Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group Memorandum To: PNWCG Steering Committee From: Mike Ziolko, Chair, Weather Working Team Date: January 16, 2002 Re: 2001 Annual Activity Summary and 2002 Workplan The following people were agency representatives on the Weather Working Team (WWT) in 2001: Roddy Baumann (USFWS), Tom Nichols (NPS), Greg Sinnett (DNR), Paul Werth (USFS/BLM/NWCC); Mike Ziolko (Chair, ODF). Terry Marsha (BIA) replaced Gene Lonning (BIA) during the year. Steve Todd (NWS, Portland) joined as the NWS liaison during the year. The WWT met six times in 2001. Conference calls were used for additional discussions. 2001 PROJECTS and ACTIVITIES 1. PNWCG/NWS Agreement A major accomplishment was the completion and signing of the working agreement with the National Weather Service. The agreement was signed March 28, 2001 after 15 months of negotiations. The agreement calls for biannual meetings in February and November each year. A report summarizing the November meeting with recommendations to the NWS and PNWCG is to be delivered by December 15 each year. Because of numerous conflicts, the scheduled November 2001 meeting was held on December 17-18. A report will be prepared early in 2002 and submitted to the NWS and PNWCG providing a summary of 2001 activities and recommendations for 2002 fire season. Meeting discussion items included: Fire weather coordination calls Spot forecasts Interactive forecast preparation system IMET dispatches Agency activity briefings As part of the Agreement work and the December meeting, the Working Team also participated in the development of the Annual Operating Plan, red flag review (see below) and discussions on forecast zone boundaries. 2. Weather Network Phase 1 work resumed on this project in 2001 after being delayed because of work on the agreement with the NWS. Analysis of data from RAWS stations in the Pacific Northwest resulted in the development of a recommended set of stations that would comprise the backbone for a NFDRS network in Oregon and Washington. Meetings were held in six locations (Olympia, Wenatchee, Pendleton, Salem, Bend and Medford) to review the draft recommendations and solicit input from field users. Modifications were made to the list of backbone stations. The modified list includes 76 stations. The list will be transmitted to field offices for final comment and then recommendations will be submitted to PNWCG for final approval. 3. Red Flag Warning and Fire Weather Watch Issues The Weather Working Team convened a small task team of selected users and NWS personnel to further develop red flag warning criteria. The group refined criteria to more closely align criteria used at forecast offices with neighboring offices. The task team also identified possible alternative parameters to use in setting criteria for red flag events. Parameters would be tied to indices generated from the NFDRS. Work on this aspect of the criteria will continue in 2002. Paul Werth produced a red flag warning and fire weather watch verification study again in 2001. This study was reviewed at the December biannual meeting with the NWS. Major findings in the study included significant improvement at the Pendleton and Portland forecast offices in the false alarm rate for red flag events and better coordination between offices. 4. Fire Weather Zones The NWS presented proposed fire weather zone boundary changes at the December biannual meeting. Agreement was reached on most boundary changes except for several areas in Oregon where the NWS needed to have further discussions with field users. The Working Team agreed to the changes contingent upon field acceptance. 5. National MOU with the NWS The Working Team provided input to NWCG regarding provisions of a national MOU with the NWS pertaining to fire weather services. Issues included: local agreements, the role of GACC meteorologists and fire agency use of IMETs. An issue had been raised by the NWS about services that were being provided by NWCC and a response for that concern was sent to NIFC. 2002 Projected Work 1. NWCG/NWS biannual meetings The February biannual meeting will develop changes for 2002 operations that will be reflected in the Annual Operating Plan. A meeting will be scheduled for November to review the 2002 season. The Annual Operating Plan is scheduled to be available by March 15. Primary availability will be via the Internet. 2. Weather Network Phase 1 work on the NFDRS backbone network is expected to be completed during February after a final field review. Recommendations to PNWCG would be submitted in March or April, depending upon the comments received. Phase 2 work on the network will begin. Phase 2 would focus on weather station needs for other activities such as smoke management, other fire management uses, and special projects. 3. Fire Weather Zones Changes to fire weather zone boundaries will be finalized with changes effective April 1. 4. Red Flag Criteria A working group will reconvene to further refine red flag criteria for dry lightning situations and review strong wind and low relative humidity criteria. Verification work will continue in cooperation with the NWS on red flag issues. 5. PNWCG/NWS Agreement Further development, implementation and verification of products and services provided under the interagency agreement will continue. Periodic reports will be submitted to PNWCG. In general, the Working Team will also maintain contact with the California Wildfire Coordinating Group on issues of mutual concern. Also, coordination and communications with other PNWCG working teams needs to be established and maintained.