INFLUENCE OF BODY CONDITION ON VIGILANCE IN MULE DEER (Odocoileus hemionus) & WHITE‐TAILED DEER (Odocoileus virginianus) UNDER RISK OF PREDATION Julianne Hower University of Washington, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences I examined the relationship between individual anti-predator behavior and physical body condition of mule deer and white-tailed deer in areas of Eastern Washington. Animal-borne video footage has been analyzed from both species of deer, and behavioral data collected. I performed a linear regression with body condition versus time spent vigilant by comparing the amount of time spent vigilant* as a function of foraging time. I predicted that the prey individuals with substandard body condition would invest more in anti-predator behavior than those individuals with good body condition, but this prediction was not supported. RESULTS INTRODUCTION The asset-protection principle (Clark 1994) predicts that prey animals in good body condition should invest more in anti-predator behavior (i.e., vigilance) than animals in poor body condition. I predicted that deer with relatively good body condition would spend more time vigilant during foraging bouts. I assessed body condition and anti-predator behavior in mule deer and white-tailed deer in a system with multiple predators, including cougar (Puma concolor), gray wolf (Canis lupus), and coyote (Canis latrans). Results showed a non-significant relationship between vigilance and body condition (Figure 2). Vigilance was considered the dependent variable, and body condition was considered the independent variable (Table 1). Thus, I failed to reject the null hypothesis of no relationship between condition and vigilance. Proportion of time vigilant (arcsin) ABSTRACT R2 Linear = 0.061 Figure 1b. White-tailed deer vigilant Figure 2. Linear regression of the relationship between body condition and arcsin of the square root transformed proportion of time spent vigilant Coefficients** Unstandardized Coefficients METHODS Field Methods: Camera collars were fitted onto 38 individual deer to record their behavior. Animal-borne video footage was analyzed to quantify how much time each deer spent foraging (Figure 1a) versus vigilant (Figure 1b). Body condition (Figure 1c & 1d) was determined using ultrasonography to measure rump fat thickness (mm). Statistical Analysis: Video footage from 9 deer was used for the analysis. A linear regression was performed examining the relationship between condition (mm of rump fat thickness) and arcsin of the square root transformed proportion of time spent vigilant. Figure 1d. Emaciated deer DISCUSSION Body condition (mm rump fat) *Deer were considered vigilant if their heads were up (rather than head-down, foraging). Figure 1c. Healthy deer Figure 1a. Mule deer foraging Model 1 (Constant) condition B Std. Error .776 .448 .023 Standardized Coefficients Beta .034 t Sig. 1.732 .127 .247 .673 .522 Although there was a non-significant relationship between body condition and vigilance, there was a trend of increased vigilance with increasing body condition, which is consistent with the asset-protection principle. This trend indicates the need for more study with a larger sample size. With the re-establishment of wolves in Washington, it is important to understand how they will affect deer anti-predator behavior (e.g., vigilance). Such an effect could change deer foraging, which can potentially alter the vegetation of habitats and impact deer population size. REFERENCES ** Dependent Variable: asinvig Table 1. Results from a linear regression (SPSS) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Aaron Wirsing for his guidance and assistance, Justin Dellinger for allowing me access to his field work and video footage, and all of the students who helped view the countless hours of video footage. LITERATURE CITED 1. Clark, C.W. 1994. Antipredator behavior and the asset-protection principle. Behavioral Ecology 5:159-170. 2. Heithaus, M.R., Frid, A., Wirsing, A.J., Dill, L.M., Fourqurean, J.W., Burkholder, D., Thomson, J., & BejderO, L. 2007. State-dependent risk-taking by green sea turtles mediates top-down effects of tiger shark intimidation in a marine ecosystem. Animal Ecology 76, 5: 837-844. 3. McNamara, J.M. & Houston, A.I. 1987. Starvation and predation as factors limiting population size. Ecology 68: 1515–1519.