MINUTES Faculty of the College of Forest Resources 19 October 2004

Faculty of the College of Forest Resources
19 October 2004
PRESENT : Allan, Bare, Brubaker, Doty, Eastin, Edmonds, Ewing, Gara, Greulich, Gustafson,
Halpern, Harrison, Hinckley, McKean, Paun, Schiess, Sprugel, Strand, Turnblom, D. Vogt, K.
Vogt, Wagar, West, Zabowski
EXCUSED: Agee, Bradley, Brown, Ford, Fridley , Johnson, Lippke, Marzluff, Peterson
ABSENT : Bolton, Franklin , Hodgson, Lee, Northey, Perez-Garcia, Raedeke, Reichard,
Schreuder, Wolf
The College has six quarters available for faculty sabbaticals for 2005-2006. Applications are
due in to the Dean's office on December 1, but are to be submitted to Rick by November.
Summer School
Who is teaching? There is additional funding available for things like equipment and TAs (based
on enrollment) for those teaching courses in the summer quarter.
Master of Forestry in Sustainable Resources
It doesn't meet SAF accreditation as it currently exists. Jim Agee and Peter Schiess worked with
Rick to develop a flexible program that would still satisfy SAF requirements. Note: Rick
presented an overhead slide with a flow chart and other information that went into the details of
this degree.
Faculty pointed out that the term MFR (Master of Forest Resources) was used in error in several
places in the documents. Bare suggested that the degree be known simply as the Master of
Forestry, in parallel with other grad degrees offered but to distinguish from the MFR
The proposed degree has an incomplete list of elective courses and feedback from the faculty
was requested. Also, there is a new Peace Corps Master's Degree that could fit under this new
Master of Forestry using the MF degree plan with more specific requirements.
Interest Areas
A chart listing every faculty members' affiliation with a particular interest group was circulated
and faculty were asked to review and submit changes to the list. Urban Ecology and Restoration
were interest groups missing from the list and will be added to the list and resubmitted to Chair
(Rick). The interest groups will be used to review and admit students to the College. Chair
outlined the planned functioning of interest areas as operators of graduate programs (admissions,
scholarships, graduate course work, research). A portion of RCR funds will be allocated to each
group, and annual reports of group activities/results will be required.
Next Steps (action items)
Graduate coordinators are needed ASAP.
Graduate curricula needs to be finalized soon so it can be put up on the College webpage.
Need to decide on a policy for qualifying exams and the format of general exams.
Meeting Adjourned