business College Opens BLB in “Grand” Fashion

The official e-newsletter of the College of Business
The mission of the UNT
College of Business is to
prepare tomorrow’s business
leaders in an intellectually
stimulating and collegial
community through highquality teaching, research,
and service.
(click on a story below)
Accounting and Financial
Reporting Update Conference
CoB Golf Classic Raises
Money for Scholarships
Jeb Bush Featured Speaker
at 2011 Leadership Luncheon
Help PLP Find “Lost” Alumni
CoB Tidbits
ITDS Student Places Third in
Microsoft Imagine Cup
Did You Know?
Center for Logistics Education
and Research
CoB in the News
CoB on the Scene
College Opens BLB in “Grand” Fashion
Story credit: Leslie Wimmer, UNT News Service
The University of North Texas and the UNT
College of Business officially opened the new
Building on
September 22
with more than
350 people in
Some of the
180,000-squarefoot building’s
features include
a securities
trading room
with a dozen Bloomberg kiosks and a scrolling
stock ticker, an executive board room, 24
classrooms, a café, computer labs, a rooftop
garden, study and tutor rooms and an entire
floor dedicated to faculty offices and meeting
spaces. In a departure from academic tradition,
faculty offices will not be organized by
department, a design feature encouraging
interdisciplinary research.
“The Grand Opening marked a new
beginning for the College
of Business,” said
College of Business
Dean Finley Graves. “It
celebrated the opening of
a building on par with any
business building in the
country, but it also
symbolized the path UNT
and the College have
taken toward becoming a
national research
university, including
instruction that incorporates cutting-edge
technology and research that impacts the
business world internationally.”
The building is expected to receive goldlevel Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design certification from the U.S. Green
Building Council, which means the building’s click more to read on page 4
UNT Logistics and Supply Chain Management Program
Receives Top 25 Ranking
The UNT Logistics and Supply Chain
Management program was
ranked 23rd in North America,
according to research
published on October 6 by
Gartner, Inc.
This marks the first time
UNT has been ranked in
Gartner’s top 25 programs.
“Program rankings,
including Gartner, can have a
positive and long-term effect
on the UNT supply chain programs,” said Dr.
Terry Pohlen, Director of the Center for
Logistics Education and Research.
“College recruiters use the
rankings to identify the very top
programs to recruit the best talent
available,” he said. “As the quality of
our students and programs move to the
next plateau, UNT will further move up
in the rankings resulting in even more
recruiters, companies, and students
being attracted to our campus.”
In the study, Gartner assesses
North American university supply chain
programs and provides insights on the ones click more to read on page 5
businessCONNECTION | 2
2011 AAFRU
James J. Leisenring
Former Board Member,
Paul Munter
Partner, KPMG
Jay Hanson
Board Member, PCAOB
Jeff Matthews
Vice President,
Charles River Associates
Robert Dye
Chief Economist, Comerica
Linda Stiff
Managing Director, PwC
Matt Nielsen
Partner, Andrews Kurth
C.H. Moore
Audit Committee Chairman
Laura Wright
CFO, Southwest Airlines
Golf Classic
Ennead Architects
Rhys J. Best
Starplex Cinema
Texas Capital Bank
UNT Department of Accounting
TTI, Inc.
Crane Worldwide
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
US Health
Trinity Highway Products
Perimeter Logistics
Whitley Penn LLP, CPA’s
Accounting and Financial Reporting Update
Conference Set for November 10
The Professional Development Institute
and Dallas CPA Society
have teamed up with the
College of Business to
host the annual
Accounting and Financial
Reporting Update
Conference on November
10 at the Hilton Anatole in
The conference
provides an unparalleled opportunity for
meaningful interaction between business,
financial and accounting professionals, policy
makers and the private sector.
Program attendees are eligible for up to
eight hours of CPE, while
covering topics of current
relevance to board members,
financial executives,
accountants, owners/
managers of business
organizations, CPAs,
financial analysts, attorneys
and others interested in
staying abreast of important
accounting and financial reporting
To learn more and register, visit http://
Golf Tournament Raises More than $18,000 for Student
The College of Business held its second
There were a total of fourteen tournament
annual Golf Classic on October 3 at Old
sponsors and sixteen raffle donors. Donated
American Golf Club in an effort to raise
items included two round trip tickets on
scholarship money for business students.
American Airlines, a weekend stay at the
The event,
Hilton, an
which is
autographed Tony
coordinated by
Romo jersey and
the CoB
a gift card to III
Forks restaurant.
Advisory Board,
This year
raised $18,300
also marked a new
to go directly
location for the
into the
tournament. Old
American Golf
Club is known not
Fund for the
only for its
College of Business Golf Classic Winners: (from left to right) Tom
beautiful scenic
Collard, Phillip Brown, Bruce Smith, Michael Cole
views, but for its
Holmes, chair
challenging course.
of the golf committee, said this fundraiser
The winning team, representing Duxiana,
allows the advisory board to utilize their
won an automatic entry and free
personal and professional networks to help
accommodations to the Acura College Alumni
support the College.
Team Championship held at Pinehurst Resort
“Each of us are committed to the success in North Carolina on October 27-30. Winning
of the College of Business,” Holmes said.
team members were Phillip Brown, Michael
“Everyone involved in the tournament stepped Cole, Tom Collard, and Bruce Smith.
up to the plate to ensure we achieved our
businessCONNECTION | 3
Jeb Bush Scheduled to Speak at Leadership Luncheon
Story credit: Leslie Wimmer, UNT News Service
Governor of
Florida, Jeb Bush,
will be the keynote
speaker at the
2011 BDO, USA
LLP Leadership
Luncheon will last
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on November 18,
at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas.
“We are thrilled to have Jeb Bush as our
keynote speaker this year, since he is not
only a great political leader but also an
advocate for education and
entrepreneurship,” said Tony Mendes,
director of the Murphy Center for
The Leadership Luncheon has been an
annual event for the Murphy Center for
Entrepreneurship since 2002. Past speakers
include H. Ross Perot, George Foreman and
Nolan Ryan.
Proceeds from the Leadership Luncheon
are used for scholarships, student awards
and programs offered through the Murphy
Center for Entrepreneurship. Each year at the
luncheon student scholarships are awarded,
donors are recognized and winners of the
Center’s New Venture Creation Contest are
Also, each year a recipient is awarded
the Murphy Award, honoring lifetime
achievement in entrepreneurship. Past
Murphy Award winners include Trammell
Crow, Ebby Halliday, Herb Kelleher and Sam
The Murphy Center for Entrepreneurship
opened its doors in 2000 with a $1 million
donation from Ken and the late Shirley
Murphy, founders and owners of The Mail
Box. The center encourages
entrepreneurship by providing students with
counseling, mentoring and training
opportunities that help them turn ideas into
viable business entities.
Registration and sponsorship
opportunities are still available through
November 11. For more information, call
940.565.2848 or email MurphyCenter@unt.
Win UNT Club Level Football Tickets
See a UNT football game in VIP fashion
PLP has two Club Level football tickets in the new Apogee
Stadium available for one lucky (and helpful) PLP Alum. Club
Level allows you to experience reserved chair-back seating, full
cash bar, private elevator access, complimentary game-day
buffet and exclusive club level restrooms.
Choose from November 19 or December 3 game days.
Over 400 (53%) PLP alumni are currently not connected with the
Professional Leadership Program. Help us find lost alumni and
you could win club level UNT football tickets!
The PLP alumni
who finds the most “lost” alumni will win club level football tickets
to the game of their choice.
View our “lost” alumni list here.
If you have an
updated e-mail, phone number, address, place of
employment, etc. for any alumni, please e-mail
PLP at
Deadline to submit information for the chance to
win club level football seating is Friday, November 11, 2011, 5pm.
Also take some time to update your information here.
Sponsored by
Find us on
Dr. Michael Meeks is the
new Associate Director
of the Murphy Center for
Entrepreneurship. Prior
to coming to UNT, he was
Assistant Professor of
Management and Founding
Director of the San
Francisco State University
Family Business Center.
Dr. Danielle Cooper,
professor of management,
serves on the Journal of
Organizational Behavior
Editorial Review Board.
The Student Chapter of
the Society for Human
Resource Management
(SHRM) was awarded the
2010-2011 Superior Merit
Award from the National
Society for Human Resource
Management. This award
recognizes student chapter
achievements and a
commitment to providing
meaningful programs and
services to its members.
Dr. Victor Prybutok,
Regents Professor of
ITDS, and Xiaoni Zhang
of Northern Kentucky
University served as editors
for the second special issue
on Quality Management in
Healthcare for the Quality
Management Journal (Vol.
18, issue 4).
Lisa Hall joined PLP as
the new administrative
coordinator. Lisa previously
worked in UNT’s Division of
Dr. Mark Davis, professor
of management and Marcus
Cox, a management
doctoral student, received
a “Best Paper” designation
for a paper accepted by the
Academy of Management.
businessCONNECTION | 4
Dr. Wes Randall, professor
of logistics, was recognized
for having the best article in
2010 in the Transportation
Journal. Dr. Randall was
Recognized at the Supply
Chain Management
Educator Conference on
October 2.
The Spencer Foundation
awarded the Risk
Management and
Insurance program a Risk
Manager in Residence for
the second year in a row.
Dr. Mary Jones, chair of
the ITDS department, has
been selected as a UNT
Leadership Fellow for
the 2011-2012 academic
year. Leadership Fellows
are selected among UNT
department chairs, interim
chairs, and other faculty
members who show interest
in and demonstrate potential
in administration.
The Risk Management and
Insurance program has
received $60,000 in student
scholarships from industry
partners as of Fall 2011.
They have also received
$10,000 to be used for
student activities.
The College of Business
raised $844.20 for the
State Employee Charitable
Campaign. Cheryl
McQueen, Senior Assistant
to the Dean, led several
fundraisers including raffles,
a bake sale and a costume
CoB alumni:
We want to hear from you!
Share your good news with
ITDS Student Places Third in Microsoft Imagine Cup
The Microsoft Imagine Cup is an
international competition in
which students write software
and develop plans to “solve the
world toughest problems.” UNT
ITDS student Angel Fox
placed third out of nine in the
U.S. and 25th out of 112 in the
world in the IT Challenge
In Round 1 of the
competition Angel was
required to pass a 60 minute
online quiz about various Microsoft products
(e.g., Windows 2008 R2, Hyper-V
Virtualization, etc.). Students, who
successfully passed Round 1, advanced to
compete in Round 2 of the IT Challenge. In
Round 2, Angel submitted an essay-based
case study that tested her ability to
reason through and describe an
architecture and method of
implementation of a Microsoft
networking environment.
She was invited by Microsoft
to attend the TechEd conference in
Atlanta, GA to talk about the
Imagine Cup and blog for the event
Four other students,
Christopher Blackmon,
Johnathan Bolt, Angela Fox, and Christina
Isabel Gray also competed. Faculty mentors
were Dr. Chang Koh, Dr. Sherry Ryan and Dr.
Charles Blankston.
Business Leadership Building Grand Opening
continued from page 1
design and construction met strict
environmental standards.
UNT President V. Lane Rawlins said
the new Business Leadership Building is part
of a wave of new university facilities
symbolizing that UNT’s dedication to
providing students the best education has
never been stronger.
“Everything we do
at UNT is in support of
our students, so when
we build, it’s not just to
make room for more
students on a booming
campus. We’ve created
a state-of-the-art
environment to inspire
students and help them become the next
generation of business leaders and
entrepreneurs,” Rawlins said.
Seeing students enjoy the building’s
collaborative spaces has been especially
rewarding, Graves said.
“Walking through the atrium, the primary
gathering space in the building, is a particular
treat for me because of the opportunity it
provides to stop and chat with students, an
opportunity our old building did not offer,”
Graves said. “The students’ new sense of
community and connection to the college is
The building will use cloud computing as
its main computing platform, which allows all
students and faculty to
access College of
Business software and
applications from
anywhere in the world, at
any time, without having to
be in a computer lab in the
building. Each classroom
features two video
projection screens,
document cameras, fast internet connections
for using live video with HD video cameras
and fast wireless internet access. Meeting
rooms have video conference capabilities,
document cameras, projection screens,
wireless microphones and telephones.
Construction on the $70 million building
began in 2009. It is designed to
accommodate more than 7,500 students.
businessCONNECTION | 5
Did You
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Program Ranked
continued from page 1
doing the best job developing students into
supply chain professionals.
Institutions were ranked according to
three criterion: 1) industry value (highly
recruited schools); 2) program scope
(students have a broad understanding of
industry concepts); and 3) program size
(number of students and professors in a
The study found that programs had a
high industry value when students have
real-world experience, i.e. internships.
According to the study, “programs that
require internships and have curricula that
reflect a broad, supply chain span of control
performed best in our assessment.”
Past industry research shows recruiters
want graduates who can make an immediate
impact. Many graduates tend to be “booksmart,” but are deficient in skills necessary to
do the job.
In order to address this gap, every
student majoring in logistics at UNT is
required to complete an internship prior to
Gartner, Inc. is the world’s leading
information technology research and
advisory company. Founded in 1979,
Gartner’s research is utilized by leaders in all
areas of business.
To read the full research report, visit
UNT student spends summer in war zone | Denton Record Chronicle | News for Denton County, ...
The Center for Logistics
Education and Research
(CLER) is one of four
centers housed in the
College of Business.
CLER establishes
partnerships between
businesses and the
academic community
designed to advance
the study and practice of
logistics and supply chain
management in Texas,
nationally and globally.
Learn more at http://
CoB In the News
Despite danger, aviation logistics senior wants to return to finish work
12:08 AM CDT on Sunday, September 18, 2011
By Rachel Mehlhaff / Staff Writer
Monday, September 19, 2011
Now on
UNT to
open new
he University of North
Texas and its College
of Business will officially open the new $70 million Business Leadership
Building at 10:30 a.m. Thursday on the Denton campus.
Some of the 180,000square-foot building’s features
include a securities trading
room with a dozen Bloomberg
kiosks and a scrolling stock
ticker; an executive boardroom; 24 classrooms; a café;
computer labs; a rooftop garden; study and tutor rooms;
and an entire floor dedicated
to faculty offices and meeting
In a departure from tradition, faculty offices will not be
organized by department, a
feature designed to encourage
interdisciplinary research.
“The grand
marks a new
beginning for
the College of
Business,” said
Dean Finley
Graves. “It
celebrates the opening of a
building on par with any business building in the country,
but it also symbolizes the path
UNT and the Business College
have taken toward becoming a
national research university,
including instruction that
incorporates cutting-edge
technology and research that
impacts the business world
The building is expected to
receive gold-level Leadership
in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) certification
from the U.S. Green Building
Council, which means its
design and construction met
strict environmental standards.
UNT president V. Lane
Rawlins said the Business
Leadership Building symbolizes UNT’s dedication to providing students the best education possible.
“Everything we do at UNT
is in support of our students,
so when we build, it’s not just
to make room for more students on a booming campus.
We’ve created a state-of-theart environment to inspire
students and help them become the next generation of
business leaders and entrepreneurs,” he said.
“Walking through the atrium, the primary gathering
space in the building, is a
particular treat for me because
of the opportunity it provides
University of North Texas student Alex Scheidel was fitted for body armor before he even got on the plane to his summer internship in
The Dallas Morning News
Scheidel, who’s studying aviation logistics, was given the job of creating an efficient system for transporting medical supplies and maintaining
inventory on military bases in the area. He arrived in Afghanistan in July, after a 16-hour flight.
Track the markets
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How will Wall Street fare this week? Find the latest headlines
and updates on the market and a look at Dallas-Fort Worth
company stocks. Plus build your own portfolio at dallas
Get financial advice from columnists Scott Burns and
Pamela Yip, use our calculators to help plan your financial
future and find out how you can qualify for a free Money
Makeover on our Personal Finance page.
Market Week
A chilly era
for cold
“When I got over there, I really didn’t know what to expect,” he said.
In the month and a half he was at the Kandahar Airfield base, it was hit by 15 rocket attacks.
Scheidel was washing his logistics truck during one such rocket attack. He was told it took two minutes after a rocket launched before it would hit.
Not true.
Newly formulated laundry
detergents can wash most
clothes perfectly well in cold
water, manufacturers say, but
customers are stubbornly refusing to turn down the temMonday
The National Association of Home Builders releases housing
About three-quarters of the
market index for September.
energy use and greenhouse-gas
Lennar Corp. releases financial results.
emissions from washing a load
of laundry come from heating
the water — a practice that, sciTuesday
entists say, is often wasteful
The Commerce Department releases housing starts for
and unnecessary.
Procter & Gamble, the conThe Federal Reserve meets to discuss interest rates.
sumer products giant that
Carnival Corp., ConAgra Foods Inc. and Oracle Corp. release
makes Tide, takes credit for the
1 of 5
financial results.
innovation of cold-water detergent in North America. After
realizing how much energy was
used to heat water for laundry,
The National Association of Realtors releases existing home
Procter set a goal to convert 70
sales for September.
percent of all washing-maGeneral Mills Inc. releases financial results.
chine loads to cold water by
2020; by Proctor’s estimate 38
percent of laundry loads globally are done in cold water.
The Labor Department releases weekly jobless claims.
Tide Coldwater was introFreddie Mac releases weekly mortgage rates.
duced in 2005. Several comThe Conference Board releases leading indicators for Aupetitors followed with their
own cold-water formulas, inDiscover Financial Services, FedEx Corp., Nike Inc. and Rite
cluding Purex from Henkel,
Aid Corp. release financial results.
Wisk from Sun Products and
Biokleen from a small company by the same name.
Sales data provided by HenAnnual meetingLeading
of the the
and Chronicle
way in conservation
| Denton
| News for Denton County, Texas | L...
kel shows that sales of cold-waWorld Bank begin and run through Sunday.
Nike Inc. releases financial results Thursday, along
ter detergents have declined 16
KB Home releases financial results.
with Discover Financial Services and FedEx Corp.
percent in the last year in the
U.S. Despite the challenges,
Procter & Gamble officials remain undeterred.
New advertising is promotHOUSING
ing the virtues of Tide ColdUNT opens new business complex in grand fashion
water, and the company is
12:21 AM CDT on Friday, September 23, 2011
working with washing machine manufacturers to imBy Rachel Mehlhaff / Staff Writer
prove cold-water cycles in
high-efficiency machines.
The stock exchange bell at the University of North Texas rang as Dean Finley Graves declared the new Business Leadership Building open for
“It’s more like three seconds,” he said.
During his time there, Scheidel and his team determined the amount of supplies each base should have and made sure deliveries were set up
because some bases weren’t getting the supplies they needed. The supplies are delivered in planes and helicopters.
Home sales, building may stay in rut
Hurdles may thwart
Thursday.IPO calendar
The following companies plan initial public offerings this week:
in residential real estate
“We accomplished a vision,” said Graves, dean of the College of Business.
WhiteGlove Health Inc.*
The New York Times
2.5 million
$6 to $9
Sales of previously owned homes in *The offering was scheduled for week of Sept. 12, but did not price.
August probably held close to the weak- SOURCE: The Associated Press
est level this year while construction
may have dropped to a three-month
Dallas Career Transition: “10 Lessons
al pace of August housing starts is
low as the industry showed few signs of
for Success” with speaker Mary
590,000, little changed from the
emerging from its slump, economists
Anne Davis, 6 p.m. at Park Cities
Baptist Church Fellowship Hall,
587,000 begun last year, the secondsaid in advance of reports due out this
3933 Northwest Parkway. Visit
fewest ever. Home construction totaled
554,000 units in 2009, the lowest since
Existing-home sales probably rose
DRC/Al Key
record-keeping began in 1959.
1.7 percent to a 4.75 million annual rate
Finley Graves, dean of the University
Building permits, an indicator of fufrom an eight-month low in July, acof North Texas’ College of Business,
ture construction, probably fell 1.8 percording to a survey of 59 economists
Success North Dallas: “Taking on the
addresses the crowd at the grand
Giants: The Ambit Energy Story”
cent in August, the report from the
ahead of Wednesday’s report from the
opening of the university's Business
with speaker Jere W. Thompson, 7:15
Commerce Department is expected to
National Association of Realtors.
Leadership Building on Thursday in
a.m. at Prestonwood Country Club,
also show.
Economists also forecast that Com15909 Preston Road. Contact Jan
Meanwhile, a report coming Monmerce Department data being released
Klodner at 214-316-8920.
View larger More photos Photo store
day may show the National Association
a day earlier will show that housing
Calendar deadlines are one week
Home Builders/Wells
Fargotosentistarts dropped 2.3 percent.
The 12 Bloomberg terminals and a scrolling stock ticker in theofsecurities
trading room flashed
life as the UNT
played the
held at 15 this month. ReadLimited employment,
song, declining
while the more than 300 people in attendance clapped and
ings lower than 50 mean more responproperty values and mounting foreclodentsR-Denton,
view conditions
sures remain hurdles Denton
for builders,
Mayor Mark Burroughs and state Rep. Myra Crownover,
university celebrate the grand opening of the new $70
Homebuyer traffic and construction
thwarting a sustained rebound
in resi- building.
million business
along the eastern seaboard may also
dential real estate.
have been hindered by Hurricane
“The economy overall will take this
The Associated Press
Irene, which caused losses of about
crawl-stagger-crawl approach into
COMPANIES 10/5/2011 11:25 AM
1 of 5all the issues the reConstruction may be dropping to a
$12.4 billion, according to an estimate
2012, which reflects
by Kinetic Analysis Corp., a Silver
covery is wrestling,” said Paul Ballew, three-month low.
This index lists companies in The
Spring, Md., firm that predicts the efchief economist at Nationwide Mutual
Dallas Morning News’ Business
Insurance Co. “Housing should hit a the Federal Open Market Committee fects of disasters.
section today. Not covered are
Among data this week, the Confertrough by the end of this year before go- completes a two-day meeting on
companies mentioned in passing
Wednesday. Ben Bernanke, the central ence Board’s index of leading economic
ing sideways at very suppressed levels.”
and those listed only in financial
Federal Reserve officials meet this bank’s chairman, told economists Sept. indicators is projected to show growth
9/29/2011 11:33 AM
The Business Leadership Building was featured in a column by
Dallas Morning News writer, Robert Miller on September 19,
CoB alum Melisa Denis, who is a senior partner at KPMG and
Dean’s Advisory Board member, was a featured author of an
article in Texas CEO Magazine. The article highlights her
experience as a woman in the boardroom as well as the
formation of The Board Connection, an organization which
supports women professionals. To read the full article, visit
Aviation logistics student, Alex Scheidel, was featured in an
article in the Denton Record Chronicle on September 18, 2011.
The artlcle highlights Alex’s experience during his summer
internship in Afghanistan. Alex’s internship was through Onsite
Occupational Health and Safety Inc., which handles medical
needs for civilian contractors sent on government deployments.
The Business Leadership Building Grand Opening was featured
in an article in the Denton Record Chronicle on September 23,
2011. The article highlights the day’s events as well as the
sustainability of the building.
College of Business On the Scene
The ITDS Department partnered with IBM to host a Smarter Planet Day on September 15. The event was part of a worldwide tour in which students learn
the skills it takes to build a smarter planet. Activities included a scavenger hunt, a “zone” fair and a panel discussion. Dr. John Windsor was the campus
College of Business students enjoy lunch provided by the Dean’s Office and drinks provided by the Departments of Management, ITDS and FIREL during
the 2011 Homecoming Tailgate. Attendees donated $615 toward student scholarships.
The Distinguished Speaker Series brought Phil Sorgen, UNT alum and Vice President for Microsoft, to speak to students on September 23, 2011.
Pictured are:(from l-r) CoB student ambassadors Maria Hernandez, Grant Elliott, Dean Finley Graves, Phil Sorgen and Jin Na.
The Fall 2011 College of Business Career Fair was held on September 14, 2011 in the UNT Coliseum. More than 950 students were in attendance as well
as 115 companies. Visit to participate in the Spring Career Fair.
Management faculty member, Mike Sexton, found a creative way to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes. Mr. Sexton began a “Stripping for Charity” raffle in
which a lucky raffle winner was able to shave off his beard! Ann Bartts, CoB Academic Advisor, was the lucky winner.
Office of the Dean
1155 Union Circle #311160
Denton, Texas 76203-5017
Vist us online at:
Have any interesting story ideas or
things to share?
Please contact Christina Aguilar,
Director of Marketing and
Communications, at
940-369-8450 or email
The official e-newsletter of the College of Business
O. Finley Graves, Ph.D.
Vicki Goodwin, Ph.D.
Marilyn Wiley, Ph.D.
Don Finn, Ph.D.
Cengiz Capan
Mary Jones, Ph.D.
Desiree Robison
Jeff Sager, Ph.D.
Niranjan Tripathy, Ph.D.
Marcia Staff, J.D.