ACCOUNTING 3270.001 COST ACCOUNTING Spring 2013 COURSE SYLLABUS AND SCHEDULE INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE: PHONE: EMAIL: Professor Wilner BLB 385M (940) 565-3102 CLASS TIME: Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 PM thru 4:50 PM OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday and Thursday 1:15 PM thru 3:20 PM and by appointment. BLB 015 REQUIRED TEXT: Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis 14ed Horngren, Datar, & Rajan. Other materials will be posted on Blackboard. COURSE PREREQUISITE: ACCT 2010, 2020 with grades of C or better; ECON 1100, 1110; MATH 1190, or 1400, or 1710; BCIS 2610. COURSE OVERVIEW: This course is designed to give students an understanding of 1) how to determine financial statement account balances associated with inventory and production costs, 2) how to estimate costs for decision making, running a business and budgeting, 3) how to compare estimated production costs with actual costs to control operations, 4) how allocations have a significant impact on accounting, and 5) how to use cost information to make decisions. The course should also increase your general understanding of certain routine business activities associated with managing a business entity. COURSE POINT DISTRIBUTION: Course grades will be assigned based on the total number of points earned during the semester. Points are allocated according to the following: MCI Quizzes EXAM I EXAM II EXAM III EXAM IV Total Points Best Exam 26.25, worst 6.25 15 20 16.25 16.25 16.25 16.25 100 As a general rule the percentage of points to achieve a certain letter grade will be as follows: 90% or more = A 70% - 79.5% = C less than 60% = F 80% - 89.5% = B 60% - 69.5% = Average Weekly Time requirement for this course In class 3 hours Preparation for class/practice quiz 2-3 hours Homework and test preparation 2-5 hours Total 7-11 hours/week Please note that there are several factors that will affect how much time you may need to devote to this class each week. GRADING NOTES: a. No other work can be substituted for the required work. b. There are no opportunities for extra credit in this course. Your grade will be determined exclusively on the criteria noted above under Course Point Distribution. Please do not ask me for any extra credit opportunities. c. I will not return your exams for you to keep. I will keep them. During the class meeting following each examination, your exam will be returned to you for your review. During the class I will discuss some of the most frequently missed questions and problems on the exam. I will take up the exams at the conclusion of the class and retain them. If you wish to discuss other problems on your exam, please see me during my office hours (I cannot discuss your exams either on the phone or via e-mail). As we discuss the exams in class, I suggest that you make notes as to the types of questions you missed so that you can spend time working those kinds of problems and questions on your own. If you are not in attendance at a class meeting during which an exam is returned for your review, it is your responsibility to see me during office hours, within one week of the day the exam was gone over in class, should you wish to review your exam. If I do not receive your exam back at the conclusion of our in-class review, your grade for the exam will be changed to zero. Cell phones should be turned off and put away during the review period. d. I will post your exam scores on Blackboard at the earliest possible time. I will not post any quiz or MCI scores. When your exam is returned to you, should you find an error in its grading or should you have a question concerning how a particular question was graded, you should bring the question to my attention immediately. If your exam has been graded incorrectly resulting in the need to adjust your recorded score, I will do so only if you have brought the question to my attention within one week of our in-class review. After that time I will not alter your recorded exam score. EXAMS: The exams will consist of problems and multiple choice questions. The last exam will be multiple choice only. The best preparation for all of the exams will be: 1) attending class and participating in the lectures and note reviews 2) careful reading of the text materials which reinforce the notes, 3) working all assigned homework problems 4) use of the text website resource material (videos, power points, quizzes, additional problems, etc.), and 5) working additional end of chapter problems which I suggest. Please note the following: a. It is required that you take each of the Exams in this course. b. When you take an Exam, the grade will be recorded and CANNOT be dropped. c. If you miss an Exam a zero will be recorded unless you pre-arranged for this to happen. d. Make-up exams are not given unless you have a valid university reason and you have pre-arranged the make-up with me. e. The Exam dates are listed on the attached Class Schedule. Please be advised that the dates are subject to change if there are weather cancellations. Any change will be announced in class as well as via an Announcement on Blackboard Vista. f. Should you have to miss an exam, it is your responsibility to notify me BEFORE the exam takes place if possible. For an absence to be considered excused, it must be the result of serious, unavoidable circumstances (generally related to illness, death in the family, accident, or in some cases work) and must be supported by documentation. Only the most serious of reasons will constitute an acceptable excuse for missing an exam. A flat tire, car trouble, no baby sitter, tired, I went out of town and my car broke down, etc. are not eligible for “excused absence” status. Excused absences due to attendance at sanctioned university activities qualify for the application of this policy PROVIDED you have apprised me in advance of the class meeting to be missed. EXAM RULES: a. Phones and Beepers: On exam days, please have cellular phones and/or beepers turned off and removed from the desk surface. Please remove all phone ear pieces and/or Blue-Tooth devices. You may not use your wireless phone as a calculator or as a time piece on exam days. I have a zero tolerance policy regarding cellular phones ringing on exam day….if your phone rings, I take up your exam and you receive the grade you have earned on the work completed to that point. On the days that we review exams in class, cell phones should be turned off and stored off of the desk surface. On lecture days, as a courtesy to me and to your classmates, I will appreciate your having cellular phones and/or beepers turned off. If you believe you need an exception to this policy, please discuss it with me. b. Calculators: I will provide four function calculators for exams. c. No books or notes may be used during exams. All material you bring to class with you must be placed on the floor. d. I reserve the right to seat and/or re-seat any student before or during an exam. e. Please come to class ten (10) minutes early on exam days. 2 f. On exam days, please bring a picture ID to class. When you turn in your exam, I will ask to see your picture ID. g. At the end of exams when I call “Time” I will collect all outstanding exams and leave the room. If you do not relinquish your exam upon my request a zero (0) will be recorded for your exam grade. CLASS PREPARATION: I expect, at a minimum, that you will attend class, read the assigned text material, and attempt ALL homework. Reading the text material and using the resource material on the website will aid in your understanding of the material. My lectures cover what I consider to be the main concepts for you to learn in a textbook full of too many concepts to cover. Therefore attending class and understanding my lectures should make it easier for you and will prevent you from reading more than you need to. I expect you to read the chapters AFTER we have gone over them to supplement your understanding of the notes. Please come to class prepared to ask questions regarding any concepts that you do not understand. The exercises and problems listed in the Class Schedule are those which we will discuss and work in class. The exercises and problems listed on the Class Schedule will not be graded but I expect your participation as we discuss the solutions in class. Therefore, you should attempt to work the exercises and problems prior to the class they will be reviewed. The best method of study with which to approach accounting is to first review your notes and read the material in the text which supplements the notes, and secondly work exercises and problems associated with what you have read. Repetition through working problems will help prepare you for class and for exams. You will not be successful in this class if you try to learn by OSMOSIS! QUIZZES: During the semester I will give 12-14 quizzes. The quizzes will be random and unannounced. I will throw out your 2 (or 3 or 4) lowest quiz scores leaving you with 10 quizzes that will count. Each quiz will be worth 2 points for a total of 20 points. I may give the quizzes at the beginning of the class period or at the end. They may consist of one problem or several true/false or multiple choice questions. If you enter the classroom after a quiz has been distributed, you will not be allowed to take the quiz. If you are not in class on the day a quiz is given (for any reason) you will not receive credit for the quiz. Quizzes CANNOT be made up…no exceptions. If a quiz is given at the beginning of class and you leave before class ends (without having explained to me why you will be leaving) you will not receive credit for the quiz. Quizzes will either be NOTE QUIZZES covering the prior class meeting notes or HW QUIZZES covering the HW to be gone over on the day of the class. CLASS ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance and quality class preparation are essential elements for your success in this course. The subject matter in this course will be very challenging. To fully understand and master this material you should avail yourself of all of the text resources, as well as class discussions. My lectures will be limited to the material from the text that I believe to be most important and material that you have asked to have clarified. We will spend a great deal of class time working problems and analyzing supplemental materials. Working problems in class is designed not simply to provide you with solutions to problems but with the logic and thought processes you need to develop in order to correctly solve a problem or answer a question. Therefore, your regular class attendance will contribute to your success on course examinations. Past experience suggests that your course grade is highly correlated with the level of your class attendance. ABSENCES BASED ON RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: A student who misses an examination or other assignment due to the observance of a religious holy day will be given the opportunity to complete the work missed. To be eligible for this opportunity, the student must notify me in writing of exams scheduled on dates he or she will be absent to observe a religious holy day. Notification must be made within the first fifteen (15) calendar days of the semester by written correspondence, delivered to me, and acknowledged as received by me. CHEATING: Honesty and integrity are very important characteristics of an accountant or any business person. Failure to perform within the bounds of accepted ethical standards is sufficient grounds for your discontinuance in this course with a grade of F and could lead to expulsion from the University. Failure to abide by the university’s rules regarding academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course. University policy regarding this matter is a part of the UNT Code of Student Conduct and Discipline and can be found in the UNT Policy Manual, Vol. III, No. 18.1.11, and in the Student Handbook. The university’s recently revised academic integrity policy can be found at 3 WITHDRAWALS: th The last day to drop this course with an automatic W and no consent is Monday, January 28 . Last day to drop nd with an automatic W with consent is Friday, February 22 . Last day to drop with consent where a WF may be th given is Tuesday, March 26 . The accounting department policy states that any student dropping (or nd withdrawing from the university) after Friday, February 22 will receive a WF unless they are earning a grade of D or better in the class. Accounting department policy allows only one (1) retake of any course in which the student has earned a prior grade, including WF (but not W). You should consult with your academic advisor prior to the above dates if you are considering dropping this course. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA): If you are a student who requires accommodations in compliance with the ADA, please consult with me during the first week of the semester. As a faculty member, I will provide “reasonable accommodation” to any student with a disability, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability. It is your responsibility to inform me of the disability at the beginning of the semester and provide me with documentation authorizing the specific accommodation. UNT’s Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA), is responsible for verifying and implementing accommodations to ensure equal opportunity in all programs and activities. You must contact ODA who will instruct you how to proceed. I recognize that any disclosure by a student of their need for accommodation is extremely sensitive. I assure you that all conversations and other communications will be kept protected and confidential and disclosed only on a needto-know basis. COMMUNICATING WITH THE INSTRUCTOR: The best way to contact me will be an email to with “Accounting 3270” in the subject line. DO NOT USE BLACKBOARD TO E-MAIL ME UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! When I interact with you, I want to be responsive. If you will adopt the following suggestions, I will have a better chance of helping you in an effective and timely manner. a. When leaving me a phone message, please speak clearly and slowly and make certain to leave me a number and time when I can return the phone call. b. If you email me, do not assume that I received your email unless I confirm receipt. c. When you see me in my office, it will be helpful for you to remind me of your name and the section you are in. D. Forward Blackboard e-mails to your favored e-mail address. STUDENT EVALUATION OF TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS (SETE): The Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (SETE) is a requirement for all organized classes at UNT. This short survey will be made available to you at the end of the semester, providing you a chance to comment on how this class is taught. I am very interested in the feedback I get from students, as I work to continually improve my teaching. I consider the SETE to be an important part of your participation in this class. CANCELLATION OF CLASSES: In the event that weather or other conditions are such that normal campus operations could be impeded, the administration of the University will determine whether classes will be canceled or delayed. Such information will be provided to the local broadcast media and posted on the UNT homepage. If the campus has not been closed, I will hold class. You must use your own judgment with regard to your personal safety in coming to campus. BLACKBOARD LEARN: We will use Blackboard in this class. I will post various items and resources. I will also send group e-mails which you should forward to your favored e-mail address. WEBSITES OF INTEREST: (Search: Susan Crosson managerial accounting) 4 Date January 15 Chapter in Class Orientation Chapter 1 and pages 466-middle of 478 st as they pertain to MCI 1 assignment. 17 Chapters 2 and 10 (high-low only) CH. 2-20, 25, 26, 31, 39 CH. 10-17, 24 (requirement 2 only) 22 24 Chapter 3 and start 4 CH. 3- 20, 22, 27, 38 29 31 Assignment Chapter 4 (skip bottom of 118 to end of chapter) February 5 Chapter 4 problems will be handed out from a prior edition of this book 7 Catch up and Review 12 Exam 1 14 Chapter 5 19 Review Exam 1 21 Chapter 17 (606 to middle of 621) CH. 5-23 CH. 17- 19, 35 (DO Steps 1-5 under both Weighted Average and FIFO for BOTH 19 and 35) 26 28 Chapters 6, 7, 8 March 5 Exam 2 (Chapters 5 and 17) March 7 Chapters 6, 7, 8 12, 14 SPRING BREAK 19 Review Exam 2 CH. 6-22 CH. 7-17*, 21, 24, 25, CH 8-22, 23 (Note: Do not do entries for any Ch 7 or 8 problems) 21 26 Chapter 9 (I do this chapter in a simpler manner than the book and you are only required to read 300-middle of 305 but you need to be at the lecture) 28 Quiz and problems 5 April 2 Chapter 9 April 4 Catch up and Review 9 EXAM 3 11 Chapter 11 16 Review Exam 3 CH. 9-16 (Req. 1 & 2 as FIFO (Use each year’s production units to calculate each years fixed overhead per unit under absorption costing.) 9-21 (Just prepare statements under each method.) CH. 11-16, 18, 19, 22, 24 CH. 11-16, 18, 19, 22, 24 18 23 Chapter 15 25 Chapter 16 MCI Wrap-up Due 30 Ch 15-30**, 31 (req. 1) Ch.16-19 (except req.3), 25 (disregard the statement about the 10% Gross Margin but not about the marketing costs), 27 (in req. 1 just do the allocations) May 2 Catch up and Review Tuesday May 7 th Exam 4 1:30-3:30 * Prepare a flexible budget as done in class for 8000, 8800, and 9000 cases. ** Building and grounds - Square footage Personnel - Employees General Plant Administration - Manufacturing labor hours Cafeteria loss- Employees Storeroom – Requisitions 6 MCI MCI 1st assignment, Due January 24th in class. a. (2 points) Write a one page summary telling me about your company. I specifically want you to include the following: • The company name • A description of the main product or service offered. • A description of the technology (labor intensive, capital intensive, technology intensive etc.) • Who is your target audience/customer base? • Who are your main suppliers and what are the inputs (must have 2 suppliers and one input per supplier.) • What are the company’s main goals (must have three) b. (2 points) On a second page you are to draw or list the company’s value chain listing at least 3 Upstream Activities, 3 Process Activities, and 3 Downstream Activities which the company engages in. c. (1 point) A three sentence Strategy Statement. Make sure your goals, listed above, are consistent. d. (2 points) A balanced scorecard with one goal listed for each of the four dimensions. Each goal then must explicitly have the way you will measure it explained. MCI Individual Chapters (1 point each, total of 5) You are to hand in a one page write-up, in the class immediately following the day the homework was done on a chapter (chapter 14 is the lone exception), detailing what you learned from the chapter(s) AND how you would apply it to MCI operationally or to meet a strategic goal. One of these may be turned in electronically but BEFORE class starts. You must do 5 throughout the semester. I will allow a sixth for feedback AS LONG AS YOU DO CHAPTER 2 OR 3. Do not repeat the chapter. As a good rule start the paper as follows- “I would apply Chapter ?? to the following situation.” Then describe the situation and tell me how the chapter is being applied operationally, strategically, for a decision or for control purposes. REPEATING THE CHAPTER WILL RESULT IN A ZERO. MCI wrap-up (3 points) You are to write a 3 paragraph summary of the key insights (must have 3) you received from the chapters for MCI. You are to also write one paragraph telling me which chapter was the most important for MCI and why and another paragraph telling me which chapter was the least important for MCI and why. Note the deadline for submitting. 7