Barbara M. Olds 3453 Vallejo St. Denver, CO 80211

Barbara M. Olds
3453 Vallejo St.
Denver, CO 80211
Phone: 303-477-5619 (home)
Phone: 303-273-3000 (work)
B.A. Stanford University, English, 1969
M.A. University of Denver, English, 1972
Ph.D. University of Denver, English, 1984
Employment History:
Associate Vice President for Educational Innovation, Colorado School of Mines, 2006-present.
Visiting Professor, Department of Engineering Education , Purdue University, 2006-present.
Acting Director, Division of Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education (ESIE), Directorate
for Education and Human Resources, National Science Foundation, May 2005Director, Division of Research, Evaluation and Communication (REC), Directorate for Education
and Human Resources, National Science Foundation, March 2003Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Colorado School of Mines, January 2001-March
Professor, Division of Liberal Arts & International Studies, Colorado School of Mines, August
Principal Tutor and Director of the Guy T. McBride, Jr. Honors Program in Public Affairs for
Engineers, Colorado School of Mines, August 1992-December 2000.
Director of EPICS (Engineering Practices Introductory Course Sequence) Program, Colorado
School of Mines, 1988-1992.
Associate Professor, Division of Liberal Arts and International Studies, Colorado School of
Mines, August 1989- 1995. [The unit name changed from Department of Humanities and Social
Sciences to Division of Liberal Arts and International Studies in 1991.]
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Colorado School of Mines,
August 1984-July 1989.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Colorado School of
Mines, 1982-1984.
Assistant Professor, Literature and Composition, St. Thomas Theological Seminary, Denver, CO,
Lecturer, Literature and Composition, St. Thomas Theological Seminary, Denver, CO, 1974-1978,
Awards and Professional Service:
Program Chair, American Society for Engineering Education Global Colloquium 2006, Rio de Janiero,
Wickendon Award, ASEE, Best paper in Journal of Engineering Education in 2005 with Barb Moskal
and Ronald L. Miller
Fellow, American Society for Engineering Education
Board of Directors, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2002-2004; Chair of
Professional Interest Council IV
Educational Research and Methods Division Best Paper, American Society for Engineering Education,
June 2001, Barbara M. Olds and Ronald L. Miller “Connections: A Longitudinal Study of an
Integrated Freshman Program.”
William H. Corcoran Award for best paper published in the previous calendar year in Chemical
Engineering Education, for "Using Portfolios to Assess a ChE Program" (1999, co-authored with
Ronald L. Miller).
Fulbright Visiting Lecturer/Research Scholar, Sweden, 1999.
Sterling Olmsted Award for “making significant contributions in the teaching and administering of
Liberal Education in Engineering Education,” from Liberal Education Division of American Society for
Engineering Education, June 1997.
CSM Senate Distinguished Lecturer, Fall 1993.
Centennial Certificate, American Society for Engineering Education, 1993.
Frontiers in Education Conference Helen Plants Award for Best Workshop at the 1992 Frontiers in
Education Conference, November 1993 (with Ronald L. Miller and Michael J. Pavelich).
American Society for Engineering Education Rocky Mountain Region Outstanding Campus
Engineering Educator, 1992.
Amoco Outstanding Teacher Award, CSM, 1988.
Colorado Women in Higher Education Academic Management Institute, 1987-88.
Grants Received:
“Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education,” National Science Foundation, subcontract to
CSM from University of Washington ~$678,000 for 5 years beginning January 2003. (R.A. Streveler,
CSM co-PI; B. M. Olds and R. L. Miller Senior Personnel).
“Developing an Outcomes Assessment Instrument for Identifying Engineering Student Misconceptions in
Thermal and Transport Sciences,” National Science Foundation, $297,208 for 3 years beginning December
20, 2001 (with R.A. Streveler and R.L. Miller, PI).
National Science Foundation (subcontract from the University of Pittsburgh), “Engineering Education:
Assessment Methodologies and Curricular Innovations,” $94,399, November 1, 1998 – April 30, 2001
(with R. L. Miller).
“Research Experience for Undergraduates: Engineering Education: Assessment Methodologies and
Curricular Innovations,” funded by the National Science Foundation, $60,000 (November 1, 1998-April
30, 2001), B. M. Olds and R. L. Miller, PIs.
“Engineering Education: Assessment Methodologies and Curricular Innovations,” funded by the National
Science Foundation (subcontract from the University of Pittsburgh), $94,399 (November 1, 1998-April
30, 2001), B. M. Olds and R. L. Miller, PIs.
“Programs, Pedagogy, and Process: Institution-Wide Improvement of Undergraduate Education at the
Colorado School of Mines,” funded by the National Science Foundation, $173,641 (January 1, 1997
December 31, 1999), J. U. Trefny, P.I.; B. M. Olds et al co-PIs.
“Best Processes for Assessment in Engineering Education,” National Science Foundation, subcontract
from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, $11,543 (September 1996-February 1998), B. M. Olds and
R. L. Miller, Co-PIs.
“A Computer-Based Expert System to Measure Intellectual Development in College Students,” funded
by FIPSE, $212,199 (September 1997-August 2000), R. L. Miller, B. M. Olds, and M. J. Pavelich, CoPIs.
“NSF Assessment Workshop Development,” funded by the National Science Foundation, $17,061 (July
1997-June 1998), B. M. Olds and R. L. Miller, PIs.
“Writing Across the Curriculum: A Joint Effort by the Colorado School of Mines and Jefferson County
R-1 Schools,” funded by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, $100,000 (July 1996-June
1998), B. M. Olds, project director, A. B. Sacks and J. A. Leydens, co-project directors.
“Collaborative Projects in English/Language Arts: A Conference and Workshop,” Colorado Commission
on Higher Education, $6,675 (September 1997-June 1998), B. M. Olds, project director, A. B. Sacks and
J. A. Leydens, co-project directors.
"A Partnership to Develop Language Arts Competencies for Engineering and Applied Science Students at
Colorado School of Mines," funded by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, $20,000
(February - June, 1996), B. M. Olds, project director.
"The Call of Stories: Teaching and the Moral Imagination at the Colorado School of Mines," funded by
the National Endowment for the Humanities, $26,801 (1995-1996), B. M. Olds and R. L. Miller, project
"Connections: A Model for Integrated Freshman Year Engineering Studies," funded by the U.S.
Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE), $211,074
(1993-1996), B. M. Olds and R. L. Miller, project directors.
"A Multidisciplinary Model for Teaching Undergraduate Engineering Design,” funded by the U.S.
Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE), $207,663
(1989-1992), B. M. Olds and R.L Miller, project directors.
“Quality Engineering Education in the 21st Century: TQM Across the Curriculum at the Colorado School
of Mines," funded by the Procter & Gamble Fund, $150,000 (1993-1996), B. M. Olds and R. M.
Baldwin, project directors.
Colorado Commission on Higher Education Programs of Excellence Award to EPICS, 1989-1994,
$150,000 per year for five years ($750,000 total), B. M. Olds, Project Director.
"Integrating Humanities Studies into Undergraduate Engineering Education,” funded by National
Endowment for the Humanities, $105,536 (1988-90), B. M. Olds and R. L. Miller, project directors.
"Computer Communication with Remote Project Clients,” funded by National Science Foundation,
$76,000 (1986) co-principal investigator; Michael J. Pavelich, principal investigator.
"The CSM Communications Center: A New Beginning," Brown Innovative Teaching Grant, $5,000,
Refereed Papers:
Leydens, Jon A. and Barbara M. Olds, “Publishing in Scientific and Engineering Contexts: A Course for
Graduate Students,” accepted for IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication for
December 2006 issue.
Streveler, Ruth A., Ronald L. Miller, and Barbara M. Olds, “Cognitive Legos©: Helping Your Students
Construct Scientifically Accurate Mental Models,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education
Conference (electronic), Indianapolis, Indiana, October 19-22, 2005.
Olds, Barbara M., Barbara M. Moskal and Ronald L. Miller, “Assessment in Engineering Education:
Evolution, Approaches and Future Collaborations,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94,
No 1, January 2005, pp. 13-25.
Ramaley, Judith A., Barbara M. Olds and Janice Earle, “Becoming a Learning Organization: New
Directions in Science Education Research at the National Science Foundation,” The Journal of
Science Education and Technology, Volume 14, No. 2, pp. 173-190, 2005.
Geist, Monica R., Ronald L. Miller, Mary A. Nelson, Barbara M. Olds, Ruth A. Streveler, “Concept
Inventories Meet Cognitive Psychology: Using Beta Testing as a Mechanism for Identifying
Engineering Student Misconceptions.” Proceedings of American Society for Engineering
Education Annual Conference, Portland, OR, June 2005.
Shuman, Larry J., Mary Besterfield-Sacre and Barbara M. Olds, "Ethics Assessment Rubrics," in
Mitcham, C., L. Arnhart, D. Johnson and R. Spiers, editors, the Encyclopedia of Science,
Technology, and Ethics, Macmilliam, Vol. II, pp 693-95, 2005.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller, “The Effect of First-Year Integrated Engineering Curriculum on
Graduation Rates and Student Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study,” Journal of Engineering
Education, January 2004, pp. 23-35.
Loshbaugh, Heidi, Nigel Middleton, Barbara M. Olds, Ruth Streveler, “Change Remains Constant:
Faculty Mini-Grants Facilitate Undergraduate Curricular Reform at Colorado School of Mines,
Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake
City, Utah, June 2004.
Olds, Barbara M., Ronald L. Miller, Mary A. Nelson, Ruth Streveler, “Preliminary Results from the
Development of a Concept Inventory in Thermal and Transport Science,” Proceedings of
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June
Shuman, Larry, M. Sindelar, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Harvey Wolfe, Rosa Pinkus, Ronald L. Miller,
Barbara M. Olds, and Carl Mitcham, “Can Our Students Recognize and Resolve Ethical
Dilemmas?” Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference,
Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.
Hsiung, Deh-I, Barbara M. Olds, and Jane Chu Prey, “Issues in Engineering Education in China and the
U.S.A.: A Preliminary Comparative Study.” Proceedings of the 2004 International
Colloquium, American Society for Engineering Education, Beijing, China, September 2004.
Miller, Ronald L., Ruth A. Streveler, Barbara M. Olds, and Mary A. Nelson, “Concept-Based
Engineering Education: Designing Instruction to Facilitate Student Understanding of Difficult
Concepts in Engineering and Science,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference
(electronic), Savannah, Georgia, October 20-23, 2004.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller, “Integrating Humanities and Engineering: Two Models for
Achieving ABET Criteria 2000 Goals,” in Liberal Education in Twenty-First Century
Engineering: Responses to ABET/EC2000 Criteria, David F. Ollis, Kathryn A. Neeley and
Heinz C. Luegenbiehl, Eds., New York: Peter Lang, 2004. (Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Studies in Science, Technology, and Culture, Vol. 23.)
Mealy, Colm, Saleh Al Hashemi, Barbara M. Olds, Ronald L. Miller, “Cultural and Linguistic Influences
on the Force Concept Inventory: A Preliminary Study.” Proceedings of the American Society
for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, June 2003 (Electronic).
Streveler, Ruth A., Barbara M. Olds, Ronald L. Miller, Mary A. Nelson, “Using a Delphi Study to
Identify the Most Difficult Concepts for Students to Master in Thermal and Transport Science.”
Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference,
Nashville, Tennessee, June 2003 (Electronic).
Sindelar, Mark, Larry Shuman, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Ronald Miller, Carl Mitcham, Barbara Olds, Rosa
Pinkus, Harvey Wolfe, “Assessing Engineering Students’ Abilities to Resolve Ethical Dilemmas.
Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference (electronic), Boulder, Colorado,
November 5-8 2003.
Streveler, Ruth A., Mary A. Nelson, Barbara M. Olds, and Ronald L. Miller, “Why Are Some Science
and Engineering Topics so Difficult to Learn? Identifying, Assessing and “Repairing’ Student
Misunderstanding of Important Concepts,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education
Conference (electronic), Boulder, Colorado, November 5-8 2003.
McGourty, Jack, Larry Shuman, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Cynthia Atman, Ronald Miller, Barbara Olds,
Gloria Rogers, and Harvey Wolfe , “Preparing for ABET EC-2000: Research-Based Assessment
Methods and Processes,” International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 18, No. 2,
2002, pp. 157-167.
Miller, Ronald L., and Barbara M. Olds, “Lessons Learned in Developing and Implementing a Program
Assessment Plan,” International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2002, pp.
Miller, Ronald L., Ruth A. Streveler, Barbara M. Olds, “How Chemical Engineering Seniors Think about
Mechanisms of Momentum Transport,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering
Education Annual Conference (electronic), Montreal, Quebec, June 2002.
Miller, Ronald L., Barbara M. Olds, and Michael J. Pavelich, “Software for Measuring the Intellectual
Development of Students: Advantages and Limitations,” Proceedings of the American Society
for Engineering Education Annual Conference (electronic), Montreal, Quebec, June 2002.
Steneck, Nicholas H., Barbara M. Olds, Kathryn A. Neeley, “Recommendations for Liberal Education in
Engineering: A White Paper from the Liberal Education Division of the American Society for
Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference (electronic), Montreal, Quebec, June 2002.
Besterfield-Sacre, Mary, Larry Shuman, Harvey Wolfe, Alejandro Scalise, Siripen Larpkiattaworn,
Obinna S. Muogbooh, Dan Budny, Ronald Miller, and Barbara Olds, “Modeling for Educational
Enhancement and Assessment,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering
Education Annual Conference (electronic), Montreal, Quebec, June 2002.
Mitcham, Carl, Barbara M. Olds, and Ronald L. Miller “A Plea for Pursuing New Dimensions of
Assessment in the Teaching and Learning of Research Integrity,” in Investigating Research
Integrity, Proceedings of the 1 st ORI Research Conference on Research Integrity, Washington,
DC, 2002.
Moskal, Barbara M., Barbara M. Olds, and Ronald L. Miller, “Scholarship in a University Assessment
System,” Academic Exchange Quarterly, 6, 1, 32-37, 2002.
McGourty, Jack, Larry Shuman, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, R. Hoare, Harvey Wolfe, Barbara M. Olds and
Ronald L. Miller “Using Technology to Enhance Outcome Assessment in Engineering Education,”,
Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference (electronic), Reno, Nevada, October 10-13,
Olds, Barbara M. and Jon A. Leydens, “A Graduate Course in Academic Publishing,” Proceedings of the
Frontiers in EducationConference (electronic), Reno, Nevada, October 10-13, 2001.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller “Connections: A Longitudinal Study of an Integrated Freshman
Program,”, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Conference (electronic), Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 24-27, 2001. (selected Best Paper in
ERM Division.)
Olds, Barbara M., Ronald L. Miller, and Michael J. Pavelich, "Measuring Intellectual Development Using
Reflective Portfolios and Software: A Triangulation Experiment," Proceedings of the Frontiers
in Education Conference (electronic), Kansas City, MO, November 2000.
Shuman, Larry, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Harvey Wolfe, Cindy Atman, Jack McGourty, Ronald L. Miller,
Barbara M. Olds, and Gloria M. Rogers, "Matching Assessment Methods to Outcomes:
Definitions and Research Questions." Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering
Education Annual Conference (electronic), St. Louis, Missouri, June 18-21, 2000.
Olds, Barbara M., “Reflection as an Assessment Measure,” Proceedings of the American Society for
Engineering Education Annual Conference (electronic), St. Louis, Missouri, June 18-21, 2000.
Besterfield-Sacre, Mary, Larry Shuman, Harvey Wolfe, Cindy Atman, Jack McGourty, Ronald L. Miller,
Barbara M. Olds, and Gloria M. Rogers, "Defining the Outcomes: A Framework for EC 2000.
IEEE Transactions on Education, 43, 2, 100-110, 2000.
Olds, Barbara M., John A. Leydens, and Ronald L. Miller ,“A Flexible Model for Assessing WAC
Programs,” Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 3, 2, 123-129, 1999.
Miller, Ronald L., Barbara M. Olds, and Michael J. Pavelich “Using Computer Software to Assess the
Intellectual Development of Engineering Students,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education
(electronic), San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 10-13, 1999.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds, “Performance Assessment of EC-2000 Student Outcomes in the
Unit Operations Laboratory,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference (electronic), Charlotte, North Carolina, June 20-23, 1999.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller , “Assessing the Performance of Student Teams and Team
Members,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Conference (electronic), Charlotte, North Carolina, June 20-23, 1999.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller , “Using Portfolios to Assess a Chemical Engineering Program,”
Chemical Engineering Education, 33, 2, 110-114, 1999.
Sharp, Julie E., Barbara M. Olds, Ronald L. Miller, and Marilyn Dyrud “Four Effective Writing
Strategies for Engineering Classes,” Journal of Engineering Education, , 88, 1, 53-57, 1999.
Miller, Ronald L., Barbara M. Olds, and Michael J. Pavelich, “Using Intelligent Computer Technology to
Measure the Intellectual Development of Engineering Students,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in
Education (electronic), Tempe, Arizona, November 4-7, 1998.
Olds, Barbara M., “Technical Writing Across the Curriculum: Process, Problems, and Progress,”
Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education (electronic), Tempe, Arizona, November 4-7, 1998.
Olds, Barbara M., Nigel T. Middleton, John U. Trefny, “A New Core Curriculum for Engineering and
Science Programs at the Colorado School of Mines,” Proceedings of the International
Conference on Engineering Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 15-21, 1998.
Miller, Ronald L., Barbara M. Olds, and Michael J. Pavelich , “Measuring Engineering Students’
Intellectual Development Using Neural Network and Expert System Technology,” Proceedings
of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference (electronic), Seattle,
Washington, June 28-July 1, 1998.
Olds, Barbara M., “How Are We Doing? Assessing a Writing-Intensive Introductory Humanities and
Social Sciences Course,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference (electronic), Seattle, Washington, June 28-July 1, 1998.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller , “An Assessment Matrix for Evaluating Engineering Programs,”
Journal of Engineering Education, 87, 2, 173-178, 1998.
Miller, Ronald L., James F. Ely, Robert M. Baldwin, and Barbara M. Olds. “Higher-Order Thinking in
the Unit Operations Laboratory.” Chemical Engineering Education, 32, 2 (Spring 1998), 146151.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. “An Assessment Matrix for Evaluating Engineering Programs.”
Journal of Engineering Education, April 1998.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. “Portfolio Assessment: Measuring Moving Targets at an
Engineering School.” NCA Quarterly, 71, 4, 462-467, 1997.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. “The Call of Stories: Reading and Writing in the Humanities
with Engineering and Science Faculty.” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference
(electronic), Pittsburgh, PA, November 1997.
Olds, Barbara M. “The Use of Portfolios in Outcomes Assessment.” Proceedings of the Frontiers in
Education Conference (electronic), Pittsburgh, PA, November 1997.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara. M. Olds. “Using Holistic Grading to Evaluate Writing in Engineering
Classes.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Conference (electronic), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 15-18, 1997.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds. “A Tale of Two Programs: Integrating Humanities and
Engineering.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Conference (electronic), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 15-18, 1997.
Olds, Barbara M. “Using Portfolios to Assess Student Writing.” Proceedings of the American Society
for Engineering Education Annual Conference (electronic), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 15-18,
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. “Using Real-Life Projects to Teach Total Quality Management.”
Assessment Update, 9, 3, 1, 1997.
Murawski, Marcia, Barbara M. Olds, and Ronald R. Miller. “The Department of Energy’s Technical
Leadership Development Program: Lessons Learned from Assessment and Evaluation.”
Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference (electronic), Salt Lake City, Utah,
November 6-9, 1996.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. “A Liberal Education Model of Leadership Preparation: The
McBride Honors Program in Public Affairs for Engineers .” Proceedings of the Frontiers in
Education Conference (electronic), Salt Lake City, Utah, November 6-9, 1996.
Olds, Barbara M. “Using the Staff Meeting Format to Teach Oral Communications.” Proceedings of
the Frontiers in Education Conference (electronic), Salt Lake City, Utah, November 6-9, 1996.
Robert. L. Baldwin, Ronald L. Miller, and Barbara M. Olds. “Introducing Students to Total Quality
Management Concepts in an Authentic Context.” Proceedings of the American Society for
Engineering Education Annual Conference (electronic), Washington, DC, June 23-26, 1996.
Olds, Barbara M. and Michael J. Pavelich. “A Portfolio-Based Assessment Program.” Proceedings of
the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference (electronic), Washington,
DC, June 23-26, 1996.
Olds, Barbara M. “A Portfolio Approach to Outcomes Assessment.” Proceedings of the 1996
Environmental Engineering Education Conference, Orono, Maine, August 3-6, 1996, pp. 119125.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds. "Connections: Integrated First Year Engineering Education at the
Colorado School of Mines." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Atlanta,
GA, November 1-5, 1995, pp. 4a1.5-9.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "A Faculty-Driven Quality Initiative at the Colorado School of
Mines." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Atlanta, GA, November 1-5,
1995, pp. 2a3.27-30.
Olds, Barbara M. "Developing Effective Assignments for Lengthy Technical Documents." Proceedings
of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Atlanta, GA, November 1-5, 1995, pp. 4b5.10-12.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds. "Connections: A New Approach to Integrated First-Year
Engineering Education." Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 25-28, 1995, pp.1261-1264.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "Faculty as Students: What We Thought We Knew and What
We Learned." 1995 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 2295-2299.
Pavelich, Michael J., Barbara M. Olds, and Ronald L. Miller. “Real-World Problem Solving in Freshman/
Sophomore Engineering.” New Directions in Teaching and Learning. Ed. J. Gainen and E. W.
Willemsen. No. 61, pp. 45-54. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc., 1995.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds. “A Curricular Model for Introducing Students to
Multidisciplinary Senior Design.” Journal of Engineering Education 83 (1994): 311-316.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. “A Model for Professional Education in the Twenty-First
Century: Integrating Humanities and Engineering Through Writing.” Studies in Technical
Communication. Ed. Brenda R. Sims. University of North Texas: Association of Teachers of
Technical Writing, 1994: 105-121.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds. "Beyond the Cookbook: Fostering Critical Thinking in a Chemical
Engineering Laboratory.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 26-29, 1994: 748-753.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. “Ethnographic Research in Engineering Education.” Proceedings
of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Champaign, Illinois,
June 20-23, 1993: 2048-2053.
Gore, Jacob V. and Barbara M. Olds. "Using Workstations in a Completely Paperless Course."
Proceedings of the Second Annual Rocky Mountain Small College Computing Conference
9.4 (1993).
Gore, Jacob V. and Barbara M. Olds. "Using Workstations to Make Introduction to Computers Easy and
Painless." Proceedings of the 26th Annual Small College Computing Symposium, Cedar
Falls, IA, 1993: 128-135.
Olds, Barbara M., "Technical Writing: An Essential Component of the Engineering Design Process.”
Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Toledo,
Ohio, June 21-25, 1992: 1182-1186.
Miller, Ronald L., Glenda A. Buzbee, and Barbara M. Olds. "Teaching Problem Solving and Computer
Programming Using Learning Style Theory." Proceedings of the American Society for
Engineering Education Annual Conference. Toledo, Ohio, June 21-25, 1992: 784-789.
Olds, Barbara M. and Karen W. Wiley. "Public Policy and Technical Communication Across the
Curriculum at the Colorado School of Mines." IEEE Transactions on Professional
Communication 34.4 (1991): 240-246.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds. "Liberal Studies in the CSM Design Curriculum." Proceedings
of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA,
June 16-19, 1991: 170-173.
Olds, Barbara M., Michael J. Pavelich, and F. Richard Yeatts. "Teaching the Design Process to Freshmen
and Sophomores." Engineering Education. July/August 1990: 554-559.
Olds, Barbara M., "Does a Writing Program Make a Difference?" WPA: Writing Program
Administration 14:1-2 (1990): 27-40.
Olds, Barbara M. and R. L. Miller. "The 'Real World' in the Classroom: The Role of Industrial Clients in
the Colorado School of Mines Design Sequence.” International Journal of Applied
Engineering Education 6.5 (1990): 515-526.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "Meaningful Humanities Studies for Engineering Students: A
New Approach." Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Conference. Toronto, Ottawa, Canada, June 24-28, 1990: 1040-1043.
Pavelich, Michael J. and Barbara M. Olds. "Computer Communications with Remote Project Clients,
Part II." Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Conference. Portland, Oregon. June 1988: 625-627.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "Integrating the Two Literacies: Humanities in the Engineering
Curriculum ." Bulletin of Science, Technology, & Society 7.5 & 6 (1987): 875-882.
Olds, Barbara M. and Robert H. King. "Editing Engineering Student Documents Using Writing Analysis
Software." Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Conference. Portland, Oregon, June 1988: 642-646.
Olds, Barbara M., "Educating the Engineer of the Future: The Colorado School of Mines' McBride
Honors Program." College Teaching, Winter 1988: 16-19.
Olds, Barbara M. "Beyond the Casebook: Teaching Technical Communication Through 'Real Life'
Projects." Technical Writing Teacher. January 1987: 11-17.
Jember, Gregory, Barbara M. Olds, et al. English-Old English, Old English-English Dictionary.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1975.
Nonrefereed Papers:
Olds, Barbara M., “Effective Strategies to Assess the Impact of e-Learning,” Proceedings of the United
Engineering Foundation Conference on e-Technologies in Engineering Education, Davos,
Switzerland, August 11-16, 2002.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller, “Assessment,” An International View on Engineering
Education, ICEE White Paper, pp. 11-16, August 2000.
Olds, Barbara M., Ronald L. Miller and Michael J. Pavelich, "Measuring the Intellectual Development of
Engineering Students Using Intelligent Assessment Software," Proceedings of the International
Conference on Engineering Education, Taipei, Taiwan, August 2000.
Olds, Barbara M., “Integrated Engineering Education at the Colorado School of Mines,” Proceedings of
Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems Workshop on Civil Infrastructure Systems Education,
Brooklyn, NY, Polytechnic University, June 11-12, 1999.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller, “Using an Assessment Matrix to Develop an Effective Program
Evaluation Plan,” Proceedings of the Best Assessment Processes in Engineering Education-II
Conference, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana, October 16-17, 1998.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller, “Assessing a Course or Project,” in How Do You Measure
Success? Designing Effective Processes for Assessing Engineering Education, American
Society for Engineering Education, Washington, DC, pp. 35-43, 1998.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller, “Using an Assessment Process to Measure Educational Research
Project Success,” Best Practices Summary Report of the Engineering Education Innovators’
Conference, NSF report 9892, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, July 10, 1998.
Olds, Barbara M., “The Colorado School of Mines: A `Laboratory’ for Innovation in Engineering
Education,” Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference on “Realizing the New
Paradigm for Engineering Education,” Baltimore, MD, June 3-6, 1998.
Olds, Barbara M., “The McBride Honors Program: Educating the Compleat Engineer.” CSM Quarterly
Review, 97, 3, 1997, 15-19.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. “A Measure of Success: Here’s How to Design an Evaluation
Plan for Your Next Educational Research Project.” ASEE Prism, December 1997, 24-29.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. “Portfolio Assessment at an Engineering School: Lessons
Learned Over a Decade.” Proceedings of the North Central Association of Colleges and
Schools Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 19-22, 1997, pp. 11-115.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. “Using an Assessment Process to Measure Educational Research
Project Success.” Proceedings of the Engineering Education Innovators’ Conference.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, April 1997.
Murawski, Marcia, Barbara M. Olds, and Ronald L. Miller. “Designing an Effective Evaluation and
Assessment Program for the DOE Technical Leadership Development Program.” Proceedings of
the 19th Annual TRADE Conference, Chicago, IL, October 24-26, 1995, p. 95.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds. “Encouraging Critical Thinking in an Interactive Chemical
Engineering Laboratory Environment.” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference,
San Jose, California, November 3-6, 1994: 506-510.
Held, Julie L., Barbara M. Olds, et. al. “Incorporating Writing in Engineering Classes and Engineering in
Writing Classes.” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, San Jose, California,
November 3-6, 1994: 628-632.
Olds, Barbara M., “Using Draft Reviews to Improve Writing and Thinking in Engineering Classes.”
Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, San Jose, California, November 3 -6,
1994: 717-720.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "Developing Meaningful Freshman Programs in Engineering
Education." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington, D.C.,
November 6-9, 1993: 24.
Olds, Barbara M., Marilyn A. Dyrud, Julie A. Held, and Julie E. Sharp. "Writing in Engineering and
Technology Courses." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington,
D.C., Nov. 6-9, 1993: 618-623.
Miller, Ronald L., Barbara M. Olds, and Gloria A. Buzbee. "A New Pedagogical Approach to Teaching
Programming and Problem Solving Skills." Proceedings of the EDUCOM'92 Conference,
Baltimore, MD, October 28-31, 1992.
Miller, Ronald L., Gloria A. Buzbee, Michael J. Pavelich, and Barbara M. Olds. "A New Pedagogical
Approach to Teaching Programming and Problem Solving in the Engineering Classroom.”
Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Nashville, TN, November 11- 14, 1992:
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "Writing and Design Throughout the Engineering Curriculum: A
Model." Proceedings of the Conference on Writing in Engineering Design, Houghton,
Michigan, June 24-26, 1992: 151-156.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "Departments are Obsolete." American Society for
Engineering Education Prism, December 1991: 56.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds. "Teaching Design in a Multidisciplinary Environment at the
Colorado School of Mines." American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Los
Angeles, California, November 17-22, 1991.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "Are Departments Obsolete?" Proceedings of the Frontiers in
Education Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, September 22-24, 1991: 213-217.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds. "HumEn: A New Paradigm for Chemical Engineering
Education," Chapter One, May 1991: 55-58.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds. "Design Across the Engineering Curriculum at the Colorado
School of Mines.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Rocky
Mountain Regional Conference, Provo, Utah, April 18-19, 1991: 16-19.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "Using Experiential Learning Groups to Develop Higher Order
Thinking Skills and Communication Abilities in Freshman Engineering Students." Proceedings of
the Freshman Year Experience Annual Conference, Columbia, South Carolina, February 22-26,
1991: 29-30.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. “Opportunities for Students to Make Connections Between
Engineering and Humanities: The Colorado School of Mines HumEn Program.” American
Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, November 11-16, 1990.
Wiley, Karen B., Barbara M. Olds, Ronald L Miller, and Arthur J. Kidnay. “The Colorado School of
Mines HumEn Program: Integrating Humanities with the Engineering Curriculum.” Proceedings
of the Third Annual Conference on the Reform of Curriculum in Higher Education. American
Association. for the Advancement of Core Curriculum. Keystone, CO, October 6-8,1990.
Olds, Barbara M., Ronald L. Miller, and Donald W. Gentry. "Innovative Engineering Education at the
Colorado School of Mines." Proceedings of the 1990 Frontiers in Education Conference,
Vienna, Austria, July 1990: 260-262.
Miller, Ronald L. and Barbara M. Olds. “An Integrated Approach to Freshman Engineering Education:
The Colorado School of Mines Approach.” Proceedings of the Freshman Year Experience
Annual Conference, Columbia, South Carolina, February 17-21, 1990: 31-32.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "Using Industrial Clients in the Colorado School of Mines
Design Sequence." American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, Nov. 5-10, 1989.
Olds, Barbara M. and Ronald L. Miller. "Integrating Liberal Arts into the Engineering Curriculum."
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 27December 2, 1988.
Culver, Richard S. and Barbara M. Olds. "EPICS: An Integrated Program for the First Two Years."
Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education St. Lawrence Section Meeting,
October 1988.
Olds, Barbara M., "Technical Writing Across the Curriculum: EPICS." Anthology of Working Papers,
Conference on College Composition and Communication Committee on Technical
Communication, Spring 1987.
Pavelich, Michael J. and Barbara M. Olds. "Computer Communication with Remote Project
Clients." Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings. Terre Haute, Ind., 1987: 490-493.
Olds, Barbara M., "An Anglo-Saxon Technical Writer." Technical Communication 31.3: 64.
Olds, Barbara M. Rev. of Beyond the Two Cultures by Joseph W. Slade and Judith Yaross Lee, eds.
Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 45.1-2 (1991): 117-118.
Olds, Barbara M. Rev. of The Microcomputer and Business Writing by David G. Byrd and others and
Principles and Techniques of Effective Business Communication by Isabelle A. Krey and others. The
Technical Writing Teacher 16.2, (1989): 171-173.
Olds, Barbara M. Rev. of Readings for Technical Writers by Debra Journet and Julie Lepick King.
Technical Writing Teacher 11.3 (1984): 249-250.
1. “Developing an Effective and Sustainable Assessment Plan,” EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Annual
Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 29, 2006.
2. “Measuring Success: Program Assessment,” KEEN Strategy and Planning Workshop, Phoenix, AZ,
January 9, 2006.
3. “Declining Enrollment in S&T Studies: Contributing Factors and Possible Remedies,” OECDsponsored international conference on Declining Student Enrolment in Science and Technology,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 14, 2005.
4. “NSF-Funded Advancements in STEM Learning for People with Disabilities,” Hampton, VA,
November 4, 2005.
5. “R&D of Educational Games: An NSF Perspective,” Summit on Educational Games, Washington,
DC, October 25, 2005.
6. “Future Directions for the Education and Human Resources Directorate at NSF,” Center for
Engineering Education Seminar, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, October 13, 2005
7. “Opportunities and Challenges in K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Education,” Theme Keynote address, 4 ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education,
September 27, 2005, Sydney Australia.
8. Invited workshops on Assessment and on Student Misconceptions, University of Melbourne,
Melbourne Australia, September 22 and 23, 2005 (with Ronald L. Miller).
9. Joint EU-US Seminar on Pre-University Level Science Education, June 2005, Brussels, Belgium (with
James Lightbourne et al).
10. “Using Rubrics to Assess Students’ Ability Resolve Ethical Dilemmas,” Larry Shuman, Mary
Besterfield-Sacre, Harvey Wolfe, Mark Sindelar and Rosa Pinkus, University of Pittsburgh, and
Barbara Olds and Ronald Miller, Colorado School of Mines. Industrial Engineering Research
Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 2005.
11. “Developing a Program Assessment Plan Using an Assessment Matrix,” Best Assessment Processes
Symposium, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, April 8, 2005 (with Ronald L. Miller).
12. “Funding Opportunities for Education Research in NSF’s EHR Directorate,” American Education
Research Association Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, April 2005.
13. “Research and Implementation Programs in the Directorate for Education and Human Resources of
NSF: Their Philosophy and Practice.” American Education Research Association Annual Conference,
Montreal, Canada, April 2005 (with Larry Suter).
14. “Sustained, Use-Inspired Research about Mathematics and Science Education: An Overview.”
American Education Research Association Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, April 2005.
15. “From Practice to Research: Using Professional Expertise to Inform Research about Engineering
Students’ Conceptual Understanding,” American Education Research Association Annual Conference,
Montreal, Canada, April 2005 (with Mary A. Nelson, Monica R. Geist, Ruth A. Streveler, Ronald L.
Miller, Barbara M. Olds, Candace S. Ammerman, Ravel F. Ammerman).
16. “Funding Research Grants at NSF,” Spencer Dissertation Fellows, Montreal, Canada, April 12, 2005.
17. “Assessing Engineering Students’ Abilities to Resolve Ethical Dilemmas,” Invited presentation at the
Second International Symposium on Engineering and Science Ethics Programs,” Tokyo, Japan,
January 6, 2004. (Also participated in a series of workshops.)
18. “Education Research and Evaluation Programs at NSF,” Invited presentation at Quality Education for
Minorities (QEM) Mathematics, Science and Engineering Network, Washington, DC, February 20,
19. “Personalization and Empowerment: No Child Left Behind and Technology,” Invited presentation at
CoSN Annual Conference, Washington, DC, March 3, 2004.
20. “The Division of Research, Evaluation, and Communication,” Invited presentation at the Division of
Human Resource Development annual principal investigator meeting, Washington, DC, March 30,
21. “People, Ideas, and Tools: The National Science Foundation,” Invited presentation for the Spenser
Foundation Fellows, Santa Monica, CA, April 2004.
22. “Investigating the Conceptual Understandings of Engineering Students,” with Ruth Streveler et al,
American Education Research Association Annual Conference, Santa Monica, CA, April 2004.
23. “Constructing Evidence-Based Education Programs through NSF Research Funding,” Presidential
Session, American Education Research Association Annual Conference, Santa Monica, CA, April
24. “Recent Developments in Research, Evaluation, and Communication in EHR,” American Education
Research Association Annual Conference, Santa Monica, CA, April 2004.
25. “Research Across EHR,” Invited presentation 2004 NSF K-12 Math, Science, and Technology
Curriculum Developers’ Conference, Washington, DC, May 10, 2004.
26. “Change Remains Constant: Faculty Mini-Grants Facilitate Undergraduate Curricular Reform at
Colorado School of Mines, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake
City, Utah, June 2004 (with H. Loshbaugh et al)
27. “Preliminary Results from the Development of a Concept Inventory in Thermal and Transport
Science,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June
2004 (with R. L. Miller et al).
28. “Improving Peer Review: Three Perspectives,” Workshop at American Society for Engineering
Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004 (with M. Dyrud and J. Sharp)
29. “Workshop on the Conceptualization of NSF Support of Research in the Learning Sciences,”
Workshop at International Conference on the Learning Sciences annual conference, Santa Monica, CA,
June 2004 (with J. Cherniavsky, F. Sloane, and A.E. Kelly)
30. “The Funding Bridge,” Invited presentation at NLII 2004 Summer Focus Session, Los Angeles, CA,
June 2004.
31. “Can Our Students Recognize and Resolve Ethical Dilemmas?” 2004 International Colloquium,
American Society for Engineering Education, Beijing, China, September 2004 (with L. Shuman et al).
32. “Issues in Engineering Education in China and the U.S.A.: A Preliminary Comparative Study.” 2004
International Colloquium, American Society for Engineering Education, Beijing, China, September
2004 (with D. Hsiung and J. Prey).
33. “Some Thoughts about the Joint Committee Standards,” invited presentation at ETS Special Forum,
Washington, D.C., September 24, 2004.
34. “Cultural and Linguistic Influences on the Force Concept Inventory: A Preliminary Study.”
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2003 (with C. Mealy et al).
35. “How Chemical Engineering Seniors Think about Mechanisms of Momentum Transport.” American
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2003 (with R. Miller and R. Streveler).
36. “Modeling for Educational Enhancement and Assessment.” American Society for Engineering
Education Annual Conference, June 2003 (with M. Besterfield-Sacre et al).
37. “Recommendations for Liberal Education in Engineering: A White Paper from the Liberal Education
Division of the American Society for Engineering Education. American Society for Engineering
Education Annual Conference, June 2003 (with N. Steneck and K. Neeley).
38. “Software for Measuring the Intellectural Development of Students: Advantages and Limitations.”
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2003 (with M. Pavelich and R.
39. “Using a Delphi Study to Identify the Most Difficult Concepts for Students to Master in Thermal
and Transport Science.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2003
(with R. Streveler et al).
40. “Assessing Engineering Students’ Abilities to Resolve Ethical Dilemmas.” Frontiers in Education
Conference, November 2003 (with M. Sindelar et al).
41. “Why are Some Science and Engineering Concepts So Difficult to Learn? Identifying, Assessing, and
‘Repairing’ Student Misunderstanding of Important Concepts.” Frontiers in Education Conference,
November 2003 (refereed workshop with R. Streveler et al).
42. “What conceptual models do engineering students use to describe momentum transfer and heat
conduction?” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL., April 2003
(with R. Miller et al).
43. “Assessing students' prior knowledge about engineering and scientific concepts.” Presented at the
Best Assessment Practices V conference, Terre Haute, IN, April 2003 (with R. Miller et al).
44. “Difficult concepts in science and engineering: Identifying, assessing, and helping students learn
them.” Presented at the Share the Future IV conference, Tempe, AZ, March 2003 (with R. Streveler
et al).
45. “Assessing Engineering Students’ Abilities to Resolve Ethical Dilemmas.” The Second International
Symposium on Engineering and Science Ethics Programs, January 6, 2004, Tokyo, Japan (Invited
46. “Scientific Research in Engineering Education,” Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, December 9,
2003 (invited presentation).
47. “People, Ideas, and Tools: The National Science Foundation.” American Education Research
Association Spenser Fellows Symposium, Washington, DC, November 15, 2003.
48. “A Newcomer’s Impressions of NSF.” AERA Fellows, Washington, DC, October 4, 2003 (invited
49. “Recent Developments in Research, Evaluation, and Communication in EHR.” Cross-directorate
research group at NSF, Washington, DC, November 17, 2003 (invited presentation).
50. “Recent Conversations about Research, Evaluation, and Communication at NSF in EHR.” Joint PI
meeting for NSF Centers for Learning and Teaching and German DFG, November 21, 2003 (invited
51. “Recent Developments in Research, Evaluation, and Communication in EHR.” Presentation to EHR
External Advisory Board, Washington, DC, November 6, 2003 (invited presentation).
52. “ERC Education Program Evaluation,” Presentation at Engineering Research Center PI meeting,
Washington, DC, November 3, 2003 (invited presentation).
53. “Recent Developments in REC.” Presentation at REC PI meeting, Washington, DC, October 27,
54. “Program Evaluation.” Presentation at Engineering Education PI meeting, Washington, DC, October
30, 2003.
55. “Pipelines and Pathways: Thinking about STEM Careers,” RISE Program final celebration,
University of Maryland, September 8, 2003 (invited presentation).
56. “Writing Effective Reviews,” Frontiers in Education Conference, Boston, MA, November 6, 2002.
57. “Effective Strategies to Assess the Impact of e-Learning,” United Engineering Foundation Conference
on e-Technologies in Engineering Education, Davos, Switzerland, August 11-16, 2002 (invited
keynote address).
58. “Faculty Development Workshop,” The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates,
August 24-28, 2002.
59. “Developing an Effective Assessment Plan,” Workshop for faculty from Petroleum Institute, Abu
Dhabi, at Golden, CO, August 2002.
60. “Integrating Liberal Arts and Engineering,” Faculty Seminar, The Ohio State University, May 23,
2002 (invited presentation).
61. “Integrating Communication Components into Technical Courses,” The Ohio State University, May
23, 2002 (invited workshop).
62. “Writing Effective Learning Objectives and Outcomes Statements,” Assessment Exploration Days,
South Dakota School of Mining and Technology, April 16, 2002 (invited presentation).
63. “Overview of the Assessment Process: What Does It All Mean?” Assessment Exploration Days,
South Dakota School of Mining and Technology, April 16, 2002 (invited presentation).
64. “Developing Assessment Tools, ASEE SE Annual Conference, Gainesville, FL, April 7, 2002 (invited
65. “Developing an Effective Program Assessment Plan,” Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green,
Kentucky, 2001 (3-part invited workshop).
66. “Connections: A Longitudinal Study of an Integrated Freshman Engineering Program,” American
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 24-27, 2001.
67. “Developing an Effective Program Assessment Plan -- Part I,” United States Naval Academy,
Annapolis, Maryland, May 15, 2001 (invited workshop).
68. “Measuring the Intellectual Development of College Students—Why and How?” Best Assessment
Processes IV Conference, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana, April 6-8,
69. “Assessment Basics,” Best Assessment Processes IV Conference, Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana, April 6-8, 2001.
70. “Classroom Activities for Different Styles of Learners and for Promoting Intellectual Development,”
Duchess Community College, Poughkeepsie, New York, January 8, 2001 (invited workshop).
71. “Student Learning Styles and Intellectual Development Models,” Duchess Community College,
Poughkeepsie, New York, January 8, 2001 (invited seminar).
72. “Using Technology to Enhance Outcome Assessment in Engineering Education,” Frontiers in
Education Conference, Reno, Nevada, October 10-13, 2001.
73. “Fundamentals of College Teaching,” Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,
September 1-5, 2001 (invited workshop).
74. "Measuring Intellectual Development Using Reflective Portfolios and Software: A Triangulation
Experiment," Frontiers in Education Conference, Kansas City, MO, November 2000.
75. "Electronic Use Policies and Electronic Mail: What are the Frontiers?" Frontiers in Education
Conference, Kansas City, MO, November 2000.
76. "Methods for Assessing ABET 2000 Outcomes: An Interactive Workshop," Frontiers in Education
Conference, Kansas City, MO, November 2000.
77. "Methods for Assessing Your NSF-funded Project," invited workshop, National Science Foundation
Project Directors' Meeting for recipients of CRCD and Action Agenda grants, Washington, DC,
October 2, 2000.
78. "Portfolios: A Flexible Assessment Tool," invited workshop for ASEE Student Chapter, University
of Michigan, September 22, 2000.
79. "Some Thoughts on Assessment," International Conference on Engineering Education, Taipei,
Taiwan, August 14-18, 2000.
80. "Measuring the Intellectual Development of Engineering Students Using Intelligent Assessment
Software," International Conference on Engineering Education, Taipei, Taiwan, August 14-18, 2000.
81. "Matching Assessment Methods to Outcomes: Definitions and Research Questions," American
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 18-21, 2000.
82. "Can Computer Software Measure Intellectual Development in College Students?" American
Association for Higher Education Assessment Conference, Charlotte, NC, June 14-18, 2000.
83. "Measuring Intellectual Development in College Students Using Computer Software," Colorado
Higher Education Assessment Conference, Denver, CO, April 7-8, 2000.
84. “Assessment and Evaluation of Educational Research Projects,” CRCD/Action Agenda Grantee
Meeting, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, October 2-3, 2000 (invited workshop).
85. "A Baker's Dozen Assessment Methods and Their Strengths and Weaknesses," Best Assessment
Processes in Engineering Education--III Symposium, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre
Haute, IN, April 2-3, 2000.
86. "Developing Technical Writing Assignments," invited workshop for Adams County School District
#50 (Colorado), February 24, 2000.
87. “Assessment Methods for Addressing EC 2000,” Frontiers in Education Conference, San Juan,
Puerto Rico, November 10-13, 1999.
88. “Using Computer Software to Assess the Intellectual Development of Engineering Students,”
Frontiers in Education Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 10-13, 1999.
89. “Obtaining External Resources to Fund Curricular Change,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language
Association, Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 14-16, 1999.
90. “Using Intelligent Computer Software to Measure Intellectual Development in College Students,”
American Association for Higher Education Assessment Conference, Denver, Colorado, June 13-17,
91. “Closing the Feedback Loop,” University of Washington, College of Engineering, December 2, 1999
(invited presentation).
92. “Assessment Methods for Addressing EC2000,” University of Washington, College of Engineering,
December 2, 1999 (invited workshop).
93. “Measuring the Intellectual Development of Our Students,” FIPSE National Project Directors’
Meeting, Washington, DC , October 8-10, 1999 (invited session).
94. “Integrated Engineering Education at the Colorado School of Mines,” Institute for Civil Infrastructure
Systems, Brooklyn, NY, June 11-12, 1999 (invited presentation).
95. “Using Computer Software to Measure Intellectual Development,” Linguistics Seminar, Department
of English, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6, 1999 (invited seminar).
96. “On the Border: Contemporary Literature by Hispanic and American Indian Authors,” English
Society, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, May 6, 1999 (invited public lecture).
97. “Strategies for Teaching and Learning Engineering Practices in the First Two Years of College,” Luleå
Technology University, Luleå, Sweden, May 18, 1999 (invited presentation).
98. “Making Connections: An Interdisciplinary Humanities & Social Sciences Curriculum for
Technology Students,” Luleå Technical University, Luleå, Sweden, March 24, 1999 (invited
99. “Developing a Program Assessment Plan, part 2,” Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester,
Massachusetts, January 5, 1999 (invited workshop).
“Developing a Program Assessment Plan—Part II.” January 5, 1999, Worcester Polytechnic
Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts (invited workshop).
“Using a Matrix to Design an Effective Assessment Process.” December 7, 1998, University of
Alabama College of Engineering, Tuscaloosa, AL (invited workshop).
“Lessons Learned from a Decade of Assessment.” November 10, 1998, University of
Washington College of Engineering, Seattle, WA (invited presentation).
“Using a Matrix to Develop an Effective Assessment Plan.” November 13 and 14, University of
Washington College of Engineering, Seattle, WA (invited workshop).
“Using Portfolios for Assessment.” November 18, 1998, University of Washington College of
Engineering, Seattle, WA (invited presentation).
“Using Intelligent Computer Technology to Measure the Intellectual Development of Engineering
Students,” Frontiers in Education Conference, Tempe, Arizona, November 4-7, 1998.
“Technical Writing Across the Curriculum: Process, Problems, and Progress,” Frontiers in
Education Conference, Tempe, Arizona, November 4-7, 1998.
“Using a Matrix to Design an Effective Program Assessment Plan,” Frontiers in Education
Conference, Tempe, Arizona, November 4-7, 1998.
“Developing a Program Assessment Plan--Part I,” Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester,
Massachusetts, October 26, 1998 (invited workshop).
“Using an Assessment Matrix to Develop an Effective Program Evaluation Plan,” Best
Assessment Processes in Engineering Education-II Symposium, Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana, October 16-17, 1998.
“Assessment: Guidelines for Developing and Implementing an Effective Plan,” International
Conference on Engineering Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 15-21, 1998 (invited workshop).
“A New Core Curriculum for Engineering and Science Programs at the Colorado School of
Mines,” International Conference on Engineering Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 15-21,
“Portfolios: A Flexible Tool for Outcomes Assessment.” University of Alabama College of
Engineering, Tuscaloosa, AL, August 10, 1998 (invited presentation).
“Measuring Engineering Students’ Intellectual Development Using Neural Network and Expert
System Technology,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Seattle,
Washington, June 28-July 1, 1998.
“Lessons Learned from a Decade of Assessment,” American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, June 28-July 1, 1998.
“Using Portfolios to Assess Programs,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Conference, Seattle, Washington, June 28-July 1, 1998.
“How Are We Doing? Assessing a Writing-Intensive Introductory Humanities and Social
Sciences Course,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Seattle,
Washington, June 28-July 1, 1998.
“Fundamentals of Teaching,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference,
Seattle, Washington, June 28-July 1, 1998 (invited workshop).
“Colorado School of Mines: A `Laboratory’ for Innovation in Engineering Education,” invited
presentation at Engineering Foundation Conference on Realizing the New Paradigm for Engineering
Education, Baltimore, MD, June 4, 1998.
“Effective Teaching and Assessment,” invited workshop for the BetaCo group, SUNY
Binghamton, Binghamton, NY, May 29-30, 1998.
“Portfolios as an Assessment Tool in Science and Engineering Education,” invited workshop for
the University of South Carolina College of Engineering, Columbia, SC, May 27, 1998.
“Innovation in Curriculum,” invited workshop 15 Annual Symposium of Technology
Education, ASEE, Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls, OR, April 30, 1998.
“Assessment in Engineering Programs,” 1998 Annual ASEE Rocky Mountain Section
Conference, Denver, CO, April 17, 1998.
“Workshop: Planning and Implementing an Assessment Process,” 1998 Annual ASEE Rocky
Mountain Section Conference, Denver, CO, April 17, 1998.
“Assessing a New Core Course in the Humanities and Social Sciences,” with Arthur B. Sacks.
Colorado Regional Higher Education Assessment Conference, Golden, CO, April 11, 1998.
“Assessment Basics for Chemical Engineering Department Heads.” AIChE Annual Meeting, Los
Angeles, CA, November 1997.
“The Call of Stories: Reading and Writing in the Humanities with Engineering and Science
Faculty.” Frontiers in Education Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1997.
“The Use of Portfolios for Outcomes Assessment,” Frontiers in Education Conference,
Pittsburgh, PA, November 1997.
“Portfolios: A Flexible Tool for Outcomes Assessment.” Workshop presented at Frontiers in
Education Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1997.
“Avoiding Postsecondary Pitfalls for Students in a Standards-Based System.” Colorado Sixth
Annual Standards and Assessment Conference, Breckenridge, CO, June 1997.
“Using Holistic Grading to Evaluate Writing in Engineering Classes.” American Society for
Engineering Education Annual Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 15-18, 1997.
“A Tale of Two Programs: Integrating Humanities and Engineering.” American Society for
Engineering Education Annual Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 15-18, 1997.
“Using Portfolios to Assess Student Writing.” American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 15-18, 1997.
“Portfolio Assessment.” South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South
Dakota, May 7, 1997 (invited presentation).
“Planning Assessment for ABET 2000.” Pacific Coast Civil Engineering Department Chairs
Meeting, April 3-4, 1997 (invited presentation).
“Portfolio Assessment at an Engineering School: Lessons Learned Over a Decade.” North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, April 19-22, 1997.
“Evaluation of Engineering Education Projects.” National Science Foundation Engineering
Education Innovators’ Conference, Washington, DC, April 6-8, 1997 (invited workshop).
“Using Stories to Improve Teaching in Engineering and Science Classes.” Lilly Conference on
Excellence in College and University Teaching, Lake Arrowhead, CA, March 7-9, 1997.
“Lessons Learned from Assessment and Evaluation.” Colorado School of Mines Seminar on
Education, November 21, 1996.
“The Department of Energy’s Technical Leadership Development Program: Lessons Learned
from Assessment and Evaluation.” Frontiers in Education Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah,
November 6-9, 1996.
“A Liberal Education Model of Leadership Preparation: The McBride Honors Program in Public
Affairs for Engineers.” Frontiers in Education Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 6-9,
“Using the Staff Meeting Format to Teach Oral Communications.” Frontiers in Education
Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 6-9, 1996.
“A Portfolio Approach to Outcomes Assessment.” AAEE/AEEP 1996 Environmental
Engineering Education and Practice Conference, Orono, Maine, August 3-6, 1996 (invited).
“Assessment/Evaluation of Student Learning: Portfolios and Other Strategies.” NSF-Sponsored
Engineering Education Scholars Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, July 16-20, 1996
(invited presentation.)
“Introducing Students to Total Quality Management Concepts in an Authentic Context.”
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Washington, DC, June 23-26, 1996.
“A Portfolio-Based Assessment Program.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Conference, Washington, DC, June 23-26, 1996.
“Peer Editing.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Washington,
DC, June 23-26, 1996.
“Introducing Engineering and Science Students to Total Quality Management Concepts in an
Authentic Context.” American Association for Higher Education Conference on Assessment and
Quality, Washington, DC, June 9-12, 1996.
“Using Classroom Assessment Techniques to Measure Student Learning.” Fourth Annual
Colorado Assessment Conference, Boulder, CO, April 19-20, 1996.
“Using TQM Methods to Improve Student Learning and Curriculum.” Fourth Annual Colorado
Assessment Conference, Boulder, CO, April 19-20, 1996.
“Classroom Assessment Techniques for Engineering Educators.” American Society for
Engineering Education Rocky Mountain Regional Conference, Laramie, WY, April 12-13, 1996.
“Ethical Issues Raised Through Using Authentic Projects in Engineering/Communication Classes.”
Conference on College Composition and Communication, Milwaukee, WI, March 27-30, 1996.
“The Call of Stories: Teaching and the Moral Imagination at the Colorado School of Mines and
Elsewhere.” Colorado Language Arts Society Annual Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, March 8-9,
"Innovative Assessment Opportunities." National Technological University Engineering Faculty
Forum, Fort Collins, CO, November 14, 1995. (Invited presentation in NSF-sponsored series;
broadcast to 150 universities with 1200 registered participants via interactive satellite.)
"Connections: Integrated First Year Engineering Education at the Colorado School of Mines."
Frontiers in Education Conference, Atlanta, GA, November 1-5, 1995.
"Developing Effective Assignments for Lengthy Technical Documents." Frontiers in Education
Conference, Atlanta, GA, November 1-5, 1995.
"Creating and Sustaining Interdisciplinary Courses." FIPSE National Project Directors' Meeting,
Washington, D. C., October 26-29, 1995.
"New Ways to Help Engineering and Science Students Make Sense of Their First-Year Studies."
FIPSE National Project Directors' Meeting, Washington, D. C. October 26-29, 1995.
"Designing an Effective Evaluation and Assessment Program for the DOE Technical Leadership
Development Program." 19th Annual TRADE Conference, Chicago, IL, October 24-26, 1995.
"Teaching Communication Ethics to Engineering Students in an Authentic Setting," Rocky
Mountain Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA, October 19-21, 1995.
"Connections: A New Approach to Integrated First-Year Engineering Education." American
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 25-28, 1995.
"Faculty as Students: What We Thought We Knew and What We Learned." American Society
for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 25-28, 1995.
"Assessment and Quality: Growing Up Together." AAHE Annual Conference on Assessment
and Quality, Boston, MA, June 11-14, 1995.
"A Portfolio Approach to Assessment." 1995 Engineering Deans' Institute. Tucson, AZ, April
9-12, 1995. (Invited presentation.)
"Assessing Critical Thinking Ability in First-Year Engineering and Science Students." Third
Annual Colorado Assessment Conference, Denver, CO, March 31-April 1, 1995.
“Combining Assessment and Quality at the Colorado School of Mines." Third Annual Colorado
Assessment Conference, Denver, CO, March 31-April 1, 1995.
" Frankenstein Meets the Future: Integrating Literature and Technology." Colorado Language
Arts Society Conference. Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 4, 1995.
“Encouraging Critical Thinking in an Interactive Chemical Engineering Laboratory Environment.”
Frontiers in Education Conference. San Jose, California, November 3-6, 1994.
“Incorporating Writing in Engineering Classes and Engineering in Writing Classes.” Frontiers in
Education Conference. San Jose, California, November 3-6, 1994.
“Using Draft Reviews to Improve Writing and Thinking in Engineering Classes.” Frontiers in
Education Conference. San Jose, California, November 3-6, 1994.
“TQM in the Technical Writing/ Engineering Design Classroom.” Rocky Mountain Modern
Language Association Conference. Colorado Springs, Colorado, October 27-29. 1994.
“ Connections: A Model for Integrated First Year Studies.” FIPSE National Project Directors’
Meeting. Washington, D. C., October 21-23, 1994.
“Using Portfolios for Assessment.” Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado Springs, Colorado,
August 25, 1994. (Invited workshop)
"Beyond the Cookbook: Fostering Critical Thinking in a Chemical Engineering Laboratory."
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June
26-29, 1994.
"Student Learning and Gender Issues in a Nontraditional Engineering Class: Implications for
Engineering Education." American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Edmonton
Alberta, Canada, June 26-29, 1994.
"Starting a State-Wide Assessment Conference: Why, How, What, Where?" AAHE Ninth
Annual Assessment and Quality Conference. Washington, D.C., June 12-15, 1994.
“Connections: A Model for Integrated Freshman Year Studies.” National Science Foundation
Conference on Disseminating Innovation in Undergraduate Education. Washington, D. C., May 31June 3, 1994. (Invited participant)
“Developing a Meaningful Freshman Engineering Program at the University of Rochester.”
University of Rochester. Rochester, New York, May 18, 1994. (Invited workshop)
"Creating a Laboratory Environment to Foster Development of Students' Critical Thinking Skills."
American Society for Engineering Education Rocky Mountain Section Annual Meeting. Boulder, CO,
April 8, 1994.
"Using Portfolios for Assessment: An Interactive Session." Second Annual Colorado
Assessment Conference. Fort Collins, CO, March 11-12, 1994.
"University-Public School Collaboration: Adapting a Technical Writing Program." Colorado
Language Arts Society, 24th Regional Conference. Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 3 - 6, 1994.
"Ethnographic Research in Engineering Education," American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference. Champaign, Illinois, June 20-23, 1993.
"A Model for Professional Education in the 21st Century: Integrating Humanities and
Engineering Through Writing." Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Diego,
CA, March 31-April 3, 1993.
"Assessment, Evaluation, and Dissemination of Curriculum Efforts." Frontiers in Education
Conference. November 6-9, 1993, Washington, D.C.
"Writing in Engineering and Technology Courses." Frontiers in Education Conference.
Washington, D.C., November 6-9, 1993.
"Document Design in an Engineering Course: Preconceptions and Practices." Rocky Mountain
Modern Language Association Conference. Denver, CO, Oct. 14-16, 1993.
"CSM's Portfolio Approach to Assessment.” First Annual Colorado Assessment Conference.
Colorado Springs, CO, April 23-24, 1993.
"Writing Research: Oxymoron or Scholarly Pursuit?" CSM Senate Distinguished Lecture.
October 20, 1993. (Invited presentation)
"How Do you Make the Innovative Program Universal at Your School?" National Science
Foundation Workshop on Evaluation of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Reform Efforts.
Washington, D.C., March 26-27, 1993. (Invited presentation)
"Engineering Team Building." CSM President's Council. October 15, 1993.
"A New Pedagogical Approach to Computer Programming and Problem Solving in the Engineering
Classroom." Frontiers in Education Conference. Nashville, TN, November 11-14, 1992.
"Developing Meaningful Freshman Programs in Engineering Education.” Frontiers in Education
Conference. Nashville, TN, November 11-14, 1992. (Invited workshop)
"A New Pedagogical Approach to Teaching Programming and Problem Solving Skills."
EDUCOM'92. Baltimore, MD, October 28-31, 1992.
"TQM and the WPA: Applying Deming's Ideas to the Writing Program." Rocky Mountain
Modern Language Association Conference. Ogden, UT, October 17, 1992.
"Using Computer Programming as a Pedagogical Tool to Teach Problem Solving." Colorado
Higher Education Computing Organization Fall Conference. Florissant, CO, September 22-23, 1992.
"TQM and the WPA: Conflict or Connecting Point?" Council of Writing Program
Administrators’ Conference. Breckenridge, CO, July 24, 1992.
"Writing and Design Throughout the Engineering Curriculum: A Model." Conference on Writing
in Engineering Design. Houghton, MI, June 24-26, 1992.
"HumEn: Integrating Humanities and Engineering." American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference. Toledo, Ohio, June 21-25, 1992.
"Technical Writing: An Essential Component of the Engineering Design Process." American
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Toledo, Ohio, June 21-25, 1992.
"Teaching Problem-Solving and Computer Programming Using Learning Style Theory." American
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Toledo, Ohio, June 21-25, 1992.
"Clients, Projects, and Technical Communications for Engineers: (Dis)Courses Across the
Curriculum." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Cincinnati, Ohio, March
19-21, 1992.
"Integrating Humanities and Engineering: A Paradigm for the Classroom of the 90s." American
Society for Engineering Education Rocky Mountain Regional Conference. Colorado Springs,
Colorado, March 6, 1992.
"Teaching Design in a Multidisciplinary Environment at the Colorado School of Mines."
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, California, November 1722, 1991.
"Developmental Models, Learning Styles, and Active Learning in the Technical Classroom."
FIPSE Annual Project Directors’ Meeting. November 1-3, 1991.
"Introducing Students to Design, Communication, and Teamwork Skills." Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, October 1991. (Invited presentation)
"Are Departments Obsolete?" Frontiers in Education Conference. West Lafayette, Indiana,
September 1991.
"Technical Communication as a Link Between Industry and Higher Education." Rocky Mountain
Modern Language Association Conference. Tempe, AZ, October 1991.
"Ethics in Engineering Education." Denver Coal Club. September 12, 1991, (Invited
"Liberal Studies in the CSM Design Curriculum." American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA., June 16-19, 1991.
"Portfolio Assessment in Professional Programs." The Sixth AAHE Conference on Assessment
in Higher Education. San Francisco, California, June 1991.
"Design Across the Engineering Curriculum at the Colorado School of Mines." Rocky Mountain
Section of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Provo, Utah, April 1991.
"Using Experiential Learning Groups to Develop Higher Order Thinking Skills and
Communication Abilities in Freshman Engineering Students." Conference on the Freshman Year
Experience. Columbia, South Carolina, February 1991.
"Opportunities for Students to Make Connections Between Engineering and Humanities: The
Colorado School of Mines HumEn Program." American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual
Conference. Chicago, Illinois, November 1990.
"The 'Two Cultures' Revisited: Teaching Literature in the Engineering Classroom." Rocky
Mountain Modern Language Association Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah, October 1990.
"The Colorado School of Mines' HumEn Program: Integrating Humanities with the Engineering
Curriculum." Association for the Advancement of Core Curriculum Conference. Keystone,
Colorado, October 1990.
"Innovative Engineering Education at the Colorado School of Mines." Frontiers in Education
Conference. Vienna, Austria, July 1990.
"Exploring Connections Between Humanities and Engineering: The Colorado School of Mines'
HumEn Program." American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Toronto, June
"Design in the Freshman and Sophomore Years: The Colorado School of Mines' EPICS Program."
Rocky Mountain Section Meeting of American Society for Engineering Education. Golden, Colorado,
April 6, 1990.
"An Integrated Approach to Freshman Engineering Education: The Colorado School of Mines
Approach." Conference on the Freshman Year Experience. Columbia, South Carolina, February 1721, 1990.
“Using Industrial Clients in the Colorado School of Mines Design Sequence." American Institute
of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California, November 5-10, 1989.
"The CSM Humanities/Engineering Integration Program." American Society for Engineering
Education Education Seminar. Golden, Colorado, November 1989.
"Exploring Connections Between Humanities and Engineering." International Society for
Exploring Teaching Alternatives Annual Conference. Fort Collins, Colorado, October 5-7, 1989.
"Faculty Attitudes about Student Writing: Does a Writing Program Make a Difference?” Rocky
Mountain Modern Language Association Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, October 19-21, 1989.
"Before and After the Writing Program: A Comparison of Faculty Attitudes about Student
Writing." Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference. Oxford, Ohio, July 26-28, 1989.
"Integrating Liberal Arts into the Engineering Curriculum." American Institute of Chemical
Engineers Annual Meeting. Washington D.C., December 1, 1988.
"Empowering Engineering Students: The Role of Communication in the Undergraduate
Professional Curriculum." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Seattle,
Washington, March 15-18, 1989.
"The Writing Tutor as a Research Collaborator." Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
Conference. Las Cruces, New Mexico, October 1988.
"Technological Literacy, Composition and Communication: Combining the Old and New
Literacies in Higher Education." Third National Science, Technology, Society Technological Literacy
Conference. Arlington, Virginia, February 5-7, 1988.
"2001: Are Your Students Ready?" Colorado on the Road II. Denver, Colorado, November 7,
1987. (Invited presentation)
"The Engineering Student as Writing Tutor: Starting a Writing Center at the Colorado School of
Mines." Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference. Logan, Utah, August 1987.
"EPICS: A Continuing Experiment in Engineering Education.” International Society for Exploring
Teaching Alternatives Annual Conference. Fort Collins, Colorado, October 1987.
"Integrating Communication and Engineering: The EPICS Model." 34th Annual International
Technical Communication Conference. Denver, Colorado, May 12, 1987.
"EPICS: Technical Writing Across the Curriculum." Conference on College Composition and
Communication. Atlanta, GA., March 1987.
"Technology, Communication and the Future Graduate." Science, Technology, and Society:
Technological Literacy Conference. Washington, D.C., February 1987.
"Any Which Way You Can: Learning to Teach Technical Writing." Rocky Mountain Modern
Language Association Conference. Denver, CO., Oct. 1986.