Special Faculty Meeting Minutes College of Forest Resources Anderson Hall Room 22

Special Faculty Meeting Minutes
College of Forest Resources
Anderson Hall Room 22
Monday September 29, 2008, 10:30 a.m.
The meeting was called to order at 10:34 a.m. by Gordon Bradley, College of Forest Resources Faculty
Chair. Tom Hinckley moved and Bob Edmonds seconded the motion that the faculty approve the
Minutes of the May 19, 2008 Faculty Meeting. The minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote.
Allan, G. Graham
Bare, Bruce
Bolton, Susan
Bradley, Gordon
Briggs, David
Doty, Sharon
Eastin, Ivan
Edmonds, Robert
Ettl, Gregory
Franklin, Jerry
Fridley, James
Glawe, Dean
Greulich, Frank
Gustafson, Richard
Harrison, Robert
Hinckley, Thomas
Marzluff, John
McKean, William
Perez-Garcia, John
Rabotyagov, Sergey
Ryan, Clare
Schiess, Peter
Sprugel, Douglas
Strand, Stuart
Torgersen, Christian
Toth, Sandor
Vogt, Daniel
Vogt, Kristiina
West, Stephen
Wirsing, Aaron
Zabowski, Darlene
Agee, James
Bakker, Jonathan
Brown, Sally
Bura, Renata
Ewing, Kern
Ford, E. David
Gara, Robert
Halpern, Charles
Hanley, Donald
Hodgson, Kevin
Johnson, Jay
Kim, Soo-Hyung
Lawler, Joshua
Lippke, Bruce
Manuwal, David
Moskal, L. Monika
Paun, Dorothy
Peterson, David
Reichard, Sarah
Turnblom, Eric
Fink, Lois
Smith, Nevada
Gallucci, Vincent
Trudeau, Michelle
The names that are grayed out are not eligible to vote. Total faculty eligible to vote during Autumn
Quarter 2008 is 47; a quorum is 24.
• Welcome Aaron Wirsing, new faculty member in the Wildlife area.
• Welcome John Perez-Garcia new Vice Chair of the Faculty. As part of his duties as Vice Chair,
John also serves as Chair of the Curriculum Committee.
• Please sign up to present at the Research Forum. The first Forum is next Monday. Since no one has
signed up for the first forum it will be used for further discussion regarding the College of the
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Special Faculty Meeting Minutes
September 29, 2008
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Current CFR Faculty Committee Memberships and Faculty Senators are listed below:
Curriculum Committee
Elected Faculty Council
Rick Gustafson (through June 2009)
John Perez-Garcia (Chair) (through June 2009)
Greg Ettl (through June 2009)
Susan Bolton (through June 2009)
John Perez-Garcia (through June 2010)
Jay Johnson (through June 2009)
Eric Turnblom (through June 2010)
Undergraduate Student TBA (through June 200
Darlene Zabowski (through June 2011)
Graduate Student TBA (through June 2009)
Rob Harrison (through June 2011)
Jon Bakker (through June 2010)
Sergey Rabotyagov (through June 2010)
Gordon Bradley (ex-officio)
Promotion, Merit, and Tenure Committee
David Briggs (Chair) (through June 2009)
Michelle Trudeau (ex-officio)
Ivan Eastin (through June 2009)
Steve West (ex-officio)
Rob Harrison (through June 2009)
Greg Ettl (through June 2010)
Faculty Senators
Tom Hinckley (through June 2010)
Monika Moskal (through September 15, 2009)
Clare Ryan (through June 2011)
Douglas Sprugel (through September 15, 2009)
Kevin Hodgson (through September 15, 2010)
Kristiina Vogt (through September 15, 2010)
Faculty expressed concern that John Perez-Garcia’s being Vice Chair and serving on the Elected
Faculty Council may prove a conflict of interest. Dr. Perez-Garcia subsequently stepped down and a
replacement will be found.
• Clare Ryan announced that the interviews for the faculty candidates for the human dimensions
position will begin next week. She asks that faculty attend the seminars and meetings set-up for
faculty to meet with the candidates. Because the Provost has approved recruiting for this position it
is not affected by the hiring freeze.
No presentations were scheduled.
• Resolution Establishing a Regular Meeting Schedule for 2008-2009 Academic Year
October 13, 2008
March 9, 2009 (Dean’s meeting?)
October 27, 2008
March 16, 2009
November 10, 2008
April 6, 2009
November 24, 2008
April 20, 2009
December 8, 2008 (Dean’s meeting)
May 4, 2009
January 12, 2009
May 18, 2009
January 26, 2009
June 1, 2009
February 9, 2009
June 8, 2009 (Dean’s meeting)
February 23, 2009
Faculty agreed to this meeting schedule. All meetings will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in
Anderson Hall Room 22.
• Proposed Research Associate Appointment
Rob Harrison moved and Tom Hinckley seconded the motion that the faculty consider Kimberly
Williams-Guilén, Ph.D. for Research Associate. This appointment is sponsored by Steve West. Dr.
Williams-Guilén received her Ph.D. from New York University in 2003 in Anthropology. Her thesis
project was “The Behavioral Ecology of Mantled Howling Monkeys (Alouatta palliate) in a
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Special Faculty Meeting Minutes
September 29, 2008
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Nicaraguan Shade Coffee Plantation.” She will be supported by a National Science Foundation
fellowship, and will be housed in Dr. West’s space in Winkenwerder 110A. The appointment will
begin 10/1/08 and is expected to extend for at least one year. The faculty voted to approve this
appointment. Results of the vote are filed in the Faculty Office.
Proposed Research Associate Appointment
Graham Allan moved and Doug Sprugel seconded the motion that the faculty consider Indroneil
Ganguly, Ph.D. for Research Associate. This appointment is sponsored by Ivan Eastin. Dr. Ganguly
received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 2008 in Forest Products and Marketing.
His thesis project was “Modeling Alternatives and Visualization of Product Adoption and Usage in
the Residential Construction Industry.” He will initially be supported directly by CINTRAFOR, and
will seek outside funding sources. He will be provided office space in the CINTRAFOR graduate
student lab located in 23 Anderson Hall. The appointment will extend from September 16, 2008
through September 15, 2011 and can be extended for a single three year period upon completion of a
favorable performance review. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. Results of the vote
are filed in the Faculty Office.
Proposed Lecturer, Part-time Appointment
Ivan Eastin moved and Steve West seconded the motion that Robert Willis be considered for
Lecturer, Part-time. This appointment is sponsored by Gordon Bradley for Julie Villegas, Associate
Director of the University of Washington Honors Program. Dr. Villegas asks that the College of
Forest Resources Faculty assist the Honors Program by approving this appointment. Mr. Willis will
be co-teaching a seminar this Autumn Quarter focusing on the mission of the National Park system.
He holds a Master’s Degree in Urban Design and Planning from the University of Washington and is
a Senior Associate for Ross and Associates Environmental Consulting. The appointment will be for
Autumn Quarter 2008. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. Results of the vote are filed
in the Faculty Office.
Proposed Renewal of Affiliate Courtesy Faculty Appointment
Steve West moved and Sharon Doty seconded the motion that Ray Chrisman’s appointment as
Affiliate Professor be renewed. Dr. Chrisman’s name was inadvertently left off the list of affiliate
faculty renewals at the end of the 2007-2008 academic year. The faculty are asked to consider the
renewal of this appointment at this time. Dr. Chrisman has led research collaborations on membrane
separations and has assisted in the development of proposals to use micro-processing technology
with faculty including Rick Gustafson, who sponsors this appointment, and Renata Bura. The
faculty voted to renew this appointment. Results of the vote are filed in the Faculty Office.
Proposed Renewal of Affiliate Courtesy Faculty Appointment
Tom Hinckley moved and John Marzluff seconded the motion that Ed Schreiner’s appointment as
Affiliate Assistant Professor be renewed. Dr. Schreiner’s name was inadvertently left off the list of
affiliate faculty renewals at the end of the 2007-2008 academic year. The faculty are asked to
consider the renewal of this appointment at this time. Dr. Schreiner’s appointment needs to be
current and in place so that contributions he is making to a scholarship fund will be matched by the
UW’s donor matching program. The faculty voted to renew this appointment. Results of the vote
are filed in the Faculty Office.
Proposed Graduate Faculty Appointment
Ivan Eastin moved and John Marzluff seconded the motion that the graduate faculty consider Aaron
Wirsing, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the College of Forest Resources, for College of Forest
Resources Graduate Faculty with endorsement to chair doctoral committees. The graduate faculty
voted to approve this appointment. Results of the vote are filed in the Faculty Office.
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Special Faculty Meeting Minutes
September 29, 2008
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Proposed Lecturer, Part-time Appointment
David Briggs moved and Rob Harrison seconded the motion that Mark S. Lewis be considered for
Lecturer, Part-time. Mr. Lewis currently instructs at least three courses per year for the College of
Forest Resources Paper Science and Engineering curriculum. The faculty voted to approve this
appointment. Results of the vote are filed in the Faculty Office.
• Objectives that came out of the Strategic Planning Retreat: Gordon Bradley, who chairs the
Strategic Planning Committee asks faculty to review the Strategic Planning Document that Dean
Bare distributed via email right after the Retreat on the 16th. If you have comments please let Dr.
Bradley know. The Strategic Planning Committee will meet soon to continue their work.
• Update on College of the Environment
¾ Faculty updates: Dean Bare offered two things since the last faculty meeting in June. On June
12, 2008 the Board of Regents voted to establish the College of the Environment. On July 1,
2008 Dennis Hartmann was appointed as Interim Dean. He has also been told that a search for a
Director of Development for the College of the Environment is underway. Marilyn
Montgomery, whom many of you might know, has been interviewed for this position.
The Dean also stated that many faculty have met with the Provost in small groups. A
Governance Committee is being discussed by the interim Dean and several CFR faculty have
met with him. Drs. Gustafson, Ryan, and West have been asked to participate. President
Emmert will be visiting CFR later in October and will be visiting OCEAN as well. The
President may speak to the budget during his visit. If you want to participate in the meetings
with the President which are being set up on October 22nd and October 24th contact Sally
Dean Bare hopes that we are provided with a more concrete proposal. He expects the Provost
will want a vote by the end of Autumn Quarter.
Dr. Bare spoke about the state budget in general. He hopes we will not be asked to return money
to the state. 1%, 2%, or 5% reductions in the next budget have been discussed.
Faculty said that there has not been a lot of information since June. One of the key performance
measures that came out of the Strategic Planning Retreat concerned taking leadership in the
College of the Environment. Some faculty are concerned that it might be a lack of leadership to
wait until November to vote whether or not to join.
It was pointed out that we have taken leadership every step of the way over the past 1½ years:
• We participated in the initial cherette
• We participate on the Council of Environment Deans
• We participate with the Chairs and Directors group from the units that might be affected
• The Provost has been invited to meet with CFR faculty on several occasions and she
visited with faculty and staff and UWBG
• We have participated on and chaired the initial committees that looked at structure,
curriculum, vision, and organization of the new College
• We continue to be involved on new committees and working groups as they emerge
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Special Faculty Meeting Minutes
September 29, 2008
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Rick Gustafson will be asked to share information regarding the CoEnv on a regular basis. Other
faculty are encouraged to bring updates when they have them.
Since the Research Forum does not have a presenter on October 6, 2008, next Monday, the
faculty will meet for further discussion regarding participation in the College of the
¾ Voting Preference Discussion
Rob Harrison is concerned about waiting to vote until November. By his recollection, the vote in
June was 20 voted to join the CoEnv, 5 voted no, and 17 voted that they needed more
information before joining. If we had a definitive vote right now he would vote to join. He
believes we would gain a lot if we join as soon as possible. He asks the faculty if they genuinely
need more information. He states that Phyllis would like us to vote now. If 51% say yes we
would move forward though she wants at least 60%. He thinks we are losing influence the
longer we wait and he thinks voting on November 10, 2008 is too late. We really could be the
initial people making up the CoEnv.
Dr. Allan fully endorses Dr. Harrison’s comments. Procrastination does not help.
John Marzluff thinks we’ll vote to go in the College of the Environment. He does see one good
reason to wait to vote. We will have one more point of negotiation when the President meets
with us. He is not satisfied yet with the negotiations with the Provost. She has not committed to
us for Conservation Programs. John would like to raise this point with President Emmert. And,
if we vote later, it’s no difference, we’re still first.
Susan Bolton said it is her understanding that we would not be first, that Marine Affairs and
Atmospheric Sciences have already voted to go in. She does not believe we are in a position to
negotiate with the President. The CoEnv is the Provost’s baby and not negotiable with the
President. She agrees, we have participated, so why not formalize the arrangement, make sure
we are on the Dean’s search committee. If we are not in the CoEnv when the committee is
formed, we may not be asked to participate.
Susan Bolton suggested that if we don’t vote today, let’s vote at the next meeting—in two weeks.
We would still be viewed as proactive and supportive of the administration. If the legislature
does not fund the CoEnv then nothing is lost and we will still have supported the administration.
No units are formally in the College of the Environment until the Reorganization, Consolidation
& Elimination of Programs (RCEP) process is completed. These are planned for early 2009.
Susan Bolton moved and Clare Ryan seconded the motion that the faculty vote regarding joining
the College of the Environment in two weeks at the next Faculty Meeting. Faculty voted by a
show of hands. 12 voted yes to vote in two weeks, 12 voted no, 2 abstained.
Kristiina Vogt stated she will be in Indonesia in two weeks and wants to vote by proxy because
access to the internet is not consistent. She would like a mechanism set-up to accomplish proxy
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Special Faculty Meeting Minutes
September 29, 2008
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Susan Bolton wants to withdraw her motion because not all faculty are available to vote at a
Faculty Meeting. Several faculty protested stating that a vote had already taken place. Susan
then asked the vote to be taken again with a paper ballot. The results of the paper ballot were
that 11 voted yes to vote in two weeks, 16 voted no, 2 abstained.
Promotion, Merit, and Tenure Committee 2008-2009 Work Plan: The PMT membership is set for
this Academic Year. Clare Ryan is the only new member joining this year. Three members’ terms
end in June 09, so Dave Briggs, Chair of the Committee, asks faculty to think about serving on the
Committee. During Autumn Quarter the Committee will be considering promotion packages for two
faculty members, and the faculty will need to vote on these during Autumn Quarter as well. There
will be at least two new faculty whose contract renewals will be considered. Their packets will go to
the Committee the first day of Spring Quarter and faculty will consider them during Spring Quarter
so that they can be notified before the end of the Academic Year.
• Curriculum Committee 2008-2009 Work Plan: The Chair of the Curriculum Committee, John
Perez-Garcia, said that the Curriculum Committee plans to work on implementing the Options
Assessment Plan that the faculty approved in the 2007-2008 Academic Year. ESRM 304
(Turnblom) and ESRM 201 (Edmonds) has already administered a Pre-Assessment. The
Undergraduate Options curricula have been established and the Committee plans to prepare similar
documentation for the graduate program. This will require looking at the Interest Groups. An
assessment tool for the graduate program will need to be developed.
• The Graduate Program Review self study is being prepared. A draft of this review will be
distributed to faculty.
• Update on status of CFR Biology courses: Dr. West let the faculty know that CFR along with FISH
and POE has developed a new biology sequence to replace BIOL 161, 162 which was cancelled by
Biology. The UW’s Curriculum Committee has approved the new courses. The Biology
Department, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Provost aren’t necessarily in
agreement with our teaching biology. The Biology Department has suggested a couple of options
that are unacceptable to us because they do not accommodate the needs of our students. We have
sent Biology a list of the accommodations our students require. Biology must report back to us by
October 15, 2008. If they cannot meet our requirements, then we will move forward with teaching
• The next Faculty Meeting will be on Monday, October 13, 2008 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in
Anderson Hall Room 22.
• CFR Welcome Back Salmon Barbeque will take place on October 8, 2008 from 4:00-6:30 p.m. in
College Courtyard. All are welcome including spouses, partners, and children. Sally asks that you
please bring something tasty to share.
• The first Research Forum for the 2008-2009 Academic Year is October 6, 2008. No one has yet
signed up to present at this meeting. If no one volunteers the first Research Forum will be held on
Monday, October 20, 2008 in Anderson Hall Room 22. Clare Ryan will present.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.