is regressed as a right-hand side variable where the fourth quarter of 1973 and the first and quarter of 1974 are dummied out. difference timing out equation of the an The dummy variable is included in (distributed lag effects) to allow for 1973-1974 second variance effects since the a gradual this better represents the gradual disappearance of the real world market influences occurring during this time frame. I compensate making for The zero/one dummy should effectively the variance problems of the 1973-1974 period, thereby an ARIMA representation of this data series possible (OYNREG, a nonlinear least squares algorithm for distributed lag models, is capable of dealing 1986). with the slight drift in the data series <Burt et al., 35 Because seasonality exists in the quarterly wheat data series, other modification is made in the basic ARIMA process. The approach taken to this problem is to dummy out the seasonal component. quite straightforward (Johnston, 1984). fourth carrying any This is a and well accepted procedure for seasonal models Zero/one dummies are used for the second, third, quarter of each year which results in the intercept seasonality information that is present one and coefficient in the first quarter. The first ARIMA(p,d,q,J model to be considered is the model (random walk model). Tests of whether markets follow random models are Fama (1970) weak form efficiency tests. the general ARIMA(l,O,O) Model (14) presented form (ARIMA(1,0,0J) of a wheat market random walk The sos requirements resulted in the general form having to be slightly to deal with the seasonality and walk variance model. modified problems problems) of our particular data set, i.e. seasonal dummies and a for the fourth quarter of 1973 through the first two quarters The result of these were added as previously discussed. on (505 dummy of 1974 modifications the general random walk model is: (15) PWt. =a+ /i 1 02 + /i2 03 + /i3 04 + /i4 073 + cx:PWt._ 1 + Ut.. with Where ut. PWt.-~ = Et.. is the cash price of number 2 soft red winter wheat in (t-i)th quarter, 02-04 are the seasonal dummy variables for the third, variable and fourth quarters of the year respectively, 073 for the fourth quarter 1973 through second quarter period, and Ut. is the error structure <MA(O)J. is the second, a dummy 1974 time 36 To be a random walk with a drift, the coefficient on the PWt_ 1 term, oc, has to be equal to one (the other coefficients will pick up the drift effects); the null hypothesis tested is alternative is the hypothesis T test with that~ that~ is not equal to 1. n-6 degrees of freedom equals 1 versus the The appropriate (n is the test number of observations). The empirical results of estimating model (15) are: (16) = .37572 PWt (2.98) - .18374 02 - .0010047 03 + .097382 04 + (2.26) (1.07) (1.21) 1.1155 073 + .8638 PWt-1 + Ut. (4.65) (21.35) with ut = Et. lf2 The null = .88. hypothesis that model (16) represents a random tested at the 1 percent level of confidence. walk is The calculated T-statistic to test the significance of the estimated parameter of the lagged price of wheat CPW> regressor is: Tc.a1.7b) At the 1 = 3.36. percent level of significance the hypothesis that the cash wheat market follows a random walk is rejected. The rejection of the ARIMAC1,0,0) model (random walk with a of the cash wheat market introduces the ARIMA{p,d,q) forms better modeling this market. this section on random walk models, "simple" possibility of drift) other However, before leaving it is pertinent that the so-called random walk model be discussed since the "simple" random model of futures markets is quite popular in the efficiency walk literature. 37 The general model that represents the "simple" random walk is: PWt: ( 17) = adj ( PWt:-t ) + Ut:. Where PWt-t is wheat price in the (t-i)th quarter, and the (adj) prefix represents adjustments made for predicted inflation. Model (17) adjustments, discussed the PPI is used to forward predict wheat price (the (adj), are acquired by using the ARIMA(l,O,O) inflation PPI model in a following section to obtain one step ahead forecasts which are then used to adjust price). Table 1 presents of the results of the forward price predictions of the simple random walk model (from first quarter 1982 through second quarter 1986) and the calculated RMSE and bias statistics. Table 1. Price Predictions with a Random Walk Model Time Period I 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 I II I II IV I II II I IV I II II I IV I II II I IV I II Cash Price Prediction Residual 3.59 3.31 3.18 3.23 3.36 3.53 3.62 3.55 3.57 3.51 3.47 3.49 3.58 3.27 2.83 3.46 3.40 2.52 3.70 3.54 3.35 3.12 3.14 3.34 3.54 3.72 3.64 3.79 3.65 3.57 3.58 3.60 3.22 2.70 3.45 3.32 0.11 0.23 0.17 -0.11 -0.22 -0.19 -0.08 0.17 0.07 0.28 0.18 0.08 -0.00 0.33 0.39 -0.76 0.05 0.80 RMSE Bias = .3193952 = 8.220535E-02 38 When Trade's compared to predictions made by the actual Chicago wheat predictions futures don't market, the "simple" appear to fare too badly. random Board walk models In fact, the random model's predictions had a 32 percent lower bias while only measuring percent higher RMSE. Table 2 presents the wheat futures of walk 11 markets predictions. Graphically, the "simple" random walk model appears to consistently lag behind the market by a small amount (see Figure 3). Since cash wheat price in the time frame examined had about the same amount of up and 3.8 3. 7 3. 6 3. 5 3."' 3. 3 3. 2 D 3. 1 0 L 3. o L 2. 9 A R 2. B s 2. 7 I + NOMINAL WHEAT PRICE • RANDOM WALK FORECASTED PRICE 2. 6 2.5 2."' 2. 3 2.2 2. 1 j 2. 01 I 2 3 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 15 1e QUARTERS Cl9B2<CTR1>-19B6<CTR2>l Figure 3. Rftndom Walk Model's Forecast versus Cash Price· 17 18 40 down trends, explained. the lower bias of the "simple" random walk model The random walk model tends to underestimate an can be up-trending market and overestimate a down-trending market so, if a time frame where the up-trending examined, the The small. behind as However, period is about equal to the down-trending bias of the random walk model's consistently as the random walk model's futures market's price is will be to lag predictions futures market's price predictions didn't the period predictions appear price had predictions. an occasional extremely large error (see Figure 4). Since this study did not establish which statistic of comparison is of greater value, any inferences made as to which model is "better" are left to the reader. When comparing these two models it must be kept in mind that only a short prediction period was analyzed, and that there is a definite cost savings in using the futures market to predict price since this eliminates modeling the PPI. ARIMA(3,0,3) Model Results Since the ARIMA(l,O,O) model form of the wheat market is rejected, the next step is to identify other ARIMA(p,d,q) model forms that may more acf representative of the wheat market. Figures 5 and 6 present and the pact which are the main toots for identification. rapidly tails off and the pact cuts off at lag= 3. Thus, identification stage, a preliminary model of ARIMA(3,0,0) is However, this model is rejected at the diagnostic autocorrelation problems in the residuals. stage the The act at the indicated. because The identification returned to, and thus the procedure iterates. be step of is 4.2~ 4. 1 4. 0 91 3. 3. 9 3. 7 :~ :1'"' 3. 4 0 3. 3 0 L 3. L 3. 1 A 21 : :: :j71 + 9 2. 2. NOMINAL WHEAT PRICE FUTURES MARKET FORECASTED PRICE 61 2.5 2. 4 2. 3 2. 2 2. 1 2.0\-~~--~-~,_~_,~·r~~--.-~-.~--.-~.--r-.--.-~.--.-.--r-~-r~~r-r-,--r~-.~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 QUARTERS [1982<CTR1>-1986CCTR2>l F1gure 4. Wheat Futures Market's Forecast versus Cash Pr1ce 17 18 42 LAG COVARIANCE CORRELATION -1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1.85037 1.57016 1.23148 1.05088 0.878363 0.591566 0.35232 0.219312 0.147348 0.00366617 -0.129182 -0.21352 -0.294936 -0.38413 -0.445252 -0.444216 -0.426661 -0.423582 -0.391886 -0.317129 -0.272567 -0.249191 -0.184567 -0.109745 -0.0847079 -0.0877323 -0.0521646 -.00209514 0.0363057 0.0242609 -0.0328679 -0.0586484 -0.0612425 -0.10677 -0.17065 -0.191801 -0.198048 1.00000 0.84857 0.66553 0.56793 0.47470 0.31970 0.19041 0.11852 0.07963 0.00198 -0.06981 -0.11539 -0.15939 -0.20760 -0.24063 -0.24007 -0.23058 -0.22892 -0.21179 -0.17139 -0.14730 -0.13467 -0.09975 -0.05931 -0.04578 -0.04741 -0.02819 -0.00113 0.01962 0.01311 -0.01776 -0.03170 -0.03310 -0.05770 -0.09222 -0.10366 -0.10703 I********************: :***************** l************* l*********** l********* l****** l**** l** l** * ** *** **** ***** ***** ***** ***** ****· ***l ***l ***: **l *l *' * * * * * ** **l **l '.'Marks Two Standard Errors Figure 5. Autocorrelation Function (ACF) for Cash Wheat 43 LAG CORRELATION -1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 0.84857 -0.19483 0.21715 -0.12950 -0.21590 0.03731 -0.01012 0.07198 -0.15443 0.00254 -0.08264 -0.08011 0.00650 -0.04542 0.06273 -0.04855 -0.01333 0.01769 0.00842 -0.03990 -0.00482 0.06038 -0.03827 -0.03405 -0.03357 0.02206 -0.00280 0.05123 -0.08317 -0.12814 0.03920 -0.02338 -0.02867 -0.03198 0.00039 -0.04876 I I I I I I I I I I I I . l***************** *****l I**** ·***l ****l l* I* I I I I ·*** I I . ** . ** I I * I I I I l* *l I I . I I . *l I I I I . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . l* . **l ·***l . l* . I I I I l* *l *l *l . *l *' *l ' ' Marks Two Standard Errors Figure 6. Partial Autocorrelation Function (PACF) tor Cash Wheat 44 The ARIMA(3,0,3) form is accepted as satisfactory for the following reasons: since (1) the estimation stage ARIMA appear the coefficients on the AR terms sum to less than one 1983). and (2) the autocorrelation the criterion residuals statistic diagnostic stage fulfilled (Pankratz, because the test on the residuals can't reject the hypothesis that are uncorrelated. is fulfilled The test used on the residuals is whose approximate distribution is chi-squared under the hypothesis that the residual serjes is white noise (Pankratz, a null 1983). The exact form of the test used on the residuals is: a* = Where n is the autocorrelation n number cn of at lag j, k + 2 > t r2 cj >1 cn - j > j=l observations, Chi Square OF· 6 0.00 0 5.43 5 8.14 11 11.49 17 = 6, Prob Table 3 <------AUTOCORRELATIONS----------------> 0.000 0.020 0.029 -0.031 0.108 -0.126 0.061 0.366 -0.133 0.045 -0.045 0.013 0.031 -0.059 0.701 -0.079 -0.128 -0.015 -0.030 0.051 0.019 0.830 0.035 0.050 0.097 0.068 0.053 0.093 PWt =a + 3'1 02 + 3'2 03 + 3'3 03 + 3'4 073 + ~1 PWt- 1 +~2 PW1::-2 with estimated 12, 18, and 24. The general form of the final ARIMA(3,0,3) is: (18) the Autocorrelation Check of Residuals To Lag 12 18 24 is and k can be any positive integer. presents the results of letting k Table 3. r( j) Ut = Et - }.1 + ~t P~-:s + U1::. Et-1 - X2 Et-2 - X:s Et-:s · 45 Where PWt-i is the cash price of wheat in the (t-i)th quarter, 02-04 are seasonal dummy variables (~contains the information for 01), 073 is a dummy variable for the fourth quarter of 1973 through the second quarter of 1974, and Ut represents the error process (MA(3)). to be estimated by regression A comparison model developed constitutes are~. r, ~. and A. of the price predictions made and the wheat futures The coefficients by market's the ARIMA(3,0,3) price predictions efficiency. The null hypothesis tested is that the wheat futures is efficient, i.e. the wheat a Fama (1970) semi-strong test for market futures forecaster. market has the lowest bias and RMSE forward price The alternative hypothesis is that the wheat futures market is not the lowest RMSE and bias forward price predictor. The general ARIMA(3,0,3) model (18) is estimated over the first quarter 1966 through second quarter 1986 time frame and is then used recursively forecast the last 18 to Whi 1e quarters of this time period. recursively forecasting, the model structure is observed to see if model structure updating would improve fit since structural updating for fit is allowable in ARIMA modeling, i.e. this study uses an ARIMA to forecast price and not to explain structural relationships, making model updating through time to best fit a necessity. of real model thereby The changing ARIMA model structure through time is also consistent world behavior since one would expect ARIMA model users to their model's structure to best fit through time. best choice with update The empirical results of estimating model (18) over the entire period are: 46 PWt ( 19 ) = .4 7 5 3 4 .000000127 02 -.00000000442 03 + .00365 04 + (3.98) (2.39) (1.07) (2.27) 2.3416 073 + .37671 PWt_ 1 (9.02) (6.68) With Ut = Et .28826 PWt_ 2 + .71819 PWt-3 + Ut. (5.00) (15.55) - - . 50331 Et-1 - 1.0459 Et-2 (11. 88) (4.02) ~ . 381 71 Et-3. ( 2. 85) = .94. Where the variables are as defined for model (18). The coefficients statistically Since this is coefficient for Jess that resulted from this estimation are all significant with the exception of the coefficient on 04. a seasonal model, 04 is kept in as a regressor. estimates and error structure satisfies the ARIMA criteria a forecasting model, i.e. the coefficients on the AR terms than one. This suggests stationarity; therefore, the The sum to hypothesis that the error structure is uncorrelated can't be rejected (see Table 3 preceding). Model empirical (19) is then used to recursively forecast 18 results of the shortest model (first quarter quarters. 1966 The through fourth quarter 1981) are: (22) PWt = .43498 - .000000129 02 - .00000000194 03 + .003885 04 + (2.66) (3.20) (.340) (.644) 2.411 073 + .37073 PWt- 1 - .28518 PWt- 2 + .69436 PWt-3 + Ut, (8.19) (4.55) (3.06) (9.08) with Ut=Et- . 48960 Et-1 - 1.7131 Et-2 - .36785 Et-3 • ( 1 • 90) ( 6. 81 ) ( 1 • 40) ~ = .98. Where the variables are as defined for model (18). The coefficients obtained from this estimation are all reasonably significant with the exception of the coefficients on 03, 04, and Et_ 3 • 47 The seasonal dummies, 03 and D4, are left in since this is model in seasonal and, while removal of the third order MA lag would be permissible this situation, doing so proved detrimental to model fit. coefficients stable f a i r 1y on Since the to be require fairly updating time, the indications are that this model fits this time frame we 1 1 . Forecasts ahead the right-hand side variables appeared through time, and the model structure did not through obtained from using the ARIMA£3,0,3) model to predict, along with the summary statistics presented in Table 4. 62 a RMSE and one step bias, are The ARIMA(3,0,3) model's price predictions had a percent smaller RMSE and a 68.5 percent smaller bias than the futures market's price predictions for the first quarter second quarter 1986 time frame. 1982 wheat through This constitutes a Fama (1970) semi- strong rejection of wheat futures market efficiency. The ARIMA£3,0,3) model's forecasts do appear to lag the actual market price during trends, as did the random walk; however, the size of the lags mode 1 (see are quite small, thereby explaining the small Figure ,7). Other than this s 1 i ght results of using the ARIMA(3,0,3) model RMSE 1agg i ng of prob 1em, this the for forecasting are quite good. Caution needs to be taken when interpreting these results as they relate to the quality of the ARIMA(3,0,3) model as a forecaster of wheat prices over longer or other time frames since this model was fit for this time period and may not perform as well in other time periods. A discussion of the potential incremental returns from speculating with this model will be presented in the final section of this chapter. 48 Table 4. Price Predictions with an ARIMA(3,0,3) Model Time Period 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 I II III IV I II III IV I II II I IV I II II I IV I II Cash Price Prediction Residual 3.59 3.31 3.18 3.23 3.36 3.53 3.62 3.55 3.57 3.51 3.47 3.49 3.58 3.27 2.83 3.46 3.40 2.52 3.57 3.36 3.24 3.16 3.24 3.36 3.54 3.54 3.52 3.41 3.43 3.47 3.49 3.25 3.01 3.24 3.30 2. 72 -0.02 0.05 0.06 -0.07 -0.12 -0.17 -0.08 -0.01 -0.05 -0.10 -0.04 -0.02 -0.09 -0.02 0.18 -0.22 -0.10 0.20 RMSE = .1092907 Bias = -3.444443E-02 3. 2 3. 1 D 3. 0 0 L 2. 9 L A 2. 9 R s + NOMINAL WHEAT PRICE • 2. 7 Jl, "' ARMA <3. 3> FORECASTED PRICE 2. 6 2. 5 2." "l 2. 2 2. 2. I ~ 2. 0 i I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 QUARTERS C1982CCJTR1>-1986<CJTR2>J Ftgure 7. ARIMA(3,0,3) Model's Forecast versus Cash Prtce 16 17 18 50 USDA Model Results ··1 t The the first structural model that this study examined is based genera 1 USDA mode 1 (11 ) . right-hand upon The term "based upon" means that the same side variables as those found in model the model that is used for the efficiency test. (11) are present in However, lag lengths on the right-hand side variables and error structure are adjusted to obtain best fit. This is justifiable because the prediction periods and data series time frame used in this study are different from those by the USDA studies. proposed by Any general postulated cause/effect the general USDA model (11) will be only the lead/lag time relationships and will (changes are limited to those which improved change used relationships unaffected adjustments; the by error these structure model The changes made resulted in the following general model form fit). (referred to hereafter as the USDA model): 4 ( 21 ) PWt =a+ /3PWt_ 1 +.:E J=1 with C1 D1 (U/S)t_ 1 + Ut, Ut = Et - A1 Et-1 · Where PWt_ 1 is the cash price of wheat in the (t-i)th time period, D1 is a I f, dummy through (U/S)t-1 variable representing the (i)th quarter (i=1 for March quarter, is the January i=2 for the April through June quarter, the quarterly use-to-wheat ending stocks ratio etc.), lagged time period, and Ut is the error structure (MA(1)). match the USDA's results by estimating the model over the same time period as the The one used first step taken with this model is an attempt to by Westcott et al (1984), i.e. 1971 through 1983. An exact 51 match is not expected since Westcott et al. (1984) did not identify exactly what wheat series they were working with and it is unlikely that it was number 2 soft red winter wheat nor; did they publish exactly what error structure is used in their model. = .619 + .400 PWt- 1 + 3.937 D1 (U/Slt- 1 + (2.74) (2.74) (2.44) PWt (22) The model form obtained is: 7.289 D3 (U/S)t-1 + (3.90) with Ut = Et 6.836 D2 (U/Slt-1 + (4.30) 6.409 D4CU/S)t-1 + Ut, ( 2. 87) - . 731 Et -1 , (5.17) 1(2 While the coefficients of model (22) don't exactly match those of USDA model (12), fit is = . 85. the the coefficients of model (22) are significant and the reasonable for a structural model, thereby justifying the relationships proposed by Westcott et al. (1984) for this time frame. A comparison of the price predictions made by USDA model (21) price predictions made by the wheat futures market constitutes (1970) semi-strong test of market efficiency. that the bias forward market. The null a hypothesis wheat futures market is efficient, i.e. the lowest price prediction available is made by the wheat RMSE and Fama is and futures The alternative hypothesis is that the wheat futures market is not efficient, i.e. the lowest RMSE and bias forward price predictor is not the wheat futures market. USDA 2nd quarter quarters Since model (21) is estimated over the first quarter in these 1966 1986 time frame and then used to recursively order to obtain forward price predictions predictions are in real values they have forecast (real to through be 18 values). changed, 52 using the predicted PPI, to nominal values. As this model is based uoon relationships among variables, no structural updating proposed time is considered. (23) PWt through The empirical results of estimating model (21) are: = .68055(1.90) .11830 Dl(U/S)t- 1 + 1.7466 D2(U/S)t_ 1 + (.1387) (2.248) 1.5797 03(U/5Jt_ 1 + .77304 D4(U/S)t_ 1 + .75023 PWt_ 1 + Ut, (1.75) (.655) (7.87) with Ut = Et - . 46252 Et-1 , (3.94) R2 = .82. Where the variables are as defined for model (21). The coefficients disappointing. D2CU/S)t_ 1 , Only obtained from estimating this model two of the right hand-side variables, have coefficients that are statistically are PW t- 1 and significant. low significance of the coefficients is reflected in the marginal fit as defined by the R2 statistic. very The model Clearly the extended time frame of first quarter 1966 through second quarter 1986 is not modeled as well by ( this structural model as is the shorter time frame of first quarter 1971 through first quarter 1983. This indicates that the relationships (model (21)) proposed by Westcott et al. (1984) may be a function of the period of time for which the market is examined. model is wheat market, it is used to forecast wheat price. results va I ues). However, since one that USDA publications present as representative of of this the Table 5 presents the this forecast (predictions have been converted to nominal 53 Table 5. Price Predictions with Model (23) Time Period 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 Cash Price Prediction Residual 3.59 3.31 3.18 3.23 3.36 3.53 3.62 3.55 3.57 3.51 3.47 3.49 3.58 3.27 2.83 3.46 3.40 2.52 3.72 3.26 3.86 3.39 3.25 3.23 3.96 3.84 3.49 3.41 3.97 3.90 3.39 3.52 3.39 3.05 3.58 3.17 0.13 -0.05 0.68 0.16 -0.11 -0.30 0.34 0.29 -0.08 -0.10 0.50 0.41 -0.19 0.25 0.56 -0.41 0.18 0.65 I II III IV I II III IV I II II I IV I II III IV I II RMSE Bias = .3559516 = .1621556 Model (23)'s price predictions have a 24 percent larger RMSE and 35 percent predictions; that I - larger bias than the wheat therefore, this model cannot the wheat futures market is efficient. predictions made market's futures reject the null Examination of by model (23) reveal large swings in the price, thereby indicating model instability (see Figure 8). a price hypothesis the price predicted While this model may have adequately explained the first quarter 1971 through first quarter 1983 time frame, it certainly can't be advocated tor the quarter 1966 through second quarter 1986 time frame. first "'· 0 3. D 3.8 3. 7 3. 6 3.5 3."' 3. 3 0 3. 2 0 L 3. 1 . L 3.0 A 2. D R s 2.8 U1 + NOMINAL WHEAT PRICE • 2.7 USDA MODEL FORECASTED PRICE QUARTERS C1982CQTR1>-1986CQTR2>l Figure B. USDA Hodel's Forecast versus Cash Price 55 Market Trader's Model The next "based upon• obtained Resul~s structural model is "based upon• model (13). is· defined as discussed earlier. after adjustments The exact is (referred to hereafter as The term model form the market trader's model): (24) PWt = a + /102 + /103 + /104 + /1073 + CC::z(U4/S) + a1 (PW/PC>t- 1 + With Where Ut = Et - A2 - Et_ 2 - Ut, A3 Et-::s. representing March, i=2 the representing average total 1974 time frame, (U4/S)t_ 1 ratio in time period t-1 of the tour wh~at the is intercept a seasonal January through April through June, etc.), 073 is a dummy variable through the 01 the (i)th quarter (i=1 represents repres~nts 1973 a is seasonal effects of quarter 1), ~he I dummy tor Et- 1 (U4/S lt- 1 + PWt is the price of wheat in time period t, (contains term A1 CX:1 is a variable quarter use to total wheat ending stocks , (PW/PC>t-l is variable representing the ratio in time period t-1 of cash white to corn (corn and wheat price are deflated by the cash moving PPI), a wheat and ut represents the error structure(MA£3)). A comparison trader's represents of the results of price predicting with market model (24) and price predicting with the wheat futures market a Fama (1970) semi-strong test of market efficiency. Again, the null hypothesis is that the wheat futures market is efficient, i.e. the wheat futures market has the smallest RMSE and bias price forecaster versus the alternative hypothesis that the wheat market is i.e. not the smallest RMSE and bias price forecaster. inefficient, 56 Market trader's model (24) is estimated over the first quarter 1966 .through second quarter 1986 time frame and then used to recursively forecast 18 quarters in order to obtain real price predictions. these real price predictions are converted to nominal values using predicted for PPI values. variables. t~ the considered Structural updating over time isn't this model since it was designed (25) Again, represent a relationship among The empirical results of estimating this model are: = 1.7231- PWt .39668 02- .58775 03 -.056751 04 + 4.0399 073 + (2.65) (2.66) (.247) (9.18) (3.05) 1.7048 (U4/S)t_ 1 + 1.3028 (U4/S)t_ 2 +.99146 (PW/PC>t-1 + Ut, (4.01) (3.06) (2.70) with = Et Ut - . 44048 Et_ 1 - . 33002 Et-2, (3.36) (2.70) = .90. ~ Where the variables are as defined for model (24). The coefficients exception model of on this model are all the coefficient on seasonal dummy appears to significant 04. be much more structurally sound with This than structural the previous structural model (model (23)); model (25) fits this wheat data time frame relatively well as is indicated by suggesting the~ set that the variable relationships proposed by Schwager presents the one step ahead forecasts and statistic, thereby are fairly sound, at least for the period examined by this study. 6 the obtained by (1984) Table recursively forecasting with model (25) and then converting the real price values to nominal values. The summary presented in Table 6. statistics, RMSE and bias, are also 57 Table 6. Price Predictions with the Market Trader's Model Time Period 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II I II IV I II Cash Price Prediction 3.59 3.31 3.18 3.23 3.36 3.53 3.62 3.55 3.57 3.51 3.47 3.49 3.58 3.27 2.83 3.46 3.40 2.52 3.98 3.63 3.67 3.71 3.50 3.35 3.59 3.96 3.64 3.57 3.64 3.96 3.87 3.60 3.43 3.28 3.67 3.28 RMSE Bias Residual 0.39 0.32 0.49 0.48 0.14 -0.18 -0.03 0.41 0.07 0.06 0.17 0.47 0.29 0.33 0.60 -0.18 0.27 0.76 = .3617189 = .2686888 Model (25)'s price predictions have a 28 percent larger RMSE and a 123 percent larger bias than price predictions made by the wheat futures market. Model (25l's performance is not good enough hypothesis that the wheat futures market is efficient. market trader's examined Figure 9). since to reject the Model (25), the model, is by far the worst biased model of it consistently overestimated market wheat the price group (see In fact, out of 18 quarters of price predictions, model (25) only underestimated market price three times. Clearly, model (25) isn't a good choice for use as a price prediction model. 4.0~ 3.9 3. e1 ' 3. 7 3. s 3. 5 3. 4 3. 3 D 3.2 0 L 3. 1 L 3.0 A R 2. 9 s Ul to 2. 9 + NOMINAL WHEAT PRICE 2. 7 • FUTURES MODEL FORECASTED PRICE 2. 6 2.5 2. 4 2. 3 2.2 2. 1 2.0 ~,-,--r-.~-.~r-r-~,-~-r~-.~r-r-~~,-~-r-r~~--r-r-~,-~-r-r-r~-T 2 3 4 5 s 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 QUARTERS [1992<CTR1>-198S<CTR2>l Figure 9. Market Traders Hodel's Forecast versus Cash Price 17 19 59 Predicting the PPI An step ARIMA approach is taken to build a model that would ahead deflate The actual PPI data used to the price variables in the structural models (23} and (251 is The result of this process is to ARIMA modeling techniques. an ARIMA(l,O,O) model of the PPI. is able need fact (Again the statistical package DYNREG to handle the slight trend in the data thereby, to difference.) random negating that the PPI series turned out to be a random walk is deflating the This model form defines the PPI data series as walk with a positive drift of about 3.5 percent per because one series subjected forecast of the PPI. yield price data series with introduce new serial correlation problems. (26) PPit = a + with PPI The encouraging series doesn't The general model form is: PPit- 1 + Ut, {3 Ut this year. a = Et. Where PPit-:1. is the PPI in the (t-i )th time frame, and ut is the error process CMA£0)). This model is estimated over the 1966 through 2nd quarter 1986 time frame. PPI predictions forecasting 18 quarters. be used to predictions convert made to are obtained from this model nominal price predictions by the structural models examined. PPit = .012949 (1.80) with recursively These forecasted values are the ones that will form obtained from the estimation is: ( 27) by + .. 99243 PPit- 1 + Ut, (103.51) ut = ~\ .i!. the The real price exact model 60 Table 7 presents the predictions generated by this model. Table 7. PPI Predictions with a Random Walk Model Time Period Actual PPI Prediction 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 97.21 100.27 97.21 96.15 98.43 99.18 101.77 101.30 105.22 103.22 101.96 101.81 100.00 97.84 94.62 99.21 97.13 98.11 95.80 98.47 101.29 98.12 97.12 99.39 100.22 102.74 102.41 106.19 104.08 102.78 102.52 100.62 98.34 95.26 99.74 97.69 I II III IV I II II I IV I II III IV I II III IV I II Utilizing the ARIMA(3,0,3) Model The (1970) ARIMA(3,0,3) model's forecasts succeeded in obtaining semi-strong pointed out necessary the by form rejection of market efficiency. Rausser and Carter (1983), this However, represents only conditions for general market efficiency rejection. sufficiency c~nstructing incremental requirements and utilizing risk adjusted for efficiency rejection, the ARIMA(3,0,3) section not exceed the meet of the model. A discussion of returns to price speculating with this model will also be of the costs of building and utilizing will cost as to some This the To Fama attempt quantify benefits. must a this 61 presented; however, risk wheat price adjustment of the returns is left to the reader. Since straightforward, build. an and ARIMA ARIMA(3,0,3) model is procedures relatively spent building this running the that model is estimated at $1000. is assumed to be zero. next step house more wheat However, an adverse price have a an be margin brokerage movement would Since initial of be one cash the first quarter 1982 quarter 1986 time period was $.88 ($4400), second to approximately $15,000 and the maximum price change for any given quarter in to cost. of The minimum required than $750 to hold the average contract one quarter. of wheat is worth of $1500. than $.05 would result in margin calls, i.e. more money contract close total to trade one wheat contract (5000 bushels) at approximately $750. is the is to determine how much money would invested to utilize this model's price predictions. requirement time The marginal cost Therefore, to reestimating ARIMA(3,0,3) model once it is constructed is so it quite $500 and the opportunity cost of the building and running this model is estimated to be The are inexpensive Computer charges for the time spent estimating and this model are approximately zero data to margin amount of $5000 is deemed sufficient. The total cost of building and opening an account to operate model sums half years alternative four to $6500. if the year period. This model would have been utilized four and onetest prediction period for this this is ~atched. The "safe" $6500 would be to invest it in a bank CD for If this were done with a 10 percent interest the rate, 62 the amount in the account at the end of four and one half years would be $9981.15. Assume, that ARIMA(3,0,3) the first trading (18 CD, the model is built to be used as a price speculation tool for quarter 1982 through second quarter 1986 test a period. rule that will be followed with one wheat contract per trades) will be: prediction t+l now, rather than investing the money in futures held until contract ARIMA(3,0,3) model's price maturity is reached. price market's price prediction, then one (long) wheat futures contract maturity will be purchased , i.e. a "long" position will be and quarter If, in quarter t, the ARIMA(3,0,3) model's for quarter t+1 is greater than the wheat with contract position will instead, If, Table reached. established 8 the prediction for quarter t+l is less than with t+l maturity will be purchased, i.e. be t+l established wheat futures market's price prediction for t+l, then one (short) futures The and held until contract presents the quarterly breakdown of a the wheat "short• maturity earnings is and losses that are obtained from following this rule. The gross commission recalculated return $70 of at for trading this model per trade is charged, then $15,990.00. is the $17,250. gross If return Assuming that no interest is paid on a is the brokerage house's accounts and that no money is removed from the account to be invested elsewhere, the total brokerage account dollar the end value at of the trading period would be $20,9900 (including the original amount invested). It is pertinent to note at this point that the previous assumptions are quite restrictive, but the intent was to assume the worst possible 63 investment scenario. In reality, most brokerage accounts pay interest, and, even if the brokerage account did not pay interest, any money above margin could interest increasing be removed bearing the account. from the brokerage firm There also existed and placed the in an possibility of number of contracts traded per quarter as the account value grew, thereby increasing returns. Table 8. Time Period 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 I II II I IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II The Returns to Market Price Speculation Model Cash Price 3.59 3.31 3.18 3.23 3.36 3.53 3.62 3.55 3.57 3.51 3.47 3.49 3.58 3.27 2.83 3.46 3.40 2.52 ARIMA(3,0,3) Model's Prediction 3.57 3.36 3.24 3.16 3.24 3.36 3.54 3.54 3.52 3.41 3.43 3.47 3.49 3.25 3.01 3.24 3.30 2. 72 Using Futures Market's Prediction the ARIMA(3,0,3) Position Established 4.20 3.66 3.58 3.47 3.37 3.45 3.58 3.95 3.55 3.44 3.62 3.52 3.47 3.36 3.28 2.93 3.43 2.78 5 5 s 5 5 s s s 5 5 s s L s s L 5 5 Return 3050.00 1750.00 2000.00 1200.00 50.00 - 400.00 - 200.00 2000.00 - 100.00 - 350.00 750.00 150.00 550.00 450.00 2250.00 2650.00 150.00 1300.00 resulting return to speculation is 19.5 percent per year with the restrictive approach taken. risk adjustment Clearly there now needs to made to compensate for the fact that using an even be a ARIMA 64 model to trade is quite risky. As to the exact extent of the adjustment, no comments will be made since risk adjustment is a of personal judgment. real return after subject. If the risk adjustment is large enough that risk adjustment to speculation is Jess risk than the 1~ percent, then sufficiency criterion for efficiency rejection will not be met; however, obtained, wi 11 be if a risk adjusted return of greater than 10 then No matter what the conclusion met. criterion sufficiency criterion for market is percent efficiency on the is rejection sufficiency requirements, it must be remembered that this conclusion may only be valid for the time period examined by this study. Another potential returns common above taken in the literature average returns to a trading rule is generated strategies. approach by using the trading rule to to naive to examine compare. the buy and hOld Following a naive buy and hold strategy for this 18 quarter time period results in a $10,850 loss. per trade, this Joss become $12,110. With a commission charge of $70 Clearly, for this time period, the ARIMA(3,0,3) model's speculative approach is superior to a naive buy and hold strategy. hold wheat If, However, the relatively poor performance of the buy and strategy can at least partially be explained by the fact that the market's general overall trend was down in the period examined. instead, a naive sell and hold strategy is followed, the resulting return would be exactly opposite, i.e. a $10,850 profit is generated by a naive sell and hold strategy (with commission this is a No matter which naive strategy is followed, from using the ARIMA(3,0,3) is still superior. ARIMA model $9590). the speculative return This indicates that is capturing some relevant information which allowed the for 65 better than naive performance. a Fama (1970) problem of judgment semi-strong These results fit into the framework market efficiency rejection; however, different risks for different strategies again of whether sufficiency criteria for efficiency the prevents rejection of a are met. The model, general conclusion of this empirics chapter is that the rejection sufficiency ARIMAC3,0,3), of market criteria fully met the criteria efficiency. for As for efficiency whether rejection, for a this only only one Fama (1970) model meets conditional conclusions can be made because of the problems with ranking risk. 66 CHAPTER 4 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This chapter briefly summarizes section discusses this study. is broken into three sections. the steps undertaken by this The first study. any conclusions made from the results The third section presents some suggestions section The second obtained for by further research. Summary Futures market efficiency is of concern to both market traders and non-market participants since it relates the performance of a market allocating market resources A problem exists in what characteristics are consistent with market efficiency are obtuse, i.e. the tests taken for market efficiency are often limited to testing only one hypothesis rejected. its particular definition of efficiency and have the particular definition chosen. of for for exactly Board because the precise criteria testing defining beyond efficiency through time. in Chicago see if the could be Fama (1970) approach to efficiency was taken because of wheat In this study, futures market was examined of market efficiency, to as defined by Fama (1970), popularity in the relevant literature and because of its defined tests. meaning the Trade's The little concisely 67. The first step of this study was to determine if the quarterly cash wheat market hypothesis Fama followed a random walk model. The rejection of the that the cash wheat market follows a random walk provided ~orm (1970) weak possibility of rejection of market efficiency and indicated developing an ARIMA model other than the a the ARIMA(l,O,Ol model to forward predict price. The subsequent steps that were taken in this study all find basis in the concept that, their if a forward price predicting model is shown to forecast future price "better" than the relevant futures market, then this constitutes a Fama (1970) semi-strong market efficiency The rejection. models that were used in this study were either built through ARIMA modeling procedures or selected from publicly available literature. Box followed wheat and to Jenkin's (1976) ARIMA(p,d,q) modeling procedures create an ARIMA(3,0,3) model of the quarterly market. The ARIMA(3,0,3) model was used to one were cash price step ahead forecast wheat prices for the first quarter 1982 through second quarter 1986 on basis time frame. The price forecasts obtained were compared, of RMSE and bias, to price predictions made by the Chicago of Trade's wheat futures market. the Board A Fama (1970) semi-strong rejection of market efficiency was obtained on the basis of these comparisons. Two the other forward wheat price predicting models were relevant literature in order to compare, on the basis of bias, their forward price predictions wheat chosen RMSE to the Chicago Board of futures markets forward price predictions. from Although both Trade's models enjoy some popularity in the literature, neither was able to reject hypothesis that the Chicago Board of Trade's wheat future's and market the is 68 efficient. creators market This of can be partially explained by these models were probably as structural relationships as they the fact concerned were with with that the explaining forward price prediction. Since Fama•s 1970 work on efficiency is dated, this study undertook a final step to see if any conclusions on a later definition of efficiency could be obtained, i.e. a Fama (1970) rejection of efficiency represented p only the efficiency rejection, market efficiency. efficiency rejection, result, this rejection of the necessary conditions for and is not sufficient for a general rejection To meet the sufficiency criteria for costs and risk have to be accounted study simulated price speculation with market for. the of As a ARIMAC3,0,3) model for the first quarter 1982 through second quarter 1986 time frame. A 19.5 percent after cost rate of return ARIMA(3,0,3) for this time period. of risk level was obtained risk in the There is, however, a certain amount involved in using an ARIMA model to forecast of by using an ARIMA model to forecast price, price and the cannot be assumed equal to the level of risk faced by users of the futures market. As a result, adjusted for the returns generated by the ARIMA(3,0,3) model need to be risk before they are compared to "safe" investments such as cos. generated by However, this study did not determine a satisfactory way to adjust for risk preferences returns that would reflect individual risk and the risk of using ARIMA models to forecast price. Not adjusting for risk made impossible any conclusions concerning whether or not the sufficient conditions for market efficiency defined by Rausser and Carter (1983), were met. rejection, as 69 Conclusions Since efficiency studies are based only on a particular ana/or test subject of efficiency, any general conclusions to limitations. definition reached will This results in the tendency of rejecting the hypothesis of market efficiency when, in fact, the market may really "efficient." implications a As of the result of the previously be problems, stated wheat market efficiency rejection be that will subsequently presented are limited, and should not be inferred to be imply more tha·n the fact that a potent a 1 problem may exist. For the first quarter 1982 through second quarter 1986 time period this study was able to reject the hypothesis of. market efficiency. This implies been that some objectionable resource allocations present during this time frame. may have For example, farmers who based planting decisions on the Chicago Board of Trade's forecast of future wheat price could potentially production, future's Chicago i.e. market resources have been misallocating too many resources to the $.12 positive bias found to exist in Board the throughout this time period may have caused to be allocated to wheat production. of Trade's wheat futures wheat wheat too many The large RMSE of market (relative the to the ARIMA(3,0,3J model's RMSEJ also indicates that the through time resource allocations futures initiated because of the forward price predictions market allocations were consistently more inaccurate than of resource based upon the price predictions of the ARIMA(3,0,3) would have been. the model 70 As to whether the resource misallocations that are potentially indicated by this study are just a function of the type of tests used or the time period price ex~mined, speculation exist. The little can be said. is risky, Information is costly and so perhaps no objectionable wheat futures markets have, inaccuracies for approximately 100 years, provided a forward forecast of price at low cost to the user, and cannot be assigned the label of "inefficient" than was presented here. Fama (1970) probability without a great deal more This study claims only to have rejected definition of efficiency, that proof objectionable thereby indicating inaccuracies do exist the in the slight the wheat futures market. Further Research Even though the very definition of the word efficiency is obtuse to economists, and bias being the analysis of futures markets on the basis of offers important contributions as to how well allocated. forecast resources are This study looked at but one futures market and one There exist many markets and many length. variance forecast lengths that could benefit from some examination as long as the results from the examinations are taken at face value and not used to infer too much. Some undertaken predictions lagged specific research that this author would includes: (1) extension of the length of the of the wheat market to see at which like to forward forecast length price terms quit revealing market stickiness, i.e. finding forecast length could be see price the what appropriately represented with a random walk model; (2) tests to see if any significance can be placed on price chart 71 pattern formations that are advocated by technical market price prediction tools; (3) development of takes into thereby test for efficiency account the risks of using trading rules to allows received a an analysts accurate measurement of the risk by speculators; and (4) measurements based on as that speculate and adjusted return actual trading records of whether speculators, as a group or individually, can forecast price. hence explain If earn why speculators are shown to be unable to forecast below average returns, then research needs to "rational" individuals consistently losing endeavor. chose to price be participate and done to in a ....CDCD r.... 0 G'l :0 ~ "C :X: -< ...., "" 73 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bernstein, J. 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Date 1966 1966 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968 1968 1968 1968 1969 1969 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1972 1"972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 .1974 1975 1975 1975 1975 1976 1976 I II II I IV I II III IV I II II I IV I II I II IV I II II I IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II I II IV I II Original Data Set PPI Cash Wheat Total Use 39.04 39.12 39.55 39.20 39.12 39.36 39.3239.55 40.06 40.26 40.38 40.65 41.36 41 .91 42.07 42.62 43.17 43.32 43.60 43.60 44.38 44.89 44.97 45.33 46.11 46.66 47.21 48.27 50.98 53.42 54.87 55.70 59.47 61.15 65.67 67.36 66.93 68.22 69.80 70.19 70.54 71.92 1.63 1. 79 1.86 1.80 1.80 1.58 1. 51 1.46 1.50 1. 30 1.20 1. 33 1. 32 1.28 1. 31 1.48 1. 53 1. 41 1.64 1.68 1.63 1. 52 1. 58 1.65 1.67 1". 61 2.02 2.60 2.37 2.82 5.11 5.84 5.59 3.91 4.41 4.60 3.62 3.03 4.06 3.32 3.66 3.47 419.00 382.40 411.40 387.60 349.20 275.40 388.20 347.40 372.90 300.40 430.90 339.40 233.60 294.20 403.90 341.70 337.60 314.10 870.80 378.70 349.90 237.90 568.10 326.30 337.30 227.50 659.10 472.20 472.10 330.40 856.80 523.60 380.50 209.60 562.00 455.20 445.80 227.30 676.70 500.00 449.60 272.40 Ending Stocks Moving Average Use Cash Corn 917.30 535.20 1435.60 1049.10 700.10 425.00 1559.30 1212.10 839.50 539.40 1684.90 1345.70 1112.40 818.60 1875.20 1534.50 1197.70 884.70 1731.60 1410.00 1060.40 822.80 1873.80 1547.60 1210.70 983.40 1870.90 1399.00 927.30 597 .1 0 1451.60 928.30 548.10 340.10 1562.10 1107.50 662.10 435.00 1885.80 1386.60 937.40 665.60 000.00 000.00 000.00 400.10 382.56 355.90 350.10 340.05 345.98 352.22 362.90 360.90 326.07 324.53 317.78 318.35 344.35 349.33 466.05 475.30 478.38 459.32 383.65 370.55 367.40 364.80 387.55 424.02 457.72 483.45 532.87 545.72 522.82 492.62 418.92 401.82 418.15 422.57 451.25 462.45 463.40 474.67 1.19 1.20 1. 32 1.28 1. 27 1 .26' 1.15 1.02 1.06 1.07 1. 01 1.02 1.09 1.16 1.17 1.09 1.13 1.18 1. 30 1.33 1. 43 1. 41 1.22 1.02 1.09 1.14 1.16 1.27 1. 37 1.67 2.29 2.25 2.68 2.48 3.19 3.35 2.86 2.67 2.81 2.44 2.47 2.60 78 Table 9. Date 1976 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1980 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 .1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 III IV I II III IV I II II I IV I II I II IV I II II I IV I II II I IV I II II I IV I II II I IV I II III IV I II III IV I II Continued PPI Cash Wheat Total Use Ending Stocks Moving Average Use Cash Corn 72.55 73.49 74.98 75.22 72.27 74.43 78.55 82.64 82.29 84.88 89.95 89.95 91.04 92.14 92.26 92.03 100.67 100.75 99.57 99.88 98.31 94.66 97.21 100.27 97.21 96.15 98.43 99.18 101 .71 101.30 105.22 103.22 101.96 101.81 100.00 97.84 94.62 99.21 97.13 98.11 2.89 2.66 2.63 2.29 2.20 2.65 2.82 3.18 3.42 3.68 3.79 4.36 4.28 4.26 4.18 3.96 4.38 4.54 4.15 3.60 3.87 3.86 3.59 3.31 3.18 3.23 3.36 3.53 3.62 3.55 3.57 3.51 3.47 3.49 3.58 3.27 2.83 3.46 3.40 2.52 624.90 407.20 393.00 278.80 755.10 407.90 467.50 352.40 820.00 503.60 401.90 305.60 788.10 555.10 491.60 323.50 810.20 569.90 575.80 340.40 1074.70 556.20 621.30 392.70 956.10 466.30 646.90 347.60 981.20 629.70 569.40 360.30 1258.80 601.90 475.10 243.70 885.00 450.30 397.90 227.90 2190.40 1783.60 1390.90 1113.20 2404.50 1997.00 1529.90 1177.80 2133.90 1630.80 1229.40 924.10 2270.80 1716.20 1225.10 902.00 2473.50 1903.80 1329.10 989.10 2727.50 2172.10 1551.20 1159.40 2969.50 2506.10 1862.00 1515.10 2955.20 2326.40 1758.10 1398.60 2467.00 2139.80 1667.10 1425.20 2971.10 2536.40 2130.10 1905.00 461.72 438.52 424.37 425.97 458.52 458.70 477.32 495.72 511.95 535.87 519.47 507.77 499.80 512.67 535.10 539.57 545.10 548.80 569.85 574.07 640.20 636.77 648.15 661.22 631.57 609.10 615.50 604.22 610.50 651.35 631.97 635.15 704.55 697.60 674.02 644.87 551.42 510.62 494.23 490.52 2.69 2.20 2.34 2.23 1. 70 1.84 2.06 2.27 2.05 2.03 2.17 2.37 2.56 2.35 2.41 2.42 2.89 3.09 3.22 3.22 2.85 2.39 2.48 2.57 2.45 2.12 2.54 3.01 3.27 3.16 3.16 3.34 3.11 2.59 2.64 2.67 2.44 2.20 2.31 2.34