Tekniska Högskolan i Linköping 050321 - IFM

National Graduate School in Science and Technology Education (FontD), ISV, Linköping University
The Department of Physics and Measurement Technology, Biology and Chemistry, IFM, Linköping University
Information for students participating in:
Science education for postgraduate/doctoral students, 3 Hp
Hi, Welcome to this course in science education. Below you will find some important dates and
information for the course. In addition to the four, mandatory, Blocks the course requires that one
spend time at every Block and read the recommended literature related to the Blocks.
Maximum numbers of participants 16. If to many apply, PhD-students with longer study time will
have priority. Therefore we need you to give an approximate month and year for your planned defense
of your dissertation.
The course is offered twice a year, autumn/spring
To sign up for the course: Send an email to fredrik.jeppsson@liu.se with your name, affiliation and
when you would like to start.
Introductory meeting
Block 1
Block 2: The student chooses when it is convenient for him/her to carry out the auscultation
Block 3
Block 4
Hand in written assignment