18 April, 2006
PRESENT : Agee, Allan, Bradley, Briggs, Eastin, Edmonds, Greulich, Gustafson, Halpern, Harrison, Hinckley,
Manuwal, Marzluff, McKean, Reichard, Ryan, Schiess, Schreuder, Sprugel, Strand, Turnblom, K Vogt, Wott
EXCUSED: Bolton, Fridley , Hodgson, Johnson, Mabberley, D Vogt
ABSENT : Bare, Brown, Brubaker, Doty, Ewing, Ford, Franklin , Gara, Lee, Lippke, Paun, Perez-Garcia, Peterson,
West, Zabowski
Rick Gustafson called the meeting to order and told the faculty that at next week’s faculty meeting, Provost
Phyllis Wise will be attending the first half of the meeting. She will be making a short presentation and then
will open up the floor for questions. Please spend some time and think of any questions you would like to ask.
Also, please make a note to show up on time for next week’s meeting.
Linda Brubaker Emeritus Faculty Position
Rick asked the faculty to consider giving retiring faculty member, Linda Brubaker, Emeritus status with the
College. Rob Harrison moved to grant Prof. Brubaker emeritus status and Kristiina Vogt seconded. There were
no faculty members who dissented in a discussion. At this time, Rick asked for a show of hands to vote for the
Emeritus status. The vote was 23 approve, 0 oppose and 0 abstain.
Merit Pay
Rick Gustafson said that there appears to be a misconception among the faculty regarding the merit pay proposed procedures for this year. Rick charged the PMT committee to review the procedures from last year in
hopes of some improvement. Last year there were issues with the value placed on service within the College
and teaching required classes. As this is an evolving system, Rick hoped that the current PMT committee could
review and improve these procedures in a way that would be more equitable. This committee did not set out
to completely change the previous procedures. The proposal for this year’s review will retain almost all of the
variables for reporting, and several of the variables that were quantified last year will be reported in a two
page statement.
In the merit pay system for this year, there will be three parts: the annual workplan, the two page statement
and the quantified information for each faculty member. The merit review will be for the 2003 – 2005 academic years. Any items that do not fit into the quantifiable sections should be placed in the two page statement.
A discussion began among the faculty present regarding the confusion with last year’s system compared to the
proposed system by the PMT committee.
The official vote on the new procedure will be next week. In the meantime, each faculty member should move
forward with gathering their information and completing the quantifiable data sections. The vote next week
will be to use this new proposed system or use the system from last year.
Final Announcements
Gordon Bradley updated the faculty on the completion of the SAF accreditation review and visit and wished to
thank Jim Agee and Steve West for their assistance in the process. The SAF team had very positive comments
about the College and the final report will be out later this year.
Adjourned 11:20 a.m.