Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association Board of Directors Meeting McKenny Hall Saturday, February 20, 2016 Members present: Patricia Andrewes (phone), Patrick Barry, Amanda Bennett, Tom Borg, Ryan Buck, Tom Charboneau, Sarah Fall (tardy), Randi Glaza, Mike Gomez, John Godre (phone), Ruth Halsey, George Harrison, Jasmine Lee (tardy/phone), Jenita Moore (tardy), Matt Mortier, Robert Murkowski (phone), Chad Newton, Paul Nucci, Don Reichert, Niklaus Schillack, Marques Thomey, Claudia Young Members absent: Linda Edwards­Brown (excused), Greg Sheldon, Mauricio Silva (excused) Ex­officio members present: Don Loppnow, Ann Thompson Emeritus member present: Bill Malcolm, Fred Roberts, Bud Schimmelpfenneg Emeritus member absent: Vicki Reaume (excused) Others present: Lucas Langdon, Jacqueline Page, Andre Poplar, Gabriella Salagen 1. Call to Order/Approval of the Agenda Mr. Barry called the meeting to order at 9:03am. He welcomed the Board. Mr. Mortier motioned to approve the agenda and Mr. Schillak seconded the motion. Agenda approved. 2. Roll Call Ms. Halsey took attendance. The results of the roll call can be found at the top the minutes. 3. Approval of November 21, 2015 Alumni Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Mr. Thomey made a motion to approve the November 21, 2015 minutes. Mr. Gomez supported the motion. Minutes approved. 4. Alumni Association President­Elect Report Mr. Thomey spoke about the consistent communication between Mr. Barry and Ms. Thompson. A future discussion on filling Mr. Thomey’s spot on the Foundation Board will be discussed later in the meeting. 5. Alumni Association Treasurer’s Report Mr. Schillak mentioned a few highlights from his report. The Alumni Association account is significantly less than previously reported because of the transfer of funds to the Legacy Scholarship Endowment 1 ($10,000) and the Alumni Programs Endowment ($10,000). License plate monies continues to be an opportunity to be the best way to increase incoming money. Mr. Schillak asked all directors to consider purchasing a “E” license plate if anyone does not currently have one. Comment: Mr. Buck asked for the individual line items for the Board’s operating budget. Answer: It will be included in the next report. Mr. Barry offered comments that we are on track to stay within budget. Mr. Barry also shared historical reference for guests and director candidates in the room. Question: Mr. Schimmelpfenneg asked how close the Legacy Scholarship Endowment is to fully supporting scholarship? He suggests that maybe the Board considers transferring more money up front to get to a point of self­sustaining the scholarships sooner. Answer: Endowment continues to grow and the endowment is several years from the point of being self­sustaining. Comment: Mr. Thomey asked for the current operating budget to be included in the email with the meeting minutes. Comment: Mr. Schimmelpfenneg asked if there are any license plate brochures to be passed out at graduation? Answer: Ms. Thompson responded that she does not know if there are any in her possession. She will look into an option to provide graduates and also suggested that any brochure should be included in the degree folder, instead of being passed out at graduation. 6. Office for Alumni Relations Report Ms. Thompson welcomed the directors and guests. The recent Atlanta alumni event was successful and alumni in the area will likely be forming a network soon. The online networking portal called “Eastern Michigan Connect” is progressing toward implementation and is currently in the testing phase. Ms. Thompson will soon send an invitation to the directors so that they can create their own profiles and hopes that everyone gets involved. The web portal will allow for students and alumni to connect for resume reviewing, career mentorship, and potential job shadowing. There are new alumni benefits listed on the website: travel insurance (revenue sharing), Hotelstorm (20­50%) off hotels, and Credibles (student loan consolidation). All will go live this spring. There is a new partnership with Athletics to reduce costs in tailgates for home football games. Athletics is working on a license for offering beer on the patio and the alumni will be represented at these events. There may only be an outside­the­stadium gathering for Homecoming. 2 A program called Academic Homecoming is being developed where one alumnus from each academic program will be invited to campus to speak about their professional journey and current role in their respective fields. The hope is for the events to help cultivate giving back to EMU. Ms. Thompson addressed her feelings that the Alumni Tunnel at Commencement was awkward with no items to gift to the new graduates. She suggested that $500 be allocated to purchase a small gift. Ms. Halsey commented that $2,000 is budgeted for strategic initiatives and this fits the purpose. Discussion on this topic will occur in New Business section of the meeting. Mr. Barry offered encouragement for all directors to attend Commencement to assist in the Alumni Tunnel so there can be an actual tunnel. Ms. Thompson also provided a list of upcoming events. It now includes all Division events. Question: Mr. Buck asked about the return on investment for trips to cities like Atlanta. He also asked about not losing the Alumni name attached to home football events. Comment: Ms. Thompson responded by sharing that there has been a cut­back on cities visited in response to a lack of return. Ms. Thompson also explained the new partnership with Athletics in tailgates for football games. Alumni will still play an active role in the events. 7. Division Update Ms. Hunsberger was not present to provide an update. 8. University Update Dr. Loppnow shared how nice it is to be back and engaging with so many people who are doing great things for the University. He thanked the Board for their time and efforts in making everything we do a success. Dr. Loppnow commented on the great job that Ms. Hunsberger has been doing as Interim Vice President of Advancement. Dr. Loppnow has moved the key members of the Advancement team to Welch Hall to be a better location for their efforts to engage donors. Dr. James Smith has been announced as the new University President. 81 applicants were whittled down to the final 3 and were presented to the Board of Regents. Dr. Loppnow is very pleased with decision to hire Dr. Smith. Dr. Smith has seen success in raising money for universities and solid experience in schools that are similar to EMU. Dr. Smith’s wife, Dr. Connie Ruhl­Smith, has many accolades to her own name. Dr. Loppnow has high hopes for Dr. Smith’s leadership and abilities to be the next leader at EMU. There is a new neuroscience major for undergraduate students at EMU. It is a biochemistry and psychology interdisciplinary major. There is also a new fermentation science program. It is housed in the Chemistry Department. 3 EMU has now been reclassified as a Doctoral­Granting Institution in the Carnegie Classification System. Efforts to continue to grow research is ongoing. EMU’s Doctoral Psychology program has been ranked the 30th best in nation. MA in Special Education has been ranked in top 50. Information Assurance has been listed as a Center of Academic Excellence by the National Security Agency. The Provost Research Awards for junior faculty awards exist to support research in a variety of ways. Dr. Loppnow shared a couple of examples of the types of projects being supported, both in science research and school­age student research. Dr. Loppnow announced that Dr. Rhonda Longworth has been announced as the Interim Provost. He feels she is the right person for the job. Two current vacancies will be filled: Executive Director of Government Relations & Chief Diversity Officer, which is a new position. The CDO will work to embrace new opportunities for diversity and to continue to grow current initiatives. This person will assist all University leadership to incorporate diversity into their programs, etc. Dr. Loppnow mentioned the announcement of the Board of Regents to discontinue EMU’s role in the Educational Achievement Authority (EAA). The University’s contractual agreement will end in June 2017 but some efforts in Lansing to create new programs may replace the EAA sooner. Dr. Loppnow believes the intentions to join the EAA were just and true but many other factors did not allow the ideas to reach their full potential. The Board of Regents approved a $30 million capital budget. Money will be distributed to several projects, including Wise Hall renovations, investments in Strong Hall, some improvements for Sill Hall, assistance to safety initiatives and some technology initiatives. April 12th is EMU Day in Lansing. Students, faculty, staff and alumni are all going to speak with state lawmakers about issues pertinent to EMU. Directors are invited to attend. Some of the topics this year will be an increase in annual state appropriations and an increase in money in the newest capital outlay bill for campus improvements. Representative David Rutledge will be the Commencement speaker at the upcoming April 24th Commencement ceremonies. He is currently serving in his final term as a state representative. Dr. Loppnow invited all Directors to the men’s and women’s basketball games today at Noon and 2:30pm. He is hosting various community government members and the Women in Philanthropy campus organization. Dr. Loppnow concluded his remarks by thanking the Board for the upcoming recognition as the recipient of the Porter Distinguished Alumni Awards at the Annual Alumni Awards ceremony. 4 Question: Mr. Malcolm asked if any plans for improvements to the Rec/IM facility exist. Answer: Dr. Loppnow responded by sharing what students are looking for when choosing an institution. Recreation facilities is a top opportunity and recognizes the need. Academic buildings also need attention such as the College of Technology. The need for raising funds to offset low amount of state aid is high. Question: Mr. Borg asked Dr. Loppnow if he knew about Dr. Smith’s history of involvement with alumni. Answer: Dr. Loppnow responded that he feels Dr. Smith is very engaged with alumni. His skills include using alumni to assist in networking with outside parties to benefit the university. 9. Student Body Update Student Body President Cole was not present. BREAK from 10:11am to 10:23am. 10. Committee Reports A. Awards and Recognition Mr. Harrison highlighted Dr. Loppnow as a recipient of one of our Alumni Awards. Mr. Harrison shared the purpose of his proposal for the Excellent Teachers Engaging Alumni Awards which was sent via email by Mr. Harrison prior to the meeting. The committee has voted 6­3 in favor of sharing the proposal with the full Board. He anticipates a vote by the Board on the proposal at the April meeting. Mr. Schimmelpfenneg shared his reasons for dissenting in the committee vote. His reasons: nominations are open for anyone to send in, increased costs/less nominations, lower attendance ­ all reasons similar program was voted down. He also does not want to diminish the value of the previous awards. This proposal simply expands the TEA program. Mr. Charboneau commented that he is in favor of bringing back this type of event. Mr. Charboneau and Mr. Buck want the Board to consider the idea, in principle, for now and save the details of the events for later. Mr. Buck would like to see funds committed before finer details are set. Ms. Glaza also believes the event has great intentions but does not feel comfortable voting for something without the finer details. Taking her heart out of the situation, she does not see the full value of such a program. Mr. Schillack would like the Board to consider how all events fit our mission and purpose. 5 Mr. Schimmelpfenneg commented on the listed partners in the proposal and his concerns in the stakeholders’ value in the program and for their committed support. His intentions are to share his concerns and would like to see the committee work to answering, in his mind, critical questions. Mr. Buck, again, asks the Board to commit to planning the event before more work is done to finalize details. Mr. Reichert shared his position of not agreeing with the proposal. He feels strongly that the Board should not take on the event and he feels that the TEA event was not embraced by the faculty. He would like the University to help support such a program. Mr. Barry shared his similar concerns with funding and consistent support. He also feels that the nomination concerns shared by Mr. Schimmelpfenneg can be controlled like it has been for the Alumni Awards. He shared some outcomes from a conversation with Dr. Loppnow and Dr. Longworth of integrating our awards with a current award ceremony for EMU educators. Mr. Barry also feels like the purpose of the events fits the mission of Board. Ms. Bennett asked for us to consider what other universities are doing. She feels that we should add our award to a current event. Mr. Roberts would like to see the conversation end and a vote be postponed on such an event. More conversation will occur with the committee. This concluded his report. Ms. Andrewes inserted her comments as the conversation shifted that she feels like such an event is valuable and hopes to see this proposal pass. B. Chapters Report Ms. Lee highlighted a few items from her report. There are currently new alumni groups being created. The committee’s primary focus has been to redevelop the Chapters awards since the new classifications are now in place. She also mentioned that the awards will no longer be a monetary award and replaced with items such as a trophy, plaque and breakfast for winners. C. Nominations and Elections Mr. Thomey welcomed a few of our candidates who are running for election to Board at the Annual Meeting. 9 seats will be available this cycle with 5 incumbents and 7 new candidates. He also encouraged all Board members to attend a lunch reception in the Alumni Lounge to meet the Board candidates immediately following the meeting. D. Outreach & Community Service 6 Ms. Bennett shared that the committee’s Hat & Mitten Drive was successful. Saturday, May 7th is the Heart Walk and the committee is looking for Directors to volunteer to work a water station. Ypsi Pride Day is Saturday, May 21st. More volunteer opportunities for these events will be announced. Mr. Barry asked all directors to join in the committee’s efforts to volunteer. The purpose of the committee is to create volunteer opportunities but people must attend the created events. E. Scholarship Ms. Andrewes was not available on the phone to present her report. Mr. Barry shared the highlights from the report, including the timeline for the upcoming decision process for the next round of scholarship recipients. F. Bylaws Ms. Halsey went through each amendment provided in the meeting packet. Each amendment will be presented for voting at the Annual Meeting. When reviewing the amendments, please notice that the second amendment has two options for adoption and the fifth amendment’s origin was a recommendation of the Executive Board. 5th amendment comment: Ms. Moore shared that she believes there should be an excuse or alternate for work conflicts. 3rd amendment comment: Mr. Buck would like the amendment to include more clear language that defines all ex­officio members as non­voting members. 5th amendment comment: Ms. Glaza believes that attendance for 2 of the 4 meetings to be in­person is reasonable. She believes the success of the Board is better served when Board members are present. 5th amendment comment: Mr. Roberts also believes that the requirement is not too much to ask. Directors commit themselves to the Board and are fully aware of the meeting dates in advance. 5th amendment comment: Ms. Fall feels that when work conflicts exist, there should be allowances so she is not penalized. 5th amendment comment: Mr. Schillack asked if this bylaw applies to Emeritus members? 5th amendment comment: Mr. Schimmelpfenneg echoed the history of the Board to not be punitive in those who have legitimate reasons. 5th amendment comment: Mr. Nucci shared that he believes the Board should be cognizant of not being too restrictive with the way the Board meets, especially with a younger generation moving in. The Board will want to be accommodating. 7 G. Fundraising There is no current chairperson for this committee. Mr. Barry shared that there is no immediate need as there is significant change occurring within the Foundation. 11. Alumni Association President’s Report Mr. Barry shared the communications he has been having with many University administrators and stakeholders. His conversations with each person is summarized in his report. Mr. Barry and Ms. Thompson have been meeting with various deans and department heads and providing a survey to learn about their current alumni programming and engagement. Some data is included in his report and much finer details will be presented once data has been better collated. Action items: Confirm Mr. Harrison as the Alumni Association Board of Directors Foundation Board representative. Motioned to be approved by Mr. Charboneau. Motion seconded by Mr. Newton. Motion passed. Creation of Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee and its members Motioned to be approved by Mr. Buck. Motion seconded by Ms. Glaza. Motion passed. Strategic Planning Update: Mr. Barry shared the work that the group has done with Dean Michael Tidwell of the College of Business. Mr. Barry shared highlights of his report in the meeting packet. 12. New Business A. Because of University gift regulations, the Board cannot purchase a gift of more than $40. Mr. Barry suggested that at the April meeting, the Board will “pass the hat” to collect donations for a gift for Dean Tidwell. B. Mr. Barry shared historical reference in the creation of the McKenny Gallery. The gallery has Museum Experience class. The gallery is currently looking for money to support the physical exhibits. Mr. Barry proposes that the Board consider a donation of $250. Mr. Buck suggested that the proposal be brought to the April meeting when the current operating budget has been presented to the Board. Consensus to wait until April is supported by the Board. C. Mr. Barry presented the topic of the commencement gifts. Ms. Bennett shared another idea of providing a plastic keychain that are clipped to an informational card. Ms. Halsey shared that there is money available in the “Strategic Initiatives” budget line item for this purpose. Ms. Glaza motioned to vote for up to $.25 to be used per item as a giveaway for the April Commencement. Ms. Moore seconded the motion. 8 Mr. Buck offered a friendly amendment that the cost not exceed $600. Mr. Charboneau supported the amendment. Mr. Reichert called to question. Motion passed. Ms. Thompson will research and purchase items to be delivered before Commencement. 13. Open Discussion & Announcements Mr. Barry brought up the topic of what items the Board should vote on. Mr. Reichert motioned to move this and other discussion topics into the respective committees. Mr. Schillack seconded the motion. Mr. Buck shared his thought that everything should be voted on. Ms. Bennett, Mr. Charboneau, and Mr. Schimmelpfenneg all stated support. Motion passed. 14. Adjournment Mr. Reichert motioned to adjourn the meeting. Everyone supported the motion. Mr. Barry adjourned the meeting at 11:57am. 9