DURATION OF INTERNET FIRMS: A SEMI-PARAMETRIC BAYESIAN SURVIVAL ANALYSIS Robert J. Kauffman Co-Director, MIS Research Center Professor and Chair Phone: (612) 624-8562; Fax: (612) 626-1316 Email: rkauffman@csom.umn.edu Bin Wang (contact author) Doctoral Program Phone: (612) 624-6041; Fax: (612) 626-1316 Email: bwang@csom.umn.edu Information and Decision Sciences Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 Last Revised: October 8, 2003 _____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT We test an explanatory model of Internet firm duration after their initial public offerings (IPOs) using a Cox proportional hazards model and a semi-parametric Bayesian survival analysis. The empirical model shows that industry-, firm- and e-commerce related variables, such as the entry of competing IPOs and the selling of digital products or services, can reduce an Internet firm’s hazard rate. In addition, a prosperous economy, as reflected by a high interest rate, also enhances a firm’s chance of survival. The empirical results also suggest that the impact of the explanatory variables on different exit types, such as bankruptcy, merger and acquisition, are different. The results demonstrate a high level of consistency across the econometrics methods used and illustrate the validity of Bayesian analysis as a technique for analyzing drivers of Internet firm survival. KEYWORDS: Bayesian analysis, duration modeling, econometric analysis, electronic commerce, empirical methods, Internet firms, morphing strategies, survival analysis. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the co-chairs of the “Competitive Strategy and Information Technology” mini-track at HICSS-36, Eric K. Clemons and Rajiv M. Dewan, and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments for a related version of this paper published in the Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, R. Sprague (Ed.), IEEE Computing Society, Los Alamitos, CA, January 2003. We thank the participants of the Information and Decision Sciences workshop at the Carlson School of Management of the University of Minnesota for their valuable input. We also thank Rajiv Banker, M.S. Krishnan and other participants at the 2002 Workshop on Information Systems and Economics for their helpful suggestions on an earlier version of this paper. We are grateful to Tim Miller, CEO of Webmergers.com, for providing us with the Internet firm failure and shutdown data. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 INTRODUCTION In March 2000, Barron’s magazine published an article that painted a shocking picture of the fate of many Internet firms (Willoughby, 2000). According to the article, 51 out of the 207 Internet firms in the study would run out of cash soon, including some highly-touted firms such as Amazon, eToys, Peapod and CDNow. Even though some firms on the list managed to survive, others did fail (e.g. eToys and DrKoop.com) or were acquired by other firms (e.g., Peapod and Medscape). The subsequent large-scale failure in the Internet sector and the depreciation of market value for public Internet firms forced many Internet companies to come back to reality and reevaluate their business viability. In fact, according to Webmergers.com (2002), about 900 Internet firms have shut down their Web sites or declared bankruptcy since January 2000. Many superficial explanations have been offered about their demise, including blindly-funded and poor business plans (Cavanagh, 2001), lack of revenuegenerating strategies and high operational costs (DeVoe, 2002; Krizner, 2001), over-optimism about future growth (Cavanagh, 2001), and lavish work environments (Titus, 2001). How should we understand the Internet shakeout phenomenon we observed during the past couple of years? What are the factors that have been critical to the survivability of Internet firms? We first use evolutionary game theory to provide a general framework for understanding “strategic morphing” of Internet firms and the “natural selection” process that we have observed. We use the word “morphing” in the general sense here; in fact, it can be any change in a firm’s characteristics and strategies, such as its products or services, capabilities and resources, market and partnerships. To make an analogy between business strategy and bio-genetics, these characteristics and strategies are similar to the genes of an organism. They will determine whether a firm will adapt to its environment to stay alive or be selected out by the competition. Next, we will discuss the literature on organizational change and adaptation, which informs us how morphing occurs within an organization. Finally, we will relate the economic literature on business survival and a recent Information Systems study on DotCom productivity differences to identify factors that can influence the survival of an Internet firm. In framing our explanatory model for empirical analysis, we also recognize the challenges ahead of us. For example, we recognize the turbulence in the stock market and the weakening economy during the last couple of years as major confounding factors. In a strong economy, even firms with relatively poor performance will be able to remain in business. On the other hand, in a down-economy when demand is soft and competition becomes intense, even firms with above-average performance will be touched. They will face new pressures to remain viable and withstand market valuations that will be lower than what makes sense in the long run. As a result, it is important to control for the impact of the macroeconomy in our model. In addition, B2B Internet firms are not represented in our sample. This is due to a lack of exit cases among the publicly-held B2B firms. As a result, our results may not be generalizable to B2B firms. 2 This is an issue we are unable to resolve in our current study. However, we expect to incorporate B2B firms in it as more data become available. Overall, we aim to answer the following research questions: Can we build an explanatory model based on appropriate theory that adequately explains Internet firm failures that have been observed to date? How can evolutionary game theory inform us on Internet firm casualty? What can we learn from the economic literature on business failure and the recent e-commerce literature on different business models to identify the relevant industry-, firm- and e-commerce-related factors that are crucial to the survival of an Internet firm? What insights and modeling flexibility do Bayesian survival analysis offer? We apply two semi-parametric survival analyses techniques—the Cox proportional hazards model and Bayesian survival analysis—to test a theoretical model of Internet firm duration after their initial public offerings (IPOs) of stock. Bayesian analysis offers a number of advantages, such as the capability to make inferences even with a small sample size, the possibility of incorporating historical data, and more flexibility for model building and analysis. The methods are widely used in the public health field on the analysis of disease development and treatment effectiveness. In addition, our application of multiple econometric methods allows us to cross-validate our results. Following Barua, Pinnell, Shutter, Whinston and Wilson (2001), who defined “DotCom firms” as digital intermediaries or commerce firms that generate 95% or more of their revenues on the Internet, we use a 90% cutoff, and restrict our sample of Internet firms to intermediaries that provide e-marketplaces and firms that sell products and services over the Internet. Our empirical results indicate the entry of additional competing Internet firms through IPOs can enhance an incumbent public Internet firm’s survival likelihood. In addition, firms selling digital products or services via the Internet are more likely to survive than those selling physical products or services. Interest rate, which captures the impact of the overall economy on firm performance, is also positively related to survival. Our results also reveal the differential impact of the explanatory variables on different exit types, such as bankruptcy, merger and acquisition. While the entry of additional competing Internet firms into the stock market and the selling of digital goods can reduce a firm’s likelihood of bankruptcy, size is the major factor that determines mergers and acquisitions. The high level of consistency of our results across the two methods used suggests that Bayesian analysis is a valid technique for the analysis of Internet firm durations. We view this as a methodological contribution to Information Systems (IS) research, as well. 3 LITERATURE AND THEORY We first use evolutionary game theory to provide a conceptual framework for the understanding of Internet firm morphing and survival. Next, we cite organizational change and adaptation literature to address the question how mutations occur in a firm. Finally, to identify the factors that relate to the duration of an Internet firm after its IPO for our empirical model, we review previous economic research on business survival and the recent IS and e-commerce literature on different business models. The first stream of research informs us that both industry- and firm-related factors can affect the success and failure of a firm. The second stream of research suggests the existence of productivity and stock return differences between different types of Internet firms. Evolutionary Game Theory Evolutionary game theory focuses on the evolutionary path of organisms that compete in an environment and the resulting equilibrium outcomes (Maynard Smith, 1982). The fundamental concepts in evolutionary game theory are genes, mutation, the environment, competition, time and the outcome. Genes are the key construct that differentiates individuals in a population. They determine the characteristics an organism possesses and the strategies it employs in the game. Genes can also change in a process called mutation due to some random stimuli either within the organism or from the environment. Because there are only limited resources in the environment, all organisms compete for these limited resources. Those with superior genes will outperform those with inferior genes. Over a period of time, the outcome is the survival of the fittest. This evolutionary cycle repeats as new mutation occurs and the survival organisms compete among themselves. The survival of Internet firms is similar to the evolutionary process we described above. Different firms possess different characteristics (e.g., products and target markets), resources, capabilities and strategies. These are essentially the genes that differentiate the firms from each other. In the competition for the limited resources in the marketplace such as customers, suppliers and financial capital, those that occupy advantageous resources or possess unique capabilities are better positioned for survival under tough competition. In contrast, those that adopt inferior strategies or deliver poor performance will be selected out by the competition, which results in the Internet firm failure we observe. Instead of assuming fully-informed and rational individuals like game theory does, evolutionary game theory posits that individuals are not always rational. Instead, they come to realize which strategy generates higher payoff through a learning process by trial-and-error (Samuelson, 1998). In the context of Internet firm survival, mutation occurs when a firm discards an inferior strategy and adopts another one that expects to generate higher payoff. This is also the morphing process that we refer to where firms change their organizational characteristics or strategies to adapt to the marketplace. 4 Evolutionary game theory informs us that organizational characteristics and strategies are the genes that can determine a firm’s ultimate survival in the digital marketplace. Through mutation, firms actively adapt to the competition and adopt higher payoff strategies through trail-and-error. However, how does mutation actually occur in an organization? What genes are important to the survival of an Internet firm? We next discuss the literature on organizational adaptation and change, the economic literature on business survival, and some recent IS and e-commerce research on business models. Finally, we provide a synthesis of theories that we reviewed. Organizational Adaptation and Change A powerful concept in evolutionary game theory is mutation. It is through this process that firms implement the results of their learning process and adopt strategies that generate higher payoff. However, how does mutation actually occur in an organization? We believe the literature on organizational adaptation and change provides an answer. In an effort to bridge the differences among the incremental, transformational and ecological theories of organizational evolution, Tushman and Romanelli (1985) introduce the punctuated equilibrium theory of organizational change. According to them, organizations go through periods of reorientation and convergence alternatively. Reorientations are the periods during which dramatic changes occur and there are fundamental shifts in an organization’s strategy, power, structure or control. These periods are relatively short. Convergent periods are much longer than reorientations. Changes during these periods are characterized by incremental modifications to existing organizational form and structure. The ending of one period and the starting of another one are determined by factors in the external environment and within the organization. When there are fundamental changes in the social and technological environments that deprives a firm of its fit with the environment, it will be forced to undergo a period of reorientation. On the other hand, when a firm constantly performs poorly, reorientation is also necessary even if there is no dramatic change in the external environment. During the convergent periods, a firm engages in incremental changes to adapt to changes in the environment. Organizational changes affect the strategies an organization will employ, which ultimately determines performance and survival together with factors from both external and internal environments. In another study of organizational adaptation and change, Rindova and Kotha (2001) compare the trajectory that Yahoo! and Excite went through from Internet search engines to portal sites from 1994 to 1999. Yahoo! and Excite both started as Internet search engines. However, as the number of search engines increased, a search capability could no longer differentiate the two sites from their competitors. To keep traffic on their sites, the two firms morphed into destination sites and tried to differentiate themselves through branding. Next, the two firms morphed into portal sites to provide a full range of functionality including search, contents, communication and commerce. Along this path of 5 organizational changes, Yahoo! managed to stay one step ahead of Excite and sustained the competitive advantage that it would otherwise have lost had it stopped morphing and allowed Excite and other sites to catch up. Based on these observations, the authors introduce the concept of “continuous morphing” to depict the process through which firms in a hyper-competitive environment try to dynamically sustain their transient competitive advantage. By constantly changing their organizational form, firms can regenerate its competitive advantage and succeed in the marketplace. Overall, the literature on organizational change and adaptation suggests that organizations constantly go through changes to sustain competitive advantage, generate higher performance, and remain competitive. Business Survival Both industry- and firm-related factors can influence the survival of new businesses. Industry characteristics include the technical regime of the industry and rate of new firm entry. Audretsch (1991, 1995) and colleagues (Audretsch and Mahmood, 1991, 1995) find that due to the high initial setup costs and the difficulty in obtaining new technology for reaching the optimal scale of operations in an industry that has a routinized regime, new entrants are less likely to survive. On the other hand, in an industry that is characterized by an entrepreneurial regime where new entrants possess innovative advantage over market incumbents, new entrants are more likely to survive. Honjo (2000) finds that a high entry rate results in a high failure rate among new businesses due to more fierce competition. Firm factors that influence survival include financial capital, startup size, post-entry firm size, and founding time. Audretsch and Mahmood (1991) find manufacturing firms with a larger startup size are more likely to survive. They argue for firms with a larger startup size, the gap between their size and the minimum efficient scale (MES) for the industry is smaller, resulting in a higher chance of survival. Honjo (2000) finds that firms with more financial capital and larger size incur lower failure rate. The unique aspect of his results is that when both financial capital and size are incorporated into a model, only financial capital is significant whereas both are significant if they are included in the model separately. Based on the observation that smaller firms tend to have limited financial resources, Honjo concludes that previous research that captures a significant relationship between smaller size and higher failure rate actually reflects the impact of financial capital. He also finds that firms established around a market crash are less likely to survive. Even though many empirical results suggest large firms are less likely to fail, there are also contradictory results. For example, Das and Srinivasan (1997) find larger startup size is associated with higher risk of exit in the Indian computer hardware industry. Thus we do not hypothesize the direction for the relationship between firm size and survival. Hensler, Rutherford and Springer (1997) analyze firm duration after their IPOs in the stock market. The factors that can enhance a firm’s survival are firm size, the age of the firm at the offering, the initial 6 return on investment in the stock issue, the number of IPOs co-occurring in the market, and the percentage of the firm owned by insiders. In contrast, factors such as a higher average price level in the stock market at the time of IPO and a higher number of risk characteristics associated with the firm as reported in their prospectus lead to higher risk of failure. The authors also find that firms in the optical or pharmaceutical industries enjoy a longer survival time than firms in industries such as computer and data, wholesale, restaurant, and airline. Related to the empirical results are the econometric method used to analyze business failure data. The method the above-mentioned economic research employs is survival analysis, especially the Cox proportional hazards model (Cox, 1975). Survival analysis is widely used in public health to examine drug effectiveness in the treatment of diseases. Audretsch and colleagues (Audretsch, 1991, 1995; Audretsch and Mahmood, 1991, 1995) introduced this method to the analysis of firm duration. Since them, it has been a widely accepted method for the analysis of business failure (Orbe, Ferreira and NunezAnton, 2001). As a result, we will also use the Cox proportional model as one of the two econometric methods for our data analysis and we will discuss this technique in greater detail later in the paper. Assessment of Internet Business Models Barua, Whinston and Yin (2000) examine the productivity difference between two types of Internet firms: digital Internet firms that sell digital products and services and directly deliver them over the Internet, and physical Internet firms that use the digital channel to sell physical goods but deliver the products or services through the physical world. By analyzing the production data of 199 DotComs during the fiscal year of 1998, they find that digital firms achieved higher productivity levels. They argue that the difference is due to a higher level of digitization of business strategies and processes at digital firms. Because of the close-to-zero marginal cost for producing an additional copy of digital goods and the equally small delivery cost via the Internet, digital firms incur much lower operational cost than physical firms, which allow them to enjoy higher productivity gains. And because productivity is closely related to profitability, which in turn influences survivability, we expect digital Internet firms to be more likely to survive than physical firms. In another study on the impact of e-commerce related announcements, Subramani and Walden (2001) find that cumulative abnormal returns to shareholders are higher for B2C e-commerce initiative announcements than those for B2B announcements. In addition, the cumulative abnormal returns to shareholders for tangible goods announcements are higher than those for digital goods. A Synthesis of the Literature We cite multiple theories and results from empirical research in the previous sections. Instead of viewing them as competing theories, we think they are complementary to each other. They share one common goalto explain performance. In evolutionary game theory, performance is reflected in the 7 survival or distinction of an organism. In organizational change and adaptation, intermediate level of measurements such as competitive advantages and organizational capabilities are often used as indicators of performance. In the economic literature of business survival, survival or failure is the measure of performance. And finally, in the two e-commerce studies on different business models, productivity and stock prices are used as the measures for performance. There are also unique aspects to each theory or empirical results. For example, they examine performance at different levels. Evolutionary game theory examines the evolution of organisms at the population level. Survival is viewed as a result of competition among individuals. Organizational change and adaptation more often focuses on the trajectory of changes a firm goes through and the internal and external factors that result in these changes. There can be comparisons across multiple firms, but changes within a firm over time are more often the main concern. Even though the economic literature on business survival and the two e-commerce business model studies also focus on the firm level, their treatment of firms is different from the organizational change perspective. Rather, they treat firms as black boxes that take input from the environment and generate some output. The characteristics of the firms are usually some observable measures from an outsider point of view. By focusing on different levels of analysis, these theories complement each other to provide a more holistic picture of organizational performance and survival. Evolutionary game theory depicts a general framework for our understanding of Internet firm survival. It informs us that genes and mutations are crucial. Organizational change and adaptation theory informs us how mutations actually occur with an organization. And finally, the economic literature on business failure and the assessment of DotCom productivity difference and sock price change point out some factors that are either genes that determine survival (e.g., the products a firm sells, size, and percentage owned by insiders), payoffs from a firm’s strategies (e.g., financial capital), and significant environmental factors (e.g., technological regime of the industry, rate of new firm entry, and industry). THEORETICAL MODEL In this section, we develop a new model for the duration of Internet firms that incorporates some of the theoretical perspectives that we discussed in the prior section. Modeling Preliminaries Based on the above literature, we identify three types of factors that are crucial to the survival of a new business. They include industry and market characteristics, firm characteristics and e-commercerelated characteristics. Industry and Market Characteristics. The characteristics are the technological regime of the industry, the rate of new firm entry, the number of IPOs co-occurring at the time of the offering, and stock 8 market index levels at the time of the offering. These factors are indicators of the external environment in which firms reside and the level of competition in the industry or market. Firm Characteristics. Financial capital, startup size, post-entry firm size, founding time, the age of the firm at the time of offering, the initial return on investment in the stock issue, and insider ownership have all been found to be explanatory of firm survival. Among these, startup size and post-entry firm size measure the gap between a firm’s size to the industry MES. Insider ownership is an indicator of alignment between management and shareholder interests. When the percentage of insider ownership is high, more shares are held by the management team of a firm and the interests between the management and shareholders are more likely to be the same. Financial capital and the initial return on investment in the stock issue reflect the firm’s performance. Finally, the age of the firm at the time of the offering is associated with a learning effect that makes a mature business more likely to survive. E-Commerce-Related Characteristics. They include the business model and the types of products or services provided. We expect Internet firms selling digital products to be more likely to survive than those selling physical goods. Hensler et al. (1997) find an industry effect in their analysis of the duration of a public firm after its IPO. We expect there to be a difference among Internet firms in different industries as well. Because the electronic marketplace is still in its infancy and there are only a limited number of public Internet firms in each industry, we use a more general categorization—business model—which can be B2B, B2C or B2B2C. B2C firms are Internet firms that have consumers as their customers. B2B firms are those that have other companies as their customers. And B2B2C firms target both consumers and other businesses and may act as intermediaries. The combined effects of the above three types of factors, together with condition of the economy, determine the survival of an Internet firm. For example, in a prosperous economy or an industry with high growth, even firms with below average performance may be able to survive. On the other hand, more firms will be facing the pressure to remain viable under a weak economy. A Theoretical Model for Internet Firm Survival As an initial attempt to examine the impact of various factors on Internet firm survival, we propose a model that encompasses the above three types of factors and that will permit empirical testing. We include in our model variables that are most often used in previous research on business failure (such as financial capital and firm size), and discard those variables that are not directly applicable in the Internet firm context. For example, Audretsch and Mahmood (1995) define the technological regime of the industry as the total innovation rate for the industry. It is more relevant for the manufacturing sector and is not directly applicable in our research context. Our conceptual model of Internet firm duration after IPO is as follows: Prob(Survival) = f (NewFirmEntryRate, FinancialCapital, FirmSize, BusinessModel, ProductSold) 9 The probability of a firm to continue in operation up to a certain point in time is a function of five variables: the rate of new firm entry, financial capital, firm size, business model, and the products or services sold by the firm. Specifically, the factors that are positively related to survival include financial capital and the selling of digital goods. A high rate of new firm entry will exert high competitive pressure on market incumbents and is expected to increase the likelihood of failure. Because of conflicting results from previous empirical research on the relationship between firm size and survival, we do not hypothesize any direction for this relationship. And, because of the lack of previous research on the effect of business model on firm performance, we do not specify any direction for the relationship between business model and survival either. In addition, we will also include a control variable to adjust for the impact of the macroeconomy. We will further develop our theoretical model in the Measurement and Data Collection section. But before we go to the definitions of the variables and the modeling details, we first introduce the basic concepts that are generally applied in survival analysis econometrics and discuss two other semiparametric survival analyses techniques that we will use. ECONOMETRIC METHODS Following previous econometric research on business survival, we will use survival analysis to test our theoretical model. In addition to using the typical Cox proportional hazards model that is frequently used, we also introduce another method: semi-parametric Bayesian survival analysis. We will use this as a means to cross-validate our results with the Cox model. Compared to the “frequentist approach” that is associated with the Cox proportional hazards model, Bayesian analysis permits the analyst to fit more complex survival models and incorporate information associated with historical data. One application occurs when data are obtained before and after some treatment or regime change in the environment. Another application is motivated by a need to more effectively handle missing data, and to enhance the extent of available modeling information by retaining observations (Ibrahim, Chen and Sinha, 2001). This approach has been applied in the public health field to clinical trials (Abrams, Ashby and Errington, 1996) and for testing time-varying coefficients in disease epidemiology (Sargent, 1997). Survival Analysis Concepts. We first test our explanatory model using a semi-parametric survival analysis technique called the Cox proportional hazards model (Therneau and Grambsch, 2000), and then we apply a semi-parametric Bayesian survival analysis and compare the results from the two methods (Ibrahim et al., 2001). There are four fundamental concepts that characterize survival analysis: duration, censoring, the hazard rate, and the survival function. Beginning from a starting time for an observation or for the data set as a whole, duration is either the time an event occurred or the time that the study ended, if the subject is still at risk at that time. In the second case, the observation is said to be right-censored: 10 the event has still not happened to the subject. The hazard rate is the instantaneous failure rate at time t, assuming survival up until that time. Finally the survival function characterizes the probability of observing a duration time longer than t (Le, 1997). Base Model. The Cox proportional hazards model applies a semi-parametric analysis approach. It incorporates two components in the hazard function at time t: a non-parametric baseline hazard, h0 (t), associated with age of the firm, and a parametric portion determined by a set of explanatory variables that vary across firms over time: h(t , X , β ) = h0 (t ) e Xβ (1) In this expression, X is a vector of explanatory variables and β is a vector of parameters to be estimated. The cumulative baseline hazard function is given by: t H0(t)= ∫ h0 ( y )dy (2) 0 Based on the above formula, we can derive the partial likelihood function as: n e xi β L p (β ) = ∏ xjβ i =1 ∑ e j∈R (ti ) ci , (3) where ci is 0 if the observation is censored, 1 otherwise. Parameters are estimated using maximum likelihood estimation methods without specifying the baseline hazard function. Beyond Cox: Bayesian Duration Analysis. Bayes Theorem allows the update of the distribution of a parameter given some observed data and prior knowledge about the distribution of the parameter. As a result, Bayesian analysis is especially helpful in research contexts where historical data are available as a good starting point for parameter estimate. In our case, even though there are no historical data available, Bayesian analysis offers the advantage of getting stronger results for significance testing and confidence internal estimates, even where there are asymmetrically-distributed parameters. This is especially important since in many cases the parameters are not normally distributed and results using the frequentist methods might be biased. More formally, Bayesian analysis in this context specifies the posterior distribution of a parameter θ given the observed data, D, and a prior distribution for, π(θ): π (θ | D) = L(θ | D)π (θ ) ∫ Θ L(θ | D)π (θ )dθ . (4) The θ here is the parameter we want to estimate. π(θ) is the known prior distribution for θ, and π (θ | D) is the updated posterior distribution for θ. L(θ | D) is the likelihood function for θ given observed data D, with Θ the parameter space of θ (Ibrahim, Chen and Sinha, 2001). Previous data are incorporated into 11 the posterior distribution through π(θ) and the current data contribute to the posterior distribution through L(θ | D). A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation technique called the “Gibbs Sampler” algorithm is frequently used to generate the parameter estimates (Smith and Roberts, 1993). Bayesian Model Specification. Similar to the Cox proportional hazards model, there are also two components in the hazard function in semi-parametric Bayesian survival analysis. The parametric part is determined by a set of factors that vary across firms and over time. A non-parametric baseline hazard function is also included. However, semi-parametric Bayesian survival analysis differs from Cox proportional model in that it assumes the baseline hazard function follows a certain prior process. Following Ibrahim et al. (2001), we employ the gamma process prior for the cumulative baseline hazard function, H0(t): H0 ∼ GP(c0H*, c0), where c0 is a weight parameter of the mean of the gamma process, and that H* is an increasing function with H*(0)=0. We further assume that H* is exponentially distributed with a constant hazard rate r0. As a result, H*(y) = r0 y. Under non-informative censoring, the counting process increment (i.e., number of subjects having events) during the time interval [t, t+dt) is dNi(t) ∼ Poisson (Ii(t)dt), where Ii(t)dt is exp(β’xi, t)dH*t, if subject i is still at risk at time t and 0 otherwise.1 By specifying the initial values for c and r0 and giving the prior distributions for β and H*, we can then use Gibbs sampling to generate the posterior distribution and estimate the β ’s. We next discuss our data collection process, sample characteristics, and variable definitions. MEASUREMENT AND DATA COLLECTION In this section, we first discuss the data collection process and provide some descriptive statistics of our sample. We then give detailed operationalizations of our theoretical constructs and definitions of our variables. Finally we present the correlation matrix for our independent and control variables. Data Collection Due to the unavailability of financial information for privately-held Internet firms, there are only public Internet firms in our sample. In addition, we eliminated those that were traditional firms at the time of their IPOs and that later switched to become electronic intermediaries or e-commerce firms. We used multiple data sources, including FIS Online, corporate filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the EDGAR Online IPO Express and COMPUSTAT to gather relevant data. We first used keywords such as “Internet,” “electronic commerce,” “Web” and “dot com” to search in FIS 1 Non-informative censoring occurs when the lack of observation of an event for a given subject fails to affect the information provided by the likelihood function based on observing other events up to time t. The kinds of noninformative censoring are: (1) random censoring, where the subject’s lifetime and survival time are independent random variables; (2) fixed censoring, where the subject has a maximum observation time that is fixed in advance of the study; (3) Type I censoring, where a sample of subjects is observed for a fixed amount of time; and finally, (4) Type II censoring, where each subject may have a different fixed observation time, but they are pre-determined. In this research, only fixed censoring applies, but it is enough to establish the counting process increment. 12 Online to identify Internet-related firms, which resulted in about 3000 firms. We next read the descriptions of these firms to identify those that met our criterion of being an Internet firm. For those that had both online and offline operations, we searched their annual reports at EDGAR Online to determine if they had 90% or higher of their revenues generated online. We dropped those firms without this information in their annual reports. For IPO date information, we searched multiple sources, including FIS Online, EDGAR Online IPO Express and corporate filings at the SEC Web site. Additional firms were removed from our sample because either their IPO dates were missing or they were not Internet firms at the time of their IPOs. We then searched COMPUSTAT for quarterly and annual financial information and firm size figures. Our sample consists of 103 publicly-traded Internet firms. Three types of Internet firms are represented in our sample: B2C, B2B and B2B2C firms. Table 1 provides descriptive statistics of our sample. (See Table 1.) Later in our analysis, we drop an additional 9 firms due to missing exit cases or unavailable two-quarter-lagged financial information. Table 1. Descriptive Statistics FIRM TYPE B2C B2B B2B2C Total NUMBER OF OBS. 67 8 28 103 DURATION (QUARTERS) Mean 9.25 9.50 10.43 9.60 Std. Dev. 4.02 4.78 3.80 4.00 QUARTERLY REVENUES ($MM) Mean Std. Dev. 43.73 108.67 16.08 12.97 24.31 36.87 35.86 89.03 FIRM SIZE (# EMPLOYEES) Mean 483 291 382 438 Std. Dev. 1023 240 625 881 Operationalizations of Constructs and Definitions of Variables Dependent Variables. We have two dependent variables in our empirical model: durations of the observations in the sample, and a binary variable indicating whether the firm is censored or had the default event such as bankruptcy, merger and acquisition. Duration is defined as the elapsed number of quarters since a firm’s IPO up to the time to when it ceased to operate as an independent corporation, or the ending of the study period if the observation is censored, whichever occurs earlier. In the first set of model tests, where we do not differentiate exit types, the indicator variable is 1 if the firm exited due to bankruptcy, merger or acquisition, and 0 if it was censored at the end of the study period. In the second and third sets of model tests, the indicator variable is 1 if the firm had the default event, 0 otherwise. The default event is bankruptcy in Model 2A, merger in Model 2B, acquisition in model 2C, and bankruptcy or acquisition in Model 3. Table 2 summarizes the definitions of our dependent variables. (See Table 2.) 13 Table 2. Definitions of Model Variables VARIABLE DEFINITION Dependent Variables Duration Number of quarters from the IPO date to time of bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, or the end of the study period, whichever occurs sooner Status Model 1A/1B: 1 if the firm filed for bankruptcy, merged with other firms, or was acquired; 0 if censored. Model 2A: 1 if bankrupt, 0 otherwise. Model 2B: 1 if merged with another firm, 0 otherwise. Model 2C: 1 if acquired, 0 otherwise. Model 3: 1 if bankrupt or acquired, 0 otherwise. Independent Variables—Industry-Related IPOEntry Number of competing Internet firm IPOs in the quarter Independent Variables—Firm-Related Size Number of employees (in thousands) Capital Amount of financial capital the firm possesses (in million dollars) E-commerce-related Product 1 if firm sells digital goods or services, 0 if physical goods or services B2B2C 1 if the firm is a B2B2C firm, 0 otherwise Independent Variables—Control InterestRate Six-month U.S. treasury bill interest rate (in percent) Independent Variables. We incorporate three types of independent variables: industry, firm and ecommerce. The industry-related variable in our model is NewFirmEntryRate. No data for new firm entry for each industry for the digital marketplace were available, so we proxy it using the number of Internet firm IPOs in each quarter. We define this for the IPO firm’s sector (i.e., the firm is a B2C, B2B or B2B2C company). In addition, we only calculate relevant competing IPO entries. For example, a B2C firm competes with other B2C and B2B2C firms, while a B2B2C firm competes not only with those firms but also with B2Bs. Firm-related variables include Size and FinancialCapital. Size is operationalized as the number of employees in each firm, and the unit of measurement is 1000. Financial capital is calculated by deducting a firm’s liability from its assets. This figure is reported in millions of dollars. The two e-commerce related variables are Product and Business model. Product is operationalized as a dummy variable, with those firms selling digital goods (e.g., portal sites, e-intermediaries) indicated by 1 and those selling physical goods (books, CDs, clothing, etc.) indicated by 0. Even though there are three types of e-commerce firms (B2B, B2C and B2B2C), we dropped all eight B2B firms from our 14 empirical data analysis because of the lack of bankruptcy, merger and acquisition instances during our data collection period. As a result, there are only two types of e-commerce firms in our sample for the data analysis. We hence operationalize business model as a dummy variable with 1 for B2B2C firms and 0 for B2C ones. Control Variables. To control for the impact of the macroeconomy, we included interest rate and operationalize it as the six-month U.S. Treasury bill interest rate (Audretsch and Mahmood, 1995).2 We use quarterly data from 1996 to 2001. However, firm size is measured annually since public firms only report this figure annually. We use one quarter-lagged data to predict the survival status of an Internet firm. The only exception is financial capital. We use two quarter-lagged data since financial data in the quarter immediately before failure usually are never available as SEC filings. Starting from the initial 103 firms, we dropped 8 B2B firms and one other firm that existed for only two quarters hence two-quarter-lagged financial data was not available. The final sample size is 94, including 42 exited firms (with 13 bankruptcies, 16 merged, and 15 acquired). No two explanatory variables are correlated beyond the 0.50 level.3 We present the correlation matrix in Table 3. (See Table 3.) Moreover, no variable has a Belsley Kuh Welsch condition index larger than 20 (Greene, 2000); multicollinearity is not a problem. Table 3. Correlation Matrix for the Independent and Control Variables. IPOEntry IPOEntry Size Capital Product B2B2C InterestRate 1.000 Size -0.090 1.000 Capital Product -0.036 0.308 1.000 -0.017 -0.233 0.053 1.000 B2B2C 0.119 -0.051 0.076 0.257 1.000 InterestRate 0.106 -0.080 0.018 -0.047 -0.019 1.000 MODEL AND RESULTS We next test three models using the two semi-parametric approaches described above. First, we test an explanatory model of post-IPO Internet firm duration without distinguishing different exit types. In this test, we view bankruptcy, merger and acquisition all as instances of “default,” where a firm ceases to exist as an independent corporation. Second, in our next set of modeling tests, we recognize that bankruptcies, acquisitions and mergers might be due to different reasons. Although bankruptcies are generally viewed as indicators of business failure, the drivers for mergers and acquisitions are more 2 Audretsch and Mahmood (1995) also used UnemploymentRate as a control, with a -0.62 correlation with InterestRate in our sample. We dropped it. 3 It is important to note here the number of data pairs used to calculate the correlation matrix is not 94. Because each firm existed for multiple quarters and all the independent and control variables were recorded during each quarter, each firm contributed multiple data pairs to the calculation. 15 complex. They can be either the shareholders’ strategy to maximize their return or the outcomes of weak operating results that diminishes a firm’s possibility to exist as an independent entity. As a result, we differentiate the different exit types and test competing risks (Klein and Moeschberger, 1997) of exit due to bankruptcy, merger, and acquisition. Third, we test different degrees of failure wherein we rank the outcomes by degrees from bankruptcy to acquisition, to merger, and to survival. The hazard function for estimation of the base model parameters is: h(t ) = h0 (t ) exp[ β 1 IPOEntryt −1 + β 2 Sizet −1 + β 3 Capital t − 2 + β 4 Pr oduct + β 5 B 2 B 2C + β 6 InterestRatet −1 ] (5) Time-varying covariates include IPOEntryt-1, Sizet-1, Capitalt-2, and InterestRatet-1. To avoid a Gibbs sampling trap message displayed in the WINBUGS software that we used and to guarantee sufficient iterations to obtain convergent results, we standardized all time-varying covariates.4 The value for a covariate at time t is first subtracted by the mean for this covariate, and then divided by its standard deviation. There is no standardization necessary for the two dummy variables: Product and B2B2C. We next report our results using the Cox proportional hazards model and the Bayesian semi-parametric survival analysis. We differentiate the hazard rate from the hazard ratio. The hazard rate as the instantaneous risk that an event will occur at time t assuming that a subject has survived up to time t. The hazard ratio is the marginal effect of a one unit increase in the explanatory variable on the hazard rate via exp(βi), where βi is the coefficient estimate. No Differentiation Among Different Default Types. We first report our results from the Cox proportional hazards model and then discuss our results using the semi-parametric Bayesian survival analysis. Cox Proportional Hazards Model Results. Table 4 summarizes our results. Columns 2 through 5 represent results with the standardized time-varying covariates, and the last two columns are results that are transformed back to their original units of measurement. Our model has an overall likelihood ratio of 21.74 (p < .01), indicating an acceptable fit. The parameter estimate for IPOEntry is -0.0747, and is significant at the .10 level. This is consistent with a hazard ratio of 0.928, and indicates that with one additional new Internet firm IPO, the hazard rate of an existing publicly-traded Internet firm falls to 92.8% of its original value. 5 Product is the only firm-related factor that is significant, with a parameter estimate of -0.871 (p < .05). The estimated hazard ratio is 0.419; thus the hazard rate for an Internet firm 4 BUGS (for “Bayesian Inference Using Gibbs Sampling”) and the version of WINBUGS 1.3 that we used for estimating are components of a statistical software package that provide the means to use Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation methods for complex Bayesian models. See www.mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk/bugs/winbugs/ contents.shtml for additional information. 5 We initially included percent change in the NASDAQ Composite Index, whose correlation with IPOEntry was 0.58. So, we removed it from the data analysis. 16 selling digital goods is about 41.9% of that for an Internet firm selling physical goods, ceteris paribus. The control variable, InterestRate, is significant with a parameter estimate of -0.378 (p < .01). The hazard ratio is 0.685, indicating that with a 1% increase in InterestRate, the hazard rate of a public Internet firm falls to 68.5% of its original value. Firm Size and financial Capital are not significant. Even though B2B2C firms have lower hazard rates as indicated by the estimated hazard ratio of 0.685 over B2C firms, this parameter is not significant, as well, as so we cannot conclude anything from this. Table 4. Cox Proportional Hazards Model Results: No Differentiation Among Failure Types (Model 1A, N=94, 44 Defaults) VARIABLE IPOEntry Size Capital Product B2B2C InterestRate PARAMETER STANDARD ESTIMATE DEVIATION -0.485 -0.354 -0.169 -0.871 -0.378 -0.235 0.254 0.253 0.435 0.351 0.380 0.110 χ2 3.649* 1.957 0.152 6.165** 0.990 4.572** HAZARD RATIO 0.616 0.702 0.844 0.419 0.685 0.791 TRANSFORMED-BACK RESULTS6 Parameter Hazard Estimate Ratio -0.075 0.928 -0.454 0.635 -0.0002 1.000 -0.871 0.419 -0.378 0.685 -0.378 0.685 Note: Likelihood ratio statistic for model significance: 21.74, p < 0.01; significance levels for explanatory variables: * = p < 0.10; ** = p < 0.05; *** = p < 0.01. In addition to age-based semi-parametric analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model, we also performed a calendar time-based analysis.7 When we do not differentiate different exit types, Product and IPOEntry are significant at the .05 level. The parameter estimate for Product is 0.679, indicating the 6 These transformed-back results were obtained by dividing the parameter estimate for the time-varying covariates by the standard deviation used when standardizing the variables. Because no standardization was necessary for Product and B2B2C, the parameter estimates remain unchanged. The transformed-back results we report later in this paper were obtained similarly. 7 Following Honjo (2000), we develop a multiplicative hazards model based on calendar time. Instead of comparing firms at the same age, we now compare them at the same calendar time. All observations are now aligned along calendar quarters beginning from the second quarter of 1996, which was the earliest IPO time for the Internet firms in our sample. For firms that went public after the second quarter of 1996, they are treated as left-truncated data and ~ do not enter the risk set before they went public. The function, h0 (~ t ) , now denotes the baseline hazard function based on calendar time. This analysis allows us to incorporate the impact of the macroeconomy into the baseline hazard function. Our data collection period was from early 1996 to mid 2001. This period was one of dramatic economic turbulence, which witnessed the boom of the Internet firms in 1999 as well as the stock market crash that started in March 2000. The economy has been relatively weak since then. As a result, the Internet firms in our sample are likely to be greatly affected by the external environment. So, even though we include a control variable in our age-based analysis in the main body of this paper, it may not be able to capture all the impact of the macroeconomy on firm survival in each quarter. By performing this calendar time-based analysis, we believe that we are able to capture more of the impact of the macroeconomy in each quarter by using the baseline hazard function and then cross-validating our results with the age-based analysis. However, we need to point out the control variable, InterestRate, is dropped from this analysis since it exhibits no variance across all observations in the same calendar quarter. 17 hazard rate of a firm selling digital goods is about 51% of those selling physical goods. The parameter estimate for IPOEntry is -0.382, indicating that with one additional competing IPO, the hazard rate of an existing public Internet firm drops to 68% of its original value. These results are consistent with those we obtained from the age-based analysis, which increases our overall confidence in the outcome of this analysis. Bayesian Semi-Parametric Survival Analysis. When no historical data is available, a non-informative prior, such as a normal distribution with zero mean and a large variance, is often used. The large variance gives more flexibility for parameter estimation of the posterior distribution. We specify the prior distribution for βi (i=1, …, 6) as N(0, 100000), and assume the parameters to be independent of each other. In addition, we give a low weight to the prior distributions by specifying a small value for c0 at 0.001 since no historical data are available and the prior distributions are just our best guesses. There are two other hyperparameters, which are analyst-supplied and required entry parameters that seed the model for statistical simulation. They are r0, the hazard rate for the exponential distribution, and dH*t(j), the increment in the unknown cumulative baseline hazard function at time j. In our analysis, we assume that dH*t(j) is a constant for all possible j’s. Because Bayesian analysis is sensitive to the initial values of the hyperparameters and we have no prior knowledge about the underlying distributions of the Internet firm hazard function and the hazard rate, we test multiple combinations of r0 and dH*t(j). The initial values we used for r0 were 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 4.0. The initial values for dH*t(j) were 0.1, 0.5, 1.0. This resulted in 12 possible combinations of (r0, dH*t(j)). We performed an initial burn-in of 1000 iterations, followed by a subsequent 3000 iterations, to generate the parameter estimates. We report in Table 5 the summary statistics for the parameter estimates based on the above 12 combinations.8 (See Table 5.) Even though there are some variations among the results, the consistently small standard deviations compared to the means suggests our results are consistent across different hyperparameter values. Due to space constraint, we will only report results from one of the combinations (r0=0.5, dH*t(j)=0.1) from this point forward. This combination is selected because its resulting parameter estimates are the closest to the mean based on all 12 combinations. 8 The reader should note that there are tied default times in our sample. Ties occur when two firms had the default event at the same firm age. This gives them the same survival duration. We adjusted for this problem in our Cox model. However, in the Bayesian analysis, we were unable to adjust for this problem due to limitations in the WINBUGS software. However, the relatively consistent results across the two methods suggest our Bayesian results are reasonable. We think it is possible that eliminating the ties are likely to result in only very minor changes among our parameters, with the same signs and significance levels likely to be maintained. 18 Table 5. Summary Statistics for Bayesian Survival Analysis (No Differentiation Among Default Types, N=94, 44 Defaults) VARIABLE IPOEntry Size Capital Product B2B2C InterestRate MEAN -0.489 -0.461 -0.355 -0.815 -0.444 -0.211 MINIMUM -0.499 -0.477 -0.371 -0.835 -0.459 -0.215 MAXIMUM -0.478 -0.451 -0.333 -0.783 -0.437 -0.207 STD DEV 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.017 0.006 0.002 Table 6 summarizes results of the semi-parametric Bayesian analysis based on the selected hyperparameter values of r0=0.5 and dH*t(j)=0.1. (See Table 6.) We used a similar burn-in/simulate technique to establish the means for the parameter estimates as the average for 3000 iterations. The last two columns report values for the mean parameter estimates and the hazard ratios, after the estimates were transformed back to their original units of measurement. A comparison between the results from Cox proportional hazards model and the semi-parametric Bayesian survival analysis indicates the results are consistent across the two methods. In the Bayesian analysis, IPOEntry is significant at the .05 level with a parameter estimate of -0.074 (-0.075 in the Cox regression). Product is significant at the 0.05 level with a parameter estimate of -0.818 (-0.871, Cox). InterestRate is significant at the .10 level with a parameter estimate of -0.339 (-0.378, Cox). In addition, Size is also significant at the .05 level with a parameter estimate of -0.593 (-0.454, Cox, but not significant). The corresponding hazard ratio is 0.553, indicating as a firm’s number of employee increase by 1000, its hazard rate decreases to 55.8% of its original value. Table 6. Bayesian Analysis Results: No Differentiation Among Default Types (Model 1B, N=94, 44 Defaults) VARIABLE IPOEntry Size Capital Product B2B2C InterestRate MEAN PARAMETER ESTIMATE STANDARD DEVIATION -0.477** -0.463** -0.336 -0.818** -0.435 -0.210* 0.254 0.257 0.408 0.349 0.392 0.111 TRANSFORMED-BACK RESULTS Parameter Estimate Hazard Ratio -0.074 -0.593 0.0004 -0.818 -0.435 -0.339 0.929 0.553 1.000 0.441 0.647 0.712 Note: Significance levels for explanatory variables: * = p < 0.10; ** = p < 0.05. Note the absence of any significance levels of p < .01. The WINBUGS software we used only displays confidence levels for up to 95% level. As a result, we were unable to obtain any better significance levels than that. Figures 1 and 2 display the trace plots and the marginal posterior densities for the parameters. These are produced by WINBUGS iteration-by-iteration throughout the process of its MCMC simulation and 19 Gibbs sampling. After standardizing the time-varying covariates, we were always able to run 10,000 iterations to establish the means. However, for our data with 3,000 simulation iterations, the trace plots suggested to us that the parameters converged well enough across a smaller number of iterations. From the marginal posterior density plots displayed in Figure 2, we can see the marginal posterior distributions for our parameters are not always symmetric. However, because Bayesian analysis is able to produce the marginal posterior distribution of the parameter based on a large number of iterations, the significance test and the calculation of the confidence interval can be carried out based on the true distribution instead of assuming a normal one. As a result, the parameter estimates are not biased by asymmetric distributions. This is one of the advantages of Bayesian analysis over the Cox model. 20 Figure 1. WINBUGS Traces of the β Parameters in the Estimation Model, Iterations 1001 to 4000 β1: IPO Entry β2: Size β3: Capital β4: Product β5: B2B2C β6: InterestRate Note: WINBUGS computed a total of 4,000 parameter estimates for each of the six model variables. However, the first 1,000 were used to establish a burn-in basis for the simulations, and permitted us to diagnose whether there were any problems with establishing parameter estimation stability. The reader should note that although there is considerable variation in the estimated values of the model parameters, the track behavior is similar to what we would see if the estimates had been established with bootstrapping or jackknifing methods. 21 Figure 2. WINBUGS Marginal Posterior Densities for β Parameters in the Estimation Model, Iterations 1001 to 4000. β 1: IPOEntry β2: Size β3: Capital β4: Product β5: B2B2C β6: InterestRate Note: All marginal posterior densities for the estimated parameters were established on the basis of 3,000 iterations in WINBUGS. Testing for Competing Risks. In this analysis, we differentiate among three exit types (bankruptcies, mergers and acquisitions) and examine the drivers behind each type of outcome. In the analysis of each specific default type, we treat the occurrence of that exit type as the event for a given firm in the data set and all the others as censored observations. Table 7 summarizes the results from the Cox model and the Bayesian analysis. (See Table 7.) Due to space constraints, we only report the parameter estimates after they have been transformed back to the original units of measurement from their standardized values to quantify the marginal impact of the explanatory variables. Model 2A—Bankruptcies Only. In Model 2A tests for exit due to bankruptcy only, IPOEntry and Product are the two significant variables and the results are consistent across the two methods. The parameter estimate for IPOEntry is -0.929 in the Cox model (-1.063 in the Bayesian analysis), with a hazard ratio of 0.395 (0.346, Bayesian). This indicates that with one more competing IPO entry in the stock market, an incumbent public firm’s hazard rate decreases to 39.5% (34.6%, Bayesian) of its original value. Product has a parameter estimate of -1.277 in the Cox model (-1.278, Bayesian). The hazard ratios 22 from the two methods are the same at .279, indicating the hazard rate for Internet firms selling digital products is 27.9% of those selling physical products. The Cox model has an overall likelihood ratio of 19.82, which is significant at the 5% level. Table 7. Results of Testing Three Models for Competing Risks (Models 2A, 2B and 2C) VARIABLE COX MODEL Parameter Estimate Hazard Ratio BAYESIAN ANALYSIS Parameter Estimate Model #2A -- Exit due to bankruptcy (N=94, 13 events) IPOEntry -0.929* 0.395 Size 0.168 1.183 Capital -0.0008 0.999 Product -1.277** 0.279 B2B2C -0.535 0.586 InterestRate 0.229 1.258 Likelihood ratio 19.82*** -1.063** 0.142 -0.0015 -1.278** -0.761 0.279 Model #2B -- Exit due to merger (N=94, 16 events) IPOEntry 0.010 1.010 Size -2.145* 0.117 Capital 0.0004 1.000 Product -0.846 0.429 B2B2C -0.387 0.679 InterestRate -0.542* 0.582 Likelihood ratio 10.57 0.016 -2.482** -0.0003 -0.794 -0.600 -0.506 Model #2C -- Exit due to acquisition (N=94, 15 events) IPOEntry -0.148 0.862 Size -0.952 0.386 Capital -0.0026 0.997 Product -0.330 0.719 B2B2C -0.060 0.942 InterestRate -0.487 0.614 Likelihood ratio 14.39** -0.193** -1.871** -0.0036* -0.273 -0.171 -0.451 Hazard Ratio 0.346 1.153 0.999 0.279 0.467 1.322 N/A 1.016 0.084 1.000 0.452 0.549 0.603 N/A 0.825 0.154 0.996 0.761 0.843 0.637 N/A Note: The likelihood ratio statistic for the hypothesis of equal parameters across default types in the Cox model is 18.63, and is significant at the .10 level; significance levels for the explanatory variables in this table are given by: * = p < 0.10; ** = p < 0.05; *** = p < 0.01. Model 2B—Mergers Only. In Model 2B where we test for exit due to mergers only, the significance levels are not exactly the same across the two methods, even though the parameter estimates are close. In the Cox model, Size and InterestRate are significant with parameter estimates of -2.145 and -0.542 respectively. In the Bayesian analysis, only Size is significant with a parameter estimate of -2.482, 23 indicating a 91.6% decrease in hazard rate with each additional 1000 employees. In this analysis, the Cox model has an overall likelihood ratio of 10.57 and is only marginally significant (p = 0.10). Model 2C—Acquisitions Only. In Model 2C where we test for exit due to acquisitions only, the parameter estimates again show consistency across the two methods, even though three variable are significant only in the Bayesian analysis. IPOEntry has a parameter estimate of -0.193 and is significant at the .05 level. Its corresponding hazard ratio is 0.825, which indicates with each additional competing Internet firm IPO, an existing public Internet firm’s hazard rate due to acquisitions decreases to 82.5% of its original value. Firm Size has a parameter estimate of -1.871 and is significant at the 0.05 level. When a firm’s number of employees increases by 1000, its likelihood of being acquired decreases by 84.6%. Capital is significant at the 0.10 level with a parameter estimate of -0.0036. The corresponding hazard ratio of 0.996 suggests an Internet firm’s hazard rate due to acquisition decreases by 0.4% with each additional $1 million of financial capital available. Even though no explanatory variable is significant in the Cox model, the overall model has a likelihood ratio of 14.39 and is significant at the 0.05 level. The overall test of equal parameters across exit types in the Cox model has a likelihood ratio of 18.63 and is significant at the 0.10 level. This indicates the impact of the explanatory variables on bankruptcies, mergers and acquisitions are different. Testing for Different Degrees of Failure. In this analysis, we rank the outcomes from the most desirable to the least desirable as survival, merger, acquisition and bankruptcy. Bankruptcy indicates a firm is no longer able to remain viable and hence is the worst outcome. Survival is the best outcome since it suggests the firm is still able to operate under its current condition. Acquisition and merger lie in between survival and bankruptcy. We view merger as better than acquisition since merger is usually the formation of one corporation between two firms with roughly equal resources, whereas acquisition indicates the focal firm is weaker than its counterpart. However, we note that the founders of some Internet firms actually viewed acquisitions of their firms as wealth-generating exit strategies. Viewed this way, we can perform the following three analyses. First, when we only consider the worst outcome, bankruptcy, and treat the other three outcomes (acquisitions, mergers, and survival) as the better alternatives, we only need to perform a test of drivers of bankruptcy only. We have reported these results earlier in the paper. Second, when we combine the two least desirable outcomes (bankruptcies and acquisitions) as one group and treat the other two (mergers and survival) as the other group, we can perform a test on the drivers of bankruptcy and acquisition versus merger and survival. We report these results in Table 8. (See Table 8.) Results from the two methods are consistent in this analysis with the same two variables turning out to be significant. IPOEntry is significant at the 0.05 level with a parameter estimate of -0.269 in the Cox model (-0.304 in the Bayesian analysis). Product is also significant at the 0.05 level with a 24 parameter estimate of -0.922 in the Cox model (-0.893 in the Bayesian analysis). Overall, the likelihood ratio statistic for the Cox model is 23.60, which is significant at the 0.01 level. Table 8. Drivers for Default Due to Bankruptcy and Acquisition (Models 3, n=94, 28 events) VARIABLE IPOEntry Size Capital Product B2B2C InterestRate Likelihood ratio COX MODEL Parameter Estimate Hazard Ratio -0.269** 0.764 -0.186 0.831 -0.0006 0.999 -0.922** 0.398 -0.302 0.739 -0.245 0.783 23.60*** BAYESIAN ANALYSIS Parameter Estimate -0.304** -0.320 -0.0010 -0.893** -0.372 -0.209 N/A Hazard Ratio 0.738 0.726 0.999 0.409 0.689 0.811 Note: Significance levels for the explanatory variables in this table are given by: * = p < 0.10; ** = p < 0.05; *** = p < 0.01. Third, when we treat the three least desirable outcomes (bankruptcies, acquisitions and mergers) as one group and survived firms as the other group, the test is essentially the same as Models 1A and 1B, where we do not differentiate the exit types. So we do not include those results here. DISCUSSION In this research, we test multiple models of Internet firm survival using the Cox proportional hazards model and the semi-parametric Bayesian analysis. Even though we were unable to adjust for the tied duration data in our sample in the Bayesian analysis, our results across the two methods show a high level of consistency, which alleviates our concern for the flaw in our data analysis. In our first set of modeling testing where we do not differentiate among the default types, the three variables that are significant in the Cox model (i.e. IPOEntry, Product, InterestRate) are all significant in the Bayesian analysis. Counter-intuitively, the entry of competing public firms can reduce an existing public firm’s hazard rate. There are two possible reasons for this result. First, our operationalization of the rate of new firm entry as the number of competing IPOs in each quarter might not be correct. Hence is might not capture the competitive aspect of the picture. It would be desirable if we had the rate of new firm entry information for both public and private firms. Unfortunately such data is unavailable. However, when we examine our quarterly IPO entry data for the three types of Internet firms in our sample, 1999 witnessed the largest number of B2C and B2B2C firm IPOs and the IPOs of B2B firms peaked in the first quarter of 2000. We think this is consistent with the Internet firm boom around the end of the last century. In addition, even though our use of IPOEntry does not capture the portion of competition coming from private firms, it does reflect the competition for market capital among public firms. Based on the above two considerations, we view IPO entry as a reasonable indicator of rate of new 25 firm entry for the whole Internet sector and also being relevant for public Internet firms. Then our results suggest the second reason might be true: some other effect related to the entry of competing IPOs might dominant the impact of the competitive pressure due to the entry of competing firms. In a recent study of B2B market crowdedness, Croson et al. (2001) found that access to perceived opportunities for extraordinary financial returns from the IPOs drove firm entry into B2B electronic markets more than profit maximization. Considering the IPO gold rush during our study period, abundant market capital, rather than the competitive pressure due to the entry of additional firms, is critical in determining Internet firm survival. As a result, IPOEntry during our sample period might mainly reflect the effect of the abundance of market capital. Public firms are more likely to survive when market following in high and they can easily obtain capital infusion. The direction for the relationship between product and survival is within our expectation. Because Internet firms selling digital goods or services have much lower operational cost, they enjoy higher productivity and profitability, ceteris paribus. However, is there anything that physical Internet firms can do to enhance their chance of survival? We believe the answer is yes. Since our results suggest the reason that digital Internet firms incur lower hazard rate is because of the high level of digitization of business processes and lower operational costs, physical firms can also reduce their hazard rate by digitizing their processes and reducing costs. For example, by integrating with their suppliers, physical firms can reduce their cost associated with maintaining the supply chain. Physical firms can also provide as much customer service information as possible on their site and encourage their customers to use the digital medium to interact with the companies. Amazon.com is one such example. On their Web site, Amazon no longer lists their customer service 1-800 numbers. Instead customers are forced to email the customer service department if they do not know the number to call. The control variable InterestRate is positively related to survival. A high interest rate is an indicator of a prosperous economy where the demand for capital is high. As a result, firms are more likely to survive. The results from our second set of model testing where we test the competing risks of exit due to bankruptcy, acquisition, and merger show that impact of the explanatory variables on the different default types are different. IPOEntry and Product are the two significant predictors of exit due to bankruptcy. In the testing of exit due to merger, size is significant in both the Cox model and the Bayesian analysis. When a firm gets larger, it is less likely to merge with another firm. In the analysis of exit due to acquisition, no variable is significant in the Cox model while IPOEntry, size and capital are significant in the Bayesian analysis. We consider the different impact of the explanatory variables on the different default types to be reasonable. Even though bankruptcies generally indicate the firms are no longer viable as an independent business, the same cannot be said for mergers and acquisitions. The complex nature of 26 the latter two types of exit makes them hard to predict. In the context of Internet firms, we see examples of those that are seeking acquisitions or mergers after experiencing financial difficulties (e.g., Peapod), but there are also firms that were acquired or merged with another business simply because they show potential of growth and complement the resources of the other firms (e.g., Geocities.com). As a result, when analyzing Internet firm exits, it is important to look at each default type separately. Finally, in our model testing of bankruptcy and acquisition vs. merger and survival, IPOEntry and product are significant, and their impact is similar to what we discussed earlier. CONCLUSION In this research, we test an explanatory model of Internet firm duration after their IPOs using a Cox proportional hazards model and a semi-parametric Bayesian survival analysis. Our results show high level of consistency across the methods used. This provides us support for the results we get and validates the methods we used to perform the data analysis. We have the following interesting results. Key Results First, our results suggest factors that can influence an Internet firm’s hazard rate include entry of competing Internet firm IPOs, the kinds of products or services the firm provides, size of the firm and interest rate. Entry of additional Internet IPOs (counter-intuitively) tends to reduce the hazard rate. Instead of reflecting the increased competition due to the entry of competing firms, IPO entry is an indicator of the abundance of market capital in our sample period. Our results also suggest digital goods sellers incur lower hazard rate and are more likely to survive. This result is consistent with the Barua et al. (2000) study where they found digital firms enjoyed higher productivity gains. Internet firms selling digital goods can take advantage of the digital channel and hence have lower operational costs, which in turn results in higher productivity and profitability. Higher interest rates, reflecting a high capital demand in a prosperous economy, also reduce hazard rates for Internet firms. In addition, our testing of failure due to mergers only or acquisitions only suggest a larger firm is less likely to be acquired or merger with another company. Second, our testing of drivers for different exit types suggests the influences of the explanatory variables on bankruptcy, merger and acquisition are different. As a result, it is important to differentiate the different outcomes in future research in order to pinpoint the impact of the explanatory variables. In the analysis of mergers and acquisitions, it is especially important to examine the rationale behind the observed actions. Third, as the first attempt to apply semi-parametric Bayesian survival analysis to Internet firm duration, our research show consistent results with the Cox model, which has been the major technique used in empirical analysis of business failure. This consistency in the results suggests semi-parametric 27 Bayesian analysis can be used to analyze firm duration. In addition, it allows researchers to incorporate historical data and to test more complex model structures. We expect to extend our research toward these directions. Methodological Contributions to Empirical IS Research The methodological contributions of this research are two folds. First, we illustrate how survival analysis can be applied to the analysis of duration of Internet firms. Even though there are previous IS research that utilizes the survival analysis technique to study the adoption of innovation (Kauffman, McAndrews and Wang, 2000) and the business value of call centers (Subramanyam and Krishnan, 2001), none has been applied to the Internet firm survival setting. By cross-validating our results using two semiparametric techniques, we illustrate the validity of using both the Cox proportional hazards model and the semi-parametric Bayesian survival analysis. Our second and more important contribution is the application of Bayesian survival analysis. Through Bayesian analysis, we were able to perform significance testing and estimate the conference intervals without assuming a normal distribution. This is done through the large number of iterations that each generates a parameter estimate and when aggregated allows us to plot the marginal posterior distributions for the parameters. In addition, Bayesian analysis offers advantages such as incorporating prior knowledge about the parameters when historical data is available, more flexible model testing and the handling of missing data. During our data analysis process using the WINBUGS software, we also learned the following important techniques in order to successfully carry out the data analysis. First, it is important to standardize the variables to avoid a WINBUGS software crash, especially when the number of observations and covariates in the sample is large. Second, because Bayesian analysis results are sensitive to the initial values used to seed the simulation, it is important to try out different combinations of the hyperparameters to test the consistency of the results across different starting values. In our research, the results turned out to be quite stable across the 12 combinations of values used. Third, in addition to reading the estimation statistics for the parameters, it is also important to look at the trace for the parameter estimation throughout the iterations to check for convergence of results. Limitations and Future Research The current study has the following limitations. First, the Internet sector is still in its infancy and the results may not be generalizable to later stages as the sector matures. However, we still view this research as important given the magnitude of the failure in the Internet sector. Second, B2B firms are not represented in our sample. As a result, our findings might not be applicable to B2B firms. Third, because we were did not adjust for the tied default time problem in the Bayesian analysis, we caution the reader with respect to the extent to which the Bayesian results should be viewed as “final.” However, because our Bayesian analysis results are consistent with the corresponding results across the different Cox 28 proportional hazard models tested, we believe our results are likely to approximate the results of the Bayesian analysis with tied duration-adjusted results. Our next steps in this research will involve data collection to support the analysis of B2B firm survival. That will not only enrich our data set, but also allow us to validate our results with additional B2B firms and compare the differences among B2C, B2B and B2B2C firms. In addition, as we collect more data and our sample size gets larger, we plan to partition our data set into two parts. One of them will be used as the historical data set to generate the prior distributions of the parameters. 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All parameters are visited in turn so that after one iteration, their values are all updated. These new values are used as the starting values of the next iteration. To start the Gibbs sampler, an initial set of parameter values are necessary to seed the first iteration. Similar to other survival analysis, Bayesian survival analysis offers researchers the ability to carry out semi-parametric and fully parametric analyses. The methodology that we illustrate in this paper is the Bayesian counterpart of the widely-used semi-parametric Cox proportional hazards model. A nonparametric prior process, most often the gamma process, can be used for the baseline hazard function. In fully parametric models, the hazard functions can be assumed to follow a specific distribution, such as the exponential distribution with a constant hazard rate λ, or the Weibull distribution with a shape parameter α and a parameter λ. These parameters are assumed to follow certain prior distributions such as the gamma distribution and the normal distribution. Based on these assumptions, we can derive the posterior distributions of these parameters and carry out the simulation process. In addition to the basic semi-parametric and fully parametric analyses, Bayesian survival analysis also allows for the estimation of more complex models such as frailty models (i.e., models that cope with unobservable characteristics that affect survival by subgrouping the sample subjects) and cure rate models (i.e., a fraction of the sample are exempt from a disease after receiving some treatment). More detailed discussion on the whole spectrum of analysis techniques that Bayesian survival analysis offers can be found in Ibrahim et al. (2001).