Part I: Course overview TDDC05: Embedded Systems Simulation and Verification

Part I: Course overview
TDDC05: Embedded Systems
• Check
Simulation and Verification
• Course roles:
– Examiner: Simin N-T
– Course assistant: Jonas Elmqvist
– Supervisor: Calin Curescu
Lecture 1: Course overview,
Introduction to SE/modelling
• Project roles:
– Consultant: Jonas Elmqvist
– Customer: Simin N-T
Simin Nadjm-Tehrani
Real-time Systems Laboratory
Department of Computer and Information Science
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
40 pages
Spring term 2006
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
Industrial lecture & Feedback
• Invited lecture: Friday 20/1, Tool Demo
and short overview of UML 2.0, Telelogic
– Tell me what you think about this
– Interested in new tool lectures?
• Book Monday 6/3 for Muddy Card
• Feedback is welcome continuously!
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Spring term 2006
Embedded systems
A computer system that
– is part of a larger system,
– is tailor-made for a specific
– is characterised by restricted
programmability by the user,
– has tight interaction with a physical
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
This course ...
... is about development process for
complex embedded systems
• In particular: systems in which software
is a significant component
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Systems Engineering
An interdisciplinary collaborative
approach to derive, evolve, and verify a
life-cycle balanced system solution
which satisfies customer expectations
and meets public acceptability
IEEE P1220 Standard Sys. Eng. process
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Software engineering
The Printing plant
Paper rolls
• What is the difference?
Temp_Control is
subtype Temperature
is integer range
end Temp_Control;
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
Fetch full roll!
LGV Operator
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Project presentation
• The description is intentionally vague and
unstructured! It is from a real company!
• Objectives:
– to follow the process of systems engineering
(according to books) and prepare the
documentation of the work as steps gets
– To learn to use the tools from scratch (given
basic theoretical knowledge)
– To learn how to plan, cooperate and follow
up plans
– To practice written and oral presentation
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
History of the course
Why these tools?
Assume familiarity with LIPS
The teacher roles
Group formation
The student roles
– See a potential update on the web
page once the group numbers are
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Planned & unplanned time
• Role of lectures: Orientation & theory
• See web for LIPS and Ind. Lecture!
• Other occasions:
– Time with supervisor to be booked in
advance. First meeting: Friday 27/1!
– Time with consultant to be booked in
– Lab hours, no teacher attendance
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Spring term 2006
UPG part: period 1
PROJ part: period 1 and 2
Common (group) grade: G/U
Simin ”approves” Req. Spec.
Calin ”approves” time plan & project plan, and
at each meeting follows up the resource usage
and progress
• Jonas ”approves” the design
• Simin ”approves” Test/Verification docs
• Jonas corrects the logic exercises
Check deadlines on the web!
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Trouble shooting
• No knocking on the doors!
• May send mails to Calin and Jonas and
expect an answer within 2 days
• Attendance to tool problems may take a
couple of days in the worst case
Practical stuff
• Limitation on printing quota!
• Password for accessing the LIPS
• Group account for project
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Spring term 2006
• Technical content:
– The customer will add an adjustment
to the reqs. (an update) 3 weeks from
the end of the course. The postanalysis should include a reflection on
how this change affects the design
and the verification.
• Process content:
– See next slide.
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
Post-analysis reflection
• What did we learn? Are the goals in the course
plan accurate?
• What was specially fun about the things we
• How we organise/plan the work if we would
start from scratch today?
• How could the course be improved by changing
the way teachers were interacting, or by a
different timing of the ingredients in the
• Would we read more if more material was
selected and put on the web pages in advance?
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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This lecture: Part II
• Review of basic terminology
• Orientation about major topics in the
– Review of systems engineering
process models and what they are
good for
– What are models and specifications
and why do we need them?
– Overview on verification techniques
Now to Process/Modelling …
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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System development process
• There are as many models as there
are companies, but the models in
the literature emphasise common
• See figure 2.4-2.6 in Blanchard &
• NOTE: resemblance to software
engineering process models!
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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• Figure 2.4 - 2.6
• Note concepts:
– test & evaluation
– review
– analysis
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
Why an ideal process model?
• Methodology for novices
• Focus attention on important areas
• Standardisation in large companies
• Mechanism for measuring success
• Project overview for external
(David L. Parnas)
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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• Each phase in the process can be
supported by one or more techniques,
e.g. Verification:
– Testing
– Inspection
– Simulation
– Formal verification
• Each method can be supported by one
or more tools e.g. Testing:
– Test case generation, unit test tools,…
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
Verification and Validation
• Verification: to detect errors in a
verification object (design model,
program, HW-circuit) with respect to a
requirements specification
To build the system right
• Validation: to determine whether
requirements reflect ”needs of the user”
To build the right system
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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V&V in development process
User reqs
System reqs
operational system
integrated system
Component reqs
Component design
implemented component
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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• System validation
• System verification
Models are built either before or
after ”the thing”.
This course:
• Requirements verification, Component
verification, Potential approach for
System level verification
• Modelling!
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Specifications done usually before...
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
• Note difference between user
requirements and system
• Many different ways to formulate
(capture) and document (specify)
the requirements
• In systems engineering important
to trace requirements
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Spring term 2006
• Different types of requirements
• See Figure 3.4 in Stevens, Jackson,
Brook & Arnold
• Not all types of requirements
validated/verified systematically
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
Models (why?)
• Prototyping (requirements capture)
• Iterative design refinement, co-design,
distribution, optimisation,
• Subgroup/subcontractor communication
• Overview (handling complexity)
• Code generation (efficient production)
• Systematic test case generation
• Certification, formal analysis
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Models (which?)
Architectural (component)
Functional (input - output)
Behavioural (over ”time”)
Life cycle (dependability: reliability,
safety, availability, maintainability, …)
• Other (size, weight, shape, cost, ...)
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Models (How?)
Models (How?)
Or vice versa...
– formal/semi-formal
– general/specific
– specification type: requirements,
design, environment, ...
– purpose: verification, optimisation,
test generation, …
Model used in a process
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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System design approach (1)
• Function-oriented
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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System design approach(2)
• State-oriented
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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System design approach(3)
• Object-oriented
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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What does UML deliver?
• All three computational models
– State-based
– dataflow-based
– Object-based
• With no (complete) formal semantics! /
• No mechanisms for systematic tracing of
• Soon: UML profile for systems engineering
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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• What does it look like in the real
• See figure 2.1 in Shumate & Keller
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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V&V methods
In reality done using a combination of
following activities:
Formal verification
This course
Use cases (scenarios)
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Ideal ¾Reality
Problems not deeply studied in the
• Non-functional requirements
• Legacy modules
• Technological development &
interoperability issues
• Organisation, personnel resources,
professional education
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Simulation vs. Formal verification
• Simulation can demonstrate what will
– Presence of the desired
• Formal verification can prove what will
not happen
– Absence of the undesired
Embedded systems simulation and verification
Linköping university
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Spring term 2006