EMU University Library 2010-11 Materials Cancellation Project

EMU University Library 2010-11 Materials Cancellation Project
The library continues to move from print to online content and subsequently is cancelling low use print
titles or content which does not directly support the curricular needs of the university. This year was
particularly difficult in that we needed to not only cancel $129,000 in content to offset inflation but also
had to reduce the allocations to books, media, and support to offset a base budget reduction of
$200,000 given back to the university as part of the library’s contribution to address the $11 million
reduction in state aid.
Below is a summary, by material type, of the cancellations. We improved access to a set of journal
titles by migrating them from print to an online format. While more expensive, their content is now
more accessible to the campus.
2010-11 EMU Library Cancellations
Discipline Print Journals
Discipline Package Journals
General Journals
Duplicate Print Title
Print Newspapers
Online Only from Print/Online
Online Resources
Standing Orders
Total Cancellations
Format changes to current titles
Final 2011-12 Cancellation Total
114 titles
3 packages/8 titles
32 titles
1 title
13 titles
23 titles moved from print to online
2 packages purchased back files moving from lease to own; 1
title cancelled; 1 title incorporated into upgraded package
50 titles cancelled
2 titles cancelled
Reduction to offset $200,000 base budget reduction
Reduction to offset $200,000 base budget reduction
Reduction to offset $200,000 base budget reduction
($2,901.48) Cost to move from print to online to improve access
See the following pages for a listing of the cancelled titles/resources
AAPG memoir
AASLH-American Association for State and Local History Membership
Accounting and Tax
Aluminium International Today
American Economic Association 7 titles
American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information
American Journal of Clinical Pathology
American Journal of International Law
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
American Journal of Occupational Therapy
American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
American Journal of Physiology - Consolidated
American Journal of Psychology
American Littoral Society Package
American Mathematical Monthly
American Trade Schools Directory
Annales de Geographie - Print & Internet
Annals of Communism
Annals of Internal Medicine
Annals of Probability
Annual review of gerontology & geriatrics
Anthropos - Fribourg
APT - Association for Preservation Technology Membership
Asian Survey
Astronomical Journal - Print & Internet
Astronomy - Waukesha
Audubon Activist
Behaviour - Print & Internet
Best's Insurance Reports - Life Health - Full Service
Best's Insurance Reports - Property Casualty - Full Service
Better Homes and Gardens - Des Moines
BGI - Bibliographie Geographique International
Bibliographies of the presidents of the United States (Series)
Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Brain injury survivor and caregiver education manual
British Journal of Developmental Disabilities
British Journal of Psychiatry
Bulletin of the Association for Preservation Technology
Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education
Byron Society of America - Membership
Cambridge history of China
Cambridge history of Latin America
Camping Magazine - Martinsville
Canadian Economic Observer - Historical Statistical Supplement
Canadian Journal of Chemistry
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Car and Driver - Louisville
Cartographic Journal
Choice - Middletown Print
Chromatographic science
Circulation - Hagerstown
Material Type Cancelled
Standing Order
Print Journal
Online Resource
Print Journal
Print moved to online edition
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print moved to online edition
Print Journal
Print Journal
Package Journals
Print moved to online edition
Package Journals
Print moved to online edition
Print Journal
Print Journal
Standing Order
Print Journal
Print Journal
Standing Order
Print Journal
Package Journals
Print moved to online edition
Print Journal
General Interest Magazine
General Interest Magazine
Package Journals
Package Journals
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
General Interest Magazine
Print Journal
Standing Order
Print Journal
Print moved to online edition
Standing Order
Print Journal
Print Journal
Package Journals
Print Journal
Print Journal
Standing Order
Standing Order
General Interest Magazine
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
General Interest Magazine
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Standing Order
Print Journal
Material Type Cancelled
Clinical Chemistry - International Journal of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular DiagnosticPrint Journal
CLIP notes
Standing Order
College Mathematics Journal
Print moved to online edition
Communique of the Association for Preservation Technology
Package Journals
Comparative Sociology - Print & Internet
Print Journal
Comprehensive, annotated bibliography on Mahatma Gandhi
Standing Order
Conde Nast's Traveler - US Edition
General Interest Magazine
Congressional Digest
General Interest Magazine
General Interest Magazine
Contemporary Black biography
Standing Order
Contemporary theatre, film, and television
Standing Order
CQ Researcher - Reports Only
Print Journal
Current History
Print Journal
Direction of Trade Statistics - Quarterly Edition & Yearbook - Academic Rate
Print Journal
Directory of American firms operating in foreign countries
Standing Order
Directory of teacher education programs in TESOL in the United States and Canada
Standing Order
Discover - Des Moines
General Interest Magazine
Print Journal
Documents of Soviet history
Standing Order
Drug Metabolism and Disposition
Print Journal
Editor & publisher market guide
Standing Order
Educational studies and documents
Standing Order
El Central
Print Journal
Exceptional Parent
Print moved to online edition
Experimental methods in the physical sciences
Standing Order
Exporters' encyclopaedia
Standing Order
Feminist Review
Print moved to online edition
Fibonacci Quarterly
Print Journal
Film Quarterly
Print moved to online edition
Franchise annual
Standing Order
General Interest Magazine
Genetics - Tier 3 - Single Site - Internet
Print Journal
Gentlemen's Quarterly GQ
Cancel 1 of 2 print copies
Print moved to online edition
Geophysics - Corporate Subscriptions Only
Print Journal
Replaced by Georef
Gerontology - Basel
Print Journal
Glas : new Russian writing
Standing Order
Goya - Revista de Arte
Print Journal
Headline Series - Foreign Policy Association
Print Journal
Health - Easton
General Interest Magazine
History of China
Standing Order
History of Russia
Standing Order
Human Development - Basel
Print Journal
Humanist - Magazine of Critical Inquiry and Social Concern
General Interest Magazine
IGU Bulletin - International Geographical Union - Print & IGU Newsletter - Internet
Print Journal
In Theory Only
Print Journal
The Iron and steel industry
Standing Order
International and intercultural communication annual
Standing Order
International directory of company histories
Standing Order
International geophysics series
Standing Order
International Journal of Mental Health - Armonk - Print & Internet
Print Journal
International Journal of Sports Medicine
Print Journal
Journ of the Ameri Music Society
Print moved to online edition
Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization - Internet
Print Journal
Material Type Cancelled
Journal of American Folklore
Print moved to online edition
Journal of Applied Nutrition
Print Journal
Journal of Applied Physiology
Print Journal
Journal of Chromatographic Science
Print Journal
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry & Supplements - Print & 1-500 Workstations - Internet
Print Journal
Journal of Coastal Research
Standing Order
Journal of Endocrinology - Print & Internet
Print Journal
Journal of Experimental Biology
Print Journal
Journal of Geophysical Research - Part A - Space Physics - Class 3 - Internet
Package Journals
Journal of Geophysical Research - Part B - Solid Earth - Class 3- Internet
Package Journals
Journal of Geophysical Research - Part C - Oceans - Class 3-Internet
Package Journals
Journal of Geophysical Research - Part D - Atmospheres-Class 3-Internet
Package Journals
Journal of Geophysical Research - Part E - Planets - Class 3 - Internet
Package Journals
Journal of Geophysical Research - Part F - Earth Surface - Class 3 - Internet
Package Journals
Journal of Geophysical Research - Part G - BioGeo - Class 3 - Internet
Package Journals
Journal of Geoscience Education
Print Journal
Journal of Intergroup Relations
Print Journal
Journal of Legal Studies in Business
Print Journal
Journal of Lipid Research - Print & Internet
Print Journal
Journal of Materials Education
Print Journal
Journal of Musicology
Print moved to online edition
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Print Journal
Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy
Print Journal
Journal of Palestine Studies
Print moved to online edition
Journal of Pediatrics
Print Journal
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine & Supplements
Print Journal
Journal of Sedimentary Research - Internet & Print
Print Journal
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Print Journal
Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
Print Journal
Journal of the American Music Sociey - Print & Internet & Direc of Members and Subs & Newsletter
Print Journal
Kiplinger's Personal Finance
General Interest Magazine
Library Issues - Briefings for Faculty and Administrators
Print Journal
Library of Latin America [series]
Standing Order
Library Quarterly
Print moved to online edition
Literature Resource Center Backfile
Purchased backfile vs leasing
Littorally Speaking
Package Journals
General Interest Magazine
Macworld - Des Moines
General Interest Magazine
Main Street Practitioner
Print Journal
Mathematics Magazine
Print moved to online edition
Methods in nursing research
Standing Order
Mexican Studies
Print moved to online edition
Michigan Archaeologist
Print Journal
Michigan Environmental Report
Print Journal
Michigan Historical Review
Print moved to online edition
Michigan Middle School Journal
Print Journal
Modern encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet history
Standing Order
Monde Selection Hebdomadaire
Print Journal
Monitoring the future
Standing Order
Monthly Weather Review - Boston - Print & Internet
Print Journal
Morningstar Mutual Funds
Standing Order
Multifamily Trends
Package Journals
Municipal year book
Standing Order
Music Perception
Print moved to online edition
National Audubon Society - Membership
Package Journals
National Review
Natural History
New England Journal of Medicine`
New Nietzsche Studies
New Republic
New York Review of Books
New Yorker
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies
Newsweek - American Edition
Northwest Ohio History
Nursing & allied health (CINAHL) subject heading list
Nursing drug handbook
On the Line
Oriental Art
Pacific Historical Review
Pediatric Exercise Science
People Weekly
Philosophic Exchange - Annual Proceedings
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology - Print & Full Run - Tier Unknown - Internet
Planning and Zoning News
Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Psychoanalytic Quarterly
Psychoanalytic Review
Psychologia - Tokyo
Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
Psychosomatic Medicine
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
Public Finance - Konigstein im Taunus
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
Radio Science - Class 3 - Internet
Radiochimica Acta
Religion and American Culture
Report on the world social situation
Research in community and mental health
Research in governmental and non-profit accounting
RMA annual statement studies
Runner's World - Des Moines - Libraries Only
Russian Life
Samuel Gompers papers
Scientific American - Institutional Subscription - Business Higher Educ Libr Research Inst
Screen world
Seventeen - New York
Skeptical Inquirer
Sky and Telescope
Small Press Review - Internet
Social Problems
Social security manual
Sociological Focus
Sociological Perspectives
South African Journal of Psychology - Internet
Southern Business and Economic Journal
Statistics, textbooks and monographs
Material Type Cancelled
General Interest Magazine
General Interest Magazine
Print Journal
General Interest Magazine
General Interest Magazine
Print Journal
General Interest Magazine
Print Journal
Standing Order
Standing Order
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print moved to online edition
Print Journal
General Interest Magazine
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
General Interest Magazine
General Interest Magazine
Print moved to online edition
Standing Order
Standing Order
Standing Order
Standing Order
General Interest Magazine
General Interest Magazine
Standing Order
General Interest Magazine
Standing Order
General Interest Magazine
General Interest Magazine
General Interest Magazine
Print Journal
General Interest Magazine
Print moved to online edition
Standing Order
Print Journal
Print moved to online edition
Print Journal
Print Journal
Standing Order
Print Journal
Studies in Contemporary Islam
Symphony Magazine
Tectonics - Print & Class 3 - Internet
Textile Technology Index
Time - American Edition
Translational Research - the Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
Try us
US History Resource Center Backfile
Urban Land Institute on the Future Research Report
Underwater Naturalist
Urban Land
Urban Land Europe
Urban Studies
USA Today - Society for the Advancement of Education
Vital Issues
Walford's guide to reference material
Washington papers
Weather and Forecasting - Print & Internet
Western Historical Quarterly
Work - Journal of Prevention Assessment and Rehabilitation
World almanac and book of facts
World motor vehicle data
Yearbook - Association of Pacific Coast Geographers
Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie
Material Type Cancelled
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Print Journal
Online Resource
General Interest Magazine
Print Journal
Standing Order
Online Resource
Package Journals
Package Journals
Package Journals
Package Journals
Print Journal
General Interest Magazine
Print Journal
Standing Order
Standing Order
Print Journal
Print moved to online edition
Print Journal
Standing Order
Standing Order
Standing Order
Print Journal