Learn about Access reserved words and symbols "Reserved words" are words and symbols that have a specific meaning to Microsoft Access. If you use a reserved word or symbol to name a field in a desktop database or web app table, Access warns you that the word is reserved and that you might encounter errors when referring to the field. You might also encounter errors if you use a reserved word to name a control, an object, or a variable. The error messages you receive don't necessarily tell you that a reserved word is the cause of the problem. As a result, it can be difficult to identify what needs to be changed. For example, Access might display a message similar to the following: The wizard was unable to preview your report, possibly because a table needed by your report is exclusively locked. If a reserved word is already in use, you can avoid error messages by surrounding each occurrence of the word with brackets ([ ]). However, the best solution is to change the name to a non-reserved word. Note It is not practical to provide a list of all reserved words, such as built-in function names or user-defined names. If you set a reference to a type library, an object library, or an ActiveX control, that library's reserved words are also reserved words in your database. In this article Access reserved words Access reserved symbols Access reserved words -A ADD ALL Alphanumeric Application ALTER AS AND ASC ANY Assistant AUTOINCREMENT CreateProperty End Avg CreateRelation Eqv -B CreateTableDef Error BETWEEN CreateUser EXISTS BINARY CreateWorkspace Exit BIT CURRENCY -F BOOLEAN CurrentUser FALSE BY -D Field, Fields BYTE DATABASE FillCache -C DATE FLOAT, FLOAT4, FLOAT8 CHAR, CHARACTER DATETIME FOREIGN COLUMN DELETE Form, Forms CompactDatabase DESC FROM CONSTRAINT Description Full Container DISALLOW FUNCTION Count DISTINCT COUNTER DISTINCTROW CREATE Document CreateDatabase DOUBLE CreateField DROP CreateGroup -E CreateIndex Echo CreateObject Else -G GENERAL GetObject GetOption GotoPage GROUP GROUP BY GUID -H LastModified Object HAVING LEFT OLEOBJECT -I Level OFF Idle Like ON IEEEDOUBLE, IEEESINGLE LOGICAL, LOGICAL1 OpenRecordset LONG, LONGBINARY, LONGTEXT OPTION If IGNORE -M Imp Macro IN Match INDEX Max, Min, Mod Index, Indexes MEMO INNER Module INSERT MONEY InsertText Move INT, INTEGER, INTEGER1, INTEGER2, INTEGER4 -N OR ORDER Orientation Outer OWNERACCESS -P Parameter PARAMETERS Partial PERCENT NAME PIVOT INTO NewPassword PRIMARY IS NO PROCEDURE -J Not Property JOIN Note -Q -K NULL Queries KEY NUMBER, NUMERIC Query -L -O Quit SHORT -V -R SINGLE VALUE REAL SMALLINT VALUES Recalc SOME Var, VarP Recordset SQL VARBINARY, VARCHAR REFERENCES StDev, StDevP -W Refresh STRING WHERE RefreshLink Sum WITH RegisterDatabase -T Workspace Relation TABLE -X Repaint TableDef, TableDefs Xor RepairDatabase TableID -Y Report TEXT Year Reports TIME, TIMESTAMP YES Requery TOP YESNO RIGHT TRANSFORM -S TRUE SCREEN Type SECTION -U SELECT UNION SET UNIQUE SetFocus UPDATE SetOption USER Top of Page Access reserved symbols The following symbols must not be used as part of a field name or as part of an object name: . & / - * ? ; " : ' ! $ # %