Document 13446003

The following supplies are suggestions for all students and represent sensible
recommendations for all classes at Park:
3-ring Notebook (at least 1 ½)
Single subject spiral notebooks
Notebook dividers
Notebook paper
Pencils (#2 Lead)
Pens (blue or black)
Student ID lanyard
Colored pencils
Pencil pouch
The following are specialized requests from some teachers:
6th Grade Reading/Language/History Classes
 Binder (2”) with at least 3 subject dividers - Language Arts (LA), Reading (RDG) and History)
PLEASE NO “Trapper Keepers” - they are too large and become difficult to organize
 College-ruled loose leaf notebook paper (at least 2 packages)
 3 composition notebooks (prefer college ruled)
 Pencils & erasers (please come with at least 12 pencils to start the year)
 Three-hole pencil/supply pouch that fits into binder
 Black & blue ink pens (not markers or gel pens)
 Pack of colored pencils (with at least 12 colors)
 Highlighters - 1 pink, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 orange
 PERMANENT SHARPIES ARE NOT allowed at school. If students need these, they will be provided by the
 One pack of 100 index cards
 One packet of sticky notes 2x2” square (any color)
 2 boxes of Kleenex
Our 6th grade ELA/History classrooms will gladly accept any or all of the extra items listed below:
College-ruled loose leaf notebook paper
Colored pencils or regular pencils
Sticky notes
8th Grade Reading/Language/History Classes:
10 pencils
Pink eraser
Highlighters (yellow, pink, blue, green) Pencil box
1 pack of college ruled notebook paper
1 pack of colored pencils
2 composition notebooks
Handheld pencil sharpener
Boys-please bring Kleenex
Girls-please bring one pack of markers